HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 14, 1981 Special 12/10 • • •• SUMMARY OF COUNCIL 'ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: December 10, 1981 Special Meeting ' December 14, 1981 Regular Meeting VOTE RECORD a • w al o at z4 40 z H cn 044zzW � > ga z AGENDA M a00 cn w w M > HzaHOUCJw 4 ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO /BY • a A A M w x x z z z o o ccnn FORMAL I.A-F City Mgr. called Special • Meeting in accordance with City Code Sec. 2-9 for the purpose of advising Council on bids for the sale of $65-Million Bonds. Upon advice of the City Mgr.Rejected bids 9-0 Y A Y' Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y City Council rejected the bids as submitted for $65- Million General Obligation Bonds due to the sizable increase of basis points resulting in high interest rates. Meeting: 12:00 Noon to 12:55 p.m. INFORMAL Mayor: I.D.1. Executive Session-only City Atty. will remain with members of City Council/ Council will set time to begin Executive Session. • Council: I.D.2. VBRAC study of garbage to include "use of large con- tainers"/voter precincts to be reviewed & discussed 12/21/81 /septic systems vs sewer lines in residen- tial areas-City Mgr. expects letter of determi- nation by 12/21/81 /Appomat- tox River Water Authority: • meeting of Authority only 12/15/81. . I.D.3. Chamber of Commerce Presi- dent gave report on C of C Task Force Committee and their study of feasibility for a City Redevelopment & Housing Authority. Repo to Council approx. 4/1/82. FORMAL II.E.1. Presentation: Tidewater • Ballet Academy winners of All American Talent Awards: • Windy Daria/Jennifer and Jane Magpoc II.E.2. Presentation: Virginia • • Beach's Delegates to the White House -Conference on Mayors, Washington, D.C. 11/30-12/3/81: Sam Houston, J. Roy Alphin, Mary Ellen • Cox (absent) II.F.1. Resolution of Appreciation: Adopted 11-0 Y Y Y -Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Moose Lodge #1998 for their contribution of time, talent, materials, funds to upgrade Pendleton Child Service Center. • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: December 14, 1981 • VOTE RECORD • w W AA o A Z 4 4 o z AGENDA M w w A > HzaH0O0w 4 ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO /BY a Q A mM w x x x PI o M II.F.2. Resolution: Bond Anticipa- Adopted 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y tion Notes to retire $21.5 Million ($17.5-Million Public Improvement & $4- Million Road Bonds) due 12/31/81. Bond counsellor.- explained the NEGOTIATION process. • II.G.1. Public Hearing: Fairfax Co. - - - Redevelopment & Housing Authority project to con- • struct 344 apts. in the Chimney Hill Subdivision proposed by Crow, Terwilliger &. Michaux, Inc. II.G.2. Resolution authorizing Adopted 11-0. YYYYYYYYYYY Fairfax Co. Redevelopment & Housing Authority to make a determination as to their willingness to finance the above referenced project proposed by Crow, Terwilliger & Michaux, Inc. II.H:1. License refunds: $323.25 Approved 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y II.H.2. Tax refunds: $159.78 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY II.I.1. Change of zoning: A-1 - B=2 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYY Y. C & W Properties (Kempsville Borough) II.I.2. Change of zoning: R-6 - A-2 Approved . 10-1 YYYYYNYYYYY Harold Young/Bonnie Reid/ Vivian Young (Bayside Bor. ) • II.I.3. . Change of zoning: R-6.- B-2 Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Estate of Robert Easton Townsend/Elizabeth T. Over- cash, Executrix/Annie E. Wilson/LaSalle and Helen • Wilson (Bayside Borough) II.I.4. Changes of zoning: A-1-R-8, Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA A-1 - A-2, C. E. Assoc. ; (Bayside Borough) • II.I.5. Change of zoning R-8 - A-2 Denied 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Christian Broadcasting Network (Kempsville Bor.) II.1.6. Conditional use permit/ Approved 9-1 YYYYYYNYYYA university student housing Christian Broadcasting Network (Kempsville Bor. ) • II.I.7. Conditional use permit/ Approved 10-0- YYYYYYYYYYA church/related activities Greek Orthodox Church of Va. Beach (Lynnhaven Bor. ) II.I.8. Street -closure/portion of Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Pennsylvania Avenue, • Estate of Robert Easton Townsend/Elizabeth T. Overcash, Executrix (Va. Beach Borough) II.J.la. Code amendment Seca 21-396a Deferred one week 10-0 X YYYYYYYYYY A Deposit of coins in park ing meters • SUMMARY OF COUNGiL ACTIONS - CITY 0 VIRGINIA BEACH DATE:December 14, 1981 • VOTE RECORD m ca z z W O A z Ftc 4 o z w zwx >+ z A AGENDA Mw w a > Nza Ocxiw 4 ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO /BY a Q A W w x x x (4 HUOMEI m II.J.lb. Code amendment Sec. 11-9 Deferred one week 10-0 X YYYYYYYYYYA Fees for rental stalls at Farmer's Market • II.J.lc. Ordinance-Grant $20,200 Approved 8-0 AYYYAYYYYYA Federal aid to public libraries (first reading) II.K.1. Appointments Appointed: 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Planning Commission Thomas M. Ammons III, Albert Balko, Richard J. LeClaire • Reappointed: James E. Snyder Four year terms 1/1/82 - 12/31/85 II.K.2. School Board Appointed: 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Mrs. Laura Mae Tebault (Blackwater) , John A. Fahey (Lynnhaven) , Robert Clyburn James N. Fletcher (At Large) II.K.3. SEVAMP Appointed: 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY J. Roy Alphin (At Large Director) II.L.1. Unfinished Business None - II.M.l. Public Safety - Robert - - - - Engesser Adjournment: 4:43 p.m. Ruth Hodges Smith City Clerk