HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 15, 1988CIT! OF F/RGINIA BE~CH S~%R! OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. I/A II/A III/A IV/V D/~ E/1 E/2 Fl1 F/2 G/1 G/2 DATE: August 1 5, 1988 PAGE: One SUBJECT CIP - RESCRT AREA CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS TRT LIGHT RAIL James C. Mchols E~ecutive Director - TTDC CITY MANAGER'S REPCRT: SOUTHEASTERN EXPRESSWAY- Quarterly Briefing Resolution approving the issuance of IDB: Trigon Industries, Inc. $2,505,377.00 (Refunding) Busch Mfg. Oo $2,500,000.00 Resolutions directing the Planning Commission to make recommendation to City Oouncil 'concerning: a. ~mendments to AG-I/AG-2 Classifications b. Proposed ordinance to re- quire a use permit for the construction of septic tanks and/or drain fields for septic tanks in the AG-1 Dis tr ict c. Proposed amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance to provide that subdivision plats in the AG-1/AG-2 Districts shall be reviewed/ approved or denied by the City Oounc il E NCR QAC HME NT: a. INTERNATIONAL LEISURE CORP. (Royal London Wax Museum) - existing encroachmen.t by signage upon marquee at 16th Stree t/Atlantic Avenue (Virginia Beach Boulevard) Ordinance to transfer $50,000 for develo~nent of master plan for Seashore State Park Ordinance to Amend Section 21-338 of the Code re chemical test for blood alcohol content Ordinance to AMEND Section 2-442 of the Code re Military Liaison Commission MOTION TO ~dopted Motion to Adopt Lost to Negative Vote Deferred for Staff to re- view action of BZA 1 0/20/8 2 Ad opted Adopted Adopted PASSED 1 1 -0 2-9 11 -0 9-1 1 1-0 11-0 N Y Y Y Y Y N *Perry abstained Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CIT! OF VIRG~ S~AR! QF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. G/3 G/4 G/5 G/6 G/7 G~ G/9 G/1 1 G/12 ADD ON DATE: August 1 5, 1988 PA GE: Two SUBJECT Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $1 4,694 into FY 88-89 operating budget of Libraries for the Blind & Physically Handicapped Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $2,580 in additional State Aid Funds into the FY 88-89 operating ibudget of Libraries for acquisi- tion of books/related materials Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $50,000 for Correctional Center expendi- tures food/food service items Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $303,106/transfer $7,364 to fund nineteen additional temporary 'positions within the Sheriff' s Department operating budget Ordinance to TRANSFER $31 7,555 within General Services to pro- vide appropriat~ funding for year-end electrical expenditures Ordinance to TRANSFER $31,71 0 within Data Processing for ad- ditional replacement computer equipment Utility Project for 51% Neigh- borhood Participation: Brocks Bridge Sanitary Sewer $67,000 Resolution requesting Department of Transportation to accept new streets for urban maintenance pa ym en ts Tax refunds - $2,263.22 License refunds - $4,295.89 APPOINTMENTS: a. FRANCES LAND HOUSE BOARD Lhexpired term of Karl Swartz through 12/31/90 Unexpired term of B. Bruce Taylor through 12/31/90 b. PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 3-Year term 9/1/88 - 8/31/91 MOT ION TO Approv ed FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING De ferred FIRST READING for Staff to study documentation Approved FIRST READING Adopted Adopted Appr ov ed Adopted Appr ov ed Approved Appo in ted: Knowl es, Glenda H. Miller, Jo hnn ie S. Reappointed: Carvil, John L. , Jr . Clark, Susan M. PASSED I 1-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 .11-0 1 1-0 10-1 11 -0 1 1-0 1 1-0 CIT~ OF VIR~NIA BE~CH S~Y OF CO.IL ACTIONS DATE: August I 5, 1988 PAGE: ~hree AGENDA ITEM NO. I/ADD ON SUBJECT Resolution establishing Bor~ Financing RFP Committee to solicit RFP from various firms and make recommendation to City Oouncil within 90 days Recess to Executive Session for Personnel Matter at 4:22 PM ADJO~R~ENT: 5:O0 PM RHS CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS RESCHEDULED AUGUST 29, 1988 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE OF SEPTEMBER 5 "LABOR DAY HOLIDAY" PUBLIC HEARING "LAKE GASTON WATER SOURCE" SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE OF SEPT~BER 12 "ROS H HASHANAH~ OCTOBER 31, 1988 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE CF ~CTOBER 3 "VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGU~ All other Sessions will be in accordance with the City Code MOTION TO I PASSED Dozier, Le ttie Knol 1, Samuel Nottingham, Be tty T. Redon, Royana ~dopted 11-0