HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 10, 1986AGENDA ITEM NO II/F ADD ON II/H/2 II/H/3 II/I/1 II/J/1 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: March 10, 1986 Page One SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY PRESENTATIONS: Resolutions in Recognition - Ruby Christian - Personnel Ioard Florence Turner - Historica Review Board PRESENTATION: Tidewater Regional Group Commission - Resolution Presented to City Council Robert Lee Sowder, II/Paula M. Sowder CUP: single-family dwelling in AG-1 District - Muddy Creek Rd/Shipps Cabin Rd (Pungo Bor). Deferred Indefinitely Herbert C. SCott COZ from AG-2 to R-3 at 2329 Seaboard Rd (Princess Anne Bor). Approved/ Conditioned G. C. Manson, Jr./Margaret L. Manson COZ from A-1 to B-4 Central Park at 312 28th St (Virginia Beach Bor). Approved/ Conditioned Ordinance to amend Art. 2, Sect. 225 of the CZO re: Bicycle Rental Establishments. Adopted Resolutions approving issuance of DBs: a. Birdneck Partnership - $6,000,000 b. Bert & Arlene Lowenthal - $1,350,000 c. Sea Star Corporation - $7,561,450 d. Columbus Business Centre II - $3,000,000 e. Michael E. Wood, William R. Woo4 Andre Evans, Roger Gray, Gordon Gray - $5,000,000 Adopted Ordinance authorizing conver- sion of a nonconforming use at 444 South Lynnhaven Rd (Property of Giant Square Shopping Center Company). Deferred to 3/17/86 Resolutions in Recognition: Adopted Ruby Christian, Personnel Bo .rd Florence Turner, Historical [eview Board Ordinance authorizing changes in Compensation for City Council Appointees. Adopted Ordinance to transfer $23,000 Adopted to award the design contract for North Beach Storm Drainal , Phase III. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: March 10, 1986 Page Two AGENDA ITEM NO. II/K/4 SUBJECT Ordinance to accept/appropriate $15,000 from Tidewater Children's Foundation/S7,500 from Chesapeake School Board to establish a temporary position to the Pendleton Child Service Center for the School-Based Interventi~ Module MOTION TO/BY Approved FIRST READING CITY OF VIRGINIa, BEACH VOTE RECORD II/K/5 Ordinance to authorize encroach- ment into portion of r-o-w known as Kempsville Rd to Runnymede Corp. Adopted II/K/6 Raffle Permit: Junior Class of Princess Anne High School Beth Chaverim Approved II/L II/M/1 CONFLICT OF INTERESTS/CODE OF ETHICS Briefing - House Bill No. 42 - City Charter Amendment Robert Matthias, Intergovernmental Relations Scheduled for further discussion 3/17/86 II/M/2 II/M/3 Rudee Inlet Maintenance/Erosion Ordinance to transfer appropria- tions to Project #2-412 Virl Beach Blvd. - Phase I ($991,185) Authorized City Manager to proceed with Letter of Intent to the Erosion Commission specifications for purchase of a new ~ and develop a requ. for proposal for a contract dredging/ emergency Adopted II/M ADD ON II/M ADD ON II/M ADD ON II/M ADD ON II/N Growth Impact Analysis for the Courthouse-Sandbridge Study prepared by Harland Bartholomew and Associates - Copies distributed to Council by Roberl Scott, Director of Planning. Ordinances to amend City Code concerning Purchase of Decals and Refunding ot the Unused Portion of Tax. Francis Land House Opening Ceremonies scheduled 5/17/86. Mayor announced Special Program on Channels 3, 10 and 13 at 3:00PM on March 11, 1986. Adjournment: 4:05PM RHS Discussion Scheduled for 3/17/86