HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 28, 1989CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUNNARY OF COUNC I L ACT IONS AGENDA ITEM ~ I/A I I/A Ill/IV D E F/1 G/1 G/2 H/1 H/2 H/3 H/4 HI5 DATE: August 28, 1989 PAGE: On e SUBJECT BRIEFING: VIRGINIA MARINE SCIENCE MUSEUM EXPANSION CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS INFORMAL/FORMAL SESS IONS CERTIFICATION OF EXEC SESSION MINUTES - August 21, 1989 PRESENTAT I ON .' SOUTHEASTERN VA EXPRESSWAY- Va Dept of Highways Resolution provdng for distrbtn of Prelimnry Offcl Stmt/Offrng Circular with the issuance/sale of $40,210,000 G 0 Bonds, Series of 1989A/$2,000,000 G 0 Bonds, Series of 1989B (Capital Apprctn Mlnlbonds) of the City Amendment to Ordnce (adopted 12/12/88) authrzng issuance of G 0 Bonds in max of $26,300,000 for pubic faclts/gnrl imprvmts Resol ut lon authrzng enl rgmt nonconforming use/structure at 603 20th St property of Joy/Russe I I Ta I l ey Ordnce to authrz acquistn of proprty in fee simple for r-o-w for Indpndnce Blvd, Phase I IA-2/ acquistn of easements Ordnce to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $112,500 Grant for Homeless Intervent ion Program Ord nce to ACCEPT/APPROPRI ATE state aid to Libraries FY 89-90 Operating Budget Ordnce to TRANSFER $50,000 for a loan to Neptune Festival/Ocean Occasions "First Night" Perfrmng Arts Celebratn, 12/31/89 MOTION TO APPROVED APPROVED iVDOT SCHEDULE: "P LAN RE V I EW" Va Bch Pavilion 9/11 - 12/8g 12 Noon - 8 PM Ches Holiday Inn 9/18- 19/8g 12 Noon - 8 PM "PUBLIC HEARING" lVa Bch Pav illon 9/25- 26/89 2 PM- 9 PM Ches Holiday Inn 9/27 - 28/89 2PM-9PM ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED SECOND READING ADOPTED SECOND READ I NG APPROVED FIRST READING PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 7-1 Y NIYIY *Fentress, Heischober, and Perry abstained CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUNMARY OF COUNC I L ACT IONS AGENDA ITEM ~ H/6 H/7 H/7/a H/7/b I/1/a I/2/a /2/b I/2/c I/2/d I/2/e I/2/f I/2/g l/2/h I/2/i I/2/j DATE: August 28, 1989 PAGE: Two SUB JECT Authrz Fi re Chief Harry E. Dlezel as the Emergency Mngmt Coordintr LOW BIDS: North Star Corp/Rudee In let Bul khead/$201,045. O0 Ordway Constr Co/Larkspur Contract 11/$698,741.00 MURRAY WHOLESALE DRUG CORP Condtl Zoning from R-7.5 to 0-1 on Lot 29, Thai ia VII lage (4353 Bonney Rd) (KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH) ROBERT J. RUHL/DEPT OF ECONOMIC DVLPMT for closure of portion of Bayside Rd at Air Rail Rd (BAYS I DE BOROUGH) A.R.C. INC CUP: comunctns tower/ equpmt b idg at Kempsvllle Rd/ Centrv I Trnpk(KEMPSVI LLE BOROUGH) TAYLOR SALT/CHEMICAL CO CUP: bulk storage yard on Lot 32, London Bridge Indstrl Park II on Central Dr/London Bridge Rd ( LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH) VEST AND SONS AUTO SALES, I NC CUP: auto repair/body work on Va Bch Bird/First Colonial Rd (LYNNHAVE BOROUGH) TIDEWATER IMPORTS CUP: car wash on Va Bch Blvd/Cranston Lane ( LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH) TALC ASSOC CUP: motor vehicle sales/rentals on Broad Meadows Blvd/Newtown Rd (BAYS IDE BOROUGH) RICK G/ANNE B SPALENKA CUP: retail sales of garden/nursery supplies on Princess Anne Rd/ North Stowe Rd (1057 Princess Anne Rd) (PUNGO BOROUGH EDW IN/FRANCES NELSON CUP: duplex on Indian Rvr Rd/Princess Rd (PUNGO BOROUGH) DAVID M. LUSTIG Variance to Sec 4.4(d) of Subdvsn Ordnce all lots created have direct access to pubic st at 1605 Bluecher Ct ( LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH) JOSEPH NASSI Variance to Sec 4.4(b) of Subdvsn Ordnce all lots created meet reqrmts of Zon ing Ordnce at 8006/8008 Atlantic Ave (LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH) MOT ION TO APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DEFERRED TO 9/11/89 APPROVED APPROVED/ COND I T I ONED APPROVED/ COND I T I ONED APPROVED/ COND I T I ONED APPROVED/ COND IT I ONED APPROVED/ COND IT I ONED AS AMENDED DEFERRED 90 DAYS DENIED DENIED PASSED 11-0 11-0 6-5 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 8-3 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNC I L ACT IONS AGENDA ITEM ~ I/2/k K/ ADD ON DATE: Aug ust 28, 1989 PAGE: Th ree SUB JECT ROBERT W. WOODHOUSE III Variance to Sec 4.4(b) of Subdvsn Ordnce all lots created meet reqrmts of Zoning Ordnce on S. Woodside Ln/ Adam Kee Ing Rd (LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH) APPO I NTMENTS: DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Resolution reqstng BZA to appeal a decision of Va Bch Circt Crt (Bogle Dog Inc) to the Supreme Crt of Va ADJOURI~qENT: MOTION TO DEN I ED REAPPO I NTED: Andrew S. FI ne 4 year term 9/1 1/89-8/31/93 APPO I NTED: Robin Ray 4 year term 9/11/89-8/31/93 I Robert W. Carter unexpired term thru 8/31/90 REAPPO I NTED: Cristanto D. Romero 3 year term 9/1/89-8/31/92 APPOI NTED: Joy N. E liassen 3 year term 9/1/89-8/31/92 ADOPTED 8:55 PM RHS PASSED 10-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 * Fentress abstained CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS CANCELLED SEPTEMBER 4, 1989 LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER 25, 1989 APTA CONFERENCE ROSH HASHANNAH: SEPTEMBER 30, 1989 (Not a scheduled Session) OCTOBER 9, 1989 YOM K I PPUR (Rescheduled to October 30, 1989) OCTOBER 16, 1989 VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE (Rescheduled to October 30, 1989) CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS RESCHEDULED OCTOBER 30, 1989 2: O0 PM RESCHEDULE OF OCTOBER 9 and 16 Administrative/Planning Items All other Sessions will be In accordance with the City Code