HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 23, 1988CITY OF VIRGINIA BE~CH AGENDA ITEM NO. I/A II/A IIi ~iv~ A/1 iv/c/ 1/2/3 IV/D S~ARY (H~ COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: May 23, 1988 PAGE: O~e SUBJECT CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING CITY ZONING ORDINANCE CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS CERt~4ONIAL PRESENTATIONS PR 0C LAMAT I ON Sam Houston, Sr. RESOLUTIONS IN GRATITUDE Thomas A. Bar ton Mr./Mrs. Palle Bistrup Virginia Beach Council Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce Virginia Beach Municipal ~nployees Federal Credit Union Betty C. Wells Eugene Walters RESOLUTIONS IN RH."OGNITION AND APPRECIATION FIRST CITIZEN OF VIRGINIA BEACH E. T. "Joe" Buchanan, III 1988 Top Ten Public Works Leader C. Oral Lambert, Jr. Director, Public Works SCH IZON PHRENIA FOUNDATION- ALLIANCE FOR THE MENTALLY ILL RESOLUTIONS - MERIT SCHOLARS Michael F. Acquavella Kempsville High School Brian James Bale Green Run High School Paul Michael Bibeau First Colonial High School Brian Laverne Clark Frank W. Cox High School Jus tin Ar thur Giroux Green Run High School Paulo Victor Gonzaga Kempsville High School Brian Daniel Gustafson Kempsville High School Ronald Henry Labuguen Kempsville High School Scott Alden Leban Kempsville High School Melanie Ann Mina Floyd E. Kellam High School Ariana Leigh Myers Kempsville High School Matthew John Pearsall Green Run High School Jennifer Lee Pisapia Kempsville High School Robert J. Prince Kempsville High School Deanna Lane Roach Kempsville High School MOTION TO PASSED A L K 0 IT B R A E U S M S R H E J N O L N E E Y S M 0 S S 0 B E R P N A D R 0 K R 'E F R CITY OF VIRGINIA BEn, CH S~qMARY ~ COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. V/F/1/a V/F/1/b V/F/1/c V/F/1/d V/F/1/e V/F/1/f V/F/1/g V/F/1/h V/F/1/i DATE: May 23, 1 988 PAGE: Two SUBJECT Anita Cecile Sayles Floyd E. Kellam High School Michele Renee Sebastian Princess Anne High School Eileen Tal ento Bayside High School Isabel Vaca Bayside High School Robert Andrew Vallejo Kempsville High School Jason Benjamin Van Pelt Princess Anne High School RECONSIDERATION of the application of S.A.S. Associates change in a nonconforming use Atlantic Ave ./La skin Rd. (Virginia Beach Bot.) RECONSIDERATION of cor~itions January 19, 1981, application of Victory Baptist Church: CUP church Providence Road East, Cresthaven La. (Kempsville Bor.) Signet ~terprises, Ltdo d i scon tin ua nc e/c losur e/abar~ on- ment of portion Thompkins La. East Goodview Dr. 26,615 sq. ft. (Kempsville Bor.) Richard Co Fentress discontin- uanc e/closure/aband onment o f portion of Brian Ave. Virginia Beach Blvd. Broad St. 16,828 sq. ft. (Bayside Bor.) Bellar~y Square, Inc.: COZ: Princess Anne Rd./Providence Rd. (Kempsville Bot.) From R-6 to O-1, 7.75 acs. AND, From R-6 to B-2, 19.05 acs. Donald L. Moore: COZ: 0-1 to B-2 Chimney Hill Pkwy/Holland Rd. 3.372 acs. (Kempsville Bot.) MOTION TO De fe fred to 6/13~8 Approved ( Change in acreage/ adherence to site plan) Denied De fe rred 60 days to 8-8-88 Denied A11 owed Withdrawal ~he Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. Allowed CUP: motor vehicle sales/rental Withdrawal 1398 Fordham Dr. 30,623 sq. ft. (Kempsville Bor.) Ralph E. Knapp: CUP: garden s uppl ies/equi pment/mate rial in conjunction with a plant nursery Holland Rd./Landstown Rd. 1.2 acs. (Princess Anne Bor.) Talc Asso., Virginia General Partnership: CUP: bulk storage RV's, boats, cars, etc. Broad Meadows Blvd. Newtown Rd. 33,105.60 sq. ft. (Bayside Bor.) Approved/ cond i tioned Approved/ cond i tioned PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 8-2 5-4 8-0 1 0-0 9-0 7-2 Y N Y * *McC1 anan Abstained A Y CIT! OF VIRGINIA BEn, CH S~MMAR! OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: May 23, 1 988 PAGE: ~hree AGENDA ITEM NO. V/F/1/j V/F/1/k V/F/1/~ V/F/1/m V/F/1/n V/F/1/o V/F/1/p V/G/1 v/~/1/ a/b/c/ d/e/f/ g SUBJECT I MOTION TO The Beach Fellowship: CUP: Church Approved/ General Booth Blvd./Gallery Ave. conditioned 3.922 acs. (Princess Anne Bot.) Tidewater Council for Filipino Denied Ministry (TCFM): CUP: church Tract 13, Avalon Terrace 5720 Normandy Ave. 13 acs. (Kempsville Bor .) Lyle T. and Mary E. Smith: VAR: Deferred to Sec. 4.4(b) of Subdivisic~ for 90 days Ordinance R-6 Residential to 8-22-88 District 75 ft. at 2033 Salem Rd. (Kempsville Bor.) Paul S. and Bonnie J. Arthur: VAR: to Sec. 4.1 (d) of Sub- division Ordinance existing/ planned major arterials 1846 Salem Rd. (Kempsville Bot.) Hugh E. Owens, Jr.: COZ: R-5 to ~--~ B-lA Princess Anne Rd./ Lord Dunmore Dr. 5233 Princess Anne Rd 1.6 acs. (Kempsville Bor. H & B Investments: CUP: auto repair establishment S. Indian River Rd. 5253 Indian River Rd. 23,697 sq. ft. (Kempsville Bot.) Checkered Flag Motor Car Co., Inc.: CUP: motor vehicle sales/ repair S. Virginia Beach Blvd. 5209 Virginia Beach Blvd., 1.75 acs. (Bayside Bor.) Resolution to deny a proposed Amendment to the Subdivisic~ Ordinance which ~uld relax the standards to be applied in reviewing requests for Sub- division variances ENCROACHMENTS: C. L.R. Corporation (Upper Deck Restaurant) signs and awning at 206 16th Street Approved/ conditioned Approved as modified to B1A A11 owed !Wi thd rawal Approved ~dopted Denied 2 encroach- ing signs ( Atlantic/ Pacific Ave.) Approved awning until 11 -1-88 PASSED 9-0 7-2 9-0 5-4 6-3 10-0 9-0 9-0 7-1 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH St~4M~Y OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. DATE: May 23, 1 988 PAGE: Four SUBJECT I MOTION TO George Kotarides, Sr. (Milton's IDENIED Pizza) awning/existing building ~encroachment canopy at 2410 Atlantic Ave. ~on roof AND, APPROVED sign on canopy with 1 1/2 ft. cut off each end APPROVED encroachment of b acklit awning over en trance to restaurant Jerry Chaplain (Kona Kai East Hotel) existing free-standing sign on premises of Kona Kai East Hotel, 16th St./Oceanfront Charles R. Hull (Sun Dial) Exising awning at 1908 Atlantic Avenue Denied Approved/ conditioned awning remove by 11 -1-88 Charles R. Hull (Cape Henry Club) Approved/ existing awning at 203 19th St. conditioned Charles R. Hull (Souvenir City) existing awnings at 2508 Atlantic Avenue Charles R. Hull (Beach Bodies) existing building canopy at 1904-B Atlantic Avenue Charles R. Hull (Beach Tneatre) existing theatre marquee at 2500 Atlantic Avenue W. H. Kitchen III (Kitchen's Kitchen) Awning at 2525 Atlantic Donna Pilla (Cafe's Loco) Mansard roof at 230 17th St. RESOLUTIONS IN GRATITUDE RESOLUTIONS IN R~COGNITION AND APPREC IAT ION NATIONAL MERIT AWARD WINNERS remove by 11-1 -88 Approved/ cond i ti oned remove by 11 -1 - 88 Approved/ cond i tioned remove by 1 1-1 -88 Approved/ c ond i ti oned all five faces of sign 'be repaired AND, have signage not to exceed a total sign al lowance for entire building Approved/ conditioned De fe rred Indefinitely Ad opted PASSED 8-0 6-2 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 7-0 8-0 8-0 *Parker Abstained Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH St~MARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS A GEN DA ITEM NO. IV/I/4 IV/I/5 IV/J/K/ 1 IV/J/K/ ADD ON ADD ON DATE: May 23, 1 988 PAGE: Five SUB JEC T Ordinance appointing viewers in ~dopted petition of Metrovest, Inc. for closure of a portion of Alabama Road Raffle Permit: Approved Back Bay Restoration Foundation REQUEST FOR R~CONSIDERATION: of Motion to a condition in the March 14, 1988 reconsider approval of the Exxon Co., U.S.A. lost application for a CUP for car wash/gas pumps in conjuncti~ with aconvenience store at SW corner of Indian River Rd./S. Military Highway 841 S. Military Highway 1.02 acs. (Kempsville Bor . ) Resolution requesting the Board of Zoning Appeals to defer consideration of variance applications pertaining to major recreational equipment for a period of ninety (90) day~ Discussion by Thoroughgood residents relative adjacent neighbor's skate board ramp MOTION TO Adopted as amer~l ed for a period of 90 days City Staff will investigate PASSED 8-0 8-0 3-5 7-0 *Parker Abstained