HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 13, 2003 AGENDAAgricultural Advisory Commission Meeting
Monday, January 13, 2003 - 7 30 p m
Agriculture Conference Room
* * * AGENDA * * *
I Call to Order - Chairman Don Horsley
I1 Roll Call by Secretary Kathy Vaughan - Lloyd
III Approval of Minutes - October 14, 2002 meeting
IV Election of Officers
V Director's Report - Jack Whitney
Budget Outlook
4-H Position
VI Guest Presentations
Comprehensive Plan Update (Pungo/Blackwater) - Tom Pauls/Planmng
Transition Area Technical Advisory Commission - liaren Prochdo/Planmng
Horse Boarding - Planning Slaff
Buffers/Setbacks in Ag Districts - Planning Staff
Unfinished Business
[] Harvest Fair Debrief- Jack Whitney
[] Hunting Season - Jack W~httne)
New Business
[] Rural Heritage Center- Jack kJ/hllney
Roadside Stands - Ste~e Barnes
IX Program Reports
Rural Infrastructure
ARP - Easement/ExcepU°n Procedure
Cooperattve Extension
Virginia Dare
Other Business
Next Meeting - Aprd 14, 2003