HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 16, 1988CIT~ OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~IqAR! OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. I I/A I/B i/c II/A III IV/F/1 G/1 H/2 H/3 H/4 H/5 I/1/a J/1 J/2 DATE: May I 6, 1988 PAGE: One SUBJECT BRIEF INGS: LEAD IN DRINKING WATER MAYOR'S TASK FORCE ON THE CITY'S APPEARANCE CITY ZONING ORDINANCE CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS PROCLAMATION: NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK PUBLIC HEARING: CERTIFICATE OF CECUPANCY Ordinance to APPROPRIATE FY 1988-1989 $527,976,906 for Operations/S188,879,621 in Interfund Transfers regulating the City Treasury Ordinance to ESTABLISH the tax levy on real estate for FY 1 989 Ordinance to ESTABLISH the tax levy on personal property/ machinery & tools for the Calendar Year 1 989 Ordinance to AMEND Sectiom 35-207 of the Code pertaining to Tax Levy on the sale of cigarets Ordinance to AMEND Section 6-1 5 of the Code pertaining to Changing Clothes in Public INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND: Sandcastle Motel, Inc. - Re fund ing Bond s Resolution authorizing ~he Mayor to accept in Dedication the Tidewater Veterans Memorial from Virginia Beach Veterans Memorial Committee, Inc. on May 30, 1988 Ordinance to AMEND Section 21- 339 of the Code by Adding Para- graph (3) pertaining to Blood Alcohol Con ten t-Pres umption Ordinance to authorize Acquisi- tion of property in Fee Simple for Lynnhaven Acres Sewer Im- provements by Agreement or Con- demnation MOTION TO Ad opted SfEOND READING Adopted SECOND READING Ad opted SECOND READING ~dopted S~COND READING Adopted Approved opted Ad opted Adopted PASSED 1 1-0 11-0 11-0 10-1 9-2 11-0 11-0 1 1-0 11-0 A B L A K U ,,O M Y Y Y Y F E N T E S $ Y Y R H E J N 0 L N E E Y s Y Y Y Y M C C L A N A N O S S Y Y Y Y P N A P D R E 0 K R R E R F R Y Y Y · Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITH OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM NO. J/3 J/4 J/5 J/6 J/7 J~ J/9 J/1 0/A J/11 J/1 2 ADD ON SImilAR! OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: May 1 6, 1 988 PA GE: TWo SUBJECT t MOTION TO t PASSED Ordinance to authorize Acquisi- D~ferred 11-0 tion of property in Fee Simple ~[until 6/6/88 for Holland Road/Princess Anne Road; and, Acquisition of Tem- porary/Permanent Easements of r-o-w, either by Agreement or Condemnation Ordinance to apply for Community Development Block Grant Funds for the Four teenth Entitlement Program Year Resolution requesting $20,105 Grant Funds Clean Community Eleventh Year Program frc~n Division of Litter Control, State of Virginia Ordinance to TRANSFER $18,000 from the Golf Course Enterprise Fund for Acquisition of a verti- drain machine for use at the three municipally-owned golf cour se s Ordinance granting Franchise to Mariner Associates to provide Lifeguard Services/Beach Equip- ment Rentals on City property adjacent to the property oc- cupied by the Ramada Inn, 57th Street and Oceanfront LOW BID to REA Construction Company $433,847 for 1987-1988 Bituminous Concrete Maintenance Schedule - Contract III RAFFLE PERMITS: Kiwanis Club of Kempsville Philippino Nurses Association of Tidewater CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIE}ITE & N~CESSITY: Cavalier Limousine Services Tax Refunds- $4,801.39 License Refunds - $5,467.24 APPOINTMENTS: ARTS & HU~4ANITIES COMMISSION 2-Year Terms 7/1/88-6/30/90 Reappointed: ~u Davis Delores B. Kelley Ernestine K. Middleton Appo in ted: Juanita G. Felton Flo Mc Daniel Philip W. Richardson opted Adopted Adopted Adopted Approved Approv ed Appr ov ed Approved Approved Approv ed 10-1 11-0 11 -0 1 1-0 11-0 11-0 1 1-0 1 1-0 1 1-0 11-0 B A B L A K U O M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y H E F I E S N C H T H E J R O N 0 E B L N S R Y S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y M R C C L A N A N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¥ Y B E R N M D °l© S R S .IF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITH OF ~IRGINIA BEACH S~[ARH OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. ADD ON ADD ON ADD ON ADD ON DATE: May 1 6, 1 988 PAGE: ~hree SUBJECT S'0C IAL SERVIC ES BOARD 4-Year Term 7/1/8~-6/30/92 Reappointed: Barbara C. Kledzik Appo in ted: Susan M. Scott SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA PLANNING DISTRICT 3-Year Term 7/1/88-6/30/91 Reappointed: Reba S. McClanan Appointed: Albert W. Balko Request of Oouncilman Baum for Staff to review "unuseable" land in the rural areas of the city Interim Financial Statements- 7/1/8 7-3/31/88 Special Session of City Council scheduled for 12 Noon, Friday, iJuly 1, 1988, for Mayor and Council's Oaths of Office & Election of Vice Mayor J~ly 4th City Council Sessions Rescheduled to J~l, 5, 1988 ADJOURNMENT MOTION TO Approved Appr ov ed Approved Approved 4:43 PM RHS PASSED 11-0 11-0 1 1-0 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y y,