HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 24, 1988CITY OF ¥1RGINIA BEACH SIJMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. I I/A ~/~V E1 1la E/2 E/3 E/4/a F/1/a F/lib F/1/c DATE: October 24, 1988 PAGE: One SUBJECT CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STUDY - Presentation by Camp, Dresser & McKee CITY COUNC I L CONCERNS CERT I F I CATES OF COI4~IENDAT I ON: R I CHARD EL L I OTT FREDERICK-(R1CK) ARIAN WERTH LITTLE MISS VIRGINIA BEACH CHARRISE MARIE DeVERA HIPOL RESOLUTIONS IN RECOGNITION: F. THOMAS HOLLAND SEATACK SPLASH COMMUNITY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT BOARD PROCLAMATION: RED RIBBON WEEK October 23 - 30, 1988 DOMINION BUILDING CORP for closure of portion of Dwyer Road at Dam Neck Road (PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH) NEW LIFE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH for CUP: church on North Landstown Road/Holland Road (6.286 ac) PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH) SANDBRIDGE COMMUNITY CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH for a CUP: church at Little Island Road/Bonita Lane/Sandpiper Road/ Sandbridge Beach (1.62 ac) (PRINCSSS ANNE BOROUGH) MOTION TO MAYOR'S COM- M I TTEE FOR D~S~BLED' ~ Deferred to 11/14/88 Uphol d original conditions of 6/13/88 & as determined by City Staff re current treed a rea on adjoining p rope rty AI lowed con- dition No. 7 of 3/14/88 to substitute Category IV for VIII Screening on frontage of Little Island Road AND, corrected Mi n utes of 3/14/88 to delete state- ment in Min- utes (~28992, Pg 21) re "recomme n d a- tion for ag reement be- tween Church & neighbors" PASSED 10-0 7-3 10-0 10-0 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUI~ARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. F/2/a F/2/b F/2/c F/2/d F/2/e F/2/f F/2/g F/2/h DATE: October 24, 1988 PAGE: Two SUBJECT EXXON COMPANY, U.S.A; CUP: car wash/gasoline pumps at Holland Road/South Plaza .Trail (4240 Holland Road) 42,869.87 sq ft (KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH) THOMAS M/JULIA D. TYE COZ from R-5D to B-2 on North Landstown Road/Monet Drive (1857 North Landstown Road) (2.3 ac) ( PR I NCESS ~iNE BOROUGIt)-~'~ ~ GOODMAN SEGAR HOGAN COZ on Ind i an River Road/El bow Road ( KEI~SV I LLE BOROUGH): From R-15 to B-lA (6.1) Frem R-15to B-2 (15.7 ac) - R. G. MOORE BUILDING CORP closure of the following streets at 30th/Bay Street (BAYSIDE BOROUGH): Unnamed Street Pleasant Avenue Pretty Lake Avenue HOP-IN FOOD STORES, I NC CUP: gasoline pumps at Princess Anne Road/Indian River Road (40,045 sq ft) (PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH) KAREN A. LEWIS CUP: family day care home at Wellington Woods at (812 Duke of Suffolk Drive) (17,000 sq ft) (LYNNHAVEN BOR) SHIPPS CORNER NURSERY CO COZ (PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH): From AG-1 to I-2 (1.566 ac) From AG-2 to 1-2 (13.179 ac) JAMES A./CAROL A. BARAFF, ROBERT E. NELSON & LINDA SUE NEWLIN for a nonconformin~ use & structure at 512 Delaware Ave (6,000 sq ft) (VIRGINIA BEACH) MOTION TO Allowed Withdrawal Allowed Withdrawal Allowed Withdrawal Deferred un- til Ci~ of Norfolk takes possession of lands or holds a Pub- lic Hearing on this closure Approved/ Cond i t i oned App roved/ Cond i t i oned 2 Years Deferred 90 days to 1/23/89 for Staff & ap- pi icant to attempt to resolve prob- lems Approved/ Cond i t i oned PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 9-1 8-2 10-0 7-3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y A Y Y N A CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUI~4ARY OF COUNC I L ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. F/2/i G/1 G/2 ~ G/3 G/4 G/5 ADD ON H/1/a/b DATE: October 24, 1988 PAGE: Th ree SUBJECT Ordinances to AMEND & REORDAIN the Comprehensive Zoning Ordi- nance of the City: Section 203(a)(38) - Shopping Center Parking AND, Section 5A.4(a) - Site Plan Ordinance - Interior coverage requirements of Parking Lot Landscape Requirements Resolution authorizing City Manager to take action to pro- vide, without cost to the Fed- eral Government, all lands, easements required for the Rudee Inlet Dredging Project Resolution authorizing a Memorandum of Agreement between the City/Department of Education authorizing participation in the Governor's Educational Techn°- logical Initiative Procurement & Financing Program for the pur- chase/financing of $690,300 of Subsidy Eligible Equipment Ordinance to AMEND & REORDAIN Section 12-43 of the City Code by ADDING a new Subsection, F-301.1 re open burning, ef- fective 1 September 1989 Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $9,434,621 for FY 1989 for payment of purchase orders brought forward from FY 1988 Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $6,509 from Virginia Department of Housing & Community Develop- ment for Emergency Home Repair Prog ram Resolution to Transfer $20,000/ LOW BID to Carter-Bell Corp for $86,756.51 to construct/connect 6-inch water line at Cape Story By The Sea, Shore Drive RESOLUTIONS IN RECOGNITION: F. THOMAS HOLLAND SEATACK SPLASH COMMUNITY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT BOARD MOTION TO Deferred I ndef i nitey unt i I TDR concerns are addressed by General Assembly Deferred to 11/7/88 Adopted AS AMENDED Adopted Adopted Adopted SECOND READING Adopted SECOND READING Adopted Adopted PASSED 10-0 10-0 · 8-2 8-0 7-1 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUI~IARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. H/2 H/3 H/4 H/5 H/6 DATE: October 24, 1988 PAGE: Four SUBJECT Ordinance to AMEND & REORDAIN Section 2-226 of the City Code re City Depositories Generally Ordinance to TRANSFER $52,450 to Phase III of Boardwalk Improve- ment Project Ordinance appointing viewers in the petition of CESS, LIMITED, for closure of a po.rtion of Bratton Street (PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH) LOW BID to WOODINGTON CORP $542,721.83 for Resort Street- scape Demonstration Construction of Virginia Power Conduit Section I, Phase I RAFFLE PERMIT: PILOT CLUB OF VIRGINIA BEACH APPOINTMENTS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE HISTORICAL REVIEW BOARD TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMISSION UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT: 11:50 PM MOTION TO Adopted Adopted Adopted App roved Approved Rescheduled to 10/31/88 RHS PASSED 8-0 7-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 *Parker abstained A A Y Y Y Y Y BY CONSENSUS