HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 31, 1988CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: October 31, 1988 PAGE: One AGENDA ITEM NO. I I/A IV/E/1 ~V/F/1 I V/F/2 I V/F/3 i V/F/4 ~V/F/5 ~V/F/6 I V/F/7 ~ V/F/8 I V/F/9 SUBJECT BRIEFINGS: UPDATE OF REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENTS LONDON BRIDGE ROAD PHASE I - TRAFFIC ANALYSIS STUDY Ordinance authorizing acquisi- tion in fee simple for utility easements for Hartford Glen Subd iv ision Resolution approving design of Princess Anne Road Phase Ill/re- questing VDOT to proceed with design completion/acquire all r-o-w in name of the Common- wea I th Ordinance to AMEND Section 23-9.1 of the Code re audible intruder alarms being equipped with bell/siren cut-off Ordinance to AMEND Sections 23-30 of the Code re massage parlors Ordinance to AMEND Sections 32-17/32-30 of the Code re going-out-of-business sales Ordinance authorizing a trust agreement wi'l-h States Sel f- Insurers Risk Retention Group, Inc. for excess liability in- surance Ordinance authorizing agreement re commitment for rehabilitation loans from Virginia Housing Development Authority Ordinance to TRANSFER $15,000 from Community Development Block Grant Funds to support a con- tract/authorize agreement with Virginia Beach Community Devel- opment Authority Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachment into portion of r-o-w of Garrison Avenue (unim- proved), to HENRY L. THOMPSON/ WILLIAM J. MULROY Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachment into portion o~ r-o-w of 61st Street/Atlantic Avenue, to NORMAN E. SCRUGGS MOTION TO Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Deferred to 11/7/88 Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. IV/F/10 IV/F/11 ~V/F/12 ADD ON HIII~ H/I/2 ADD ON DATE: October 31, 1988 PAGE: Two SUBJECT Low Bid to A & W CONTRACTORS, INC. $48,500.00 for Drainage Improvement Project - Fairfield Park Section II Tax refunds - $1,665.68 License refunds - $3,049.02 Raffle Permit: All Saints Episcopal Church APPO I NTMENTS: C I T I ZENS ADV I SORY COMM I TTEE Benson, Ernest Queen City Evans, Mary Ellen Doyletown Gordon, Willie L. Lake Smith Green, Alice Newlight Haynes, Johnny Mi II Dam Herbert, Isaac Burton Station Nagle, Carl J. At Large Pa rs ons, Aaron P. At Large Shaw, Sayde Newsome Farm Smith, Mary Reedtown Venn i ng, Joyce Beechwood Whitehurst, Susie- Seatack/ Atlantic Park Williams, Howard At Large Wright, Donald Gracetown ADVISORS: (No term) Houston, Sam McClane, Elizabeth Turner, Delores H I STOR I CAL REV I EW BOARD Murdock, Angus Simpson, Anne-Meade B. TRANSPORTAT I ON SAFETY COMM I SS I ON Baker, Jr., Woodrow W. Barbour, Wesley E. Parsons, Aaron P. INTER I M F I NANC I AL STATEMENTS FOR 7/1/87 through 6/30/88 CITY COUNCIL HOLIDAY SCltEDULE December 1988/January 1989 Cooke Elementary School "Adopt- a-School Program MOTION TO Ap p roved Approved Ap p roy ed Ap p roy ed Reappoi nted: 3-Year Terms 11/1/88 to ~0/31/91 Appointed: 2-Year Terms 11/1/88 to 10/31/90 Reappo i nted: 3-Year Terms 11/1/88 to 10/31/91 Cancel I ed 12/26/88 City Council Ses- s ions and Resched u I ed January 2 to January 30; January 16 to January 17 Adopted/Ap- )ointed Nancy K. Parker: Council Liaison PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-0 * Parker Absta ned CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMNARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: October 31, 1988 PAGE: Three AGENDA ITEM NO. ADD ON ADD ON ADD ON SUBJECT ADJOURNMENT 3:50 PM Presentation: AWARD OF MERIT- ORIOUS ACHIEVEMENT IN CONSERVA- TION presented October 26, 1988, by The Garden Club of Virginia recognizing City Council's fore- sight in the purchase of 24th Street Oceanfron'~ Park Board of Zoning Appeals to defer pending "RV" items until defini- tive action is taken by City Council as to an appropriate City Code amendment Moment of Silence in respect to two Department Heads who served in the Human Services and passed away recent I y: Dr. Caroline Baldwin (10/13/88) Director, Community Corrections Mrs. Cheryl Johnson (10/28/88) Director, Pendleton Chi Id Serv i ce MOTION TO RHS Approved PASSED 11-0