HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 17, 1985AGENDA ITEM NO. I/II II/H/1 lI/H/2 II/H/3 II/H/4 II/H/5 II/H/6 II/H/8 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: June 17, 1985 Page One SUBJECT Briefing: Tidewater Regional Transit - Oceanfront Transportation Termina Ordinance closing portion of 22nd Street: petition of Runnington Investment Corp (Lynnhaven Bor) Ordinance closing portion of Wythe Lane: petition of Richard F. Welton, VI /Margaret Day Welton/James L. Bevan/Patricia II. Bevan (Lynnhaven Bor) James E. Rohr Subdivision var. Pleasure House Road/Lee Avenue (Bayside Bor) Atlantic Resort Associates CUP for a bicycle rental:Atlantic Avenue/llth Street (Virginia Beach Bor) James L. Harrell and Assoc. CUP gasoline station with a conven- ience store:Sandbridge Road/ Entrada Drive (Princess Anne Bor John W. Vakos CUP parking lot rental: 14th Street/Oceanfront (Virginia Beach Bor) Bertha L. Brenneman CUP home occupation (moulding shop): North Landing Road/Salem Road (Princess Anne Bor) Leon R. Zook, Trustee Kempsville Mennonite Church CUP church and school: Salem Road (Princess Anne Bor) Bel-Aire, Incorporated, CUP automobile service station:' General Booth Blvd/Dam Neck Road (Princess Anne Bor) T.C.C. Development Corp. COzZ: Harpers Road/Phantom Blvd. (Princess Anne Bor): From AG-2 to B-2 1.188-acre From AG-2 to A-1 ll.7775-acre CITY OF VIP,.GINIA BEACH MOTION TO/BY Approved/conditione< upon compliance in 180 days FINAL Approval Approved Approved Denied Approved Approved/condi- tioned for 2 yrs. Approved/subject to dedication Approved/subject to access/dedica- tion Approved/subject to dedication Approved/subject to dedication/ disclosure VOTE RECORD AGENDA ITEM NO. AND AND 11/H/11 II~H~12 II/H/13 II/H/14 1I/H/15 1I/i/1 11/I/2. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: June 17, 1985 Page Two SUBJECT From A-1 to B-2 1.119-acre COZ: London Bridge Road/Swamp Road (Princess Anne Bor): From AG-2 to 1-2 96.80-acres AND From AG-1 to 1-2 155.50-acres Sandra G./Donald G. Pratt COZ from R-3 to B-2: General Booth Bird/Princess Anne Road (Princess Anne Bor) Site Development Assoc. COZ from R-3 to B-2: General Booth Blv~[/ Princess Anne Road (Princess Anne Bor) William Robert and Co. COZ: Elbow Road/Indian River Road- (Princess Anne Bor): From R-4 to R-8 41.Ol-acres AND From R-8 to PH-H2 on the same 41.Ol-acre parcel John Ray/Dean S./Betty W./Gordon B./Lucille B./Helen S. Potter COZ: Laskin Road/Winwood Drive (Lynnhaven Bor) From B-1 to B-2 AND From O-1 to B-2 City of Virginia Beach COZ from R-7 to R-8 in a fifteen-block area bounded on the north b~ 15th Street/on the east by Mediterranean Avenue/on the south by Norfolk Avenue/on the west by the Virginia Beach Bor Line (Virginia Beach Bor) Resolution to amend Section 5 of a resolution passed by City Council April 12, 1982 concerning the Citizen's Advisory Committee Industrial Development Revenue Bonds a. Ocean Village Apartments Limited Partnership - $22,OOO~ b. 140 Associates - $6,000,000 c. Pipers Landing Associates - $3,800,000 MOTION TO/BY Approved/subject to dedication CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD Y Deferred indefi- nitely until receip of report re Com- mercial Development on General Booth Blvd Deferred indefi- nitely until receip of Report re Com- mercial Development on General Booth Blvd Allowed Withdrawal Approved Denied Deferred to 6/24/85 Adopted Deferred to 6/24/85 0OO Deferred indefi- nitely until receipt of Consultant's report on AICUZ AGENDA ITEM NO. ii/J/1 II/J/2 ii/J/3 II/K/1 II/K/2 II/K/3 II/K/4 II/K/5 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: June 17, 1985 Page Three SUBJECT Ordinance to set salaries of Council Members at $15,000 per annum and $17,OOO per annum for the Mayor Ordinance author Lzing cost parti- cipation agreements with Thomas A. & Edith G. Lindsey for water facilities Ordinance to authorize acquisi- tion of property in fee simple for r-o-w for London Bridge Creek Drainage Project Resolution In Memoriam of Harold D. "Dick" Graham Resolution requesting Virginia Board of Housing/Community Development support adoption of House Bill No. 1456 Resolutions to program the con- struction of improvements: Provide a bridge structure in concert with the City's Master Plan in the Resort Area; In concert with the City's Master Plan on First Colonial Road extended south of Wisconsin Ave. for a four-lane divided arterial highway (approx. 3.3 mi.); In concert with the City's Plan for a divided highway from the intersection of Landstown Rd at Holland Rd east to the inter- section of Dam Neck at General Booth Blvd a~prox. 3.03 mi.); AND In concert with the City's Plan for the extension of Constitution Drive as a four-lan~ highway from Columbus St to Independence Blvd (approx. 1.2 mi.) Resolution authorizing agreement with STAMA for 1985 Job Training Partnership Act Summer Youth Employment and Training Program Resolution to accept a Grant from Virginia Department of Conservation/ttistoric Resources MOTION TO/BY Adopted as amended Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD SUMJ RY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: June 17, 1985 Page Four CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD AGENDA ITEM NO. ii/K/6 £I/K/7 rIIK/8 II/K/9 II/K/lO IIIKlli II~K~12 II/K/13 II/K/14 II/K/15 II/K/16 II/K/17 II/L II/M/1 II/N/O SUBOECT Ordinance authorizin§ certain events conducted on City Property to be exempt from the Prohibition from Working or Transacting Business on Sunday Ordinance to establish Grant Guidelines for agencies receiving funds from the City which benefit Citizens and the Community Ordinance to accept $30,000 from Hampton Roads Water Quality Agency and appropriate these fund~ to Back Bay Watershed Plan Ordinance to appropriate $21,935 to the Police Department for increased police patrol within the Carper Housing area Ordinance to appropriate $32,000 to Comprehensive Water Study Ordinance to accept $60,925 from the Virginia Housing Development Authority to utilize $10,228 from 9th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds for Section 8 existing Housing Program/Moderate Rehabilitation Program/Rental Rehabilitation Ordinance to accept $122,8OO for the Virginia Beach Community Diversion Incentive Program Ordinance to transfer $32,912 for provision of Medical Services at the Virginia Beach Correction Center Ordinance to transfer $152,OOO within the Social Services Department's appropriations to cover increased costs of Foster Care/Other Purchased Services Ordinance for the appointment of viewers for the closure of a portion of Chinquapin Trail (Lynnhaven Bor) Tax refunds $1,689.86 License refunds $670.83 Appointments Reimbursement of legal fees for police officers Adjournment 6:28 PM RHS MOTION TO Adopted Adopted Adopted upon SECOND READING A~opted upon SECOND READING Approved upon FIRST READING Approved upon FIRST READING Approved upon FIRST READING Adopted Adopted Adopted Approved Approved Rescheduled for 6~24~85 Deferred indefi- nitely by consensus