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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 23, 1987DATE: Ncwenber 23, 1987 P~GE: Cne AGENDA ITEM NO. IXI/A v/V/F/ 1 V/G~/a V/ /1/b SLBJECT CZO WORKS HDP BRIEFING: 1988 Legislative Package CITY COUN2IL CONCERNS PUBLIC HEARING: Nmcreation ~nter Tax Increase (3.8 Gents per $100 Assessed Value) (Effective July 1, 1988: $0. m5) Petition: Sigr~t fhterprises, ltd. for discontinuance/closure/ abandorrnent of portion of %hcmpkins lane on East Gocdview Dr. (Kempsville Rcr.) F. Wayne M~Iesk~y, Jr./Mortons Baye fbrp.: (I]5: frGn PD-H1 to B-2 on Mystic Owe Er ./Shore Dr. Lots 4/11 ~arts of 5/7/8/10, Block 3 5, Ocean Park ( Bayside Bcr. ) V/G/1/c Henry Mart in: (]JP: hone occupa- Ition (direct mail business) cn 1(2304 North Wolf~nare Dr.) } (Lynnhaven Bur .) V/G/1/d IH & B Investments: on Indian I River N~./Kenpsville R~. 1(5253 Indian River R~.) I (Kenpsville Bor.) I~1%R: to Sec. 4.4(d) of SUb- Idivision Ozdinar~e pertainirg to }direct access to a public street 1(33P: auto repair establishment, V/G/1/e IKenneth D./Kathleen S. Barefoot: IOOg: from O-1 to A-2 on Faunp- Iville R~./Irdian River R~. I (Kempsville Bur .) IIsabell M. Cross/Nose M. Faris: I(IYZ: fron R-6 to A-2 on Irdian I River R~ ./Kempsville Nfl. I (K~npsville Bcr.) V/H I P~solution requestirg BZA affirm ADD-ON Idetermination of Zoning ARmini- I strator re: need for variances If or relocation of certain bill- Iboards located on Virginia Beach M~I~ q_O Deferred 90 days to March 7, 1988 cord it ioped Allowed/ 'wi thd raval withirawal B~ ferred back to P1 anning Ounni s sion-- I~pplicant Ipayirg all advertising GOStS Denied Adopted 10-1 9-2 1i-0 10-1 10-1 6-5 10-1 B A B L A K U O M Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N Y Y F E N T R E S S Y Y H E I S C H O B E R Y Y Y H E N L E Y Y Y Y Y R J O N E S . , Y Y Y y, Y ,M C C L A N A N N Y Y O B E R N M D O O S R S F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P A ] K E R Y Y Y Y DATE: Ncw~nber 23, 1987 R~GE: Two AG~E~ V/H/2 IN, solution to pursue the issuance ~dopted Iof minibon~s, not to exceed $2,000,000 for the Development of the City's Capital Projects (kd inance authari zin~ the issuance of General Cbligation BDr~s of the City in the maxi- mun anoL~t of $8-Million for roa~hi~h%ay/br id3e purposes; Ordinar~e to AOCEPT/APPRDPRIATE $8-Mil lion for road/high%~y/ Ibrid~e purposes as a result of voter approval of the Eight- ~uthority Neferend~n (November 3, 1987 ) V/H/3 Oxdinar~e establishin3 the Tax I Levy on N~al Estate for Tax I Fiscal Year 1989, effective IJuly 1, 1988, at $0.915 per I$100 Assessed Value V/H/4 I Ozdinar~e to en~a~e services of I Wyatt Ckxa~y as consul rants to Ireview/evaluate the Rn~oyee IGroup ~alth Prograns Crdinance to AMEND Sec. 23-50 of the Code pertainir~ to aocnmu- lations of tras~garbag~excess- ive growth of weeds or grass v/ /1 V/I/2 V/~/3 V/ยข/4 O~inar~e to AMEND Sec. 37-7.1 Iof the fbde ~__rtaining to ~ter resource recc~ery fees Appro~ ed FIRST RFADING FIRST READING Appr~ed FIRST RE~DIkIS to 12/7/87 ~dopted O~d inarne authori zin~ an agree- klDpted ment with Virginia Investment/ Morta~age Ccrp. of loan process- ing/ disbur sing/serv icing serv ices (OcxunLl%ity Develot~nent HDusing I Nehabil itatio~Last ~sort Hpusing loan program) I Ordinance to TRAN~ $2 0,000 I ~dopted frcm ~ity E~velopnent Block I Grant Funds to fund a oontrac~ I lauthorize an a~reement with I Virginia Beach Cgnmmity Develop- ment Cbrp. for a Transitional ~busing Program LC~ BID tD Asphalt RDa~s & M~ter ial s C~npany, Inc. $246, 848.10/award ing o~ntract for 19~7-1988 Bit~ninous Cbncrete & Profiling M~intenance Schedule, Cbntract II, Ehase II of the Bmsurfacing/Infrastruc- ture Improvement Progran B A IL IK Io 11-0 11-0 11-0 IO-O 11-0 10-0 ll-O 11-0 10-0 B A U M H E I S C F E N T H R O E B S E R C H C E J L N OIA L ~IN E EIA Y SIN M O S S O B E R N D O R F P A P R E K R E k R Y IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY IY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A A Y Y A Y Y Y Y AGENE~ ITf~4 NO. V/I/6 v/J V/K/~ E~TE: 23, 1987 PAGE: ~hree SLBJECT MOTION RAFFLE PE~4IT: ~merica~ Business Wcmen's ~s sociation SPSA I Aubrey V. I W~tts, Jr. I City [ thexpir ed Itenm ending 16/3o/9o I Aubrey V. I City Ma~ term end ing ~2/3/ss I~djourrment: 12:40 AM Ncw~mber 24, 1987 10-0 11-0 B A B L A K U O M F E N T R E S S E I I I I IM S IR lC C HI IC H EIJIL O NIOIA B L IN IN E EIEIA RIP M DIRE o OIK ~ S RIE ~ S F IR % Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y