HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 26, 1987AGENDA ITSM NO. v/s I b /G i c IV/G/e ~V/G/f DATE: October 26, 1987 PAGE: Cne SL~CT MOTION TO CERSMONIAL PRE~qENTATIO~S: M~I~Dr' s (lmmtittee for the Disabled Arnual Awazds Mayor's Ccnnmittee on ~ging Little Miss Vi~ inia Beach: Jennifer Lee ~arvie Little Miss t~nillippines: Jerrralyn A. Jorge t~BLIC HEARING: Rpurteenth Year fkmmm~ity Develol~nent Block Grant Progran: ~, 1~, 000 RECONSIDERATION in behalf of ~mer~ed Vi~inia Beach Marlin Club, Inc.: 8/10/70 CUP Icor~ ition to (harles O. Peel: CUP: apprc~ed l allow one Iby City Ootncil ~ugust 10, 1970: Iparking space Ipublic marina with. related fac- Iper boat slip/ lilities, including office, fuel lADD: no other I Idoc~bulkhea~pil in~u~lkuay/ for uses other than boat slips cn Winston Salem Ave./ parking fDr Mediterrar~an Ave. (Shadowlawn Ithe marina/ Heights) (Virginia Beach Bor.) IBestaurant R~CCNSIDERATION: Virginia Beach IRnended S.P.C.A., CUP: apprc~ed by City 112/22/86 CUP (b~cil December 22, 1986: Ito allow animal Pospital/poun~shel ter/ lenlarged ]kennel on Pblland N~ ./Land stown Ibuilding with R~. (Prir~ess Anr~ Bcr. ) I s~ne oor~i- Itio~ADD: all facilities to be enclosed Marie T. lamb: CCE: from R-8 to A-1 at 4973 Bonney R~. (Kempsv il le Bpr.) De ferred fDr proffers to be s ut]nitted in meeting for City ~ttorney' s review L. L./~irley Elizabeth Livennen: Deferred CCZ: from B-1 to B-2 on South Ito 12~/87 Mil itary High~y/Dyer P1 ace (Kempsv il le BDr.) Nonald H. / Sandra C. Wood: CCZ: fr~n R-5 to R-8 on Stun~y lake la./Indian River R~. (Kempsville ~.) Cntario Develo~nent, Inc.: CUP: auto repair establishnent (Car Care Mall Autoncbile Service Oenter) on Indian River R~ ./ Kenpsville R~. (Kenpsville Bc~.) A1 lc~=d Withdrawal cond it ioned 7-4 11-0 9-1 10-0 10-0 7-4 B A L K O IY B A U M Y Y F E N T R E S S E I S C H O B E R . Y Y I I IM RIc H E N oIa L E Y S N Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y * IY Y Y Heisc~ob~r ~bs~aiJed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y O B E R N D O O S R S F , , N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N P A R K E R E F Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y A N Y DATE: October 26, 1987 PAGE: Two AGENDA IT~ NO. zv/ /2 SLBJECT Ordinance designating certain 1MDtion to appointees/euployees to file a lapprcwe disclosure statement of persDnal Ilost to interests specified in Sec 2.1- Inegative vote 639. 15 of the Cbde of Virginia, State anti Local Gcv errmen't · (bnflict of Interests Act Ordinance to AMEND Sec 6-31 of the Cede pertainirq to shark fishing at Little Islar~ Park IV/~3 Ordinance to transfer $15, 513 frcu the City Treasurer to Social Services/S19, 420 within Social Sezvices for support costs for issuance of food staups frcu Dec~nber 9, 1987, to June 30, 1988; AND, transfer t%o full-t/me permanent positions frcla the City Treasurer to Social Services to p~cw id e staffir~ for issuance of food Istam~ IV/~4 I ordinance to transfer $80,000 Iwithin Public Wcrks for signal- lization of the intaresection of 'lOceana Blvd./Eaqle~0cfl Drive. IV/I/1 IOzdinar~e to aocep~appropriate Igrants frclu Southeastern Vi~inia Areawide Model Prcgrau, Inc. (SEVAMP): IV~'[/2 Depar~aent of ~ntal ~alth and Mental Retardation - $33,472 Depar~nent of P~alth $ 4, 412 Ordinar~e to authcrize a t~mpo- Irary encroachuent into a portion of City property krown as man- made canal to Lor~ Creek to David G. Bennett, Sr./Joan E. Bennett ~do~ed ~do~ed FIRST READING IV/I/3 Preliminary SUbdivision of Sea- ~pproved boa/d Associates (5 lots below Ithe green line) -- Developer be Irequired to cDnnect to City Iwater and se~r systems IV/I/4 I L(~ BID Asphalt RDads & M~terials hpproved I fb., Inc. $694. 533.92 fc~ first Iphase of current FY 1987-1988 arnual resurfacir~ program B A L K PASSED O I I IF IE IN IT SIR AlE UiS MIS H E I S C H O B E R R H E J N O L N E E Y S M C C L AIM AlS O B E R P N A [ D o KI$ F IR IY 2-9 IN IN'IN IN IN IN IY IY' IN IN'I~ 10-1 IY 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 IY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y AGENDA DATE: October 26, 1987 PAGE: ~hree EJECT IV/I/5 I LCW BID North Iand~g Line OPn- I struction Canpany $385,408 to Iprovide o~nputer o~nmm~ications to signal systens along t~i~ess ~nne R~ ./Virginia Beach Blvd./ Kempsville N~./Irdeperdence Bivd./NDs~nont R~./Great Neck R~./First Colonial R~./Irdian River N2. MOTION TO LON BID Faloon Opnstru~tion (brp. Approved B A L K O B A U M IV/I/7 rv ls ~v/J $101,018 to provide new imprc~ed water service/fire protection to residents in the Woodhurst area RAFFLE PEFMI TS: Little Neck Circle of Kings Daughters F~_mpsville Junior High ScPool Bar~ Parents Association License refurds - $4, 360.85 APPO~TS: PERSONNEL BOARD TRAb~ PORFATION SAFETY CCMMISSION IV/K Director of k3riculture ADD-ON lauthorized to respor~ to Article re: "Truck Co~ers" as related to tru~ks hauling farm products v/n/1 Secor~ Ip~st Bid to Pr e con ODnstruction Conpauy $718, 891.75 for STREETSC~ improvenents in the resort area alor~ Atlantic Recess to ~kecutive Session for t~r s~nnel M~tter @11: 40 PM ~appointed Janes A. Ev~ns 3 yr term (11/1/87 - 10/31/90) Re appo in ted Ibis 5D st ic AND, N~eves Johnson 3 yr term (11/1/87 - 10/31/90) AND, Appointed John L. Perry 3 yr term (11/1/87 - 10/3z/ ) BY CONSF/~US 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 1 1-0 11-0 11-0 Y Y Y IY Y Y Y Y Y IY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y IY Y Y Y Y Y H E I S C H H E O N $ IL E E R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y R Y Y Y Y Y Y M C C L A N A N Y M O S S Y Y Y Y Y O B E R N D O R F Y Y Y Y R E K ~ E B R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ADD-ON DATE: October 2~, 1987 PAGE: ~Our EJECT ~he Mal~Dr reconvened the l~Drmal Session ~ ann~e~ Mr. Maehlenbeck has accepted City M~la~er's position in PlarD, Texas; and City Oo~cil's appointment of Aubrey V. Watts, Jr., as City M~nager of Virginia Beach, effective within the next 90 days. ADJOURhMSlqT: 12:05 BY CONSENSUS B A L K O B R A E U S M S H E I S C H O B E R IM S N M O S S D R O K R E F R