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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 26, 1988SI]IXAR! ~ COITiIC:ZL ACTZOIS DATE: September 26, 1988 PAGE: AGENDA ITEM NO. Ii/IIi F/1/a F/1/b F/1/c ~'/1 Id F/1/e F/1/f F/1/g F/1/h SUBJECT COUNCIL CONF~ENCE SESSION: CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS CHARLES F. BURROUGHS, JR. petition for the closure of a portion of Five Forks Road at First Oourt Road/Greenwell Road ( BAYSIDE BOROUGH) H. LEON HODGES, et al, petition for the closure of a portion of Holly Road at 48th Street (VIRGINIA BEACH BCROLIGH) KOGER PROPERTIES, INC. petition for the closure of a portion of Newtown Road, South of Larry Avenue (BAt"SIDE BOROUGH) D(~INION BUILDING CORPORATION for the closure of a portion of Dwyer Road (PRINCESS ANNE BOR) Bequest for Beconsideration of ODnditions in the petition of DOMINION BUILDING CORPORATION for the closure of a portion of Dwyer Road (PRINCESS ANNE BOR) approved, subject to cc~mpliance of conditions on March 9, 1987 MAC ASSC~IATES AT 412 16th Street (VIRGINIA B~CH BCROUGH): COZ frc~ R-5S to R-T4 AND CUP: child care center EX~DN CCMPANY USA CUP: car wash/gasol ine p~ps/conveni- ence store at Northwest inter- section of Holland Road/South Plaza Trail, at 4240 Holland Road (K~4PSVILLE BOROUGH) FALSE CAPE ENTERPRISES CUP: recreational facility of an out- door nature on East side of Las Brisas Drive (PRINCESS ANNE BOR) PETER SURPRENANT at ~olland Road/Arth~ Avenue, Pecan Gardens ( PR INC ESS ANNE BOROUGH ) COZ from A-12 to B-2, AND, CUP: auto repair MOT ION TO 10/10/88 GRANTED FINAL APPROVAL GRANTED ad- ditional 60- day DEFERRAL for cc~pl l- ance to I 1/28/88 GRANTED ad- d itional one year DEFERRAL to 9/25/89 SC RRDULED Re- con s id era t ion of conditions for 10/24/88 ALL(~ED WITHDRAWAL ALLC~ED WITH DRAW AL DEF ~RED ad- ditional 30 days to 10/24/88 10/10/'88 APPROVED APPROVED/ COND IT IONED PASSED 11 -0 10-1 1 1-0 11-0 10-1 11-0 1 I -0 1 1-0 11-0 1 I-0 11-0 Y Y IY Y Y ClX! ~' VX~GXIIX~ B~CW DATE: September 26, 1988 PA GE: TWo AGENDA ITEM NO. Fl1 Ii F/1/j ~/1/k F/1/m Fl1/n Gl1 H/1 SUBJECT McGINNIS REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CCMPANY at 307-309 34th Street (VIRGINIA BEACH BCROUGH): COZ from A-12 to R-T4 CUP: home for the aged JOHN S. & ~ILY M. HATHAWAY COZ from R-10 tD 0-1 at 324 Overland Boad (KEMPSVILLE BORO~H) KENNETH A. HALL on General Booth Boulevard, North of London Bridge Boad (PRINCESS' ANNE BCR): COZ from AG-2 to B-2 CUP: motor vehicle sales & serwice SOUTHLAND C(~PORATION CUP: gas sales/convenience store at Independence Boulevard/Pleasure House Boad on Lots 59, 60, 61 & 62A, Shelton Place (BA~IDE B~R) COLBY D. REVERT Variance to Sections 4.4(b) & 4.4(d) Sub- d ivi sion Ord ina~ce, requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, at 627 T~mberland Trail (LYNN~AVEN BCR) Ordinances to AMEND & REC~DAIN the O3m~rehensive Zoning 0rdi- nance: Section 203(a) (38) - Shoppin~ Center Parking Section 5A.4(a) - Site Plan Ordinance - Interior coverage requirements of Parking Lot Landscape Requirements Re sol ut ion author i zing/d ir ec ting the City Manager to ~oceed with design of the Virginia Beach Community Center/ Baysid e RESOLUTION: ~he Honorable Robert G. Jones MOT ION TO SUB STIT UTE MOT ION to APPROVE LOST MAIN MOT ION TO DENY DENIED ALLOWED WITH DRAWA L ALLOWED # 1TH DRANAL APmOVED/ CreDIT IONED ALLOWED WITHDRAWAL 10/24/~e ADOPTED Site A ADOPTED PASSED 9-2 4-7 7-4 7-3 1 1-0 11-0 10-1 11-0 11-0 9-2 1 1-0 CITY OF VIR'~I~ BEAf:H S~M#AR! ~ COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: September 26, 1988 PAGE: Three AGENDA ITEM NO. H/2 H/3 SUBJECT AGRE~4ENTS/CLARIFICATIONS be- tween the City & School Board: To establish & operate a Joint Cable Center, AND To create a Joint Cable Center Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE MOT ION TO ADOPTED ADOPTED $1 8,677 from United Way for ~position in Social Services re l infant day care H/4 LC~ BI DS: H/4/a Ballard Construction Company $1,140,000.00 for Boardwalk Revitalization & Oceanfront Connector Parks H/4/b Brown Building Corporation $1,469,000.00 expansion of Kempsville Area Library H/4/c Cro,,dder Construction Company, Inc. $283,565.50 construction of Back Bay Marina Bridge Resolution directing the City Attorney to appeal the decision of the Circuit Court of the .City :of Virginia Beach in the case ~/ styled S~NDBRIDGE DEVELOPMENT / C(~PORATION VS. THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH J RE~3EST FOR RECONSIDERATION of conditions on the June 1 3, 1988 APPROVED New Life Presbyterian Church for a CUP (Princess Anne Borough) ADD ON REQI3EST FOR RECONSIDERATION of conditions: Application of Trustees, Sandbridge Community Chapel United Methodist Church for a CUP for a church at Little Island Road/Bonita I~n on Lot 16, Sec. 1, at Sandpiper Road/Bonita Bonita Lane on Lots 86-90, Sec. 2, Tract C, Sandbridge Beach. (PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH). APPROVED by City fbuncil 3/1 4/88 ADJOURS~4ENT: 10:43 PM CITY COUNCIL SESSION RESCHEDULED CCTOBER 31, 1988 - 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE OF OCTOBER 3 "VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE" All other Sessions will be in accordance with the City Code I ADD ON S ~COND READING APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED ADOPTED SCHEDULED for 10/24/88 SCHEDULED for 10/24/88 PASSED 11-0 1 1-0 11-0 1 1-0 1 1-0 11-0 1 1-0 I 1-0 F E N B T A B R L A E 0 .M S R Y IY {Y IY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y M C H C E L N A L N E A Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0 B E R N M D O 0 S R S F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P A P R E K R E R R Y Y Y ¥ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y