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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 11, 1988CITY OF VIRGTNIA BEACH S~A~! OF CO~]~CIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. I/A II/III E/1/a E/1/b E/~/c E/1/d E/1/e E/1/f E/1/g E/1/h E/1/i F/1 DATE: July 11, 1988 PAGE: One SUBJECT Ordinance for discontinuance, closure, abandonment of portion of Brian Avenue at Virginia Beach Boulevard/Broad Street, in the petition of Richard C. Fentress (Bayside Borough Paul E. Malbon/Thomas M. Malbon Variance to Section 4.5(a) of the Subdivision Ordinance, to set aside open space/recreation- al development, at 849/857 Old Dam Neck Road (Princess Anne Borough) Edward H. Ledford COZ from A-18 to B-2 on Laskin Road/Maxey ,. Drive (Lynnhaven Borough) ADR, Inc. CUP: recreational facility other than outdoor nature at Dean Drive/Lynnhaven Parkway (Lynnhaven Borough) Six of Us CUP: auto repair (muffler installation) at Newpoint Shopping Center (544 Newtown Road) ( Bayside Borough) Martin K. Salasky COZ from R-5D to B-2 on Centerville Turnpike/ Kempsville Road, (Kempsville Bor oug h ) National Beach Corp/George F. & Frances M. Phillips COZ from R-40 to A-12 Pinewood Drive/ Holly Road, Linkhorn Park, 2.44 ac; AND, National Beach Corp COZ from R-20 to A-12 on Pinewood Drive/ Holly Road, Linkhorn Park, 1.886 ac (Virginia Beach Borough) Amoco Oil Company CUP: gasoline pumps/car wash at London Bridge Road (relocated)/General Booth Boulevard, (Princess Anne Bor) Virginia Beach Properties, Inc. Variance to Section 4.4(d) of the Subdivision Ordinance to have direct access to a public street on Daniel Smith Road/ Lawrence Drive (Bayside Borough) Resolution to abolish advisory Boards/Commissions/Committees of the City MOTION TO F I NAL APPROVAL A1 lowed Withdrawal A1 lowed W i thd rawa 1 Allowed Wi thdrawal Approved/ Cond i tioned Approved/ Conditioned Denied Deni ed Denied Deferred to 8 ~/88 PASSED 7-2 10-0 10-0 9-1 10-0 10-0 7-3 7-3 10-0 10-0 *Sessoms abstained CITY OF ~ZRGZNL~ B~tCH sIIqlqARY OF COUI~I'L ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. F/1/2 F/1/3 F/1/4 ADD ON G/2 G/3 G/4 G/5 G/6 G/7 G/8 DATE: July 11, 1988 PAGE: Two SUBJECT Resolution to establish a Parks & Recreation Commission Resolution to establish an Advertising Advisory Review Committee ENCROACHMENT: a. Stephen Y. Yee (Golden Dragon Restaurant) Existing free-standing & roof signs at 2914 Pacific Avenue Ordinance to create a Department of Convention & Visitor Develop- ment and to Amend Section 2-363 of the City Code Ordinance to AMEND Section 17-19 of the Code establishing a pub- lic law library/imposing assess- ment of additonal court costs to support the library Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $68,000 to the Law Library Operating Budget for expansion of Wahab Public Law Library hours and in- crease per case filing fees from $3.00 to $5.00 Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $3,718,500 to Camp Pendleton Site Acquisition for approxi- mately 547 acres at the Pendle- ton Military Reservation Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $4,140 from Virginia Department of Housing & Community Develop- ment for an emergency shelter program Ordiance to TRANSFER $1,000. 000 to the Health Insurance Trust Fund/authorize health care con- tracts for the fifteen (15) months beginning October 1, 1 988 Ordinance appointing viewers in the petition of Signet Enter- prises, Ltd. for the closure of two portions of Thompkins Lane (Kempsville Borough) LOW BID Suburban Grading & Utilities $342,496.60 for re- construction of Old Great Neck Road at Reagan Avenue intersec- tion Tax refunds- $736.77 MOTION TO Deferred to 8/8/88 De fe rred to 8~8 Denied Adopted Adopted Approved FIRST READING Adopted S~COND READING Adopted S~COND READING Adopted Denied Approved Approved PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 9-1 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 Y Y CITY OF ¥~R6~N~ BE~C~ SI]~IAR! OF COU~ICZL &CTZO~IS DATE: July 11, 1988 PAGE: Three AGENDA ITEM NO. H ADD ON ADD ON SUBJECT Proposed Reconsideration of 9/21/87 Drummond/Johnson COZ and 2/1/88 Texaco CUP at Shipps Corner/Holland Roads (Princess Anne Borough) Interim Financial Statements - July 1, 1987, through May 31, 1988 Reschedule certain City Council Sessions ADJOURNMENT: 5:55 PM RHS MOTION TO Scheduled Adverti sing for 8/~/88 at 2 PM Re scheduled ' Rescheduled September 5 to August 29 "Labor Dmy l~liday" September 1 2 to September 6 "~osh Bashanah" October 3 to October 31 'Virqinia }{mnicipml Leaque" PASSED 10-0 8-2 8-2 CIT~ OF VIRGINIA BEACH SII~MARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. H ADD ON ADD ON DATE: July 11, 1988 PAGE: Three REVISED SUBJECT i Proposed Reconsideration of 9/21/87 Drummond/Johnson COZ and 2/1/88 Texaco CUP at Shipps Corner/Holland Roads (Princess Anne Borough) Interim Financial Statements- July 1, 1987, through May 31, 1988 Reschedule certain City Council Sessions ADJOURNMENT: 5:55 PM RHS MOTION TO Scheduled Advertising for 8/8/88 Re sc hed ul ed Se ptembe r 5 to August 29 Labor Da~ ~oliday" September 1 2 to September 6 "Bosh ~ashanah" October 3 to October 3 1 "Virgi~ia ~unicipml League" PASSED 10-0 8-2