HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 9, 1988CITY OF FIRGINIA BEACH S~P/~%R! OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: May 9, 1 988 PAGE: One AGENDA ITEM NO. I/A II/III ADD ON III/F/1 III/G/1 III/H/1 III/3 III/4 III/5 ITI/6 SUBJECT CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING - FY 1988/1 989 OPERATING BUDGET - April 28, 1988 INFORMAL & FORMAL SESSIONS - May 2, 1 988 AMEND Minutes of April 25, 1988, Item No. 29270 to DELETE wording re: "Southeastern Expressway" PROC LAMAT IONS: MUNICIPAL CLERK'S WEEK May 8-1 4, 1 988 RUR ITA N WEEK May 15-21, 1988 PUBLIC HEARING: FISCAL YEAR 1988/1 989 OPERATING BUDGET Ordinance to appropriate for FY 1988/1989 $527,979,856 for Operations/S188,879,621 in Interfund Transfers regulating the payment of money out of the City Treasury, as amended AMENDMENTS: (a) Bene fits Analyst Position in the Personnel Budget (b) Decreased fee proposed for Golden Age Club membership from $25.00 to $1 5.00 in the Parks and Recreaticn Bud ge t Ordinance to establish the tax levy on real estate for Tax FY 1989 Ordinance to establish tax levy on personal property/machinery and tools for Calendar Year 1989 Ordinance to AMEND Sec. 35-207 of the Code re: Tax Levy on sale of cigarettes Ordinance to AMEND Sec. 31-61, (a)/(b) of the Code pertaining to charge for depositing solid waste at City refuse disposal area s Ordinance to AMEND Secs. 2-363/ 2-367 of the Code to REPEAL Secs. 2-3 64/2-3 65/2 -3 66/2-3 69 and renumber Sec. 2-368, as it relates to the Department of Economic Development MOTION TO Approved Approved Approv ed a s AMENDED Appr ov ed FIRST READING as Amended Approved FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING Adopted ~dopted PASSED 11-0 1-0 11 -0 11-0 10-1 11-0 10-1 10-1 1 0-1 1 1-0 1 1-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGJ[IIII~ BEltCH S~qAR! C~ COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. ADD ON III/I/ 1/a iii/I/ 1/b III/I/ 1/c III/I/ 1 la III/I/ 1/e Iii/i/ 1/f III/I/ 1/g 1/h DATE: May 9, 1 988 PAGE: Two SUBJECT Ordinance to AMEND the Erosion Commission' s FY '88 Budget and Transfer $1 04,000 to place sand on the Resort Area Beach lost to the Apr il 13-14, 1988, nor the a sterner William S. Hudgins: COZ: on SW corner of Northampton Blvd./ Powell's Point Rd. (Bayside Bor.) From A-2 to A-3 13.07 ac. AND, From R-5 to A-3 27,007.20 ac. Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., Inc.: CUP: motor vehicle sales/ repair 5209 Virginia Beach Blvd. 1.75 ac. (Bayside Bor.) Mousa Mahagerefteh c/o Imperial Motors: CUP: automobile sales 4839 Virginia Beach Blvd. 22, 21 5.60 ft. (Bayside Bor.) Coastal Auto Sales, Inc.: CUP: motor vehicles sales/service on Shore Dr./Pleasure F~use Rd. 25,265 sq. ft. (Bayside Bor.) Willie Rogers: VAR: to Sec. 4.4 (b) of Subdivision Ordinance to meet minimum lot width of 80 ft, at 1477 Shoveller Ave. (Lynnhaven Bor .) ~nomas/Claire C. Duckett: VAR: to Sec. 4.4(b) of Subdivisicn Ordinance to meet minimum lot width 45 ft. 2451 Potters Rd. ( Lynnhav en Bor.) MOTION TO ~d opted Allowed Wi thd rawa 1 De fe rred to 5/23/88 for applicant to be advised of that Hearing Approved/ conditioned Approv ed/ conditioned Approved Deferred Inde finitely for appl ican t' s new plan and subject to Staff review 7 Associates: VAR: to Subdivision Allo~d Ordinance which requires lots IWithdrawal created by subdivision shall meet all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance at 51 47 Shore Dr. (Bayside Bor.) City of Virginia Beach to AMEND Secs. 215/216 of the City Zoning Ordinance pertaining to nonconforming signs/billboards Resolution directing Planning Commission to consider and make recommenation concerning possible changes in zoning and land uses in Target Areas Adopted As ~m end ed PASSED 1 1-0 11-0 1 1-0 9-2 11-0 9-2 10-1 11-0 9-2 1 1-0 Y Y C1T! OF F/~GINIA BE~CH $1]BlqAR! (:W COIJ]S2IL ACTIONS DATE: May 9, 1988 PA GE: ~hr ee AGENDA ITEM NO. ADD ON III/K/2 III/L/ M/1 ADD ON SUB JEC T ! MOT ION TO Resolution ratifying distribution ~dopted of offering circular in connecticn with the issuance and sale of I $2,000,000 General 0bligaticn Public Improvements Bonds, Series of 1 988 B (Capital Appreciation Minibonds) Ordinance to appropriate $63,000 Adopted to Plaza Volunteer Fire Dept. for SECOND two ambulances READING Ordinance to appropriate $9,326 to MH/MR Contractual Services and Substance Abuse Services/ revenue from The C~mm on we a l th to MH/MR be increased by $9, 326 REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION: April 25, 1988, denial of S.A.S. Oceanfront Associates' applica- tion for a non-conforming use on Atlantic Ave./Laskin Rd. (Virginia Beach Bor.) Council Lady McClanan referenced citizen concerns relative Resolution adopted by City Council to amend Transitional Rules followed in revision of the CZO (ADD-ON Item 5/2/88) ADJOURNMENT: 5:22 P.M. Adopted SECOND READING Scheduled for Reconsideration 5/23/88 PASSED 1 0-0 1 0-0 1 0-0 11-0