HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 19, 1986CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUI~IARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: May 19, 1986 PAGE: On e AGENDA ITEM NO. ix/o/~ IIIJI1 I~/J/2 II/J/3 IIIJl4 ~[IIJ I5 IIIJI6 IIIJI7 SUBJECT PRESENTATIONS: Resolutions In Recognition of Forty Years' Service John T. Hurdle John T. Spence PROC LAMAT ION Ruritan Week - May 18-24, 1986 RECONSIDERATION No. CC-003: Crystal Point Asso., COZ: south side Northampton Blvd. 7.5 acres (Bayside Bor.) From R-1 to R-8 From R-8 to PD-H2 Modify to R-6 Ordinance closing/vacating/ discontinuing portion of Broad St. in petition of George, Andreas and Efthymios Loizou (Bayside Bor.) Ordinance appointing viewers in petition of Donald W. and Selena Starbuck/Richardson and Linda Bell for the closure of a portion of Lauderdale Ave. ( Bayside Bot. ) Ordinance c losing/vacating/ discontinuing portion of Painters Lane in petition of Lakeside Construction Corp. (Princess Anne Bor.) Paul Kyrus and Michael Xystrou CUP temporary parking lot, Atlantic Ave/31st St. (Virginia Beach Bor.) MAACO of Virginia Beach, Inc. CUP auto paint and body workshop Bonney Road/Poplar Sts. (Lynnhaven Bot. ) EXXON Corp. CUP automated service station/convenience store, General Booth Blvd/London Bridge Rd. Relocated (Princess Anne Bor.) Edward Phillips and Robert Batcher, Trustrees, St. Luke's United Methodist Church (Princess Anne Bot.) {VAR to Sect. 4.4(b) Subdivision [I Ordinance Holland/Stoneshore Rd. [ AND, MOTION TO Deferred until June 2, 1986 Approved Denied Approved 120- Day Extension for Compliance to September 15, 1986 Approved/ Conditioned Approved Approved/ Conditioned Approved/ Condi t ioned PASSED 9-1 10-0 9-1 10-0 9--O 10-0 6-4 10-0 * Jennings Abstained CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUI~4AR¥ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. ADD-ON II/K/1 II/L/1 IIILI2 II/L/3 II/L/4 II/L/6 II/L/7 II/L/8 DATE: May 19, 1986 PAGE: Two SUBJECT COZ from A-1 to B-2 Lotus Creek Asso., COZ Atwoodtown Road (Princess Anne Bot.) From AG-2 to R-8 R-4 R-8 to PD-H2 RECONSIDERATION NO. CC-004: Great Neck Asso. request to remove earth bern as a condition granted August 6, 1979, in Sunstream Park, Inc. COZ Salem Lakes (Kempsville/Princess Anne Bors. ) Resolutions approving issuance of IDRBs: a. Arista Associates $ 250,000 b. Lynn-Dee Motel, Inc. $ 4,850,000 c. Motor City Associates $10,000,000 Resolution in Recognition - John T. Hurdle Resolution in Recognition - John T. Spence Ordinance Deed of Easement and Release/Vacation of Easement, Lot 2A Ballard-Syer Tract, Greenwich Centre Associates Ordinance authorizing recon- struction of nonconforming residential structure/249 Dozier Lane, Robert Lee Whitehurst Ordinance Community Development Block Grant Funds/Twelfth Program Year - $1,785,000 Ordinance to accept/appropriate $1500 Grant Automobile Safety Pre-School Training Program Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachment into portions of rights-of-way Baxter Rd/Green- view Dr. to Southland Corp. Tidewater Ambulance Service, Inc permit to operate Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Vehicles/ Advanced Life Support MOTION TO Approved/ Conditioned Modified to R-4 Referred back to Planning Commission for Recommen- dation Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Approved FIRST READING Adopted Adopted PASSED 8-2 7-1 8-0 9-O 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 * Jennings Abstained CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. lI/K/9 ii/K/lO II/M/1 II/M/2 II/M/3 II/M/4 II/Nil ADD-ON ADD-ON II-O/ ADD-ON ADD-ON DATE: May 19, 1986 PAGE: Three SUBJECT LOW BID to Suburban Grading and Utilities, Inc. $36,290.50 to provide water service residents/ Kent Circle, Taylor Point Rd. and Cornwell Lane Bingo/Raffle Permits: AP PO I NTME NT S: Housing Board of Appeals Ruth W. Bell Henry B. McDonald Carl J. Nagle Jimmie Koch Dan Temp leton Social Services Board Mrs. Joseph E. Walton, Sr. Tidewater Regional Group Home Commission Patricia Criswell Resort Area Advisory Commission Thomas S. Shadrick Abstract of Votes in Council- manic Election May 6, 1986 Concern expressed by Councilman Jennings regarding write-in votes on the ballot. Dr. Marlene Hager will address Council at a future Council Meeting Planning Commission will give recommendation on Churchill Dr. and Old Donation Parkway ONLY regarding the Master Street and Highway Plan in June, 1986 City Staff will request State Water Control Board to declare the Lynnhaven Estuary and Rudee Inlet Basin (NO DISCHARGE AREAS) Acknowledgment of Cassandra "Go-Go" Barnes' Birthday - May 30, 1986 ADJOURNMENT - 6:10 P.M. RHS MOTION TO Approved Approved Reappointed for 2-year term 7-1-86 to 6-30-88 Appointed for 2-year term 7-1-86 to 6-30-88 Reappointed for 4-year term 7-1-86 to 6-30-90 Appointed !for 4-year 'term 7-18-86 to 7-17-90 Appointed Part of the proceedings PASSED 9-O 9-O 9-O 9-0 9-O 9-0 9-O BY CONSENSUS BY CONSENSUS