October 13, 19 75
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was
held in the Council Chambers, in the Administration Building, in the Borough of
Princess Anne, on Monday, October 13, !975, at 2:00 p.m.
--~e invocation was given by Mr. Richard J. Webbon, City Clerk
_ouncilmen present: John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, J
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles I~~. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd ~. Waterfield, Jr.
Councilmen absent: None
ITEM #8910
On motion by Councilman Gardner,-seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, 'Jr.,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry ~,'lcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L~ Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the minutes of the 'regular meeting of October 6,, 1975, and
di---oensed with the reading of said minutes inasmuch as each Councilman bad a coc
o: t~e subject minutes 0efore. i~.i.m~
ITEM #8.qll
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by. Councilman Baum, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwel!, .Jr.,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles 'I'~. Gardner, John R. Griffzn, C!are:p~ce A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second reading an appropriatio'n of $6,000 in order to
enter into a consulting services contract with Cable Television Information
Center of kfashington, D. C. and The Urban institute.
ITEM #8912
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by re-
corded vote as follows:.
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum,~Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B~ Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L.. Sta.naing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
N_~avs: None
, sent: None
City Council approved on second reading authorization to the City Manager to
execute on behalf of City of Virginia Beach the following State-Local
r~scai Year ~976:
Hospitalization contracts for ~' ' ~
Per Diem
Rate .75-76
Children ts Hospital of Kings Daughters $ 98.10
DePaul ~ospita~
General Hospital of Virginia Beach
Medical Col~,ege of 7irginia
Norfolk Community Hospita~
Riverside Hospital ~
University of Virginia
Per Diem
Rate 74u75
$ 89.00
98.10 85.18
83.76 74,97
99,87 91.28
63.36 55~57
72.8~ 68~52
99,87 91,25
ITEM ~8913
On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Callis, and by recorded
vc~-~, as follows:
Ay : Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jrt,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor .I~ Curtis Payne, ~atric:k L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second reading the following resolution concerning an
application to the Virginia State ~;ater Control Board and the United States
Environmental Protection Agency requesting funds for the preparation of a
Section 201 Facilities Plan {Step I Funds) and further agreed, to pay its share
of the Federal Grant, eitlher through monetary contribution or the provisJon of
in-kind services, :in the amount of :~18,666'
WHEREAS, the Virginia State Health Department has declared that certain
designated areas of V~rginia Beach are potential health hazards at the
urgent level; and
WHERELS, the Virginia State t4ater Control Board has made available to
the City funds For the Dreparation of a Section 201 Facilities P)an (Step Ji~;
and ~
WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Facilities Plan to ascertain a via~
ble solution to the health hazard problems, afford significant citize, n input,
and insure that the most cost-effective solutions to the problems ar(~ ~cc,~.~,,.~
mended; and
WHEREAS, the application by the City for funds to construct a ~ederally-
assisted sewage treatment ~ ",~ ·
~ys;...m under Section 201 (Steps Ii and
tingent upon certification of a Facilities Plan by the State Water Control
Board and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency; and
WHEREAS, the estimated pro?am cost of the ¢,acilities Plan is
and the estimated local con!;ribut:~'on for the ~,roqram is $18,665; aqd
WHEREAS, the Grant Application~..,-,-oce~.,._~,,,t:, requir¢s, the applicant to ]nc,ude' ~ ~
executed ag,~..me,~s as deemed ap?o~iate for ~he preparation of ~he Facilities
That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to cause such
,_.information or materials as mas be neces~,ary to be provided to the State Water
Control ~oard ~nd %r'.e Env'~ronmen'~:al Pro~ectio~ Agency to permit 1:he formulation,
~pproval and funding of the S~ep .~; Facii';t~es Plan under Section 20l of the
Federal Water ?oitutit, n Control Act A,nendmen?. of 1972;
~F -"' ' ='~' , .~"~tv Hanaqer is hereby *horized
AND 8c Ii' F~.P, TH~:',, [~.ES()LVET! !:hat ti~e r .,, _ . atlt
'and direc:ted to ~,',~ ~ntc ,.,., .... c.,,~crt., as ~'~ 7"' ..... ~
........ *?~'~' ,' ,"< deemed a~.p,o~¢,~a,u for the preparation
of a Facilities P~e~n;
AND ~ , ~'cr
t,E IT FU?.TIfEi] R. ao,JLV~:~, that the City o'F Virginia Beach agrees to
its share of the federa~ gran5 ei*h~ +'~ .... qh ' ~","~':~,',,
AND 8E IT FURTHER R!~SOL.¥ED, that the State Water Control Board and the
Environmental Protection Aq(,ncv are ~spe,::'cfu!iy rPcuested to a~s'~st in the
prompt approval and fundinfi of the s~bjec":. ~'mogram in order that the public.
interests of '" .... '- '~
tnls City may be hes~ pro,~ected.
1 .... g _z g.~n~a -
Mayor Payne presented the fo Lowin 'Vi- ~ 4 Beach Lifesaver Award *o
Richmonder James R .m.~.,.h a. no Lar2 W. * ....... III a Virginia Beach *~=sident
~-. f '" ::an (]! .,~ge ii and quite poss:ibly the lives o~'
for saving the l...fc o ~zz bb¢~ : , , ., ..
¢ri2n's 15 year o].d ,)'rot.he:: "~°~'ae'~ ano. th. e1-' 5 year ol cousin, Kair:7_na
-.L~ q,,. ::.:. :.
:' ls~ Vice
. Walt~r Taylor
( 2nd Vice President
Beach Safety C
;. PHONE 804/340-6623 or 34~6377
The Virginia Beach Safety Council today recognized and awapded
the Virginia BeaCh Lifesaver Award to Ric~monder James R,, Smith and
Earl W. Edwards Iii,-a Virginia. Beach resident.
The two awards were presented by Mayor Curtis Payne at the open,:ng
of Monday's City Council meeting. The inscription on the awards reads
as follows -
;- : On July 20~ ~97~ at ~! ,,,0~ while enjoying a S~.mday mo~ning
.~-" ....... .t!:..s.r:~:.. :~:I:' fishing trip ~t the L~.~na'~:~sh~n~_ Pie~, Earl W,, Edwa?ds~
III and j~es R. Smi~:c ~aved tho .life of Bri~ ~' ~ ~.~
:, and'quits pos~:~bl~'~"the J, iv'os of Bri,~a 1.5 year oi~ brother.,
: -'- Michael and thsLz'. I?c: y~sr o~.d cousin, ' - ' ce
the two o:Lde~' childreo ',~¢er~ rapidly o~erriencing g~eat
.'~-' cu. lty in l-ho~'~ attemo~ t.o 'cull BrL~ f'rcm wa'~e? over his
i:tead~ c,,~z:..,:. Edwa~-M.s d::*re.d fa?om the ~:LS.z..rz,,, pier and sw~
assist tho "~'
~m.~dr, en :,Lft~,~:r a .few tens~ moments it bocssne
.~: ":: , O~eter:i. ora'bir, g ~i;-,~,~t':c,:a james Smith ,tive~:.t :fro.m tho
Aft,:)]:; swJ.:~,~.J..ng &o f;.h~ z....; ~ Jim and :¢f, ar']. w'ork'.inE to~,
. 'Both reoipier, ts were nomi~.ate(~ by the ch:il:l~on~s mother¢ :~irs~, .Diane
;. .~.
Gibbs These are the fourth a "
. .n~ fifth s~v'er
by the Safety Com~c:L1 since the i;mception of Vl'-~.e 9~,,a,d two years
Any indi~idua! who goes to the r~acu, e :'~F another person ~ib,.~::~se 1.if~' .',,,~ in
- ~" · danger is eligible ~o .receive the swat& providing the incident
· - in Virginia Beach, or its contiguou~ waters, Nomination £'oz,~,s for the
c.,.~=r;.r s office a.b Mumicipal center, Dup-
award are available at the city "~*~ ' ~'
~,h.~, hallway adjoining
licato awards are on display :t.~, '~ ~'
chambers Lu the City Admir~istra'Oion Building..
Earl W. Edwards,
On July 20, 1975 at 11:05 a.m. while enjoying a Sunday morning fishb~g trip at the Lynn-
haven Fishing Pier, Earl W. Ed'a, ards. III and James R. Smith saved the life o!' Brian Gibbs
age. 11 and quit~ possibly the lives of Brian's 15-year-old brother, Michael and their 15eyear-
old cc, usit% Katrina. Seeing r~at t~ha two older children were rapidly experiencing great d:f-
ficulW in their attempt to pull Brian from water over his head, Earl Edwards dived from the
fishing pier and swam m assist the children. ADer a few tense moment~ it became apparen~
thai Earl was encounmrmg a similar difficulty in his attempt to aid the three panic-stricken
children. At t. he same moment, immediately recognizing the danger of the deteriorating
sil~uatien, .lames Smith dived from the pier. After swimming to the tired group, Jim and Earl
working ~ogether successfi~lly brought the three children safely to shore.
iTEM #8915
Petition of Leo Tebele and Murray Tebele for a Chanteuse pf ~onin~ District
Classification from A-1 Apartment £istrict to B-2 Co~unity Business Dis-
trict on certain property beginning at a point 130 feet East of Cypress ~
Avenue, running a distance of 60 feet along the South side of 21st Street,
running a distance of 130 feet along the Eastern property line, running a
distance of 60 feet along the Southarn property line and yunning a distance
of 130 feet along the Western property line. Said parcel contains 7,800 ·
---- mquare feet. VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUGH.
Planning Commission Recommendation: ~o._
A motion was passed unanimously by the Planning Commission by a recorded .
vote of 13 to approve this request. .
For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building
permit, the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. Standmrd site improvements as required by the Site Plan Ordinance.
2. City water and sewer. .
The motion further stated that if the use of this property is such thzt
additional on-site parking is required and access to the parking area is
from the alley, the applicant will De required to install curbing and pave
to the center of the alley for tha width of the property. Additionally, a
~torm dr~in~will be required in th~ ditch a!onz the alley. ·
On motion 0y councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Standing, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert t3. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrel!, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standi~og, and
F~-yd E. Waterfield, Jr.
N~ ~: None
Absent' None
City Council approved, the following ordinance upon petition of Leo Teb~ele and
Maurry Tebele for a Change of Zoning District Classification from A-1 Apartment
District to B-2 Community-.Business District~
District TO B-2 Community-Business ~i~trict
Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia B'each, Virginia, that:
Petition of Leo Tebele and ~,4aurry Tebele .for a Change of Zoning District Class-
ification from A-1 Apartment District to B-2 Community Business District on
certain property beginning at a point 130 feet East of Cypress Avenue, running
a distance of 60 feet along the South side of 21st Street, running a distance
of 130 feet along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 60 feet
along the Southern property line and running a distance of 130 feet along the
Wesf, e~rn property line. Said parcel contains 7,800 square feet. Virginia Beach
Bor~ gh.
For ~ne information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building
permit, the following will be required by the administrative staff:
1. Standard site improvements as requi, red by the Site Plan Ordinance
2. City water and sewer
£he motion further stated that if the use of this property is such that add-
itional on-site parking is required and access to the parking area is from
the alley, the applicant will be reuqired to install curb and pave to the
renter of the alley for the Width of the property. Additionally, a storm
Jrain will be required in the ditch along the alley. -"
On motion by Vice blayor Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, .Ir., Robert B. Cromwell, .tr.,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrei!, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin~ Clarence A.
Holland, 3. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, 'Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
sent: None
t~ty Council voted to refer to'the Planning Commission the following ordinance
to amend the appendix, Title II, Subdivision Ordinance, Sanitary Sewerage,
Section 5.9 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, relating to
charges for stand-by emergency sewage equipment:
That Paragraph four (4), (unnumbered) in Section 5.9, of the Subdivision
Ordinance be amended by adding the following as underscored:
Where general sewerage systems are provided by the developer, they shal~ be
offered to the City at no cost in accordance with the terms and provisions of the
Standard Subdivision Agreement. ~he're general sewerage systems provided by the
developer include pumping st~tions~ ..~her~ on____-site.s~and-by power is not provided bZ
the developer, the developer will be required to deposit with the Department of
Public Utilities, the sum of $1,000.00 per pumping station to be used for the
purchase of emergency portable equipment. In the event a sewerage pumping station
w~ll have a capacity g~e_aater than J,__O.00 gallons per minute pumping rate_,.an addj;tignal
fee of $1.00 p~.r sallon per minute, over 1,000 gallons per minute will be required.
First reading:
Second reading:
Referred to Planning Commission: October 13, 197S
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the
day of , 1975.
.iITEM #8917
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded
by Councilman Griffin, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice blayor George R. Ferrell, Charles ~f. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
ty Council approved the following ordinance to amend and reo:rdain Chapter 22,
the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia relating to motor vehicles:
That Chapter 22 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach is
hereby amended as follows:
1. By adding in Section 22-2 the following definition:
Bicycle - Bicycle shall include pedal bicycles with helper motors
rated less than one brake horsepower, which produce only ordinary
pedalling speeds up to a maximum of twenty miles per hours, provided
such bicycles so equipped shall not be operated upon any highway or
public vehicular area of this City by .any person under the age of
sixteen years.
2. By adding in Sectidn 22-2 to the definitiOn of "MotOr ~ehicle"
the following at the end of said definition: For the purpose~of this
chapter, any device herein defined as a bicycle shall be deemed not to
be a motor vehicle.
3. By reordaining Section 22-50 as follows:
Section 22-50. Certain information to appear on sides of "for hire"
vehicles; exceptions.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be
operated or to permit the operation of a "for hire" motor vehicle,
except those falling within ~he gross weight group of 10,000 pounds
and less, over or on the highways of this City unless the name and
address of the owner of such vehicle plainly appears on both sides
of such vehicle in letters of such size, shape and color as to be
readily legible during daylight hours from a distance of fifty feet
while the vehicle is not in motion. Such display shall be kept and
maintained in such manner as to remain so legible, and may be accom-
plished through the use of a removable device so prepared as otherwise
to meet the identification and legibility requirements of this
paragraph. Provided that the provipions contained im this para-
graph shall not apply to any motor vehicle, use of which is
restricted to wedding, ambulance or funeral services, nor to any
motor vehicle rented without chauffeur and operated 'under a valid
lease agreement which provides that the lessee of such vehicle
shall have exclusive control thereof, but this exemption shall
not include motor vehicles leased to common or contract carriers
of persons or property which operate or should operate under
certificates or permits issued by the State Corporation Co~nission
or the Interstate Commerce Commission.
It shall also be unlawful to operate upon the highways of this
City a pickup or panel truck, tractor truck, trailer or semitrailer
with a name on it other than the owner's or lessee's name thereon;
provided, however, advertising material thereon for another pursuant
to a valid contract is not prohibited.
4. By amending Section 22-33 as follows: By adding in the
first sentence after the first five words, the words "including an
arrest on a warrant."
5. By ordaining a new Section 22-33.1 as follows:
Section 22-33.1. Issuance of warrants upon failure to comply.
(a) Upon the failure of any person to comply with the terms of
a summons or notice as provided in Section 22-33, the court may direct
the arresting officer or the clerk of the court to obtain a warrant
for his arrest or for the violation of his written promise to appear
given in accordance with Section 22-33 and serve, or cause to be served,
or attemp~ or cause to be attempted, to serve such warrant on the
person. The warrant shall be returnable to the court having juris-
diction of the offense and~shall be accompanied by a report by the
arresting officer which shall clearly identify the person arrested,
specifying the section of the Code of Virginia or ordinance violated,
the location of the offense, a description of the motor vehicle and
its registration or license number.
(b) If the warrant is returned to the court with a notation
"not found" or the person named in the warrant does not appear on
the return date thereof, the court shall forward a certificate of
the fact of nonservice or nonappearance with a copy of the report
specified in section (a) above to the Commissioner of the Division
of Motor Vehicles, who shall forthwith suspend the operator's or
chauffeur's license of such person. The order of suspension shall
specify the reason for the suspension. Such suspension shall
continue until such time as the court has notified the Commissioner
that the defendant has appeared before the court under the terms of
the summons or notice and the warrant.
(6) By ordaining a new Section 22-33.2 as follows:
Section 22-33.2. Any police officer in the course of his duties and
the investigation of an accident involving a motor vehicle or vehicles,
may, at the scene of any such accident, issue a subpoena to any witness
to appear in court and testify with respect to any criminal charge
brought against any person as a result of such accident. 'A subpoena so
issued shall have the same force and effect as if issued by the court.
Any person failing to appear in 'response to a subpoena issued as
provided herein shall be punished as provided by law.
(7) By amending Section 22-108(3) as follows: By addin:~ to
subsection (3) the following: "provided that official traffic control
devices may be erected directing specified traffic to use a designated
lane or designating those lanes to be used by traffic moving in a
particular direction regardless of the center of the roadway and
drivers of vehicles shall obey the direction of every such device."
(8) By reordaining Section 22-226 as follows:
Section 22-226. Length of vehicles - generally; special permits.
No motor vehicle exceeding a length of forty feet shall be
operated on any highway of the City; provided, however, the City
Manager may, by general or special order, which may be amended or
rescinded from time to time, permit the operation of passenger b%,ses
in excess of thirty-five feet but not exceeding forty feet on certain
highways or parts thereof designated by the City Manager. The actual
length of any combination of vehicles coupled together including
any load thereon shall not exceed a total of fifty-five feet; and
no tolerance shall be allowed herein; provided, further, however,
that the City Manager in cases of emergency may issue a special
permit fo~ combinations in excess of fifty-five feet, including any
load thereon, where the object or objects to be carried cannot be
moved otherwise; provided further that vehicles designed and used
exclusively for the transportation of motor vehicles may have an
additional overhang not to.exceed five feet. Passenger buses may
exceed the forty foot limitation when such excess length is caused
by the projection of a front safety bumper Or a rear safety bumper
or both. Such safety bumper shall not cause the length of the bus
to exceed the maximum legal limit by more than one foot in the front
and one foot in the rear. "Safety bumper" means any device which
may be fitted on am existing bumper or rep~.aces the bumper and is
so constructed, treated or manufactured so it absorbs energy upon
(9) By amending Section 22-238 as follows: By adding after
the second sentence in subsection (b)~the following: "No permiB.
issued under this section providing for a single axle weight in
excess of 20,000 pounds or for a tandem axle weight in excess of
34,000 pounds shall be issued to include travel on the federal
interstate system of highways"; and by deleting in the next sentence
the word "fifty'~ and substituting therefor the word "sixty"; and
further deleting the words ~'thirty-six" and substituting therefor
the word "forty"; by deleting the present last sentence in sub-
section (b) and substituting therefor the words "No such permit
shall be issued authorizing the operation of the vehicles enumerated
in this subsection for a distance of more than twenty-five miles from
a'batching plant, however, the said permit shall not designate the
route to be traversed nor contain restrictions or conditions not
applicable to other vehicles in their general use of the highways.
Each vehicle, when loaded according to the provisions of a permit
issued under this section, shall be operated at a reduced speed.
The reduced speed limit is to be ten miles per hour slower than the
legal speed limit in fifty-five, forty-five and thirty°five miles
per hour speed limit zones.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
on the 13 day of October : 1975.
ITEM #8918
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Calf[is, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell., Jr.,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell., Charles W. Gard:~er, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
itolland, J. Henry McCoy., .Jrt, bla. yor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following tax refunds 'in the amount of $1425.~8:
To: Mr. Dale Bimson Ci~ty
From: .Mr, V. A. ~Etheridge, Treasurer
Mort, Dana 'A
Moore Glynn I &
Peggy M
Mutual Fed Sav.
Butterworth Geo.
A H Richardson
Taylor C Aubrey
Va. Beach Fed S .l
Kassir Nabi! D &
Va. Beach Fed B L
Triad Enterprises
VBi Beach Fed B L
J her Alfred S 1975
.Va. Beach'Fed B ~
Sea Bay Der Corp! 1975
Attn R G Bosher
Atl Cleaners
Sisson Hugh H
& Frances B/
Glae~r Frederic~
& JuditbK
Cameron & Brown
Subject: Application for Tax Refunds
The following applications for refund of taxes totaling $
and certified for payment, as set forth below:
, ?,
Tax I of Ticket ]tion
Year T.ax Number ~o.
1975 PP ',~) 05740g 1,3143
1975 RE ~) 040445 5002
1975 RE ~) 008322 4498
1st & 2nd
1975 RE f~' 056975 4676
1st 'half
1975 RE ~/ 031470 4709
!s t. half
1975 RE ~/ 058847 4674
Is t half
RE ~* 031176 4715
1st half
RE f/ 051368 4941
is t half
1975 RE f/ 001900 471A
1st half
1975 RE f/ 053253 4790
1974 RE ~/ 020778 3766
ls t half
Above applications for refund of taxes
Above aba Cements totaling
Sept 29, 1975
V. A. Etheridge
Date ~ Inter Tot
Paid Base
5-30-75 2'7
~6-10~75 8
5~29-75 45.00 90
5-29-75 45.00
~6-10-75 24
6~10-75 ',~ 50
6-10-75 33
6-10-75 33
6-10-75 144
6 -10-75 84
approved. Da te~ ....
'-D-a/le'~imson, C~ ty A~rorh
Approved by
Da te
Richard J, ~bbom,
City Clerk
TO: Mr. Dale Bimson C'ity Attorn&y
From: ·Mr. V..A. ~Etheridge, Treasurer
' ' Da te
OCt. 3, 1975
Subje,:t: Application for .Tax Refunds
The following applications for refund of taxes totaling $
and certified for mayment, as set forth below:
John B Miles
McIntyre Douglas
Barco William
Goodloe Edward
Whitehurs t Johm"
Bell Gerald A &.
Barbara C
1st Mort Corp.
Visser Roger &
K~ th Billy J &
J¢ ~ M.
Creef Dennis L &
North Bay Dev.
c/o W B Meredith
Walker Ralph D
Attn E P Kiernan
Bayville Farms
Bayville Farms
Numb e r
f~ 053557
~ 04138
f~ 031104
fJ 88375
o6 o75
Ist & 2nd
is t half
f~ 031679
Is t half
{~- 013441
~ 1st half
· ~, 042797
ls t half
fJ 060643
~ ist half
~9 003743
ls t half
Bayville Farms
/J 003744
Is t half
1st half
~ V. A. Etheridge
Tax i:,~xoner - , .
~tion Date = Pen- "Inter Tot~
i ~q. Paid Base alty est __
1-9-75 7,
13156 6-10'75 66,
13155 6-10-75 142,
1.315]. 6-1.0-75 22.
~9-9-75 25.74I 1.29 .41 27.
4.845 6-'7 -74 77.7.6 155.
. 12-5-74 77.761
~863 5~22-75 54.
.50~2 6-10-75 ].3.
.5006 6-] 0-'75 16.
4860 6-10-75 22~
.5008 5--27-75 ~ 24.
A995 6-10-75 2.
4994 6-10-75 77.
5013 6-10-75 85.
4671 6-10-75 33.60 67.
4701 6-10-75 33.60
approved. Dm t~ .?,~/.7 / ~ _ _ _
~le Bimson, C~tv A~orn~~
Approved by City Co~nc~l
City Clerk
De'. ~ra Samuel C 1975! RE 17J015348
& t ~garet 19751 RE /.~ 015349
Above applications' for refund of taxes
Above abatements totaling
On motion by.Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote" as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice blayor George R. Ferrell, Charles ~. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
C.j_ty Council adopted the following resolution requesting th.~' Virginia Department
Highways and Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration to take
nediate action to alleviate the existing hazardous conditions at the inter-
s~¢tions of 1~64 and 1-264, and the approaches thereto:
WHEREAS, The Virginia Department of Highways and
Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration hav~
constructed an interstate highway system serving the City of*
Virginia Beach and the City of Norfolk which intersection %
known as the intersection of 1-64 and 1-264, and
WHEREAS, This intersection lies solely within the
City of Norfolk but is vitally important to commuter traffic
to and from the City of Virginia Beach, and
WHEREAS, The traffic voiumes have increased to such
an extent that this intersection as it exists today ihas become
quite dangerous and unsafe, and
WHEREAS, The traveling public has experienced gre%t
difficulty and numerous accidents while negotiating the various
on and off movements at this intersection and the approaches
That the Department of Highways and Transportatiop and
the Federal Highway Administration are hereby requested to give
immediate consideration to whatever measures necessary to alleviat
the unsafe traffic conditions at the intersection of 1-64 and
1-264 and the approaches thereto.
ITEM #8920
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R,~ Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
A ent: None
City Council approved the following resolution requesting the United States
Secretary of Transportation to reallocate interstate funds from the northern
Virginia sections of Interstate Route 66 to the incompleted Hampton Roads
sections of Interstate Routes 264 and 464, i.e., the interstate gap at the
Elizabeth River crossing where i~264 is bisected by the Elizabeth River and
i-464 is incomplete; and further requested that an amendment be added to
include the Virginia Beach-Norfolk Expressway:
AUGUST 20, 1975
~R{EREAS, the Executive Conunittee of the Southeastern Virginia Planning
District Commission serves as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the
Southeastern Virginia ,Planning District urbanized area in accordance with a
Continuing Transportation Planning Process Agreement between the Commission and
the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation; and,
W~1EREAS, the Commission kas recommepded the place~nent 'of the ~Berkfey
Bridge and the Downtown Norfolk-Portsmouth Tunnel on the Interstate System
and the National Defense Highway System, and tremendous efforts have been carried
out to obtain the urgently needed additional Interstate Funds to finance this
crossing between Norfolk and Portsmouth; and,
Wq~EREAS, the United States Secretary of Transportation has ruled that
Interstate Route 66 between the Beitway and the Potomac River in Virginia, con-
.sisting'of 9.6 miles, cannot be constructed, and,
W~1EREAS, the said mileage will be lost to Virginia if it is not trans-
ferred to other highway needs in the Connnonwealth, and
WqlEREAS, there is an urgent need for the use of Interstate Funds to
complete the Interstate gap at the Elizabeth River crossing where 1-264 is
bisected by the Elizabeth River, and 1-464 is i~complete; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the State Highway and Transportation Commiss~ion
is urged to take the steps necessary to redistribute so much of said Interstate
mileage as necessary to complete 1-264 at its crossings of the Elizabeth River;
BE IT FURTIlER RESOLVED, that the State Highway and Transportation
Commission t~ke such steps as necessary to redistribute other available 1-66
Interstate mileage funds to complete gaps in the Interstate System in the
Hampton Roads area; and~
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution be sent to
the Governor of Virginia, Secretary of Transportation and Public Safety,
'members of the Virginia tlighway Commission, the Commissioner of Highways and
Transportation, the Participating Jurisdictions and their Members of the Genera].
In witness thereof:
Dur~ood S. Curiing, Cha:irman
Certified to be a true copy of a resolution adopted by the
$outhea.otern ~irginia Planning District Co~nission at its
~.~ee~Y~ 'of, August 20, t975 an~ made a part of the official
~ r~ .~ ~U~;,>k,'~.~'~zu~ V,.~GI~!A PLAA4~G D~.~TRICT COz~7..,.~SION
~ ~ ~x" ,y,RfJ~ert.'~%x j'aeJler, E%'ecutive Director/Secretary
,, '. :,,~..' .... .,r,~,.~ .
ITEM # 8921
On motion by Councilman £::ardner, secondeJ by Councilman Holland, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert tt~ Callis, Jr., Robert B, Cromwell, Jr~
Vice Mayor George R~ Ferrell, Charle~ Wo Gardner, John R. Criffin~ Clarence %.
.tt~..ry rqcCoy~ Jr , Mayor J Curtis Payne, Patrick L .... tending., an~
Floyd E, ~aterfic.ld, J'r.
Nays: None
; ent: None
City Council. adopted the following resolution appointing the City Manager
as the authorized agent tc execute and sub,nit grants in aid applications
under Section 206 (a), Reimbursement, of thc Federal. ',~ster Pollution 7outroi
Act Amendments of !972:
WHEREAS, the Ci~ty of Vi~ginia Beach plans active
participation in Federa7i add State grants in aid pro-
grams; and
WHEREAS, such applica't~onsrequire an authorized
agent to be designated
C~, Council of Virginia
H~F~ BE ~SO~..,,,~z,D by the Council of the
City of Virginia Beach~
That the City 3~anager,..Mr'. George L. Hanbury, is
hereby designated as thc authorized ~lgent to execute and
submit such gr~nts in ~id applications to the governmental
agencies of the F~.~~ ' ~'
~o.zal. and State Governments with regard
to Section 206(a), Reir~ursemen'{x, of the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1.972.
lt. Russell Chaplain appeared on tn~
:ouncilman Callis made a motion, seconded by Councilman ~,~cCoy, to reconsider
he 4-foot encroachment of the Kona KaZ. ?he recorded vote is as follow~:
Xes~ Councilmen ~o6ert ~. Caliis, Jr., .~obert B. Cromwell~ J~. ~ Fi.c~ Mayor
eo~ R. Ferre]l, Charles ~'. Gardner, Joh~ R. griffin, Clarence A.. ~Iol~and,
r ~y ~cCoy, Jr.~ ~qayor J. Cur'tis Pavne~ derrick L. Standi. ng~ and Flo~d
ate~ ~:ield, Jr.
~ys: Councilman John A. B~um,
ent: None
Council voted to reconsi-~uet the ~ - ~oot en,~.roachment~ ~ the Kona ~a~
ITEM t! 8922 (b)
Councilman Callis made a motion, seconded by Councibnan McCoy, to approve the
4-foot encroachment for the Kona Kai Motel. The recorded vote is as follows-
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H~ Callis, Jr., John R. Griffin, 3. Henry Mccoy, Jr.
Mayor J. Curtis Payne, and P~trick L~ Standing
Nays: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Charles W, Gardner,
Clarence A. Holland, and Floyd E~ ',~aterfield,
Abstain: Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell
A~ent: None
P to a tie vot'e the motion was lost; Council did., however, request the
City Manager to study the property line and report his findings back to
Counci 1.
ITEM #8923
On motion by Vice Mayor Ferreii, seconded by Councilman Standing, and by re-
corded vote as follows'
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor George P.. Ferre[]., Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence A.
Holland, J. iienry ,McCoy, .Tr., Hayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the !o~¢ bid oF Virginia-Carolina Contractors, Incorporated,
in the amount of $] 09 ,.12q,~ . ...~0,, for tr~e ~arliament Drive Area Sanitary. Sewerage
Facilities (Contract I-[~?-avitv): and furtl-,.e~' authorized the City Manager to
execute the necessary agr,,2enie?.t'.4 for imp]..ementation of this project. 'Funds are
av~j,lab ie.
ITEM ,~ 8924
On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by recorded
vote as follows
Ayes: Councilmen Jokn A. Baum. Robert H., Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromweli, Jrt,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferre]L, Charles
·.., . ' ' ,, and
Holland, J. ilen'ry ?¥Ic2o',: J~. , ,",!ayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standzn~,
Nays: None
Kbsent: None
City Council approved the low bid of Central Builders, Incorporated, in 'the
amount of $2?6,970.00, fer the Parliament Drive Area Sanitary Sewerage Facilities
(Contract II-Gravity); and '(!urther authorized the City blanager to execute the
xecessary agreements for i~tplementatJc, n of this project. Funds are available,,
ITEM #8925'
)n motion by Councilman Standing, seconded by Councilman McCoy, arid by recorded
~ote as follows:
ryes Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
~ice {ayor George R. Ferrell, Charx;:s W. Gardner, John. R. Griffin, Clarence '
'.olland, J. llenry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
'loyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
ays: None
bs ent: None
ity Council approved the low bid of Van de Reit Construction Company, Inc., in
he amount of $60,232.00, for the Parliament Drive Area Sanitary Sewerage
aci'litJes (Contract III-Pump Station); and further authorized the City Manager
o execute the necessary agreements for the implementation of this project.
~nds are available.
ITEM #8926
On motion, by Vice blayor Ferrell, seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Vice Mayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffin, Clarence Ao
Holland, $. tienry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. igaterfield, Jr.
.__Nays: None
~bsent: None
City Council approved the low' bid. of Luke Construction Company, Incorporated, in
the amount of $56,700.00, for the Parliament Drive Area Sanitary Sewerage
Facilities (Contract IV-Pump Station); and further authorized the City Manager t
execute the necessary agreements for the implementation of this:, project. Funds
are available.
ITEM # 8927
Councilman McCoy stated that at the last Norfolk City Council meeting the
Councilmen voted to rescind its proposed site for the Federal Postal Building.
Councilman blcCoy requested the City Attorney to prepare a resolution requesting
Mr. Benjamin F. Bailey, Post J~.laster General of the United States, requesting
that the new Federal Postal. Building be constructed on a site near I~64 and
Indian River Road.
After considerable discussion, Councilman McCoy made a motion, seconded by
Councilman Griffin, to adopt the following resolution requesting the Post
Master General of the United State~,~ to have the new Fecieral Postal Bdilding
constructed on a site near 1-64 and Indian River P. oad in Virginia Beach. The
recorded vote is as follows:
res: Councilmen John A, Baum, Robert H. Call.is, Jr., Robert ~ ~. Cromwell, Jr.,
ice 2,1ayor George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, John R. Griffi'n, Clarence A.
iiolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council adopted the following resolution requesting the Post blas~er General
of the United States to have the new Federal Postal Building constructed on a
site near 1-64 and Indian River Road in Virgin. ia Beach:
ITEM #8928
d.ayor Payne stated that the City Manager is meeting with the Navy to discuss
:ne proposed Green Run site for the Navy housing; and also any problems,-such
ts drainage, streets, sewerage, etc., that might arise.
[ayor Payne also informed Council that Vice ~',Iayor Ferrell, and Counci4men
Jr were also going to be present at the
ohn A. Baum and J. Henry ,lcCoy, .,
meeting is to be held on Friday, October 17, 1975, at 3:30 p.m., in the
tnning Department Conference Room.