HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 11, 1988CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~Y OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITSM hiD. I/II/ III/E/2 III/F/1 III/G/ 1/a III/G/ 1/b III/G/ 1/c III/G/ 1/d III/G/ 1/e III/G/ 1/f III/G/ 1/g III/G/ 1/h II~TE: January 11, 1988 PAGE: One SUBJECT MINUTES: INFO1;MAL/FO1;MAL SESS IONS - January 4, 1988 MOTION TO anended Re sol ut ion re: Transfer Tax to add "transporta- tion fund" PUBLIC HEARING: VIRGINIA TISSUE BANK - Tax exempt status R~CCNSIDERATION of the Oor~itions Alloyed in the June 1, 1987, application of David I./Gale M. Levine: COZ: fr~n A-1 to A-4, S of Shore Dr./ E of North Great Neck N~., ( Lynnhaven Bor. ) G. Earl/Louise B. Perry/Blanche J. Barnard: COZ: frcm R-6 to O-1 on South Wi tchduck Nd./Bonney Rd. (Kempsville Bor.) Ryder Truck Rental, Inc.: CUP: Wi thdrawal A11 owed Wi thd ra~ 1 I Allo~.~d motor vehicle sales/rental (truck Withdrawal rental) at General Booth Blvd./ London Bridge Rd. (Pr incess Anne Jimmy H./Mel inda G. Kickl ighter: CUP: private school (preschool kindergarden) on Lot 3, Block 1, Tidewater Park (4837 Princess Anne Rd.) (Kempsville Bor.) Allo~d Withdrawal Approved/ cond it ioned Approved t~o years pend ir~ BZA Atlantic Shores Baptist Church: CUP: Church on Kempsville Nd./ Centerville Turnpike (Kempsville Boro) Shore Line Free Will Baptist Church: CUP: Church on Parcel C-l, Holland Terrace (485 South Independence Blvd.) (Kempsville Bor. ) Bernie Walker: CUP: sir~31e fanily Deferred Iresidence in AG-1 on New Bridge Rd./South of Sandbric~3e Rd. (Princess Anne Bor.) %hcmas C. Kay: CUP: sir~31e fanily dwell irG in AG-1 AND, mobile h~ne for farm laborers on Princess Anne Nd./North M~ddy Creek Rd. (Pun~o Bor. ) to 1/25/88 Approved 3 years per variance 10/7/87 - 10/6/90 PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y O B E R CITY OF VIRGINIA BEAC~ StatUARY OF OOUNCIL ACTIONS E~kTE: January. 11, 1988 PAGE: Two IiI/G/ 1/i III/G/ l/j III/G/ 1/k III/H/1 III/H/2 III/H/3 III/H/5 III/I/1 SUBJECT ~moco Oil Co.: CUP: gasoline service station with car wash at Virginia Beach Blvd./North Bird- neck Nd. ( Lynnhaven Bor .) MOTION TO Approved/ cond it ioned KAH-Tidewater Hold ir~ Corp.: CUP: Approved/ autc~nobile sales/serv ice fac il ity conditioned at Virginia Beach Blvd ./Mal ibu D~. ( Lynnhaven Bor. ) Devon Holloway (309 South Bird- Deferred neck Nd. ) ( Lynnhaven Bor. ): Indefinitely VAR: to Sec. 4.4(b) of Subdivision Ordinance: lots created by sub- division must meet all require- ments of zoning ordinance AND, COZ: frcm I-1 to R-5: South Birdneck Nd./Beautiful St. Ordinance to transfer $25,000 frc~n R~serve for Contingencies to Tax Exemption Progran for the elderly Ordinance to establish four additional positions within Juvenile Probation Court Serv ices Unit AND, transfer $29,347 for salaries/ associated costs of positions Ordinance to AMEND Division 2 of the Ccde by ADDING Sec. 2-43 pertaining to decortml/order Rmsolution r .equesting the 'Governor of Virginia/1988 General Assembly study the Joint Legislative Audit Review Ccm~nission (JLARC) report re: cc~nputir~3 the formulas used to distribute State School Aid. ~opted ~dopted ~opted as Dine nded De ferred Rmsolution supporting Leg islation Deferred which will designate property 'owned by Virginia Tissue Bank as be in~ EXSMPT frGn State/Local Taxation Ordinance to AMEND Sec. 10-1 of the Code pertainir~3 to Poll ir~ Places to establish a precinct at St. Andrews United M~thodist Church ~dopted III/I/2 lOrdinance to AMEND Sec. 5-31 of I~opted I the Code pertainir~ to bird ~sanctuaries to designate ~ I Ballylinn Shores (Kempsville Bor.) PASSED 9-2 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 A B L A K U O M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y H E I S C H C E Y H E N L E Y Y a· b® c · III/L IRRTE: January 11, 1988 PAGE: Three CITY OF VIRGINIA BEAC~I SLI~4ARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS SUBJECT Ordinance authorizir~ Police ~dopted Mutual Aid a~reement between Cities of Suffolk/Virginia Beach Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE Approved $13,735 frc~ HUD for an Rnergency FIRST Housing prc~3 ran READING Resolution authorizing proceed ~dopted with design/construction of Indian River Rd. Phase IV MDT ION TO Four-lane ~.ndivided arterial frcm Ferrell Parkway to Indian lakes B1vd. Four-lane divided arterial frcm Indian Lake s Blvd. to Lynn haven Parkway Right-of-way for an ultimate six- lane divided arterial be acquired frc~ Indian Lakes Blvd. to Lynnhaven Parkway LO~ BID: Contractors Pavir~ Co. Inc. $124,748.62 1987-88 Bituninous Concrete Rmsurfacir~ Schedule for Clanpleted Utility Projects - Contact I Tax refunds- $15, 446.26 ~pproved R~ schedul ed to 2:00 PM February 29, 1988 CANCEL or RESCHEDULE CITY COUNC IL SESS ION: Monday, February 15, 1988 (City Holiday) PJDCC~SIEERATION of conditions in IIAuthorize. d application of Richard M. I Advertising/ Waitzer, T/A Professional Center: scheduled COZ: frcm A-2 to O-1 at First for February Cblonial Rd./Old Donation 1, 1988 Parkway ( Lynnhaven Bor. ) Recess to Executive Session: Approved 4:37 PM ADIOURAMENT: 6:13 PM PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-1 11-0 B A U Y Y Y Y Y Y M C C L