HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 11, 1986CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 4, 1986 PAGE: One AGENDA ITEM NO. i/n/1/2 SUBJECT BRIEFINGS: AICUZ Proposed CIP and REFERENDA Projects II/F/G/1/a IIIal11~ IIIalllc II/G/lid II/a/1/e II/G/l/f II/G/1/g II/a/h II/U/1 Ordinance for discontinuance/ closure/abandonment of portion of Baltic Ave. in petition of William L. Freed (Va. Beach Bor) Ordinance for discontinuance/ closure/abandonment of portion of Holly Ave. in petition of South Bay (Lynnhaven Bor.) PDJ Enterprises: COZ east of Holland Road/south of Monet Dr. (Princess Anne Bor.) From AG-1 to I-1 - 35.64 acres AND From AG-2 to B-2 - 13.44 acres Virginia Natural Gas: CUP for storage/office/maintenance installation for a public utility-North Landstown Road/ Princess Anne Rd. (Princess Anne Bor.) Lee A. Gifford: CUP for 8' by 8' signboard at 845 S. Military Highway (Kempsville Bor.) Mildred Lucille Reid: COZ at 1417 London Bridge Road (Princess Anne Bor.) From AG-1 to I-1 AND From AG-2 to I-1 Interstate Tire Co., Inc.: COZ Holland Rd./Hayes Ave. Pecan Gardens (Princess Anne Bor.) From 0-1 to B-2 AND, CUP: auto repair establishment/ sale/installation of tires Interstate Tire Co., Inc.: CUP automobile repair establishment/ sale/installation of tires - Indian River Rd./Kempsville Rd. (Kemspville Bor.) Resolutions approving the issuance of IDBs: a. CBN University $5,000,000 MOTION TO Approved extension for compliance to 10/6/86 Approved extension for compliance to 1113186 Denied Approved/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned Denied Approved/ conditioned Approved/ conditioned Approved PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 8-2 10-0 10-0 8-2 0 B E R N *Mr. Moss, after the adjournment requested his AYE vote be change to CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 4, 1986 PAGE: Two AGENDA ITEM NO. II/H/2 II/H/3 II/H/4 ii/I/1 ii/i/2 II/I/3 ii/i/4 SUBJECT Resolution that prior to August 23, 1986, Planning Commission shall review the Comprehensive Land Use Plan/conduct Public Hearings/make recommendation for amendment status of Green Line proposed use of those properties south of the Green Line Resolution designating August 26, 1986, date for SPECIAL EXECUTIVE SESSION t 5:30 P.M./ FORMAL SESSION at 7:00 P.M. for City Council to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission/proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan/ status of the Green Line with reclassification of properties south of the Green Line Resolution re: Carolanne Farm Lake/park/intent of City Council to declare certain property EXCESS Ordinance to AMEND Section 37- 19.1 of the Code pertaining to Water-to-Air Heat Pumps Ordinance authorizing deed of easement/release/vacation of easement/plat showing drainage easement/temporary construction easement conveyed to the City 'from Aragona Moose Lodge Ordinance to accept/appropriate from VA. Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation to VA. Beach MH/MR Substance Abuse: a. $69,947 for a Day Treatment for Older Adults be $79,211 for continuation of Day Treatment Program for Emotionally Disturbed Children $33,333 for enhanced Mental Health Case Management $228,057 for enhanced Mental Retardation Program Ordinance to accept/appropriate $10,122 from VA. Social Services to the VA. Beach Dept. AND, transfer $2,530 from General Reserve for Contingencies to Social Services for pre-grant phase of the AFDC Program MOTION TO Adopted As Revised Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Approved FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 9-1 10-0 10-0 10-0 CITY OF VIKGINIA BEACH SU~IARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. II/i/5 I~/i/6 ii/i/? Ii/i/8 II/I/9 ii/i/lO ~i/J/1 ADD-ON ADD-ON DATE: August 4, 1986 PAGE: Three SUBJECT Ordinance to accept/appropriate an entitlement grant of $1,785,000 plus program income of $50,000 from HUD to the Community Development Twelfth Program Year, ($1,835,000) Ordinance to authorize encroach- ments into portions of r-o-w of Baxter Rd./Greenview Dr. to Welch Industries, Inc. Ordinance appointing Viewers in petition of S.A.S. Asso. for the closure of a portion of Shell Rd., (Bayside Bor.) LOW BID to Colonial Mechanical !Corp. ($238,180) for Energy Conservation Project Phase II - LOW BID to East Coast Corp. ($183,352) for Sandbridge Bikeway Raffle Permits: VA. Beach Democratic Womens Club Knights of Columbus Mother Seton House, Inc. APPOINTMENTS: Southeastern Public Service Authority Southeastern VA. Planning District Commission Planning Commission Virginia Beach Arts Center Advisory Committee Central Library Municipal Center Pavilion MOTION TO Approved FIRST READING Adopted Adopted Approved Approved Approved Appointed Meyera E. Oberndorf Unexpired term to 12/31/88 Appointed: Meyera E. Oberndorf unexpired term to 6/30/87 Appointed: Barbara J. Ferguson unexpired term to 12/31/89 Appointed: John D. Moss Robert G. Jones Nancy K. Parker PASSED 9-1 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 BY CONSENSUS CITY OF VIKGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 4, 1986 PAGE: Four AGENDA ITEM NO. II/K ADD-ON Ii/L ADD-ON ADD-ON SUBJECT RML Corporation COZ deferred to 8/11/86 REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION No. CC 009: Tom Adams Bldg Co., Inc. for WAIVER of sidewalk require- ment in approval of John C./ Betty H. Porter for COZ on 1/22/79 Cost Participation Agreement for Hilltop Loop (Southeast) with Off-Price Mall Associates Proposed Amendments to Sign Ordinance to be heard by the Planning Commission in September and expedited to City Council ADJOURNMENT: 4:58 P.M. RHS MOTION TO Rescheduled to 8/18/86 Denied Authorized Agreement Approved PASSED 9-1 9-1 10-0 10-0