HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 6, 2002 AGENDACity of Virginia Beach "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL MAYOR MEYERA E. OBERNDORF, At-Large VICE MAYOR ROBERT C. MANDIGO, JR., KempsWlle - District 2 MARGARET L. EURE, Centerville - District 1 LOUIS R. JONES, Bayside - District 4 REBA S. McCIMNAN, Rose Hall- District 3 RICHARD A. MADDO, K Beach - District 6 J1M REEVE, Princess Anne -Distrtct 7 PETER ~. SCHMIDT, At-Large RON A. V1LLANUEVA, At-Large ROSEMARY WILSON, At-Large JAMES L. WOOD, L ynnhaven -District 5 JAMES K. SPORE, City Manager LESLIE L. LILLE¥, City Attorney RUTH HODGES SMITH, MM(?, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL BUILDING I 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE: (757) 427-4303 F~ (75 7) 426-5669 E MA1L:Ctycncl~vbgov. corn August6,2002 CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING A. CROATAN PARKING C. Oral Lambert, Chief Operations Officer - Conference Room - 2:00 PM II. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS III. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS IV. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 3:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION V. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend Thomas W. Britton Pastor Emeritus C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS July 9, 2002 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H. PRESENTATION REVENUE SHARING IN LIEU OF TAXES - Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge John Stasko, Refuge Manager, Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge Suzanne Baird, Refuge Manager of Mackay Island Molly Brown, Friends of Back Bay I. ORDINANCES o Ordinances to AMEND/REORDAIN the City Code re: §§ 21-424, 21-426 and 21-429 re fees and access trips for towing of vehicles from private property b. § 2-452.2 re Composition of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) c. §§ 2-214.2, 2-214.3 and 2-216.1 re the Virginia Public Procurement Act Ordinance to AMEND the Parks and Recreation Commission Bylaws re quorum Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a temporary encroachment to construct storm pipes, waterline, fence, access gate, curb and endwalls into the City's drainage easement in behalf of General Booth Storage 1545 General Booth Boulevard. (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute a Project Cooperation Agreement with the Department of the Army re construction of a Beach Erosion Control Hurricane Protection project at Sandbridge Beach. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE elimination of parking fees imposed under the 2002 Camp Pendleton Beach Agreement. Ordinance to ACCEPT a $1,725,740 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ESTABLISH two capital projects, APPROPRIATE $1,294,305 in federal revenue; and, TRANSFER $154,678 from the FY 2002-03 reserve for contingencies to capital projects re mitigating damage from future disasters. Ordinances to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE grants from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services re: a. $181,325 to the FY 2002-03 operating budget for the DUI/Drug Treatment Court Program $80,000 to the FY2002-03 operating budget for two new Community Corrections caseworker positions. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $115,000 grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the Comprehensive Emergency Response and Planning-Phase I to help safeguard the water supply against terrorist attacks. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $81,849 from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration re design and construction for the Norfolk Avenue Multipurpose Trail. 10. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE Services (MH/MR/SA) special revenue fund to the MH/MR/SA FY2002-03 operating budget re relocation of a respite program for children with disabilities. Lo Jo Mo No Ko RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution to AUTHORIZE the FY2002-03 performance contract between Virginia Beach Community Services Board (CSB) and Virginia Mental Health/Mental Retardation/Substance Abuse Services (MH/MR/SA). 2. Resolution to AUTHORIZE Public Works and the Purchasing Agent to obtain State approval re a Construction Management Contract on the Pavilion Theater replacement project. APPOINTMENTS CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA BOARD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HAMPTON ROADS PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PERSONNEL BOARD PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD REVIEW AND ALLOCATION COMMITTEE - COIG SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD TIDEWATER TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT COMMISSION - TTDC TOWING ADVISORY BOARD VIRGINIA BEACH/JAMESTOWN 2007 STEERING COMMISSION UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. ABSTRACT OF CIVIL CASES RESOLVED - June 2002 ADJOURNMENT 08/01/02 AGENDA\08/06/02/GW www.vbgov.com If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, call: TDD only 427-4305 (TDD - Telephonic Device for thc Deaf) CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING A. CROATAN PARKING REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS - Conference Room - 2:00 PM III. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS IV. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 3:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION V. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber- 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend Thomas W. Britton Pastor Emeritus C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION Fo MINUTES 1. INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS July 9, 2002 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WttEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS: Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia Law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. H. PRESENTATION REVENUE SHARING IN LIEU OF TAXES - Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge John Stasko, Refuge Manager, Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge Suzanne Baird, Refuge Manager of Mackay Island Molly Brown, Friends of Back Bay I. ORDINANCES 1. Ordinances to AMEND/REORDAIN the City Code re: §§ 21-424, 21-426 and 21-429 re fees and access trips for towing of vehicles from private property b. § 2-452.2 re Composition of the Board of. Zoning Appeals (BZA) c. §§ 2-214.2, 2-214.3 and 2-216.1 re the Virginia Public Procurement Act 2. Ordinance to AMEND the Parks and Recreation Commission Bylaws re quorum o Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a temporary encroachment to construct storm pipes, waterline, fence, access gate, curb and endwalls into the City's drainage easement at 1545 General Booth Boulevard. (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute a Project Cooperation Agreement with the Department of the Army re construction of a Beach Erosion Control Hurricane Protection project at Sandbridge Beach. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE elimination of parking fees imposed under the 2002 Camp Pendleton Beach Agreement. o Ordinance to ACCEPT a $1,725,740 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEIMA), ESTABLISH two capital projects, APPROPRIATE $1,294,305 in federal revenue; and, TRANSFER $154,678 from the FY 2002-03 reserve for contingencies to capital projects re mitigating damage from future disasters. Ordinances to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE grants from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services re: d. $181,325 to the FY 2002-03 operating budget for the DUI/Drug Treatment Court Program $80,000 to the FY2002-03 operating budget for two new Community Corrections caseworker positions. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $115,000 grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the Comprehensive Emergency Response and Planning-Phase I to help safeguard the water supply against terrorist attacks. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $81,849 from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration re design and construction for the Norfolk Avenue Multipurpose Trail. 10. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $69,750 from the Mental HealflfMental Retardation/Substance Abuse Services (MH/MR/SAS) special revenue fund to the MH/MR/SA FY2002-03 operating budget re relocation of a respite program for children with disabilities. July 9, 2002 items, if any, would go on the Consent Agenda and which items we -would hear. Okay. The next item that I will read will be on the Consent Agenda with notes and other information, as necessary. First is Ordinances and Resolutions: On the first item, the Ordinance to Amend the City Code re fees and access trips for towing vehicles from private property. The Council will defer that until August the 6th. 11 July 9, 2002 wall and then you-all gave out a fax, there was a question of how 'many of these tows~ when they broke it down, were of heavy-weight class. Did you ever get. any information on whether there were a lot of semi-trucks or delivery trucks that were being towed? COUNCILMAN MANDIGO: No, I didn't have the break-out that way. The Police's list -- without belaboring this, there are a lot of details and I'm real bad at getting into them. The Police are supposed to be notified when there is a non-consensual tow. They, of course, know what they are towing. But, if it's from private property they are supposed to be notified so that when the owner calls and says, hey, my car was stolen. Well, where did you have it and where was it parked. I can find it. So, that's the kind of data that they have, that the dispatchers get from the towers, I guess the drivers of the companies. So, it isn't broken out that way. That's the only data that was readily available on how many and by State. I think there was a break-out in one of these packages that showed you that the people who are getting towed are Virginians. COUNCIL LADY EURE: But was it somewhere that there were only two companies who did heavy moving? VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: Yes. (Whereupon, the discussion in the Informal Session regarding towing of vehicles from pri~ate property was concluded.) MAYOR OBERNDORF: FORMAL SESSION Mr. Mandigo. VICE MAYORMANDIG~: During the Informal Session, the Council met to go over the. Agenda Items to see which 10 July 9, 2002 chance to ask questions and pursue whatever concerns they have. For instance, we may have to do their property maintenance something like we've done with the private parking areas at the Oceanfront. If you take a look at some of these pictures, they leave a lot to be desired and that's a Planning issue. But, I think if we're going to vote on any sort of increase for them, we need to have it in writing for when we vote on it. VICE MAYOR~IGO: I can accept that if that's the will of the Council. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Would that be okay with the Council Members? I thank you for that. VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: We would defer this until the first Meeting in August? MAYOR OBERNDO~tF: Yeah, August 6th. COUNCIL LADY McCLANAN: Madam Mayor, if I might suggest too, I think if there are some aspects of this, the Retreat might be an appropriate time to -- in a little different environment. MAYOR OBERNDO~tF: There are other issues. Mr. Villanueva. Okay. COUNCII/~AN VILLANUEV]%: Mayor, I would also like to see how are fees compare to the region cities. COUNCILb~%N REEVE: MAYOR OBERNDORF: Madam Mayor. Yes, sir. Mr. Reeve. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Bob, was there any -- I know at one point before when we.were still sitting on the 9 COUNCIL LADY McCLANAN: going to -- July 9, 2002 We also have a copy of the proposal of whatever it is we are voting on and if we're COUNCIL LADY EURE: Maybe we ought to defer it and get all that straightened put. COUNCIL LADY McCLANAN: Well, those things about letting them tow them across the line and all that other stuff, are we going to be voting on that? VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: I didn't have any recommendations to change that. My original thinking was, yeah, I would like to talk about that, but there are some issues that may not be in the best interest of the consumer or the towing company to keep them in the City. COUNCIL LADY McCLANAN: But we don't want them to have to walk from the Beach to Chesapeake and Norfolk. COUNCIL LADY EURE: It's not in the best interest of the person whose car is being towed. VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: Well, the examples that were given to me as -- there are two towing companies in Kempsville who tow extensively in that area, up in the Kempsville/Bayside area. Their lot sits across Newtown Road in Norfolk. They are the closest lot. Their Virginia Beach lot is at the Oceanfront. So, keeping it in the City doesn't help the consumer in this case. MAYOR OBERNDORF: I think for the sake of the Council to be certain that we understand and know exactly what we're voting on, it probably would be better to wait until August the first week -- because we are going to be down for two weeks, the last tQo weeks in July -- and have what we're voting on actually in writing. It will give the other Members of Council a July 9, 2002 at 285. There are two classes instead of three. I don't have a problem going back and looking at that after we have a little better handle on the industry, but on the storage fees the current is $12 and $18 for the two vehicle classes. .I would suggest we can put $15 and $20 on the two classes on the daily storage fees. The title search -- the current amount is $40 and I would suggest that we raise that to $50. COUNCILMAN MADDOX: On the drop fees you propose $25 for all three projects? COUNCILMAN ~%NDIGO: Right. COUNCILMAN MADDOX: We're not breaking it into three projects. COUNCILMAN MANDI~: Right, the drop fee is $25. COUNCIL LADY EURE: But it was proposed at $250 and you're going to increase it to $285? COUNCILMAN F~/qDIGO: Well, that's because in that other proposal there was an additional weight class. In other words, three different divisions of vehicles, and I'm recommending that we have the first passenger class be raised to $75 and then there be a second class and that would remain at $285. There wouldn't be a break after the third class for, I guess, splitting the tractor trailers. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Mr. Lilley. CITY ATTORNEY: Madam Mayor, is Council going to vote on these changes this evening? Because if those would be the changes that you are going to be recommending, then we need to ~o through the Ordinance and do them line by line in the Ordinance. I just didn't know what the proposal was. 7 July 9, 2002 increase in the towing rates and a deferral on the issues about how '.their property is kept, how they operate their businesses or are you suggesting the entire thing be deferred? VICE MAYOR MANDI.GO: I think that based on the information that we got out and the recommendations, I think that there should be an increase in the rates. There may be some discussion as to what those rates would be, but my sense is that we have got to go ahead and pass the Ordinance and we can discuss the rates if the Council feels like they want to change them from what the Board recommended. But as far as the overall industry, I don't want to hold up this Ordinance, because it might take three to six months longer to get this done and I don't think we should have an adverse affect on the industry as we want to gather more information that we can have. So, I know the City Manager had sent -- I got it by fax. The rates and if I were -- I would consider and recommend that we use the rates that are in this fax on the consideration: The drop fee to be raised to $25 from the current $20. The drop fee on the other two vehicle classes would stay the same at $25. The tow fees are currently $70 and we would raise it to $75. COUNCILMAN MADDOX: Seventy-five or eighty-five? VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: Seventy-five. The proposal was %85. COUNCILMAN MADDOX: Okay. COUNCILMAN REEVE: And there is no-weight class? You're not going to cio -- COUNCILMAN MANDIGO: The weight class currently is 285 on the other class besides passenger vehicles and like trucks, leav~ that at 285. There was a reduction there to 250 and then that separate weight class, but I think we ought to leave it 6 July 9, 2002 But, that's the sense I have is we might be able to get a '.~omprehensive look' from a group that is beyond the scope of what I can do. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Mr. Maddox. COUNCII~4AN MADDOX: Madam Mayor, I think there's two separate issues here. I mean, I think there's just the normal inflation and if these people are entitled to a certain reasonable increase in rates. Then, there is the whole other issue of how are we going to police an industry? How are we going to -- do we even want to police the industry? I don't think we have even scratched the surface from being able to have the data necessary to know whether they are doing a good job or not doing a good job. I mean, nobody deals with towing more intimately than I do and, you know, we do everything we can to be above and beyond the call of being responsible, but mistakes happen and, you know, we routinely get people's cars back when we make a mistake and not everybody is as generous as that and people don't have any recourse. If someone's car is towed, you know, they are just out of luck. Short of civil proceedings, I mean we don't have -- you know I'm in the restaurant business and I have a Health Department that comes in and inspects my business several times a year to make sure I'm complying, but we don't even do that with the towing industry. I mean as far as I know as a matter of course, we're not going to every business and making sure that their signs are in compliance. We do if someone briggs it to someone's attention, but there is no organized effort to do that and in any town I think that would be important. In a Resort Town, I think it's doubly important that we do the best job we can to make sure that people aren't taken advantage of. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Okay. So, Mr. Mandigo, are you suggesting that there wil~ be a proposal for some July 9, 2002 VICE MAYOR M A/qDIGO: Well, that's what I'm proposing, because I'm '.,7 trying to get a sense of what the Council's feeling, because I don't want to make anyone think that I'm going wild with this. I've been trying to gather data, and I thought maybe we could do it fairly quickly, but it doesn't exist. The way the business licenses are set up and the way the towing list is done by the Police Department. There are a whole lot of issues in this that isn't readily available in a way that we can look at. That's why I'm offering it up to the Council for your consideration. COUNCIL LADY EURE: On that paper you sent, it said down like $30 a tow and $3 a day storage. What did that mean? There was a handwritten note on it. VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: I think that was a note that they wrote for me for their use and I've got a copy of it. I don't know what that note means. Brown was the example -- see, two of the questions I had is why would we let a towing company tow and not be present to run the business? Well, if you're towing you would think some of you would get their car, but it turns out that the example where they only get a few tows a year and they are in a very remote location. So, if we were to make them be open -- come off the list. Be open, come off the list COUNCIL LADY EURE: I support more review of it. Absolutely. VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: Well, I'm thinking if we formally got the City Manager's Office and the City Attorney and the Commissioner of the Revenue -- I don't know who else we might want to ask, but if we get a comprehensive review of it, then, maybe we can understand the Towing Advisory Board's recommendations better each year. This is the year that I have been here that we have had recommendations t~ raise the rates. 4 July 9, 2002 really comfortable with their suggestions and I would totally support '.~nother committee %o look into that. In fact, I got a phone call today from a visitor named Sunshine Smith. I think we need lots of people coming to our City named Sunshine. She had been sent by a parking attendant to park in a towing area -- I mean, it became a towing area into a parking lot. She had purchased a parking permit and went and parked where she was supposed to and then she was towed and they had to take off work for the next day and this ended up costing her family about $300. It was more than just the tow, but with the inconveniences that it caused and here she had bought a permit and had done the right thing. I think we all got a letter from the young lady who was working and her permit fell. I still think we need some type -- and maybe Harvey's Consumer Affairs Division is to do that. Unless people know where to go and this, I think sometimes there are some other circumstances that need to be considered rather than -- like this one was told, well, that's too bad lady and she was pretty frustrated. VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: She was referred to me by one of the newspaper editors whom she called and that's one of those tows that was from the McDonald's lot. It was a private non-consensual tow that had nothing to do with the City. And the only recourse I could offer was maybe we go through some of the industry associations which is what -- COUNCIL LADY WILSON: Well, I suggested she call the Consumer Affairs Division. VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: COUNCIL LADY WILSON: What I think But what you're saying is we need a committee to look at this more in-depth? 3 July 9, 2002 property owner and do we really want to get into that? i~f the City gets ihvolved in that, there are some issues that we may not want to do. If the property owner owns the land and has the parking places set up for its patrons and someone else parks there, how are we involved in that? At this point we are not and we would have to make some decisions if we wanted to get involved in that. But, what I was hoping we could do is -- I offered to fax for your consideration to see if you wanted to provide some direction and I'm not sure that we have to act on that today. It could be something that we could even put off as long as the Retreat if the Council desired. The other issue though is that if we establish a committee and we want it to be an effective from the business part of this and from the Commissioner's part, that's assessing and taxing. That's not regulating. The other piece of this could be regulation if that's what we wanted; but in order to get it effective for the next year, we would have to have the committee return to us and give us enough time to act before January 1st. So, I just was looking for a sense of what the Council might want to do and if we would like to hold to that. COUNCILMAN JONES: Hold what? The Ordinance? VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: If we wanted to hold the discussion or hold up on the committee until after the Retreat, I'm certainly amenable to that. It just was a lot more than what I had thought it was going to be and I will be really candid with all of you. Can I ask for questions? MAYOR OBERNDORF: Yes. VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: lkay. MAYOR OBERNDORF: Yes, Mrs Wilson. COUNCIL .LADY WILSON: Even though I know the Towing Advisory Board worked very hard on this, I am still not MAYOR OBERNDORF: July 9, 2002 INFOBMAL SESSION Ail right. I'm going to let you do it then. VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: On the Ordinance to Amend the City Code for the fees and.access trips for towing. As you folks know, I had promised to get you data and I didn't have all the data, but I understand there's some more that's available and I think Mr. Lambert has some today. Do you want to do that now? ORAL LAMBERT: Karen Lasley is going to do it. VICE MAYOR MANDIGO: You got a copy of the fax that I sent and I met with several different groups and talked with other folks and my sense is that we probably need to do something for the towing companies before we try to do this in a comprehensive manner, because three weeks wasn't enough time to gather all the information. It doesn't exist in the format that we could use. I talked with Mr. Kellam and he agrees that there may be -- he thinks it would be a good idea to have the sub-business class so that he could identify the property and the locations. As I understand from Mrs. Lasley, it was difficult finding all the properties that are used for bulk storage and there were some issues involved in those properties that maybe weren't in the right locations as far as the zoning or Conditional Use Permits. So, what I would like to bring to Council for your consideration is possibly setting up a task force or a committee or whatever we want to call that, that would be comprised of folks from the City Attorney's Office, from the Commissioner of the Revenue and from the Staff and the Police Department and whoever else we think would be able to make the contribution to 10~king at how we address the towing industry in a comprehensive manner, what do we want to address? There are issues involving non-consensual tows from private property, which is a contract between the towing company and the private Virginia Beach City Council· July 9, 2002 6:20 p.m. CITY CO%~NCIL: Meyera E. Oberndorf, Mayor Robert C. Mandigo, Vice Mayor Margaret L. Eure Louis R. Jones Reba S. McClanan Richard A. Maddox Jim Reeve Peter Schmidt Ron A. Villanueva Rosemary Wilson James L. Wood At-Large District 2 - Kempsville District 1 - Centerville District 4 - Bayside District 3 - Rose Hall District 6 - Beach District 7 - Princess Anne At-Large At-Large At-Large District 5 - Lynnhaven CITY b~%/qAGER: CITY ATTORNEY: CITY CLERK: STENOGRAPHIC REPORTER: James K. Spore Leslie L. Lilley Ruth Hodges Smith, MMC Dawne Franklin Meads VERBATIM Discussion of the Ordinance to Amend the City Code regarding fees and access trips for.towing vehicles from private property Item V-J. 1. ORDINANCES/RESOL UTION - 22 - ITEM# 49925 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Mandigo, seconded by Councilman Jones, City Council DEFERRED until the City Council Session of August 6, 2002: Ordinance to AMEND ~ 21-4~4, 21-426 and 21-429 of the City Code re fees and access trips for towing of v~hicles from private property. Voting: . ! 1-0 (By ConsenO Council Members Voting Aye: Margaret L. Eure, Louis R. Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Richard A. Maddox, Vice Mayor Robert C. Mandigo, Jr., Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Jim Reeve, Peter W. Schmidt, Ron A. Villanueva, Rosemary Wilson and James L. Wood Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent." None July 9, 2002 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council FROM: James K. Spore, City Manager ITEM: Ordinance to Amend the City Code Pertaining to the Towing of Vehicles from Private Property - Requested by Vice-Mayor Mandigo MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: Virginia State Code §§ 46.2-1232 and 46.2-1233 provides that localities must appoint advisory boards to recommend towing fees to local governing bodies electing to regulate towing fees. Sections 21-424, 21-426, and 21-429 of the City Code were amended last July. City Council invited the Virginia Beach Towing Advisory Board to to resubmit recommendations not incorporated by the 2001 amendments. The Towing Advisory Board presented a report to City Council on May 28, 2002, recommending amendments to the City Code. Included in those proposed amendments are significant increases in certain fees. City Council held a Public Hearing to receive comment on the proposed amendments on June 4, 2002. Vice-Mayor Mandigo proposed altemative amendments on June 9, 2002, and the vote was deferred until August 6, 2002. Considerations: Staff has reviewed the recommendations of the Towing Advisory Board and Vice-Mayor Mandigo and taken into consideration in-put received from speakers and members of City Council during the June 4, 2002 Public Hearing. Public Information: A public briefing was presented to Council on May 28, 2002, and a Public Hearing was held on June 4, 2002. This item is advertised with the Agenda. Recommendations: Approval Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: City Manager City Manager: (~~ I~ . ~~ F:\Data~TY~Ordin\NONCODE~towing of Vehicles.agenda 1 Requested by Vice-Mayor Mandigo 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION OF THE VIRGINIA BEACH CITY CODE PERTAINING TO TOWING OF VEHICLES FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY SECTIONS AMENDED: ~. 21-424, 21-426 and 21-429 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Sections 21-424, 21-426 and 21-429 of the City Code are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: Sec. 21-424. Release of vehicle to owner or custodian prior to towing. (a) If the owner or custodian of any vehicle not authorized to be parked in a private parking area returns after a tow truck service has arrived but before the vehicle has been towed from the private parking area, he may reclaim the vehicle whether or not it is fully hooked up to the tow truck, and it shall be unlawful for the tow truck service or operator to refuse to release the vehicle. However, if the vehicle has been hooked up, or is in the process of being hooked up, the tow truck operator may charge a drop fee not to exceed twenty five dollars ($20.00 $25.00) before releasing the vehicle or discontinuing the towing process. The process of hooking up shall be defined as (i) the removal and/or unreeling of any towing equipment from the tow truck after the truck is positioned to effect the tow, whether or not the equipment has been attached to the vehicle, or (ii) the lowering of a hydraulically-operated lift in preparation for loading the vehicle. COMMENT This proposed amendment raises the be of unhoo~ng and releasing a vehicle prior to actual towing of the vehicle (drop be) ~om $20 to $25. This version does not base the drop he on three different vehicle weight classes as recommended by the Towing Advisory Board. 33 34 35 36 37 38 Sec. 21-426. Charges for towing and storage of vehicle; receipt required. (a) No tow truck service or operator operating within the city shall, at any time, charge a basic towing fee greater than the fees set forth below: 39 4O 41 Gross weight of vehicle 11,000 pounds or less 11,001 pounds or more Maximum fee 87 ....... ) $285.00 (e~ec~v= .... ' ...... , ~Ol) 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 The basic fee shall be inclusive of any additional towing services such as the use of a dolly. This subsection shall apply only when a vehicle is moved or towed without the prior consent and agreement of the owner or custodian of the vehicle. COMMENT This proposed amendment increases the maximum allowable towing charges from $70 to $75 for vehicles weighing under 11,001 pounds. This version bases the towing fee on two vehicle weight classes rather than the three vehicle weight classes recommended by the Towing Advisory Board. (b) No tow truck service or operator shall assess any charges for storage for the initial twenty-four (24) hours, nor charge more than ~ fifteen dollars ($12.00 15.00)per twenty-four-hour period thereafter, for any vehicle with a gross weight of 11,000 pounds or less removed from private property without the consent of the owner or custodian of the vehicle, whether such tow originates in this city or any other jurisdiction. For vehicles with a gross weight of more than 11,000 pounds, a storage fee not to exceed ~rg~t~en~ twenty dollars ($I0.00 20.00) per twenty-four-hour period may be assessed after the first twenty-four (24) hours. Delays caused by storage, yard personnel shall not be included when computing storage charges. COMMENT This proposed amendment increases the tow storage ~e a~er the initial 24-hour of storage ~om $12 to $15 ~r vehicles weighing 11,000 pounds or less, and ~om $18 to $20 ~r vehicles weighing 11,001 or more. This version bases the storage ~es on two vehicle weight classes rather than the three weight classes recommended by the Towing Advisory Board. 2 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8O 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 (c) If any vehicle is not redeemed within seven (7) days after it is towed, the tow truck service shall be entitled to recover an additional fee, not to exceed ~ fifty dollars ($40.00 50.00), as payment for the cost of any search conducted to determine the registered owner and lien holder, if any, of the vehicle. COMMENT This proposed amendment increases the ma~mum author~ed search ~e ~om $40 to $50. This version is identical to the version proposed by the Towing Adviso~ Board. Sec. 21-429. Miscellaneous prohibited acts by tow truck service or operator. Except when acting as an agent in the legal repossession of a vehicle, it shall be unlawful for any tow truck service or operator to: (3) Tow or otherwise move a vehicle from any private road or driveway, or from any other privately owned land or property within the city to a place out of the city without the consent of the owner or custodian of the vehicle; provided that, after a period of not less than twenty-four (24) hours following the initial towing of a vehicle, as recorded in the police dispatcher's log, any such vehicle may be moved to a storage area located outside of the city, with prior notification to and approval of the police department. Notwithstandinq the above, if a tow truck service or operator owns or leases a storaqe area located outside of the city, and such storage area is closer to the location from which a vehicle is 93 94 95 96 97 98 towed than the closest in-city storaqe area owned or leased by the tow truck service ~r operator, such vehicle may be initially towed to the storaqe area located outside of the city, provided the tow truck service or operator is authorized to do business in both cities, charqes a fee not qreater than that fee authorized in Virginia Beach and invoices the tow in Virginia Beach. 99 100 101 102 103 COMMENT This proposed amendment provides that a tow truck operator whose out-of-city storage facility is closer than their in-city storage facility may tow the vehicle to the out-of-city storage facility if the tow truck operator is licensed to do business in both cities and invoices the tow in Virginia Beach. This version is identical to the version proposed by the Towing Advisory Board. 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 (11) Durinq the initial twenty-four (24) hours after the vehicle is towed and ~u_pon request by any owner or custodian of a currently licensed vehicle, deny or prevent access to said vehicle for the purpose of removing personal items, whether or not the owner or custodian is then able to reclaim the vehicle. After the initial twenty-four (24) hours has expired and upon the request by any owner or custodian of a currently licensed vehicle, no tow truck service or operator shall refuse to allow such owner or custodian access to such vehicle once per day between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. COMMENT This proposed amendment allows the owner/operator unlimited access to the towed vehicle during the initial 24-hours after the vehicle is towed, but limits subsequent access to one time per day and only between the hours of S:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. This version is identical to the version proposed by the Towing Advisory Board. 120 121 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2002. CA-8413 DatakOrdin\Proposedk21-424 & 426 & 429 Mandigo.ord R-2 July 12, 2002 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City Manager's Office APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: City A[{$rney;s O~fi~ 4 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James K. Spore, City Manager An Ordinance To Amend the City Code Pertaining to Board of Zoning Appeals MEETING DATE: August13, 2002 Background: The Board of Zoning Appeals is a 7 member board with one alternate that hears variances to the City Zoning Ordinance and Appeals from the decisions of the Zoning Administrator. On July 1,2002, the Virginia Code at 15.2-2308 was changed to allow alternate members to vote when a regular member must abstain. Previously, an altemate member could only vote if the regular member was absent from the meeting. This amendment will create a greater demand on the time of the one alternate to this Board. Three alternates would allow greater flexibility to be able to provide a full 7 member Board for the public. Considerations: The Boards desires to provide as complete a Board as possible for every application. However with the increased responsibility for alternate members, there is an increased need to have up to three alternates to share the responsibility. This Ordinance will increase the number of alternates on the Board of Zoning Appeals from one to potentially three. Recommendations: Passage of the attached Ordinance. Attachments: Ordinance. Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department/Zoning Division City M,anager(~N~l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 !1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS SECTION AMENDED: ~ 2-452.2 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 2-452.2 of the City Code is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: Sec. 2-452.2. Board of zoning appeals. (a) The board of zoning appeals shall consist of seven (7) regular members and one (1) a maximum of three (3) alternate~ appointed by the city council; provided, however, that alternates serving as such on J-'~" ~ ~ ..... I ............... d -= ~3 ~, ~, ~ ~p~=~= ~= remain er ~ their terms. Members and alternates shall be appointed for terms of five (5) years, except that appointments to fill vacancies shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term, and members and alternates may be reappointed to succeed themselves. The qualifications, organization and procedures of the board shall be as set forth in sections 15.2-2308 through 15.2-2314 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. (b) The accumulation of more than three (3) absences of a member within a given calendar year for reasons other than personal illness, the illness or death of a relative, or other circumstances beyond such member's control shall constitute grounds for removal of such member. (c) The board shall make, alter or rescind rules and guidelines for its procedures consistent with the ordinances of the city and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. (d) On or abo~t July 1 of each year, or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable, the members of the board, including alternates, shall collectively meet with the city attorney in order to review the duties and responsibilities of the board and the laws and procedures pertaining to matters coming before the board. The members of the board may also, at their option, attend the Virginia 34 35 Certified Boards of Zoning Appeals Program .sponsored by the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 COMMENT The General Assembly on July 1, 2002, amended the Virginia Code, at the City's request, to allow alternate members of the Board of Zoning Appeals to vote when a regular member abstains, not just when the regular member is absent. The BZA's hope is to provide as complete a Board as possible for every application. However, with the increased responsibility for alternate members, there is an increased need to have more than one alternate to share the responsibilities. This amendment will increase the number of alternates from one to potentially, three. 44 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 45 Virginia, on this day of , 2002. 46 47 48 49 5O CA-8554 DATA/ORDIN/PROPOSED/02-425-2ord.wpd R2 July 30, 2002 APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL Department of/Law 2 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA 'ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James K. Spore, City Manager Ordinance to Amend The City Code by Updating References to The Virginia Public Procurement Act MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: The Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA) has been re-codified by the General Assembly and a number of references to outdated sections need to be updated in the City Code. These VPPA changes affect all towns and cities with a population greater than 3,500. The proposed City Code changes also include incorporating by reference the section of the Virginia Code ({}2.2-4303) that permits small purchases by departments as governed by city policy. Under the authority granted by the VPPA, the City has previously established small purchase procedures. These procedures enable towns and cities to streamline the procurement process, while also maintaining controls over departmental procurement. The procedures require the City to obtain informal competitive bids or price quotations on purchases with values between $5,000 and $30,000 dollars, and include permission for the Purchasing Agent to delegate authority to departments to directly purchase goods or services within established limits provided that the requirements of the VPPA are met. The amount delegated to each department currently varies between $500 and $30,000 dollars, depending on staff, training received, and departmental needs. (It should be noted that the Purchasing Agent reviews all purchase orders issued by departments with delegated authority to assure that competitive requirements are met.) The effect of the proposed amendment is that the City will be able to make small purchases and delegate procurement authority in amounts up to $50,000, instead of $30,000. Considerations: The proposed changes make administering the City's procurement ordinances simpler for staff and citizens. Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval S.ubmitting [;te. partment/Agency: Finance AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE BY UPDATING REFERENCES TO THE 'VIRGINIA PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ACT SECTIONS AMENDED: §~ ~-214.2, 2-214.3 AND 2-216.1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Sections 2-214.2, 2-214.3 and 216.1 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: Sec. 2-214.2. Duties, powers, and responsibilities of purchasing agent. (a) The purchasing agent shall be the head of the purchasing division and under the supervision of the director of finance. (b) The purchasing agent shall have the power and it shall be his duty to: (1 Endeavor to obtain as full and open competition as possible and practicable on all purchases and sales through competitive sealed bidding, or through any other method of procurement authorized by this division of chapter 2; (2 Except where established by ordinance or resolution of council, establish such rules, regulations and policies as he/she deems necessary for the internal management and operation of the purchasing division; and (3 Delegate to individual departments, as he or she deems appropriate, the authority to directly purchase goods or services the costu~ ........ w~ is not expected to exceed thor ~u~o~ ~lazs ~$~,0~.0~ as provided for and limited by Code of Virqinia ~ 2.2-4303 (G) and (H), includinq future amendments thereto~~e~-r; provided the department uses competition wherever practicable and complies with all applicable rules, regulations, 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 policies, procedures and administrative directives pertaining to procurement. (c) All formal rules, regulations, policies, procedures and administrative directives pertaining to procurement shall be subject to the approval of the city manager and the purchasing agent, and shall be approved by the city attorney as to form and legality. (d) Subject to compliance with all applicable policies, procedures, and city code provisions pertaining to contract execution, the purchasing agent shall have the authority to award contracts within the purview of this division. (e) It shall be the responsibility of the purchasing division to obtain as full and open competition as possible and practical on all purchases and sales through competitive sealed bidding, or through any other method of procurement authorized by this or other sections. COMMENT The revision incorporates a section of the Code of Virginia § 2.2-4303 (G) and (1t) that permits purchases of goods and services to be made without competitive sealed bids or competitive negotiation; however, adherence to competitive purchasing principles and city policies is still required. Sec. 2-214.3. Adoption of designated sections of Virginia Public Procurement Act. (a) Pursuant to section ~ 2.2-4302 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, the following sections of the Virginia Public Procurement Act [Code of Virginia, title 11 2.2, chapter % 43], and any future amendments thereto, are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference into this code: 11-37 2.2-4301, ~ 2.2-4343(B), II-4^~ 2.2-4304(A), 11-41 2.2-4303, 11-41.1 2.2-4305, 11 41.2:2 2.2-4308, t~hzough 11-41.2-5, 11 42 2.2-4319, 11-43 2.2-4331, ~ 2.2-4310(A), =~-~" ~4.1 2.2-4320, 11-45 A, D, ~, D, =, G, =~ ~ 2.2- 4344 (A)(1), 2.2-4309(B), 2.2-4344 (A)(2), 2.2-4344 (B), 2.2- 4345(A) (14), 2.2-4345(A) (13) and 2.2-4344(C), ~ 2.2-4317, 2 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8O 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9O 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 11-46.3 2.2-4332, 11 47 2.2-4324, 11 47.4 2.2-4328, ~ 2.2-4315 through 11-62.3 2.2-4350(B), 11-62.6 2.2-4353, II 62.0 2.2-4349, 11 62.10 2.2-4354 through II 00 2.2-4377. (b) Notwithstanding subsection '(a) of this section, whenever any provision of the Virginia Public Procurement Act which has been adopted and incorporated by reference herein is modified or amended by any other section of this code, or by any rule, regulation, policy, procedure or administrative directive, such provision shall be interpreted and implemented as modified or amended. COMMENT The references to the Virginia Public Procurement Act are replaced by the numbers of the re- codified sections. Sec. 2-216.1. Debarment. (a) Pursuant to section 11 46.1 2.2-4321 of the Code of Virginia, the purchasing agent shall have the authority to debar any prospective contractor from contracting for particular types of goods, services~ insurance or construction for a specified period of time, and to remove any such contractor from the bidders' lists when the public interest will be best served thereby. This may be caused by any contractor's unsatisfactory performance, includinq defaulting on its quotations or contracts, or by any other behavior on the part of a contractor which is deemed by the purchasing agent to be unethical, harmful to the city, or in any other way not to the best interest of the city. (b) Reasons for such debarment and removal shall be outlined in writing by the purchasing agent and sent by certified or registered mail to the contractor so debarred and removed at least days prior to the date set for receipt of bids or ten (10) proposals. COMMENT The reference to the Virginia Public Procurement Act is replaced by the number of the re- codified section, and small changes are made to track the language of the state law. 3 98 99 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this day of , 2002. CA-8270 DATA/ODIN/PROPOSED/02-214&216ord.wpd R4 June 3, 2002 APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS: Finance Department APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 4 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James K. Spore, City Manager Amendment to Parks and Recreation Commission By-laws MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: The Parks and Recreation Commission serves as an advisory body to the Virginia Beach City Council. The Commission serves as liaison between the City Council, the City Manager, the Director of Parks and Recreation and the citizens of Virginia Beach. The purpose of the Commission is to consult with and advise the City Manager, the Director of Parks and Recreation, and the City Council on matters affecting open space, parks and recreation policies, programs, and finances; the acquisition and disposal of lands and properties related to parks and recreation; and the department's long-range projected programs. The Parks and Recreation Commission By-Laws were amended and approved by City Council on March 27, 2001. Since that date, one additional change has been recommended and approved by the Commission for City Council's review and ratification. Considerations: On June 6, 2002, the Commission approved the following amendment to ensure that the By-laws reflect current Commission operating procedures and City ordinances: ARTICLE 5 - Meetings, Section 5 - was amended to reflect a majority of the eleven voting members must be present to constitute a quorum. Recommendations: Ratify Parks and Recreation Commission By-Laws, as amended. Attachments: Proposed Commission By-Laws as amended. Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: I City Manager~,,._~ ~~Approval Parks and Recreation commission 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 AN ORDINANCE TO RATIFY AMENDMENTS TO THE BYLAWS OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission on June 6, 2002, approved various changes to its Bylaws; and WHEREAS, Article 9 of the Commission's Bylaws provides that amendments to the Bylaws must be reviewed and ratified by City Council; and WHEREAS, City Council has reviewed these recommended amendments and finds them to be acceptable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Council hereby ratifies the amendments to the Bylaws of the Parks and Recreation Commission, as approved by the Commission on June 6, 2002, a copy of which are attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and are hereby incorporated by reference. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2002. CA7979 rri/work/ordinances/Parks & Rec/ordinance.wpd R2 July 25, 2002 Parks a APPROVE[ SUFFICIENCY: ~ W s De~arJ[ment o'f Law REVISED 6/6/02 VIRGINIA BEACH PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION BY-LA.WS The Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation Commission has adopted the following articles in order to facilitate its powers and duties in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances and resolutions of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. ARTICLE 1 That there is hereby created a Commission to be known as the Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation Commission, hereinafter referred to as the "Commission". ARTICLE 2 -- Purpose of the Commission The Commission shall serve as an advisory body of the Virginia Beach City Council ("Council") for the purposes set forth in this article. The Commission shall serve as a liaison between Council, the City Manager, the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation therewith, and the citizens of the City. The Commission shall consult with and advise the City Manager, the Director and the Council in matters affecting open space, parks and recreation policies, programs, finances, and the acquisition and disposal of lands and properties related to the total community and open space, parks and recreation program, and to its long-range projected program for open space, parks and recreation. ARTICLE 3 -- Membership Section 1. -- The Commission will be comprised of eleven (11) members. One (1) member shall be appointed by City Council from the residents of each of the City's seven (7) election districts, and the remaining members shall be appointed from among the residents of the City at large. The Commission members are appointed by Council for such terms as Council shall provide. Members will serve without pay, but under certain conditions may be paid expenses incurred while performing their duties. City staff shall serve as ex-officio members with no voting power. Other community members requested by the Commission and approved by Council shall serve in an ex-officio capacitywith no voting power. They shall serve one year terms or as necessary in an advisory capacity. Section 2. -- Vacancies occasioned by removal, resignation, or otherwise, shall be reported to the Council, and shall be filled in like manner as original appointments, except that the term of office is restricted to the unexpired term of office. No member shall accumulate an annual total of more than three absences for reasons other than personal illness, the illness or death of a relative, or other circumstances beyond the member's control. If this limitation is exceeded, the Chairperson shall forthwith report to the City Clerk the name of the member whose unexcused absences exceed the limitation, pursuant to Code of the City of Virginia Beach § 2-3.1. In the event of an anticipated absence, a member shall diligently attempt to notify the Secretary of the absence prior to the meeting. Section 3. -- Members may be reimbursed for travel and subsistence to professional recreation meetings, conferences and workshops. Such reimbursement may be made in compliance with the general policies of Virgi.nia Beach upon authorization of the City Manager. ARTICLE 4 -- Officers The officers of the Commission shall be Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary. The officers shall be elected at the organizational meeting to serve for one year or until a successor shall be elected. ARTICLE 5 -- Meetings Section 1. -- Regular meetings shall be held the first Thursday of each month during the year, or at such other time of the month as may be determined by majority vote of all members of the Commission. Section 2. -- Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or upon the written request of at least three members. Section 3. -- The time and place for the meetings shall be designated by the Chairperson. Section 4. -- The first regular meeting in September of each year shall be called the organizational meeting. The purpose of this meeting shall be the election of officers, review of the inventory report, and other business that may need to come before such meetings. The presentation of the annual report shall be in January of each year. Section 5. -- The majority of the members present and voting at any duly constituted meeting shall have the full authoriW of the Commission, provided that ,,~, ~ ~. ,-,~. ~,~ v ~. ,~,_,..,,~ membem a majority of the voting members must be present to constitute a quorum, axxd no constitute an organizational meeting. Section 6. -- All meetings are open to the public. Where allowed by the Freedom of Information Act, the Commission, by majority vote, may go into a closed meeting. Section 7. -- Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with procedures prescribed in the by-laws. 2 Section 8. -- The following shall be the order of business of the Commission, but the Rules of order may be suspended and any matters considered or postponed by action of the Commission. Order of Business: -Call to order -Roll call -Consideration of minutes of last regular, meeting and of any special meetings held subsequently and their approval or amendment -Correspondence -Unfinished business -Committee discussions -Repons from Liaisons -Report from Director - New business -Adjournment Section 9. -- The rules of procedure outlined in Robert's Rules of Order (revised), shall govern the Commission on all occasions in which they are applicable and in which they are not found inconsistent with the by-laws or special rules of the Commission. ARTICLE 6 -- Duties and Responsibilities of the Commission Section 1. -- The Commission shall make recommendations for approval by City Council. 1) The establishment of a system of supervised recreation for the City; to set apart for use as parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and structures, any lands, water areas or buildings owned or leased to or controlled by the City and may suggest improvements of such lands or buildings, and structures as may be necessary to the recreational program within fimds allocated to the Department. 2) The Commission shall assist City Council and the City Manager by appointing subcommittees to study and evaluate certain matters dealing with Parks and Recreation as directed by City Council. Section 2. -- The Commission shall advise Council in the acceptance of any grant, gift, bequest or donation of any personal or real property offered or made available for recreational purposes and which is judged to be of present or possible future use for recreation, parks, or open space. Section 3. -- The Commission shall interpret the recreation and park services of the Department to the community and interpret the needs and desires of the community to the Council, City Manager and Director. Section 4. -- The Commission shall determine and establish the general policies to be followed in carrying out the purposes for which the Commission was established. Section 5. -- Financial Duties and Responsibilities -- The Commission shall have no authority to enter into any contract or incur any obligation binding the City. 1) The Commission shall assist the Director in the development and preparation of an annual budget for the Department to be submitted to the City Manager and subsequently to City Council, at the time designated by the City Mahager. 2) The Commission shall assist the Director in the development and preparation of an annual budget for capital improvements (acquisition and development) in accordance with the plan for parks and recreation for the City. Section 6. -- Planning Duties and Responsibilities -- The Commission shall investigate and determine the needs and interests of the community for open space, recreation facilities and programs, and recommend open space areas, recreational programs and facilities to meet these needs and interests. ARTICLE 7 -- Duties of Officers and Relationship of the Director of Parks and Recreation Section 1. -- Chairperson -- The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings, sign official papers, appoint committees, call special meetings when he or she deems it advisable, and perform all such duties as are usually handled by a Chairperson, except when such duties are properly delegated. The Chairperson may succeed himself or herself and shall be elected from the Commission members. Section 2. -- Vice-Chairperson -- The Vice-Chairperson shall perform all the duties of the Chairperson, in the absence of the Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson shall be charged with the responsibility to see that all standing and temporary committees function as planned by the Commission. In the absence of both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, the Commission shall elect a Chairperson Pro Tempore who shall perform the duties of the Chairperson. Section 3. -- Secretary -- The Secretary shall perform the usual duties pertaining to the office. The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a full and tree permanent record of all meetings of the Commission. This includes regular and special meetings plus reports of standing committees and the Secretary shall be the custodian of all documents committed to his or her care. Section 4. -- Executive Committee -- The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers elected by the Commission. It will be their duty to review all matters to be brought before the entire Commission, make recommendations and prepare an agenda for the Commission meetings. Meetings of the Executive Committee will be held as called by the Chairperson. 4 Section 5. -- Director's Relationship -- The Director shall have a continuing responsibility to explain the organization, responsibilities, working relationships and program objectives of the Department of Parks and Recreation to the Commission. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall work closely with the Commiss!on in matters of interest to the Commission, involving the operation of an efficient parks and recreation program in the City of Virginia Beach. The Director is an ex-officio member (by virtue of his/her office) and attends the Commission meetings. The Director keeps the Commission informed concerning the interests, needs, objectives, the progress of plans and other factors related to Parks and Recreation and considered to be of importance to the Commission. ARTICLE 8 -- Reports The Commission shall make full and complete reports to the Council at such times as may be requested and at such other times as the Commission may deem proper. ARTICLE 9 -- Amendments These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Commission by a majority of the entire Commission, provided previous notice of the nature of any proposed amendment shall have been given at least one regular meeting before the action thereon shall be taken and upon concurrence of the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach. The Commission's by-laws, rules and regulations governing its procedure shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of the State laws and the approved ordinances and resolutions as set forth by the Virginia Beach City Council. Approved this __day of Recreation Commission. ,2002, by the Virginia Beach Parks and Chairperson Secretary CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James K. Spore, City Manager Encroachment Request for General Booth Storage, Inc. at 1545 General Booth Boulevard MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: Michael D. Sifen, President of General Booth Storage, Inc., has applied for an encroachment into the City's 55-foot drainage easement on their property at 1545 General Booth Boulevard. They would like to install and maintain 24-inch storm pipes, 15-inch storm pipes, triple 48-inch storm pipe, 8-inch waterline, fence, 10-foot access point with gate, asphalt pavement, drop inlet and compacted select fill, curb and endwalls Considerations: Staff has reviewed this request and has no objections to this encroachment from an operational and maintenance standpoint. These improvements are being done in conjunction with the construction of storage units. The encroachment meets all drainage design requirements and drainage calculations in accordance with Public Works Standards and Specifications. Public Information: Advertisement of City Council Agenda Alternatives: Approve the encroachment as requested, deny the encroachment or add conditions as desired by City Council. Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of this encroachment subject to the applicant complying with conditions set forth in the agreement. Attachments: Agreement Plat Location Map Ordinance Recommended Action: Approve request and authorize City Manager to sign agreement submitting Department/Agency: Public Works/Real Estate(~ ~ City Manager: (~5~_.._,~,~o~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Requested by Department of Public Works AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENTS INTO A PORTION OF AN EASEMENT BY GENERAL BOOTH STORAGE, INC., THEIR HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE WHEREAS, General Booth Storage, Inc. desires to construct and maintain 24-inch storm pipes, 15-inch storm pipes, triple 48- inch storm pipe, 8-inch waterline, fence, 10-foot access point with gate, asphalt pavement, drop inlet and compacted select fill, curb and~ndwalls into the City's easement located at 1545 General Booth Boulevard. WHEREAS, City Council is authorized pursuant to ~ 15.2- 2107 and 15.2-2009, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, to authorize temporary encroachments upon the City's right-of-way subject to such terms and conditions as Council may prescribe. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That pursuant to the authority and to the extent thereof contained in ~ 15.2-2107 and 15.2-2009, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, General Booth Storage, Inc., their heirs, assigns and successors in title are authorized to construct and maintain temporary encroachments for a 24-inch storm pipes, 15-inch storm pipes, triple 48-inch storm pipe, 8-inch waterline, fence, 10-foot access point with gate, asphalt pavement, drop inlet and compacted select fill, curb and endwalls in the City's easement as shown on the map entitled: "Exhibit 'A' Constructed Within And Upon A 55' Showing Improvements To Be Drainage Easement By General Booth Storage, Inc'. Virginia Beach, Virginia Scale: 1" = 40' January 30, 2002 "a copy of which is on file in the Department of Public Works and to which reference is made for a more particular description; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the temporary encroachments are expressly subject to those terms, conditions and criteria contained in the Agreement between the City of Virginia Beach and 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 General Booth Storage, Inc., (the "Agreement") which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Manager or his authorized designee is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this Ordinance shall not be in effect until such time as General Booth Storage, Inc. and the City Manager or his authorized designee execute the Agreement. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2002. 43 44 45 46 CA-# pdejesu/encroach/Gen. Booth Storage R-1 PREPARED: 4/08/02 DEPARTMENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL ~_)~~SU~'~ICIENCY CITY ATTOB~-EY PREPARED BY VIRGINIA BEACH CITY A'I'FORNEY'S OFFICE TI-HS AGREEMENT, made this /o~ --day of ~"-~ ,2 E~O ~., by and between the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, a municipal corporation, Grantor, "City", and GENERAL BOOTH STORAGE, INC., A Virginia Corporation, ITS HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE, "Grantee", even though more than one. WITNESSETH: That, WHEREAS, the Grantee is the owner of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land designated and described as "Betsy Ward Estate, Lot A, B, C" and '~Brocks Bridge 1.93 Acres" being further designated and described as 1545 General Booth Boulevard, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456; and That, WHEREAS, it is proposed by the Grantee to construct and maintain 24-inch storm pipes, 15-inch storm pipes, triple 48-inch storm pipe, 8-inch waterline, fence, 1 O-foot access point with gate, asphalt pavement, drop inlet and compacted select fill, curb and endwalls, "Temporary Encroachment", in the City of Virginia Beach; and WHEREAS, in constructing and maintaining the Temporary Encroachment, it is necessary that the said Grantee encroach into a portion of an existing City 55-foot drainage easement located at 1545 General Booth Boulevard, "The Encroachment Area"; and said Grantee has requested that the City permit a Temporary Encroachment within The Encroachment Area. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and of the benefits accruing or to accrue to the Grantee and for the further consideration of One Dollar ($1.00), in hand paid, to the City, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City doth grant to the Grantee GPIN 2415-46-4253, 2415-46-3163, 2415-46-8154, 2415-46-9010 permission to use The Encroachment Area for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the Temporary Encroachment. It is expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment will be constructed and maintained in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the City of Virginia Beach, and in accordance with' the City's specifications and approval and is more particularly described as follows, to wit: A Temporary Encroachment into The Encroachment Area as shown on that certain plat entitled: "Exhibit 'A' Showing Improvements To Be Constructed Within And Upon A 55' Drainage Easement By General Booth Storage Inc. Virginia Beach, Virginia Scale: 1"=40' January 30, 2002 ," a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and to which reference is made for a more particular description. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment herein authorized Shall terminate upon notice by the City to the Grantee, and that within thirty (30) days after such notice is given, the Temporary Encroachment must be removed fi.om The Encroachment Area by the Grantee; and that the Grantee will bear all costs and expenses of such removal. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees in case it shall be necessary to file or defend an action arising out of the location or existence of the Temporary Encroachment. It is further expressly understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be construed to enlarge such permission and authority to permit the maintenance or construction of any 2 encroachment other than that specified herein and to the limited extent specified herein, nor to permit the maintenance and construction of any encroachment by anyone other than the Grantee. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee agrees to maintaia the Temporary Encroachment to always provide adequate storm water flow and so as not to become unsightly or a hazard or impede the flow of stoma water. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must obtain a permit from the Office of Development Services Center/Planning Department prior to commencing any construction within The Encroachment Area. It is further expressly understood and agreed that prior to issuance ora right of way permit, the Grantee must post sureties, in accordance with their engineer's cost estimate, to the Office of Development Services Center/Planning Department. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment must conform to the minimum setbacks requirements, as established by the City. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must submit for review and approval, a survey of The Encroachment Area, certified by a registered professional engineer or a licensed land surveyor, and/or "as built" plans of the temporary encroachment sealed by a registered professional engineer, if required by either the City Engineer's Office or the Engineering Division of the Public Utilities Department. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the City, upon revocation of such authority and permission so granted, may remove the Temporary Encroachment and charge the cost thereof to the Grantee, and collect the cost in any manner provided by law for the collection of local or state taxes; may require the Grantee to remove the Temporary Encroachment; and if such removal shall not be made within the time ordered hereinabove I~y this Agreement, the City may impose a 3 penalty in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day for each and every day that the Temporary Encroachment is allowed to continue thereafter, and may collect such compensation and penalties in any manner provided by law for the collection of loc, al or state taxes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, General Booth Storage Inc., the said Grantee has caused this Agreement to be executed in its corporate name and on its behalf by its president, and its corporate seal to be hereto ai~ed and duly attested by its corporate secretary with due authority by its board of directors. Further, that the City of Virginia Beach has caused this Agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its City Manager and its seal be hereunto affixed and attested by its City Clerk. (SEAL) ATTEST: By: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH City Manager/Authorized Designee of the City Manager City Clerk GENERAL BOOTH STORAGE, INC. Michael D. Siren, President 4 I STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ,2 .,by DESIGNEE OF THE CITY MANAGER. day of , CITY MANAGER/AUTHORIZED Notary Public My Commission Expires: STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this VIRGINIA BEACH. ,2 day of , by RUTH HODGES SMITH, City Clerk for the CITY OF My Commission Expires: Notary Public CITY/COLrNTY~OF ~J;c-~',a;... fSe,,.-k , to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this It'r~ day of ,20 o 2- , by Michael D. Sifen, President, on behalf of General Booth Storage Inc. My Commission Expires: 5 APPROVED AS TO ~o~ s~5~c¢ CITY ATTORNEY 6 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT AL ESTATE AGENT · EC-1. CLASS ~. & ~ '/ . _~ ~x'="-~=V~//. ~ , . .... l Ill~' ~ ~.r~> ~ ~ ~~////~f~ ....~ ' I~t :~ ~Jllll .~ I~~ ~' (~) , - ................ _ ~//~ ~~' ~...,.~ ~ ', -",~~ ~ .... -~' /~ Cl~I ~ginoor= ~ Site Con~octo~ ~ ~ ~ 168 Bu=Tne== Po~ Dr)~ SuRe 100 ~A~: 1" = ~' JANU~Y ~, 2032 ~rglnlu B~ch, Vo, 23~2 40 0 40 PH~E ~ (757) 6~-g~O F~ (757) 6~-g9~ ~0 ~ scole i m~~ feet TE J I / ! I I / l! !! / / I I I I I I I I I SCALE LOCATION MAP P ---~~OCATION MAP SHOWING °~ ~"~"°' ~:/"/~-~ ENCROACHMENT REQUESTED BY ~:~'-~--':'?' GENERAL BOOTH STORAGE INTO CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY 1545 GENERAL BOOTH BLVD. SCALE: 1' = 200' PREPARED BY P/v'V ENG. DRAFT. ~ ~ 02 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council FROM: James K. Spore, City Manager ITEM: Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Project Cooperation Agreement with the Department of the Army for the Sandbridge Beach Nourishment Project (CIP 8-282) MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: The beach replenishment program for Sandbridge Beach, as adopted in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), has long awaited the completion of federal policy review necessary for implementation. The program involves initial construction (beach restoration) and periodic beach nourishment for a fifty-year period, which commenced in 1998 with the completion of the stop-gap, City-funded, beach nourishment. The goal of the program is to create and maintain a beach berm 50- feet wide at an elevation of six feet above mean sea level, equating to a 'dry' beach 170 feet wide at mid-tide. The City share of funding for this program is derived from the Sandbridge Special Service District and Sandbridge Tax Increment Financing programs, created in FY 1994-1995 and FY 1998- 1999, respectively. All monies derived from these sources must be used for Sandbridge beach nourishment. Sufficient funds are available for the City share of the initial construction; revenues from these special funding sources are also forecast to be sufficient to provide for the City share of periodic beach nourishment. As a partnership between the federal government and the City of Virginia Beach, the program regimen and limitations are specifically outlined in a series of Corps of Engineer's reports and polices, and Congressional authorizations. As is the case in all other partnerships between the Corps of Engineers and the City of Virginia Beach, the terms and conditions of the cooperative effort are defined in a formal contract - the Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA). With approval of the PCA, initial construction will take place in the Fall of 2002. Considerations: Staff worked closely with the Corps of Engineers during the development of the proposed PCAfor this project. The proposed agreement, in form and function, is nearly identical to the agreement executed for the Resort Beach Hurricane Protection Project (CIP 9-704). The terms and conditions of the proposed agreement effectuate and facilitate the beach replenishment program for Sandbridge as outlined in the adopted CIP. Public Information: The specific program for beach replenishment at Sandbridge which would be governed by the proposed PCA has been the topic of several City Council public hearings, since and prior to the project's FY 1995-1996 initial inclusion in the CIP. Alternatives: Entering into this PCA is necessary to accomplish the mission outlined in the adopted project. Aside from potential minor, non-substantiative, revisions to this proposed agreement, the only alternative to proceeding is to re-evaluate the merits of the Sandbridge beach replenishment program, and consider addressing the erosion issue without the federal government participation. Recommendations: The proposed agreement is recommended for acceptance by Staff. Adoption of the ordinance to authorize execution is recommended. Attachments: Ordinance Project Cooperation Agreement Summary of Terms Draft Project Cooperation Agreement Recommended Action: Adopt Ordinance Submitting De'e'e'e'e'e'e'e'e'e~partment/Ageqc'Y: ~~ City Manager'~./~~.~.~ ~ 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PROJECT COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FOR THE SANDBRIDGE BEACH NOURISHMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, by adoption of the Sandbridge Beach Restoration project in the FY 95-96 Capitol Improvement Program, and each year subsequerit, the City Council has endorsed the concept cfa long-term partnership with the federal government for a beach nourishment project at Sandbridge Beach (the "Project") subject to negotiation of a Project Cooperation Agreement with the Department of the Army; WHEREAS, City funds for construction of the Project are to be derived from the Sandbridge Special Services District and the Sandbridge Tax Increment Financing Programs established in FY 94-95 and FY98-99, respectively; WHEREAS, the Department of the Army and City representatives have negotiated a Drat~ Project Cooperation Agreement which would authorize the Project as previously endorsed by the Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute a Project Cooperation Agreement with the Department of the Army for the construction of a Beach Erosion Control Hurricane Protection project at Sandbridge Beach, in substantial conformity with the Draf~ Project Cooperation Agreement, bearing an interim date of July 26, 2002, a copy of which has been provided to the Council and is available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the ~ , 2002. CA-8522.0rd ORDIN~ONCODE\CA8522. ord Date: 7/25/02 RI APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: day of Cit~torney's Office ~'. ~.~ -o Z- PARTIES: PURPOSE OF PROJECT: TERM OF PROJECT: FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S OBLIGATION: CITY'S OBLIGATION: PROJECT COORDINATION: PROJECTED COSTS OVER THE 50 YEAR PROJECT: PAYMENTS: PROJECT COOPERATION AGREEMENT SUMMARY OF TERMS Department of The Army (Federal Government) and the City of Virginia Beach (City) Beach erosion control and hurricane protection for Sandbridge Beach 1998 - 2048 To construct the project and to undertake periodic nourishment of the beach at such times during the term as the Federal Government, in consultation with the City, determines such placement to be necessary and economically justified. The Federal Government is to pay 65% of project costs. To provide all lands needed for the initial construction, operation and maintenance of the project. The City is to pay 35% of project costs (50% of costs assigned by the Federal Government to recreation; however recreational benefits and assignment of costs do not apply under current project authority). Representatives of the Federal Government and the City will be appointed to serve on a Project Coordination Team to oversee the project. Initial Construction Periodic Nourishment _ Total $ 12,303,000 297,733,000 $310,036,000 City's share of project costs (estimated): Initial Construction $ 4,306,000 Periodic Nourishment 104,207,000 Total $108, 513,000 The City shall make payment to the Federal Government of the City's share as follows: 1. Initial Construction. During the first year of initial construction the City Shall pay its share of projected construction costs for that year not later than 45 days prior to the issuance of the solicitation for the contract for initial construction. During the second and subsequent years of initial construction, the City shall pay its share of construction costs not later than 60 days prior to the beginning of the Federal Government's fiscal year (October 1). 2. Periodic Nourishment. The City shall pay its share of projected costs for the first iteration of periodic nourishment not later than 45 days prior to the solicitation for the contract for such periodic nourishment. For lhe second and subsequent years of periodic nourishment, the City shall pay its share for each iteration of periodic nourishment not later than 60 days prior to the beginning of the Federal Government's fiscal year (October 1). OPERATION, MAINTENANCE REPAIR, AND REHABILITATION: INDEMNIFICATION: TERMINATION: The City shall operate, maintain, repair and rehabilitate the project. The City shall hold harmless the Federal Government from all damages arising from the project except for damages due to the fault or negligence of the Federal Government or its contractors. The Federal Government may terminate the Agreement if the City fails to fulfill obligations. Either party may terminate the Agreement if the Federal Government fails to receive an annual appropriation in an amount sufficient to meet its project expenditures for the then current or upcoming fiscal year. Termination of the Agreement shall not relieve the parties of liability for any obligation previously incurred. H:~Proj ectCooperationAgrmtORDSUM3 .wpd PROJECT COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TIlE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BEACH EROSION CONTROL AND HURRICANE PROTECTION PROJECT AT SANDBRIDGE BEACH, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this __ day of ,2002, by and between the Department of the Army (hereinaRer the "Government"), represented by the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), and the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia (hereinat~er the "Non-Federal Sponsor"), represented by the City Manager. WITNESSETH, THAT: WHEREAS, construction of the Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project at Sandbridge Beach in Virginia Beach, Virginia, was authorized by Section 10 l(22)ofthe Water Resources Development Act of 1992, Public Law 102-580 as amended by Section 338 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000, Public Law 106-541; WHEREAS, Section 338 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000, Public Law 106-541, sets the authorized periodic nourishment period to begin in 1998; WHEREAS, the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor desire to enter into a Project Cooperation Agreement for construction of the Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project at Sandbridge Beach in Virginia Beach, Virginia (hereinafter, the "Project" and defined in Article I.A. of this Agreement); WHEREAS, Section 103 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, Public Law 99-662, as amended, specifies the cost-sharing requirements applicable to the Project; WHEREAS, Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970, Public Law 91-611, as amended, and Section 103 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, Public Law 99-662, as amended, provide that the Secretary of the Army shall not commence construction of any water resources project, or separable element thereof, until each non- Federal sponsor has entered into a written agreement to furnish its required cooperation for the project or separable element; WHEREAS, the Non-Federal Sponsor does not qualify for a reduction of the maximum non-federal cost share pursuant to the guidelines that implement Section 103(m) of the Water Resources Act of 1986, Public Law 99-662, as amended; WHEREAS, Section 902 of Public Law 99-6.62 establishes the maximum amount of costs for the Project and sets forth procedures for adjusting such maximum amount; and WHEREAS, the Government and Non-Federal Sponsor have the full authority and capability to perform as hereinaRer set forth and intend to cooperate in cost-sharing and financing of the construction of the Project in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor agree as follows: ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS For purposes of this Agreement: A. The term "Project" shall mean initial construction and periodic nourishment as generally described in the Chief of Engineers Report dated June 29, 1992 and as supplemented by the Limited Reevaluation Report dated May 2002 and approved by the Chief, Planning and Policy Division, Civil Works and Management Directorate, North Atlantic Division on June 4, 2002 and further modified by an Addendum to the Limited Reevaluation Report, dated ~ and approved by the Chief, Planning and Policy Division, Civil Works and Management Directorate, North Atlantic Division on (hereinafter the "decision documents"). B. The term "initial construction" shall mean the provision of a beach berm which will be constructed of suitable fill material and have a top elevation of 6.0 feet, NGVD, a minimum top width of 50 feet, and a 1V:20H foreshore slope for a distance of approximately 5 miles bounded by the Dam Neck Naval Training Center on the north and the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge on the south as generally described in the decision documents. C. The term "periodic nourishment" shall mean the placement, aRer the end of the period of initial construction, of suitable beach fill material within the area of the initial construction or any functional portion of the area of initial construction, as general described in the decision documents. D. The term "total project costs" shall mean all costs incurred by the Non-Federal Sponsor and the Government in accordance with the terms of this Agreement directly related to initial construction and periodic nourishment of the Project. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the term shall include, but is not necessarily limited to: continuing planning and engineering costs incurred after October 1, 1985; advanced engineering and design costs; preconstruction engineering and design costs; engineering and design costs during construction; the costs ofin.vestigations to identify the existence and extent of hazardous substances in accordance with Article XV.A. of this Agreement; costs of historic preservation activities in accordance with Article XVIII.A. of this Agreement; actual construction costs, supervision and administration costs; costs of participation in the Project Coordination Team in accordance with Article V of this Agreement; costs of contract dispute settlements or awards; the value of lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas for which the Government affords credit in accordance with Article IV of this Agreement; and costs of audit in accordance with Article X of this Agreement. The term does not include any costs for operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, or rehabilitation; any costs due to betterments; any costs of dispute resolution under Article VII of this Agreement; or any liability or costs that the Non-Federal Sponsor incurs as a result of third party claims associated with the lands, easements and rights-of-way that the Non-Federal Sponsor must provide for initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation and maintenance of the Project. E. The term "total costs of initial construction" shall mean that portion of total project costs allocated by the Government to initial construction. F. The term "total costs of periodic nourishment" shall mean that portion of total project costs allocated by the Government to periodic nourishment. G. The term "financial obligation for initial construction" shall mean a financial obligation of the Government, other than an obligation pertaining to the provision of lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations, and borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas, that results or would result in a cost that is or would be included in total costs of initial construction. H. The term "financial obligation for periodic nourishment" shall mean a financial obligation of the Government, other than an obligation pertaining to the provision of lands, easements, rights of way, relocations, and borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas, that results or would result in a cost that is or would be included in total costs of periodic nourishment. I. The term "non-Federal proportionate share" with respect to initial construction, shall mean the ratio of the Non-Federal Sponsor's total cash contribution required in accordance with Articles II.E.2. of this Agreement to total financial obligations for initial construction, as projected by the Government. The term shall mean, with respect to periodic nourishment, the ratio of the Non-Federal Sponsor's total cash contribution required in accordance with Article II.H.2. oft[tis Agreement to total financial obligations for periodic nourishment, as projected by the Government. J. The term "period of initial construction" shall mean the time from the date the Government first notifies the Non-Federal Sponsor .in writing, in accordance with Article VI.B. of this Agreement, of the scheduled date for issuance of the solicitation for the first contract for initial construction to the date that the U.S. Army Engineer for the Norfolk District (hereinafter the "District Engineer") notifies the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing of the Government's determination that initial construction of the Project is complete. K. The term "authorized periodic nourishment period" shall mean the authorized duration for Federal participation in periodic nourishment for a period of 50 years from 1998. L. The term "highway" shall mean any public highway, roadway, street, or way, including any bridge thereof. M. The term "relocation" shall mean providing a functionally equivalent facility to the owner of an existing utility, cemetery, highway or other public facility, or railroad (excluding existing railroad bridges and approaches thereto) when such action is authorized in accordance with applicable legal principles of just compensation or as otherwise provided in the authorizing legislation for the Project or any report referenced therein. Providing a functionally equivalent facility may take the form of alteration, lowering, raising, or replacement and attendant removal of the affected facility or part thereof. N. The term "fiscal year" shall mean one fiscal year of the Government. The Government fiscal year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. O. The term "functional portion of the Project" shall mean a portion of the Project that is suitable for tender to the Non-Federal Sponsor to operate and maintain in advance of completion of the entire Project. For a portion of the Project to be suitable for tender, the District Engineer must notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing of the Government's determination that the portion of the Project is complete and can function independently and for a useful purpose, although the balance of the Project is not complete. P. The term "betterment" shall mean a change in the design and construction of an element of the Project resulting from the application of standards that the Government determines exceed those that the Government would otherwise apply for accomplishing the design and construction of that element. ARTICLE II - OBLIGATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT AND THE NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR A. The Government, subject to receiving funds appropriated by the Congress of the United States (hereinafter, the "Congress") and using those funds and funds provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor, shall expeditiously construct the Project (including periodic nourishment at such times during the authorized periodic nourishment period as the Government, after consultation with the Non-Federal Sponsor, determines such placement to be necessary and economically justified), applying those procedures usually applied to Federal projects, pursuant to Federal laws, regulations, and policies. 1. The Government shall afford the Non-Federal Sponsor the opportunity to review and comment on the solicitations for all contracts, including relevant plans and specifications, prior to the Government's issuance of such solicitations. The Government shall not issue the solicitation for the first construction contract until the Non-Federal Sponsor has confirmed in writing its willingness to proceed with the Project. To the extent possible, the Government shall afford the Non-Federal Sponsor the opportunity to review and comment on all contract modifications, including change orders, prior to the issuance to the contractor ora Notice to Proceed. In any instance where providing the Non-Federal Sponsor with notification of a contract modification or change order is not possible prior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed, the Government shall provide such notification in writing at the earliest date possible. To the extent possible, the Government also shall afford the Non-Federal Sponsor the opportunity to review and comment on all contract claims prior to resolution thereof. The Government shall consider in good faith the comments of the Non-Federal Sponsor, but the contents of solicitations, award of contracts, execution of contract modifications, issuance of change orders, resolution of contract claims, and performance of all work on the Project (whether the work is performed under contract or by Government personnel), shall be exclusively within the control of the Government. 2. Throughout the period of construction, the District Engineer shall furnish the Non-Federal Sponsor with a copy of the Government's Written Notice of Acceptance of Completed Work for each contract for the Project. B. The Non-Federal Sponsor may request the Government to accomplish betterments during the period of initial construction. Such requests shall be in writing and shall describe the betterments requested to be accomplished. If the Government in its sole discretion elects to accomplish the requested betterments or any portion thereof, it shall so notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in a writing that sets forth any applicable terms and conditions, which must be consistent with this Agreement. In the event of conflict between such a writing and this Agreement, this Agreement shall control. The Non- Federal Sponsor shall be solely responsible for all costs due to the requested betterments 5 and shall pay all such costs in accordance with Article VI.C. of this Agreement. C. When the District Engineer determines that the initial construction of the Project is complete or that a portion of the initial construction has become a functional portion of the initial construction, the District Engineer shall so notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing and furnish the Non-Federal Sponsor with an Operation, Maintenance, Repair, and Rehabilitation Manual (hereinafter the "OMR&R Manual") and with copies of all of the Government's Written Notices of Acceptance of Completed Work for all contracts for the initial construction of the Project or the functional portion of the initial construction that have not been provided previously. Upon such notification, the Non- Federal Sponsor shall operate, maintain, repair, and rehabilitate the entire initial construction of the Project or the functional portion of the initial construction in accordance with Article VIII of this Agreement. When the District Engineer determines that an iteration of.periodic nourishment is complete or that a portion of an iteration of periodic nourishment has become a functional portion of such iteration of periodic nourishment, the District Engineer shall so notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing and furnish the Non-Federal Sponsor with copies of all of the Government's Written Notices of Acceptance of Completed Work for all contracts for such iteration of periodic nourishment or functional portion of such iteration of periodic nourishment that have not been provided previously. Upon such notification, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall operate, maintain, repair, and rehabilitate such iteration of periodic nourishment or the functional portion of such iteration of periodic nourishment in accordance with.Article VIII of this Agreement. D. The Government shall assign all costs included or to be included in total project costs, including all contributions provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor, to hurricane and storm damage reduction, to recreation, or to privately owned shores where use of such shores is limited to private interests. E. During the period of initial construction, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall contribute 35 percent of the total costs of initial construction assigned by the Government to hurricane and storm damage reduction, plus 50 percent of the total costs of initial construction assigned by the Government to recreation, plus 100 percent of the total costs of initial construction assigned by the Govermnent to privately owned shores where use of such shores is limited to private interests (hereinafter the "non-Federal share of initial construction"), in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. 1. In accordance with Article III of this Agreement, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas that the Government determines the Non-' Federal Sponsor must provide for the initial construction, operation, and maintenance of the Project, and shall perform or ensure performance of all relocations that the Government determines to be necessary for the initial construction, operation, and maintenance of the Project. 2. If the Government projects that the value of the Non-Federal Sponsor's contributions under paragraph E. 1. of this Article and the Non-Federal Sponsor's contributions attributable to initial construction under Articles V, X, and XV.A. of this Agreement will be'less than the non-Federal share of initial construction, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide an additiOnal contribution, in accordance with Article VI.B. of this Agreement, in the amount necessary to make the Non-Federal Sponsor's total contribution equal to the non-Federal share of initial construction. 3. If the Government determines that the value of the Non-Federal Sponsor's contributions provided under paragraphs E. 1. and E.2. of this Article and the Non-Federal Sponsor's contributions attributable to initial construction under Articles V, X, and XV.A. of this Agreement has exceeded the non-Federal share of initial construction, the Government, subject to the availability of funds, shall reimburse the Non- Federal Sponsor for any such value in excess of the non-Federal share of initial construction. At, er such a determination, the Government, in its sole discretion may provide any remaining initial construction lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas and perform any remaining initial construction relocations on behalf of the Non-Federal Sponsor. F. The Non-Federal Sponsor may request the Government to provide lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas or perform relocations on behalf of the Non-Federal Sponsor during the period of initial construction. Such requests shall be in writing and shall describe the services requested to be performed. If in its sole discretion the Government elects to perform the requested services or any portion thereof, it shall so notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in a writing that sets forth any applicable terms and conditions, which must be consistent with this Agreement. In the event of conflict between such a writing and this Agreement, this Agreement shall control. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall be solely responsible for all costs of the requested services and shall pay all such costs in accordance with Article VI.C. of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the provision of lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas or performance of relocations by the Government, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall be responsible, as between the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor, for the costs of cleanup and response in accordance with Article XV.C. of this Agreement. G. Upon completion of the period of initial construction, the Government shall perform a final accounting in accordance with Article VI.D. of this Agreement to determine the contributions provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor in accordance with paragraphs B., E., and F. of this Article and Articles V, X, and XV.A. of this Agreement and to determine whether the Non-Federal Sponsor has met its obligations under paragraphs B., E., and F. of this Article. H. For each iteration of periodic nourishment, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall contribute 35 percent of the total costs of periodic nourishment assigned by the Government to hurricane and storm damage reduction, plus 50 percent of the total costs of periodic nourishment assigned by the Government to recreation, plus 100 percent of the total costs of periodic nourishment assigned by the Government to privately owned shores where use of such shores is limited to private interes.ts (hereinafter the "non-Federal share of periodic nourishment") in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. 1. In accordance with Article III of this Agreement, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas that the Government determines the Non- Federal Sponsor must provide for the iteration of periodic nourishment, and shall perform or ensure performance of all relocations that the Government determines to be necessary for the iteration of periodic nourishment of the Project. 2. If the Government projects that the value of the Non-Federal Sponsor's contributions under paragraph H. 1. of this Article and the Non-Federal Sponsor's contributions attributable to periodic nourishment under Articles V, X, and XV.A. of this Agreement, will be less than the non-Federal share of periodic nourishment, the Non- Federal Sponsor shall provide an additional cash contribution, in accordance with Article VI.B. of this Agreement, in the amount necessary to make the Non-Federal Sponsor's total contribution equal to the non-Federal share of periodic nourishment. 3. If the Government determines that the value of the Non-Federal Sponsor's contributions provided under paragraphs H. 1. and H.2. of this Article and the Non-Federal Sponsor's contributions attributable to periodic nourishment under Articles V, X, and XV.A. of this Agreement, has exceeded the non-Federal share of periodic nourishment, the Government, subject to the availability of funds, shall reimburse the Non- Federal Sponsor for any such value in excess of the non-Federal share of periodic nourishment. After such a determination, the Government, in its sole discretion, may provide any remaining periodic nourishment lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas and perform any remaining periodic nourishment relocations on behalf of the Non-Federal Sponsor. I. The Non-Federal Sponsor may request the Government to accomplish betterments during the authorized periodic nourishment period. Such requests shall be in writing and shall describe the betterments requested to be accomplished. If the Government in its sole discretion elects to accomplish the requested betterments or any. portion thereof, it shall so notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in a writing that sets forth any applicable terms and conditions, which must be consistent with this Agreement. In the event of conflict between such a writing and this Agreement, this Agreement shall control. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall be solely responsible for all costs due to the requested betterments and shall pay all such costs in accordance with Article VI.C. of this Agreement. J. The Non-Federal Sponsor may request the Government to provide lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas or perform relocations on behalf of the Non-Federal Sponsor during the authorized periodic nourishment period. Such requests shall be in writing and shall describe the services requested to be performed. If in its sole discretion the Government elects to perform the requested services or any portion thereof, it shall so notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in a writing that sets forth any applicable terms and conditions, which must be consistent with this Agreement. In the event of conflict between such a writing and this Agreement, this Agreement shall control. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall be solely responsible for all costs of the requested services and shall pay all such costs in accordance with Article VI.C. of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the provision of lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas or performance of relocations by the Government, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall be responsible, as between the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor, for the costs of cleanup and response in accordance with Article XV.C. of this Agreement. K. For each iteration of periodic nourishment, the Government shall perform a final accounting in accordance with Article VI.F. of this Agreement to determine the contributions provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor toward the total costs of periodic nourishment and costs due to betterments in accordance with paragraphs H., I., and J. of this Article and the Non-Federal Sponsor's contributions attributable to periodic nourishment under Articles V, X, and XV.A. of this Agreement, and to determine whether the Non-Federal Sponsor has met its obligations under paragraphs H., I. and J. of this Article. L. In the event that the initial construction, or any functional portion of the initial construction, is damaged or destroyed by a storm or other natural forces, the Government, subject to the availability of funds and Article II.A. of this Agreement, shall place suitable beach fill material within the area of the completed initial construction, or the functional portion of the initial construction, as periodic nourishment. The costs of such placement shall be included in the total costs of periodic nourishment and cost shared in accordance with Article II.H. of this Agreement. In the event an uncompleted beach berm portion of the initial construction is damaged or destroyed by a storm or other natural forces, the Government, subject to the availability of funds and Article II.A. of this Agreement, shall place suitable beach fill material within the area of the uncompleted initial construction as initial construction. The costs of the placement of suitable beach fill material and repair. and restoration shall be included in the total costs of initial construction and cost shared in accordance with Article II.E. of this Agreement. Nothing in this paragraph shall relieve the Non-Federal Sponsor of its obligations under Article VIII of this Agreement. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the Government from using Public Law 84-99 to accomplish any emergency repair and restoration work of the completed initial construction, or a functional portion of the initial construction. M. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall not use Federal funds to meet the Non-Federal Sponsor's share of total project costs under this Agreement unless the Federal granting agency verifies in writing that the expenditure of such funds is expressly authorized by statute. N. The Non-Federal Sponsor agrees to participate in and comply with applicable Federal floodplain management and flood insurance programs. O. Not less than once each year the Non-Federal Sponsor shall inform affected interests of the extent of protection afforded by the Project elements. P. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall publicize floodplain information in the area concerned and shall provide this information to zoning and other regulatory agencies for their use in preventing unwise future development in the flood plain and in adopting such regulations as may be necessary to prevent unwise future development and to ensure compatibility with protection levels provided by the Project. Q. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall comply with Section 402 of the Water Resources Act of 1986, as amended (33 U.S.C. 701b-12), which requires a non-Federal interest to have prepared within one year after the date of signing this Agreement, a floodplain management plan. The plan shall be designed to reduce the impacts of future flood events in the project area, including but not limited to, addressing those measures to be undertaken by non-Federal interests to preserve the level of flood protection provided by this Project. As required by Section 402, as amended, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall implement such plan not later than one year after completion of construction of the Project. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide an information copy of the plan to the Government upon its preparation. R. For so long as the Project remains authorized, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall ensure continued conditions of public ownership and use of the shore on which Federal participation is based. S. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide and maintain appropriate access roads, parking areas, and other public use facilities open and available to all on equal terms. T. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall prescribe and enforce regulations to prevent obstruction of or encroachment on the Project elements that would reduce the level of protection the Project affords or that would hinder operation and maintenance of the Project elements. 10 U. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall control water pollution to the extent necessary to safeguard the health of bathers. ARTICLE IH - LANDS, RELOCATIONS, DISPOSAL AREAS, AND PUBLIC LAW 91-646 COMPLIANCE A. The Government, after consultation with the Non-Federal Sponsor, shall determine the lands, easements, and rights-of-way required for the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation, and maintenance of the Project, including those required for relocations, borrow materials, and dredged or excavated material disposal. The Government in a timely manner shall provide the Non-Federal Sponsor with general written descriptions, including maps as appropriate, of the lands, easements, and rights-of- way that the Government determines the Non-Federal Sponsor must provide, in detail sufficient to enable the Non-Federal Sponsor to fulfill its obligations under this paragraph, and shall provide the Non-Federal Sponsor with a written notice to proceed with acquisition of such lands, easements, and rights-of-way. Prior to the end of the period of initial construction, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall acquire all lands, easements, and rights- of-way required for the initial construction, operation and maintenance of the Project, as set forth in such descriptions. Prior to the end of the authorized periodic nourishment period, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall acquire all lands, easements, and rights-of-way required for the periodic nourishment, as set forth in such descriptions. Furthermore, prior to issuance of the solicitation for each contract for the initial construction or periodic nourishment, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide the Government with authorization for entry to all lands, easements, and rights-of-way the Government determines the Non- Federal Sponsor must provide for that contract. For so long as the Project remains authorized, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall ensure that all lands, easements, and rights-of- way that the Government determines to be required for the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation and maintenance of the Project are available for such activities, and are retained in public ownership for uses compatible with the authorized purposes of the Project. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall have the sole responsibility to defend title to the required interests in land. In no event shall the Government participate in the resolution of any third party claims as to the lands, easements and rights-of-way that the Government determines that the Non-Federal Sponsor must provide in accordance with this Agreement. Furthermore, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall hold and save the Government free from any and all costs or liability associated with the provision of the lands, easements and rights-of-way required for Project purposes. B. The Government, at, er consultation with the Non-Federal Sponsor, shall determine the improvements required on lands, easements, and rights-of-way to enable the proper disposal of dredged or excavated material associated with the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation, and maintenance of the Project. Such improvements may include, but are not necessarily limited to, retaining dikes, wasteweirs, bulkheads, embankments, monitoring 11 ; features, stilling basins, and de-watering pumps and pipes. The Government in a timely manner shall provide the Non-Federal Sponsor with general written descriptions of such improvements in detail sufficient to enable the Non-Federal Sponsor to fulfill its obligations under this paragraph, and shall provide the Non-Federal Sponsor with a written notice to proceed with construction of such improvements. Prior to the end of the period of initial construction, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide all improvements required for the initial construction, operation and maintenance of the Project, as set forth in such descriptions. Prior to the end of the authorized periodic nourishment period, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide all improvements required for the periodic nourishment, as set forth in such descriptions. Furthermore, prior to issuance of the solicitation for each Government construction contract for initial construction or periodic nourishment, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall prepare plans and specifications for all improvements the Government determines to be required for the proper disposal of dredged or excavated material under that contract, submit such plans and specifications to the Government for approval, and provide such improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. C. The Government, after consultation with the Non-Federal Sponsor, shall determine the relocations necessary for the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation, and maintenance of the Project, including those necessary to enable the removal of borrow materials and the proper disposal of dredged or excavated material. The Government in a timely manner shall provide the Non-Federal Sponsor with general written descriptions, including maps as appropriate, of such relocations in detail sufficient to enable the Non-Federal Sponsor to fulfill its obligations under this paragraph, and shall provide the Non-Federal Sponsor with a written notice to proceed with such relocations. Prior to the end of the period of initial construction, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall perform or ensure the performance of all relocations required for the initial construction, operation and maintenance of the Project, as set forth in such descriptions. Prior to the end of the authorized periodic nourishment period, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall perform or ensure the performance of all relocations required for the periodic nourishment, as set forth in such descriptions. Furthermore, prior to issuance of the solicitation for each Government contract for initial construction or periodic nourishment, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall prepare or ensure the preparation of plans and specifications for, and perform or ensure the performance of, all relocations the Government determines to be necessary for that contract. D. The Non-Federal Sponsor in a timely manner shall provide the Government with such documents as are sufficient to enable the Government to determine the value of any contribution provided pursuant to paragraphs A., B., or C. of this Article. Upon receipt of such documents the Government, in accordance with Article IV of this Agreement and in a timely manner, shall determine the value of such contribution, include such value in total project costs, and afford credit for such value toward the non-Federal share of initial construction or the non-Federal share of periodic nourishment. 12 E. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, Public Law 91-646, as amended by Title IV of the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-17), and the Uniform Regulations contained in 49 C.F.R. Part 24, in acquiring lands, easements, and rights-of-way required for the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation, and maintenance of the Project, including those necessary for relocations, borrow materials, and dredged or excavated material disposal, and shall inform all affected persons of applicable benefits, policies, and procedures in connection with said Act. ARTICLE IV - CREDIT FOR VALUE OF LANDS, RELOCATIONS, AND DISPOSAL AREAS A. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall receive credit toward its share of total costs of initial construction for the value of the lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas that the Non-Federal Sponsor must provide for initial construction, operation, and maintenance of the Project pursuant to Article III of this Agreement, and for the value of the relocations that the Non-Federal Sponsor must perform or for which it must ensure performance for initial construction, operation, and maintenance of the Project pursuant to Article III of this Agreement. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall receive credit toward its share of total costs of periodic nourishment for the value of the lands, easements, fights-of-way, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas that the Non-Federal Sponsor must provide for periodic nourishment of the Project pursuant to Article III of this Agreement, and for the value of the relocations that the Non-Federal Sponsor must perform or for which it must ensure performance for periodic nourishment of the Project pursuant to Article III of this Agreement. However, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall not receive credit for the value of any lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations, or borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas that have been provided previously as an item of cooperation for another Federal project. The Non-Federal Sponsor also shall not receive credit for the value of lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations, or borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas to the extent that such items are provided using Federal funds unless the Federal granting agency verifies in writing that such credit is expressly authorized by statute. Furthermore, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall not receive credit for any liability or costs incurred as a result of third party claims associated with the lands, easements and rights-of-way that the Non-Federal Sponsor must provide for initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation and maintenance of the Project. B. For the sole purpose of affording credit in accordance with this Agreement, the value of lands, easements, and rights-of-way, including those necessary for relocations, borrow materials, and dredged or excavated material disposal, shall be the fair market value of the real property interests, plus certain incidental costs of acquiring those 13 interests, as determined in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. 1. Date nfVahmtinn. The fair market value of lands, easements, or rights- of-way owned by the Non-Federal Sponsor on the effective date of this Agreement shall be the fair market value of such real property interests as of the date the Non-Federal Sponsor provides the Government with authorization for entry thereto. The fair market value of lands, easements, or rights-of-way acquired, by the Non-Federal Sponsor after the effective date of this Agreement shall be the fair market value of such real property interests at the time the interests are acquired. 2. Geno. ral Vah,ntinn Prncerlnre. Except as provided in paragraph B.3. of this Article, the fair market value of lands, easements, or rights-of-way shall be determined in accordance with paragraph B.2.a. of this Article, unless thereafter a different amount is determined to represent fair market value in accordance with paragraph B.2.b. of this Article. a. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall obtain, for each real property interest, an appraisal that is prepared by a qualified appraiser who is acceptable to the Non-Federal Sponsor and the Government. The appraisal must be prepared in accordance with the applicable rules of just compensation, as specified by the Government. The fair market value shall be the amount set forth in the Non-Federal Sponsor's appraisal, if such appraisal is approved by the Government. In the event the Government does not approve the Non-Federal Sponsor's appraisal, the Non-Federal Sponsor may obtain a second appraisal, and the fair market value shall be the amount set forth in the Non-Federal Sponsor's second appraisal, if such appraisal is approved by the Government. In the event the Government does not approve the Non-Federal Sponsor's second appraisal, or the Non-Federal Sponsor chooses not to obtain a second appraisal, the Government shall obtain an appraisal, and the fair market value shall be the amount set forth in the Government's appraisal, if such appraisal is approved by the Non-Federal Sponsor. In the event the Non-Federal Sponsor does not approve the Government's appraisal, the Government, after consultation with the Non-Federal Sponsor, shall consider the Government's and the Non-Federal Sponsor's appraisals and determine an amount based thereon, which shall be deemed to be the fair market value. b. Where the amount paid or proposed to be paid by the Non- Federal Sponsor for the real property interest exceeds the amount determined pursuant to paragraph B.2.a. of this Article, the Government, at the request of the Non-Federal Sponsor, shall consider all factors relevant to determining fair market value and, in its sole discretion, after consultation with the Non-Federal Sponsor, may approve in writing an. amount greater than the amount determined pursuant to paragraph B.2.a. of this Article, but not to exceed the amount actually paid or proposed to be paid. If the Government approves such an amount, the fair market value shall be the lesser of the approved amount or the amount paid by the Non-Federal Sponsor, but no less than the amount determined 14 ; pursuant to paragraph B.2.a. of this Article. 3. Eminent Dc~main Vahmticm Prcmedure. For lands, easements, or rights- of-way acquired by eminent domain proceedings instituted after the effective date of this Agreement, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall, prior to instituting such proceedings, submit to the Government notification in writing of its intent to institute such proceedings and an appraisal of the specific real property interests to be.acquired in such proceedings. The Government shall have 60 days after receipt of such a notice and appraisal within which to review the appraisal, if not previously approved by the Government in writing. a. If the Government previously has approved the appraisal in Writing, or if the Government provides written approval of, or takes no action on, the appraisal within such 60-day period, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall use the amount set forth in such appraisal as the estimate of just compensation for the purpose of instituting the eminent domain proceeding. b. If the Government provides written disapproval of the appraisal, including the reasons for disapproval, within such 60-day period, the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor shall consult in good faith to promptly resolve the issues or areas of disagreement that are identified in the Government's written disapproval. If, after such good faith consultation, the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor agree as to an appropriate amount, then the Non-Federal Sponsor shall use that amount as the estimate of just compensation for the purpose of instituting the eminent domain proceeding. If, after such good faith consultation, the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor cannot agree as to an appropriate amount, then the Non-Federal Sponsor may use the amount set forth in its appraisal as the estimate of just compensation for the purpose of instituting the eminent domain proceeding. c. For lands, easements, or rights-of-way acquired by eminent domain proceedings instituted in accordance with sub-paragraph B.3. of this Article, fair market value shall be either the amount of the court award for the real property interests taken, to the extent the Government determined such interests are required for the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation, and maintenance of the Project, or the amount of any stipulated settlement or portion thereof that the Government approves in writing. 4. lne. ido. ntM Co_eta For lands, easements, or rights-of-way acquired by the Non-Federal Sponsor within a five-year period preceding the effective date of this Agreement, or at any time after the effective date of this Agreement, the value of the interest shall include the documented incidental costs of acquiring the interest, as determined by the Government, subject to an audit in accordance with Article X.C. of this Agreement to determine reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of costs. Such incidental costs shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, closing and title costs, appraisal costs, survey costs, attorney's fees, plat maps, and mapping costs, as well as the actual amounts expended for payment of any Public Law 91-646 relocation assistance benefits provided in accordance with Article III.E. of this Agreement. C. After consultation with the Non-Federal Sponsor, the Government shall determine the value of relocations in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. 1. For a relocation other than a high~,vay, the value shall be only that portion of relocation costs that the Government determines is necessary to provide a functionally equivalent facility, reduced by depreciation, as applicable, and by the salvage value of any removed items. 2. For a relocation of a highway, the value shall be only that portion of relocation costs that would be necessary to accomplish the relocation in accordance with the design standard that the State of Virginia would apply under similar conditions of geography and traffic load, reduced by the salvage value of any removed items. 3. Relocation costs shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, actual costs of performing the relocation; planning, engineering and design costs; supervision and administration costs; and documented incidental costs associated with performance of the relocation, but shall not include any costs due to betterments, as determined by the Government, nor any additional cost of using new material when suitable used material is available. Relocation costs shall be subject to an audit in accordance with Article X.C. of this Agreement to determine reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of costs. 4. Crediting for relocations performed within the Project boundaries is subject to satisfactory compliance with applicable federal labor laws covering non-Federal construction, including, but not limited to the Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC 276a et seq), the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 USC 327 et seq) and the Copeland Anti-Kickback Act (40 USC 276c). Crediting may be withheld, in whole or in part, as a result of the Non-Federal Sponsor's failure to comply with its obligations under these laws. D. The value of the improvements made to lands, easements, and rights-of-way for the proper disposal of dredged or excavated material shall be the costs of the improvements, as determined by the Government, subject to an audit in accordance with Article X.C. of this Agreement to determine reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of costs. Such costs shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, actual costs of providing the improvements; planning, engineering and design costs; supervision and administration costs; and documented incidental costs associated with providing the improvements, but shall not include any costs due to betterments, as determined by the Government. ARTICLE V - PROJECT COORDINATION TEAM A. To provide for consistent and effective communication, the Non-Federal Sponsor and the Government, not later than 30 days after the effective date of this Agreement, shall appoint named senior representatives to a Project Coordination Team. Thereafter, the Project Coordination Team shall mc.et regularly until the end of the period of initial construction and during the authorized periodic nourishment period, as appropriate. The Government's Project Manager and a counterpart named by the Non- Federal Sponsor shall co-chair the Project Coordination Team. B. The Government's Project Manager and the Non-Federal Sponsor's counterpart shall keep the Project Coordination Team informed of the progress of construction and of significant pending issues and actions, and shall seek the views of the Project Coordination Team on matters that the Project Coordination Team generally oversees. C. Until the end of the period of initial construction or the authorized periodic nourishment period, as appropriate, the Project Coordination Team shall generally oversee the Project, including issues related to design; plans and specifications; scheduling; real property and relocation requirements; real property acquisition; contract awards and modifications; contract costs; the application of and compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act, Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act and the Copeland Anti-Kickback Act for relocations; the Government's cost projections; final inspection of the initial construction or functional portions of the initial construction; final inspection of each iteration of periodic nourishment or functional portions of each iteration of periodic nourishment; preparation of the proposed OMRR&R Manual; anticipated requirements and needed capabilities for performance of operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and rehabilitation of the Project; and other related matters. This oversight shall be consistent with a project management plan developed by the Government after consultation with the Non-Federal Sponsor. D. The Project Coordination Team may make recommendations that it deems warranted to the District Engineer on matters that the Project Coordination Team generally oversees, including suggestions to avoid potential sources of dispute. The Government in good faith shall consider the recommendations of the Project Coordination Team. The Government, having the legal authority and responsibility for construction of the Project, has the discretion to accept, reject, or modify the Project Coordination Team's recommendations. E. The costs of participation in the Project Coordination Team shall be include~t in total project costs and cost shared in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE VI - METHOD OF PAYMENT A. The Government shall maintain current records of contributions provided by the parties and current projections of total project costs, total costs of initial construction, total costs of periodic nourishment, and costs due to betterments. By July 1 of each year and at least quarterly thereatier, the Government shall provide the Non-Federal Sponsor with a report setting forth all contributions provided to date and the current projections of total project costs, of total costs of initial construction, of total costs of periodic nourishment, of total costs due to betterments during the period of initial construction or during the authorized periodic nourishment period, as applicable, of the components of total project costs, of the non-Federal share of initial construction, of the non-Federal share of periodic nourishment, of the maximum amount of total project costs determined in accordance with Article XIX of this Agreement, of the Non-Federal Sponsor's total cash contributions required in accordance with Articles ll.B., II.E, II.F, II.H., II.I., and II.J. of this Agreement, of the non-Federal proportionate share, and of the funds the Government projects to be required from the Non-Federal Sponsor for the upcoming fiscal year. On the effective date of this Agreement, total project costs are projected to be $310,036,000, total costs of initial construction are estimated to be $12,303,000, and total costs for periodic nourishment are estimated to be $297,733,000. The Non-Federal Sponsor's contribution required under Article II.E.2. of this Agreement is projected to be $4,306,000 and the Non-Federal Sponsor's contribution required under Article II.H.2. of this Agreement is projected to be $104,207,000. Such amounts are estimates subject to adjustment by the Government and are not to be construed as the total financial responsibilities of the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor. B. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide the cash contribution required under Article II.E.2. of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. 1. Not less than 45 calendar days prior to the scheduled date for issuance of the solicitation for the first contract for initial construction, the Government shall notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing of such scheduled date and the funds the Government determines to be required from the Non-Federal Sponsor to meet the non-Federal proportionate share of projected financial obligations for initial construction through the first fiscal year of the period of initial construction, including the non-Federal proportionate share of financial obligations for initial construction incurred prior to the commencement of the period of initial construction. Not later than such scheduled date, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide the Government with the full amount of the required funds by delivering a check payable to "FAO, USAED, Norfolk" to the District Engineer or verifying to the satisfaction of the Government that the Non-Federal Sponsor has deposited the required funds in an escrow or other account acceptable to the Government, with interest accruing to the Non-Federal Sponsor, or presenting the Government with an irrevocable letter of credit acceptable to the Government for the required funds, or providing an Electronic Funds Transfer of the required funds in accordance with procedures established by the Government. 2. For the second and subsequent fiscal years of the period of initial construction, the Government shall notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing, no later than 60 calendar days prior to the beginning of that fiscal year, of the funds the Government determines to be required from the Non-Federal Sponsor to meet the non- Federal proportionate share of projected financial obligations for initial construction for that fiscal year. No later than 30 calendar days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall make the full amount of the required funds for that fiscal year available to the Government through any of the payment mechanisms specified in Article VI.B. 1. of this Agreement. 3. The Government shall draw from the funds provided by the Non- Federal Sponsor such sums as the Government deems necessary to cover: (a) the non- Federal proportionate share of financial obligations for initial construction incurred prior to the commencement of the period of initial construction; and (b) the non-Federal proportionate share of financial obligations for initial construction as they are incurred during the period of initial construction. 4. If at any time during the period of initial construction the Government determines that additional funds will be needed from the Non-Federal Sponsor to cover the non-Federal proportionate share of projected financial obligations for initial construction for the current fiscal year, the Government shall notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing of the additional funds required, and provide an explanation of why additional funds are required, and the Non-Federal Sponsor, no later than 60 calendar days from receipt of such notice, shall make the additional required funds available through any of the payment mechanisms specified in Article VI.B. 1. of this Agreement. C. In advance of the Government incurring any financial obligation associated with additional work under Article II.B., II.F., II.I., or II.J. of this Agreement, the Non- Federal Sponsor shall provide the Government with the full amount of funds required to pay for such additional work through any of the payment mechanisms specified in Article VI.B. 1. of this Agreement. The Government shall draw from the funds provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor such sums as the Government deems necessary to cover the Government's financial obligations for such additional work as they are incurred. In the event the Government determines that the Non-Federal Sponsor must provide additional funds to meet its cash contribution, the Government shall notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing of the additional funds required and provide an explanation of why additional funds are required. Within 30 calendar days thereafter, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide the Government with the full amount of the additional required funds through any of the payment mechanisms specified in Article VI.B. 1. of this agreement. D. Upon the completion of the initial construction or termination of this Agreement during the period of initial construction, and upon resolution of all claims and appeals relevant to the initial construction, the Government shall conduct a final accounting and furnish the Non-Federal Sponsor with the results of the final accounting. The final accounting shall determine total costs of initial construction, each party's contribution provided thereto, and each party's required share thereof. The final accounting also shall determine costs due to betterments during the period of initial construction and the Non-Federal Sponsors cash contribution provided pursuant to Article II.B. of'this Agreement during the period of ~nitial construction. 1. In the event the final accounting shows that the total contribution provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor is less than the non-Federal share of initial construction plus costs due to any betterments provided in accordance with Article II.B. of this Agreement during the period of initial construction, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall, no later than 90 calendar days after receipt of written notice, make a payment to the Government of whatever sum is required to meet the non-Federal share of initial construction plus costs due to any betterments provided in accordance with Article II.B. of this Agreement during the period of initial construction by delivering a check payable to "FAO, USAED, Norfolk" to the District Engineer or providing an Electronic Funds Transfer in accordance with procedures established by the Government. 2. In the event the final accounting shows that the total contribution provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor exceeds the non-Federal share of initial construction plus costs due to any betterments provided in accordance with Article II.B. of this Agreement during the period of initial construction, the Government shall, subject to the availability of funds, refund the excess to the Non-Federal Sponsor no later than 90 calendar days after the final accounting is complete. In the event existing funds are not available to refund the excess to the Non-Federal Sponsor, the Government shall seek such appropriations as are necessary to make the refund. E. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide the cash contribution required under Article II.H.2. of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. 1. Not less than 45 calendar days prior to the scheduled date for issuance of the solicitation for the first contract for each iteration of periodic nourishment, the Government shall notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing of such scheduled date and the funds the Government determines to be required from the Non-Federal Sponsor to meet the non-Federal proportionate share of projected financial obligations for periodic nourishment through the first fiscal year of each iteration of periodic nourishment, including the non-Federal proportionate share of financial obligations for periodic nourishment incurred prior to the commencement of the authorized periodic nourishment period. Not later than such scheduled date, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall provide the Government with the full amount of the required funds by delivering a check payable to "FAO, USAED, Norfolk" to the District Engineer or verifying to the satisfaction of the 20 ~ Government that the Non-Federal Sponsor has deposited the required funds in an escrow or other account acceptable to the Government, with interest accruing to the Non-Federal Sponsor, or presenting the Government with an irrevocable letter of credit acceptable to the Government for the required funds, or providing an Electronic Funds Transfer of the required funds in accordance with procedures established by the Government. 2. For the second and subsequent fis. cal years of each iteration of periodic nourishment, the Government shall notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing, no later than 60 calendar days prior to the beginning of that fiscal year, of the funds the Government determines to be required from the Non-Federal Sponsor to meet the non- Federal proportionate share of projected financial obligations for periodic nourishment for that fiscal year. No later than 30 calendar days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall make the full amount of the required funds for that fiscal year available to the Government through any of the payment mechanisms specified in Article VI.B. 1. of this Agreement. 3. The Government shall draw from the funds provided by the Non- Federal Sponsor such sums as the Government deems necessary to cover: (a) the non- Federal proportionate share of financial obligations for periodic nourishment incurred prior to the commencement of the authorized periodic nourishment period; and (b) the non-Federal proportionate share of financial obligations for periodic nourishment as they are incurred during the authorized periodic nourishment period. 4. If at any time during the authorized periodic nourishment period the Government determines that additional funds will be needed from the Non-Federal Sponsor to cover the non-Federal proportionate share of projected financial obligations for periodic nourishment for the current fiscal year, the Government shall notify the Non- Federal Sponsor in writing of the additional funds required and provide an explanation of why additional funds are required, and the Non-Federal Sponsor, no later than 60 calendar days from receipt of such notice, shall make the additional required funds available through any of the payment mechanisms specified in Article VI.B. 1. of this Agreement. F. Upon the completion of each iteration of periodic nourishment or termination of this Agreement during the authorized periodic nourishment period, and upon resolution of all claims and appeals relevant to the periodic nourishment, the Government shall conduct a final accounting and furnish the Non-Federal Sponsor with the results of the final accounting. The final accounting shall determine total costs of periodic nourishment, each party's contribution provided thereto, and each party's required share thereof. The final accounting also shall determine costs due to betterments during the authorized periodic nourishment period and the Non-Federal Sponsor's cash contribution provideci pursuant to Article II.I. of this Agreement during the authorized periodic nourishment period. 1. In the event the final accounting shows that the total contribution provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor is less than the non-Federal share of periodic nourishment plus costs due to any betterments provided in accordance with Article II.I. of this Agreement during the authorized periodic nourishment period, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall, no later than 90 calendar days after receipt of written notice, make a payment to the Government of whatever sum is required to meet the non-Federal share of periodic nourishment plus costs due to any betterments provided in accordance with Article II.I. of this Agreement during the authorized periodic nourishment period by delivering a check payable to "FAO, USAED, Norfolk" to the District Engineer or providing an Electronic Funds Transfer in accordance with procedures established by the Government. 2. In the event the final accounting shows that the total contribution provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor exceeds the non-Federal share of periodic nourishment plus costs due to any betterments provided in accordance with Article II.I. of this Agreement, the Government shall, subject to the availability of funds, refund the excess to the Non-Federal Sponsor no later than 90 calendar days after the final accounting is complete. In the event existing funds are not available to refund the excess to the Non-Federal Sponsor, the Government shall seek such appropriations as are necessary to make the refund. ARTICLE VII - DISPUTE RESOLUTION As a condition precedent to a party bringing any suit for breach of this Agreement, that party must first notify the other party in writing of the nature of the purported breach and seek in good faith to resolve the dispute through negotiation. If the parties cannot resolve the dispute through negotiation, they may agree to a mutually acceptable method of non-binding alternative dispute resolution with a qualified third party acceptable to both parties. The parties shall each pay 50 percent of any costs for the services provided by such a third party as such costs are incurred. The existence of a dispute shall not excuse the parties from performance pursuant to this Agreement. ARTICLE VIII - OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, KEPAIK, AND REHABILITATION (OlVlR&R) A. Upon notification in accordance with Article II.C. of this Agreement and for so long as the Project remains authorized, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall operate, maintain, repair, and rehabilitate the initial construction, each iteration of periodic nourishment, functional portion of the initial construction, or functional portion of each iteration of periodic nourishment, as applicable, at no cost to the Government, in a manner compatible with the Project's authorized purposes and in accordance with applicable Federal and State 22 laws as provided in Article XI of this Agreement and specific directions prescribed by the Government in the OMR&R Manual and any subsequent amendments thereto. 1. At least annually the Non-Federal Sponsor shall monitor the beach profile to determine losses of nourishment material from the Project design section and provide the results of such monitoring to the Government. 2. The Non-Federal Sponsor shall gr. ade and reshape the beach profile, as needed, using material within the Project area and maintain vegetation, fencing, dune walk-over structures, and other Project features associated with the beach as required in the OMR&R Manual. B. The Non-Federal Sponsor hereby gives the Government a right to enter, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, upon property that the Non-Federal Sponsor owns or controls for access to the Project for the purpose of inspection and, if necessary, for the purpose of completing, operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing, or rehabilitating the Project. If an inspection shows that the Non-Federal Sponsor for any reason is failing to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Government shall send a written notice describing the non-performance to the Non-Federal Sponsor. If, after 30 calendar days from receipt of notice, the Non-Federal Sponsor continues to fail to perform, then the Government shall have the right to enter, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, upon property that the Non-Federal Sponsor owns or controls for access to the Project for the purpose of completing, operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing, or rehabilitating the Project. No completion, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, or rehabilitation by the Government shall operate to relieve the Non-Federal Sponsor of responsibility to meet the Non-Federal Sponsor's obligations as set forth in this Agreement, or to preclude the Government from pursuing any other remedy at law or equity to ensure faithful performance pursuant to this Agreement. 'ARTICLE IX - INDEMNIFICATION The Non-Federal Sponsor shall hold and save the Government free from all damages arising from the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and rehabilitation of the Project and any Project-related betterments, except for damages due to the fault or negligence of the Government or its contractors. ARTICLE X - MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS AND AUDIT A. Not later than 60 calendar days after the effective date of this Agreement, the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor shall develop procedures for keeping books, records, documents, and other evidence pertaining to costs and expenses incurred 23 : pursuant to this Agreement. These procedures shall incorporate, and apply as appropriate, the standards for financial management systems set forth in the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments at 32 C.F.R. Section 33.20. The Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor shall maintain such books, records, documents, and other evidence in accordance with these procedures and for a minimum' of three years after the completion of the accounting for which such books, records, documents, and other evidence were required. To the extent permitted under applicable Federal laws and regulations, the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor shall each allow the other to inspect such books, documents, records, and other evidence. B. Pursuant to 32 C.F.R. Section 33.26, the Non-Federal Sponsor is responsible for complying with the Single Audit Act of 1984, 31 U.S.C. Sections 7501-7507, as implemented by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A- 133 and Department of Defense Directive 7600.10. Upon request of the Non-Federal Sponsor and to the extent permitted under applicable Federal laws and regulations, the Government shall provide to the Non-Federal Sponsor and independent auditors any information necessary to enable an audit of the Non-Federal Sponsor's activities under this Agreement. The costs of any non-Federal audits performed in accordance with this paragraph shall be allocated in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circulars A-87 and A-133, and such costs as are allocated to the Project shall be included in total project costs and cost shared in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. C. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. Section 7503, the Government may conduct audits in addition to any audit that the Non-Federal Sponsor is required to conduct under the Single Audit Act. Any such Government audits shall be conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and the cost principles in OMB Circular No. A-87 and other applicable cost principles and regulations. The costs of Government audits performed in accordance with this paragraph shall be included in total project costs and cost shared in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE XI - FEDERAL A_ND STATE LAWS In the exercise of their respective rights and obligations under this Agreement, the Non-Federal Sponsor and the Government agree to comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, Section 601 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law 88-352 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), and Department of Defense Directive 5500.11 issued pursuant thereto, as well as Army Regulations 600-7, entitled "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Assisted or Conducted by the Department of the Army". The Non-Federal Sponsor is also required to comply with all applicable federal labor standards requirements including, but not limited to the Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC 276a et seq), the Contract Work Hours and Safety 24 Standards Act (40 USC 327 et seq) and the Copeland Anti-Kickback Act (40 USC 276c). ARTICLE XII - RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES A. In the exercise of their respective rights and obligations under this Agreement, the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor each .act in an independent capacity, and neither is to be considered the officer, agent, or employee of the other. B. In the exercise of its rights and obligations under this Agreement, neither party shall provide, without the consent of the other party, any contractor with a release that waives or purports to waive any rights such other party may have to seek relief or redress against such contractor either pursuant to any cause of action that such other party may have or for violation of any law. ARTICLE XIII - OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT No member of or delegate to the Congress, nor any resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom. ARTICLE XIV - TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION A. If at any time the Non-Federal Sponsor fails to fulfill its obligations under Article II.B., II.E., II.F., II.H., II.L, II.J., VI, or XVIII.C. of this Agreement, the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) shall terminate this Agreement or suspend future performance under this Agreement unless he determines that continuation of work on the Project is in the interest of the United States or is necessary in order to satisfy agreements with any other non-Federal interests in connection with the Project. B. If the Government fails to receive annual appropriations in amounts sufficient to meet Project expenditures for the then-current or upcoming fiscal year, the Government shall so notify the Non-Federal Sponsor in writing, and within 60 calendar days thereafter either party may elect without penalty to terminate this Agreement or to suspend future performance under this Agreement. In the event that either party elects to suspend future performance under this Agreement pursuant to this paragraph, such suspension shall remain in effect until such time as the Government receives sufficient appropriations or. until either the Government or the Non-Federal Sponsor elects to terminate this Agreement. C. In the event that either party elects to terminate this Agreement pursuant to 25 this Article or Article XV of this Agreement, both parties shall conclude their activities relating to the Project and proceed to a final accounting in accordance with Article VI.D. or VI.F. of this Agreement. D. Any termination of this Agreement or suspension of future performance under this Agreement in accordance with this Article or Article XV of this Agreement shall not relieve the parties of liability for any obligation previously incurred. Any delinquent payment owed by the Non-Federal Sponsor shall be charged interest at a rate, to be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, equal to 150 per centum of the average bond equivalent rate of the 13-week Treasury bills auctioned immediately prior to the date on which such payment became delinquent, or auctioned immediately prior to the beginning of each additional 3-month period if the period of delinquency exceeds 3 months. ARTICLE XV - HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES A. Alter execution of this Agreement and upon direction by the District Engineer, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall perform, or cause to be performed, any investigations for hazardous substances that the Government or the Non-Federal Sponsor determines to be necessary to identify the existence and extent of any hazardous substances regulated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (hereinat'ter "CERCLA"), 42 U.S.C. Sections 9601-9675, that may exist in, on, or under lands, easements, and rights-of-way that the Government determines, pursuant to Article III of this Agreement, to be required for the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation, and maintenance of the Project. However, for lands that the Government determines to be subject to the navigation servitude, only the Government shall perform such investigations unless the District Engineer provides the Non-Federal Sponsor with prior specific written direction, in which case the Non-Federal Sponsor shall perform such investigations in accordance with such written direction. 1. All actual costs incurred by the Non-Federal Sponsor or the Government during the period of initial construction for such investigations for hazardous substances shall be included in total costs of initial construction and cost shared in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, subject to an audit in accordance with Article X.C. of this Agreement to determine reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of costs. 2. All actual costs incurred by the Non-Federal Sponsor or the Government during the authorized periodic nourishment period for such investigations £or hazardous substances shall be included in the total costs of periodic nourishment and cost shared in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, subject to an audit in accordance with Article X.C. of this Agreement to determine reasonableness, allocability, and allowability of costs. 26 B. In the event it is discovered through any investigation for hazardous substances or other means that hazardous substances regulated under CERCLA exist in, on, or under any lands, easements, or rights-of-way that the Government determines, pursuant to Article III of this Agreement, to be required for the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation, and maintenance of the Project, the Non-Federal Sponsor and the Government shall provide prompt written notice to .each other, and the Non-Federal Sponsor shall not proceed with the acquisition of the real property interests until both parties agree that the Non-Federal Sponsor should proceed. C. The Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor shall determine whether to initiate initial construction or any iteration of periodic nourishment of the Project, or, if already in initial construction or an iteration of periodic nourishment, whether to continue with work on the Project, suspend future performance under this Agreement, or terminate this Agreement for the convenience of the Government, in any case where hazardous substances regulated under CERCLA are found to exist in, on, or under any lands, easements, or rights-of-way that the Government determines, pursuant to Article III of this Agreement, to be required for the initial construction, periodic nourishment, operation, and maintenance of the Project. Should the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor determine to initiate or continue with initial construction or any iteration of periodic nourishment after considering any liability that may arise under CERCLA, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall be responsible, as between the Government and the Non- Federal Sponsor, for the costs of clean-up and response, to include the costs of any studies and investigations necessary to determine an appropriate response to the contamination. Such costs shall not be considered a part of total project costs. In the event the Non- Federal Sponsor fails to provide any funds necessary to pay for clean-up and response costs or to otherwise discharge the Non-Federal Sponsor's responsibilities under this paragraph upon direction by the Government, the Government may, in its sole discretion, either terminate this Agreement for the convenience of the Government, suspend future performance under this Agreement, or continue work on the Project. D.. The Non-Federal Sponsor and the Government shall consult with each other in accordance with Article V of this Agreement in an effort to ensure that responsible parties bear any necessary clean up and response costs as defined in CERCLA. Any decision made pursuant to paragraph C. of this Article shall not relieve any third party from any liability that may arise under CERCLA. E. As between the Government and the Non-Federal Sponsor, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall be considered the operator of the Project for purposes of CERCLA liability. To the maximum extent practicable, the Non-Federal Sponsor shall operate, maintain, repair, replace, and rehabilitate the Project in a manner that will not cause liability to arise under CERCLA. 27 ARTICLE XVI - NOTICES A. Any notice, request, demand, or other communication required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly given if in writing and either delivered personally or by telegram or mailed by first-class, registered, or certified mail, as follows: If to the Non-Federal Sponsor: City Manager City Hall Building Municipal Center Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 If to the Government: District Engineer U. S. Army Engineer District, Norfolk 803 Front Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510-1096 B. A party may change the address to which such communications are to be directed by giving written notice to the other party in the manner provided in this Article. C. Any notice, request, demand, or other communication made pursuant to this Article shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee at the earlier of such time as it is actually received or seven calendar days after it is mailed. ARTICLE XVII - CONFIDENTIALITY To the extent permitted by the laws governing each party, the parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of exchanged information when requested to do so by the providing party. ARTICLE XVIII - HISTORIC PRESERVATION A. The costs of identification, survey and evaluation of historic properties shall be included in total project costs and cost shared in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 28 B. As specified in Section 7(a) of Public Law 93-291 (16 U.S.C. Section 469c(a)), the costs of mitigation and data recovery activities associated with historic preservation shall be borne entirely by the Government and shall not be included in total project costs, up to the statutory limit of one percent of the total amount authorized to be appropriated for the Project. C. The Government shall not incur costs for. mitigation and data recovery that exceed the statutory one percent limit specified in paragraph B. of this Article unless and until the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) has waived that limit in accordance with Section 208(3) of Public Law 96-515 (16 U.S.C. Section 469c-2(3)). Any costs of mitigation and data recovery that exceed the one percent limit shall be included in total project costs and cost shared in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE XIX - SECTION 902 PROJECT COST LIMITS The Non-Federal Sponsor has reviewed the provisions set forth in Section 902 of Public Law 99-662, as amended, and understands that Section 902 establishes a maximum for the total cost of initial construction and for the total cost of periodic nourishment of the Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project at Sandbridge Beach in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Government shall not make a new Project financial obligation, make a Project expenditure, or afford credit toward total project costs for the value of any contribution provided by the Non-Federal Sponsor, if such obligation, expenditure, or credit would result in total project costs exceeding this maximum amount, unless otherwise authorized by law. On the effective date of this Agreement, this maximum amount is estimated to be $13,389,000.00 for initial construction and $423,434,000.00 for periodic nourishment, as calculated in accordance with ER 1105-2-100 using October 1, 2001 price levels and allowances for projected future inflation. The Government shall adjust this maximum amount in accordance with Section 902. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, which shall become effective upon the date it is signed by the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works). DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VA BY: BY: Dominic Izzo Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary James K. Spore City Manager 29 of the Army (Civil Works) City of Virginia Beach DATE: DATE: 3O CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY I, Leslie L. Lilley, do hereby certify that I am the principal legal officer for the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia is a legally constituted public body with full authority and legal capability to perform the terms of the Agreement between the Department of the Army and the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in connection with the Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project at Sandbridge Beach in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and to pay damages in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, if necessary, in the event of the failure to perform, as required by Section 221 of Public Law 91-611 (42 U.S.C. Section 1962d-Sb), and that the persons who have executed this agreement on behalf of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, have acted within their statutory authority. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have made and executed this certification this day of ,2002. Leslie L. Lilley City Attorney 31 CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Keport Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at ~11 tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and coopePative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. James K. Spore City Manager DATE: 32 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council FROM: James K. Spore, City Manager ITEM: An Ordinance Authorizing the Elimination of Parking Fees Imposed Under the Camp Pendleton Beach Agreement MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: Each year, during the summer season, the City of Virginia Beach leases a portion of Camp Pendleton property including beaches and parking lots. The Camp Pendleton Beach Agreement of 2002 authorizes fees of up to $5.00 for automobiles and $10.00 for busses for the convenience of parking in the Camp Pendleton parking lots leased for the summer by the City of Virginia Beach. Currently, charges are assessed at $3.00 per day for non-Virginia Beach residents and $1.00 per day for Virginia Beach residents. This Ordinance will eliminate the parking fees in the Camp Pendleton parking lots to promote greater usage of these areas while under lease to the City. Considerations: Adopting this ordinance will enable the City to eliminate the parking fees currently charged for parking in the Camp Pendleton parking lots, thereby promoting a greater usage of available parking area. Recommendations: Adoption of ordinance Public Information: This ordinance will be advertised in the same manner other Council agenda items are advertised. Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: C,2Iy Manager's Office .4)ata~TY~Ordin\NONCODE\Camp Pendleton Parking Fees. arf. wpd 1 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE ELIMINATION OF PARKING FEES IMPOSED .UNDER THE CAMP PENDLETON BEACH AGREEMENT OF 2002 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, pursuant to and authorized by the Camp Pendleton Beach Agreement of 2002, the current fees imposed for the convenience of parking in the Camp Pendleton parking lots leased for the summer by the City of Virginia Beach include a maximum of $5.00 for automobiles and $10.00 for busses; and WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach desires to encourage even greater usage of these parking lots while they are under lease to the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That City Council hereby directs that any and all fees imposed for parking in the Camp Pendleton parking lots that are leased each summer by the City of Virginia Beach be eliminated. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2002. CA-8538 ORDINkNONCODE\Camp Pendieton Parking Fees.ord July 31, 2002 R2 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City Managers Office APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICI,ENCY: City~;~orney s O~fice CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James K. Spore, City Manager Hazard Mitigation Grant Program MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: As a result of damage sustained from Hurricane Bonnie, the City of Virginia Beach was awarded funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). These funds were awarded based upon the costs incurred to communities impacted by Hurricane Bonnie. The funds are meant to support projects that mitigate the impact of future disasters. The approved projects address the wind vulnerability of our critical facilities, the need for emergency power support for certain facilities, and the demand on our sewer pump stations. These projects were recommended as a result of input of affected departments and are aligned with the intent of the grant program. These funds were awarded to the City following a statewide review. This grant will allow the City to address the vulnerability of selected critical facilities. As many of the City's facilities are utilized in emergency situations, it is necessary to prepare these facilities for the potential extremes of high winds. Likewise, the dependency upon power for certain facilities creates a need for accessible emergency power sources to support the emergency operations of the City. These projects will enhance the ability of the City to maintain safer and more reliable operations to serve the public. These projects also represent an acknowledgment by the City of a community disaster mitigation strategy and it addresses the Administrative Directive on Critical Facilities. The City was awarded a total of $1,725,740, of which $1,294,305 is federal funds and $431,435 is local matching funds. The local match includes an in-kind match of $177,902 and a $253,533 cash match. The funds will be appropriated to three Capital Projects to better account for the grant: Project # 3-274, Mitigation Measures of Critical Facilities - FEMA Grant, Capital Project #1-033 Mitigation Measures of Critical Facilities-Schools (FEMA), Capital Project # 6-003, Auxiliary Power Program for Sewer Pump Stations - FEMA Grant. The Fire Department seeks approval of this grant and recommended allocation of funds to meet the grant's requirements. (Continued on next page.) Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Fire Department Managerc---.../~ ~_ ~ ... I-:~l~ta~l~TY~On ' DE\Hazard Mitigation Grant.arf.wpd Considerations: A coordinating committee of City staff developed proposals for directing grant funds to projects with critical needs. The committee recommends: That $703,725 is appropriated to Capital Project Cf 3-274 to address critical facilities, that $245,250 be appropriated to Capital Project #1-033 Mitigation Measures of Critical Facilities-Schools (FEMA) to addr&ss needs in school facilities, and that $345,330 is appropriated to Capital Project # 6-003 Auxiliary Power Program for Sewer Pump Stations- FEMA Grant. That the $154,678 cash match is provided through a transfer from the FY 2002-03 Reserve for Contingencies. The remaining cash match of $98,855 already exists in Capital Project Cf 6-003 Auxiliary Power Program for Sewer Pump Stations - FEMA Grant. The $177,902 in-kind match exists in the operating budgets of the various projects. Public Information: Public Information will be handled through the normal Council Agenda Process. Alternatives: Do not accept the grant and lose federal matching funds. These measures would likely have to be funded eventually through the City's Capital Improvement Program. Recommendations: The City accepts the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program fund totaling $1,725,740 and provide cash and in-kind matching funds in the amount of $431,435. Attachments: Grant Award Letters Grant Extension Letter Ordinance 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT A $1,725,740 GRANT FROM THE FEDEP~AL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, ESTABLISH TWO CAPITAL PROJECTS, APPROPRIATE $1,294,305 IN FEDERAL REVENUE, AND TRAiqSFER $154,678 FROM THE FY 2002-03 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES TO CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MITIGATING DAMAGE FROM FUTURE DISASTERS 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 WHEREAS, the City has been awarded a $1,725,740 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA"), with FEMA providing $1,294,305 and the City providing $431,435, of which $177,902 is in-kind match and $253,533 is a cash match. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. That a $1,725,740 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which includes a $177,902 in-kind match and a $253,533 cash match, is hereby accepted. 2. That Capital Project #3-274, Mitigation Measures of Critical Facilities-FEMA Grant, and Capital Project #1-033, Mitigation Measures of Critical Facilities-Schools (FEMA), are hereby established as capital projects. 3. That $703,725 is hereby appropriated to Capital Project #3-274, Mitigation Measures of Critical Facilities-FEMA Grant, $245,250 is hereby appropriated to Capital Project #1-033, Mitigation Measures of Critical Facilities-Schools (FEMA), and $345,330 is hereby appropriated to Capital Project #6-003, Auxiliary Power Program for Sewer Pump Stations-FEMA Grant, for the purpose of mitigating the impact of future disasters. 4. That the $154,678 necessary for the cash match is transferred from the FY 2002-03 Reserve for Contingencies, with $58,940 of this amount transferred to Capital Project #1-033 and the remaining $95,738 transferred to Capital Project #3-274. 5. That estimated federal revenue in the FY 2002-03 Operating Budget is hereby increased by $1,294,305. 35 36 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2002. CA-8573 data/noncode/Hazard Mitigation Grant.ord July 25, 2002 R12 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Approved Project Funding Needs and Alternative soft Hard Total Fe~leral Local Local Local Project Share Share Soft Hard (1) Critical Facilities I Schools I Corporate Landing $163,500 $122,625 $40,875 $11,400 $29,470 Larkspur Middle $163,500 $122,625 $40,875 $11,400 $29,470 Judicial I Judicial Center $94,700 $71,025 $23,675 $23,790 $0 Police 12nd Precinct $237,900 $178,425 $59,475 $46,254 $13,221 ! Parks and recreation Recreation Center $179,700 $134,775 $44,925 $36,868 $8,057 Total $839,300 $629,475 $209,825 $129,712 $80,218 (2) London Brid~le Fire Station I Fire I London Bridge $126,000 $94,500 $31,500 $29,040 $2,460 (3) Emer~lency Hook Up I Total $300,000 $225,000 $75,000 $3,000 $72,000 (4) Sewer Pump Stations Quick Connect I Public Utilities I Pump Stations $460,440 $345,330 $115,110 $16,150 $98,855 (Total) $1,725,740 $~,294,305 $431,435 $177,902 $253,533 MICHAEL M CLINE State Coordinalor GEORGE W. FORESMAi"I Oeouty Coordinator COMMONWEALTH of VIR tNtA Department of Emergency Management June 28, 2002 10501 TraCe Cour~ R~chmond. Virginia 23236-3773 (804) 897-6500 (TDD) 674-2417 FAX (804) 897-6506 Mr. Mark Marchbank Project Manager City of V/rginia Beach Fire DepaLa.ent Vizginia Beach Municipal Center, Building 21 2408 Courthouse Drwe Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 Dear Mr. Marchbantc Subject:. Approval for Project Work Schedule Extensions City of Virginia Beach, DR-1242 Hazard Mitigation Grant Projects The Federal Emergency IvIanagement Agency (FEMA) Region III has reviewed your request to extend the performance periods for your DR-1242 projects. These extensions will result tn an extension of the performance period for all project activity under DR-1242. Currently, the performance period for this disaster is due to expire on December 31, 2002, but an extension has been granted unt/1 September 30, 2003. The extensions for each individual project is stated below: VA 1242-810-010 Emergency Generator Hookups New Performance Period Ends: March 31, 2003 VA 1242-810-002 Londonbridge Fire Station New Performance Per/od Ends: June 30, 2003 VA 1242-810-003 Retrofit of Public Buildings New Performance Period Ends: September 30, 2003 VA 1242-810-007 Transfer Switches New Performance Period Ends: September 30, 2003 "Working to Protect People. Property and Our Communities" Mr. Mark Marchbank June 28, 2002 Page 2 Please recall that quarterly reports are due for all projects within 45 days from the end of every Federal fiscal quarter. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Dameron, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, or Michelle Pope, Hazard Mitigation Project Coordinator, at (804) 897-6500, Extensions 6525 and 6523, respectively. You can also reach them by facsimile at (804) 897-6526. Sincerely, Richard O. Dameron State Hazard Mitigation Officer ROD/mbp MICHAEL M. CLINE State Coordinator GEORGE W. FORESMAN Deputy Coordinator COMMONWEALTH o[ VIRQINIA Department of Emergency Management April 5, 2001 10501 Trade Court Richmond, Virginia 23236-3713 (804) 897-6500 (TDD) 674-2417 FAX (804) 897-6506 Chief Mark Piland Fire Administration City of Virginia Beach 2408 Courthouse Drive, Building 21 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 RE: Combining Projects VA 1242-810-003 and 004 Dear Chief Piland: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved the combining of the two Retrofit of Critical Facilities projects ( Cox High School and Landstown Elementary and Middle Schools/Corporate Landing Elementary and Larkspur Middle Schools). Please see below for the new project name and the total combined funds. Project Name: Retrofit of Public Buildings $ 630,000 - Federal Project Funds $ 14,494 - Federal Administrative Funds $ 644,494 - Total Federal Funds ObLigated for this Project No changes to the actual buildings within the projects have been made. The request to change the buildings is currently at FEMA awaiting further infoi,~, ration from you and your staff. Combining the projects is only the first step. I have attached a new quarterly report fo~-t and a new reimbursement request form that reflect the combination of the two projects. Please use these fo,'ms from this point orr. "lZgorking to Protect People, Property and Our Communities" MICHAEL M. CLIHE State Coorclinatc3r GEORGE W. FORESMAN Oeouty Coorclina~cr COMMONWEALTH of VIR. INIA Department of £mergency Service~ March31,2000 Chief Mark Piland FLre Administration City of Virgirda Beach 2408 Courthouse Drive, Building 21 Virgirda Beach, Virginia 23456 RE: Award of Hazard lvlitigation Grant Project, V'DES I-i-NIGP File # VA-1242-810-053 Dear Chief Piland: I am pleased to nofffy you that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved the project and obligated funds for the project listed below through the Hazard Nlitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Project Name: Retrofit of Critical Facilities - Corportate Landing Elementary and Larkspur Middle Schools $ 288,750 - Federal Project Funds $_ 6,664 - Federal Administrative Funds $ 295,414 - T_otal Federal Funds Obligated for this Project The funds indicated are the maximum possible funds to be distributed to the City. Tobal allowable project costs are $ 385,000. Reimbursement of federal project funds is 75 % of total eli~ble project costs (construction, demolition, rest~bili~tion, etc.). The federal administrative funds are in addition to the federal project funds to assist you in administering the grant. Ail other costs are the responsibility of the City. In accordance with the requirements for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, the following conditions apply to the project: ' · The City must satisfy the project approval conditions outlined in the enclosed Categorical Exclusion issued by FEMA. MICHAEL M. CLINE State Coordinator GEORGE W. FORESMAN Deputy Coordinator COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Emergency Services March31,2000 10501 Trade Court Richmond. Virginia 23236-3713 (804) 897-6500 0DD)674-2417 FAX (804) 897-65O6 Chief Mark Piland Fire Administration City of Virg/rda Beach 2408 Courthouse Drive, Building 21 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 RE: Award of Hazard Mitigation Grant Project, VDES HMGP File tt VA-1242-810-052 Dear Chief Piland: I am pleased to notify you that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved the project and obligated funds for the project listed below through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Project Name: Retrofit of Critical Facilities - Cox High School and Landstown Elementary & Middle School $ 341,250 .$- 7,83_0 $ 349,080 - Federal Project Funds - Federal Administrative Funds - Total Federal Funds Obligated for this Project The funds indicated are the maximum possible ftmds to be distributed to the City,--. TotaI allowable project costs are $ 455,000. Reimbursement of federal project funds is 75 % of totaI eligible project costs (construction, demolition, restabiliTation, etc.). The fe.deral administrative funds are in addition to the federal project funds to aSSist you in admi.,xistering the grant. All other costs are the responsibility of the City. t. a ord ce with the th 'H d gatio Ct,mt Program, the following conditions apply to the projec'c · The city must satisfy the project app;ovM conditions outlined in the enclosed Categorical Exclusion issued by FEMA. COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Emergen~ Services Mazch31,2000 10E01 TraCe Cou~ Ric."tmcncl, Vir~nia ;'"'2~6-3713 (SC..t) 897--55:0 ~D) 674-2417 FAX (8~4) 8gT~E¢6 NLr. Phil Pullen Public YVorks Engineering City of Virginia Beach 2405 Courthouse Drive Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 RE: Award of Hazard Mitigation Grant Project, VDES HMGP File # VA-1242-810-051 Dear Mr. PuLlen: I am pleased to notify you that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ('FEMA) has approved the project and obligated funds for the project listed below through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (I-h-MGP). Project Name: Retrofit of Critical Facilities - London Bridge Fire Station # 3 $ 94,500 - Federal Project Fnnd~ $ 2,166 - Federal Administrative Funds $ 96,666 - Total Federal F~nds Obligated for ~ Project The funds indicated are the maximum possible funds to be distributed to the City. Total allowable project costs are $126,000. Reimbursement of federal project funds '~ 75 % of total eHg'ible project costs (acquisition, construction, demolition, restabili~ation, etc.). The federal administrative funds are in addition to the federal project f-muds to assist you in administering the grant. All other costs are the responsibility, of the City. In accordance with the requirements for the Hazard NLitigation Grant Program, · the following conditions apply to the project: The City must satisfy the project approval conditions outlined in the enclosed' Categorical Exclusion issued by FEMA. -f Q~ORG,~ W. Deputy Coardln~c~r COMMONWEALTH of VtRG. INIA Department o/Emergency Services 10.~01 T~-4~. ~Ax (aa41 a~' Mr. Charles K. Davis, P. E. General Services Depa~t~sent, Building lVlaintarm~ce Division City of Virg/nia Beach Munidpal Center, Building # 9 Virginia Beach, Virg/nia 2.3456 RE: Award of Hazard Mitigation Grant Project, VDI:_q HMGP File # VA-1242-810-059 Dear Mr. Davis: I am pleased to notify you that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved the project ~nd obligsi~d/unds for the project listed below through the Hazard Mitigation Grant la¥ogrmn (HIVIGP). Project Name: Emergency Generatm' Hookups -Strategic Municipal Buildings $ 225,000 $ 7,000 $ 232,000 - Federal Projectl:und,$ - Federal Admi.n~l~iive Funds - Total Fed~'~l Punds Obligated for this Project The funds indicated are the maximum posslMe/unds to be distributed to the City. Total allowable project costs are S 300,000. Reim~ent of federal project funds is 75 % of total eli~ble project cos~ (acquisition, construction, demolition, restabilization, etc.). The federal administrative funds are in addition to the federal project funds to assist you in adm/nistering the gr~nL All other ~ are the responsibility of the City. In accordance with the requirements fro' the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, the following conditions apply to the p. raject: The City must satisfy hhe projec~ approval conditions outlined in the enclosed Categorical Exclusion issued by FI/MA. COMMONWEALTH o[ VIR6jlNIA Depart~nent of Emergency Management 1 'September 1, 2000 Mz. Phil Hubbard, P. £. City of Virginia Beach Department of Public UHIilies Municipal Center Virginia Beach, Virg/n/a 23456 RE: Award of Hazard Mitigation Grant Project:, HMGP Proiect # 12,12810-856 Deaz Mr. I Iabbard: i I am plea~ed ~o notify ¥~ ~at the Federal Emergency Mamgemem A§emy ~h~) ha, ap~,oved the pw~ect obt~a~d ~ for flae p~o~e~: l~ed below the H~d Mitigation G~anl: Pros~m (HMGP). Project Name: City of Vtr~ Beach... Installation...... of Automatic Tzaz~cr Switches 345,330 - Federal Pwject F~nds 4t60~ Federal Adm/nistrative Costs $ ,349,c)f~4 - Tnfal l~pdm-al ~nrl~ Ohligatpd for this Project I d/stn, bu.A~ ~ou are aware, ~]e fund~iadicated are ~e m~m pos~ ~ ~ be ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~. To~ ~b~ p~t ~ am ~,~. Re~b~~t of ~d~l pr~ee ~ ~ ~e C~ ~ ~od ~ ~ ~b~ proj~ co~ (~la~ of ~an~ ~h~, q~ ~~c?=p~, e~.). ~ o~ ~ are ~e z~~ of I ~ a~~e ~ ~e ~~ [o~ ~ ~d ~a~ G~ ~o~ ~e - · The City must satidy flu 'Workin~ to ID'or project approval conditiom ou~ in the. enclosed aed by FEMA. '~t People, Property and Out' Co.=nunitiea" · All contract/procurem[emt transactions must be carried out in a manner consistent with fina_nci~, ! administrative requirements of Title 44 Code of iede~aI R~lat~orts (CFR). Part 13. · Provide the StaLe with a work schedule, iru:luding the milestones in the HMGP application, within 30 d ~ys of receipt of this letter. . Prior to clo_~in[ on ae_~,ilsiti_m~__s~ acer '~t~ied appraisal for each properS_ i.s · · Subgrantees are requite? to submit progr~'ss _reports to_ the Deparmte~_ t of q,,~rt~rly report will be ]due by Oc_to_ber 15. ~n00. See the a trachea Notmcauon m Sub~artteef tor the an~u~ al schedule {or progres.s reports. . Payments to Subgrante~s are made on a reimbursement basi~. Reimbursements are for co~s to clale or e~cpenditxu'es to be ir~airred within five (5) ot funds. Payment will ~.~. made by electronic ~rans{er from the Department o · The attached NoBR,'ati~n of Sub~:rantee$ provides ~tidance re~ardlng HMGP regulations' on t~me extensions, t~spec ~ms, audits, reporting procedures, the app--! pzocess, cost ov~uns, etc. Award documents enclosed with this letter · Notification Sabg~an~es Su'bgrantee r,~ar~mrly Report Form Request for ~imbu~eme~t of Funds Plco.~c rcud all docunumts ~ 0~cfxdly prior to initiating you~ pxoject. Copics o~ the parts'of Title 44 CFR that govern this prolcon will be provided to you upon ~-quest. My stati' and I will be glad to assist yo,u m y way po~_~'hie in complying with the requirements o~ this prot;ram. Again, con~a~,l-~tioz~s on ~pproval of this project. It you have a_ny que~lions regarding this award or the imp '.le~tation of your pro, eot. please contact Mary Camp. Hazard Mitigation Program Manager, at 804-897.6~00 ext. 6525. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James K. Spore, City Manager DUI/Drug Treatment Court Program Grant MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: By enacting the 1994 Crime Act, Congress allowed creation of Drug Courts with the purpose of rehabilitating offenders by providing critical treatment, intensive supervision, and holding them accountable for their actions. In November 1997, the Virginia Beach General District Court initiated a two-year DUI/Drug Treatment Court pilot program to explore the potential of becoming a resource program. The program was funded by Department of Criminal Justice Services in July 2000 and was designated as a "Mentor Court" by the National Drug Court Programs Office. A mentor court provides assistance and training to other jurisdictions throughout the United States which are interested in developing similar drug treatment court programs. Considerations: An application for drug treatment court funding was submitted and approved by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justices Services in the amount of $181,325. This grant will provide vital resources for program continuation for the next year. The grant requires a local in-kind match of $10,300 which has already been provided in the FY 2002-03 operating budget. Public Information: The Virginia Beach Department's Crime Statistics report reveals there were 2,450 DUI arrests for the year 2000. This program will continue to serve as a vital linkage within the community's resources to focus on the DUI Offenders and their community risk factors. Recommendations: It is recommended that this grant be accepted in an effort to continue to provide this service for the community. Attachments: Copies of program pamphlets are attached for review. Recommended Action: Accept and appropriate the Drug Court Program grant Submitting Department/Agency: Sheriffs Office City Manager: ~/~ ~/,..., ~ ~ ~.~::~Data~A TY~OrdinlNONCODE~drugcourtarf. wpd 1 2 3 4 5 6 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE A $181,325 GRANT FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES TO FUND THE 'DUI/DRUG TREATMENT COURT PROGRAM FOR FY 2002-03 7 WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach Sheriff's Office has 8 been awarded a $181,325 grant from Virginia Department of Criminal 9 Justice Services that will allow for the continuation of the 10 DUI/Drug Treatment Court Program; and 11 WHEREAS, the grant requires a $10,300 local in-kind match 12 which has already been provided in the FY 2002-03 Operating Budget. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 14 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 15 1. That a $181,325 grant from the Virginia Department 16 of Criminal Justice Services is hereby accepted and appropriated to 17 the FY 2002-03 Operating Budget of the Sheriff's Office to fund 18 continuation of the DUI/Drug Treatment Court Program. 19 2. That estimated revenue from the Commonwealth is 20 increased by $181,325 in the FY 2002-03 Operating Budget. 21 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 22 Virginia, on the day of , 2002. CA8561 ordin/noncode/drugcourtord, wpd R-1 July 19, 2002 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Management Services APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Department of ' J CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council FROM: James K. Spore, City Manager ITEM: Acceptance and Appropriation of additional $80,000 from Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for the addition of two Community Corrections Caseworker I positions MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: The City has been awarded a Comprehensive Community Corrections Act grant in the amount of $839,023 from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. The grant supports the Community Corrections program in Virginia Beach ($539,808), plus the Pre-Trial Services program ($196,222) and the Public Inebriate Center/Detox program(S102,993). The amount awarded is $80,000 more than the $759,023 which was requested and included in the FY20002-2003 budget ordinance. There is no match of City funds required. The Community Corrections program provides supervision for approximately 3,000 adult offenders who would otherwise have been assigned to serve sentences at the Virginia Beach Correctional Center. The program is an intermediate sanction between the courts and the jail, providing probationary type supervision over referrals for drug/alcohol intervention and counseling, community service, and collection of victim restitution, court fines, and court costs. There has been a steady increase in the number of cases being referred by the courts because of growth in the number of actual crimes and convictions. The Department of Criminal Justice Services has established a standard of 50 active cases per case manager; the average caseload per case ,manager in Virginia Beach has continued to rise to over 430. Considerations:. The Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions dictates that the extra funding is provided for two new local probation (Community Corrections Caseworker I) positions. The funding is to cover personnel costs as well as equipment, supplies, and training costs. These positions are to relieve high caseloads. The duties and responsibilities of these caseworkers will be to provide probation supervision to offenders and they will be required to carry full caseloads accordingly. Public Information: Public Information will be handled through the normal Council agenda process. Alternatives: Acceptance of the Grant Award is predicated on accepting the special conditions of the grant award, which includes additional funding for additional personnel. The alternative is to decline to accept the grant, which would jeopardize the future of the three programs that depend on this funding. Recommendations:, Accept and appropriate the additional $80,000 and add two new Community Correction Caseworker I positions to the operating budget of Community Corrections, as follows: $59,100 to salaries and fringes for 2.0 FTE's, beginning no earlier than 10/1/02; and $20,900 to equipment, supplies, and training Attachments: Statement of Grant Award and Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval of Ordinance' Submitting Department/Agency: Community Corrections City Manager:~/Vv~.b ~(... ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE $80,000 FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES AND ADD 2.0 FTE POSITIONS TO THE FY 2002-03 'OPERATING BUDGET OF THE COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services has authorized an additional $80,000 in grant monies to Virginia Beach through the Comprehensive Community Correction Act Grant Program for the specific purpose of adding two new probation positions, and a local match is not required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. That $80,000 is hereby accepted from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services and appropriated to the FY 2002-03 Operating Budget of the Virginia Beach Community Corrections Program, with estimated revenue increased accordingly. 2. That the number of Community Corrections Caseworker positions in the Community Corrections FY 2002-03 Operating Budget is hereby increased by 2.0 full time positions. 3. That if funding for the positions authorized by this ordinance is discontinued by the Commonwealth, these positions will be eliminated. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2002. CA-8559 ordin/noncode/community corrections grant.ord July 23, 2002 RI APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Management Se APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: City Attorney'~Offi~ Leonard G, Cooke Director COMMONWEALTH o[ VIRGINIA Mr. James K. Spore City Manager City of Virginia Beach Municipal Center Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 Title: Community Corrections Department of Criminal dustice Services June 28, 2002 ,rr:z. ...... i .., 805 East Broacl Street. Tenth Floor Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 786-4000 FAX (804) 371-8981 · T DD5~.04 ) 386-8732 i; ' · ! ,J Dear Mr. Spore: [ am pleased to advise you that grant number 03-G6355CC03 for the above-referenced grant program has been approved in the amount of $839,023 in General Funds. Enclosed you will find a Statement of Grant Award and a Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions. To indicate your acceptance of the award and conditions, please sign the award acceptance and return it to Jan ice Waddy, Grants Administrator, at the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). Please review the conditions carefully; as some require action on your part before we will disburse grant funds. When we receive documentation showing that you have complied with the conditions, you will be eligible to request funds awarded under this .grant. A REQUEST FOR FUNDS form is also included with this letter and should be used for this purpose. You may request funds at the same time you submit the documentation bf compliance with the grant conditions or at any time thereafter. However, we cannot process your request until we have received and approved all required information. We appreciate your interest in this grant program and will be happy to assist you in any way we can to assure your project's success. If you have any questions, please call Paula Harpster at (804) 786-I 140. Yours very truly, Leonard G. Cooke Enclosures CCi Ms. Bessie L. Bell, Coordinator Ms. Patricia A. Phillips, Finance Director Ms. Paula Harpster, DCJS Criminal Justice Service Board - Commitlee on Training · Juvenile Jusbce and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Commfflee Advisory Committee to Court Appointed Sl0ec~al Advocate and Children's Justice Act Programs PrWate Security Services Advisory Board - Criminal Justice Intormatlon Systems Committee Department of Criminal Justice Services 805 East Broad Street. 10th Floor. Richmond, VA 23219 Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance Subgrantee- Date: June 28, 2002 Va Beach City Grant Number- Grant Period-- 03-G6355CC03 From: 7/1/2002 Through: 6/30/2003 Finance Officer Project Director Ms. Bessie L. Bell Coordinator Community Corrections 2425 Nimmo Parkway Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 Phone No: (757) 427-4689 Fax No: (757) 563-1033 Email Address: bbeil~vbgov.com Project Administrator Mr. James K. Spore City Manager City &Virginia Beach Municipal Center Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 Phone No: (757) 4274242 Fax No: (757) 4274135 Email Address: jspore~vbgov.com Ms. Patricia A. Phillips Finance Director City &Virginia Beach Municipal Center Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 Phone No: (757) 4274681 Fax No: (757) 4274302 Email Address: pphillip~vbgov.com GRANT AWARD BUDGET DCJS Funds Budget Categories Federal General Sub~rantee Match TOTALS A. Personnel $ 0 $754,818 $ 0 $754,818 B. Consultants $ 0 $7,440 $ 0 $7,440 C. Travel $ 0 $1,847 $ 0 $1,847 D. Equipment $ 0 $20,960 $ 0 $20,960 E Supplies & Other Expenses $ 0 $53,958 $ 0 $53,958' TOTALS $ 0 $839,023 $ 0 $839,023 This grant is subject to all rules, regulations, and criteria included in th.e grant application and the special conditions attached thereto, r,~.-o.~'w,,.~ Co. ~~'- "'~/- Leonard G. Cooke, Director The undersigned, having received the Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance and the Conditions attached thereto, does hereby accept this grant and agree to the conditions pertaining thereto, this __day of ,20 Signature: Title: Mr. James K. Spore, City Manager STATEMENT OF GRANT AWARD SPECIAL CONDITIONS Department of Criminal Justice Services 805 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 For the Comprehensive Community Corrections Act Grant Program Grant Number: 03-G6555CC05 Subgrantee: Va Beach City Title: Community Corrections Date: June 28, 2002 The following conditions are attached to and made a part of this grant award: I. By signing the Statement of Grant Award/Acceptance, the grant recipient agrees: to use the grant funds to carry out the activities described in the grant application, as modified by the terms and conditions attached to this award or by subsequent amendments approved by DCJS; to adhere to the approved budget contained in this award and amendments made to it in accord with these terms and conditions; and to comply with all terms, conditions and assurances either attached to this award or submitted with the grant application; 2. The grantee agrees to submit such reports as requested by DCJS on forms provided by DCJS. Grant funds, including state and local match, may be expended and/or obligated during the grant period. All legal obligations must be liquidated no later than 90 days after the end of the grant period. The grant recipient agrees to supply a final grant financial report and return all received and unexpended grant funds (exclusive of local match) to DCJS withi~ 90 days after the end of the grant liquidation period. The subgrantee agrees to submit such repons as requested by DCJS on forms provided by DCJS. Funds from this grant will not be disbursed, if any of the required Financial or Progress reports are overdue by more than 30 days unless you can show good cause for missing the reporting deadline. By accepting this grant, the recipient assures that funds made available through it will not be used to replace state or local funds that would, in the absence of this grant, be made available for the same purposes. Subgrantee may follow their own established travel rates if they have an established travel policy. Ifa subgrantee does not have an established policy, then they must adhere to state travel policy. The state allows reimbursement for actual reasonable expenses. The state allows 0.325 per mile for mileage. Trausportation costs for air and rail must be at coach rates. Within 60 days of the staring date of the grant, the grantee must initiate the project funded. If not, the subgrantee must report to the DCJS, by letter, the steps taken to initiate the project, the reasons for the delay, and the expected starting date. If the project is not operational within 90 days of the start date, the grantee must obtain approval in writing from the DCJS for a new implementation date or the I)CJS may cancel and terminate the project and redistribute the funds. The grantee assures that programs established, operated, and/or contracted with under the authority of the Comprehensive Community Corrections Act for Local-Responsible Offenders and the Pretrial Services Act will comply with all standards, regulations, and guidelines put forth by DCJS and any others that may be applicable. This includes but is not limited to, those stated in the "Minimum Standards for Local Community Corrections and Pretrial Services." No amendment to the approved budget may be made without the prior written approval of DCJS. No more than two (2) budget amendments will be permitted during the grant period. Budget amendments must be requested using the enclosed Budget Amendment Request form accompanied with a narrative. No budget amendments will be allowed after April 30, 2003. Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions (Continued) Grant No: 03-G6355CC03 10. II. 12. 13. 14. The grantee agrees to forward a copy to the DCJS of the scheduled audit of this grant award. All purchases for goods and services must comply with the Virginia Public Procurement Act. Procurement transactions, whether negotiated or advertised and without regard to dollar value, shall be conducted in a manner so as to provide maximum open and free competition. An exemption to this regulation requires the prior approval of the DCJS and is only given in unusual circumstan.ces. Any request for exemption must be submitted in writing to the DCJS. Permission to make sole source procurements must be obtained from DCJS in advance. Acceptance of this grant award by the local government applicant constitutes its agreement that it assumes full responsibility for the management of all aspects of the grant and the activities funded by the grant, including assuring proper fiscal management of and accounting for grant funds; assuring that personnel paid with grant funds are hired, supervised and evaluated in accord with the local government's established employment and personnel policies; and assuring that all terms, conditions and assurances--those submitted with the grant application, and those issued with this award--are complied with. Any delegation of responsibility for carrying out grant-funded activities to an office or department not a part of the local government must be pursuant to a written memorandum of understanding by which the implementing office or department agrees to comply with all applicable grant terms, conditions and assurances. Any such delegation notwithstanding, the applicant acknowledges by its acceptance of the award its ultimate responsibility for compliance with all terms, conditions and assurances of the grant award. PROJECT INCOME: Any funds generated as a direct result of DCJS grant funded projects are deemed project income. Project income must be reported on forms provided by DCJS. The following are examples of project income: Service fees; Client fees; Usage or Rental fees; sales of materials; income received from sale of seized and forfeited assets (cash, personal or real property included). Each participating locality must be represented by a Community Criminal Justice Board (CCJB) to serve as an advisory body to the local governing body on matters pertaining to local criminal justice issues. The composition of the CCJB is specified in 53.1-183 of the Code of Virginia. Report any changes in membership to the Correctional Services Unit of the Department. 15. Local funds supplementing salaries or any other area should be shown in the match column. 16. Employees, full or part-time, under CCCA and PSA programs shall not serve in any paid consultant capacity for the program by which they are employed. 17. All changes within budget categories of the Consultant's line are subject to the same DCJS approval process that applies to the overall grant. 18. The grantee understands that it is the responsibility of the Project Administrator to oversee the management of the grant award. 19. The grantee understands that the continuation and/or level of funding will be based on the availability of funds, the performance of the project in meeting its goals and objectives, and the recipient's compliance with the grant requirements and conditions. 20. The grantee will submit grant financial and progress reports required by DCJS. These shall be submitted to DCJS on the 12~ working day following the close of each quarter. Reports are required even if no expenditures have occurred. 21. The grantee will submit monthly data reports required by DCJS. These shall be submitted to DCJS by the '12t~ working day of the following month. 22. The grantee will comply with the automated data collection and case management system installation and use as directed by DCJS. Statement of Grant Award Special Conditions (Continued) Grant No: 03-G6355CC03 23. The grantee assures that fund accounting, auditing, monitoring, and such evaluation procedures as may be necessary to keep such records as DCJS shall prescribe shall be provided to assure fiscal control, proper management, and efficient disbursement of funds received under this grant. 24. Prior to DCJS disbursing funds, the Grantee must comply with the following special conditions: a) Program must monitor Program Targets for the first quarter. With the exception of ALOS, if program performance is NOT within +/-10% of the projected program targets, REVISE and RESUBMIT new program targets that reflect actual program performance no later than October 30, 2002. If performance is within +/- 10% of the targets, submit a letter by October 30,2002 that indicates program targets do not need to be revised. b) Revise and resubmit budget narrative that matches totals in budget itemization forms for community corrections. c) Revise and resubmit target forms for FY03 and FY04 with the following changes: a. Reduce ALOS for misdemeanants to less than 60 days in pretrial. d) Submit a detailed organizational chart with position descriptions for each jail funded and grant funded position that supports the pretrial services program. e) in the PIC program, increase total diversions to 45% of the total Public Inebriate activity. An additional $80,000 has been included for two (2) new local probation positions. These postitions are to relieve high caseloads. The positions' duties and responsibilities are to provide probation supervision to offenders and are required to carry full caseloads accordingly.. The funding is to cover personnel cost as well as equipment, supplies, and training costs. Revise and resubmit CCCA budget. g) The additional funds awarded for this project may not be used to replace local funds contributing to this project. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James K. Spore, City Manager U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Security Grant MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: In May 2002, Federal law was adopted (HB3448) requiring large public water systems to conduct security vulnerability assessments by the end of December 2002. Congress appropriated funds to assist localities in conducting the security assessments. Public Utilities applied for a grant and was successful in being awarded $115,000. This grant does not require local matching funds. The objective of this grant is to conduct a water system vulnerability assessment against a terrorist attack or other intentional act intended to substantially disrupt the ability of the system to provide a safe and reliable supply of drinking water. Considerations: The City will need to accept this grant in order to take advantage of the EPA grant funding. The City must certify completion of the vulnerability assessment to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and submit a written report to the EPA by December 31, 2002. The assessment must include, but not be limited to, a review of pipes, physical barriers, water collection, treatment, storage, distribution facilities, electronic and computer systems that are used in the delivery of drinking water. Public Information: Public information will be handled through the normal City Council agenda process. A public hearing is not required. Alternatives: Should the City of Virginia Beach choose to not accept the grant, the cost of the vulnerability assessment will be funded by the Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund. Recommendations: Accept and appropriate the $115,000 Environmental Protection Act Security Grant - CIP-5001. Attachments: Grant Agreement Recommended Action: Accept and appropriate the $115,000 grant into CIP-5001 Submitting Department/Age. ncy: Public Utilities City Manager: ~[~_,~)/.,~ . F:~Da~f~Ordin~NONCODE~water supply grant.arf.wpd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE A $115,000 GRANT FROM THE UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY TO CAPITAL PROJECT '#5-001, COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND PLANNING-PHASE I, TO SAFEGUARD THE CITY'S WATER SUPPLY AGAINST TERRORIST ATTACK WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach Department of Public 11 Utilities has been awarded a $115,000 grant from the United States 12 Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a water system 13 14 15 16 vulnerability assessment against a terrorist or other intentional act intended to substantially disrupt the ability of the system to provide a safe and reliable supply of drinking water. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 17 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 18 1. That a $115,000 grant from the United States 19 Environmental Projection Agency is hereby accepted and appropriated 20 to Capital Project %5-001, Comprehensive Emergency Response and 21 Planning-Phase I, to help safeguard the City's water supply. 22 2. That estimated revenue from the federal government 23 is increased by $115,000 in the FY 2002-03 Capital Improvement 24 Program. 25 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 26 Virginia, on the day of , 2002. CA-8558 Ordin/Noncode/Water Supply Grant July 23, 2002 RI APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Law Departm~ent~ · ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James K. Spore, City Manager An Ordinance to Appropriate $81,849 of Additional Grant Revenue From The United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration To CIP #4-001, Norfolk Avenue Multipurpose Trail, For Design and Construction MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: The Norfolk Avenue Trail Project will be constructed along Norfolk Avenue in an abandoned Norfolk Southern Railroad corridor. The trail is planned as a ten foot wide, asphalt, shared-use trail that will include safe pedestrian crossings and paved linkages to all adjacent residential neighborhoods. The entire project and its connections to other existing or proposed pedestrian and bicycle trails is designed to meet all Americans With Disabilities Act regulations. The Norfolk Avenue Trail Project has had an extensive public involvement process. Five public meetings have been held by the staff from the Department of Parks and Recreation, Department of Public Works, and Department of Planning on October 13, 1998; October 27, 1998; May 9, 2000; December 6, 2000; and May 1, 2002. These meetings were advertised by mailings and press releases as well as other notifications. Attendance at the meetings was recorded, and a summary of all public comments was sent back to all meeting attendees. All public comments and recommendations were considered in the final project design plan. Considerations: The Norfolk Avenue Trail Project was approved in the FY 2002-03 Capital Improvement Program with a federal grant amount of $293,124. The actual federal grant amount is $374,973, requiring the appropriation of the additional grant amount. This funding has been made available for this specific project and cannot be redirected to other projects. Public Information: Information will be disseminated to the public through the normal Council agenda process involving the advertisement of City Council agenda. Recommendations: Approval Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Department of Parks and Recreation City Manager: ~ ~,~.., ~)~ ~,._~F:\Data~ATY~Ordin\NONCODE\Norf orkarf.wpd 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE $81,849 OF ADDITIONAL GRANT REVENUE FROM THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION TO CIP %4-001, NORFOLK AVENUE MULTIPURPOSE TRAIL, FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, an additional $81,849 has been awarded to the City of Virginia Beach by the Federal Highway Administration for the design and construction of the Norfolk Avenue Multipurpose Trail. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That $81,849 is hereby accepted from the Federal Highway Administration and appropriated to CIP 94-001, Norfolk Avenue Multipurpose Trail, for design and construction, with estimated revenue from the federal government increased accordingly. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of , 2002. CA-8562 ordin/noncode/Norfolkaveord.wpd R2 July 24, 2002 Approved as to Content Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: Department o'~ a~w / ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James K. Spore, City Manager Appropriation Request for Respite Program MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: The MH/MR/SAS Department has been providing an after school respite program for children with disabilities. Until recently, the program has been located in Princess Anne High School with space made available by the School Board. Demands for services have increased and the school system needs the space for educational purposes, so it is necessary to relocate the program to Investors Square, where the Department currently leases space for an adult day program (SkillQuest). In relocating the program to Investors Square (which has been modified to meet the needs of disabled persons), additional renovations must be done. First, the city code requires a sprinkler system. Second, some interior walls need to be removed in order to better accommodate wheel chair access. Third, a water line from the street needs to be brought into the building. Construction estimates indicate that $69,570 is needed to complete the renovation. At the July 25, 2002 Community Services Board Meeting, the issue was discussed. The Board voted to request that City Council appropriate the $62,000 from the CSB Fund Balance in order to carry out the renovations. An additional cost of $7,570 is needed to bring the water line into the building from the street. Considerations: The program needs to be relocated to meet the needs of disabled children and their family members. By moving the program to Investors Square, the Department can pursue state program licensure, which will permit seeking Medicaid reimbursement to help defray the program costs. Without the program, families are unable to assure appropriate after school services for their children and therefore are unable to maintain their employment commitments. Public Information: The issue has been discussed at public meetings including the CSB meeting on July 25, 2002. Alternatives: The program cannot remain at Princess Anne High School and must find alternative space, which would also likely require modification in order to meet code requirements. The only alternative is not to provide the service. Recommendations: Appropriate $69,570 from the CSB fund balance to renovate space for the respite program. Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval ~¢,.)c'~-. ~ Submitting Depa'rtment/Agen_cv: Terry Jenkins_,~Director: MH/MR/SAS City Manager: James K. Spo~ k ,~. ~,~ F:~Data~A TY1Or~.~ONCODE~M H-Skillqu~st. arr.. w pd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $69,750 FROM FUND BALANCE IN THE MH/MR/SAS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TO THE FY 2002-03 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH, MENTAL RETARDATION, AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES TO RELOCATE A RESPITE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WHEREAS, a program for children with disabilities that is being provided by the Virginia Beach Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services must be relocated from Princess Anne High School because space is no longer available at the school; and WHEREAS, space for the program is available for lease in the Investors Square commercial property, where the City's Skillquest program for disabled individuals is already located, but it requires renovation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. That $69,750 is hereby appropriated from fund balance in the MH/MR/SAS Special Revenue Fund to the Fy 2002-03 operating budget of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services to relocate a respite program for children with disabilities, with estimated revenue increased accordingly. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2002. CA-8574 data/noncode/MH-Skillquest.ord.wpd July 25, 2002 R3 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL. SUFFICIENCY: ty Attorn~ O~ice J. RESOLUTIONS Resolution to AUTHORIZE the FY2002-03 performance contract between Virginia Beach Community Services Board (CSB) and Virginia Mental Health/Mental Retardation/Substance Abuse Services (MH/MR/SAS). Resolution to AUTHORIZE Public Works and the Purchasing Agent to obtain State approval re a Construction Management Contract on the Pavilion Theater replacement project. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council FROM: James K. Spore, City Manager ITEM: A Resolution Approving the FY 2002-2003 State Performance Contract Between the Virginia Beach Community Services Board and the Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services. MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: The Commonwealth of Virginia provides funds for public mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse services through a performance contract with local community services boards. In recent years, extensive state compliance requirements have been added to the contract that localities must meet to receive state and federal MH/MR/SA funds appropriated by the General Assembly. The contract requires localities to identify in detail how funds will be utilized and the number of persons to be served with state, federal and medicaid funding; it also contains a large number of outcome and patient information reporting requirements that consume staff time. Considerations: The contract provides a large amount of funding ($18,238, 537 in state-controlled and performance contract funds, including local match). However, the expense of paperwork and reporting requirements associated with the performance contract remains a concern. At its July meeting the Community Services Board recommended the performance contract for City Council's approval. Since the contract is more than 50 pages (excluding attachments), a summary is enclosed with the proposed resolution. Public Information: Public comment on the contract was solicited for 30 days, pursuant to Code of Virginia §37.1-198. Copies of the proposed contract were placed in a number of locations around the City, including CSB offices, the Central Library and the City Clerk's Office. Alternatives: Pursuant to Code of Virginia §37.1-198, if City Council does not act to approve the proposed performance contract by September 15th, it "shall be deemed approved." Rejecting the performance contract would mean losing millions of dollars in state and federal funding. Attachments: Resolution Summary of Performance Contract Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Community Services Boar~~R~A~. City Manage ~ '~ Contract.arf.wpd ~~,T~Ordin~ODE\Peffo finance 1 2 3 4 5 6 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FY 2002-03 PERFORMANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD AND THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH, MENTAL RETARDATION AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia makes funding available for mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse services provided by local community boards; WHEREAS, pursuant to Code of Virginia ~37.1-198, this annual funding is governed by a performance contract, entered into between the Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services ("DMHRSAS") and local community services boards; WHEREAS, in compliance with Code of Virginia ~37.1-198, a proposed contract between the Virginia Beach Community Services Board ("CSB") and DMHRSAS has been completed, which will provide $ 18,238,537 in state-controlled and performance contract funds to the CSB (including local match); WHEREAS, public comment on the contract was solicited for thirty days, and at its July meeting the CSB voted to recommend the contract for approval by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Council hereby approves the FY 2002-2003 performance contract between the Virginia Beach Community Services Board and the Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services. 29 3O Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of , 2002. CA-8556 Ordin/Noncode/Performance Contract.res July 25, 2002 R2 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: t~Ser i Board APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~ity Atto~'ne~s Office 2 FY 2003 Community Services Board Performance Contract Summary This is a summary of the proposed FY 2003 (July 1,2002 - June 30, 2003) Virginia Beach Community Services Board's response on the State Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services Performance Contract that makes state controlled and performance contracts funds available for locally provided public mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services to the citizens of Virginia Beach. Several items should be noted regarding this proposed contract: While there has been significant reductions in the number of forms required for the contract and subsequent reports, the performance contract still places substantial reporting and administrative requirements on the CSB. The details clearly show the extent of program support required to meet these state mandates Funding distribution reflects operational and administrative support costs The following table summarizes the core services and covered MR Waiver services, units of service, and proposed funding levels supported by state-controlled and performance contract funds totaling $18, 238,587 for FY 2003. FY 2003 Performance Contract Proposal Summary Proposed # of Program Service Unit Funding Units of Service Consumers Mental Health Emergency Services $906,011 10731 Hours 1,200 Outpatient Serv ices $1,025,930 10,169 Hours 700 Intensive In-Home $110,129 1.842 Hours 20 Proposed # of Program Service Unit Funding Units of Service Consumers Case Management Services $1,233,597 21,580 Hours 1,250 Alternative Day Support $74,174 1,450 Hours 18 Rehabilitation $1,149,910 111,918 Hours 300 Transitional/Supported Em ployment $ 81,463 1,362 Hours 55 Supervised Services (Residential 551 ) $ 696,054 15,990 Bed Days 59 Supportive Services (Residential 581 ) $273,528 5,859 Hours 150 Discharge Assistance Project $297,109 Various Units 7 Children with SED Non-CSA Mandated $306,485 Various Units 40 Mental Retardation Case Management Services $549,960 9,464 Hours 197 Rehabilitation $164,870 6,374 Hours 8 Family Support $166,988 N/A 378 Supportive Services (Residential) $307,779 10,920 Hours 15 Early Intervention $49,342 1,456 Hours 46 Supported Em ployment $552,157 11,284 Hours 117 Supervised Services $35,520 715 Bed Days 2 Highly Intensive Residential $602,810 2,308 Bed Days 8 Waiver & State plan Option Serv ices $6,151,524 Various Units 434 Non-Waiver Consumer Support Serv ices $38,151 1,590 Hours 6 *Billable Units as Defined by Medicaid Substance Abuse Outpatient $64,730 1,385 200 Case Management $200,724 3,048 215 Day Treatment/Part. Hosp. $724,818 36,042 219 Highly Intensive (Residential) $393,471 1,095 240 Intensive (Residential) $140,775 2,555 70 Jail-Based Habilitation $236,486 21,535 340 Supervised Services (Residential) $509,800 3,650 15 Facility Admission Diversion Project $111,439 Various Units 50 Prevention $890,490 14,687 N/A Administration Administrative Support 2,295,299'I N.A. I N.A. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM TO: FROM: ITEM: The Honorable Mayor and Members of Council James' K. Spore, City Manager Pavilion Theater Replacement (CIP 3-283) Construction Management Delivery System MEETING DATE: August 6, 2002 Background: Virginia Code § 2.2-4308 permits the use of construction management contracts for construction projects if the public determines that such a contract is more advantageous than using competitive sealed bidding. Under such an approach, a firm is hired, using competitive negotiations, to coordinate and administer contracts for construction services. The City Council adopted procedures for the use of such contracts on November 13, 2001. The Pavilion Theater Replacement project was approved by City Council in the FY 2002~2003 ClP budget. The architectural firm of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill (SOM) has been selected as the architect for this project. Based on the recommendations of SOM, the recommendations of the consultant to the Performing Arts Theater Steering committee, and research by City Staff, it is our recommendation that the Construction Manager delivery method be used to construct the new performing arts theater. Considerations: The proposed resolution provides the authority for City staff to present an application for construction management to the Review Board. Performing arts theaters are highly sophisticated, technically complex, and very publically oriented structures which will require true team approach by the City (operators and users), the architect, and the constructor for a successful conclusion. The construction manager delivery method provides for that level of team work by all parties. Additionally, the construction managerdelivery method is being used throughout the country by owners to build such facilities. Recommendations: Adoption of resolution Alternatives: Should the City not approve this resolution, construction services for the Pavilion Theater Replacement would be procured through the traditional sealed bid process. Attachment: Resolution IRecommended Action: Approval ,,/~c~'~. ~ Submitting De~i~.~!~me.nt/~genc_.y: Public Workj,s~~ City Manager: ~~~, ~0Y~/_ ° "'~'  F:\Data~a, TY~(~Jclin\NONCODE\Pav ilionTheater.arf.wpd 1 2 3 4 5 6 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY STAFF TO BEGIN THE PROCESS OF OBTAINING 'STATE APPROVAL FOR THE USE OF A CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT ON THE PAVILION THEATER REPLACEMENT PROJECT 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, the scope and estimated cost of the Pavilion Theater Replacement Project, CIP # 3-283, indicate that the use of a construction management contract to purchase construction services will be more advantageous to the City than a competitive sealed bid process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: The Department of Public Works and the Purchasing Agent are hereby authorized and directed to make a final determination about the use of a construction management contract for the Pavilion Theater Replacement Project, CIP # 3-283, and to begin the process of securing approval from the Commonwealth's Design- Build/Construction Management Review Board in the manner provided by Virginia Code ~ 2.2-4308. 21 22 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2002. CA-8555 ORDIN \NONCODE~pavi!ionres. wpd R-4 July 26, 2002 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Department of ~- ! ~ Ko APPOINTMENTS CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA BOARD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HAMPTON ROADS PLANN~G DISTRICT COMMISSION HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD IffU'M~ RIGHTS COMMISSION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION PERSON~TEL BOARD PUBLIC L~RARY BOARD REVIEW AND ALLOCATION COMMITTEE - COIG SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD TIDEWATER TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT COMMISSION - TTDC TOWING ADVISORY BOARD VIRGINIA BEACH/JAMESTOWN 2007 STEERING COMMISSION L. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mo NEW BUSINESS 1. ABSTRACT OF CIVIL CASES RESOLVED - June 2002 N. ADJOURNMENT CIVIL LAWSUITS RESOLVED DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE, 2002 Joseph E. Raiford, Jr. v. City of Virginia Beach - malicious prosecution Madeline Cowan, an infant, who sues by her mother and next friend Lynn Ann Nelson v. City of Virginia Beach - negligence John F. Runge v. Arline D. Wayler - under-insured motorist claim Jacqueline Morehead v. 'Michael Stark and City of Virginia Beach - negligence Shari Burak v. J. C. Henry and City of Virginia Beach Housing attd Neighborhood Preservation - injunctive relief Westminster-Canterbury of Hampton Roads, Inc. v. City of Virginia Beach - real estate tax assessment Note: Disposition details available on request from the City Attorney's Office