HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 20, 1983SUMIVlARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: June :20, 1983 AGENl:)A ITEM' NO. Informal I.D. 1. I.D. 2. I.E. 1. I.E.2. I.E. ADD ON I.E. ADD ON Formal S.UB gCT Briefing: Develoument - North Virginia Beach -- Planning Commission/City Council Mayor Thanked Vice Mayor for excellent coverage in all places while he attended U.S. Conference of Mayors. Reported City received award for "Outstanding Leadership"in field of Unemployment and City's Volunteerism Vice Mayor Henley referenced article re C~vernor's budget and appropriation to health care not including City of Virginia Beach//City needs to make concerns known and encourage "Regionalism" Lynnhaven River: concern for quality of water/current status of "Clean ~"//Water Quality Task Force to report//need inventory of boat users//City Manager to report re status of dredging Atlantic Avenue Beautification: concern for short run/long run plan//financing//timetable// incentives//proposed "Blue Ribbon Citizen Committee"//Economics// City Manager to report in 2-3 weeks Back Bay Management Plan: Consul- tants and firm working with Roy Man doing excellent job "Beach" at Oceanfront: City Manager to check with Erosion Commission re loss of "beach" area Pavilion Scheduled Events include' "resale" merchandise is in compe- tition with mercantile trade -- City Manager to provide Council with Pavilion Policy.. City Manager requested expediting of the CUP for Ledger Construc- tion to August 22, 1983 ADD ON: Raffle Permit - Virginia Beach Moose Lodge ~998 Kempsville Lake #1 Partnership · Encroachment (see New Business) Street Closure (~8 Planning): Attorney for M & M Van Statzer requested Deferral (see II.H.8.) MOTION TO CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD II.D. 1. 6/13/83 Minutes Approval Deferred to 6/27/83 • r ' SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : June 20, 1983 VOTE RECORD • W • LA- . CM CZ oc Gn J C Z C C I-- oC 22 Y= w titer Z C - W Q C U GJ LaJ - CM N J, W W nE W G/: �.J Z y W U JCS C AGENDA H Li- U W z Z Z Z!—G.)(.-) W TEM .NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c o m � = i �� �� � EI.F.1. Cox Cable request for rate adjust- Approved Rate -2 YYYYNYYYYYN ment Increase with stipulation reco- mmended by City Manager EI.G.1. Resolution: Nancy Pogue • Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY EI.G.2. Resolution: VHDA financing of Deferred to 6/27/83 11-0 Y Y YYY Y Y YYY Y Amhurst Apts. EI.G. 3. Resolution: Lease Agreement with Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Hagan Seafood (Hutchinson/Pollack) tI.G.4. Ordinance-Code Amendment, Chapter 15 re hotel rate/registers: Section 15-1,2,3,5,6 Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYY Y Section 15-4 Adopted 6-5 - YYNYNNYYNNY CI.G.5. Ordinance to Transfer $11,800 for Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY new vehicle-Erosion Commission tI.G.6. Ordinance to increase appropria- Adopted, 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY • tions/increase revenues FY 83-84 Second reading Parks & Recreation class fees: $3,000/$22,500 tI.G. 7. Ordinance to appropriate $39,500 Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY for new ambulance-Davis Corner Second reading Fire/Rescue II.G. 8. Ordinance to Appropriate $326,707/ Adopted 11-0 YYY Y .Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Transfer $344,850: Capital Project Second reading #3-302 at Pavilion tI.G.9. Ordinance to accept Grant of Approved 10-1 YYNYYYYYYYY $164,800: Virginia Beach Community First reading Diversion Program tI.G.10. Ordinance: Temporary Encroachment Adopted 11-0 Y YYY Y Y Y Y Y Y. Y --r/w Garrison .Avenue/Bayside Ave. John Parrott II.G.11. Ordinance: Temporary Encroachment Adopted 11-0 Y Y YYY Y Y YYY Y --r/w Kempsville Road--Southland Corporation II.G-.12. Ordinance: Excess Property Quit- Adopted 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY claim Deed to Lake Holly Ltd, II.G.13. Ordinance: Exempt Certain events Adopted 10-1. YYYYYYYYTY N at Pavilion re Sunday Business • I.G.14. Low Bid $19,971.24, Industrial , Approved 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY Power and Maintenance Corporation for well pump enclosures-Suffolk I.G. Raffle: Virginia Beach Moose Lodge Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY 3 ON #1998 I.H. 1. COZ A-1 to B-2,. Runnington Invest- Approved 11-0 - YYYYYYYYYYY ment Corp. , Lynnhaven Borough I.H.2, COZ R-8 to B-2, CUP Self-service Deferred to 7/5/83 • 7-4 NYYNYYNYYYN gas station, Herbert C./Carolyn -A. . Culpepper & F. 0. Powers, Lynn- haven Borough. 1I.H.3. CUP: Temporary Parking Lot, Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Burlage Corp. , Virginia Beach Borough • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : June 20, 1983 VOTE RECORD LL G C m N J C Z C o I xi }z - ..� z n W Q C CUU W )-8NN2et to W W W V: J Z W W U JO C AGERDa W W W W W 0 0 s--4 U U CA d = C] ITEM'NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a C o m 2 2 :I.H.4. CUP: Mini-Warehouses, Lynn Beach Allowed withdrawal 10-C YYYYYYAYYYY Associates, Lynnhaven Borough :1.H.5. Subdivision Variance, Russell B. Approved 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY Davis, Lynnhaven Borough _I.H.6. Subdivision Variance, Una M. Motion to approve 4-7 YYYNYNNNNNN Lunsford; Lynnhaven Borough lost to negative vote Denied 8-3 YNNYNYYYYYY :I.H.7. Subdivision Variance: Sea Breeze Deferred to 7/5/83 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY Farm Inc. , Lynnhaven Borough :I.H. 8. Street Closure, Poinciana Drive, Deferred to 8/1/83 10-C YYYYYYYYYAY Merlin Van Statzer/Rita Statzer I.H.9. CZO Amendments re Off Street Approved 10-C YYYYYYYYYAY Parking: • Art. 5, Sec. 564(a) R-7 District Art. 9, Sec. 935, B-4 District ' Art. 15, Sec. 1505(d) , C-1 District I. I. Appointment of Mayor's Air Cushion No action required .DD ON Vehicle Advisory Committee in Mayor's Appoint- ment I.J.1. Jobs Bill Funds Rescheduled for, 6/27/83 I.J.2. Water/Sewer Rate Adjustments Ordinance to be on 6/27/83 agenda I.J.3. Virginia Beach Music Festival: Approved, repayable 9-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y * Y Y A Y Request for $60,000 grant to over 3 years reconstruct festival I.J. VML Legislative Package Rescheduled for DD ON ' 6/27/83 I.K.1. June 27, 1983 Regular Meeting to begin at 4:30 rather than 5:30 • for Informal//Formal at 7:00 p.m. I.K. Encroachment: Kempsville Lake #1 Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYAY DD ON Partnership--Weller Boulevard-- Pool at Kempsville Lakes Recreation Center • I.K. CUP: Ledger Construction Expedite: DD ON Planning Commission - 8/9/83 • City Council - 8/22/83 . I.I.1. Recess to Executive Session, re ' ' Personnel ' Council adjourned 7:30 p.m. *Councilman Jones abstained RHS