OF Tile
November 10, 1975
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, w~
held in the Council Chambers, in the Administration Building, in the Borough
Princess Anne, on Monday, November 10, 1975, at 2:00 p.m.
The invocation was given by the Reverend Robert L. Consolvo, Virginia Beach
United Methodist Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Councilmen present: John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell,
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr.
Mayor J.. Curtis Payne, and Patrick L. Standing.
Councilmen absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr
ITEM # 899 7
On motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Griffin, and by reco
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry bIcCoy, Jr.
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council approved the minutes of the regular meeting of November 3, 1975,
and dispensed with the reading of said minutes inasmuch as each Councilman ha.
__a copy of the subject minutes before him.
ITEM #8998
Mr. Robert L. Nusbaum, an Attorney representing J. W. Creech, a contractor wh.
submitted a bid on the proposed Virginia Beach Correctional Center, appeared
before City Council regarding the rejection of bids. Jo W. Creech had wh
appeared to be the lowest bid of the alternate bids submitted; however, the f
of W. M. Jordan had submitted the low base bid on the proposed structure. Bo
the base bid and th~ alternate bid excee--~d the $5 million expenditure approv.
by t e~-~ublic refer~ndum~
Mayor Payne requested the City Attorney to advise City Council as to its
authority to reject any and all bids. The City Attorney indicated that as th.
contract specifications contained a condition in which the City Council could
reject any and all bids submitted~City Council had the right to reject the bi.
submitted and order a rebid, which is the procedure City Council had pursued
its regular meeting on November 3, 1975.
No further action was taken on the presentation made by Mr. R. L. Nusbaum.
ITEM # 8999
Petition of Faison-Croves fielding Company for a Chan£~e of _Zon.~t!% District
Classification from R-8 Residential District .to I-1 Light Industrial Dist~-Jct
on certain property located on the East side of Grayson Road beginning at a
point 607 feet North of Bonney Road, running a distance of 477.&0 feet along
the Sou~thern property line, running a distance of 205.10 feet in a North-
easterly direction, running a distance of 126.16 feet in a Iiorthwesterly di-
rection, running a distance of 519.69 feet along the Northern property line,
and running a distance of 264 feet along the'Western property line of which
152 feet is the East side of Grayson Road. Said parcel contains 2.89 acres
more or less. KE>~PSVILLE BOROUGH.
Planning Commission Reconunendation:
A motion ¥:as passed by tile Planning Commission by a recorded vote of 9 for
the ruction and 1 abst~ntion to deny this request as it would permit the in-
trusion of ind~grrial uses into a residential area.
Senator A. Joseph Canada, Attorney, appeared before Council requesting a with-
drawal of the Petition of Faison--Groves Holding Company.
On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Standing, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Council. men John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr. , Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Ho].].and, J. Henry 1,4cCoy, Jr.,
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and F]oyd Eo Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R..Ferrell
City Council voted to permit withdrawal of the petition of Faison-Groves Holding
C---~pany for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-8 Residential
I ~trict to I-1 Light Industrial District on certain property located on the
~ ~t side of Grayson Road beginning at a point 607 feet North of Bonney Road,
running a distance of 477.40 feet along the Southern property line, running a
distance of 205.10 feet in a Northeasterly direction, running a distance of
126.16 feet in a Northwesterly direction, running a distance of 519.69 feet
along the Northern proper~y line, and runniog a distance of 264 feet along the
Western property line of which 152 feet is the East side of Grayson Road. Said
parcel contains 2.89 acres more or less. Kempsville Borough
Petition of' Urban Sv:ztems Develor..me. nt Corl:oration for ~. Ci~anme of 7. onir, q
Die* ' ..sifi~-'
~r~ct Cla~~(, Cie,'.', from B-1 Dusiness Residential Di%T~7fdT ~b-
CoL,.,~m,~v [~.;s~n~ss ~ ,~,.~ ~ct on certain property ln~;,~.-d at.the l,o, ~h,,~st
intersection of Proposed False Cape Parkway arm Atv:oodto',,,,n Road, runninfi
a distance of 425 fe~t alone the Mrth side of Propnsed False Cane Parkway
and runni,'-' .
.,~, a distance oF 400 feet alonQ t~u .,~est si.ti? o? ~.v,~e .... ', ...... koa(,,
running a distance o,~ 425 feet along the tlorti~ern p~':narty line and running
a dio+ .... of 400 feet alonq the Western p-ooerty line Said ~)arcel contains
4 acres more or less. Plats with more detailed information are available in
the Department of Planning. (La,omar Area) PRINCESS
PI anning Con:mi s~ion Reccmmendatien'~
A motion ,,,:as passed unanimously by tile Plar.,ning Commission.by a recorded w~te
of 10 to approve this request.
For the information of the applicant, prior to tile issuanc,e of a building per-
mit the following will be required by the administrative staff'
1. City water and sewer.
2. Standard site improvements as remuired by the Site Plan Ordinance and
the Subdivision Ordinance, including the following:
a. Reservatien of approxim3tely 35 acres of reCreation/open space
in addition to the golf course which will be reouired upon site plan/subdivision
revi e~,~.
b~ Atwoodtov,'n Road is to be extended to the north with a bridge over
the canal to tie into False Cape Parkway. ::
c.. Collector or loop. ro~¢ls within the development shall be a minimu~l~
of a 60 foot right of way, with 36 feet curb-to-curl) road sections.
d. The ro~td extendii:ci norLh from Fai~e Ca!.:e. Park;zay alon(~ the .' '
shopping'center sh-:~.il be,. a r,i~i~)imu.~' of an~,~.°Q' foot rig!~t 'of way to t"~" ,~
· l,~er, ula)!co
to the to'-,tn':'!(.,'~ses with a fOL!r' lane read,,,.,ay constructed ',,,'ithi[1 the LbO foot'
right of
e. A 150 feet, drainage easement ',,;ill be re::!uired along the canal.
~"-*~-,' st~.i:ed 'that tke rezonir.:c ba cona~g'lc;nal upon a bond bc~ir;c,
posted ~,v tha de.,.:e'ic,',<.~r m*ior to ;,ny construct'~on ~,~ Ld:1OUilt to b,L-' d~'~ ....
by the Cit.,...' of Virginia Beach, until such time as the riqhts of ways are
tain.::.d and False Cakp Park~,:ay cons~ructeJ to p"ovide adequate access to this
Further.. this ordin;~r;c~_ . shall be effective, uuon. satisfactory compliance to tn~" ~
conditior,~_'imposed in the motion, and it is uncl~r~.~.~d' ~ ~""" and ag)'eed te by the
applicant that the official change on the zoning maps will not be ~:~
m,,c,~ unt~ 1
the following conditiOns are satisfied:
1 A dedi ~'- ,ee. on each s~oe of the pre, r;~'sed
. c~.~ion of right of way 55 ~' ~ ''
centerl~ne of False Ca?.? Pa"" '-. .... ,, .
r ~-.',,,...v along the .~..2.% foot fron'~age along ~is ·
right of way (a IlO-foot' dedication).
.,...~c~ of right of wav 30 feet on 5ach side of the centerline
of the exis~il~g 30 ..
' T~:,)L riel-*' o-F way on Att,,'oodto',,m ~o~d nor',.h o, ~t,e entrance
of 40 fe~t on each, side of the centerline of tl~e existing 30 foo'~ ri,:'.~.,t of way
~n At',.,'oodtown Road south of the entrance to the tc,,,n'~houses and extc~:;ling to
False Cape i~.l=kway (totaling =r , ·
;~y feet of additional
Mr'. Walter J. Monahan appeared before Council representing the petitioner
~.tr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney, appeared in favor of the petition
The following appeared in opposition:
Mr Edward ~{udgins, Attorney ;
Mr. Allan W. Fulmer ~ ;
Mr. M. E. Bowerman
On motion by Eouncilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by re-
corded vote as follows: ..~
"-es: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
arles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr.,
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to deny the above petition of Urban Systems Development
Corporation for a Cttange of Zoning District Classification frown B-1 Business
Residen'tial District to B-2 Community Business District on certain property
located at the Northwest intersection of Proposed False Cape Parkway and
Atwoodtewn Road, running a distance of 425 feet along the North side of
Proposed False Cape Parkway and running a distance of 400 feet along the West
side of Atwoodtown Road, runr~ing a distance of 425 feet along the Nortl~ern
prpperty line and running a distance of 400 feet along the Western property
lineo Said parcel contains 4 acres more or less. Plats with more detailed
information are available in the Department of Planning. (Lagomar Area).
Princess Anne Borough
ITEM #9001
Petition, cf Urban Systc=:s DeveloD,;,~nt, , ~' .-~' - Corneration for a Chano, e .of .......... 7enin~.
District CI~~ ~-'-'' ' ' ~,
~,~c~ti~n from R-4 ~.es~dent'ial District ~to ~-2 CoF:,;~u',~i~'',
Businass bis~ri;t on certain F, ropert$' locat/}cl en the ~.~orth side o'F Promosed
False Cape Park',.,'ny beginning at a point 425 fcet r~t.3re or less West of
Road and ruF~ning a distance of 850 feet along the Sout~-,trn proF,;-~rty line Of
which, ~;.~5 ,~cL is the I:orth side of ,ropos~d False Cap~? Park,...,ay, running a
distance of 550 feet along tt~e "~+~
~,~=~=rn proper~y line, running a distance of
15C0 feet'more or less along the :~orLher~, property line and running, a distance
of 400 feet along the Eastern proper'tv line. Said parcel contains 9 acres.
Plats with more d =~ , ~'
e bc~ i 1 em i nfo '~ '~ '
r.,~.a~on are available in the Department of Planr~ing.
(Lagomar ~, ' "'~
PI anning Commi ssi on Recommendation:
A motion wa's passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote
of 10 to approve thi s, request.
For the inforr,.mtion of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building per-
mit the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. City water and sewer.
2. Standard site imj,ro\;ements as required by tile Site Plan Ordinance and
the Subdivision Ordinance, including the following'
ac Reservation of approximately 35 acres of recreation/open space
---in addition to the golf course which wilt be reqL!ir~.~d upon site plan/subdivision
b. Atwoodtown Road is to be extended to the north with .~ b'cidge over
the canal to tie 'into False Cage Parkway.
c. Collector' or loop roads within the develoi'm~ent shall be a minimum
of a 60 foot right: of way, with 36 feet.curb-to-curb re, ad sections.
d 'The r(,~d eXiel;~!inq nor;;h frnm I-'aln,". C~'.p,', Part.'.',qv alonq the
to tl~e ta',/n!',x~uscs with a four lane roadway cons~rucJ:ed wi~' "n the 80" '~
rigl~t of w~y. ·
e. A 1~ .
.~,, fo~L drainage e~scment will b~ requircd along th~ cabal
The motion further st~ted .... that ~'ho r~zor, ing be condi~''~lo,,al~'' uteri, a bo~d being
posted by ~he dc?:~!oper prior to any c. on~truct'irm, the ~,,ount to be (~,',,~:~.~ ,ned
by ti~e CiLy of ',."irginia Be;*ch, until such t'~me as-the riahts of wav~ are
rained and False 'CaFe Park,,.,'ay c~ns~r~c~eJ to provirl-adequa'ce ~Ccess ~o th~s
Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon s.;.tisfa, ctor.v compliance to the
COlldl~lons imposed in the i;:ot~on, and it is under:.;[:ood ' ~-'
~,,~ :"re:d to bv the
applicant that the official change on the zoning maps will. not be made until
the followi~g conditions are sa'Lisfied:
1 A dedication of right of way ~5 = ~
· ,e~t on each side of ',.;i~? proposed
centerline of False CaL,,] P~,rkway alor~fi the 425 foot frontage along th~s
right of way (a liO-~oo~ d--'~ '~ .
2. A dedication -)f rinht of way 30 feet on each side of the centeriine
of the cxisting 30 'Foot rigJ~t of way on Atwoodtown Road north of the entrance
,~uus=~ (totatinq 30 fac~- o'F ac~.:iitional de.dicatie'~) ~'.'~d a ded'~catio~l
of ~0 feet on each side of .....
, ~= centerline of 'the exist~nq, . .,.J~" f[:~'~.:: riql~t, oF way
Fal.se Cape P~,rkway (totaling 50 feet of additional dedication).'
~ollow~ ~ppe~ed ~ ~vor o~ t~e above ~et~t~on:
Mr. Walter J. ~{onahan
Mr. ~.hom~.s C Broy.l. es, Attorney
Mr. Doug:.as Talbot, Talbot-Wermers Associates
The following appeared in opposition:
Mr~ Edward Hudgins, Attorney
Mr. Alan W. Fulmer
'-- Mr. M. E. Bowerman
O motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorde~
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Ca] lis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Charles W. G~rdner, John R. Griffin, Clarenc(; A. Holland, J~ Henry ~cCoy, Jr.
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice ~Iayor George R. Ferrell
City Counc.il voted to deny the above petition of Urban Systems Development
Corporation for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-4 Residential
District to B-2 Commun±ty Business District on certain property located on the
North side of Proposed False Cape Parkway beginning at a point 425 feet more
or less West of Atwoodtown Road and running a distance of 850 feet along the
Southern property line of which 425 feet is the North side of Proposed False
Cape Parkway, running a distance of 850 feet alo,ng the Western property line,
running a distance of 1500 feet more or less along the Northern property line
and running a distance of 4.00 feet along the Eastern property line. Said
parcel contains 9 acres. (La,omar Area). Princess Anne. Bnrough
ITEM #9002
Petition of' Urban Systcnls Dr-,,elopmel!t Core, oration for a Ct,~l~c,~. of 7.onin~ Distric,~
Classif'ication from R-4 Residential District to R-9 Resi'a~'~i~T~.~iT61'T~Ts~'~iZ~]-"{~
on certain pro~srty loca~..d on the West side of Atwoodtown Ro~d beginning ~,u a
point 400.feet ~':orth of Proposed Falfiq Cape Parkway, running a distance of 2700
feet more er less along t. rl~ Eastern ;.:-r~perty li~e, funninQ a distance of 1500 feet
more or le~ alonm., the ~k~rth[~rn [,,,~;'.~'.',"~"" line, runnin!i a distance of 1750 feet more
or less along t}]e Western property line and running a distance of 90~ f~et more or
le~s along d,~ Southern property line, Said [:.'~rcel [:..'-::. :". .~:"
from 27 acres). Plats with more detailed inforr:~'.'~':,n arc av~';iable in the Depart-
merit of Planning. (Lago:~,ar Area) PRINCESS "'*
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A motion was passed, unanimously by the Planning Commission 'by 6 recorded vote
of l0 to approve this request.
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building per-
mit the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. City water an(] sewer,
2. Standard site improvements as reo. uired by the Site Plan Ordinance and
the Subdivision Ordinance, including the following:
a. Reservation of approximately 35 acres of recreation/ouen space
in addition to the golf course which will be required upon site plan/subdivision
b~ Atwoodtown Road is to be extended to the north with a bridge over
the canal to tie into False Cape Parkway.
c. ~Collector or loop roads within the development shall be a minimum
of a 60 foot right of way, with 36 feet curb-to-curb road sections.
d. The road c.~+-'~n~,~ north froFq Fal~.... Crne Pari~ay. alonfi Lhu
shoppinq ce~ter ..... , ..... ~ ~ _,.~rance
to the townhoUSeS with a four lane readw~:.y constructed within the 8[~ 'Foot
right of.way.. · ·
-e A 150 ~,
F.~ot drainag:~ ea:~"f~-~ will be required al3ng the ca.,~,l
The motion further stnted that the rezoning be conditional u?n a bo'nd bei'nzI
postc:d by ti;e dev'?'io!:er prior to any coRstruction, the ai.:ount to Le
by the City of Virginia ~6aci~, until such time as th~ rights of ways are
rained and False'Ca? Parkway cons'Lruf:ted to provide adeciuate access to this
Further, this ordim~nce shall be effective upon satisfactory comDlixnce to
conditions imposed in the mot-~on, and it is ur..derstnod and agrucd to by the
applicant chat the o-Fficial c~cnge on the zonin~ m',gs will not be made until
the follewing conditions are sati.sfied:
1. A dedication of ricq~t of way 30 feet on each side of the centerlin~-,
of the existing 3f)Foot right of way on Atwoodto'.~n Roe. d north o~~ the ~ntranc~-
~=,_.~ of ~ualu~onal ,'~edicati,'~n) a,';d a dedicatlon
to the townhouses (totali~g 30 =~.~ ....... .,.' .... -
of 40 feet on each s~de of th~ ~=,~e, line of the existing 30, foot r'~..~n~ of way
on A~,,o~ ,. town Road sc:~.,ti~ of ~he en~r,~nce to the town ~
n.,L:ses and extendin3 to
False Catpe Parkway (t,.:,~aline 50 feet of additional ,~ .... ' .....
' " ' '" ' ~' ~' ' ~ I ~.
- !
The.following appeared in -~avor of the above petition:
Mr. Walter J. Monah~n
Mr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney
Mr. Douglas Talbot, Talbot-Wermers Associates
The following appeared in opposition:
Mr. Edward Hudgins, Attorney
Mr. Alan W. Fulmer
Mr. M. E. Bowerman
On motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
~--;e as follows:
$~ ;s: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
URarles ~. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry b~cCoy, Jr.,
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, ~nd Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to deny the above petition 'of Urban Systems Development
Corporation for a Chan.ge of Zoning District Classification from R-4 Residential
District to R-9 Residel~tial Townhouse District on certain property located on the
West side of Atwoodtown Road beginning at a point 400~feet North of Proposed
False Cape Parkway, running a distance of 2700 feet more or less along the
Eastern property line, running a distance of 1500 feet more or less along the
Northern property line, running a distance of 1750 feet more or less along the
Western property line and running a distance of 900 feet more or less along the
Southern property line. Said parcel contains 52 acres. (modified from 27 acres).
Plats with more detailed information are available in the Department of Planning.
(Lagomar Area). Princess Anne Borough
ITEM #9003
t'etition of Ur~,,an q,,~f~,~'Develn,':~,o~' Corporation for a Ch?rifle of Zonin~ I~i~tr~~
Cla. s~ific~i;ion frem R-4 Resideatial District to R-5 Residan'~ial Ois~ric~ on
certain ~)rcuer'Cy ben, inning at a point 850 feet West of ?,t ..... o.~,~,n ~oad, runn '
a distance ~' fee ,, the . ,
~c,=,~:.64 t alon~ ~,~orth side of Proposed False Cape Farkway
running a distance of 23~0 feet ~,.ore o'= ~.~ss alone' th~ ~.fe[.tern pronerty line,
run?~ing a-dis~an',:~ of 2].00 feet morn or less aloz~,g ~1,.= Uorthern pro-~rtv line and
running, a distaJ:c~> of 2~:~u feet more ~:,r less along.thc ~=~'~,~ ~'.'. ~.~ty line, Said
pot~_l contains 149 acres (modified from 1~7 ~.~:'~.~:;;. i:....',-' '."~=-~ :~ore ~=~
information are available in the Dcpart~ent of F'~anning. (La~omar Area).
Planning Commission Recom~:.~endation:
A.motion was passed unanir~ously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vo~e
of l0 to approve this 'request. ,
For the information ~'f the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building per-
mit the following will be required by t};e administrative staff:
1. City w~:~ter and sewer..
2. Standard site in~provements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance and
the Subdivision Ordinance, including the following: ,
a. Reservation of aoproximately 35 acres of recreation/open space
in addition to, ti~e golf course which will be }e,~Ul~ ,.d uF, O;l site ~>lan/subdivisio~-
'ev i ew.
b. Atwoodtown Road is to be extended to the north with a bridge over
the canal to tie into False Cape Parkway.
c. Collector or loop roads within the development shall be a minimum
of a 60 foot right of wa, y, with 36. feet c,rb-to-curb road sections.
DOS~uu ..........
rained al'Kt False r.pe Par' ' con
' e~fec,..]ve upon satisfactory ce'~']o!i~,nce to the
Further, this ormi~ance sh~ll be ~ ~" . . .
co,~d'i~ions imeo~.~d in the m:~'L'~on, .and it is u[~dc.~':~tood and a(~reed to by
a~pl'~car~i, that i:~= off~cia~ cr.~-'.~:g~ on tke zoning ~,:a[~s will noI: be l~iade ur~til
1 A dedi ~
. c,~ic.n of rigSt of way 30 feet on each side of the centerline
of the "' ~ -,~;
e.,.lstinq 30 :-c. ot ric~ht of ~,=',' on A'b..:ood!:own Road north of the ent ..... ce
tot~e~'~ tm.,~Pouses (.,-~*::.linq..~ . ~.qn feet of additie~al c;e:~-~cation)'" ar, d a dedication
of F. 0. feet on each side,_ of ~t~e ce,'~e~line" of tile existenceS" . 30 foo~" right of
False Car~e [>ark'.,~'ay (totaling..c0 feet of additional (,~m'"'~,co~'on).
' 2. A d~',dic:~ti[,~_ of rig~,~."'~ of way c~:~., =,e~:~.'= on each side ~f the pre, posed
centerlin~: oF Fal::e C~'~,~_. Parkway [~lo~m.. the 2342 -Foot frontage along this
righ'C ot ~lay (a ltO-foot dedica~ion)~
The foZlowi~g appeared in favor of the above petition:
Mr. Walter J. Monahan
Mr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney
~Mr. Douglas Talbot, Talb'ot-Wermers Associates
T_..he feZlowing appeared in opposition:
Mr. Ed~vard Huddle_s, Attorney
Mr. AZan W. Fu].mer
Mr. ~o ~. Bowerm~n
On motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by record,
vote as follo~,~s:
Ayes: Councilmen John Ao Baum~ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr.
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to deny the above petition of Urban 'Systems Development
Corporation for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-4 Residential
District to R-5 Re's'i'den~'ial' District on certain property beginning at a point
850 feet West of Atwoodtown Road, running a distance of 2342°64 feet along the
Norths.ide of Proposed False Cape Park~ay, running a distance of 2300 .feet more
less ai[ong the Western property !ine~ running a distance of 2100 feet more or
less aZong the Northern prmperty line and running a distance o£ 2950 feet more
or less along the Ea::tern property line. Said parcel contains 149 acres (modif:
f~ 187 acres). Plats with more detailed information are available i~ the
D ~rtment of Pl a.nning~ (Lagomar Area). Princess Anne Bor~'ug~
ITEM t/9004
Petit'ii. rI o',-' Urn:an Svstr-,,s [!ew.qopm,::nt Corooratio. n for a Ct~pqe of Zo,~in~ District
~ - Le~,~nt~l District to R-5 Reslm~i~l~]l D~s.rlC~ on
Clas~;ificati~)n Tre~, R 4 ~ ~''F~' "- '" ' '-='"""' ...... ?~'"-'~":~ ...........
~c~i~h':~[~;~:l.y L. egin~ing at a point 700 fe~t mor~: or less South of Proposed
False Cape Parkway,. a~d running, a disi:ance of .,..~F'q, .f..,-t more. or less alo'~cJ, the
~..~ .... ~ runninq ~ dist.::r:..::t ~'F 2?':: :' L more o~' lef:s alc, n9
West side of At,,codto.,, Ro~':d, . ...... '.'.
the Southern pFnt ~',- - .....
. _,)c, ty line and rur,!ir~r~ a discanc
the Westcr'~ proper~y line. Said parcel contains 15q.1 acres (mcJified fret': 153.9
acres). Plats with more detailed information are available in the Det)arcm~t,t of
Planning. (Lagomar Area). PRINCESS
Planning Commission Rccon,mendation: :
A motion was ~a~sr'cl unanimously by the Planni'~g Commission by a recorded vote
of lO to approve this request.
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building per-
mit the following will be required by the ad.ninistrative staff:
l~ City water and- sewer.
2~ Standard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance and
the Subdivision Ordinance, including the following:
ap Reservation of approximately 35 acre~ of recreation/open space
in addition to the golf course which will be required upon site plan/subdivision
b. Atwoodtown Road is to be extended to the north wit~ a bridge over
the'canal to tie inL,~ False Cape Parkwa.V~
c. Collector or loop roa~]s within the development shall be amir, imum
of a 60 foot right of way, with 36 feet curb-to-curb road sections.
d The roa(~ e..,t,~r,(~)~) nr]rth from False Cape Parl:v'a.v alone t~e
~ ~ ..... ':r shall be a m.~i'l'~?cm (;f a,', EO foot ri¢~h~ of ~.,~,, to th~ entrance
right of way,. .'
.. e~ A lC~.~ foot drainage easement will be requi~'~..~-' along the cam'.l.
TY.e motion further stated that the r.:.,'.ening be cc~:'~ditiona! uoc, n a bond L, einq
pc, st~(! by ti:~ d/..v~..lc, per prior t:o any co:~str~ct'ici'~, tile amo.,_int to be determined
by the Ci!:y of Virtiinia ~ea._:!~, until s~.:ch time as the ri.fi:ts of
t~i,'ed ~:n.d Faise'CaD~.'-. Pa~'i.'..'~,,.. ...... ., consu,,,~- ed to F~rev'ide adequate access to ~'uh-'S,
pro,j c,:: t.
Further, tl~is erd lnance shall, be effective upon sati sf,~ci:ory co;re)liar, ce te the .
conditie:~s-ii:'.!:c~:~.:l in the rotien, and it is unc'.ers['oo.d and a~.:reed to by tl~e
aPl~licani: th.:i: th:: official ch~;noe on th~ zoning r,~ps will not be made until
the following conditions are satisfied:
1. A c~edic:a( ion. of right of way 30 feet on each sic!L~ of the ccnterline of
the .¥"° ' 30 f,.,~t ri!ih[ of v'ay along the 3200 foot fron~' ~ "'
e.., ~t~ ng cag~ on At',.'ooo
Road (a 30-foot dc~ii(:ation).
' ~o red in favor of the above petition:
The followz~ appea
Mr~ Walter J. Monahan
Mr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney
~4r. Douglas Talbot, Talbot-Wermers Associates
The following appeared in opposition:
blr. Edward ttudgins, Attorney
l~lr. Alan W. Fulmer
Mr. M. E. Bowerman
On motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
v~.e as follows:
J ~s: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry HcCoy, Jr.
· Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Mayor J Curtis Payne,
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to deny the above petition of Urban Systems Development
Corporation for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-4 Residential
District to R-5 Resi~n~ial District on certain property beginning at a point
700 feet more or less Sou~h of Proposed False Cape Parkway, and running a distance
of 3200 feet more or less along the ;Vest side of Atwoodtown Road, running a
distance of 2230 feet more or less along the Southern property line and running
a distance of 24S0 feet more or less along the Western property line. Said
parcel contains 154.1 acres (modified from 153.9 acres). Plats with more
detailed information are available in the Department of Planning. (Lagomar Area)
Princess Anne Borough.
ITEM #9005
o..,:~.n,. Corporation for a Chance of Zap'inn ni-~h
Cla~fic:~tir,,~ from a_9 Colnmunitv ~usiness District to P '~ Residential Distr~c~;
.... ~ '~' .~ ,e.:~ South:]::st of [ntrada Drive,.
o~-~]i'-,.~.E~ p~o?;:-rty be[l'innin9 ,~. a ~]ai,',';' 679.64 '~ r~
runnir'?7 a.d'is':ce;,ce of 1150 fact alon~] the Southern rn'ol,erU/ line of which 950
feet is the",,~,'""~h side o'[ q' ,-~' .... i:5::.:2 '2oad runninq ~ ~'~" ......
~a,,u~, , , ,,., e of 670 fact
or lass alcnn the F~s-;:orn [,ro,'~erty line, -,,,,n4,m a distance of I~'n f6:.:~
or less along ~',~, L_mchern o~ .... :~ ~.~ line s
. ~.,,: 'c ' - ,-o,,,.:~"y nd runnir~g a distance of gO0 fee's, along
ttie Western property line. Said parcel contains 15 acres O:~odified from 27.3 acres).
Plats x.:ith i}mre dcLaiicd ihfcrlxation are available in the Department of Planning.
(Lafi.a:~mr A~'ea), PRI~CESS~,,.,,,,_'~'"'~ uORu~GH' ~n,~ .
Planning Co:;~:;ission Recomme,mac]on:
A motion ~,.,as passed unanimously by the Planning commission.'by a recorded vote
of l0 to agprove this request.
For the information of the applicant, .prior to the isst.'nnce of a building per-
mit the-following will be required by the adininis%ra-Live staff:
!. City water and sewer..
2. S%andard site ir:~provements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance and
the Subdivision Ordinance, including the follo',.,,ing:
a. R~%e-vation of approximately 35 acres o'F recreation/open space
~n '~ .
aoo~tio~ to the qolf course which will be required upon site plan/subdivision
b. Ai;woodtovm Road is to be extended to the north with a bridge over
the canal to tie into F~lse Cape Parkway.
c. - Collector or loo,, roads witi]in the development shall be a minimum
of a 60 foot right oF way, with 36 feet curb-to-curb road sections.
d. Th~: re,:,c! t, L~'l'.,:,it~q ll.()rih fFO!',l F fi 'l q ..':', C .....
· t",.~ al ('~nr~ the
'to ,.~e . ....... ,.._.::cs w'i'i:~, a fotlr lone roo:i',,.'~.:y consl:ructed within '.~-,~.,,,~ 80 i'oot.
eo A 150 foot drs. incge ease~¢cnt wi'Ii be reeuired along Lh~
Tho I~lotioF, further st~:i:~_:.4 ti:at the rezoninfl be co:~.ditional unen a bend being
posteJ by 't:he dovei~i':er !,riot to any co',~structir~:':, the ar:lount to be dF~term, ined
by ti~-.$ Ci;:y of V!rgi~ia ['.~:~,ch, until s.i:,.:~ til~e as the ri~.i~ts of' ways are 'ot:;-
rained and False Cape P~.~)"k',.,'ay col~structc-d to provide adeq'..:atc access to this
Further, this erdin~.r, ce sh?,!l be effective upon satisfactory complianc~ to the
con.,~.~ons i~p.:);~:d 'in th'_. n;ot~o~, and it is u~',ders'Lood and agreed to by th~
al:,piicant that tl~e official,.,.~,,:,~,;,,-~ on the zoning ni~ps will n~t bc 'm~,~e"" un~il
the following coi;ditions are satisfied:
1. A dr_,..dicatio,~ of right: of w.? 30 feet from the ce-~terline of the existing
30 foot rioh~ of ~.,.'ay along the 950 foot frontage on Sandbridge Road (a 15-foot
Th~ following appeared in favor of the petition:
Mr~ Walter J. Monahan
~r. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney
Mr. Douglas Talbot, Talbot-Wermers Associates
the following appeared in opposition:
Mr. Edward Hudgins~ Attorney
Mr..Alan !.*i. Fulmer
Mr. M,, E o Bowerman
In motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
'ore as follows:
.yes__: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
h~ [es W. Gardner, John R~ Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry 14cCoy, Jr.
a~ ~ J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
ays: None
bsent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
ity Council voted to deny the above petition of Urban Systems Development
)rporatJ. on for a Change of Zon.ing District Classification from B-2 Community
]siness District to R-4 Reside~tial Dis'trict on certain property beginning at
point 679.64 feet Southeast df F_.ntrada Drive, running a distance of 1150 feet
.ong the Soutb_ern property line of which 950 feet is the North side of Sand-
ridge Road, running a distance of 670 feet more or less along the Eastern
'operty line, running a distance of 1380 feet more or less along the Northern
'operty line and running a distance of 600 feet along the Western' property
ne. Said parcel contains 16 acres (modified from 27.3 acres). Plats with
re detailed information are available in the Department of Planning. (Lagomar
ea). Princess Anne Borough.
ITEM #9006
Petition oF' Uriah Syste:~ D~,~.lopm~,t Corpora ti r~n for a C.h-,-,-o of Zonin~ Oi~::r;c
. · R-,~ P,c,,.¢._t,~;lal ~l_,c;lC;
Cl,:ssiF~ca!:~en fr[:~,~ ~-2 Co~nunity [2~siness District to '?-- 4~-:-{~,-'.' ' '~.~'
-~egii~l~'~-fi'~l-~-~- p~int 1629.6,; feet Southeast of Entrada Drive, running a distance
of 670 lc:et along the Iqcstern pror,~rty line, running5 a dista~ce of riO0 feet
roi;er': line, ~unning a distance of 69~i ':~-
the ~';orthern p . y . . .......
...... ,e.~. along the Set [bern prcr;~rtv line
property l'~ne and running a dis~:nce of 820 '* ~' .
whi,-:' is tl;e" ..... h side of Sa, ndbrid~e Road Said parcel ce.ntains 11 3
Pla;s witl; more detailed informa'~ion are available in the Department of Planning.
(Lagomar Area). PRIrqCESS AI'i~:E BOROUGtt. .~
Planning Con, mission Recommendation: ,
A motion was passed unanin:ously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote
of lO to approve this request.
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building per-
mit the f'ollov~ing w{ll be required by the administrative staff:
1. City water and sewer.
2. Standard site in}p~-ovements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance and
the Subdivision Ordinance, including the follm:in9:
a. Reservation of approximately 35 acres of recreation/onen sp~ace
in addition to the golf course ',.;hich will be required upon site plan/sub, division
'b. Atwoodto,,.~n Road is to be extended to the north with a bridge over
the canal to tie into False Cape Parkway.
c. Collector or loop roads ~.tithin the development shall be a minimum
of a 60 foot right of way, with 36 feet curb-to-curb road sections.
d. ~he road expounding north from False Cape Parkway alonr~, the
. ~ ' ' ' r~on~ oF ~.:av to the entrance
shoppin[, center sha~.l be a m'~m::;~ of an ~0 foot ' '~ . .
to th., to',..'n)?,uses t?iCh a four lane roa(~v~.y con~,.ruct~ ~vithin the 80 foot
g,:(. of way.
e. A 150 foot drainage easement will be required along the canal.
The motion furti~eJ~ s,., ~.~.d 'that the rezoni,~,~ be condition.~l ,~,~nn a bond b=
posted by the develo):~" prior to any c:nstrt:ation, the a?'ount to be deter;-ni~ed
td~n~-,:~ a)rd False Ca,,)_;~ Park~,~ay constructed to provide., i~i~ouate, access to Lhis
prod cc t.
Further, this ordir'...ance shall, be effective upon satisfactory co:".pliaqce to the
"condition; i~:posc-d il: i.h,.~ r.~o'~ion, and it is ul~:.!c:r'stor;d and a.qreed tc.~ by the
applicant ii,at tim offic:ial change on the zoning maps will nt, t be made until
tile following conditions are satisfied:
1. A dgdica, tion of right of var. 30 feet from the centerline of tile ex]"*~'~,
30 foo'~; ri!jht of way 'along the 820 foot frontage on'Sandbridge Road (a 15-foot
The following al~peared in favor of thc petition:
Mr. Walter J. ~.lonahan
~ir. Thomas C~ Broyles, Attorney
Mr. Douglas 2'albot, Talbot-Wermers Associates
The following appeared in opposition:
Mr. Edward Hudgins, Attorney
Mr. Alan W. Fulmer
Mr. M. E. Bowerman
On motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
~te as follows:
~ ~s: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
'~narles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr.,
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to deny the above petition of Urban Systems Development
Corporation for a Ch~n~e of Zoning District Classification from B-2 Community
Business District to R-S Residential District beginning at a point 1629.64 feet
Southeast of Entrada Drive, running a distance of 670 feet along the Western
property line, running a distance of 600 feet along the Northern property line,
running a distance of 694 feet along the Eastern property line and running a
distance of 82~) feet along the Southern property line which is the North side
of Sandbridge Road. Said parcel contains 11.3 acres. Plats with more detailed
information are available in the Department of Planning. (Lagomar Area).
Princess Anne Borough
ITEM #9007
Petition by motion of the Planning Commission of the City of Virginia Beach
for a Chanqe of Zoninq_ Disloyal'ct Classification from R-4 Residential
---Distri~-~ t~-?--.1 ~ ~ , -'
~re~er,/at~on District on certain property located at the
Nor~h_ast corner of' At~,~oodtown Road and Proposed False Cape Parkway, running
a distance of 3200 feet along the Southern property line of which 2100 feet
more or less is the ~,Jorth side of Proposed False Cape Parkway, running a
distance o'? ~280 fe~ more or less along %he Eastern property line, (City of
Virgiqia Beach Canal), rrJnning a distance of 3550 feet more or less along
the l,lortherF~ property line J, nd runninFi a distance of 3350 feet along the
Western property line. ~aid ?arc,~l contains 200 i'~cres. Plats with more
detailed information are available in tl~e Department of Planning~ (Lagomar
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A motion was passed unanimously by. the planning Commission by a.recorded vote
of 11 te approve ';his request.
For the information of the apF, licant, prior to the issuance of a building permit,
the following will be required by the administrative staff:
Standard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
A 150 foot easement for Canal #lo
Ci~ water and sewer.
Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the
--=nditions im?osed in this motion, awd it is understood and agreed to by the
icant that the official Change on the zoning maps will not be made unti] the
1lowing condit'ions are satisfied:
]. A dedication of right-of-way 55 feet from the centerline of the proposed
False Cape Parkway (a 55 foot dedication).
'On motion by_ Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote' as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Charles W. Gardner, John
R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoY, Jr.~ Mayor J. Curtis Payne,
Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: 'None
Absent: Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., and Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to deny the above petition by motion of the Planning
Commission of the City of Virginia Beach for a Change of Zoning District
C~la....s.sification from R-4 Residential District to P-1 Preservation District
certain property located at the Northeast corner of Atwoodtown Road and
oposed False Cape Parkway, running a distance of 3200 feet along the Southern
~operty line of which 2100 feet more or less is the North side of Proposed
False Cape Parkway, running a distance of 3280 feet more or less along the
Eastern property line, (City of Virginia Beach Canal), running a distance of
3550 feet more or less along the Northern property line. Said parcel contains
200 acres~ Plats with more detailed information are available in the Department
of Planning. (Lagomar Area). Princess Anne Borough.
IT£M t~9008
Application of Urban Systems Development Corporation for a Conditional Use Permit
for a golf course on certain property located at the Ilortheast corner of Atwood-
town Road and Proposed False Cape Parkway, running a distance of 3200 feet along
the Southern property line of which 2100 feet more or less is the I~orth side of
Proposed False Cape Parkway, running a distance of 3280 feet more or less along
the Eastern property lin~, (City of Virginia Beach Canal), running a distance of
3550 feet nore or less a}ong the Nortt~ern property line and running a distance
of 3350 feet along the Western property line. Said parcel contains 200 acres.
Plats with more detailed information are available in the Depart~ent of Planning.
(Lagomar Area). PRIiqCESS ANN£ BOROUGH.
P1 anning Co~i ss i o,~ Recommendati on:
A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of
13 to approve thi.¢ request.
For the information of the ~applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit,
the following will be required by the administrative staff:
Stan(iard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
City water and sewer~
On motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum.~. Robert H. Callis, Jr., Charles W. Gardner, John
R. Griffin, Clarence A..Holland, J. Henry McCoy~ Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne,
Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Robert Be. Cromwell, Jr., and Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to deny the above application of Urban Systems Development
Corporation for a Cond2tional Use Permit for a golf course on certain property
located at the Nort-J{-east corner bf AtWOodtown Road and Proposed False Cape
Parj~ay, running a distance of 3200 feet along the Southern property line of
whi 2100 feet more or less is the North side of Proposed Fa!.se Cape Parkway,
run nga dm$~.a~..ce of 3280 feet more or less along tile Eastern property line,
(Ci~x of Virginia Beach Canal), running a distance of 3550 feet more or less
along the Northern property line and running a distance of 3350 feet along the
Western property line. Said parcel contains 200 acres. Plats with more detailed
information are available in the Department of Planning. (Lagomar Area).
Princess Anne Borough.
ITEbl tt9009 ~
Petition of W & Z Investments, Inc., for a Chan?,e~__gf' Zp~j_i_ng District C],0ss.ifica_
tion from A-1 Apartment District to A-4 Apartment District on certain property
beginning at a point 210 feet West of Arctic Avenue, running a distance of 80
feet along the North side of 19th Street, running a distance of 140 feet along
the Western property line, running a distance of 80 feet along the Northern
property line, and running a distance of 140 feet' along the Eastern property
line. Said parcel contains 11,200 square feet. VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUGH.
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A motion was passed by the Planning Commis'sion by a recorded vote of 10 for
the motion and 1 abstention to deny this request as the parcel does not meet
the minimum lot size. requirements of the A-4 Apartment District.
Mr. Thomas C. Broy!es~, Attorney, represented the petitioner
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A~ Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr.,
Mayor Jo Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd. E. }Vaterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to deny the above petition of W & Z Investments, Inc., for
a Change of Zoning District Classification from A-1 Apartment District to A-4
Apartment District on certain property beginning at a point 210 feet West of
Arctic Avenue, running a distance of 80 feet along the North side of 19th Stre~
running a distance of 140 feet along the Western property line, running a
distance of 80 feet along ~ Northern property line, and running a distance
140 feet along the Eastern property line. Said parcel contains 11,200 square
"~eet. Virginia Beach Borough. Petition was denied as the parcel does not mee~
he minimum lot size requirements of the A-4 Apartment District.
ITEM ~9010
ofPetitiOnzonin?Of.J.M..~..Golden, Mario'a B. Golden and William j. Watson for a Chm~
D~strz.,_ Cl:~ssification from A-1 Apartment DJ. strict to B-4 Resort
Commercial District on certain property located at the Southe;~st corner of
18th Street and Parks Avenue, running a distance of 304 feet ajong the South
side of 18th Street, running a distance of 140 feet along the Eastern prop-
erty line, running a distance .of 304 feet along the Southern property line,
and running a distance of 1.40 feet along the East side of Parks Avenue. Said
parcel contains 0.98 acre. VIRGINIA BF~ACH BOROUGH.
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A mot:ion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded
vote of 10 to approve this request.
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building
perm:[~ ~-h,~ ~1~,,,-~'~,~ will be
-~ ............... --o rt:~ ...... ~ by the ,~dministrati~e staff:
1'. Standard site improvcments as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer.
,ir. William W.'Watson appeare! regarding h.~s petition.
)n motion by Councilman Cal!is, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and bY recorded
rote as follows:
lyes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
]harles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr.,
{ayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
lays: None
%bsent: Vice,' Mayor George R. Ferrell
~ty Council approved the following ordinance upon petition of J. M. Golden,
rion B. Golden and William J. Watson for a Change of Zoning District Classi-
.~cation from A-1 Apartment District to B-4 Resort Com~nercial District:
FRObl A-1 Apartment District TO B-4 Resort
Commercial District
e it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that:
etition of J. M. Golden, Marion B. Golden and William J. Watson for a Change
f Zoning District Classification from A-1 Apartment District to B-4 Resort
ommercial District on certain property located at the Southeast~ corner of
8th Stree~ and Parks Avenue, running a distance of 304 feet along the South
ide of 18th Street, running a distance of 140 feet along the Eastern property
ine, running a distance of 304ffeet along the Southern property line, and
unning a distance of 140 feet along the East side of Parks Avenue. Said parcel
ontains 0~98 acre. Virginia Beach Borough.
or the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit,
he following will be required~by the administrative staff:
-- 1. Standard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer.
ITEM #9011
Petition of Waves Motel, Inc., T/A Golden Sa~ids Motel for a Chan_ge of Zoni_n_~
District Classification from B-'4 Resort Commercial District to H-2 Resort
Hotel District on certain p~operty located at the Southwest corner of 14th
Stree~z and Atlantic Avenue, running a distance of-250 feet along the West
side of Atlantic Avenue, running a distance of 100 feet along the Southern
property line which is the North side of 13th street, running a distance of
250 feet along the Western property line and running a distance of 100 feet
along the South side of 14th Street. Said parcel contains 0.57 acre.
Planning Commission Recormmendation:
A motion was passed by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of 7 for
the motion and 3 against the motion to approve this request with the under-
standing that this recommendation is to correct a ,~ituation brought about
by thc .........
~ ....... ~ of the ,~,~0.
.-- For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building
permit, the following will be required by the admi~istrative staff:
1. Standard si'ze f.mprcvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer. If the water pressure is not sufficient to pro-
vide adequste s~rvice to this project, it is to be corrected by the
property o~er.
3. The developer will be required to fully improve the northern half of
13th Stree'z according to City standards along the frontage of this site.
Mr.'Gro, ver ~. Wright, Jr., Attorney, represented the petitioner
On motion by Councilman Ca!lis, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne,
Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, and Clarence A. Holland
ty Council approved the following ordinance upon petition of Waves Motel,
.corporated, T/A Golden Sands Motel for a Change of Zoning District Classi-
fication from B-4 Resort Commercial District to H'22 Resort Hotel District:
FROM B-4 Resort Commercial District TO H-2
Resort Hotel District
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of'Virginia Beach, Virginia, that:
Petition of Waves Motel, T/A Golden Sands Motel for a Change of Zoning District
Classification from B-4 Resort Commercial District to H-2 Resort Hotel Distr~ct
on certain property located at the Southwest corner of 14th Street and Atlantic
Avenue, running a distance of 250 feet along the West side of Atlantic Avenue,
running a distance of 100 feet along the Southern property line which is the
North side of 13th Street, running a distance of 250 feet along the Western
property line and running a distance of 100 feet along the South side of 14th
Street. Said parcel contains 0.57 acre. Virginia Beach Borough
Fo'f the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit:
the following will be required by the administrative staff:
--- 1. Standard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer. If the water pressure is not sufficient to
provide adequate service to this project, it is to be corrected by the
property owner.
3. The developer will be required to fully improve the northern half
of 13th Street according to City stand~ards along the frontage of this
· , (
ITEM t!9012
Petition of William Eo Wood for a Change of.' Zoning District Classification fram
R-6 Residential District to A-1 Apartment ]).istriet on certain property located
on the North side of proposed Lynnhaven Parkway beginning at a point 1000 feet
more or less East of Centerville Turnpike running a distance of 1739 feet more
or less along the North side of. proposed Lynnhaven Parkway, 'running a distance
of 1540 fcet more or less along the Northern property line (Virginia Electric
and Power Co. Easement) and running a distance of 660 feet more or less along
the Western property line. Said parcel is triangular in shape and contains 15
acres. (Stumpy Lake Area). KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH.
--- Planning Commission Recommendation:
A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote
of 10 to approve this request°
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building per-
mit, the following will be required by the 8Hm~nistrative staff:
1. Standard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sawer.
3. No median cuts will be permitted on Lynnhaven Parkway wighin 500 feet
of Centerville Turnpike or along Centerville Turnpike within 500 feet
of Lynnhaven Parkway.
4. Procurement of drainage easements and the construction of a drainage out-
fall system to the South to Stumpy Lake will be required.
Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the
conditions imposed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to by the
applicant that the official change on the z~ning maps will not be made until
the following conditions are satisfied:
1. Dedication of right-of-way along the 3,189 foot frontage for the proposed
Lynnhaven Parkway (a 90 foot dedication).
· . ~ ~glas Talbot, Talbot-Wormers Associates, represented the petitioner.
motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Griffin, and by recorded
te as follows:-
es: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Charles W. Gardner,
hn R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, Jo Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne,
trick L. Standing, and Floyd E.' Waterfield, Jr.
~s: None
~ent: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., and Vice blayor George R. Ferrell
Council approved the following ordinance upon petition of William E. Wood
Change of Zoning District Classification from R-6 Residential District
A-1 Apar%ment District:
FROM R-6 Residential District TO A-1 Apartment
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that:
Petition of William E. Wood for a Change of Zoning Distkict Classification from
R-6 Residential District to A-1 Apartment District on certain property located
on the North side of proposed Lynnhaven Parkway beginning at a point 1000 feet
more or less East of Centerville Turnpike running a distance of 1739 feet more
o-r-less along the North side of proposed Lynnhaven Parkway, running a distance
( 1540 feet more or less along the Northern property line (Virginia Electric
~ t Power Company Easement) and running a distance of 660 feet more or less
along the Western property line. Said parcel is triangular in shape and
contains 15 acres. (Stumpy Lake Area). Kempsville Borough
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit,
the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. Standard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer.
3.' No median cuts will be permitted on Lynnhaven Parkway within 500 feet
of Centerville Turnpike or along Centerville Turnpike within 500 feet of
Lynnhaven Parkway.
4. Procurement of drainage easements and the construction of a drainage
outfa!l system to the South to Stumpy Lake will be required.
Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the
conditions imposed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to by the
applicant that the official change on the zoning maps will not be made until
the following conditions are satisfied:
1. Dedication of right-of-way along~the 3~189 foot frontage for the
proposed Lynnhaven Parkway (a 90-foot dedication).
FRObl R-6 Residential District TO, R-9 Residential
Townhous e District
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that:
Petition of William E. Wood for a Change of Zoning DistricJ Classification from
R-6 Residential District to R-9 Rekid'bnti"al" Townhouse District on certain prop-
erty located on the South side of proposed Lynnhaven Parkway beginning at a
point 2240 feet more or less East of Centerville Turnpike, kunning a distance
of 450 feet along the South side of proposed Lynnhaven Parkway, running a dis-
tance of 1050 feet more or less along the Northern property line, running a
~istance of 83S feet more or less along the Eastern property line, running a
stance of 600 feet more or less along the Southern property line'and running
distance of 910 feet more or less in a Northwesterly direction. Said parcel
contains 20 acres. Plats with more detailed information are available in the
Department of Planning. (Stumpy Lake Area). Kempsville Borough.
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit,
the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. Standard site improvement- as reqt'~,~ed by the Site Plan Ordinance
2. City water and sewer.
3. No median cuts will be permitted on Lynnhaven Parkway within 500 feet
of Centerville Turnpike or along Centerville Turnpike within 500 feet of Lynn-
haven Parkway.
4. Procurement of drainage easements and the construction of a drainage
outfall system to the South to Stumpy Lake will be required.
Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the
conditions imposed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to by the
applicant that the official cha~ge on the zoning maps will not be made until
the following conditions are satisfied:
'-- 1. Dedication of right-of-way along the 3,189 foot frontage for the
pr osed Lynnhaven Parkway (a 90-foot dedication).
ITEM #9014
Petitiqn of William E. Wood for a Chan~_e_e of Zonin~ District Classification'
from R-6 Residential District to B-2 Communi~ty Business- District on certain
property located on the South side of Kempsv,ille Road beginning at a point
210 feet more or less East of Centerville Turnpike, running a distance of
820 feet more or lea:s along the South side of Kempsville Road, running a
distance of 757 feet in a Southeasterly direction, running a distance of
307 feet in a Southwesterly direction, running around a curve in a Southerly
direction a distance of 586°92 feat more or less, running around a curve in
a Southwesterly direction a distance of 1130 feet more or less and running
a distance of 910 feet more or less along the East side of Centcrville Turn-
pikc~ Said parcel is irregular in shape and contains 29.1.4 acres. Plats ~
with more detailed information are available in the Department of Planning°
(Woods Corner Area): KI2dPSVILLE BOROUGH.
Planning Commission Recommendation:
A motion was oassed unanimously hy the_ Pl~nn41~g Commission by a r~~ vote
of lO to approve this request.
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a bu~,lding per~
mit, the follo~eing will be required by the administrative stair:
1. Standard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer.
3. Entrances to the shopping center shall be at least 650 feet from the
intersection of Kempsville Road and Centerville Turnpike.
4. The main entrances are to be channelized 150 feet into the site.
5. Should signalization become necessary due to traffic generated by this
project, the developer shall pay for the cost of st~ch signalization as
deemed necessary by the Director of Con~nunity Services.
6. Necessary right-of-way shall be provided at the intersection of Kemps-
vill. c Road and Centerville Turnpike and at the entrances for future
right turn lanes.
Adequate drainage facilitiea o
app].ic;mt taat the o[tlcial change on the zoning maps will not be made until
the following conditions are satisfied:
1. Dedication of right-of-way along frontage on Centervllle IurnPike (a 30
foot dedication).
2. Dedication of right-of-way along frontage on Kempsville Road (a. 30 foot
dedication). ~
Mr. Douglas Talbot, Talbot-Wermers Associates, repres, enting the petitioner
On motion.by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Griffin, and by recorded
vote as follows:
-~ves: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Charles W. Gardner,
)hn R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne,
~trick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., and Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council approved the following ordinance upon petition of William E. Wood
for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-6 Residential District
to B-2 Community Business DiStrict:
FROM R-6 Residential District TO B-2 Community
Business District
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that:
Petition of William E. Wood for a Change of Zoning District Classification from
R-6 Residential District to B-2 community' BUSiness~ Dfst'rict on certain property
located on the South side of K~mpsville Road beginning at a point 210 feet more
or less East of Centerville Turnpike, running a distance of 820 feet more or les
m-kong the South side of Kempsville Road, running a distance of 757 feet in a
utheasterly direction, running a distance of 307 feet in a Southwesterly
rection, running around a curve in a Southerly direction a distance of 586.92
£oet more or less, running around a curve in a Southwesterly direction a distan~
of 1130 feet more or less and running a distance of 910 feet more or less along
the East side of Centerville Turnpike. Said parcel is irregular in shape and
contains 29~!4 acres. Plats with more detailed information are available in th(
Department of Planning. (Woods Corner Area). Kempsville Borough
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permi~
the following will be required by the administrative staff:
Standard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer.
3. Entrances to ~he shopping center shall be at least 650 feet from
the intersection of Kempsville Road and Centerville Turnpike.
4. The main entrances are to be channelized 150 feet into ~he site.
5. Should signalization become necessar~ due to traffic generated by
this project, the developer shall pay for the cost of such signalization
as deemed necessary by the Director of Community Sorvices.
6. Necessary right-of-way shall be provided at the intersection of
Kempsvi!le.Road and Centerville Turnpike and at the entrances for
future right turn lanes.
7. AdeqUate drainage facilities.
Further, this ordinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the
conditions imposed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to by the
applicant that the official change on the zoning maps will not be made until
the following conditions are satisfied:
1. Dedication of rJght-of-way along frontage on Centerville Turnpike
(a 30-foot dedication)
2. Dedication of right-of-way along frontage on Kempsville Road (a 30-
foot dedication) ~
Petition of William E, Wood for a Chan~e of Zonin~ Db.;~rict Clas f~.cat~.on
from R-6 Residential District to B~2 Community Busine~s District on certain
property located at the Northeast intersection of Ce~t~wille Turnpike and
proposed Lynnhaven Par~¢ay, rt~ning a distance of 676 feet along the East
side of Cente~ille Turnpike, running a distance of 980 feet more or less
along the Northern property line (Virginia Electric and Power Co, Easement)
running a distance of 675 f%et along the Eastern property line and running
a distance of 1000 feet more or less along the Noz'th side of proposed Lynn-
haven Parl~ay. Said parcel contains %5 ~cres. Plats with more detailed in-
formation are available in the D~partment of Planning. (Stumpy Lake Area).
Planning Co~ission Reco~endation:
A motion was passed unanimously by the ~lanning Commission by a recorded
vote of i0 to deny this request as there are sufficient commercial facil-
ities ~.n the area and this section ~hou!d ~ retained as a ..............
Mr. Douglas Talbot, Talbot-Wermers Associates, represented the petitioner
On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Griffin, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, Jo Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payn¢
Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Robert H,~ Callis, Jr., and Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council approved the following ordinance upon petition of William E. Wood
for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R-6 Residential District to
B-2 Cemmunity Business District:
FROM R-6 Residential District TO B-2 Community
Business District
Be it ordaine'd by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that:
Petition of William E. Wood for a Change of Zoning District Classification from
R-6 Residential District to Bz2 Commun~t~ Business 'District on certain property
located at the Northeast intersection of Centerville Turnpike and proposed
Lynnhaven Parkway, running a distance of 676 feet along the East side of Center-
ville Turnpike, running a distance of 980 feet more or less along the Northern
property line (Virginia Electric and Power Company Easement), running a distance
of 675 feet along the Eastern property line and running a distance of 1000 feet
more or less along the North side o~f proposed Lynnhaven Parkway. Said parcel
contains 15 acres. Flats with more detailed information are available ~n the
Department of Planning. (Stumpy Lake Area). Kempsville Borough..
For the information o:f the aFpiicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit
the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. Sta~.dard site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance
--- 2. City water and sewer.
3. No median cuts would be permitted on Lynnhaven Parkway within
500 feet of Centerville Turnpike er along Centerville Turnpike within
500 feet of Lynnhaven Parkway
Further, this erdinance shall be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the
conditions impcsed in this motion, and it is understood and agreed to by the
applicant that the official change on the zoning maps will not be made until
the following conditions are satisfied:
1. A 90-foot right-of-way dedication along proposed Lynnhaven Parkway,
and a 30-foot right-of-way dedication along Centerville Turnpike.
ITEM 119016
?etition of Tilford 1I. Willi,'~ms for a Chan~e of Zon~in( D~strict C].a.~'~,~ificat]on
from AG-1 Agricultural District to A-1 Apartment I.)J..~trict on certain propc~-ty-
located on the West side of Princess Anne Road beginning at a point'4600 feet:
more or ]_ess South of Public Landing Road, running a distance of 772 feet along
the Eastern property line of which 320 feet is the West side of Princess Anne
Road, running a distance of 1524o54 feet along the Southern property line, run-
ning a di'.;tance of 1149 feet along the Western property ].ine and running a d:i.~-
tance of 1302 feet along the North..rn property line. Sa~d parce. 1 contains 26.16
acres. -(Munden Area). PUNGO BOROUGH.
__ Planning Con~nission Recommendation:
A motion was passed by the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of 9 for the
motion and 1 abstention to deny this request as it conflicts with the Princess
Anne Development Plan which recommends a conservation use and approval of this
request would allow apartments which are inappropriate in this section of the
Mr. Thomas C~ Broyles, A~torney, represented the petitioner
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., biayor J. Curtis Payne
Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E~ Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., and Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to refer back to the Planning Commission, with the stip-
ulation that it be returned to Council within sixty days, the above petition
of Tilford H. Williams for a Change of Zoning District Classification from AG-1
Agricultural District to A-1 Apartment District on certain property located on
~ West side of Princess Anne Road beginning at a point 4600 feet more' or less
~ ~th of Public Landing Road, running a distance of 772 feet along the Eastern
! )perry lip. e of which 320 feet is the West side of Princess Anne Road, running
a distance ef 1524.54 feet along the Southern property line, running a distance
of 1149 feet along the Western property line and running a distance of 1302
feet along the Northern property line. Said parcel contains 26.16 acres.
(Munden Area)° Pungo Borough
ITEM #0017
Application of Tilford H. Williams for a Conditional Use Permit for a 124
nnit mobile home park on certain property located on the West side of
Princess Anne Road beginning at a point 4600 feet~more or less South of
Public Land~ng Road, running a distance of 772 feet along the Eastern prop-
erty line of which 320 feet is the West side of Princess Anne Road, running
a distance of 1524.54 feet along the Southern property line, running a dis-
tance of 1149 feet along the Western property line and running a distance
of 1302 feet along the Northern property line. Said parcel contains 26.16
acres. (Munden Area). PUNGO BOROUGH.
Planning Con~ission Recommendation:
A motion was passed by the Planning Commission by a recordcd vote of 9 for
the motion and 1 abstention to deny this request as it conflicts with the
Princess Anne Development Plan which recommends a conservation use and ap-
proval of this request would allow apartments which are inappropriate in
this section of the City.
Mr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney, represented 'the petitioner
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr.,
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
£ ~y Council voted to refer back to the Planning Commission, with the stipulatioi
t ~t it be returned to Council within sixty days, the above petition of Tilford
H. Williams for a Conditional Use Permit for a 124 unit mobile home park on
certain property locate'd o"J~t~e 5Vest si~e of Princess Anne Road beginning at a
point 4600 feet more or less South of Public Landing Road, running a distance of
772 feet along the Eastern property line of which 320 feet is the West side of
Princess Anne Road, running a distance of 1524.54 feet along the Southern pro-
perty line and running a distance of 1302 feet along the Northern property line.
Said parcel contains 26.16 acres. (Munden Area). Pungo Borough
ITEM #9018
On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, ,Ir., Charles W~ Gardner,
John R~ Griffin, Clarence A..Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis
Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Ab--nt: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., and Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
Ci Council approved the following ordinance to authorize the acquisition of
right-of-way for Lynnhaven Parkway, Phase II, property to be acquired in fee
simple; the acquisition of right-of-way either by agreement or condemnation:
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia has
authorized the Lynnhaven Parkway, Phase II Project and has approved
same for right-of-way acquisition; and
%/HEREAS~ in the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, a public necessity exists for construction of this important
project for the preservation of the safety, health, peace, good
order, comfort, convenience, morals and for the welfare of the
people in the City of Virginia Beach.
Section 1. That the City Attorney and/or Assistant City Attorney
is hereby authorized to acquire by purchase or condemnation, pursuant
to Section 15.1-236 et seq. and Section 25-46.1 et seq., Code o~
Virginia of 1950, as amended~ all that certain real property, in
fee simple, including temporary and permanent easements of right-of~
way as shown on Plans for Lynnhaven Parkway Phase II as prepared
by 'Talbot and Associates, Consulting Engineers, Virginia Beach, Virginia,
and on file in the Department of Community Services, Municipal Center,
City of Virginia Beach:. Virginia.
Section 2. Thc. City Attorney and/or Assistant City Attorney is
hereby authorized to make~ or cause to be ~nade~ in behalf of the City
of Virginia Baach~ a reasonable offer to owners or persons having an
interest in said lands, if refused, the City Attorney and/or Assistant
~ity Attor~ey is hereby authorized to institute proceedings to
condemn said property.
Section 3. That an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this
ordinance shall be inforce and effect from the date of its adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the
day of November _ , 1975.
JAR: er
IT1]M #90!9
On motion by Councilman Griffin~ seconded by Councilman Holland, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis
Payne, Patrick L~ Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., and Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
'-~.ty Council approved the following ordinance to authorize the acquisition of
.ght-of~way for Lynnhaven Parkway, Phase III, property to be acquired in fee
.mple; the acquisition of right-of-way either by agreement or condemnation:
WHEP~AS, the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia has authorized the
Lynnhaven Parkway, Phase II~ Project and has approved same for right-of-way
acquisitien; and
WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, a public
necessity exists for construction of this important project for the preservation of
the safety, health, peace, good order, comfort, convenience, morals and for the
welfare of the people in the City of Virginia B~ach.
Section 1. That the City Attorney and/o~ Assistant City Attorney is hereby
authorized to acquire by purchase or condemnation, pursuant to Section 15.1-236
et seq. and Section 25~46.1 et seq.~ Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, all that
certain real property, in fee simple, including temporary and permanent easements
of right-of-way as shown on Plans for Lynnhaven Parkway Phase III as prepared by
Wiley and Wilson, Consulting Engineers, Virginia, and on file in the Department
of Community Services, Municipal Center~ City of Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Section 2. The City Attorney and/or Assistant City Attorney is hereby authorized
tc. make~ or cause to be made~ in behalf of the City of Virginia Beach, a reasonable
offer to owners or persons having an interest in said lands, if refused, the City.
Attorney and~or Assistant City Attorney is hereby authorized to institute proceedings
to condemn said property.
Section 3~ That an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance
shall be in force and effect from the date of its adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the lO
day of Nove~i%er , 1975.
ITEM #9020
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr.', Charles W. Gardner, John
R. Griffin, Atting Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Patrick L.
Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
~ys: None
^Dsent: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, and
Mayor J. Curtis Payne
City Council approved on'first reading the following ordinance to amend
Section 23.24.4 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, relating
to issuance fees for going out of business sales:
That Section 23~2g.4 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
is amended as follows:
By deleting the word "twenty-five" and substituting therefor the word
First Reading:
Second Reading-:
November 10, 1975
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the
__day of ...... , 1975.
A::es: .Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Acting biayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCgy, Jr.,
Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd B. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell,
and Mayor J. Curtis Payne
City Council .approved tax refunds in the amount of $412.33:
l= x i :x
Ha~lett Kenneth
~avidson Mary B
lamsay Robert L
~cClanan A W &
)orothy V
1975 PP
1975 PP
1974 PP
1974 RE
Tax Exoner~
Ticket I~ tion Date Pen- InterI Total
Numb e r i'~o.
036008 11.3303
9O2 5O
1st & 2nd~
,. oid
est i
~owell Melvin R ]973~ RE ,4 059184 5026 '5-5-75 213.12 ~0.66 11.l 23A.97
~omas & Nett!etto 2nd half ........
~]~0\~ e applica' ' ' ·
~ons fo"~-refuad of taxes a~pp=oved Date, /'
~4 ' ' i:[Y"At't°rney
~bove abatements totaling ~,~- ~-~..__~' Approved by City ~ouncil
Da te
Richard Jo Webbon,
Citv Clerk
ITEM t/9022
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes; Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin~ Clarence Ao Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis
Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., and Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council authorized 'the City Manager to sign a contract with Wainwright
and Ramsey, Incorporated, Bond Consulting : Firm, with the rate schedule of
$2.00 per $1,000.00 for the first $2 million; $1.00 per $1,000.00 from $2
million to $5 million; SO.SO per $1,000.00 in excess of $5 million, with a
$1~--000 o 0O limit.
ITEM #9023
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman blcCoy, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Charles W. Gardner,
John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, 3. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis
Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
The. experimental sand bypass project at Rudee Inlet which has been carried on
'by the Waterways Experiment Station (WES) since Apr. il 197S, will terminate
within a few days. WES has agreed to sell the bypass plant to the City of
Virginia Beach for $S0,000. The acquisition of the WES plant would provide
for effective bypassing of a large portion of sand (approximately 90,000 cubic
yards) during an annual productive period. Therefore, City Council authorized
the City Manager to sign the necessary documents to acquire ~his equipment from
the Federal Government for the amount of $S0,000, to be taken from the E'r.,osion
Commission budget.
ITBM #9024
motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by
~corded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jro,
Charles Wo Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. ttenry McCoy, Jr.,
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor.George R. Ferrell
City Council voted to' approve the following proposed role and mission statement
for the Penal!eton Project Advisory Council, as well as the suggested eleven-
member Council:
Advising the Management Board concerning methods
of developing vitally needed resources, such as
Permanent institutJ, onal funding and contributions
of local professional services;
Providing the Project with information concerning
community goals and needs with respect to pre-
deliquent children.
In__conjunction with their considera'i~ion of the Advisory Council's role and
n ;sion, the Management Board also reviewed membership representation. They
] ~ommended an eleven-member Advisory Council apportioned as follows:
Two professional persons from Virginia Beach
Two professional persons from Chesapeake
Two lhy citizens from Virginia Beach
'Two lay citizens from Chesapeake
One client-pare~t from Virginia Beach
One client-parent from ~b. es~.peake
One member of. the Pendle2on Project staff
Council furtn..r voted, to defer +he:.. . appointment of persons to the eleven-member
Advisory Council, until a later date~,
ITEM #9025
Mayor Payne s'tated that on November 24, 1975, at 8:00 .p.m., Council will
rehear the ordinance on the posting of gasoline signs. Mayor Payne further
stated that the City Attorney ~as going to give him, in writing, his opinion
as to the constitutionality of the ordinance.
ITEM #9026
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Couhcilman CrOmwell, and by'
recorded vote as follows~
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert Bo Cromwell,. Jrt,
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy~ Jr.,
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, P, atrick L. Standing, and Floxd E. Watcrfield~ Jr,
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
--'tty Council voted to appoint Mr. Willard P. Whitehurst to fill the unexpired
~rm of Mr. Kermit S. Land on the Virginia Beach Development Authority. The
~rm expires September 30, 1977.
ITEM #9027
Councilman Holland stated that the letter to Congressman R. W. DanielS, Jr.,
from Councilman Baum, regarding drainage and wetlands, was excellent and to
the point. Councilman Holland further sta*ed that with this letter he is
hoping action can be taken to prevent this ~.n the future.
ITEM #9028
Mr. David Hendricks, President of the Innkeepers Association, appeared before
City Council to present the following resolution opposing the dedication of
four feet of Ocean Avenue for private use:
Mr. Wilson Chaplain appeared before Council regarding the resolution. Mr.
Chaplain stated he wanted it understood that he does not want that four-foot
strip bui2t on.
'~'~ ~ '"'" ~'; ? '- ~ ' ~-'*;"7.-~'-'' '?"? "-~.'.:.?'-F~,'.'~.~' r'~,~.?~,.~,~,~~..~...,~..,.¢~..~.~,~ ...... ·
~" WHEREAS, the Innkeepers Association of Virginia
Beach and its members believe that that strip of property
in Virginia Beach Borough, in the City of Virginia BeaCh,
Virginia, bordering the Atlantic Ocean and l~ing between the
ocean and lots on which numerous business establishments have
been constructed variously known as Atlantic Boulevard, Ocean
Avenue an~ the Boardwalk from the eastern most boundaries of the
oceanfront 10ts to the edge of the ocean was dedicated as a
seashore recreational area for the benefit of the public
generally and of the owners of the lot~shown on the plat and
that the offer of dedication has been accepted by the use of
the property by the public and by the acts of the governing
body of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and that private
use, obstruction or encroachment thereon would impair the right
of the public to its benefits and be unjust and improper and
contrary to the public interest and use and would be inconsistent
with public dedication and use and that any private, use by
abutting property owners would be innimical to the free and
unstricted use of the property by the public for the right of
passage and for all other appropriate public uses;
RESOLVED further that the President of the Innkeepers
Association be directed to appear before the City Council of the
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and present this resolution to
record the feeling of the association that there should be no
private obstruction or encroachment of this unique strip of
property bordering the Atlantic Ocean, including the grassy stran¢
strip or lawn~ the concrete boardwalk, and, the beach and that
the public character thereof be maintained in order to provide%he
pffblic with pleasure and relaxation and with easy and ready acces~
to,.from and along the ocean and that the~councjl note and
recognize that future growth may require a still wider board-
walk, or even an entirely different approach and use of'this
area to serve the public in the best interest of the be~ch.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true cepy
of a resolution passed by the Innkeepers Association of.
Virginia Beach~ at a meeting of members duly called and held
on October '23~ 1975.
ITBM #9029
Mr. David Hendricks presented the follcwing resolution to Council regarding
assisting the City of Virginia Beach in promoting and attracting conventions
to the City:
RESOLVED that the Innkeepers Association of
Virginia Beach believes it to be in the best interest of
the City, the members of the association and the public
that conventions be attracted to Virginia Beach by appropriate
cooperation with the cognizant officials and employees of the
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and resolved further that
the President be directed to furnish a copy of this resolution
to the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and that he offer the
services of this association to assist the City in promoting
and attracting conventions in the City of Virginia Beach.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy
of a resolution passed by the Innkeepers Association of
Virginia Beach, at a meeting of members duly called and held
on October 23, 1975.
ITEM #9030
O7 totion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Callis, and by re-
corded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr.,
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
City Council will hold an executive session on Monday, November 17, 1975, for
the purpose of discussing matters permitted for discussion under Section 2.1-344
subparagraphs 1 through 6, inclusive, of the Freedom of Information Act of the
Commonwealth of Virginia.
ITEM #9031
On motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
acclamation, Council adjourned.
RiC---rdJ~ Webbon, City Clerk /
City of Virginia Beach,
--CUrtis P ayn~,
November 10, 1975