HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 25, 1982 . t ` SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF vIRGINIA BEACH DATE:January 25, 1982 VOTE RECORD • A a awo z z u' o azt z • w z z o w 04 x z 4 z a AGENDA vi w w D > HZ E0Oow 4 A M xz cITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO /BY a A wwxx mon INFORMAL Mayor: I.1. Merrill Lynch Financial Pre- sentation re bonds. II.D.1. Letter from Chamber of Com- merce re their study of proposed Va. Beach Rede- velopment & Housing Authority. Letter from Ann Radcliff re ' shelters for people with- out fuel-City Mgr. to study Letter from Senator Canada re Senate Bill 144 re drunk driving-City Clerk to draft a Resolution Letter from Ray Garland re increase of gasoline tax for trucks Letter from Norfolk Port & Industrial Authority requesting Council's repre- sentation on an Airport Ad Hoc Environmental Committee Appointed Councilman Baum/ Councilwoman Oberndorf/Jack Whitney-Planning Staff Mayor's letter to Appomat- tox River WaterAuthority affirming the City's position II.D.2. Council: Proposed.Ordinances re Pur- chasing (Procurement)- Council to study further Game rooms/video games-City Mgr. to study Ordinance Sales tax/business license tax: Sales .Tax Ordinance _ in line with City's Legis- lative Package ' FORMAL III.E.1. PUBLIC HEARING: Housing and Community Development Citizen Advisory Committee 8th Program Year III.F. 1. Resolutions of Appreciation Adopted 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA a. Robert DeFord - School Board b. Edward Caton - School Board c. Jane Purrington - Plan- ning Commission III.F.3a Resolution requesting State Adopted 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Highway Dept. notify City Council prior to any for- feiture of funds III.F.3b Resolution re closing Va. Adopted 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Beach branch office of Va. Employment Commission , III.F.3c Resolution re GeneralAssem-Adopted 8-1 YNYYAYYYYYA bly increase of 2i local option sales tax SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY Or VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: January 25, 1982 VOTE RECORD ' a A A z A H ° ZHZ Z ° H >4 . A w 4 ZUW4 = 4 >44z A a AGENDA can w w a � HzaN o x z UUUw 4 ITEM. NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO /BY a A A M w M,x x o M III.H.2f Conditional use permit/ Approved for two years 9-0 Y Y Y Y A Y Y /Y Y A landfill, Harold &Williams Development Co. (Bayside Borough) III.H.2g Conditional use permit/gas Denied 9-0 Y Y -Y YAYYY Y A pumps, Southland Corpora- tion (Bayside Borough) III.H.2h CZO Amendment, Article 2, Deferred to 2/1/82 9-0 Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y A Section 201(d) re require- . ments for fences/walls III.I.al Ordinance: Code Amendment. Deferred indefinitely 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Sec. 5-14-Disposition of' dead animals III.I.a2 Ordinance: Code Amendment Deferred indefinitely 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Sec. 5-17-Fees for 'the impoundment of animals - III.I.a3 Ordinance: Code Amendment Deferred indefinitely 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Chapter 5, Sec. 5-48(a)(c) -Tax imposed III.I.a4 Ordinance: Code Amendment Deferred indefinitely 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Chapter 5, Sec. 5-49-Tax due and payable III.I.a5 Ordinance: Code• Amendment Deferred indefinitely 9-0 , Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y A Sec. 5-71-Disposition of unredeemed animals III.I.a6 Ordinance: Code Amendment Deferred indefinitely 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYAA Chapter 5, Sec. 5-11.1(a, b, c, d)-Impoundment generally III.I.bl Ordinance: Transfer of Adopted 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA $50,000 within Dept. of Public Works to resurface road to landfill at Centerville Turnpike III.I.b2 Ordinance: Code Amendment Adopted 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Chapter 2, add to Article IX Sec. 2-288 re stop-work orders - III.I.b3 Ordinance: Code, Amendment Adopted 9-0 , YYYYAYYYYYA Sec. 21-83 re duplicate or substitute plate or decal - AND, Sec: 21-84 re dupli- cate decal for substitute vehicle III.K.1. Application for Free Stand- Deferred to 2/1/82 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA ing Mobile Home: Melvin D. and Olivia A. Ulrey III.L. Tidewater Stadium Authority Appointed Allan Rothenberg 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Unexpired to 12/31/82 Councilman Holland absent Councilman Standing absent Meeting adjourned 10:15 p.m, Ruth Hodges Smith, CMC * *** City Clerk III.G.3. Resolution: State Highway Adopted 1 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA to proceed with appraisals etc. for Princess Anne Road Project, Phase II • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: January 25, 1982 • VOTE RECORD o o owo z z a� o w p4y o ozgc Fco z cs W W H UUi a a V X >IZHz Z ° a AGENDA O o x x z cn w k+ a › HzaHUUUW r.0 ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO /BY, w a A M w x x m W z m a m III.F.3c AND, Resolution to repeal Denied 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA ceiling imposed on business license taxes 1/1/83 III.F.3d Resolution terminating buf- Deferred to 2/8/82 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA fer zone requirement ,for Water Oaks Project � III.G.1. Ordinance: Acquisition of Adopted 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Property-Gracetown Neigh- borhood Improvement Plans • (Virginia Beach Borough) III.G.2. Ordinance: Acquisition of Adopted 9-0 YYYYAYYYYY A Property-Right-of-way Princess Anne Road Project, - Phase II *** *** III.G.4- License refunds: $351. 13 Approved 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA III.G.5. Tax refunds: $634.09 Approved 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA III.G.6. Bingo/raffle permits - ' Approved 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Midtown Kiwanis Club; Hebrew Academy of Tidewater, Va. Beach Youth Amateur Softball Assoc. ; Temple Emanuel; Aragona-Pembroke Little League; Star of the Sea School; Kehillat_Bet • Hamidrash Synagogue; Fra- ternal Order of Police; James K. Cole Marathon - Scholarship Fund, Ltd. ; Chesapeake Bay Skating Club; Plaza Jr. High Booster Athletic ‘Parents' Assoc. III.G.7. Ordinance: Appropriate Adopted 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA $53,777 re Dept. of Mental Health (2nd reading) ' III.G.8. Ordinance: Accept grant of Adopted 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA $28,797 for DJCP III.H.la Change of zoning - AG-2 to Approved AG-2 to B-1 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA B-2, Edna/Albert Gomez (Princess Anne Borough) III.H.lb Closure of 24' right-of-way Deferred to 2/8/82 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Richard H. Kline ,(Lynnhaven Borough) III.H.2a Change of zoning 0-1 - B-2 Approved 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Affordable Homes, Inc. (Princess Anne Borough) III.H.2b Change of zoning R-6 - B-2 Approved 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Military Distributors of Virginia (Bayside Borough) • III.H.2c Change of zoning, City of Approved as modified: 9-0 YYYYAYYYYYA Virginia Beach - I-1 - R-8: 50..2 acres I-1 to R-8 I-1 - R-8: 1.3 acres I-1 to 0-1 B-2 to R-8: 3.7 acres -B-2 to 0-1 III.H.2d Change of zoning P-1 - I-1 Approved as modified to B-2 7-2 YYYYAYNYNYA City's Dept. of General Ser. (Lynnhaven Borough) III.H.2e Conditional use permit/ Approved 7-2 YYYYATNYNYA Outside storage, City's Dept. of General Ser. (Lynnhaven Borough) _ o