HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 6, 1984SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: February 6, 1984 Page One AGLrNDA ITEl4 NO. Informal I.D. 1. I.D.2. I.E. 1. I.E.2. I.E.3. I.E.4. ADD ON I.E.5. ADD ON Formal II.E.1. SUBJECT Mayor: Councilman Jones will "star" in Little Theatre production of CALL ME MADAME Councilmembers Baum, McCoy and Oberndorf wished "Happy Birthday" by Mayor -- all four enjoy a birthday within the week of February 10 - 17. Council Vice Mayor Henley called to calls and correspondence re construction in the area of 77th Street/referred to Staff for review and advice. Talent Bank for Board & Commi- ssions: City Clerk to work with PIO and make announcement on Cable TV Budget Workshop -- summary of concerns by Council Members: City Manager to advise Council 2/13/84. Master Street & Highway Plan: City Manager to review and advise Council re staff report on consultant study -- Master Street and Highway Plan to be included in review of Comprehensive Land Use Plan now under study of the Planning Commission. Southeastern Freeway: see Unfinished Business City Manager: - Conversion to One-Way Feeder on Virginia Beach Boulevard Hilltop Loop Credit Union Request to expand its facility Legislative Dinner/VML Leg Day EV~ Day Review of Consent Agenda. Legislative Summary Certificate of Appreciation: a. Department of Defense - "Employer Support of the National Guard and Reserve" MOTION TO/BY City Manager to contact State officials re Council concerns. Deferred indefinitel' due to litigation City Manager authorized Scheduled for February 22nd Scheduled for February 23rd Separate vote on #15 Reported by David Grochmal CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: February 6, 1984 Page Two AGEN DA ITEM NO: .II.F. II.F.1. II.F.2. II.G.l.a. II.G.2. II.H.1. II.I.1. II. 1.2. II.I.3. II. 1.4. II.I.5. SUB gT PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed budget increases: Appropriate $9,525/transfer $43,000 for communications equipment for Police Department Appropriate $65,000 to Department of Public Utilities for additional capital outlay. Resolution extending Council's gratitude to R. G. and Frances Moore for contributing the Kempsville Golf Course to the Cit5 Resolutions approVing'the issuance ~f %ndustrial Development Revenue on~s: a. E. R. Realty Associates ($4,000,000) (Amendment of Council Action 11/14/83) b. Sandbridge Light Associates ($250,000) c. Ralph I($1,230,000) d. Pembroke Square Redevevelopmen~ Associates, Ltd. ($6,000,000) e. Chimney Hill Lodge, Ltd. ($6,500,000) f. PHP Associates ($4,250,000) thru HRHA g. William A. Crosby ($4,200,000) thru SRHA Ordinance to amend and reordain Section 5-71 of the Code pertain- ing to dispostion of unredeemed animals. Resolutions of Appreciation: a. Edward Batten - Planning Commission b. R. Dean Lee - Planning Commission c. J. Harry Mote - Planning Commission d. Leon R. Johnson - Mosquito Control Commission Resolution in Recognition: Dorcas T. Helfant, President, Virginia Association of Realtors Resolution to authorize the Council Committee to conduct competitive negotiations with financial advisory firms. Resolution approving the enlarge- ment/extension of nonconforming use/structure owned by Celia Elliott located at 5936 Drum Lane Ordinance to add Sec. 2-61 to Article II of the Code to provide General District Court copies of ordinances passed by City Council. MOTION TO/BY Adopted Adopted kdopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted to be effective in 30 days Adopted Adopted Adopted Deferred to 2/13/84 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD SUM RY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: February 6, 1984 Page three At. DA ITEI~ NO. II. 1.6. II.I. 7. II.I.8. II.I.9. II. I. 10. II.I. 11 II. I. 12. II. I. 13. II. I. 14~ II.I. 15 II. I. 16 II. I. 17 II. I. 18 II.J.1. II.J.2. II.J. 3. Ordinance to appropriate $9,525/ transfer $43,000 for communication equipment for the Police DePt. Ordinance to appropriate $65,000 to the Public Utilities for additional capital outlay. Ordinance amending "An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of Pub] Improvement Bonds of the City in the amount of $19,570,000" Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachment into r/w of Wilton Lane to Ann Davis Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachment into r/w of Ocean Avenue to John Ordinance appointing Viewers in petition of Endicott Corporation for the closure of a portion of 89th Street (formerly 126th St.) (Lynnhaven Borough) Low Bid: Suburban Grading and Utilities, Inc. $964,000 Landfill No. 2 Expansion Project MOTION TO/BY Approved, First reading Approved First Reading Approved First Reading Adopted Adop ted Adopted Approved Ordinance to authorize acquisitio~ Adopted of property in fee simple for r/w Cleveland St./Dorset Avenue Request that Council ratify/ Approved confirm administrative action taken to reschedule a public hearing for February 13, 1984, re a Charter change for refunding of bonds. Request Council approve an Approved, referring amended agreement between Heritag~ back to Planning Construction Company, I~C. and th~ Commission for City Ordinance ratifying the contract executed by the City >~nager for water storage space in John H. Kerr Reservoir. Raffle Permits: Parents United of Virginia Beach, Inc. Phi Theta Kappa Tax refunds - ~711.08 Woods Green Run II Phase V: modification to the Land Use for Green Run, mw corner of Rose- mont Road/Buckner Boulevard Kempsville/Princess Anne Boroughs Ordinance releasing a restriction on the rezoning/use permit appli- cation of John E. Sirine and Associates granted Sept. 10, 1973 Ordinance to amend and reordain . Article 1, Section 111 of CZO pertaining to definitions. review Adopted Approved Approved Denied Approved release of restriction tion of Action on 1/23/84 scheduled for 2/27/84 at 7 p.m. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: February 6, 1984 Page four AGEN D'$~~. ITEM'NOT. TI.J.4. II.J.5. II.J.6. II.J. 7. II.J.8. II.J.9. II.J. lO. II.J.11. · II. J. 12. s.u g[ z Ordinances to amend and reordain CZO: Article 1, Section 102, pertaining to allowed uses; AND Article 9, Sections 911(a)(8) and 911(c)(1) pertaining to use regulations for commercial amusement facilities and amusement arcades in the B-2 District AND Article 2, Part D, pertaining performance standards. Street Closure: portions of Pine Street, Poplar Street, Third Street/Race Street, petition of the Runnymede Corporation (Lynnhaven Borough) COZ from AG-2 to B-2, W. K. and Betty Lou Widgeon, north side of Holland Road/west of Princess Road (Princess Anne Borough) ON TO Deferre~ to 2/27/84 at 7 p.m. Approved/amended conditions withdrawal :OZ from AG-2 to B-I, Bank of Approved/subject to Virginia Beach, east side of North review of Historical Landing Road/north of Courthouse Review Board Drive (Princess Anne Borough) COZ from A-1 to B-2, Bernard Kroll Approved Albert A. Kroll, east side of Holland Road/south of Lynnhaven Parkway (Princess Anne Borough) COZ from A-1 to O-1, James G. Approved Gaylord, nw corner of Rosemont Rd. Bancroft Avenue (PrincesmAnne Borough) COZ from R-5 to A-l, R. G. Moore Approved east side of Indian River Road/ south of Lynnhaven Parkway (Kempsville Borough) R. G. Moore, COZs, from AG-1 to R-6, 47.5 acre parcel; AND from AG-2 to R-6, 17.9 acre parcel soUth of Culver Lane/east of Oceana Boulevard (Princess Anne Bor Landstown Meadows Associates, COZs, from AG-1 to R-8 on 18.03 acre parcel; AND from AG-2 to R-8,' on 14.97 acre parcel; AND from R-8 to PD-H2 on a 33-acre parcel. These sites located west side of Holland Road/south of Landstown Road(Princess Anne Borough) Approved Approved CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : February 6, 1984 VOTE RECORD Page Five cc W u- cm G m N J CC Z C C f'- d' x2YZ - -- Z G W Q C UUW ►rNNxQ)." Z AGENDA W W ZEW V J2=JJUJ -.14D cc Ax7Ci•rDA Q W W Q W W W 0 0 ---- U U ITEM' NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY c_ c c m c.) x x Y �x 01 II.J. 13. CUP: mini-warehouses, Warnie E. Approved _9-0 YYAYYYAYYYY and Nita F. Conley, west side of Holland Road/north of Shipps Corner Road (Princess Anne Borough) II.J. 14. CUP: Children's Group Home, - Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Mother Seton House, se corner of North Lynnhaven/Little Neck Roads (Lynnhaven Borough) II.K.1. Automated Office Systems Deferred to 2/13/84 ADD ON Southeastern Freeway City Manager to contact State High- way officials II.L.1. Encroachment request of Deferred 30 days to 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Charlemagne Associates, Inc. 3/12/84 II.L.2. Appeal of Staff Decision re: Approved subject to Extension of Water Line Require- surety ments for Eagles Nest II.M. Adjournment: 5:30 p.m. RHS