HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 21, 1987CITY OF VIRSINIA BEAC~ S~Y OF ODUNCIL ACTI~ EtRTE: Dece~ber 21, 1987 PAGE: One I. II. Fe G, H.l.a. H. 1.b. H.l.c. H.l.d. H. 1.e. H.l.f. Iolo SUBJECT PROCLAMATION: SMILE WEEK - January 10-16, 1987 PUBLIC HEARING: MARION MANOR, INC. -Tax Exempt Status 5titchell E. Dunbar: discontu- ance, closure/abandorment of portion of Maynard Street at Cleveland St. (Kempsville Bor.) J. J. O'Keefe: Variance to Section 4.1(b)(1) of the Subdivision Ordinance pertainirg to existing arterial or collect- 'or streets (Lynnhaven Bor. ) Devon Holloway: (309 South Bird- neck RDad (Lynnhaven Bor.): MOTION TO Confimed FINAL APPROVAL of 9/21/87 1/25/88 Deferred for Staff Review Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance to meet all requirements of Zoning Ordinance; ~~ AND, ~ I COZ fr~n I-1 to R-5 South Bird- neck Noad/South of Beautiful St. M. W. & M. W. Investments, Inc.: COZ (Lynnhaven Bor. ): Fr(x, A-1 to A-2 on Neagan Ave/ Old Great Neck Nd; AND, Frcm R-5 to A-2 on Reagan Ave/ Busky Lane Denied Approved/ conditioned Approved Encroachnent for a fence rather than street clos- ure/subj ect to certain cond i t ions Adopted Dmoco Oil Company: CUP: auto serv ice station (gas p~nps/ supply only) Shore Drive/Star- fish Noad (Lynnhaven Bor.) l~./Mrs. Bruckner: d~.scontinu- ance/closure/abandorment of por- tion of 5bb Tide Road at ~pe Henry Drive (Lynnhaven Bor. ) Resolution supporting legisla- tion which will designate prop- erty owned by Marion Manor, Inc. as being EX~4PT from State and Local taxation. PASSED 10-1 10-1 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 Y Y M O S O B E R N D O R P A R K E AGENDA ITEM ND. J, 1, Je2e Ke CITY OF VIBSINIA BEAC~ S[~M~%RY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS KtRTE: December 21, 1987 PAGE: TWo SUBJECT Ordinance to APPRO~IATE a $4500 grant from the Division of Lit- ter Control for the tenth year/ expansion of the Clean Community Progran Ordinance appointin~ viewers in petition of Leon Hodg e s/ Fl or i ne Johnson/Shepherd Drewry for clo- sure of a portion of Holly Nd. (Virginia Beach Bor.) APPOINTMENTS: ARTS & HUMANITIES CCMMISSION Unexpired 2-Year Tern throu~3h 6/30/89 CCMM~ITY SERVICES BCI~RD 3-Year Term: 1/1/88-12/31/90 FRANCIS LAND HOUSE Board of Governors 3-Year Term: 1/1/88-12/31/90 ANDt Changed Membership Status to EX OFF IC IO PLANNING CCI~JISS ION 4-Year Term: 1/1/88-12/31/91 3-Year Term: 1/1/88-12/31/90 MC~ION TO ;~opted SECOND READING ~dopted A1 ice ~llen IB~=appointed: M V Cornetti MECox G Stillman R L Wick APPOINTED: C R Burke B B Taylor C D Vail K Swartz D A Burke J K Connors Forrest S McClanan D Groc hual H Whi tehurst N~appo inted: D J Arris J Dockery F D Reid l~appo inted: R W Clyburn J A Fahey J M Fletcher L M Tebault PASSED 9-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-1 11-0 6-5 9-2 11-0 9-2 9-2 F E N T R E S S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I M B S H R s cc p H E J O N O~ M D R B L N O O K E E E S R R Y S_ _.s F.._ /Parker Abstained Y Y Y K~ n, lo M/N CITY OF ~IR~INIA BEA(~ ~Y OF COUNCIL ACTIONS [IRTE: December 21, 1987 PAGE: 2hr ee SUBJECT SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA AREAWIDE MODEL PROGRAM Board of Directors 4-Year Term: 1/1/88-12/31/91 CHANGED MJ{MBERSHIP STKTUS TO EX OFFICIO VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4-Ye ar Term: 1/1/88-12/1/91 TIDEWATER DETENTION HCME BC~d~D OF ZONING APPEALS TIDEWATER CCMMUNITY COLLEGE - Annual t~port AD30~ENT: 6: 05 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION DECSMBER 28, 1987 CANCELLED HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Mf~ ION TO REAPPOINTED: Mary Hu~hes .APPOINTED: MB NEVAIA S ~DUSION, Sr REAPPOINTED: F M Haynie D Hel fant 1/4/88 CONFIRMED APPOIN~ME~ VIRGINIA BEACH CIRCUIT COURT: Janes A. PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 BY CONSENSUS FOR THE RECORD