HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 4, 2003 AGENDACITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY ["OR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL MA YOR MEYERA E OBERNDORF, At-Large V/CE MAYOR LOUIS R dONES, Baystde - Dt~trtct 4 HARRY E DIEZEL Kempsvtlle - Dt~trtct 2 MARGARET L EURE, ( entervtlle - Dt~trtct 1 REBA S McCLANAN, Rose Hall - Dtatrtct 3 RI(HARD A MADDOX, Beach -Dtstrtct 6 JIM REEVE, Princess Anne - Dt,trtct 7 PETER W SCHMIDI, At-Large RON A V1LLANUEVA, At-Large RO3EMARY WILSON, At-Large dAMES L WOOD, Lynnhaven -Dtgtrtct 5 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL BUILDING 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE (757) 427-4303 FAX (757) 426-5669 E- MAIL Ctycncl~vbgov corn ( lit MANAGER - JAMES K SPORE CITYATTORNEY- LESLIE L LILLEY CtTY CLERK - RUTH HODGES SMITH, MMC 4 November 2003 TOUR OF LANDFILL - Municipal Center- 1:00 PM CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING - Conference Room - 3:00 PM CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA ORDINANCE REVISIONS Clay Bernick, Environmental Management Programs Administrator, Planning Department II. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS III. COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS IV. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS V. INFORMAL SESSION A. CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VI. FORMAL SESSION A CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Meyera E. Obemdorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend S~dney Nelson Saint Timothy Lutheran Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS October 28, 2003 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H. PRESENTATION TRAUMA CENTER TASK FORCE REPORT Dr Mitchell Miller, Chmrman I CONSENT AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (recommended and certified by the Planning Commission) , PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2003-2004 CAPITAL BUDGET re $10,250,000 in School Reversion Funds. Ko ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION 1. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $11,750,000 in FY 2002-03 School Reversion Funds: a. $4,000,000 b $2,250,000 c $2,000,000 d. SI,500,000 e. $1,500,000 f $ 500,000 School Plant and Supply Services Facility Telecommunication Infrastructure Replacement Security of the Instructional and Administrative Network Systems Standards Of Learning (SOL) Incentive Funds Purchase of Buses and Various Vehicles Increased Computer Network Security and On-hne Student Assessment Ordinance to ESTABLISH the Special Revenue Fund-School Reserve in the FY 2003-04 operating budget; and, APPROPRIATE $448,021 of FY 2002-03 School Reversion Funds to the Special Revenue Fund-School Reserve Fund. o Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the C~ty Manager to execute an agreement with the Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) for the operation of"White Goods" recycling facility at Landfill II and enter into a lease for forty-eight (48) acres of land at Landfill II for the construction and operation of a compost/mulch processing facility. . Ordinance to APPROVE the modification re the Virginia Beach Development Authonty's obligation to purchase Block 10 Parking Garage in Phase I of the Town Center ProJect; recommend APPROVAL by the Virginia Beach Development Authority; and, AUTHORIZE the preparation of Supplemental Phase II project documents. 5. Resolution to ESTABLISH The Old Beach D~stnct Master Plan Advisory Committee L APPOINTMENTS CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA BOARD MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL OLD BEACH MASTER PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE TIDEWATER REGIONAL GROUP HOME COMMISSION TOWING ADVISORY BOARD M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS N. NEW BUSINESS O. ADJOURNMENT If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at th~s meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, call: TDD only 427-4305 (TDD - Telephonic Device for the Deaf) Agenda 10/30/03/g0e www vbgov corn THERE WILL NOT BE ,4 COUNCIL MEETING ON NOVEMBER 11, 2003, VETERANS D,4 Y,4ND CITY HOLID,4 Y. THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 25, 2003. -2- CITY M/INAGER'S BRIEFING CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESER VA TION AREA ORDINANCE REVISIONS 3:00 P.M. ITEM # 51854 Clay Berntck, Envtronmental Management Programs Admtntstrator, Planntng Department, advtsed changes must be made by the Ctty concerntng the Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area effecttve January 1, 2004 The Commonwealth of Vtrgmta originally adopted the Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Act tn 1988 Regulattons tmplementtng the Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area were adopted tn 1990 The Ctty adopted the local Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area Or&nance and amended other local development ordtnances for consistency tn 1991 As part of the extended revtewprocess, the Commonwealth found the Ctty to be fully conststent tn 1994 CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESER VA TION AREA REQUIREMENTS Locahty destgnate Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area Geographtc hmtts Locahty map Resource Protectton Areas and Resource Management areas wtthtn Geographtc ltmtts Locahty adopt Ordtnance meettng mtntmum State requtrements and conststency findtng Locahty amend Comprehenstve Plan to address mtntmum State requtrements and conststency findtng Locahty amend other local Development Ordtnances to address mtntmum State requtrements and conststency findmg Mr Bermck &splayed a map tndtcattng the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area The Chesapeake Bay Watershed deptcted tn "hght yellow "encompass the Ehzabeth Rtver (Kempsvtlle), mtown Reservotrs (Lake Smith, Lake Lawson - Baystde Area), Lynnhaven (eastern and western branches mclu&ng Ltnkhorn, Broad Bay and all thetr trtbutartes) and Ltttle Creek Watersheds The streams extend as far south as Landfill II, Ttdewater Communtty College and south along Dam Neck Road tn the vtcmtty of London Brtdge Road A clear majority of the City's population ts included tn the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Areas to the south (mustard colored on the map) dratn to North Carohna and eventually reach the ocean at Oregon Inlet (approxtmately 100 mtles south) Wtthtn thts area there are two types of Resource Protection Areas The Resource Protection Area (RPA) Example No. I extends from the shorehne landward to a &stance 100 feet beyond the top of the slope on a shorehne tn the Watershed Slopes are defined as betng areas whtch have a slope greater than stx (6%)percent There are htghly erochble sods tn those areas tf they are denuded of vegetation and can really contribute to water quahty problems Currently the 100-foot buffer commences at the top of the slope and runs landward l OO feet Resource Protection Area (R_PA) Example No. 2 deptcts a shorehne ofrtp rap or bulkhead wtth the same conchttons apphed Thepresence or absence of the natural features does not affect where the Resource Protection Area commences November 4, 2003 -3- CITY M/INAGER'S BRIEFING CHESAPEAKE BA Y PRESER VA TION AREA ORDINANCE REVISIONS ITEM # 51854 The Ctty has more geographtc area protected than any many other locahttes, as well as more development acttvtttes tn the shorehne areas There are more requests for vartances tn thts area The State wtll revtew the number of vartances by other locahttes and thus our Ctty ts under closer scruttny by the State As the Ctty regulates more area, the number of requests have tncreased The Ctty Ordtnance created a Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area Board to make dectstons more responstve to the pubhc Ctty Counctl appotnts thts Board, which meets monthly to revtew requests of proJects wtthm the Resource Protectton Area (RPA) The Ordmance also destgnated htghly erodible sods as a component of the Resource Protectton Area (RPA), slopes greater than stx (6) percent to address chrontc eroston problems tn Shorehne areas REVISED STATE REGULATIONS Requtre locahttes to amend Local Or&nances prtor to January 1, 2004 Instttute State inspection and enforcement overstght measures Reemphastze tmportance of Resource Protectton Area Buffer for water quahty protectton CURRENT REQUIREMENTS v. NE W RE Q UIREMENTS Minor Projects current approved by staff admtntstrattvely new approved by Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area Board Septic Tank Pump Out current mandatory pump out every five (5) years new mspectton and pump out tf necessary every five (5) years Buffer Area Regulations current more hberal tnterpretatton of buffer encroachments at local level new more strict tnterpretatton of buffer encroachments at local level wtth State overstght Principal Structure additions current, approved by Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area Board new approved by staff admtntstrattvely A mtnorproject ts defined as a land dtsturbance of less than 2500 square feet (an area roughly 50'x 50') Currently these projects are approved admtntstrattvely However, the new requtrements would requtre approval by the Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area Board November 4, 2003 -4- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESER VA TION AREA ORDINANCE REVISIONS ITEM # 51854 (Continued) A gazebo, swimming pool or shed tn the apphcant's backyard would have to be approved now by the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Board However, a 2, 500 square foot home addttton could be approved admtntstrattvely Mr Bermck &splayed the proposed compromtse Resource Protection Area, whtch ts sattsfactory to the development communtty, butldtng assoctattons, consultants and homeowners Thts RPA sttll protects the same amount of area (100 feet back from the top of the bank) However, instead of having the 100-foot buffer commence at the top of the bank, the buffer wtll now start at the shorehne In someplace& tf there ts not a slope, the buffer may be only 100feet A lot wtth more comphcated features mtght requtre a 200foot or more buffer depth. The dtfference ts a Vartance before the Chesapeake Board ts required tf the apphcatton ts only wtthtn the first l OO feet Outstde of the l OO feet could be handled as an admtntstrattve vartance If the apphcant ts not pleased with an admtmstrattve dectston, an appeal may be made to the Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area Board wtth a later option to the Ctrcutt Court SCHEDULE September/October Brtefings to City Counctl, Planntng Commtsston, Chesapeake Bay Preservatton Area Board, Consultant Communtty, affected Ctty staff, budders, Chamber of Commerce, Board of Zontng Appeals and general pubhc November Planmng Commtsston Pubhc Heanng (November 12, 3003) Ctty Counctl Pubhc Heartng and adoptton of Revtstons and Transttton Rules danuary Revtstons tn effect Mr Berntck cauttoned observe use of the adopted State Regulattons note the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department (CBLAD) Website: www. cblad, state, va. us or Phone: 1 (800) CHESBAY. The Draft City Program Revisions amendments to Section 200 of the City Zoning Ordinance appear: http_ ://www. vbgov, com/dept/planning/curren~planning/novO3 Whtle thts ts a State mandated program, there are no resources from the Commonwealth November 4, 2003 -5- CITY M/INA GER 'S BRIEFING CLUB 121 3:26 P.M. ITEM it 51855 Vtce Mayor Jones requested Deputy Chtef James Cevera to provtde tnformatton relattve Club 121, located on Broad Meadows Boulevard and Wesleyan Drtve There has been an ongotng tnvesttgatton relattve thts Club Normally, there are a number of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) estabhshments whtch typtcally year-by-year have certain problems No parttcular ntghtclub or estabhshment ts targeted These estabhshments are identified by their behavior, calls of concern and dtsturbance around the surroundmg area Voluntary comphance ts requested by the management concernmg parttcular tssues If this does not work, mterventton strategies (t e gun interdiction, narcottcs vtolattons tn parking lots) will be estabhshed spectfic to that mdtvtdual Club's need When sufficient infractions occur and strtct enforcement ts necessary, the Pohce can appeal to the ABC Board for revocatton of hcense or institute a common nmsance charge agamst the mghtclub whtch could result tn closmg the facthty permanently The Pohce do not wtsh to become the prtvate securttyfor the mghtclub However, thts must be weighed agamst the quahty of hfe tn the surroundtng netghborhood Ftre tnvesttgators are also used to asstst tn the tnvesttgatton and do coordtnate wtth both the Ctty Attorney and Commonwealths Attorney's office on a routine basts Relattve Club 121, there have been one hundred (100) ctttzen complatnt telephone calls over a stx-month pertod or one hundred thtrty-stx (136) calls over a one-yearpertod The majortty are nutsance calls t e too much norse Over the last year, the ntghtclub has changed owners Asststant Ctty Attorney Kathy Rountree was able to take the prevtous owner to the ABC Board and secure a vtolatton on that parttcular estabhshment The facthty changed hands, names and management Thus, the case has to be rebutlt The process wtth the Alcohohc Beverage Control Board usually entatls, wtth appeals, stx (6) months to a year The officers of the Thtrd Prectnct worked dthgently to butld up a case agamst the ortgmal bar Stnce thts past Summer, the Pohce Officers have been acttve, not only at thts estabhshment but other locattons There have been a number of weapons and narcottcs vtolattons The Pohce had attempted to have legtslatton passed requtrtng an estabhshment have securtty, both internal and external, based upon the stze of the crowd If there was willful neghgence on the owners 'part and tf conttnuedpohce response was necessary, an admtntstrattve charge would be mcurred levied by the Ctty Unfortunately, the Restaurant Assoctatton dtd not concur and thts State legtslatton was not tntroduced Concermng a Club betng declared a nutsance, the three (3) crtterta tnvolve open prostitution, narcotics violations and weapons violation Deputy Chtef Cevera advtsed the Pohce coordtnate closely wtth the Ftre Investtgators who tnspect the enttre city There are three (3) or four (4) State Alcohohc Board lnvesttgators There were two (2) major tnctdents relattve thts Club A Pohce Officer was shot and then a Securtty Guard was killed afier falhng off the hood of a car (drtven by a 17-year old) tnto oncomtng traffic Deputy Chtef Cevera advtsed a firearm ts not allowed tn an estabhshment servtng alcohol At many of these facthttes, weapons are kept tnstde the vehtcles on the outstde of the premtses Mayor Oberndorf advtsed the pubhc ts looktng for an tmmedtate response to tndtvtduals hvtng on the wrong stde of the law The Ctty Attorney advtsed the Ctty does not have authortty to tmmechately close a ntghtclub or bar The only agency whtch mtght have that authortty ts the Alcohohc Beverage Control Board Asststant Ctty Attorney Kathy Rountree ts the Pubhc Safety Attorney Deputy Chtef Cevera advised tf there ts an tnctdent emanattngfrom a bar/ntghtclub, the Pohce can advtse the Club's Manager to shut down for pubhc safety Thts ts accomphshed on occaston t e the Fourth of July weekend However, thts cannot be done permanently wtthout admtntstrattve due process November 4, 2003 -6- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING CLUB 121 ITEM # 51855 (Continued) Deputy Chtef Cevera advtsed, through &hgence, approxtmatelyfive (5) or stx (6) key estabhshments tn the Ctty have been closed over the last two (2) years These estabhshments probably have more vtolent crtmes than all the other estabhshments combtned Somettmes the landlord has been pressured whtch has resulted tn two estabhshments at the Resort Area betng shut down by the landlords The Ctty Attorney advised Assistant Ctty Attorney Rountree files objections for certatn estabhshments applymgfor ABC hcenses (prtmartly tn the Resort DtstrtcO The Alcohohc Beverage Control Board conducts an tnvesttgatton on each apphcatton The prtmary objectton of the Ctty Attorney's office has been the concentratton of too many ABC hcenses tn a parttcular area On thts parttcular tssue, the Ctty has never been successful wtth objecttons The Alcohohc Beverage Control Board has advtsed they are not wdhng to regulate Asststant Ctty Attorney Kathy Rountree advtsed a provtston tn the State Code advtses a Ctty can object to the ABC Board based on the number ofhcenses tn the area The ABC Board has advtsed there ts no defined number of bars allowed tn a locatton The City Attorney quoted State Code Section 4.1128: "No county, city or town shall adopt any or&nance or resolution which regulates or prohibits the manufacturing, botthng, possession, sales, dtstrtbutton, handhng, transportatton, drtnktng, use, adverttstng, or dtspenstng of alcohohc beverages tn the Commonwealth "Therefore, the Code reserves the right to regulate these estabhshments to the State ABC Board Mayor Oberndorf advtsed a number of Mayors tn other ctttes actually pubhsh the name of the tndtvtduals or places tnvolved tn prostttutton, narcottcs, etc The Ctty Attorney advtsed certatn objecttve crtterta can be pubhshed tn the newspaper The Beacon used to pubhsh names of tndtvtduals convtcted of Driving Under The Influence (DUI). The City Attorney referenced the prevtous recommendaaon or proposed Legislation re Conditional Use Permits for establishments selling alcoholic beverages. On August 12, 2003, City Council, ADOPTED, a Resolution, AS REVISED, to include other zoning areas within the city. Resolutton to REFER to the Planmng Commtsston proposed amendments to Secttons 111, 233 1, 1501, 1511 and 1521 of the Ctty Zomng Ordmance (CZO) re Condtttonal Use Permits for sale of alcohol tn the RT-1, RT-2 and RT-3 Resort Tourtst Dtstrtcts Any estabhshment tn the Resort Area would reqmre a Condtttonal Use Permtt to sell alcohohc beverages on or off premtses Any estabhshment tn the rematmng zomng dtstrtcts would requtre a Condtttonal Use Permtt on premtses Thts Ordtnance ts betng constdered relaave a solutton to behavtoral problems However, there are only about stx (6)problem estabhshments per year, whtch ts a constant figure November 4, 2003 -7- CITY M~4N/IGER'S BRIEFING CLUB 121 ITEM it 51855 (Continued) On October 28, 2003, the Ctty Attorney advtsed the Ctty Councd he beheved thts course of actton should not be pursued Through dtscusstons wtth the Restaurant Assoctatton, a better coarse of actton was suggested The City Attorney suggested Condtttonal Use Permtts for ABC Ltcenses not be considered for the Community Legislative Agenda. Zomng matters should only be constdered from a land use standpotnt The Ordtnance, currently at the Planmng Commtsston, should be revtewed for amendments A Zonmg Ordtnance currently extsts for estabhshments servtng alcohohc beverages and mtnors are excluded durtng any part of the day tn the Resort Area Mtnors are excluded from estabhshments servtng alcohohc beverages tf wtthtn 500feet of a restdenttal area After meettng wtth Depu.tv Pohce Chtef Cevera and Ctty tnspectors, the formatton of an tnteragency commtsston was suggested to deal wtth the stx (6) to ten (1 O) estabhshments whtch have constant behavtoral problems A group ts needed to revtew Alcohohc Beverage Control (ABC) apphcattons and ongotng ABC problems Thts group could be composed of representattves ofPohce, Ftre, Health, Buddmg lnspectors, and an Agent from the ABC Board A meettng has been scheduled wtth the ABC Commtsstoner re senstttvtty to the Ctty's resort status and for the Ctty to clearly understand thetr enforcement procedures If Ctty Councd destres, the Condtttonal Use Permtt process could be reconstdered However, the Zomng Admtmstrator would baswally be THE behavtoral monttor A Condtttonal Use Permtt process could hmtt the hours of an estabhshment Vtce Mayor dones beheves the Ctty Counctl should constder the Conchttonal Use Permtt process Whde he reahzes all the current estabhshments are grandfathered, over time this process would provtde control over a stgntficant number ofestabhshments Under extsttng state law, the only agency that can cease the operatton of thts Bar ts the Alcohohc Beverage Control (ABC) Board Deputy Chtef Cevera advtsed the Pohce Department does have the abthty to enforce certam ABC laws When the Officers are deputtzed under Federal Law, the law ts very spectfic relattve acttons of the Pohce Thts posstbthty can be explored November 4, 2003 -8- AGENDA RE VIE W SESSION 4:19 P.M. ITEM # 51856 K1 Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $11,750,000 tn FY 2002-03 School Reversion Funds: a $4,000,000 b $2,250,000 c $2,000,000 d $1,500,000 e $1,500,000 f $ 500, 000 School Plant and Supply Servtces Facthty Telecommuntcatton Infrastructure Replacement Securtty of the Instructtonal and Admtntstrattve Network Systems Standards Of Learning (SOL) Incenttve Funds Purchase of Buses and Vartous Vehtcles Increased Computer Network Securtty and On-hne Student Assessment Council Lady Wtlson tnqutred relattve the other reverston funds tdenttfied and approprtated Vtctorta Lewts, Chtef Ftnanctal Officer- Vtrgtnta Beach Ctty Pubhc Schools, advtsed there are two dtfferent requests from the same reverston amount On August 15, 2003, the School Board was presented with a summary of the unaudtted financtal statement for FY2002-03 reahztng $12,198,021 tn reverston funds The reverston funds are the result of $5, 776, 645 tn addtttonal revenue and $6,421,3 76 tn expenditure savtngs These are the only reversion funds from FY2002-03 Because part of the original reversion request tncluded a destre on the Board's part to fund a spectal reserve fund, thatportton of that reverston ts contatned tn a separate ordtnance The reverston funds are strtctly school operattng budget funds The "over budget" funds are betng presented to the School Board on November 5, 2003, and wtll be scheduled for a Ctty Counctl Sesston tn December ITEM # 5185 7 K2 Ordtnance to ESTABLISH the Special Revenue Fund- School Reserve tn the FY2003-04 Operattng Budget, and, APPROPRIATE $448,021 of FY 2002-03 School Reversion Funds to the Spectal Revenue Fund-School Reserve Fund Vice Mayor Jones advtsed the Virginia Beach School Board adopted a resolution on October 7, 2003, requesttng the approprtatton of $448,021 of the reversion funds for estabhshment of a new Special Reserve Fund. At the end of the year, thts wtll be placed tn the Spectal Reserve Fund Balance and wtll rematn stmtlar to the Ctty's General Fund Balance The Vtrgtnta Beach School Board has enacted a policy that states upon the request of etght (8) members of the Board, and a Ctty Counctl approprtatton, funds may be expended The pohcy hmtts the accumulatton of 2% of the Vtrgtnta Beach School's budget Mayor Oberndorf tnqutred tf thts was an tnterest beartng account Ms Lewts advtsed School Board funds are requtred to earn tnterest November 4, 2003 -9- AGENDA RE VIEW SESSION ITEM # 51858 K5 Resolutton to ESTABLISH The OM Beach Dtstrtct Master Plan Advtsory Commtttee Counctl Lady McClanan wtll vote NAY on thts ttem Counctl Lady McClanan expressed concern tn vtew of the low Oceanfront assessments tn relatton to the restdenttal assessments Counctl Lady McClanan spoke wtth the retatl consultant relattve utthztng the htgh denstty apartments as a part of the 19th Street development plan Councd Lady McClanan wtshed tmprovements, however, ts not convinced the maxtmum return on the tnvestment wtll be recetved Council Lady McClanan wtshed to see more results from other pubhc/prtvate projects at the Oceanfront Mayor Oberndorf referenced atten&ng the two-day Urban Land Instttute (ULI) Conference tn Reston, Vtrgtma, relattve creattng centers of excellence tn ctttes for shopptng, hvtng and entertatnment Near the hotel tn Reston, upper scale retatt are located on the ground level with very race loft apartments located above the retatl ITEM # 51859 BY CONSENSUS, the followtng shall compose the CONSENT AGENDA: ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION K 1 Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $11, 750,000 tn FY 2002-03 School Reversion Funds: a $4,000,000 b $2,250,000 c $2,000,000 d $1,500,000 e $1,500,000 f $ 500,000 School Plant and Supply Servtces Facthty Telecommuntcatton Infrastructure Replacement Securtty of the Instructtonal and Admtntstrattve Network Systems Standards Of Learntng (SOL) Incenttve Funds Purchase of Buses and Various Vehtcles Increased Computer Network Security and On-hne Student Assessment K2 Ordtnance to ESTABLISH the Special Revenue Fund- School Reserve tn the FY2003-04 operattng budget, and, APPROPRIATE $448,021 of FY 2002-03 School Reverston Funds to the Spectal Revenue Fund-School Reserve Fund K3 Ordtnance to AUTHORIZE the Ctty Manager to execute an agreement wtth the Southeastern Pubhc Servtce Authority (SPSA) for the operatton of "White Goods" recychng facthty at Landfill II and enter tnto a lease for forty-eight (48) acres of land at Landfill II for the constructton and operatton of a compost/mulch processtng facthty November 4, 2003 K4 K5 - 10- AGENDA RE VIEW SESSION ITEM # 51859 (Continued) Ordinance to APPROVE the MODIFICATION re the Vtrgtnta Beach Development Authority's obltgatton to purchase Block 10 Parktng Garage tn Phase II of the Town Center project; recommend APPROVAL by the I"trgtnta Beach Development Authortty, and, ,4 UTHORIZE the preparatton of Supplemental Phase II project documents Resolutton to ESTABLISH The OM Beach Dtstrtct Master Plan Advtsory Commtttee Counctl Lady McClanan wtll vote NAY on Item K 5 November 4, 2003 -11- COUNCIL LI/IISON REPORTS 4:35 P.M. ITEM # 51859 Councdman Reeve dtstrtbuted to Ctty Councd for thetr revtew, a copy of the Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax Relief Task Force Report The Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax Relief Task Force wtll brtef the Ctty Counctl on December 2, 2003 Councd Members Maddox and Vdlanueva are also Counctl Ltatsons to the Task Force ITEM # 51860 Councd Members Schmtdt and Wood attended the first Virginia Beach Performing Arts Theatre Advisory Commtttee meettng, Economtc Development Department, Tenth Floor, TownCenter, Monday, November 3, 2003, at 5 30 P M Mayor Oberndorf advtsed Councdman Wood's mother, Dorothy L Wood, ts the Chart and Helen Dragas ts the Vice Chair Mrs Dragas, ts also serving on the Virginia Department of Transportatton Board November 4, 2003 - 12- CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS 4:39 P.M. ITEM # 51861 Councd Lady Eure thanked the Mayor and Ctty Councd for tourtng the Landfill at Centerville. Even on a cloudy day, the Oceanfront and the Ctty of Norfolk can be vtewed from the Landfill Counctl Lady Eure apprectates the endeavors of Wade Kyle, Fleet and Waste Management Admtmstrator, and hts staff ITEM # 51862 Councilman Schmtdt advtsed the driving of the ptles for the Thirty-first Hotel will be completed today, November 4, 2003 ITEM # 51863 Councdman Reeve extended apprectatton to the Mayor and Counctl Lady Wtlson for offictattng at the Grand Opening of the Mount Trashmore Skate Park There were approxtmately 300 parttctpants hoptng to skate on thts day Concern was expressed re ad&ttonal parks to dtffuse the crowdtng Thts park has been utdtzed every single day Counctl Lady Wtlson advtsed safety equtpment ts needed and suggested rental of thts eqmpment mtght be constdered Councdman Reeve &scussed thts concern wtth Ctndy Curtts, Dtrector- Parks and Recreatton Ms Curtts advtsed they wtsh to butld a small kiosk for the attendant and wtll tnclude rental helmets Mayor Oberndorf advtsed there was a skateboard facthty several years ago at Mount Trashmore (a bowl type) When thts factltty feel tnto dtsrepatr, the skateboard facthty was dtsmantled ITEM # 51864 Council Members Schmtdt and Dtezel attended the Grand Opening Ceremonies of the Special Olympics Games on Saturday, November 1, 2003. There were over seven hundred (700) parttctpants Spectal Olymptcs conttnues to partner wtth the Kntghts of Columbus and vartous corporate sponsors dtm Brtckman, a restdent, was named the Special Olympics Virginia Volunteer of the Year November 4, 2003 -13- CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS ITEM # 51865 Counctl Lady McClanan requested an analysts "tn wrtttng" of the clean-up process re Hurricane Isabel, relative both the status and funds expended Counctl Lady Wtlson advtsed Dean Block, Dtrector of Pubhc Works, wtshed Councd Members to advtse htm of any pockets of debrts whtch have not been collected. Mayor Oberndorf referenced Wade Kyle advtsed approxtmately I-MILLION cubic yards of debris has been turned tnto mulch The Ctty Manager advised two passes have been completed throughout the Ctty wtth a few spots mtssed Any rematntng matertal, ctttzens can advtse and the regular route drtvers wtll note locattons of ptles of debrts ITEM # 51866 Mayor Oberndorf congratulated Davtd Sulhvan, Chtef lnformatton Officer and staff for recetvtng the award on October 2003, re the 2002International Web Page Awards Competition. www vbgov com Vbgov corn was the only local government Web stte to be recogmzed The webstte was the wtnner of a "Certtficate of Creative Achtevement" Thts ts the first ttme VBgov com regtstered as a parttctpant tn thts competttton It was compettng wtth destgn firms, ad agenctes, major magaztnes, etc from across the globe, tncludtng entrtes from Austraha, Argenttna, Austrta, Belgtum, Canada, Chtna, Denmark, Egypt, Ecuador, England, Fmland, France, Germany, Incha, Italy, Japan, Malaysta, New Zealand, Smgapore, Sloventa, South Afrtca, Spam, Sweden, Swttzerland, The Netherlands and The United States ITEM # 5186 7 Mayor Oberndorf congratulated Denms Craff on his new posttton as Director of Communications for the City of Suffolk Dennts Craff was the Medta and Communtcattons Coordtnator III for Vtrgtma Beach Denms has been an asset and hts professtonahsm and sktlls wtll be mtssed November 4, 2003 -14- ITEM # 51868 Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf called to order the INFORMAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL tn the Ctty Counctl Conference Room, Ctty Hall But[dtng, on Tuesday, November 4, 2003, at 4 47PM Counctl Members Present Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vice Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, dtm Reeve, Rosemary Wtlson, Peter W Schmtdt and James L Wood Counctl Members Absent Ron A Vtllanueva November 4, 2003 0~, OUR RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virglma Beach City Council convened ~nto CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded m ITEM # 51869, page 15, and ~n accordance with the prowslons of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and, WHEREAS' Section 2 2-3 711 (A) of the Code ofV~rg~ma reqmres a certification by the govermng body that such Closed Session was conducted ~n conformity w~th V~rg~ma law NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. That the V~rg~ma Beach C~ty Council hereby certffies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only pubhc bus~ness matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting reqmrements by V~rg~ma law were d~scussed ~n Closed Session to which th~s certfficat~on resolution apphes; and, (b) only such pubhc bus~ness matters as were ~dent~fied ~n the motion convemng th~s Closed Session were heard, d~scussed or considered by V~rg~ma Beach C~ty Council 'l~uth Hodges ~/m~tfa, MMCA C~ty Clerk November 4, 2003 - 18- Item V-F. 1. MINUTES ITEM # 518 71 Upon motton by Counctlman Schmtdt, seconded by Councdman Reeve, Ctty Counctl APPROVED the Mtnutes of the INFORMA£ and FORMAL SESSIONS of October 28, 2003. Vottng 9-0 Counctl Members Vottng Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vtce Mayor Louts R Jones, Richard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Jtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wtlson and James L Wood Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Abstatntng Reba S McClanan Counctl Members Absent Ron A Vtllanueva Counctl Lady McClanan ABSTAINED as she was absent durtng the Ctty Counctl Sesston of October 28, 2003, due to the death of her mother, Goldte Salyers November 4, 2003 - 19- Item V-G ADOPT AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION ITEM # 518 72 BY CONSENSUS, Ctty Counctl ADOPTED: AGENDA FOR THE FORMAL SESSION November 4, 2003 Item V-H. 1. - 20- MA YOR 'S PRESENTATION ITEM # 518 73 Mayor Oberndorf tntroduced Dr Mttchell Mtller, Chatr- Trauma Center Task Force Dr Mtller ts the first Vtrgmta Beach phystctan to become the Prestdent of the Virginia American Medical Association (AMA). Dr Miller expressed appreciation to the Mayor and Ctty Council relative the opportumty to share the dehberattons on The Virginia Beach Trauma Center Task Force The concern expressed by the Mayor and Ctty Counctl was the drtvtng force ts helptng to restore Level 2 Trauma Services to the Ctty Dr Mtller summartzed hts report dtstrtbuted to Ctty Counctl The Trauma Task Force met on three occastons and the wtse advtse of Counctl Members Dtezel , Eure and Wtlson, as valuable to thetr dehberattons, Sentara offictals expressed wtlhngness to attempt to restore trauma servtces to a level consistent with a Level 2 destgnatton tn an urgent manner by complettng negottattons wtth key phystcmns as expeditiously as posstble Thts culmtnated tn thetr announcement on October Thtrd that trauma servtces at a level conststent wtth Level 2 trauma destgnatton would be reacttvated at Vtrgtnta Beach General Hospttal on October 6, 2003 Whtle no formal request to state authortttes has yet been made, Sentara also represented utihzatton of thetr best efforts to recrmt addtttonal trauma surgeons to ensure the stabthty of the phystctan trauma team with the exception of reapplytng for Level 2 destgnatton wtthm fifieen (15) months, if not sooner Dr Mtller retterated the Task Force's recommendatton to Ctty Counctl City Council consider the formation of a Health Care Advisory Committee to assist the Ctty Council tn understandmg and evaluating relevant health care tssues and tn provtdtng such ongotng momtortng of the health care envtronment tn Vtrgmta Beach as Ctty Counctl determines approprtate Dr Miller dtstrtbuted a copy of the Draft Proposal for thcs Health Care Advisory Committee November 4, 2003 - 21 - Item V-I. 1. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM ii 518 74 Mayor Oberndorf DECLARED A PUBLIC HEARING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (Recommended and Certified by the Planning Commission) The followtng regtstered to speak Tom Coghtll, 804 Surfstde Avenue, Phone 422-3425, requested the Comprehenstve Plan be amended and btcycle lanes added D A Ablowtch, 4176 Chartty Neck Road, Phone 721-3052, requested advocacy for a Redevelopment Houstng Authortty be removed and he Ctty concentrate on extsttng communtty revttahzatton procedures Teresa Orr, 3149 Clarke Drtve, Phone 478-4703, Prestdent- Board of Dtrectors, Courthouse Estate Homeowners Assoctatton, requested the West Neck Parkway extenston be removed from the Master Transportation Plan John H McKee, 208 Consul Avenue, Hone 497-5143, Prestdent- 650-member Ttdewater Btcycle Assoctatton , spoke tn support of btcycle lanes Fred Adams, 1548 Edgewater Drive, Phone 467-2 775, represented the Ttdewater Btcycle Association and spoke tn support of btcycle lanes Ralph Rtcardo, 2836 Pleasant Acres Drtve, Phone 42 7-9411 and owner of property at 2580 Shore Drtve, spoke tn OPPOSITION to Sectton 201-B of the Ctty Zoning Ordtnance whtch requtres all setbacks be measured from the rtght-of-way wtdths deptcted tn the Comprehenstve Plan mstead of the owners' property hne where the plan's wtdth ss greater Suzan Vaughan, 915 Goldsboro Avenue, Phone 422-0451, Member- Board of Dtrectors, Rudee Inlet-Owl Creek Watershed Partnershtp Ms Vaughan requested development of an Owl Creek Watershed Management Plan and conttnued cooperatton wtth the Rudee Inlet-Owl Creek Watershed Partnershtp. Satd statement ss hereby made a part of the record Edward Fowler, 2 753 Ltvtngston Loop, Phone 42 7-3235, represented Courthouse Estates, requested deletton of the southernmost portton of the proposed West Neck Parkway from the Master Transportatton Plan Pettttons tn Opposttton are hereby made a part of the record Sal Peguato, 2676 Alameda Drtve, Phone 430-1625, represented Courthouse Estates, requested deletion of the southernmost portton of the proposed West Neck Parkway from the Master Transportatton Plan Claudta Cotton, 2117 Smtth Avenue, Chesapeake, Phone 420-2434, Ext261, represented the Ttdewater Butlders Assoctatton, supported the revttahzatton and redevelopment strategtes outhned and encouraged more houstng Satd statement ss hereby made a part of the record Kelly Lamar, 1636 Grey Frtars Chase, Phone 471-1090, Prestdent- Bellamy Plantatton Ctvtc League, expressed conceptual agreement wtth the Comprehenstve Plan, but ss concerned re tts lack of apphcatton tn Kempsvtlle November 4, 2003 Item V-I. 1. PUBLIC HEARING - 22 - ITEM # 51874(Continued) Herb Jones, 2313 Sandptper Road, Phone 721-1103, expressed concerns relattve the denstty of Sandbrtdge, retnstatement of Ntmmo VH to the Master Transportatton Plan and management of growth John Moss, represented the Vtrgtnta Beach Taxpayers Alhance and strongly encouraged development of a transportatton plan first and then review the land uses to be implemented Attorney R Edward Bourdon, Pembroke One Bmldtng, 5th Floor, Phone 499-8971, requested deletton of the southernmost portton of proposed West Neck Parkway from the Master Transportatton Plan, urged revtew of Shore Drtve, east of Great Neck Road wtdened to a stx-lane roadway and, requested a zomng or&nance that would comply wtth the Comprehensive Plan Wdhs Harold, 4821 Dolton Drive, Phone 499-4867, expressed concern relative the Bonney Road West Corridor and referenced an e-marl from Thomas Pauls, Comprehenstve Planner, dated October 21, 2003 There betng no further speakers, Mayor Oberndorf CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. November 4, 2003 - 23 - Item V-I. 1.2 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 51875 Mayor Oberndorf DECLARED A PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2003-2004 CAPITAL BUDGET re $10,250,000 in School Reversion Funds. The followtng regtstered to speak John Moss, represented htmself advtsed 85% of the Vtrgtma Beach School Board's budget ts composed of salartes The majortty of funds accumulated (end of year balance) ts dertved from under executton of budgeted salartes There betng no further speakers, Mayor Oberndorf CLOSED THE PUBLIC November 4, 2003 - 24 - Item V-K. ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION ITEM # 518 76 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Jones, seconded by Councdman Schmtdt, Ctty Counctl APPROVED IN ONE MOTION Ordmances 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the CONSENTAGENDA. Votmg 10-0 (By ConsenO Councd Members Votmg Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vtce Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf dtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wdson and James L Wood Councd Members Vottng Nay None Councd Members Absent Ron A Vdlanueva Councd Lady McClanan voted NAY on Item K 5 (Old Beach Dtstrtct Maser Plan Advisory Committee) November 4, 2003 Item V-K. 1. ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION - 25 - ITEM # 518 77 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Jones, seconded by Councdman Schmtdt, City Council ADOPTED: Ordtnance to APPROPRIATE $11, 750, 000 tn FY 2002-03 School Reversion Funds: a $4,000,000 b $2,250,000 c $2,000,000 d $1,500,000 e $1,500,000 f $ 500,000 School Plant and Supply Servtces Facthty Telecommuntcatton Infrastructure Replacement Securtty of the Instructtonal and Admtntstrattve Network Systems Standards Of Learntng (SOL) Incenttve Funds Purchase of Buses and Vartous Vehicles Increased Computer Network Securtty and On-hne Student Assessment Vottng 10-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Vottng Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vtce Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Jtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wtlson and James L Wood Councd Members Voting Nay None Council Members Absent Ron A Vtllanueva November 4, 2003 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $11,750,000 IN FY 2002-03 VIRGINIA BEACH SCHOOL REVERSION FUNDS TO THE FY 2003-04 SCHOOLS OPERATING BUDGET AND FY 2003-04 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND TO ESTABLISH CIP PROJECT #1-082, "PHASE I ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION FACILITY (SCHOOL PLANT AND SUPPLY SERVICES FACILITY)" 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WHEREAS, a total amount of $12,198,021 in FY 2002-03 Virginia Beach Public School reversion funds are available for appropriation; and WHEREAS, by resolution dated October 7, 2003, the School Board formally requested the City Council to approve the appropriation of school reversion funds to the FY 2003-04 Capital Budget and School Operating Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. That CIP Project #1-082, "Phase I Alternative Education Facility (School Plant and Supply Facility)," is hereby established. 2. That $11,750,000 in school reversion funds are hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the FY 2003-04 Capital Budget and School Operating budget in the amounts and for the purposes set forth below: (a) $4,000,000 to CIP Project #1-082, "Phase I Alternative Education Facility (School Plant and Supply Services Facility)"; (b) $2,250,000 to CIP Project #1-030, "Telecommunications Infrastructure Replacement," 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 for various telecommunications infrastructure improvements; (c) $2,000,000 to CIP Project #1-196, "Instructional Technology," to examine the security of the instructional and administrative network systems; (d) $1,500,000 to the FY 2003-04 Schools Operating Budget, Instructional category, for SOL Incentive Funds, which are provided to schools as recognition for efforts in meeting Standards of Learning requirements; (e) $1,500,000 to CIP Project #1-011, "Equipment and Vehicle Replacement," for the purchase of 20 replacement buses and various replacement supply vehicles, school plant vehicles, and fleet vehicles; and (f) $500,000 to CIP Project #1-195, "Student Data Management System," for increased computer network security and online student assessment. 3. That estimated revenue from use of the Fund Balance of the General Fund is increased by $11,750,000. 51 52 Adopted by the Council of the City of Vlrg~nma Beach, Virginia, on thzs 4th day of November , 2003. CA-9036 Ordln/Noncode/Reversionord.wpd R3 - October 27, 2003 A OVED AS TO CONT T: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: Management Services /a"~'--City Attor~[ey's O~lc'e 'X I IRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS AHEAD OF THE CURVE SCHOOL BOARD Oanlet D. Edwmlm Oi~blct 1 - Cenler~ib 1613 geedwlew Dnve VA Beach, VA :23464 495-3551 (h) · 717-0259 {cea) Nell L RD# ',r~ Chab~,,an At. La. aa 1~? Hants F~d V^ Beech, Vk 23452 Olsblct 6 - Be, mb 721 H,liop Road VA Beach, VA 23454 425.1507 (h) Emma L."Em' Davis 112~ MiGhMIwWl Ddve V^ Beth. V^ 23452 ~-8911 Ch) & Jm~ "Jim' ~Bdlim VA GeaclL VA 2~ ~ R. Low 4617 Red Coat Road VA Beacho VA 23456 4e0.350t VA 9#ch,VA 23462 460*a16r (~q VA Bmich, VA 2~4~2 A~lhur T. Ts~ ~ .- VA Bea~.VR ~34~5 Caroly~ tX W.mm 1420 Oau<l~ Ddv~ VA Ba~ok~ YA 2345~ VA Beach, VA 234~ SUPERINTENDENT 2612 geo~ VA geedt,¥A RESOLUTION REGARDING FY 2002/03 REVERSION FUNDS WHEREAS, On August 15, 2003 the School Board was presented with a summary of the un- audited financial statement for FY 2002/03 realizing $12,198,021 in reversion funds; and WHEREAS, the reversion funds are the result of $5,776,645 in additional revenue and $6,421,376 in expenditures savings; and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends the following uses for the $12.2 million in reversion funds: · $ 2,000,000 for the annual commitment to the Instructional Technology Replacement Cycle (Note a) · $1,000,000 for the purchase of replacement buses · $ 500,000 for the purchase of replacement vehicles · $ 2,250,000 for Telecommunications Infrastructure Improvements · $1,500,000 for SOL Incentive funds · $ 250,000 for Computer Network Secudty · $ 250,000 for On-line student assessment · $ 4,000,000 for Phase I of the Altemative Education Facility (School Plant and Supply Services Facility) · $ 448,02I to begin funding the Special Reserve Fund for Schools (Note b); Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED'. That the Board approves the recommended uses of the additional FY 2002~03 reversion funds as presented by the Administration; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be spread across the official minutes of this Board, and the Clerk of the Board is directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to the Mayor, each member of City Council, the City Manager, and the City Clerk. Adopted by the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach this 7~h day of October 2003 S E A L Daniel D~ Edw~d~, Chairrrlan Attest: Dianne P. Alexander, Clerk of the Board Note a. Note b: The Instructional Technology Fund Is a perpetual fund similar to the Textbook Additional funds may be required in order to sustain the expenditure level requ,~,'~'to maintain the program ...... Addlbonal funding is antidpated from FY 2002/03 Aclual-over-Budget funds Revenue Sharing Formula in order to increase the money in this School Administra~n Building · 2512 George Mason Drive · R O. Box 6038 · Virginia Beach, VA 23456-0038 - 26- Item V-K.2. ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION ITEM # 51878 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Jones, seconded by Counctlman Schmtdt, Ctty Counctl ADOPTED: Or&nance to ESTABLISH the Spectal Revenue Fund-School Reserve tn the FY 2003-04 Operating Budget, and, APPROPRIATE $448,021 of FY 2002-03 School Reversion Funds to the Special Revenue -School Reserve Fund Vottng 10-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Vottng Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vtce Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Jtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wtlson and James L Wood Councd Members Vottng Nay None Council Members Absent Ron A Vtllanueva November 4, 2003 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND-SCHOOL RESERVE IN THE CITY'S FY 2003-04 OPERATING BUDGET AND TO APPROPRIATE $448,021 OF FY 2002-03 SCHOOL REVERSION FUNDS TO THIS FUND WHEREAS, on May 6, 2003 the School Board amended School Board Policy # 3-28 concerning the establishment of a reserve fund; and WHEREAS, on October 7, 2003 the School Board passed a resolution requesting the appropriation of $448,021 in FY 2002-03 school reversion funds to a reserve fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia: 1. That a new fund, known as the "Special Revenue Fund- School Reserve," is hereby established in the City's accounting structure. 2. That $448,021 of FY 2002-03 school reversion funds is hereby appropriated from the fund balance of the General Fund to the Special Revenue Fund-School Reserve, with estimated revenues increased accordingly. 3. That any expenditure of funds from the Special Revenue Fund--School Reserve shall require a resolution approved by eight members of the School Board, as described in School Board Policy # 3-28, "Revenue Fund," and shall also require a subsequent appropriation by the City Council to the appropriate category of the School Operating Budget or capital improvement project in the Capital Budget. 28 29 30 31 32 33 4. That additions of funds to the Special Revenue Fund-School Reserve or its fund balance shall require a resolution adopted by the School Board and an appropriation by the City Council. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the 4th . day of November , 2003. CA-9037 Ordin/Noncode/Reserveord.wpd R6 - October 30, 2003 na rO~ a% t~~nt Approved as to Legal Sufficiency , gemen~ ~ervices~~' City Attorney's~O~fice Policy 3-28 - Special Reserve Fund Page I of I School Board of the C~ty of Virginia Beach Pohcy 3-28 BUSINESS AND NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS Reserve Fund A. Generally In order to be ,n a better pos~t~on to respond to 0) unexpected shortfalls in state or federal funding, (,) emergency expenditures of a nonrecurnng nature that would not have been antic~pated at the time of preparabon and adopbon of the School Operatmg Budget, or (m) other fiscal emergencies, the board shall set aside a reserve for conbngencms (heremafter "Reserve Fund" or "Fund") up to two (2) percent of the prewous year's School Operatmg Budget, may be placed mto th~s Fund. The purpose of th~s pohcy ~s to specify what funds shall be placed m the Reserve Fund, and to set forth the board's requwement for any expenditures to be made from the Fund B. Pohcy 1. The board may d~rect that funds from interest earned on the Reserve Fund balance, year-end reversions, actual-over-esbmated revenues, the sale of excess school property, or other sources approved by the board and c~ty councd be used to supplement the Fund subject to the councd's appropriation of these add~bonal funds to the board for th~s purpose. 2. Any expend,ture of funds in the Reserve Fund shall requ,re a resolution adopted by eight school board members (two-thirds majority of the members of the board) such resolution shall state the purpose(s) of the expenditure, and the total amount to be expended. 3. Pursuant to apphcable provisions of state law~ the Reserve Fund must be appropnated by c~ty councd annually as part of the school operating budget, and any funds that the board deswes to be added to the Fund during the fiscal year must also be appropriated by c~ty councd. Legal Reference: Code of va, § 22.:[-88 Of what school funds to consist. Code of Va.; § 22.1-94 Aooropnatlons by county, city or town governing body for oubhc schools Adopted by School Board: May 6, 1997 Amended by School Board: May 6, 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~203 ~20- ~20Business ¼20OperationrdArticle ~20III~... 7/28/2003 Fact Sheet School Reserve Funds What is a Reserve Fund: Reserves for Contingencies are generally used within the City to provide funding for unanticipated expenditures. The reserves are backed through the annual appropriation of current revenue by the City Council in the budget process. The City's current reserve for contingencies policy allows the budgeting of 1/2%-1% of general fund expenditures, but in reality only about $1.5 million is appropriated every year. A Fund Balance is different than the reserve for contingencies. Fund balances are not appropriated on an annual basis, but accrue from year to year. Fund balance is backed by undesignated funds, and current Council policy requires the General Fund balance to be 75%-100% of the preceding year's debt service. The policy also restricts the use of fund balance to only one- time expenditures. What is Being Discussed: The School Board is proposing a School Reserve Fund. Based on conversations with School's staff, the School Reserve Fund is really a Fund Balance to be maintained at a level no greater that 2% of the previous year's School Operating Budget. The adoption of School Board Policy 3-28, "Reserve Fund" the School Board is desiring the ability to set aside up to 2% of the previous year's School Operating Budget into a fund balance. Currently, the School's operating fund is prohibited from maintaining a balance. How Could the Reserve be Built: The fund balance would be built primarily through the use of reversion funds. Reversion funds come from three sources. 1) Unspent appropriation at the end of the fiscal year. Unspent appropriation occurs through a number of ways, efficiency savings, vacancy savings, and lower equipment bids than anticipated. 2) Through better than anticipated revenue performance, revenue that was received over the estimated amount. 3) Through the "true up" at the end of the year, where the revenue sharing formula revenues are evaluated on an actualized basis, and any additional revenue over the estimated amount is provided to Schools. Current Council policy is to provide all of these funds back to Schools through the appropriation of reversion funds for expenditure within the new fiscal year. If City Council chooses to allow a fund balance, the School Board could request a portion of the reversion funds to be directed to the School Operating Fund Balance. How Could the Fund Be Used: The School Board Policy does not comment specifically on the uses, but specifies that the funds shall be maintained to respond to 1) unexpected shortfalls in state or federal funding, 2) emergency expenditures of a nonrecurring nature that would not have been anticipated at the time of the preparation and adoption of the School Operating Budget, or 3) other fiscal emergencies. The policy also states that any expenditure of these funds will require a resolution, specifically stating the purpose and amount, adopted by eight school board members and then appropriated by City Council. Legal Issues: Currently the state law requtres that all funds not expended by the Schools will be returned to the locality for re-appropriation as the governing body determines. In shod, § 22.1-100~ states that the Schools must return unspent local funds to the City, however current policy provides for a full reversion of those funds back to schools. I § 22 1-100 Unexpended school and educational funds -- All sums of money derived from the Commonwealth which are unexpended ~n any year ~n any school d~wsion shall revert to the fund of the Commonwealth from which denved unless the Board of Education d~rects otherwise All sums derived from local funds unexpended ~n any year shall remain a part of the funds of the govermng body appropnabng the funds for use the next year, but Fact Sheet 1 School Reserve Fund -27- Item V-K. $. ORDINANCES/RESOL UTION ITEM # 51879 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Jones, seconded by Counctlman Schmtdt, Ctty Council ADOPTED: Ordtnance to AUTHORIZE the Ctty Manager to execute an agreement with the Southeastern Pubhc Servtce Authority (SPSA) for the operation of "White Goods" recychngfacthty at Landfill II and enter tnto a lease for forty-etght (48) acres of land at Landfill II for the construction and operatton of a compost/mulch processtng facthty Vottng 10-0 (By Consent) Counctl Members k'ottng Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vtce Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, dtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wtlson and James L Wood Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Ron A Vtllanueva November 4, 2003 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTHEASTERN PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR THE OPERATION OF THE APPLIANCE ("WHITE GOODS") RECYCLING FACILITY AND A LEASE FOR A COMPOST /MULCH FACILITY AT LANDFILL II WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach (the "City") is the owner of that certain 10 parcel of land located at 1989 Jake Sears Road in Virginia Beach, Virginia and known as Landfill 11 Il; 12 WHEREAS, pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2-5148, the City and the Southeastem Public Service Authority ("SPSA") entered into a lease dated September 26, 1990, (the "1990 Lease") of approximately nine acres at Landfill II for use by SPSA for the construction and 15 operation of a compost/mulch (yard waste) processing facility; 16 WHEREAS, SPSA proposes to consolidate at Landfill II its existing compost/mulch 17 processing facility leased under the 1990 Lease with its facility located in the City of Suffolk, 18 Virginia; 19 WHEREAS, to effect the proposed consolidation in the future, SPSA desires to enter 2 0 into a new lease with the City for the consohdated compost/mulch processing facility at Landfill II 21 consisting of approximately 48 acres; 22 WHEREAS, SPSA also desires to assume the operation of the "White Goods" 2 3 recycling facility at Landfill II at no cost to the City; and 24 WHEREAS, SPSA and City staff worked with the City Attomey to draft an 25 agreement and a lease which sets forth the responsibilities and obligations of the parties upon terms 26 and conditions mutually agreeable to all parties. 27 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 28 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 29 That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with SPSA for 30 the operation of the "White Goods" recycling facility at Landfill II and a lease between SPSA and 31 the City for approximately 48 acres of land at Landfill II in accordance with the Summary of Terms 32 attached hereto. 33 Adopted by the Council ofthe City of Virg~nia Beach, Virginia, on the 4 th dayof 34 November ,2003. CA-8999 C XDocuments and Sett~ngs\wkyle\Locai Semngs\Temp\SPSA ord2 wpd R-I 10/14/03 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT Department of Pul~h[: Works APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY ~ Department of Law /'1 SUMMARY OF TERMS AGREEMENT FOR THE OPERATION OF "WHITE GOODS" RECYCLING FACILITY AND LEASE FOR THE USE OF 48 ± ACRES AT LANDFILL II LESSOR: City of Virginia Beach. LESSEE: Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) PREMISES: Approximately 48+ acres of land at Landfill II. TERM: Initial lease term for the consolidated yard waste facility shall be from the date of execution of the agreement and lease until June 30, 2015 with 2 additional renewal terms of up to 5 years each. Any such renewal shall be at the sole discretion and option of the City. The operation of the "White Goods" recycling facility shall continue in accordance with the term of the lease. RENT: Ten Dollars per year for the initial term and any renewal term thereof. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SPSA UNDER THE AGREEMENT: Will assume the responsibility for the operation of the white goods (appliances) recycling area at no cost to the City. UNDER THE LEASE: Will use the Premises for the construction and operation of a compost/mulch processing facility (the "Facility") and no other purpose. Additionally, the hours of operation of the Facility shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. However, the City Manager may revise the permitted hours of operation In the event of his determination of an emergency and for the duration of that event, upon notice to SPSA. Will construct the Facility and obtain all permits required at its sole cost and expense. However all construction plans must be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the initiation of any construction of improvements. All ingress and egress to the Premises shall be by means of Jake Sears Road. Will terminate the current 1990 Lease upon final completion and commencement of operation of the new Facility and shall vacate such premises in accordance with the terms and conditions of the 1990 Lease. Will pay the City the sum of $81,691.00 in full and complete settlement and satisfaction of all unpaid amounts previously invoiced by the City under the Ash and Residue Agreement between the City and SPSA. This payment shall be made by SPSA within 60 days of the full execution of this lease by all parties. As a condition of the City's site plan approval of the new facility, SPSA will construct a buffer of trees/shrubbery of at least 50 feet around the perimeter of the facility on all areas that are not adjacent to the landfill operation. Will mmnta~n and perform any and all necessary repairs and replacements to the Premises. Will indemnify the C~ty for any and all claims arising from SPSA's use and occupation of the Premises, including any and all adverse environmental conditions caused by SPSA. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY: Will inspect the Premises for compliance with the terms of the Lease and all state, local and federal laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations. TERMINATION: The City ~s not required to renew either the Agreement or the Lease at~er its ~mtial term. After 2018, the City may terminate at any time for any reason with 24 months written not]ce to SPSA. Item V-K. 4. - 28 - ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION ITEM # 51880 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Jones, seconded by Counctlman Schmtdt, Ctty Counctl ADOPTED: Ordtnance to APPROVE the MODIFICATION re the Vtrgtnta Beach Development Authortty's obhgatton to purchase Block 10 Parktng Garage tn Phase II of the Town Center project, recommend APPROVAL by the Vtrgtnta Beach Development Authortty, and, AUTHORIZE the preparatton of Supplemental Phase Il project documents Vottng 10-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Vottng Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vice Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Jtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wtlson and James L Wood Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Ron A Vtllanueva November 4, 2003 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ORDINANCE APPROVING MODIFICATION TO THE VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY'S OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE THE BLOCK 10 PARKING GARAGE IN PHASE II OF THE TOWN CENTER PROJECT, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL BY THE VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL PHASE II PROJECT DOCUMENTS 12 WHEREAS, on behalf of the C~ty of Virgima Beach (the "C~ty") and the City of 13 V~rgima Beach Development Authority (the "Authority"), the C~ty Manager and C~ty staff have 14 engaged ~n extensive negotiations with representatives of Armada/Hoffier Development Company, 15 L.L.C., and ~ts affihates, regarding the development of a Central Business D~stnct Project known as 16 "The Town Center of V~rgima Beach" (the "ProJect"); 17 WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2766A adopted June 3, 2003, after finding that Phase 18 II of the ProJect will stimulate the City's economy, increase public revenues, enhance public 19 amenities, further the City's development objectives for the Central Business District and provide 2 0 necessary components to further the goals contmned in the City's "Guidehnes for Evaluation of 21 Investment Partnerships for Economic Development", the C~ty Council (a) approved development 2 2 documents for Phase II of the Project (the "Phase II Project Documents"), (b) requested that the 2 3 Authority approve and execute the Phase II Development Documents, and (c) authorized the City 24 Manager to execute a Support Agreement between the City and the Authority supporting the 2 5 Authonty's obligations contained ~n the Phase II Project Documents; 26 WHEREAS, Phase II of the Project includes Block 10, a structurally integrated 14- 2 7 story structure comprised of an 840-car, 4-story, public parking garage (the "Block 10 Parking 2 8 Garage"), on top of which will be constructed a 342-umt multi-story apartment bml&ng complex, 2 9 and around which will be constructed 42,278 square feet of ground floor commercial space; 3 0 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Phase II Project Documents, the Developer is obligated 31 to construct the Block 10 Parking Garage and the Authority is obhgated to purchase the Block 10 32 Parking Garage from the Developer for approximately $13,500,000, upon its completion, as well as 33 completion of (a) the Block 10 apartment tower, (b) the Block 10 commercial space, and (c) the 34 private improvements to be constructed on Blocks 3 and 8 of the Project; 35 WHEREAS, because of the integrated structure of the improvements to be 3 6 constructed on Block 10, it is necessary that certain structural support elements for the Block 10 3 7 apartment tower (the "Structural Support Elements") be physically located within the Block 10 3 8 Parking Garage; 39 WHEREAS, to facilitate the Developer's construction financing for the apartment 40 tower, the Developer has requested that the Authority modify the Phase II Development Documents 41 to provide for the Authonty's purchase of the Block 10 Parking Garage, to include the Structural 4 2 Support Elements at an additional cost of $2,000,000, and the subsequent and s~multaneous sale by 4 3 the Authority of the Structural Support Elements to the owner of the apartment tower for $2,000,000 44 (the "Block 10 Modification"); 45 WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed Block 10 Modification is 46 desirable as it allows the Developer to obtain favorable financing for the construction of the private 47 improvements on Block 10 which will be insured by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban 4 8 Development and it has no financial impact on the Authority; and 49 WHEREAS, the City Council hereby approves the Block 10 Modification and desires 5 0 that the Authority approve the Block 10 Modffication and pursue the preparation of supplemental 5 :[ Phase II Development Documents to evidence the Block 10 Modification. 52 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5 3 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA; 54 1. In connection w~th the V~rginla Beach Development Authonty's (the 55 "Authonty's") purchase of the pubhc parking garage to be constructed on Block 10 of the Town 5 6 Center Project (the "Block 10 Parking Garage") pursuant to the development documents for Phase II 5 7 of the Town Center Project (the "Phase II Development Documents"), the City Council approves the 5 8 modification of the Phase II Development Documents to provide for the Authority's purchase of the 5 9 Block 10 Parking Garage, together with the structural support elements physically located w~thin the Block 10 Parking Garage that support the Block 10 apartment tower (the "Structural Support Elements") for an additional cost of $2,000,000, and the subsequent sale by the Authority of the Structural Support Elements for $2,000,000 to the owner of the apartment tower (the "Block 10 63 Modification"). The City Council finds that the Block 10 Modification is both a necessary and 6 4 desirable modfficat~on to the Authority's obhgat~ons w~th respect to Block 10 of Phase 11 of the 6 5 mixed-use commercial development project known as "The Town Center of V~rginia Beach". The Block 10 Modification will not result in a net ~ncrease of the cost of the Block 10 Parking Garage to 6 7 the Authority, which by formula calculation is estimated to be $13,500,000. 68 2. The City Council recommends that the Authority adopt a Resolution (a) 6 9 approwng the Block 10 Modification, (b) authorimng the C~ty Manager and the City Attorney, on 7 0 behalf of the Authority, to proceed w~th the preparation of supplemental Phase l~ Project Documents 7 :[ necessary and appropriate to implement the Block 10 Modffication (the "Block 10 Modification 72 Documents"), and (c) authorizing the appropriate officers of the Authority to execute and dehver the 7 3 Block 10 Modffication Documents to which it is a party so long as such Block 10 Modffication 7 4 Documents are consistent with the provisions herein, do not increase the Authority' s liability under 7 5 the Phase II Project Documents and are acceptable to the City Manager and the City Attorney. 76 3. On behalf of the C~ty of Virg~ma Beach, the City Manager and the City 77 Attorney are hereby authonzed and directed to proceed with the preparation of the Block 10 7 8 Modification Documents. 79 4. The City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to execute and deliver any 8 0 Block 10 Modification Documents to which it is a necessary party so long as such Block 10 81 Modification Documents are consistent with the provisions herein, do not increase the Authority's 82 liability under the Phase II ProJect Documents and are acceptable to the City Manager and the City 8 3 Attorney. 84 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 4 th day 85 of November ., 2003. 86 87 88 89 9O 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 CA-9025 October 30, 2003 F ~DataL&TY'xOrd~nLNONCODE\Ord~nance - Block 10 modfficat~on doc AI?~VED AS TO CONTENT: Finance Department APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: City Attorney - 29- Item V-K. 5. ORDINANCES/RES OL UTION ITEM # 51881 Upon motton by Vtce Mayor Jones, seconded by Counctlman Schmtdt, Ctty Counctl ADOPTED: Resolutton to ESTABLISH The Old Beach Dtstrtct Master Plan Advtsory Commtttee Vottng 9-1 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Voting Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vtce Mayor Louts R Jones, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf Jtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wilson and James L Wood Counctl Members Voting Nay Reba S McClanan Counctl Members Absent Ron A Vtllanueva November 4, 2003 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE OLD BEACH DISTRICT MASTER PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, on August 5, 2003, the City Council received a summary of the financial and economic analysis of the development of the Old Beach Master Plan and an update on the status of this project; and WHEREAS, it is the sense of the City Council that there should be appointed a citizens committee to study certain issues concerning the implementation of the Old Beach Master Plan, as set forth hereinbelow. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Council hereby constitutes and establishes the Old Beach Master Plan Advisory Committee (the "Committee"). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. That the Committee shall consist of thirteen (13) members, to be appointed by the City Council; 2. That two (2) members of City Council shall be appointed as nonvoting Council liaisons to the Committee; 3. That the Mission of the Committee is as follows: (1) to familiarize itself with the "Creating an Old Beach District Center" study dated February 14, 2003 ("Old Beach District Study") and the market analysis prepared by URS, Bus Rapid Transit studies, and any other studies pertinent to the development of the area; (2) to lead and engage the public in general and specific groups in the 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 discussion of plan design elements, with the groups to include the Resort Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, Hampton Roads Transit, and City Council and to bring forward recommendations to City Council on the adoption of the Old Beach Master Plan, for final approval by City Council on or before January 27, 2004; (3) to work within the framework of the Old Beach District Study and with City staff and consultants to develop an aesthetics and urban design plan for the Corridor for recommendation to City Council; (4) to identify and prioritize a series of recommended projects and actions to implement the aesthetics and urban design plan, including right of way acquisition and development of linear parks; (5) to evaluate the use and feasibility of public-private partnerships to achieve the goals and recommendations of the Old Beach District Study; and (6) to investigate alternative funding sources for projects in the Corridor; and 4. That, unless extended by City Council, the Committee's mission will expire on July 1, 2004. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the ~h-- day of November , 2003. CA-9039 F:\DatakATY\Ordin\NONCODE\old beach.wpd R-4 - October 28, 2003 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY- City Attorney's - 30- Item V-L. 1. APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 51882 B Y CONSENSUS, City Counctl RESCHEDULED the following APPOINTMENTS: MINORITY BUSINESS CO UNCIL TIDEWATER REGIONAL GROUP HOME COMMISSION November 4, 2003 - 31 - Item V-L. 2. APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 51883 Upon NOMINATION by Vtce Mayor Jones, City Counctl APPOINTED: Judith Rosenblatt Unexpired term through 12-31-05 CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESER VA TION AREA BOARD Vottng 10-0 (By ConsenO Council Members Vottng Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, l~tce Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, dtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wtlson and James L Wood Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Ron d Vtllanueva November 4, 2003 , I - 32 - Item V-L.$. APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 51884 Upon NOMINATION by Counctlman Maddox, Ctty Counctl APPOINTED: At Large Convention Center Advisory Committee Planning Commission Resort Advisory Commission (MC) Resort Community Thomas C. Kyrus MaryAnne L. Nixon (President, Lakewood Civic League) Thomas R. Pritchard Barbara G. Yates (President, Resort Beach Civic League) Michael J. Barrett Cornell Fuller Janice L. Anderson (Beach District) Ronald C. Ripley William D. Almond (RA C Chairman) John L. Gibson, III Andrew C. Edwards (Restaurant Association) R. Preston Midgett, H (Past President, Retail Association) Kenneth C. Taylor (President, Motel Association) OLD BEA CH DISTRICT MASTER PLAN AD VISOR Y COMMITTEE Votmg 10-0 (By ConsenO Counctl Members Vottng Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vtce Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Jtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wtlson and James L Wood Counctl Members Vottng Nay None Counctl Members Absent Ron A Vdlanueva November 4, 2003 i I - 33 - Item V-L. 4. APPOINTMENTS ITEM ii 51885 Upon NOMINATION by Counctlman Maddox, Ctty Counctl APPOINTED: Tom Holland Louie Ochave 3 year terms 11/04/2003 - 6/30/2006 TOWING AD VISOR Y BOARD Vottng 10-0 (By Consent) Council Members Vottng Aye Harry E Dtezel, Margaret L Eure, Vtce Mayor Louts R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Rtchard A Maddox, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf, Jtm Reeve, Peter W Schmtdt, Rosemary Wilson and James L Wood Counctl Members Voting Nay None Counctl Members Absent Ron A Vtllanueva November 4, 2003 i - 34 - Item V-N. AD JO URNMENT ITEM # 51886 Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf DECLARED the City Council Meettng ADJOURNED at 7 ! 7 P M Beverly 0 Hooks, CMC Chtef Deputy City Clerk Ctty Clerk Meyera E Oberndorf Mayor Ctty of Vtrgtnta Beach Vtrgtnta November 4, 2003