HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 22, 1988AGEN DA ITEM NO. I I/A I/B II/A III/IV E/1 E/2 E/2/a E/2/D E/3 F/1/a F/1/b F/1/c F/1/d F/1/e F/1/f F/1/g F/1/h CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 22, 1988 PAGE: One SUB JEC T CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATIONS: Resort Parking Program Municipal Area Transportation Study CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS ¥IRGINIA BEACH SAFETX COUNCIL LIFESAVER AWARD - Troy Mar tin RESOLUT IONS IN HEC0(~IT ION: ~%MY AWARD Susan Earley Rohrer CONSTITUTION ' S CELI]RRATION CCMM ISS ION Douglas D. Himes Lillian B. Youell PROCLAIqATION DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS FORGET-ME-NOT DAYS September 1, 2, 3, & 5, 1988 MOTION TO A.R.C. COZ from R-5D to B-2 on I Referred Back Kempsville Road/Centerville Ito Planning Turnpike (Kempsville Borough) Commission/ a ppl ic an t to pay all ad- v er ti sing co sts Paul's Motor Company CUP: auto Approved/ repair, East Norfolk, at 128 Conditioned Happy St (Kempsville Borough) Yata Corporation COZ from AG-2 Deferred to to R-1 5 at Sea Scape Road, 9/6/88 Shipps Bay (Pungo Borough) FLASH, Inc., T/A Speedee Oil Approved/ Change & Tune Up CUP: auto Conditioned repair on Laskin Road/First Colonial Road (Lynnhaven Bor) I Exxon Company USA CUP: car wash/ Deferred to gasoline pumps at Holland Road/ 9/26/88 So. Plaza Trail (Kempsville Bor) ILyle T/Mary E. Smith Variance to Deferred Section 4.4(b) of Subdivision Indefinitely Ordinance, requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, at 2033 Salem Road (Kempsville Borough) Hop-In Food Stores CUP: gasoline Allowed sales at General Booth Blvd/ Withdrawal Ruffian Road (Princess Anne Bor) John S/Emily M. Hathaway COZ Deferred to from R-10 to O-1 on Overland Rd/ 19/6/88 Amberly Rd (Kempsville Borough) I PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 1 0-0 1 0-0 H E F I E S N C B T H A lB R 0 K U S E o ~ s, R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y O M B C E H C R E L N N A IM D L N I 0 O Y.N S F I Y A Y Y Y A Y Y Y A Y Y Y A Y Y Y A Y Y Y A Y Y Y A Y Y Y A Y Y S P E A P S R E S K R O E R M ¥ ¥ Y ¥ ¥ Y ¥ Y ¥ ¥ Y ¥ Y Y ¥ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~MMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 22, 1988 PAGE: Two AGENDA IT~4 NO. ~ SUBJECT F/1/i]EIGHT D COROPORATION COZ from F/1/j F/~/3/1 F/1/j/2 F/1/~/3 F/1/j/4 F/l/j/5 F/l/j/6 G/1 G/1/a G/1/b G/1/2 H/1 H/1/a H/1/b H/1/c H/2 H/3 AG-2 to B-2 on General Booth Boulevard/Culver Lane (Princess Anne Borough) Ordinances to AMEND the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance: MOT ION TO A11 owed Wi thdra wal Section 203 (a) (38) - Shopping Center Parking Section 5A. 4(a) - Site Plan Ordinance- Interior coverage requirements of Parking Lot Landscape Requirements Article 14 - Wetlands Zoning Ord in ance Article 16 - Ooastal Primary Sand Dune Zoning Ordinance Section 1522 - Setback Require- ments in the R-T3 District Section 4.1 (m) of Subdivision Ordinance- Design Standards for Residential Streets Section 1001 (a) - Use Regula- tions in Industrial Districts ENC ROACH~ ENTS: Forbes Candies, Inc. ~kisting signs on canopy at Deferred to 9/26/88 Deferred to 9/26/88 Adopted Adopted Adopted De ferred to 9/6/88 Adopted tAppr ov ed/Co n- d itioned for 2330 Atlantic Avenue International Leisure Corp, T/A Royal London Wax Museum Maintain existing encroachment by a sign on a marquee John Miller: Change in a non- conforming Use at 5625 Virginia Beach Boulevard (Bayside Bor) RESOLUTIO~ IN R~OGNITION: Susan Ear 1 y Ro hr er Douglas D. Himes Lillian B. Youell Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $14,694 State Grant Funding to Libraries for the Blind/Physi- cally Hand icapped OrdinaP~e to APPROPRIATE $2,580 in additional State Aid Funds to Libraries for acquisition of books and related materials ICompli ance by 1 1/1/88 De ferred to 8/29/88 Denied Adopted Ad opted S~COND READING Adopted SECOND READING B T L A E PASSED 0 ~ M S 10-0 1 0-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y O M B C E H C R E L N N A M D L N 0 O R Y N S .F A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~Y OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. H/6 DATE: August 22, 1988 PAGE: ~nree SUBJECT Ord inanc etD APPROPRIATE MOT ION TO opted $303,106/transfer $7,364 to fumd ISMCOND nineteen additional temporary READING positions within the Sheriff's Department Ordinance appointing view~rs in ~dopted Ipetition of Signet Enterprises Ltd. for closure of two portions of Thompkins Lane (Kempsville Borough) Resolution re Appointments to the Board of the Tidewater Transportation District Ordinance to AMEND Section 2-442 of the City Code re Military Liai son ODmmission AP PO INTM ENT S C~U~ITY C~TIO~ RESOURCE Oonfirmed Norfolk District ~ourt Appointments 2-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/90 2-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/90 DEFELO I~ENT AUTHf~IT! 4-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/92 PARKS 3-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/91 At Large 3-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/91 At Large 1-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/89 At Large 3-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/91 At Large 2-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/90 Ba yside Borough 2-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/90 Blackwater Borough 1-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/89 Kempsvil le Borough 3-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/91 Lynnhaven Borough 1-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/89 Princess Anne Borough 2-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/90 Pungo Borough 2-Year Term 9/1/88 - 8/31/90 Virginia Beach Borough ~OKING POLICY ADVISORY C(~k~ ITTEE Public Health Department Cbnvention & Visitors Dev e lo pme nt Ad opted Ad opted Appo in ted: i Clarence L. Se sso~s Reappointed: Barbara Hickey Appointed: Kenneth F. Pa lm er Appointed: G. Garland Payne P~ nry O. Pizzella James A. Cutchins Kenne th D. Nel son Ao Raymond Young Diane Har sl ey Robert G. Hicks ~mer McCoy Arthur Me theny Donald Lee Clifton N. Str ic kl and Appo in ted: Dr. George C. Sj olund Jam es Ricketts PA SSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 1 0-0 10-0 9-1 10-0 10-0 F E N B T A B R L A E K U 0 M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y H E I S C H 0 B E R Y H E N L E Y _. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y P E R R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S E S S 0 M S Y A GEN DA ITEM NO. ADD ON CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S[I~MARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 22, 1988 PA GE: Fo ur SUBJECT S~OKING POLIC! ADVIS(~T C(I~ITTEE (Continued) City Attorney's Office Hotel/Motel Association VB Restaurant Association Council of Civic Organizations City Staff TIDE~AT~ ~ANS I~R~tTIDN DIS~ICT C(l~qISS ION NOL II~TEEI~ COII~C IL Unexpired Term through 12/31/89 NETLA~ B0~RD 5-Year Term 9/18/88 - 9/30/93 5-Year Term 9/18/88 - 9/30/93 5-Year Term 9/18/88 - 9/30/93 AUTHORIZATION: The issuance of water & sewer bonds of the City in the maximtun amount of $200,000,000, subject to the approval of qualified voters I~O~SIDERATION of conditions in the March 14, 1988, approved application of EXXON Company, USA, for a Conditional Use Permit for a car wash/gasoline pumps at 841 South Military Highway (Kempsville Borough) Memorandum of Under stand between the City and Virginia Beach Develolanent Authority ADJOURSI~ENT: 1 0:28 PM CITY COU~CIL SESSIONS KESC ~R. DULED AUGUST 29, 1988 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE OF SEPT~[BER 5 LABOR ~%Y HOLIDAY" AND PUBLIC HEARING "LAKE GASTON WATER SOURCE" SEPT~4BER 6, 1988 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE CF SEPTEMBER 12 "RO~H HAS HANA H" OCTOBER 31, 1988 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE CF OCTOBER 3 "VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE" MOT ION TO Randy Blow Flo Mc Daniel C. Roy Kelley Lee Banks or Designee Linda Champion Re sc hed ul ed to 8/29/88 Appo in ted: Betsy Spenc e Appo in ted: C. H. Dot c he ste r Rea ppo in ted: Jane M. Purr lng ton John T. Spr ague No Ac tion Motion to Reconsid er Lost to tie ktopted Rules i of Procedure RHS PASSED 10-0 9-1 10-0 10-0 5-5 10-0 B A B L A F E N T R E S H E I S C H H E 0 N B L E E R Y M C C L A M N O A S N S BY CONSENSUS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y A Y A N A Y A · Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y P E R R