HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 14, 1988AGENDA ITEM NO. I/A II/III F/1/a III/F/ 2/a III~F1 2/b III/F/ 2/c III/F/ 2/d III/F/ 2/e 2/f III/F/ 2/g III/F/ 2/h III/F/ 2/i CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~LMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: March 14, 1988 PAGE: One SUBJECT CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS RECONSIDERATION of Conditions in Application of Margaret A. Drummond/James R. & Marguerite D. Johnson: COZ: from AG-2 to B-2 on Shipps Corner Rd./Holland Rd. at Shipps Bridge, 8.4 ac. (Princess Anne Bor.) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: CUP: Church on Princess Anne Rd./General Booth Blvd., 5 ac. (Princess Anne Bor.) MOTION TO De ferred Inde finitely Approved/ Cond i tioned Cavalier Golf and Yacht Club: CUP: Marina (extension of pier) at 1052 Cardinal Rd., 5.7 ac. (Lynnhaven Bor .) Milton Kramer: CUP: automobile repair/service establishment on Laskin Rd./Oriole Dr., 29,370 sq. ft. (Lynnhaven Bor.) Applications of Exxon, Co., USA: CUP: car wash and gas pumps on Laskin Rd./North Birdneck Rd., 1.5344 ac. (Lynnhaven Bot.) AND, CUP: car wash/gas pumps on Indian River Rd./South Military H'wy, 1.02 ac. (Kempsville Bor.) R. Cotton/Sharon S. Wilson: VAR: to Subdivision Ordinance on Hope Ave., Birdneck Rd. (Bayside Bor.) Approved Approved/ cond i tioned Approved/ cond i tioned Approved/ conditioned Approved/ cond i ti oned Ordinance for the discontinuance/ FINAL closure/abandonment of portion IApproval of Marshview Drive at Preserve Dr. in the petition of Curtis E./ Nancy C. White (Lynnhaven Bor.) Petition of Charles F. Burroughs, Deferred 30 Jr. for the discontinuance/ closure/abandonment of portion of Five Forks Rd./First Court Rd. Greenwell Rd. (Bayside Bor.) Petition of Koger Properties, Inc. for discontinuance/closure/ abandonment of portion of New- town Rd. at Larry Ave. (Bayside Bor . ) Petition of Nimmo United Methodist Church for discon- tinuance/closure/abandonment of certain roads (Princess Anne Bor. ) days to 4/25/88 Approved/ subject to compliance by 9/26/88 Deferred 60 days to 5/23/88 PASSED 11-0 11-0 11 -0 11-0 11 -0 11-0 10-1 11 -0 11-0 11 -0 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y % Y AGENDA ITEM NO. III/F/ 2/j III/F/ 2/k III/F/ 2/1 III/F/ 2/m III~F1 2/n III/F/ 2/o III/F/ 2/p CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SI~MMAR¥ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: March 14, 1988 PAGE Two SUBJECT Unnamed Road at intersection with Nimmo Church Lane/Mathews Green, 12,959 sq. ft.; AN D, Nimmo Church Lane. at General Booth Blvd./Princess Anne Rd., 39,568 sq. ft.; AND, Portion of Princess Anne Rd. at intersection of Princess Anne Rd./Mathews Green, 12,456 sq. ft. MOTION TO Petition of Dominion Building Corporation for discontinuance/ closure/abandonment of portion of Dwyer Road at Dam Neck Rd. (Princess Anne Bot.) Granted add/- ti ona 1 1 80 day deferral to 9/26/88 Sandbridge Community Chapel: CUP: Approved/ Church at Little Island Rd./ 1Conditioned Bonita La. on Lot 16, Sec. 1 at intersection of Sandpiper Rd./ Bonita La. 1/62 ac. (Princess Anne Bot. ) Steven H. Davidson: CUP: Dog Ikennels/ horse stables (boarding of horses and dogs)/storage sheds on Princess Anne Rd./ Pungo Ferry Rd. (Pungo Bor.) Devon Holloway on South Birdneck Road/Beautiful St. (Lynnhaven Bot. ): VAR: to Sec. 4.4(b) of Subdivision Ordinance that all lots created by subdivision must meet all requirements of zoning ordinance; AND, COZ: from I-1 to R-5, 32,670 sq. ft. Retirement Home of Virgir~ia Beach on property on North Lynnhaven Rd./Edinburgh Dr. (Lynnhaven Bor.): COZ: from B-2 to 0-1; AND, CUP: Aged/nursing home Hugh E. Owens, Jr.: COZ: from R-5 to B-2 at Princess Anne Rd./ Lord Dunmore Dr., 1.16 ac. (Kempsvi!le Bor.) H & B Investments: CUP: Auto repair establishment on Indian River Rd./Kempsville Rd., 23,697 sC. ft. (Kempsville Bor.) De ni ed De ferred 2 weeks to 3/28/88 Approved/ Conditioned Deferred 60 days to 5/23/88 Deferred 60 days to 5/23/88 PASSED 11-0 11-0 10-1 1 1 -0 10-0 11 -0 10-1 A B L A K U Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y F E N T R E S S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y *Parker Y Y Y N Y Y H E I S C H H E O N B L E E , , Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Abstained Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0 M B R C E C R P J L N A P O A M D R E N N 0 0 K R E A S R E R S IN IS IF IR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y * Y Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. III/F 2/q III/G/1 III/H/ I/1 III/J DATE: March 1 4, 1 988 PAGE: Three SUBJECT Target Towing Systems, Inc.: CUP: Bulk storage yard on North- ampton Blvd./Burton Station Rd., 1.3 ac. (Bays/de Bor.) Ordinance to AMEND/REORDAIN Sec. 10-1 of the Code establishment of Voting Place - Bays/de Presbyterian Church REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION of Condition No. 1 in July 13, 1987 approval of a CUP in Application of Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. for truck & motor vehicle rentals on Holland Rd./Rosemont Rd., 1.051 ac. (Kempsville Bot.) ADJOURNMENT: 5: 55 PM 1988/1 989 FY OPERATING BUDGET PRESENTATION BY CITY MANAGER AUBI:~EY V. WATTS, JR. 4:00 PM MARCH 31, 1988 MOTION TO Allowed Withdrawal subject to vacating property by 4/1/88 Adopted Denied request WORKS HO PS COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM 4:-7:00 PM APRIL 14 & 21, 1988 PUBLIC HEARING Princess Anne High School 7:00 PM APRIL 28, 1988 RECONCILIATION WORKSHOP COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM 4: -7:00 PM MAY 3, 1 988 FIRST READING: MAY 9, 1 988 SDCOND READING: May 1 6, 1 988 PASSED 11-0 11 -0 7-4 N Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. iv/z/1 5 IV/I/1 6 IV/I/1 7 IV/i/18 IV/J/ K/1 ADD ON ADD ON IV/L DATE: March 21, 1988 PAGE: Three SUBJECT LOW BID to Waterfront Marine Construction, Inc. $1 93,596.00 for 1985-89 Parks & Recreation CIP pertaining to Munden Point Bulkheading, Phase I RAFFLE PERMIT: Multiple Sclerosis Society Tax refunds - $4,267.47 License refunds - $3,41 8.20 Interim Financial Statements - July 1, 1987, through January 31, 1988 Conflict of Interest law Recess to Executive Session Ordinance rejecting bid of Virginia Beach Lifesaving Services, Inc./authorizing Municipal Lifeguard Services/ appropriating $491,308 in FY 1988-89 Parks & Rec Budget for creation of an Enterprise Fund to support these services plus Beach Equipment Rental ADJOURNMENT: MOTION TO Approved Approved Approved Approved City Manager' s Di sc losure 3:55 PM Approved FIRST READING 5:20 PM PASSED 1 1-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 6-5 Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y