HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 1, 1988AGENDA ITEM NO. I I/A II/III F/1 F/1/a F/2 F/3 F/4 F/5 F/6 F/7 F/8 F/9 F/1 0 F/1 1 CITY OF FIRGINIA BE~CH SI~MARX OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 1, 1988 PAGE: One SUBJECT BRIEF ING: TRT HANDI-RIDE 1986 BOND REFERENDUM COMMITTEE - Quarterly Report INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND: Marion Manor, Inc. $8,000, 000 Resolution authorizing DEED OF CONVEYANCE in exchange of prop- erty from HRSD for a School Site in Ocean Lakes Ordinance authorizing Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Biogas Recovery Partners, Inc. re ex- tractic~ of methane gas from La~d fill II Ordinance declaring EXCESS PROPERTY involving portic~ of Cape Henry Pump Station Site on Poinciana Road/authorizing City Manager to convey same Resolution to abolish certain Boards/Commissions/Committees of the City Resolution to establish a policy procedure related to City Council appointive Agencies Ordinance, amercing Chapter 2 of the Code by adding a new Article ar~ Section (2-441) to define Boards/Commissions/Committees Ordinance to AMEND Article XXI of Chapter 2 of the Code by add- ing a new Section (2-442) re establishment of a Military Liaison Commissic~ Resolution to establish a Parks & Recreation Commission Resolution to establish an Ad- vertising Advisory Review Committee Resolution requesting the BZA to deny Variance applicatio~ of ~dwin B. IAndsley, Jr. for an existing billboard on Shore Dr/ Vista Circle (Lynnhaven Borough) MOTION TO Approved Adopted Adopted Adopted Ad opted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted PASSED 9-0 9-0 10-0 9-1 1 0-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 9-1 Y Y Y Y CIT~ OF FIRGINIA BE~CH S~MAR¥ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. F/1 2 F/12/a G/1 G/2 G/3 G/4 G/5 G/6 G/7 G~ G/9 G/10 DATE: August 1, 1 988 PA GE: TWo SUBJECT ENC ROAC ~4 ENT: Forbes Candies, Inc. - Existing signs on canopy at 2330 Atlantic Avenue Ordinance to AMEND Section 17-19 of the Code re establishing a public law library/imposing as- sessment of additional court costs to support the library Ordinance to AMEND the Code by adding Section 23-8.1 re malic- iously giving false reports of crime/acc ident/etc · Ordinance to AMEND Section 5-32 of the Code re bird sanctuaries (KENSTOCK) Ordinance to REPEAL Section 2-117 of the Code re over~_~me pay and compensatory time Ordinance to authorize Acquisi- tion of property in Fee Simple for r-o-w for Indian River Road, Phase IV; and, Easements r-o-w by A~reement or Condemnation Ordinance to authorize Acquisi- tion of property in Fee Simple for r-o-w for Back Bay Marina Bridge replacement/Easements r-o-w by A~reement or Condemna- Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $ 34,000 to the Law Library Operating Budget for the expansion of Wahab Public Law Library hours/ increase per case filing fees from $3.00 to $4.00 (First Reading of July 11, 1988, cor- rected from $5.00) Ordinance to ACCEPT a $2,089,000 entitlement grant from HUD/ APPROPRIATE $1 ,402,807 for the '1 988-1 989 Community Development Block Grant Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $164, 000 from HUD for rental rehabilitation Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $26,000 for a water quality enhancement program MOTION TO De fe rred to 8/0~8 Adopted Adopted Ad opted Ad opted Adopted Adopted Adopted S~COND READ IN G Approved FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 1 0-0 10-0 1 0-0 1 0-0 10-0 CIT~ OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~MAR~ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 1, 1988 PAGE: Tnree AGENDA ITEM NO. G/1 I G/1 2 G/13 G/1 4 G/1 5 G/1 6 G/1 7 G/18 H/I ADD ON ADD ON ADD ON SUBJECT Ordinance to ACCEPT $1 ,000 from the National Organization on Di sability/APPROPRIATE these funds to the Mayor's Committee/ Disabled Trust Fund Ordinance to TRANSFER $1 21,670 from Ferrell Parkway, Phase IB, to Birdneck Road/Southern Boule- vard; LOW BID to Rea Construction Company $523,814.10 for roadway improvements LOW BID to Asphalt Roads & Materials Company, Inc. in the amount of $268,557.10 for 1988- 1989 Bituminous Ooncrete/ Profile Maintenance Schedule- Contract I LOW BID to Slurry Pavers, Inc. $121,934.40 for 1988-1989 Latex Modified Emulsion Mix Overlay Schedule Utility Project for 51% Neigh- borhood Participation: Brock' s Bridge Sanitary Sewer $67,000 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVEN- IENCE & NDCESSITY: Bay Limousine, Ltd. Tax refunds $6,856.21 License refunds $4,081.71 Burroughs-Dale property on Seaboard Road (development of five residential lots with septic systems/rerouting of drainage fields Recreation Park area on specific parcel in Rosemont Forest Resolution authorizing City Manager to implement Vehicle Policy/Self-Insurance Claims Procedure for Constitutional Officers MOTION TO Approved FIRST READING Ad opted Approved Approved Approved De fe rred to 8/15/88 Approved Approved Approved Co unc i 1 woman ~McClanan sponsored citizens and offered proposed Re sol uti on/ Ordinance for future agenda Councilman Moss sponsor- ed Michael Nixon Adopted PAS S ED 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 1 0-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 H E F I M s cc lq 12 H T H E L R 0 N E B L S E E A S R Io E IR JM AGENDA ITEM NO. Je CIT! OF FIRGINIA BEACH S~ARX OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 1, 1988 PA GE: Fo ur SUBJECT RECESS to Executive Session in MOTION TO Approved Conference Room (4:25 PM) R~CESS to Executive Session at Pavilion, 7 PM, ~hursday August 4, 1988 (5:35 PM) RHS PAS S ED 10-0 10-0 F E N T B R A E U S M S Y Y Y Y M C H C E L N A L N E A Y N Y Y Y Y 0 B E R P N A P D R E 0 K R R E R F R IY ¥ ¥ ¥