HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 6, 1988 A GEN DA I~1' EM NO, I I/a I/S I/C III/ Iv/F IV/G ADD ON iv/n iv/i/~ ].v/I/2 IV/I/3 iv/J/1 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACR S~A~Y (1~ COtg~ClL ACTIONS DATE: June 6, 1988 PAGE: CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS: CITY ZONING ORDINA}K~E PEMBROKE AREA ANALYSIS WHITE FArM PROPOSAL CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS PROCLARATION: HURRICANE AWARENESS WEEK June 6-12, 1988 CITY MANAGER'S RE~ORT: New~ Release & Be~ort of Norfolk District Corps of Engineers re Environment ~ssessment of the Lake Gaston Proj eot SOUTHEASTERN EXPRESSWAY VA Department of Transporation PUBLIC HEARING: FY 1988-1 989 OPERATING BUDGET INCREASES for SCHOOLS/CON- TRACTUAL /MH/MR SERVICES Resolution endorsing Noise Abatement Policy as proposed by the Virginia Department of Transpor ration-estAblish state- wide criteria on all proposed highway projects in the C~m- :monwealth Re solution requesting Virginia Depar~ent of Transportation tD program the study/design/con- s truction of improvement of an additional interchange on 1-64 with the extension of Center- ville Turnpike between the western city limit/Indian River Resolution directing an agree- ment for a comprehensive trans- portation/land use analysis of the Pembroke Area with Frederic R. Harris, Inc. not tx) exceed $1 47,723. O~dinance to authorize Acquisi- tion in Fee Simple for r-o-w for Holland Road/Princess Anne Road/Temporary and Permanent Easements, either by Agreement or Condemnation MOTION TO Adopted Adopted AS REVISED Adopted De ferred 2 Weeks to 6/20/88 PASSED 10-0 9-1 9-2 11-0 M C C L A M N 0 Y Y Y Y Y ~*Heischober Ab,, tained Y Y y * y liy y · Hei schober Abstained Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y ~ Y _~ Y ~ Y % A GEN DA iT~ NO. IV!J/2 IV/J/3 IV/J/4 IV/K/~ IV/K/2 IV/K/3 IV/K/4 IV/K/5 I V/%i/6 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SL~MAR¥ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: June 6, 1 988 PA GE: Two SUBJECT Ordinance to TRANSFER $2, 500,000 from Pungo Ferry Road Bridge to Municipal Center Expansion Site Acquisition to allow for the purchase of additional property/ to authorize contract for the acquisition Ordinance to set salaries of Council Members at $18,000 per armum/$20,000 per annum for the Mayor/TRANSFER $35,478 to pro- vide for these salary increases Ordinance to TRANSFER $155,000 to the Office of Environmental Management for a feasibility study on the use of Transfer of Development .Rights Ordinance to AMEND Section 5-31 of the Code to include the area of Pine Ridge as a bird sanc- tuary Ordinance to authorize Acquisition of real property/ ea semen ts/temporar y cons truc tion easements/in Fee Simple, for Shipps Corner Road Water Main by Agreement or by Condemnation ORDINANCES for School Programs to be funded in FY 1988-1989: a. APPROPRIATE $8., 581 ,907 for Special Categorical Grants b. APPROPRIATE $2,009,358 for School Textbook Rental Fund c. APPROPRIATE $307, 650 for .School Athletic Enterprise Fund MOTION TO Ad opted Mo tion to Adopt LOST Ad opted Ad opt ed Adopted Approved FIRST READING d. APPROPRIATE $10, 282,582 for School Cafeteria Enterprise Fund Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $221,587 for increased correc- tional operation expenditures Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $175, 000 for Landfill #2 for the construction of a pump station Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $50,000 as a grant from Wareheim Foundation ~ be utilized for t~he operation of a two-year Court Appointed Special ,Advocate Program Approv ed FIRST READING Approv ed FIRST READING Approv ed FIRST READING A B L A PASSED 0 _ 11-0 IY 5-6 N Y 9-1 Y Y 10-0 Y Y 10-0 Y Y 10-0 Y Y 10-0 Y Y 1 0-0 Y Y 10-0 Y Y H E F I E S N C T H R 0 E B S E Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y H E L E Y J O N E S '-~-~ M C C L A M N O A S P A R E K E -Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y A Y A Y A A A A GEN DA IT F24 IlO. TVflKfl7 IV/K/S IV/K/9 IV/K/1 0 ~V/K/1 1 IV/K/12 IV/K/1 3 IV/K/1 4 ZV/K/~ 5 IV/L/1 £V/M/N CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: June 6, 1988 PAGE: %~.r e e SUBJECT CHARGING-OFF DELINQUENT ACCOL~4TS a. Resolution to Charge-Off $1 65,251 .88 of accounts receivable as uncollectible b. Ordinance to TRANSFER $60,000 from unobligated 1987-1988 appropriations to charge-off the returnable Grant to Virginia Beach Festivals, Inc. Ordinance to TRANSFER $1 3,320 for the purchase of data radio communication equipment for the Bookmobile Ordinance to TRANSFER $87,000 for increased Detention/Group Home expenditures Resolution to ACCEPT $20,000 from the Commonwealth Public Be ach Board for support of sar~ replenishment/erosion control activities for the public beach in the resort area Utility Projects for 51% Neighborhood Participation: Bel 1 s/Cred le Road Sanitary Sewer- $41 0,000 Lynnhaven Acres Water - $400,000 LOW BID: Precon Construction Company $123, 945. 66 for water & sewer service along Newtown Road/Hawkins Lane LC~ BID: A & W Contractors, Inc $491 ,906. 26 for water service in Larkspur CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY: a. Diamond Cab Company b. Grand Limousine, Inc. Tax re funds $2, 173.43 ABSTRACT OF VOTES - General Election of May 10, 1988 ADJOURNMENT: 4:23 PM - RHS MOTION TO Adopted Adopted Ad opted Adopted Adopted Appr ov ed Approved Appr ov ed Approved Approved Approv ed PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 1 0-0 10--0 !0-0 10-0 1 0-0 10-0 H E F I E S NC H TH E B R O N A E B !L M S R Y Y {Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SPEEIAL SESSION - 12 NOON - JULY 1, 1988 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL OATHS OF OFFICE - ELECTION OF THE VICE MAYOR RESCHEDULED SESSION - JULY 4, 1988 (City Holiday) to JULY 5, 1988 M R C C J L O A S , Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0 B E R N M D 00 S F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P A F R = K R E ~ R Y Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y ~ Y ! 7- A CITY COLqqCIL RECESS - JULY 18 - 31, 1988