HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 2 2001 MINUTESCITY COUNCIL MAYOR MEYERA E OBERNDORE At-Large VICE MAYOR WILLIAM D SESSOMS, JR, At-Large LINWOOD 0 BRANCH, III, Beach -Dtstrtct 6 MARGARET L EURE, Centervtlle -Dtstrtct 1 WILLIAM W HARRISON, JR, Lynnhaven -Dlstrtct 5 BARBARA M HENLEY, Prtnces, Anne -Dtstrtct 7 LOUIS R JONES, Baystde -Dtstrtct 4 REBA S McCLANAN, Rose Hall -Dtstrtct 3 ROBERT C MANDIGO, JR, Kempsvtlle -Dtstrtct 2 NANCY K PARKER, At-Large ROSEMARY WILSON, At-Large JAMES K SPORE, Ctty Manager LESLIE L LILLEY, Ctty Attorney RUTH HODGES-SMITH, MMC, Ctty Clerk "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 0~. OUR CITY HALL BUILDING 1 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINIA 23456-9005 PHONE (757) 427-4304 FAX (757) 426-5669 EMAIL Ct~'cncl@cttv vtrgtnta-beach va us January 2, 2001 I CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS - Conference Room - 11:00 AM A B. Co SANITARY SEWER RATE INCREASE Clarence Wamstaff, Director, Department of Public Utilities NORFOLK WATER SERVICE' Contract Issues Clarence Wamstaff, Director, Department of Public Utilities GENERAL BOOTH FIRE STATION Gregory B. Cade, Chief, Fire Department II. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS III CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS IV INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - I:00PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf B ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Citizens may register to address City Council for a limited time on any item on the Formal Council Agenda. Speakers may register immediately prior to the meeting or, in advance, by calling the City Clerk's Office at 42 7-4303. V FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber- 2:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend Thomas H Britton Pastor Emeritus C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1 1NFORMAL & FORMAL SESSIONS 2. SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION December 12, 2000 December 26, 2000 Go AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION The Consent Agenda will be determined during the Agenda Review Session and considered tn the ordinary course of business by Ctty Councd to be enacted by one motion. H PUBLIC HEARING o SALE OF EXCESS CITY OWNED PROPERTY: 1876 Wildwood Drive ( DISTRICT 5 - LYNNHAVEN) 2. FARMERS' MARKET LEASE - Reflections of the Heart ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION Ordinance to declare a 1.935 acre parcel of land as EXCESS PROPERTY at 1876 Wildwood Drive, and, authorize the City Manager to convey this property to Morris Investment Inc. ( DISTRICT 5 - LYNNHAVEN) ° Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to enter into a lease with Laurie Moser t/a "Reflections of the Heart" for space #11 at The Farmers Market. ° Ordinance to CREATE and ESTABLISH neighborhood storm water infrastructure improvements; TRANSFER $1,305,292 from Lynnhaven Drive drainage outfall; ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $577,407 in additional state funds from the V~rgima Department of Transportation (VDOT); and, increase estimated revenues accor&ngly to fund drmnage ~mprovements in various neighborhoods. . Resolution to confirm a "Sister City" designation between the Borough of North Down, Northern Ireland, and the City of V~rg~nia Beach; and further, to ~nwte the Mayor of North Down to Virgima Beach for the signing ceremony on January 23,2001 5. Refunds: a. Licenses: $155,158.75 b. Tax: $ 1,206.67 APPOINTMENTS COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD - Nominated December 12, 2000. Vicki E. Short (Family Member) Helen P. Shropshire 3 years Unexpired thru 12/31/02 1/1/01 - 12/31/03 lin accordance with Vtrgima State Code, 3~ 37 1-195, information on the above proposed appomtees ts available tn the Office of the City Clerk] HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION VIRGINIA BEACH FOUNDATION, INC.-Distribution Committee VIRGINIA BEACH HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD K. UNFINISHED BUSINESS L. NEW BUSINESS M. ADJOURNMENT If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, call: TDD only 427-4305 (TDD- Telephonic Device for the Deaf) 12/28/00slb AGEN DA\01/02/01 www wrgmla-beach va us MINUTES VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL V~rgima Beach, V~rg~nia January 2, 2001 Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf called to order the CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING re SANITARY SEWER RATE INCREASE tn the Council Conference Room, City Hall Butldtng, on Tuesday, danuary 2, 2001, at 11 OOA M Counctl Members Present Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Robert C Man&go, dr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, dr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, Jr Reba S McClanan [ON VA CA TION IN HA WAII WITH FAMILY WILL ~TURN 1/03/01] [ENR 0 UTE FR OM FAMILY VA CA TION, AIRLINE DELAY ENTERED CLOSED SESSION 1 35 P MI -2- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING SANITARY SEWER RATE INCREASE 11:00 A.M. ITEM # 4 7563 Clarence Warnstaff Dtrector of Pubhc Uttltttes, recogntzed members of the Pubhc Utthttes staff tn attendance Martlyn Crane, Admmtstrattve Staff asststmg wtth the power potnt presentatton, Gary Jones, Engtneertng Manager responstble for the Ctty's Water and Samtary Sewer Capttal Programs, and, Tom Leahy, Water Resources Manager (Lake Gaston) Mr Warnstaff advtsed the Water and Sanitary Sewer Enterprise Fund was created by Ctty Counctl tn 1974 The only source of revenue ts dertved from the servtces provtded to the customers by Pubhc Uttltttes No subst&es are recetved from the City's tax generated revenue Thts ss a "stand alone" program The Ctty's Water and Samtary Sewer Utthty dtrectly supports the Ctty's strategtes to achteve the outcome "Community for a Lifetime "Water and santtary sewer are core servtces provtded by the Ctty fundamental to achtevtng (1) economtc and soctal prospertty and (2) healthy, safe, attracttve surroundtngs To ensure suffictent revenues to achteve the City's desired outcomes, these increased fees wtll address aging tnfrastructure and meet current/future unfunded real mandates as well as matntatn financtal health It ts recommended that monthly sanitary sewer service charges be increased. PROGRAMS Ensure full compliance with state and federal laws and regulations (Safe Drinking Water A ct - ADOPTED by Congress tn 19 74 and Clean Water Act - ADOPTED by Congress tn 1972) Extend the public utility system to serve existing neighborhoods that use wells and septic tanks. (Since 1971, the Ctty has completed 131 water netghborhood projects and 155 santtary sewer netghborhood projects at a combined cost of$168-MILLION Inyear 2000 dollars, this would equate to over $235-MILLION) Design and build major utility facilities to support neighborhoods and economic development (Wtth the completton of the Lake Gaston ProJect and improvements to the Norfolk Water system tn accordance wtth the water services contract, the water uttltty system ts tn the best condttton tn the entire history of the City) Acquire privately owned utilities to achteve umform servtce and rates to all utthty customers (Thts program ts complete Stnce 1977, the Ctty has acqutred 5 privately owned water utthttes and 6 santtary sewer utthttes The Indian River Water Company, the last prtvately owned water utthty, was acqutred tn 2000 ) Invest in aging infrastructure to ensure reffable service and regulatory compliance (The Aging Infrastructure Pohcy was ADOPTED by Ctty Counctl September 1999 Approxtmately 50% of the Samtary Sewer Capttal Improvement Program ts devoted to aging infrastructure) Operate and maintain the utility system to ensure reliable and dependable service Ensure financial health to obtain the highest possible bond rating to produce cost savings for customers (The Ctty's bond rating was mcreased from A to AA, thus savmg water and sewer customers mtlhons of dollars tn debt servtce ) Provide quaffty cusWmer service (The Uttltty operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year Crews worked thts Chrtstmas Eve and Chrtstmas Day) The proposed recommended adjustment (along wtth current revenues) would support revenue bonds tn the amount of $96-MILLION ($34-MILLION currently authortzed but not yet sold and $62-MILLION programmed tn the Capttal Improvement Program for FY 2002 through FY 2006) January 2, 2001 -3- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING SANITARY SEWER RATE INCREASE ITEM # 4 7563 (Continued) Number of Projects Type Total % Neighborhood Projects 2 7 23 Aging Infrastructure Projects 22 18 System Enhancements 40 34 VDOT/Highway Coordination 30 25 TOTAL 119 100% Projects Six-Year Program Estimated Cost % Water $ 34, 095, 000 35 Sanitary Sewer $ 62, 758,026 65 TOTAL $ 96,853,026 100% Mr Warnstaff ctted means of financmg *Revenue Bonds $ 70,195, 000 *Pay-As- You-Go $23,448,026 *HRSD $ 3,210, 000 TOTAL $96,853,026 It has been rune years since there has been an adjustment tn the Sanitary Sewer Service charge Sanitary Sewer Service Charge Single Family Effective Date Restdence (per month) July 1, 1983 $ 9 46 October 1, 1990 $ 9 65 July I, 1991 $ 10 58 duly 1, 1992 $ 1I 38 Mr Warnstaff advtsed the recommendations are for rate increases for each of the next three (3) years: July 1, 2001 $12.29 July 1, 2002 $13.27 July 1, 2003 $14.34 96% of all customers comprtstng the system are restdenttal Mr Warnstaff ctted an example of a typtcal restdenttal monthly btlhng The total monthly tncrease tn dollars to the customer would equate to $2.96 and the total monthly increase as a percentage of current charges would be 8.2% over a period of three years' The Ctty's utthty tax and the Hampton Roads Santtatton Dtstrtct charge were not tncluded tn thts example January 2, 2001 -4- CITY M/INA GER 'S BRIEFING S/INIT/IR Y SEWER RATE INCREASE ITEM # 47563 (Continued) Mr Warnstaff ctted the recommendattons Conttnue Ctty Counctl's long standtng pohcy to extend pubhc water and samtary sewer servtce to extsttng netghborhoods Address agtng tnfrastructure by rebutldtng porttons of the samtary sewer system Support economtc development by continuing to bmld the water and samtary sewer system Continue comphance wtth unfunded federal mandates Ensure financtal health to mamtatn the AA water and samtary sewer bond rattng Matntam quahty customer servtce Relattve aging infrastructure, Mr Warnstaff ctted the example of Aragona Village The destgn and construction standards apphed to this netghborhood decades ago are now deficient The systems are nearing the end of thetr useful hfe Pubhc Utthttes ts tn the process of basically rebmldmg the samtary sewer collectton system Thts ts very expenstve Vtrglma Beach ts a relattvely young ctty and much of tts tnfrastructure ts not old and detertorattng It ts new, however, certatn porttons of the system are old and need to be rebutlt There was a water rate decrease of l OC per 1, O00 gallons in 1999. The average restdenttal customer utthzes 6,000 gallons of waterper month At lOC per 1,000 gallons, the savings are 60¢ per month The Ctty's water and sewer fees tend to be htgher than netghbortng ctttes However, Vtrgtma Beach has the best servtce/ Mr Warnstaff shall determtne the amount of Pay-As-You-Go that can be reduced, wtthout havtng an tmpact on the Ctty's Bond Rattng Mr Warnstaff shall provtde the dtfference between the capttal and operattonal costs The percentage of the Revenue Enterprtse Fund to Capttal and Operattonal wtll be provided Revenue Bonds are issued under a Master Bond Resolutton and required under thts Resolution to provtde Pay-As-You-Go funding of a mmtmum of $2-MILLION per year Thts ts bastcally generated from fees and charges The Ctty ts actually transferring $3-MILLION a year from the Operatmg Budget Thts ts proposed to be tncreased from $3-MILLION to $3 75-MILLION The mthtary bases located tn Vtrgtma Beach are water customers of the Ctty of Norfolk Waste water ts collected on base and pumped, tn most cases, to Hampton Roads Santtatton Dtstrtct All santtary sewer collectton systems wtll expertence overflows It is not practical or cost effective to achieve zero overflows. The only way to achteve zero overflows ts to butld the system out of statnless steel wtth weldedjotnts and crews asstgned datly to cleanmg the system The objecttve ts to mmtmtze the overflow to a reasonable level This City should not expertence gas bmld up tn the Sanitary Sewer Collection System However, under federal regulations before any personnel ts sent into a confined space, the presence of toxtc and hazardous gases tn wet wells, pump stattons and samtary sewer areas must be tested The major danger tn a santtary sewer collectton system wtth hazardous matertal ts somethtng that ts tntroduced from bustnesses t e underground leakmg gasohne tanks For new subdtvtstons, the developer 1s requtred, by Ctty ordinance, to design and build the sanitary sewer and water collection system to serve that new development Therefore, no dollars are programmed whtch relate to new residential construction. Developers are requtred to pay the water and santtary sewer connectton charges Pubhc Works and Pubhc Utthty projects are co-ordtnated t e tn Sandbrtdge a portton of the Storm Water Dratnage System was tnstalled tn co-ordtnatton wtth Pubhc Works so the streets could be cut and paved only once The City owns and operates the Sanitary Sewer Collection and Conveyance System Wastewater ts collected from homes and businesses tn Virginia Beach and pumped to HRSD HRSD provides the treatment of the waste Ctty Counctl requested Staff reevaluate thetr recommendatton and gtve opttons wtth the total tncrease tn one (1) year versus three (3) years A scenarto of a stngle rate tncrease versus three wtll be provtded January 2, 2001 -5- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING NORFOLK WA TERSER VICE 12:07P. M. ITEM # 4 7564 Mr Clarence Warnstaff, Dzrector of Pubhc Uttltttes, advtsed the Norfolk Water Service Contract was stgned tn 1993 and extends to 2030 (37years) Thts contract requtres the Ctty of Norfolk to recetve water from Lake Gaston, convey that water through their system, treat the water and dehver that water to Virginia Beach along our common border The Lake Gaston project became operattonal January 1, 199& The water servtces' contract ts worktng extremely well Thts ts a very good document that benefits both ctttes Mr Warnstaff referenced the tssues under constderatton Allocation of costs related to water transmission capacity Calculation of Norfolk's water system bond interest rate Mr Warnstaff dtsplayed a map of the Norfolk Water System wtth the Lake Gaston project If there ts any problem wtth the pump stattons Western Branch, Lake Prtnce, Stmonsdale or any of the hnes, Norfolk has the capabthty to draw water from the "tn-town" lakes Allocation of Costs related to Water Transmission Capacity. Costs are allocated between Norfolk and Vtrgtma Beach based on each ctty's use or expected use Expected use per the Contract ts defined as Contract Capactttes Average Day 45 MGD Max Month 59 MGD Max Day 68 MGD Max Hour 90 MGD Relative water transmtsston capactty, water demand on the system ts not untform and vartes by season, day of the week and ttme of the day Customers create water demand Vtrgtnta Beach contracted for 59 mtlhon gallons per day tn 1993 Norfolk, at that ttme, dtd not beheve they would be tn a posttton to allocate 68 mtlhon gallons per day to Vtrgmta Beach After dtscusstons with Norfolk, both parttes concluded a change tn the contract would be requtred The Ctty ts recommendtng a contract wtth Norfolk for thts addtttonal capactty (9 MGD), amend the contract to ehmtnate maxtmum month hmttatton and contract for addtttonal water transmtsston capactty The cost of thts addtttonal capactty ts about $800,000 a year Thts cost ts already mcluded tn the cost of service from Norfolk to Vtrgmta Beach and the current water rate The staff ts not forecasttng a need to tncrease water rates to accommodate thts addtttonal capactty Norfolk has the capactty as they have butlt a new pump statton at the Western Branch Reservoir and replaced some of the raw water transmtsston hnes between Moore's Bridges and Western Branch Calculation of Norfolk's Water System Bond Interest Rate Why is this calculation important? There are three elements of cost tncluded tn the Cost of Servtce charged by Norfolk Operations andMaintenance, Depreciation Expense and Return on Investment Two Year Forecast of Costs (Rates are projected for two years) True-Up Requirements (Compare projected costs wtth actual costs and etther a credtt or debtt ts recetved by the Ctty from Norfolk) danuary 2, 2001 -6- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING NORFOLK WA TERSER VICE ITEM # 4 7564 (Continued) What is the appropriate way to calculate Norfolk's water system bond interest rate? Accrued Interest Weighted average of outstanding principal A shared understandmg has been reached Using thts concept offouryears tn revtew (1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999), Vtrgtnta Beach will receive an addtttonal cre&t from Norfolk of $694,194. The total credit Virginia Beach has recetved because of the "True-Up" prowston has been over $20-MILLION The Mayor and Counctl Members expressed apprectatton to the team of Clarence Warnstaff, Tom Leahy and Patrtcta Phtlhps, for thetr dedtcatton to thts tssue January 2, 2001 -7- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING GENERAL BOOTH FIRE STATION 12:30 P.M. ITEM # 4 7565 Gregory B Cade, Chtef - Ftre Department, presented tnformatton relattve the destgn of Fire Station 21 (General Booth) Thts project was first mcluded tn the FY 1998-89 CIP as project #3-968 at a cost of $1,277,172 Fundmg of the facthty was deferred due to the impact of the recession of the early 1990's Cost esttmates have been updated to current based on recent fire statton constructton costs and to tnclude "hardentng" of the facthty for enhanced hurrtcane survtvabthty 13, 774 Square Foot Built on a 2-acre site (land owned by the City on Ferrell Parkway (to be renamed March Ftrst as Nimmo Parkway) Sustain Category H Hurricane Force Winds Capital Improvement Plan funding $2,539,000 3 Drive-through bays. Designed to House 2 7 Ftre Department Personnel 6 Rescue Squad Personnel I Engine 1 Ladder Truck 2 Rescue Squad Untts Response Times Reduce response ttmes by 4-6 mmutes Achieve on-scene response time goal of 5 minutes or less Qutcker ladder response to rural areas First on scene to Corporate Landing Business Park Chtef Cade distributed a copy of the site location and floor plan deptcttng the two elevattons Satd mformatton ts hereby made a part of the record The bmldmg ts designed by HBA Architects The Fire Department wtll be holdtng an open meeting wtth the pubhc tn February Surroundtng Civic Leagues and business owners wtll be tnvtted The destgn should be completed and thts btd submttted by Summer 2001 wtth constructton commenctng tn October and the Opentng by Summer of 2002 Informatton relattve the completton of the Sandbridge Fire Station shall be provtded Concern was expressed relattve the length of ttme projected for constructton January 2, 2001 -8- AGENDA RE VIEWSESSION 12:58 P.M. ITEM 14 4 7566 13 Ordtnance to CREATE and ESTABLISH netghborhood storm water mfrastructure tmprovements, TRANSFER $1,305,292 from Lynnhaven Drive drainage outfall, ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $577,407 tn addtttonal state funds from the Vtrgmta Department of Transportatton (VDOT), and, tncrease esttmated revenues accordtngly to fund dratnage tmprovements tn vartous netghborhoods Counctl Lady Henley referenced a project not contamed wtthtn the hsttng of Neighborhood Storm Water Infrastructure Improvements: Sectton of Indian Rtver Road east of Prtncess Anne to the mtersectton of Newbrtdge This parttcular sectton floods durtng heavy ratns For the past two years, a few houses approxtmately 'halfway down are vtrtual "tslands" Water completely surrounds these houses E Dean Block, Director of Pubhc Works, shall review and advise ITEM # 4 756 7 15 a Refunds: Ltcenses $155, I58 75 The Ctty Attorney dtstrtbuted a REVISED Ordmance authortzmg Ltcense Refunds totahngo~°'.,:,.'" ~,~:,L"~ 44 $25,223 27 Therefore, the CORRECT total Ltcenses Refunds are o, .,.,,, .,o 75 $40, 752 58 ITEM 14 4 7568 B Y CONSENSUS, thefollowtng shall compose the CONSENTAGENDA: ORDINANCES/RESOL UTION 11 Ordtnance to declare a 1 935 acre parcel of land as EXCESS PROPERTY at 1876 Wddwood Drtve, and, authortze the Ctty Manager to convey thts property to Morris Investment Inc. (DISTRICT 5- L YNNHA VEN) 12 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the Ctty Manager to enter tnto a lease wtth Laurie Moser t/a "Reflections of the Heart" for space 1411 at The Farmers Market 13 Ordtnance to CREATE and ESTABLISH netghborhood storm water mfrastructure tmprovements., TRANSFER $1,305,292 from Lynnhaven Drtve drainage outfall, ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $577,407 tn addtttonal state funds from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and, increase esttmated revenues accordmgly to fund dratnage tmprovements tn various netghborhoods 14 Resolutton to confirm a "Sister City" destgnatton between the Borough of North Down, Northern Ireland, and the Ctty of Vtrgtnta Beach, and further, to invite the Mayor of North Down to Vtrgtnta Beach for the stgntng ceremony on January 23, 2001 1 5 Refunds: a Ltcenses o~'.,.,, ~ ~ I.,o ~ ° 75 $40, 752 58 b Tax $ 1,206 67 January 2, 2001 -9- CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS 12:53 P.M. ITEM # 4 7569 Vtce Mayor Sessoms referenced a ctttzen, who ts a chromc complamer ofjet norse, advtsed htm hts sttuatton has greatly tmproved Vtce Mayor Sessoms was very tmpressed by thts postttve response Mayor Oberndorf advtsed the Oceana Operations Task Force forwarded correspondence on November 14, 2000, to all the Ctvtc Leagues seektng asststance relattve tssues assoctated wtth current operattons at NAS Oceana The Task Force was estabhshed by the Vtrgmta Beach Ctty Counctl to facthtate meantngful dtalogue between the community and the Navy Approxtmately 30 days later a reminder was forwarded Comments received were dtstrtbuted to Members of Ctty Counctl Counctl Lady V~tlson was tmpressed wtth the response of the Ctvtc Leagues, espectally Shadowlawn Counctl Lady }Vtlson comphmented the Mayor and the success of here efforts tn thts very trytng sttuatton ITEM # 47570 Council Lady Parker referenced correspondence and an mvttatton from the Vtrgtma Martne Sctence Museum re launching of the new outreach truck "Ocean in Motion" Ocean in Motion ts vtrtually a rolhng aquartum that wtll be sent to schools and pubhc places throughout the state to present educatton programs on Vtrgtnta's martne envtronment The truck was purchased and outfitted at a cost of $250, 000, whtch was provided by a very generous benefactor Satd correspondence ts hereby made a part of the record ITEM # 47571 Mayor Oberndorf advtsed the outgomg Chatr of the Mayor's Committee for the Disabled, Martan Sanders, ts a dedicated, unselfish human bemg Unfortunately she has completely lost her sight She contacted HRT to request a handi-ride vehtcle to the Mayor's Committee meeting She was brought to the Central Library After the busmess meettng and Hohday receptton, an HRT drtver arrtved and called an incorrect name Mrs Sanders advtsed she was expectmg to be ptcked up and returned to her home The drtver satd he dtd not have her name, so he could not gtve her a rtde home and left Mrs Sanders had to watt unttl 6 O0 P M to get a rtde wtth Robert Dean, Member of the Commtttee On another occaston, tnstead ofdropptng Mrs Sanders off at the Beach, HRT left her at Ocean Vtew tn Norfolk Mayor OberndorlCrequested Vice Mayor Sessoms and Counctl Member Parker, representattves on the Ttdewater Transportatton Dtstrtct Commtsston, brtng thts matter to the TTDC and later advtse Ctty Counctl accordtngly January 2, 2001 - lO- ITEM # 47572 Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf called to order the INFOR31AL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL tn the Ctty Counctl Conference Room, Ctty Hall Butldtng, on Tuesday, January 2, 2001, at 1 O0 PM Counctl Members Present Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R clones, Robert C Man&go, dr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, ?tce Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, dr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrison, dr and Reba S McClanan danuary 2, 2001 -ll- ITEM # 47573 Mayor Oberndorf entertamed a motton to permtt Ctty Counctl to conduct tts CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to Sectton 2 1-344(A), Code of Vtrgmta, as amended, for the followmg purpose PERSONNEL MATTERS Dtscusston, constderatton or tntervtews ~ prospecttve can&dates for employment, assignment, appointment, promotton, performance, demotton, salartes, dtsctphnmg, or restgnatton of spectfic pubhc officers, appointees, or employees pursuant to Sectton 2 1-344 (A) (1) To W~t Boards and Commtsstons Commumty Servtces Board Human Rights Commtsston Vtrgtma Beach Foundatton, Inc Vtrgtnta Beach Health Servtces Advtsory Board PUBLICLY-HELD PROPERTY Dtscusston or constderatton of the acqutsttton of real property for a pubhc purpose, or of the dtsposttton off pubhcly-held real property, where dtscusston tn an open meetmg would adversely affect the bargaining posttton or negottattng strategy of the pubhc body pursuant to Sectton 2 1-344(A)(3) To- Wtt Acqutsttton of Property - Baystde Dtstrtct Sale of Bonney Road Property LEGAL MA TTERS Consultatton wtth legal counsel or briefings by staff members, consultants, or attorneys pertatntng to actual or probable httgatton, or other spectfic legal matters requtrtng the provtston of legal advzce by counsel pursuant to Sectton 2 1-344(A)(7) To-Wtt Contractual Issue - Sportsplex Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Counctl Lady Parker, Ctty Counctl voted to proceed tnto CLOSED SESSION. Voting 9-0 Counctl Members Vottng Aye Lmwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Robert C Man&go, Jr, Mayor Meyers E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Councd Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, dr and Reba S McClanan (Time of Closed Session: 1:01 P.M. to 1:59 P.M.) Counctl Lady McClanan entered CLOSED SESSION: 1:35 P.M. January 2, 2001 - 12- FORMAL SESSION VIRGINIA BEA CH CITY COUNCIL January 2, 2001 2:00 P.M. Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf called to order the FORMAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL tn the Counctl Chamber, Ctty Hall Butldmg, on Tuesday, January 2, 2001, at 2 O0 P M Councd Members Present Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Man&go, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker; Vtce Mayor Wdham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, dr [IN HA WAH ON VA CA TION WITH FAMIL Y] INVOCATION Reverend Thomas H Brttton Pastor Emerttus PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Vtce Mayor Sessoms, betng a Corporate Officer of Wachovta Bank, DISCLOSED there were no matters on the agenda tn whtch he has a "personal mterest", as defined tn the Act, etther mdtvtdually or tn hts capactty as an officer of Wachovta Bank The Vtce Mayor regularly makes thts Dtsclosure as he may not know of the Bank's tnterest tn any apphcatton that may come before Ctty Council Vtce Mayor Sessoms' letter of January 2, 2001, ts hereby made a part of the record January 2, 2001 City of Virginia Beach WILLIAM O SESSOMS JR VICE MAYOR (804) 473-3926 FAX (804) 426 5669 4506 ATLANTIC AVENUE VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINIA 23451 January 2, 2001 Mrs. Ruth Hodges Smith, MMC City Clerk Municipal Center Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 Re: Conflict of Interests Act Dear Mrs. Smith: As an officer of Wachovia, I am directly and indirectly involved in many of Wachovia's transactions. However, due to the size of Wachovia and the volume of transactions it handles in any given year, Wachovia has an interest in numerous matters in which I am not involved and of which I do not have personal knowledge In that regard, I am always concerned about the appearance of impropriety that might arise ifI participate in a matter before City Council in which Wachovia has an interest (e g., having made a secured loan for the purchase of a parcel of property that is the subject of a rezoning application), but in which I have no personal knowledge of such interest. Based on the foregoing, in order to ensure my compliance with both the letter and the spirit of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (the "Act"), it is my practice to thoroughly review the agenda for each meeting of City Council for the purpose of identifying any matters in which I might have an actual or potential conflict. If, during my review of the agenda for any given meeting of the Council, I identify a matter in which I have a"personal interest," as defined in the Act, either individually or in my capacity as an officer of Wachovia, I will prepare and file the appropriate disclosure letter to be recorded in the official records of the Council. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this matter. Very truly,you~, · ' . o , Jr. Vice Mayor Item V-E. - 13- CER TIFICA TION OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 4 75 74 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councdman Branch, City Council CERTIFIED THE CLOSED SESSION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOTION TO RECESS. Only pubhc busmess matters lawfully exempted from Open Meetmg requtrements by Vtrgmta law were discussed tn Closed Sesston to whtch thts certtficatton resolutton apphes, AND, Only such pubhc business matters as were identified tn the motion convemng the Closed Sesston were heard, dtscussed or constdered by Vtrgmta Beach Ctty Counctl Votzng 10-0 Counctl Members Vottng Aye Lmwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R clones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Man&go, dr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, dr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, dr danuary 2, 2001 Beso u on CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS. The Virginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded in ITEM # 47573, Page 11, and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS' Section 2.1-344. of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. /,l{uth Hodge~ Smith, MMC C~ty Clerk January 2, 2001 - 14- Item V-F. 1. MINUTES ITEM # 47575 Upon motton by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councdman Branch, Ctty Councd APPROVED the Minutes of the INFORMAL AND FORMAl, SESSIONS of December 12, 2000. Voting 10-0 Councd Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R dories, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Man&go, dr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wdham D Sessoms, dr and Rosemary Wtlson Councd Members Vottng Nay None Councd Members Absent Wdham W Harrtson, Jr January 2, 2001 Item V-F. 2. - 15- MINUTES ITEM # 47576 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Counctlman Branch, Ctty Counctl APPROVED the Minutes of the SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION of December 26, 2000. l/ottng 9-0 Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Robert C Man&go, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Councd Members Voting Nay None Counctl Members Abstatmng Reba S McClanan Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, Jr Council Lady McClanan ABSTAINED as she was not tn attendance during the City Council Session of December 26, 2000 Her children hve on the West Coast, therefore she would not be able to attend any future sesstons durmg the Hohday Season January 2, 2001 -16- Item V-G ADOPT A GENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION ITEM # 47577 B Y CONSENSUS, Ctty Councd ADOPTED: AGENDA FOR THE FORMAL SESSION danuary 2, 2001 -17- Item V-H. 1. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 4 75 78 Mayor Oberndorf DECLARED A PUBLIC HEARING: SALE OF EXCESS CITY OWNED PROPERTY: 18 76 Wildwood Drive (DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN) There betng no speakers, Mayor Oberndorf CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING January 2, 2001 - 18- Item V-H. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 4 75 79 Mayor Oberndorf DECLARED ,4 PUBLIC HEARING: FARMERS' MARKET LEASE - Reflections of the HearO There bemg no speakers, Mayor Oberndorf CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING January 2, 2001 Item V-I. -19- ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION ITEM # 4 7580 Upon morton by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councdman Branch, Ctty Counctl APPROVED IN ONE MOTION, Ordmances/Resolutton 1, 2, 3, 4, 5a (AS REVISED) and 5b of the CONSENTAGENDA. Voting 10-0 Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, dr January 2, 2001 Item V-I. 1. - 20 - ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION ITEM # 4 7581 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councdman Branch, Ctty Counctl ADOPTED: Ordtnance to declare a 1 935 acre parcel of land as EXCESS PROPERTY at 1876 Wtldwood Drtve, and, authortze the Ctty Manager to convey thts property to Morris Investment Inc. (DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN) Vottng 10-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R clones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, dr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, dr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, dr danuary 2, 2001 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN PROPERTY EXCESS AND AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO CONVEY SAME TO MORRIS INVESTMENT, INC. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, the City of Virgima Beach acquired ownership of a certain parcel of real property containing approximately 1.935 acres, located at 1876 Wildwood Drive (GPIN: 2408-52-4317) in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, (the Property) recorded in Deed Book 1530, at page 0547; and WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that the Property is in excess of the needs of the City of Virginia Beach and should be sold to Morris Investments, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. That the following described Property is hereby declared to be in excess of the needs of the City of Virginia Beach and that the City Manager is hereby authorized to convey the said property to Morris Investment Co. All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and designated and described as "2.000 ACRES" as shown as on that certain plat entitled: "SURVEY OF A PORTION OF THE JOHN W. POTTER, et al PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED TO ATLANTIC MENTAL HYGIENE CENTER ADVISORY BOARD · LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA · SCALE: 1 ''= 100'- JANUARY 11, 1968" a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. LESS AND EXCEPT that portion of the aforesaid property designated and described on the aforesaid plat as "PROPOSED 15' STRIP OF PROPERTY TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA FOR STREET WIDENING." Said excepted area contains approximately 0.065 acres. IT BEING the same property conveyed to Grantor by ATLANTIC MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, successor to ATLANTIC MENTAL HYGIENE CENTER ADVISORY BOARD INCORPORATED, a Virginia non-stock corporation, dated October 29, 1975 and recorded in the Clerk's Office ofthe C~rcuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Deed Book 1530, at page 547 (GPIN: 2408-52-4317). 3 7 2. That Seven Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($740,000.00) is to be the 3 8 price of the property. 39 3. Any building site(s) created shall connect to public water and sewer 4 o where available. 41 This ordinance shall be effective from the date of its adoption. 42 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 2 4 3 day of 3g. NUg. R¥ ., 2001. 44 45 46 47 CA- 7'I77'~ ORDINSNONCODE\ R-1 PREPARED: November 15, 2000 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT ghc Works APPROVED AS TO LEGAL Department of Law /] SUMMARY OF TERMS AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF EXCESS PROPERTY AT 1876 WILDWOOD DRIVE OWNER: BUYER: SALE PRICE: City of Vlrglma Beach. Moms Investments, Inc., a Georgia corporation $740,000 payable as follows: $ 5,000 upon execution of Agreement of Sale; and $735,000 at settlement ~n cash or by certified check. SETTLEMENT DATE: March 31, 2001 unless the City ~s unable to secure a suitable possession agreement with buyer prior to closing, in the event the City is unable to relocate the current offices on the Property. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: At the sole option of the City, if the City is unable to relocate the current offices located on the Property prior to the settlement date, the City and Buyer agree to enter ~nto a possession agreement upon terms and conditions satisfactory to both parties. City shall be responsible for all costs and expenses related to the Property, including utihties, ~nsurance and maintenance while the City remains in possession of the Property after settlement. The City will have no obhgatlon to close on the Property if ~t has not secured the aforementioned possession agreement by the proposed settlement date. o Any building site(s) created shall connect to public water and sewer where avmlable. LOCATION MAP SCALE · 1" -- 1,600' / / # 1876 GPIN#2408--52-4317 D.B. 260, PG. 547 1.935 ACRES LOCATION MAP ':SHOWING EXCESS CITY PROPERTY '~~_876 WILDWOOD - '~' 2408-52-4317 j,m lawson asenda.dgn DRIVE SCALE: 1" = 100'\ I I I ~ ,,, PREPARED BY P/W ENG. DRAFT. 16-NOV-2000 SURVEY OF A PORTION OF THE dOHN W POTTER. et O! PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED TO . ATLANTIC MENTAL HYGIENE CENTER ADVISORY BOARD LYNNHA VEN BORO~H MRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA . SCALE: I%100' JAHUARY 11,1968 FRANK D. TARRALI., JR., & ASSOClATU SURVEYOIIS el ENGINEERS Ikliil~d' F~k'~ffy l .I96e Prol)erty IMe ~Mn~ed VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA I I - II III I · i i J.O. 6 TO4 P.S.266, P59 VIRGINIA:  tAe Clerk'. Of/me of tke Circuit Court o/' Virnin,'~ o~ ... , ,~,/'..,1/,','//~., ,,,. · c~no~J~d~ll I~r~lo annexed, gdmitled 1o record. c'Prl i[i¢clle TF'.s'rI,~. JOIIN V. F'E, NTHESS, Clerk Item V-I. 2. - 21 - ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION ITEM # 4 7582 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councdman Branch, City Councd ADOPTED: Ordtnance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to enter into a lease with Laurie Moser t/a "Reflections of the Heart"for space #11 at The Farmers Market l/otmg 10-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Man&go, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wdham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Councd Members Vottng Nay None Councd Members Absent l, Vdham W Harrtson, Jr January 2, 2001 SUMMARY OF TERMS LEASE FOR SPACE #11 AT THE VIRGINIA BEACH FARMERS MARKET LESSOR: City of Virginia Beach LESSEE: Space 11 Laurie Moser t/a "Reflections of the Heart" TERM: January 2, 2001 through December 31,2001 RENT: Base Rent is $455 per month (payment of rent to begin April 1, 2001). RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF LESSEE: Use leased space for retail enterprise consistent with the purpose of the Farmers Market. Maintain leased space, including heating and air conditioning units. Purchase commercial general habdlty insurance Keep retail space open during hours of Farmers Market operation. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY: Maintain common areas of the Farmers Market and structural elements of the leased space. Pay for water, sewer and, in most cases, electrical service. TERMINATION: City may terminate by providing Lessee sixty (60) days notice. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO LEASE A SPACE AT THE VIRGINIA BEACH FARMERS MARKET WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach has leased spaces in 5 the Farmers Market located at the intersection of Princess Anne and 6 Dam Neck Roads for twenty-three years; WHEREAS, a space at the Farmer's Market is available for 8 lease, and City staff has identified an existing tenant wishing to 9 lease this space and expand her business; and 10 WHEREAS, a public hearing concerning the proposed lease 11 has been advertised and conducted. 12 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 14 That the City Manager is hereby authorized on behalf of 15 the City of Virginia Beach to enter into a lease agreement with 16 Laurie Moser (trading as "Reflections of the Heart") for Space #11 17 at the Farmers Market. 18 19 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 2 day of JANUARY , 2001. CA7938 F: [DatakATY[Ordin~NONCODE\FM #11 Reflections. ord. wpd December 15, 2000 R2 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Department -of Ag~clitu~re Item V-L3. ORDINANCES/RESOL UTION - 22 - ITEM # 4 7583 Upon motion by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Counctlman Branch, Ctty Councd ADOPTED: Ordtnance to CREATE and ESTABLISH netghborhood storm water infrastructure tmprovements, TRANSFER $1,305,292 from Lynnhaven Drive drainage outfall, ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $577,407 tn addtttonal state funds from the Vtrgtnta Department of Transportatton (VDOT), and, increase esttmated revenues accordingly to fund drainage tmprovements tn vartous netghborhoods Votmg I 0-0 (By ConsenO Councd Members Voting Ave Llnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R dories, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wilson Councd Members Vottng Nay None Councd Members Absent Wdham W Harrison, ,Ir January 2, 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A NEW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CIP #7- 063, NEIGHBORHOOD STORM WATER INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS, TO TRANSFER $1,305,292 FROM ANOTHER PROJECT AND TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE $577,407 IN ADDITIONAL STATE FUNDS FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO CIP #7-063 11 WHEREAS, the establishment of a new Capital Improvement 12 Program ("CIP") Project #7-063, Neighborhood Storm Water 13 Infrastructure Improvements, will improve drainage to various 14 neighborhoods identified throughout the City, and the identified 15 drainage improvements will require $1,882,699 in funding; 16 WHEREAS, CIP Project #7-015, Lynnhaven Drive Drainage 17 Outfall, has excess funding totaling $1,305,292 that is available 18 to be transferred to fund the identified drainage improvements; and 19 WHEREAS, $577,407 is available from the Virginia 20 Department of Transportation as additional funding for these 21 drainage improvements. 22 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 24 1. That Capital Improvement Project #7-063, 25 Neighborhood Storm Water Infrastructure Improvements, is hereby 26 established in the FY 2000-2001 Capital Budget. 27 2. That $1,305,292 is hereby transferred from the Storm 28 Water CIP Project #7-015, Lynnhaven Drive Drainage Outfall, to CIP 29 Project #7-063, Neighborhood Storm Water Infrastructure 30 Improvements, to fund drainage improvements within various 31 neighborhoods. 32 3. That $577,407 is hereby accepted from the Virginia 33 Department of Transportation and appropriated to Project #7-063, 34 Neighborhood Storm Water Infrastructure Improvements, to fund 35 drainage improvements within various neighborhoods. NEIGHBORHOOD STORM WATER INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (7-063) Drainage Project List Project Name Ocean Shore Ave. Long Creek Drive Elgin Road Pungo Ridge Court Ewell Road Elizabeth River Headwaters Larkspur Ditch Redwing Ditch Bridle Creek Blvd. Duke of Norfolk Quay Avalon Terrace Ouffall Cape Henry Towers Ouffall Casual Court Strawbridge Ouffall South Spigel Drive Sandbridge Rd/Lotus Creek Rd. Hindsdale Street Ouffall North Alanton Drive Outfall Whiting Lane/Little Island Rd. West Chubb Lake Ave. Old Carolina Road Lawson Forrest Pembroke Manor Bellamy Manor Ben Gun Road Maryland Avenue Euclid Road Culvert Baker Road Culvert Neighborhood(s) Lynnhaven Beach Bay Island Avalon Terrace Pungo Ridge Estates Thoroughgood Carolanne Farms Larkspur Corporate Landing, Redwing Lake, Dunwoody Rosemont Forrest Green Hill Farms Avalon Terrace, Avalon Woods Lynnhaven Beach Pine Meadows Strawbridge, Hunt Club Forrest, White Pines Trantwood Lotus Gardens Pembroke Manor North Alanton Sandbridge Chesapeake Beach Old Carolina Road Lawson Forrest Pembroke Manor Bellamy Manor, Bellamy Woods Oceana Gardens West Shadowlawn County View Mobile Homes Airport Industrial Park, Mobile Home Park TOTAL: # Homes 400 15 10 30 4O 450 700 60 20 25O 250 200 300 15 40 30 30 40 20 30 350 250 200 10 10 200 200 4200 City of Virpinl~ Be~ch Virginia Dr.~ fi Project Project # and Title: 7-063 Neighborhood Storm Water Infrastructure Improvements --., CIP Section: Storm Water . Business Area: Undefined. Pflority: Total Total Budget .... Unapproprl'~ted__.__S ubsequent Years Future Programmed App~uprlations Year I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year S Year 6 Funding Funds To Date FY 200t.42 . FY 2002.43 FY 2003-04 FY 2004.46 FY 2006.46 FY 2006-07 Re(luirement 3,674,032 1.882,699 213,394 27,376 181,$82 462,067 614,000 292,926 0 This project provides annual funding for correcting drainage problems in various established neighborhoods and other areas that fall beyond the scope of normal maintenance but do not meet the criteria to stand as a separate CIP project. New projects are added to the need list each year based on reported flooding problems and field maintenance reports. Some projects may be subject to jurisdictional wetland. Rainfall causes local flooding in many areas of the City. Storm water infrastructure Improvements will be made to Improve the drainage system to relieve flooding. Without this project, neighborhood streets will continue to experience localized flooding during heavy rainfall, restricting neighborhood traffic and emergency veldcle response. This proJect is a new project and will replace the Various Drainage Improvement project (7-020) which was established in lg85 Basis for Estimate FY 2001-02 FY 2002-03 FY 20034)4 FY 2004.46 FY 2006.46 FY 2006-07 o o o 0 o o Activity .. From - To Amount Fundin,q Source Amount Design 07/01-06/07 500,000 ~ota~ Programmed Financing 0 S~te AcquisItion 07101-06107 175,000 Future Funding Requirements 3,574,032 Construction 07/01-06/07 2,574,(332 Conbngencies 07101-06107 325.!;~rJ0_ Total Budgetary Cost Estimate 3,574,03; Total Non-Programmed Costs 0 Total Programmed Costs 3,574,032 ;iscal Year 2001-2002 1 Storm Water Item V-I. 4. ORDINANCES/RESOL UTION - 23 - ITEM # 4 7584 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Counctlman Branch, Ctty Counctl ADOPTED: Resolutton to confirm a "Sister City" destgnatton between the Borough of North Down, Northern Ireland, and the Ctt. v of Vtrgtnta Beach, and further, to invite the MaYor o_f North Down to Vtrgtma Beach for the stgnlng ceremony on January 23, 2001 Vottng I 0-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wdson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, Jr January 2, 2001 WHEREA& The Sister City concept was inaugurated by the President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, in 1956 to establish greater friendship and understanding between the people of the United States and other nations through the medium of direct personal contact; WHEREAS: All succeeding United States' Presidents have endorsed said program to be conducted for the broad purposes of the exchange of ideas and people between the citizens of the United States of America and the people of other nations; WHEREAS.. To implement this program, the City of Virginia Beach has entered into an International Friendship to affiliate with the Borough of North Down, Northern Ireland, a seaside city of similar characteristics and mutual interest; and, WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council in behalf of her citizens, does recognize and endorse this program with the hope that it will lead to a lasting friendship between thepeople of the City of Virginia Beach and the Borough of North Down in Northern Ireland. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOL VED: That the Virginia Beach City Council, in behalf of thepeople of the City of Virginia Beach, does hereby confirm the "Sister City "designation between the Borough of North Down and the City of Virginia Beach for the purpose of greater mutual understanding, cultural educational and economic exchanges between the people of these two great cities. The Mayors, or their designees, shall be the official representatives. The City Clerk is hereby directed to forward an original of this Resolution to the Mayor and the Borough Council of North Down, the Consulate of Belfast in Ireland and the British Embassy in the United States. Given under our hands and seals this Second day of January, Two Thousand One. Linwood O. Branch, III Margaret L. Eure William W. Harrison, Jr. Barbara M. Henley Louis R. Jones Reba S. McClanan Robert C. Mandigo, Jr. Nancy K. Parker William D. Sessoms, Jr. Rosemary Wilson Meyera E. Oberndorf Mayor 35 4. That estimated revenue from the Commonwealth is 36 hereby increased by $577,407. 37 38 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 2nd day of January , 2001. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of the members of City Council. CA7930 F:\Data\ATY\Ordin\NONCODE\neighborhood stormwater.ord.wpd December 5, 2000 R-4 Approved as to Content: Mana~ment Se ' Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: City Attorney/OffiCe - 24- Item V-L 5. a. ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION ITEM # 4 7585 Upon morton by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Counctlman Branch, Ctty Council APPROVED, AS RE VISED: Refunds: Licenses: $155,15& ~., $40,752.58 Votmg 10-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Man&go, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, dr January 2. 2001 EORM NO C & 8 REV AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING LICENSE REFUNDS UPON APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PERSONS AND UPON CERTIFICATION OF THE COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the following applications for license refunds, upon cerbficat~on of the Commissioner of the Revenue are hereby approved NAME LICENSE DATE BASE INTEREST TOTAL YEAR PAID CARTWRIGHT ASSOCIATES INC FOX & ASSOCIATES PARTNERS INC GORDON D'ANGELO IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS INC JKL AUTOMOTIVE INC JOHN TOM INC KCI USA INC LARKIN JOSEPH T LEAST COST FORMULATIONS LTD LOWRANCE KEITH B 11/08/00 AUDIT 7 95 2 17 10 12 06/29/00 AUDIT 6 38 0 80 7 18 1999-2000 11/06/00 10 00 0 00 10 00 11/01/00 AUDIT 11,099 35 1,825 42 12,924 77 11/01/00 AUDIT 116 47 25 55 142 02 11/07/00 AUDIT 319 12 18 98 338 10 11/03/00 AUDIT 1,688 88 267 30 1,956 18 11/08/00 AUDIT 7 20 3 74 10 94 11/06/00 AUDIT 18 15 3 02 21 17 11/08/00 AUDIT 105 05 3 78 108 83 Com~ss~o"6-er of'the Revenue City AtTorney's Off, ce This ordinance shall be effective from date of adopbon. The above abatement(s) totaling C~ty of Virginia Beach on the 15,529.31 were approved by the Council of the day of JANUARY ,20 O1 Ruth Hodges Smith City Clerk FORM NO C A 8 REV 3/86 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING LICENSE REFUNDS UPON APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PERSONS AND UPON CERTIFICATION OF THE COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA That the following apphcahons for hcense refunds, upon cerhficahon of the Commissioner of the Revenue are hereby approved NAME LICENSE DATE BASE INTEREST TOTAL YEAR PAID ACCOMODATIONS LTD CLEARWATER INVESTMENT ASSOC LP COASTAL TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED COMMONWEALTH CONSTRUCTION CO INC DUDLEY THOMAS G FLEX GYM INC GUNTER BROTHERS CONCRETE CO INC HERITAGE LIGHTING CO INC HYDRA-HOSE & SUPPLY CO INC LABIDI EMILY S LARKIN GIRARD C JR J SCLEANERS & LAUNDRY INC MANAGEMENT SERVICES GROUP INC MANDARIN EXPRESS INC MARLIN BUSINESS FORMS INC MARX PETER B MCGHEE GARY MID ATLANTIC DAIRY QUEEN INC NAKED FURNITURE OF TIDEWATER NEW YORK CARPET WORLD INC SALMONS J HOWARD JR SCOTT MALINDA A TIDEWATER AUTO ELEC SERV LLC MARLOWE CHRISTOPHER V/TANYA VOITUS ENTERPRISES INC WOODEN MAN 108 INC 11124/00 AUDIT 1,811 34 135 80 1,947 14 11122100 AUDIT 316 82 82 65 399 47 11/14/00 AUDIT 25 50 4 34 29 84 11/28/00 AUDIT 517 13 0 00 517 13 11/14/00 AUDIT 1,168 73 194 71 1,363 44 02116/00 AUDIT 6 97 0 77 7 74 11/14/00 AUDIT 45 93 0 00 45 93 11/13/00 AUDIT 162 72 27 12 189 84 11/14/00 AUDIT 454 61 78 45 533 06 11117100 AUDIT 10 00 2 58 12 58 11/28/00 AUDIT 17 09 0 00 17 09 11129/00 AUDIT 150 00 3 00 153 00 11/22/00 AUDIT 722 00 267 44 989 44 11121100 AUDIT 29 93 2 24 32 17 11/16/00 AUDIT 478 07 104 29 582 36 11/28/00 AUDIT 426 37 35 73 462 10 11/29/00 AUDIT 10 00 3 50 13 50 11129/00 AUDIT 285 63 21 41 307 04 11/16/00 AUDIT 370 16 61 67 431 83 11/20/00 AUDIT 3,031 96 248 67 3,280 63 11/21/00 AUDIT 1,630 00 189 18 1,819 18 2000 11/28/00 10 00 0 00 10 00 11/07/00 09/05/25 9,380 15 1,736 47 11,116 62 1999 11/30/00 50 00 0 00 50 00 11/28/00 AUDIT 744 79 46 90 791 69 11/20/00 AUDIT 120 45 0 00 120 45 Comrl~ss~on'er olr~e Revenue Th~s ordinance shall be effective from date of adopbon The above abatement(s) totaling City of V~rg~ma Beach on the 25,223 27 were approved by the Council of the 2 day of JANUARY ,2001 Ruth Hodges Smith City Clerk - 25- Item V-l. 5. b. ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION ITEM # 4 7586 Upon motion by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Counctlman Branch, Ctty Counctl ~4PPROVED: Refunds: Tax: $1,206. 67 Votmg I 0-0 (By Consent) Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Man&go, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, ,Ir and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, dr `ianuary 2, 2001 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TAX REFUNDS UPON APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PERSONS AND UPON CERTIFICATION OF THE TREASURER FOR PAYMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the following apphcauons for tax refunds upon certfficauon of the Treasurer are hereby approved' Tax Type Ticket Exoneration NAME Year of Tax Number Number Date Paid Penalty Int. Total B & L, LLC 2000 RE(2/2) 00-005112-4 Brown, Ermon B 2000 RE(½) 00-015416-6 EA Brown, Ermon B 2000 RE(2/2) 00-015416-6 EA Brown, Ermon B 1999 RE(½) 99-015275-8 EA Brown, Ermon B 1999 RE(2/2) 99-015275-8 EA Brown, Ermon B 1998 RE(½) 98-014849-9 EA Brown, Ermon B 1998 RE(2/2) 98-014849-9 EA Comlck, Elomse L (Deceased) 2000 RE('/,) 00-026322-6 EA Yancey, Georgm R 2000 RE(2/2) 00-026322-6 EA Tolerton & Brown PC 2000 RE(2/2) 00-025879-5 06/05/00 27 69 12/01/99 25 38 05/11/00 25 38 12/02/98 25 38 06/02/99 25 38 12/02/97 25 38 06/02/98 25 38 01/27/00 492 59 06/05/00 444 25 08/04/00 89 86 TOTAL: $1206.67 Th~s ordinance shall be effective from date of adopuon. The above abatement(s) totahng $1,206.67 were approved by the Council of the C~ty of V~rgmm Beach on the 2 day of JANUARY 2001 Ruth Hodges Smith C~ty Clerk Cer fie to pa3~5~h~ . John F Atk~n~bn, Treasurer Appr Ived as to form. Leshe L. Lllley, C~ty Attorney - 26- Item V-J. 1. APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 47587 BY CONSENSUS, Ctty Counctl RESCHEDULED the following APPOINTMENTS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION VIRGINIA BEA CH HEAL TH SER VICES AD VISOR Y BOARD .January 2, 2001 Item V-J.Z -27- APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 4 7588 Upon NOMINATION by Vice Mayor Sessoms, Ctty Counctl APPOINTED Vicki E. Short (Family Member) Unexpired thru 12/31/02 Helen P. Shropshire 3 years 1/1/01 - 12/31/03 COMMUNITY SER VICES BOARD lin accordance wtth Vtrgtnta State Code, 3g 37 1-195, tnformatton on the above proposed appomtees ts avatlable tn the Office of the Ctty Clerk] Vottng 10-0 Counctl Members Voting Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R clones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Man&go, dr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, dr and Rosemary Wilson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrison, dr January 2, 2001 - 28 - ITEM # 4 7589 Mayor Oberndorf entertatned a motton to permtt Ctty Counctl to conduct tts CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to Sectton 2 1-344(A), Code of Vtrgtnta, as amended, for the followmg purpose LEGAL MA TTERS Consultatton wtth legal counsel or briefings by staff members, consultants, or attorneys pertatmng to actual or probable httgatton, or other spectfic legal matters requtrtng the provtston of legal advice by counsel pursuant to Sectton 2 1-344(A)(7) Contractual Issues - Sportsplex Stumpy Lake -Ltttgatton Upon motion by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Counctl Lady Parker, Ctty Counctl voted to proceed tnto CLOSED SESSION (2:10 P.M.) Vottng 10-0 Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wdham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, dr (Time of Closed Session: 2:10 P.M. to 3:11 P.M.) January 2, 2001 - 29 - CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 4 7555 Mayor Oberndorf RECONVENED the Formal Sesston tn the tn the Counctl Conference Room, Ctty Hall Butldtng, on Tuesday, January 2, 2001, at 3 12 P M Upon motton by Counctl Lady Eure, seconded by Counctlman Branch, Ctty Counctl CERTIFIED THE CLOSED SESSION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOTION TO RECESS. Only pubhc bustness matters lawfully exempted from Open Meetmg requtrements by Vtrgmta law were dtscussed tn Closed Sesston to whtch thts certtficatton resolutton apphes, AND, Only such pubhc busmess matters as were tdenttfied tn the motion convening the Closed Sesston were heard, dtscussed or constdered by Vtrgmta Beach Ctty Counctl Vottng 9-0* Counctl Members Vottng Aye Lmwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R clones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Man&go, dr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Vtce Mayor Wdham D Sessoms and Wtlham W Harrtson, dr *Verbal Vote January 2, 2001 CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach C~ty Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded in ITEM # 47589, Page 28, and in accordance w~th the provis~ons of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS: Section 2.1-344. of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virgima law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach C~ty Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only public bus~ness matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting reqmrements by Vlrgima law were/Jiscussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virglma Beach City Council. ~Cltth Hodges Smith, MMC y Clerk January 2, 2001 - 30- Item V-M. 1. AD JO URNMENT ITEM # 4 7556 Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf DECLARED the Ctty Counctl Meettng ADJOURNED at 3:15 P.M. B~;e~r y O Hooks, CMC Chtef Deputy Ctty Clerk Ctty Clerk Meyera E Oberndorf Mayor Ctty of Vtrgtnta Beach Vtrgtnta .January 2, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER (757} 427-4242 FAX (757) 427-4135 TDD (757) 427-4305 January 31, 2001 MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING 1 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23456-9001 The Honorable Meyera E. Oberndorf and Members of City Council Dear Mayor Oberndorf and City Council Members: Subject: Water & Sanitary Sewer Fund Proposed Sanitary Sewer Increase Attached is a memo from Clarence Warnstaff, Director of Public Utilities, forwarding to me responses to several questions raised by City Council at the January 2, 2001 briefing. The questions required additional research and analysis by staff. The research has been completed, and responses to Council's questions are attached along with an executive summary of the January 2 briefing. Also attached is a Policy Report on the "Water & Sanitary Sewer Fund, Programs, Policies, & Fees" which provides additional information on the recommended sanitary sewer rate increase. With Pride in Our City, City ~er cp Attachments Water and Sanitary_ Sewer Fund Programs, Policies & Fees January 29, 2001 Response to Council inquiries regarding the Sanitary Sewer Rate Increase Briefing on January 2, 2001. le What impact does pay-as-you-go funding have on the bond rating? How much can we reduce pay-as-you-go and still maintain our AA rating? Pay-as-you-go funding represents an important source of funding for the water and sewer Capital Improvement Program (CIP). This produces a number of benefits for the utility system including lower debt-to-equity ratios, lower annual debt service payments, and higher debt service coverages. Bond rating agencies look favorably on pay-as-you-go funding for capital programs. This leads to higher bond ratings, which in turn results in lower borrowing costs. A requirement to provide pay-as-you-go capital funding of at least $2 million per year is contained in the City's Master Water and Sewer Bond Resolution. Current pay-as-you-go CIP funding is $3 million per year. The City's financial advisor, Government Finance Associates (GFA), has recommended that pay-as-you-go funding average at least 25% of the total funding requirements for the water and sewer capital program. The current water and sewer CIP is approximately $15 million per year. Therefore, pay-as-you-go funding should average $3.75 million per year to comply with the GFA recommendation. This level has been incorporated into the proposed rates. Pay-as-you-go funding is a major contributor to debt service coverage. Reducing pay-as- you-go funding will decrease coverage. The recommended pay-as-you-go capital funding will maintain debt service coverage at approximately the same levels that were demonstrated to the bond rating agencies last summer, when they upgraded the water and sewer utility credit to "double A" status. Of all the financial factors evaluated by the bond rating agencies, debt service coverage was the one area in which the utility was least strong. If pay-as-you-go funding is reduced, debt service coverage will be lower. This would not be viewed favorably during the next bond rating sessions, and the double A credit rating would certainly be at risk. e The recommendation is for a rate adjustment in each of the next three years; what would be the recommended rate adjustment if fully implemented this July? The recommended rate increases (3 increases over the next 3 years) would result in an increase of $2.96 per month in three years. The recommended rate for full implementation July 1,2001 (i.e. one increase) is $2.73, a difference of $0.23 versus the Page 1 of 4 e e e three rate adjustments. A comparison is shown below: One Increase Three Increases Difference Total Increase $2.73 $2.96 ($0.23) Total Increase to Customer over $ years $163.80 $140.16 $23.64 The advantages of a single rate increase is improved liquidity, improved revenue bond coverage in the earlier years of the five year forecast, and a lower rate during the later part of the forecast period. The disadvantages of a single rate increase is slightly lower bond coverage in the later years of the five year forecast, larger dollar impact on the customer over the five year forecast, and lower revenues in the later part of the forecast period (which may result in the need to seek additional rate increases earlier than the recommended rate adjustments). How much of the proposed rate increase is related to the Operating Budget and how much to the Capital Improvement Program? The annual operating budget for the water and sanitary sewer utility includes all expenditures of the utility including both operating expenses and capital related expenditures. Funding for projects in the Capital Improvement Program is the primary reason for the recommended increases. Approximately 18% of the recommended increase ($0.52 of $2.96) is needed to support operating expenses and exisung debt service in the absence of any new bond sales (and the projects that the new bond sales would have funded). The remaining 82% ($2.44) is for new debt service resulting from new bond sales necessary to support the CIP. For the water and sanitary sewer revenues, how much is dedicated to capital expenditures and how much to operating expenditures? Water and sanitary sewer expenditures for the current year (FY 2000-01) are estimated to be $76 million. Operation and maintenance expenditures are estimated to be $45 million ($35 million in Virginia Beach and $10 million embodied in the contract payments to Norfolk). Capital related expenditures are budgeted at $31 million ($12 million for debt service, $3 million for pay-as-you-go funding, and $16 million embodied in the payments to Norfolk). Is a portion of the rate increase for projects already authorized in the CIP? Yes, a portion of the increase is for bonds authorized but not yet sold. The recommended Page 2 of 4 increase (along with current revenues) would support revenue bonds in the amount of $96 million ($34 million currently authorized but not yet sold, and $62 million programmed in future years of the CIP not yet authorized). Projects in the CIP are authorized up to 12 to 24 months before construction funding occurs. After the construction money is spent, it is reimbursed by the proceeds of a bond sale that may take place 12-18 months after that. The first debt service payment on the bond issue is not incurred until six months after the issue. The net result of this cycle is that the debt service requirements for projects authorized in the CIP might trail that authorization by as much as two or three years. If staff anticipates that a proposed CIP will require an increase in user charges, then that information would be included when the proposed CIP is presented to City Council. In the aftermath of the completion of the Lake Gaston project, it had been anticipated that new water demand and new connections would increase total water and sewer revenue and that a rate increase for the currently authorized CIP and bonds would not be needed. However, these expectations have not materialized - - total water and sewer revenues have been relatively flat for the last several years. The only way to completely eliminate the possibility that a rate increase would be needed to support bonds already authorized, would be to enact a rate increase with the adoption of each new CIP. However, as explained above, this would create the possibility that revenues from the rate increase would sometimes not be needed for a number of years. e "What will Virginia Beach have to do to comply with the new Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) regulations?" The proposed Environmental Protection Agency Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) regulations will establish national regulations for 1) permitting of SSO's, 2) mandatory operation, maintenance and renewal programs for sanitary sewer systems, and 3) public notification and enforcement for systems found to be in violation. The objective of the regulations, which are proposed as part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), is to eliminate all SSOs. The EPA rules will focus on operation of the sewer system and require owners to submit a permit application to state or federal environmental agencies with a Capacity assurance, Management, Operation and Maintenance (CMOM) Plan to comply with the SSO rules. The SSO rules are currently undergoing a 120-day public comment phase, with possible promulgation some 180-days later. Once promulgated, we would have up to 3-years to submit a permit. Public Utilities will have to work individually, in concert w~th the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD), and with adjacent municipalities to develop the CMOM Plan. Some of the requirements of the SSO roles are already incorporated into existing efforts to address aging infrastructure and are reflected in the proposed CIP (system evaluation, Page 3 of 4 e monitoring, measurement and program development are part of the Infiltration & Inflow and Pump Station Modifications programs, aimed at reducing SSO's). However, while these efforts may place the City a little "ahead of the curve" with respect to the new SSO rules, they will not fulfill all of the new CMOM Plan requirements. Initial tasks that will have to be accomplished include inventorying of assets, evaluation of gravity sewers under streams, condition assessment of the assets, evaluation of reported problem areas and an audit of current practices (i.e., a gap analysis to determine what changes must be undertaken) ultimately resulting in development of the CMOM Plan, which will be the single source document for all SSO matters. Virginia Beach has a relatively young sanitary sewer system and although it does result in some SSOs, our frequency is much less than older municipalities. However, as this infrastructure ages, more funds will have to be shifted to renewal and replacement to ensure compliance with the SSO rules. Provide a comparison of water/sanitary sewer charges with other surrounding cities. A comparison of water and sanitary sewer rates as of January 2001 is shown below: MONTHLY RESIDENTIAL SERVICE BILLING (6,000 9allonsl800 cubic feet) Comparative Water and Sanitary Sewer Rates as of January 2001 Virginia Beach Water Services $24.70 Sanitary Sewer $11.38~ Service TOTAL MONTHLY $36.08 BILLING Chesapeake Norfolk Portsmouth Suffolk $19.60 $21.10 $20.56 $21.00 $ 9.58: $11.043 $11.664 $12.645 $29.18 $32.14 $32.22 $33.64 *Chesapeake's water service availability charge includes a minimum of 300 cubic feet of water. **Suffolk's water service availability charge includes a minimum of 220 cubic feet of water. 1. Virginia Beach charges a fixed rate of $11.38 for residential service. 2. Chesapeake's sanitary sewer service charge is $5.95 for the first 300 cubic feet and 72.5¢ for each additional 100 cubic feet. 3. Norfolk charges $1.38 per 100 cubic feet. 4. Portsmouth charges $1.94511100 cubic feet for water and $1.45881100 cubic feet for sanitary sewer. 5. Suffolk charges $1.58 per 100 cubic feet of consumption with a minimum of $6.08. Virginia Beach has the highest water rates and ranks 3rd in sanitary sewer rates. For the combined bill, Virginia Beach has the highest billing. Recently, the Virginian P~lot reported that Chesapeake City staff have recommended a 43% increase ~n water rates over the next three years; the total billing was reported to be $36.65 in FY 2002; $42.05 tn FY 2003; and $45.75 in FY 2005. Page 4 of 4 WA TER & SANITARY SEWER FUND PROGRAMS, POLICIES & FEES PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER RATE INCREASE The Department of Public Utilities operates and maintains the City-owned water distribution and sanitary sewer collection utility systems serving the urban areas of Virginia Beach. The mission is to provide quality public water and sanitary sewer services at the lowest practical cost and to plan, build, operate and maintain facilities that meet community needs, environmental responsibilities and regulatory requirements. The City's water and sanitary sewer system is a self-sustaining operation, and operated on an enterprise fund accounting basis. Rates and user charges are adjusted when it is necessary to insure that revenues will be sufficient to cover the costs of operations and maintenance of the system as well as debt service on all water and sewer system bonds. The water and sewer system does not receive property tax or other tax receipts to subsidize operations. It is recommended that sanitary sewer charges be increased on July I of each of the next three fiscal years beginning in 2001. The total increase in water and sewer charges for a typical residential customer after all three increases are in place would be $2.96 per month as shown below (based upon an average usage of 6,000 gallons per month): Monthly Billing Proposed Monthly Total Monthly Total Monthly for Billing Increase Increase as a WaterlSanitary for in Dollars Percentage of Sewer WaterlSanitary ($) Current Charges (current) Sewer (as of July 1, 2004) I I I I The impact on the average residential water and sewer customer is an increase of $0.99 per month (per year), or 2. 7% per year. The cumulative impact of all three increases in the average residential water and sewer bill would be 8.2%. The last sanitary sewer rate increase occurred in 1992, nine years ago. The proposed adjustment (along with current revenues) would support revenue bonds to fund the Water and Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Program (ClP). The projects listed in the approved CiP include 65 water projects at a cost of $34 million and 54 sanitary sewer projects at a cost of $63 million. Two thirds of the CIP is dedicated to the sanitary sewer program and two thirds of the sanitary sewer program ls devoted to extending service to existing neighborhoods using septic tank systems and renewing and replacing aging infrastructure in existing neighborhoods. With the proposed rate adjustments, the following outcomes can be achieved: le m e o e Continue City Council's long standing policy to extend public water and sanitary sewer service to existing neighborhoods Address aging infrastructure by rebuilding portions of the sanitary sewer system Support economic development by continuing to build the backbone water and sanitary sewer system Continue compliance with unfunded federal mandates Ensure financial health to maintain the AA water and sanitary sewer bond rating Maintain quality customer service If a policy decision is made to defer increasing rates, or not adjust rates as recommended, or to not increase rates altogether, it will be necessary to dramatically scale back the Capital Improvement Program. This would significantly impair and/or preclude the City's ability to achieve the outcomes listed above, especially one and two. For additional information, please ca//the Public Utilities Department at 427-4171 or please visit the Public Utilities web site at www. virqina-beach, va. us/dept/putility. January 29, 2001 Policy Report WATER & SANITARY SEWER FUND PROGRAMS, POLICIES, & FEES - 01/31/01 INTRODUCTION The City's Water and Sanitary Sewer Utility is a cdtical component of Virginia Beach's strategic plan to achieve the outcome "Community For A Lifetime." Water and sanitary sewer service are core services that are fundamental to achieving 1) Economic and Social Prosperity, and 2) Healthy, Safe, and Attractive Surroundings. Outcome Strategy #35 states that the City will "continue to develop and maintain our publicly owned utility systems and services to serve the needs of our community." This can be achieved only with continued focus on existing utility programs, maintaining financial health of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Fund, and creating a future that emphasizes effectiveness, efficiency, and quality customer service. It is recommended that monthly sanitary sewer service charges be increased in order to provide sufficient revenues to address aging infrastructure, meet current and future unfunded federal mandates, and maintain both the "double A" credit rating and the financial health of the water and sanitary sewer enterprise fund. This policy report will delineate existing departmental goals and objectives, summarize the water and sanitary sewer Capital Improvement Program (CIP), identify the proposed rate adjustments, compare Virginia Beach water and sanitary sewer charges to those of our neighbor jurisdictions, and assess the impacts if rates are not adjusted. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY It is recommended that sanitary sewer charges be increased on July 1 of each of the next three fiscal years beginning in 2001. The total cumulative water and sanitary sewer service charge increase for a typical residential customer after the third year would be $2.96 per month as shown below: Monthly Billing for Water and Sanitary Sewer Service (current) Proposed Monthly Billing for Water and Sanitary Sewer Service (as of July 1, 2004) Total Monthly Increase in Dollars ($) Total Monthly Increase as a Percentage of Current Charges $36.08 $39.04 I $2.96 8.2% The impact on a typical residential water and sanitary sewer customer would be an additional charge averaging $0.99 per month (per year), or an average increase of 2.7% per year in the water and sanitary sewer bill. The cumulative increase in the water and sanitary sewer bill after three years, would be 8.2%. The last sanitary sewer rate increase occurred nine years ago, in 1992. The proposed adjustment (along with current revenues) would support revenue bonds in the amount of $96 million ($34 million currently authorized through FY 2001, but not yet sold, and $62 million programmed in the CIP for FY 2002 through FY 2006). The projects listed in the ClP include 65 water projects and 54 sanitary sewer projects. Two thirds of the CIP is dedicated to the sanitary sewer program and two thirds of that is dedicated to extending sewer service to existing neighborhoods using septic tank systems and rehabihtation of aging sanitary sewer infrastructure in existing neighborhoods. The proposed rate adjustments will allow the following outcomes to be achieved: . . . The City Council's long standing policy of extending public water and sanitary sewer service to existing neighborhoods which desire and/or need it, will be continued Aging infrastructure issues will be addressed by rebuilding portions of the sanitary sewer system Economic development will be supported by maintaining the water and sanitary sewer system so that reliable service is available for economic development projects . . Existing and pending unfunded federal mandates will be met The financial health and AA (double A) credit rating of the water and sanitary sewer system will be maintained Quality customer service to Virginia Beach residents will be maintained If a policy decision is made to defer increasing rates, not increase rates as recommended, or not increase rates at all, it will be necessary to dramatically curtail the Capital Improvement Program. Such a reduction in the capital program would significantly impact the outcomes listed above, especially numbers one and two. BACKGROUND The Department of Public Utilities operates and maintains the City-owned water distribution and sanitary sewer collection utility systems serving the urban areas of Virginia Beach. The mission is to provide quality public water and sanitary sewer services at the lowest practical cost and to plan, build, operate and maintain facilities that meet community needs, environmental responsibilities and regulatory requirements. The City's water and sanitary sewer system is a self-sustaining operation, and operated on an enterprise fund accounting basis. Rates and user charges are adjusted when it is necessary to ~nsure that revenues will be sufficient to cover the costs of operations and maintenance of the system as well as debt service on all water and sanitary sewer system bonds. The water and sanitary sewer system does not receive property tax or other tax receipts to subsidize operations. Revenues from water and sanitary sewer charges are reserved for the payment of Water and Sanitary Sewer Fund obligations and are not used for non-water or non-sewer related purpose. Payments (or transfers) made from the Water and Sanitary Sewer Fund to the General Fund are stdctly for the purpose of reimbursement for services provided, such as office rental, building maintenance, landscaping, Treasurer's support, etc. CONSIDERATIONS Major objectives of the water and sanitary sewer utility are described below: Maintain full compliance with all state and federal laws and regulations The utility systems are in compliance with all state and federal standards. The federal Safe Drinking Water Act authorizes the EPA to develop, implement, and enforce drinking water standards. Additionally, the Clean Water Act authorizes the EPA to develop, implement, and enforce standards for wastewater collection and treatment. New unfunded federal regulations that increase the cost of providing service continue to be promulgated. Extend the public utility system to serve existing neighborhoods that use wells and septic tanks City Council adopted a resolution in 1982 setting forth the policy for the extension of the public water and sanitary sewer systems into neighborhoods developed prior to service availability. This resolution formally established a City Council policy that had been in effect since the 1960's. Since 1971, 131 water and 155 sanitary sewer neighborhood projects have been completed at a combined cost of $168 million ($235 million in Year 2000 dollars). Design and build major utility facilities (the backbone system) to support neighborhoods and economic development Cdtical components of the water system have recently been completed. With the completion of the Lake Gaston Water Supply Project and significant improvements to the Norfolk Water System in accordance with the Water Services Contract, the capacity and reliability of the water supply and distribution system are at the highest levels that they have ever been in the history of this City. The Lake Gaston Water Supply is expected to meet water demands for at least the next 20 years. The CIP includes projects to ensure that adequate water distribution system capacity and sanitary sewer system capacity is available to support new residential customers and economic development. Acquire privately owned utilities to achieve uniform service and rates to all utility customers This program was completed in 2000 with the acquisition of the last remaining private utility, the Indian River Water Company (IRWC). IRWC's purchase provided an integrated water utility system for the City and satisfied a goal made 23 years earlier by the 1977 Mayor's Committee for "...a coordinated, economical system in the best interest of all citizens." Since 1977, the City has acquired four other private water utilities serving an estimated 2,000 customers and six sanitary sewer utilities serving an estimated 20,000 customers. Invest in aging infrastructure to ensure reliable service and regulatory compliance City Council adopted the Maintenance and Repair of Aging Infrastructure Policy on September 7, 1999. Approximately 50 percent of the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Program is devoted to aging infrastructure; additional information is included in the ClP section of this policy report. Operate and maintain the utility system to ensure reliable and dependable service The water and sanitary sewer utility provides service to customers seven days a week, 24 hours per day. The water system and the sanitary sewer systems are operated and monitored continuously. Customers receive water and sanitary sewer service under all conditions and at all times (nights, weekends, and holidays). Recently, Alvord, Burdick & Howson's feasibility study (prepared for the $40 million revenue bond sale, last summer) concluded that the system is well managed and the facilities are maintained in excellent condition. Ensure financial health to obtain the highest possible bond rating to produce cost savings for customers When the City of Virginia Beach sold $40 million of water and sanitary sewer system revenue bonds in July 2000, it earned the highest credit ratings ever for its water and sanitary sewer bonds from the three major rating agencies. Moody's Investor Service rated the City's new bonds Aa3 (double A three), and upgraded the rating on existing water and sanitary sewer debt from A1 to Aa3. Standard & Poor's rated the new bonds AA (double A) and also upgraded its rating on existing water and sanitary sewer debt to AA from A+. In its first rating ever for Virginia Beach water and sanitary sewer bonds, Fitch IBCA rated both the new bonds and the existing debt AA+ (double A plus), which is just one notch below Fitch's highest credit rating. These ratings placed the July 2000 water and sanitary sewer bond sale in the "AA" category, the next to highest classification. However, a post sale analys~s indicated that the City's bonds actually competed very favorably against AAA (triple A) bond sales and indices on that day. Certainly, the most prominent factor in the improved credit ratings was the completion of the Lake Gaston Water Supply Project. Other significant factors included Iow debt-to equity ratios, the capacity of the utility to cash finance the Lake Gaston Project, a manageable Capital Improvement Program combined with an aggressive pay-as-you-go capital funding policy, progressive policies on infrastructure maintenance, and the City of Virginia Beach's reputation for conservative and disciplined financial management. Provide quality customer service The utility provides quality customer service through proper maintenance of customer accounts, bi-monthly meter reading, prompt and accurate bill-rendering and payment processing, and timely responsive service to customer inquiries. Accurate maintenance of customer accounts is paramount to the financial integrity of the utility fund, which is operated on a seif-susta~ning basis and pays water and sanitary sewer fund obligations with revenues generated from water and sanitary sewer charges. The Capital Improvement Program The utility projects listed in the FY 2001 - 2006 CIP includes 65 water projects at a cost of $34,095,000 and 54 sewer projects at a cost of $62,758,026 for a six-year period total of $96,853,026. The average annual funding for the water and sanitary sewer capital program is about $16 million per year. Water and sanitary sewer projects identified in the CIP are necessary to provide adequate public sanitary sewer collection services and safe potable water, including water for fire protection, to the residents and businesses of Virginia Beach. The pdmary components of the water and sanitary sewer CIP include neighborhood projects, rehabilitation of aging infrastructure, system enhancements, and VDOT/Highway coordination projects. CIP projects are identified using long range planning tools, as well as coordination with other City departments, neighboring cities, state and federal agencies, and the Hampton Roads Sanitation Distdct (HRSD). Annual reviews and updates to the water and sanitary sewer CIP assure that only necesary projects are included, that new or updated state and federal regulations are incorporated in the projects, and that budgets are revised to reflect market trends. A City project manager is assigned to each ClP project and required to provide monthly cost and schedule updates. This process results in the ability to prioritize projects so that funding is adjusted and to accelerate or delay projects to meet the changing environment of the City. The Water and Sanitary Sewer FY 2001-2006 CIP is summarized below: Number of Projects Tw3e Water Sewer Total % Neighborhood ProJects 12 15 27 23 ~ Aging Infrastructure 7 15 22 18 Projects System Enhancements 27 13 40 34 VDOT/Highway 19 11 30 25 Coordination Total I 65 I 54 I 119 I 100% I Six-Year Pro.qram Estimated Cost Water $34,095,000 35 Sanitary Sewer $62,758,026 65 T oral $ 96,853,026 1 O0 % ClP - Means of Financing The six-year CIP (FY 2001 to FY 2006) is financed as shown below: I Six Year CIP Cost: I $96,853,026 Means of Financing: *Revenue Bonds $70,195,0004 *Pay-As-You-Go $23,448,026 *HRSD $ 3,210,000 TOTAL $96,853,026 There are $34 million of bonds (through Fiscal Year 2001) that have not been sold. These bond authorizations provide funding for CIP projects previously authorized, and in various stages (completed, under construction, or under design). Future capital needs for the water and sanitary sewer system for the six-year period average $16 million annually, including pay-as-you-go funding which has been increased from $3.0 million to $3.75 million for fiscal years 2002 through 2007. Recommended Rate Increase The City is required by the City's bond resolutions, among other provisions, to establish rates sufficient to cover operations and maintenance as well as debt service on the water and sanitary sewer general obligation and revenue bonds. The consulting engineering firm of Alvord, Burdick & Howson ("AB&H") is the City's water and sanitary sewer rate consultant. AB&H regularly examines the books and records of the Department of Public Utilities and conducts a physical inspection of the operating facilities, in order to develop recommendations for adequate water and sanitary sewer rates. AB&H has conducted a cost of service study and has developed recommended rates for fiscal years 2002 through 2006. The analysis included a projection of revenues and expenditures for a period of five fiscal years from the current year. The analysis by AB&H also included an allocation of total enterprise fund costs between the water and sanitary sewer utilities. The analysis indicated that the distribution of water and sanitary sewer revenues does not match the distribution of water and sanitary sewer expenses. Water revenues are partially subsidizing sewer expenses. With adoption of the recommended sewer rates, the imbalance will be reduced to approximately 4%, which is not considered significant for a combined water and sanitary sewer utility. The AB&H rate study recommends that the existing sanitary sewer fee, currently $11.38 per month, be increased 24% over a period of three years (8% each year, on July 1 of 2001, 2002 and 2003). As indicated above, funding for the Capital Improvement Program is the primary driver behind the recommended increases. No water rate increases are projected during the five year forecast period (2002 through 2006). The proposed sanitary sewer rate increases are as follows: ~$8 million in revenue bonds authorized with the adoption of the FY 2001 CIP; $62 million programmed for FY 2002-2006 Effective Date Typical Single Family Monthly Sanitary Sewer Service Charge (existing charge = 11.38 per month) July 1,2001 $12.29 July 1,2002 $13.27 July 1, 2003 $14.34 Impact on a Typical Water and Sanitary Sewer Bill At present, and under the proposed rates, a single family residential customer consuming 6,000 gallons in one month would receive a monthly billing as follows: Current 7-1-2001 7-1-2002 7-1-2003 Water Service $24.70 $24.70 $24.70 $24.70 Sanitary Sewer $11.38 $12.29 $13.27 $14.34 Service Total Due for Water & $36.08 $36.99 $37.97 $39.04 Sanitary Sewer For the typical water and samtary sewer residential customer, the proposed increase in monthly billing would be as follows: Fiscal Year Amount % Cumulative Cumulative Amount % 2001 $0.91 2.5 $0.91 2.5 2002 $0.98 2.6 $1.89 5.2 2003 $1.07 2.8 $2.96 8.2 The total amount of the increase for the combined water and sanitary sewer billing over three years would be $2.96 (8.2%); commercial rates would also increase by a comparable amount. The recommended rates would provide sufficient revenues (along with the current revenues) to support the issuance of $96 million in water and sanitary sewer revenue bonds; $34 million currently authorized but not issued and $62 million programmed in the ClP for FY 2002 through FY 2006. Comparison of Rates Within Region The following table compares current ublity rates in V~rg~n~a Beach with those of our neighbor junsdictions. The calculations are based upon water consumption of 6,000 gallons in nominal monthly bilhng pedod. Comparative Water and Sanitary Sewer Rates as of January 1, 2001 Virginia Chesapeake Norfolk Portsmouth Suffolk Beach Water $24.70 $19.60 $21.10 $20.56 $21.00 Service Sanitary $11.38 $ 9.58 $11.04 $11.66 $12.64 Sewer Service Total $36.08 $29.18 $32.14 $32.22 $33.64 Monthly Billing PUBLIC INFORMATION Adoption of new sanitary sewer rates requires the adoption of an ordinance by City Council and a public hearing. It is recommended that public headngs be conducted and that a formal presentation be provided to City Council. ALTERNATIVE COURSE OF ACTION As noted above, the cost of service analysis identifies the need to increase sanitary sewer rates. If a policy decision is made to not increase rates, or not increase rates as recommended, or to defer increasing rates, it will be necessary to dramatically reduce the number of capital projects currently included in the CIP for FY 2001-2002, and beyond. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that sanitary sewer rates be increased to: . . . Continue City Council's long standing policy to extend public water and sanitary sewer service to existing neighborhoods. Address aging infrastructure by rebuilding portions of the samtary sewer system Support economic development by continuing to build the backbone water and sanitary sewer system Continue compliance with unfunded federal mandates Ensure financial health to maintain the AA water and sanitary sewer bond rating Maintain quality customer service It is recommended that an ordinance be submitted to City Council, as part of the FY 2002 Budget, to adopt new sanitary sewer rates, consistent with the above, effective July 1 of 2001, 2002, and 2003. 8 Prepared by: ~.~ Clarence Warnstaff, Dire7 of~ublic Utilities ?-- $1--~f Date Reviewed by: C. Oral Lambert Jr., Chief Operating Officer 7~,1.Ol Date Attachment: Recommended Monthly Rates TABLE 28 (1 of 2) RECOMMENDED WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASES CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA WATER MINIMUM SERVICE AVAILABIUTY CHARGES (RECOMMEND NO CHANGES) PRESENT METER SIZE MONTHLY 2 3/4 4.35 3 1 6.25 4 1-1/2 10.96 5 2 16.60 6 3 29.75 7 4 48.50 8 6 96°00 9 8 152.00 10 10 218.00 11 12 4O6.00 WATER RATES 2000-01 12 Pl'ell~ Wat,r Rate $3 55 13 Rec. Incremental Inore~e 0.00 14 Rec. Curnul~rve Inorea~ 0 00 15 Rec. Watar Rnt~ ($/1,000 Gal) RECOMMENDED ~ATES NAVY VVHEEUNG CHARGE {RECOMMEND NO CHANGES) pr'~sent Rate 16 VVheei~ Rsd~ (per 1,000 Gal.) $0.44 SEWI~R MAINTENANCE~ CHARGES 17 Re(=. Annual Percent Sewer Rate Increase 18 Rec. Cumulatwe Percent Sewer Rate Incr. Over Prele~ Rntl~ 19 .. Slngt~anY~ly ~: b. S~ with two (2) or more fan~ rmxtentml uni~, and tmier parks: 20 1. Fimtur,tortraile~. 21 2. Each additional unit or trader: PRESENT MONTHLY RATE 2(X)O-01 RECOMMEN[)ED MONTHLY RATES 0.00% 8.00~ 8.00~ 8.00~ 0 00~ 0.00% 0.00% 8.00~ 16.64% 25.97% 25 97% 25.97% $11.38 $12.29 $13.27 $14 34 $14 34 $14.34 11 38 12.29 13.27 1434 1434 1434 8.54 9.22 9.96 10 76 10.76 10.78 RECOMMENDED WATER AND SEVVER RATE INCREASES CITY OF VIRGINIA eEACH, VIRGINIA $1~vvI~R MAINTENANCE CHARGES o. l-lotMm and PRESENT MONTHLY RATE 1. Far the flint room prowled for __nc~__~ 22 panty: $11.38 23 2. Each ~ room for occupancy. 4.57 24 1. For the flint apace provided: 25 2. Foreaohaddition,l~~: RECOMMENDED MONTHLY I~ATES 2OO14= ;i=02~ ~ 2004~ 200S~ $1Z29 $13.27 $14 34 $14.34 $14.34 4.94 5.33 5.76 5.76 5.76 11.38 12.29 13.27 14.34 1434 14.34 4.57 4.94 5.33 5.76 5.76 5.76 a. For .1 nenme~m~al ua~ in which ~ ia ai~o auppliecl publio warm' ~, the eewer ~ chmge at~dl be de- ·mugh wh~h waMf i ~, as p~ Tap Size 27 3/4 inch 28 1 inch 29 1 1/2 inch 30 2 inch 31 3 inch 32 4 inch 33 6 inch 34 8 inch 35 10 inch 38 12 inch 12.29 13.27 14.34 14.34 14.34 37 1.0-4 c~nmode~: 38 2. Each~cammodeoverfour(4)- b. For all n(xlreeident/l u~M ,n wh.:h pub- b= watlr eervice i not ivailble, the rnonthly ch~ge M be a~ follo~: 11.43 12_34 13.33 14.40 14.40 14.40 14.43 15.58 16.83 18.18 18.18 18.18 28.57 30.86 33.32 35. gg 35.gg 3~.gg 43.3 48.76 50 51 54.55 54 55 54.55 85 91.80 99.14 107.08 107.08 107 08 142 153.36 165.63 178.88 178.88 178.88 285 307 80 332.42 359 02 359.02 359 02 662 714.96 772.16 833.93 833.93 833.93 1,095.00 1,18Z60 1,277 21 1,379 38 1,379.38 1,379.38 1,88000 1,792.80 1,936.22 2"091 12 2"091.12 2.091 12