HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 28, 1988CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~MI~ARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. II/A II/B I I/C II/D III/A IV/V/A ADD ON V/B v/c V/D V/E DATE: March 28, 1 988 PAGE: One SUBJECT CZO WORKSHOP CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING: VIRGINIA ELECTRIC & PC~ER CO.: Conditional Use Permit- Clarification PEMBROKE AREA TRANSPORATION S~ UDY DAM NECK ROAD, PHASE I V-DOT PRE-ALLOCATION FUNDING: State Highway Projects in Virginia Beach CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS CEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS: 75~ENTY-F IFTH ANNIVERSARY RECOGNITION Framed Resolution fr~m the Virginia General Assembly SELECTION OF STUDENT WINNERS: LOGO for 25th Anniversary P~norable Mention: Kathy Richmond - Bayside High Laura Spitzli- Kellam High Tricia Odom- Princess Anne Rick Willis - Bayside Junior Roberta Placides - Kempsville ~nird Place: Kathy Williams - Princess Anne Second Place: Rocky Ostrum - Bayside Junior First Place: Jason Schugardt- Cox High VIRGINIA BEACH SAFETY COUNCIL LIFESAVER AWARDS Steve Bennett Billie M. Reed Tony Autunno Davie W. Graves Ken Jaskolski Delegate H. R. Purkey Brent Streit Perry Ti 1 lotson RED CROSS AWARDS Ken Jaskolski Brent Streit MAURY RIGANTO AWARDS RESOLUTIONS IN RECOGNITION Harry B. Price, Jr. Carl J. Nagle Andrew T. Carrington James N. Fletcher Franklin Friend Susan McKenr y MOTION TO 11th Grade 1 2th Gr ad e 1 2th Grade 9th Grade 1 2th Grade 1 2th Grade 9th Grade I 2th Grade Deferred to 4/25/88 PASSED A B L A K U 0 M F E N T E S S H E J N O L N E E Y S 0 M B C E C R L N A M D N O 0 A S R N S F CITY OF VIRGINIA BE~CH S[~MARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS A GEN DA ITEM NO. V/E V/F V/G 1/a F/1/b F/1/c F/1/d F/2/a DATE: March 28, 1 988 PAGE: Two SUBJECT RESOLUTIONS IN RECOGNITION Burke W. Margulies ~len R. Via Linwood S. Leavitt Clyde I. Siler, Jr. Bartow H. "Pat" Bridges John Hodgson James A. Evans Betty Barco Gwendol yn Daniels Dr. Richard S. Bartley Lee Roy Dixon, Sr. Robert T. Mosby, Jr. M.D. SOUTHLAND CORPORATION, t/a 7-11 NATIONAL ORGANIZATION ON DISABILITY AWARD: Virginia Beach Mayor's Committee for Disabled PR OC LAMAT IONS: FAIR HOUSING MONTH April 1 988 NATIONAL HARMONY WEEK Week of April 11, 1 988 PREVENT A LITTER MONTH (SPCA) April 1 988 THE WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD April 10-16, 1988 R~CONS IDERATION of Condi ton No. 4 in the application of NAVPHIBASE Federal Credit Union COZ from R-4 to 0-1 on Wi shart Road/ Independence Boulevard, (Reed- town area) , (Bayside Borough) William/Dale Drinkwater COZ from R-8 to 0-1 Block 55, Virginia Beach Development Co. (500 23rd Street) Virginia Beach Borough) National Beach Corp/George F. & Frances M. Phillips COZ from R-1 to A-1 and from R-3 to A-1 at Pinewood Drive/Holly Road, Linkhorn Park, (Lynnhaven Bor.) Devon Hollow-ay on South Birdneck Road/Beautiful Street, (Seatack area) (Lynnhaven Borough): Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance COZ from I-1 to R-5 Potter Properties Variance to Subdivision Ordinance on N side of Laskin Road/W Winwood Drive ( Lynnhaven Borough) MOTION TO Condition No. 4 WAIVED allowing con struc tion to start NC~ A11 owed Wi thdrawal Referred back to Planning Commission Appr ov e d/ Cond i tioned Approved/ Cond i ti oned 9-2 PASSED 11 -0 11-0 8-2 11 -0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y *Parker Abstained Y Y Y Y Y N A GEN DA ITEM NO. F/2/b F/2/c F/2/d F/2/e F/2/f F/2/g F/2/h F/2/i F/2/j F/2/k CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S[I~MARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: March 28, 1 988 PAGE: ~nree SUBJECT Angus & Marjorie Clark/Leahmon & Evelyn Cravener: Variance to Subdivision Ordinance on Braddock Avenue/Lakeview Drive (Lakeview Shores) , (Bayside Borough) Christ Community Church CUP: church at Salem Road/Proposed Lynnhaven Parkway (Kempsville Borough) Gift of Life Outreach CUP: church on Seaboard Road/Princess Anne Road (Princess Anne Bor) Main Corp., CUP: bulk storage yard on Virginia Beach Blvd/ Norfolk-Virginia Beach Express- way (Lynnhaven Borough) Paul Kyrus/Michael Xystrou CUP: temporary parking lot at Atlantic Avenue/31st Street, Resort area, (Virginia Beach Borough) Benny L. Bannerman, Jr. CUP: bulk storage yard (boats) on Shore Dr ive/Roanoke Avenue (Bayside Borough) Julian B./Geraldine Porter, Sr. CUP: family care home on Aquamarine Drive/Tiffany Lane, Salem Village, (Kempsville Bor) Joseph Lust on Northampton Blvd/ Shell Road, (Lake Smith) (Bayside Borough): COZ from R-3 to 0-1 CUP: personal service establishment Bellamy Square, Inc. COZ: From R-6 to B-2 AND, From R-6 to O-1 on Princess Anne Road/Providence Road (Kempsville Borough) Coastal Marketing Group, Inc. COZ from R-7 to A-4 on 27th Street/Baltic Avenue (Virginia Beach Borough) MOTION TO Approved/ Conditioned Approved/ Conditioned Deni ed Approv ed/ Conditioned Approved/ Cond i tioned Approved/ Cond i tioned Approved/ Cond i tioned Denied De ferred 2 weeks to 4/11/88 Deni ed PASSED 7-4 1 1-0 7-4 10-1 1 1-0 1 1-0 11 -0 10-1 10-0 1 1 -0 H E F I E S R N C H Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y * McClanan Abstained Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~MMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. F/2/1 VI/G/1 VI/G/2 VI/G/3 I/H/2 :IIIJIK DATE: March 28, 1988 PA GE: Fo ur SUBJECT HCMF Development Corp. CUP: 120 bed nursing home at Newtown Road/Daniel Smith Road, Newsome Farm, (Bayside Borough) Ordinance to Reject Proposal from Virginia Beach Lifesaving Services, Inc.; Authorizing Municipal Lifeguard Services,/ Municipal Beach Equipment Rental Rental Services/Appropriating $491, 308/Authorizing Adjustment of Parks ar~ Rec's FY 1988-89 OPERATING BUDGET by creation of Enterprise Fund Main Motion to AWARD FRANCHISE to Virginia Beach Lifesaving Service, Inc. for one (1) year, renewal for four (4) consecutive terms at $98,000 each FY 1987-88/FY 1988-89 Ordinance Authorizing a Franchise to HWC Investments to operate an Open Air/Boardwalk . Cafe' Ordinance to AMEND Chapter 10, Section 10.2 of Code: Election Districts/Voting Places within the City RESOLUTIONS IN RECOGNITION Betty Barco Dr. Richard S. Bartley Bartow H. "Pat" Bridges Andrew T. Carrington Gwend ol yn Daniels Lee Roy Dixon, Sr. James A. Evans James N. Fletcher Franklin Friend John Hodg son Linwood S. Leavitt Susan Mc Kenry Burke W. Margulies Robert T..Mosby, Jr. M.D. Carl J. Nagle Harry B. Pr ice, Jr. Clyde I. Siler, Jr. Southland Corporation, t/a 7-11 Helen R. Via AUTHORIZE completion of final design/acquisition of right-of- way/commencement of construction for the Dam Neck Road, Phase I MOTION TO Approved/ Cond i tioned Subs ti tute Motion Lost to Negative Votm APPROVED upon FIRST READING A~opted Ad opted Adopted De ferred 1 week to 4/11/88 PASSED 9-2 5-6 6-5 11 -0 1 1-0 11 -0 1 1-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y