HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 19-26, 1958 / / Nr Richard Webbon Secretary Board of Supervisors Princess Anne Court House Princess Anne Virginia Re: Parking lot at Sandbridge, Dear Sir : I George W Halstead Jr. will at this time submit a bid of $275.00 for the rental of above mentioned lot foi' the period Nay 23,1958 until September 2,1958. I will maintain the lot as to the cleanup of all trash paper and other debris. Very truly yours~, G4or~g~ W~"~al\stead Jr, .... J COPY April 23, 1958 Virginia Beach-Sun News Pacific Avenue Virginia Beach, Virginia BE: "The Code of the County of Princess Anne, Virginia, 1958" Gentlemen: Kindly publish %he enclosed notice per- taining to the above captioned Ordinance in your newspaper on ~lay 8, 1958 and it{ay 15, 1958, and £orward me your certificate of publication. Your bill should be sent to Lr. John V. Fentress, Clerk of ]$oard of Supervisors of ~> ' Anne County, Virginia. ~r~ncess Very truly yours, l-~obert S. Wahab, Jr. I~SW, j r. m~l cc: ~\Ir. John V. Fentress Clerk of Board of Supervisors Princess Anne County, Virginia ¢ouaty, Virgi,~i~, ~5 9, 12. 8. ~iec '~rte ity; A-1. 1-2. 15-20. ~ecent 'the county, See%ion ~, Th~,~% all the provisions ~f "The C~<i,e <'~'? the repeal affect any erdinance or resoluti,m pro~':~ising- or ~uaranteeing the ,Payment o£ money for the County or authorizing the issue of any ~:~onds such County or any evidence of :~uch County's indebtedness, or any cen~ract or obligation as.~umed by r~uch County; nor shall s~ch repeal affect any ordinance or resolution estahlishin~[,~ a~ salary or wage for any County f~xcial or maployee~ nor shall ~such repeal affect the administrative ordinances or resolutions of the Board of ,?~u'pervisors not in conflie~ or inconsistent with the provisions of this Code; nor shall it affect any right or franchise conferred by any ordinance; nor shall it affect any prosecute;ion, suit or other proceeding pending or any judgment rendered on or prior to the 26th day of June, 1958; nor sn~ll it affect any or- dinance of the County ad~pted and becoming effective after the twentie~ day of January, 1958. Sec~ion 4. That a copy of "The Code oi" the County of ~:"rincess Anne, ¥irginia, 1958" be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board oupervxsors and be ,~ade available to persons desiring to ex~ine the Section 6. Theft ~;[~.is ordinance be and the effective on a~d after June 26~ 1958. same hereby is made ~OBERT $, WAHAB, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW VIRGINIA BEAC:H, VA. THIS AGR~NT, made this 22nd day of May, 1958, between MARIE G. MOHRIaON, party of the first part, and the COIJN?! OP PRINCESS ~NE, a Political Subdivision of the State of Virginia, party of the second part! That the said party of the first part does demise unto the said party of the second part all of ti'~at lot, piece or parcel of land, located a% Oceana, in the Lynnhaven ~a~.~isterial District of Princess Anne County, Virginia, comprising ~ acres, more or less, and further described as follows~ Beginnin~ at a point 532.6 feet south of the south-,~est co~'~'~er o£ 'Virginia Beach Boulevard and Co~rt- house Road on the west side of the roa~l ru~a£n~ sogtherly 708 feet; thence ~este~.ly approxim~.tely 500 fe~t; thence northerly approximate 800 feet; thence easterly 675.5 feet to the point of beginning. This lease is made pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Princess Anne County, Vir~inia, on the 21st day of April, 1958. The premises hereby leased shall be used exclusively f~r ~io~al activities of the Board of Recreation of Princess Anne , Virginia. The obligation te maintain and keep the premises in good ~air shall be tile sole obligation of '~he party of the second part ti~e tera of ti~is lease. The party of the second part coveaants '~hat the party of first part shall not be liable for any day,age or injury to any ,erson entering upon the premises hereby leased, or to goods or ha%tels thereon. ~nd no/lO0 ($1,00) Dollar per year. This lease sh~ll herin as of the lot day of Ma_yp 19~8 and thirty (30) d~ya written ne%ice of intentien te termin~te the le~se, prior to the first day .of any men,h. WI2N~$ the following signatures and seals. =~OBERT ~. WAHAB, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW VIRGINIA BEACH, VA, MEMB~S OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PRINCESS ANNE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Gentlemen: Your petitioners, William E. Du~gan and Anne L. Dungan, husband and wife, and Irene Lee, respectfully represent unto the said board as follows: 1. That they are residents of Princess Anne County, and that they own property in Lynnhaven Magisterial District, Princess A~e County. 2. That their property located in Lynnhaven Magisterial District Groveland Road or adjoins a portion of a road formerly known as the/Old Butts Station Road, as will appear according to the plat attached hereto, and to be read as a part of this petition; fha same being described as follows: An unimproved right of way, 20 feet in width, 155 feet, more or less, in length, being bounA~d on the North by the 01d London Bridge Road, on the East by the property of Dungan, on the South by the Virginia Beach Boulevard and on the West by the property of Irene Lee; 3. The above described right of way is ~nimproved; is not used by the public for passage or travel; serves no useful purpose or need as a road bed; and from all appearances is not likely to be opened in the fu~e for use as a street or thoroughfare for the passage of traffic. 4. Your petitioners, owning the property adjoining the described right of way on both sides, request that, purusant to Section 33-76.13 and follows, the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, the described portion of the said right of way be closed; the same being conveyed to your petitioners and that such further steps be taken as will grant the prayer of this petition. And it is further requested that this petition be returnable to, and heard before this board on the 26th day of May, 1958. Respectfully submitted, William F~. Du~an and Anne L. Dunga~, and Ir-c-~cc 7 ,rg,ma: T&ke n~tiee, ~lt putsu&~ , ~tion bg Sugetyl~rs of ~ ~, ~, Old ~t~ wa~ ~ Mm, · oy the 7It,ll ~ea~ ~d .~ 1~ ~ a~ l, B. E. Twine, Assisfanf Secretary and Assistant Treas- urer of the Virginian-Pilot, a newspaper published by N°nColk-Portsmoufh Newspapers, Inc., in the Cities of Nodolk and Portsmouth, State of Virginia, do certify fhaf the advertisement hereto annexed mc NOTICE has been published in said newspaper on the following dates: ..... ~.:~i~"~£' ~' '~' ~'~ ............................ ........................................ , 19. 58 Given under my hand this .... ~8.t?. .....day of ...~,~' .......... ~' ~ ~'~:~ Asst. Secty. and Asst. Tre~s. NOTICE Take notice,~at pursuant to a petition filed before it, the Board of Supervisors of Princess A~e County shall at its regular meeting be be bald on the 26th day of May, 1958, in the Supervisor's Chambers, Princess Anne, Virginia, at lO:00 a.m., hold a hearing for the purpose of acting upon a petition of William E. Dung~,~ and Anne L. Dung~ and Irene Lee, which petition requests that the Northern extremity of Groveland Road or 01d Butts Station road be closed, to-wit: "An unimproved right of way 20 feet in width, 155 feet , more or less, in length, being bounded on the North by the Old London Bridge Road, on the East by the property of Dungan, on the South by the Virginia Beach Boulevard and on the West by the property of Irene Lee;" all pursuant to the provisions of Section 33~76.13, and follows, the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. HENRY L. LAM, ATTORNEY PRINCESS ANNE, VIRGINIA I, Henry L. Lam, do certify that on'the~ day of~ , 1958, I did post on the Bulletin Board of the Courthouse in Princess Anne Count~ Virginia, a copy of the foregoing notice, and did further post three copies of the said notice upon that portion of Groveland Road or Old Butts Station Road sought to be closed, all in p~suance to the terms of Section 33-~6.13 of the Code of Virginia of 1950~s~m~nded. ~ e~yfo am Ct:1;~"I'/¢0~¥ O~ ~~ ,to-wit: ~/Co~ty of~ ~ , State of Virginia, do certify that He~y L. L~, whose ~e is signed to the writing above, bering date on the~~ay~'- of ~~ ., 1958, has this day acknowledged the s~e before me in ~ ~/Co~ty and State aforesaid. My commission expires:~~ ~ the of April, 1958. Given~der my h~d this day BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF PRINCESS ANNE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AT A MEETING HELD ON THE 26th DAY OF MAY, 1958, AT PRINCESS ANNE COURTHOUSE Before the Board of Supervisors of Princess Anne County, ~Virginia, at a meeting held on the 26th day of May, 1958, came the petitioners, William ~. Dungan and Ann L. Dungan and Irene Lee, requesting that the Board of Supe~'w'isors close, vacate and convey i~.to the said petitioners that portion of the road formerly known as Ithe "Groveland Road" or "Old Butts Station Road", located in the l!Lyr~nhaven Magisterial District, Princess Arme County, Virginia, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: An unimproved right of way, 20 feet in width, 155 feet, more or less, in length, being bo nded on the North by the Old London Bridge Road, on the East by the property of Dungan, on the South by the Virginia Beach Boulevard and on the West by the property of Irene Lee; THEREUPON, upon motion duly made and seconded, and by the affirmative vote of all present, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors being satisfied that the statutes for such cases made and provided have been complied with, land finding no public necessity existing for the continuance or establishment of the said part of this right of way or road; IT IS THEREFO~E ORDE~ED, that the herein described portion of "Groveland Road" or "Old Butts Station Road" be, and the same is hereby vacated and abandoned as a public street; and upon receipt of , consideration, the County of Princess Anne do release and grant unto all the adjo£ning or abutting landowners, the same libeing the , petitioners herein, all right title and interest of the 'County in and to the said closed street; and further, that the Count~ through the Chairman and Clerk of its Board of Supervisors, do exe- cute such writing as will convey, release and transfer unto the said "petitioners all right, title and interest of the County in the clos- ed portion of "Groveland Road" or "Old Butts Station Road," hereto- ~oard ¢',f $~pe:c_~:~.s=or=__~s Motion by Mr. ~~ and seco=deal by 1,~r. ~~"~ that $1,~30.00 be tr~sferred from Rese~e for Contingencies ia-the Kempsville Improvement ~d to Ware:r-Fire Hydr~ts and t~at the ~ol].c, wing ~dd~t~na:[ appropria~:~on~ · ~/'/'2" ~ RESOLUTION BE IT 2E$OLVED: 1. That a paper bound volLm~e of "The Code o:[' 'the County ol' t:'rincess Anne, Virginia, 1958" be each police ~icer of ti~e County-Police De?artment,~t~e Zoning El~forcement Officer, the Buildin2. Inspector, the i~].ectric~.l In- spector, aad. the t:lumbin~. Inspector~ and a regul~.r oound volume each member, of the oarm of Supervisors, Judges of the Circuit Court of ~rincess Anne County, Judges of County Court, each of the con- stitational offficers, the Execntive Secretary of -the .Beard Supervisors, the County Comptroller, the Chief of Folice, the County Director of t~lanning, t~e County Planning Commission, Zonin[~ Appeals and the folice and Trial Board. 2. The regular bo~nd volumes of the s~id Code s~all be made available for ?t~rchase by attorneys or any [~erson at, a price of ~10.00 per copy, and the Clerk of tic. is Board is directed to notify all attorneys practicin2' in ~rincess :4nne County, or~olk County, the cities of ~orfolk, Portsmouth, South Norfolk and Vir,~:finia Beac~, as to the availability of 'the Code. 3. That a loose-leaf volume of the said Code shall be desig- nated as "Master Copy of Code of Country of ?rincess A~me, Virg-inia, 195S, as amended" and s~all oe maintai~ed by the Clerk of this Jioard at all times 'to reflect every amend~'~ent, re~'~eal, a, ddition, revision or other c~an~fe in ti~e said Code~ and such Ma~;ier C,o~y s~all at all times be available for ins:)ection in the or['ice of the said Clerk; and further such a~en~lmen'ts~ repeals, ~t'~di'tions~ revisions and other ci~an[t~es shall be maintained i~ chronoloffical order in the back of the said Master Copy in ad~ition to i~sertin,~ all changes in their pro~er places in the loose-leaf binder. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A REVISION AND CODIFICATION OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE COUNTY OF PRINCESS ANNE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN AND CONTAINING A DESCRIPTIVE NOTICE OF THE NEW PROVISIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-10 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA, 1950 Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Princess Anne has caused its ordinances of a general and permanent nature to be compiled and revised and has also added certain new regulations, all of which are embodied in a revision and codification known as "The Code of the County of Princess Anne, Virginia, 1958"; now, therefore Be it Ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Princess Anne County, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That the ordinances of the County of Princess Anne, of a general and permanent nature, as codified in the following chapters, namely Chapters 1 to 20, both inclusive, are ordained as general ordinances and are adopted as "The Code of the County of Princess Anne, Virginia, 1958." Pursuant to Section 15-10 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, this codification consists of the following chapters: 1. General Provisions; 2. Advertising; 3. Alcoholic Beverages; 4. Animals; 5. Bondsmen; 6. Building Code; 7. Coin-Operated Machines; 8. Electricity; 9. Excavations; 10. Ex-Convicts; 11. Food and Food Establishments; 12. Garbage and Refuse; 13. Junk YarAs, Automobile Graveyards and Dumps; 14. ~lotor Vehicles and Traffic; 15. Offenses--Miscellaneous; 16. Plumbing; 17. Sewage Disposal; 18. Tattooing; 19. Taxicabs and Other Vehicles for Hire; 20. Trailers and Trailer Camps. Also pursuant to Section 15-10 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, the following chapters are broken down into the following new sections: Chapter 1. 1--1· 1-2. 1-3. 1--4 · 1--5e 1-6· 1-7. Chapter 15. 15-1· 15-11. 15-19. 15-20· 15-21. 15-22. 15-23. 15-25. 15-27. 15-28. 15-30. 15-31. Section 2. General Provisions. How Code designated and cited. Rules of construction. Provisions considered as continuations of existing ordinances. Severability of parts of Code. Catchlines o~ sections. General penalty; continuing violations. Fines and costs. Offenses--Miscellaneous. Aiding and abetting violations of ordinances. Disturbing the peace· Hawkers, peddlers, solicitors, etc. Indecent conduct, etc. Indecent or lewd books, pictures, plays, demonstrations, etc. Injuring or destroying property belonging to the county· Same--Belonging to any person. Prostitution, etc. Resisting, obstructing, etc., officers in discharge of duties· Trespassing. Weapons--Discharging. Same--Carrying concealed· That all the provisions of "The Code of the County of Princess Anne, Virginia, 1958," shall be in force and effect on and after the 26th day of June, 1958, and all ordinances of a general and permanent nature adopted by the Board of Supervisors and in force on January 20, 1958, and not contained in "The Code of the County of Princess Anne, Virginia, 1958," are hereby repealed from and after the 26th day of'June, 1958, except as hereinafter provided. Section 3. That the repeal provided for in. the preceding section of this ordinance shall not affect any offense or act committed or done or any penalty or forfeiture incurred or any contract or right established or eccuring before the 26th day of June, 1958; nor shall such repeal affect any ordinance or resolution promising or guaranteeing the payment of money for the County or authorizing the issue of any bonds of such County or any evidence of such County's indebtedness, or any contract or obligation assumed by such County; nor shall such repeal - 2 - affect any ordinance or resolution establishing any salary or wage for any County official or employee; nor shall such repeal affect the ad- ministrative ordinances or resolutions of the Board of Supervisors not in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of this Code; nor shall it affect any right or franchise conferred by any ordinance; nor shall it affect the Master Zoning Plan Ordinance of Princess Anne County, Virginia; nor shall it affect the Sub-division Ordinance; nor shall it affect any prosecution, suit or other proceeding pending or any judgment rendered on or prior to the 26th day of June, 1958; nor shall it affect any ordinance of the County adopted and becoming effective after the twentieth day of January, 1958. Section 4. That a copy of "The Code of the County of Princess Anne, Virginia, 1958" be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and be made available to persons desiring to examine the same. Section 5. That this ordinance be and the same hereby is' made effective on and after June 26, 1958. - 3 -