HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 19, 1984SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: November 19, 1984 Page I AGENDA ITEM NO. II .G.I. II .G.2. ADD ON II .H.1. II.H.2. II .H.3. II .H .4. II .H.5. II .H .6. II .H .7. SUBJECT Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plat Resolution in Recognition to Mary Sigillo Barraco United Way Awards Presentations City ).~anager recognized Department contributions and City's total 17% increase City Manager announced his Reorgan. ization and named his appointees effective 1-1-85. Street Closure: portion of Lee Street (Old Virginia Beach Road/ Old County Road) petition of Runnymede Corp. (Va. Beach Borough) Street Closure: portion of Painte~ Lane petition of Lakeside Const. Corp. (Princess Anne Bor). Littleton C. Hudgins CUP for multiple-family dwellings nw cornE of Mediterranean Ave/18th St. Va. Beach Bor. Exxon Corp. CUP for automobile service station Va. Beach Blvd./ Pacific Ave.(Va. Beach Bor). Nicholas J. HutskoCUP automobile repair establishment Indian River Rd/Kempsville Rd. (Kempsville Bor Kinder Care Child Care Center, In, CUP child care ctr. Indian River Rd/Parkland Lane (Newlight Target Area) (Kempsville Bor) RECONSIDERATION:Baymark Constrc. Corp. COZ from B-2 to R-8 two parcels Englewood Dr/Oceana Bldg (Princess Anne Bor) MOTION TO/BY Aubrey V. Watts Jr. Deputy City Mgr. for Development Giles G. Dodd Asst. City Mgr. for Admi ni strati on Edgar D. Block Asst. City Mgr. for Analysis/Evaluation Hector A. Rivera Asst. City Mgr, fir Human Services Deferred to 12/3/84 10-0 s Approved 10-0 AND Authorized no chang( in natural drainage canal without prior Council approval 10-0 Approved 9-1 Approved 10-0 Approved 2 years 10-0 ..Deferred pending report of Target Area Committee 10-0 Approved coz to R-8 subject to (1)singl family (2) noise disclosure 9-1 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD le SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: November 19, 1984 Rage 2 AGENDA ITEM NO. II .H.8. II .H.9. II.H.iO. II .H.11. II.H.12. II .H.13. II.H.14. II.H.15. II.h.16 II.I.1. SUBJECT Burl age Corp. COZ from B-5 to H-2 .Atlantic Ave/Norfolk Ave (Va. Bch. Bor) R.G.r.~oore Bldg. Cprp. COZ R-8 to A-1 Bonney Rd/Ewell Rd. (Kempsvill Bor) R.G.Moore Bldg. Corp. COZ R-4 to q-8 AND, from AG-1 to R-8. Undeveloped parcels at southern terminus of Jessica Lane/Salem Lak Development (Kempsville Bor) Rose r~. Faris COZ from R-6 to B-2 AND, Isabell r~. Cross COZ from R-6 to B-2 Indian River Rd/Kemps- ville Rd (Kempsville Bor) Shirley B. Robbins COZ from R-5 to 0-1Kempsville Rd/Locke Lane (Kempsville Bor) NAVPHIBASE Federal Credit Union COZ from R-4 to 0-1Wishart Rd/ Independence Blvd. (Bayside Bor) Frank H./Mary J. Cirer subdivision variance (.083 acre) into two lots Great Neck Rd/Breezy Rd (Lynnhaven Bor) Jay W. White subdivision variance to subdivide (1.337 acre) into two lots Baden Ave/Elgin Rd (Kempsvill Bor) Ordinance to amend and reordain Article 9, Sections 932/934 Comp- rehensive Zoning Ordinance per- taining to lot area, width, yard, density, height, lot coverage, and recreation space requirements in the B-4 Resort Comercial District Resolutions authorizing the issuance of IRBs a. Albic, Inc. ($9,000,000) b. Great Neck Village Assoc. ($300,000) c. Newtown Sq. Assoc. ($4,000,000 d. Essex Properties Assoc. 1984 (formerly Smith Family Assoc. $1,200,000) e. Sandcastle Motel, Inc. ($2,700,000) f. Northampton Business Ctr. Assoc Project (formerly Northampton Corporate Park Assoc) ($2,000,0 g. U.S. Habitats ($2,700,000) h. Oceana Assoc. ($3,000,000) i. Mast Assoc. ($10,000,000) j. Dam Neck Shopg. Ctr. Assoc. ($8,50O,O00) k. Blue Marlin Motel, Inc. ($500,0 1. Rowe Properties Oceana ($2,700 MOTION TO/BY All. owed Withdrawal 10-0 Approved 8-2 Deferred to 1/21/85 (60 days) 8-2 !$ Denied 10-0 Denied 10-0 Approved 7-3 Deferred pending report of Target Area Committee 10-0 Deferred to 12/3/84 10-0 Approved 10-0 Approved 10-0 Adopted 9-1 ,o) oo) , oo) CITY OF VIP.6INI , BEACH VOTE RECORD AGENDA ITEM NO. II.I.2. II.I .3. II.J.1. II .J.2. II .J.3. II .J.4. II .J.5. II .J.6. ii .j.7. II .J.8. II .J.9. II.J.lO. II.J.11. II.J.12. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: ~ovember 19, 1984 ~age J SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY Special Revenue Bonds a. From Suffolk RHA $5,000,000 to Birdneck Apartment Assoc. Resolution endorsing 1985 Legis- lative Proposals Resolution in Recognition to Mary Sigillo Barraco Resolution approving permit for Eastern Virginia Ambulance Service to operate Advanced Life Support Mode Resolution authorizing agreement between City and Virginia Beach Municipal Employees Federal Credit Union to lease a parcel of City owned property for operating a fe- derally chartered credit union on those premises Ordinance to amend and reordain Section 27-21 and ADD Sections 27-24 and 27-25 to the Code pertaining to unclaimed property in possession of Police Dept. Ordinance to transfer Capital Projects appropriations to provide for current needs of projects included in the preliminary FY 1985-1989 CIP Ordinance to appropriate $864,280 to the School Operating Fund for the Health Insurance Program Ordinance to appropriate $71,868 to the Federal Food Stamp Employ- ment Service Program Ordinance to accept/appropriate $36,341 from SEVAMP Ordinance to appropriate $29,600 to establish a budget unit within the Department of Parks and Rec- reation for self-supporting programs Ordinance to appropriate $14,535 for the Law Library Ordinance to bransfer $20,000 fron General Fund Reserve for Contin- gencies for tax exemption for the elderly. Ordinance to transfer $350,000 within the Community Development Program Approved 10-0 Approved as amended 10-0 Adopted 9-0 Adopted 9-0 Adopted 9-0 Adopted 9-0 Adopted 9-0 Second Reading Adopted 9-0 Second Reading Adopted 9-0 Second Reading Adopted 9-0 Second Reading Approved 9-0 First Reading Approved 9-0 First Reading Ad~pted ~0 Adopted ,. ~0 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH ~OTE RECORB SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: November 19, 1984 Page 4 AGEN DA ITEM NO. II.J.13. II.J.14. II.J.15. II.J.16 II .J.17. II .J.18. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY Ordinance'to transfer $20,000 Adopted 9-0 within the Department of Parks and Recreation for ball field lights Ordinance to transfer $25,000 Capital Project Funds to Inlynnvie~ Rd Ordinance to establish water and sewer Capital Projects for Alberth~ Dr/Congress St//transfer $200,000 for the utilities extension. Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachment into a portion of the r/w of an unnamed 15' alley to Harold J. Levinson Ordinance appointing viewers in the petition of William R./Helen H. Holz for the closure of a porti~ of Ego Dr. located east of Matt Lane (Lynnhaven Bor) Ordinance ratifying assessments against abutting landowners for th construction of a storm water sewe in the northwest quadrant of Alcot Rd/King Richard Dr to a southern Adopted 9-0 Adopted 9-0 ~s Adopted 9-0 Adopted 9-0 )n Adopted 9-.0 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD X X II.J.19. II.J.20. II.K.1. II.L.1. II .L.2. r/w line of Johnson St King's Point Tax Refunds $268.60 License Refunds $226.95 Abstract of Votes - General Election, November 6, 1984 Atlantic Ave Beautification Project Sick Leave Ordinance Approvedl 9-0 Approved 9-0 Made a part of the record Presentation by ODU Dr. Silberman and Dr. Yochum Presentation by Dr. Easton II.L.3. II.L.4. II.L.5. ADD ON Medical Services at Correctional Center Presentation of 1985-1989 CIP Joint Legislative Subcommittee Studying Saltwater Sportfishing License (SJR 68) - Public Hearing November 28, 1984 - Pavilion Comprehensive Survey/Studies of parcels "South of the Green Line" may be reclassified Authorized RFP 10-0 Scheduled Public Hearing 7pm 12/4/84 1lam 12/10/84 7pm 12/12/84 City will urge State not to impose licens tax 10-0 Directed the Planni Commission to make studies/prepare ordinance encompass report/recommendati, for 12/3/84 10-0 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: November 19, 1984 Page 5 AGENDA ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY ADD ON II.M.1. Tax Proposed by City Treasurer Adjourned 9:15 pm RHS Council will not endorse nor support VOTE RECORD