HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 5, 1981 •
DATE: October 5, 1981
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AGENDA w 1401-4oxa
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ITEM NO. SUBJECT _MOTION TO /BY a o A w x x x o vHi
.I.D.1. Neptune Festival- Success/ " •
200,500,000 attended
Letter- Pinewood Gardens re
Halloween curfew: 9:00 p.m.
I.D.2. Council:
Solid Waste report/weekly
garbage pickup to be
reviewed in FY '83 Budget
considerations •
City's annual audit 10/81
Bayside/Lake Shores sewer
hook-up- Administration
will handle
Queen City boundary line-
Request for joint briefing•
Press release for "strong
Mayor" to be distributed
to Council members
I.D.3. Water contract- Discussed •
' (Formal Sesson adopted) -
I.D.4. Ordinance- Wage/salary •
variable merit increase-
formal vote 10/12/81 and
initiate 1/1/82 . •
I.D.5. Resort Parking Committee
recommendations (Formal
Session adopted) •
I.D.6. Subdivision variance of W.
Deane Williams (to formal
vote this date)
I.D.7. Boundary line maps- Woods
Corner area-Queen .City/
Cities of Virginia Beach
.and Chesapeake
II.E.1. Resolution in Tribute to Incorporated in proceedings 9-0 Y A Y Y - Y Y Y Y Y Y
King Neptune VIII
II.E.2. Resolution authorizing City Adopted 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
Mgr. to execute Agreement
of Amendment to Norfolk
Water Contract AND First '
Supplemental Agreement to
Suffolk`Water Contract
II.E.3. Resolutions` Issuance of $5- Adopted 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
Million 'Industrial Dvlp.
Revenue Bonds to finance
Payne of Va. , Inc. in
operation of WCPK in Chesa-
peake,WNRN in Va. Beach -
II.E.4. Resolution: City Mgr. to ' Adopted 8-2 YAYYYYNYYNY
execute agreement between
City/U.S. Corps of Engi-
neers re Lynnhaven Inlet •
dredging AND Ordinance to
authorize acquisition of
property/easements for
Lynnhaven dredging project
II.E.5.. Resolutions: Requesting City Adopted 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
of Chesapeake agree to -
boundary change/City of Va.
Beach's agreement to same
boundary change re Queen
City area/Woods Corner.
Assoc. Ltd.
DATE: October 5, 1981
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AGENDA m w w x > HzaHuOUw 4
ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO F4 w w as w w o H a ca F
/BYa a aaowxxxz aao.m
II.E.6. Resolution allowing charge- Adopted ' 8-2 Y A YIY Y Y N Y Y N Y
offs ($90,939.81) of uncol-
• lectible accounts •
II.F.1. Raffle permit: Princess Anne Approved 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
Women's Club; Virginia _ •
Recreation/Parks Society"
II.F.2. Tax refunds: $2,904.67 Approved • . 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
II.F.3. License refunds: $178.75 Approved 10-G Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
II.G.1. Change of zoning- R--5 - 0-1 Approved 6-4 YAYNYNNYYNY
I. Reese Smith, Lynnhaven
II.H.1. Ordinance-City Code amend- Adopted 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
ment: Sec. 18-93/94/95/96
• re peddlers generally
II.H.2. Ordinance to exempt events Adopted 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
at Pavilion for Sunday
Coin & Gun Collectors Show
Va.-Carolina's Computer
Show & Office -Equipment
Antique Flea Market
Coin & Gun.-Collectors Show
'Beta Sigma Phi Crafts Show -
Wildfowl Exposition
Tidewater Kennel Club Dog •
Arts & Crafts Exposition
II.H.3. Low bid: APAC-Va. ,Inc. '81- Approved 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
'82 Bituminous Concrete
Maintenance Schedule "B"
II.I.1. Appointment: Hampton Roads Reappointed F. Reid Ervin 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
Air Pollution Control Dis- 10/3/81 - 10/2/83
trict Commission
II.I.2. Appointment: Historical Reappointed Mrs. Florence K. 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
Review Board Turner; Michael B. Newbill
10/3/81 - 10/2/83
II.I.3. Board of Plumbing/Mechanical Hold in abeyance Co census I fo , 4i1
II.1.4. Transportation Safety Reappointed Mrs. Lois Bostic;10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Commission Floyd E. Waterfield.
Appointed John Herzke, City"
• Traffic Engineer
11/1/81 - 10/31/84
II.J.1. Resort Area Parking Commit- Adopted - 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY
tee recommendation
II.K.1. Subdivision variance: W. Expedite at City Council 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y YYYY Y
Deane Williams 11/16/81 . •
II.K.2. 1% fuel oil tax To be discussed at Informal Co .census • 4o , •
Session 10/12/81
II.K.3. Marina at Lynnhaven Councilman Standing reported
receipt of letter from
Mr. Caton
Councilman Ervin out of town
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p, m.
Ruth Hodges Smith
City Clerk