HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 6, 2001 MINUTES : City of Vir_ _inia Beach 11 "COMMUNITY FORA LIFETIME" 11 Il CITY COUNCIL II MAYOR MEYERA E OBERNDORE At-Large VICE MAYOR WILLIAM D SESSOMS, JR, At-Large LINWOOD 0 BRANCH, 111, Beach -Dtstnct 6 MARGARET L EURE, Centervdle - District 1 WILLIAM W HARRISON, JR, Lynnhaven -Dtstnct 5 BARBARA M HENLEY, Princess Anne - D~stnct ? LOUIS R JONES. Baystde - Dgstnct 4 REBA S McCLANAN, Rose Hall -Dtstnct $ ROBERT C MANDIGO, JR, Kempswlle - D~strtct 2 NANCY K PARKER, At-Large ROSEMARY WII_~ON, At-Large JAMES K SPORE. Cffy Manager LESLIE L. LILLEE Ctty Attorney RUTH HODGES-SMITH, MMC, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL BUILDING ! 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-9005 PHONE (757) 4274304 FAX (757) 426-5669 EMAIL. CtycnclO city vtrgtnta-beaclr va us November 6, 2001 I. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS - Conference Room- 1:30 PM A. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROCESS - MAJOR PROJECTS E. Dean Block, Director of Public Works John W. Herzke, City Engineer B. COMMERCIAL PARKING LOTS Karen Lasley, Planning and Zoning Administrator C, CHANGE INDICATORS and FISCAL FLEXIBILITY - MEETING CHALLENGES IN UNCERTAIN TIMES Steven T. Thompson, Chief Financial Officer II. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP A. MAY vs NOVEMBER COUNCILMANIC ELECTIONS III. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS V. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 4:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION Ctttzens may register to address Ctty Council for a limited time on any ttem on the Formal Counctl ,4 genda Speakers may regtster tmmechately prior to the meettng or, tn advance, by calhng the City Clerk's Office at 427-4303 VI. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber- 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend Gretchen O. S. Nelson Beech Grove and Bethel United Methodist Churches C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES October 23, 2001 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION The Consent Agenda will be determtned during the Agenda Review Session and considered tn the or&nary course of bustness by City Council to be enacted by one motion. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. AIRSPACE - Town Center Underground Construction 2. AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM (ARP) - District 7 - Princess Anne (a) 39.68 acres - 2060 Princess Anne Road I. STAFF PRESENTATION and PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Facial Recognition Technology J. ORDINANCES . Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the sale of airspace (City's right-of-way) to the Town Center for constructing underground pilings with caps at Virginia Beach Boulevard; and, AUTHORIZE the City Manager to convey this right-of-way to Town Center Associates, L.L.C. . Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the acquisition of Agricultural Reserve Preservation (ARP) easements and the issuance of its contract obligations: (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE ) a. Nancy Williamson 39.68 acres $678,528 Installment Purchase Agreement No. 2001-41 . Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute a Declaration of Restrictions for West Neck Creek Park re a conservation easement to be preserved in its natural state and serve as a passive recreation site. . Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to enter into an Assignment of and First Amendment to the Sales Agreement with Gibson Equipment Company, Inc. and Galloway Corporation to acquire additional property at 19~ Street and Birdneck Road for the Convention Center expansion. . Ordinance to RE-APPROPRIATE $7,510,654 of School Reversion funds from FY 2000-2001 General Fund fund balance to the FY 2001-2002 capital improvement and operating budgets for school projects and instructional purposes. . Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $2,363,076, a State construction grant, to the FY 2001-2002 School capital improvement (CIP) budget for elementary school modernization projects. . Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $614,511 from the General Fund and TRANSFER $685,489 from various roadway capital projects re land acquisition at Potters Road for the Lynnhaven Parkway Interchange at Great Neck Road, by agreement or condemnation. , Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $250,000 from the Police Forfeited Asset Sharing fund to their FY 2001-2002 operating budget re the purchase of replacement gas masks and filters for every officer. K. RESOLUTIONS . Resolution re the City's COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA and requesting the City's delegation sponsor and/or support this legislation during the 2002 Virginia General Assembly. . Resolution re twenty-five (25) percent reimbursement from the Commonwealth of Virginia re construction funding for all eligible costs associated with the Correction Center expansion. , Resolution appointing Doris J. Geiger to the position of Assistant City Attorney effective 16 November 2001. L. APPOINTMENTS ~CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA BOARD (CBPA) COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD (CSB) HAMPTON ROADS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE PENDLETON PROJECT MANAGEMENT BOARD PLANNING COMMISSION ~.-SENIOR SERVICES OF SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA (SEVAMP) VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (VBCDC) VIRGINIA BEACH FOUNDATION M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS N. NEW BUSINESS O. ADJOURNMENT If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, call: TDD only 427-4305 (TDD - Telephonic Device for the Deaf) ll/01/01gw AGENDA\I 1/06/01 www.vbgov.com OUR NK'I MINUTES VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL V~rginia Beach, Virgima November 6, 2001 Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf called to order the City Manager's Briefing CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROCESS- Major Projects in the City Council Conference Room, City Hall Bmldlng, on Tuesday, November 6, 2001, at 1 30 P M Council Members Present Llnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louis R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandlgo, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Absent Vice Mayor Wdhams D Sessoms, Jr Wdham W Harrtson, Jr [Entered 2 20 P M] [Out of City relative Legal Appointments] -2- MA YOR 's COMMENTS ITEM # 48834 Mayor Oberndorf congratulated Ltnwood and Robln Branch on the blrth of their daughter, Lindsey Olivia Branch, on Thursday, October 25, 2001 ITEM # 48835 Mayor Oberndorf advtsed she was unable to attend the Ctty Counctl Sesston of October 23, 2001, as she was parttctpatmg for two days tn the Mayors' Emergency Safety and Security Summit in Washington, D.C. The Mayor was Co-Charring a Session on Emergency Preparedness Tom Rtdge, the new Secretary of Homeland, John Ashcrofi -Untted States Attorney General, Tommy Thompson - Health and Human Services Dtrector, and, Robert Mueller, III- FBI Dtrector, were tn attendance The FBI was requested to be more forthcoming with specific lnformatton to the local pohce forces November 6, 2001 -3- CITY MANA GER 'S BRIEFING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROCESS - MAJOR PROJECTS 1:30 P.M. ITEM # 48836 E Dean Block, Dtrector of Pubhc Works, advtsed the staff ts revtewtng all opportuntttes to assure the success of the Convention Center Replacement ProJect (CIP 9-018), whtch ts the largestproject of tts type The staff ts tnterested tn purstng the optton of Constructton Management (CM) as a dehvery method John Herzke, Ctty Engtneer, advtsed the Ctty has htstortcally procured constructton servares for budding projects (as well as other types of constructton projects) through a tradtttonal compettttve btdprocess This process generally tnvolves the submtsston of btds for the work based on a completed set of construction contract documents prepared by the Archttectural/Engtneertng consultants The constructton contract ts almost always awarded to the lowest btd submttted by a responstve and acceptable contractor Section 2- 214 3 of the Code of Vtrgtnta Beach adopts vartous secttons of the Code of Vtrgtma relattng to the Vtrgmta Pubhc Procurement Act and the procurement of servtces Included tn the hst of adoptton ~ecttons ts Code of Vtrgmta §2.2-4308 entttled "Design-build or construction management contracts forpublic bodies other than the Commonwealth; eligibility requirements, award of contract, records to be kept" 7his code sectton allows apubhc body to "enter into a contract for construction services" (fixedprtce or not-to-exceedprtce) using "deslgn-butM or constructton management basts provtded the public body comphes wtth the requtrements of this sectton and has obtatned the approval of the Design-Build/Construction Management Review Board" Thts code sectton also prescrtbes that a pubhc body must "have adopted, by ordinance or resolutton, wrttten procedures governing the section, evaluatton and award of destgn-buddmg and constructton management contracts" Currently, the Ctty does not have an ordtnance or resolutton whtch wouM meet the requtrements outhned tn §2.2-4308. Therefore, the Ctty cannot utdtze destgn-butM or constructton management as a dehvery system for Ctty projects The Construction Management (CM) At Rtsk has been utdtzed three ttmes tn Vtrgtnta stnce 1997 Rtchmond Conventton Center- GteCCA, Regtonal Jad-New Rtver Valley Regtonal Jarl A uthortty, and, Jarl and Courthouse - Tazewell County What is Construction Management At Risk? Construction Management At Risk ts a dehvery method where the Constructton Manager is selected early tn the destgn phase and Destgn Phase The Constructton Manager parttctpates tn the destgn process by evaluattng cost, schedules, alternattve destgns tncludtng systems and matertals, constructtbthty revtews, sub-contract btd package strategtes Prtor to constructton The Constructton Manager provtdes a guaranteed maxtmum prtce (GMP) that ts acceptable to the owner and from that point assumes rtsk for prtce and schedule During construction the Construction Manager manages the constructton project and awards numerous competlttvely btd contracts for the major components of the work Post construction the Construction Manager provtdes services tn the start-up and turnover of the facthty to the operators, project close-out and warranty pertod servtces Selection Criteria for the Construction Manager Based on crtterta that combtne quahficattons, expertence, and fee Bastc Company Data and References Personnel Expertence and Capabtltty Expertence tn Constructton Management and Project Type, t e Convention Centers Ftnanctal tnformatton Bondtng, Insurance Management Plan and Quahty Control Plan for the Project Fee for services (as a percentage of constructton cosO Management Information Systems Safety Record Selectton commtttee will be comprlsed of Ctty stafffrom Pubhc Works, Conventton and Vtsttor Development and Ftnance/Purchastng November 6, 2001 -4- CITY MANA GER 'S BRIEFING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROCESS - MAJOR PROJECTS ITEM # 48836 (Continued) Mr Herzke ctted the AD VANTAGES: Team approach from the start, not typical adversartal relattonshtp Increased owner control over the project cost Strong "Check & Balance" between designer and contractor Value engtneertng throughout design not just after btd Constructton planmng and scheduhng are enhanced Phased constructton options are avatlable City revtew and approval o fall the Construction Management subcontracts What is in the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) ? Direct cost of dotng the work the brick, mortar, labor, subcontracts General Condttlons Constructton Manager's on-site staff Temporary faclhtles, power, utilities Contingencies As agreed to between Owner and Constructton Management Allowances Of used) Construction Management fee (Typically 2 - 2 1/2% on all the above) What is not in the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) ? Changes durtng construction requested by the owner Unforeseen site conditions (t e, sub-surface soil conditions, etc ) Design errors and omtsslons Code changes after GMP established, which cause a change for constructton What is the process to procure Construction Manager (CM) Services? City adopts resolution to estabhsh the Constructton Management selection procedures Application for project approval is submitted to the State Construction Management/Deslgn-ButM Review Board Adverttse a Request for Quahficattons (RFQ) Select or short-hst the best two to five firms Send the short-hsted firms a Request for Proposal (RFP) Evaluate those responses based on estabhshed criteria Sort responses into "Acceptable" or "Not Acceptable" Select firm based on the established crtterla Oncludlngfee proposal) Negottate and award contract for preconstructlon services Establish the GMP (at destgn completion) Award the construction contract Mr Herzke ctted the RECOMMENDATION$: Approval of resolution provtdtng the City the optton to use alternate project dehvery methods allowed by State law Thts resolutton does not mandate any project be dehvered by destgn-butM or constructton management Thts resolutton does complete a crtttcal requtrement of Code of Vtrgtma 392 2-4308 requtrlng such a resolutton to be tn place prtor to ustng an alternate dehvery method for constructton of apphcable projects Use ora Construction Management dehvery system for the Convention Center Replacement (CIP 9-018) Thts project ts extremely complex and offers numerous unique challenges Staff feels the mcorporatton of a Constructton Manager to the project process will help foster a successful project outcome lncludtng a htgh quahty, iconic bulldtng wtth opttmum value and project budget control Direct staff to make apphcatlon to the Design-ButYd/Construction Management Review Board tn Rtchmond for use of construction management as a dehvery system on the Convention Center Replacement (cie 9- Ol S) November 6, 2001 -5- CITY MANA GER '$ BRIEFING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROCESS - MAJOR PROJECTS ITEM # 48836 (Continued) Mr Herzke referenced the 2 to 2 1/2% Construction Management fee The construcnon cost wtll be approxtmately $134-MILLION The 2 - 2 ~% fee wouM be based on thts cost (approxtmately $2. 7- MILLION) The total project conststtng of approxtmately $193-MILLIONencompasses destgn, acqutsttton, unhty adjustments and other factors A general contractor wouM have alee of a comparable nature as a part of the btd package Mr Herzke advtsed the Ctty has control of all of the subcontractor btds of the Constructton Manager There are three potnts of checks and balances Mr Block advtsed thts same process conttnues durmg the destgn work All tnvolved (archttect, Constructton Manager) wtll be aware of the budget comprtstng $193-MILLION for the Convention Center Replacement ProJect (CIP 9-018) Mr Herzke advtsed apphcatton for eachproject must be made to the Design-Build/Construction Management Review Board tn Rtchmond for use of construction management as a dehvery system The staff wouM also request Ctty Council's approval, tf another project were to be utthzed through the Constructwn Management process, however, thts process does not apply to normal "run-of-the mtll" constructton projects Mr Herzke advtsed concerntng the Resolutton outhmngprocedures for the selectton, evaluatton and award of Constructton Management contracts, Sectton b, page 2, concerntng "the Ctty shall pubhsh notice of tts request for quahficattons at least ten (10) days prtor to the date set for receipt of quahficatlons by postmg tn the Purchastng Agent's office and tn a local newspaper of general ctrculatton tn the Ctty" The ten days ts only a mmtmum The nottce wtll probably be posted for three to four weeks BY CONSENSUS, Resolutions shall be SCHEDULED for the Ctty Counctl Sesston of November 13, 2001 Resoluttons AUTHORIZING Ctty staff to commence process of obtatmng state approval for the use ora Constructton Management contract re the Convention Center Replacement, and, outhmng procedures for the selectton, evaluatton and award of destgn-butld and Construction Management Contracts as a dehvery method of major Ctty constructton projects November 6, 2001 -6- CITY MANA GER 'S BRIEFING COMMERCIAL PARKING LOTS 2:40 P.M. ITEM #4883 7 Karen Lasley, Zontng Admtmstrator, advtsed Ctty Counctl was very concerned relattve the appearance of commercial parMng lots tn the Oceanfront area and the behavtoral problems occurrtng tn these lots On May 1, 2001, Ctty staff presented a DRAFT Ordtnance to AMEND Section 23-58 of the City Codepertatmng to the regulatton of commercial parMng lots Thts was referred to the Resort Advtsory Commtsston (RAC) for revtew and comment There were a sertes of meetmgs hem by the Resort Advtsory Commtsston (RAC) from June Seventh to September Thtrteenth Wtlham Rountree, Chatrman- Resort Advtsory Commtsston forwarded correspondence of September 18, 2001, to Ctty Councd, outhmng RAC's posttton Ms Lasley advtsed the Ordtnance only apphes to Commercial Parking lots tn the RT-Resort Tourist Districts The problems are untque to the Oceanfront area The staff ts concerned relattve the unprofessional appearance of many commerctal parkmg lots stgns Ms Lasley ctted the following amendments, contatned wtthtn the ordtnance, relattve stgns Signs Entrance stgns requtred wtth a maximum of 9 (nme) square feet Entrance stgn must contam name and lot, hours of operatton and rates A stgn plan must be submttted Stgns shouM have professtonal appearance In keeping wtth the colors and style used on pubhc stgns at the Oceanfront Moveable letters on entrance stgn for postmg varying rates The RAC supports these remsed amendments re stgns A paved surface ts requtred (asphalt, concrete or pavers) RAC also concurs with thts amendment The revtsed ordmance requtres improvement tn keeping wtth Engmeermg Standards - this includes curbing RAC recommends Ctty Council consider watvmg the requtrement for cubing Ms Lasley referenced the staff response Curbing ts tn keepmg wtth tmprovements imposed on all commercial development Fmtshed upgraded appearance Protects landscapmg Acts as a traffic control device Stormwater Management Revtsed Ordtnance requtres lot tmprovements tn keepmg wtth Engtneermg Standards -requtres Stormwater Management to be addressed RAC recommends that Ctty Counctl constder watvmg the requtrement for Stormwater Management. Staff Response Cannot legally watve Stormwater Management The Ctty Engmeers beheve the tmpact of stormwater management Wlli be mlntmal Extsttng compacted gravel ts prtmarlly tmpertous and landscaping ts being added November 6, 2001 -7- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING COMMERCIAL PARKING LOTS ITEM #4883 7 (Continued) Perimeter Landscaping Only adjacent to pubhc streets or pubhc property Where a lot ts adjacent to landscaped Ctty property, consider a variance tf the lot owner upgrades extsttng landscaping and/or adds features such as a trelhs or sculpture RAC agrees wtth thts revtsed amendment Perimeter landscaping wouM entad a cost of approxtmately $15 per foot of frontage A 5-foot landscape strip ts reqmred at the Oceanfront rather than the lO feet required throughout the Ctty Variances Ftrst verston of amendments allowed no watvers to any of the requtrements RAC and staff concur that some vartatton of the regulattons may be justtfied RAC recommends creatton of an 8-member gartance Board Staff recommends vartance to the Commerctal Parktng Lot Ordtnance be handled by the Ctty Manager or hts destgnee, the same as vartances to the Stte Plan Ordtnance Interior Landscaping Do not requtre standard ~ntertor landscaptng due to stgntficant loss of parktng spaces Requtre tntertor only where the lot has tntertor spaces Requtre one Ctty approved planttng contatner at the end of each tntertor parking atsle (The contatners are very sturdy) Cost Contatner $600 Landscaptng $150 RAC supports thts revtsed amendment Hours of Operation Open unttl 2 O0 A M Lot secured by 2 30 A M Lot may rematn open all mght tf bustness ts open 24 hours per day - ~f supervtsed and only for patrons of the 24-hour business R/IC supports thts revtsed amendment Attendants An attendant must be on the premtses for one-half hour after clostng or unttl the last car leaves, whichever ts earher RAC agrees wtth thts revtsed amendment November 6, 2001 -8- CITYMANAGER'S BRIEFING COMMERCIAL PARKING LOTS ITEM #4883 7 (Continued) Deadlines for improvements Original draft- April 30, 2002 RAC - Landscaping by April 30, 2002 and paving by April 30, 2003 Staff- landscaping and paving delayed until April 30, 2003 RA C supports delaying the deadline for required improvements Ms Lasley advtsed the staff and RAC concur on all potnts with the exceptton of Curbing, Stormwater Management and formation o fa Variance Committee The approval of revised amendments is recommended Good compromtses that balance aesthettc grades with minimal loss of extsttng parktng spaces The extsttng substandard lots are "temporary". Current appearance of the lots ts not tn keeptng wtth the goal of tmprovlng the quahty of the Resort Area Wdl help move the Resort Area towards tts full potenttal The Ctty staff shall revtew an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance concerntng a "temporary parking lot" which couM be admtntstrattvely approved and have reduced requirements for a period of one year and if the apphcant wished further extension, it must be through the Conditional Use process Henry Rulz, Parking Systems Management, advised there are 2300privately operatedparklng spaces (some are utlhzed for fees and others for business estabhshments) and 1600 Mumclpal parking spaces Approximately thtrty-slx (36) parking lots require some form of comphance Councdman Branch wished to confer with Ms Lasley relative curbing and examples of stormwater management solutions being presented at a future City Council Session Mayor Oberndorf expressed concern relative parking lots being used as "used car lots" November 6, 2001 -9- CITY MANA GER 'S BRIEFING CHANGE INDICATORS and FLEXIBILITY MEETING CHALLENGES IN UNCERTAIN TIMES 3:10 P.M. ITEM #48838 City Councd ts faced wtth dual dectstons pertatntng to the use of addtttonal funds avadable at the end of the Ctty's fiscal year, and, any adjustments needed to respond to the potenaal for a recesston, whtch was compounded by the attacks of September Eleventh In addttton to the uncertatnty of revenue tmpacts, home land securtty tssues may drtve expendttures Conststent wtth the Ctty's successful pohce of financtal management, these tssues requtre a remew of the Fund Balance Reserve Policy tn the context of avadable funds, a destre to butM reserves, fund capttal projects and recogmze members There ts a need to develop some form of leadtng and laggtng tndtcators to help predtctfinanctal change tn these uncertatn ames Study Group Participants Chuck Applebach Medta Relattons Manager Paul Harrts Management Servtces Vtctorta Lewts Chtef Ftnanctal Officer - Schools Patrtcla Phdhps Dtrector of Ftnance Dtane Roche Asststant to the Clfy Manager for Medta and Commumcattons Fagan Stackhouse Dtrector- Human Resources Susan Walston Chtef of Staff Catheryn Whttesell Dtrector- Management Servtces Relattve the Fund Balance, the Cay's reserve pohcy requtres that undesignated General Fund Balance be matntatned at 75%-100% of the subsequent year 's debt service over the past several years, we have targeted reserves at 82 5%, whtch ts beyond the mtntmum The unaudtted end-of-year financtal statement indicates, the followtng is avadable above thts reserve target Undesignated Fund Balance- June 30, 2001 Fund Balance Policy Reserve 82.5% Amount Beyond Policy Reserve $62,409,184 $60,927,546 $1,481,638 There ts a balance of approxtmately $1.5-MILLION beyond the 82.5% reserve target The mtntmum requtrement of 75% of debt servtce wouMprovtde an addmonal $5.8-MILLION, leavmg a total of SZ3- MILLION avadable above the mtntmum reserve level PROJECTS Projects currently under consideration or commttments by Esamated Costs Beyond Current Fundtng the Ctty Castleton/S E Expressway $ 2,550,000 E911 Commumcattons Buddtng $ 5,000,000 or $ 8,000,000 Replacement of Pavthon Theatre $18, 000, 000 to $25,000,000 Skate Park $ 250, 000 to $ 4, 000, 000 Health Informatton Portabthty and Accountabthty Act Esttmates currently undetermtned Pubhc Safety Issues related to Terrortst Acttvtttes Estimates currently undetermtned Land acqutsttton near T C C $ 500, 000 Lynnhaven Parkway~264 Interchange $ 614,511 November 6, 2001 -IO- CITY MANA GER 'S BRIEFING CHANGE INDICATORS and FLEXIBILITY MEETING CHALLENGES IN UNCERTAIN TIMES ITEM #48838 (Continued) Since 1993, the Ctty has recognized member efforts to keep expenses low and tncrease productlvtty through the gainsharing program, which was funded from a portton of the amount available above the estabhshed reserve level The gainsharing program recognized savlngs, productivity, creativity and stewardshlp After eight years, gainsharing no longer produces a slgntficant impact Monitoring Economic Conditions Five recessions since late 1960s Our economy has been tnsulated by slgntficant population growth and defense spendtng 1990-91 Recession National recesston Deployment of mlhtary personnel 45, 000 vs 15, 000 Housing recesston- overbutlt and downstzlng of mlhtary personnel Leading vs lagging indicators City staff has selected SlX variables which wtll serve as the prehmlnary indicators of Virginia Beach's Economy Real estate supplements; number and value of building permits; new car registrations; initial unemployment claims, elastic taxes and ship/troop deployment In addition to these local variables, staff will report on four national variables U.S. leading indicators, gross domestic product; consumer expectations; and, interest rates Economic IndicaWrs Real Estate Supplements Supplement/Months Amount 12th Month $118,556,468 1,t 9 months $ 62,597,816 2"a 6 months $ 38, 711,188 3ra 3 months $ 12,236,104 Building Permits: Down 23% through September New Car Registrations: Down 6.4%from last year, representing the first decrease in three (3)years. Initial Unemployment Claims: Up 13. O% for the year, representing the .first increase in seven years. General Sales Tax: In negative territory through the first three months of the fiscal years; this has only occurred twice before in the history of the City; in both previous time., General Sales finished with a negative growth rate Ship/Troop Deployment 1991 - 45, 000 Local troops - 32% Typical - 15,000 *Military Employment falhng from 141,600 to 109, 049 Level of Concern 35, 000/32% *Catheryn Whltesell advised these figures had been received from a Military analyst tn the area, but will be confirmed November 6, 2001 -ll- CITYMANAGER'S BRIEFING CHANGE INDICATORS and FLEXIBILITY MEETING CHALLENGES IN UNCERTAIN TIMES ITEM #48838 (Continued) US Indicators Gross Domesttc Product Consumer Expectattons Interest Rates Short-term tnterest rates are approxtmately 3 7% lower than last year Thts effects the General Fund's Interest Income Conclusions/Recommendations ButM Reserves and Change the Reserve Pohcy from debt level base to revenue drtven) Limit Capital Projects and Anticipate Other Issues on the Horizon Commttted Land acqutsttton near T C C $ 500, 000 Castleton S E Expressway $ 2, 550, 000 Lynnhaven Pkwy/264 Inter-change $ 614,511 TOTAL $ 3, 664, 511 Recognize Members Provtde day after Thanksgtvmg and Chrtstmas Eve 2001 as Hohday leave Regular Monitoring Monthly revtew Monthly update for Ctty Counctl and School Admtntstratton Robert Matthtas, Asststant to the Ctty Manager advised the State requtres $120-MILLIONtn thts fiscal year to payfor teacher salary and state employee salary increases The State is looktng toward a $1/2-BILLION to $1-BILLION shortfall tn thts fiscal year The state ts tn a better posttlon than 1990-1991, as they have close to SI-BILLION in the "rainy day"fund Up to ~ of the "rainy day"fund can be utthzed in any one fiscal year, however, only enough of the ratny day fund can be used to make up the dtfference between the revenue forecast, whtch was 7 2%for the Btenntum tn actual revenues The state can also secure from the tobacco settlement, whtch ts approxtmately $400-MILLION The Governor has also trted to secure $3.8- BILLION from FEMA to resolve securtty concerns Paul Harrts, Management Servtces, advtsed the personal property tax does respond to changes in the economy rather qutckly and the December assessments are lower than last year Mr Thompson advtsed all tndtcators wouM be evaluated later thts month and recommendattons made to the City Manager Informatton relattve the changes tn the general categorws of the sales tax, shall be provtded Reserve Balances for the past five years shall be provtded The cost of the Category I Hurricane was approxtmately $7-MILLION, however the Ctty was retmbursed $5-MILLION by the Federal Government Mayor Oberndorf advtsed htrtng freezes have been lnstttuted by Newport News and Chesapeake November 6, 2001 - 12- C I T Y COUNCIL WORKSHOP MA Y vs NO VEMBER CO UNCILMANIC ELECTIONS 3:48 P.M. ITEM # 48839 Mayor Oberndorfreferencedactton of the GeneralAssembly tn the 2000 Sesston, whtch wouMallow the Ctty to change Council elections to November. Correspondence from Senator Stolle and Delegate Sutt has been forwarded Mayor Oberndorf referenced an E-mad from Judy Connors who was very candtd tn her opposttton ctttng confuston to the voters havtng to make a selectton tn three races tn ¥ovember Mrs Connors also stated the voters tn November wouM be less tnformed relattve Ctty tssues There are only three (3) States whtch hold thetr Ctty Councd electron tn May Dr Marlene Hager, the Ctty Regtstrar, provtded tnformatton on voter turnout for May vs November tn the last two electron cycles There ts a 100% increase tn voter turnout from November compared to May The Ctty of Rtchmond moved thetr Councdmamc electron to November and extended each of the Councd Members terms by' stx months The Ctty Manager advtsed consohdatton of the electrons wouM save apprommately $55,000 to $70,000. Costs tnvolvtng changtng the Councilmanic elections to November shall be provtded Informatton relative the date of local electrons and whether or not these electrons are parttsan re all of the Cttles, towns and counttes tn Vtrgtma shall be provtded Robert Matthtas, Asststant to the City Manager, advlsed all the local elections are hem tn May Vtrgtnta Beach ts non-parttsan by Charter A chart relative the vartous electrons hem tn November wdl be provtded The Ctty Attorney advtsed the Ctty's electron process ts by petition Mayor Oberndorf requested Public Comment be recetved on thts tssue durtng the Ctty Council Session of November 13, 2001, and an Ordtnance scheduled for the City Council Session of November 27, 2001 November 6, 2001 - 13- AGENDA RE VIEW SESSION 4:05 P.M. ITEM # 48840 Ordtnance to AMEND Ctty Code Sectton 23-8 2 by prohtbttlng certatn uses of lmttatton mfecttous btologtcal, toxtc or radtoacttve substances Commonwealth Attorney Harvey Bryant referenced the proposed Ordtnance to be ADDED to the Ctty Counctl Sesston Thts Ordtnance wouM asstst tn filhng avotd tn the State and Ctty laws regarding tmltatton substances There have been several cases where a "powder" has been placed tn an envelope and left at a place of business or mad box A law does not extst at the present ttme to prosecute these cases There have been three cases of thts nature to date Stmtlar proposals for thts legtslatton have been presented to Senator Stolle, Delegate McDonnell and the Crime Commtsston ITEM # 48841 Ordtnance to APPR OPRIA TE $2,55 O, O00 from fund balance/TRANSFER $200,000 from CIP #2-076, Laskln Road Gateway to CIP #2-089 Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt for the purchase of Southeastern Expressway r-o-w tn the Castleton area Vtce Mayor Sessoms advtsed thts ttem wtll be ADDED to the Ctty Council Sesston ITEM # 48842 J1 Ordmance to AUTHORIZE the sale of airspace (GlO] 'S rtght-of- way) to the Town Center for constructtng underground pthngs wtth caps at Vtrgtma Beach Boulevard, and, AUTHORIZE the City Manager to convey thts right-of-way to Town Center Assoctates, L L C Counctlman Jones wtll ABSTAIN. Vice Mayor Sessoms DISCLOSED, pursuant to Sectton 2 2-3112(C), Code of Vtrgtma, he ts an officer of Wachovta Bank, whtch recently merged wtth Ftrst Union Nattonal Bank, and as a result of the merger ts now the holder of a constructton loan for Phase I of the Town Centerproject The Ctty Attorney has advtsed that, pursuant to Vtrgtnta Code 3~ 15 2-2100, a "super majority" of ntne votes ts requtred for thts sale, and because two other Councd members are required to abstatn from thts vote, hts vote ts essenttal for the constttuttonal majority requtred by that Code sectton The Clty Attorney has advtsed that because of his sole interest in thts proposed sale ts by vtrtue of hts employment by a bustness tnvolved tn the proposed sale, and because hts vote ts essenttal for the constttuttonal majortty requtred by Vtrglnta Code 3~ 15 2-2100, he may vote, pursuant to Vlrgtnta Code Sectton 2 2-3112(C) ITEM # 48843 J2 Ordtnance to AUTHORIZE the acqutsttton of Agrtcultural Reserve Preservatton (ARP) easements and the tssuance of its contract obhgations (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a Nancy Wdliamson 39 68 acres $678,528 Installment Purchase Agreement No 2001-41 Council Members Eure, McClanan and }Vtlson wtll vote a VERBAL NAY November 6, 2001 - 14- AGENDA RE VIEW SESSION ITEM # 48844 .]3 Ordtnance to AUTHORIZE the Ctty Manager to execute a Declaratton of Restrtcttons for West Neck Creek Park re a conservation easement to be preserved tn tts natural state and serve as a passive recreation site Council Lady McClanan wdl vote a VERBAL NAY Councd Lady McClanan agreed wtth the concept of a recreatton stte, but was concerned relattve allowtng enforcement by the Envtronmental Protectton Agency and the U S Ftsh and Wddhfe ITEM # 48845 .]4 Ordtnance to AUTHORIZE the Ctty Manager to enter tnto an Assignment of and Ftrst Amendment to the Sales Agreement with Gibson Equtpment Company, Inc and Galloway Corporatton to acqutre addtttonal property at 19th Street and Btrdneck Road for the Convention Center expansion Councd Lady Eure tnqutred what can or cannot be butlt on thts property The Ctty Manager advtsed the only restrtctton tmposed was on the restdenttal The tntent of purchase wouM be etther for parktng for the Convention Center or a compattble development t e. theater, office, etc. lnformatton relative sale of land tn thts area was provtded to Councd Lady McClanan by the Real Estate Assessor ITEM # 48846 .]5 Ordtnance to RE-APPROPRIATE $7,510,654 of School Reversion funds from FY 2000-2001 General Fund balance to the FY 2001-2002 capttal improvement and operating budgets for school projects and mstructional purposes Counctl Lady Eure referenced the fundtng tn the amount of $125,0OO for scanners for schools, is to be utilized by the admtnistratton to scan the records. The fundtng of $46,654 entads hosttng the Nattonal Assoctatton of Student Councils ~ASC) Conference at Ocean Lakes Htgh School The return on investment wtll be constderable. Council Lady McClanan expressed concern relative $800,000 for the Human Resources Payroll project (CIP #1.23 7) Victorta Lewis, Chtef Financial Officer - Schools, advtsed thts project wtll probably be on hne in the Sprmg. The total cost entatled $6.7-MILLION ITEM # 4884 7 J. 7. Ordtnance to APPROPRIATE $614,511from the General Fund and TRANSFER $685,489 from various roadway capttal projects re land acquisition at Potters Road for the Lynnhaven Parkway Interchange at Great Neck Road, by agreement or condemnatton Counctl Lady Eure tnquired relattve replacement of funds from the other projects Catheryn Whttesell, Director of Resource Management, advtsed the funds for the land acqutsttton are being transferred from completed projects, whtch no longer requtre fundmg. November 6, 2001 -15- AGENDA RE VIEW SESSION ITEM # 48848 K1. Resolution re the City's COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA and requesting the Ctty's delegatton sponsor and/or support thts leglslatton during the 2002 Virgmta General Assembly Council Lady Wdson referenced DRAFT legtslatton concerning creattng a revenue source from the State for replenlshmg the sand on the beaches The Beaches and Waterways Commtssion had requested this legtslation be mcluded tn the Ctty's Community Leglslattve Agenda Robert Matthtas, Asststant to the Ctty Manager, dtstrtbuted the proposed legtslatton, whtch wouM entatl $5-MILLION a year from excess recordation tax revenues and return tojurtsdtctlons which have pubhc beaches The legtslatlon would also allow any parttcular jurtsdtctton to recetve up to 60% of the funds available tn any gtven year At the present ttme, the Public Beach Board receives $300,000 to $400,000 per year A locality can receive only 30% of those funds tn any gtven year There is competttion The Open Space plan of the Commonwealth was also tnterested tn the recordation tax funding source. Mr Matthtas advtsed the last appropriatton was recetved for the Hurricane Protection project, which commenced tn 1954 Thts project ts now fully funded This ts a great accomphshment for the Ctty Councd ITEM # 48849 Counctl Lady Eure wtshed to vote a VERBAL NAY on Addendum - Pubhc Safety Issues, Testing for DUI, Item B, page 16 Any person qualified to wtthdraw blood for chemtcal testtng shall, at the dtrectton of any law enforcement officer durtng the course of thetr investigatton, withdraw the blood of any person whether consctous or unconsctous for the use of chemical testtng. Procedures for the withdrawal of the blood will be adhered to as in paragraph A Council Lady McClanan wtshed to vote a VERBAL NAY on the entire Addendum - Pubhc Safety Issues ITEM # 48850 BY CONSENSUS, the following shah compose the CONSENTAGENDA: ORDINANCES J2. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the acqutsitton of Agricultural Reserve Preservatton (ARP) easements and the issuance of tts contract obhgatlons (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) Nancy WtHtamson 39 68 acres $678,528 Installment Purchase Agreement No 2001-41 J. 3 Ordtnance to AUTHORIZE the Ctty Manager to execute a Declaratton of Restrtcttons for West Neck Creek Park re a conservatton easement to be preserved tn its natural state and serve as a passtve recreation site. J4 Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the Ctty Manager to enter tnto an Asstgnment of and Ftrst Amendment to the Sales Agreement wtth Gtbson Equtpment Company, Inc and Galloway Corporatton to acqutre addtttonal property at 19th Street and Birdneck Road for the Convention Center expanston. J. 5 Ordtnance to RE-APPROPRIATE $7,510,654 of School Reversion funds from FY 2000-2001 General Fund balance to the FY 2001-2002 capttal tmprovement and operattng budgets for school projects and mstructtonal purposes November 6, 2001 -16- AGENDA RE VIEW SESSION ITEM # 48850 (Continued) d6 Ordinance to ACCEPTandAPPROPRIA TE $2,363,076, a State construction grant, to the FY 2001-2002 School capital improvement (CIP) budget for elementary school modernization projects J. 7 Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $614,511from the General Fund and TRANSFER $685,489 from various roadway capital projects re land acquisition at Potters Road for the Lynnhaven Parkway Interchange at Great Neck Road, by agreement or condemnation Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $250,000 from the Pohce Forfeited Asset Sharing fund to their FY 2001-2002 operating budget re the purchase of replacement gas masks and filters for every officer RESOLUTIONS K1 Resolution re the City's COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA and requesting the City's delegation sponsor and/or support this legislation during the 2002 Virginia General Assembly K2. Resolution re twenty-five (25) percent reimbursement from the Commonwealth of Virginia re construction funding for all ehgtble costs associated with the Correction Center expansion. K3 Resolution appointing Doris J. Geiger to the position of Assistant City Attorney effective 16 November 2001 Council Members Eure, McClanan and Wilson will vote a VERBAL NAY on Item d 2 (a) Council Lady McClanan will vote a VERBAL NAY on Item J 3 On Item K 1. Council Lady Eure will vote a VERBAL NA Yon Addendum - Public Safety Issues, Testing for DUI, Item B, page 16. Council Lady McClanan will vote a VERBAL NA Y on the entire Addendum- Public Safety Issues November 6, 2001 -17- CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS 4:30 P.M. ITEM # 48851 Councdman Jones distributed his correspondence relative an Oyster Heritage Program within the Lynnhaven River Basin The plan ts to create oyster beds providing a mmgatton bank for pubhc and private projects tn the entire Lynnhaven River Basin Robert Matthtas, Assistant to the City Manager, advised the staff worked closely with the Virginia Marme Resources Commission, US Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Environmental Quahty, the Vtrgtma Institute of Marine Science and other natural resource agencies to identify areas tn the Lynnhaven River mostproducttve for the creation of oyster beds Two and three dimensional beds couM be created by next Spring using 8.25 acres of the tmttal 15 acres identified Beyond the initial 15 acres mapped, the staff could, tn concert with the resource agencies, survey the entire basin to identify additional areas suitable for creatmg oyster beds Under the partnership envisioned, the City wouldpromde $50,000 for this initial effort These funds are available from the Pubhc Works Department's mitigation program previously funded by City Council The City's funds wouM be matchedwtth a mmtmum of $117, O00 from other sources, including the Commonwealth andproperty owners tn the Lynnhaven River Basin Staff may also pursue funds through the Federal Coastal Zoning Management program, the U S Corps of Engineers and other voluntary donations Councilman Jones and staffhave been working closely with the General Assembly delegation Councd Lady Henley advtsed success of the Elizabeth River project has been due to the parttctpatton of the businesses and the stakeholders tn that area and inquired whether there ts a similar stakeholder support group for the Lynnhaven Mr Matthtas advised Councd Lady Wdson has been successful tn obtaining approximately $2,000 tn private contributions to add to the "2 Cents for Oysters Project" The Vtrgtma Marine Science Museum has an excellent program Mr Matthtas advised the short term goal (ten years) ts to create an oyster populatton, so tt naturallyfilters the Lynnhaven and eventually to a sustainable population which couM be harvestable The staff wouM try to make sure these beds were on pubhc land Senator Warner ts very interested tn this project Mayor Oberndorf advised her husband, Captam Roger Oberndorf's Suburban Ktwams has been very generous relative this project ITEM # 48852 Councd Lady Wilson requested a Resolution be scheduled for the City Council Session of November 13, 2001, recogmztng Senator John Warner, Senator George Allen and Congressman Edward Schrock the Virginia Beach Congressional Delegation, expressing appreciation for their conttnued nattonal leadership and their success tn assisting Virginia Beach city projects ITEM # 48853 Mr Matthtas advised the entire $9-MILLION ts not required to complete the Hurricane Protection project tn the Resort area The city wtll attempt to transfer remaining funds to Sandbrtdge There ts presently $2- $3-MILLlON in federal funding available and approximately $5-MILLION in Sandbridge Special District Revenue will be available next year Therefore, approximately a $12-MILLION beach replenishment will be accomphshed tn Sandbrtdge This ts the first time, the Federal Government has participated tn that project and wtll now have an ownership interest. Hopefully, a three (3) year cycle of nourishment will result ITEM # 48854 Council Lady McClanan referenced the Cancehng or Rescheduhng of the City Council Session of January 1, 2002 (New Year's Day) There are five (5) Tuesdays tn January The scheduhng will be chscussed durlng the City Council Session of November 13, 2001 ITEM # 48855 Council Lady Eure referenced the article in the Richmond Times Dispatch "Posted signs are illegal, so rip 'em down" Council Lady Eure requested the City's Media and Communications Department review for similar promotion and education of the pubhc November 6, 2001 - 18- CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS ITEM it 48857 Mayor Oberndorf expressed apprectatton to Sara Hensley, Dtrector of Parks and Recreatton and her tncredtble staff Ms Lasalle Blanks, Channel 13 News, contacted Mayor Oberndorf re Vtrgtma Beach honortng the FEMA team through a softball tournament On October 6th, Parks and Recreatton staff conducted the Pttchtng for the Pentagon Softball Tournament at Ctty Vtew Park A total of $6,500 was ratsed for the Rehef Fund through entry fees from 28 teams, t-shtrt sales and a donatton from Ptzza Hut Mayor Oberndorf lauded Jtmmy Grassano who co-ordtnated the Tournament and solely umptred all etght (8) games ITEM it 48858 Mayor Oberndorf suggested all vtstt Betty F. Williams School The Ktds Cafd has just been opened Thts is a partnershlp between the Ctty of Vtrgtma Beach, Betty F Wdhams School, Boys and Gtrls Club and the Food Bank Last night, the first celebratory meal was scheduled A young chef from Johnson & Wales Umverstty (Norfolk College of Cuhnary Arts) cooked the meal Every chtM also took home a can of meat ravtoh The Prmctpal advtsed the chddren are dropped off at 7 20 P M for dtnner These chddren can now recetve three (3) nourtshtng meals a day In addltton to being fed, they are tutored and partlclpate tn play Vtrgtnta Beach ts servtng as the prototype for stmdar developments in Chesapeake and Suffolk ITEM it 48859 Mayor Oberndorf and Councdman Branch parttctpated thts past weekend tn presentattons and ceremontes mvolvtng the State Special Olympics betng hem tn the Ctty of Vtrgtnta Beach At the Opemng Ceremony at Ocean Lakes Htgh School, the Olymptc Torch was ht Ttmothy Thomas - Convention and Vtsttor Development, recetved many favorable comments concermng hts orgamzattonal abthttes Mayor Oberndorf advtsed over 700families came to mew the ceremomes and parttctpate November 6, 2001 -19- ITEM # 48860 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf called to order the INFORMAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL in the Ctty Council Conference Room, City Hall Building, on Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 4 55 PM Council Members Present Linwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louis R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandlgo, Jr, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor William D Sessoms, Jr. and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Absent William W Harrison, Jr November 6, 2001 - 20 - ITEM # 48861 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf entertained a motton to permtt City Councd to conduct its CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to Sectton 2 1-344(A), Code of Vtrginta, as amended, for the followtng purpose PERSONNEL MATTERS Discussion, constderatton or tntervtews of prospecttve candtdates for employment, assignment, appotntment, promotton, performance, demotion, salartes, dtsctphntng, or resignatton of spectfic pubhc officers, appointees, or employees pursuant to Sectton 2.1-344 (A) (1) To Wtt Appointments Boards and Commtssions' Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Board Communtty Servtces Board Hampton Roads Economtc Development Alhance Pendleton ProJect Management Board Plannmg Commtsston Prtncess Anne Commons Advisory Commtttee Sentor Servtces of Southeastern Vtrgtnta Vtrgtnta Beach Communtty Development Corporatton Vtrgtnta Beach Foundation PUBLICLY-HELD PROPERTY' Dtscussion or constderatton of the acqutsitton of real property for a pubhc purpose, or of the disposttion of publicly-heM real property, where discusston in an open meettng would adversely affect the bargatntng posttion or negottattng strategy of the pubhc body pursuant to Sectton 2 1-344(A)(3) Acquisttion/Dtsposttton of Property' Prtncess Anne Distrtct Voting' 10-0 Counctl Members Voting Aye. Linwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R. Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, Jr., Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wdson Counctl Members Vottng Nay. None Counctl Members Absent Wdham W. Harrtson, Jr (Time of Closed Session: 4:55 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.) November 6, 2001 - 21 - FORMAL SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL November 6, 2001 6:00 P.M. Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf called to order the FORMAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL in the Council Chamber, City Hall Budding, on Tuesday, November 6, 2001, at 6:00 P M. Council Members Present: Llnwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louis R. Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C. Mandigo, dr ,Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy IC Parker, Vice Mayor Williams D. Sessoms, dr. and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Absent' William W Harrison, Jr [Out of City relattve Legal Appointments] INVOCATION. Reverend Gretchen O.S. Nelson. Beech Grove and Bethel United Methodist Churches PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA November 6, 2001 Item - 22 - CER TIFICA TION OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 4886;2 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Council Lady Parker, City Councd CERTIFIED THE CLOSED SESSION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOTION TO RECESS. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meettng requirements by Virginta law were dtscussed tn Closed Session to whtch thts certification resolution applies; AND, Only such public bustness matters as were identtfied tn the motton conventng the Closed Session were heard, discussed or constdered by Virginia Beach City Counctl. Voting: 9-0 Councd Members Voting Aye' Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louis R Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C Mandigo, Jr.,Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Williams D. Sessoms, dr. and Rosemary Wtlson Council Members Voting Nay' None Council Members Absent: Linwood O. Branch, III, and Wtlham W. Harrison, Jr November 6, 2001 CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded in ITEM It 48861, page 20, and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS: Section 2.1-344. of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. City Clerk November 6, 2001 - 23 - Item VI-F. 1. MINUTES ITEM # 48863 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Mandigo, City Council APPROVED, the Minutes of the INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS of October 23, 2001. Voting: 9-0 Council Members Voting Aye. Margaret L Eure, Barbara M.. Henley, Louis R. Jones Reba $. McClanan, Robert C Mandigo, Jr,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Williams D. Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Council Members Vottng Nay: None Counctl Members Absent. Linwood 0 Branch, III, and William W. Harrison, Jr. November 6, 2001 Item FI-G. 1. - 24 - ADOPT AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION ITEM # 48864 BY CONSENSUS, City Council ADOPTED: AGENDA FOR THE FORMAL SESSION The following items were ADDED: Ordinance to AMEND City Code Section 23-8 2 by prohibtting certam uses of imitation infectious biologtcal, toxic or radioactive substances Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $2,550, O00 from fund balance/TRANSFER $200,000 from CIP #2-076, Laskm Road Gateway to CIP #2-089, Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt for the purchase of Southeastern Expressway r-o-w in the Castleton area.. November 6, 2001 - 25 - Item VI-G.2. INTR OD UCED ITEM # 48865 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf welcomed the new Commanding Officer and hts family. Captain Cary A. Silvers, USN Commanding Officer Naval Air Station Oceana: Captain Stlvers was accompanted by his wtfe and daughter, Brtttany November 6, 2001 - 26- Item VI-G.3. PRESENTATIONS ITEM # 48866 Mayor Oberndorf recognized the following Boy Scouts in attendance to earn their Cttizenship tn the Community Merit Badge. BOY SCOUTS TROOP 791 NIMMO UNITED ME THODIS T CHUR CH Lieutenant Colonel Raymond J. Leech Scout Master Lieutenant Commander George Scheel Scout Master November 6, 2001 -27- Item VI-H. 1. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 48867 Mayor Oberndorf DECLARED A PUBLIC HEARING: AIRSPA CE Town Center Underground Construction The following registered to speak. Barbara Messner, Post Office Box 514, Phone: 422-1902 There being no further speakers, Mayor Oberndorf CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. November 6, 2001 - 28 - Item VI-H.2. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 48868 Mayor Oberndorf DECLARED A PUBLIC HEARING: AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM (ARP) - (DISTRICT 7- PRINCESS ANNE) (a) 39. 68 acres - 2060 Prtncess Anne Road There being no speakers, Mayor Oberndorf CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. November 6, 2001 Item VI-I. - 29 - ITEM tt 48869 STAFF PRESENTA TION AND PUBLIC COMMENT Captain Greg Mullen -Virginta Beach Police Department, advised facial recognition technology is part of an emerging technology known as biometrtcs, which utihzes a person's physical charactertsttcs or personal tratts for human recognitton. Facial recognttion uses captured images to produce a face prtnt whtch is tnstantly searched, as a computer data base generates the numbers to determine if there is a match The Vtrgtnta Beach Police Department has been awarded a State grant for $150,000 to add facial recognition technology to the existing camera system in place at the Second Prectnct. The Police Department is requesting $50, O00 from the City as a match The following registered in SUPPOR T: Cornell Fuller, 5388 Angus Drive 23464, Phone: 479-4008 Harvey Eluto, Coordinator - Citizens Advisory Board for VA Police Dept., 5264 Lowery Downs 23464, Phone' 495-1666 Mary Pat Fortier, Executtve Director - Hotel and Motel Association, 9685 Oriole Drive - #100 23451, Phone. 428-8015 Paul Harrington, 3128 Barbour Drive 23456, Phone' 430-7468 Fran Laskey, 3576 Stormbird Loop 23456, Phone: 368-9965 John Van Huyck, 3806 Surry Road 23455, Phone' 363-0939 Linda Whitt, 805 Giles Court 23456, Phone. 468-2086 Carolyn Lincoln, Prestdent- Counctl of Ctvic Organtzations The following registered in OPPOSITION: Barbara Messner, Post Office Box 514 23451, Phone' 422-1902 George Amberman 921 Eastern Shore Road 23454, Phone. 428-8585 Jan Bauder, 1500 Brendle Court 23451 Diane DeBoe, 2608 Cove Pomt Place, Phone. 463-1665 There being no further speakers, Mayor Oberndorf CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. November 6, 2001 - 30- Item VI-J. ORDINANCES/RESOL UTIONS ITEM # 488 70 Upon motion by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Branch, City Counctl APPROVED IN ONE MOTION, Ordtnances 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and Resolutions 1, 2, 3 of the CONSENTAGENDA. Voting: 10-0 (By ConsenO Councd Members Voting Aye: Ltnwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louts R. Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C. Man&go, Jr., Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy IC Parker, Vice Mayor Wdham D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent. Wdliam W. Harrison, Jr Council Members Eure, McClanan and Wdson voted a VERBAL NAY on Item 2a Council Lady McClanan voted a VERBAL NAY on Item 3 November 6, 2001 Item VI-J. 1. -31 - ORDINANCES/RESOL UTIONS ITEM # 48871 Upon motton by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Branch, City Council ADOPTED: Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the sale of airspace (Ctty's right-of-way) to the Town Center for constructtng underground pihngs wtth caps at Vtrginia Beach Boulevard; and, AUTHORIZE the City Manager to convey thts rtght-of-way to Town Center Associates, £.L.C. Votmg. 9-0 (By ConsenO Council Members Voting Aye: Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C Mandigo, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K~ Parker, Vice Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wdson Council Members Vottng Nay: None Council Members Abstaining: Louts I?, Jones Council Members Absent' Wilham W. Harrison, Jr. Vice Mayor Sessoms DISCLOSED pursuant to Section 2.2-3112(C), Code of Virginia, he is an officer of Wachovta Bank, which recently merged with First Union National Bank, and as a result of the merger ts now the holder ora construction loan for phase I of the Town Center project. The City Attorney has advtsed that, pursuant to Virgmia Code ~ 15.2-2100, a "super majority" of nine votes is required for this sale, and because two other Council members are required to abstatn from this vote, hts vote ts essential for the constttuttonal majortty requtred by that Code section. The Ctty Attorney has advtsed that because of hts sole interest in this proposed sale is by virtue of his employment by a business involved tn the proposed sale, and because his vote is essential for the constitutional majority required by Virginta Code 3~ 15.2-2100, he may vote, pursuant to Virgtnia Code Sectton 2.2-3112(C) Councilman Jones ABSTAINED on Item H. 1 (Town Center) as he is a Stockholder and Member of the Board of Dtrectors of Resource Bank On June 28, 2001, he became aware that Resource Bank had extended hnes of credtt directly or tndtrectly to Armada Hoffler. Counctlman Jones letter of August 23, 2001, is hereby made a part of the record November 6, 2001 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF AIRSPACE UNDER THE CITY'S RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD AT THE TOWN CENTER PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONVEY SAME TO TOWN CENTER ASSOCIATES, L.L.C WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach is the owner of a portion of the property and right-of- 2 way known as Virginia Beach Boulevard; WHEREAS, Town Center Associates, L.L C. owns property adjacent to V~rgima Beach 4 Boulevard and desires and has offered to purchase and acquire airspace under the right-of-way of 5 Vlrglma Beach Boulevard at the Town Center for placement and maintenance of support pilings and pile caps for the garage, hotel and office towers bmng constructed by Town Center Associates, 7 L L.C. on its property adjacent to Virg~ma Beach Boulevard; WHEREAS, Section 15.2-2030 of the Code of Virglma (1950), as amended, expressly 9 authorizes the City Council to sell mrspace under any public street, lane, alley or other public right- of-way; and 11 WHEREAS, the C~ty Council ~s of the op~mon that ~t is appropriate and not contrary to the 12 rights and interests of the City of V~rg~ma Beach in V~rg~ma Beach Boulevard to sell the requested 13 airspace under Virginia Beach Boulevard to Town Center Associates, L.L.C. to accommodate the 14 pilings and pale caps for the foundation for the garage, hotel and office tower being constructed by 15 Town Center Associates, L.L.C. 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 17 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 18 1. That the following described areas of airspace under V~rgima Beach Boulevard be sold 19 to Town Center Associates, L.L.C. and that the C,ty Manager is authorized to convey said airspace 2 0 to Town Center Associates, L.L.C. for a purchase price of $1,500 in the manner he deems ~n the best 21 ~nterest of the C,ty of Virgima Beach 0nclu&ng, but not hmlted to reserving any easements he 2 2 deems necessary) and w~th the approval of the City Attorney: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ALL THOSE certmn areas of mrspace of land lying under the right-of-way of V~rg~ma Beach Boulevard, situate ~n the City of Vlrg~ma Beach, Virginia, and being depicted and designated as "AREA I", "AREA II" and "AREA III" as shown on that certmn plat entitled "EXHIBIT 'A' SHOWING AIR SPACES TO BE ACQUIRED FROM THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AT THE TOWN CENTER BENEATH VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD (MB 286, PG 73) VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA SEPTEMBER 18, 2001 ". 2. Should the construction of any bmldmg or structure in such airspace require the 3 2 relocation of any utility, the cost of such relocation shall be borne solely by Town Center Associates, 33 LL.C. 34 This Ordinance shall be effective fi.om the date of ~ts adoption. 35 Adopted by the Council of the City of V~rginia Beach, Virgima, on the 6 ~-_h day of 36 November .,2001. 3 7 CA-8262 3 8 PREPARED: 10/09/01 39 40 THE AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THREE-FOURTHS OF ALL MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL IS REQUIRED. 41 Approved as to Content Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 42 43 44 ent of Public Works Office of Real Estate City Attomey /~ 4 5 F \Data~TY~onns\Commerc~al Projects\Town Center\towncenter ordl wpd 3AI~IO NOli n.I. LI. S NO,3 II i~o , ~o OAlfl VIRGINIA STATE PLANE COORDINAIES ~ ~ NAD 83/86 (SOUTH ZOne) VIRGINIA STATE PLANE COORDINATES NAO 83/86 (5OUTH ZONE) City of Virginia t3each WILLIAM O SESSOMS JR VICE MAYOR (757) 473-3926 FAX (757) 426-5669 November 6, 2001 4506 ATLANTIC AVENUE VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23451 Mrs. Ruth Hodges Sm]th, MMC City Clerk Mummpal Center Virginia Beach, V]rg]ma 23456 Dear Mrs. Sm]th' Re Disclosure Pursuant to Section 2 2-3112(C), Code of V~rgln]a Pursuant to the V]rg]ma Conflict of Interests Act, Section 2 2-3112(C), Code of V~rg]ma, I make the following declaration. The transact]on for which I am executing this written disclosure ~s the Council's discussion of, and vote on, the sale of mrspace under the City's right-of-way at the Town Center to Town Center Associates, L L C The nature of my personal interest is that I am an officer of Wachov]a Bank, which recently merged with F~rst Un]on National Bank and, as a result of the merger, ~s now the holder ora construct]on loan for Phase I of the Town Center project The City Attorney has advised me that, pursuant to V]rg]ma Code § 15 2-2100, a "supermajor]ty" of rune votes Is reqmred for th~s sale, and because two other Councd members are reqmred to abstmn from this vote, my vote ~s essential for to the constitutional majority reqmred by that Code section The C~ty Attorney has fi]rther admsed me that because my sole ~nterest ~n this proposed sale ~s by virtue of my employment by a bus~ness involved in the proposed sale, and because my vote ~s essential for the constitutional majonty reqmred by Vlrglma Code § 15 2-2100, I may vote, pursuant to V]rg~ma Code § 2 2-3112(C) Mrs. Ruth Hodges Smith -2- November 6, 2001 Re: D~sclosure Pursuant to Section 2 2-3112(C), Code of V~rg~ma Accordingly, I respectfully request that you record this declaration in the official records of C~ty Councd. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation ~n th~s matter Sincerely, / Wllham D Sessoms, Jr V~ce-Mayor WDS/RRI - 32 - Item VI-J.2. ORDINANCES/RESOL UTIONS ITEM # 488 72 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Counctlman Branch, City Counctl ~4DOPTED: Ordtnance to AUTHORIZE the acqmsttton of Agrtcultural Reserve Preservatton (ARP) easements and the tssuance of tts contract obhgattons (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) Nancy Wtlhamson 39 68 acres $678,528 Installment Purchase Agreement No 2001-41 Vottng 7-3 (By Consen0 Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Robert C Man&go, Jr, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker and Vtce Mayor Wtlham D Sessoms, Jr Counctl Members Vottng Nay Margaret L Eure, Reba S McClanan and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W Harrtson, dr November 6, 2001 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF AN AGRICULTURAL LAND PRESERVATION EASEMENT AND THE ISSUANCE BY THE CITY OF ITS CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS IN THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $678,528 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agricultural Lands Preservation Ordinance (the "Ordinance"), Appendix J of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, there has been presented to the City Council a request for approval of an Installment. Purchase Agreement (the form and standard provisions of which have been previously approved by the City Council, a summary of the material terms of which is hereto attached, and a true copy of which is on file in the City Attorney's Office) for the acquisition of the Development Rights (as defined in the Installment Purchase Agreement) on certain property located in the City and more fully described in Exhibit B of the Installment Purchase Agreement for a purchase price of $678,528; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Development Rights shall be acquired through the acquisition of a perpetual agulcultural land preservation easement, as defined in, and in compliance with, the requirements of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed terms and conditions of the purchase as evidenced by the Installment Purchase Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. The City Council hereby determines and finds that the proposed terms and conditions of the purchase of the Development Rights pursuant to the Installment Purchase Agreement, including the purchase price and manner of payment, are fair and reasonable and in furtherance of the purposes of the Ordinance, and the City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to approve, upon or before the execution and 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 45 47 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6O 61 62 63 64 65 delivery of the Installment Purchase Agreement, the rate of interest to accrue on the unpaid principal balance of the purchase price set forth hereinabove as the greater of 5.00% per annum or the per annum rate which is equal to the yield on United States Treasury STRIPS purchased by the City to fund such unpaid principal balance; provided, however, that such rate of interest shall not exceed 7.00% unless the approval of the City Council by resolution duly adopted is first obtained. 2. The Cmty Council hereby further determines that funding is avazlable for the acquisition of the Development R~ghts pursuant to the Installment Purchase Agreement on the terms and condmtions set forth therein. 3. The City Council hereby expressly approves the Installment Purchase Agreement and, subject to the determination of the City Attorney that there are no defects in title to the property or other restrictions or encumbrances thereon which may, in the opinion of the City Attorney, adversely affect the City's interests, authorizes the City Manager or his designee to execute and deliver the Installment Purchase Agreement in substantially the same form and substance as approved hereby with such minor modifications, insertions, completions or omissions which do not matermally alter the purchase prmce or manner of payment, as the City Manager or his designee shall approve. The City Council further directs the City Clerk to affix the seal of the City to, and attest same on, the Installment Purchase Agreement. The City Council expressly authorizes the incurrence of the indebtedness represented by the issuance and delivery of the Installment Purchase Agreement. 4. The City Council hereby elects to ~ssue the indebtedness under the Charter of the City rather than pursuant to the Public Finance Act of 1991 and hereby 66 constitutes the indebtedness a contractual obligation bearing 67 the full faith and credit of the City. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Adopted by the Council of the City of Vmrglnla Beach, Virginia, on this 6th day of N~v~mh~r , 2001. Adoption requires an affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the City Council. CA-8271 wmmkwilliamsonorn.wpd R-1 October 3, 2001 77 78 79 8O APPROVED AS TO CONTENT' APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY' La~ ~epartmen~ 81 82 83 CE~IED AS TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS' D1 rk~ect~~~a~-~ AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT NO. 2001-41 SUMMARY OF MATERIAL TERMS SELLER: Nancy Wilhamson PROPERTY LOCATION: 2060 Pnncess Anne Road PURCHASE PRICE: $678,528 EASEMENT AREA: 39 68 acres, more or less DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL: 4 single-family dwelhng building s~tes (4 acqmred) DURATION: Perpetual INTEREST RATE: Equal to yield on U S Treasury STRIPS acquired by City to fund purchase price, but not less than 5.00% (actual rate to be determined when STRIPS are purchased prior to execution of IPA). Rate may not exceed 7 00% without approval of City Council TERMS: Interest only twice per year for 25 years, w~th payment ofpnnclpal due 25 years from IPA date RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER: IPA ownership may not be transferred (except for Estate Settlement Transfer) for one (1) year following execution and delivery of IPA P Boundary Line Under Consideration Williamson Ha~e~s P~oper~ Hill Property Sand Sand P~ts Property Sand P%ts Hansen Property \MATKINSO~RP\pnncessanne dgn 11/01/2001 12 20 58 PM Will~amson ARP, Scale 1"=1350' - 33 - Item VI-J.3. ORDINANCES/RESOL UTIONS ITEM # 488 73 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councdman Branch, Ctty Council ADOPTED: Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute a Declaration of Restrwtions for West Neck Creek Park re a conservation easement to be preserved in its natural state and serve as a passive recreation site. Voting 9-1 (By ConsenO Council Members Voting Aye' Linwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louis R. Jones, Robert C. Mandigo, Jr., Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor William D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Voting Nay' Reba $. McClanan Council Members Absent: William W. Harrison, Jr. November 6, 2001 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS FOR WEST NECK CREEK PARK WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach (the "City") acquired ownership of a certain parcel of real property containing approximately 175.488 acres, located off North Landing Road in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia (the "Property") by deed recorded in Deed Book 2764, at page 2102, WHEREAS, the Property has been identified by City staff for passive recreational improvements such as trails, overlooks and wildlife management structures (the ? "Improvements") in accordance with a master plan for the Property and adjacent property, 8 also owned by the City; WHEREAS, a permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (the "Corps") is 10 required to ~nstall the Improvements since they affect small areas on the Property designated as jurisdictional wetlands, 12 WHEREAS, in addition to the required permit, mitigation of wetlands removed, filled or 13 lA disturbed by the installation of the Improvements is also required; WHEREAS, the Corps has determined that no mitigation will be required if a portion of the environmentally sensitive areas on the Property is preserved for conservation of natural lands; 17 18 WHEREAS, City staff has recommended that approximately 138 acres of the Property, as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, be preserved in a natural state, in perpetuity, through a Declaration of Restrictions to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court; and 21 WHEREAS, City Council ~s of the opinion that the preservation of 138 acres of the 22 23 Property to be known as West Neck Creek Park is in the best interest of the City in that the park wdl serve as a passive recreabon site for all citizens and visitors to the City of Virginia Beach, and ~s in keeping with the C~ty's vision of creating a "Community for a 25 Lifetime". 26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 2 ? VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the C~ty Manager is authorized to execute a Declaration of Restrictions for 29 the portion of the Property containing approximately 138 acres to be known as West 30 Neck Creek Park ~n accordance with the Summary of Terms attached hereto with 31 the final wording thereof to be satisfactory to the C~ty Attorney. 32 This ordinance shall be effective from the date of ~ts adoption. 34 Adopted by the Council of the C~ty of Virginia Beach, V~rg~n~a, on the 6th day of 35 Nov,:,mhP_r , 2001. CA- 8263 PREPARED. 10/16/01 3 8 Approved as to Content Approved as to Legal Sufficiency 39 40 41 City Attorne~J EXHIBIT "A" WEST NECK CREEK PARK PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA No Scale , 7 1'38 Ac~e Conservation Easement Area PERMI~ED USES' Bo,r~w, lks'foot Obse~at~on decks plcnlctables & ~ - 1 chdflmn'splayground equ~pmeffi , , NOT PERMI~ED Bu,ld,n~l~ob,le ' / homes, use of f~rh~rs o; blo~e~ emova~ orlrees [except for budding ,foot ttmls~- - w,,t~~~<~,~ ...... , ~ I ~est'Neck Creek P~k ~, , ~ ~- .... ~ ~o~aT~on Ease~T~lan EX'"~T~q~ PROPOSED &&SC2 ~/ OCATION MA PROJECT LOCATION NTS NORTH I SUMMARY OF TERMS FOR DECLARATION OF RESTRICTION FOR WEST NECK CREEK PARK OWNER: PROPERTY: PURPOSE: City of Virginia Beach 138 acres of land to be known as West Neck Creek Park To preserve the property in its natural state, in perpetuity CITY'S RESPONSIBILITY: To prohibit wetlands destruction or alteration, building construction, addition of fill material, excavation, dredging, cultivation, pruning of trees, harvesting or land clearing, and dumping of garbage or other offensive materials on the property. ALLOWED USES: Construction of structures such as boardwalks, foot trails, wildlife management structures, observation decks, picnic tables and children's playground equipment. SPECIAL PROVISION: The restrictive covenants may be enforced by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the EPA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or any non-profit corporation or entity whose primary purpose is environmental protection or preservation. F \USERS~KFUDALAXADMINSwestneckpark sum terms wpd Item VI=J.4. - 34 - O~ INANCES/RES OL U TIONS ITEM # 488 74 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Branch, City Council ADOPTED: Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to enter into an Asstgnment of and Ftrst Amendment to the Sales Agreement with Gtbson Equtpment Company, Inc. and Galloway Corporation to acquire additional property at 19'n Street and Birdneck Road. for the Convention Center expansion. Voting: 10-0 (By ConsenO Council Members Voting Aye: Ltnwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louis tL Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C. Mandigo, dr.,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy ~ Parker, Vice Mayor Wtlhams D. Sessoms, dr. and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Voting Nay' None Councd Members Absent: William W. Harrison, Jr November 6, 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO ENTER INTO AN ASSIGNMENT OF AND FIRST AMENDMENT TO SALES AGREEMENT WITH GIBSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC., AS SELLER, AND GALLOWAY CORPORATION, AS ASSIGNOR, FOR ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 19TM STREET AND BIRDNECK ROAD AND TO UTILIZE FUNDS IN CIP PROJECT # 9-018 FOR SUCH ACQUISITION. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 WHEREAS, the existing Pavilion Convention Center has exceeded original activity and revenue projections and lacks adequate facilities to maintain or expand its convention and trade show market share; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it in the best interest of the City to demolish the existing Pavilion Convention Center and to construct a new, expanded convention center in its place; WHEREAS, Gibson Equipment Company, Inc. ("Gibson") owns approximately 11.75 acres of strategically located unimproved real property at the southeast corner of the intersection of 19th Street and Birdneck Road (the "Gibson Property")that may be needed for the expansion of the existing Pavilion Convention Center; WHEREAS, Gibson and Galloway Corporation ("Galloway") are parties to a Sales Agreement dated March 21, 2001 (the "Gibson Contract") pursuant to which Gibson has agreed to sell the Gibson Property to Galloway on certain terms and conditions; WHEREAS, Gibson and Galloway have agreed to amend the Gibson Contract to, among other things, substitute the City for Galloway as the contract purchaser; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the purchase of the Gibson Property to be in the best interest of the City; WHEREAS, the funds needed for the purchase of the Gibson Property are available in the Convention Center Replacement Capital Improvement Project # 9-018. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH: 1. The City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to enter into an Assignment of and First Amendment to Sales Agreement among Gibson Equipment Company, Inc., Galloway 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Corporation, NAI Harvey Lindsey and the City pursuant to which the City shall become the contract purchaser for the purchase of approximately 11.75 acres of unimproved real property located at the southeast corner of 19~' Street and Birdneck Road (the "Property"), with such agreement to be in form and substance satisfactory to the City Manager and the City Attorney, including the essential terms outlined in the Summary of Basic Terms of Sales Agreement attached hereto. 2. It is hereby authorized that all expenditures incurred by the City in connection with its acquisition of the Property be charged to Capital Project #9-018. Adopted the 6th day of Nov. , 2001, by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT Management S APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: p~l i C~W~o r k~s/R~ea~%~s~ at e APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY City Attorney's Office 64 65 66 67 CA-8269 F:\Data\ATY\Ordin\NONCODE\gibson-galloway.ord.wpd October 30, 2001 Ri SUMMARY OF BASIC TERMS OF SALES AGREEMENT SELLER: Gibson Equipment Company, Inc. BUYER/ASSIGNOR: Galloway Corporation BUYER/ASSIGNEE: City of Virginia Beach PROPERTY: + 11.75 acres of unimproved real property at southeast comer of 19th Street and Blrdneck Road DEPOSIT: $25,000.00 PURCHASE PRICE: Approximately $3,535,000* ($280,000 per acre paid to Seller; $20,000 per acre assignment fee paid to Assignor) DUE DILIGENCE PERIOD: Expires November 21,2001 CLOSING DATE: Anticipated December, 2001, contingent on property subdivision BROKER: NAI Harvey Llndsay * Actual acreage could vary slightly from the 11 75 + acre figure upon completion of the subdivision of the property which is scheduled to be done prior to settlement This would change the total cost of the purchase price and assignment fee accordingly. F \Data~TY\Ord~n\NONCODE\g~bson sum wpd Item VI-J.$. - 35 - ORDINANCES/RESOL UTIONS ITEM # 48875 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Branch, City Council ADOPTED: Ordinance to RE-APPR OPRIA TE $ 7, 51 O, 654 of School Reversion funds from FY 2000-2001 General Fund balance to the FY 2001-2002 capital improvement and operating budgets for school projects and instructional purposes Voting' 10-0 (By ConsenO Councd Members Vottng Aye Linwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louis R. Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C. Mandtgo, Jr.,Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy IC Parker, Vice Mayor Wdliams D. Sessoms, Jr. and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: Wdliam W. Harrtson, Jr. November 6, 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AN ORDINANCE TO RE-APPROPRIATE $7,510, 654 IN VIRGINIA BEACH SCHOOL REVERSION FUNDS FROM FUND BALANCE IN THE GENERAL FUND, WITH $6,070,000 APPROPRIATED TO VARIOUS SCHOOL PROJECTS IN THE FY 2001-02 CAP I TAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND $1, 440, 654 APPROPRIATED TO THE INSTRUCTIONAL CATEGORY IN THE FY SCHOOL 2001-02 OPERATING BUDGET 11 WHEREAS, of a total amount of $8,110, 654 in FY 2000-01 12 13 14 Virglnma Beach Public School reversion funds, $7,510,654 have not been appropriated; WHEREAS, by resolution dated September 25, 2001, the 15 School Board formally requested the C~ty Council to approve the 16 appropriation of school reversmon funds to the FY 2001-02 Capital 17 Improvement Budget and the School Operating Budget. 18 19 20 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA' 21 1. That $6,070,000 of Virginia Beach Public School 22 Reversion funds from FY 2000-01 are hereby appropriated from fund 23 balance in the General Fund to the FY 2001-02 Capital Budget in 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the amounts and to the projects as set forth below: (a) $2,000,000 to the Instructional Technology fund in CIP# 1-196, Instructional Technology; (b) $800,000 to CIP# 1-237, City/School Human Resources Payroll System; (c) $500,000 to CIP# 1-011, Equipment and Vehicle Replacements, to replace fleet and school plant vehicles; 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 (d) $520,000 to CIP# 1-011, Equipment and Vehicle Replacements, for telephone replacements; (e) $500,000 to CIP# 1-011, Equipment and Vehicle replacements, to replace the 800 megahertz system in the transportation division; (f) $500,000 to CIP# 1-046, Landstown High School, for a funding reserve pending a study of a pedestrian transport between Landstown H~gh School and the Advanced Technical Center; 42 43 (g) $350,000 to CIP# 1-196, Instructional Technology, for a data center; 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 (h) $350,000 to CIP# 1-011, Equipment and Vehicle Replacements, for Motorola Fault Management System units in the elementary schools; (i) $275,000 to CIP# 1-195,Student Data Management System; (j) $125,000 to CIP# 1-196, Instructional Technology, scanners for digital imaging pro]ect; and (k) $150,000 to CIP# 1-196, Instructional Technology, to replace and upgrade technology infrastructure in middle schools. 2. That $1,440, 654 of Virginia Beach Pub-ic School Reversion Funds from FY 2000-01 are hereby appropriated from fund balance in the General Fund to the FY 2001-02 Schools Operating Budget in the amounts and to the Instructional category as set forth below' (a) $1,394,000 to the Instruction category for 82 schools for instructional supplies; and (b) $46,654 to the Instruction category for the National Association of Student Councils (NASC) Conference. 65 66 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 6th day of Nov~mb~r , 2001. 67 68 Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of the members of City Council. 69 70 71 72 CA8285 Ordln~NONCODE~SchoolsRev02ord.wpd October 24, 2001 Ri 73 74 Approved as to Content' 75 ~,~ 77 Management S Approved as to Legal Sufficiency' City Attorni ' s~Cf~f~ IRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS AHEAD OF THE CURVE RESOLUTION REGARDING FY 2001 REVERSION FUNDS WHEREAS, On September 4, 2001 the School Board was pre~ented w~th a summary financial statement indicating the un-audited reversion for FY 2001 to be $8,110,654. and WI-'I~REAS~ the C~ty Council appropriated $ 600,000 of the projected reversion to the Kmgs Grant CtP project at the request of the School Board, and ~VHEREAS~ $ 7,510,654 of the reversion remains to be re-appropriated to the School Board m keeping w~th past pracuce of the C~ty Council, and WI-I~REAS~ the Adm~mstranon recommends the following uses for the reversion funds · $ 2,000,000 to meet the d~vtston's commttment to the mstructtonal computer replacement cycle to be approprmted to the Instrucuonal Technt:~ogy Fund · $ 1,394,000 to provide funds for allocation to the 82 schools to be appropriated to the Operatmg Budget tn the Instrucuon category · $ 800,000 addiuonal funding for the Human Resource Payroll project · $ 500,000 for the replacement of fleet and school plant vehtcles · $ 520,000 for telephone replacements · $ 500,000 to replace the 800 megaghertz system tn Transportanon · $ 500,000 as a funding reserve pending a study of a pedestrian transport between Landstown H~gh Schoo and the Advanced Technical Center · $ 350,000 for the Data Center · $ 350,000 to put MOSCAD units m the Elementary Schools · $ 275,000 for the Student Database System (SASI) · $ 125,000 to purchase scanners for schools as part of the digital imaging project · $ 150,000 to replace/upgrade technology infrastructure ~n the M~ddle Schools · $ 45,000 for the NASC Conference; now, therefore, be ~t RESOLVED: That the Board approves and affirms the recommended uses of the FY 00/01 reversion funds as presented by the Administration; and be ~t further RESOLVED: That a copy of this resoluuon be spread across the official minutes of this Board, and the Clerk of the Board is d~rected to dehver a copy of this resoluuon to the Mayor, each member of City Council, the C~ty Manager, and the City Clerk:. Adopted by the School Board of the Ctty of Virg~ma Beach this 25'~ day of September 2001 S E A L "D"a~ie~ b E~twards, Chait~rnan Attest: Dianne P Alexander, Clerk of the Board CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE ' AND CORRECT COPY · /~. , . ,x,.'.-, ..'. City (3f Virginia B4tid~' ~,, ~'~'~.~'~,,,~;,-'.~",'*,"< ,', School Adrnm~straaon Budding ° 2512 George Mason Drive ° P. O Box 6038 ° Virginia Beach, VA 23456-0038 IRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS AHEAD OF THE CURVE RESOLUTION REGARDING FY 2001 & 2002 STATE CONSTRUCTION GRANTS WItEREAS, X,.'~rginla Beach Ctty Public Schools rccet~cd an additional $5.84o tn 1:5' 2000,2001 State Constructton Grants. and WHEI~EAS, Virginia Beach Ctty Public Schools ~s expected to rece~,e $2.357,230 in FY 2001/2002 State Construction Grant Funds, and WIIEREAS, these funda were not ~ncluded in tile funding sources in tile Capital Improvement Pro.am tbr FY 2001/2002, and WHEREAS, the cost esttmates for certain modernization projects included In the FY 2001/2002 CIP Program are expected to exceed the estimated project budget, and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends that $5,846 tn FY 2000/2001 State Construcnon Grant Funds be unhzed tbr CIP Project I-124 Trantwood Elementary Modermzanon, and WHE~AS, the Admimstrat~on recommends that $2,357,230 ~n FY 2001/2002 State Constmcuon Grant Funds be unhzed for the following projects. · $250,000 for ClP 1-001 Renovations and Replacements - Energy Management (K~ng's Grant) · $553,615 for CIP 1-222 Pembroke Elementary Modem~zatmn · $500,000 for CIP 1-223 Lynnhaven Elementary Modem~zauon · $553,615 for CIP 1-224 Trantwood Elementary Modermzauon · $500,000 for CIP 1-225 Hermitage Elementary Modem~zatmn Now, therefore, be tt RESOLVED: That the School Board approves and affirms the recommended uses of the State Construction Grant Funds; and be ~t further RESOLVED: That a copy of tNs resolunon be spread across the official m~nutes of th~s Board, and the Clerk of the Board ~s &rected to dehver a copy of tNs resolutmn to the Mayor, each member of Ctty Council, the C~ty Manager, and the City. Clerk Adopted by the School Board of the C~ty of V~rg~ma Beach tNs 25* day of September 2001 Darnel D Edwards, Chatrman CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE SEAL Attest .AND CORRECT COPY Clerk, School Boat~l of ~' Oily ol V~'glnla S, lDjqrm¢ P. Alexander, Clerk of the Board cnoo~ aam~mstrat~on Budding * 2512 George Ha.son Drive * P O Box 6038 * Virginia Beach, VA 23456-0038 - 36- Item VI-J. 6. ORDINANCES/RES OL UTIONS ITEM # 488 76 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Branch, Ctty Council ADOPTED: Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $2,363,076, a State construction grant, to the FY2001-2002 School capttal improvement (CIP) budget for elementary school modernization projects Voting' 10-0 (By ConsenO Council Members Voting Aye Linwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louis R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C. Mandigo, Jr ,Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy t(. Parker, Vice Mayor Williams D. Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: William W. Harrison, Jr November 6, 2001 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE STATE CONSTRUCTION GRANT FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,363,076 TO THE FY 2001-02 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR VARIOUS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MODERNIZATION PROJECTS WHEREAS, in FY 2001-02, the Virginia Beach Schools has 10 been awarded $2,357,230 in state construction grant funds, and 11 an additional $5,846 of these funds were awarded in FY 2000-01 12 that also need to be accepted and appropriated; 13 14 WHEREAS, by resolution adopted September 25,2001, the School Board formally requested the C~ty Council to approve the 15 16 appropriation of these funds to a variety of school pro~ects the C~ty's FY 2001-02 Capital Improvement Budget. 17 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA' 19 1. That $2,363,076 of state constructmon grant funds 20 21 are hereby accepted and appropriated to the FY 2001-02 Capital Improvement Budget in the amounts and to the projects as set 22 forth below' 23 24 25 26 27 (a) $250,000 to CIP# 1-001, Renovations Replacements, Energy Management; and (b) $553,615 to CIP# 1-222, Pembroke Elementary School Modernization; 28 29 (c) $500,000 to CIP# 1-223, Lynnhaven Elementary School Modernization; 30 31 (d) $559,461 to CIP# 1-224, Trantwood F. lementary School Modernization; 32 33 (e) $500,000 to CIP# 1-225, Hermitage Elementary School Modernization. 34 2. That estimated revenue from the State in the FY 35 36 2001-02 Capital Improvement Budget is hereby increased in the amount of $2,363,076. 37 38 39 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Vlrgmnia, on the 6th day of November , 2001. 40 41 Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of the members of City Council. 42 43 44 45 CA8286 Ordin~NONCODE~SchoolsConstuctionord.wpd October 24,2001 RI 46 47 48 49 Approved As to Content' Management~ Approved As To Legal Sufficiency' ~lty Attorneyd '/ -37- Item VI-J. 7. ORDINANCES/RES OL UTIONS ITEM # 48877 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councdman Branch, City Counctl ADOPTED: Ordtnance to APPROPRIATE $614,511 from the General Fund and TRANSFER $685,489 from vartous roadway capttal projects re land acquisition at Potters Road for the Lynnhaven Parkway Interchange at Great Neck Road, by agreement or condemnatton AND, Ordtnance to AUTHORIZE acqutsttton of property in fee simple for property located at Lynnhaven Parkway at Potters Road (1-264 Interchange) for the Lynnhaven Interchange at Great Neck Road Improvements (CIP 2-074), by agreement or condemnatton Vottng 10-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Vottng Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba $ McClanan, Robert C Man&go, Jr,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlhams D. Sessoms, dr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Wtlham W. Harrtson, ,Ir November 6, 2001 AN ORDINANCE TO TRANSFER $685,489 FROM VARIOUS ROADWAY CAPITAL PROJECTS AND APPROPRIATE $614,511 FROM THE GENERAL FUND, FUND BALANCE TO CAPITAL PROJECT #2-074, LYNNHAVEN PARKWAY INTERCHANGE AT GREAT NECK ROAD, TO FUND THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY WHEREAS, suffzcient funds from completed roadway 8 capital projects and fund balance in the General Fund are 9 available to fund the acquisition of property in the proposed 10 alignment of the VDOT capital project for the Lynnhaven 11 Interchange at Great Neck Road. 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE 13 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA' 14 1. That $685,489 is hereby transferred ~o Capital 15 Project #2-074, Lynnhaven Parkway Interchange at Great Neck Road, 16 from the completed capital improvement prolects and zn the 17 amounts as set forth below, to fund land acquisitmon for the 18 interchange project: 19 20 (a) $24,168 from #2-001, H~lltop Loop; (b) $18,426 from #2-006, Elbow Road Extended- 21 Phase 1; 22 23 (c) $316,176 from #2-084, Military H~ghway; (d) $60,129 from %2-095, Indian River Road- 24 Phase VI; 25 26 (e) $93,237 from #2-122, Gum Swamp Bridge; (f) $121,736 from #2-133, Shore Drive 27 Intersection; 28 29 (g) $34,001 from #2-197, Sandbrldge Road Corridor; 30 (h) $3,467 from %2-198, Shore Drive Corridor 31 32 Study; (i) $3,535 from #2-213, Queen City Street. 33 Improvements; 34 (j) $9, 284 from #2-023, Harris Road Broke Path; 35 and 36 (k) $1,330 from #2-930, Salem Road. 37 2. That $614,511 is hereby appropriated from fund 38 balance in the General Fund to Capital Project #2-074, Lynnhaven 39 Parkway Interchange at Great Neck Road, to fund land acquisition 40 for this mnterchange. 41 42 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 6th day of November , 2001. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 CA-8282 F:kData~ATY~Ordin~NONCODE~roadwaysord.wpd October 23, 2001 R1 Approved as to Content: Manageme~s Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: City Attorne~-~' 5 2 Ordzn\NONCODE\roadwaysord wpd 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN FEE SIMPLE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT LYNNHAVEN PARKWAY AT POTTERS ROAD (I-264 INTERCHANGE) FOR THE LYNNHAVEN INTERCHANGE AT GREAT NECK ROAD IMPROVEMENTS (CIP 2-074), EITHER BY AGREEMENT OR CONDEMNATION WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of V~rginia Beach, Virginia, a pubhc necessity exlsts for the construction of tins important roadway project and intersection m~p~ovements to provide transportation and for other public purposes for the preservation of thc safety, health, peace, good order, comfort, convemence, and for thc welfare of the people in the C~ty of Virginia Beach NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Section I That the City Council authorizes the acqms~t~on by purchase ol condeinnat~on pursuant to Sections 15.2-1901, et seq, and Seckons 33.1-89 et seq., Code of V~rgilna of 1950, as amended, of all that certain real property m fee sm~ple known as GPIN 1497-63-7012 and owned by Wesley Properties, LLC, (the "P~operty") as shown on the plat enktled "RESUBDIVIDION OF PARCEL A, PROPERTY OF POTTERS ROAD INVESTMENT GROUP (M B 173, PG. 31) CLOSED PORTIONS OF POTTERS ROAD AND EXCESS CITY LAND, PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH · VIRGINIA BEACtI, VIRGINIA DATE' 05-01-98," recmded In Map Book 270, at page 76, and more spemfically described on the location map attached hereto as Exhibit A Sectmn 2 That the C~ty Manager is hereby authmized to make or cause to be made on behalf of the City of Virginia Beach, to the extent that funds are available, a reasonable offer to the owners or persons having an ~nterest in the P~operty If refused, the City Attorney ~s hereby authorized to institute p~oceed~ngs to condemn the Property. Adopted by the Counml ofthe City of V~rg~nla Beach, V~rgmm, on the 6 day of Novamber ,2001 APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY & FORM ~GNATURE . CITY ATTORNEY Pzo &.c4 DEPARTMENT / '!1 la. ~ z EXHIBIT A SITE LOCATION MAP SCALE : 1" -- 1,600' O O O o 1990 REVISEO t~q"l CATION MAP SHOWING 1-264 INTERCHANGE- N HAVEN ROAD @ POTTERS ROAD 1497-63-7012 SCALE: 1" = 400' LAWSON AGENDA POTTERS.DGN M.J.S. PREPARED BY P/W ENG. DRAFT. AUG/20arl m'r'g m-r S23'03 07'E 86 C~ ;. Il. :Z) 0 _jo. ,z~ Om rrx a:~ I-- I I i I I mmm~mm m >.-JO Item VI-J. 8. - 38 - ORDINANCES/RES OL UTIONS ITEM # 488 78 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Branch, City Council ADOPTED: Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $250, O00 from the Police Forfeited Asset Sharing fund to their FY 2001-2002 operatmg budget re the purchase of replacement gas masks andj~lters for every officer Votmg' 10-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Voting Aye: Linwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louis R~ Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C Mandigo, Jr.,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker, Vice Mayor Wdliams D Sessoms, Jr. and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Voting Nay' None Counctl Members Absent' William W. Harrison, Jr. November 6, 2001 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $250,000 FROM FUND BALANCE IN THE FORFEITED ASSET SHARING FUND TO REPLACE POLICE DEPARTMENT GAS MASKS WHEREAS, the Virgmnia Beach Police Department has been utilizing surplus military gas masks since the early 1990s, for 7 which the official shelf life is 10 years; and WHEREAS, given recent events, there is greater concern for 10 providing personal protective equipment for public safety personnel that can filter a wider range of chemical and 11 biological agents. 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 13 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, 14 That $250,000 is hereby approprmated from fund balance mn 15 the Forfeited Asset Sharing Fund to the FY 2001-02 Operatmng 16 Budget of the Police Department to fund the purchase of 17 appropriate replacement gas masks and filters for every Virginia 18 Beach police offmcer. 19 20 Adopted by the Council of the City of Vmrgmnia Beach, Virginma, on the &~h day of Nov~mh~r , 2001. Requires an affirmative vote by the ma2ority of the members of the City Council. CA8292 OrdinkNONCODEkpdgasmask.ord.wpd October 26, 2001 RI APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Management Servic~ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY' city Attorney'p" dfff~' Item VI-K. 1. - 39- ORDINANCES/RESOL UTIONS ITEM # 488 79 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Branch, City Council ADOPTED: Resolution re the City's COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA and requesting the City's delegation sponsor and/or support this legislation during the 2002 Virginia General Assembly Voting' 10-0 (By ConsenO Council Members Voting Aye. Linwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louis R. Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C. Mandigo, Jr.,Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker, Vice Mayor Williams D. Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent. William W. Harrison, Jr Council Lady Eure wished to vote a VERBAL NAY on Addendum - Public Safety Issues, Testing for DUI, Item B., page 16. Council Lady McClanan wished to vote a VERBAL NAY on the entire Addendum - Public Safety Issues. November 6, 2001 Community Legislative Agenda The City of Virginia Beach 2002 General Assembly Session October 31, 2001 (Prepared) A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY'S 2002 COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA AND REQUESTING MEMBERS OF THE CITY'S LOCAL DELEGATION TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO SPONSOR AND/OR SUPPORT LEGISLATION THAT WOULD CARRY OUT THE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES SET FORTH THEREIN. WHEREAS, City Council traditionally adopts a package of 8 legislative goals and objectives of the City and requests members of 9 the City's local delegation to the General Assembly to sponsor and/or 10 support legislation to carry out these goals and oblectives; and 11 WHEREAS, City Council has considered a number of goals and 12 objectives for inclusion in the City's 2002 Communzty Legislative 13 Agenda. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 15 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 16 1. That Czty Council hereby adopts the City's 2002 17 Community Legislative Agenda, which is attached hereto as Exhzbit A 18 and is hereby incorporated by reference. 19 2. That the members of the City's local delegation to 20 the General Assembly are hereby requested to sponsor and/or support 21 legislation in the 2002 Sessmon of the General Assembly that would 22 carry out the goals and objectives of the City as set forth in its 23 Community Legislative Agenda. 24 3. That the City Clerk is hereby dmrected to transmit 25 a copy of this Resolution to each member of the City's local 26 delegation to the General Assembly. 27 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 28 Virginia, on the 6th day of November , 2001. 29 CA8280 30 OrdznkNONCODEkComLegis.RES.wpd 31 October 12, 2001 32 RI APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City Manag&r'~O~f~ APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~lty ~[tor~y's VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 Draft Rev 10/31/01 PREFACE The 2002 Session of the General Assembly wdl pose daunbng challenges for the General Assembly members As th~s package ~s being prepared, the Nation ~s reeling from the worst terrorism attack ~n world history The stock market is plunging and consumer confidence ~s greatly depressed. The Commonwealth's latest tax collecbons, whde conbnu~ng to ~ncrease, are doing so at a greatly decreased rate compared to recent years. The threat of recession both ~n the Commonwealth, the nation and perhaps worldwide ~s very real The Commonwealth and the nation w~ll recover both from the tragedy and the economic downturn, however, these events will greatly influence what transpires ~n January and February of 2002 Adding to the economic slow down and ~t's ~mpact on the Commonwealth are the General Assembly's fadure to adopt a revised budget for the second year of the biennium. Th~s budget was to provide pay ~ncreases to state employees, school teachers and address ~ncreases ~n mandated programs I~ke Medicaid That will be the first priority for the General Assembly when they convene. We wdl also have a new Governor, whose prionbes, and certainly h~s realities, may d~ffer from the current Governor Furthermore, many agencies serving the c~bzens of V~rg~nia are facing tremendous problems ~n providing required services. Nowhere is th~s more alarming than in the Mental Health/Mental Retardation/ Substance Abuse System. As of mid-September there were 12,543 individuals wa~tinq for services ~n V~rg~nia, ~nclud~ng 500 ~n V~rglnia Beach There is a shortage of psychiatric beds with no funding avadable to purchase services from the private sector when only 1/4 of the fiscal year has passed This has affected police and sheriff's transportation services and on local correctional centers because many citizens with mental ~llnesses are being placed in jads rather than the appropriate treatment facility. There ~s no additional capacity to deal w~th mental retardabon emergencies. In fact, the state does not have additional funds to match federal Medicaid dollars Therefore, not only are our c~tizens not being served, but federal dollars are being lost. It ~s expected that th~s situation will only deteriorate between now and the General Assembly session. W~th that chilling economic news, several organizations such as the Virginia Municipal League and the V~rgin~a Associabon of Counties, and indeed some of the several ongoing studies of V~rg~n~a's tax system, are considenng returning substanbal sums of general fund money to local governments. For instance, the so called 50/40/10 program of VML and VACO would return approximately $800 mdlion a year from general funds to localities -I- based on residence of the taxpayer, where the taxable ~ncome ~s earned and a base amount for all localities. Although V~rginia Beach would I~ke to d~vers~fy ~t's ~ncome stream by rece~wng a dedicated portion of state ~ncome tax, government's priority must be to fund traditional services such as education, mental health, public health, and transportation. V~rginia Beach City Councd strongly believes any consideration of tax sharing programs should be held in abeyance until the Commonwealth is able to fully fund ex~st~ng commitments such as education The SOQ study currently underway by the Joint Legislative Audit Rewew Commission (JLARC) w~ll I~kely reveal that the state should be spending an additional one bdl~on dollars on K-12. Funding programs such as education must be a priority for the Commonwealth. V~rg~n~a Beach spends almost $100 mdl~on of local tax dollars above that required by the Standards of Quality. V~rg~n~a ~s ranked the 15th wealthiest state in the nat~on yet falls short ranking 45th ~n the nat~on ~n state support of education (K- 12) A final area of great concern for V~rg~n~a Beach and other localities ~s transportation needs and funding. Numerous studies have revealed that the state should be spending upwards of $2.5 b~ll~on a year more than is available for transportation. Although the General Assembly attempted to address the shortfall ~n transportation funding w~th the Virginia Transportation Act of 2000, it is likely that effort will prove ~nadequate The use of Federal Revenue Anticipation Notes, which are basically debt against future transportation dollars, may be able to jump start programs. However, even the $350 mdl~on that has already been issued has not been utilized. Furthermore, the other three new funding sources have not worked as expected. Some additional revenue ~s being generated by a change in the way the gas tax ~s administered. However, there have been little to no general funds available to transfer to transportation One-third of the tax on car ~nsurance premiums that ~s supposed to be allocated to transportation in the next b~enn~um is not likely to materialize. When General Fund revenue ~s inadequate to prowde for teacher salary ~ncreases, mental health needs, public health needs and the other bas~cs state government should be doing, those funds should not be diverted to transportation Substantial additional funds on a state-wide bas~s need to be made avadable for transportation and regions should be given the flex~bd~ty to raise revenue for transportation. Transportation is a state-wide responsibility that should be addressed to the extent possible by the Commonwealth on a hol~st~c basis However, certain regions of the Commonwealth, such as Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads, have specific needs. With c~t~zen approval, we should be able to address those needs as we deem fit. However, regions and localities should be given credit for exceptional local or regional effort Unless we improve our transportation system, the Commonwealth will lag further behind in economic growth. -ii- TABLE OF CONTENTS A Legislative Requests Page 1 1. Funding for Education 2 Funding for Transportabon 3 Funding for Marine Science Museum 4. Funding for Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) 5 Funding for Community Services Board (CSB) 6. Funding for Public Health Department 7 Funding for the Convention Center 8 Funding for Public Libraries 9 Funding for Infopowenng the Commonwealth 10. Funding for Contemporary Arts Center of V~rg~n~a 11. Funding for Corps of Engineers Study of Kerr Reservoir 12 Funding for the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon 13. Funding for Local/Regional SOL Test Sconng Sites B. Non-Funding Issues Page '14 . Support for Inclusion of "Sexual Orientabon" ~n any Proposed "Hate Cnmes" Leg~slabon 2. Improvements for Processing Prorated Personal Property Taxes 3 Support for Connecbon Fee Payments and Attorneys' Fees 4. Abandoned Nonconforming S~gns . Boards of Zoning Appeals to be Created Tree Conservabon Ordinance 7 Solid Waste Ordinance V~olation o Locality May Provide for Removal or D~sposal of Trash, Cutting of Grass and Weeds 9. Procurement of Professional Services 10. Municipal Recreabon Deed Restriction 11. Post Labor Day Opening for V~rgin~a Beach Schools 12. Conflict of Interest Act 13. South Hampton Roads Coal~bon on Aging 14. Regional Incenbve Act 15. New Approaches to Moving People C Public Safety Issues Page 27 1. Amend State Code regarding Eluding Police . Approved Equipment 3. Defin~bon of Sport Utility Vehicle -IV- 4 Abandoned Nonconforming S~gns 5 6. Boards of Zoning Appeals to be Created Tree Conservation Ordinance 7 Solid Waste Ordinance Violation Locality May Prowde for Removal or Disposal of Trash, Cutting of Grass and Weeds 9 Procurement of Professional Services 10. Municipal Recreation Deed Restncbon 11. Post Labor Day Opening for Virginia Beach Schools 12 Conflict of Interest Act 13. South Hampton Roads Coalition on Aging 14. Regional Incentive Act 15 New Approaches to Mowng People C Public Safety Issues Page 36 1 Amend State Code regarding Eluding Police 2. Approved Equipment 3. Definition of Sport Utility Vehicle -iv- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 A. LEGISLATIVE REQUESTS The leg~slabve package from the C~ty of V~rg~nia Beach for the 2002-2004 biennium is focused primarily on funding issues because of our increasing reliance on state funding for programs. Th~s ~s also because of our growing dependence by Iocal~bes on real property tax and the few local revenue sources avadable The Virginia Beach Council believes the state must take a larger role ~n helping all local jurisdicbons provide services to our c~bzens. Requests for funding are as follows 1. FUNDING FOR EDUCATION With more than 50% of the City's budget committed to educating the 76,600 plus students ~n the V~rg~n~a Beach Public School system, it is vital that the state provide ~ts full share of both operation and ~nfrastructure funding. The state should fund the full cost necessary to meet the Standards of Quality (SOQ). W~th the Virginia Beach School system hawng more than 1,000 teachers above the number needed to meet the SOQ and hawng to spend almost $100,000,000 in local funds above the SOQ amount, it is obwous that the level of education funding provided under the guidelines of the SOQ ~s hopelessly ~nadequate. Furthermore, state funding for new construction, renovabon, maintenance, land acqu~s~bon and ~nstallabon of educational technology is needed We look forward to the results of the ongoing JLARC study of education. REQUEST: Whde Iocal~bes are grateful for the funds placed ~nto educabon infrastructure and technology from the state lottery, we believe that all of the approximately $310 million per year from the lottery should be made available to Iocal~bes instead of less than half of that amount which ~s now avadable (the remainder of the lottery funds are being utilized by the state to meet ~ts share of the SOQs). The General Assembly has also mandated that JLARC embark on a review of the Standards of Quality. Th~s report ~s due for considerabon by the 2002 General Assembly and ~s likely to reveal that Iocal~bes across the Commonwealth are contributing much higher levels of effort for education than the Virginia Consbtution envisioned. Although some legislators call these additional efforts local aspirations, Virginia Beach feels that the Standards of Quality, which the State funds, are not adequate for students to pass the Standards of Learning Testing. Virginia Beach, for ~nstance, appropriates approximately $100 mdl~on a year in local funds above that which the Standards of Quality require. -1- . VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 FUNDING FOR TRANSPORTATION In spite of the General Assembly's actions through the Virginia Transportation Act (VTA) of 2000, transportation funding statewide and certainly ~n Hampton Roads ~s ~nadequate for the needs. Many studies over the last five to ten years reveal there is a need for an additional $2 billion or more annually in transportabon funding statewide. The h~gh cost projects such as the Third Crossing, Interstate 64, Southeastern Parkway & Greenbelt, and transit improvements such as high speed ra~l access to the souths~de will be unfunded for many years unless additional revenue sources are made available. Also, as this informabon ~s being presented to Council, the Commonwealth Transportation Board has yet to recewe its six-year h~ghway construction program Based on information avadable to staff at this t~me, ~t is likely that the Six-Year Plan wdl show significant delay m many projects throughout the Commonwealth, ~nclud~ng Virginia Beach. Th~s ~s follow-up ~nformation to what was presented to the Senate F~nance Committee which revealed there was a tremendous cash-flow problem at VDOT. It ~s also apparent that, as menboned in the preface to th~s presentabon, it is likely that much of the new funding purposed to be provided through VTA 2000 wdl not come to pass, particularly General Fund transfers and the tax on auto insurance premiums. REQUEST: The C~ty specifically requests the following: The General Assembly should, on a statewide basis, prowde s~gn~flcant add~bonal funds for transportation. Projects of statewide ~mportance such 1-66 in Northern Virginia, 1-81 throughout the entire western port~on of the Commonwealth, Route 58, Route 460 ~nclud~ng high speed ra~l, and many other projects need significant amounts of funding. These should be addressed on a statew~de basis The City Council endorses full funding for the six programs developed by the Hampton Roads Planning D~stnct Commission/Metropolitan Planning Organizabon. The City Council is concerned that the Route 460 project may not receive the priority funding ~t deserves H~gh speed rail access to the souths~de must also be addressed. The recent terror attacks show the region's vulnerabdity in relying on the 1-64 corridor. An additional East-West Interstate Grade connector for southside must be constructed as soon as possible. Nabonal defense, hurricane evacuabon and sound transportabon policy require ~t. -2- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 Transportabon ~mprovements are vital to the timely movement of people, goods and services. In spite of the General Assembly's efforts in the VTA 2000, our transportation system ~s approaching near gridlock cond~bons We are also concerned that all modes are not receiwng appropriate funding. Transit services are greatly decreased because of lack of funding to Hampton Roads Transit (HRT). HRT is proposing to cut many existing routes and the Handi-Ride service w~thin the region. Addibonal revenues must be provided. The C~ty requests that the General Assembly approve legislation allowing regions of the Commonwealth to allow referendums for voter approval of revenue increases for transportation. This would be similar to the proposal that was defeated ~n the 2001 Session of the General Assembly for Northern Virginia. If regions or Iocalibes adopt such self-imposed revenue measures, they should be rewarded for these efforts through add~bonal revenue from the Commonwealth and certainly not punished by receiving less funds because they are taking care of their own needs The City continues to support the construcbon of the Third Crossing of Hampton Roads. The public/private partnership currently before the Commonwealth Transportabon Board, although the details have not been released, offers to have the project constructed considerably quicker and at a reduced cost. Th~s may entad toll~ng the facd~ty and perhaps other fac~libes in Hampton Roads. W~th the support for the Third Crossing, however, comes a requirement from the C~ty that improvements to Interstate-64 between Newport News and R~chmond must be made at the same time as the Third Crossing. It makes little sense to invest bdlions of dollars for a Third Crossing when traffic is still very congested from Bland Boulevard on 1-64 to the outskirts of R~chmond Th~s $2 bill~on project must be funded in concert w~th the Third Crossing. The City Council requests that additional funding be made avadable for mass transit. Mass transit ~n Hampton Roads has lost funding necessary to maintain a critical mass of services. Funding must be provided to allow Handi-Ride to expand back to ~ts previous service levels and allow HRT to reestablish routes that were ~n existence on January 1,2001. The City Council ~s concerned that VDOT seems to be lacking in leadership, ~n the ability to move projects along ~n a timely fashion, and in project planning and execubon. The Council realizes there is a grave shortfall of funding for transportabon. This funding shortfall ~s exacerbated by the vastly inappropriate amount of bme VDOT takes to bnng projects from the conceptual stage to -3- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 construcbon. The time period VDOT uses to bring forward projects causes the public to lose confidence in the agency Rebuilding the confidence in VDOT should be the number one priority of the new admm~strabon. If funding ~s the bottom ~ssue, then that needs to be explained to the public so informed decisions can be made The Route 460 project is a good example The General Assembly appropriated funds for the Virginia Transportabon Act of 2000, but ~t will be after the beginning of calendar year 2002 before VDOT hires a consultant to start Environmental Impact Statement (ELS). VDOT has publ~cally stated that it would be e~ght years before construcbon commences ~f funding is made available This is unacceptable. Whde the City Council is very much interested in the environmental documents being accomplished ~n a professional manner to stand up to wgorous rewew by the resource agencies, the proposed t~me period for the Route 460 project mowng forward to construction ~s symptomabc to projects ~n which the C~ty has been involved. 3. FUNDING FOR THE VIRGINIA MARINE SCIENCE MUSEUM The Virginia Manne Science Museum (VMSM) is owned and operated by the C~ty of Virginia Beach ~n cooperabon with the V~rginia Marine Science Museum Foundabon, Inc. Phase I of the V~rginia Marine Science Museum opened in 1986 as a 41,500 square foot aquarium and museum facility Phase II opened in 1996 and tripled the size of VMSM through addition of a nature trail, several large aquaria and an IMAX 3D theater. S~nce the opening of Phase II, the museum has become the h~ghest attended museum in the state, and one of the top ten attended aquaria ~n the United States In the last three years ~t has been ws~ted by more than 215,00 school students and ~ts outreach programs have been presented to thousands more throughout the state. The primary reason for its successful growth ~s that ~t has been appreciated as both an educational facility valued by residents as well as one of Virginia's greatest tourist attracbons. REQUEST. The Virginia Marine Science Museum is seeking $1 mill~on for operating assistance in each of the next fiscal years. This amount of'state support is ~n keeping w~th the ~mportance of the Marine Science Museum to the Commonwealth's economy. 4 FUNDING FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES ACT (CSA): -4- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 CSA funding is inadequate to address the needs of the chddren ~n V~rg~n~a Beach and across the Commonwealth REQUEST: Virginia Beach has consistently been unable to meet the needs of children and adolescents eligible for services under the Comprehensive Services Act due to inadequate state funding for both mandated and non-mandated chddren. Therefore, the C~ty requests a state code change that would require sum-sufficient state funding for th~s program. 5 FUNDING FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD (CSB): Any plans for the future of the publicly funded mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse services system should provide sufficient state funding for a comprehensive system of care and treatment at the state and local level. Funding must be adequate to meet the needs of a. b. Persons eligible for medicaid supported services but are unable to receive them due to lack of state match funding Persons in need of services unfunded by medicaid Persons who are ~ndigent and cannot access medicaid services Addibonal statew~de funding ~s needed as follows: FY 2003 FY 2004 Mental Health Children/Family Mental Retardation Substance Abuse $20 mdl~on $14 m~ll~on $25 m~llion $12 5 mdlion $20 million $14 mill~on $29 mdl~on $12 5 mdlion Totals $71.5 mdlion $75.5 mdlion 6 FUNDING FOR PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Costs have steaddy increased in Virginia Beach, and the dollars spent are still ~nadequate to address the needs of chddren ~n V~rg~n~a Beach and the -5- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 Commonwealth Healthy Families V~rgin~a and Healthy Families Virginia Beach show success in improving child health, ~mprowng school read~ness and preventing child abuse and neglect For example, h~gh-r~sk famd~es that received one year of home vis~bng in the V~rg~nia Beach program had no founded cases of child abuse or neglect. Based on V~rgima Beach's current annual birth rate of 6000 - 6500, 3000 families should be reached annually, 800 of those would benefit from long term home ws~tation. Currently, approximately 1000 families receive services and 100 receive long term home ws~tation These prevention efforts wdl decrease dollars needed for intensive CSA services required for chddren. The V~rginia Beach program can be maintained if Healthy Families dollars continue from the General Fund, and the C~ty's current portion, $87,719 ~s sustained. Ideally, an incremental increase ~n funding of 5 percent each year for six years would cover inflabonary costs so that the current level of service can be maintained. It ~s likely that the Commonwealth wdl be explonng options to balance the budget ~n the 2002 General Assembly Session If supplanting general fund dollars (used for Healthy Families) with TANF dollars is chosen, this would have severe impact on the program's potential for expansion through the use of federal T~tle IV-E foster care prevenbon funds. Data from Healthy Families supports the premise that investment in th~s prevenbon program will decrease costs associated w~th treatment and intervenbon (i.e. CSA Services)~n the long wew. Also, ~n the current b~enn~um, a supplemental budget allotment was made specifically for the V~rgin~a Beach Health Department. If a complete overhaul of Health Department funding is not possible, then we request that the supplemental appropriabon be conbnued for V~rg~nia Beach. 7 FUNDING FOR THE CONVENTION CENTER. The V~rgin~a Beach City Council has approved funding for a new $193.5 mill~on convenbon center and the architectural firm of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) has been selected as the nabonal architects to design the proJect. The preliminary design calls for an approximately 500,000 square foot convention center. It wdl include a 150,000 square-foot exhibition hall, a ballroom of 30,000 square feet, 25,000 square feet of meebng rooms, ~ncreased pre-funcbon space -6- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 and parking up to 3,000 spaces The current Pavilion convenbon facility, opened in 1980, ~s 188,000 square feet and offers 66,000 square feet of exhibit space, seven meeting rooms totaling 5,600 square feet and 1,100 parking spaces. In recent years, the city has had to turn away conventions and meetings because of lack of space and modern amen~bes. The C~ty of Virginia Beach h~red Pr~cewaterhouseCoopers to conduct a Market, Feas~bd~ty and Economic Impact Analyses on for the proposed convention facd~ty. They ~denbfied the economic impact of construcbng the budding program outlined prewously as follows. Incremental annual tax revenues (in 2000 dollars) from the new convenbon center are projected to be $2.652 mdlion annually for the C~ty of Virginia Beach and $2.018 mdlion annually for the Commonwealth. REQUEST: The General Assembly ~s requested to provide $20 million ~n funding for the Virginia Beach Convention Center. This ~s in keeping with the benefits to the Commonwealth based on the amount of state tax revenue that will be generated from the new facility over a ten year period. Twenty million dollars ~s also ~n keeping w~th the amount of money provided to the Richmond Convenbon Facility, when adjusted for ~nflation, based on the I~kely year of funding being prowded by the General Assembly. 8 VIRGINIA BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARIES: FULL FUNDING OF STATE AID: The V~rginia Beach Public L~brary requests that Governor Gilmore fully fund state aid to Virginia Public Libraries in the 2002-2004 budget. It ~s currently estimated that full funding of state a~d will require a $1,576,619 increase ~n FY 2003 over FY 2002 funding levels. The current funding level for state a~d and the levels proposed to achieve and maintain full funding are as follows: Current State Aid Appropriation in FY 2001/02 Full Funding Request for FY 2002 Full Funding Request for FY 2003 $2O ,485,543 $21,2O9,899 $22,062,162 The Code of V~rg~nia (Chapter 3 of Title 42. 1) establishes Virginia's policy of granting financial a~d for the development of local public I~braries and prowdes a -7- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 formula which specifies how much each public library system should receive Unfortunately, the formula has not been fully funded s~nce 1985. In FY 97-98, the formula was funded at only 73%. The General Assembly embarked on a 3-step plan in 1998 to restore full funding (See item 264, Chapter I of the 1998 Special I Session Virginia Acts of Assembly) by adding $1 4 mill~on to the level funding proposed by Governor Allen for FY 98-99. No ~ncrease was provided in year two (FY 99-00). At ~ts 1999 session, the General Assembly approved and Governor Gdmore s~gned ~nto law the second step ~n the full funding plan by adding $2 8 mdl~on to the FY 99-00 state aid budget (See item 264, Chapter 935 of the 1999 Virginia Acts of Assembly). Th~s will bnng state aid to about 85 percent of full funding in FY 99-00. Governor Gilmore also approved the following budget language adopted during the 1999 General Assembly session' It is the objecbve of the Commonwealth to fully fund the state formula for state a~d to local libraries. The additional appropriabon in the second year accomplishes the second step ~n the three-year phase-in of full funding It ~s the objecbve of the General Assembly to complete the phase-in dunng fiscal year 2001 State aid is cnbcal to V~rg~n~a Beach Public Libraries because it is used to buy books and other I~brary materials, which are used directly by citizens. Public I~braries prowde materials for school-age students who particularly need their resources in the afternoons, evenings, weekends and dunng the Summer when the schools are closed. Libraries also serve adults, many of whom find I~braries as their only source of free, up-to-date ~nformabon. Full funding of the state a~d formula would ~ncrease V~rginia Beach's allocation from $323,500 to $378,690, an additional $55,190. 9. FUNDING FOR INFOPOWERING THE COMMONWEALTH: The objectives of Infopowerinq the Commonwealth are to provide appropriate computer hardware, obtain adequate connecbons to the Internet, and resolve issues and costs associated with prowding adequate access to all citizens to current, authontatwe sources of informabon. Infopowering has assisted public libraries in obtaining hardware, Internet access, training labs, and some electronic databases, In addition, Infopowering funds were used ~n partnership w~th grant funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to extend actw~bes to I~branes that were not fully eligible for funding through the Gates L~brary ~nibative. -8- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 The future of Infopowering will focus on expanding the content available through statewide I~censes to electronic databases. The L~brary of V~rgin~a hopes to expand access to such databases beyond public I~braries to include schools, community colleges, and other academic insbtutions, In future years Infopowering will also provide technical assistance and training for all public I~branes, and financial assistance for libraries that have difficulty sustaining services after support from the Gates Foundation ends within the next two years Infopowering funds for FY 2002 have been reduced to $1 6 mill~on In FY 2003 an estimated $3 mill~on is needed to prowde services to public libraries, $5 mill~on if services are expanded to other entibes, such as schools and institutions of h~gher education. In addition to providing access to electronic resources, Infopowering funds wdl also be used to establish training labs in areas of the State that d~d not receive training labs through the Gates L~brary Initiabve, particularly in Southwest Virginia, Souths~de, and the Shenandoah Valley. The V~rginia system of public I~branes is providing valuable cultural and educational resources for cibzens of the Commonwealth Fully funding the State grants-in-aid program and Infopowering the Commonwealth will provide V~rginia with a well- established public I~brary system w~th access for all c~tizens to tradibonal I~brary services and services based on ex~sting and emerging technologies 10. FUNDING FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS CENTER OF VIRGINIA: The Contemporary Arts Center of Virginia is a non-profit, non-collecting institution founded in 1952 to foster awareness, exploration and understanding of the s~gnificant art of our time. The Center fulfills ~ts m~ss~on by providing regularly changing exhibibons by internabonally, nabonally and regionally renowned contemporary artists and by presenting educational programs that encourage critical thinking, dialogue and artistic expression. The Center is the only ~nsbtubon ~n the Commonwealth of V~rgin~a dedicated solely to contemporary art and education and, as such, ~s an ~mportant element in the Commonwealth's cultural tourism initiatives. Art often reflects the political and social m~lieu ~n which ~t is created and ~nvites the v~ewer to explore, not only the aesthetic and philosophical aspects for the work, but its relevance to their own expression and partic~pabon in society. The Center ~s a unique forum for ideas and d~scourse essenbal to an ~nformed and involved cibzenry. -9- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 The Center's mission renders ~t an equally valuable educabonal resource. The Center's educabonal programs are designed to prowde children and young adults a foundabon for their I~felong appreciabon and exploration of the world in which they I~ve and work. The Center's commitment to excellence in education was recently recognized by the prestigious Rufus Beamer Excellence Award, a state-wide ~n~bative sponsored by the V~rg~n~a Department of Education and the V~rginia Councd of Vocational Educabon Students from three local h~gh schools collaborated with the Center's education department to create a unique project that ~ncorporated art, h~story, science, technology, culture, industry and the environment ~n a public exh~b~bon at the Center for nearly three months. Essenbal to th~s goal ~s the training of professional educators. For several years, the Center has offered a Teacher Insbtute underwritten ~n part by Title VI. During the Teacher Insbtute, educators receive instrucbon on (1) object-based learning, (2) the integration of art w~th other disciplines and (3) wnbng innovative, flexible curricula and lesson plans. Educators can choose to apply the Insbtute toward re- certification or graduate course work. Educators who attend the Institute are asked to train their colleagues at their schools ~n the techniques they learn The Institute no longer qual~fles for Title VI funding because it ~s not a new project. The Center ~s not able to susta,n the Institute w~thout external funding. The Center's education staff, in collaborabon with other professional educators, has developed programs that meet current requirements for Virginia's Standards of Learning (SOL)~n several subjects. Specifically, It's Greek to Me, developed for 3rd graders, integrates social studies, mathemabcs and architecture. Ancient China: Digging into the Past Today, developed for 2® graders, ~ntegrates history, social studies and archeology. Move It: Magnets, Electricity & Kinetics, developed for 4th graders, explores physical science. Building with Light, developed for 5th graders, explores the functional and aesthetic properties of I~ght and meets science SOL's. During the 1998-99 academic year, approximately 6,000 students under the age of 18 benefitted from education outreach programs offered by the Center. The success of these programs ~s evidenced by the increasing number of requests from schools throughout Hampton Roads. REQUEST: The Contemporary Arts Center of V~rgin~a requests $500,000 for each year of the biennium from the legislature for the purpose of continuing an expanded educational program that employs state-of-the-art telecommunications to reach -10- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 students and educators statew~de We propose to electronically export these educational programs to schools outside the region offenng educators a cost- effective means to meet the requirements of the SOL's. Many schools in the state lack adequate resources to develop and implement such a program. In addition to state support, the Center ~s actively seeking corporate partners for th~s technology ~nitiabve that w~ll assist w~th the needs of the schools. By taking the programs state- wide, the Center is able to take advantage of economies of scale and reduce the cost per student. The Center's education staff will coordinate w~th other ~nstitutions to present "traveling exhibibons" designed to provide students opportunities for direct observabon of paintings, drawings, sculptures, art~facts or other objects. We also propose to electronically export the Teacher Institute state-wide thus offering educators ~n remote counbes and underfunded school d~stricts the opportunity to benefit. Funding from the legislature will allow the Center to promote and coordinate the expanded program, make the necessary investment in technology and training and augment the educabon staff. 11 FUNDING FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS STUDY OF KERR RESERVOIR: Virginia Beach is requesbng the General Assembly to provide funding ~n the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 2003 budget for a Corps of Engineers Study of Kerr Reservoir. Kerr Reservoir is a flood control reservoir owned by the federal government and operated by the Corps of Engineers. It is ~mmed~ately upstream from Lake Gaston which ~s owned by Dominion Resources (formerly VA Power). Water released from Kerr Dam consbtutes more than 90 percent of the average flow in and out of Lake Gaston V~rgin~a Beach and Chesapeake have storage rights in Kerr Reservoir, which are used dunng certain dry periods to mitigate the effects of our water withdrawals from Lake Gaston Dominion Resources' Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)licence to operate Lake Gaston hydro power facdities is up for renewal. Because releases from Kerr Reservoir constitute most of the inflow and outflow from Lake Gaston, many ~ssues that the environmental resource agencies want to address in Dominion's re-I~censing procedure are ~ssues that can only be resolved by operabonal changes at Kerr Dam. The legal and procedural tool that the Corps uses to dec~de whether any such changes should be made ~s a federal "216 Study." The Corps has completed an ~n~tial reconnaissance phase of th~s study and has decided to proceed w~th a more detaded phase, known as the Feasibility Study Esbmates -11- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 put the cost of th~s study at about $2 mill~on over three years. Fifty percent of the funding must come from non-federal, local sponsors. Local sponsors play a s~gn~flcant role in the scoping and steering of 216 studies. North Carolina has agreed to be a local sponsor. Although Kerr Dam ~s mostly in Virginia, all of ~ts water ultimately flows to North Carolina. North Carolina will protect the interests of North Carolina c~tizens ~n the 216 Study. However, only V~rgin~a can protect the interests of the V~rg~nia cibzens who live around Kerr Reservoir and Lake Gaston, and depend upon them for water supply. During the 2001 General Assembly, the State Water Commission recommended that $100,000 be added to the DEQ FY 2002 budget for the first year participation, but the DEQ's budget was not amended in 2001. Efforts will be made again in the 2002 General Assembly to ~nclude the money ~n DEQ's FY 2003 budget. REQUEST' Virginia Beach has been working to insure that Virginia participates ~n the 216 Study on an equal bas~s with North Carolina. The State Water Commission recommended that $100,000 be added to the DEQ FY 2002 and FY 2003 budgets for each year of participation Therefore, the City ~s asking the General Assembly to help insure that funding for Virginia's partic~pabon ~n the 216 Study is included in the DEQ's FY 2002 and FY 2003 budgets. 12. FUNDING FOR THE CONVENTION AND VISITOR DEVELOPMENT: V~rginia Beach hosted it's ~naugural Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon over the Labor Day weekend 2001. Over 15,000 runners were ~n attendance and the entire event drew over 100,000 spectators Many of the marathon runners were from out of the area and utd~zed V~rgin~a Beach and other Hampton Roads hotel/motel accommodations. The 13 bands playing at remote stages along the route and the family atmosphere generated by the event helped Virginia Beach move towards the goal of offering "Good... Clean.. Fun". Addibonal financial support from the State ~s requested. REQUEST. The General Assembly is requested to provide $200,000 to help defray the cost of the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon on Labor Day 2002 to promote convention and visitor development. State funds will allow us to attract even more runners and fill more hotel/motel facilities throughout the Hampton Roads region. Th~s investment will pay off handsomely for the State ~n ~ncreased taxes. -12- 13. VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 FUNDING FOR LOCAL/REGIONAL SOL TEST SCORING SITES. The current requirement to have the SOL's scored in Texas requires at least a month between administering the tests and receiving ind~wdual results and 4-5 months to receive the important d~v~sional data This delays results prevenbng them from being returned prior to the end of school. Results are needed by the end of the year to ensure students receive necessary remedial studies, such as summer school, as well as to allow school divisions to make necessary changes to their curriculum and provide mentoring to teachers. Although progress has been made in moving SOL test administration towards the end of the year, the four to s~x weeks between current adm~nistrabon of most tests and the end of the year has created a v~rtual "academic wasteland" during the final month. With the focus and motivabon so geared to SOL success, it is very d~fficult to achieve significant academic progress after the tests are administered. Local scoring would provide more timely results. Furthermore, while state funding for these local/regional SOL test sconng facdities should be prowded in the state budget, we feel d~visions should be authorized to move forward using available local funds. REQUEST: The General Assembly is requested to enact legislabon directing the Department of Education to immediately authorize school divisions to, indiwdually or collectively, establish local or regional sconng centers for SOL test scoring subject to thorough but reasonable oversight ~n terms of process audit. The General Assembly is also requested to provide funds for these local/regional SOL test scoring facd~bes, however, we request d~visions be authorized to move forward using avadable local funds. -13- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 B. NON-FUNDING ISSUES SUPPORT FOR INCLUSION OF "SEXUAL ORIENTATION" IN ANY PROPOSED "HATE CRIMES" LEGISLATION. Under the current State Code, there are enhanced penalties for certain crimes if the person who commits the crime selects h~s or her vicbm because of the wctim's race, religious conwcbon, color, or nabonal origin These crimes are generally referred to collectively as "hate cr~mes" Dunng ~ts 1998 and 1999 Sessions, the General Assembly considered, but did not adopt, several bills which, if adopted, would have expanded ex~sting "hate crimes" legislation to ~nclude any vicbm selected because of his or her sexual orientation. REQUEST: The V~rg~n~a Beach C~ty Councd believes that any criminal who selects his or her wctim s~mply because of the victim's sexual orientation should also be subject to enhanced penalbes. Therefore, the Council supports the inclusion of "sexual or~entabon" ~n any "hate crimes" legislabon considered by the General Assembly during ~ts 2002 Session IMPROVEMENTS FOR PROCESSING PRORATED PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES: At th~s bme, the Code requires that the taxpayer be given the opbon of a refund or a credit when the taxpayer d~sposes of a vehicle after the personal property tax has been paid, even ~f the taxpayer already owes the locality taxes on another vehicle or other property. By deleting the words "at the option of the taxpayer" from § 58.1- 3516, localities can use prudent business management decisions ~n crediting other outstanding amounts owed. If all outstanding amounts owed are sabsfied, a refund can then be processed. REQUEST: The request ~s for the General Assembly to amend The Code of Virginia, §58 1- 3516 to delete "at the option of the taxpayer" as spelled out below: When any person sells or otherwise transfers btle to a motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or boat with a s~tus in the locality -14- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 after the tax day or situs day, the tax shall be relieved prorated on a monthly bas~s, and the appropriate amount of tax already pa~d shall be refunded or credited, iii. ti l~ q.~F./tlq./I I ~l../I ti I~:~ ~ against the tax due on any motor veh]cle, trailer, semitrader, or boat owned by the taxpayer dunng the same tax year by the treasurer of such locality. Such refund shall be made within thirty days of the date such tax ~s relieved No refund of less than five dollars shall be ~ssued to a taxpayer, unless specifically requested by the taxpayer. 3. SUPPORT FOR CONNECTION FEE PAYMENTS AND ATTORNEYS' FEES: The C~ty requested and received the support of the General Assembly last year to recover attorneys' fees when taking legal action to compel property owners to pay water and sanitary sewer fees. Currently, the City ~s unable to use the legislative amendment to collect attorneys' fees on legal actions initiated to require a property owner to physically connect to the ublity system There is no penalty to the property owner for holding out unbl ordered by the court to pay and connect. Therefore, the City must ~ncur the attorney fees. The C~ty requests two amendments to the State Code in order that the City may recover attorneys' fees when the we take legal action to compel a property owner to comply with mandatory connection to the public water and sanitary sewer ublity system. REQUEST. The request is for the General Assembly to amend The Code of Virginia, §15.2- 2122 (7) to add the following sentence to the end of the subsecbon: "When legal action is required to compel a property owner to comply with any mandatory connection ordinance, then a locality shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees in any action to compel such connection." The request is for the General Assembly to amend The Code of Virginia, §15.2- 2143 to add above language to the end of the first unnumbered paragraph of the statute. 4 ABANDONED NONCONFORMING SIGNS' -15- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 Abandoned nonconforming s~gns must be made to conform with current zoning regulations w~th~n two years Th~s ~s much too long a period of time. The City's request is that this be amended to a s~x month time per~od. REQUEST: The request is for the General Assembly to amend The Code of Virginia, §15.2- 2307 as follows. Vested rights not impaired; nonconforming uses. -- A zoning ordinance may provide that land, buddings, and structures and the uses thereof which do not conform to the zoning prescnbed for the d~stnct in which they are situated may be continued only so long as the then existing or a more restncted use continues and such use ~s not disconbnued for more than two years, or in the case of nonconforming signs, six months, and so long as the buildings or structures are maintained ~n their then structural condition, and that the uses of such buddings or structures shall conform to such regulabons whenever they are enlarged, extended, reconstructed or structurally altered and may further provide that no nonconforming building or structure may be moved on the same lot or to any other lot which is not properly zoned to permit such nonconforming use. 5. BOARDS OF ZONING APPEALS TO BE CREATED: Currently when regular members of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) attend a meeting and they must abstain from vobng on an ~ssue, the required number of vobng members ~s not reached. The City's request would be to amend the code to allow an alternate member of the BZA to vote on an application whenever a regular member must abstain. REQUEST: The request ~s for the General Assembly to amend The Code of Virginia, §15.2- 2308 as follows. Boards of zoning appeals to be created; membership, -16- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 organization, etc. -- A regular member when he knows he will be absent from or will have to abstain from any application at a meeting shall notify the chairman twenty-four hours prior to the meebng of such fact. The chairman shall select an alternate to serve ~n the absent member's place and the records of the board shall so note. Such alternate member may vote on any application in which a reqular member abstains. 6 TREE CONSERVATION ORDINANCE. The public at large and certainly in Virginia Beach have begun to recognize that certain trees have outstanding value. However, under ex~sbng tree protection ordinance we are not able to designate species as being worthy of protection. The City's request ~s to allow designated species "Designated species" shall mean any species of tree which has been designated by the local governing body to have notable h~storic, cultural or aesthetic value to a specific area. REQUEST: The request ~s for the General Assembly to amend The Code of Virginia, §15.2- 2308 as follows: Tree conservation ordinance; civil penalties.- The governing body of any county, city or town may adopt a tree conservation ordinance regulabng the preservation and removal of hentage, specimen, memonal, designated species and street trees, as defined under subsection B of th~s section, when such preservation and removal are not commercial s~lwcultural or horticultural activ~bes, ~ncluding but not I~m~ted to planbng, managing, or harvesting forest or tree crops. Such ordinance shall consider planned land use by the property owner, may include reasonable fees for the adm~n~strabon and enforcement of the ordinance and may provide for the appointment by the local governing body of an administrator of the ordinance. 7 SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE VIOLATION' -17- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 Currently localities may require sol~d waste to be d~sposed of ~n an environmentally and otherwise acceptable manner. However, under existing code only penalbes for the unauthorized use of or failure to use such facd~ties can be charged The C~ty's request is to allow the ~mpos~t~on of civil penalties for not using designated facilities provided by the public or private sector for the purpose of disposal of garbage or recyclable material REQUEST: The request is for the General Assembly to amend The Code of Virginia, § 15.2-928 as follows: Local recycling and waste disposal; powers; penalties -- Any locality may (i) provide and operate, w~thin or outside its boundaries, sol~d waste management facilities and appurtenances for the collection, management, recycling and d~sposal of solid waste, recyclable materials, and other refuse of the residents and businesses of the locality; (~) contract w~th other Iocal~bes to provide such services jointly; (~) contract w~th others for supplying such services; (iv) contract w~th any locality or agency of the Commonwealth to provide such services for e~ther entity; (¥) prohibit the d~sposal of garbage or recyclable materials in or at any place other than that provided by the public or private sector for the purpose; (v~) charge and collect compensabon for such services, (vii) prowde penalties, including civil penalties, forthe unauthorized use of or failure to use such facilities; and (w~) grant incentwes to encourage recycling. Forthe purposes of this secbon, recyclable materials shall be those materials idenbfled ~n a plan adopted pursuant to §10 1-1411 and regulations promulgated thereunder. Nothing in this secbon shall invalidate the acbons of any locality taken prior to enactment of th~s secbon Nothing in this secbon shall be construed as prohibiting any generator of recyclable materials from selling, conveying or arranging for transportation of such materials to a recycler for reuse or reclamation, nor prevenbng a recycling company or nonprofit enbty from collecting and transporting recyclable materials from a buy-back center, drop box or any generator of recyclable materials -18- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 LOCALITY MAY PROVIDE FOR REMOVAL OR DISPOSAL OF TRASH, CUTTING OF GRASS AND WEEDS' Under exisbng code {}15.2-901, the City may prescribe charges against property owners for the removal of trash, cutbng of grass and weeds, etc. The City desires to have the abdity to assess c~vil penalties as prescribed by law for wolabons of ordinances prohibiting the overgrowth of weeds, grass and other vegetation or the accumulation of trash REQUEST: The request ~s for the General Assembly to amend The Code of Virginia, §15.2-901 as follows. Locality may provide for removal or disposal of trash, cutting of grass and weeds; penalty in certain counties. -- Any locality may, by ordinance, provide that: . The owners of property therein shall, at such bme or bmes as the governing body may prescribe, remove therefrom any and all trash, garbage, refuse, I~tter and other substances which m~ght endanger the health or safety of other residents of such locality; or may, whenever the governing body deems ~t necessary, after reasonable nobce, have such trash, garbage, refuse, I~tter and other I~ke substances which m~ght endanger the health of other residents of the locality, removed by ~ts own agents or employees, in which event the cost or expenses thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the owners of such property and may be collected by the locality as taxes are collected; Trash, garbage, refuse, litter and other debris shall be disposed of ~n personally owned or privately owned receptacles that are provided for such use and for the use of the persons d~sposing of such matter or in authorized facilities prowded for such purpose and ~n no other manner not authorized by law, -19- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 o The owners of vacant developed or undeveloped property therein, .nclud,ng such property upon which buildings or other ~mprovements are located, shall cut the grass, weeds and other foreign growth on such property or any part thereof at such time or times as the governing body shall prescribe, or may, whenever the governing body deems ~t necessary, after reasonable not~ce as determined by the locality, have such grass, weeds or other foreign growth cut by its agents or employees, ~n which event the cost and expenses thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the owner of such property and may be collected by the locality as taxes are collected. In a locality w~th~n Planning D~strict 8, an ordinance adopted pursuant to th~s subdivision may also apply to owners of occupied property therein. No such ordinance adopted by any county shall have any force and effect within the corporate limits of any town. No such ordinance adopted by any county hawng a density of populabon of less than 500 per square mile shall have any force or effect except within the boundaries of platted subdivisions or any other areas zoned for residential, business, commercial or ~ndustnal use, Every charge authorized by this section w~th which the owner of any such property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property ranking on a panty w~th I~ens for unpaid local taxes and enforceable in the same manner as provided ~n Articles 3 (§ 58.1-3940 et seq.) and 4 (§ 58.1-3965 et seq.) of Chapter 39 of Title 58 1. A locality may waive such hens in order to facilitate the sale of the property. Such liens may be waived only as to a purchaser who is unrelated by blood or marriage to the owner and who has no bus~ness assoc~abon w~th the owner All such liens shall remain a personal obligation of the owner of the property at the time the liens were imposed. -20- . VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 Any locality may, by ordinance, prescribe c~vil penalties for wolations of any ordinance adopted pursuant to th~s section. 9 PROCUREMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES' Under current code, Iocal~bes are unable to authorize mulb-phase contracts w~th professional services as VDOT is allowed to do, typically architectural or engineering services for construction or ~nfrastructure projects Most construction or ~nfrastructure projects require an initial assessment of the project, design work, and later changes based on condibons encountered dunng construcbon Spl~tbng such a project ~nto separate p~eces and bidding ~t out step-by-step for architectural and engineering services is extremely inefficient and adds to the total cost of the project without any added value to the taxpayer. REQUEST The request ~s for the General Assembly to amend The Code of Virginia, [}2 2-4301 to allow any public body, not just the Department of Transportation, to allow for mulbphase professional services contracts as spelled out below: Mult~phase professional services contracts satisfactory and advantageous to the ,-,A__.,___, _, ~- ...... .,_,.A_ ~,o~,o,~,,,o,,, ,.,, ,,o,,o~,~,,,oL,,.,,, public body for enwronmental, location, study, design artd o_r inspecbon work regarding hi~,hways and, brld~,.3~s construction or infrastructure projects may be negobated and awarded based on a fair and reasonable price for the first phase only, when complebon of the earlier phases ~s necessary to provide informabon cnbcal to the negotiation of a fair and reasonable price for succeeding phases. 10. MUNICIPAL RECREATION DEED RESTRICTION: The General Assembly agreed to sell all the land outside the ma~n post at Camp Pendleton to the City a number of years ago Much of the property was sold with a Municipal Recreation Deed restriction The City is interested ~n entering into a public/private partnership for the improvements to the Red Wing Golf Course. However, the State Attorney General's Office has been unable to provide us a definitive op~n~on on whether a public/private partnership to develop the golf course -21- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 is in keeping with the Municipal Recreation Deed restriction REQUEST: The General Assembly ~s requested to clarify that a public/private partnership plan of improvement to the Red Wing Golf Course is ~n keeping w~th the Municipal Recreabon Deed restricbons. 11. POST LABOR DAY OPENING FOR VIRGINIA BEACH' The V~rginia Beach tourism industry provides our City with $630 million per year in tourism spending. Hampton Roads receives $1.3 million from VIrg~nia Beach's tourism. Starting schools in V~rg~nia Beach and other Iocal~bes ~n the Commonwealth prior to Labor Day would have significant financial consequences ~n the long term. Beginning schools prior to Labor Day would eliminate two weeks in August, prime famdy vacabon time, which cannot be replaced. If the V~rginia Beach school system begins before Labor Day and other localities follow our lead ~t will have a negative effect on the economic ~mpact of the tourism ~ndustry To a lesser extent this wdl also have an ~mpact on this ~ndustry by affecting the labor pool available during this bme frame REQUEST' The General Assembly is requested to maintain the ex~sting leg~slabon concerning post Labor Day opening of schools. This allows all schools to open after Labor Day except those g~ven exemptions by the State Board of Educabon. 12. CONFLICT OF INTEREST ACT: The ex~sbng Conflict of Interest Act ~s vague and confusing. Because of this vagueness, Councdmembers are forced to abstain on votes because of the unclear direction and ~ntent of the act. REQUEST. The General Assembly is requested to form a study commission made up of state and local government officials, local government attorneys, and others for the purpose of reviewing the Conflict of Interest Act to identify problems encountered ~n ~ts ~nterpretabon, to idenbfy ~ssues not sufficiently addressed in the Act, and to propose clar~flcabons to the Act for presentabon to the 2003 General Assembly -22- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 13. SOUTH HAMPTON ROADS COALITION ON AGING' The C~ty Councd supports issues dealing with state government presented by the South Hampton Roads Coal~bon on Aging The General Assembly ~s requested to fund the following programs requested by the Coalition: a. Nurses and Nurse' A~des Development of new plans to retain and ~mprove the working conditions and wages of Registered Nurses (RN), L~censed Practical Nurses (LPN) and Certified Nurses Aides (CNA). CNA's, the persons most responsible for hands-on care ~n long-term care facilities and home health agencies, have a 75 percent annual turnover rate The work ~s labor intensive, and the pay is at or only slightly above minimum wage CNAs wdl quit to take a job that does not require as much physical labor, offers even $.15 more per hour, has regular hours, (8-5), and requires no travel. REQUEST: 1) Nurses and Nurses' A~des: Raise Medicaid reimbursement rates for all long-term care and direct that the Certified Nurses A~des (CNA) wage be increased 2) H~re NO convicted felons' Complete a nabonal criminal check on all candidates for CNA pos~bons in the hospital and long-term care settings. b. Caregiver's Grant: Increase the Virginia Careg~vers Grant program payments to $1,000 per year An increase in the Careg~ver Grant payment would allow more families to keep their relatives at home and would decrease the number of seniors placed in assisted living fac~l~bes and nursing homes. Currently, relabves who care for their loved ones at home are eligible to apply for a $500 grant NO funds were appropriated ~n FY 2001. REQUEST. Increase the V~rg~nia Caregiver Grant payment to $1,000 per year and fully fund each eligible applicant. c. Prescription Drugs Development of new plans to finance prescription drugs -23- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 for the elderly. The inability of a large segment of the elderly populabon to afford the prescripbon medications they need is a growing threat to their health and well being. REQUEST. 1) Develop and implement a "Prescription Drugs Only" component of Medicaid for m~ddle ~ncome elderly and disabled. Available medicabons would be the same as are available to Medicaid recipients. The "buy ~n" aspect of the program would entad a monthly premium and a co-pay for each prescripbon Th~s program would be s~milar ~n concept to the current Medicaid program to cover children of the working poor. The "Prescripbon Drugs Only" would cover a populabon not traditionally served by Medicaid, (such as the chddren of the working poor), but needing assistance to maintain their health 2) Partner w~th a local pharmacy to prowde a formulary of the most frequently used prescription drugs and make them available to the elderly at the lowest cost Part~cipabng pharmacies could be offered some sort of financial incenbve, i.e., real estate tax considerabon. 3) Establish programs to educate both local physicians and area older adults on current pharmaceubcal companies' programs. Opbons can ~nclude broadcasbng on public access stabons, prowd~ng seminars at sen~or centers and housing s~tes for the elderly, and distnbuting brochures to area sen~ors and physicians. d. Income Tax Check-Off Box: Increase resources necessary to fund programs and services for the elderly. In Virginia alone, overS19 mill~on ~s needed and documented to meet the unmet needs of the elderly. REQUEST: Establish a check-off box on state ~ncome tax filing forms to designate $5.00 of taxes to meet the growing needs of the elderly. Currently there are rotating charities or state offices included at the end of the form w~th a check- off box to contribute toward particular causes or agencies. F~nancial Explo~tabon of the Elderly: Include employees of financial -24- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 ~nst~tutions as mandated reporters. The financial restitution employees may have early, and often the only, knowledge of ongoing financial abuse of vulnerable adults and should therefore be included as mandated reporters. REQUEST: Expand The Code of V~rgin~a, [}63.1-55.3 to include financial ~nstitutions as mandated reporters. The law currently provides c~vd and criminal I~abil~ty protection for mandated reporters. 14 REGIONAL INCENTIVE ACT The Regional Incenbve Act Program was established by the General Assembly a number of years ago. The purpose of the act was to encourage regional cooperation and regional planning. The Hampton Roads Partnership was created through the Act and receives its funding from the Act. However, funding for the Regional Incentive Act has been decreased over the last two years. Full funding of the Act is requested REQUEST: The General Assembly ~s requested to fully fund the Regional Incentive Act so that all regions of the state can receive the same amount of funding they received prior 2000, fiscal year 2001. The General Assembly is also requested to ~ncrease the funding as the Commonwealth's financial condition ~mproves. 15. NEW APPROACHES TO MOVING PEOPLE Recent changes to communications and positioning technology wdl enable us to assess our current transportabon systems and tie them ~nto a more convenient and efficient network. We are particularly interested ~n moving people from their homes to and from work, medical fac~l~bes, and social acbwbes. This ~s especially ~mportant in light of the cut backs by HRT ~n the Hand~-Ride service Our current system ~ncludes the HRT bus system and ~ts van pool system, taxi system, volunteer organizabons that provide transit, and faith based organizations moving citizens By providing a central communicabons network and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology, any group w~th the appropriate equipment can log-on to the system to help people requesting transportation. We also need to provide relief from the I~abdity of I~bgabon to volunteer organizations who prowde these transit services. -25- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 REQUEST: The General Assembly ~s requested to perform a study on new approaches to mowng people through mass transit and volunteer organizabons The study would examine exisbng communication systems, how new and emerging technologies can be incorporated into those systems, and how volunteer organizations can ubl~ze such technology The liabd~ty ~ssue for the volunteer organizations providing transportabon should also be ~ncluded in this study -26- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 C. PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUES 1 AMEND STATE CODE REGARDING ELUDING POLICE' State Code §46.2-817 (eluding police) was changed as of July 1, 2000 Unfortunately, the penalty secbon of th~s code only prowdes that ~f convicted under this section, the driver's license of the offender may be suspended for periods of 30 days to one year, however, ~f speeds were more than 20 miles over the posted limit it becomes mandatory that the suspension be ~ssued. We request that all eluding police convictions carry a mandatory license suspension Th~s may easdy be done by delebng the word "may" and subsbtuting "shall" as shown below. State Code {}46.2-817. D~sregard~ng signal by enforcement officer to stop; eluding police, penalbes. law- C When any person convicted of a m~sdemeanor under th~s secbon, ~n add~bon to the other penalbes prowded ~n th~s section, the driver's license of such person rrvay shall be suspended by the court for a period of not less than thirty days nor more than one year. However, in any case where the speed of such person is determined to have exceeded the maximum allowed by twenty m~les per hour, h~s driver's I~cense shall be suspended by the court for a penod of not less than ninety days. 2. APPROVED EQUIPMENT: Currently all equipment authorized for use on vehicles, ~ncluding emergency vehicles, must be approved by the Supenntendent of State Police Th~s process delays the procurement and use of the latest technology by law enforcement officers. We request the code be amended to allow jurisd~cbons (localities in excess of 400,000 population) the option of approwng and purchasing the latest technology without waiting for State Police approval We request the following code be amended as shown: §46.2-1005. Procedure for approval of equipment -- The Supenntendent may establish a procedure for the approval of equipment required to be approved by him. Such procedure shall include the submission of a sample of the device for test -27- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 and record purposes, submission of ewdence that the dewce complies w~th th~s title and with recognized tesbng standards which the Superintendent ~s hereby authorized to adopt, and payment of the fee as prowded by §46 2-1008. The Supenntendent shall then, w~thin a reasonable time, either d~sapprove the device or ~ssue a certificate of approval therefor The Superintendent, Chief of Police or Sheriff of any locality havinq a population of 400,000 or more persons, may waive such approval and the ~ssuance of a certificate of approval when the device or equipment required to be approved by th~s title ~s identified as complying with the standards and specifications of the Society of Automotive Engineers, the American National Standards Institute, Incorporated, or the regulations of the federal Department of Transportation, or is currently in use by large metropolitan, state or federal law enforcement agencies. 3 DEFINITION OF SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE Presently no defin~bon is in State Code defines a Sport Ubl~ty Vehicle (Blazer, Bronco, Trooper, etc.) exactly. Most do not fit ~nto the "truck" category as most do not weigh at least 7,500 pounds, but are more closely related to pickups and are often on a p~ckup chassis. Additionally, four-door short bed pickups are designed for transportabon of both persons and property. We request that the definition of such be amended as shown below: c:346.2-100. Definitions --"Pickup, or panel truck or sport utility vehicle" means every motor vehicle designed for the transportabon of persons and property and having a registered gross weight of 7,500 pounds or less -28- Community Legislative Agenda Addendum - Public Safety Issues The City of Virginia Beach 2002 General Assembly Session October 31, 2001 (Prepared) TABLE OF CONTENTS Draft Rev 10/31/01 ADDENDUM - PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUES 1. Amend State Code Dealing with Team policing and Traffic Infractions 2. DUI Arrest W~thout Warrant 3 Non-Standard Equipment 4 Juvende Records 5. Interference w~th Public Safety Workers 6. Oversize/Permitted Vehicles or Loads 7. Over-Height Vehicles 8. Slow Vehicle Warning 9 Escort Drivers and Vehicles 10. Testing for DUI -I- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 ADDENDUM -- PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUES The following items are endorsed by the Virginia Beach C~ty Councd but not included as part of our Community Legislative Agenda proposal to the V~rg~nia Beach General Assembly Delegation , AMEND THE STATE CODE DEALING WITH TEAM POLICING AND TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS: Presently, state code only specifically authorizes officers, who d~d not observe the actual wolation, to stop and t~cket offenders for red I~ght wolations and speeding upon receipt of a radio transmission from the officer observing the wolation ([}[}46.2-833 & 46.2-882). Present traffic volume, especially in heawly populated jurisdicbons, and the way h~ghways are now being constructed, make ~t extremely d~fficult for single officers to position themselves and their vehicles at a place where they can both observe infracbons and then be able to exit the location ~n order to stop the wolator While the "team" policing concept has been recognized in other states, only certain judges in Virginia Beach wdl allow this action. We request that the legislature specifically expand the authority granted under {}46.2-833 and {}46.2- 882 to ~nclude all traffic charges punishable as misdemeanors and traffic infracbons This would allow officers more flexibility ~n c~bng wolators, other than red light v~olators and speeders, by allowing an officer to transmit the violation to another officer who could make the actual stop and bcket the offender for the officer who observed the actual offense. We would suggest that §§46.2-102 and 19 2-81 be amended as follows: [}46 2-102. Enforcement by law enforcement officers, officers to be uniformed; officers to be pa~d fixed salaries.- State police officials and law enforcement officers of every county, city, town or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth shall enforce the provisions of th~s btle punishable as felonies, misdemeanors, or traffic ~nfractions. Additionally, notwithstanding {}52-22, state police officers may enforce local ordinances, adopted under subsecbon G of {}46.2-752, requ~nng the obtaining and d~splay~ng of local motor vehicle -1- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 I~censes. F~fty percent of the revenue collected from such enforcement shall be remitted to the locality to the Department of State Police and d~sposed of by the Department to cover its cost of operation. Every law enforcement officer shall be uniformed at the time of the enforcement or shall display his badge or other sign of authority. The driver of any motor vehicle may be arrested without a warrant under this section if the arresting officer is in uniform or displays his badge of authority and if he observed the offense, or has received a radio message from the officer who observed the offense. All officers making arrests incident to the enforcement of this title shall be paid fixed salaries for their services and shall have no ~nterest in, nor be permitted by law to accept any benefit of, any fine or fee resulbng from the arrest or convicbon of an offender against any provision of this title. We believe that secbon § 19.2-81 may also need to be changed to coincide w~th the requested change in §46.2-102 §19.2-81 Arrest without warrant authorized ~n certain cases. -- The following officers shall have the powers of arrest as prowded ~n this secbon' ! . . o . . Members of the State Police force of the Commonwealth, Sheriffs of the various counbes and cibes, and their deputies, Members of any county police force of any duly constituted police force of any c~ty or town of the Commonwealth. The Commissioner, members and employees of the Manne Resources Commission, granted the power of arrest pursuant to {}28.2-900, Regular game wardens appointed pursuant to {}29.1- 200, Un,ted States Coast Guard and United States Coast Guard Reserve commissioned, warrant, and petty officers authorized under §29.1-205 to make arrests, and -2- o VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 The special policemen of the counties as provided by {}15.2-1737, provided such officers are ~n uniform, or d~splay~ng a badge of office. Such officers may arrest, without a warrant, any person who commits any crime ~n the presence of the officer, or any person who commits a violation of section §46,2 of the state code if an officer has received a radio message from the officer who observed the violation, or any person whom he has reasonable grounds or probable cause to suspect of having committed a felony not in his presence. 2 DUI ARREST WITHOUT WARRANT: State Code does not specifically authorize the release of a person arrested for driving under the ~nfluence on a summons. Th~s places law enforcement at a severe disadvantage should the person arrested for dr~ving under the ~nfluence or refusal to take a blood or breath test, be required to remain at a hospital or medical facility. We request that the code be changed to allow release of a person charged w~th driving under the ~nfluence, or refusal to take a blood or breath test, on a summons. We request the following codes be changed as follows: §19.2-81. Arrest without warrant authorized in certain cases -- The following officers shall have the powers of arrest as provided in this secbon o . . . Members of the State Police force of the Commonwealth, Sheriffs of the various counties and c~bes, and their depubes, Members of any county police force of any duly constituted police force of any city or town of the Commonwealth. The Commissioner, members and employees of the Manne Resources Commission granted the power of arrest pursuant to {}28.2-900, Regular game wardens appointed pursuant to [}29.1- 200, Un~ted States Coast Guard and United States Coast -3- . VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 Guard Reserve commissioned, warrant, and petty officers authorized under §29.1-205 to make arrests, and The special policemen of the counties as provided by §15.2-1737, provided such officers are in un~form, or displaying a badge of office. Such officers may arrest, without a warrant, any person who commits any crime ~n the presence of the officer, or any person who commits a violation of section §18.2-266 of the State Code, or similar local ordinance, if an officer has received a radio message from the officer who observed the violation, or any person whom he has reasonable grounds or probable cause to suspect of having committed a felony not in his presence. §18.2-266. Driving motor vehicle, engine, etc, whde ~ntox~cated, etc. m It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any motor vehicle, engine or train 0) while such person has a blood alcohol concentrabon of 0.08 percent or more by weight by volume or 0.08 grams or more per 210 I~ters of breath as ~nd~cated by a chemical test administered as provided ~n this article, 0i) while such person ~s under the influence of alcohol, (iii) while such person is under the ~nfluence of any narcobc drug or any other self-administered intoxicant or drug of whatsoever nature, or any combination of such drugs, to a degree which impairs his abd~ty to drive or operate any motor vehicle, engine or train safely, or 0v) while such person is under the combined ~nfluence of alcohol and any drug or drugs to a degree which ~mpairs h~s ability to drive or operate any motor vehicle, engine or train safely. A charge alleging a violation of th~s section shall support a conwct~on under clauses 0), 01), (H~) or (iv). Any person arrested for driving under the influence after being transported to a hospital or medical facility, as a result of an automobile collision, may be released by a police officer on a summons for the offense of driving under the influence. -4- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 For the purposes of this section, the term "motor vehicle" includes mopeds, whde operated on the public highways of th~s Commonwealth. (Code 1950, §18.1-54; 1960, c 358; 1975, cc.) 3. NON-STANDARD EQUIPMENT' Certain equipment is being added to motor vehicles (such as n~trous oxide canisters) whose sole reason ~s to enhance the performance capabdities of the vehicle beyond the manufacturers spec~flcabons and safety design. This equipment ~s used primarily for the purpose of racing on the h~ghways. We request the code be amended to make alteration of, or addition to, the fuel system by any outside components dlegal. We also request that vehicles found to be in violation of th~s secbon would have their reg~strabon suspended untd brought back ~nto compliance. We request the code be amended as follows: [}46 2-1000. Department to suspend reg~strabon of vehicles lacking certain equipment; officer to take possession of reg~strabon card, license plates and decals when observing defect in motor vehicle; when to be returned The Department shall suspend the registration of any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrader which the Department or the Department of State Police determines is not equipped w~th proper 0) brakes, (ii)I~ghts, (ii0 horn or warning device, 0v) turn signals, (v) safety glass when required by law, (vi) mirror, (vii) muffler, (v~) w~ndshield w~per, (ix) steenng gear adequate to ensure the safe movement of the vehicle as required by this title (x) or is equipped with fuel system alterations or additions which allow introduction of outside combustible agents, or when such vehicle is equipped with a smoke screen device or cutout or when such motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer is otherwise unsafe to be operated. 4. JUVENILE RECORDS: Applicants for law enforcement positions are subject to stnngent background invesbgations prior to employment. Due to the nature of law enforcement, and the responsibdities that are associated with it, the public must know that law -5- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 enforcement administrators have done everything possible to screen potential employees Unfortunately, current state code prevents the examination of criminal records that were adjudmated when the persons were minors. We request that State Codes §§ 16.1-305 and 16.1-306 be amended to allow review of these records by representabves of law enforcement if the individual has applied for a law enforcement position Our requested changes are as follows: § 16.1-305. Confidentiality of court records. -- . Any other person, agency or institution, by order of the court, having a legitimate interest ~n the case or in the work of the court; however, for the purposes of preparation of a pre-sentence report upon a finding of gudty in a c~rcu~t court or for the preparation of a background report for the Parole Board, adult probation and parole officers, ~nclud~ng Un~ted States Probabon and Pretrial Services Officers, shall have access to an accused's or ~nmate's records in juvende court and for the purpose of preparing the discretionary sentencing guidelines worksheets as directed bythe court pursuant to subsection C of {}19.2-298.01, the attorney for the Commonwealth and the probation officer shall have access to the defendant's records in juvenile court A copy of the court order of d~sposition in a delinquency case shall be prowded to a probation officer or attorney for the Commonwealth, when requested for the purpose of calculabng sentencing guidelines. The copies shall remain confidenbal, but reports may be prepared using the information contained there~n as provided ~n §§19.2-298.01 and 19 2-299. A copy of the court order of disposition in a delinquency case, as well as all other records maintained by the court, may be released to a representative of a law enforcement agency when the individual in the court records has applied for employment with any city, county, or state law enforcement agency and the law enforcement representative has acceptable documentation that an application has been made for employment in law -6- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 enforcement by the individual, and a siqned, notarized release attesting to the same is submitted to the court. §16.1-306. Expungement of court records. E. With the exception of law enforcement applicants, Upon destrucbon of the records of a proceeding as provided in subsecbons A, B, and C, the violation of law shall be treated as if it never occurred. All index references shall be deleted and the court and law- enforcement officers and agencies shall reply and the person may reply to any ~nqu~ry that no record exists w~th respect to such person. Gl Applicants for any position with a law enforcement aqency shall make known during the application process, that a juvenile record does exist or did exist at one time, and be truthful as to the existence and disposition of such juvenile record. This information, once disclosed, shall not be disseminated beyond those making, or assisting, in the hiring decision for the agency, except as otherwise provided by law. 5. INTERFERENCE WITH PUBLIC SAFETY WORKERS: State Code §15 2-1714 was amended to exempt personnel from the ~nformabon services from the provisions limiting access through police I~nes, penmeters, or barricades. Unfortunately, the wording specifies that to be in v~olation a person has to "obstruct" emergency personnel in the performance of their duties and recent court rulings indicate that "obstrucbon" requires some sort of physical act. Thus, we now have information services personnel crossing police penmeters and moving w~th ~mpunity through hazardous areas. They may now film police procedures and tacbcs, and ~n some cases, have backlit officers ~n concealed positions. We request that the code be amended as shown below to include "~nterference" with police, firemen and rescue workers in the performance of their duties. §15.2-1714. Establishing police I~nes, perimeters, or -7- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 barricades. -- Personnel from ~nformation services such as press, radio and television, when gathering news, shall be exempt from the prowsions of th~s section except that it shall be unlawful for such persons to obstruct or interfere with the police, firemen and rescue workers ~n the performance of their dubes at such scene. Such personnel shall proceed at their own risk. 6. OVERSIZE/PERMITTED VEHICLES OR LOADS' Over-d~mens~onal and permitted vehicles and/or loads are being driven on the roadways without escort and without any warning lights being required. We request th~s code be amended so all over-dimensional and permitted vehicle and loads be required to have an amber warning light. We request the following changes: §46.2-1026. Flashing high-intensity amber warning hghts.- H~gh-~ntens~ty flashing, blinking, or alternating amber warning I~ghts visible for at least 500 feet, of types approved by the Superintendent, shall be used on any vehicle engaged in either escorting or towing over-d~mensional materials, equipment, boats, or manufactured housing units by authority of a highway hauling permit ~ssued pursuant to §46.2-1139. Such lights shall be mounted on the top of the escort and tow vehicles and on the upper rear end of the over-dimensional vehicles or loads for maximum ws~bihty, front and rear. However, any vehicles operating under a permit issued pursuant to §46.2-1139 shall be deemed to be ~n compliance w~th the requirements of th~s section if accompanied by escort vehicles. The provisions of this section shall apply ortty to over- dimensional and all permitted vehicles or loads ~ ~lLI i~1 ~1] I ! I~JI ~:~ ti I~1 I LVV~:~IV~; It~t:;;L VVI~I~ ~JI ~llfl I I I~JI t:; ti lC=II I Ot:~Vt:;I IL~' ~::..~ .1:~.1. I~ IlVt:;; It:;t:;L IUI I~, (Code 1950, §46-273; 1954, c. 310; 1958, c. 541, §46.1-267; 1960, cc. 156, 391; 1962, c. 512, 1966, cc. 655, 664; 1968, c. 89; 1972, c. 7; 1974, c. 537; 1976, c 6; 1977, c. 72; 1978, cc 311,357; 1980, c 337; 1981, c. 338; 1984, cc. 440,539; 1985, cc. 248,269,287,462; 1986, cc 124,127,229; 1987, cc. 347, 370; 1988, cc. 339,351; 1989, c. 727.) -8- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 7 OVER-HEIGHT VEHICLES' Manufacturers of pickup trucks are coming out w~th h~gher Manufacturers Gross Vehicle Weight Rating's (MGVWR) which exceed 15,000 pounds Th~s weight (15,000 pounds)~s also the maximum weight covered under the Commonwealth's altered suspension laws. Under Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations #393.86, the front bumper height for any Commercial Motor Vehicle shall not exceed 30 ~nches in height. This code change would prevent persons from circumventing the current state and Federal law by obtaining the newer, higher MGVWR vehicles for the purposes of raising the bumper height of the vehicle to an unsafe level and allowing them to be operated on the h~ghways of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Th~s would also stop persons from re-manufacturing vehicles and placing false Gross Vehicle Weight Rating's, or reg~stenng the vehicle h~gher than the current 15,000 pounds to circumvent the laws. We request the changes ~nd~cated below §46.2-1063. Alteration of suspension system; bumper height limits; raising body above frame rail -- No person shall drive on a public highway any motor vehicle registered as a passenger motor vehicle ~f it has been modified by alteration of its albtude from the ground to the extent that ~ts bumpers, measured to any point on the lower edge of the main horizontal bumper bar, exclusive of any bumper guards, are not within the range of fourteen inches to twenty-two ~nches above the ground. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this secbon, the range of bumper heights for motor vehicles beanng street rod license plates ~ssued pursuant to {}46.2-747 shall be nine to twenty-two ~nches. No vehicle shall be modified to cause the vehicle body or chassis to come in contact with the ground, expose the fuel tank to damage from coll~sion, or cause the wheels to come in contact w,th the body under normal operation. No part of the original suspension system of a motor vehicle shall be d~sconnected to defeat the safe operabon of ~ts suspension system. However, nothing contained ~n this section shall prevent the installation of heavy duty equipment, ,nclud~ng shock absorbers and overload spnngs Nothing contained in th~s section shall prohibit the driwng on a public h~ghway of a -9- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 motor vehicle with normal wear to the suspension system ~f such normal wear does not adversely affect the control of the vehicle. No person shall drive on a public highway any motor vehicle registered as a truck if ~t has been modified by alteration of its altitude from the ground to the extent that its bumpers, measured to any point on the lower edge of the main horizontal bumper bar, exclusive of any bumper guards, do not fall within the I~mits specified herein for its gross vehicle weight rating category. The front bumper height of trucks whose gross vehicle weight ratings are 4,500 pounds or less shall be no less than 14 ~nches and no more than 28 inches, and their rear bumper height shall be no less than 14 inches and no more than 28 inches. The front bumper height of trucks whose gross vehicle weight ratings are 4,501 pounds to 7,500 pounds shall be no less than 14 ~nches and no more than 29 inches, and their rear bumper height shall be no less than 14 ~nches and no more than 30 inches. The front bumper height of trucks whose gross vehicle weight ratings are 7,501 pounds to ~ 80,000 pounds shall be no less than 14 ~nches and no more than 30 inches, and their rear bumper height shall be no less than 14 ~nches and no more than 5-1- 30 inches Bumper height I~mitat~ons contained in th~s section shall not apply to trucks w~th gross vehicle weight ratings in excess of ~ 80,000 pounds. For the purpose of this section, "truck" ~ncludes passen.c)er vehicles, sport utility vehicles, pickup and panel trucks, and "gross vehicle weight ratings" means manufacturer's gross vehicle weight ratings established for that vehicle as ~nd~cated by a number, plate, st~cker, decal, or other dewce affixed to the vehicle by ~ts manufacturer. In the absence of bumpers, and ~n cases where bumper heights have been lowered, height measurements under the foregoing provisions of th~s section shall be made to the bottom of the frame rail. However, if bumper heights have been raised, height measurements under the foregoing provisions of this section shall be made to the bottom of the main horizontal bumper bar. -10- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 No vehicle shall be operated on a public h~ghway ~f it has been modified by any means so as to raise ~ts body more than three ~nches, ~n addibon to any manufacturer's spacers and bushings, above the vehicle's frame rad or manufacturer's attachment points on the frame rail. Th~s section shall not apply to specially designed or modified motor vehicles when driven off the public highways ~n races and s~milar events. Such motor vehicles may be lawfully towed on the highways of the Commonwealth (1973, c 498, {}46.1-282.1, 1978, c 605; 1980, c 342; 1986, c. 570; 1989, c 727; 1991, c. 688, 1992, c 864, 1993, c. 73 ) 8. SLOW VEHICLE WARNING' Large equipment ~s being operated on the h~ghways at all hours and much of this equipment is not covered under th~s section. We request this code be amended to ~nclude th~s equipment. Our suggestions are as follows: §46.2-1081. Slow-mowng vehicle emblems. -- Ao Every farm tractor, self-propelled unit of farm equtpment pi of dry __4 .._~.._,A or ~m ement husban , o,,,~ any ~JLI Itel V~l IIblt::~ designed for operation at speeds not in excess of twenty-five mdes per hour or normally operated at speeds not ~n excess of twenty-five miles per hour, shall display a tnangular slow-moving vehicle emblem on the rear of the vehicle when traveling on a public highway at any bme of the day or night. Any other vehicle designed for operation at speeds not in excess of twenty-five miles per hour, or normally operated at speeds not in excess of twenty miles per hour, shall display a triangular slow-moving vehicle emblem on the rear of the vehicle, and shall also be equipped with an amber flashing Ii.el_ ht mounted at the highest point of the vehicle visible for more than 500 feet of the type approved by the Superintendent. Additionally, this vehicle shall only be operated between sunrise and sunset when traveling on a -11- public highway. VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 Bo Should a slow-moving vehicle tow a unit on a public h~ghway, then the towing vehicle or the towed unit shall be equipped w~th the slow-moving vehicle emblem as follows: , If the towed unit or any load thereon obscures the slow-moving vehicle emblem on the towing vehicle, the towed unit shall be equipped with a slow-moving vehicle emblem, in which case the towing vehicle need not display such emblem. . If the slow-moving vehicle emblem on the towing vehicle ~s not obscured by the towed unit or any load thereon, then e~ther or both such vehicles may be equipped with such emblem. C. The standards and specifications for the slow-moving vehicle emblem and the position of mounting of the emblem shall conform to standards and spec~flcabons adopted by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, the Society of Automotive Engineers, the American National Standards Institute, Inc., or the federal Department of Transportabon. D. The use of the slow-moving vehicle emblem shall be restricted to the uses specified in this title. (1970, c. 301, §46.1-264.1; 1972, c. 146; 1978, c. 605; 1989, c. 727; 1996, c. 82 ) 9. ESCORT DRIVERS AND VEHICLES. It ~s requested that the definitions used in the V~rgin~a Administrative Code (VAC) be updated as well as the specific codes which deal with escorts, escort vehicles, and escort drivers Our requests are as follows: 24VAC30-111-10. Definitions. -12- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 "Automobde and water craft transporters" means a tractor truck, lowboy, vehicle, or combination, including vehicles or combinations which transport motor vehicles or water craft on their power un~t, designed and used exclusively for the transportabon of motor vehicles or water craft "B-train assembly" means a rigid frame extension attached to the rear frame or a first semitrader which allows for a fifth wheel connecbon point for the second semitrader. "Certified Escort Driver" means the driver must have a valid Virginia driver's license or a valid license in the state or jurisdiction in which he or she is a resident, comply with the permit policies and regulations, comply with all city and state traffic laws and must have successfully completed the Virginia Program. Escort Driver Certification "Emergency" means a calamity, existing or imminent, caused by fire, flood, riot, windstorm, explosion, or act of God, which requires immediate remedial action to protect life or property. "Irreducible" see definition for "non-divisible." 24VAC30-111-150. Escort certification. Certification as an escort driver ~s mandatory for all drivers, regardless of their residencies, who escort over-dimensional loads w~th a width in excess of five feet three inches (5' 3"), as measured from the center of the vehicle to the widest part of the transport vehicle or load -1-2-feet over the highways ofthe Commonwealth of V~rgin~a. The Virginia Escort Dnver Certificabon Program consists of a written knowledge test which shall be successfully completed before a certificate ~s issued Applicants residing outside V~rg~nia can arrange to take the test ~n their state of residence. For more informabon concerning Escort Certification in Virginia, call the Virginia Department of Transportation at (804) 786-2787. -13- Statutory Authonty VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 24VAC30-111-160. Escort vehicle requirements. A, On all routes other than the interstate system ~,~,~,,~,,,,~ on the route being traveled, escorts shall may be required for vehicle configurabons exceeding 10 feet 6 inches in total w~dth or five feet three inches (5' 3"), as measured from the center of the vehicle to the widest part of the transport vehicle or Icad or 15 feet in height or 85 feet m length or when results of an engineering review show that escorts are needed to provide traffic control across restncted bndges and structures. On any interstate system, escorts shall be required for vehicle configurations exceeding 12 feet in width or six feet as measured from the center of the vehicle to the widest part of the transport vehicle or Icad. Any permitted vehicle with a rear overhanq exceeding four feet (4') shall have a rear escort. B. All escort vehicles shall be equipped with a two-way radio and maintain communicabon w~th the permitted vehicle driver and any other escort vehicles in the convoy. Co Escort vehicles shall have signs, descriptive of the Icad it ~s escorting, i e., "Wide Load" or "Oversize Load" or "Over-d~mensional Load" or "Overweight Load" d~splayed on the vehicle to be visible to approaching motorist in day or n~ght. Escort vehicle(s) shall maintain adequate d~stance with a m~nimum of 500 feet in front of or behind permitted vehicle configurabon to warn approaching motorists of the oversize or overweight vehicle configuration. -14- Do VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 At least one amber high-~ntensity flashing, blinking or alternabng light shall be located on top of the escort vehicle. The light shall be visible for a d~stance of 500 feet or greater. Eo The escort vehicle's headlights and any other steady burning extenor I~ghts shall be turned on while escorting an overweight or oversize permitted vehicle A front escort vehicle equipped with a hot-pole is required when the overall height of a vehicle configuration exceeds 15 feet. The hot-pole shall extend three inches above the specified overall height of the permitted load An escort vehicle shall: 1. Have 180 degrees of forward visibility and a direct line of sight to the rear through a rear window. 2. Not exceed 30 feet in overall length or be over-dimensional in weight, height, or width. 3. Not be a combination vehicle. 4. Not carry any materials requiring it to display Hazardous Materials placards (CFR Title 49). 5. Be in safe operating condition (§46.2-1000). 10 TESTING FOR DUI: Dunng the investigabon of serious injury and fatal crashes, officers are routinely confronted w~th drivers who are transported to a hospital or other medical facility for treatment In some of these instances, these drivers are unconscious. This presents a serious impediment to the ~nvestigation to determine ~f that driver ~s under the ~nfluence of alcohol or drugs as many hospitals and health care facilibes refuse to draw blood for ewdentiary purposes from an unconscious person. Most hospitals and health care facdities require a person to g~ve permission to draw blood both verbally and ~n writing. While this is not required by any code, these facilities maintain that their legal department advises them to do so because of possible civil liability. Whde State Code §18.2-265 reheves them of any ciwl I~ab~l~ty, they still refuse to assist in the drawing of the blood. The Blood Alcohol -15- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 Content (BAC) of a person has always been recognized by the courts as evidence that changes with the passage of t~me and the drawing of the blood for chemical analysis without a search warrant has withstood numerous court challenges some of which are I~sted below: T~pton v Commonwealth, 18 Va App 370, 444 S.E. 2d 1 (1994) Schmerber v. California 384 U.S. 757 (1966) Bre~thaupt v. Abram 352 U S. 432 (1957) It ~s also well documented that many drivers wdl fake injuries in order to be taken to the hospital in hope of delaying the testing for driving under the ~nfluence of alcohol or drugs. Some drivers have even been advised by attorneys to go to a hospital if at all possible Presently, for an officer to obtain the evidence needed to convict a person of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs who has been taken to a hospital or medical facd~ty which refuses to draw blood at the officer's request, officer's must file a search warrant for the medical records, and then file subpoenas for all parties ~nvolved with the persons medical treatment. This procedure may require as many as15 people being required for court to tesbfy. Th~s ~s extremely cumbersome and bme consuming practice, which can be remedied easily. By relieving the medical care facility of any c~vil liability(which has already been done ~n §18.2-265), and then requiring their assistance ~n the drawing of the blood, much time and effort can be saved for all part~es involved. In most cases, a separate blood wal could be filled at the same bme the hospital or medical facd~ty is drawing blood for their tests. Th~s would require only the name of the actual person drawing the blood to be subpoenaed. State laws, and case law, are already ~n place to support all of this proposal; only the penalty for fadure to assist as required needs to be added. We would request the addition of the following paragraph to §18.2- 268.5: §18.2-268.5. Qualifications and liability of person authorized to take blood sample; procedure for taken samples.- ..... B. Any person qualified to withdraw blood for chemical testing shall, at the direction of any law enforcement officer during the course of their investigation, withdraw the blood of any person whether conscious or unconscious for the use of chemical testin.g. Procedures for the withdrawal of the blood will be adhered to as in paragraph A. -16- VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE AGENDA 2002 No civil liability will attach to the person hospital or medical care facility for this procedure when acting under the direction of a law enforcement officer; however, failure to comply with the law enforcement officer's request will constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor. -17- Item VI-K.2. - 40 - ORDINANCES/RESOL UTIONS ITEM # 48880 Upon motton by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councdman Branch, City Council ADOPTED: Resolution re twenty-five (25) percent reimbursement from the Commonwealth of Virginia re construction funding for all ehgtble costs assoctated wtth the Correction Center expansion. Votmg' 10-0 (By Consent) Council Members Voting Aye' Linwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara 3/[. Henley, Louis R. Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandigo, Jr.,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker, Vtce Mayor Wdhams D. Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Council Members Voting Nay: None Counctl Members Absent' Wilham W Harrison, Jr November 6, 2001 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING REIMBURSEMENT FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA FOR TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT OF THE COST OF THE EXPANSION OF THE VIRGINIA BEACH CORRECTION CENTER WHEREAS, the City Council has identified the expansion 7 of the Virginia Beach Correction Center as a prmority project to 8 meet the demands of adult detention in the City of Vmrgmnza 9 Beach; 10 WHEREAS, the City Councml has planned for the expansion 11 of the Correction Center addition in the adopted FY 2002 Capmtal 12 Improvement Program in Capital Project # 3-441, Correctzon Center 13 Addition III; and 14 WHEREAS, the City Council has programmed fundmng for 15 the anticzpated local share of the cost of the project. 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 17 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA' 18 That the City Council of the City of V~rg~nia Beach 19 hereby requests reimbursement from the Commonwealth of V~rglnla 20 for twenty-five percent of all eligible costs of the expansion 21 of Virginza Beach Correction Center. 22 Adopted by the Council of the C~ty of Virginia Beach, 23 Vzrginia on the 6th day of N~v~mher , 2001. CA-8304 OrdinkNONCODEkVBCorrectlonCtr. res. wpd October 29, 2001 R-1 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Sherfff's Dep~ment APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY' City Att~r~y's Ogfice 0CT-25--01 10:22 V.B.$HERIFF$ OFFICE ?5? 42? 503? P.02 I~N AN~ELONE COMMONWEALTH of VIRQ/NIA Oe~.me,,u at' Corr.#om' O~tober 19, 2001 m{~ll~Ol~lO ~FIGINIA Deer Mt. Maholc~c: I am happy to i~t'onn you thit your recently submlued revised C~W ~md~ bt ~ ~o~. We do ~~te m~l~ ~ ~~ ofy~ ~~E 5m~ by ~ ~ of ~b~ ~ ~b~n~ i~ ~ ~IL ~ ~ No~mber ~ ofCo~~ m~t~. PI~ ~ ~~ t~t a real,on ~om ~ Comc~ ~u~ 25~ ~e c~~on- ~d~s r~r~ment for ~ ~lisble ~ ~li ~ ~ad ~or m ~e Bo~d ~in8 ~ me ~ ~ a amp~ r~On wo~d ~ or~sfsm~ to you. ~on~y~ ~y micipat~ ~m~on ~ m~fication ~~ (e.S cell ~ deem s~ns) ~ly, ~e (CBCP) ~d P~ $m~ ~ ~ pr~ to ~ Be~d's ~ Ho~m~ 14, ~1. I ~d ~~nd ~t ~ne f~i~ ~ your ar~ ~ the Nm~m~ 1~* m~ing to ~t ~e PI~ ~d ~cr ~y ~e~ions Co~~ mbm my Mve. PI~ ~ct ~ s~M you ~ my ~e~ion$ at ~1~) 67~3247. Pon L. Local Facilhics Manager CC. I. Michael Howerton Tony Casale Item VI-K.3. - 41 - ORDINANCES/RESOL UTIONS ITEM # 48881 Upon motion by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councdman Branch, Ctty Council ADOPTED: Resolution appointtng Doris J. Geiger to the position of Assistant City Attorney effective 16 November 2001 Voting 10-0 (By ConsenO Council Members Voting Aye Linwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louis R. Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mand~go, Jr.,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Wdhams D. Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wilson Councd Members Voting Nay None Council Members Absent William W Harrison, Jr. November 6, 2001 10 11 12 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING DORIS J. GEIGER TO THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That pursuant to ~ 2-166 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Doris J. Geiger is hereby appointed to the position of Assistant City Attorney, effective November 16, 2001. 13 14 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the 6th day of November, 2001. CA-8268 F.\DatakATY\OrdinkNONCODE\CA8268.GeigerRes October 24, 2001 RI APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: C~t~A[torney /4-2~. ~/ - 42 - Item VI-L. 1 APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 48882 BY CONSENSUS, City Council RESCHED U£ED the followtng APPOINTMENTS. COMMUNITY SER VICES BOARD (CSB) PLANNING COMMISSION PRINCESS ANNE CORRIDOR AD VISOR Y COMMITTEE VIRGINIA BEA CH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORA TION (VB CDC) FIR GINL4 BEA CH FO UNDA TION November 6, 2001 - 43 - Item VI-L.2 APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 4888.t Upon NOMINATION by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, City Councd REAPPOINTED: Charles G. Johnson Donald W. MacLennan 2- Year Terms - 1/1/02 - 12/31/03 BOARD OF BUILDING CODE APPEALS (Building Maintenance Division) Vottng. 10-0 Councd Members Votmg Aye. Linwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts t~ Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, Jr ,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K. Parker, Vice Mayor Wdhams D Sessoms, .Ir and Rosemary Wdson Councd Members Voting Nay' None Councd Members Absent Wdham W Harrison, Jr November 6, 2001 - 44 - Item VI-L.$. APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 48884 Upon NOMINATION by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, City Council REAPPOINTED: Anne Jackson Henry 3- Year Term 1/1/02 - 12/31/04 CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA BOARD (CBPA) Vottng: 10-0 Council Members Votmg Aye' Llnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louts R. Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C. Mandtgo, Jr.,Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf Nancy K. Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlhams D. Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wilson Counctl Members Voting Nay' None Council Members Absent' Wtlliam W Harrtson, Jr. November 6, 2001 Item VI-L. 4. - 45 - APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 48885 Upon NOMINATION by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, Ctty Council REAPPOINTED: Stephen W. Burke Gerald S. Divaris Eric A. Hauser Donald L. Maxwell Meyera E. Oberndorf I-Year Term- 1/1/02- 12/31/02 HAMPTON ROADS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE Voting' I0-0 Counctl Members Vottng Aye' Ltnwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louis R~ Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Robert C. Mandtgo, Jr.,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Wdliams D Sessoms, Jr. and Rosemary Wilson Council Members Voting Nay' None Council Members Absent Wtlham W Harrison, Jr November 6, 2001 - 46 - Item VI-L.$. APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 48886 Upon NOMINATION by Vtce Mayor Sessoms, City Councd REAPPOINTED: James R. Bergdoll 3- Year Term - 1/1/02 - 12/31/04 PENDLETON PROJECT MANAGEMENT BOARD Voting 10-0 Councd Members Votmg Aye Ltnwood O. Branch, III, Margaret L. Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mand~go, Jr.,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K~ Parker, Vice Mayor Wilhams D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wilson Councd Members Voting Nay None Councd Members Absent' Wilham W Harrtson, Jr November 6, 2001 Item VI-L. 6. - 47- APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 4888 7 Upon NOMINATION by Vice Mayor Sessoms, Ctty Counctl REAPPOINTED: Louinda W. Jones 2-Year Term- 1/1/02 to12/31/03 SENIOR SER VICES OF SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA (SEVAMP) Voting 10-0 Councd Members Voting Aye Ltnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R. Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Man&go, Jr ,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlliams D. Sessoms, Jr. and Rosemary Wtlson Council Members Vottng Nay. None Council Members Absent Wtlham W Harrison, Jr November 6, 2001 - 48 - Item VI-M. 1. NE W BUSINESS ITEM ii 48888 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Counctlman Jones, Ctty Counctl ADDED: Ordtnance to AII4END City Code Sectton 23-8 2 by prohtbiting certam uses of tmttation lnfecttous btologtcal, toxic or radtoactlve substances Voting' 10-0 Council Members Voting Aye. Linwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R. dones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, .Ir,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Nancy K Parker, Vice Mayor Wtlhams D Sessoms, dr and Rosemary Wtlson Counctl Members Votmg Nay None Counctl Members Absent: William W. Harrtson, ,Ir. November 6, 2001 - 49- Item VI-M.2. NE W BUSINESS ITEM # 48889 Upon motton by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Council Lady Wilson, Ctty Counctl ADOPTED: Ordinance to AMEND Ctty Code Section 23-8 2 by prohtbtttng certain uses of tmltatlon tnfecttous biological, toxic or radtoacttve substances Voting 10-0 Councd Members Vottng Aye Llnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M. Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, Jr ,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K. Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlltams D. Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wtlson Council Members Votmg Nay None Councd Members Absent. Wtlham W Harrison, Jr November 6, 2001 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA BY PROHIBITING CERTAIN USES OF IMITATION INFECTIOUS BIOLOGICAL, TOXIC OR RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES SECTION ADDED' City Code Sectmon 23- 8.2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Chapter 23 of the City Code be, and hereby is, amended and reordained by the addition of a new Section 23-8.2, which shall read as follows: Sec. 23-8.2. Imitation infectious biological, etc. substances. (a) It shall be a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person to: (1) threaten injury to the person or property of another by the use of an imitation infectious biological, toxic or radloactmve substance; (2) use an imitation infectious biological, toxic or radioactive substance mn such manner as to place any person mn reasonable apprehension of death or bodily harm, or with the intent to disrupt or interfere with the operations of any law enforcement agency, fire department, or other cmty services, or with the intent to cause the closing or evacuation of any residence, business, school or place of public gathering; (~) possess, manufacture, sell, give or distribute an imitation infectious biological, toxic or radioactive substance with the intent to place a person in reasonable apprehension of death or bodily harm; or (4) knowingly release or place, or cause or procure to be released or placed in, on or around any residence, place of business, school, or place of public qathering, any imitation mnfectmous 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 biological, toxic or radzoactive substance with the intent to place any person in reasonable apprehension of death or bodily harm. (b) As used in this section: (1) "~mltatlon infectlous b~oloq~cal substance" means a substance, in any form whatsoever, which zs not an infectious bioloqical substance, and whzch: (A) by overall appearance, including color, shape, size, markinq, packaging or by representations made, would cause a reasonable likelihood that such substance in any form whatsoever would be mistaken for an infectious bzoloq~cal substance; or (B) by express or implied representation purports to act l~ke an infectious bioloq~cal substance; (2) "~nfect~ous b~ological (3,) substance" means any bacteria, v~rus, fungi, protozoa, or rickettsiae capable of causinq death; "imitation toxic substance" means a substance, ~n any form whatsoever, whzch is not a toxic substance and which (A) by overall appearance, including color, shape, size, markinq, packaqinq or by representations made, would cause a reasonable likelihood that such substance in any form whatsoever would be mistaken for a toxmc substance; or (B) by express or implied representation purports to act like a toxic substance; (4) "toxic substance" means any substance, including any raw materials, intermediate products, catalysts, final products, or by-products of any manufacturing operation conducted in a commercial 2 69 7O 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8O 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 establishment, that has the capacity, through its phy. si. cal, chemical or bioloqical properties, to pose a substantial risk of death or impairment either zmmediately or over tzme, to the normal functions of humans, aquatic organisms, or any other animal; (5~ "imitation radioactive substance" means a substance, in any form whatsoever, which is not a radioactive substance, and which: (A) by overall appearance, mncludinq color, shape, size, marking, packaging or by representations made, would cause a reasonable likelihood that such substance in any form whatsoever would be mistaken for a radmoactive substance; or (B) by express or implied representation purports to act like a radioactive substance; and (6) "radioactive substance" means any substance that emits ionizinq radmation spontaneously. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virgmnza Beach, Virginia, on the 6t~ day of November, 2001. CA-8293 wmacali kwpkordres \23-8-2. ord November 5, 2001 R-4 Item VI-M. 3 - 50- NEW BUSINESS ITEM # 48890 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councilman Jones, Ctty Council ADDED: Ordmance to APPR OPRIA TE $2,55 O, O00 from fund balance/TRANSFER $200,000 from CIP #2-076, Laskln Road Gateway to CIP #2-089 Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt for the purchase of Southeastern Expressway right-of-way tn the Castleton area Voting 10-0 Council Members Vottng Aye Llnwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, Jr ,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wtlhams D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wdson Council Members Vottng Nay None Councd Members Absent Wdham W Harrtson, Jr November 6, 2001 - 51 - Item VI-M. 4. NE W BUSINESS ITEM it 48891 Upon motton by Vice Mayor Sessoms, seconded by Councd Lady Wdson, Ctty Councd ADOPTED: Ordinance to APPR OPRIA TE $2,55 O, O00 from fund balance/TRANSFER $200,000 from CIP #2-076, Lasktn Road Gateway to CIP #2-089 Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt for the purchase of Southeastern Expressway right of way tn the Castleton area Vottng 10-0 Councd Members Vottng Aye L~nwood 0 Branch, III, Margaret L Eure, Barbara M Henley, Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Robert C Mandtgo, Jr ,Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Nancy K Parker, Vtce Mayor Wdhams D Sessoms, Jr and Rosemary Wdson Councd Members Voting Nay None Councd Members Absent Wdham W Harrtson, .Ir November 6, 2001 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $2,550,000 FROM FUND BALANCE IN THE GENERAL FUND AND TRANSFER $200,000 FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #2- 076, LASKIN ROAD GATEWAY, TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ~2-089 SOUTHEASTERN PARKWAY & GREENBELT (PARTIAL) FOR THE PURCHASE OF SOUTHEASTERN EXPRESSWAY RIGHT-OF- WAY IN THE CASTLETON AREA WHEREAS, the City has come to an agreement for the purchase of Southeastern Expressway right-of-way property in the Castleton area and an additional $2,750,000 must be appropriated to the 4 project to fund this purchase. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. That $2,550,00%0 is hereby appropriated from fund balance 8 in the General Fund to Capital Improvement Project #2-089, 9 Southeastern Parkway & Greenbelt (Partial), for the purchase of l0 Southeastern Expressway right-of-way in the Castleton area. 2. That $200,000 is hereby transferred from Capital Improvement Project %2-076, Laskin Road Gateway, to Capital Improvement Project #2-089, Southeastern Parkway & Greenbelt (Partial), for the purchase of Southeastern Expressway right-of- way in the Castleton area. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the § day of November , 2001. CA-8322 OrdinkNONCODE\Castleton. ord. wpd November 5, 2001 R2 Approved as to Content Management S'e~ Approved as to Legal Sufficiency ~a r tmen~'f - 52 - Item FI-O. ADJOURN]~ENT ITEM # 48892 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf DECLARED the City Council Formal Session ADJOURNED at 7: 40 p. n~ Hooks, CMC Chief Deputy City Clerk City Clerk Meyera E. Oberndorf Mayor City of Virginia Beach Virginia November 6, 2001 City of Virginia Beach oua ~x~°~s OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER (757) 427 4242 FAX (757) 427-4135 TDD (757) 427-4305 MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING 1 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23456-9001 December 12,2001 The Honorable Mayor Oberndorf and Members of Council Dear Councflmembers The Subcommittee Studying Unfunded Transportation Needs in Hampton Roads met on Monday, December 10,2001 The subcommittee agreed to pursue legislation that would establish a referendum next fall for the voters to express their mews on increasing the local sales tax by 1% and instituting a $1 50 toll on the Southeastern Parkway, Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, Momtor-Mernmac Bridge Tunnel, and the Third Crossing, and a $1 00 toll on U S Route 460 The draft enabling legislation is attached The legislation to be sponsored by Senator Mart)' Williams, Chair of the group, will be slightly different from the draft in that the mention of Uer two projects will be removed and there Is not likely to be consideration at th~s time for an increase in the gas tax The referendum must pass by a majority of ail voters in Hampton Roads and is not dependent on the passage or failure in one particular jurisdiction Staffwfll continue to follow this legislation through the 2002 General Assembly Session and keep Council informed Please call if I can promde anything further JKS/clb attachment Catheryn Wh~tesell Steve Thompson Patti Phflhps Sincerely, Dean Block Dale Castellow 02 - 3025568 SENATE BILL NO. 11/29/2001 11:46 AM HOUSE BILL NO. Mark J. Vucci 1 A BILL authorizing the issuance of Commonwealth of V~rginia Transportation Revenue Bonds 2 by and with the consent of the Governor pursuant to the provisions of Arbcle 5 (§ 33.1- 3 267 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 33.1 of the Code of Virginia and as permitted by 4 Section 9 (d) of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia, in a pnncipal amount not 5 exceeding XXXXXXXXXXXXX to finance the cost of projects specified in § 33.1-268, 6 plus an amount for the issuance costs, capitalized interest, reserve funds, and other 7 financing expenses, for the purpose of providing funds, with any other available funds, 8 for paying all or a portion of the costs incurred or to be incurred for construcbon of an 9 adequate, modern, safe, and efficient transportation system ~n that part of the 10 Commonwealth which compnses the Hampton Roads Transportation Distnct Program; 11 authorizing the Commonwealth Transportation Board to fix the details of such bonds 12 and to provide for the sale of such bonds at public or private sale; authorizing the 13 Treasury Board, by and with the consent of the Governor, to borrow money in 14 anticipabon of the issuance of the bonds; authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds, 15 by and w~th the consent of the Governor; providing for the pledge of revenues from the 16 imposition of an additional XXXXXXXXX motor vehicle fuel sales tax and an additional 17 XXXXX~ state retail sales and use tax in the counties of Gloucester, Isle of Wight, 18 James City, and York and the cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, 19 Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg, and from tolls on 20 certain transportation facilities located in such counties and cities; to amend and reenact 21 §§ 33.1-268, 33.1-269, 33.1-277, 58.1-603, 58.1-604, 58.1-611.1, 58.1-614, 58.1-627, 22 58.1-628, and 58 1-638 of the Code of Virginia; providing that interest on such 23 obligations shall be exempt from all taxation by the Commonwealth and any political 24 subdivision thereof; to amend the Code of V~rginla by adding secbons numbered 33.1- 25 221.1'7 and 58.1-638.1 and by adding in Chapter 17 of Title 58.1 an article number 4.1, 1 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 consisting of sections number 58.1-1724 2 through 58 1-1724 7, and providing that th~s 2 act shall not become effective and that no bonds shall be issued hereunder unless the 3 qualified voters of such counties and cities, by a simple majority of those voting in the 4 entire region constituted by such counties and cities, vote affirmatively in a referendum 5 on the question of whether such taxes and toll shall be imposed; relating to tolls on 6 transportation facdities located in such counties and cities and an additional 7 XXXXXXXXX motor vehicle fuel sales tax and an additional XXXXXXXXXX state retail 8 sales and use tax in such counties and cities, and dedicating the revenues from such 9 tolls and taxes to the issuance of bonds in a principal amount not exceeding 10 XXXXXXXXXXX to finance the costs of projects comprising the Hampton Roads 11 Transportation D~strict Program. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That §§ 33.1.268, 33.1-269, 33.1-277, 58.1-603, 58.1-604, 58.1-611.1, 58.1-614, 58.1-627, 58.1-628, and 58.1-638 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted, and that the Code of Virginia is amended by adding sections numbered 33.1-221.1:7 and 58.1-638.1 and by adding in Chapter 17 of Title 58.1 an article number 4.1, consisting of sections number 58.1-1724.2 through 58.1-1724.7, as follows: § 33 1-221.1 7 Hampton Roads Transportabon D~str~ct Proqram A. For purposes of this sect~qn, unless the context requires a d~fferent mean~nq "Hampton Roads Transportation District" means the reqion constituted by the geo.qraphical boundaries of the counties of Gloucester, Isle of Wiqht, James City, and York and the c~ties of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Vir.q~n~a Beach, and W~ll~amsburq B The General Assembly declares it to be ~n the public interest that the economic development needs and economic gr.owt, h potential of Hampton Roads be addressed by a special transportation program to provide for the costs of providing an adequate, modern, safe and efficient transportation network ~n Hampton Roads which shall be known as the Hampton 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci Roads Transportation District Program (the Program), ~nclud~nq, without I~m~tation, env~lonmental and enqineer~ng studies, n.qhts-of-way acquisition, construction, improvements to all modes of transportation, and flnanc~nq costs The Proqram consists of the follow~nq projects: Hampton Roads Cross,hq (Third Crossinq), Interstate 64 Improvements (Peninsula), Route 460, Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt, M~dtown Tunnel/ Marbn Luther K~nq Freeway Extension/ Pinners Point Connector, Public Transit/Rad Service, and such other prolects as may be specified in an act prov~d~n.q for the issuance of bonds to finance the costs of the Proqram C. AIIocabons to this Proqram from the Hampton Roads Transportation Distr~ct Fund established by § 58.1-638.1 shall be made annually by the Commonwealth Transportation Board for the creation and enhancement of a safe, efficient transportation system connectinq the communities, businesses, .places of employment, and residences of the Commonwealth, thereby enhanc~nq the economic development potenba!, employment opportunities, mobd~ty and quality of I~fe in V~rqinia. D. Except in the event that the Hampton Roads Transportation District Fund is ~nsuffic~ent to pay for the costs of the Proqram, allocations to the Program shall not diminish or replace aJJocat~ons made from other sources or d~m~n~sh allocations to which any distr~ct, system, or locality would be entitled under other provisions of this title, but shall be supplemental to other allocations to the end that transportation improvements ~n the Hampton Roads Transportation District may be accelerated and auqmented Allocations under th~s subsecbon shall be limited to projects specified in § 33.1-268 (2) (v). E. The Commonwealth Transportation Board may expend such funds from all sources as may be lawfully available to initiate the Program and to support bonds and other obliqations referenced in subsection F of this section. F. The Commonwealth Transportation Board is authorized to receive., dedicate or use first from (i) revenues received from the Hampton Roads Transportabon D~strict Fund, (~i) to the extent required, funds appropriated and allocated, pursuant to the hiqhway allocabon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci formula as provided by law, to the highway construction d~str~ct in which the prolect or prolects to be financed are located or to the c~ty or county in which the prolect or prolects to be financed are located, (~) to the extent required, legally available revenues of the Transportation Trust Fund, and (~v) such other funds which may be appropriated by the General Assembly for the payment of bonds or other obli.qat~ons, ~nclud~ng interest thereon, ~ssued in furtherance of the Program No such bond or other obl~qat~ons shall pledge the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth. § 33 1-268 Deflnlbons As used in th~s article, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings: (1) The word "Board" means the Commonwealth Transportation Board, or if the Commonwealth Transportation Board is abolished, any board, commission or officer succeeding to the principal functions thereof or upon whom the powers given by this article to the Board shall be g~ven by law. (2) The word "project" or "projects" means any one or more of the following: (a) York River Bridges, extending from a point within the Town of Yorktown in York County, or w~th~n York County across the York River to Gloucester Point or some point in Gloucester County. (b) Rappahannock River Bridge, extending from Greys Point, or its vicinity, in Middlesex County, across the Rappahannock R~ver to a point in the vicinity of White Stone, in Lancaster County, or at some other feasible point in the general vicinity of the two respective points. (c), (d) [Reserved.] (e) James River Bridge, from a point at or near Jamestown, in James City County, across the James River to a point in Surry County. (f), (g) [Reserved.] (h) James R~ver, Chuckatuck and Nansemond River Bridges, together with necessary connecting roads, in the Cities of Newport News and Suffolk and the County of Isle of Wight. (i) [Reserved.] 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 (j) Hampton Roads Bridge, Tunnel, or Bridge and Tunnel System, extending from a 2 point or points in the Cities of Newport News and Hampton on the northwest shore of Hampton 3 Roads across Hampton Roads to a point or points in the City of Norfolk or Suffolk on the 4 southeast shore of Hampton Roads. 5 (k) The Norfolk-Virginia Beach Highway, extending from a point in the vicinity of the 6 intersection of Interstate Route 64 and Primary Route 58 at Norfolk to some feasible point 7 between London Bridge and Primary Route 60. 8 (I) The Henrico-James R~ver Bridge, extending from a point on the eastern shore of the 9 James River in Henrico County to a point on the western shore, between Falling Creek and 10 Bells Road interchanges of the Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike; however, the project shall be 11 deemed to include all property, rights, easements and franchises relating to any of the 12 foregoing projects and deemed necessary or convenient for the operation thereof and to 13 include approaches thereto. 14 (m) The limited access highway between the Patrick Henry Airport area and the 15 Newport News downtown area which generally runs parallel to tracks of the Chesapeake and 16 Ohio Railroad. 17 (n) Dulles Access Road outer roadways, extending from a point on Route 7 in Loudoun 18 County in an easterly d~rection to a point east of Route 123 on the Dulles Access Road in 19 Fairfax County. These roadways are to be two or three lanes in each direction constructed 20 adjacent to, and parallel to or extending west from, the Dulles Access Road. 21 (o), (p) [Repealed.] 22 (q) Subject to the hmitations and approvals of § 33.1-279 1, any other highway for a 23 primary highway transportation improvement district or transportation service district which the 24 Board has agreed to finance under a contract with any such district or any other alternative 25 mechanism for generation of local revenues for specific funding of a project satisfactory to the 26 Commonwealth Transportation Board, the financing for which is to be secured by 27 Transportation Trust Fund revenues under any appropriation made by the General Assembly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci for that purpose and payable first from revenues received under such contract or other local funding source, second, to the extent required, from funds appropnated and allocated, pursuant to the highway allocabon formula as provided by law, to the highway construction d~stnct ~n which the project is located or to the county or counties in which the project is located and third, to the extent required from other legally available revenues of the Trust Fund and from any other available source of funds. (r) U.S. 58 Corridor Development Program projects as defined in §§ 33.1-221.1:2 and 58.1-815. (s) The Northern V~rginia Transportation D~strict Program as defined in § 33.1-221.1:3 (t) Any program for h~ghways or mass transit or transportation facilities, endorsed by the local junsdicbon or jurisdictions affected, which agree that certain d~stnbubons of state recordabon taxes will be dedicated and used for the payment of any bonds or other obligations, including ~nterest thereon, the proceeds of which were used to pay the cost of the program. Any such program shall be referred to as a "Transportation Improvement Program." (u) Any project designated from time to time by the General Assembly financed in whole or part through the ~ssuance of Commonwealth of Virginia Federal Highway Reimbursement Anticipation Notes. (v) The Hampton Roads Transportabon District Proqram as defined in ~ 33.1-221.1:7 (3) The word "undertaking" means all of the projects authorized to be acquired or constructed under this article. (4) The word "~mprovements" means such repairs, replacements, additions and betterments of and to a project acquired by purchase or by condemnation as are deemed necessary to place ~t in a safe and efficient condition for the use of the public, if such repairs, replacements, addibons and betterments are ordered prior to the sale of any bonds for the acquisition of such project. (5) The term "cost of project" as applied to a project to be acquired by purchase or by condemnation, includes the purchase price or the amount of the award, cost of improvements, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 02 - 3025568 11129101 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci financing charges, ~nterest during any per~od of d~suse before completion of improvements, cost of traffic estimates and of engineering and iegal expenses, plans, specificabons and surveys, estimates of cost and of revenues, other expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of the enterprises, administrative expenses and such other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the financing herein authorized and the acquisition of the project and the placing of the project in operation. (6) The term "cost of project" as applied to a project to be constructed, embraces the cost of construcbon, the cost of all lands, properties, rights, easements and franchises acquired which are deemed necessary for such construction, the cost of acquiring by purchase or condemnation any ferry which is deemed by the Board to be competitive with any bridge to be constructed, the cost of all machinery and equipment, financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and for one year after completion of construction, cost of traffic estimates and of engineering data, engineering and legal expenses, cost of plans, specifications and surveys, estimates of cost and of revenues, other expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of the enterprise, administrative expense and such other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the financing herein authorized, the construcbon of the project, the placing of the project in operation and the condemnation of property necessary for such construction and operation. (7) The word "owner" includes all individuals, incorporated companies, copartnerships, societies or associations having any title or interest in any property rights, easements or franchises authorized to be acquired by this article. (8) [Repealed.] (9) The words "revenue" and "revenues" include tolls and any other moneys received or pledged by the Board pursuant to this article, including, without limitation, legally available Transportation Trust Fund revenues and any federal highway reimbursements and any other federal highway assistance received from time to time by the Commonwealth. 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 (10) The terms "toll project" and "toll projects" mean projects financed ~n whole or ~n part 2 through the ~ssuance of reve. r~ue bonds which are secured by toll revenues generated by such 3 project or projects. 4 § 33.1-269. General powers of Board. 5 The Commonwealth Transportation Board may, subject to the provisions of this article: 6 1. Acquire by purchase or by condemnation, construct, improve, operate and maintain 7 any one or more of the projects mentioned and included in the undertaking defined in this 8 article; 9 2. Issue revenue bonds of the Commonwealth, to be known and designated as 10 "Commonwealth of Virginia Toll Revenue Bonds," payable from earnings and from any other 11 available sources of funds, to pay the cost of such projects; 12 3. Subject to the limitations and approvals of § 33.1-279.1, issue revenue bonds of the 13 Commonwealth to be known and designated as "Commonwealth of V~rg~nia Transportation 14 Contract Revenue Bonds," secured by Transportation Trust Fund revenues under a payment 15 agreement between the Board and the Treasury Board, subject to their appropriation by the 16 General Assembly and payable first from revenues received pursuant to contracts with a 17 primary h~ghway transportation improvement district or transportation service d~strict or other 18 local revenue sources for which specific funding of any such bonds may be authorized by law; 19 second, to the extent required, from funds appropriated and allocated, pursuant to the highway 20 allocation formula as prowded by law, to the highway construction district in which the project 21 or projects to be financed are located or to the county or counties in which the project or 22 projects to be financed are located; and third, to the extent required, from other legally 23 available revenues of the Trust Fund and from any other available source of funds; 24 4. Issue revenue bonds of the Commonwealth to be known and designated as 25 "Commonwealth of Virginia Transportation Revenue Bonds," secured (i) by revenues received 26 from the U.S. Route 58 Corridor Development Fund, subject to their appropriation by the 27 General Assembly, 0i) to the extent required, from revenues legally available from the 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci Transportabon Trust Fund and (~ii) to the extent required, from any other legally available funds which have been appropriated by the General Assembly; 4a. Issue revenue bonds of the Commonwealth to be known and designated as "Commonwealth of V~rginia Transportation Revenue Bonds," secured, subject to their appropriation by the General Assembly, first from (i) revenues received from the Northern Virginia Transportabon District Fund, (ii) to the extent required, funds appropriated and allocated, pursuant to the highway allocation formula as provided by law, to the highway construction d~strmt in which the project or projects to be financed are located or to the city or county in which the project or projects to be financed are located, (iii) to the extent required, legally available revenues of the Transportation Trust Fund, and (iv) such other funds which may be appropriated by the General Assembly; 4b. Issue revenue bonds of the Commonwealth to be known and designated as "Commonwealth of V~rginia Transportation Program Revenue Bonds" secured, subject to their appropriation by the General Assembly, first from (i) any revenues received from any Set-aside Fund established by the General Assembly pursuant to § 58.1-816.1, (~i) to the extent required, revenues received pursuant to any contract with a local jurisdiction or any alternative mechanism for generation of local revenues for specific funding of a project satisfactory to the Commonwealth Transportation Board, (iii) to the extent required, funds appropriated and allocated, pursuant to the highway allocation formula as provided by law, to the highway construction district ~n which the project or projects to be financed are located or to the city or county in which the project or projects to be financed are located, (iv) to the extent required, legally available revenues of the Transportation Trust Fund, and (v) such other funds which may be appropriated by the General Assembly. No bonds for any project or projects shall be issued under the authority of th~s subsection unless such project or projects are specifically included in a bill or resolution passed by the General Assembly; 4c. Issue revenue bonds of the Commonwealth to be known and designated as "Commonwealth of Virginia Transportation Program Revenue Bonds" secured, subject to their 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci appropr~abon by the General Assembly, first from (i) any revenues received from the Commonwealth Transit Capital Fund established by the General Assembly pursuant to subdiws~on A 4 g of § 58.1-638, (i~) to the extent required, legally available revenues of the Transportabon Trust Fund, and (~) such other funds which may be appropnated by the General Assembly. No bonds for any project or projects shall be issued under the authority of this subsecbon unless such project or projects are specifically included in a bill or resolution passed by the General Assembly; 4d. Issue revenue bonds of the Commonwealth from time to bme to be known and designated as "Commonwealth of V~rgin~a Federal Highway Reimbursement Anticipation Notes" secured, subject to their appropriation by the General Assembly, 0) first from any federal h~ghway reimbursements and any other federal highway assistance received from time to t~me by the Commonwealth, (i~) then, at the discretion of the Board, to the extent required, from legally avadable revenues of the Transportation Trust Fund, and (iii) then from such other funds, ~f any, which are designated by the General Assembly for such purpose; 4e. Issue revenue bonds of the Commonwealth to be known and des~qnated as "Commonwealth of Virq~n~a Transportation Revenue Bonds," secured, sublect to their appropriation by the General Assembly, first from (i) revenues received from the Hampton Roads Transportation D~strict Fund, (~i) to the extent required, funds appropriated and allocated, pursuant to the hiqhway allocation formula as provided by law, to the highway construction d~strict ~n which the prolect or proiects to be financed are located or to the city or county in which the proiect or projects to be financed are located, (~i) to the extent required, legally available revenues of the Transportation Trust Fund, and (~v) such other funds which may be appropriated by the General Assembly; 5. F~x and collect tolls and other charges for the use of such projects or to refinance the cost of such projects; 6. Construct grade separations at intersections of any projects with public highways, streets or other public ways or places and change and adjust the lines and grades thereof so 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11129101 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci as to accommodate the same to the design of such grade separations, the cost of such grade separations and any damage incurred in changing and adjusting the lines and grades of such highways, streets, ways and places to be ascertained and paid by the Board as a part of the cost of the project; 7. Vacate or change the location of any portion of any public highway, street or other publ;c way or place and reconstruct the same at such new location as the Board deems most favorable for the project and of substantially the same type and in as good condition as the or;ginal highway, streets, way or place, the cost of such reconstruction and any damage incurred ;n vacating or changing the location thereof to be ascertained and paid by the Board as a part of the cost of the proiect Any public highway, street or other public way or place vacated or relocated by the Board shall be vacated or relocated in the manner provided by law for the vacation or relocation of public roads and any damages awarded on account thereof may be paid by the Board as a part of the cost of the project; 8. Make reasonable regulations for the installation, construction, maintenance, repair, renewal and relocation of pipes, mains, sewers, conduits, cables, wires, towers, poles and other equipment and appliances herein called "public utility facilities," of the Commonwealth and of any municipality, county, or other political subdivision, public utility or public service corporation owning or operating the same in, on, along, over or under the project. Whenever the Board determines that it is necessary that any such public utility facilities should be relocated or removed, the Commonwealth or such municipality, county, political subdivision, public utility or public service corporation shall relocate or remove the same in accordance with the order of the Board. The cost and expense of such relocation or removal, including the cost of installing such public utility facilities in a new location or locations, and the cost of any lands or any rights or interests in lands, and any other rights acquired to accomplish such relocation or removal shall be ascerta;ned by the Board. On any toll project, the Board shall pay the cost and expense of relocabon or removal as a part of the cost of the project for those public utility facilities owned or operated by the 11 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 Commonwealth or such municipality, county, pol~bcal subdivision, public utility or public service 2 corporation. On all other projects, under th~s article, the Board shall pay ti}~ cost and expense 3 of relocabon or removal as a part of the cost of the project for those public utility facilities 4 owned or operated by the Commonwealth or such municipality, county, or political subdivision. 5 The Commonwealth or such municipality, county, political subdivision, public utility or public 6 service corporation may maintain and operate such public utility facilities w~th the necessary 7 appurtenances, in the new location or locations, for as long a period and upon the same terms 8 and conditions as it had the right to maintain and operate such public utility facilibes in their 9 former location or locations, 10 9. Acquire by the exercise of the power of eminent domain any lands, property, rights, 11 rights-of-way, franchises, easements and other property, including public lands, parks, 12 playgrounds, reservations, highways or parkways, or parts thereof or rights there~n, of any 13 municipality, county or other political subdivision, deemed necessary or convenient for the 14 construction or the efficient operation of the project or necessary in the restorabon, 15 replacement or relocation of public or private property damaged or destroyed. 16 The cost of such projects shall be paid solely from the proceeds of Commonwealth of 17 Virginia Toll or Transportation Contract Revenue Bonds or a combination thereof or from such 18 proceeds and from any grant or contribution which may be made thereto pursuant to the 19 provisions of this article; and 20 10. Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, the Board shall be 21 authorized to exercise the powers conferred herein, in addibon to ~ts general powers to acquire 22 rights-of-way and to construct, operate and maintain state highways, with respect to any 23 project which the General Assembly has authorized or may hereafter authorize to be financed 24 in whole or ~n part through the ~ssuance of bonds of the Commonwealth pursuant to the 25 provisions of Section 9 (c) of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia. 26 § 33.1-277. Credit of Commonwealth not pledged. 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29101 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci A Commonwealth of V~rginia Toll Revenue Bonds issued under the provisions of this article shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the Commonwealth of V~rg~nia or a pledge of the faith and cred;t of the Commonwealth, but such bonds shall be payable solely from the funds here;n prov;ded therefor from tolls and revenues, from bond proceeds or earnings thereon and from any other available sources of funds. All such bonds shall state on their face that the Commonwealth of V~rginia is not obligated to pay the same or the interest thereon except from the special fund provided therefor from tolls and revenues under this article, from bond proceeds or earnings thereon and from any other available sources of funds and that the faith and credit of the Commonwealth are not pledged to the payment of the principal or interest of such bonds. The ;ssuance of such revenue bonds under the provisions of this article shall not directly or indirectly or contingently obligate the Commonwealth to levy or to pledge any form of taxation whatever therefor or to make any appropriabon for their payment, other than appropriate available funds derived as revenues from tolls and charges under th~s article or derived from bond proceeds or earnings thereon and from any other available sources of funds. B. Commonwealth of V~rgin;a Transportation Contract Revenue Bonds issued under the provisions of this article shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the Commonwealth of Virginia or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Commonwealth, but such bonds shall be payable solely from the funds herein provided therefor (i) from revenues received pursuant to contracts with a primary highway transportation district or transportation service district or any other alternative mechanism for generation of local revenues for specific funding of a project satisfactory to the Commonwealth Transportation Board, (ii) to the extent required, from funds appropriated and allocated, pursuant to the highway allocation formula as provided by law, to the highway construction district in which the project or projects to be financed are located or to the county or counties in which such project or projects are located, (iii) from bond proceeds or earnings thereon, (iv) to the extent required, from other legally available revenues of the Trust Fund, and (v) from any other available source of funds. All such bonds shall state on 13 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 their face that the Commonwealth of Virginia is not obligated to pay the same or the ~nterest 2 thereon except from revenues ~n clauses (i) and (iii) hereof and that the faith and credit of the 3 Commonwealth are not pledged to the payment of the principal and ~nterest of such bonds. 4 The issuance of such revenue bonds under the provisions of th~s article shall not directly or 5 indirectly or contingently obligate the Commonwealth to levy or to pledge any form of taxation 6 whatever or to make any appropriation for their payment, other than to appropriate available 7 funds derived as revenues under th~s article from the sources set forth in clauses (i) and (iii) 8 hereof. Nothing ~n th~s article shall be construed to obligate the General Assembly to make any 9 appropriabon of the funds set forth in clause (ii) or (~v) hereof for payment of such bonds. 10 C. Commonwealth of Virginia Transportation Revenue Bonds issued under the 11 provisions of this article shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the Commonwealth of 12 Virginia or a pledge of the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth, but such bonds shall be 13 payable solely from the funds here~n provided therefor (i) from revenues received from the U.S. 14 Route 58 Corridor Development Fund, subject to their appropriation by the General Assembly, 15 (ii) to the extent required, from revenues legally available from the Transportabon Trust Fund 16 and (iii) to the extent required, from any other legally available funds which shall have been 17 appropriated by the General Assembly. 18 D. Commonwealth of Virginia Transportation Revenue Bonds issued under this article 19 for Category 1 projects as provided in subdivision (2) (s) of § 33.1-268 shall not be deemed to 20 constitute a debt of the Commonwealth of Virginia or a pledge of the faith and-credit of the 21 Commonwealth. Such bonds shall be payable solely, subject to their appropriation by the 22 General Assembly, first from (i) revenues received from the Northern Virginia Transportation 23 D~str~ct Fund, (i~) to the extent required, funds appropriated and allocated, pursuant to the 24 highway allocation formula as provided by law, to the highway construction district in which the 25 project or projects to be financed are located or to the city or county in which the project or 26 projects to be financed are located, (ii~) to the extent required, legally available revenues of the 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci Transportabon Trust Fund, and 0v) such other funds which may be appropriated by the Ceneral Assembly E. Commonwealth of Virginia Transportabon Program Revenue Bonds issued under th;s article for projects defined in subdivision (2) (t) of § 33.1-268 shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the Commonwealth or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Commonwealth. Such bonds shall be payable solely, subject to their appropriabon by the General Assembly, first from (i) any revenues received from any Set-aside Fund established by the General Assembly pursuant to § 58.1-816.1, (ii) to the extent required, revenues received pursuant to any contract with a local jurisdiction or any alternative mechanism for generation of local revenues for specific funding of a project satisfactory to the Commonwealth Transportation Board, (iii) to the extent required, funds appropriated and allocated, pursuant to the highway allocation formula as prowded by law, to the highway construction district in which the project or projects to be financed are located or to the city or county ~n which the project or projects to be financed are located, (iv) to the extent required, legally available revenues from the Transportation Trust Fund, and (v) such other funds which may be appropriated by the General Assembly. F. Commonwealth of V~rginia Federal Highway Reimbursement Anticipation Notes issued under this article shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the Commonwealth of V~rginia or a pledge of the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth, but such obligations shall be payable solely, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly, (i) first from any federal highway reimbursements and any other federal highway assistance received from time to time by the Commonwealth, (ii) then, at the d~scretion of the Board, to the extent required, from legally available revenues of the Transportabon Trust Fund, and (iii) then, from such other funds, if any, which are designated by the General Assembly for such purpose. G Commonwealth of V~rqin~a Transportation Revenue Bonds issued under this article for as provided in subdiwsion (2) (v) of § 33 1-268 shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the Commonwealth of Vir.qmia or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Commonwealth Such bonds shall be payable solely, sublect to their appropriation by the General Assembly, first 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci from (I) revenues received from the Hampton Roads Transportahon Distr~ct Fund: (;~} to the extent required: funds appropriated and allocated, pursuant to the hl.qhway allocation formula as prowded by law: to the hl.qhwa¥ construction d~strlct in which the prolect or prolects to be financed are located or to the city or county ~n which the prolect or prolects to be financed are located, (Iii} to the extent required: le.qally available revenues of the Transportahon Trust Fund: and (iv} such other funds which may be appropriated by the General Assembly § 58.1-603. Imposition of sales tax. ,4 There is hereby levied and imposed, in addition to all other taxes and fees of every kind now imposed by law, a license or privilege tax upon every person who engages in the business of selling at retail or distributing tangible personal property in this Commonwealth, or who rents or furnishes any of the things or services taxable under this chapter, or who stores for use or consumpbon in th~s Commonwealth any item or article of tangible personal property as defined ~n this chapter, or who leases or rents such property within this Commonwealth, in the amount of three and one-half percent: 1. Of the gross sales pr;ce of each item or article of tangible personal property when sold at retail or distributed in this Commonwealth. 2. Of the gross proceeds derived from the lease or rental of tangible personal property, where the lease or rental of such property is an established business, or part of an established business, or the same is ~ncidental or germane to such business. 3. Of the cost price of each item or article of tangible personal property stored in this Commonwealth for use or consumption in this Commonwealth. 4. Of the gross proceeds derived from the sale or charges for rooms, lodgings or accommodations furnished to transients as set out in the definition of "retail sale" in § 58.1- 602. 5. Of the gross sales of any services which are expressly stated as taxable within this I chapter. 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 ~2 ~3 ~4 15 ~? 18 2O 22 23 24 25 2'1 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci B Beq~nn~n.q Aprd 1, 2003, in addition to the tax ~mposed under subsection A, an additional tax of XXXXX>'X percent ~s hereby lev~ed and ~mposed on the property and acbv~t~es described ~n subsection A ~n (~ the .qeo_qraph~cal boundaries of the counbes of Gloucester, Isle of W~qht, James C~ty, and York;.. and (d) the. geo.qraph~cal boundaries of the c~t~es of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, V~r.q~n~a Beach, and Wdl~amsburg. § 58.1-604. Imposition of use tax. A. There is hereby levied and ~mposed, in addition to all other taxes and fees now imposed by law, a tax upon the use or consumption of tangible personal property in this Commonwealth, or the storage of such property outside the Commonwealth for use or consumption in this Commonwealth, in the amount of three and one-half percent: 1. Of the cost price of each item or article of tangible personal property used or consumed in this Commonwealth. Tangible personal property which has been acquired for use outside this Commonwealth and subsequently becomes subject to the tax imposed hereunder shall be taxed on the basis of its cost price if such property is brought within th~s Commonwealth for use within s~x months of ~ts acquisition; but if so brought within this Commonwealth six months or more after its acquisition, such property shall be taxed on the basis of the current market value (but not in excess of its cost price) of such property at the time of its first use within this Commonwealth. Such tax shall be based on such proportion of the cost price or current market value as the duration of time of use within this Commonwealth bears to the total useful life of such property (but it shall be presumed in all cases that such property will remain within this Commonwealth for the remainder of its useful life unless convincing evidence is provided to the contrary). 2. Of the cost price of each item or article of tangible personal property stored outside th~s Commonwealth for use or consumption in this Commonwealth. 3. A transaction taxed under § 58.1-603 shall not also be taxed under this section, nor shall the same transaction be taxed more than once under either section. 17 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 4. The use tax shall not apply with respect to the use of any article of tangible personal p,-operty brought ~nto th~s Commonwealth by a nonresident individual, visiting ~n Virginia, for his personal use, while within th~s Commonwealth 5. The use tax shall not apply to out-of-state mail order catalog purchases totaling $100 or less dunng any calendar year. B Be.qinn~n.q April 1, 2003, ~n addition to the tax ~mposed under subsection A, an additional tax of XXXXXXX ~s hereby lev~ed and ~mposed on the property and activities described ~n subsecbon A in (~) the geo.qraph~cal boundaries of the counties of Gloucester, Isle of W~ght, James City, and York; and (~i) the geo.qraph~cal boundaries of the c~t~es of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, .Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, V~r.q~nia Beach, and W~ll~amsburq § 58.1-611.1. Rate of tax on sales of food purchased for human consumption; Food Tax Reduction Program. A. Subject to the conditions of subsections D and E, the tax imposed by ~=~ ,.,,.,c~ ! 603 and 58 !-604 subsection A of § 58 1-603 and subsection A of ~ 58 1-604 on food purchased for human consumption shall be levied and distributed as follows: 1. From January 1, 2000, through March 31, 2001, the tax rate on such food shall be three percent of the gross sales price. The revenue from the tax shall be distributed as follows: (i) the revenue from the tax at the rate of one-half percent shall be distributed as provided in subsection A of § 58.1-638, (ii) the revenue from the tax at the rate of one percent shall be distributed as provided in subsections B, C and D of § 58.1-638, and (iii) the revenue from the tax at the rate of one and one-half percent shall be used for general fund purposes. 2. From April 1, 2001, through March 31, 2002, the tax rate on such food shall be two and one-half percent of the gross sales price. The revenue from the tax shall be distributed as follows: 0) the revenue from the tax at the rate of one-half percent shall be distributed as prowded in subsection A of § 58 1-638, (ii) the revenue from the tax at the rate of one percent 18 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 shall be d~strlbuted as provided in subsections B, C and D of § 58.1-638, and (iii) the revenue 2 from the tax at the rate of one percent shall be u~ed for general fund purposes. 3 3. From April 1, 2002, through March 31, 2003, the tax rate on such food shall be two 4 percent of the gross sales price. The revenue from the tax shall be distributed as follows: (i) 5 the revenue from the tax at the rate of one-half percent shall be distributed as provided in 6 subsection A of § 58.1-638, (ii) the revenue from the tax at the rate of one percent shall be 7 distributed as provided in subsections B, C and D of § 58.1-638, and (~ii) the revenue from the 8 tax at the rate of one-half percent shall be used for general fund purposes. 9 4. On and after April 1, 2003, the tax rate on such food shall be one and one-half 10 percent of the gross sales price. The revenue from the tax shall be distributed as follows: (i) 11 the revenue from the tax at the rate of one-half percent shall be distributed as provided in 12 subsection A of § 58 1-638 and (ii) the revenue from the tax at the rate of one percent shall be 13 distributed as provided in subsections B, C and D of § 58.1-638. 14 B. The provisions of this section shall not affect the imposition of tax on food purchased '15 for human consumption pursuant to §§ 58.1-605 and 58.1-606. 16 C. As used in th~s secbon, "food purchased for human consumption" has the same 17 meaning as "food" defined in the Food Stamp Act of 1977, 7 U.S.C. § 2012, as amended, and 18 federal regulations adopted pursuant to that Act, except it shall not include seeds and plants 19 which produce food for human consumption. 20 D. Notwithstanding the tax rates set forth in subsection A, the rate of tax on sales of 21 food purchased for human consumption for any twelve-month period beginning on or after April 22 1, 2001, shall not be reduced below the rate then in effect for the Commonwealth's current 23 fiscal year if: 24 1. Actual general fund revenues for the fiscal year preceding a fiscal year in which a 25 rate reduction is contemplated in subsection A do not exceed the official general fund revenue 26 estimates for such preceding fiscal year, as estimated in the most recently enacted and 27 approved general appropriation act, by at least one percent; or 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 2. Any of the events I~sted ~n subsection C of § 58.1-3524 or subsection B of § 58.1- 3536 have occurred dunng the then current fiscal year. E. If the tax rate on food purchased for human consumpbon remains the same for the period January 1, 2000, through March 31, 2001, and the subsequent twelve-month period beginning on April 1, 2001, or with respect to any consecutive twelve-month periods beginning on and after April 1, 2001, the tax rate on such food shall remain the same unless none of the conditions described ~n subsection D have occurred, in which event the tax rate on food purchased for human consumption for the immediately following twelve-month period shall be equal to the next lowest tax rate listed in subsecbon A. F. Th(~re is hereby created on the books of the Comptroller a nonreverting fund entitled the Food Tax Reserve Fund which shall be used solely for the statutory purposes of the Food Tax Reduction Program as established by this section, and as may be provided for in the general appropriation act. For the purpose of the Comptroller's preliminary and final annual reports required by § 2.2-813, all balances remaining in the Fund on June 30 of each year shall be considered a portion of the fund balance of the general fund of the state treasury. G The tax ~mposed by subsection B of § 58 1-603 and by subsection B of § 58.1-604 shall not apply to food purchased for human consumption § 58.1-614. Vending machine sales. A. Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 58.1-603 and 58.1-604, whenever a dealer makes sales of tangible personal property through vending machines, or in any other manner making collection of the tax impracbcal, as determined by the Tax Commissioner, such dealer shall be required to report his wholesale purchases for sale at retail from vending machines and shall be required to remit an amount based on four and one-half percent of such wholesale purchases, except that, beginning April 1, 2003, such wholesale purchases shall be taxed at the rate of XXXXXXXXX within the geographical boundaries of the counties and cities ~ncluded ~n subsection B of § 58.1-603 and subsection B of § 58 1-604. 2O 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci B. Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 58 1-605 and 58.1-606, dealers mak;ng sales of tang;ble personal property through vending machines shall report and remit the one percent local sales and use tax computed as provided ~n subsection A of this secbon. C. The provisions of subsections A and B of this secbon shall not be applicable to vending machine operators all of whose machines are under contract to nonprofit organizations. Such operators shall report only the gross receipts from machines selling items for more than ten cents and shall be required to remit an amount based on a percentage of their remaining gross sales established by the Tax Commissioner to take into account the inclusion of sales tax. D. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this section or § 58.1-628, when the Tax Commissioner determines that it is impractical to collect the tax in the manner provided by those sections, such dealer shall be required to remit an amount based on a percentage of gross receipts which takes into account the incluston of the sales tax. E The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to any dealer who fails to maintain records satisfactory to the Tax Commissioner. A dealer making sales of tangible personal property through vending machines shall obtain a certificate of registration under § 58.1-613 in relevant form for each county or city in which he has machines § 58.1-627. Bracket system for tax at rate of three and one-half percent. The following brackets of prices shall be used for the collection of the tax imposed by this chapter, except for such tax imposed with;n the .qeo.qraphical boundaries of the counties and c;ties included ~n subsection B of § 58 1-603 and subsection B of .~ 58.1-604: $0.00 to $0.14 no tax .15 to .42 1> tax .43 to .71 2> tax .72 to .99 3> tax 1.00 to 1.28 4> tax 1.29 to 1.57 5> tax 1.58 to 1.85 6> tax 1.86 to 2.14 7> tax 2.15 to 2.42 8> tax 2.43 to 2.71 9> tax 2.72 to 2.99 10> tax 3.00 to 3.28 11> tax 21 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM 3.29 to 3.57 12> tax 3.58 to 3.85 13> tax 3.86 to 4.14 14> tax 4.15 to 4.42 15> tax 4.43 to 4.71 16> tax 4.72 to 5.00 17> tax Mark J. Vucci 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Except within the geographical boundaries of the counties and cities included in subsechon B of ~i 58 1-603 and subsection B of § 58 1-604, On on transactions ever-greater than five dollars, the tax shall be computed at three and one-half percent, one-half cent or more being treated as one cent. Within the geo.qraph~cal boundaries of the counties and cities ~ncluded in subsection B of ~ 58 1-603 and subsection B of § 58 1-604, on transactions greater than five dollars, the tax shall be computed at XXXXXXX beginning April 1, 2003 For purposes of the results of th~s computation of tax, one half cent or more shall be treated as one cent If a dealer can show to the satisfaction of the Tax Commissioner that more than eighty- five percent of the total dollar volume of his gross taxable sales during the taxable month was from ind~wdual sales at prices of ten cents or less each, and that he was unable to adjust h~s prices in such manner as to prevent the economic incidence of the sales tax from falling on him, the Tax Commissioner shall determine the proper tax liability of the dealer based on that portion of the dealer's gross taxable sales which was from sales at prices of eleven cents or 20 more. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 § 58.1-628. Bracket system for combined state and local tax. The following brackets of prices shall be used for the collection of the combined state and local tax, except for such tax imposed within the geographical boundaries of the counties and cities included ~n subsecbon B of § 58 1-603 and subsection B of § 58 1-604: $0.00 to $0.11 no tax .12 to .33 1> tax .34 to .55 2> tax .56 to .77 3> tax .78 to .99 4> tax 1.00 to 1.22 5> tax 1.23 to 1.44 6> tax 1.45 to 1.66 7> tax 1.67 to 1.88 8> tax 1.89 to 2.11 9> tax 2.12 to 2.33 10> tax 2.34 to 2.55 11> tax 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 02 - 3025568 11129101 11:46 AM 2.56 tO 2.77 12> tax 2.78 to 2.99 13> tax 3.00 to 3.22 14> tax 3.23 to 3.44 15> tax 3.45 to 3.66 16> tax 3.67 to 3.88 17> tax 3.89 to 4.11 18> tax 4.12 to 4.33 19> tax 4.34 to 4.55 20> tax 4.56 to 4.77 21> tax 4.78 to 5.00 22> tax Mark J. Vucci Except w~th~n the geo.qraphical boundaries of the counties and cities described in subsection B of § 58 1-603 and subsection B of § 58.1-604, On on transactions over five dollars, the tax shall be computed at four and one-half percent, one half cent or more being treated as one cent. W~thm the _qeo.~raph~cal boundaries of the counties and cities included in subsecbon B of § 58 1-603 and subsection B of § 58.1-604, on transacbons .qreater than five dollars, the tax shall be computed at XXXXXXX be.q~nn~n.q April 1, 2003 For purposes of the results of th~s computation of tax, one half cent or more shall be treated as one cent. The foregoing bracket system shall not relieve the dealer from the duty and hability to remit an amount equal to four and one-half percent of his gross taxable sales as provided in this chapter. If the dealer, however, can show to the satisfaction of the Tax Commissioner that more than eighty-five percent of the total dollar volume of his gross taxable sales during the taxable month was from individual sales at prices of ten cents or less each and that he was unable to adjust his prices in such manner as to prevent the economic incidence of the sales tax from falling on him, the Tax Commissioner shall determine the proper tax liability of the dealer based on that portion of the dealer's gross taxable sales which was from sales at prices of eleven cents or more. § 58.1-638. Disposition of state sales and use tax revenue; Transportation Trust Fund; localities' share; Game Protection Fund. A. The Comptroller shall designate a specific revenue code number for all the state sales and use tax revenue collected under the preceding sections of this chapter. 1. The sales and use tax revenue generated by the one-half percent sales and use tax increase enacted by the 1986 Special Session of the General Assembly shall be paid, in the 23 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 manner hereinafter provided ~n this section, to the Transportation Trust Fund as defined ~n § 2 33.1-23 03.1. Of the funds pa~d to the Transportation Trust Fund, an ~ggregate of 4.2 percent 3 shall be set aside as the Commonwealth Port Fund as provided ~n this secbon; an aggregate of 4 2.4 percent shall be set aside as the Commonwealth A~rport Fund as provided in this section; 5 and an aggregate of 14 5 percent m fiscal year 1998-1999 and 14.7 percent in fiscal year 6 1999-2000 and thereafter shall be set aside as the Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund as 7 provided in this section. The Fund's share of such net revenue shall be computed as an 8 estimate of the net revenue to be received into the state treasury each month, and such 9 estimated payment shall be adjusted for the actual net revenue received in the preceding 10 month. All payments shall be made to the Fund on the last day of each month 11 2. There is hereby created in the Department of the Treasury a special nonreverting 12 fund which shall be a part of the Transportation Trust Fund and which shall be known as the 13 Commonwealth Port Fund. 14 a. The Commonwealth Port Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller 15 and the funds remaining ~n such Fund at the end of a biennium shall not revert to the general 16 fund but shall remain in the Fund. Interest earned on such funds shall remain in the Fund and 17 be credited to it. Funds may be pa~d to any authority, locality or commission for the purposes 18 hereinafter specified. 19 b. The amounts allocated pursuant to this section shall be allocated by the 20 Commonwealth Transportation Board to the Board of Commissioners of the Virginia Port 21 Authority to be used to support port capital needs and the preservation of existing capital 22 needs of all ocean, river, or tributary ports within the Commonwealth. 23 c. Commonwealth Port Fund revenue shall be allocated by the Board of Commissioners 24 to the Virginia Port Authority in order to foster and stimulate the flow of maritime commerce 25 through the ports of Virginia, including but not limited to the ports of Richmond, Hopewell and 26 Alexandria. 24 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 3. There ~s hereby created ~n the Department of the Treasury a special nonrevert~ng 2 fund which shall be part of the Transportation Trust Fund and which shall be known as the 3 Commonwealth A~rport Fund. The Commonwealth Airport Fund shall be established on the 4 books of the Comptroller and any funds remaining in such Fund at the end of a biennium shall 5 not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Interest earned on the funds shall 6 be credited to the Fund. The funds so allocated shall be allocated by the Commonwealth 7 Transportabon Board to the Virginia Aviation Board. The funds shall be allocated by the 8 Virginia Aviation Board to any Virginia airport which is owned by the Commonwealth, a 9 governmental subdivision thereof, or a private entity to which the public has access for the 10 purposes enumerated in § 5.1-2.16, or is owned or leased by the Metropolitan Washington 11 Airports Authority (MWAA), as follows: 12 Any new funds in excess of $12 1 million which are available for allocation by the 13 V~rg~nia Aviation Board from the Commonwealth Transportation Fund, shall be allocated as 14 follows: sixty percent to MWAA, up to a maximum annual amount of two million dollars, and 15 forty percent to air carrier airports as provided in subdivision A 3 a. Except for adjustments due 16 to changes in enplaned passengers, no air carrier airport sponsor, excluding MWAA, shall 17 receive less funds identified under subdivision A 3 a than it received in fiscal year 1994-1995. 18 Of the remaining amount: 19 a. Forty percent of the funds shall be allocated to air carrier airports, except airports 20 owned or leased by MWAA, based upon the percentage of enplanements for each airport to 21 total enplanements at all air carrier airports, except airports owned or leased by MWAA. No air 22 carrier airport sponsor, however, shall receive less than $50,000 nor more than $2 million per 23 year from this provision. 24 b. Forty percent of the funds shall be allocated by the Aviation Board for air carrier and 25 reliever airports on a discretionary basis, except airports owned or leased by MWAA. 26 c. Twenty percent of the funds shall be allocated by the Aviabon Board for general 27 aviation airports on a discretionary basis. 25 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 4. There is hereby created ~n the Department of the Treasury a spec,al nonreverting 2 fund which shall be a part of the Transportabon Trust Fund and which shall be known as the 3 Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund. 4 a. The Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund shall be established on the books of the 5 Comptroller and any funds remaining ~n such Fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert 6 to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Interest earned on such funds shall be 7 credited to the Fund Funds may be paid to any local governing body, transportation d~strict 8 commission, or public service corporation for the purposes hereinafter specified. 9 b. The amounts allocated pursuant to th~s section shall be used to support the public 10 transportabon admin~strabve costs and the costs borne by the locality for the purchase of fuels, 11 lubricants, tires and maintenance parts and supplies for public transportation at a state share 12 of e~ghty percent in 2002 and ninety-five percent in 2003 and succeeding years. These 13 amounts may be used to support up to ninety-five percent of the local or nonfederal share of 14 capital project costs for public transportabon and ridesharing equipment, facilities, and 15 associated costs. Capital costs may include debt service payments on local or agency transit 16 bonds. The term "borne by the locality" means the local share eligible for state assistance 17 consisting of costs in excess of the sum of fares and other operabng revenues plus federal 18 assistance received by the locality. 19 c. Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund revenue shall be allocated by the Commonwealth 20 Transportation Board as follows: 21 (1) Funds for special programs, which shall include ridesharing, experimental transit, 22 and technical assistance, shall not exceed 1.5 percent of the Fund. 23 (2) The Board may allocate these funds to any locality or planning district commission to 24 finance up to eighty percent of the local share of all costs associated with the development, 25 implementation, and continuabon of ridesharing programs. 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci (3) Funds allocated for expenmental transit proiects may be paid to any local governing body, transportabon d~strict commission, or public corporabon or may be used d~rectly by the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for the following purposes: (a) To finance up to n~nety-five percent of the capital costs related to the development, ~mplementation and promotion of experimental public transportation and ridesharing projects approved by the Board. (b) To finance up to ninety-five percent of the operating costs of experimental mass transportation and ridesharing projects approved by the Board for a period of time not to exceed twelve months. (c) To finance up to ninety-five percent of the cost of the development and ~mplementation of any other project designated by the Board where the purpose of such project is to enhance the provision and use of public transportation services. d. Funds allocated for public transportation promotion and operation studies may be paid to any local governing body, planning district commission, transportation district commission, or public transit corporation, or may be used directly by the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for the following purposes and aid of public transportation services: (1) At the approval of the Board to finance a program administered by the Department of Rail and Public Transportation designed to promote the use of public transportation and ridesharing throughout Virginia. (2) To finance up to fifty percent of the local share of public transportation operations planning and technical study projects approved by the Board. e At least 73.5 percent of the Fund shall be distributed to each transit property in the same proportion as its operating expenses bear to the total statewide operating expenses and shall be spent for the purposes specified in subdivision 4 b. f. The remaining twenty-five percent shall be distributed for capital purposes on the basis of ninety-five percent of the nonfederal share for federal projects and ninety-five percent of the total costs for nonfederal projects. In the event that total capital funds available under 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 this subdivision are ~nsufficient to fund the complete I~st of eligible projects, the funds shall be 2 distnbuted to each transit property in the same proportion that such capital expenditure bears 3 to the statewide total of capital projects. 4 g. There ~s hereby created in the Department of the Treasury a special nonrevertlng 5 fund known as the Commonwealth Transit Capital Fund. The Commonwealth Transit Capital 6 Fund shall be part of the Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund. The Commonwealth Transit 7 Capital Fund subaccount shall be established on the books of the Comptroller and consist of 8 such moneys as are appropriated to it by the General Assembly and of all donations, gifts, 9 bequests, grants, endowments, and other moneys given, bequeathed, granted, or otherwise '10 made available to the Commonwealth Transit Capital Fund. Any funds remaining in the 11 Commonwealth Transit Capital Fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to the general '12 fund, but shall remain in the Commonwealth Transit Capital Fund. Interest earned on funds '13 w~th~n the Commonwealth Transit Capital Fund shall remain in and be credited to the 14 Commonwealth Transit Capital Fund. Proceeds of the Commonwealth Transit Capital Fund '15 may be paid to any political subdivIs~on, another public entity created by an act of the General '16 Assembly, or a private entity as defined ~n § 56-557 and for purposes as enumerated in '17 subdivision 4c of § 33.1-269 or expended by the Department of Rail and Public Transportation 18 for the purposes specified ~n this subdivision. Revenues of the Commonwealth Transit Capital 19 Fund shall be used to support capital expenditures involving the establishment, improvement, 20 or expansion of public transportation services through specific projects approved by the 21 Commonwealth Transportation Board. Projects financed by the Commonwealth Transit Capital 22 Fund shall receive local, regional or private funding for at least twenty percent of the 23 nonfederal share of the total project cost. 24 5. Funds for Metro shall be paid by the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission 25 (NVTC) to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) and be a credit to the 26 Counties of Arlington and Fairfax and the Cities of Alexandria, Falls Church and Fa~rfax in the 27 following manner: 28 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci I a. Local obligations for debt service for WMATA ra~l transit bonds apportioned to each 2 locality using WMATA"s capital formula shall be paid first by NVTC. NV-I'C shall use n~nety-five 3 percent state aid for these payments 4 b The remaining funds shall be apportioned to reflect WMATA's allocation formulas by 5 using the related WMATA-allocated subsidies and relative shares of local transit subsidies. 6 Capital costs shall include twenty percent of annual local bus capital expenses Hold harmless 7 protections and obligations for NVTC's jurisdictions agreed to by NVTC on November 5, 1998, 8 shall remain in effect. 9 Appropriations from the Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund are intended to provide a 10 stable and reliable source of revenue as defined by Public Law 98-184. 11 B. The sales and use tax revenue generated by a one percent sales and use tax shall 12 be distributed among the counties and cities of this Commonwealth in the manner provided in 13 subsections C and D. 14 C. The localities' share of the net revenue distributable under this section among the 15 counties and cibes shall be apportioned by the Comptroller and distributed among them by 16 warrants of the Comptroller drawn on the Treasurer of Virginia as soon as pracbcable after the 17 close of each month during which the net revenue was received into the state treasury. The 18 distribution of the localities' share of such net revenue shall be computed with respect to the 19 net revenue received into the state treasury during each month, and such distribution shall be 20 made as soon as practicable after the close of each such month. 21 D. The net revenue so distributable among the counties and cities shall be apportioned 22 and distributed upon the basis as certified to the Comptroller by the Department of Education, 23 of the number of children in each county and city according to the most recent statewide 24 census of school populabon taken by the Department of Education pursuant to § 22.1-284, as 25 adjusted in the manner hereinafter provided. No special school population census, other than a 26 statewide census, shall be used as the basis of apportionment and d~stribut~on except that in 27 any calendar year in which a statewide census is not reported, the Department of Education 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci shall adjust such school populat;on figures by the same percent of annual change in total population est;mated for each locality by The Center for Public Serv;ce The revenue so apporbonable and d;stnbutable is hereby appropriated to the several counties and c~bes for maintenance, operat;on, capital outlays, debt and ;nterest payments, or other expenses incurred ;n the operation of the publ;c schools, which shall be considered as funds raised from local resources. In any county, however, wherein ~s situated any ~ncorporated town constituting a school d~v~s~on, the county treasurer shall pay into the town treasury for maintenance, operation, cap;tal outlays, debt and ;nterest payments, or other expenses ~ncurred in the operabon of the public schools, the proper proporbonate amount received by h~m in the ratio that the school population of such town bears to the school populabon of the entire county. If the school population of any city or of any town constituting a school division ~s increased by the annexation of terntory s~nce the last preceding school populabon census, such increase shall, for the purposes of this sect;on, be added to the school populabon of such c~ty or town as shown by the last such census and a proper reduction made in the school population of the county or counbes from which the annexed territory was acquired. E. Beginning July 1, 2000, of the remaining sales and use tax revenue, the revenue generated by a two percent sales and use tax, up to an annual amount of $13 million, collected from the sales of hunting equipment, auxiliary hunting equipment, fishing equipment, auxiliary fishing equipment, wildlife-watching equipment, and auxiliary wildlife-watching equipment in V;rginia, as estimated by the most recent U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, shall be paid into the Game Protection Fund established under § 29.1-101 and shall be used, in part, to defray the cost of law enforcement. Not later than th;rty days after the close of each quarter, the Comptroller shall transfer to the Game Protection Fund the appropriate amount of collections to be dedicated to such Fund. At any time that the balance ~n the Cap;tal Improvement Fund, estabhshed under § 29.1-101.1, is equal to or ~n excess of $35 m;llion, any porbon of sales and use tax revenues that would have 3O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci been transferred to the Game Protection Fund, established under § 29.1-101, ~n excess of the net operabng expenses of the Board, after deducbon of other amounts which accrue to the Board and are set aside for the Game Protection Fund, shall remain in the general fund until such t;me as the balance in the Capital Improvement Fund is less than $35 mill~on. F. If errors are made in any distribution, or adjustments are otherwise necessary, the errors shall be corrected and adjustments made in the distribution for the next quarter or for subsequent quarters. G The revenue .qenerated and collected from the additional XXXXXXX tax, be.qlnn~n.q April 1, 2003, pursuant to subsection B of ~ 58 1-603 and subsecbon B of § 58 1-604, shall be deposited in the Hampton Roads Transportation District Fund established under.§ 58 1-638 1. The revenue credited to such fund shall be the gross revenue generated and collected from the additional taxes provided under subsection B of ~ 58 1-603 and subsection B of § 58 1-604, less the applicable port~on of any refunds to taxpayers Such revenue shall be considered funds raised from local sources GH. The term "net revenue," as used in this section, means the gross revenue received ~nto the general fund or the Transportation Trust Fund of the state treasury under the preceding sections of this chapter, less refunds to taxpayers. § 58.1-638 1. Hampton Roads Transportation District Fund A. There ~s hereby created in the Department of the Treasury a special nonrevertinq fund which shall be a part of the Transportation Trust Fund and which shall be known as the Hampton Roads Transportation District Fund (the Fund), consisting of revenues from the additional sales tax imposed pursuant to subsection B of § 58.1-603, the additional use tax imposed pursuant to subsection B of § 58.1-604, the additional sales tax on fuels imposed pursuant to Article 4.1 (§ 58.1-1724 2 et seq ) of Chapter 17 of T~tle 58 1, and tolls on certain transportation facilities as described ~n subsection C. The Fund shall also include any public rights-of-way use fees appropriated by the General Assembly, any state or local revenues, ~nclud~nq but not I~m~ted to, any funds d~stributed pursuant to § 33 1-23 3 or .~ 33.1-23 4, which 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci may be deposited ~nto the Fund pursuant to a contract between a lurlsdlctlon partlclpat~n,q ~n the Hampton Roads Transportation D~str~ct Proqram and the Commonwealth Transportation Board; and any other funds as may be appropnated by the General Assembly from t~me to t~me and des~qnated for th~s Fund and all ~nterest, d~v~dends and appreciation which may accrue thereto Any moneys remain~nq ~n the Fund at the end of a b~ennium shall not revert to the general fund, but shall remain ~n the Fund, sublect to the determination by the Commonwealth Transportation Board that a Category 2 pr01ect or prolects may be funded B Allocations from this Fund may be pa~d (~) to any authority, locality or commission for the purposes of paying the costs of the Hampton Roads Transportation D~stnct Proqram which consists of the follow~nq Hampton Roads Cross~nq (Third Cross~nq), Interstate 64 Improvements (Peninsula), Route 460, Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt, M~dtown Tunnel/ Mart~n Luther K~nq Freeway Extension/ Pinners Point Connector, and Public Transit/Ra~l Service C In the case of transportation facilities controlled by the V~rqin~a Department of Transportation, the Commonwealth Transportation Board shall ~mpose or revise tolls on certain transportation facilities as approved ~n a referendum by the voters of the counties and c~t~es included ~n subsection B of § 58 1-603 and subsection B of § 58 1-604. Such approval shall be deemed ,qranted if a malority of those vot~nq at the elect~on vote in the affirmative upon the question of plac~n.q tolls on des~qnated transportation facilities. A "malonty of those vot~n.q at the election" means a malority of those vot~nq in the entire reqion constituted by the counties and cities included in subsection B of § 58 1-603 and subsection B of § 58 1-604, and does not require a malonty of those vot~nq ~n any ~ndividual county or c~ty Such tolls shall be ~mposed by the Commonwealth Transportation Board as soon as practicable on the transportation facd~t~es, and ~n the amounts, desi.qnated in such referendum The revenue ,qenerated and collected from such tolls shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the Fund Article 4.1. 32 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ,~ 58 1-1724 2 Motor Vehicle Fuel Sales Tax ~n Certain Localities Rules and requlat~ons, bracket system The Tax Commissioner shall promulqate rules and regulations for the req~stratlon of dealers and the procedures for fll~nq returns for the payment of the tax ~mposed pursuant to th~s arbcle Such regulations shall include prows~ons for a bracket system, designed so that the tax w~ll appear on the fuel pump as a part of the total cost of a unit of fuel, whether the unit ~s a .qallon or other measure The bracket system shall state the tax per unit measure in tenths of a cent, and shall be in increments of no more than two and one-half cents. § 58 1-1724 3 Sales tax on fuel ~n certain localities A There is hereby lewed, in addition to all other taxes imposed on fuels sublect to tax under Chapter 22 (.~ 58 1-2200 et seq.) of this title, a sales tax of XXXXXXX of the retail price of such fuels sold within O) the geo.qraph~cal boundaries of the counties of Gloucester, Isle of W~ght, James C~ty, and York; and Oi) the .qeo,qraph~cal boundaries of the cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, V~r.qinia Beach, and Will~amsburq. As used ~n this section "retad sale" means a sale to a consumer or to any person for any purpose other than resale. B The tax ~mposed under th~s section shall be subject to the provisions of the Virqin~a Retail Sales and Use Tax Act f.~ 58.1-600 et seq.}, except that the exemption provided for motor vehicle fuels under § 58 1-609.13, and the bracket system provided in such act, shall not be applicable § 58 1-1724 4. Exclusion from professional license tax. The amount of the tax imposed by this article and collected by a dealer in any taxable year shall be excluded from .qross receipts for purposes of any tax imposed under Chapter 37 (.~ 58.1-3700 et seq ) of this btle. § 58 1-1724.5. Refund of motor vehicle fuel sales tax. Anyone who purchases fuel (~) that is taxed under the provisions of ~} 58 1-1724 2 and (il) upon which a refund is .qranted, for motor fuels taxes paid pursuant to Chapter 22 (§ 58.1- 33 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 2200 et seq ) of th~s btle, may file a claim for a refund of taxes pa~d under th~s article w~th~n thirty days after receipt of a refund under the above chapter on forms and under requlat~ons adopted by the Department of Taxation § 58 1-1724 6 D~spositlon of tax revenues All taxes pa~d to the Commissioner pursuant to th~s article, after subtraction of the d~rect costs of administration by the Department, shall be deposited in the Hampton Roads Transportation D~str~ct Fund established under § 58.1-638 1 The taxes pa~d to the Commissioner pursuant to th~s article shall be considered funds raised from local sources. 5 6 7 8 9 The direct costs of adm~n~strabon shall be credited to the funds appropriated to the 10 Department. 11 § 58 1-1724.7 Disclosure of information, penalbes 12 For purposes of adm~nisterinq the tax lev~ed under this article, the Commissioner, upon 13 written request, ~s authorized to provide to the finance officer of any city or county who ~s 14 charged with adm~n~stennq the motor vehicle fuel sales tax, such ~nformation as may be 15 necessary for the performance of official dubes Any person to whom ~nformabon is provided 16 pursuant to this section shall be sublect to the prohibitions and penalties prescribed ~n § 58 1- 17 3. 18 2. That the additional state sales and use taxes, state sales tax on fuels, and tolls 19 provided under this act shall be levied and imposed only if approved in a referendum. 20 Only the qualified voters in the counties of Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, and 21 York and the cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, 22 Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg shall vote on the referendum 23 question. The clerks of the circuit courts for such counties and cities shall publish 24 notice of the referendum in a newspaper of general circulation in the respective county 25 or city once a week for three consecutive weeks prior to the referendum. The 26 referendum shall be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November 2002. The 27 regular election officers of such counties and cities shall open the polls on such day 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci and shall take the sense of the qualified voters on such additional taxes and tolls, as provided under this act. The ballot used shall be printed to read as follows: "Shall an additional XXXXXXXXX state sales and use tax and XXXXXXXXX state fuels tax be imposed in Gloucester County, Isle of Wight County, James City County, York County, the City of Chesapeake, the City of Hampton, the City of Newport News, the City of Norfolk, the City of Poquoson, the City of Portsmouth, the City of Suffolk, the City of Virginia Beach, and the City of Williamsburg and shall there be a XXXXXXXX toll on XXXXXXXX, a XXXXXXXX toll on XXXXXXXX, and a XXXXXXXX toll on XXXXXXXX, with the revenues from such taxes and tolls to be used solely for transportation projects and purposes as specified in Chapter (...Chapter number...) of the 2002 Acts of Assembly. If approved, the additional sales and use tax and fuels tax shall begin April 1, 2003, and the tolls shall be collected as soon as practicable? ~ Yes !'1 No" 3..~ 1 This act shall be known and may be c~ted as the Hampton Roads Transportation D~stnct Proqram Act of 2002. § 2. For purposes of this act, the followinq definitions shall apply: "Program" means the Hampton Roads Transportation District Proqram established pursuant to § 33.1-221.1:7 "Proiect" means the transportation projects included in the program. § 3. The Proqram shall consist of the followinq proiects: Hampton Roads Crossing (Third Cross~nq), Interstate 64 Improvements (Peninsula), Route 460, Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt, Midtown Tunnel/Martin Luther Kinq Freeway Extension/Pinners Point Connector, and Public Transit/Rail Service and certain other projects as specified hereto § 4 The Commonwealth Transportation Board ~s hereby authorized, by and w~th the consent of the Governor, to issue, pursuant to the provisions of §§ 33 1-267 throuqh 33 1-295 of the 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 02 -3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci Code of V~rq~n~a, at one bme or from bme to bme, bonds of the Commonwealth to be designated "Commonwealth of V~r.q~n~a Transportabon Revenue Bonds, Series. ," ~n an a.q.qre.qate pnnc~pal amount not exceedlnq XXXXXXXXXXX to finance the costs of the prolects plus an amount for the ~ssuance costs, capitalized interest, reserve funds, and other flnancinq expenses (the "Bonds"). The proceeds of the Bonds shall be used exclusively for the purpose of providinq funds, w~th any other available funds, for paying the costs incurred or to be ~ncurred for construction or fund~nq of the prolects which comprise the program, consisbng of enwronmental and en.q~neennq studies, rights-of-way acquisition, improvements to all modes of transportation, construction and related improvements (the "prolects"). Such costs may ~nclude the payment of ~nterest on the Bonds for a period durinq construction and not exceed~nq one year after complebon of construcbon of the prolects The projects shall be classified as Category 1 and Category 2 projects, each cate.qroy be~n.q sublect to d~fferent precond~bons Bonds to finance the cost of Category 1 prolects may be issued by the Commonwealth Transportabon Board Category 2 prolects shall not be financed throuqh the issuance of Bonds, however, after all Bonds authorized have been ~ssued, or ~f there ~s excess bond-issu~nq capacity, then to the extent the Hampton Roads Transportation D~stnct Fund contains amounts in excess of the amount needed to pay annual debt service on such Bonds in a particular fiscal year, such excess amounts may be expended to pay the cost of the work ~denbfied as Category 2 projects The prolects, and the amount of bonds authorized to be issued for each such prolect, are as follows and constitute the Hampton Roads Transportation D~strict Proqram Cateqory 1 prolects Projects Bond amount XXXXXXXXXXXX Hampton Roads Crossing (Third Crossing) Interstate 64 Improvements (Peninsula) XXXXXXXXXXXX Route 460 XXXXXXXXXXXX Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt XXXXXXXXXXXX Midtown Tunnel/Martin Luther King Freeway Extenslon/Plnners Point Connector XXXXXXXXXXXX Public Transit/Rail Servzce XXXXXXXXXXXX Total XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci The work ~denbfled as Cate.qory 2 polects to be funded from the Hampton Roads Transportabon D~stnct Fund, to the extent there are sums ~n excess of the amount needed to pay debt service on the Bonds, ~n a ~q~ven fiscal year, is as follows Category 2 prolects Such add~bonal prolects as may be concurred in by the local .qovernments of the counbes of Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, and York and the c~t~es of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, V~r.q~n~a Beach, and W~ll~amsbur.q The revenue bonds shall be ~ssued by the Commonwealth Transportabon Board and sold throuqh the Treasury Board, which is hereby desLqnated the sales and pay~n.q a.qent of the Commonwealth Transportation Board with respect to such bonds The Treasury Board's dubes shall ~nclude the approval of the terms and structure of the bonds In the event the ag.qreqate pnnclpal amount of the initial ~ssuance is less than XXXXXXXXX, the Commonwealth Transportation Board shall allocate the proceeds of the Bonds to individual projects ~n proportion to the total amount of debt authorized under th~s section for such proiects .~ 5. The proceeds of the Bonds here~n authorized shall be made avadable by the Commonwealth Transportation Board to pay the costs of the proiects and, where appropriate, may be pa~d to any authority, locality, or commission for the purposes of paying for the costs of the projects The proceeds of the bonds may be used with any local, private or federal funds which may be made available for the proiects. ~ 6. The bonds of each issue shall be dated, shall bear ~nterest at such rate or rates, shall mature at such time or bmes not exceeding thirty years from their date or dates, as may be determined by the Commonwealth Transportation Board and may be made redeemable before their maturity or maturibes at such price or prices and under such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the Commonwealth Transportation Board prior to the ~ssuance of the bonds The principal of and the ~nterest on sa~d bonds shall be made payable in lawful money of the United 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 O2 - 3025568 States of America 11/29101 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci The Commonwealth Transportation Board shall determine the form of the bonds and fix the denom~nabon or denomlnabons of the bonds and the place or places of payment of the pnnc~pal and interest thereof, which may be at the off~ce of the State Treasurer or any bank or trust company w~th~n or w~thout the Commonwealth All bonds ~ssued under the prowsions of th~s act shall have and are hereby declared to have, as between successive holders, all the qualities and incidents of neqotiable instruments under the neqobable ~nstruments law of the Commonwealth The bonds may be ~ssued ~n coupon or in req~stered form or both, and ~n book entry form, as the Commonwealth Transportabon Board may determine, and provision may be made for the req~strabon of any coupon bonds as to pnncipal alone and also as to both pnnc~pal and ~nterest, and for the reconversion of any bonds reqistered as to both principal and ~nterest ~nto coupon bonds. Such bonds may be sold at public or private sale for such price or prices as the Commonwealth Transportabon Board may determine to be in the best ~nterest of the Commonwealth § 7 The bonds shall be s~qned on behalf of the Commonwealth by the Commonwealth Transportation Comm~sioner, or bear his facsimile s~qnature, and shall bear the official seal of the Commonwealth Transportation Board and be attested by the Secretary of such Board Any interest coupons shall bear a facs~mde of the siqnature of the Commissioner In the event that such bonds shall bear the facsimde siqnature of the Commissioner, the bonds shall be signed by such administrative assistant as the Commissioner shall determine or by any re.q~stradpayin.q agent that may be des~qnated by the Treasury Board In case any officer whose siqnature, or facsimile siqnature, appears on any bonds or coupons ceases to be such officer before the delivery of the bonds, such s~.qnature, or facsimile siqnature, shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes as if he had remained in office until such delivery. 38 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci .~ 8 All expenses ~ncurred under this Act shall be pa~d from the proceeds of the bonds or from any avadable funds as the Commonwealth Transportation Board shall determine. .~ 9 The Commonwealth Transportation Board is hereby authorized to borrow money throuqh the execution and issuance of notes of the Commonwealth for the same, but only in the follow~nq c~rcumstances and under the follow~nq conditions: a In antic~pabon of the sale of the bonds the ~ssuance of which shall have been authorized by the Commonwealth Transportabon Board and shall have been approved by the Governor, ~f the Commonwealth Transportation Board shall deem ~t adwsable to postpone the ~ssuance of the bonds b. For the renewal of any loan evidenced by notes herein authorized. § 10. The proceeds, excluding any premium, of such bonds and of the bond anbcipation notes here~n authorized (except the proceeds of bonds the ~ssuance of which has been anhc~pated by such bond anbc~pat~on notes) shall be placed by the State Treasurer in a special fund ~n the state treasury, or w~th his concurrence may be placed ~n accordance with § 33 1-283, and shall be d~sbursed only for the purpose for which such bonds and such bond anticipation notes shall be ~ssued, prowded that proceeds derived from the sale of bonds or renewal here~n authorized shall be first used ~n the payment of any bond anticipation notes that may have been issued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds and any renewals of such notes. § 11. The Commonwealth Transportation Board is hereby authorized to receive any other funds that may be made available to pay the cost of the proiects and to make available such funds for the payment of the principal of and interest on the debt authorized hereby, and to enter ~nto the appropriate agreements to allow for those funds to be paid into the state treasury to pay a part of the cost of the prolects or to pay the principal of and interest on such debt. § 12. The Commonwealth Transportation Board, prior to the issuance of such bonds, may establish a minimum reserve fund requirement for the bonds. ~ 13 The Commonwealth Transportation Board prior to the ~ssuance of the bonds shall establish a sinkinq fund for the payment of the bonds to the credit of which fund there shall be 39 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci deposited such amounts as are required to pay debt serv;ce on the bonds when due and payable for such fiscal years first from (~} revenues rece;ved from the Hampton Roads Transportabon D~strlct Fund, (~;) to the extent required, funds appropr;ated and allocated, pursuant to the h;ghway allocat;on formula as prov;ded by law, to the h~q_hway construcbon d~str~ct ~n which the prolect or prolects to be financed are located or to the city or county in which the prolect or proiects to be financed are located, (ii~) to the extent required, legally available revenues of the Transportahon Trust Fund, and (iv) to the extent requ;red for the payment of the bonds, any other leqally ava;labia funds which shall have been appropr;ated by the General AssembhL § 14 Bond proceeds and moneys ;n any reserve funds and s;nk~nq funds shall be ;nvested by the State Treasurer ~n accordance w;th the provis;ons of .qeneral law relatinq to the ;nvestment of such funds belonqin.q to or ~n the control of the Commonwealth, or with the State Treasurer's concurrence by a trustee ~n accordance w~th § 33.1-283. § 15 The interest ;ncome from, but not any profit made on the sale of the bonds, notes and coupons, ~f any, ;ssued under the prov;s~ons of this act, shall at all bmes be free and exempt from taxation by the Commonwealth and by any municipality, county, or other political subd;vision thereof. § 16 All bonds and notes issued under the prov;sions of this act are hereby made securibes in wh;ch all public officers and bodies of the Commonwealth, all counties, cities, and towns and mun;cipal subd;visions, all insurance companies and associat;ons, all savinqs banks and savings ~nstitutions, includinq savinqs and loan associations, adm;nistrators, guardians, executors, trustees, and other fiduciaries ~n the Commonwealth may properly and leqally ~nvest funds under the;r control. § 17. If any part of th~s act or the appl;cabon thereof to any person or circumstance ~s held invalid by a court of competent lur~sd;ct;on, such hold;n.q shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the provisions or appl~cat;ons of the act which can be given effect without the ~nval~d provision or application, and to th~s end the prowsions of this act are severable. 4O 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 4. That the additional state sales and use taxes, state sales tax on fuels, and tolls 2 provided under this act shall end upon final payment of the principal and interest on 3 bonds and other indedtedness issued pursuant to the second enactment of this act. 4 5. That the revenues and other moneys in the Hampton Roads Transportation District 5 Fund dedicated to transportation purposes under this act shall not diminish or replace 6 allocations or appropriations for transportation purposes made by any locality within 7 the counties or cities included in subsection B of § 58.1-603 and subsection B of § 58.1- 8 604, the Commonwealth, or any other source, but shall be supplemental to all such 9 other allocations and appropriations. In addition, such revenues and moneys shall not 10 be used to calculate or reduce the share of local, federal, or state revenues otherwise 11 available to any locality within the counties or cities included in subsection B of § 58.1- 12 603 and subsection B of § 58.1-604 or to the Hampton Roads construction district. 13 Further, such revenues and moneys shall not be included in any computation of, or 14 formula for, a Iocality's ability to pay for public education, upon which appropriations of 15 state revenues to local governments for public education are determined. 16 6. That the Department of Taxation, in accordance with the state sales and use tax 17 increase provided in this act, shall promulgate regulations, pursuant to the 18 Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.), establishing brackets of prices and 19 associated state and combined state and local sales and use taxes on taxable 20 transactions of five dollars or less within the geographical boundaries of the counties 21 and cities included in subsection B of § 58.1-603 and subsection B of § 58.1-604. 22 7. That if any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this act or the application 23 thereof to any person, entity, or circumstance is adjudged invalid by any court of 24 competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall not affect the validity of the remainder 25 hereof but shall be confined to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part hereof 26 directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered, 27 and to this end the provisions of this act are severable. 41 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM Mark J. Vucci 1 8. That, except for the referendum in the second enactment of this act, the provisions 2 of this act shall be effective on January 1, 2003, and only if a majority of those voting at 3 the election and upon the question described in the second enactment of this act vote 4 in the affirmative on the question presented. For purposes of this act, "a majority of 5 those voting at the election" means a majority of those voting in the entire region 6 constituted by the localities included in such second enactment, and does not require a 7 majority of those voting in any individual locality. 8 # 42 02 - 3025568 11/29/01 11:46 AM SUMMARY Hampton Roads Transportation District Program. Provides for the issuance of 9(d) debt to finance the costs of an adequate, modern, safe and efffic~ent transportation network ~n Hampton Roads. The principal and interest on the bonds shall be pa~d from additional state retail sales and use taxes and motor vehicle fuel sales taxes ~n the counties of Gloucester, Isle of W~ght, James C~ty, and York and the cibes of the Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, V~rginla Beach, and Williamsburg. Principal and ~nterest on the bonds shall also be pa~d from tolls on transportation facilities in such counties and c~ties The additional taxes and tolls, and the issuance of the bonds, shall only be effective if approved by the voters of such counbes and cibes in a regional referendum to be held in November 2002. A simple majority of the voters voting at such elect~on ~n the entire region consbtuted by such counbes and c~ties ~s required for the taxes and tolls to become effecbve. The b~ll does not require the affirmative vote of a majority of those voting ~n any individual county or city for the taxes and tolls to become effective. City of Virginia Beach MARLENE CLAYA HAGER GENERAL REGISTRAR P O 8OX 6247 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23456-0247 mhage~)c{ty vlrglma-beach va us (757) 427-8683 FAX (757) 426-5632 TDD (757) 427-4305 TO: Ruth Hodges Smith City Clerk FROM: Marlene Claya Hager General Registrar SUBJ: Abstract of Votes DATE: November 16, 2001 Please find enclosed one certified copy of the Abstracts of Votes for the November 6, 2001 General Election. Received by ' ~~ .//J~ Vote 2000// ABSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia, GOVERNOR NAMES OF CANDIDATES WITH PARTY JO AS ~NOWN ON ~4L~OT MARK L. EARLEY MARK R. WARNER (D) TOTAL VOTES J~,CEIVED (IN FIGURES) 49,800 43,495 WILLIAM B. REDPATH (L! ............ 560 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 35 151 574 We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the electron held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said election for the office indicated above. Given under our hands thIs 7th A copy testa. day of November, 2001. , Chairman , Vice Chairman · Secretary Secretary· Electoral Board WRITE-INS CER TIFICA TION' VIRGINIA BEACH ...... ~ cou.r~ I~ c~ General ~ Special Election GOVERNOR November 6, 2001 OFFICE TITLE Page I of 2 DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE WRITE-INS - SU1VIMARY TOTAL VOTES R£C£1VED fin FLour,s) 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LI~E'F~R'T~T'AI~ ~tR'IT~=';N ~'r~ 21 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 14 ENTER TOTAL VALID 35 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE*INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED OSCAR BABBITT JERRY BAXLEY FRANK L. BREWER ROY FOREHEAD WILLIAM GAMBRELL 2 2 CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nation of the official records deposited wi~h the Cler/~ of the Circuit Court of the e/ectlon held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that, with the continuation pages indicated, the above lsa true and correct certification of the wnte-ln votes cast at said elect/on for the off/ce 4nd/cared above. Given under our hands th~s A copy teste' 7th day of/Novembef~ 2001. , Chairman , Vice Chairman , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE-EVS CER TIFICA TION . CONTINUATION VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY OFFICE TITLE GOVERNOR General ~ Special Election DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE November 6, 2001 Page 2 of 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 8ELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGET'HER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF/~AGE ~. RUDOLPH GULLIANI JOHN HAGER SHERRY STANLEY KENNETH W. STOLLE DONALD SUTTON TOTAL VOTES RECFJVED .,4 RSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia· LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR flIAME$ OF CANOIO,~ TE$ WIT# ,O~RI'Y ]~0 AS SNOW~I! 01~ J~II OT JAY K. KATZEN TIMOTHY M. KAINE (D) GARY A. REAMS 7'OTA4 VOTES RtC~IVED f#v 50,801 40,235 1,039 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 40 77 2,423 We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above rs a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at sa~d election for the office indicated above. Given under our hands this copy teste. 7th day of November, 2001 / , Chamrman , Vmce Chairman , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WR TE-INS CER TIFICA TION' VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY CITY General ~] Special Election LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OFFICE TITLE November 6, 2001 Page 1 of 1 DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE WRITE-INS - S~Y TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN FIOUttE$) 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins ................. 36 ENTER TOTAL INVAUD 4 ENTER TOTAL VALID 40 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. JENNIFER BREWER TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN JOHN HAGER 1 JERRY W. KILGORE MICHAEL J. POSTA III CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nation of the off/c/al records deposited wi~h the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that, w/th the continuation pages indicated, the above/s a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the office 4nd/cared above. Given under our hands this day of November, 2001 A copy teste !i~-~' ~~ , Vice Chmrman . , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board ABSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election· for: · Virginia, ATTORNEY GENERAL NAMES OF CANDIDATES WITH PARTY ~J) AS SHOWN ON ~,4I I OT JERRY W. KILGORE (R) A. DONALD McEACHIN (D) TOTA4 VOTES RECEIVED fin FIOU~E$) 62,830 30,020 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 111 63 1,591 We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nation of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said election for the office indicated above. Given under our hands this ,4 copy teste: 7th day of November,.~ 200,. 1. ~~ , Chairman , V~ce Chairman , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WR TE-INS CERTIFICATION' VIRGINIA BEA~)H COUNTY CITY General ~J Special Election ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE TITLE November 6, 2001 Page 1 of 2 DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE WRITE-INS - SLrMMARY TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED #N F/OU/~S) 1. Invalid Write-ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.] 94 ENTER TOTAL INVAUD 17 ENTER TOTAL VALID 111 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-iNS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAl. ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN FRANK DREW JOHN EDWARD FICUS 1 JOHN GALT 1 JIM HAINE 1 2 2 CONTINUED ON PAGES . THROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the off/c/al records deposited Wi~h the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the elect/on held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that, with the continuation pages indicated, the above/s a true and correct certification of the wnte-m votes cast at said election for the office 4ndica ted abo va. Given under our hands th/s A copy testa. 7th day of November, 200 ~. , Chairman -~, Vice Chairman , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE-17~S CER TIFICA TION - CONTRA TION' VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY ~ CITY ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE TITLE DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General ~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 2 of 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA TION PACES, AS NEEDED. ALI. VAUD WRITE-/NS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EOUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ?. ROGER NEAL HUGHES JAMES W. LARK III LARRY K. LARKIN SARAH MULLER DONALD PETERS RICHARD A. SANDERS EDWARD SARGENT KENNETH W. STOLLE TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (I~V F~U;E$) ~4 ~STRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia, MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES 21st ENTER DISTRICT NUMBER iVAME$ OF CANDIDATES WITH PAR}'Y JO AS ,.~fOWN ON J[IILLOT JOHN J. WELCH III (R) TOT,44 VOTES J~EC£1VED flay F~ua£sj 10,563 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 320 2,591 We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exammatlon of the official records deposffed wffh the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the elect~on held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above ~s a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at sa~d elect/on for the ofhce indicated above. Given under our hands this copy taste: 7th , Chmrman , V~ce Chairman .... Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WR TE-INS CER TIFICA TION' VIRGINIA BEA~iH COUNTY C~TY General ~ Special Election MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE November 6, 2001 21st DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE Page 1 of 3 WRITE-INS TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED fin 1. Invalid Write-ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRl~-IS VOll~S ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.] 278 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 42 ENTER TOTAL VALID 32O ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED FRED ADAMS 1 ROBERT J. AVERY JUSTICE C. BOONE CURTIS BRADFORD CHARLES S. CAMMILLERI 2 3 CONTINUED ON PAGES TI4ROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nation of the official records deposited with the Cleric of the Circuit Court of the e/ectlon held on November $, 2001, do hereby certify that, wffh the continuation pages indicated, the above ~s a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the office 4nd/ca ted abo va. Given under our hands this copy testa 7th day of November, 2001. , Chairman , Vice Chairman . , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE-I~S CER TIFICA TION . C ONT1NUA TION VIRGINIA BEACH ~ cou. r~ ~ cl~ MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE 21st DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General {~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 2 of 3 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETIC. AL ORDER BELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN,ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ?. RICHARD CHELIRAS JIM DAVIS REGGIE EARLY CHRIS EPSTEIN AFSHIN FARASHAHI ROY FOREHEAD JAMES S. GILMORE III DAVID HUGH GRACE LANGDON HAGEN-LONG F. T. HOLLAND JAMES JOE CHILTON W. MAHIN DON MARSHALL CHRIS MCCULLOUGH OWEN B. PICKETT MARK QUALTIERI ROSEMARY RACHLIN TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (1# Fl=USe$) WRITE-I~S CER TIFICA TION . C O~.I~/'UA TION' VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY ~ CITY General Q Special Election MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE November 6, 2001 Page 3 of 3 , VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-.INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE 1. JEFFREY A. RAMIREZ WILLIAM B. REDPATH WILLIAM P. "BILLY" ROBINSON JR. SHELIA D. SMITH LOUISE STRAYHORN MAUD TABISl TIM S. TALLEY MARIAN THOMAS MARGARET TOTIN LEO C. WARDRUP JR. DELORIS A. WARREN TOTAL VOTES RECBVED (1# FIOU~E$) ABSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election· for: · Virginia, MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES 81st ENTER DISTRICT NUMBER J~AME$ OF CANDZOATE$ WITH PARTY/0 AS .,~IOWN ON J[4LLOT TERRIE L. SUIT (R) TOTA4 VOTES RECEIVED fin F~URES) 7,971 Total Write-in Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 128 1,606 We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at sald election for the off/ce indicated above. Given under our hands this copy teste: 7th day of Novembe~r, 2001/)f ~ , Chairman , Vice Chairman , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WR TE-INS CER TIFICA TION' VII~GINIA BEACH General ~] Special Election MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE November 6, 2001 81st DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE Page 1 of 2 WRITE-INS - StfiVIMARY TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED #N 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE*F~R*T'O~A~ ~/~I'F~-;N 103 ENTER TOTAl. INVALID 25 ENTER TOTAL VALID 128 ADD LINES 1 AND VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED flay GLENN A. ALBERT WILLIAM C. BISCHOFF E. E. BRICKRELL JOHN E. CREEKMORE SR. GLENN CROSHAW 2 2 CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nation of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that, wffh the continuation pages indicated, the above is a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the office 4nd/ca ted abo va. Given under our hands thls copy testa. 7th day of November,~ 1. , Chairman · Vice Chairman , Secretary Secretary· Electoral Board WRITE-ZN'S CER TIFICA TION - C ONTZNUA TION VIRGINIA BEACH ~ COUN~ ~ CI~ MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE 81st DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General [~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 2 of 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL CONTINUE TO L/ET VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 8ELOWAND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ?. S. CATHERINE DODSON AFSHIN FARASHAHI BRANDON FLORIN ROBERT A. FRIESEN III HUGTON HARRIS JIM HUDSON DOROTHY JARGENSEY KELLAM TED KENNEDY A. LABIDI JUDITH A. MATTHIAS BRENDA MCCORMICK RONALD MCDONALD NICHOLAS SCOTT ALBERT SMITH NANCY SPANOUS CHARLES W. VINCENT TO?~4L VOTff$ REC~VED ABSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for.' · Virginia, MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES 82nd ENTER DISTRICT NUMBER ~VAME$ O*~ CANDI~AT£$ WITH PARTY JO AS S#OWN ON HARRY R. "BOB" PURKEY (R) TOTA4 VOTES RECEIVED 17,663 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 230 1,606 We, the undersigned Electoral 8oard, upon exam/nation of the official records deposffed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the elect/on held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said e/ect/on for the off/ce indicated above. Given under our hands copy teste: 7th day of November, 2001. .\ , Chairman , V~ce Chairman , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE-INS CER TIFICA TION' C} cou-w VIRGINIA BEA~i~w General O Special Election MEMBER HOUSE OF DELILEGATE$ OFFICE TITLE November 6, 2001 82"d DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE Page 1 of 4 WRITE-INS - S~Y TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.] 187 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 43 ENTER TOTAL VALID 230 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (l~v DAVID BARROWS JEFFREY A. BREIT THOMAS BRITTON GEORGE BILL CARTLEDGE WILLIAM J. CLINTON 2 3 CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned E/ectorai Board, upon exam/nat/on of the official records deposited w/th the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the e/ect/on he/d on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that, w/th the continuation pages indicated, the above is a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the off/ce vnd/cated above. Given under our hands this A copy reste 7th , Chairman , Vice Chairman , , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE..1]VS CER TIFICA TION - C ONT~A TION VIRGINIA BEACH ~ cou.~ I~ c,~ MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE 82"d DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General [~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 2 of 4 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL CONTINUE TO L/ST VAUO WRITE-/Ne IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. AL! VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE 1. DANIEL G. COLBURN SANDRA CRAFF GLENN CROSHAW CONSTANCE DAVIS C. F. DELAHANTY GILLIAN L. DURHAM AFSHIN FARASHAHI DIANE FENER GUY FRIDELL ALAN GALGANO JOHN GALT WILLIAM GREEN RUSSELL HELGREN TERRY HUNT MICHAEL KANDELWAL DOUG KINCAID BEN KRUSE TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED [1# F~URE$) WRITE.INS CER TIFICA TION - C ONT~A TION' VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY ~ CITY MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE 82"d DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General Q Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 3 of 4 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABE77CAL ORDER 8~LOWAND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-iNS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ~. RICHARD LUE BOB MARLEY DEL. MCCLANAHAN TONI MOTE BILL NEELY IGGY POPE JOE PORTO TIM RAPP CORY RICHARDS WILLIAM ROBINSON JR. NElL ROUDORF GEORGE SCHOLTFER CONSTANCE H. SMITH ERICA SMITH ALAN STEEL ANDREW THOW CHRISTOPHER WHATELY TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (1# FIGU~tE$) WRITE. I~S CER TIFICA TION . C O~A TION VIRGINIA BEACH I.j cou,~ ~ MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE 82"d General ~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 4 of_4 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL tco,,t,,,uoc~j CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN `ALPH`ABETIC. AL ORDER 8ELOW AND ON`ADDITION`AL CONTINU`A TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL V`AUD WRITE-INS WHEN,ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQU`AL TOT`AL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF P`AGE 1. J. POPE WOODARD TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (1# FlauaE$) .4 RSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH ,,,, at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia· MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES 83rd ENTER DISTRICT NUMBER ]{tAMff$ O,~ CANDIDATES Wl~Tf JOARPi' ]0 AS SROlf~ ON ~ALLOT LEO C. WARDRUP, JR. (R) AFSHIN FARASHAHI (O) TOTA4 VO RECEIVED /Iv 9,241 6,557 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 4 10 255 We, the undersigned Electoral Eoard, upon exam/nat/on of the official records deposffed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the elect/on held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said election for the office indicated above. Given under our hands this copy testa: 7th day of November, 2001. --'~'/. ~-'~~-~/ .... Secretary · Chairman , V~ce Chairman Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION' VIRGINIA BEA~iH COUNTY CITY MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE 83rd DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, II= APPLICABLE General ~ Special Election WRITE-INS - SUIVIMARY 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Wr~te-lns .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.] VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. JILL REDMOND November 6, 2001 Page 1 of 1 TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (1# F~u~$) 2 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 2 ENTER TOTAL VALIO 4 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (l~v FIou;Es) CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the underslgned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited wi~h the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that, with the continuation pages indicated, the above ~s a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the office 4nd/cared above. Given under our hands this copy teste 7th day of November, 2001. ~ ~ _ _ .~~~-~~ ~ /7, V~ce Chairman Secretary, Electoral Board .A RSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia, MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES 84th ENTER DISTRICT NUMBER JVAME$ OF CANDIDATES WITH PARI'Y ID AS S#OWN ON BAL40T ROBERT F. "BOB" MCDONNELL (R) TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED fl# F/OU~ZS) 10,727 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 205 2,041 We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nat/on of the official records deposited with ~he Clerk of the Circuit Court of the elect/on held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said election for the office indicated above. Given under our hands this ,4 copy teste: 7th day of No vember, 2001. ? , Chairman , V~ce Chairman Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE. INS CER TIFICA TION ,VIRGINIA R~H I~1 cou~rr~ I~c,~ General ~ Special Election MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE November 6, 2001 84th DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE Page 1 of 2 WRITE-INS - S~Y TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.] 190 ENTER TOTAL INVAUD 15 ENTER TOTAL VALID 205 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED ALL VALID WRITE-iNS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED EDWARD BRITT DANIEL M. CAREY JOHN DOE 1 AFSHIN FARASHAHI GUY FRIDELL 1 2 2 CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the officzai records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the e/ect~on held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that, wffh the continuation pages indicated, the above ts a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the off/ce ~nd/ca ted abo ye. Given under our hands this copy teste Board 7th day of November, 2001. , I t T ...r r" ( · Chairman , Vice Chairman , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE.I S CER TIFICA TION - C ONT A TION' VIRGINIA BEACH ~ cou.~ Ci3 c~ MEMBER HOUSE OF OFFICE TITLE 84th DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General Q Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 2 of 2 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON UNE 2 OF PAGE ~. ROB GRAY KEVIN HARRIS RICHARD E. HILL JR. NORMAN KHAN BILLY ROBINSON RALPH SAUNDERS KlM SCARBOROUGH CLIFF SWEET III BOB WAGNER TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED ~tRSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia, MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES 85t" ENTER DISTRICT NUMBER ~VAME$ OF CANDiOATE$ WITH PARTY/~) AS .,~HOWN ON J~ALLOT ROBERT TATA (R) TOTAL VOTE$ RECEIVED fin F~u~Es) 16,837 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRffE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 199 2,867 We, the undersigned Electoral 8oard, upon examination of the off/c/al records deposffed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above lsa true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at sa~d elect~on for the office indicated above. 7th Given under our hands this day of November, 2001. A copy teste: Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION VIRGINIA BEACH .... ~ cou~rr~ I~ Cl~ General [~ Special Election MEMBER HOUSE OF DEL, I~GATES OFFICE TITLE November 6, 2001 85th DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE Page 1 of 3 WRITE-INS - SUMMARY TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED fin F~oU~.~$) 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.] 173 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 26 ENTER TOTAL VALID 199 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2. ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (l~v F;ou;;s) AMOS BARNICLE TOM BEDA 1 SANDRA BRANDT ROBERT H. CALDWELL WILLIAM J. CLINTON 2 3 CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nation of the off/cia/records deposited with the Clerk of the C/rcuff Court of the e/ect~on held on November $, 2001, do hereby certify that, with the continuation pages indicated, the above ~s a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the office 4nd/cared above. G~ven under our hands th/s A copy teste 7th day of November, 2001. ~~/ ..~/'. ~,w.~'_-/~_~__~' Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE- I]VS CER TIFICA TION - C ONT'I]VUA TION' VIRGINIA BEACH [_1 cou,-n, L~ crn, MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE 85t" DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General [~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page .2 of 3 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL CONTINUE TO lIST VAUD WRITE-/NE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 8ELOW~iND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-/NE WHEN ADDED TOGk"7'HER MUST EOUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE' 2 OF PAGE ~. JOHN H. DOLE MARJORIE FELDMAN HERMAN FINKELSTEIN F. HIRALGO TOM HOLMES DON IMUS THOMAS JEFFERSON DON JOINER GEORGE KENNEY ART KOHN AMORY LECOGEN KENNETH MELVIN MICHAEL J. POSTA III ERIC POTTER SUSAN B. POTTER PHILLIP J. PRICE II CHARLOTTE SMITH TOTAL VOl'ES RECEIVED WRITE-I~S CER TIFICA T!ON -CONT. INUA T/TON VIRGINIA BEACH [_1 COUN~ ~ ClT~ MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE 85t" DISTR,CT N^ME O" NUMBER, ,~ General ~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 3 of 3 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL CONTINUE TO L/ST VAUD WRITE-/NE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 8ELOWAND ON ADDITION,4L CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGET'HER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE I. MORDECAI SMITH PATRICK WALLACE JOHN WELCH 7'O?AL VOTES RECEIVED flay FIOU~E$) RSTRA CT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia, MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES 90th ENTER DISTRICT NUMBER NAMES OF CANDIDATES Will PARTY ID AS S~tOWlf ON J[LLLOT WINSOME EARLE SEARS (R) W. P. "BILLY" ROBINSON, JR. (D) TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED 387 577 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 33 We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nat/on of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuff Court of the elect/on held on November 6, 2007, do hereby ce/t/fy that the above Is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at sa/d elect/on for the office ~ndicated above. 7th Given under our hands this da y of No vember, 2001. ,4 copy teste: WRITE-INS CER TIFICA TION VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY I~ CITY MEMBER HOUSE OF DELEGATES OFFICE TITLE 90th DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE WRITE-INS - SITMMARY General [~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 1 of 1 TOTAL VOTES RECMVEO 1. Invalid Write-ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.] 1 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 0 ENTER TOTAL VALID 1 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECFJVEO CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned E/ectora/ Board, upon exam/nat/on of the off/c/a/records deposited w/th the C/eric of the C/rcult Court of the e/ect/on held on November 6, 2OOl, do hereby certdy that, wffh the continuetion pages indicated, the above is a true and correct cert~bcat/on of the write-in votes cast at sa~d election for the off/ce vndicated above. Given under our hands this A copy teste day of November, 2001. '-'-'-/~' '\ / /SV'~--q / ,Chairman ,, -IL - 7th Secretary, Electoral Board ABSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the City of VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia· COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY J~tAM~$ OF CANDIDATES AS SNOWN ON BAI.~OT HARVEY L. BRYANT III VOTES 73,031 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 662 32 20,885 We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nation of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at sa~d e/ect~on and do, therefore, determine and dec/are that the fo#owing person has received the greatest number of votes cast for the above office in said election: HARVEY L. BRYANT III Given under our hands this copy testa' 7th day of November, 2001. ~'~~ ,/ I '! ~ ~ ~ /I .. , Cha~rrnan , V~ce Cha~rrnan , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WP TE-INS CERTIFICATION' VIRGINIA BEACH I_1 cou.w I~1 CIT~ General [~1 Special Election COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY OFFICE TITLE November 6, 2001 Page 1 of 6 DISTRICT NAME OR NUMaER, ~F APPLICABLE WRITE-INS - SUMP_ARY TOTAL VOTES (IN FIGURES) 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.I 576 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 86 ENTER TOTAL VALID 662 ADD LINES 1 AND 2, VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. WILLIAM K. BARLOW TOTAL VOTES RECEIVEO fin FIGu~Es~ DON BATLINER JR. RON BATLINER RONALD BATLINER JR. FRANK BATTAN JR. 2 6 CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the off/cia/records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the e/ect/on held on November $, 2001, do hereby certify that, with the continuation pages indicated, the above/s a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the office 4ndicated above. Given under our hands this A copy testa 7th , Chairman , V~ce Chairman ., , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE. S CERTIFICATION - C ONT.[NWA TION' VIRGINIA BEACH ~ General ~ Special [-I COUN~ ~ C,~ Election COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY OFFICE TITLE November 6, 2001 DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE Page 2 . of 6 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETIC. AL ORDER 8ELOWAND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-/NS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ~. JAMES F. BENSON WILLIAM C. BISCHOFF RUDY BOESCH NElL C. BONNEY CURTIS BRADFORD RICHARD BRYDGES ROBERT H. CALDWELL MARK CARRIER RODOLFO CEJAS WILLIAM J. CLINTON MARK DEL DUCA JOHN DOYLE JOHN R. "JACK" DOYLE III LARRY DUMVILLE CAKE EISEN CHRIS EPSTEIN FARACHI TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED 4 WRITE. S CERTIFICATION - C ONTZN A TION' VIRGINIA BEACH ~ cou.~ I~1 cl~ COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY OFFICE TITLE General [~ Special Election DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE November 6, 2001 Page 3 of 6 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 8ELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ?. JACK FERREBEE FICUS W. FLAHERTY SCOTT FLORIN MICK FOLEY ERIC FROME CHENIA GARDNER WILLIAM GIBSON ROBERT GUESS MILTON W. HALSEY M. HOGANS IARASHAIA ROD INGRAM THOMAS JEFFERSON DON JOINER S. CHRIS JONES MARILYN JOYCE TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED fin FtGUaE$t WRITE-INS CER TI"FICA TION - C ONTZN A TION VIRGINIA BEACH ~ cou,~ ~ Cl~ COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY OFFICE TITLE General {~ Special Election DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE November 6, 2001 Page 4 of 6 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL ~cont,nued~ CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETIC, AL ORDER BELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ~. KELLAM KILGORE BRITTNEY KING JOSEPH A. KOHNI JR. LARRY K. LARKIN PETER LEALEV PETER T. LEGLER ERIC LEVANDE CLIFFORD LOVE III CHILTON W. MAHIN DON MARSHALL GLEN MCCLELLAN ALEX MEJIAS SIMON MOORE TONI MOTE MICHAEL V. NAUGHTON G. WILSON NELLIGAR TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN FlOuR,s/ WRITE.I~S CERTIFICATION - C ONT~A TION VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY ~ CITY COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY OFFICE TITLE DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General [~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 5 of 6 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VALID WRITE-/NS IN ALPHAflE77CAL ORDER 8ELOWAND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQU,4L TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ~. KEVIN PAFFORD GUS PETERSON MARK QUALTIERI KEVIN RACK JEFFREY A. RAMIREZ GARY L. REAMS LEON REYNOLDS TODD SALOMON KlM SCARBOROUGH ALBERT SMITH NANCY SPANNAUS SONNY STALLINGS LOWELL "THE HAMMER" STANLEY KENNETH W. STOLLE MARCIA THARP LISA THERSS ANDREW THOW TorAt I/ores RECF. IV£D WRITE-INS CER TIFICA TION - CONTRA TION VIRGINIA BEACH I_;I cou.~ 1~ Cl~ COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY OFFICE TITLE General [~ Special Election DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE November 6, 2001 Page 6, of 6 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL fco,,t#,u.dJ CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABE77CAL ORDER BE~OWAND ON ADDIT/ONAL CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. AL/. VAUD WRITE-/NS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ~. ROB VAN DAME CHARLES W. VINCENT PATRICIA WALLACE DAVE WEIMER CHRISTOPHER WHATELY TOTAL VOTES RECF. JVED ARSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the City of VIRGIN!_A BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia, SHERIFF ~/AME$ OF CANOIDA TE$ AS SHOWN ON ~ALLOT PAUL J. LANTEIGNE WENDELL E. PARKER TOTAL VOrff$ RzCEIVeO (1# F/ou/~ts) 63,698 22,810 Total Write-In Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undarvotes For Office ........... 257 117 8,530 We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above i$ a true end correct Abstract of Votes cast at said elect/on and do, therefore, determine and declare that the fo#owing person has received the greatest number of votes cast for the above office in said elect/on: Given under our hands this A copy testa' 7th , Chairman , V~ce Chairman , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE-INS CER TIFICA TION' VIRGINIA BI=ACH r_l cou,w IN c~ General {~t Special Election SHERIFF November 6, 2001 OFFICE TITLE Page 1 of 2 DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE WRITE-INS - SLrMIVIARY TOTAL VOTES RECEIVEO 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.] 231 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 26 ENTER TOTAL VALID 257 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED· ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED fin RUSTY BISHOP BISHOPS 1 JAMES BRUCKELMEYER 4 ROBERT H. CALDWELL MICHAEL CAREY 2 2 CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the off/cia/records deposited wi~h the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the elect/on held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that, with the continuation pages indicated, the above/s a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the office 4nd/ca ted abo va. Given under our hands this A copy testa 7th day of November, 2001. , Chairman , Vice Chairman · , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WRITE.I~S CERTIFICATION. C ONTZNUA TION VIRGINIA BEACH L~ cou,w ~ c~w SHERIFF OFFICE TITLE DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General ~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 2 of 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL fco,,~lnued) CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETIC.,4L ORDER 8ELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. .ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN .ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ~. THOMAS M. DILLON FICUS GARY FOIBY NEAL FORTHER CRAIG D. HACKEY MILTON W. HALSEY DAVID KLINGENSMITH SR. DONNA J. LOCKWOOD ROBERT MCCABE ARTHUR R. MCDONNELL GUS PETERSON JEFFREY A. RAMIREZ LNAKY RAPP MIKE SHIMAS ALBERT SMITH SHELLY STIERENGER TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED .4 RSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the City of VIRG..INIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia· COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE tVAME$ 01: CANDIDATES A3 .~ltOWN ON ~ALZOT RICKIE L. RICHARDS PHILIP J. KELLAM TOT.4t V07~$ R~cz~v~o fin 37,978 50,513 Total Write-in Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ..... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office ............ Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ........... 197 94 5,830 We, the undersigned Electoral 8oard, upon examination of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November $, 2001, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said elect/on and do, therefore, determine and dec/are that the fo/lowing person has received the greatest number of votes cast for the above office in said election: Given under our hands this A co~y testa: Bo~d 7th day of November, 2001. - --~ , Chairman , V~ce Chairman Secretary, Electoral Board , Secretary WRITE-INS CER TIFICA TION' VIRGINIA BEACH l..I cou.w I~1 ClW COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE OFFICE TITLE General [~ Special Election DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE WRITE-INS - SUMMARY 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins ........ [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WR'I'F~-;N VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED ALL VALID WRITE-iNS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. JAMES CAZARES November 6, 2001 Page 1 of 1 TOTA& VOTES RECEIVED 191 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 6 ENTER TOTAL VALID 197 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN FICUS I LARRY K. LARKIN BARBARA LEACH SHARON MCDONALD CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned Electoral Board, upon exam/nation of the off/c/a/records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby ce/t/fy that, with the cont/nuetion pages indicated, the above is a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said election for the off/ce 4nd/cared above. Given under our hands this copy reste' 7th day of November, 2001. ~-~ , Chmrman ---~, !Vice Chairman .. , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board ABSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the City of VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 6, 2001 General Election, for: · Virginia, TREASURER JVAME$ OF CANDIDATES AS ~IOWN ON ~ALLOT JOHN T. ATKINSON, SR. TOTAL VOTES fin 80,056 Total Write-in Votes [SEE WRITE-INS CERTIFICATION] ....... Total Number Of Overvotes For Office .............. Total Number Of Undervotes For Office ............. 664 26 13,867 We, the undersigned E/ectoral Board, upon exam/nation of the official records deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct Abstract of Votes cast at said election and do, therefore, determine and dec/are that the fei/owing person has received the greatest number of votes cast for the above office in said eject/on: G/yen under our hands this A CODy teSte. 7th day of November, 2001. - --~ / '~"-~! '~' -)~'~~ ,Chairman <::::~~ - , Vmce Chairman L.~' - , Secretary Secretary, Electoral Board WP TE.INS CERTIFICATION' VIRGINIA BEAC~H COUNTY CITY General ~ Special Election TREASURER November 6, 2001 OFFICE TITLE Page 1 of 6 DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE WRITE-INS - SUMMARY TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED flu 1. Invalid Write-Ins ............................. 2. Valid Write-Ins .............................. 3. Total Write-Ins .............................. [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE.] 579 ENTER TOTAL INVALID 85 ENTER TOTAL VALID 664 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON CONTINUATION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE. TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN F/~;UR;$,I ALBERT ALBERI CHRISTINE S. AVERY CAL BAIN 1 TIMOTHY BARROW LARRY BONLCO 2 6 CONTINUED ON PAGES THROUGH We, the undersigned E/ectora/ Board, upon exam/nat/on of the off/c/a/records deposited w/th the C/erk of the Circuit Court of the election held on November 6, 2001, do hereby certify that, wffh the continuation pages indicated, the above is a true and correct certification of the write-in votes cast at said e/ecL/on for the office 4nd/cared above. 7th - ~ G/yen under our hands this da)/of/Vovember, 2001. copy /~/F_,lcctoral '~ ': ----- /'';'~'" ~ ('''~''w~-~{/ , Cha,rman ' / / WRITE.~S CER T!FICA TION . C ONT1ZVUA TION* VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY OFFICE TITLE [~ CITY TREASURER General O Special Election DISTRICT NAME Off NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE November 6, 2001 Page 2 of 6 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL fcont~nued) CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUO WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ~. BRENNEN BREED ROBERT H. CALDWELL SUE CAPPS CHRIS CARLOCK KARL D. CLARK WILLIAM J. CLINTON RICHARD CRAVEN EMILY CRISTY DANMUNN GLENN DANZIG BILLY DAVIS PAT DEANS CHRIS DELAHANTY BOB DOLE EVE EKBERG SAM EPSTEIN JACK ETHERIDGE TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED fl# WRITE.I~S CER TIFICA TION - CONTRA TION' VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY OFFICE TITLE [~ CITY TREASURER General D Special Election DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE November 6, 2001 Page 3,. of 6 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW,AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE 1. DAVID FARLEY JIM FELDHAUSEN FICUS KAYE FISHER W. FLAHERTY DIANNE O FLORENCE RYAN FLORIN JIMMY FROST ROBERT GUESS MILTON W. HALSEY S. R. HARRELSON ELIZABETH S. HILL JAMES A. HILL JUDY JAMES THOMAS JEFFERSON DON JOINER PHIL KELLAM TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED WRITE.I~S CERTIFICATION - CONTRA TION VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY OFFICE TITLE [~ CITY TREASURER General ~ Special Election OISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE November 6, 2001 Page 4 of_6 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL [co, t,,uod] CONTINUE TO LIST VAUD WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINU,4 TION PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ?. MARY KENOYER JEFF LEIDY GENE LEJUNE PEGGY LOFIN CHILTON W. MAHIN KEVIN MARTINGAIL lAN MCINTYRE SIMON MOORE THOMAS MOSS JR. THOMAS MOSS TONI MOTE JULIA OWEN OWEN B. PICKETT MARK QUALTIERI JEFFREY A. RAMIREZ WILLIAM B. REDPATH MARY REID TorAt Vows RECEIVED (IN F/6UR£$) WRITE.I~S CERTIFICATION. CONTINUATION VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY ~ CITY TREASURER OFFICE TITLE DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE General (~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 5 of 6 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL fcont,nued~ CONTINUE TO LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOWAND ON ADDITIONAL CON77NUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WRITE-/NE WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE LEON REYNOLDS RICKEY RICHARDS MORRIS ROWE CRAIG W. RUNYON LAWRENCE RYTE HENRY M. RYTO TODD SALOMON ELLEN SAUNDERS KlM SCARBOROUGH DOTTLE SHUATZ JOANNE SKINNER ALBERT SMITH SAM SMITH SYLVESTER SMITH MOODY STALLINGS STANLEY E. START JR. DONNA SWEET TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED fl~ FIoUa;$) WP~TE.I'NS CER TIFICA TION . CONTRA TION' VIRGINIA BEACH COUNTY ~[ CITY TREASURER OFFICE TITLE DISTRICT NAME OR NUMBER, IF APPLICABLE [~General [~ Special Election November 6, 2001 Page 6 of 6 VALID WRITE-INS -DETAIL CONTINUE TO LIST VALID WRITE-INS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BELOW AND ON ADDITIONAL CONTINUA T/ON PAGES, AS NEEDED. ALL VAUD WR/TE-/NS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 OF PAGE ?. TOM THATCHER ANDREW THOW TRUEBLOOD DOUGLAS TURNBULL MICHELLE ALBERT VACHRIS CHARLES VINCENT GED S. WALSH MARGARET A. WARD CHRISTOPHER WHATELY JOHN YARROWTON TOTAL VOTES RECEIVED (l~v FlauR;$)