HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 5, 1984SUM RY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF AGENDA ITEM NO. I./II. II.G.Z. II .G.2. II.H. II.H.1. II .H.2. II .H. 3. II.H.4. II.H.5. II .H.6. II .H.7. DATE: November 5, 1984 Page 1 SUBJE~T Briefing Foxfire/and Courthouse Estates Develo~x~_nt PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance to amend Sectic~ 36-172 of the Code re. maximum rate of fare for taxicabs. PUBLIC HEARING Proposed budgetary increase to appropriate $864,280 to School Operating Fund for health insurance program. ADDCN Ordinance closing portic~ of Cape Henry Dr. in petition of Edwin Lindsley (Lynnhaven Bor.) Amendment re. application of Newtown Developers COZ frcm A-1 to B-2 ~ a requi~t of dedication of a cul-de-sac with a 50-foot radius on Goodm~n Rd. adopted July 6, 1981 (Briarlake Corp. ) Ordinance closing portion of 14th St. in petition of Sandcastl6 Motel, Inc. (Virginia Beach Bor. ) Hc~rer W. Cunningham CUP: a home for the elderly Lynn Shore Dr./ north of Virginia Beach Blvd. (Lynnhaven Bor. ) Virginia Beach ~cal Housing~ Inc. (/3P: an emergency shelter for families at 241 Cassady Ave. (Lynnhaven Bor. ) Robert R. Beasley, et als/ W. Cecil Carpenter CUP: recreational facilities of an outdoor nature (deck over 3 cabanas) Oceanfront/5Bth St. (Lynnhaven Bor. ) Kirk' s, Inc. CUP: installation of auto/resi~ental/oonmercia 1 glass Rose~ont Rd./Hilber St. (Lynn- haven Bor. ) James L. Harrell & Associates fliP: gasoline station with convenience store Sandbridge Rd./ Entrada Dr. (Princess Anne Bor.) MOTION TO/BY Final Approval Approved Approved/corrected B0 ' beach access to 60'. Approved/subject to fire/sprinkler system. Approved/subject to (1) max. of 4 adul. wi th dependent children/(2) max of 3 cars at any time/ (3) limit to 2 yrs. Approved/2 yrs. Approved/hedge/ fencing to remain VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD 11 AGENDA ITEM NO. II .I.2. II.J.1. II .J. 2. II .J. 3. II.J.4. II.J.5. II .J.6. II.J. 7. II.J.8. II.J.9. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: N~ 5, 1984 'Page 3 CITY SUBJECT Ordinanoe to amend Section 36-172 of the Code re. max. rat~ of fare for taxicabs. Resolution authorizing lease agreement between the City and Virginia Coa~nissicn of Gam~ and Inland Fisheries for expanding and renovating the Owls Creek City Manager' s Revised Organizational Structure: a. Resolution to remove Deputy/ Asst. City Managers from the City Pay Plan. b. Ordinanoe to add Section 2-151.1 to Article IV, and amending Section 2-75, Article III, pertaining to officers and employees generally. c. Ordinance to authorize transfer of appropriations and allocate positions for the new City Organization Structure. Ordinance to add Section 12-30 to the Code pertaining to Fire Department records. Ordinance to transfer $13,000 for construction of a ramp at the ~ beach for the physically handi- Ora~nance to transfer $505 to the Police Department for reimburse- ment of legal expenses incurred by a police officer in the performance of his duties. Ordinance authorizing agreement for health consulting services/ transferring $31,650 for these services. Ordinance to transfer $24,500 for relocation of Econc~ic Develop- r~nt Department. Ordinanoe to transfer Capital Projects appropriations to provide for current needs of projects included in the preliminary FY 1985-89 CIP. Ordinance to appropriate $864,280 to the School Operating Fund for the Health Insurance Program. MOTION TO/BY Adopted Adopted A~lopted A~opted Approved FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING OF VIP,.GINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD SUR RY OF COUNCI L ACT I ONS DATE: Noverr~r 5, ].984 Page 2 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD AGENDA ITEM NO. II.H.8. II.H.9 · II .H.10. II .H. 11. II.H. 12. II.H.13. II.H.14. II.H.15. II.H.16. II.H.17. II.I.1. SUBJEI~T EXXC~ Corp. CUP: automubi!e service static~ Holland Rd./ Shipps Corner Rd. (Princess Anne John T. Atkinsc~ CUP: duplex 13th St./Rudee Ave. (Virginia Beach Bor.) F. Wayne McLeskey, Jr. CTIP: duplex Cypress Ave./14th St. (Virginia Beach Bor.) F. Wayne McLeskey, Jr. CUP: duplex 13th St./Rudee Ave. (Virginia Beach Bor). Sandbridge Chapel CUP: churuh Little Island Rd./Bonita Lane (Princess Anne Bor. ) J. Morter CUP: twelve single- family dwelling units in AG-1 Hungarian Rd./Black~ater Rd. (Blackwater Bor. ) Hickory Corp. COZ from A-1 to A-2 Virginia Ave./Rudee Ave. (Lynnhaven Bor. ) John B./Maureen Jard COZ from R-5 to A-4 Chinquapin T~_t%e/ Birdneck Rd. (Lynnhaven Bor.) S.I.R., Ltd. fI)Z frc~n R-3 to R-5 London Bridge Rd./Pine Vie~ Rd. (Princess Anne Bor. ) Harry L. Snyder COZ from O-1 to B-2 Laskin Rd./Gay Dr. (Lynnhaven Bor. ) Resolution approving the issuance of Special ~evenue Bonds: a. Suffolk RHA $10,000,000 to Terry/Petersc~ Associates II (Chinney Hill Apartn~nts) b. Suffolk RHA $5,000,000 to Terry/Peterson Associates II Project (Pembroke Crossing App=U~nts) C. Suffolk RHA $10,000,000 to 195 Associates Project MOTION TO/BY Approved, subject dedication/land- scaping o Approved dedication, but agreement that no improv~m~nts will be made to subject 15' area, except landscaping. Denied Approved, subject to noise disclosure Approved A-2 (modified), subject to dedication of r/w. Approved subject to variable width r/w and D~ise (modified) Adopted Adopted Adopted AGENDA ITEM NO. II. J. 10. II.J. 11. II.J.12. II. J. 13. II.J.14 II.J.15. II.J.16. II.J.17. II.J.18. II.J.19. II.K. ADDC~ ADD ON ADD ON SUMMARY OF COUNC I L ACT I ONS DATE: November 5, 1984 Page 4 CITY SUBJECT Ordinance to appropriate $71,868 for the Federal Food Sta~p Employment Service Program. Ordinance to acoept/appropriate $36,341.00 from Ordinance to authorize a teaporar~ encroachment into a porticx% of th~ r/w of Lynnhaven Rd., to Lynn- haven 5~%11 Assoc. Ordinance appointing viewers in petition of ~titchell L./Lir~ a S. Dunbar for closure of a portior of ~%~ynard Ave. (Kempsville Bor. ) Oral nance appointing viewers in petition of Holland Office Park Assoc./R. G. Moore Building Corp. for closure of a portion of Branksc~e Dr. (Kempsville Bor.). Ordinance appointing viewers in petition of W. Taylor Johnson, Jr. for the closure of an unna~ 30-foot lane (Lynnhaven Bor.). Low bid Asphalt Roads aD~ ~.~teri ~ l .~ Ccmpany, Inc. $1,261,075.30, Mill Dam ~ity Improvements, Contract I. Lc~ bid Luke Construction Company Inc. , $138,000, Mill Dam Conrma%ity Improvements, Contract II. Ordinance authorizing ~ of Beversion from the City to S .A.S. Assoc. for a pump station side that is no longer used by the City. Ordinance authorizing agreement with Virginia Beach Ecumenical Housing, Inc. to provide temporary housing to hc~eless families in Virginia Beach. Tax refunds, $411.55. tlqFINISHED BUSINESS Briefing to be scheduled re. ~sort Area Advisory ~epo. rt. Briefing to be scheduled re. Empress II (Electro Magnetic project off-coast). Schedule Workshops re: Cc~prehensive Plan/CIP. Meeting: City Council/ Legislators: 8 a.m. December 4, 1984 MOTION TO/BY Approved FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING ~dopted Adopted Adopted Approved Adopted OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: November 5, 1984 Page 5 AGEN DA ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY II .K. ADDON ADDCN ADD CN II.L. II.L.1. II .M. Public Hearing at State Highway Office: November 19, 1984 re. HJR 119. ODU P~porton Survey of Resort Area: November 19, 1984 Councilman Jennings expressed gratitude to Parks and Recreation/Public Works staff re. Bikeway at King's Grant. NEW BUSINESS 1-64 Directional Signing, change portion of Route 44 to 1-664, east/west corridor to Bowers Hill. Recess at 5:22 P.M. A~journment at 7:18 P.M. Regular City Council Meeting, November 12, 1984 cancelled (Veteran' s Day) RHS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD