HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 19, 1988CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~R¥ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM NO. I/A E/1/a E/1/b E/1/c E/I/d E/1/e E/1/f E/1/g E/1/h F/1 F/1/a F/1/b F/1/c DATE: December 19, 1988 PAGE: One SUBJECT CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS RUTH V. PEELE/LILLIAN MUMFORD Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision _Ordinance: all .- lots meet all requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance (738 Newtown Road) BAYSIDE BOROUGH A.R.C., INC. COZ from R-5D to B-2 on Kempsville Road/Ccnter- ville Turnpike KEMPSVILLE BOR J. M. BRIGGS CUP: car wash/ mini-warehouse on Virginia Beach Boulevard/Louise Avenue LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH FRIENDS OF INFANT STIMULATION, INC. CUP: child education center on N. Great Neck Road/ Millwood Road LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH COX CABLE HAMPTON ROADS, INC. CUP: line-of-site relay tower on N. Muddy Creek Road/Princess Anne Road PUNGO BOROUGH PACE COLLABORATIVE, P.C. COZ from R-5D to 0-1 on Grayson Rd/ Bonney Road KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH U.S. HABITATS, CUP: recreational facility other than those of an outdoor nature (shooting range) on Holland Road/Windsor Oaks Boulevard KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH EIGHT D CORPORATION Conditional Zoning from AG-2 to B-2 at General Boo'th Boulevard/Culver Lane PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH CHARTER AMENDMENTS: To empower the City to levy/col- lect a special sales tax To empower the City to adopt zoning regulations which will provide for the TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS from one property to another To empower the City to make reasonable provision for the amortization of billboards/non- conforming signs MOTION TO Allowed Withdrawal Allowed Withdrawal Approved/ App roved/ Cond i t i oned Approved/ Conditioned Deferred to 1/9/89 Den i ed Denied Adopted Adopted Motion to ap- prove LOST to negative vote PASSED 10-0 10-0 10-0 10-0 9-0 10-0 9-2 11-0 11-0 10-1 5-6 *Henley Abstained Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMP, AR¥ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: December 19, 1988 PAGE: Two AGENDA ITEM NO F/1/d F/2 F/2/a F/2/b F/2/c F/2/d F/2/e F/2/g F/3 F/4 SUBJECT To empower the City to adopt certain fire safety regulations CAP ITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Ordinance to adopt FY 1988-89/ FY 1992-93 CIP/appropriate $310,668,574, subject to funds being provided from various sources setforth therein Ordinance to AMEND Section 35-137 of the Code re the 4.5 percent tax levy on Restaurant Meals Ordinance to AMEND Section 35-159 of the Code re 4.5 per- cent tax levy on Hotel/Motel Lodging Ordinance authorizing issuance of General Obligation Bonds in maximum amount of $26,300,000 for various public facilities/ general improvements Ordinance authorizing issuance of water/sewer system Revenue Bonds in maximum amount of $17,800,000 Ordinance establishing 92.2 cents tax levy on real estate for tax fiscal Year 1989 Ordinance authorizing issuance of General Obligation Bonds in maximum amount of $8,000,000 for road/h i ghway/bri dge purposes Resolution approving "Alternate A" of London Bridge Road Phase I authorizing procedure with de- sign and r-o-w acquisition Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $68,994 to the Sheriff's Department for a food services contract MOTION TO Remove f rom Charter Amend- ments and ADD under "Other J ssues" "stricter fi re regulations/ bui Iding re- q u i rements under the Uni- form Statewi de Building Code" APPROVED Adopted SECOND READ lNG Adopted SECOND READING Adopted SECOND READING Adopted SECOND READING Adopted SECOND READING Adopted SECOND READING Adopted SECOND READING Deferred to 1/9/89 Adopted SECOND READING PASSED 11-0 9-2 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 8-3 8-3 10-0 11-0 AGENDA ITEM ~ F/5 G/1 G/2 G/3 G/4 G/5 G/6 G/7 G/8 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUNNARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: December 19, 1988 PAGE: Three SUBJECT I NDUSTR I AL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS: Resolution approving refunding, by Portsmouth Redevelopment/ Housing Authority, its 1985 Housing Bond: Regency Apartments Associates, Ltdo - $28,150,000 Resolution appointing School Board Members for a term of three years, starting January 1, 1989/pursuant to Section 22.1- 29.1, Code of Virginia Ordinance to AMEND Section 13-4 of the Code re Food Service Manager's certification Ordinance consenting to the mortgage, by Resort Satel Iite Communications, Inc., of its Cable Television System for the purpose of obtaining funds to finance the building out of the system Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $30,000 to the Sandbridge Volunteer Res- cue Squad for a.new ambulance Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $61,480 to MH/MR/Substance Abuse for en- hancements to Detox Services Ordinance authorizing Cost Part- icipation Agreement with Lake- side Construction Corporation for construction of certain water facilities (Red Mill Farm Phase 3-C) PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH 51% Neighborhood Participation: a. Highland Acres - Sanitary Sewer $1,370,000.00 b. Old Princess Anne - Water & Sanitary Sewer $130,000.00 BINGO/RAFFLE PERMITS: DIAMOND SPRINGS GARDENWOOD PARK - BINGO OSIA ROMA LODGE ~254 - BINGO GREEN RUN ATHLETIC BOOSTE CLUB - RAFFLE LIFE SAVING MUSEUM OF VIRGINIA - RAFFLE TIDEWATER DOWN SYNDROME SUPPORT GROUP - RAFFLE VIRGINIA BEACH ORCHESTRA ASSOCIATION - RAFFLE CHESAPEAKE BAY SKATING CLUB - BINGO/RAFFLE MOTION TO Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Approved FIRST READING Approved FIRST READING Adopted Approved Approved PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SI,,It, J4AR¥ OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM ~ 6/8 G/9 G/lO H H/1 H/2 H/3 H/4 H/5 I ADD ON ADD ON DATE: December 19, 1988 PAGE: Four SUBJECT OLD DOMONION AQUATIC CLUB - BINGO/RAFFLE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA BEACH - RAFFLE Tax Refunds - $4,820.40 License Refunds - $4,542.89 APPOINTMENTS: BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Circuit Court Appointment of PAUL N. SU1-FON COld, UN I TY SERV ICES BOARD 3-Year Term 1/1/89- 12/31/91 Michael J. Barrett Jacqueline B. Beach Frances C. Curtis PUBL I C L I BRARY BOARD Unexpired through 8/31/89 Crisanto D. Romero RESORT AREA ADV I SORY COHM I SS I ON 3-Year Term 1/1/89- 12/31/91 Timothy Barrow, Chair Thomas C. Ky rus Thomas S. Shadrick, Vice Chair R. Dawson Taylor Robert H. Vakos 2-Year Term 1/1/89- 12/31/90 David R. Hager Roger F. Newil I R. J. Nutter Edmund C. Ruff in Patricia L. Wallace 1-Year Term 1/1/89 - 12/31/89 Bruce L. Thompson Betty C. Wells 1-Year Term 1/1/89- 12/31/89 R. Patrick Gomez Janis H. Kitchin Lawrence R. Siegel VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4-Year Term 1/1/89 - 12/31/92 John Boon Resolution requesting the State Heal th Department issue Mrs. Mamie Brock a septic tank permit Authorized City Manager to negotiate with property owner re Southeastern area Recreation Center site for office zoning MOTION TO Approved Deferred Approved Approved Circuit Court Appointment - No Action Ap po i nted Appointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Appointed Reappointed Adopted As Amended Ap p rove d PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 8-2 BY CONSENSUS AGENDA ITEM ~ J/1 ADD ON CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUNMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: December 19, 1988 PAGE: Five SUBJECT Interim Financial Statements for July 1, 1988, through October 31 , 1988 In accordance with City Code Section 2-83, the Mayor declared December 23, 1988, a CITY EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY ADJOURNMENT: 6:30 PM RHS CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS RESCHEDULED JANUARY 17, 1989 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE OF JANUARY 16 "LEE-JACKSON-KING DAY" JANUARY 30, 1989 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE OF JANUARY 2 "NEW YEAR'S DAY OF HOLIDAY" All other Sessions will be in accordance with the City Code MOTION TO Accepted PASSED H E 0 F I 'M B E S 'C E N C H lC R A B R 0 N A M D L E B L N 0 0 K S E E A S R O, .S R Y N S F BY CONSENSUS BY CONSENSUS