HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 15, 1985AGENDA ITEM NO. z/II II/G II/G/1 II/G/2 II/H II/H/2 II/H/3 zi/I/z ii/J/1 II/J/2 II/J/3 II/J/6 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIP, GINIA BEACH SUBJECT DATE: April 15, 1985 Page One MOTION TO/BY VOTE RECORD PRESENTATIONS: Resolution in Recognition - ODU Lady Monarchs Resolution - R. Neil Tanner - The Godspeed PROCLAMATIONS: Rescue Squad Week - April 14-20, 1985 Ail American Week - April 29-May 4, 1985 Victims' Rights Week - April 14- 20, 1985 Consideration of Amendment to deed restrictions imposed upon COZ in application of Corporate Designs, Ltd., August 8, 1978. Ordinance closing/vacating/discon- tinuing portion of Painter's Lane in petition of Lakeside Construc- tion Company (Princess Anne Bor) Stella Jackson variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordin- ance to subdivide two existing parcels into four lots: Gregory Lane/Owl's Creek Lane (Lynnhaven Bor) Robert Arnold CUP single-family dwelling in AG-1 District: Sand- bridge Rd/Flanagan's Lane (Prin- cess Anne Bor) Kenna R./Juanita M. Bush CUP home occupation (beauty shop) at 1329 Canary Drive (Cardinal Estates) (Princess Anne Bor) Melvin O./Ruby H. Dozier CUP auto repair facility at Plaza Tr/Conti- nental St (Lynnhaven Bor) Ocean Bay Associates COZ from R-5 to A-2: Pleasure House Rd/Briga- doon Dr (Bayside Bor) Floyd E. Kellam Jr./Annie B. Kel- lam, Trustees of Trust B under the Will of Floyd E. Kellam, COZ from AG-2 to B-2: Princess Anne Rd/ North Landing Rd (Princess Anne Bor) Catholic Diocese of Richmond, c/o Marian Manor, Inc. COZ from I-1 to O-1 AND CUP housing for the elderly: Va. Beach Blvd/Clearfield Ave (Baysid~ Bor) Adopted Resolution of Amendment Granted extension of time for compliance to November 1985 Approved Approved Approved as condi- tioned for 2 yrs. Approved as condi- tioned Approved Deferred to 4/22/85 Approved Approved as condi- tioned AGENDA ITEM NO. Ii/J/9 II/J/lO Ii/J/il ii/J/12 II/K/1 II/K/2 ii/K/3 II/L/2 II/L/3 II/L/4 II/L/5 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: April 15, 1985 Page Two SUBJECT George F. Darden Jr. COZ from B-2 to A-2: First Colonial Rd/North Great Neck Rd (Lynnhaven Bor) Thalia Used Auto Parts of Virginia Inc. COZ from O-1 to B-2/COZ from O-1 to I-2/ AND, CUP auto salvage yard: Bonney Rd/ Bendix Rd (Kempsville Bor) Ordinance to amend Art. 7, Sec. 711(a) of CZO pertaining to use regulations and conditions for detached restaurants in H-2 Resort Hotel District Ordinance to amend Comprehensive Plan dated 1/23/85 re commercial development in General Booth Blvd area Resolution requesting USCongress/ FCC/and other governmental bodies/ agencies take all action necessary constitutional to prohibit/restric or otherwise regular use of com- puterized telephone calling method by companies to automatically call private residences Ordinance to appropriate $70,675 for a study of development south of the GREEN LINE Ordinance to amend Section 5 of the Site Plan Ordinance/Minimum Standards and Specifications Required/by ADDING thereto Sub- section 5.2 AND amending Subsec- tion 5.8 Resolution in Recognition to ODU Lady Monarchs Resolution to R. Nell Tanner- Godspeed Resolution to advertise an Ordin- ance re election districts/voting places within the city Resolution authorizing enlarge- ment of nonconforming use/struc- ture at 1521 Mill Landing Rd (property of M.a. Rollins Jr., et ux) Ordinance to amend Section 2-107 of the Code pertaining to conver- sion from temporary status to permanent status for City employe~ MOTION TO/BY Deferred to 4/22/85 Denied Denied Denied Approved Deferred to 5/6/85 Adopted Adopted SECOND READING Deferred Indefinite Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted VOTE RECORD AGENDA ITEM NO. II/L/6 II/L/7 II/L/8 ii/L/9 II/L/10 II/L/ll II/L/12 II/L/13 II/L/14 II/L/15 II/L/16 ADD ON II/M ADD ON SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: April 15, 1985 Page Three SUBJECT MOTION TO Ordinance to appropriate $26,000 to Community Services Board FY 1985 Budget AND transfer $28,500 for purchase of four vans proved FIRST READING Ordinance to appropriate $42,000 tcApproved cover increases in school dumpster FIRST READING charges Ordinance to appropriate $3,626 fo~Approved Mounted Police Unit AND for cons- FIRST READING truction of an emergency exit for the Police-Services Division Ordinance to transfer $10,9OO from Adopted surplus funds within EMS for repla- cing a Cardiac Technician Zone Car Ordinance to transfer $75,400 to Red Wing Lake Hydraulic Study Adopted Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachment into portion of r/w of S. Independence Blvd. to Augus- tine Construction Co./Queens .Cons- truction Co/Cambridge Construction Co./Pace COnstruction Co. Adopted Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachments into portion of r/w of Hampshire La/Lake Edward Dr to Great Atlantic Co. Adopted Low bid of Inner-View Ltd. $195,523. for Weaverville Sewer Extension/Stewart Dr Sewer Exten- sion Projects Approved Ordinance authorizing deed of vac- Adopted ation/dedication between City and Lori Ann Spadea Present Interest Trust. Raffle Permit: Virginia Beach Leg- Approved al Secretaries Assoc. Tax Refunds: $465.74 Approved Appointment: Eastern Virginia Medical Authority 3 yr term: 6/1/85 - 5/31/88 Appointed Charles P. Fletcher, DDS Appointment of School Board mem- bers-recent General Assembly adopted legislation requiring public hearing City Attorney to provide Council co of legislation CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD II/N/1 Transfer Station Location Deferred to 4/22/85 AGEN DA ITEM NO. II/N/2 II/O SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: April 15, 1985 Page Four SUBJECT Raven Restaurant: encroachment iht( portions of the City/s r/w of Atlantic Ave/12th St ADJOURNMENT 4:40 PM Wednesday, April 17, 7:0OPM - Publ Wednesday, April 24, 7:30PM - Budg, Tuesday, April 30, 7:3OPM - Budget Thursday, May 2, 9-11:3OAM - Budget Monday, May 6, 2:0OPM - Regular Se FIRST READING of 85-86 FY Budget Monday, May 13, 2:OOPM - Regular S, SECOND READING of 85-86 FY Budget MOTION TO/BY Deferred to 5/6/85 c Hearing - Pavilion t Workshop - Confereqce ~oom Workshop - Conferenc~ Roo~ Workshop - ConferenCe R~om sion - Council Chamblrsj ssion - Council Cham~ers ~- VOTE RECORD