HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 21, 1989CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM ~ I I/A I/B ~/A II I/IV D E E/1 E/2 F/1 F/2 F/3 F/4 F/5 F/6 F/7 G/1 G/2 DATE: August 21, 1989 PAGE: One SUBJECT CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS: REGIONAL JAIL FACILITY HOMELESS INTERVENTION GRANT CITY COUNCIL CONCERNS INFORMAL/FORMAL SESSIONS CERTIFICATION OF EXEC SESSION MI NUTES August 14, 1989 August 16, 1989 Resolution reqstng the Commnwlth Transprtn Brd/VDOT cease the policy al lowing tree trimming on pubic r-o-w in front of bi llbrds Ordinance to AMEND Sec 21-424 of the City Code re release of a vehicle to its owner or custodian prior to -~owing Ordinance to AMEND Article III of Chptr 30 of the City Code re erosion/sediment control Ordinance to AMEND Sec 6-114 of the City Code re launchng/landng any watercraft in certain areas Ordinance to ESTABLISH reimbrsmt policy for in-city travel/meal expenses incurred by Cty Council Ordinance authrzng issuance of School Bonds in maximum amount of $68,378,000 subject to the approval of qualified voters Ordinance to TRANSFER $164,796 to fund the City's portion of the Regional Jail Facility Study Reqst of Public Works for apprvl of study phase recomdtns/authrze to proceed with design phase of rural rd imprvmts: Flanagans Ln/ Creeds Prk/Munden Pt Rd curve sec Resolution endorsing constr of addtl capacity in 1-64 Corridor as it crosses Hampton Rds/Rte 17 MOTION TO APPROVED APPROVED ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED SUBJCT TO MEETNG WITH TBA/CTY ATTY FOR FURTHER AMENDMNT/BACK TO COUNCIL 9/11/89 ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED WITH ALTERNATE C-1 WORDING FOR THE BALLOT QUESTION SECOND READING ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED PASSED 10-0 11-0 6-5 10-1 11-0 11-0 10-1 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: August 21, 1989 PAGE: Two P A P AGENDA ITEM # G/3 G/4 G/5 G/6 G/7 G/8 G/8/a 6/8/b G/8/c G/8/d G/8/d/1 G/8/d/2 G/9 H I/1 J/ ADD ON SUBJECT Ordinance to authrze acqusitn of proprty in fee simple for r-o-w Indpndnce Bird, Phase I IA-2/ acqusitn of easemts either by agreement or condemnation Ord i nance to ACCEPT/APPROPR I ATE $112,500 from the Commnwlth of Va for Homeless Intrvntn Program Ord i nance to ACCEPT/APPROPR lATE $2,950 in addtl state aid to Dept of Libraries Ordinance to TRANSFER $25,000 to Cape Henry Lighthouse Study re preservation of the Lighthouse Ordinance to authrze a temporary encrchmt into portion of r-o-w known as 15' alley, Croatan Bch, to Robert A/Mary L Barr ( LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH) LOW B IDS: McKENZ I E CONSTR CORP/$970,000/ Fire Sta #3, London Bridge MEREDITH/DRAKE CONSTR I NC/ $928,000/City Gateway Project, Visitor Information Center CONTRACTORS PAV I NG C0/$62,363.80/ r-o-w imprvmts Indian River Rd at 1-64 Off Ramp/Centrvlle Trnpk RIVER ROAD: SUBURBAN GRADING & UTILITIES/ $631,438.68/Sanitary Sewer/Water Contract I SHORELINE CONTRCTRS INC/$93,670/ Sewer Pump Sta - Contract II Tax Ref unds/$5,940.95 APPOINTMENTS: DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD Resolution directing construction of the Judicial Center Project along with an option for financing the project MAYOR'S STATEMENT/appointment of committee re Labor Day festivities at the oceanfront ADJOURNMENT: MOTION TO DEFERRED TO 8/28/89 APPROVED FIRST READING APPROVED FIRST READING ADOPTED ADOPTED APPROVED APPROVED RESCHEDULED TO 8/28/89 ADOPTED AS AMENDED WITH OPTION B FINANCING A .6¢ REAL ESTATE TAX INCREASE 3:45 PM RHS PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-1 Y Y Y Y Y I ¥ ¥ Y Y Y Y N S Y Y Y Y Y Y U S Y Y CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS CANCELLED SEPTEMBER 4, 1989 LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER 25, 1989 APTA CONFERENCE ROSH HASHANNAH: SEPTEMBER 30, 1989 (Not a scheduled Session) OCTOBER 9, 1989 YOM KIPPUR (Rescheduled to October 30, 1989) OCTOBER 16, 1989 VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE (Rescheduled to October 30, 1989) CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS RESCHEDULED OCTOBER 30, 1989 2:00 PM RESCHEDULE OF OCTOBER 9 and 16 Administrative/Planning Items All other Sessions will be in accordance with the City Code cmd 8/23/89