HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 29, 1988CITY OF ~I~GINIA BE~CH AGENDA ITEM NO. I I/A D/~ ADD ON F/1 ,, F/2 F/3 F/3/a F/3/b F/3/c F/3/d F/3/e F/3/f F/3/g DATE: August 29, 1988 PAGE: ~e SUBJECT BRIEF ING: FUNDING ALTERNATIVES FOR LAKE .GASTON - Giles Godd, Assistant City Manager, Administration Clarence Warnstaff, Director Public Utilities CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS RESOLUTION IN RECO~ITION - Jul ie Ski flet "Certificate of ~hievement for fXcellence in Financial Planning ~o the City of Virginia Beach for Compxehensive Annual Finan- cial Beport as of June 30, 1987' PUBLIC HEARING ISSUANCE OF WATER & S~ER BONDS ~F THE CITY IN THE MAXIM[I~ AMOUNT (~ $200,000,000, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE ~ALIFIED VOTERS Besolution authorizing City Council to seek permission of the electorate at th~ General Election in November to issue bor~s/authorize the financing/ construction/operation of a water supply/transmission syste~ I for the City Ordinance authorizing issuance of Water/Sewer Bonds of the City in the maximum amount of $200, 000, 000, subject to the ap- proval of the qualified voters Ordinances authorizing AC~3ISI- TION OF PROPERTY in fee simple for r-o-w for the Lake Gaston Wa f. er Pi pel ine/T~PORARY/PEI~A-'- NENT EASEMENTS, either by agree- ment or condemnation: Windsor District Isle of Wight County Drewr yville District Southampton County No ttoway District Gr eensvill e County Bel field District Gr eensv ille County Sturgeon District Brunswick fid un ty Powel 1 ton District Brunswick County Wir~ sor District Isle o~ Wight ~unty MOT ION TO Presented to Giles G. Dodd Asststant City M~nager for Admini- stration 9/7/88 for re f inement Approved FIRST READING Ad opted PASSED 10-0 1 0-0 CITY OF VIRGINIA BE~CH S/I~IAR! OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 29, 1988 PA GE: Two AGENDA ITEM NO. F/4 F/4/a F/5 SUBJECT ENC ROAC HM ENT International Leisure Corp, T/A the Royal London Wax Museum signage upon marquee at 16th Stree t/Atlantic Avenue (Virginia Beach Borough) Ordinance to appropriate $50,000 /~/Ifor Correctional Center expendio tures for focal and food service i tern s F/6 F/6/a ~z / F/6/b F/6/c G/1 G/2 G/3 G/4 ~/z G/4/a G/4/b G/5 Ordinance authorizing a~reement wi th the School Board: Transferring City' contribution / to an employee's health care premiums to the family plan of a School Board-sponsored health care txogram chosen by the employee's spouse Bidding jointly with the School Board for the services of one more health care organizations to provide group health in- surance to all City/School Board employees as one group ~gaging in a study with the School Board to review any other options that may be available to reduce the costs of health care bo the City School Board Resolution in Recognition - Julie Shiflett, T~nnis Champion I Resolution supporting Industrial IAdopted Access Railroad Track Fur~s from I the Commonwealth of Virginia for Dynaric, Incorporated Re sol ution a uthori zing renova- tions to the City Council's/ City Manager' s Administrative Offices Ordinance to AMEND/REORDAIN the City Code: Section 2-1 06 re Reinstatement of City ~ployees Section 2-1 05 re Reemployment of City ~nployees Ordinance to TRANSFER $1 5,366 to continue the rental agreement for the Kempsville Mosquito Con- trol Site/AUTqOF, IZE a contract for the 1,'_~ase of the property MOT ION TO Appr ov ed/ Conditioned upon com- pliance by l l/1/88 Appr ov ed FIRST READING kl opted as revised Adopted Ad opted Adopted PASSED 7-3 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 1 0-0 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y A A A Y AGENDA IT~ NO. G/6 G/6/a G/6/b G/7 Gl9 ~/9/~ G~/~ Gl1 0 G/1 1 G/~2 ADD ~ ADD ON ClT! OF Vr_RG~N~ BE]~CH S~IIIA~.! (~ COUI~ILACTIONS DATE: AU~ ust 29, 1 988 PAGE: ~hree SUBJECT AGRE~4ENTS/CLARIFICATIONS to the January 22, 1986 AGREEMENT be- tween the City/School Board: To establish & operate a Joint Cable Center To create a Joint Cable Center Board C(~T PARTICIPATION AGRE~ENTS Buyrn Farm South- Sewer $69,576.00 Hartford Glen Water- $31,900.00 Sewer - $1 64,873.50 Wimbledon on the Bay - Sewer $92,469.00 Glen~ood, Phase 4 - Salm Pu~p Station - $47,1 52.00 LO~ BID to Asphalt B~ads & Materials OoIpmny, Inc. for 1988-1989 Various bads (~ntra=t in the amount'of $343,382.50 to provide minor citywide construc- tion ~i~ojects for various city age~cies LO~ BID to COntractors Pavi~ COmpany, Inc. $3,569,81 2.30 for Lynnhaven Parkway Phase V (CIP 2-935) - $2,273,759.37 Recreation ~rive Bridge (CIP 2-823) - $1,296,052.91 RAFFLE PERMITS H%~ANA Hf~PI~L BAI"SIDE LADIES AUXILIARY, KNIGHTS CF COL ~lB U~ ~4632 Tax Befunds- $784.27 License Refunds - $60,980.73 APPOIN~4ENT: TIDEWATER ~RANS PORTATION DISTRICT C(~M ISS ION Ordinance to i~,end City O~de Section 2-6 pertaining tD the Resort Area Advisory Oommission/ ByLaws of RAAC City' s Health Care Bene fit Package for City ~nployees ADJOURk~4ENT: 4:55 PM SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE OF SEPTEMBER 12 OCTOBER 31, ]988 - 2:00 PM RESC~EDULE OF CCTOBER 3 MOTION TO De ferred to 9/6/88 for Briefing Approved Appr ov ed Approved Appointed: Vice Mayor RDbert E. Fentress ~ opted Ord inan= e & Appr ov ed By- Laws Deferred to 9/6/88 ROSH HA SHANA H VA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE PASSED 10-0 1 0-0 10-0 10-0 9-O 10-0