HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 25, 1988ClT~ OF VIIlllNIA BEAC~ S~¥ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS EI~TE: January 25, 1988 PAGE: One AGENDA IT[lq NO. I/A /III/ SUBJECT CITY COUtqCIL CONCSRNS PROC LAMAT IONS: Ccmmunity College hL=ek - Janaury 24-30, 1988 Boy Scouts of /~nerica Week - February 7-13, 1988 i~JB LIC HEARING: Princess Anne R~creation Center Site Site 1: Hunt Club Forest Site 2: Redmill Si te 3: . Dunwocdy Site 4: Bed Wing Park MOTION TO III/~/ Bernie Walker: CUP: single-family Allowed 1/a residence in AG-1 on New Bridcle Withdrawal Rd./Sandbrid.qe Nd. (Princess Anne Bor o ) III/H/ Ronald L. Din~_wall: CUP: sin01e- Deferred 1/b family d~l].in~_ in AG-l, Princess for City Anne Hunt Club (2287 London Attorney's Bridge Rd. (Princess Anne Bor.) study of 1 itigation III/H/ Ouida C. Young: CUP: autonobile Approved/ 1/c re.pair facility (auto upholstery) ,cord it ioned Euclid Place (5040 Virginia Beach Blvd. (Bayside Bot.) III/H/ Bee A. Gifford: CUP: an eiclht by I Deferred 1/d leight foot billboard on South 12 ~eks to I Military Hioh~y/Indian River Rd. 2/8/88 [(Kempsville Bor.) III/H/ IiTexaco Nmfining/Marketing, Inc.: IiDeferred 1/e CUP: service station and a car 1 week to wash at Holland Nd./Shipps 12/1/88 Corner Nd. (Pr incess Anne Bot.) III/H/ Gene S. Meekins: CUP: bulk I Deferred 1/f storarje yard (boat ard boat 12 reeks to trailer storage) on Village Dr./J2/8/88 Lask in Nd. ( Lynnhaven BOr.) III/H/ John W./Patricia A. French: CUP: Approved/ 1/g car rash on Proposed Phoenix Dr./ cord itioned South of Guardian Lane IIAs 3mended ( Lynnhaven BOr.) III/H/ 1/h J. J. O'Keefe: VAR: to Sec. 4.1 (b) (1) of Subdivision Ordinance to allow streets in subdivision to provide existir~ arterial or collector streets in surrounding areas, ( Lynnhaven Bor. ) Approved As Jtnended subject to City Attorney' s approval of agreonents PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 7-4 11-0 9-2 H E F I E S N C B T H A B R O L A E B O M S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y M C C L A N A N P A M R O K S R I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y N Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEAC~ S[I~ARY OF OOUNCIL ACTIONS [I~TE: January 2 5, 1988 PAGE: Two AGENDA IT5~4 NO. ! SUBJECT III/H/]~hitehurst Associates: VAR: to 1/i III/H/ 1/j ISec. 4.5(a) of Subdivision Ordinance to set aside open space/recreational develolm~ent (.78 acres) (Kempsville Bor. Ordinance for discontinuance/ closure/abandor~nent of portion of Old Donation Parkway at North Inlynnview Rd./in petition of Kenneth D./Evelyn Reid ( Lynnhaven Bor. ) ~[J]~ ION TO Denied Denied III/H/ I. Robert H. Venner: CUP: recrea- 1/k Itional facility of an outdoor nature on Princess Anne Nd./ Holland Nd. (Princess Anne }{or.) III/H/ 1/1 III/H/ 1/m III/H/ 1/n III/J/1 III/J/2 III/J/3 Bob M./Janet B. Martin: COZ: fr~n R-1 to R-3, Linkhorn Park (320 Bay Colony f~.) (Virginia Beach Bor. ) Reed Associates: COZ: frcm R-4 to R-6 ( Bayside Bot. ) Parcel 1: Old Reedtown Rd. 1. 399 acs. Parcel 2: Old Reedtown Nd./ Reedtown Rd. 1. 679 acs. Parcel 3: Reedtown Rd./Sir Johns La. 1.845 acs. IParcel 4: Sir Johns La./Reedtown Rd. 1.437 acs. Parcel 5: NE extr~nity of Reed- town Nd. 32,582.88 sq. ft. Ordinance to AMEND Article 9, Sec. 944.1 of C~nprehensive Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Sign Regulations in B-5 Resort Cc~merc ial Di str ic t ! Allowed I Wi thdrawal Resolution authorizing Recrea- tion Facilities in Southeastern Part of the City for the Prin- cess anne Recreational Center Ordinance to authorize acqui si- tion in fee simiple for r-ow for Ferrell Parkway Phase I-C/ temporary and permanent ease- ments either by ag. re~nent or condemnation Ordinance to ACCEI~f/APPROPRIATE $30,600 from Day C~np Prograa for children of ~nnicipal ~nployees Denied Denied ~dopted ~dopted -- HUNT CLUB FOREST site ~dopted ~dopted S~COND READING LG~ BID to Utility Builders, Inc. Approved $3 63,303.15 Trant~0od Shores - 51% Ty~ water/sewer PASSED 10-1 11-0 11-0 10-1 Y 10-1 Y 11-0 Y 8-3 Y ll-O IIY 11-0 Y 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y R C J L O A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y O B E R P N A D R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4/a ADD ON ADD ON ADDON L/M CIT"f OF VIRGINIA BEA(3~ S~Y OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ~TE: January 25, 1988 PAGE: Three SUBJECT M~DT .ION TO Approved Virginia Beach Ipdependence Lions Club APPO INTM E~rr Hi stor ical Bev iew Board Resolution: Charter glnenOnent to authorize conservation a/o repl accent of trees dur irrj I Appo in ted 2 yr. tern Bar tow H. Bridges Thcmas L. 3ckiss /1/88 - 10/31/89 Adopted Isubdivision or ].and develounent IAppr°ved Plan of action for investigating options to manage/preserve' iagriculture Resolution requesting the IAdopted General Assombly AMEND Sec. 15.1-491(a) of the Code to include the City of Vinu inia Be. ach among those counties, cities and towns which may utilize the written .proffer tproces (Corditional ZoninG) as provided therein Reconsideration: ll/l 0/75 COZ of William E. Wood at Kempsville I Noad/Centerv il le Turnpike Corner) (Kempsville Bor.) ADJOURBMENT: 12:10 AM (January 26, 1988) RHS Scheduled for 2/22/88 @ 7 ?M PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-1 A B L A K U O M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y H E N B L E E R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y J O N E S M C C L A M N O A S N S _. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y O B E R N D O R F