HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 7, 1988CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SEI~MARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. I/A/B/ C/D II/A III/IV/ F/1 IV/F/~ IV/F/3 IV/F/4 IV/G/1 IV/G/2 IV/G/3/ a/b/c/d DATE: March 7, 1988 PAGE: One SUBJECT CITY MANAGER'S BRIEF ING: MOTION TO PROPOSED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CDBG POLICY STATSMENT/SUPPL~4EN- TAL CIP ACTION PLAN RESORT AREA FACADE PROGRAM ADVERTISING AGENCY SELECTION CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS Resolution recognizing/commer~ing A~opted City Manager, Director of Public Works and Administrator of Waste Management Division of Public Works for outstanding efforts on the Automated Collection System Resolution authorizing the deve- lopment of MINIBOND program Ordinance to AMEND the City Code 'by ADDING Section 33-114.2 author izing/requir lng adminis tra- tire approval of encroachments by certain awnings Adopted Ad opted Ordinance authoirzing a contract Adopted with Arthur Polizos Associates, I_nc . Ordinance directing legal notice Adopted pursuant to Sec. 24.1-136 of the Code reference adjustment of the common boundary at Moore's Point Ordinance authorizing temporary Adopted encroachment into a portion of City property known as a pump station site at Lynnhaven Park- way/Viking Drive to Life Savings Bank, FSB Ordinances upon S~COND READING: Adopted ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $96,691 S~COND additional State funding for the READING Virginia Beach Community Diversion Project ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $50,000 for the replacement of the heating/ air conditioning system at Kempsville Greens Golf Cburse ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $40, 713 for Salary Merit Increases in the Sheriff's Department Ad opted S~COND READING Adopted S~COND READING ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $50, 333 for Adopted one additional Deputy II position S~COND in the City Treasurer's Office/ I READING five additional Correctional I Officer Positions in the Sheriff's Department I PASSED 1 0-0 11 -0 1 1-0 1 0-1 1 1-0 11 -0 11-0 11-0 11 -0 11 -0 F E N A B R L A E K U S 0 M S ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Y ¥ ¥ ¥ Y ¥ ¥ Y ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ H E I S C H H E 0 N B L E E R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y M R C C J L O A N N E A S N Y A Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y O B E R N M D O 0 S R S F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y AGENDA ITEM NO. V/G/2 V/G/3 V/G/4 V/G/5 V/G/6 V/G/7 V/G/8 V/G/9 V/H/1 / 2/3/4 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S Li~M~¥ OF COUNC IL ACTIONS DATE: February 29, 1988 PA GE: Two SUBJECT Ordinance to AMEND the Code by ADDING a new Section 333-114.2 AUTHORIZ ING/REQUIRING Adminis- trative Approval of Encroachments by certain awnings Ordinance authorizing changes in compensation for certain City Council Appointees MOT IO~.~ TO De fe rred 1 wk to 3/7/88 Ad opted Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE Approved $96,691 additional state funding for Virginia Beach Community Diver sion Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $50,000 for replacement of heating/air conditioning at Kempsville Greens Golf Course F IRST READING Approv ed F IRS T READING Ordinances to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE: Approved $40,713 for Salary Merit IFIRST Increases in the Sheriff's IREADING De par tment I AND, Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE I Approved $50,333 for one additional Deputy FIRST II position in City Treasurer's Office, AND, five additional Correctional Officer Positions in the Sheriff's Department Ordinance to authorize acquisi- tion of property in fee simple for r-o-w for Morthampton Boulevard Phase II easements of r-o-w,~~T~Y~y agreement or condemnation Ordinance to transfer $18,796 to Oceanfront Loop Bikeway for construction costs RAFFLE PERMIT: Virginia Beach Arts Center APPO INTM E}~fS: COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD PERSONNEL BOARD PLANNING COUNC IL READING Adopted Adopted App rov ed Appo in ted: Maureen O1 ivieri ~nree year term (3/1/88- 1 2/31/90 ) Re sc hed ul ed: to 3/7/88 Re a ppo in ted: Barbara M. Henley One year term 4/1/88 - 3/31/89 B A L PASSED 0 11 -0 Y 10-1 Y 11-0 Y 11 -0 Y 11 -0 Y 11 -0 Y 11 -0 Y 11 -0 Y 11 -0 Y 11 -0 F E N T R E H E I S R C H H E J 0 N 0 B L N E E [E Y ¥ Y Y ¥ Y ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Y Y Y ¥ Y Y Y Y ¥ Y ¥ Y BY CONSENS US Y Y Y Y Y M C C L A M N 0 A S N S Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y O B E R N D O R F Y AGENDA ITEM NO. Vl~lJll ADD ON ADD ON ADD ON CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S[~M~¥ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: February 29, 1988 PAGE: %hree SUBJECT MOTION TO PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Appointed: Dorothy W. Wells/Guy K. Tower ~nree year term 3/1/88 - 8/31/90 Re a ppo in ted: William P. Obernd offer Three year term 9/1/87 - 8/31/90 REQUEST FOR R~CONSIDERATION of tk) action Condition No. 4 in the Applica- taken/appli- tion of }U~VPHIBASE FEDERAL CREDIT cant to meet UNION on February 19, 1988, ( Bayside Bor.) HJR No. 209 recognizing the City's 25th Anniversary Mayor's letter of resignation effective 6/30/88 Video available depicting construction status of City's roads, highways and bridges ADJOURNMENT: 5:22 PM PUBLIC HEARING COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE 7:00 PM KEMPSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL MARCH 10, 1988 PdqS with Director of Planning Pre sented by Council lady Mc Clanan AND accepted by Ma yor Received by City Clerk/ filed Compl imen ted by Council Lady Par ker PASSED 11-0 B A L ¥ H E F I E S N C T H B R O A E B M S R ¥ ¥ ¥ M RC H C E J L N O A L N N E E IA ¥ S lq ¥ ¥ ¥ BY CONSENSUS M O IR F Y P A R K E R Y