HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 22, 2004 AGENDA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" MAYOR MEYERA E OBERNDORF, AI-iA'.' VICE MAYOR LOUIS R. JONES, Bay,'d, - D~h"'" HARRY E DIEZEL K,mp"iJi, - D~h""] MARGARET L. WRE, C..tendli, - Dish"ct ! REBA S. M,CLANAN, Ro" Hali - Dish"" 3 RICHARD A. MADDOx. B.a,h - D"h",/6 JIM REEVE, M.""An",-Dish"" 7 PETER W. SCHMIDT AI-La'.' RON A. VlUANUEVA, AI-iA,., ROSEMARY WILSON, AI-La'.' JAMES L. WOOD, Ly..ho". -D"h"" 5 CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL BUIWING 2401 COURTHOUSEDRlVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE,(757) 427-4303 FAX (757) 426-5669 E- MAIL.- Ctycncl@vbgov.com CITY MANAGER -JAMESK SPORE CITY ATTORNEY - LESLIE L. LILLEY CITY CLERK - RUTH HODGES SMITH, MMC 22 June 2004 L CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING - Conference Room- 3:00P.M. A, MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Councilman Ron A. Villanueva IT, CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING A. WORKFORCE PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT Fagan Stackhouse, Director, Human Resources ill. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS V. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room- 4:30PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E, Oberndorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL c. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VI. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber- 6:00PM A. B. c. D. E. F. G. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E, Oberndorf INVOCATION: Reverend Tom Conant Christian Chapel PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION MINUTES 1. INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS June 8, 2004 AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H. CONSENT AGENDA I. PUBLIC HEARING 1. FY 2004-05 SCHOOL OPERATING BUDGET Proposed Amendment and Supplemental Appropriation J. 0 RDINAN CESIRESO L UTI 0 NS 1. Ordinances to AMEND and REORDAIN the City Code to reflect recent General Assembly legislative changes to the state law effective July I, 2004: a. Chapter 2, §§ 2-108 and 2-132 re employment probation period of certain public safety employees. Deferred June 8, 2004 b. Chapter 23, §23-45,1 re unlawful filming of a nonconsenting person 18 years of age or older 3. c. Chapter 7, §§ 7-47, 7-49 and 7-50, re operation of bicycles, electric power- assisted bicycles and mopeds d, § 38-1 re possession of a concealed weapon e, Chapter 21, §§ 21-2, 21-19, 21-231, 21-237, 21-295, 21-299, 21-314, 21-316.1, 21-321.2,21-244,21-377 and 21-464 and ADDING § 21-202.1, re traffic regulations effecting the operation of bicycles and mopeds; increasing fines associated with the Traffic Calming Program; increasing fees collected under the DUl cost recovery program; allowing for suspension of a driver's license for persons convicted of aggressive driving; defining "shielded or screened fÌom view" in the context of inoperable vehicles; requiring crossing guards to use hand- held stop signs; and, specifYing fines for running a red light. 2. Ordinances pertaining to the Resort Advisory Commission (RAe) a. AMEND and REORDAIN § 2-6 of the City Code re By-laws b. APPROVE amendments to the By-laws Ordinance to AMEND the FY 2004-05 operating budget; APPROPRIATE $14,556,341 in State funds, $10,680,633 previously funded, and REVISE appropriations to reallocate $3,875,708 other funds to the various categories of the School operating and capital budgets. 4. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the City Manager to execute a Deed of Release and Exchange of an Agricultural Lands Preservation (ARP) easement consisting of three (3) acres on Hungarian Road owned by Matthew J. Stuebe and Clarita Cothran, 5. Ordinance to APPOINT three Viewers for one-year terms, beginning July 1, 2004, re closures of City streets and alleys. 6. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute a Cost Participation Agreement with KGS Construction Company re construction of road improvements along Stumpy Lake Lane and Archdale Drive and to ACCEPT dedicated property fÌom Tate Terrace Realty Investors, Inc. for these improvements. 7. Ordinance to APPROVE modifications to Phase IT Project Documents re construction of a public parking garage by Town Center Associates, L.L.C. to be purchased by the Virginia Beach Development Authority (VBDA) and increase the acquisition amount up to $248,000 for safety improvements and remediation of unanticipated bad soil conditions. These modifications require the Developer to release the Theatre parcel fÌom the Option Agreement by October 1, 2004. 8. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a temporary encroachment into a portion of the City's rights-of-way at Virginia Beach Boulevard and Constitution Drive to construct and maintain in-ground lighting and irrigation by TowneBank and DIRECT the City Manager to execute the appropriate documents. (DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN) 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $861,101 fÌom the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) re roadway resurfacing and neighborhood storm water drainage. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $108,630 fÌom the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 8 funding to the FY 2003-04 operating budget of the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation re housing voucher assistance for rental payments. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $80,000 fÌom the General Fund to provide a four-year interest-free loan to the Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad re purchase of a new ambulance. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $47,550 fÌom the Wetlands and Coastal Primary Sand Dune Zoning and Chesapeake Bay Preservation ordinance violation charges to the FY 2003-04 operating budget of the Department of Agriculture re wetlands and coastal primary sand dune restoration and enhancement projects. Resolution to AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the City Manager to execute the Urban System Construction Program Administration Agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) re the urban highway construction program. K. PLANNING 1. Applications for the discontinuance. closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue to its intersection with Virginia Beach Boulevard vacating internal lot lines to create one unified parcel. (DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE) a. CORNELIUS F. and ANTONINA S. BOYNTON, JR. b. LOPE B. and MERCY PILE Recommendation: APPROVAL 2. Application of HELEN L. SCOTT for a Conditional Use Permit re family day care in an existing single family dwelling at 646 Garfield Avenue. (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL) Recommendation: APPROVAL L. M. N. O. Agenda 6124'O4\gw www,vbgov.com 3. Applications of PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. re retail sales establishment specializing in auto parts and undefined future expansion. (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a. Chan~e ofZonin~ District Classification fÌom AG-I and AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional B-2 Community Business District at 4164 West Neck Road near Princess Anne Road. b, Modification of Conditions re a Conditional Use Permit (approved by City Council on November 24, 1998, in behalf ofMr. and Mrs. Philip Wayne Murden, Jr.). Recommendation: Applicant and Staff Request DEFERRAL to July 13, 2004 APPROVAL 4. Applications of HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. at 1771 Princess Anne Road. (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a. Chan~e of Zonin~ District Classification fÌom AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District. b. Conditional Use Permit for a self storage facility Recommendation: APPOINTMENTS ARTS and HUMANITIES COMMISSION CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA BOARD HEALTHSERV~ESBOARD HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD WETLANDS BOARD UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT ** * * * * * * * * If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, call: TDD only 427-4305 (TDD - Telephonic Device for the Deaf) *********** I. CITY COUNCIL BRIEFING - Conference Room- 3:00P.M. A. MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT Councilman Ron A. Villanueva IT. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING A. WORKFORCE PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT Fagan Stackhouse, Director, Human Resources llI. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS v. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room- 4:30PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL c. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION - Council Chamber - VI. FORMAL SESSION A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 6:00PM CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf INVOCATION: Reverend Tom Conant Christian Chapel PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION MINUTES 1. INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS June 8, 2004 AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION CONSENT AGENDA 1Brønluttnu CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Virginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS: Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Session was conducted in conformity with Virginia Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the bes! of each member's knowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia Law were discussed in Closed Session to which this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. 1. PUBLIC HEARING 1. FY 2004-05 SCHOOL OPERATING BUDGET Proposed Amendment and Supplemental Appropriation NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Amendment to tile FY 2004-05 Operating Budget: Supplemental Appropriation 01 $14,5S6.341 In S1ate Revenue to tile School Operating Budget and Capital Projects On Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 6 P.M., tile Virginia Beach City Coun- cil will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chamber of the City Hall Building. 2401 Courthouse Drive. Virginia Beach. Virginia, on a pro- posed amendment to the FY 20()4{)5 Operating Budget re supplemen- tal appropriations of $14,556,341 from additional State revenue to the School Operating Budget in the categories of Instruction, Opera- tions, Maintenance and Pupil Transportation. Proposed capital projects include: Aitemative Education Facility - Phase I; Consolidated VIrginia Beach Middle/Kemps Landing Magnet High School Addition - Phase I. and Phase II; Eiementary School 2007; and School Bus Garage Facmty Renovation/Expansion. A copy of the proposed ord~ nance providing details about the appropriation for each project and category is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Individuals desiring to provide oral or written comments may do so by contacting the City Clerk's office at 427-4303 or appearing at the Hearing. If you are physically disabled, or hearing or visually impaired. or you need assistance at this meeting, please call 427-4305 Voice/TOO, Beacon June 13. 2004 Ruth Hodges Smith. MMC City Clerk 11561631 J. 0 RD IN AN CESIRESO L UTI ONS 3. 6. 1. Ordinances to AMEND and REORDAIN the City Code and to reflect recent General Assembly legislative changes to the state law effective July 1, 2004: a. Chapter 2, §§ 2-108 and 2-132 re employment probation period of certain public safety employees. Deferred June 8, 2004 b. Chapter 23, §23-45.1 re unlawful filming of a nonconsenting person 18 years of age or older c. Chapter 7, §§ 7-47, 7-49 and 7-50, re operation of bicycles, electric power- assisted bicycles and mopeds d. § 38-1 re possession of a concealed weapon e. Chapter 21, §§ 21-2, 21-19, 21-231, 21-237, 21-295, 21-299, 21-314, 21-316.1, 21-321.2,21-244,21-377 and 21-464 and ADDING § 21-202.1, re traffic regulations effecting the operation of bicycles and mopeds; increasing fines associated with the Traffic Calming Program; increasing fees collected under the DUl cost recovery program; allowing for suspension of a driver's license for persons convicted of aggressive driving; defining "shielded or screened fÌom view" in the context of inoperable vehicles; requiring crossing guards to use hand- held stop signs; and, specifying fines for running a red light. 2. Ordinances pertaining to the Resort Advisory Commission (RAe) a, AMEND and REORDAIN § 2-6 ofthe City Code re By-laws b. APPROVE amendments to the By-laws Ordinance to AMEND the FY 2004-05 operating budget; APPROPRIATE $14,556,341 in State funds, $10,680,633 previously funded, and REVISE appropriations to reallocate $3,875,708 other funds to the various categories of the School operating and capital budgets. 4. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the City Manager to execute a Deed of Release and Exchange of an Agricultural Lands Preservation (ARP) easement consisting of three (3) acres on Hungarian Road owned by Matthew J. Stuebe and Clarita Cothran. 5, Ordinance to APPOINT three Viewers for one-year terms, beginning July 1, 2004, re closures of City streets and alleys. Ordinance to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute a Cost Participation Agreement with KGS Construction Company re construction of road improvements along Stumpy Lake Lane and Archdale Drive and to ACCEPT , Tn.. fnr th"." ' 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Ordinance to APPROVE modifications to Phase IT Project Documents re construction of a public parking garage by Town Center Associates, L.L.C. to be purchased by the Virginia Beach Development Authority (VBDA) and increase the acquisition amount up to $248,000 for safety improvements and remediation of unanticipated bad soil conditions. These modifications require the Developer to release the Theatre parcel fÌom the Option Agreement by October 1,2004, Ordinance to AUTHORIZE a temporary encroachment into a portion of the City's rights-of-way at Virginia Beach Boulevard and Constitution Drive to construct and maintain in-ground lighting and irrigation by TowneBank and DIRECT the City Manager to execute the appropriate documents. (DISTRICT 5-LYNNHAVEN) Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $861,101 fÌom the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) re roadway resurfacing and neighborhood storm water drainage. Ordinance to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $108,630 fÌom the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 8 funding to the FY 2003-04 operating budget of the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation re housing voucher assistance for rental payments. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $80,000 fÌom the General Fund to provide a four-year interest-free loan to the Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad re purchase of a new ambulance. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $47,550 fÌom the Wetlands and Coastal Primary Sand Dune Zoning and Chesapeake Bay Preservation ordinance violation charges to the FY 2003-04 operating budget of the Department of Agriculture re wetlands and coastal primary sand dune restoration and enhancement projects. Resolution to AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the City Manager to execute the Urban System Construction Program Administration Agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) re the urban highway construction program. June 8, 2004 VICE MAYOR JONES: Madam Mayor, under the Consent Agenda, I would like to move for approval under Ordinances and Resolutions, Item J.1. Ordinances to Amend and Reordain the City Code: Paragraphs 28-28, 28-29, 28-30, 28-31, 32.5-2, 32.5-4, 32.5-5, 32.5-6, 37-16, 37-53 and 37-54 re water, sewer and stormwater fees by revising provisions for billing, payment and interest on late payments with the revisions that were outlined by Mr. Wood to Line 78, 79 and 80. Item 1B for deferral for two weeks, which is Paragraph 2-108 and 2-132 re probation period of certain 9-1-1 Emergency Communication Employees. So moved, Madam Mayor. COUNCILMAN REEVE: Second. Agenda. Thank you. There is a motion for those Items that were read as part of the Consent Are we ready for the question? MAYOR OBERNDORF: CITY CLERK: By a vote of 11 to 0, with the exception of Number 4 on Planning, Mr. Jones and Mr. Wood voting with an abstention; you have approved the Consent Agenda as read by the Vice Mayor. 4 June 8, 2004 MAYOR OBERNDORF: Mr. Meyer VICE MAYOR JONES: Do you need to have this done right away, Mr. Meyer? There is no hurry on this one, no. We had been considering doing the EMS workers, but did not bring that forward. CHARLES MEYER: The primary reason for this similar to Police and Fire is that the training-in period for Police Academy and Fire Academy frequently takes a candidate well beyond the six-months and you never get to see their job performance. That's one of the reasons why these workers -- initially our thoughts were whether the EMS workers would come on fully trained initially and be able to operate right from the beginning. So, the rationale would be different for the EMS workers. However, there may still be some rationale for the EMS workers. We can either move ahead with this one and bring the EMS workers back at a later time or defer this one. VICE MAYOR JONES: Let's wait. Defer it for two weeks. MAYOR OBERNDORF: It would be June the 22nd. VICE MAYOR JONES: For two weeks, Jim. FORMAL SESSION MAYOR OBERNDORF: Now, Mr. Jones, we'll go back to the Consent Agenda. 3 June 8, 2004 INFORMAL SESSION VICE MAYOR JONES: Item B, Paragraph 2-108 and 2-132 re probation period of certain 9-1-1 Emergency Communication Employees. Does anybody have any questions or comments? COUNCILMAN DIEZEL: Yeah. VICE MAYOR JONES: Mr. Diezel. COUNCILMAN DIEZEL: Louis, I'm surprised we didn't add our new level of employees in the EMS service because of the shift hours they work. I recommend to Council that it be the same as these workers in our standard public safety force, which is 12 months. VICE MAYOR JONES: All right. To do that we have to change the Ordinance, I think. Don't we, Mr. Lilley? CITY ATTORNEY: Yes, sir. VICE MAYOR JONES: Do you want to hold it or do you want to do this tonight and then revise it after they pull it together, Harry, or what do you want to do? COUNCILMAN DIEZEL: Whatever the Council so desires. There is no rush on this that I'm aware of. VICE MAYOR JONES: All right. Why don't we defer this for a week and then we can -- 2 Virginia Beach City Council June 8, 2004 6:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL: Meyera E. Oberndorf, Vice Mayor R. Jones Harry E. Diezel Margaret L. Eure Reba S. McClanan Richard Maddox Mayor At-Large Bayside - District 4 Kempsville - District 2 Centerville District 1 Rose Hall - District 3 Beach - District 6 Jim Reeve Peter W. Schmidt Princess Anne - District 7 At-Large At-Large At-Large Lynnhaven - District 5 Ron Villanueva Rosemary Wilson James L. Wood CITY MANAGER: CITY ATTORNEY: CITY CLERK: STENOGRAPHIC REPORTER: James K. Spore Leslie L. Lilley Ruth Hodges Smith, MMC Dawne Franklin Meads VERBATIM Ordinance to Amend and Reordain the City Code re: Probation period of certain 9-1-1 Emergency Communication Employees 1 -19 - Item J.J.b.. 0 RDINANCESIRESOL UTION ITEM # 52669 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Jones, seconded by Councilman Reeve, City Council DEFERRED until the City Council Session of June 22, 2004: Ordinance to AMEND and REORDAIN the City Code: b, §§2-108 and 2-132 re probation period of certain 9-1-1 Emergency Communication Employees Voting: 11-0 (By Consent) Council Members Voting Aye: Harry E. Diezel, Margaret L. Eure, Vice Mayor Louis R, Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Richard A. Maddox. Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Jim Reeve, Peter W Schmidt, Ron A. Villanueva, Rosemary Wilson and James L. Wood Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None June 8, 2004 (~) "- ITEM: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTIONS 2-108 AND 2-132 OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO CERTAIN PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEES MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: Currently, the probation period for City employees other than sworn police and fire personnel is six months. Sworn police and fire personnel have a twelve-month probation period. This ordinance would extend the probation period of 9-1-1 Emergency Communications officers (Communications Officer I, II, and III) and supervisors (Communications Supervisor), as well as emergency medical services employees, from six months to twelve months. This change will make all public safety employees subject to the same probation period. The primary difference between a probational employee and a permanent employee is the extent to which a probational employee may utilize the grievance process. Probational employees may grieve an employment decision to their supervisor and their department director, but they are not entitled to appeal to the personnel board. Probational employees also are not entitled to grieve dismissals. At the June 8, 2004, Council meeting, this item was deferred to evaluate and bring back a proposal to include EMS employees. In evaluating this issue with the public safety department directors, a proposal was brought forth to have the probation period extend for six months beyond the completion of training, rather than twelve months from the date of employment. The training periods for all four public safety departments vary considerably. The Police Department probation period can be as long as 9 - 10 months, leaving only 2-3 months for actual on-the-job observation. Setting a probation period of six months from the completion of training would allow for six months of on-the-job evaluation, which would be internally consistent within public safety departments and consistent with other City employees. This proposal is believed to have merit, however, staff is requesting an additional deferral to July 6, 2004, to ensure it is both administratively and legally feasible. . Considerations: A survey of local govemments in the Commonwealth reveals that a probation period of more than six months for public safety employees is a common practice. For example, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Suffolk all have a twelve-month probation period for these employees. . Public Information: Council agenda process. Public information will be handled through the normal . Attachment: Ordinance. Recommended Action: Deferral to July 6. 2004. Submitting Department/Agency: Communications and Information Technology Emergency Medical Services City Manager: ~ ~. ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTIONS 2-108 AND 2-132 OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO THE PROBATION PERIOD OF CERTAIN PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEES 5 SECTIONS AMENDED: §§ 2-108 AND 2-132 6 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 7 VIRGINIA: 8 Sections are hereby 2-108 That and 2-132 of City the Code 9 amended and reordained to read as follows: Sec. 2-108. Probation period of employment. The probation as the period employees shall defined for be ini tial six ( 6) calendar months of employment following an original employment The probation period for sworn police or re-employment. and fire emergency personnel, services medical patient care providers, and 9-1-1 communications officers and emergency supervisors shall be twelve (12) of employment calendar months following original employment re-employment. However, the an or probation period for all probation employees shall be extended one (1 ) pay period for every fifteen (15) consecuti ve calendar days a probation employee is on injury leave, suspension, leave without pay, or sick upon leave salary which status. Any change may occur completion of the probation period shall not become effective until the first day of the pay period following such completion. Comment: This amendment will extend the probation period of 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Division officers and supervisors and Emergency Medical Services patient care providers from six months to twelve months. 27 Sec. 2-132. Eligibility to utilize grievance procedure. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), all city employees who are members of the merit service, as defined in section 2-76, and all employees of the constitutional offices (excluding elected officials) by written consent of the elected official, shall be eligible to utilize all phases of the grievance procedure set forth herein. (b) Notwithstanding provisions of subsection (a) , employees the (excluding elected officials) who are employed on a temporary, probational, or seasonal basis shall be eligible to utilize such procedure only up to and including step 3 (department director); provided, however, that at no time shall an employee employed on a temporary, probational, or seasonal basis be allowed to appeal a dismissal. For the purpose of this subsection, a probational employee shall be defined as an employee who has yet to complete the ini tial six (6) months of employment with the city (or the hourly equivalent for part-time employees), with the exception of policeL ~ fire, medical services, and 9-1-1 emerqency emerqency communications positions, as provided for in Section 2-108, in which designated employees serve a one-year initial probationary period which follows any original employment or re- employment. 50 Comment: 51 52 53 This amendment cross-references the change in probation period for 9-1-1 Emergency Commnnications Division officers and snpervisors and Emergency Medical Services employees. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this ---- day of June, 2004. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS SUFFICIENCY: TO LEGAL ~re~Info=ôuon ;e~ City Attorney's~ Technology APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: b~J~ Emergency Medical Services CA-9263 R-4 June 15, 2004 GG/Agency Rep/Ords/Proposed/02-10BORD.doc CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO UNLAWFUL FILMING MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: Until July 1, 2004, filming any un consenting person is a Class I misdemeanor. On July 1, 2004, state law changes to provide that filming an unconsenting person under the age of 18 becomes a Class 6 felony. . Considerations: Making these changes to the City Code will allow these City Code sections to continue to parallel the State Code when its new provisions go into effect on July 1, 2004. Because illegally filming minors is a felony, it will not be addressed in the City Code. . Public Information: This ordinance will be publicized in the same manner as other general agenda items. . Recommendations: Approval . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approve Ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: POliceØ COy M,"n""~ l. ÒQ7-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN CHAPTER 23 OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO UNLAWFUL FILMING SECTION AMENDED: §23-45.l BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Section of the City Code is amended That hereby and 13 reordained, to read as follows: 14 15 Sec. 23-45.1. Unlawful fi~ing, videotaping o~ photog~aphing of 16 anothe~. 17 It shall be unlawful for any person to videotape, (a) 18 photograph or film any nonconsenting person 18 years of age or 19 older if (i) that person is totally nude, clad in undergarments, 20 or in a state of undress so as to expose the genitals, pubic 21 area, buttocks or female breast in a restroom, dressing room, 22 locker room, hotel room, motel room, tanning booth, bedroom or 23 other location and (ii) the circumstances are otherwise such that 24 the person being videotaped, photographed or filmed would have a 25 reasonable expectation of privacy. 26 (b) This section shall not apply to filming, videotaping or 27 photographing by (i) law-enforcement officers pursuant to a 28 criminal investigation which is otherwise lawful, (ii) 29 correctional officials and local or regional jail officials for 30 security purposes or for investigations of alleged misconduct 31 involving a person committed to the Department of Corrections or 32 to a local or regional jail, or to any sound recording of an oral 1 33 conversation made as a result of any videotaping or filming 34 pursuant to chapter 6 (§ 19.2-61 et seq.) of title 19.2 of the 35 Code of Virginia. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 COMMENT state law has been amended to provide that unlawfully filming minors is a felony. The City Code is therefore amended to address the misdemeanor offense of a nonconsensual filming of adults. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 44 Virginia, on this day of , 2004. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~~fic~ CA-9295 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\Misc Offenses 23.45-1 ORD.doc R3- June 14, 2004 2 i1 :>; .,. ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO BICYCLES, ELECTRIC POWER ASSISTED BICYCLES AND MOPEDS MEETING DATE: June 22,2004 . Background: The 2004 General Assembly passed several new traffic laws concerning the operation of bicycles, mopeds, and electric power-assisted bicycles. These changes are reflected in the proposed changes to Chapter Seven of the City Code. The State Code changes go into effect July 1, 2004. . Considerations: Making these changes to the City Code will allow these City Code Sections to continue to parallel the State Code when its new provisions go into effect on July 1, 2004. Public Information: This ordinance will be publicized in the same manner as other general agenda items. . Recommendations: Approval. . Attachments: Ordinance. Recommended Action: Approve ordinanc~...../ Submitting Department/Agency: POIiC~ City Manager: ~ )c, ~Z1<""1.. H/PA/GG/ORDsREsn-47 et alARF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 7 OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO BICYCLES, ELECTRIC POWER- ASSISTED BICYCLES AND MOPEDS TO REFLECT RECENT STATE LAW CHANGES SECTIONS AMENDED: §§ 7-47, 7-49, and 7-50, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Sections 7-47, 7-49, and 7-50 of the City Code are hereby 13 amended and reordained to read as follows: 14 Sec. 7-47. Lights and reflectors. 15 (a) Every bicycle, electric power-assisted bicycle and moped 16 when in use between sunset and sunrise shall be equipped with a 17 lamp on the front which shall emit a white light visible in clear 18 weather from a distance of at least five hundred (500) feet to the 19 front and ~ a red reflector on the rear of a type approved by 20 the superintendent ",¡hieh Dhall be -...iaible from 0.11 diatanees in 21 clear \leather from fifty (SO) feet to three hundred (300) feet to 22 the rear \/hen directly in front of la",;ful upper beamo of he¡¡,dlampo 23 on ¡¡, motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red light visible in ele¡¡,r 24 \;eather from a distance of fhe hundred (500) feet to the rear m:1Y 25 be uDed in lieu of or in addition to the red reflector visible from 26 a distance of at least 600 feet to the rear when directly in front 27 of lawful lower beams of headlights on a motor vehicle. Such 28 lights types and reflectors shall be of approved by the 29 Superintendent. 30 31 32 33 34 (b) Every bicycle, electric power-assisted bicycle and moped when in use between sunset and sunrise shall be equipped with reflective material of sufficient size and reflectivity to be visible from both sides for six hundred (600) feet, when directly in front of lawful lower beams of headlamps of a motor vehicle, or 35 in lieu of such reflective material, with a lighted lamp visible 36 from both sides from a distance of at least five hundred (500) 37 feet. 38 (c) In addition to the foregoing provisions of this section, 39 a bicycle or its rider may be equipped with additional lights, 40 burning or blinking or reflectors. 41 COMMENT 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 This amendment requires the rider of a bicycle, electric power-assisted bicycle or moped to use a light visible 600 feet from the rear during the evening. This amendment also provides that riders may use other lights and reflectors in addition to those required by law. Sec. 7-49. Mopeds not to be operated by persons under sixteen; speed limit. M Mopeds shall not be operated upon any highway or public 50 vehicular area of the city (i) faster than thirty (30) miles per 51 hour or (ii) by any person under the age of sixteen (16) years. 52 ill Every person driving a moped shall carry with him some 53 form of identification that includes his name, address and date of 54 birth. 2 55 J.£L Violation provision shall this of of section any 56 constitute a traffic infraction punishable by a fine of no more 57 than $50. 58 COMMENT This amendment requires a person operating a moped to carry personal identification and provides that violations of this section are punishable by a fine of $50 or less. 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Sec. 7-50. Riding bicycles, electric power-assisted bicycles and mopeds on roadways and bicycle paths. (a) Any person operating a bicycle, power-assisted bicycle or 67 moped upon a roadway shall ride as close as practicable to the 68 right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except under any of the 69 following circumstances: 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 (1) (2) (3) When overtaking and passing any vehicle proceeding in the same direction; When preparing for a left-hand turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway; and When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards, or substandard width to lanes that it make unsafe continue along the right-hand curb or edge. For purposes of this section, a "substandard width lane" is a lane too narrow for a bicycle, electric power-assisted bicycle or moped and another vehicle to pass safely side by side within the lane; and 3 83 84 85 86 87 98 99 100 101 102 103 ill When avoiding riding in a lane that must turn or diverge to the right; and ill When riding upon a one-way road or highway, a person may also ride as near the left hand curb or edge of such roadway as safely practicable. 88 (b) riding bicycles electric power-assisted Persons or 89 bicycles upon a highway shall not ride more than two (2) or more 90 abreast. c¡eecpt on paths or parts of high\laYD oet aoidc for the 91 exclusive UDe of bicycleD. Persons riding two (2) abreast shall 92 not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, shall 93 move into a single file formation as quickly as is practicable when 94 being overtaken from the rear by a faster moving vehicle, and, on a 95 laned roadway, shall ride in a single line. 96 97 COMMENT This amendment describes two more situations where a rider of a bicycle, electric power- assisted bicycle or moped may legally ride away from the right-hand curh or edge of the roadway. This amendment also places restrictjons on riding these vehicles two abreast. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this ---- day of , 2004. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~~= 4 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO THE POSSESSION OF A CONCEALED WEAPON MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: The 2004 General Assembly passed several new laws relating to firearm regulation. Most of these new laws will not affect City Code Ordinances because the City no longer has the authority to regulate firearms, except where specifically authorized. The new changes to the state law that will require changes to the City Code include, identifying a machete as a weapon a person may not carry concealed, and allowing a 55-year old retired law-enforcement officer to be exempt from obtaining a concealed weapon permit. . Considerations: Making these changes will allow the City Code to continue to parallel the State Code when its new provisions go into effect on and after July 1, 2004. . Public Information: This ordinance will be publicized in the same manner as other general agenda items. . Recommendations: Approval. . Attachment: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approve Ordinance Submitting Department/Agency; POlice~ City Ma""'"~ 1<'- ,~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO THE POSSESSION OF A CONCEALED WEAPON BY INCORPORATING STATE LAW CHANGES SECTION AMENDED: § 38-1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 38-1 of the City Code is hereby amended and 12 reordained, to read as follows: 13 Sec. 38-1. Carrying concealed weapons. 14 (a) If any person carries about his person, hidden from common 15 observation, (i) any pistol, revolver, or other weapon designed or 16 intended to propel a missile of any kind by action of an explosion 17 of combustible material, any (ii) dirk, bowie knife, any 18 switchblade knife, ballistic knife, machete, razor, slingshot, 19 spring stick, any flailing knucks, or blackjack, metal (iii) 20 instrument consisting of two (2) or more rigid parts connected in 21 such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which instrument 22 may also be known as a nunchuck, nunchanka, nunchalcu, shuriken or 23 fighting chain, (iv) any disc, of whatever configuration, having at 24 least two points or pointed blades which is designed to be (2) 25 thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or 26 oriental dart, or (v) any weapon of like kind as those enumerated 27 in this section, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, and 28 such weapon shall be forfeited to the city and may be seized by an 29 officer as forfeited, and such as may be needed for police officers 30 31 32 33 and conservators of the peace shall be devoted to that purpose, and the remainder shall be destroyed by the officer having them in charge. For the purposes of this section, a weapon shall be deemed to be hidden from common observation when it is observable but is 34 of such deceptive appearance as to disguise the weapon's true 35 nature. 36 (b) This section shall apply carrying a to not any person 37 concealed weapon in accord with permission granted by a circuit 38 court pursuant to section 18.2-308 of the Code of Virginia. 39 (c) This section shall not apply to: 40 (1) Any person while in his own place of abode or curtilage 41 thereof; 42 (2) Any pel ice efficer, ecrgcaRt, oheriff, deputy sheriff, regular 43 .lardeR or animal control officer law-enforcement officer, game 44 wherever such law-enforcement officer travel in the may 45 Commonwealth; 46 (3) regularly enrolled member of shooting Any a target 47 organization who is at, or going to or from, an established 48 shooting range, provided that the weapons are unloaded and securely 49 wrapped while being transported; 50 (4) regularly enrolled member of collecting Any a weapons 51 organization who is at, or going to or from, a bona fide weapons 52 exhibition, provided that the weapons are unloaded and securely 53 wrapped while being transported; 2 54 (5) Any person carrying such weapons between his place of abode 55 and a place purchase or repair, are provided the of weapons 56 unloaded and securely wrapped while being transported; 57 (6) CampU¡¡ police offieero ŒPPointed purouùnt to ¡¡ection 23 232 et 58 oeq. of the Code of Vir~iniù. 59 +?+ Any person actually engaged in lawful hunting, as authorized 60 by the board of game and inland fisheries, under inclement weather 61 conditions necessitating temporary protection of his weapon from 62 these conditions, provided that possession of a handgun while 63 engaged in lawful hunting shall not be construed as hunting with a 64 handgun if the person hunting is carrying a valid concealed handgun 65 permit; aflè 66 +&t- Any state police officer retired from the Department of ill 67 State Police and any local law-enforcement officer retired from a 68 police department or sheriff's office within the Commonwealth~ 69 special agent retired from the State Corporation Commission or the 70 Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, other than an officer or agent 71 terminated for cause, any game warden retired from the Department 72 of Game and Inland Fisheries, and any Virginia Marine Police 73 Officer retired from the Law Enforcement Division of the Virginia 74 Marine Resources Commission, (i) with a service-related disability 75 eæ ~ (ii) following at least fifteen (15) years of service with any 76 such law-enforcement agency, board or compilation therefore, or 77 (iE) perfJon reached who has of 55 other than years age :l 3 78 79 80 81 82 83 100 101 for provided such officer carries with him tcrmin;:¡,toà cauoo; written proof of consultation with, and a favorable review of the need to concealed weapon issued by, chief law- the carry a enforcement officer of the agency from which the officer retired~L and (8) 84 (d) Any person while in his own place of business. This section shall apply of the following not to ,any 85 individuals while in the discharge of their official duties or 86 while in transit to or from such duties: 87 (1) 88 (2) (3 ) 89 Carriers of the United States mail in r~ral districto; Officers or guards of any state correctional institution, Conservators of except that the following the peace, of shall not be permitted to carry a 90 conservators the peace 91 concealed weapon unless a permit is obtained pursuant to section 92 18.2-308 of the Code of Virginia: 93 a. 94 b. 95 c. Notaries public, Registrars, Drivers, operators or other persons in charge of any motor 96 vehicle carrier of passengers for hire, or 97 d. 98 (4) Commissioners in chancery; Noncustodial employees of department of corrections the 99 designated to carry weapons by the director of the department of corrections pursuant to section 53.1-29 of the Code of Virginia, (~) La.. cRfsrccmont i1§ ontD sf the Armed Forces of the YRi tad 4 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 III 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 £tatea and federal agents ..ho arc other\Jiae authorized to carry '.-'eapona by fcàeral la.. '.-,hile engaged in the performance of their dutiea, :md (6) La'., enforcement a§ ento of the United Ctatea Nayal Criminal Inycstigative £ervice. (e) As used in this section: (1) Spring stick means a spring-loaded metal stick activated by pushing a button which rapidly and forcefully telescopes the weapon several times its original length. (2) Ballistic knife means any knife with a detachable blade that is propelled by a spring-operated mechanism. COMMENT The amendment to this section makes a machete one of the weapons that cannot be lawfully concealed. The following persons are also exempt from the concealed weapons statue: All active law. enforcement officers, certain retired law-enforcement officers who are at least 55 years old, and persons in their own place of business. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this ---- day of , 2004. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~~~~ CA-9296 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\Firearms 38-1, 38-3, 38-4 ORD.doc Rl June 10, 2004 5 r ~"'- &.---.~'.'.I":. ~.'..~..."..'~' ftfi1F ". \~\ \\\kJ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS TO REFLECT CHANGES IN STATE LAW MEETING DATE: June 22,2004 . Background: The 2004 General Assembly passed several new traffic laws, that effect the operation of bicycles and mopeds; increase the fine associated with a Traffic Calming Program; increase the fees collected under the DUI cost recovery program; allow for the suspension of a driver's license for persons convicted of aggressive driving; define "shielded or screened from view" in the context of inoperable vehicles; require crossing guards to use hand-held stop signs; and specify fines for running a red light. . Considerations: These changes to the City Code will ensure that these City Code Sections will continue to parallel the State Code when the new provisions go into effect on July 1,2004. . Public Information: The ordinance will be advertised through the normal Agenda process. . Recommendations: Approval. . Attachments: Ordinance. Recommended Action: Approve ordinan~J Submitting Department/Agency: POlice.!lfllV City Manager:~ JL- à(j1S'fht. H/PAIGG/ORDSRES/~19 et alARF 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 the rider ,---.l:Jllt do§.s- not eliminate the rider's need to .redal. For the purpose of Chapter 21 of this title, and electric .rower- assisted bicycle shall be a vehicle when operated on a highway. COMMENT This amendment adds the State Code definitions for "Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device" and "Electric Power-Assisted Bicycle" to the City Code. Sec. 21-19. Direction of traffic by police officers and school crossing guards. A. ~ Law enforcement officers and uniformed school crossing guards may direct traffic by signals. Such signals by officers and uniformed crossing guards shall take precedence over such traffic control devices. Signals by law enforcement officers or crossin~~rd~, other than by voice, shall be as follows: (1 ) To stop traffic by hand: Stand with shoulders parallel to moving traffic. Raise arms forty-five (45) degrees above shoulder with hand extended, palm towards moving traffic (2) to be stopped. To move traffic by hand: Stand with shoulders parallel to traffic to be moved. Extend right arm and hand full length towards traffic, height shoulders such of at fingers Bring hand joined, palm down. extended and sharply in direction traffic is to move. Repeat movement with left arm and hand to start traffic from opposite direction. (3 ) To stop and start traffic by whistles: One blast, moving traffic to stop; two (2) blasts, traffic in opposite direction to move. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21 OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS TO REFLECT CHANGES IN STATE LAW SECTIONS AMENDED: §§ 21-2, 21-19, 21-231, 21- 237,21-295,21-299,21-314,21-316.1,21- 321.2, 21-344, 21-377, and 21-464 SECTION ADDED: § 21-102.1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Sections 21-2, 21-19, 21-231, 21-237, 21-295, 21-299, 21- 314, 21-316.1, 21-321.2, 21-344, 21-377, and 21-464 of the City Code are hereby amended and reordained and Section 21-102.1 is hereby added to read as follows: Sec. 21-2. Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall, for the of this chapter, have the meanings purpose respectively ascribed to them in this section, except in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: "Electric Eersonal assistive mobility device" means a self- 26 balancing: two-non-tandem-wheeled device that is designed to 27 transport only one person and powered by an electric propulsion 28 system that limits the device's maximum speed to 15 miles per hour 29 or less. For purposes of Chapter 21 of this title, an electric 30 Eersonal assistive mobility device shall be a vehicle when operated 31 on a hi~. 32 "Electric power-assisted bicycle" means a bicycle equipped 33 with an electric motor that reduces the pedal effort required of 67 68 69 70 (4 ) Emergency stop of traffic by whistle: Three (3) or more short blasts. All traffic shall immediately clear the intersection and stop. Such officers and uniformed school crossing guards may also 71 72 use supplemental traffic direction devices, but not including, 73 74 limited to, hand-held stop or go signs, in directing traffic as provided in this section. 75 76 B. Uniformed school crossing guards may control traffic at marked school crossing, whether such crossing is at an any 77 78 intersection or another location. When supplied with hand-held 79 80 stop signs, uniformed school crossing guards shall use such signs whenever controlling traffic as authorized in this section. 81 COMMENT 82 83 84 85 86 This amendment states that an officer's or crossing guard's signals take precedence over traffic control devices, and requires crossing guards to use hand-held stop signs when supplied with the signs by their school division. 87 88 89 90 Sec. 21-102.1 Devices used to supply nitrous oxide to the engines of motor vehicles. A. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor 91 vehicle on highways of the City if such vehicle is equipped with 92 any device that supplies the vehicle's engine with nitrous oxide, 93 unless the device has been disabled such that the supply of nitrous 94 oxide is disconnected and not readily accessible to the source of 95 delivery. 96 B. A violation of this section shall constitute a Class 3 97 misdemeanor. 98 3 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 COMMENT This addition to the City Code makes it illegal to operate a vehicle equipped with a device that supplies nitrous oxide (which enhances a vehicle's performance) to the vehicle's engine. Sec. 21-231. Passing vehicle Generally. proceeding direction-- in same (a) The driver of vehicle overtaking another motor any vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at least two (2) feet to the left thereof and shall not again drive to the right side of the highway until safely clear of such overtaken vehicle, except as provided in this article. (b) The driver of a vehicle shall not drive to the left side of the center line of a highway in overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, unless such left side is clearly visible and is free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking and passing to be made in safety. (c) No person operating a truck or tractor and trailer shall pass or attempt to pass any truck or tractor and trailer going in the same direction on an upgrade hill, if such passing will impede the passage of following traffic. ill Any driver of any vehicle overtaking a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobili ty electric power-assisted device, bicycle, moped, animal, or animal drawn vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass at a reasonable speed at least two (2) feet to the left of the overtaken bicycle, electric personal 4 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, moped, animal or animal-drawn vehicle and shall not again proceed to the right side of the highway until safely clear of such overtaken bicycle, electric personal assisti ve mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, moped, animal or animal-drawn vehicle. COMMENT This amendment prescribes how the operator of a vehicle may pass a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power assisted bicycle, moped, animal or animal drawn vehicle. Sec. 21-237. Signals for starting, backing, stopping or turning. (a) Every driver who intends to start, back, stop, turn or partly turn from a direct line shall first see that such movement can be made in safety and whenever the operation of any other vehicle may be affected by such movement shall give the below- required signals, plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicle, of his intention to make such movement. (b) The signal required by this section shall be given by means of the hand and arm or by some mechanical or electrical device approved by superintendent, in manner herein the the specified. Whenever the signal is given by means of the hand and arm, the driver shall indicate his intention to start, stop, turn or partly turn by extending the hand and arm from and beyond the left side of the vehicle, in the following manner: (1 ) For a left turn or to pull to the left, the arm shall be extended in a horizontal position straight from and level with the shoulder; 5 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 (2) For a right turn or to pull to the right, the arm shall be extended upward; or (3 ) For slowing down or to stop, the arm shall be extended downward. Wherever the lawful speed is more than thirty-five (35) miles per hour such signals shall be given continuously for a distance of at least one hundred (100) feet, and in all other cases at least fifty (50) feet, before slowing down, stopping, turning, partly turning or materially altering the course of the vehicle. (c) A person riding a bicycle or moped shall signal his intention turn, change direction. Such signals, stop, to or however, need not be given continuously if both hands are needed in the control or operation of the bicycle or moped. (d) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, a person operating a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, or moped may signal a right turn or pull to the right by extending the right hand and arm in a horizontal position straight from and level with the shoulder beyond the right side of the bicycle, electric personal assistive ~obility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, or moped, and may signal slowing down stopping by extending the right arm or downward. (à~) Drivers of vehicles standing or stopped at the curb or edge before moving such vehicles shall give signals of their intentions to move into traffic, as herein provided, before turning in the direction the vehicle will proceed from the curb. 6 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 (e!) Drivers having once given a hand, electrical or mechanical device signal must continue the course thus indicated, unless they alter the original signal and take care that drivers of vehicles and pedestrians have seen and are aware of the change. COMMENT This amendment describes how the right arm may be used to signal a right turn, slow down or stop when riding a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle or moped. Sec. 21-295. Signals by lights or other traffic-control devices Legend. A. Signals by lights or other traffic-control devices shall be as follows: (1) Red indicates that traffic then moving shall stop and remain stopped as long as the red signal is shown, except in the direction indicated by a lighted green arrow; provided, however, that except where a sign is placed prohibiting turns on red, vehicular traffic facing a steady red signal may, after coming to a full stop, cautiously enter the intersection to make a right turn, or to make a left turn if such left turn is made from a highway which allows for traffic in but one direction into another highway which allows for traffic in but one direction and after making such left turn the turning traffic will be going in that direction. Such turning traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk and other traffic using to the intersection. 7 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 (2) Green indicates that traffic shall then move in the direction of the signal and remain in motion as long as the green signal is given, except that such traffic shall yield to other vehicles and pedestrians lawfully within the intersection. (3) Amber indicates that a change is about to be made in the direction of the moving of traffic. When the amber signal is shown, traffic which has not already entered the intersection, including the crosswalks, shall stop if it is not reasonably safe to continue, but that which has already entered the intersection shall continue to move until the intersection has been entirely cleared. The amber signal is a warning that the red signal is imminent. ( 4) Flashing red indicates that traffic shall stop before entering an intersection and the use of a flashing amber indicates that traffic proceed through the may intersection or past such signal with reasonable care under the circumstances. B. If the traffic liqhts controlling an intersection are out of service because of a power failure or other event that prevents the qiving of signals by the traffic lights, the drivers of vehicles approachinq such an intersection shall proceed as though such intersection were controlled by a stop sign on all approaches. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to: intersections controlled by portable stop siqns, intersections with law-enforcement officers or other authorized persons directing 8 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 traffic, or intersections controlled by traffic lights displaying flashing red or flashing amber lights as provided in subsection A. C. The driver of any motor vehicle may be detained for a violation of this section if the detaining law-enforcement officer is his of authority, and (i) has uniform, displays badge in observed the violation or (ii) has received a radio message from another law-enforcement officer who observed the violation. In the case of a person being detained based on a radio message the message shall be sent immediately after the violation is observed, and the observing officer shall furnish the license number or other positive identification of the vehicle to the detaining officer. D. A violation of this section shall constitute a traffic infraction punishable by a fine of no more than $350. COMMENT This new subsection (B) outlines the process drivers must follow when entering an intersection when the signal lights are not functioning. Subsection (C) will allow an officer observing a violation of this section to radio ahead to a second officer who may stop the offending vehicle, and subsection (D) establishes the penalty for violations of this section. Sec. 21-299. Defacing, injuring, etc., signs. (a) who shall intentionally Any deface, obscure, person damage, knock down or remove any legally posted, highway sign as provided in this chapter or a street address sign posted to assist in address identification in connection with enhanced 9-1-1 service as defined in Code of Virginia § 56-484.12 shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. COMMENT This amendment provides that destruction of signs posted to assist 911 responders with address identification is a Class 1 misdemeanor. 9 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 Sec. 21-314. Same--Penalty for reckless driving under section 21-311,21-312 or 21-313. (a) Every person convicted of reckless driving under section 21-311, 21-312 or 21-313 shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (b) In addition to the penalties prescribed in subsection (a) , if any person is convicted of reckless driving under any section referred to therein, the court may suspend any license issued to such convicted person under chapter 3 (section 46.2 et seq.) of title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia, for a period of not less than ten (10) sixty (60) days nor more than six (6) months and such court shall require the convicted person to surrender his license so suspended to the court where it shall be disposed of in accordance with section 21-276. If a person so convicted has not obtained the license required by such chapter, or is a nonresident, the court may direct in the judgment of conviction that such person shall not, for a period of not less than ten (10) sixty (60) days or more than six (6) months as may be prescribed in the judgment, drive or operate any motor vehicle in this commonwealth. The court or the clerk of shall transmit the license the to court commissioner along with the report of the conviction required to be sent to the department of motor vehicles. (c) When an) parDon shall be eon7ieted of reekleos dri7in~ aD pro~ided for in section 21 312, in addition to any other penaltieo pro. ided b) la'.!, license of ouoh peroon may be ouspendad b) the court for a period of not leoo than si¡¡ty (60) days nor moro than 10 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 oi¡¡ (6) montho. In c~oe of conviction the court oh~ll order the ourrender of the 1icenoe to the court ~here it ohall be diopooed of in accordance '.Ii th the f'ro - isiono of scetion 21 276. Where the conviction io ~ oeeond conviction ~hich ~ou1d require revocation under the provioiono of oection 16.2 389 of thc Code of Virgini~, the court oha11 ouopend the dri.cr'o 1icenoe of ouch parDon and thereupon tranomit the o~me to the dep~rtment of motor vehicleo ~o provided by 1~~. If ouch peroon 00 convicted h~o not obtained ~ licence re~uircd by Code of Virgini~, chapter 3 (oection16.2 300 et oeq.) of ti tIc ouch court ohall 16.2, or io ~ nonreoideRt, direct in the judgment of conviction that ouch peroon ohal1 Rot dri-:e or operate any motor 7ehic1e in thio oommon°.:ea1th for ~ period of not 1coo than oi¡¡ty dayo Ror more than oi¡¡ ( 6) (60) montho. COMMENT This amendment provides that a person convicted of reckless driving is subject to have his driver's license suspended for 60 days. Sec. 21-316.1. Aggressive driving; penalties. (a) (i) the A person is guilty of aggressive driving if person violates one (1) or more of the following: section 21-226 (failure drive right side of highway) , section 21-229 to on (failure observe traffic section 21-250 marked lanes) , to (following too closely), section 21-241 (failure to stop or yield prior to entering highway), section 21-260 (evasion of traffic control devices), section 21-231 (improper passing), section 21- 233 (passing right) , section 21-234 (failure of overtaken on 11 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 vehicle to yield), any provision of Article IX of Chapter 21 of the City Code regarding excessive speed, or section 21-356 of the City Code (stopping on highways); and (ii) that person is a hazard to another person or commits an offense in clause (i) with the intent to harass, intimidate, injure or obstruct another person. (b) Aggressive driving be punished 2 shall a Class as misdemeanor; provided, however, that aggressive driving with the intent to injure another person shall be punished as a Class 1 misdemeanor. In addition to any other penalties prescribed by law, the require successful completion aggressive of an court may driving program and may suspend the driver's license for a period of not less than ten (10) days nor more than six (6) months and the court shall require the convicted person to surrender his license so suspended the where it will disposed of in be to court accordance with Code of Virginia § 46.2-398. COMMENT This amendment provides that a person convicted of aggressive driving is subject to have his driver's license suspended for not less than 10 days and not more than 6 months. Sec. 21-321.2. Traffic calming via max~um speed l~its in certain residential districts; pena1ty. Pursuant to section 46.2-878.2 of the Code of Virginia, any person who operates a motor vehicle in excess of the maximum speed limit established for any portion of the following highways located wi thin the designated neighborhoods, on or after the effective date, shall be guilty of a traffic infraction punishable by a ftefl- prepayable fine of not more thùn two hundred dollars ($200.00), in 12 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 addition to other penalties provided by law. No portion of the fine shall be suspended unless the court orders twenty (20) hours of community service. COMMENT This amendment sets the fine for speeding on traffic calming designated streets at $200. The new law also restricts judges from suspending any portion of the fine unless the offender is also sentenced to 20 hours of community service. Sec. 21-344. Reimbursement for expenses incurred from emergency responses. (a) Any person convicted of violating any of the following provisions of the Code of Virginia, or any similar ordinance in the City be for liable civil action shall in Code, a separate reasonable expenses incurred by the City of Virginia Beach or by any volunteer rescue squad, or both, when providing a appropriate emergency response to any accident or incident related to such violation. (1 ) The provisions of Code of Virginia sections 18.2-51.4, 18.2-266 29.1-783, such operation of when motor or vehicle, engine, train or watercraft while so impaired is the proximate cause of the accident or incident; (2) The provisions of Article 7 (section 46.2-852 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 46.2 relating to reckless driving, when such reckless driving is the proximate cause of the accident or incident; (3) The provisions of Article 1 (section 46.2-300 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 46.2 relating to driving without a 13 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 license or driving with a suspended or revoked license; and (4 ) The provisions of Code of Virginia section 46.2-894 relating to improperly leaving the scene of an accident. (b) Personal liability under this section for reasonable expenses of an appropriate emergency response shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in the aggregate for a particular accident or incident. In determining the "reasonable expenses" a flat fee of €fie two hundred and fifty dollars ($100.00 $250.00) may be billed, or a minute-by-minute accounting of the actual cost incurred may be billed. (c) As used in this section, "appropriate emergency response" includes all cost of providing law-enforcement, fire-fighting, rescue and emergency medical services. COMMENT This amendment raises the reimbursable flat fee for certain emergency calls for service from $100 to $250. Sec. 21-377. Open storage of inoperable vehicles on residential, commercial or agricultural property. (a) It shall be unlawful whether as owner, tenant, occupant, lessee or otherwise, for any person, firm or corporation to keep, except within a fully enclosed building or structure or otherwise shielded screened from view, property zoned for or on any residential, commercial or agricultural purposes, any vehicle, which is inoperable. As used in this section, notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, qeneral or special, "shielded or 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO THE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION'S BYLAWS WHEREAS, by ordinance adopted on August 29, 1988, the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach (the "City Council") added Section 2-6 of the City Code pertaining to the 10 11 Resort Area Advisory Commission, now known as the Resort Advisory Commission 12 ("RAC"); 13 WHEREAS, Section 2-6 of the City Code provides, among other things, that the 14 govemance and the administration of the RAC shall be in accordance with its bylaws; 15 WHEREAS, the RAC has recommended amendments to the bylaws (i) deleting the 16 termination date of the RAC, (ii) adding a provision to allow the RAC to submit a list of 17 prioritized CIP projects to City staff, and (iii) addressing other minor housekeeping matters; 18 19 and 20 WHEREAS, amendments to the RAC bylaws require the approval of City Council; WHEREAS, City Council is of the opinion that the amendments to the bylaws are 21 necessary and consistent with the purposes for which the RAC was established. 22 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 23 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 24 That the amendments to the RAC bylaws are hereby approved in the form as 25 attached hereto. 1 27 COMMENT 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 The bylaws have been amended to delete the provision regarding the term of the RAC, which will be addressed in Section 2-6 of the City Code, and to add a provision allowing the RAC to submit a list of prioritized CIP projects to City staff for review and possible inclusion in the CIP budget. Additional housekeeping amendments include the change in the name of the Department of Convention and Visitors Development to Convention and Visitors Bureau and the deletion of the Resort Leadership Council, which no longer exists. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the - day 36 of ,2004. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: Approved as to Content: ~£ Convention & Visitors Bureau CA-9289 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\Resort Advisory Comm ORD.doc June 11, 2004 R-2 2 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 screened from viewu means not visible by someone standing at ground level from outside of the property on which the subject vehicle is located. For purpoocG of thiG ocction "Ghieldcd" or "Gareened from "im;" meGmG completel) precluding ":iGibili ty ef the Gubj ect "."ehicle by placing the vehicle ;¡ithin an area completel) enclooed either by ( 1) a Gelid, epaque fence compooed of Gtand:lrd fencing ri§'id, materialG or (2) a landocape arrangement of nondeciduouo trace or ohrubo, Guffieient in height, Gp:lcing, denGity and circumference. The placing, draping or securing of a tarpaulin or other nonrigid cover, and around vehicle not be shall inoperable over an sufficient to comply with the requirements of this section. COMMENT This amendment defines "shielded or screened from view" as not visible by someone standing at ground level from outside of the property on which the subject vehicle is located. Sec. 21-464. Playing on streets or highways; use of roller skates, toys or other devices on wheels or runners. (a) No person shall play on a highway or street, other than upon the sidewalks thereof, within the city. No person shall use on a highway or street where play is prohibited roller skates, toys, or other devices on wheels or runners, except bicycles, mopeds, and motorcycles. The city manager may designate areas on highways or streets where play is prohibited or permitted and may restrict play to the use of roller skates, toys, or other devices on wheels or runners and, if such highways or streets have two traffic (2) lanes, such persons using such devices, except bicycles, mopeds, 15 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 and motorcycles, shall keep as near as reaoonùbly poooible safely practicable to the c¡¡trcme left far right side or edge of the -l-e-H- Mftà right traffic lane so that they will be faoin§ GRooming proceeding in the same direction as other traffic at all timeD. (b) No person riding upon any roller skates, toys or other devices on wheels or runners shall attach the same or himself to any vehicle upon a roadway. COMMENT This amendment requires people using roller skates, toys or other devices on wheels or runners on streets designated for such activities by the City Manager to proceed in the same direction as the traffic, rather than to proceed facing the on-coming traffic. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this day of , 2004. APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~~ '" CA-9294 GG/ordres/proposed/21-1getalord.doc R2- June 10, 2004 16 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to amend and reordain City Code § 2-6 pertaining to the Resort Advisory Commission and an Ordinance to approve amendments to the Resort Advisory Commission's bylaws. MEETING DATE: June 22,2004 . Background: On April 2, 1984, City Council adopted a resolution to create the Resort Area Advisory Commission, now known as the Resort Advisory Commission ("RAC"). The general purpose of the RAC was to review and make recommendations to City Council regarding projects and issues associated with the Oceanfront Resort Area and other resort and tourism related projects and issues as the City Council may refer to the Commission. By ordinance adopted August 29, 1988, City Council added Section 2-6 of the City Code to establish the composition, govemance and administration of the RAC. Section 2-6(b) provides, inter alia, that the governance and administration of the RAC shall be in accordance with its bylaws, dated September 22,1998. This section further provides that amendments to the bylaws must be approved by the City Council. The RAC has proposed amendments to its bylaws (i) deleting the provision pertaining to the term of the RAC, (ii) changing the name of the Department of Convention and Visitor Development to Convention and Visitors Bureau, (Hi) deleting the reference to the Resort Leadership Council, which no longer exists, and (iv) adding a provision to allow the RAC to submit a list of prioritized CIP projects to City staff for review and possible inclusion in the CIP budget. Additionally, Section 2-6 of the City Code should be amended to add a provision pertaining to the term of the RAC in Section 2-6 and address housekeeping items. . Considerations: There are two proposed Ordinances included in this package. The first Ordinance addresses changes to Section 2-6 of the City Code as follows: The deletion of the reference to the bylaws dated September 2, 1998, in Section 2-6(b) will allow approval of future amendments to the bylaws without necessitating an amendment to the City Code. The reference to the Resort Leadership Council in Section 2-6(c) is deleted since the organization no longer exists. A new provision regarding the term of the RAC is more appropriately dealt with in the City Code. The new provision will extend the term of the RAC to June 30 2009. The second Ordinance addresses changes to the RAC's bylaws. The provision regarding the term of the RAC will be deleted since it will be more appropriately addressed in Section 2-6(d) of the City Code. The name of the Department has recently changed and such change should be reflected in the bylaws. The reference to the Resort Leadership Council should be deleted from the bylaws since the organization no longer exists. The additional provision allowing the RAC to submit a list of prioritized CIP projects to City staff for review and potential inclusion in the CIP budget is consistent with the purposes for which the RAC was established. . Public Information: Notice of these Ordinances will be handled through the normal agenda process. . Recommendations: Approve the Ordinance to amend City Code § 2-6 and approve the Ordinance amending the RAC's bylaws. . Alternatives: Reject the ordinances and allow the RAC to terminate on June 30, 2004. . Attachments: Ordinances, Amended bylaws Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Convention and Visitors Bureau ~- E City Manager~<;, ~ ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REORDAIN SECTION 2-6 OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO THE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Section Amended: City Code § 2-6 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 2-6 of the City Code is hereby amended and reordained to read as 15 follows: 16 Sec. 2.6. Resort advisory commission. 17 18 (b) The governance and administration of the commission shall be in accordance 19 with its bylaws, dates SeptÐFflÐer 22,1998, and incorporated by reference herein, which 20 bylaws shall not be amended without the prior approval of city council. 21 (c) The commission shall consist of at least eleven (11), but not more than, nineteen 22 (19) members. In selecting members of the commission, the city council shall give special 23 consideration to the representatives of the Virginia Beach Hotel/Motel Association, Virginia 24 Beach Restaurant Association, Resort Retailers Association, Virginia Beach Division of 25 Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, and Virginia Beach Council of Civic 26 Organizations and ReÐmt Leadership Cel,lncil. The city council shall also appoint to the 27 commission at least three (3) design professionals having expertise in the fields of 28 architecture, urban design, land use planning, landscape architecture, transportation 1 29 planning, or other design fields relevant to the purposes for which the commission was 30 created. 31 In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this subsection and any other 32 ordinance or bylaw, the provisions of this subsection shall control. 33 (d) The commission shall terminate automatically at midniqht on June 30, 2009, 34 unless sooner terminated or extended bv City Council. 35 w- ~This ordinance supersedes Ordinance No. 98-2W9 2680 adopted by city 36 council on September 22, 1998 December 18. 2001. 37 COMMENT 38 39 40 41 42 43 The deletion of the specific date of the bylaws in section 2-6(b) will enable City Council to approve future amendments to the RAC bylaws without having to amend the city code. The reference to the Resort Leadership Council in section 2-6( c) is deleted since the organization no longer exists. The provision regarding the tenn of the RAC has been deleted from the bylaws and placed in Sectîon 2-6(d). Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the - day 44 of ,2004. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: Approved as to Content: ,~~ City Attorney's 0 e ~£ Convention & Visitors Bureau CA-9290 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\02-06 Resort Advisory Comm ORD.doc June 10, 2004 R-3 2 RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION BYLAWS ARTICLE I PURPOSE The general purpose of the Resort Advisory Commission shall be to review and make recommendations to City Council regarding (i) projects and issues associated with the OceanfÌont Resort Area, and (ii) such other resort and/or tourism-related projects and issues as the Council may refer to the Commission. 10 carrying out this purpose, the Commission's goal shall be to support the City Council's efforts to realize its vision of Virginia Beach as a quality resort destination that: . encourages responsible enjoyment of its invaluable natural assets by residents, day visitors, and tourists; draws on all of its ocean and bay beaches and inland bays, lakes and rivers to establish the City as a water-oriented recreation destination; provides a growing stream of tourism-generated tax revenues to help meet the City's needs for schools, highways, and social services; offers a diversity of cultural, entertainment, recreational, and educational tourism venues in an integrated and well-designed manner; attracts visitors from a wide spectrum of income and age groups and serves each group with courtesy and distinction; establishes a distinctive identity at each gateway to the City and extends this distinctive character along routes linking our major resort attractions and venues; encourages private investment in tourism development and offers an environment conducive to profitable operation of small and large-scale resort businesses; competes successfully year-round for the best state and regional conferences, trade shows and conventions; and enhances its beachfront residential neighborhoods and minimizes conflicts between visitors and residents in these neighborhoods. . . . . . . . . Specifically, the Commission shall: . serve as City Council's citizen advisory panel on tourism-development challenges and opportunities; . serve as an incubator for tourism-development projects and programs; serve as the conduit to the Council for resort plans and initiatives; monitor the Tourism Growth and Investment Special Revenue Fund to insure that expenditures are consistent with Council policy; build consensus among the diverse interests having a stake in our tourism industry; assist City staff and Council to integrate the diverse mix of resort programs and projects into a consistent, unified, tourism-development plan; be an advocate for quality design in both public and private resort development; and monitor implementation of Council-endorsed resort projects, programs and policies to insure consistency with the Council's resort vision. . . . . . . ARTICLE II MEMBERS Section 1. Number. The Commission shall consist of at least eleven (11) but not more than nineteen (19) members, and shall include at least one (1) member from each of the following associations: the Hotel/Motel Association, the Virginia Beach Restaurant Association, and the Resort Retailers Association. The Commission shall also include the elected leader of, or a designated representative appointed by and from, each of the following organizations: the Virginia Beach Division of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, and the Virginia Beach Council of Civic Organizations, aaà tile ReseR Leaàershi 3 Celillsil. Finally, the Commission shall include at least three (3) design professionals who have expertise in the fields of architecture, urban design, land use planning, landscape architecture, transportation planning, or other design fields important to realizing the purpose of the Commission. All nominees shall be appointed by City Council. Section 2. Tenn. All members shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years; provided, however, that, in accordance with § 2-3 of the City Code, no member shall be appointed to serve more than three (3) consecutive three (3) year terms. Notwithstanding the above, the terms of the three (3) elected leaders (or designees) shall be consistent with the terms of office of such elected leaders within their respective organizations. Section 3. Qualifications. All members shall be residents of the City. The overall membership should also include persons with knowledge or experience in the fields of banking and finance, tourism development, recreation and entertainment, commercial real estate, advertising, business management, real estate law, or other areas uniquely related to the purpose of the Commission. Additionally, every effort should be made to have geographical, racial, and ethnic representation on the Commission reflective of the entire City. 2 6/9/04 Section 4. Chair and Vice-Chair. A Chair (or Vice-Chair in the Chair absence) shall preside over the meetings of the Commission. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Commission and shall serve for a term of one (1) year. The Chair and Vice- Chair may be re- elected for additional terms. Section 5. Attendance. Attendance records shall be kept at each meeting of the Commission and an annual report of the attendance of the members shall be filed with the City Clerk by June 30 of each year for review by City Council. No member shall accumulate an annual total of more than three (3) absences (not to exceed one-fourth of the total number of meetings). If this limitation is exceeded for reasons other than personal illness, death, or other unusual purposes, the appointment shall be terminated automatically, or as otherwise prescribed by law. Section 6. Vacancies. A vacancy caused by death, resignation, termination, expiration. or otherwise shall be filled by City Council for the unexpired term thereof, or in the case of an expiration, for three (3) years, within thirty (30) days of said vacancy. Notwithstanding the above, if, immediately prior to a vacancy, the Commission consists of more than eleven (11) members, City Council shall not have to fill the vacancy. ARTICLE III MEETINGS Section 1. Regular meetings. The Commission shall meet at least once a month at a time and location to be determined by the Chair upon consultation and coordination with the other members. Section 2. Special meetings. A special meeting may be called by the Chair or five (5) members of the Commission, or may be convened by City Council, to consider any matter that, in the determination of the Chair, the members, or City Council, needs to be addressed prior to a regular meeting. Any recommendation to the City Council, adopted by the Commission, shall be immediately submitted in writing to the City Manager who shall transmit it to City Council. Section 3. Requirements. A majority of Commission members shall be present in order for any meeting to be held. All actions of the Commission shall be conducted at a regular or special meeting and, with the exception of reports as indicated in Article IV below, shall require a majority vote of those members present. 3 6/9/04 ARTICLE IV REPORTS Section 1. Annual Report. Within forty-five (45) days of the end of the fiscal year, the Commission shall prepare and submit an annual report of its activities, recommendations, and proposals, including a financial statement, if applicable, to the City Manager who shall transmit same to City Council. Interim reports to City Council may be provided when deemed appropriate or necessary by the Commission, City Council, or the City Manager. Section 2. Tourism Growth and Investment Special Revenue Fund Report. By October 15th of each year, the Commission shall prepare and submit an Annual Tourism Growth and Investment Special Revenue Fund (TGIF) Report to the City Manager who shall transmit it to the City Council. This Report shall include the Commission's evaluation of the status of the TGIF Special Revenue Fund and its recommendations for the use of the TGIF in the upcoming budget cycle. This Report shall also include Commission recommendations for non- TGIF- financed operating and capital budgeting initiatives that are consistent with the Commission's purpose. Section 3. Capital Improvement Project Recommendations. By October 15th of each vear. a list of prioritized Capital Improvement Projects ("CIP") will be submitted to City staff for review and potential inclusion in the CIP budget. Section ~. ~ Requirements. All reports shall be approved by a majority of the members of the Commission. The Commission shall present a summary of any required report directly to the City Council at a public meeting. In any report to the Council, the Commission shall identify any conflicts that its report may have with the opinions of other City agencies. ARTICLE V COORDINATION Section 1. City Departments. The Commission shall work with and through the DepaFlflleftt of Convention and Visitor§. DevelepmeHt Bureau which shall, in close cooperation with the City Manager's Office, be responsible for coordinating the efforts of the Commission with other City departments (1) to ensure that there is no unnecessary duplication of efforts; (2) to enable the Commission to review the recommendations and proposals of City departments for compatibility (or incompatibility) with Commission objectives; (3) to enable City departments to review and 4 6/9/04 provide comments on Commission-generated proposals or initiatives; and (4) to ensure timely implementation of projects and programs. Section 2. Other City Agencies. The Commission and the Department shall make a special effort to establish open lines of communication with other City agencies involved in the formulation and implementation of various components of the City Council's resort and tourism policies including, but not limited to, the following: the Development Authority, the Planning Commission, the Shore Drive Advisory Commission, the Beach Events Steering Committee, the Advertising Advisory Council, the City Manager's Resort Area Task Force, and other City agencies, that may have an interest in specific elements of the Council's resort and tourism policies. ARTICLE VI COMMITTEES The Chair of the Commission shall have the authority to appoint committees, comprised of members of the Commission and non-members with special expertise, to study and review specific areas of concem and to report back to the full Commission for such action as the Commission shall deem appropriate. ARTICLE VII AMENDMENTS No alteration, amendment, or repeal of these Bylaws or any section hereof shall be effective without the prior consent of City Council. .""'RTICLE VIII TERMIN/.TION Tile C8H1f11ÏGsiEJR sHall tefHliRate aH1ematieally at midnight eR JIIRe 3Q,2001, IIRless termiRated By City CellReil Jrier 18 tllat date. These Bylaws [as amended] are hereby adopted as of this 22nd day of SefJtemàer, 199& June. 2004, by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. 5 6/9/04 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Amend the City's FY 2004-05 Operating Budget by Appropriating $14,556,341 in State funds and Revising Appropriations to School Operating Budget and School Projects in the FY 2004-05 Capital MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: The recently approved State budget provides additional funds for education that were not appropriated by Council on May 11, 2004 as part of the FY 2004-05 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program ordinances. On May 25, 2004, the School Board adopted a Budget Resolution to reconcile the funding provided by City Council on May 11, 2004, and revise the categorical expenditure appropriations, Later, on June 8, 2004, the School Board adopted a Capital Improvement Program Resolution to recommend additional funding to the Schools FY 2004-05 Capital Improvement Program. . Considerations: In view of State and Federal requirements, additional demand for space and operations, the strategic plan, priorities, expectations, competitive compensation for employees, and the best educational interests of its students, the School Board requests City Council approval of the following changes: Appropriation School Operating School Operating Difference- Category Fund Approved May Fund Recommended Approved May II, 11,2004byCity May 25,2004 by 2004 vs. Council School Board Recommended May 25,2004 Revenue Revenue from $287,619,482 $302,175,823 $14,556,341 Commonwealth Appropriations Administration, $19,614,342 $19,598,461 ($15,881) Attendance and Health Instruction $455,762,748 $457,581,684 $1,818,936 Operations and $72,777,955 . $74,234,031 $1,456,076 Maintenance Pupil Transportation $23,633,686 $24,250,263 $616,577 Total School $571,788,731 $575,664,439 $3,875,708 Operating Fund Allocated to School CIP CIP Pay-as-you-Go I $6,916,775 $17,597,408 I $10,680,633 The additional $10,680,633 in pay-as-you-go funds to the Capital Improvement Program will be allocated as follows: CIP 1-082 Alternative Education Facility - Phase I $ 1,764,158 CIP 1-234 Consolidated Virginia Beach Middle/ Kemps Landing Magnet High School Addition - Phase I High School Addition - Phase II Elementary School 2007 School Bus Garage Facility Renovation/ Expansion CIP 1-017 CIP 1-020 CIP 1-075 CIP 1-078 5,759,487 575,000 500,000 1,537,743 544.245 $10,680,633 . Public Information: A public hearing has been scheduled for public comment on the proposed appropriation. . Alternatives: None . Recommendations: It is recommended that the City Council amend the Fiscal Year 2004-05 Operating Budget and CIP Ordinances to reflect the requested modifications to the School Board's Fiscal Year 2004-05 Operating Budget. . Attachments: School Board Resolution dated May 25, 2004 School Board Resolution dated June 8, 2004 Ordinance Recommended Action: Submitting Department/Agency: City Man...'~ Y- . De CYHt .. IRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS AHEAD OF THE CURVE SCHOOL BOARD 0..1.1 D. Edw"". ClIo'""", "'Irid I.Ceo"""'e 1513 Be_o.ri" VA Be"". VA 23464 495-3551 Ih). 717'()259 (,ell .., L Ro.. VoceC>amns<> At,,- 1337 Hams Road VA Be"". VA 23452 46J.3823~1.497-B633lwl J",S,B,,"'" Di.1rid6.Beach 721 H!\IopRoad VA Beach. VA 23454 425-1597 (h) Emma L "Em"O..b "',",,5.l""""'" 112""",,_- VA B_. VA 23452 3O).891'~J A.J..... "JIm" """'"ls "',",,2-Kern,..... 4545 Bob""'..- VA Beaoh. VA 23462 467.2451~) 0.. Rlo., "'!rie14-B",.. 4617 Red Coat Road VA Beach. VA 23455 49Q.3681~J S..O"Smi1h.Jo,.. ........ 705 Rod< Cleek ColI. VA Beach. VA 23462 490-6167 (h) ........1 W. St",... Dislrict3.RoseHaiI 105 Bnm"""'" ColI. VA Beach. VA 23452 49>43D3lh).445-4S37(W} MII"T.h!e At.lage 1709lad""".""". VA Beach. VA 23455 460-5451 ~J Can>1y,o.We"". AI-lage 1420 eoa.o. on" VA Beach. VA 23455 464<674 ~} loll S. WOOl,m., Ph,o., "'1rid1-Pri"".- 2532"" eo-. ColI. VA Beach.VA 23456 23J.0691Iw) SUPERINTENDENT TImo1h, R J..ney, Ph,D. 2512Geo.."""- VA "-VA 23455 427~326 BUDGET RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the mission of the Virginia Beach City Public Schools, in partnership with our entire community, is to ensure that each student is empowered with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the challenges of the future; and WHEREAS, the School Board has adopted a comprehensive strategic plan and school improvement priorities to guide budgetary decisions; and WHEREAS, the School Board has studied the recommended School Operating Budget in view of state and federal requirements, additional demands for space and operations, the strategic plan, priorities, expectations, competitive compensation for employees and the best educational interests ofits students; and WHEREAS, the total funds available for FY 2004/05 from the City of Virginia Beach to Virginia Beach City Public Schools is $315,319,951; and WHEREAS, these funds are to be used for school Debt Service payments, cash funding of the Capital Improvement Programs (CIP) and Operating Budget Support; and WHEREAS, the debt service payment is estimated to be $41,303,652 leaving a balance of $274,016,299 to allocate between the Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the School Board Proposed Operating Budget has been reconciled to meet the funding provided by City Council on May 11, 2004; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the $274,016,299 be allocated as follows: $ 256,418,891 to the Operating Budget, and $ 17,597,408 to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP); and be it further RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City School Board, on the 25" day of May 2004, requests a categorical appropriation of $ 575,664,439 from the City Council of Virginia Beach for the 2004- 2005 School Operating Budget, as outlined by category: Instruction Administration, Attendance and Health Pupil Transportation Operations and Maintenance and be it further $ 457,581,684 19,598,461 24,250,263 74,234,031 RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City School Board requests an appropriation of $90,759,828 for special grants, and other special revenue funds, for the 2004-2005 fiscal year; and be it further RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be spread across the official minutes of this Board, and the Clerk ofthe Board is directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to the Mayor, .each member of City Council, the City Manager, and the City Clerk." . .' Adopted by the School Board this 25th day of May 2004 à~ ø?:~'í/r Daniel D. Edwards, Chainnan SEAL Attest: ,~ '"'P. 0ß.t4cw..dtA.. Dianne P. Alexander, Clerk of the Board School Administration Building' 2S12 George Mason Drive . ~O, Box 6038 . Virginia Beach, VA 23456-O03B +IRGINIA BEACH CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS AHEAD OF THE CURVE SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET RESOLUTION ~:.::.~ Edw"ds WHEREAS, the mission ofthe Virginia Beach City Public Schools, in partnership with our entire ~~';"~~:"o~:, community, is to ensure that each student is empowered with the knowledge and skills necessary to VABeach.VA 23464 meet the challenges of the future; and 495-3551 ~I,717-02591,,1I1 ",ULRo," Voce Ch.rman At.latg, 1337 Hams Road VABeach. VA 23452 463-3823lhl,497.6633lw) Jon,S. Broo's o;sltid6-Be"" 721 Hille¡> Road VA_h,VA 23454 425-1597Ih) Emma L "Em" D,,'s """'5-lyn"',," 1125 ""h""",,,,"';" VA Beach. VA 23452 341>8911lh) A.Jam.."Jlm"D'B,m, "'1rict2-Kempsvl" 4545BobJonesDffl' VA Boacl1. VA 2J462 467.2457 (h) Dan Rlowe 0;,01,14. Bay,'de 4617AedCoatRoad VABeacl1.VA 23455 49~3681 (hi SandroSm;th.Jonos Al-lar9' 71J5Rocl<CteeI<Court VA""".VA2J461 490-8167 (h) ";,h"IW.Slewart DIsIrict3-Ros,HalI 105 B,enlWoOd Court VA","",.VA 23452 498-4303 Ihl,445.4637 (w) ArthurT, h" At.l",e 1709la< ysml~ Mews VA B,ach. VA 23455 4$0-5451 ~I C.",lynD,W,,'" At.l"" "20 Claud' """ VA B'ach, VA 2J455 464-6ß74~1 lols S. ..mams. Ph,D. o;,l,.".Pri='- 253Zlæ"""""Co<irt VA Beanh.VA 23456 233-059llw) SUPERINTENDENT TlmothyRJenney.Ph,D. 25"Goo,,"""""'" VA B'anh, VA 23455 427-432S WHEREAS, the School Board has adopted a comprehensive strategic plan and school improvement priorities to guide budgetary decisions; and WHEREAS, the School Board has studied the recommended School Operating Budget in view of state and federal requirements, additional demands for space and operations, the strategic plan, priorities, expectations, competitive compensation for employees and the best educational interests of its students; and WHEREAS, the total funds available for FY 2004/05 from the City of Virginia Beach to Virginia Beach City Public SchooJs is $315,319,951; and WHEREAS, these funds are to be used for school Debt Service payments, cash funding of the Capital hnprovement Programs (CIP) and Operating Budget Support; and WHEREAS, the debt service payment is estimated to be $41,303,652 leaving a balance of $274,016,299 to allocate between the Operating Budget and the Capital hnprovement Program; and WHEREAS, the School Board Proposed Operating Budget has been reconciled to meet the funding provided by City Council on May 11, 2004; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the $274,016,299 be allocated as follows: $ 256,418,891 to the Operating Budget, and $ 17,597,408 to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP); and be it further RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City School Board, on the 25th day of May 2004, requests a categorical appropriation of $ 575,664,439 from the City Council of Virginia Beach for the 2004- 2005 School Operating Budget, as outlined by category: Instruction Administration, Attendance and Health Pupil Transportation Operations and Maintenance and be it further $ 457,581,684 19,598,461 24,250,263 74,234,031 RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City School Board requests an appropriation of $90,759,828 for special grants, and other special revenue funds, for the 2004-2005 fiscal year; and be it further RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be spread across the official minutes of this Board, and the Clerk of the Board is directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to the Mayor, ,each member of City Council, the City Manager, and the City Clerk. . --, ' _. .' , Adopted by the School Board this 25th day of May 2004 . ~-j? ~,þuy Daniel D. Edwards, Chaitman SEAL Attest: I ~ ""f. ~CW..C£<A- Dianne P. Alexander, Clerk of the Board School Admlni"",'ion Building' 2512 George Mason Drive ' ~o. Box 6038 . Yírglnla Beach. VA 23456-0038 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY'S FY 2004-05 OPERATING BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING $14,556,341 IN STATE FUNDS AND REVISING APPROPRIATIONS TO THE SCHOOL OPERATING BUDGET AND SCHOOL PROJECTS IN THE FY 2004-05 CAPITAL BUDGET 12 WHEREAS, the General Assembly has made an additional $14,556,341 in 13 revenue available to the City of Virginia Beach for educational purposes; and 14 WHEREAS, a proposal for appropriating these funds to the School 15 Operating Budget and re-appropriating $10,680,633 in local funding to School 16 CIP projects in the Capital Budget was approved by School Board resolutions 17 adopted on May 25, 2004, and June 8, 2004. 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 19 20 1. That the FY 2004-05 Operating Budget is amended as follows: 21 (a) $14,556,341 in estimated revenue from the State government is 22 hereby appropriated to the FY 2004-05 School Operating Budget; and (b) $10,680,633 in local funding previously appropriated to the FY 2004-05 23 24 School Operating Budget is hereby re-appropriated to the School Capital 25 Projects, as set forth in this ordinance. 26 2. That the $3,875,708 in net additional appropriations to the School Operating Budget is hereby allocated to the following categories: 27 28 (a) appropriations to the Instruction category are increased by 29 $1,818,936, resulting in a total appropriation of $457,581 ,684; 30 31 32 (b) appropriations to the Administration, Attendance and Health category 33 are decreased by $15,881, resulting in a total appropriation of 34 $19,598,461; 35 (c) appropriations to the Pupil Transportation category are increased by 36 $616,577, resulting in a total appropriation of $24,250,263; and 37 (d) appropriations to the Operations and Maintenance category are 38 increased by $1 ,456,076, resulting in a total appropriation of $74,234,031, 39 3. That the $10,680,633 in local funding that has been re-appropriated to the 40 School's Capital Budget shall be allocated as follows: 41 (a) $1,764,158 in additional appropriations to CIP 1-082, "Alternative 42 Education Facility - Phase I," resulting in a total appropriation of 43 $14,456,977; 44 (b) $5,759,487 in additional appropriations to CIP 1-234, "Consolidated 45 Virginia Beach Middle/Kemps Landing Magnet," resulting in a total 47 appropriation of $22,813,561; (c) $575,000 in additional appropriations to CIP 1-017, "High School 46 48 Addition - Phase I," resulting in a total appropriation of $925,000; 49 (d) $500,000 in additional appropriations to CIP 1-020, "High School 50 Addition - Phase II," resulting in a total appropriation of $825,000; 51 (e) $1,537,743 in additional appropriations to CIP 1-075, "Elementary 52 School 2007", resulting in a total appropriation of $2,137,743; and 53 (f) $544,245 in additional appropriations to CIP 1-078, "School Bus 54 Garage Facility Renovation/Expansion," resulting in a total appropriation of 55 $1,251,523. 56 4. That estimated revenue in the FY 2004-05 School Operating Budget from 57 state revenue is hereby increased by $14,556,341. 58 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on July 1, 2004, 59 60 61 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this - day of , 2004. 62 Approved as to Content ~ ~~~~~~ s~~ 67 68 Approved as to Legal Sufficiency ~ S :?w~ r¡;. City Attorney's Office CA-9150 R-7 June 16, 2004 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\School Revision Ordinance,doc ~), /d.~.~. '::::'.'t' [!i! . ,.\ \~~?fi{1; "'" CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute a Deed of Release and Exchange Pertaining to an Agricultural Lands Preservation Easement (Property of Matthew J, Stuebe and Clarita Cothran) MEETING DATE: June 22,2004 . Background: In September 1998, the owners of a parcel of land located on Hungarian Road placed the property in the City's Agricultural Reserve Program (ARP). As part of the transaction, the property owners reserved, for future development, four (4) three-acre building sites. The property has since been sold, and the present owners of the property now desire that City release the ARP easement from one of the reserved sites and, in exchange, place the easement on another portion of the property not presently under an ARP easement. . Considerations: The attached survey shows the areas that would be exchanged. The respective areas are approximately equal in area. The appraiser who appraised the property for the original ARP purchase has stated by letter that there is no difference in the market value of the two sites. Section 11 of the Agricultural Lands Preservation Ordinance expressly allows exchanges of the type sought by the applicants, and states that the City Council shall allow such exchanges under certain conditions. Those conditions, which are set forth in the attached ordinance as findings of the City Council, are as follows: (1) the acquisition of the proposed Preservation Easement in lieu of the existing Preservation Easement does not adversely affect the City's interests in accomplishing the purposes of the Ordinance; (2) the proposed Preservation Easement area meets all of the eligibility requirements set forth in Section 7 of the Ordinance; (3) the land to be encumbered by the proposed Preservation Easement is of at least equal fair market value, is of greater value as permanent open space, and of as nearly as feasible equivalent usefulness and location for use as permanent open-space land as the property on which the existing Preservation Easement is located; and (4) the consideration for the acquisition of the new Preservation Easement consists solely of the extinguishment of the existing Preservation Easement. The proposed ordinance authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute a Deed of Release and Exchange pursuant to which of the 3-acre sites reserved for future development is exchanged for another reserved site. Such direction is subject to the City Attomey's determination that there are no defects in title to the property to be placed under the ARP Easement or other restrictions or encumbrances thereon which may. in the opinion of the City Attorney, adversely affect the City's interests, . Public Information: No special form of advertising is required . Alternatives: The City Council may deny the proposed exchange if it finds that the requirements specified above have not been met. . Recommendations: Adoption of the ordinance allowing the exchange of reserved sites. . Attachments: Survey showing existing and proposed area reserved for future development. Recommended Action: Approval , Submitting Department/Agency: Agriculture Department City Manager~ \L. .ð(j~ 1 2 3 4 5 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A DEED OF RELEASE AND EXCHANGE PERTAINING TO AN AGRICULTURAL LANDS PRESERVATION EASEMENT LOCATED ON LAND OF MATTHEW J. STUEBE AND CLARITA COTHRAN 6 WHEREAS, on September 23, 1998, the City of Virginia Beach 7 (hereinafter "the City") and Rodney L. and Peggy S. Foster, Robert 8 E. and Margaret S. Shreeves,' and Sam T., Jr. and Joan F. Moore 9 (hereinafter Purchase the "Sellers" ) entered into Installment 10 Agreement Number 1998-21, whereby the City acquired an Agricultural 11 Lands Preservation Easement (hereinafter "Preservation Easement") 12 upon certain property owned by the Sellers; and 13 WHEREAS, as part of the aforesaid transaction, the Sellers 14 reserved for future development a portion of the aforesaid property 15 consisting of four (4) three-acre building sites, such that the 16 Preservation Easement does not encumber such reserved sites; and 17 WHEREAS, Matthew J. Stuebe and Clarita Cothran, the present 18 owners of the aforesaid property, desire to exchange an area of 19 land, approximately three (3) acres in size, not encumbered by the 20 Preservation Easement for an approximately equal area of land which 21 is to be encumbered by the Preservation Easement, as shown on the 22 attached "EXHIBIT SHOWING EASEMENT EXCEPTIONS ON PROPERTY STANDING 23 IN THE NAME OF MATTHEW J. STUEBE & CLARITA COTHRAN FOR CITY OF 24 VIRGINIA BEACH AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM," dated May 6, 2004, 25 and prepared by Midgette & Associates, P.C.; and 26 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 11 of the Agricultural Lands 27 Preservation Ordinance (hereinafter "Ordinance"), a landowner may 1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 petition the City Council for the extinguishment of a Preservation Easement in exchange for the the City a of to conveyance Preservation Easement on a different portion of the landowner's property, under certain conditions set forth in the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Ordinance provides that the City Council shall approve such an exchange if it makes certain findings enumerated in the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby make such findings, to- 36 wit: 37 (1) the acquisition of the proposed Preservation Easement in 38 lieu of the existing Preservation Easement does not adversely 39 affect the City's interests in accomplishing the purposes of the 40 Ordinance; 41 (2) the proposed Preservation Easement area meets all of the 42 eligibility requirements set forth in Section 7 of the Ordinance; 43 (3) the land to be encumbered by the proposed Preservation 44 Easement is of at least equal fair market value, is of greater 45 value as permanent and of nearly as feasible open space, as 46 equivalent usefulness and location for use as permanent open-space 47 land as the property on which the existing Preservation Easement is 48 located; and 49 (4) consideration for the acquisition of new the the 50 Preservation Easement consists solely of the extinguishment of the 51 existing Preservation Easement; 2 52 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 53 OF VIRGINIA BEACH: 54 That subject to the determination of the City Attorney that 55 there are no defects in title to the property to be placed under 56 the Preservation Easement or other restrictions or encumbrances 57 thereon which may, in the opinion of the City Attorney, adversely 58 affect the City's interests, the City Manager be, and hereby is, 59 authorized and directed to execute a Deed of Release and Exchange 60 to which the City releases the existing Preservation pursuant 61 Easement on a portion of the property, as shown on the aforesaid 62 survey, and acquires, in exchange therefor, land equal in area to 63 be placed under the Preservation Easement, as shown on such survey. 64 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 65 Virginia, on this --- day of , 2004. CA-9298 OID\orders\stuebeexchangeordin.doc June 8, 2004 R-1 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL 'UF~;:;;; I1A~ City Attorney's Office LOT 2 GPIN# 1388-46-0266 IBr Ii C1 1\ ~ \~ Øi (' 1\ ~ , J II ~ ! \ i ~ II 'ò\ -- \!" t II 8 - I . ~ \~ ~ 'I,O.Oj"""" / PROPERTY LINE SO4'01'O'"E 3593.01' <f) , if) ex> ~f-------------1----~~~~C~3£~~~-------------------~1 E3 ::il I ~\~ ~_w, ~\ EASEMENT EXCEPTIO~ ---- - - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- ---- - --- - - --~~ -=- --SQ4'O-\'O1~- -25O.U'_! ~\ 1~~~~~:~8U. ¡-------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~\ II ~~---NÕ4-0"Õl;;-W-25õ.86'--- LOT 1 L______-~---- 1______-- &;1::; GPIN# 1386-37-7225 I NO4'Ol'Ol"W-698..¡g;--------------------_':J;; ~ EXISTING EXCEPTION w, EASEMENT HEREBY VACA TEO \ '" NO4'O"O'"W 3221.95' FILE NUM8ER:O20580EA,DWG(SAA) M~$~ .8. 271, Pc N/F . 2J WILLIAM T. JACKSON & TRACEY M. JACKSON G-PIN#1386-37-3066 EXHIBIT SHOWING EASEMENT EXCEPTIONS ON PROPERTY STANDING IN THE NAME OF MATTHEW J. STUEBE & CLARITA COTHRAN FOR CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM M.B. 271. PG. 22-27 VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA MAY 6, 2004 SCALE: 1"=100' Midgette & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND PLANNERS ".GO..... ~ t<IRTH CAAOUHA 708 BAntmElD BLVD. S.. BlDG. N. SUITE '.S C!<........... VA. 233ZZ mEPHOHE (757) "7-368' (2S2)405-1BZ4 FAX' (m) "7-07.' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance Appointing Three (3) Viewers for One-Year Terms Beginning July 1, 2004, to View Each Street or Alley Proposed to be Closed MEETING DATE: . Background: Pursuant to authority granted to the City of Virginia Beach by the General Assembly during its 1997 Session, City Council, by ordinance adopted June 23, 1998, added a new § 33-111.2 to the City Code which provides for the appointment of three (3) viewers for one-year terms, beginning July 1 of each year, to view each and every street or alley proposed to be altered or vacated during the term of such viewers. . Considerations: Since the terms of the viewers appointed by City Council on June 25, 2003, will expire on June 30, 2004, it is necessary to appoint viewers for one-year terms beginning July 1, 2004. . Recommendations: Adoption of attached ordinance. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Department of Planning City Manager: H'IPoh'y and Adminisn-arionlGENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION - Team AIOrdinances & R"olutions Prepared for Council\ARFs Iviewsarf20Q4, wpd 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE APPOINTING THREE (3) VIEWERS FOR ONE-YEAR TERMS BEGINNING JULY 1, 2004, TO VIEW EACH STREET OR ALLEY PROPOSED TO BE CLOSED 5 WHEREAS, Section 33-111.2 of the City Code provides that 6 " [t] hree (3) viewers shall be appointed each year to serve terms of 7 one year beginning July 1 to view each and every street or alley 8 proposed to be altered or vacated during the term"; and 9 WHEREAS, it is the desire of City Council to appoint the Directors of the Departments of Planning, Public Works and Parks and Recreation to serve as viewers for one-year terms, beginning July 1, 2004, and ending June 30, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the Director of Planning, the Director of Public Works and the Director of Parks and Recreation of the City of Virginia Beach are each hereby appointed as a viewer to serve a one-year term beginning July 1, 2004, and ending June 30, 2005, to view each and every application to close a street or alley, and to report in writing whether in their opinion, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from discontinuing the street or alley or portion thereof. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the ----- day of , 2004. CA-9301 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\viewers20040rd.wpd R-1 June 17, 2004 Approved as to Content: ¿"/¡'II ~~(;)di iifæ/ City Attornéy's Office 2 1 2 3 4 ORDINANCE APPROVING MODIFICATION TO PHASE IT PROJECT DOCUMENTS FOR THE TOWN CENTER PROJECT 5 WHEREAS, on behalf of the City of Virginia Beach (the "City") and the City of 6 Virginia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority"), the City Manager and City staff have 7 engaged in extensive negotiations with representatives of Armada/Hoffler Development Company, 8 LLc., and its affiliates, regarding the development of a Central Business District Project known as 9 "The Town Center of Virginia Beach" (the "Project"); 10 WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2766A adopted June 3, 2003, after finding that Phase 11 IT of the Project will stimulate the City's economy, increase public revenues, enhance public 12 amenities, further the City's development objectives for the Central Business District and provide 13 necessary components to further the goals contained in the City's "Guidelines for Evaluation of 14 Investment Partnerships for Economic Development", the City Council (a) approved development 15 documents for Phase IT of the Project (the "Phase IT Project Documents"), (b) requested that the 16 Authority approve and execute the Phase IT Project Documents, and (c) authorized the City Manager 17 to execute a Support Agreement between the City and the Authority supporting the Authority's 18 obligations contained in the Phase IT Project Documents; 19 WHEREAS, Phase IT of the Project includes Block 12, a structure comprised of a 20 574-spacepublic parking garage (the "Block 12 Parking Garage"), 17,000 square feet of ground floor 21 commercial space and an 84,000 square foot Galyan's sporting goods store; 22 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Phase IT Project Documents, Town Center Associates, 23 LLC. ("Developer") is obligated to construct the Block 12 Parking Garage and the Authority is 24 obligated to purchase the Block 12 Parking Garage fÌom the Developer upon its completion and 25 upon completion of other Phase IT construction obligations; 26 27 28 29 30 WHEREAS, pursuant to an Option Agreement dated as ofJune 5, 2000, as amended, the Developer has an option to purchase certain land fÌom the Authority on the terms and conditions set forth therein; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Phase II Project Documents and the Option Agreement, the Authority has the right on or before July 1, 2004 to cause the Theater Parcel (as defined in the 31 Phase IT Project Documents) to be released fÌom the Option Agreement on certain terms and 32 conditions. 33 WHEREAS, the Developer incurred additional costs of construction for Block 12 for 34 remediation of certain soil conditions due to unforeseen circumstances, and the Authority has 35 requested that Developer make certain safety improvements and enhancements within the Block 12 36 Parking Garage; 37 WHEREAS, to facilitate the Developer's construction of Phase IT ofthe Project, the 38 Developer has requested that the Authority modify the Phase IT Project Documents (the "Block 12 39 Modification") to provide that the acquisition cost of the Block 12 Parking Garage be increased by 40 up to $248,000 (the "Block 12 Acquisition Cost Increase") to account for (i) the allocable portion of 41 additional Block 12 construction costs incurred by Developer for remediation of certain soil 42 conditions due to unforeseen circumstances and (ii) safety improvements and enhancements to be 43 completed by the Developer to the Block 12 Parking Garage; 44 WHEREAS, the Developer has agreed to dedicate (i) up to $10,000 of the Block 45 12 Acquisition Cost Increase for safety improvements and enhancements to the Block 12 Parking 46 Garage, and (ii) $238,000 of the Block 12 Acquisition Cost Increase toward the following 47 improvements to Block 8B, on which the Developer is constructing a 37,500 square foot, two- 48 story commercial structure: (a) a Virginia Power transformer in the building to be constructed on 2 ~ ~, ,. "" .."-' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Cost Participation Agreement for the construction of improvements to Stumpy Lake Lane and Archdale Drive and the acceptance of dedicated property located within the project construction area. MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: KGS Construction Company (KGS) is the developer of "The Orchard at Glenwood Sections 1, 2 and 3" Subdivision (the "Orchard"). The Orchard consists of three non-contiguous sections of development along Stumpy Lake Lane. Each section has adequate access into and out of the development by means of existing roadways. KGS, however, is required to extend Stumpy Lake Lane through section one and to make right-of-way improvements, including road widening, curbing, etc. to Stumpy Lake Lane in each of the three sections of the Orchard. After these required improvements are completed, a gap of approximately 500 linear feet of unimproved Stumpy Lake Lane will exist between two of the sections of the subdivision. Because that portion of Stumpy Lake Lane is not needed for access to the development, KGS is not responsible financially for the cost of connection of the two sections of Stumpy Lake Lane; connecting the two existing sections of roadway, however, will improve traffic flow in the area, as will improving Archdale Drive. . Considerations: The proposed Cost Participation Agreement with KGS provides for the immediate improvement to the remaining 500 linear feet of Stumpy Lake Lane. It also authorizes improvements necessary to provide additional access via Archdale Drive. KGS will construct these improvements concurrently with the improvements required for the Orchard. The City owns all of the right of way necessary for these required improvements with the exception of a portion of the Archdale Drive right of way, on the north side of Stumpy Lake Lane. The owner of that property, Tate Terrace Realty Investors, Inc., has agreed to dedicate the required property to the City in conjunction with this Cost Participation Agreement. . Capital Improvement Project 2-285 provides for intersection and road segment improvements to increase traffic capacity and safety. Funds are available in CIP 2- 285.196 (Traffic Safety Improvements) for this project. Under the proposed Cost Participation Agreement the City will pay 100% of the costs of the proposed improvements to the 500 linear feet of unimproved Stumpy Lake Lane totaling $350,000. The Agreement benefits the City by providing for improvements to the intersection and road segment in advance of a scheduled CIP project and at a lower cost than the City would othelWise pay through the normal CIP process. . Public Information: The president of the Glenwood Civic League and Homeowners' Association has been contacted and the project discussed with him. He indicated that this is a welcome project for the neighborhood and they fully support the City's effort in this regard. . Alternatives: Do not approve this Cost Participation Agreement, requiring the project to be programmed as a future CIP Project, resulting in a delay and higher costs to the City. . Recommendations: Staff recommends Council adopt the ordinance (i) authorizing the City Manager to execute the cost participation agreement, and (ii) to accept the property being dedicated to the City to construct the project. Attachments: Ordinance Summary of Terms Proposed Project Area Map Submitting DepartmenVAgency: Public WorksiEngineeri COy M~9'" U k .'èß.-..¡, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A COST PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND KGS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (KGS) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO STUMPY LAKE LANE AND ARCHDALE DRIVE AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATED PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION AREA WHEREAS, KGS Construction Company (KGS), the developer of the Orchard at Glenwood 14 Subdivision (the "Orchard") located along Stumpy Lake Lane in the City of Virginia Beach, is 15 required to make right of way improvements to Stumpy Lake Lane along the fÌontage of the Orchard; 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, to the east of Archdale Drive, KGS is required to make right-of-way improvements along Stumpy Lake Lane associated with Section 1 of the Orchard and to the west of Archdale Drive. KGS is also required to make right of way improvements to Stumpy Lake Lane associated with Sections 2 and 3 of the Orchard; WHEREAS, when the required improvements are completed, a gap of approximately 500 linear feet of unimproved Stumpy Lake Lane (the "gap area") will exist between the two developments; WHEREAS, Archdale Drive intersects with Stumpy Lake Lane within the gap area and improvements are necessary to Archdale Drive in order to provide additional access to the neighborhood located off of Archdale Drive; 36 WHEREAS, an opportunity to provide these needed improvements in advance of a scheduled 37 CIP project exists through a cost participation agreement with KGS, which KGS is willing to 38 execute; 39 WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, roadway 40 improvements to the gap area and a portion of Archdale Drive are necessary to provide a completed 41 roadway network; 42 WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, entering into the 43 Cost Participation Agreement with KGS for the construction of these improvements will be 44 beneficial for the preservation of the safety, health, peace, good order, comfort, convenience, and for 45 the welfare of the people of the City of Virginia Beach; 46 WHEREAS, in order for the improvements to be constructed, the property along Stumpy 47 Lake Lane and Archdale Drive owned by Tate Terrace Realty Investors, Inc. must be dedicated to the 48 City as right of way; and 49 WHEREAS, Tate Terrace Realty Investors, Inc., is willing to dedicate the property for the 50 construction of the improvements: 51 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 52 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 53 That the City Council authorizes the City Manger to accept property located within the 54 Stumpy Lake Lane! Archdale Drive project area to be dedicated by Tate Terrace Realty Investors, Inc. 55 56 2 57 Further be it resolved that the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a cost 58 participation agreement between the City and KGS for construction of road improvements along 59 Stumpy Lake Lane and Archdale Drive in accordance with the Cost Participation Agreement 60 Summary of Terms attached hereto, and containing other terms as are acceptable to the City Manager 61 and approved by the City Attorney. 62 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the - day of 63 ,2004. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 CA- 9248 F:/DataJATYlForms/DeedslWorking/Stumpy Lake Lane ord2.doc R-l 06/07/04 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: CERTIFIED AS TO A V AILABILITY OF ~UNDS: \:::iiw lei- {¡¡kif ù Department of Finance ~ City Attorney's Office 3 SUMMARY OF TERMS STUMPY LAKE LANE AND ARCHDALE DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS COST PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT DEVELOPER: COST PARTICIPANT: DESIGN AND ENGINEERING COSTS: SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: KGS Construction Company (KGS) City of Virginia Beach Payment by the City to KGS in the amount of $350,000.00. All bonds must be posted prior to payment by the City. Payment will be made within thirty days after i) completion of the improvements in accordance with the plans, ii) acceptance by the City, and iii) submission by Developer of a requisition and invoices for the costs. Developer is required to post a performance bond, pay the standard inspection fees. Developer will design and construct the road improvements on or before 180 days from the date of full execution of the Cost Participation Agreement. Developer will perform all preliminary site work including surveying and stakeout, clearing, grading, etc. necessary for the construction of the project. Developer will construct a 2-lane roadway with curb/gutter, and a sidewalk for both Stumpy Lake Lane and Archdale Drive, each matching the typical section of the existing roadway. Developer will construct all storm water drainage features, construct and maintain all erosion and sediment control features necessary for the project and extend the water line along Stumpy Lake Lane as necessary for the project. Developer will provide all traffic signage, pavement markings and street lighting necessary for the project. Developer will construct all landscaping, including trees, grading, seeding and fertilizing necessary for the project. t ,"( r'(\""'~"""-':-,','.'\'~':"."""",-""",g", \,í'I\,',',X.','.',':\,,','::,',',:,',""/I,I\f'¡\\,\~EXHI,BI,T,D I' '~ "'~" '('I "\ ",\ }" 1\11, \' "11'" 1,\,v~\'\,'i," I".' " , ' ", .\, I, ' ",., . .' / ~,' "THE ORC,H,'A,R,D ÂT,'GlE,N,'WO"OD, ",'¡/"I,i\i 1,'¡\I,",'\I,l.l\ , ,"ill"',"¡',[ii""Ii "¡'v SECTION 1" '[I'i',""'! , ' SUBDIVISION ~"'I ," 1 ;'11'1 I /,i,:\';"~':'(::J,!',I",^"",.""""",,"""""""""""",'"","'"',,',,',,',,,"'""'",'",'",'",'",'",',,',,,,',', \ 1",,'JII',','\!"¡"",'i':" .;. ",~ ',\,"', '..";-' '\1 1,,- , 'I" ,J \ " "1\ \:1 Iii / ,', \ 1.1 . PROPOSED PROJECT AREA STUMPY LAKE LANE/ARCHDALE DRIVE COST PARTlClPA TlON AGREEMENT aUNE 2004) SCALE: i" = 300' I , I 0' 300' 600' PN! Pull,n,dgn " -1 . LOCA TlON MAP STUMPY LAKE LANE/ARCHDALE DRIVE COST PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT aUNE 2004) SCALE: I" = 800' ¡---" O' 800' l,bOO' POI< Pu""" rinn CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Modification of Town Center Phase II Project Documents relating to Block 12 and Block 6 MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: The City of Virginia Beach, the Virginia Beach Development Authority and Town Center Associates, LL.C. ("Developer") are parties to a development agreement relating to Phase II of the Town Center Project. The Phase II Project Documents require the VBDA to purchase the 574- space public parking garage to be constructed by Developer on Block 12 upon completion of the garage and other Phase II construction obligations. Developer has requested that the VBDA modify the Phase II Project Documents to increase the purchase price of the Block 12 garage by up to $248,000 to cover the cost of the safety improvements to the garage requested by VBDA and to cover the cost of remediation of unanticipated bad soil conditions. Developer has agreed to dedicate up to $10,000 of the increase for safety improvements to the Block 12 garage and $238,000 to improve a 37,500 square foot commercial structure on Block 8B as follows: a) certain enhancements to the west facade of the building to anticipate that it may be visible to the City's proposed performing arts theater, b) an escalator for public access to the second floor of the Block 8B improvements, and c) enlargement of a Virginia Power transformer to serve Fountain Plaza to allow its off-site relocation. Developer has also agreed to modify the Phase II Project Documents to extend the date by which VBDA must give notice to Developer to cause release of the Theater Parcel from the Option Agreement to October 1, 2004. The obligations of the VBDA with respect to the Block 12 garage are supported by the City pursuant to a Phase II Support Agreement, and the City's obligations shall be funded by (i) the proceeds of the Public Facility Revenue Bonds Series 2003A issued September 9, 2003, the debt service on which will be paid from the revenues generated from the Central Business District - South Tax Increment Financing Fund, and (ii) CIP 3-283. . Considerations: The total increased purchase price of the Block 12 garage will not exceed the $8,400,000 ceiling set forth in the Phase II Development Agreement. The additional costs incurred have been validated by the Authority's construction consultant. This modification will enhance Phase II of the Project and make certain desired improvements to Block 8B of the Project. . Public Information: Through the normal agenda process. . Alternatives: Do not approve the modification. . Recommendations: Approval . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval of Ordinance ~ ~ ) Submitting Department/Agency: Economic DevelopmenV~V COy ..".g,,~' k , ð-6"""'- F,IDataIA TYlO"';"INONCODE\CA9247arl.dOC 49 Block 8B to serve the Fountain Plaza to be constructed by the Authority on Block 8A, (b) an 50 escalator for public access to the second floor of the Block 8B improvements, and (c) certain 51 enhancements to the west façade of the building to be constructed on Block 8B; 52 WHEREAS, the Developer has also agreed to modifY the Phase IT Project 53 Documents (the "Block 6 Modification") to extend the date by which the Authority must give 54 notice to the Developer to cause the release of the Theater Parcel fÌom the Option Agreement to 55 October 1,2004; 56 WHEREAS, the obligations of the Authority with respect to the Block 12 Parking 57 Garage are supported by the City pursuant to a Phase IT Support Agreement; 58 WHEREAS, the Block 12 Parking Garage acquisition cost shall be funded fÌom (i) 59 the proceeds of the Public Facilities Revenue Bonds Series 2003A issued September 9,2003, the 60 debt service on which will be paid fÌom the revenues generated fÌom the Central Business District- 61 South Tax Increment Financing Fund, and (ii) CIP 3-283; 62 WHEREAS, on June 17, 2004, the Authority adopted a Resolution, subject to 63 approval by City Council, approving the Block 12 Modification and the Block 6 Modification; 64 WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed Block 12 Modification is 65 desirable as it allows the Developer to enhance Phase IT of the Project and make certain desired 66 improvements to Block 8B of the Project; and 67 WHEREAS, the City Council hereby approves the Block 12 Modification and the 68 Block 6 Modification and desires that the Authority pursue the preparation of supplemental Phase IT 69 Project Documents to evidence the Block 12 Modification and the Block 6 Modification. 70 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 71 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA; 3 72 73 74 75 76 1. In connection with the Virginia Beach Development Authority's (the "Authority's") purchase of the public parking garage to be constructed on Block 12 of the Town Center Project (the "Block 12 Parking Garage") pursuant to the development documents for Phase IT of the Town Center Project (the "Phase IT Project Documents"), the City Council approves the modification (the "Block 12 Modification") of the Phase IT Project Documents to provide that the 77 acquisition cost of the Block 12 Parking Garage be increased by up to $248,000 (the "Block 12 78 Acquisition Cost Increase") to be dedicated as follows: (i) up to $10,000 of the Block 12 Acquisition 79 Cost Increase shall be utilized for safety improvements and enhancements to the Block 12 Parking 80 Garage, and (ii) $238,000 of the Block 12 Acquisition Cost Increase shall be used for the following 81 improvements to Block 8B, on which the Developer is constructing a 37,500 square foot, two-story 82 commercial structure: (a) a Virginia Power transformer in the building to be constructed on Block 8B 83 to serve the Fountain Plaza to be constructed by the Authority on Block 8A; (b) an escalator for 84 public access to the second floor ofthe Block 8B improvements; and (c) certain enhancements to the 85 west façade of the building to be constructed on Block 88. The City Council finds that the Block 12 86 Modification is both a necessary and desirable modification to the Authority's obligations with 87 respect to Block 12 of Phase IT of the mixed-use commercial development project known as "The 88 Town Center of Virginia Beach". 89 2. The City Council approves the modification (the "Block 6 Modification") of 90 the Phase IT Project Documents to provide that the date by which the Authority must give notice to 91 the Developer to cause the Theater Parcel to be released from the Option Agreement shall be 92 extended to October 1, 2004. 93 3. The City Council approves the Resolution adopted June 17, 2004 by the 94 Authority (a) approving the Block 12 Modification and the Block 6 Modification, (b) authorizing the 4 107 City Attorney. 108 109 of 1l0 111 CA-9247 112 June 10,2004 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 95 City Manager and the City Attorney, on behalf of the Authority, to proceed with the preparation of 96 supplemental Phase II Project Documents necessary and appropriate to implement the Block 12 97 Modification and the Block 6 Modification (the "Modification Documents"), and (c) authorizing the 98 appropriate officers of the Authority to execute and deliver the Modification Documents to which it 99 is a party so long as such Modification Documents are consistent with the provisions herein and are acceptable to the City Manager and the City Attorney. 4. On behalf of the City of Virginia Beach, the City Manager and the City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the preparation of the Modification Documents. 5. The City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to execute and deliver any Modification Documents to which the City is a necessary party so long as such Modification Documents are consistent with the provisions herein and are acceptable to the City Manager and the Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the - day ,2004. .~S~UFFlCIENCY: City Attorney 5 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 F ,\DalalA TY\OrdinINONCODE\Block l20arage.doc APPROVED AS TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: QiM~p{e () QJ~ Finance Department 6 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Encroachment Request to construct and maintain in-ground lighting for TowneBank MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . . Background: G. Robert Aston, Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer on behalf of TowneBank, desires to construct and maintain in-ground lighting and irrigation into a portion of Virginia Beach Boulevard and into a portion of Constitution Drive. Considerations: City Staff has reviewed the requested encroachments and has recommended approval of same, subject to certain conditions outlined in the agreement. . Public Information: Advertisement of City Council Agenda. . Alternatives: Approve the encroachment as presented, deny the encroachment, or add conditions as desired by Council. . Recommendations: Approve the request subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement. . Attachments: Ordinance, Location Map, Agreement, Plat, and Pictures. Recommended Action: Approval of the ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: Public Works I Real Estate<¡#' ~ City Manag.O k. .~6Y't Requested by Department of Public Works AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENTS INTO A PORTION OF VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD AND INTO A PORTION OF CONSTITUTION DRIVE BY TOWNEBANK, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE WHEREAS, TowneBank, desires to construct and maintain in- ground lighting and irrigation into a portion of City's rights-of-way located at Virginia Beach Boulevard and at Constitution Drive. WHEREAS, City Council is authorized pursuant to §§ 15.2-2009 and 15.2-2107, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, to authorize temporary encroachments upon the City's rights-ot-way subject to such terms and conditions as Council may prescribe. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That pursuant to the authority and to the extent thereof contained in §§ 15.2-2009 and 15.2-2107, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, TowneBank, and its assigns and successors in title are authorized to construct and maintain a temporary encroachment for in- ground lighting and irrigation in the City's rights-ot-way as shown on the map entitled: "TOWNEBANK AT TOWN CENTER VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA", a copy of which is on file in the Department of Public Works and to which reference is made for a more particular description; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the temporary encroachment is expressly subject to those terms, conditions and criteria contained in the Agreement between the City of Virginia Beach and TowneBank, (the "AgreementH) which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Manager or his authorized designee is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this Ordinance shall not be in effect until such time as TowneBank and the City Manager or his authorized designee execute the Agreement. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of , 2004. CA-#9175 gsalrnons/TowneBank/ ord. R-l PREPARED: 05.17.04 r', (,;/ l, 'J L, / / / / / ---_./ <..<3 ~v <..<3 OV ìi ~I í: ~, ~ ~: <'<J D) ~v~v"'ýJ, " " " " " " 'J ~ = = = = J~ """ c'" è"-' C"J è,,-" (~ è-::. : : :' (¡=-=-=L, "^" va '^' "" '-'" " , 'L-.J¡vV :' , \- -- "" I:> , -------------------" II.... d(( Iq~T VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD. '-- ~ oq::: ~ ~ ....¡ ~ ci a ~ ~ z tj ~ 2 íJ ~ u ~ LI L /'\ [I""" -..J r, ,~ " l.J r¡ (, rl c' L.J n n ~.:J - - - - ì..., c, ~, ,~ L , r, , 0 '.J , c, ' '.J : r, , L' r' " í / íJ ".--- -== , 0 ------ I ;=' =ta-- ii , l , ',j C , l____- ..., IJ: _J --------~ -------- {---- n , " , " , " " " " " " , " , " , " , " , - - =~ , , , rJ // r::.' ,; ~I ~, ~ ~ , -~ tJ ~' ~, r "-- í, í; ------ /- ,-- COLUMBUS ST. ~ J :: :: :: -::" 'l' - .~ - -¡'-'\:~~',LOCATION ~AP'J) ~~ ~ :k SHOWING,: '-' '-' ~ ENCROACHMENT REQUESTED BY --- v) c_' - sou ERN BLVD. --- TOWNEBANK h__=___h_=-____----- VIRGINIA BEACH BOULEVARD AND CpNSTITUTION ,qR!YE ~ -~-ruc~-~ ~ 1" = 200' , ~ ' I c' (, r::.) '-' r::.' -- r::. r:.' '- '-' '- r:. c 0 r - - lj L -ç- , MARCH 2004 PREPARED BY VIRGINIA BEACH CITY ATIORNEY'S OFFICE EXEMP1ED FROM RECORDATION TAXES UNDER SECTIONS 58.1-811(a)(3) AND 58.1-811(c)(4) REIMBURSEMENT AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTION 25-249 THIS AGREEMENT, made this ~ day of \Ía.rcl\. _,2004, by and between the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, a municipal corporation, Grantor, "City", and TOWNEBANK, ITS HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE, "Grantee", eventhough more than one. WITNESSETH: That, WHEREAS, the Grantee is the owner of that certain lot, tract, or parcel ofland designated and described as "TOWN CENTERBLOCK5-C" as shown on "SUBDIVISION PLAT OF BLOCK 5 SUBDIVISION PLAT OF THE TOWN CENTER, PHASE ONE-A SUBDIVISION PLAT OF THE TOWN CENTER PHASE ONE PLAT OF SUNNYBROOK" as recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach as Instrument Number 200301090004843 and being further designated and described as 297 Constitution Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462; WHEREAS, it is proposed by the Grantee to construct and maintain inground lighting I and irrigation, "Temporary Encroachment", in the City of Virginia Beach; WHEREAS, in constructing and maintaining the Temporary Encroachment, it is I necessary that the Grantee encroach into a portion of an existing City right of way known as Virginia I Beach Boulevard and Constitution Drive, "The Encroachment Area"; and ! ! GPIN #1477-55-9141-0000 II WHEREAS, the Grantee has requested that the City permit a Temporary Encroachment within The Encroachment Area. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and of the I benefits accruing or to accrue to the Grantee and for the further consideration of One Dollar I ($1.00), in hand paid to the City, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City doth grant to the Grantee permission to use The Encroachment Area for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the Temporary Encroachment. It is expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment will be constructed and maintained in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the City of Virginia Beach, and in accordance with the City's specifications and approval and is more particularly described as follows, to wit: A Temporary Encroachment into The Encroachment Area as shown on that certain plat entitled: "TOWNEBANK AT TOWN CENTER VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA ", a copy of which is attached II hereto as Exhibit "A" and to which reference is made for a more particular description. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Temporary Encroachment herein authorized terminates upon notice by the CitY to the Grantee, and that within thirty (30) days after the notice is given, the Temporary Encroachment must be removed fÌom The Encroachment Area by the Grantee; and that the Grantee will bear all costs and expenses of such removal. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee shall indemnify and hold I ! harmless the City, its agents and employees, fÌom and against all claims, damages, losses and 2 I i I I expenses including reasonable attomey's fees in case it shall be necessary to file or defend an action I arising out of the location or existence of the Temporary Encroachment. I It is further expressly understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be I construed to enlarge the permission and authority to permit the maintenance or construction of any encroachment other than that specified herein and to the linùted extent specified herein, nor to permit I I the maintenance and construction of any encroachment by anyone other than the Grantee. i It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee agrees to maintain all I sidewalk repairs associated with concrete cracking. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee agrees to maintain the I Temporary Encroachment so as not to become unsightly or a hazard. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must submit and have approved a traffic control plan before conunencing work in The Encroachment Area. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee agrees that no open cut of the public roadway will be allowed except under extreme circumstances. Requests for exceptions must be submitted to the Highway Operations Division, Department of Public Works, for final approval. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must obtain a permit fÌom the Office of Development Services CenterlPlanning Department prior to commencing any construction within The Encroachment Area. It is further expressly understood and agreed that prior to issuance of a right of way permit, the Grantee must post sureties, in accordance with their engineer's cost estimate, to the Office of Development Services CenterlPlanning Department. 3 I I I in force all-risk property insurance and general liability or such insurance as is deemed necessary by i I the City, and all insurance policies must name the City as additional named insured or loss payee, I as applicable. The Grantee also agrees to carry comprehensive general liability insurance in an I I amount not less than $500,000.00, combined single linùts of such insurance policy or policies. The I Grantee will provide endorsements providing at least thirty (30) days written notice to the City prior It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Grantee must obtain and keep to the cancellation or termination of, or material change to, any of the insurance policies. The Grantee assumes all responsibilities and liabilities, vested or contingent, with relation to the Temporary Encroachment. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the City, upon revocation of such authority and permission so granted, may remove the Temporary Encroachment and charge the cost thereof to the Grantee, and collect the cost in any manner provided by law for the collection oflocal I or state taxes; may require the Grantee to remove the Temporary Encroachment; and pending such removal, the City may charge the Grantee for the use of The Encroachment Area, the equivalent of what would be the real property tax upon the land so occupied if it were owned by the Grantee; and if such removal shall not be made within the time ordered hereinabove by this Agreement, the City may impose a penalty in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day for each and every day that the Temporary Encroachment is allowed to continue thereafter, and may collect such compensation and penalties in any manner provided by law for the collection oflocal or state taxes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said TowneBank has caused this Agreement to be executed in its corporate name and on its behalf by G. Robert Aston, Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Further, that the City of Virginia Beach has caused this Agreement to be 4 executed in its name and on its behalf by its City Manager and its seal be hereunto affixed and attested by its City Clerk. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH By City Manager/Authorized Designee of the City Manager (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk TOWNEBANK and STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2004, by , CITY MANAGER/AUTHORIZED DESIGNEE OF THE CITY MANAGER. 5 Notary Public My Commission Expires: STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2004, by RUTH HODGES SMITH, City Clerk for the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH. I I i 1 I My Commission Expires: Notary Public STÞ-.TE OF VI rq ì/'! f;;L «flY/COUNTYoF rértc,o! ruff} to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ;;¡ /lCL, day of ~,uta ICJ,-, ,2004, by G. Robert Aston, Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer on behalf of TowneBank. '/;. c.. ." J ! - '{ ;'i-rÎ r f.c - /L :'.U 1(:::0(1"-.. ì. Notary Public My Commission Expires: .. ","" ~i ""'". . .-~.._""S ",1Ji<,,'... w " <Y\N ~H.R"'!"""'.- c'¥""o 6 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY cv Rev. 07-24-02 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT \fml ~ 'h /) -,fj - "I" ,,'t-% \. .UGLli5fv., mty REAL EST ATE AGENT 7 LEGEND 0 FLUSH MOUNTED IN-GROUND UPLIGHTING FIXTURE ~ ö:: 0 z 0 ;= ::::J >- F U1 z 0 0 OPTION B 11111 n~fAVOW Exhibit "A" STI~ DESIGNS NOTES & LEGENDS ~"9~ HEAOS - TORO 570Z SERIES - 12" HIGH POP SPRINKLER HEAD FITTEO v"TH FIXED SPRAY NOZZLE, ORIP IRRIGATION = - LOCATION OF TaRO NETAFtM TECHLINE 1/2" P,E, TUBING. 12" EMITTER SPACING INTERVALS AT ,6 GPH EMlnERS INLINE. I@ - LOCATION OF ORIP VALVE ASSEMBLY III<ICH INCLUDES TORO 25~ ~ SERIES REMOTE CONTROL VALVE v"TH FlOW CONTROL FEATURE. NETAFtM 120 MESH FILTER ¡¡OF075-120, ANa NETAFIM PRESSURE REGULATOR HPRV07SHF2S, PIPE - - DENOTES ROUTE OF ,.. PR 200 PVC LATERAL PIPING, --- - DENOTES ROUTE OF ," PR 200 MAIN LINE PIPING, VALVES a - LOCATION OF ELECTRIC 24 VAC. REMOTE CONTROL VALVE nWJõat,c°NTROl FEATURE (MODEL H TaRo 254-06-04). Iì\I - LoCATI~;~~~, SHALL BE III<ICH SH SHAlL BE SHALL BE ON THE PLAN, - TRICAL CONNE' PE IN ACCOROANI - VAC v"RING SI ELECTRICAL C' NOTE, THE O""ER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIOING A 120 VAC POWER CIRCUIT AT THE CONTROLLER LOCATION, THE POWER SOURC' SHALL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING A 10 AMPERE LOAO AT 120 VAC, BACKFLOW PREVENTION HI PR.Q~¡W¡;; (!\!åcI+!C~~.'¡¡:y WI,'CIf~æ.~,Så~RfH~ACKFLOW RE~PONSIB1~'K' O¡"'THEIRRIGATION CONTRA'trÕ¡\', THE BACKFLOW SHALL BE I IN SIZE, ' WATER SUPPLY @ - OENoTES THE LOCA~N OF TH. PROPOSED IRRIGATION METER. THE METER S)j~\L BE E O""ER S RESPONSIBILITY, THE METER SHALL BE 5/B N SIZ , ÃT WJ ~~~'ß1W¡r¡'.xy~;w.MðN~~~)"I1ðNC~þtNÃ~No¿' ~1}¡V~S'~'j,5ÁTGf,\'E BASE OF THE HEAD FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS OESIGNED ANa SPECIFIED. SLEEVING - OEN TO B A.. .LER LER "I" :;¡ l' Uâ 0::: W I- Z W U I- " ::J ~ Z 0 oS~>- ~O~« I- 5 ...J ~ I- is z Z«¡O =;,c~¡:: MAK+ ~ z ~ « T,j'HA C « <;2 oR m 0::: w 0::: Z S: 0 I- - ,"= 10' ~ SMITH TURF.Ie IRRIGATION co. I,~. 1 OF 1 1UiIO.,...;;;-::;..::';~"~o";;,::;:;,':::-",, ,~'"~.. '"203,"0 inia Beach ,Boulevard on Drive :ii¡'*~ \, 'K~~. .,;' ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Appropriation of $861,101 in State Revenue for Roadway Maintenance and Storm Water Projects MEETING DATE: June 22,2004 . Background: The City of Virginia Beach roadway network consists of 3,495 lane miles, with annual increases of approximately 20 lane miles. Although the present condition of the roadways is good, 80% of this pavement is now 15 years old and older. The need for maintenance increases as the City's roadways age and the increase in maintenance is further exacerbated by the increase both in numbers of vehicles and miles traveled. Within the storm water fund, we have'seen increases in bid prices for neighborhood projects and must adjust scope and budget. . Public Works uses ~ computerized pavement management system to plan street maintenance. As noted in the budget, the impact of limited funds has led to an inability to maintain the desired 15 year major maintenance cycle and a backlog of ne~ds has emerged. Considerations: As part of the State's transportation funding formula, each year the City receives roadway maintenance funds through the Virginia Department of Transportation for qualifying roadways. The City's FY2003-O4 Resource Management Plan includes a maintenance revenue estimate of $29,757,159 from the Virginia Department of Transportation. Of this amount, $25,143,315 is included in the General Fund and in CIP 2-284, "Pavement Maintenance Program: for roadway maintenance, and $4,613,844 is included in the Storm Water Utility Fund and in CIP 7-063, "Neighborhood Storm Water Infrastructure Improvements: for maintenance of drainage facilities associated with roadways. Fortunately, the final, FY2003-O4 budget for the Virginia Department of Transportation includes actual maintenance reimbursement revenue to the City of $30,618,260,.an increase of $861,101 above the earlier estimate. Based on the same allocation method currently used, the additional revenue should be allocated as follow: $727,585 to reduce the backlog of roadways resurfacing projects,and $133,516 for storm water neighborhood drainage projects. . Public Information: Public advertisement of the agenda package. . Alternatives: Continue with only current levels of roadway maintenance funding and stormwater funding.. Current levels of funding will result in continued increases in the maintenance backlog and decreases in neighborhood drainage projects as costs increase. . Recommendations: Appropriate $727,585 of additional VDOT maintenance revenue to CIP 2-284, Street Asphalt Resurfacing, and $133,516 to CIP 7-063, Neighborhood Storm Water Infrastructure Improvements. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval of ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: Public wo~ City Manager: ~ \L . ÒfJf1r?7... -. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $861,101 FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO TWO CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR ROADWAY MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, the City will receive in additional revenue in FY 2003-04 fÌom the 10 Virginia Department of Transportation for roadway maintenance activities. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 12 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 13 1. That $861,101 of roadway maintenance revenue fÌom the Virginia 14 Department of Transportation is hereby appropriated, to the projects and in the amounts 15 as follows: 16 (a) $727,585 to Capital Project #2-284, "Street Asphalt Resurfacing," to 17 reduce the current backlog of maintenance; and 18 (b) $133,516 to Capital Project #7-063, "Neighborhood Storm Water 19 InfÌastructure Improvements," to facilitate neighborhood drainage projects. 20 2. That the estimated revenue fÌom the state government in the FY 2003-04 21 operating budget is hereby increased by $861,101. 22 23 24 of 25 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the - day ,2004. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: jj~ CL Management Services CA-9148 GG \0 rders \road wa yord. doc R2 - June 11,2004 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ú~~~ ~~ City Attorney's Offi e Jr, r~~" /~~~~'{\ , \H . '" \, {Ii' ~,§-, CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Accept and Appropriate $108,630 in HUD Federal Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Revenue to the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation MEETING DATE: June 22,2004 . Background: The Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation (DHNP) receives Federal funds annually to support rental subsidies for persons living in privately owned housing around the city. In addition, special allocations of these funds are provided to the department when an apartment complex ends its rental payment arrangement with HUD and "converts" to a new financing arrangement. These special allocations provide housing voucher funding administered by DHNP and insure that current residents do not become homeless due to increases in rents or other factors. Effective June 1, 2004, Bridle Creek Apartments, located at 1508 Halter Drive, and consisting of 131 units, will be the sixth HUD mortgaged property in the City of Virginia Beach to convert to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. When this occurs the existing residents of this property who qualify will be provided rental assistance which they can utilize either at that complex or at an eligible housing unit elsewhere. The requested appropriation amount is the potential maximum amount of subsidy and administrative funding that will be received in the current fiscal year. Funding for fiscal year 2004-2005 is included in the approved budget. . Considerations: HUD is providing all funding, comprised of $828,444 in annual budget authority, to assist the 131 households in Bridle Creek Apartments. Based on the timing of the provision of the assistance, it is estimated that $108,630 will be needed and utilized during the current fiscal year for this purpose. Therefore, this ordinance appropriates that amount. Included in this amount is $69,037 for rental and utility assistance payments, $32,750 for the special fees earned for 100% of the conversion expenses, and $6,843 in administrative fee income. The fee income will be utilized to support staff and all other administrative costs. The City does not have to accept the funding and provide the subsidies, However, this would require that HUD find another agency to do this. Considering that the City provides all such other funding within the City and that by operating the program we utilize controls and guidance that are consistent with City policy, it is recommended that we do accept the funding and provide the subsidies. . Public Information: Public information is provided through the normal City Council agenda process. . Alternatives: Without this appropriation, HUD would be required to designate another administrative entity to provide this assistance to the residents. This could result in significant delays and is considered administratively infeasible and otherwise not desirable. . Recommendations: It is recommended that HUD funding in the amount of $108,630 be accepted and appropriated to the FY 2003-04 operating budget of the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation. . Attachments: Ordinance Notification Letter of Award from HUD Recommended Action: Submitting Department/Agency: Housing and Neighborhood Preservation þ ,.)\1 City M.n..~ \ '- ~ n... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE $108,630 IN FEDERAL FUNDING TO THE FY 2003-04 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION TO PROVIDE HOUSING ASSISTANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That $108,630 in federal Housing and Urban Development funding is 12 hereby accepted and appropriated to the FY 2003-04 Operating Budget of 13 the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation to provide housing 14 assistance, and estimated revenue from the federal government is increased 15 in the FY 2003-04 Operating Budget by $108,630. 16 17 18 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this day of , 2004. APPROVED AS TO CONTENTS: APPROVED AS SUFFICIENCY: TO LEGAL Q~Svi~ / $v~f~ !¡( City Attorney' Offic~ CA-929l H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\Housing-Bridle Creek Vouchers ORD.DOC R2 June 9, 2004 C C 1)}J ¡VI VVI ,. U. s. Department of Housing & Urban Development ",..'NTo,. 0"'"1,,"0\ ~ * * ~ \ $ ~." .§ ð1'i ..,~#' APR - 8:2004 Richmond Office Public Housing Program Center 600 East Broad Street, 3rdFIoor Richmond, VA 23219 ' 1-800-842-2610 Mr. Andrew Friedman Director, Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation City of Virginia Beach Municipal Center, Building 18A Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Dear Mr. Friedman: SUBJECT: Conversion Vouchers Bridle Creek Apartments Virginia Beach, Virginia This letter is to formally notify your agency that the City of Virginia Beach has been awarded 131 units of Section 8 Conversion Vo;uchers with annual budget authority of$828,444, and Administrativefees of$82,116 in order to assist residents of Bridle Creek Apartments in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Also provided is budget authority of $32,750 for special fees to compensate the authority for any extraordinary Section 8 administrative costs associated with the conversion. These funds are provided consistent ,with Pili Notice 99-40 (HA) and Notice PIH 2001-41 (HA). The Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) is being prepared and will be the subject of separate correspondence. The effective date is April I, 2004. We appreciate your agreeing to administer these vouchers so that eligible residents of Bridle Creek Apartments can be assisted. Patricia W. Anderson Director ~ I \ \ I I \ I I I \ If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Frank Clower at 804-771-2100 ext. 3778. Sincerely, C5~ .)I.. Ûdt«(~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: No Interest Loan to the Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: For over 30 years the City of Virginia Beach has financially assisted the Volunteer Rescue Squads utilizing several different programs. In addition to providing support for continuing expenses such as fuel, insurance and small monthly stipends to offset operating expenses, the City has provided no interest loans for the purchase of ambulances and squad trucks, Under the loan program the rescue squads repay the City on a regular timetable by the amount of the loan and their ability to repay based on fund drive yields. Historically this has been considered established public policy for assisting the volunteer rescue squads. . Considerations: The Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad is requesting a no interest loan in the amount of $80,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing a replacement ambulance, The increased age and maintenance costs have dictated their decision for the purchase of a replacement ambulance. Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad would like to repay the loan over a 4 year period in equal installments of $20,000.00 per year beginning July 1, 2005, . Public Information: Public information will be handled through the normal Council Agenda process. . Alternatives: The alternative to the no-interest city loan is the squad's acquisition of a commercial loan at a high interest rate. . Recommendations: EMS recommends approval of this request. . Attachments: Correspondence from Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting Department/Agency: Department of Emergency Medical services£¡.;9Jj,., City M'""'"~ k. :ðe3~ " 1 2 3 4 5 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $80,000 FROM THE FUND BALANCE OF THE GENERAL FUND TO PROVIDE AN INTEREST-FREE LOAN TO THE PLAZA VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD FOR THE PURCHASE OF A NEW AMBULANCE 6 WHEREAS, the Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad does not presently 7 have adequate funds to purchase a new ambulance but has represented 8 that fund-raising efforts will provide sufficient funds to repay an 9 interest-free loan from the City of Virginia Beach in the amount of 10 $80,000. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 12 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 13 1. That $80,000 is hereby appropriated from the fund balance 14 of the General Fund to provide an interest-free loan to the Plaza 15 Volunteer Rescue Squad so it may purchase an ambulance, with 16 revenue increased accordingly in the FY 2003-04 Operating Budget. 17 That this loan is to be repaid by the Plaza Volunteer 2. 18 Rescue Squad over (4) years, with payments, due on the 1st day of 19 July each year, (4) wi th the equal installments of $20,000, in 20 first payment to be made on or before July 1, 2005,and the last 21 payment to be made on or before July 1, 2008. 22 23 24 25 Adopted by Virginia, on the the Council day of the City of Virginia , 2004. Beach, of Requires an affirmative vote by a majority of the members of the City Council. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 1)0/1:) Q b/\() ~ Management serv~( APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~ ~~,Vr. City Attorney's Office 26 27 28 CA-9233 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\Plaza Volunteer Resuce Squad Loan.doc R2 June 9, 2004 PLAZA VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD P.O. Box 2128 Virginia Beach, VA 23450 Chief Department of EMS 1917 Arctic Avenue Virginia Beach, VA. 23451 March 10. 2004 The Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad needs to replace its aging 1993 Intemational4700 Ambulance (1623) with a new Ambulance. This will ensure continuation of quality emergency services with state of the art equipment Ambulance 1623 is the oldest of four ambulances in the Plaza Rescue Squad inventory. Over the past year we have experienced increased mechanical problems including brake, suspension and electrical failures resulting in towing service and unscheduled periods of down time. We attribute this, in part, to the following: . Electrical problems include outdated lighting which creates a larger draw on the electrical system resulting in premature failure of the ambulance batteries Air Conditioning is not adequate to handle the summer temperatures which create scheduling problems during the summer days Maintenance costs are now twice as the other ambulances and is only used 18 percent of the time trying to save unnecessary costs. . Unit 1623 is a 1993 model year chassis with a 170 inch box that is the largest ambulance in the Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad inventory. The patient compartment is now 1 I years old and in dire need of replacement In addition to the aforementioned outdated lighting, the flooring is also in need of replacement. It is not cost effective to rechasis this unit, as the flooring, electrical systems, air conditioning, and upholstery all need replacement. At its present mileage of 157,957 it has become undependable Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad has researched and priced ambulances and has decided on another ambulance with an International truck chassis. Plaza Rescue Squad currently has four (4) ambulances with the same chassis type in its inventory and its members are familiar with the driving and handling of this type ambulance chassis. Also with the current International chassis' in the inventory the maintenance facilities utilized by Plaza Rescue are already in place ~r ~ ~71~ i~ The proposed cost to purchase a new International Ambulance is $128,94500, Of this cost Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad is applying for a RSAF grant fÌom the state office of EMS for a total of $39,000. Plaza Rescue Squad has budgeted $5,000.00 towards the cost plus the sale or trade of the current 1623, about $5,000. Current budget constraints limit Plaza Rescue Squad's ability to fund this new ambulance without the assistance of the City of Virginia Beach Plaza Volunteer Rescue Squad is requesting the city of Virginia Beach to augment the requested state grant and its budgeted funds for the purchase of a new ambulance with a no-interest loan of $80,000,00. We are further requesting to pay back this loan over a period off our (4) years at $20,000.00 per year. jl;lj:'" f !4iI~ " Willia~t Walker Presidéit CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Appropriation of Wetlands/Dunes Civil Charges MEETING DATE: June 22,2004 . Background: Civil charges are collected from violations of the City's Wetlands and Coastal Primary Sand Dune Ordinances, and the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance. Historically, these funds have been subsequently appropriated for various environmental restoration and habitat enhancement projects in the City, These projects are coordinated and implemented by the Habitat Enhancement Committee that was officially established by City Council in August 1994. . Considerations: As of May, the Wetlands Board of Virginia Beach has imposed civil charges in the amount of $8,500 to various individuals for violating the provisions of the Wetlands and Coastal Primary Sand Dune Ordinances. In addition, Chesapeake Bay Preservation Board has imposed civil charges in the amount of $39,050 to various individuals for violating the provisions of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance. These funds are used to enhance the City's natural environment through coastal sand dune stabilization and tidal wetlands restoration. The Department of Agriculture requests that a total of $47,550 be appropriated to the WetlandslDunes Restoration Fund to be used by the Habitat Enhancement Committee for various projects. Recent projects include the Lynnhaven Boat Ramp wetlands and dune stabilization, Little Island Park dune stabilization, and the re-establishment of native plants at the Marine Science Museum. Possible future projects include wetlands and shoreline enhancement at the Adam Thoroughgood House. . Public Information: Public information will be provided through the normal City Council agenda process. . Alternatives: No other funds are available for the described purpose. . Recommendations: Approval of attached ordinance. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval Submitting DepartmentlAgenry: Agriculture .~ COy ..~g."~ Z ~ ""'- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $47,550 IN ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS REVENUE TO THE FY 2003-04 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR WETLANDS AND COASTAL SAND DUNE RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS 9 10 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 11 1. That $8,500 from Virginia Beach Wetlands and Coastal 12 Primary Sand Dune Zoning Ordinance violation charges aad $39,050 13 from Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance violation charges are 14 hereby appropriated to the FY 2003-04 operating budget of the 15 Department of Agriculture for wetlands and coastal primary sand 16 dune restoration and enhancement projects. 17 2. That estimated revenue in the FY 2003-04 operating budget 18 is hereby increased by $8,500 from Virginia Beach Wetlands and 19 Coastal Primary Sand Dune Zoning Ordinance violation charges and 20 by $39,050 from Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance violation 21 charges. 22 23 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 24 Virginia on the day of , 2004. Approved as to Content: JJaMdQ ~d~ Management Services ) CA9297 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\Wetlands ORD.doc R2 June 9, 2004 Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: ÚtAÆ4/Þ11 (cf^- or. City Attorney '~.~ ftl¡'l\~ '~!- . L ~'-. - .', ':::.~... ://1 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM - - ITEM: Approval of Urban System Construction Administration Agreement MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: In September 2003, City Council received a presentation on and took the first step toward the City of Virginia Beach taking over the City's Urban Construction Program from VDOT. At that time a resolution for Project Administration was approved for five (5) projects: Princess Anne Road/Kempsville Road Intersection Improvements (2-048); Witchduck Road Phase I (2-931); Witchduck Road Phase II (2-025); Elbow Road Extended Phase II (2-152); and Indian River Road Phase VII (2-256). The next step will be to assume further responsibility for overall conduct of the project and to directly receive and administer state funding for the above projects, as well as for Laskin Road Phase II (2-165) which was the subject of a previously approved Project Administration Agreement. This program is made possible by recent legislation. Four large cities have thus far been working with VDOT to develop participation agreements for City Council consideration: Virginia Beach, Richmond, Hampton and Newport News. That work has culminated in the attached proposed agreement. Adoption of a resolution to authorize the City Manager to approve the agreement is presented. . Considerations: The proposed agreement and resolution are attached. The agreement spells out the responsibilities of each party. While the City takes on additional responsibilities, it gains several immediate benefits: 1. A modest reduction in VDOT/FHWA oversight. 2. Direct receipt of the state share of urban construction funds. We will received all funds previous allocated to the six (6) projects we are managing, totalling approximately $8.7 million, then will annually receive the state share funding for those projects and future projects added to the Six Year Plan. The City will be able to earn, retain and use the interest on those funds for highway purposes. 3. The City's required 2% match may be provided through in-kind services (salaries of City employees working on the project), rather than cash as is now the case. This will allow reprogramming of over $100,000 annually to construction. 4. Dependent on funding, it is anticipated that project time, from initiation to completion will be materially shorter then if administered by VDOT. Finally, it is brought to Council's attention that VDOT continues to administer the following projects under the old system, as those projects were too far along in the process to shift to the City: Birdneck Road (2-149); Laskin Road, Phase I (2-156); Lynnhaven Parkway Phase IX (2-159); Phase XI (2-167), Volvo/Lynnhaven (2-257); Princess Anne Road, Phase IV (2-305); Nimmo Parkway Phase V (2-121); and Great Neck/London Bridge (2-137), now under construction. . Public Information: The Agreement has been advertised as part of the agenda process. The agreement does not affect the physical design or characteristics of any of the projects. The citizen involvement process will continue for each project. If the City Council endorses the agreement, once it is fully executed, City Council would then be required to appropriate the state funding provided to the City. This will require a public hearing to amend the C.I.P. . Alternatives: Do not approve the Administration Agreement. The City will have less control over project activities and will not receive the fiscal benefits. . Recommendations: Approve the attached Resolution. . Attachments: Agreement Summary, Resolution Recommended Action: Approval of Administration Agreement Submitting Department/Agency: Public Work~ City Manage~ l- ,~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, AN AGREEMENT WITH THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PERTAINING TO THE CITY'S HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 33.1-23.3 of the 10 Virginia Code, the City of Virginia Beach desires to administer 11 its urban system highway construction program and to receive 12 quarterly payments for the State's portion of the City's annual 13 urban system allocation; and 14 WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation 15 (VDOT) has indicated that it concurs in the City's general 16 administration of the design, right-of-way acquisition, utility 17 relocation and construction of federally-funded and state-funded 18 projects; and 19 WHEREAS, subject to the approval of the City Council, 20 the City Staff and VDOT have agreed upon the terms by which the 21 foregoing objectives may be accomplished; 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE 23 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 24 That the City Manager be, and hereby is, authorized 25 and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Virginia 26 Beach, the Urban System Construction Program Administration 27 Agreement between the City and the Virginia Department of 28 Transportation dated June 22, 2004, a summary of the material 29 terms of which is hereto attached and a copy of which is on file 30 in the Office of the City Attorney. 31 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, 32 Virginia, on the CA-9303 OID\ordres\urbansystemres.doc R-l June 10, 2004 day of , 2004. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~~.~ Department of Public Works AS TO LEGAL City Attorney's Office 2 Urban Construction Project Administration Agreement Summary 1) An Agreement between VDOT and the City of Virginia Beach 2) Allows City, per state code, to assume the responsibility for administration of our urban program and to receive quarterly payments for the state portion of our annual urban construction allocation. 3) The City will be responsible for all aspects of specified urban construction projects. The City will obtain authorization fÌom VDOT for each major phase of the work, if the project utilizes federal funds. The City agrees to design projects to accepted Engineering Standards. 4) The City will receive quarterly payments for the state share of urban program funds and will be reimbursed monthly forfederal funds expended. 5) The agreement contains program audit provisions 6) The agreement may be modified by mutual agreement. It may be terminated by either party on 180 day notice. K. PLANNING 1. Applications for the discontinuance. closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue to its intersection with Virginia Beach Boulevard vacating intemallot lines to create one unified parcel. (DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE) a. CORNELIUS F. and ANTONINA S. BOYNTON, JR. b. LOPE B. and MERCY PILE Recommendation: APPROVAL 2. Application of HELEN L. SCOTT for a Conditional Use Permit re family day care in an existing single family dwelling at 646 Garfield Avenue. (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL) Recommendation: APPROVAL 3. Applications of PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INc. re retail sales establishment specializing in auto parts and undefined future expansion. (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a. Chanf!:e ofZonimz District Classification fÌom AG-l and AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional B-2 Community Business District at 4164 West Neck Road near Princess Anne Road. b, Modification of Conditions re a Conditional Use Permit (approved by City Council on November 24, 1998, in behalf ofMr. and Mrs. Philip Wayne Murden, Jr.). Recommendation: Applicant and Staff Request DEFERRAL to July 13, 2004 APPROVAL 4. Applications of HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. at 1771 Princess Anne Road. (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a. Chanrze of Zoninrz District Classification fÌom AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District. b. Conditional Use Permit for a self storage facility Recommendation: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Virginia Beach City Council will meet in the Chamber at City Hall, Municipal Center, 2401 Courthouse Drive, Tuesday, June 22, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. The following applications wiil be heard: DISTRICT 2 . KEMPSVILLE 1, Cornelius F. Boynton, Jr. & Antonina S, Boynton Application: Discon- tinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue to its intersection w~h Virginia Beach Boulevard. 2. Lope B. Pile & Mercy Pile Application: Discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue to its intersection with Vir- ginia Beach Boulevard. DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL 3. Heien L Scott Appiication: Conditional Use Perm~ for famiiy day care at 646 Garfield Avenue. DISTRICT 7 . PRINCESS ANNE 4. Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Application: ChaMe of Zonin. District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricu~urai to Cond~ional B-2 Com- munity Business at 4164 West Neck Road, The Comprehensive Plan identifies this s~e as being within the Rural Area. 5, Pleasant Ridge Aorto Parts, Inc. Application: Modification of Condi. ~for a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Co'uncii on Novem- ber 24, 1998 (Mr. & Mrs. Phiiip Wayne Murden, Jr.) on the northwest comer of Princess Anne Road and West Neck Road. 6. HAC Properties, LL.C, Application: Chan~e of Zonin~ District Ciassif, ~ from AG-2 Agricu~urai to Conditional B-2 Community B'usiness at 1771 Princess Anne Road. The Comprehensive Plan ident~ies this site as being w~hin the Rural Area. ' 7. HAC Properties, LLC. Application: Conditionai Use Permit for a seif storMe faciiity at 1771 Princess Anne Road. All interested citizens are inv~ed to attend. r¡..-4 / ¿ - Ruth Hodges Smith. MMC City Clerk BEACON: JUNE 6 and JUNE 13, 2004 11475711 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Cornelius F. Boynton, Jr. & Antonina S. Boynton - Street Closure (portion of Jersey Avenue) MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: An Ordinance upon Application of Cornelius F. Boynton, Jr. & Antonina S. Boynton for the discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue beginning at the northern extremity of Jersey Avenue and running a distance of approximately 157.23 feet in a northerly direction to its intersection with Virginia Beach Boulevard. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE . Considerations: The applicant intends to purchase the western portion of Jersey Avenue to incorporate it into adjoining property that is currently made up of seven lots. The applicant has agreed to vacate internal lot lines to create one unified parcel. The applicant is requesting the closure in conjunction with the adjacent property owner to the east, Mr. Pile. Council should consider this matter simultaneously with the request from Mr. Pile. This street closure was previously approved by City Council on June 12,2001. At that time, the plan was to combin~ both the Pile property (eastern property) and the Boynton property (western property) into one building lot and to expand the existing auto sales located on the western property. The request is now to close the street and to divide the closed area in half, combining one half with the eastern property and one half with the western property. The Viewers Committee has determined there is no future need for the right-of-way except for drainage purposes. A satisfactory drainage easement must be provided within this area as a condition of the street closure. The area of the street closure will be incorporated into property that currently is developed as an auto sales facility. The closure will result in the vacation of internal lot lines between seven smaller parcels, thereby creating one larger consolidated parcel that is more desirable for future commercial redevelopment consistent with the existing zoning of B-2 Community Business District. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the closure will not result in any public inconvenience. Staff recommended approval. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 11-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The City Attorney's Office will make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee. The City Attorney's Office will review the prior payments made to the City by the applicant to determine if they are in compliance with the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City Council. Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department. 2. The applicant is required to resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels. The plat must be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval. 3. A public drainage easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Works shall be provided on the final plat. 4. The applicant is required to verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of- way proposed for closure. Preliminary comments from the utility companies indicate that there are Virginia Natural Gas utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure. If private utilities do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company, must be provided. 5. Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council. If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the right-of-way this approval shall be considered null and void. 6. A public utility easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Utilities will be required to be dedicated on the final plat. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Ordinance Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting D~nCY: Planning Department ~ C"" M".."c lJ k ,W.." ,.r-~'."",,~ r,:,¥'- ~r' f"d .~:~ ~~ DO7 -217 -STC-2004 fË{..:...bbRNELIUS & ANTONINA BOYNTON c'.;::~' ."> (~~....~~1f/ Agenda Item # 13 "~\:.:;,,~:';;:""" May 12, 2004 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Barbara Duke The following report is prepared by the staff of the Virginia Beach Department of Planning to provide data, information, and professional land use recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City Council to assist them in making a decision regarding this application. REQUEST: Location and General Information Street Closure of a portion of Jersey Avenue LOCATION: Jersey Avenue at its intersection with Virginia Beach Boulevard. COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: 2 - KEMPSVILLE SIZE: 3,095 square feet SURROUNDING North: . Virginia Beach Boulevard CORNELIUS AND ANTONINA BOYNTON Agenda Item # 13 Page 1 LAND USE AND South: ZONING: East: West: . Jersey Avenue . Pile property / B-2 Community Business District . Auto sales / B-2 Community Business NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no significant environmental resources on this site. Summary of PropDsa The applicant intends to purchase the western portion of Jersey Avenue to incorporate it into adjoining property that is currently made up of seven lots. The applicant has agreed to vacate internal lot lines to create one unified parcel. The applicant is requesting the closure in conjunction with the adjacent property owner to the east, Mr. Pile (Agenda Item 14). This street closure was previously approved by City Council on June 12, 2001. At that time, the plan was to combine both the Pile property (eastern property) and the Boynton property (western property) into one building lot and to expand the existing auto sales located on the western property. The request is now to purchase the street and to split the right-of-way in half, combining one halt with the eastern property and one halt with the western property. The following represent the significant issues identified by the staff concerning this request. Staff's evaluation of the request is largely based on the degree to which these issues are adequately addressed. . Current andlor future need for this right-or-way for vehicular and public infrastructure. CORNELIUS AND ANTONINA BOYNTON Agenda Item # 13 Page 2 . Consistency of the proposed development for the property with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan identifies this site as being in the West Pembroke Strategic Growth Area. This strategic growth area consists of many tracts of land that differ widely with respect to type, intensity, character and value of land use. The West Pembroke Area is located between Witchduck Road, Independence Boulevard, Virginia Beach Boulevard and 1-264. Many of these properties have greater, long-term potential to be transformed from a land use pattern that is predominantly low intensity commercial and industrial to one that achieves a compatible mix of urban land uses and higher economic investment potential than exists today. Staff recommends approval of this request. Staff's evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials, adequately addresses each of the 'Major Issues' above. The proposal's strengths in addressing the 'Major Issues' are (1) The Viewers Committee has determined there is no future need for the right-of- way except for drainage purposes. A satisfactory drainage easement must be provided within this area as a condition of the street closure. (2) The area of the street closure will be incorporated into property that currently is developed as an auto sales facility. The closure will result in the vacation of internal lot lines between seven smaller parcels, thereby creating one larger consolidated parcel that is more desirable for future commercial redevelopment consistent with the existing zoning of B-2 Community Business District. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of this request with the conditions below, CORNELIUS AND ANTONINA BOYNTON Agenda Item # 13 Page 3 Conditions 1. The City Attorney's Office will make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee. The City Attorney's Office will review the prior payments made to the City by the applicant to determine if they are in compliance with the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City Council. Copies of.the policy are available in the Planning Department. 2. The applicant is required to resubdivide the property and vacate intemallot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels. The plat must be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval. 3. A public drainage easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Works shall be provided on the final plat. 4. The applicant is required to verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of- way proposed for closure. Preliminary comments from the utility companies indicate that there are Virginia Natural Gas utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure. If private utilities do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company, must be provided. 5. Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council. If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the right-of-way this approval shall be considered null and void. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of a licable Ci Ordinances. CORNELIUS AND ANTONINA BOYNTON Agenda Item # 13 Page 4 ccc;:;;¡,~ T;;;;i,mffilllU Supplemental Information Zonina History 1#1 DATE IREQUEST 1 11/13/90 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales) 2 06/09/92 Conditional Use Permit (rec vehicle sales and storage) 3 09/28/99 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales) 03/14/00 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales expansion) 03/14/00 Street Closure (Jersey Avenue) 4 06/12/01 Street Closure (Jersey Avenue) 5 07/13/93 Conditional Use Permit (auto rental) 6 07/11/88 Street Closure (DorsetlAvenue) 03/14/95 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales and repair) 7 12/12/83 Conditional Use Permit (auto paint shop) I ACTION Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved CORNELIUS AND ANTONINA BOYNTON Agenda Item # 13 Page 5 Public Aaencv Comments Public Works There are stormwater drainage facilities within the area requested for closure. A satisfactory easement must be provided over these facilities. Public Utilities I There are no public water facilities in the area proposed for closure I Water: There are no public sewer facilities within the area proposed for closure Private Utility Comments Virginia Natural Gas has facilities within the area requested for closure. A satisfactory easement over these facilities must be provided. CORNELIUS AND ANTONINA BOYNTON Agenda Item # 13 Page 6 Exhibit A Aerial of Site Location CORNELIUS AND ANTONINA BOYNTON Agenda Item # 13 Page 7 I ¡ i!i " ¡'::;Q ~i5 Ii!:t< \!ì: :, ~:"" I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I Exhibit 8 Survey of Area to be Closed '" ,\ I1~QI. , ,', \Ÿ/-4 .,. ,> . "S~'" ""'-;'ti/'C;,,¡ I I !.)",- Sau. ."/~)~V,.qtr. :\5.~ ' '< 'D ~~ ~~ ~ ., " '" -. c', ¿¡; r, '", :2 . '. " ;' ? 'c (,T t, ~';'"o'c-: ',\ w:; " ~~,2~ ~ :: if: w', -:I ',' , . " '4," . - D(HIB!T PLAT SHOWING JERSEY AVENUE TO BE CLOSED 0, 6, '^. CORNELIUS AND ANTONINA BOYNTON Agenda Item # 13 Page 8 NOIIV3IlddV ffiH1SO1J 13II1IlS Exhibit C Disclosure Statement I- Z w ::E w I- < I- in w ~ ¡¡; ~ 0 Ë' ¡j ~ U1 Ü Õ ~ ;¡ i5 " ë ;¡ I- Z w ::E W I- « í- ([) W c:: ::J U1 0 ..J U U) Õ ." - ,i " E NOIIVJIlddV 31IflSO1J 13:31IlS CORNELIUS AND ANTONINA BOYNTON Agenda Item # 13 Page 9 Item #13 Cornelius F. Boynton, Jr. & Antonina S. Boynton Discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue District 2 Kempsville May 12, 2004 CONSENT William Din: We're going to do Item #13 & 14 together. They both involve the street closure ofJersey Avenue. Item #13 is Cornelius F. Boynton, Jr., and Antonina S. Boynton. Both of them involve discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue located in the Kempsville District. William Swanner: Madame Chairperson, Commissioners. My name is Bill Swanner I represent the applicants. I have read the conditions and they are acceptable. William Din: Thank you. There are six conditions on this thing. There was a new condition added. Are you aware of that sir? William Swanner: I'm aware of all the conditions. William Din: Are you representing both of those applicants? William Swanner: Yes sir. William Din: Thank you. William Swanner: Thank you. William Din: Is there any objection to placing this item on consent? Ifnot, Mr. Miller will be explaining this item. Robert Miller: Both of these are street closures. Jersey Avenue is just east of Witch duck Road. We had seen the proposals for use of this property in the past. The street closure involves drainage easements and utility easements and we found them to be very appropriate for this location and the street closure does not do anything to detriment the public good. Madame Chair, I would like to make a motion to approve this consent agenda item, Item #13 Comelius F. Boynton, Jr. & Antonina S. Boynton also located in the Kempsville District with six conditions. Dorothy Wood: Do I hear a second? Joseph Strange: I'll second it. Item #13 Cornelius F. Boynton, Jr. & Antonina S. Boynton Page 2 Dorothy Wood: Our Vice Chair Will Din made the motion and seconded by Joe Strange. William Din: We're ready for the vote. ANDERSON CRABTREE DIN HORSLEY KA TSIAS KNIGHT MILLER RIPLEY STRANGE WALLER WOOD AYE 11 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 0 AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 11-0, this agenda item has been approved for consent. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ORDINANCE NO. IN THE MATTER OF CLOSING, VACATING AND DISCONTINUING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN STREET KNOWN AS JERSEY AVENUE AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN PLAT ENTITLED "EXHIBIT PLAT SHOWING A PORTION OF JERSEY AVENUE TO BE CLOSED ADJACENT TO LOTS 1 THRU 7, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 25 AND LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 26, EUCLID PLACE (M.B. 4, P.63) VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA": 19 WHEREAS, Cornelius F. Boynton and Antonina S. Boynton applied to the 20 Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to have the hereinafter described street 21 discontinued, closed, and vacated; and 22 WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Council that said street be discontinued, 23 closed, and vacated, subject to certain conditions having been met on or before one (1) year from 24 City Council's adoption of this Ordinance; 25 26 27 28 29 30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: SECTION I 31 That the hereinafter described street be discontinued, closed and vacated, subject 32 to certain conditions being met on or before one (I) year from City Council's adoption of this 33 ordinance: 34 GPIN: 1467-85-6657-0000, 1467-85-8624-0000 35 1 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, which is shown as the western half of the unimproved portion of Jersey Avenue, designated and described as "(3,095 SQUARE FEET)" shown as a portion of the cross-hatched area on that certain plat entitled: EXHffiIT PLAT SHOWING A PORTION OF JERSEY AVENUE TO BE CLOSED ADJACENT TO LOTS 1 THRU 7, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 25 AND LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 26, EUCLID PLACE (M.B. 4, P.63) VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA" Scale: I" = 25', dated August 3, 1999, prepared by John E. Sirine and Associates, Ltd., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION II 52 The following conditions must be met on or before one (1) year from City 53 Council's adoption of this ordinance: 54 1. The City Attorney's Office will make the final determination regarding 55 ownership of the underlying fee. The City Attomey's Office will review the prior payments 56 made to the City by the applicant to determine if they are in compliance with the "Policy 57 Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City 58 Council. Copies of said policy are available in the Planning Department. 59 2. The applicant shall resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to 60 incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels. The resubdivision plat shall be submitted 61 and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval. 62 3. A public drainage easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Works 63 shall be provided on the final plat. 64 2 64 4. The applicant shall verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of-way 65 proposed for closure. Preliminary comments from the utility companies indicate that there are 66 Virginia Natural Gas utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure. If private utilities do 67 exist, the applicant shall provide easements satisfactory to the utility companies. 68 5. Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the 69 above stated conditions within one year of approval by City Council. If all conditions noted 70 above are not in compliance and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City 71 Council vote to close the street, this approval will be considered null and void. 72 6. A public utility easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Utilities will 73 74 75 76 be required to be dedicated on the final plat. SECTION ill 77 1. If the preceding conditions are not fulfilled on or before June 21, 2005, 78 this Ordinance will be deemed null and void without further action by the City Council. 79 2. If all conditions are met on or before June 21, 2005, the date of final 80 closure is the date the street closure ordinance is recorded by the City Attorney. 81 3. In the event the City of Virginia Beach has any interest in the underlying 82 fee, the City Manager or his designee is authorized to execute whatever documents, if any, that 83 may be requested to convey such interest, provided said documents are approved by the City 84 Attorney's Office. 85 SECTION IV 86 A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed in the Clerk's Office of the 87 Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name of the CITY OF 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 III 112 88 VIRGINIA BEACH as "Grantor" and CORNELIUS F. BOYNTON, JR. AND ANTONINA S. 89 BOYNTON as "Grantee." 90 of Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this - day ,2004. CA-9179 June 3, 2004 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: W~.P '.}.,I Planni Department APPROVED AS TO LEGAL %FF~~ City Attorney F,\D,~\ATY\Fo~,\S'=' Clo,"re\WORKlNG\CA9179.0RD.d~ 4 NOTES: " I~ERIOIAN SOURCE BASED ON PcA; RECORDED iN JEED BOOK 2431, RAGE 158', 2, PORTION OF JERSE,' ,A,VENUE TO BE CLOSED: L' ,7-' oJ 3 AR[A OF jf'RSE' AVENUE TO BE closm = 5,607 SOU ARE rE["/0129 ACRE, 4, TH!S "LA T 'S~OT INTENDED TO S~OW AN ( EASEMë:NTS OR PH ,SICAL 'EA TURES T'-'A T MAY A'Fr'í 'H" PROPERTV ~ 5 ~~S PÞ~"D"CT,S'~NOT CO";T,'-UfEA SJg,L,"/I;IO~,O'"ANJ"" ,,', " T~" ~'Ai ~Rlr'AREE 'NICHO'"" ;~'- BENE", ,DC A n-~¡ F<E"ORT ' ,:1~¡ i ,# ,; B3'iO34" E ~~O I1¡YQ/,y1. ' ~ 29B9' -$' ',- (,~s. .... (j" 3..,'0. Cor/rJi,'S'C¡,. I 1::::."" r'T'~Û'4,¡.. -,~;:~A,~,'7"", ~'" ,,' "û"o'Y/OQ'(')" ;;s:iJ'4", 'OS" C'S"Ou/'1i I?"V~II ' :J-o. Q::' ,-_u- --_u_- ----- "';>~3JO< flCrO¡;1IJ V-4¡yl' . R: T 8".133" ,0 /'h',}8'J V' f!¡ , / <> $8Jj O<j :J~'JOI ~ LO1 2 /',9;-; .... ' '¡;~25,S6' R = J8,O~ , 6 = 108'01'12" ." '~-A=71,64' " T = 52,32' "& C=-61,49' '0 Œ = :: 53"4S'41" w 0, LOT 3 .; "' ---- LOT 4 Rsl ~::;;:J( ~---, - ,------ ---- -- LO: " --- -- cDT 6 '--,,--- ------ ---- --- LO; 7 S 89'4S'GS" W ~~ éõ Z'" "' I.LII~- >"n, <Q",(l "(;(1"-: >-'j..¡~ tX'" < ' , -CD CD a::~:::;Ó I.LI>-~ ,- '-o~ B. i3LOC" PL4CE (1.',8, 4. 'YiN 146'-8:'-6427 ~ EXHIBIT PLAT SHOWING ,\ PJ" :ON OF JERSEY AVENUE TO BE CLOSED ADJ:> ',TN T T(1 lOTS 1 THRU 7, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 25 AND lOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 26, EUCLID PLACE (M,R,4,,'63: '1IRGiN'A 3[A(':. VIRG'NIA ~,c.ALc' "~2~"'UGu'; 3. 1999 JOHN E, SIRINE AND ASSOCIATES, l ro, SclRVë f-JRS. U(GINECRS' PLA~"'"S 4317 BONNE': ROAD ViRGINiA, BEAC~, ViRG!'J"" 2345:: :'0 ~S '00 fEU RE/'SEJ, ~OV ":'. ',999 GRAPHiC SCALE @ ~ <D OC) I "' OC) I_aT 3 " <D " ,---- z ã: CJ LOT 4 "" - '" ' c: ~J~, " U'" '" Q SeD }, ':j lo. '" :IJ r"¡ ~ ~ "' . ,I '~ ,-,'" ~ Õ i3-"'- f ~ ,.!) SliEE T u' r ,~?, ,!~.~.<.~.;~." ~:ffJlj CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Lope B. Pile & Mercy Pile - Street Closure (portion of Jersey Avenue) MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: An Ordinance upon Application of Lope B. Pile & Mercy Pile for the discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue beginning at the northern extremity of Jersey Avenue and running a distance of approximately 107.90 feet in a northerly direction to its intersection with Virginia Beach Boulevard. DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE . Considerations: The applicant intends to purchase the eastern portion of Jersey Avenue to incorporate it into adjoining property that is currently made up of four lots. The applicant has agreed to vacate internal lot lines to create one unified parcel. The applicant is requesting the closure in conjunction with the adjacent property owner to the west, Mr. Boynton. Council should consider this matter simultaneously with the request from Mr. Boynton. This street closure was previously approved by City Council on June 12, 2001. At that time, the plan was to combine both the Pile property (eastern property) and the Boynton property (western property) into one building lot and to expand the existing auto sales located on the westem property. The request is now to close the street and to divided the closed area in half, combining one half with the eastern property and one half with the western property. The Viewers Committee has determined there is no future need for the right-of-way except for drainage purposes. A satisfactory drainage easement must be provided within this area as a condition of the street closure. Although there is not a specific plan for the property adjacent to the street closure, the closure will result in the vacation of internal property lines between four smaller parcels, thereby creating one larger consolidated parcel that is more desirable for future commercial development consistent with the existing zoning of B-2 Community Business District. The Planning Commission placed this item on the consent agenda because the closure would not result in any public inconvenience. Staff recommended approval. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 11-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1. The City Attorney's Office will make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee. The City Attorney's Office will review the prior payments made to the City by the applicant to determine if they are in compliance with the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City Council. Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department. 2. The applicant is required to resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels. The plat must be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval. 3. A public drainage easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Works shall be provided on the final plat. 4. The applicant is required to verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of- way proposed for closure. Preliminary comments from the utility companies indicate that there are Virginia Natural Gas utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure. If private utilities do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company, must be provided. 5. Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council. If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the right-of-way this approval shall be considered null and void. 6. A public utility easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Utilities will be required to be dedicated on the final plat. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Ordinance Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department COy M.n.~)l. ~ ~ .~(Ä'~" .{Z~~ """2.. /o'f,Jo!ffi .... (~:!>~\ ff:f. ..... . . \ž) ~o: :>., (';\ ¡if '6:-.. ..,".~j .:".. "...,... .. . .:. .'.;.:..;;::;.:::.;.'::~ DO7 -217 -STC-2OO4 LOPE B. PILE & MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 May 12, 2004 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Barbara Duke The following report is prepared by the staff of the Virginia Beach Department of Planning to provide data, information, and professional land use recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City Council to assist them in making a decision regarding this application. REQUEST: LOCATION: COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: SIZE: Location and General Information Street Closure of a portion of Jersev Avenue Jersey Avenue at its intersection with Virginia Beach Boulevard 2 - KEMPSVILLE 2,512 square feet LOPE AND MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 Page 1 SURROUNDING North: LAND USE AND South: ZONING: East: West: . Virginia Beach Boulevard . Jersey Avenue . Pile property I B-2 Community Business . Auto sales I B-2 Community Business NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no significant environmental resources on this site. The applicant intends to purchase the eastern portion of Jersey Avenue to incorporate it into adjoining property that is currently made up of four lots. The applicant has agreed to vacate internal lot lines to create one unified parcel. The applicant is requesting the closure in conjunction with the adjacent property owner to the west, Mr. Boynton. This street closure was previously approved by City Council on June 12, 2001. At that time, the plan was to combine both the Pile property (eastern property) and the Boynton property (western property) into one building lot and to expand the existing auto sales located on the western property. The request is now to purchase the street and to split the right-of-way in half, combining one half with the eastern property and one half with the western property, Major Issues The following represent the significant issues identified by the staff concerning this request. Staff's evaluation of the request is largely based on the degree to which these issues are adequately addressed. . Current andlor future need for this right-of-way for vehicular and public infrastructure. LOPE AND MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 Page 2 . Consistency of the proposed development for the property with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan identifies this site as being in the West Pembroke Strategic Growth Area. This strategic growth area consists of many tracts of land that differ widely with respect to type, intensity, character and value of land use. The West Pembroke Area is located between Witchduck Road, Independence Boulevard, Virginia Beach Boulevard and 1-264. Many of these properties have greater, long-term potential to be transformed from a land use pattern that is predominantly low intensity commercial and industrial to one that achieves a compatible mix of urban land uses and higher economic investment potential than exists today. Staff Evaluation Staff recommends approval of this request. Staffs evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials, adequately addresses each of the 'Major Issues' above, The proposal's strengths in addressing the 'Major Issues' are (1) The Viewers Committee has determined there is no future need for the right-of- way except for drainage purposes, A satisfactory drainage easement must be provided within this area as a condition of the street closure. (2) Although there is not a specific plan for the property adjacent to the street closure, the closure will result in the vacation of internal property lines between four smaller parcels, thereby creating one larger consolidated parcel that is more desirable for future commercial development consistent with the existing zoning of B-2 Community Business District. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of this request subject to the conditions below. LOPE AND MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 Page 3 Conditions 1. The City Attorney's Office will make the final determination regarding ownership of the underlying fee. The City Attorney's Office will review the prior payments made to the City by the applicant to determine if they are in compliance with the "Policy Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City Council. Copies of the policy are available in the Planning Department. 2. The applicant is required to resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels. The plat must be submitted and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval. 3. A public drainage easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Works shall be provided on the final plat. 4. The applicant is required to verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of- way proposed for closure. Preliminary comments from the utility companies indicate that there are Virginia Natural Gas utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure. If private utilities do exist, easements satisfactory to the utility company, must be provided. 5. Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the above stated conditions within 365 days of approval by City Council. If the conditions noted above are not accomplished and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City Council vote to close the right-of-way this approval shall be considered null and void. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of a /icable Ci Ordinances. LOPE AND MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 Page 4 :;1" "H' "",, ' ," H """':":: Supplemental Information Zonina History STREET CLOSURE I#IDATE IREQUEST 1 11/13/90 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales) 2 06/09/92 Conditional Use Permit (rec vehicle sales and storage) 3 09/28/99 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales) 03/14/00 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales expansion) 03/14/00 Street Closure (Jersey Avenue) 4 06/12/01 Street Closure (Jersey Avenue) 5 07/13/93 Conditional Use Permit (auto rental) 6 07/11/88 Street Closure (Dorsett Avenue) 03/14/95 Conditional Use Permit (auto sales and repair) 7 12/12/83 Conditional Use Permit (auto paint shop) I ACTION Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved LOPE AND MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 Page 5 Public AQencv Comments Public Works There are stormwater drainage facilities within the area requested for closure. A satisfactory easement must be provided over these facilities. Public Utilities I There are no public water facilities in the area proposed for closure I I There are no public sewer facilities in the area proposed for closure I I Water: I Sewer: Private Utility Comments Virginia Natural Gas has facilities within the area requested for closure. A satisfactory easement over these facilities must be provided. LOPE AND MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 Page 6 Exhibit A Aerial of Site Location LOPE AND MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 Page 7 Exhibit 8 Survey of Area to be Closed <"':', 11~ Q¡t\I/-4 "" " ",c-,!;J¡:-, ~"":"I"'I, ,"t, I ' '/' '-'1 , i",'~O!,,!;JO(¡, < '0,/" ^' 2~"'C;, ',C' , '/"'~-4 & ,,: ;; '{;)¿i¡,« ~D ' .'~ (l,'~ ~,'.'O'.,:<r, ,,;::,'.,- if: ~ ., ~ : ~ ,,' ,-, 1 >- w (J1 EXHIBiT PLAT SHOWiNG E5 . ~ JERSEY AVENUE TO BE. CLOSED ~ LOTS 1 THRU 7, INCLUSiVE, BLOCK 25 AND F,,\' ',I' ('i , LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 25, EUCLID PLACE ~; " " LOPE AND MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 Page 8 Exhibit C Disclosure Statement NOI!VJI1dcIV ffiIflSO1J 1HffiI1S 1-. ~. :E w: I- <: I- (lJ. w'. rr :J (lJ 0 .J U. (lJ 15 " - , NOll VJ 11dcIV ffiIflSO1J 1HffiI!S LOPE AND MERCY PILE Agenda Item # 14 Page 9 Item #14 Lope B. Pile & Mercy Pile Discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue District 2 Kempsville May 12, 2004 CONSENT WilJiam Din: We're going to do Item #13 & 14 together. They both involve the street closure of] ersey Avenue. Item # 14 is Lope Pile and Mercy Pile. Both of them are involve in the discontinuance, closure and abandonment of a portion of Jersey Avenue located in the Kempsville District. WilJiam Swanner: Madame Chairperson, Commissioners. My name is Bill Swanner I represent the applicants. I have read the conditions and they are acceptable. William Din: Thank you. There are six conditions on this thing. There was a new condition added. Are you aware of that sir? William Swanner: I'm aware of all the conditions. William Din: Are you representing both of those applicants? William Swanner: Yes sir. William Din: Thank you. William Swanner: Thank you. William Din: Is there any objection to placing this item on consent? Ifnot, Mr. Miller will be explaining this item. Robert Miller: Both of these are street closures. Jersey A venue is just east of Witchduck Road. We had seen the proposals for use of this property in the past. The street closure involves drainage easements and utility easements and we found them to be very appropriate for this location and the street closure does not do anything to detriment the public good. Madame Chair, I would like to make a motion to approve this consent agenda item, Item #14 Lope B. Pile and Mercy Pile located in the Kempsville District with six conditions. Dorothy Wood: Do I hear a second? Joseph Strange: I'll second it. Item #14 Lope B. Pile & Mercy Pile Page 2 Dorothy Wood: Our Vice Chair Will Din made the motion and seconded by Joe Strange. William Din: We're ready for the vote. ANDERSON CRABTREE DIN HORSLEY KATSIAS KNIGHT MILLER RIPLEY STRANGE WALLER WOOD AYE 11 ABSO ABSENT II NAY 0 AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 11-0, this agenda item has been approved for consent. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ORDINANCE NO. IN THE MATTER OF CLOSING, VACATING AND DISCONTINUING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN STREET KNOWN AS JERSEY A VENUE AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN PLAT ENTITLED "EXHffiIT PLAT SHOWING A PORTION OF JERSEY AVENUE TO BE CLOSED ADJACENT TO LOTS 1 THRU 7, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 25 AND LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 26, EUCLID PLACE (M.B. 4, P.63) VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA": 19 WHEREAS, Lope B. Pile and Mercy Pile applied to the Council of the City of 20 Virginia Beach, Virginia, to have the hereinafter described street discontinued, closed, and 21 vacated; and 22 WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Council that said street be discontinued, 23 closed, and vacated, subject to certain conditions having been met on or before one (1) year from 24 City Council's adoption of this Ordinance; 25 26 27 28 29 30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia: SECTION I 31 That the hereinafter described street be discontinued, closed and vacated, subject 32 to certain conditions being met on or before one (1) year from City Council's adoption of this 33 ordinance: 34 GPIN: 1467-85-8624-0000,1467-85-6657-0000 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, which is shown as the eastern half of the unimproved portion of Jersey Avenue, designated and described as "(2,512 SQUARE FEET)" shown as a portion of the cross-hatched area on that certain plat entitled: EXHffiIT PLAT SHOWING A PORTION OF JERSEY AVENUE TO BE CLOSED ADJACENT TO LOTS 1 THRU 7, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 25 AND LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 26, EUCLID PLACE (M.B. 4, P.63) VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA" Scale: 1" = 25', dated August 3, 1999, prepared by John E. Sjrine and Associates, Ltd., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION n 51 The following conditions must be met on or before one (I) year from City 52 Council's adoption of this ordinance: 53 1. The City Attorney's Office will make the final determination regarding 54 ownership of the underlying fee. The City Attorney's Office will review the prior payments 55 made to the City by the applicant to determine if they are in compliance with the "Policy 56 Regarding Purchase of City's Interest in Streets Pursuant to Street Closures," approved by City 57 Council. Copies of said policy are available in the Planning Department. 58 2. The applicant shall resubdivide the property and vacate internal lot lines to 59 incorporate the closed area into the adjoining parcels. The resubdivision plat shall be submitted 60 and approved for recordation prior to final street closure approval. 61 3. A public drainage easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Works 62 shall be provided on the final plat. 63 2 63 4. The applicant shall verify that no private utilities exist within the right-of-way 64 proposed for closure. Preliminary comments from the utility companies indicate that there are 65 Virginia Natural Gas utilities within the right-of-way proposed for closure. If private utilities do 66 exist, the applicant shall provide easements satisfactory to the utility companies. 67 5. Closure of the right-of-way shall be contingent upon compliance with the 68 above stated conditions within one year of approval by City Council. If all conditions noted 69 above are not in compliance and the final plat is not approved within one year of the City 70 Council vote to close the street, this approval will be considered null and void. 71 6. A public utility easement satisfactory to the Department of Public Utilities will 72 73 74 75 be required to be dedicated on the final plat. SECTION III 76 1. If the preceding conditions are not fulfilled on or before June 21, 2005, 77 this Ordinance will be deemed null and void without further action by the City Council. 78 2. If all conditions are met on or before June 21, 2005, the date of final 79 closure is the date the street closure ordinance is recorded by the City Attorney. 80 3. 10 the event the City of Virginia Beach has any interest in the underlying 81 fee, the City Manager or his designee is authorized to execute whatever documents, if any, that 82 may be requested to convey such interest, provided said documents are approved by the City 83 Attorney's Office. 84 SECTION IV 85 A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed in the Clerk's Office of the 86 Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name of the CITY OF 87 VIRGINIA BEACH as "Grantor" and LOPE B. PILE and MERCY PILE as "Grantee." 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 88 of CA-9183 June 3, 2004 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on this - day ,2004. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: /ÚJ £.~r ¡;.¡.()t Planning epartment APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~ õ.r'~ Þ City Attorney F'ID.u\ATY\FonmlS"", Clo,"reIWORKINGICA91830RD.d" 4 NOTES: 1, MERIDIAN SOURCE BASE~ ON PLA T RECOR~ED IN ~èED BOOK 2431, PAGE 1581, 2, PORTiON (),' JERSEY ,AV,NUE TO BE CLOSED: L".:':..-' ,77] 3, AREA or ÆRSE, AVENUE W BE CI,OS[~ ~ 5,607 SOU ARE FEET/O,'23 ACRE, 4, TH,S PLAT :S NOT INTENDED TO SHOW ANt f,ASEMENTS OR PHYSICAL FEATURES THAT MAy M'fEC 1 'H:S PROPER!". ~ 5 THiS P" T 'XES NOT CO',51'IU'E .A SJ9[)IV,",!DN DF LAND 6, THlc, p, A, P~L""RED '/IITH,:)UT TH'T BUFF' ')F " :'-. E REPDRT : ð \:;H', Ol~ I1-?Q i ;j;:;:', '8~~~J."" E ~A' V¡I¡/,<f .... ~ ..:'0' "~ L-9 ~ ,- r"L:.q éJ~ r:;;: '" 'O~',\), ~J¡" ; ~;'/'/G,,?/.4S,~,<f('I. 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LOT 4 La' :0 ---- - -"-- cOT 6 ,-- '__n_- ---, -- ------ --- LOT 7 w~ ~ ::) ..... éõ Z'" u--. ~i"2~ <g ;;;,,' .:: >- w ,ë;' ~~:: EXHIBIT PLAT SHOWING ffi ~~ è. ,\ pOP "O~ DF ..., - JERSEY AVENUE TO BE CLOSED ,O,jA,.;[N T T() LOTS 1 THRU 7, INCLUSiVE, BLOCK 25 AND LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 26, EUCLID PLACE (M,B, 4, ~ 6.'; '/!oG'N!A SEAC'!, ViRG'Ni,' SCALf 1.~25' Ac",US: 3, 1999 S 89'45'G5" 'Ii 'g LOT R, BLOC", 25, LUCL_,D PL.;C¡ ("',8, 4, P 63; c]f'iN 1467-8,,-64;>7 JOHN E, SIRINE AND ASSOCIATES, L TO, S,J.~'¡E fDRS 'ENGINEeRS' Pc~NNERS 4317 BONNEé RO~D ViRG!NiA BEAC~, ViRGINiA 2.\45:" ,,0 75 '00 FeU --~ REYiSEJ, NOV, I:', '999 GRAPHIC SCALE ø ~ ¡;; 00 I "' 00_01 3 '" ... ---- '"" .,. : d2~ u'" ' J ,ra. ~: co"",... ;;, c' dai ;: Õ 3Ó~ ...J '--' SHEET 1 Of Zonina History I ACTION Approved 1# I DATE I REQUEST 1 12-9-68 Rezoning (R-D1 Residence Duplex to R-S4 Residence Suburban) ,~~~2, ~( f-r:')} ~«:<~".::, -<E~' CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Helen L. Scott - Conditional Use Permit (family day care) MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: An Ordinance upon Application of Helen L. Scott for a Conditional Use Permit for family day care on property located at 646 Garfield Avenue (GPIN 14866650840000). DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL . Considerations: The applicant desires to operate a family day care in the existing single-family dwelling. The applicant proposes to provide care for six children on a fuU time basis and allow for four children on a part time basis. Ages of the children will be from birth to five years of age. The applicant proposes operating hours of 7:00 AM. to 11 :00 P.M., weekly. At some point in the future, the applicant notes that she may employ one person to assist her on a part time basis. The request is in keeping with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. Family Day Care homes are essential within the City to provide for affordable daycare in a home environment setting. The proposal is compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood. The children will be under constant supervision, When the children are outside, they will be contained within the confines of the rear yard, which is enclosed with a privacy fence. Staff recommended approval. There was no opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 11-0 to approve this request with the following conditions: 1, The Family Day Care shall be limited to a total of 10 children during a single 24-hour period. Of the 10 children, no more than five (5) may be under the age of two and one-half years old, 2. There shall be no signs on the site advertising the Family Day Care. Helen Scott Page 2 of 2 3, Parking for customers and future employees shall be met on the site and not on the public street. 4. The applicant shall obtain all the necessary permits and inspections required by the Departments of Fire Department, Social Services and Planning/Permits and Inspections Division before obtaining a business license. 5, The applicant shall maintain a Family Day Care license with the Commonwealth of Virginia (Social Services), Failure to maintain a Family Day Care license shall result in revocation of the home occupation (family day care) permit. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Departmen~IJM.IL- cityManage~I'-'Óß~ r -:~¿1-. ,{ -l""I"~'" r :¡, "O,",.','.',','.,",',~."'"",."'.,",',...,.,.".""'.'."..'",....-.,.,-.~,;j!: " ,1'." ,"".,u;ç;-, \;=:' - . . \'i'. ~¡:¡i, os:; ("I.~ ':;-> (:>" ':." .i:1J .....\-:...~"l~' ~:.",.,.",~~~ """.;.........." GO8-213-CUP-2004 HELEN L. SCOTT Agenda Item # 6 May 12, 2004 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Faith Christie The following report is prepared by the staff of the Virginia Beach Department of Planning to provide data, information, and professional land use recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City Council to assist them in making a decision regarding this application. REQUEST: LOCATION: GPIN: COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: SITE SIZE: Location and General Information Conditional Use Permit for Family Day Care Property located at 646 Garfield Avenue 14866650840000 3 - ROSE HALL 5.488 square feet HELEN l. SCOTT Agenda Item# 6 Page 1 EXISTING LAND USE: Single-family dwelling West: . Single-family dwelling I R-7.5 Residential . Dana Lane . Across Dana Lane are single-family dwellings I R- 7.5 Residential . Single-family dwelling I R-7.5 Residential . Garfield Avenue . Across Garfield Avenue are single-family dwellings I R-7.5 Residential SURROUNDING North: LAND USE AND ZONING: South: East: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: There are no significant natural resources or cultural features on the site. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of 65 to 70dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. The proposed use is considered compatible with airfield operations. Summary of Proposa The applicant desires to operate a family day care in the existing single-family dwelling. The applicant proposes to provide care for six children on a full time basis and allow for four children on a part time basis. Ages of the children will be from birth to five years of age. The applicant proposes operating hours of 7:00 A.M. to 11 :00 P.M., weekly. At some point in the future, the applicant notes that she may employ one person to assist her on a part time basis. HELEN L. SCOTT Agenda Item # 6 Page 2 The following represent the significant issues identified by the staff concerning this request. Staff's evaluation of the request is largely based on the degree to which these issues are adequately addressed. . Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan recommendations for the area. . Compatibility with the surrounding uses. Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan Map designates this area as Primary Residential Area. Homes for people with special needs and family care homes (home day care providers) that meet the requirements established in the City Zoning Ordinance are appropriate conditional uses within residential and other defined zoning districts. These are necessary facilities that are appropriately located within residential areas as long as the size, scale and number of these facilities are not so great that they cause undue impacts on the neighborhood. Staff Evaluation Staff recommends approval of this request. Staffs evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials, adequately addresses each of the 'Major Issues' identified above, The proposal's strengths in addressing the 'Major Issues' are HELEN L. SCOTT Agenda Item # 6 Page 3 (1) The request is in keeping with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan for the area. Family Day Care homes are essential within the City to provide for affordable daycare in a home environment setting. Appropriate conditions should minimize any undue impacts within the neighborhood. (2) The request is compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood. The children will be under constant supervision. When the children are outside, they will be contained within the confines of the rear yard, which is enclosed with a privacy fence. This should minimize the impact on adjacent residential uses. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of this request with the conditions below. Conditions 1. The Family Day Care shall be limited to a total of 10 children during a single 24- hour period. Of the 10 children, no more than five (5) may be under the age of two and one-half years old. 2. There shall be no signs on the site advertising the Family Day Care. 3. Parking for customers and future employees shall be met on the site and not on the public street. 4. The applicant shall obtain all the necessary permits and inspections required by the Departments of Fire Department, Social Services and Planning/Permits and Inspections Division before obtaining a business license. 5. The applicant shall maintain a Family Day Care license with the Commonwealth of Virginia (Social Services). Failure to maintain a Family Day Care license shall result in revocation of the home occupation (family day care) permit. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. The site plan submitted with this conditional use permit may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes. Conditional use permits must be activated within 12 months of City Council approval. See Section 220(g) of the City Zoning Ordinance for further information. HELEN L. SCOTT Agenda Item # 6 Page 4 '. .-c,c~.,_j[~r Supplemental Information Zonina Historv I # I DATE I REQUEST \ ACTION 1 12-9-68 Rezoning (R-D1 Residence Duplex to R-S4 Residence Approved Suburban) HELEN L SCOTT Agenda Item # 6 Page 5 Public Aaencv Comments Public Works Garfield Avenue is a local street. This is an established nei hborhood with little throu h traffic. Traffic Calculations: Street Name Present Present Generated Traffic Volume Caoacitv Existing land Use N/A ADT 6,200 ADT -10 Garfield Avenue 1 1 Proposed land Use 3 - 20 Average Dally Trips 'as defined by a single-family dwelling 'as defined by family day care Public Utilities I The site is connected to City water. I The site is connected to City sewer. I Water: I Sewer: Public Safety Police: The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strateaies as they pertain to this site. Fire and Rescue: A fire inspection will be required for the Social Services license. HELEN L. SCOTT Agenda Item # 6 Page 6 Exhibit A Aerial of Site Location HELEN L. SCOTT Agenda Item# 6 Page 7 Exhibit 8 Site Survey ","~"~,"'""" 0'" ,"eM""",",'" ",'OW"""""" """Q""~""'"" """<""" "'~, ~"'" ,-'"" ""'" ",.,'" " "'" ", """" '"C~, ""'" '" ". =" """ '""'~'" NO"" .. '.~m.,' ""<>" .. .. -...to ~, ..."'. ,-, = ~ ..'"'.~, ., .."'~, '. """"" "Y ,~ ", "~,,, ,""'- ""' "'~, ,~ """" "w."",~d","~.,~,_",,~~~ ."_, ..00' ..1U~ '""~",'" ~d_"'~'Y<""~""'~"", '" ."t<o. ""00' """"I, to <",.,~ 9~_, "" ~ i -- '00'--- - ,-',.,._.~ -,~,,> ,0""""- =;,,<~ -~ ;;;::.;"..::' PHYSICAL SUR""Y OF LOTS 23 AND 24, BLOCK 44 PECAN GARDENS PROPrRTY 01' '"' STAT!: DE'ÆLOPME:NT CORP, WRGfNIA BEACH, WRGtNIA /"tORVARY II, 200J seA", "'25' EXe,-"51""LY'OR HELEN L. SCOTT "IMP'!]': C'j~'[ 1"-=,' ';;, 'C' r'.He " £5' DR"'" 8Y, A,CP, CHECKED 8Y J,F,H" Jr, ""..'NC NO'119" ,"" PR"'-"CT NO" PN7B4<%¡¡iilp A HA: ',;'T'" rc',",',.',,-,,','.,"c,;,""', ',' 1'," I, 'f!;' """ SURVEYORS LTD. 5637 PRO\li1!!1'iC£ ROAD ~RG!NlA BEACH, VA, "'0' TEL (:1:1;1:,..J-520' FAX, (757) 963-5262 HELEN L SCOTT Agenda Item# 6 Page 8 Exhibit C Disclosure Statement NOI!V3IldclV !IMIad aSIl1VNOI!IaNO3 ~z, W~ i~¡ i'I~!: ~Ji un Wi! n:í :Jli "" 0: II ¡:; C', B ~ . ¡lllllillil . ~;';2 Hi .-u iii " "' z ~ 0 ~ ] ~ I õ " ;; ~ ~ . "- ë ~ ~ I - ¡ " ~ p " ~ Iâ NOI!V3ndclV !Imad aSfl1VNOIIIaì~OJ HELEN L. SCOTT Agenda Item# 6 Page 9 Exhibit D Supplemental Information DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL AIR STATION OCEANA 1750 TOMCAT BOULEVARD VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINIA 2345M163 " REI'!.Y REFER' I' 5726 .ocr 32 0173 April 6, 2004 ",0>, 1'"i cn CbrisLie Drive, Suild,in" Virgini"! Sca::h, VA 23456-9040 - :':0", Ms. Christie: P",n:ce1: to revj,ew the C""de Üonal Use " [aoily d¿', Be",,':. Ttle si"..¿ ave,":;" (Ld,-! c:ar'c: ae :',"',5': zcne and co'1slde:ed :,ccated ,I""e" te,e Navy's p,ir Corc,pstLb.le Use ZGces Frooes,', )"e,'stIo,-" If you have Lis,isc-r: Officer, ""ntact ,iren?e at- Flanning to: ¡,EDLAOJ, :00/N02?1 anG ven' :")speer;",",' LA¡;TnT'} '-j"y'or Meyera CJberndcrf :!;~~t~~~ ;~~~;; ;~~~:n~~:~n~~;Jr,i5S"):1 HELEN L. SCOTT Agenda Item # 6 Page 10 Item #6 Helen L. Scott Conditional Use Permit 646 Garfield Avenue District 3 Rose Hall May 12, 2004 REGULAR Dorothy Wood: We will now proceed with the regular portion of our meeting. I'd like to remind everyone that we need to adhere to the rules and procedures that were explained to you at the start of the meeting. Please be aware of what other speakers before you have said. We must insist that redundancy is limited. Please do not be offended if I stop your presentation for being repetitive or what is being said is not germane to the item at hand. I certainly do not want to limit anyone's rights, however we have a lot to cover today and we have a short period of time and we much stick to the procedures and I thank you for your understanding. Joe Strange, our Secretary would you please call the first item. Joseph Strange: The first item is Item #6 Helen L. Scott. It's a Conditional Use Permit for a family daycare on property located at 646 Garfield A venue, District 3 Rose HalL Dorothy Wood: Ms. Scott, are you here? Helen Scott: I got the signs out. Dorothy Wood: Ma'am, this is the public hearing. The signs are necessary for all of your neighbors to see and they all received certified letters saying what you're doing. This is where you come and explain on what your doing to us so that we can either approve or disapprove it and then it would go on to our City CounciL So, if you could just please tell us in a few words what your doing. Helen Scott: I bought a house. Dorothy Wood: Your name first please ma'am. Helen Scott: Helen L. Scott. I bought the property at 646 Garfield Avenue. I just thought I would start a family childcare. At the time that my mother was living she passed so I'm trying to get into the process of getting it done. I've had everything done with Social Services and with Planning. Dorothy Wood: Yes ma'am. Helen Scott: This is as far as I've gotten. Item #6 Helen 1. Scott Page 2 Dorothy Wood: 1 think really what we really need to know is how many children you're planning on having at anyone time. Helen Scott: The City said I could have six and four drop-ins. Dorothy Wood: So, you can have as many as ten children at one time. Helen Scott: Yes. Dorothy Wood: Do you have help with this Ms. Scott? Helen Scott: Yes. Dorothy Wood: Someone that you have hired? Helen Scott: One lady lives up stairs and wants to work. I've hired a college student part-time fÌom 9-12, five days a week to come in with the children with the computers and things. Dorothy Wood: Where is upstairs ma'am? Helen Scott: I've got two bedrooms upstairs. It doesn't show it. Dorothy Wood: No ma'am, it doesn't show it there. Helen Scott: But it's two bedrooms and bath. Dorothy Wood: So the downstairs has one bedroom? Helen Scott: A living room, dining room and kitchen. I took the garage and made it a daycare. It was a garage and a half. I had French doors put on. I also had a patio put on the outside for the children with trellis around it so they don't fall off. That's completed. Dorothy Wood: Ma'am, would you please answer any questions from the Commissioners? Ms. Jan? Janice Anderson: Thank you. Ma'am, you already have your daycare license through the State or in the process? Helen Scott: I'm in the process. She said the papers would come in today. I didn't know if they came to you or to me. Janice Anderson: Okay. Dorothy Wood: Ron? Item #6 Helen L. Scott Page 3 Ronald Ripley: Ms. Scott, have you ever ran a daycare before? Helen Scott: Yes. I ran one in Nashville, Tennessee from 1990 - 1993. Ronald Ripley: Can you explain what the size of that was? How many people you managed? Helen Scott: Eleven full time, four for emergencies. 1 could take 15 but not 15 at one time, just II. If something happened at school, I would have drop-ins. Ronald Ripley: We did not go into your property. We rode around it. You said that you converted the garage? That's attached to your property? Is that right? Helen Scott: Yes. Ronald Ripley: So you converted that for the purpose that you're requesting here? Helen Scott: Yes. Ronald Ripley: Is that heated and air conditioned also? Helen Scott: Yes. Ronald Ripley: Could you describe the inside? Helen Scott: It's a garage and half. I really don't know the size. It had to be a lot of work done because of the doors had to be filled in. I had a screen put on the back. Then on the outside I had a patio put out there, which is covered with carpet and the trellis as I said for the children so they don't falloff. I don't plan on keeping large children. I plan to keep smaller children fÌom 0 to 6. Ronald Ripley: Can you describe what you did to the garage? Did you improve the lighting? Did you do the walls over? Helen Scott: It was already done. That is why I bought it. The only thing we had to do was paint it. It has the florescent lights. I didn't have to do anything to it other than the doors and that is why I bought it. Ronald Ripley: Thank you. Dorothy Wood: Would ten children fit into that area Ms. Scott? Helen Scott: I probably will never have ten unless it's an emergency then I've got an extra bedroom down stairs. Item #6 Helen 1. Scott Page 4 Dorothy Wood: Mr. Din. William Din: You were indicating that you were having a college student and one other person under that you hire. Helen Scott: The lady who lives upstairs is going to come and work in the day with the children. William Din: Is she going to live there permanently? Helen Scott: She lives there already. William Din: Already. She's just going to help you? Helen Scott: She needed a place to stay so we decided that I would pay her to help the children so I would always have help. William Din: How many people will be there during the day when you have children that you're caring for? Helen Scott: From 9-12, there will be three. From 12-6, there will just be two. William Din: Okay. You don't intend to have any children overnight or anything? Helen Scott: No. To tired for that. William Din: Okay. Dorothy Wood: Are there any other questions? Jan. Janice Anderson: Just one last one. Are these neighborhood children? Helen Scott: No. I plan on keeping children for the State, Virginia Beach children, not neighborhood children. Dorothy Wood: What do you mean for the State? Helen Scott: The City of Virginia Beach always has children that need a place. I always work with the State of whatever City I live in. That means that the children get more privileges and more time to spend with them. I don't have to debate about who can pay and who can't pay so I just work with the State children. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Are there any other questions? Sorry Kathy? Item #6 Helen L. Scott Page 5 Kathy Katsias: So are these children placed temporary with you for a certain period of time? I don't quite understand what program this is. Helen Scott: Until they start school. Kathy Katsias: Where are their parents? Helen Scott: They work. They work and they pay a portion and then the State picks up the other portion. Kathy Katsias: Okay. Helen Scott: This is what I did in Nashville. Kathy Katsias: What is this program called? Helen Scott: It's through Social Services. Kathy Katsias: Okay. So you're employed by Social Services. Helen Scott: No. I'm going through Social Services. Dorothy Wood: Are there any other questions? Do I hear a motion? Robert Miller: I'd like to make a motion that we approve Ms. Scott's application. Janice Anderson: I'll second it. Dorothy Wood: A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Ms. Anderson. Do we have any opposition? ANDERSON CRABTREE DIN HORSLEY KATSIAS KNIGHT MILLER RIPLEY STRANGE WALLER WOOD AYE 11 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 0 AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Item #6 Helen 1. Scott Page 6 Ed Weeden: By a vote of 11-0, the application of Helen Scott has been approved. Robert Miller: Ms. Scott before you leave. Can I just say one thing? Dorothy Wood: Certainly Mr. Miller. Robert Miller: We really appreciate what you do because it does sound like it's a little more complicated in order to get certified and get through the process. It sounds like something that you've done before in Nashville perhaps but I don't think we've heard about this type of program through Social Services directly. I'm sure there are several of these going on in our City. It's a wonderful thing that you're doing and we really appreciate that. That is quite a responsibility. Helen Scott: People can work because it is so expensive to have daycare. This is the way it was in Nashville. More people could work which was better for the city. Robert Miller: Well, it's great to have you in Virginia Beach. Helen Scott: Thank you. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Ms. Scott. c. AG-2 AG-2 = 0 [;J. ' AG-I/AG-2 to B-2 2 5/10/94 3 11/24/98 I REQUEST Conditional Use Permit - Two single family dwellings Conditional Use Permit - Single family dwellings Conditional Use Permit - Alternative Residential Development I ACTION Granted 1# I DATE 1 7/13/93 Denied Granted CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. - Change of Zoning District Classification (AG-1 & AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional B-2 Community Business District) and, Modification of Conditions approved by City Council on November 24, 1998 (Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wayne Murden, Jr.) MEETING DATE: June 22,2004 . Background: (a) An Ordinance upon Application of Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. for a Chanae of ZoninQ District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional B-2 Community Business District on property located at 4164 West Neck Road (GPIN 24027079830000 - part of), The Comprehensive Plan identifies this site as being within the Rural Area, DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE (b) An Ordinance upon Application of Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. for a Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Council on November 24,1998 (Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wayne Murden, Jr.) on property located on the northwest corner of Princess Anne Road and West Neck Road (GPIN 24027079830000 - part of). DISTRICT 7- PRINCESS ANNE . Considerations: The existing property is part of a tract of land approved in 1998 under the Conditional Use Permit approach for residential development. The 1998 Conditional Use Permit approach yielded a higher than by-right rural density while preserving an area of the site for agricultural or open space uses. The current proposal intends to rezone to B-2 Business a portion of the area set aside for preserved agriculture and open space. The applicant desires to use the rezoned portion of the property for a retail sales establishment, specializing in auto parts, and for a presently undefined future expansion. To develop the site as the applicant desires, the existing conditions on the 1998 approved Conditional Use Permit must be modified. The 1998 Conditional Use Permit for an Altemative Residential Development of three (3) units was granted with the following conditions: Pleasant Ridge Auto Page 2 of 3 1. A suitable legal instrument restricting development of the property to no more than three residential building lots shall be submitted with the final subdivision play, and shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court. The content and form of such instrument shall be acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. A one-foot no-ingress/egress easement shall be dedicated along the frontage of the property on Princess Anne Road and run westerly down West Neck Road a minimum of 150', in accordance with the recommendations of Traffic Engineering. 3, A 50' vegetated buffer, as described in the Comprehensive Plan's Rural Residential Guidelines, shall be installed along all residential property lines where they abut an active agricultural operation. The required buffers shall be planted prior to occupancy of the residential units. Two of the conditions must be modified in order for the proposed development to proceed. Condition 1 must be modified to permit the use of a portion of the residual property for the proposed use. Condition 2 requires a no-ingress/egress easement be dedicated along the frontage of the site. In order for the applicant's proposal to occur, this condition must also be modified to eliminate the requirement. Staff's research indicates that the required no-ingress/egress easement has currently been platted only along West Neck Road with the creation of two lots in accordance with the 1998 Use Permit. The applicant, therefore, is requesting Modification of the 1998 Conditional Use Permit through removal of the three-acre area requested for rezoning from the area encumbered by the 1998 Use Permit. Removal of the three-acre area effectively eliminates the conditions from applying to the proposed development parcel. With the removal of the three (3) acres requested for rezoning from the 1998 Use Permit area, there will remain sufficient acreage to support the density of three (3) dwelling units as approved with the 1998 use permit. That acreage will remain restricted from development per the conditions of the use permit. Staff recommended approval. There was opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-1 to approve the requests, as proffered, . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Pleasant Ridge Auto Page 3 of 3 Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting DepartmentJAgency: Planning oepartment'- City Manager: r)¿ .~6'P\. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. - Change of Zoning District Classification (AG-1 & AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional B-2 Community Business District) and, Modification of Conditions approved by City Council on November 24, 1998 (Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wayne Murden, Jr.) MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: An Ordinance upon Application of Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. for a Chanae of Zonina District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional B- 2 Community Business District on property located at 4164 West Neck Road (GPIN 24027079830000 - part of). The Comprehensive Plan identifies this site as being within the Rural Area. DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE An Ordinance upon Application of Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. for a Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Council on November 24, 1998 (Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wayne Murden, Jr.) on property located on the northwest corner of Princess Anne Road and West Neck Road (GPIN 24027079830000 - part of). DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE . Considerations: The existing property is part of a tract of land approved in 1998 under the Conditional Use Permit approach for residential development. The 1998 Conditional Use Permit approach yielded a higher than by-right rural density while preserving an area of the site for agricultural or open space uses. The current proposal intends to rezone to B-2 Business a portion of the area set aside for preserved agriculture and open space. The applicant desires to use the rezoned portion of the property for a retail sales establishment, specializing in auto parts, and for a presently undefined future expansion. To develop the site as the applicant desires, the existing conditions on the 1998 approved Conditional Use Permit must be addressed in some manner. The 1998 Conditional Use Permit for an Alternative Residential Development of three (3) units was granted with the following conditions: 1. A suitable legal instrument restricting development of the property to no more than three residential building lots shall be submitted with the final subdivision play, and shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court. The content and form of such instrument shall be acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. A one-foot no-ingress/egress easement shall be dedicated along the frontage of the property on Princess Anne Road and run westerly down West Neck Road a minimum of 150', in accordance with the recommendations of Traffic Engineering. 3. A 50' vegetated buffer, as described in the Comprehensive Plan's Rural Residential Guidelines, shall be installed along all residential property lines where they abut an active agricultural operation. The required buffers shall be planted prior to occupancy of the residential units. Two of the conditions must be modified in order for the proposed development to proceed. Condition 1 must be modified to permit the use of a portion of the residual property for the proposed use.. Condition 2 requires a no-ingress/egress easement be dedicated along the frontage of the site. In order for the applicant's proposal to occur, this condition must also be modified to eliminate the requirement. Staff's research indicates that the required no- ingress/egress easement has currently been platted only along West Neck Road with the creation of two lots in accordance with the 1998 Use Permit. The applicant, therefore, is requesting Modification of the 1998 Conditional Use Permit through removal of the three-acre area requested for rezoning from the area encumbered by the 1998 Use Permit. Removal of the three-acre area effectively eliminates the conditions from applying to the proposed development parcel. The Rural Preservation Plan portion of the Comprehensive Plan specifically identifies commercial nodes like Back Bay and Creeds as small areas that serve in a limited fashion the commercial needs of a rather large geographic area. An important factor in the evaluation of this development proposal, however, is that a small area of B-2 zoning already exists to the north of the subject site at the intersection of Princess Anne Road and Pleasant Ridge Road. The applicant currently uses this B-2 zoned site for the auto parts business. It is Staff's understanding from the narrative submitted with the application that the applicant's business has outgrown the existing site and that the applicant cannot expand at the existing location. There exists, therefore, an existing precedent for commercial use within this general area. Staff concludes that locating commercial use at the West Neck Road intersection is a reasonable addition to the existing B-2 at the Pleasant Ridge intersection. Further, it is Staff's opinion that the West Neck Road intersection, due to it being the meeting of two primary routes into and out of the Rural Area, is the more likely candidate for a commercial service node. Details regarding the 'future expansion' shown on the proffered plan have not been provided. However, the proffers submitted with the change of zoning request restrict the development to the area defined on the proffered plan as "2-ST -RETAIL (8,000 SO. FT,)." If the applicant ever pursues the future expansion, it will require additional review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council as a Modification of Proffers. Of greater concern is the lack of specificity in the proffers regarding the uses to which the B-2 zoned area may be put. While the site plan and the building elevation are designed for the applicant's business, the proffers do not restrict the uses in any way. Thus, if desired, the applicant could use the building for any use allowed in the B-2 Community Business District. Staff does not believe that there would be any immediate eventuality of this occurring. Of more concern is the potential for other B-2 uses to be located in the area identified as 'future expansion; however, as noted above, such expansion cannot occur without a Modification to the Proffers of this requested rezoning should it be granted. With the removal of the three (3) acres requested for rezoning from the 1998 Use Permit area, there will remain sufficient acreage to support the density of three (3) dwelling units as approved with the 1998 use permit. That acreage will remain restricted from development per the conditions of the use permit. Staff recommended approval. There was opposition to the request. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 10-1 to approve the requests, as proffered. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends approval. Planning Commission recommends approval. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department City Manager: ~~;~ ,.,~~ ~ +-1-. K16-210-CRZ-2004 ,-0 f5i~ : 'EASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. (:'I.~~'" ~;f (~}.~-...~{# Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 ",":;..:::~:;::.~ May 12, 2004 Public Hearing Staff Planners: Karen Prochilo and Stephen White The following report is prepared by the staff of the Virginia Beach Department of Planning to provide data, information, and professional land use recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City Council to assist them in making a decision regarding this application. REQUEST: LOCATION: GPIN: COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: Location and General Information (9) (10) Chanqe of Zoninq District Classification from AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional B-2 Business District. Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit approved by the City Council on November 24, 1998, Property located at the Northwest intersection of Princess Anne Road and West Neck Road 'F'~\ /~I I. \ai\ ' Condirio..l Zoning Cha." from AG-VAG-1 to B-1 Part of 24027079830000 7 - PRINCESS ANNE PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 1 SITE SIZE: Subject property: 3 acres. Total Property: +/- 17 acres EXISTING LAND USE: The property is zoned AG-1 / AG-2 Agricultural Districts. East: . Farm fields and single-family residential / AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts . West Neck Road, Farm field, single-family residential / AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts . Princess Anne Road, farm fields, single-family residential / AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts . Farm fields with single-family residential / AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND North: ZONING: South: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: This subject area of the parcel is primarily flat land. The proposed development site is currently used as a plant nursery. There are a few significant mature trees on the site. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana and NALF Fentress. Summary of Proposa The existing property is part of a tract of land approved in 1998 under the Conditional Use Permit approach for residential development. The 1998 Conditional Use Permit approach yielded a higher than by-right rural density while preserving an area of the site for agricultural or open space uses. The current proposal intends to rezone to B-2 Business a portion of the area set aside for preserved agriculture and open space. The applicant desires to use the rezoned portion of the property for a retail sales establishment, specializing in auto parts, and for a presently undefined future expansion. To develop the site as the applicant desires, the existing conditions on the 1998 approved Conditional Use Permit must be addressed in some manner. The 1998 PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 2 Conditional Use Permit for an Alternative Residential Development of three (3) units was granted with the following conditions: 1. A suitable legal instrument restricting development of the property to no more than three residential building lots shall be submitted with the final subdivision play, and shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court, The content and form of such instrument shall be acceptable to the City Attorney. 2. A one-foot no-ingress/egress easement shall be dedicated along the frontage of the property on Princess Anne Road and run westerly down West Neck Road a minimum of 150', in accordance with the recommendations of Traffic Engineering. 3. A 50' vegetated buffer, as described in the Comprehensive Plan's Rural Residential Guidelines, shall be installed along all residential property lines where they abut an active agricultural operation. The required buffers shall be planted prior to occupancy of the residential units. Two of the conditions must be modified in order for the proposed development to proceed. Condition 1 must be modified to permit the use of a portion of the residual property for the proposed use. The document specified in Condition 1 was recorded at Deed Book 4068, Page 502. The final clause of the recorded restrictions notes "Nothing herein shall restrict any interested party from applying to the Virginia Beach City Council for a variance of, or amendment to, this condition in the future." The applicant has applied to amend the condition, Condition 2 of the 1998 Use Permit requires a no-ingress/egress easement be dedicated along the frontage of the site. In order for the applicant's proposal to occur, this condition must also be modified to eliminate the requirement. Staff's research indicates that the required no-ingress/egress easement has currently been platted only along West Neck Road with the creation of two lots in accordance with the 1998 Use Permit. The applicant, therefore, is requesting Modification of the 1998 Conditional Use Permit through removal of the three-acre area requested for rezoning from the area encumbered by the 1998 Use Permit. Removal of the three-acre area effectively eliminates the conditions from applying to the proposed development parcel. PLEASANT RIDGE AUTOPARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 3 The following represent the significant issues identified by the staff concerning this request. Staff's evaluation of the request is largely based on the degree to which these issues are adequately addressed. . Consistency with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan for the Rural Area concerning the location of non-residential uses. . Ambiguity regarding future expansion as shown on the site plan. . Intent of 1998 use permit for preservation of this area as open space / agricultural residual as part of the residential lots. Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this property to be part of the Rural Service Area. The rural land use policies have not changed much over time and are important for our rural landscape. Future development within the Rural Service Area must adhere to the Comprehensive Plan's adopted rural planning principles and economic strategies to retain its character and vitality. The Comprehensive Plan identifies a Rural Preservation Plan with five objectives: 1. Preserve and promote the opportunity for continued agricultural production. 2. Recognize the rural character and the need to preserve its open space and scenic beauty. Rural character also translates into a quieter, less hectic and more independent way of life; one removed from the congestion, density and fast paced activities of urban life. The growth that occurs does so without disrupting the lifestyles of those who have chosen to live here and without forcing the need to bring in urban services. 3. Protect and maintain environmental resources so that they remain for future generations. 4. Provide reasonable rural development opportunities. 5. Eliminate the need for urban infrastructure. PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & #10 Page 4 In order to achieve these objectives the Agricultural ReseNe Program and Rural Development Guidelines were included as part of an overall program to stabilize and reinforce the rural way of life. Guides to non-residential rural development include: Protect rural character and existing scenic views. Franchise retail, office parks or shopping centers are not encouraged. Create non- residential development at key crossroads to encourage community interaction of people, not vehicles. Commercial retail development should be located in existing defined rural commercial centers for supporting the local rural community in lieu of strip shopping center development. . . . . Proffers The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (§107(h)(1). Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and seNe as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER # 1 PROFFER # 2 When the property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "Preliminary Subdivision Plat of Part of the Property of Philip W. Murden, Jr. and Connie D, Murden for Steven W. & Wanda J. Simpson, Virginia Beach, Virginia", prepared by Kellam-Gerwitz Engineering, Inc, dated 12/08/03, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "Site Plan"). The architectural design of the building depicted on the site plan and the landscaping to be installed will be as depicted on the exhibits entitled, (a) "Proposed NAPA Auto Parts Store; Princess Anne Road and West Neck Road," PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 5 PROFFER # 3 PROFFER # 4 PROFFER # 5 PROFFER # 6 dated 12/15/03, prepared by Porterfield Design Center (hereinafter "Rendering") and (b) "Proposed Landscape Plan - NAPA Auto Parts Store" dated 2/12/04", (hereinafter "Landscape Plan"), which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. All outdoor lighting shall be shielded, deflected, shaded and focused to direct light down onto the premises and away from adjoining property. The freestanding sign designated on the Site Plan shall be as depicted on the exhibit entitled, "Sign Elevation, Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts," dated 2/12/04 prepared by Porterfield Design Center (hereinafter "Sign Elevation"). which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. The brick base and columns of the sign shall match the brick base of the building depicted on the Rendering. The building depicted on the Site Plan and Rendering shall be twenty-five feet (25') in height and shall have an exterior wall color of "Light Stone" and an exterior roof color of "Medium Bronze" as depicted on the "A&S Building Systems -Commercial - Industrial Series" color palates which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning. The base of the exterior of the building, to a height of three feet (3) shall be a reddish- brown brick. Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City code requirements. Staff Evaluation of The above proffers are acceptable. Proffers: City Attorney's The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS. INC. Agenda Items # 9 &# 10 Page 6 Office: agreement dated March 23, 2004, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form. Staff's evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials and the proffers, adequately addresses each of the 'Major Issues' identified above. (1) The intersection of Princess Anne Road and West Neck Road is not specifically mentioned by the Comprehensive Plan as a potential node for retail and other non-residential service uses. The Rural Preservation Plan portion of the Comprehensive Plan specifically identifies commercial nodes like Back Bay and Creeds as small areas that serve in a limited fashion the commercial needs of a rather large geographic area. An important factor in the evaluation of this development proposal, however, is that a small area of B-2 zoning already exists to the north of the subject site at the intersection of Princess Anne Road and Pleasant Ridge Road. The applicant currently uses this B-2 zoned site for the auto parts business. It is Staff's understanding from the narrative submitted with the application that the applicant's business has outgrown the existing site and that the applicant cannot expand at the existing location. There exists, therefore, an existing precedent for commercial use within this general area. Staff concludes that locating commercial use at the West Neck Road intersection is a reasonable addition to the existing B-2 at the Pleasant Ridge intersection. Further, it is Staff's opinion that the West Neck Road intersection, due to it being the meeting of two primary routes into and out of the Rural Area, is the more likely candidate for a commercial service node. (2) Details regarding the 'future expansion' shown on the proffered plan have not been provided. However, the proffers submitted with the change of zoning request restrict the development to the area defined on the proffered plan as "2- ST-RETAIL (8,000 SQ. FT,)." If the applicant ever pursues the future expansion, it will require additional review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council as a Modification of Proffers. Of greater concern is the lack of specificity in the proffers regarding the uses to which the B-2 zoned area may be put. While the site plan and the building elevation are designed for the applicant's business, the proffers do not restrict the uses in any way. Thus, if desired, the applicant could use the building for any use allowed in the B-2 Community PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS,INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 7 Business District. Staff does not believe that there would be any immediate eventuality of this occurring. Of more concern is the potential for other B-2 uses to be located in the area identified as 'future expansion; however, as noted above, such expansion cannot occur without a Modification to the Proffers of this requested rezoning should it be granted. (3) With the removal of the three (3) acres requested for rezoning from the 1998 Use Permit area, there will remain sufficient acreage to support the density of three (3) dwelling units as approved with the 1998 use permit. That acreage will remain restricted from development per the conditions of the use permit. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of the Change, of Zoning from AG-2 an AG-1 Agricultural Districts to B-2 Community Business as proffered and approval of the request for Modification of Conditions through elimination of the three (3) acre B-2 zoning site from the area of the Conditional Use Permit approved on November 24, 1998. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all apolicable CitV Codes. PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS. INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 8 Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, lnc, Page 3 thing. I certainly respect the fact that others may have disagreement about that. The site was the subject, as you all know of aU se Permit a number of years ago that involved residential and the remainder that remained as open space. But that application there was extra land above and beyond that was needed to meet the requirements of Section 405. And, this land that we are proposing to develop here will not cause that application to have been granted without enough land to meet the requirements of Section 405 without the amount of soils needed to meet Section 405. So, there is no gift having been given to the prior application by this. If this had not been a part of it, it still would have met the requirements of Section 405 in terms of the acreage and in terms of the soils. Now, this site will have a complete soil septic system that will work, function and will meet of today's standards. So, it will definitely from an environmental standpoint an improvement. As you know, you have to have an acre ofland to be able to do a septic system today. I would also not and I think one of the other speakers in favor is going to note that on the opposite corridor of West Neck and Princess Anne there used to be a store that sold gasoline so the idea that this is introducing commercial to an intersection where it has never existed is not an accurate assessment. The staff has recommended in favor of this. It's within a stone throw of their existing facility and we believe that the staff has got it absolute correct and that it's an application, or two applications that should be approved. I know there are three other speakers in favor so I'll stop at this point. I'll be happy to answer any questions. Dorothy Wood: Eddie, would you please answer any questions? Eddie Bourdon: I'll be happy too. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Waller, thank you. John Waller: I don't have a problem with the rezoning. I've got a big problem with the design that he built. Eddie Bourdon: I heard thaÙhis morning John. John Waller: It's a metal building at a major intersection at Princess Anne Road. Everyday it's becoming more and more traffic and more and more people coming down. It won't be long before it's a four-lane road with commercial buildings on all sides. You're going to have a big, ugly metal building put on that corner. That is what I'm opposed too. '-- Eddie Bourdon: As I mentioned John, the reason why people can disagree and I would have to say that I respect your opinion however, under our Comprehensive Land Use Plan and under all of the plans that I know of in terms ofroadway improvements, I don't know how many of us are going to be here when what you envision occurring occurs. Four-lane West Neck Road and four-lane Princess Anne Road with our extreme restrictions on and I don't say extreme in a negative way but our restrictions on what is to happen in our rural south, which I think the vast, vast majority of the people who live Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc, Page 2 Pleasant Ridge and Princess Anne Road. You can actually see it right here, along this aerial that subject site. The parcel that they operate their business on and they actually own. I have a survey of it. You heard this morning and some reference may have been made to something of along the line of half an acre. It is actually more along the lines of about 12,000 square feet. I'll pass the survey around. I do need to get it back because I did not have the opportunity to make copies of it. That building has about 7 or 8 parking spaces. And that is it. There is no room to expand and they have a need to expand their business. They did in fact attempt to make efforts to acquire additional land adjacent to their parcel, but that is not property on the market for sale. It is certainly not a criticism of the people who own the property at all. That is a fact. That is reality. Therefore, they have no ability whatsoever to expand their business. Their business under all of our current site plan ordinance requirements, etc., you can't meet any ofthe guidelines by tearing down what's there and trying to build something on it. It's just not physically possible. They got more building, more space on that site than the site supports by any stretch of the imagination. And, you also have the septic issue. We don't have sewer in this part of the world and will not have sewer down in this part of the world. Weare not advocating sewer in this part ofthe world. So, we have a situation where in order to succeed and to continue to succeed and to serve the community they need the ability. The business has succeeded and they need to go expand that business. One of the reasons why they have been so successful among many is because they are supporters of the community in which they reside and do business. They donate money to community charities and community funds. I've got a long list here and I'll hit a few of them. The Heidy Temple, Not Silent Ruritan Club, Creeds Elementary PT A, Currituck County Relay for Life, Ducks Unlimited, Virginia Beach Rescue Squad, Knots Island Elementary PTA, Knots Island Beach Festival, Knots Island Wildlife Festival, Knots Island Voluntary Fire Department, Back Bay Christian Academy, Kellam High School Booster Club, St. John Apostle Catholic Church and Catholic School, Angel Fund, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Muscular Dystrophy, Creeds Ruritan, Test Before Livestock, Auction, Virginia Beach For Livestock Auction, Virginia Beach Booster Club and Creeds Athletic Association. The proposal here is to place a business that is established in the community that supports the community and supports agriculture at the major intersection ofthree that I count, in the southern part of the City. I think Indian River and Princess Anne and West Neck. And, Indian River and West Neck. I think further down there are some other major intersections. Those are it. I think this is an excellent location for this business. They've designed the business. They designed the structure that fits in with the character of the area. The building has a metal foundation. It's a metal building but it has brick face around the bottom. It has a raising metal bronze roof, a sandstone color on the exterior that is not brick. There is an existing barn, the West Neck Equestrian Center right down the street. It's about three times the size. It's exactly the same type of material, a metal barn. There are lots of them out there. They got a very attractive plan. One that staff has not indicated any objection to in terms of appearance and in terms of it fitting in with what's in that rural setting. This is not Town Center. This is not a lot of other areas of the City. This is the rural area. It's an area that is not the same as where most of us live. It is where two of your members do live. We think the building and it's appearance do very much fit in with the character of the area. I mean that's a subjective Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Change of Zoning District Classification Modification of Conditions 4164 West Neck Road District 7 Princess Anne May 12, 2004 REGULAR Dorothy Wood: The next items will Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts. Joseph Strange: Item #9 & 10 is Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. It's a Change of Zoning District Classification fÌom AG-l & AG-2 Agricultural Districts to Conditional B-2 Community Business District on property located at 4164 West Neck Road. There is also a Modification of Conditions for a Conditional Use Permit approved by City Council on November 24, 1998 on property located on the northwest corner of Princess Anne Road and West Neck Road, District 7, Princess Anne. DorothyWood: Yes sir. ~ Eddie Bourdon: Thank you Madame Chair. Eddie Bourdon, a Virginia Beach attorney representing the applicant. I have copies of three letters that I'm going to pass out to each of you. I have two copies of a petition and I'll try to make copies for everyone. It is my privilege to represent the Simpson Family on this application this aftemoon. I appreciate your patient on the last application. The application has been read and involves, first of all a change in zoning district classification on this 3-acre parcel located at West Neck and Princess Anne Road to B-2 along with a modification of conditions on the Use Permit that was approved on the large parcel back in November 1998. The letters that I'm passing out to you are letters of support from three members of the community, Mr. Frank Williams, Mr. Bonnie Bright and Mr. Dawson Taylor. I've also provided you all with a petition which has a total of 555 signatures, it's a petition of support with 555 signatures on it, which I'll mention a little bit later. It's probably the largest petition in terms of the number of signers, support or oppose that I've ever seen and that's in support. That tells you, I think a great deal about the applicants in this case. The Simpsons have been family farmers in the Pungo/Back Bay area for over a century. There family has run this family owned business, which is in large measure an agricultural support business that provides all types of parts, equipment and expertise for repairing farm equipment, tractors, trucks, etc. They are pillars of the community and that is noted, I think by anyone who will take a few minutes to look at the petition and the people who have signed that petition. You'll notice names that everyone knows, Vaughan, Williams, Simmons, Frost, Dean Davis, Brickhouse, Morris, Bright, Etheridge, Briggs, Murden, Henley, Kellam, Brock, Freeman, right on down the line. So, who's who of the people who live in the southern part of the City. Our agricultural industry in the southern part of the City. The Simp sons have operated their business at the corner of NOI!V3IlddV ~NINOZ[H 1VNOI!IGNO:> Exhibit E Disclosure Statement 0 '2 li f. v" < CJ -' NOI!V3IlddV ~NINOZ[H 1VNOI!IGNO:> PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 19 ~ a :j\ì ~ ~~~ .~ ill' ~ ~ L i ~ ~~~~~!~è :\~ ~37~..\m~ .9lJl ~ R ~ ~~~] ~ ~ ~ ~ ð ~1 ù 6 ~ :1; ¡;¡ - ~ ~ '" '" cl.~~~ ~ "-' .~ ,01- nCl ~~ 50 ['::::z §j. a..!d 0;2 aD , [I ~ ~ ~l-ã : 4.- i II~ ~ "-I / Exhibit E Sign Elevation PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 18 Exhibit 0 Proposed Building Elevation PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 17 ~ --- PR~~~~~t~~~:/~-, ", ," 'y ~,~), A[) "','.' "~,'7,:', ,,:f,Ð " ----,,~, \ -~o::e,:"Eí::"'J~~ ~-_._---' -'----7""'. ;$ tf ~,~ \i .;y ~ t ~ ,._2> 'I' , 'c < .. ~ ~.,' ~ 'i -.,1,"," t' ~ ,.. i~ 3~ ~~ -, ';T, {:, \H l- v . --~DL-.W:LJ"l'ill-._~- ;~j,.,.,.,..., -;¡¡ - .. (j Exhibit C Proposed Landscape Plan ~, ~ ~ "'~ ::J~ z::. '- , ~ '$ l- ¡',--- --~ --,-~"" \, r9c9-(q;:j¡~5~\ \ \ I ;)! ~ \\ ~¡ \ ~ \ I, ~ \ ' , I I ()C, , ! L__----J ~ --.d \ , ------,-- , ---- : I I I \ - PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 16 ¡¡ I ,1 ,I LL.- -:-.-= =:-~. . ",.;-- -- I ¡¡~ ~'~i ?~~~Ifi:i~!- - z. ~ ~ ¡:::3~la,¡! - .! i,-.!¡_~,¡ U V¡ij ~ n - - OJ f n m~¡¡ 191 '" ~§:~~~~!¡i ; 0: Exhibit 8 Proposed Site Plan ~ tsf ;¿~ ~ ~ ~¡ }~ :1 'I ~', " j~ ; --"<--, PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 1 0 Page 15 Exhibit A - 3 Aerial of Site Location PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 14 Exhibit A - 2 Aerial of Site Location PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 13 Exhibit A - 1 Aerial of Site Location PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 12 Department of Agriculture: Agricultural This parcel is under a conditional use permit for an alternative residential development, which has built the maximum number of homes allowed b densit . PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 11 Public Agencv Comments Public Works Master Transportation Plan (MTP): Princess Anne Road in the vicinity of this application is considered as a two lane undivided rural roadway. The Master Transportation Plan designates the right-of-way for Princess Anne Road as 100 feet. West Neck Road in the vicinity of this application is not designated for improvements in the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan. Traffic Calculations: Street Name Present Present Generated Traffic Volume Caoacitv Princess Anne 7,000 7,400 - Existing Land Use 2 Road ADT' 12,000 - 50 ADT ADT' 2,500 7,400 - Proposed Land West Neck Road ADT' 12,000 Use 3 -495 ADT ADT' Average Dally Tnps 'as defined by current zoning 'as defined by auto parts sales 018.000s1 Public Utilities Public Safety Police: The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strate ies as the ertain to this site. Fire and Rescue: Fire Department requirements will be addressed at the time of construction documents. PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 10 . ......_Jtr:~ Supplemental Information ZoninQ Historv o. AG-2 1# I DATE 1 7/13/93 2 5/10/94 3 11/24/98 I REQUEST Conditional Use Permit - Two single family dwellings Conditional Use Permit - Single family dwellings Conditional Use Permit - Alternative Residential Development I ACTION Granted Denied Granted PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS, INC. Agenda Items # 9 & # 10 Page 9 Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 4 there don't want to see those changes. I don't know that we are going to see anytime in the foreseeable future any significant amount of commercial development in this area or any widening to four lanes of these two roads. Now, some improvements of those roads will be made. I think some of them are very much needed. Wider shoulders and things of that nature but I don't know of any plans anywhere in the foreseeable future to do four lanes of either of those roads. We're certainly not going to have water and sewer down there, public infrastructure down there. And, I think it will retain its rural character and I do believe that this building is one that has been designed in keeping with rural character. There are churches down there that are similar type of buildings as well as equestrian centers. One of the nicest looking properties in the rural part of the City, which is actually on the north side of the blue-line, is Mr. Hanson's property. I think he's got a very nice looking barn that I believe is a similar type of appearance. If it was somewhere else in the City I would absolutely agree with you but I don't know if I can agree with you. This is my opinion and we're all entitled to our opinions. It doesn't make one right or one wrong. We believe that this is in keeping with the character of that part of the City. We haven't heard prior to this morning at least from the staff and that is no criticism of the staff about concerns about the design of this building. In another application and we'll be talking about that from staff perspective but I haven't heard it on this one. John Waller: Courthouse Marketplaèe, which we saw pictures of earlier. They'vedone a beautiful job. They sort of set the tone or raising the bar. They're making the whole Princess Anne Road nice and a more pleasant place to drive. It's a lot of residential, well mostly residential there now but more and more people will be coming down here and everybody wants to put up a metal building you can imagine what it is going to look like. I just think we need to raise the bar for Princess Anne Road. Eddie Bourdon: I couldn't agree with you more as far as the Courthouse Marketplace is concerned, which is right here in the Courthouse Center where we are located. In an area that is under our Comprehensive Plan and the Princess Anne area that will be high end residential at one unit per acre. But, again this part of the City, our Comprehensive Plan is pretty clear is to remain an agricultural and rural area. We've got development going about 25-30 houses a year in this part of the City and I think it is going to remain that way. So, I don't have a crystal ball as to what this part of the City is going to look like in 50 years or even in 10 years. I think it will look a whole lot like it does today intent. I don't know Courthouse Marketplace in this section of the City is the same that is down below Pungo. We're not trying to build anything that is objectionable or low end, if you will. I think to put something like Courthouse Marketplace down here would be completely out of character. I think would not blend in or fit in. Again, that's a decision that I guess City Council will have to make. Dorothy Wood: Thanks Eddie. Ed, will you keep the time manually since the computer is down? Ed Weeden: He had plenty of time. Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 5 Dorothy Wood: Ed told me that we're going to have to vote manually. Our computer is down so we can't vote electronically this afternoon. We have some speakers? Joseph Strange: Speaking in support, the first speak is Al Henley. Al Henley: Hi. Ladies and gentlemen of the Planning Commission, thank you for allowing me to be here today and to speak to you and a good afternoon to you. My name is Al Henley and I'm a life long resident of the Back Bay/Pungo area. I come here before you in total support of this application. It is a facility that has served our community for 25 years. It's mostly towards the agriculture community as well as residents. I've been there quite fÌequently myself on maintenance of my vehicles. There are other facilities that are located north of us but I prefer not to fÌequent those facilities because my personal opinion is they don't carry and stock the materials that is halfway as good as the NAP A product. When we do purchase material, we do like to purchase the best. As for the facility, I think the facility has done a good job on the planning of it. The colors of it are acceptable. We have a lot of metal barns in Pungo, Blackwater and Back Bay. I think they've done a good job with the layout of the parking facility and the landscaping. And, as Mr. Bourdon said earlier there was and I do remember the gas station that was on the opposite comer as well as the current location that they maintain today. It was also a grocery store and they also served gas. So, it's not to time to be repetitive. I am support of that and 1 would respectfully request ITom each one of you to be supportive. Thank you very much. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Mr. Henley. Ronald Ripley: I got a question. How long ago was the property used as a grocery store? Do you recall? Al Henley: Well, I would say probably about 30 years ago. The facility closed. It became a rental property. They had an apartment above but I remember as a young gentleman myself ITequenting it and shopping there with my parents as well as purchasing gas. Ronald Ripley: Okay. Thank you. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Al Henley: Thank you. Joseph Strange: Also speaking in support is Rodney Foster. ~ Rodney Foster: Good afternoon. I'm Rodney Foster and I live at 2108 Indian Creek Road in Chesapeake. I'm here in support of this application. 1 farm for a living in Virginia Beach and Currituck and in Chesapeake. We use NAPA quite regularly to get our after market parts for our farm equipment. Most of you probably know that there are no longer any agricultural tractor equipment dealers that service farm equipment in Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 6 Virginia Beach or in Chesapeake. We now either have to go to Edenton, Elizabeth City of Suffolk to look for these kinds of parts. Agriculture certainly needs this type of business to sustain us. The new building, the architect design is certainly pleasing to the eye. I just notice a movement or two about the comment about the brick and the metal. I believe if you were to travel around Virginia and look at the John Deere dealerships that are now being built, the agriculture supplies, the tractor supplies, they all use metal buildings in the rural area to accommodate the rural character. This is certainly to me, looks better than a whole brick building or a cinder block building in the country like that. It does fit that character. As some of you know, eight years ago I was on the Chesapeake Planning Commission and I retired a year ago. So, we always looked at one thing and in our determination when it was opposition was that the advantage to this might weigh any impact because of the needs of the community. So, I would urge you to support this business. I do know that the existing business is too small. It can't supply and keep the parts that we need. There is no more space available. And, the business has grown and it has become dangerous for very little bit of parking sitting on the corner curb like it is. Again, I would appreciate it if you would support it. It is good for our community and it is good for the City of Virginia Beach. Thank you. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Foster, we're glad to have you here. We do remember you being on the Chesapeake Planning Commission and the fine job that you did. Our Planning Commission has enjoyed working with your Planning Commission and we're going to get that expressway through and work together. Thank you very much for coming. Rodney Foster: I already had a few comments for that and I hope it happens too. Dorothy Wood: Thank you for coming sir. Joseph Strange: Also speaking in support is Marvin Rollins. ~ Marvin Rollins: Madame Chairman and members of the Planning Commission, my name is Marvin Rollins. I live at 1521 Mill Landing Road and that's in Back Bay. I've been there my entire life on the same little farm that I still own today. I support this application in many ways. One is the applicant not only through this application improves the service for himself. He improves the service for the entire community that depends on this applicant. The applicant is certainly like myself. He didn't just come into town, fall off the meat wagon and decided that he was going to open up a business. He's the third generation that has been in this type of business. His father served me. His grandfather served my father. And, Steve serves me through business. And just like the other speakers, I will repeat this because sometimes Mr. Bourdon is a representative. He comes up and he's a representative doing ajob but I am a person who lives there and uses the services that are provided as well as many other people. And, I think when a person has a business, he supports his community and it is a plus for the entire community and not just for one individual. That is a no brainer as far as a vote. If I were in your shoes I would feel like that I voted against an entire community if! voted against this application. I really ever get up here and say anything. In this case, I could not sit by and Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 7 not say how I felt. I know there are other people that certainly do not feel the same way as I do. The business community, which I am in business, I am not a farmer. I own a construction business and when I need a part for a Mack truck, I'm able to get it fÌom Mr. Simpson. I don't have to go everywhere but you can't do it in the area next to us. And, one other thing and there was and as Mr. Henley said and Mr. Bourdon brought us, there was a pure oil station directly across fÌom that piece of property many years ago, which my father and I went in there many, many times. I just appreciate your time to say thank you all for letting me talk and I certainly do hope that you all will see fit to put this application through as a benefit for the entire community. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Mr. Rollins. I know that you're very proud of your family with generations in Virginia Beach. Thank you. Marvin Rollins: Yes we are. Joseph Strange: Okay. Speaking in opposition is Dr. Carmen Maldonaldo. Dorothy Wood: Welcome Dr. Carmen Maldonaldo: My name is Dr. Maldonaldo. I stay in the United States Navy for 23 years, six of them in the war in Saudi Arabia. I was at the time under a lot of stress so when I came back I said I need to live in a place, which is peaceful, rural but at the same time close to the City, which is the area that I bought. I live six houses from the proposed business. I have a gorgeous house that anybody can call a mansion. It's a mansion to me. It's the type of house that is beautiful. It's gorgeous. It's peaceful. It's quiet. I live there because I was looking for those characteristics in a place where I can live. The Navy could send me back anywhere I wanted to live but I chose Virginia Beach because I love this place. I am opposed because I feel that quietness and tranquility that I have is going to change. This place is quite too close to my house. It is just like 5 or 6 houses fÌom my house. Like he said, it's just ugly houses or whatever he thinks they are but they are not. All the residential there are gorgeous. They are beautiful houses. The building itself doesn't look quite nice. It doesn't. I would not like to have it there. No, I wouldn't. I would like to keep it peaceful for me. Thank you. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Would you please show us ma'am? Would you please show us where you live and then answer Ms. Katsias' question? Carmen Maldonaldo: It's the last house. Dorothy Wood: You can use the pointer if you could? Carmen Maldonaldo: I live right in there. One, two, three, the last house. Right here you have woods in the back of my house. =- Dorothy Wood: Thank you Dr. Would you please answer Ms. Katsias' question? Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 8 Kathy Katsias: No. That's fine. Joseph Strange: Okay. Next we have Jerry Lang. Dorothy Wood: Welcome Mr. Lang. Jerry Lang: Thank you. Madame Chairman, members, my name is Jerry Lang and I live directly across the street fÌom there, across :from West Neck and Princess Anne. I've lived there since 1986. From 1990-2000, the average new homes that were constructed increase approximately 30 per year and as of January 2001 there were approximately 1,800 existing dwelling units in the Pungo/Black Water planning area. This is an increase of almost 300 units since 1990, which equates to about 20 percent increase as per the average throughout Virginia Beach is only 14 percent increase. At this rate, 20 percent it wouldn't be long until the Pungo/Blackwater area would be no then an abundance of significant important and natural resources that is being preserved through your award winning plan. I can visualize as your honorable Mr. Waller had mentioned if this facility is erected at this intersection, which is an extremely busy intersection it will not be long before there will be other across the street. The gas station or even down the street where another mall will be put up in the near future. As also described in your Comprehensive Plan that your guidelines are in non- residential rural development, which includes scenic views. Well my view, straight across the street of another commercial building is not a scenic view. Also, fÌanchise retail stores are not encouraged yet your staff evaluation is to recommend approval of changing this zone :from AG-l, AG-2 to a B-2 Community Business. Also, one of your statements is to create non-residential development at key crossroads. Well, again as Mr. Waller had mentioned, this intersection being that there are only three major intersections coming out of Knotts Island that is Pungo Ferry, West Neck and Indian River. Well, living right across the street fÌom it, West Neck is an extremely busy out take. Anyways, as being a resident since 1986 therefore, I'm opposed to granting the changes. Dorothy Wood: Thank you sir. You are out of time. I appreciate you coming. As we stated before each person has three minutes unless your representing a large group but then we will give you more time. That's the same for people on both sides have three minutes. Joseph Strange: Next we have Amy Lang. Dorothy Wood: Welcome Ms. Lang. Thank you for coming. ~ Amy Lang. Afternoon everyone. How are you? My name is Amy Lang. I live at 1476 Princess Anne Road. My husband just spoke previously. We live right at the intersection of West Neck and Princess Arme Road on the east side. I am very much opposed to the change ofthis Conditional Use Permit. Traffic will increase greatly. Public Work's comments on page 10 of your agenda Items #9 & 10 state the calculations for a 8,000 square foot auto parts store would increase the generated traffic for that property Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 9 approximately about 10 fold. And the undefined future expansion of the B-2 use of approximately the same size will only further congest that area. If a precedence is set, which Mr. Waller seems to be in agreement with that will develop that commercial area or redevelop, I guess from very old businesses that were there. It doesn't go with our Comprehensive Plan that does not encourage retail centers. The current property that the NAP A owns is zoned for business. There's a difference between needs and wants. If they need to expand their business they can surely find an off sight warehouse where they can store additional parts for their facility and they can drop them into that area for some pick up just because they want to expand their business does not mean that I should give up my rights in that rural area to have the tranquility of that area. I'm concerned about the stormwater run off. An 8,000 square foot building and parking plus additional undefined area of equal size. In our area of the rural part of the city means ditches. And, it will mean deep ditches. Deep ditches with a large highly traffic intersection only adds to the problems in that area. We have enough people going into the ditch now that are people braking too late to go to West Neck Road and someone veers off trying to miss him. We've had a dump truck turnover in our front yard and lose their whole load. People are often swerving onto our property to avoid them. Ed Weeden: You're running out of time Amy Lang: So, I definitely oppose this application. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Ms. Lang. We appreciate you coming. Joseph Strange: Our next speaker is Jackie Hembree. Dorothy Wood: Welcome Mr. Hembree. Jackie Hembree: Jackie Hembree. I live in Virginia Beach. I've been here for 42 years. I've been at my present location for 26 years. I've seen the traffic. I've seen probably 20-30 fold on Princess Anne Rod since I've been here. When I first moved to where I was at I could go out my road, go to work and not see another car probably until I got to work. By the time I left, right now I have to go out and wait and wait and wait to get on Princess Anne. My concern is the traffic and also the snowball effect of putting more business down in our area. It will be like a snowball effect. It will continue. First thing you know we'll have a bar on one corner, a service station on the other comer. It will run the life that we all love and know. That is my big concem right now. Dorothy Wood: Where do you live sir? Do you live on West Neck? Jackie Hembree: No ma'am. I live on Jarvis Road. Dorothy Wood: Thank you sir. Thank you for coming. ~ JackieHembree: We thank you. Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 10 Joseph Strange: Our next speaker in opposition is Dan Franken. Dorothy Wood: Welcome Mr. Franken. Dan Franken: Good afternoon Madame Chairperson and Commission members. I assume that I'll be permitted ten minutes as the representative for the folks in opposition. Dorothy Wood: I'll have to check because they have all spoken. Dan Franken: That is what I agreed to with staff ahead of time. Dorothy Wood: I think was if you were going to represent all of these people. I don't know. Dan Franken: It said representative. It didn't say a lawyer. Dorothy Wood: Okay sir. Mr. Scott? Mr. Macali? Guidance please? Robert Scott: It's your discretion. I don't know who's represented who's already spoken. Dorothy Wood: Just go on sir. - Dan Franken: Thank you very much. Just a bit of background about myself. Like I said, I'm not a lawyer and that is probably evident. I have 40 years of experience in national security. I'm a retired Naval officer and was a senior executive with the government and I'm recognized as a strategic planner. As a matter of fact, most of my comments I say, I hope will center around this excellent strategic plan that's five months old that I believe most ofthe issues associated with this request violate or are not construed within various fashions. Mr. Bourdon gave an excellent introduction for Steve Simpson. I think Steve Simpson ought to have a new business somewhere but not there. And, I also think Steve Simpson is a wonderful gentleman and I consider him a mend of mine. I just don't think we ought to have like you heard from these other people a small store that's currently on a well, established location. It has been there for years, be moved less than a half mile where it's not in the vicinity of three or four over established residences and be plump smack dabbed in the middle of one of the worse intersections around town and near some very good homes. And, I want to comment about that. If you want to know what kind of environment we seek to have in the country, it's all spelled out in the strategic Comprehensive Plan. It also lays out pretty strict guidance for non-increasing infÌastructure requirements, not building commercial activities in non-designating sectors, etc. We thought our mission here today would be a little bit easier until this document was published Friday in which it recommended or made an assumption ofleap of logic that existing NAP A store already qualified as a commercial activity, so therefore we can move it south of this intersection and then we now have "walla" a new commercial sector. I think the strategic issue before the Planning Commission today is, do you want to design a new commercial sector for the City? The extensive issue is the Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page II ..=.. store. I think it's really larger than that. The store is currently closed to 3 or 4 homes if you call close several hundred yards. If you move it to the intersection that is being talked about here it is going to be close to 10 or 12 homes. It will be nearly right across the street on West Neck fÌom a home that was just bought for $650,000. The resident, I don't know if she made it today because a lot of people work and can't make it today including my wife. She said she would have never bought that home had she knew that this was coming. Mr. Scott, sir respectfully, when I saw the recommendation in here I tried to call you Friday and members of your staff and I have not been responded to. I do not understand that with this current strategic plan that lays out all this guidance we could make a decision that already exists commercial infÌastructure there, therefore this next intersection is okay. I just can't understand it sir. Also I want to give you a little bit of history. In 1998, the current landowners, the Murden Family came to our door and several other neighborhood doors and sought to get signatures on a petition. It was to get a Conditional Use Pennit for two or three more new homes. That petition had a proffer that said we agree if these homes are approved to leave the remainder of the property in agricultural zoning. We signed it. Our neighbors signed it. In fact, there is a letter in your file, I believe from a former resident who sent it back to us attesting to that fact as well. That's a bit of background. I just think the Commission needs to know. Whether it's a material breach or not is arguable but it is certainly a breach of faith among the neighborhood. The gentleman that I spoke with in the Agriculture part of the City planning told me that per the current guidelines and I'm not an expert on zoning or things like that or land use that type 1 soils one home per five acres and type 2, I believe it's one per ten. If you consider the Murden acreage, 20 or so acres extend there are now six homes on the low end of 20 acres, which either way you cut those guidelines exceeds that. I believe it's an arguable point whether or not those three acres are even residual. Now, lets talk about these lists. Mr. Bourdon gave a nice presentation about all of these people who want this to happen. Let me tell you a little antidote about my going around with the petition. Many people who are not here today are opposed to this. They are not here today because they fear retribution. Common comment that I heard as I walked around the neighborhood. And, I'm a new guy. I came here in 1966 for the first time. I grew up in Iowa. I spent forty years in the Navy as I told you earlier. Common comment was if they want it they get it. A note of resignation attached to that comment. I said, what do you mean they? They are the power appropriates that be. Who are they? They're farmers. I have great respect for farmers. I grew up in a farm. I also know all about implement shops. My aunt ran one. We live in the age where UPS and online ordering and toll free numbers and overnight delivery is a bit of reality for everybody. I grew up new Sioux City, Iowa where ten implement computers in that City. Right now there are none. There were ten homes in miles fÌom Sioux Center to my home in Lebanon. There is one now. It's industria] farming. We all know about it. I recommend that you regard all the citizens of Virginia Beach and particularly the rural area as your customers. The customers are increasing in the rural residential set of customers. Farming, as far as I know is leve1 or decreasing. We all pay taxes and I think we deserve equal thoughtful consideration about the City's application of the rurals that are pretty much subscribed in this policy document. This list that Mr. Simpson worked up has people from Knotts Is]and to Cypress Point in Virginia Beach. Wonderful. If you said Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 12 this NAP A store is going to be next to your house or across the street, how many people would have signed it? I can generate a list of thousand people that want a Barnes and Noble by the Food Lion at Sandbridge Road as long as you didn't build it next to their house. As I said earlier, I think Mr. Simpson get a new business although I've gone there many times. I'm one of his customers. I've always been able to find a place to park. I've always found in stock what it was I needed. So, I can summarize and I know you want me to I think we deserve the same consideration about this issue as if this were a proposed 7-eleven at the intersection of Harris Road and Little Neck Road in Virginia Beach. How would you react to it then? I think you ought to look at all the customers and not just what the farmers want. There is not one mention in this document about the rural residential populous affected by this proposed change. Not one word. Not one. I think Virginia Beach is grown up and it's just time for the City to act in that fashion and make decisions that are in the best interest of all the people and use the strategic plan vision as our guide. I thank you for your time. Dorothy Wood: Thank you sir. Could you please show us where you live? Do you live on West Neck? Dan Franken: Yes. Dorothy Wood: You can use the pointer if you like? Thank you sir. Dan Franken: Right next to this house. Dorothy Wood: Thank you sir. Dan Franken: You can put a light rail down there. Dorothy Wood: Thank you sir. Are there any other speakers? Mr. Bourdon, you have three minutes to rebut. Mr. Horsley might have something to say. ~ Eddie Bourdon: I appreciate some of the comments. I will start out with the ridiculous ones. Those of us who have been doing this a long time or lived here all our lives understand what we're trying to achieve and have done a whale of a job achieving. And some of the folks here in opposition are in good testament of that. The reference to bars, malls, and light rail. Let's get real folks. This is the rural part of the City where our Comprehensive Plan speaks volume about encouraging retention and expansion of agriculture and agricultural support businesses. That is what the Simpsons have is an agricultural support business and they are betting on are ARP working as it has worked and is working and that we're going to retain our farming base. Hopefully, Chesapeake will do the same thing. His business can continue to survive and he is betting on the combine that it will naturally survive but it's going to expand. The facility that he currently has doesn't meet any of his needs nor the parking or City standards. The facility that we propose will do that. Our Comprehensive Plan says we want to support agriculture. We want to support agricultural support businesses, which the Simpsons Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 13 clearly have. That's indicative by the signatures, which no one putting a gun at anyone's head to get. In fact, people came to the business and signed and in fact there are 91 residents who signed that petition who live within a one-mile radius of this site. I don't know how many signatures are on the opposition petition but I don't think it gets anywhere near there. I don't think anybody put a gun to anybody's head to sign it. One gentleman said wow, 300 homes in fourteen years. We're going to have a mall down here. Well, guess what? That's 21 homes a year. Our Comprehensive Plan has since 1992 I believe it is 2500 plan, 2500 homes. We're not going to get there at the rate were going for another 20 something years. There will not be any malls being built down there. This is an excellent application. Traffic is not an issue because the traffic is going on the same two roads today to get to the NAP A store that is there today. It's a red herring. There may be a few more people go because the business will be a little bit larger but all the traffic that is going to the NAP A store right there will still be going to the NAP A store right here now. Dorothy Wood: Thanks Eddie. Eddie Bourdon: I know my time is up. Dorothy Wood: Thank you very much. Is there any discussion? Questions? Janice Anderson: I have a question of Eddie. Dorothy Wood: I'm sorry. Mr. Bourdon, would you please answer Jan's question? Janice Anderson: There was some concern about some noise in the quiet areas. Is there going to be any noise coming fÌom the store? Eddie Bourdon: It's just a part store. We're not doing repair work or anything of that nature on the site. And, hours of operation and we're not opened late into the evening or anything of that nature at all. Janice Anderson: Okay. Eddie Bourdon: Just people coming and going as you come and go at a store. Dorothy Wood: Are there any other questions of Eddie? Robert Miller: The people who live next door along West Neck Road, can you help me with who those are please? Or do you know? Eddie Bourdon: I'm sorry. I probably can get that information. ~ Dorothy Wood: The lady would like to tell you. Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 14 Robert Miller: We'll get that in a minute. The Murdens own this entire piece of land? Eddie Bourdon: Yes. That is correct. 1 believe they are the ones who live in the two houses. Robert Miller: The two ofthem are shaded in that is why I was interested. Eddie Bourdon: I believe they're family members but I wouldn't state I'm certain ofthat. The one lady who spoke lives 1500 feet away. This isn't your community up here in the suburban part ofthe City where you got houses on 10,000 square foot lots. The one lady who spoke her house is close to 1500-2000 feet west fÌom this property. It's not right up on it. These are acre or larger lots. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Ma'am, would you please answer Mr. Miller's question? Robert Miller: You have to tell us who you are. Dorothy Wood: Sir, you have to come up and tell us your name first please. Would you please come to the mic so we can get you on record. Ray Lobis: My name is Ray Lobis. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Mr. Lobis. Ray Lobos: I live at 3132 West Neck. Dorothy Wood: We would appreciate it if you would answer Mr. Miller's question. Robert Miller: That's fine. Thank you Mr. Lobis. That's helpful. I think the others I understand. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Are there any other comments or discussion? Mr. Knight. ~ Barry Knight: Some things in here that I think we need to get directly straight. As far as talking about the one house to five acres the one house to ten acres, some of these lots were platted back when it was legal to go one house per one acre and one house per three acres. That is where you may have gotten a little density. The one to five and the one to ten has only been in effect may be ten years or so. Some of these houses are a lot older than that. We have a Comprehensive Plan that we're willing to stick with. This Comprehensive Plan says limited commercial down here. I read that as meaning extremely limited commercial. As far as bars and restaurants and shopping centers down here, I can't envision where I would ever vote for a commercial rezoning down this neck of the woods unless it was specifically orientated to the residents down here and maybe more specifically to the agriculture community.' It's a little bit of misnomer when you call this NAP A Auto Parts. It almost ought be called NAP A Agriculture Supply and Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 15 Auto Parts. You can go there at lunchtime everyday when the farmers are going out for lunch and that is when it is most crowded. They know they have some parts to get. Farming hasn't been the greatest industry in the world in the last 15-20 years. We have old equipment. It tends to break down a lot. Hydraulic hoses break. We need inner tubes so we're going by here. Sometimes I know some farmers that go down here everyday and maybe sometimes twice a day. So, when it says we have provisions for limited commercial down here we mean very, very limited. And, this is the situation where I think a commercial zoning is warranted and probably is needed. We have if you get towards Nimmo, you may have a Twin Bee Auto Parts he needs to expand his business to compete with the business like this. Ifhe's not here and he can't compete and he truly disappears like the farm dealership did in Iowa, do you think they're going to fix us a hydraulic hose up there? Chances are no. Chances are we're going to have to go to Cleveland Street up in the industrial sector and time is money when we only have a certain window of opportunity to plant and harvest our crops. It is called in the Comprehensive Plan the Rural Service Area. Service being a key word is rural and this provides a service to us down here. As far as the road widths down here, we just did the Comprehensive Plan. We had the road widths. A 120-foot right-of-way fÌom Pungo down to Pungo Ferry we got it narrowed to 100 feet. The right-of-way that we even own some of it but on the City's book is 100 feet. That's going to take in the pavement, the swale ditches, maybe a bike lane on the side. We don't even have room for a four-lane road down here and put it in fashion that we need to put it in. So, the four-lane road is out. This business is going to be for agriculture parts and auto parts but agriculture is the key fÌamework for this. The Simpsons have been life long residents. We have three generations that have been in the auto and the service business down here. They do support the community. I don't even know how to stay in business they donate so much money to different organizations down there. And as far as this intersection, it is a busy intersection but I don't believe this intersection is possible as dangerous as where they are now. I have been in the auto parts store in the parking lot a couple of times when someone stops heading south to take a left on Pleasant Ridge a large dump truck will come around the curve and wont' see him in time have to hit the brakes and either go in the ditch or slide right through the parking lot. We have a proposal right now, to explore putting a left hand turn lane heading south right in fÌont of the NAP A Auto Parts as one down at Gum Bridge Road, I believe it is. There have been some accidents down here. This is a little bit of a straighter, now quite as much as a blind curve. So, as far as the style and the type of building down here, I agree with some of the farmers that say this is keeping in the rural character. We don't need a brick building down here. I don't believe that it will just look a little intrusive down here. We have 3 or 4 or 5 equestrian centers down here that were very proud of. I think they look wonderful and this is in keeping with the character with that. I believe that this building is in keeping with the character of the quality and the style that we want down here to advocate the rural and agricultural atmosphere that we now have down here. And, I'm going to be in support of this. =- Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Mr. Franken, I noticed that you had your hand raised. Did you have new information? Thank you. Mr. Horsley. Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 16 Donald Horsley: Let me take my crack at some of these comments that we've heard today. One is that I didn't know farmers had quite as much clout as we may claim to have. But we got a lot of it I guess so we can get anything we want. But, what goes down to it the City has provided the agricultural community an opportunity to with the Agricultural Reserve Program as was mentioned early on. And, having a few businesses like this. We got a few feed stores and whatever but other than that we don't have any agriculture supply businesses in this area anymore. It was mentioned and I think Mr. William's letter kind of states it pretty clear that we got to go a minimum of 50 miles to get most of our parts and whatever. So, we need something. I mean if the City wants to maintain the viable agricultural industry we need some support services here. I think this is definitely one of them that we need to keep and to help them expand if we can. Location? Location? People can argue that there are better locations. Preferably, I would prefer to have it closer to Blackwater Steve, if we can get it there but I don't think that's the case. We won't be able to get it there. But he is established in this area and he's found a piece of property that's available and I think we got to consider that. 1 don't feel like this is going to develop into a major retail center. This is strictly a community business, an agriculture community. Ijust do not see it. We got a plan, as we mentioned to a 2500 plan that's been in affect for several years and that 2500 plan is a little bit out dated now because that has been reduced to the property that has gone into agricultural reserve program. Every time you retire some property into that program that density comes off this total. So, I think now we're probably and correct me if I'm wrong,! think were down in the 1800 plan right now, something like that. I don't think a lot ofthese traffic problems that are created on Princess Anne Road are necessarily created by Virginia Beach people, our neighbors in North Carolina have contributed a lot to the congestion on Princess Anne Road and I think many of you can attest to that. The road traffic problems, you know as Barry mentioned the Agricultural Advisory Commission stays up on issues that they think are important in the City and Barry mentioned that one night at one of our meetings about some of these dangerous intersections. And, he's right. They are already in the plans to make some changes for turn lanes and whatever at some of these major intersections. And, this West Neck could be very well added to that if the need seems to be there. And, I respect Mr. Waller comments on the building. But if you ride through the rural end of the City even on our farm at home we have two metal buildings that are very similar in color to this building. That is just something you see. You got horse facilities. You got farm buildings. That's the most logical thing to build in the rural end of the City and in the farming community. So, they've done a lot of work with landscaping. They put the brick face at the base of the building. I think they've done an outstanding job with this plan. I respect the people who are in opposition. May be we would feel different if it was in our backyard or whatever but I think the Simpsons have proved to be good neighbors. Good citizens. I think they will do everything they can to please their neighbors and try to make their business not interfere with their livelihoods. So, with that whenever you're ready for a motion, I'm ready for one. Dorothy Wood: Is there any other discussion? Mr. Crabtree. - Eugene Crabtree: Just words. I'm going to support Don and Barry in this. I grew up on a farm community. I lived there until I left home many years ago. I found out that if it's Item #9 & JO Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 17 the old school, if you're in Rome you do as the Romans do. If you're going to move into the farm community you got to do was the farmers do. It is a rural community. It is a farm community. If you chose to move and relocate and live there you have to put up with the things that go with it. This is a business that is designed for the farmers. The farmers are going to use it. There's no more traffic that is going to go to the new store than currently goes to the old store. So, the thing of traffic just doesn't fly. The hours of operation is going to be during the daytime. It's not going to disturb anybody's rest or peace or whatever I do not believe. And, therefore since it is for the farmers, it's something that they need that they got to have. And, if we don't do it and if we don't put it down there, pretty soon we're not going to have the farmers because they can't afford to go someplace else and lose the time to get parts off their equipment and to do things and to farm. We're not going to have any farmers. And if we don't have any farmers we're not going to eat. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Gene. Eugene Crabtree: So in that case, I'm going to be for it. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Mr. Miller. Robert Miller: I'm not going to make a long speech. I think the question that Mr. Franken asked of strategic thinking and so forth is one of the paradoxes of this conversation is that the stakeholders come forward and listen to all the stakeholders and we still have to make a decision. And, the decision we made is basically outlined in the Comprehensive Plan as you pointed out. I feel like the Comprehensive Plan kind of sets of the paradoxes that we called this Agricultural Area and Agricultural Reserve Area and then we said yes, we want additional folks to live down there, 2500 plan. And, then we come back now and find each other kind of going at the issue from two different directions. One of is perceived quality oflife from an agricultural point of view and the other is certain a perceived quality oflife fÌom a pure residential point of view. And the balance of that is very difficult to meet but I think the outline that we set in place to start with and it says agricultural fÌom the gecko is that we want to make sure and provide for the needs ofthat community and that community has a need that's not being able to be met at its current configuration. So, I'm going to be in support of this application. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Waller. ~ John Waller: I am and after listening to the opposition, I'm still don't think it's too bad an idea to go ahead and rezone it. I'm not against the rezoning. It's inevitable that comer is going to be a major intersection in a couple of years and my probJem is that it should be and make is whole lot easier for everybody down there if you have a well designed buildings and the buildings to come after this. It needs a little better architecturaI design to improve it and it would make it a whole lot easier for all you people who live down there but I'm going to oppose it not because I'm opposed to the rezoning but I'm opposed to the style of building. It just sort of sets a precedent to go down there. Item #9 & 10 Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. Page 18 Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Is there anyone else? Mr. Horsley, we're ready for your motion please. Donald Horsley: Unless Barry wants to make it. I'm prepared to make a motion that we approve the application, Item #9 & 10. Barry Knight: I'll second it. Dorothy Wood: A motion by Don Horsley, seconded by Barry Knight to approve Item #9 & 10. How do we do this? ANDERSON CRABTREE DIN HORSLEY KATSIAS KNIGHT MILLER RIPLEY STRANGE WALLER WOOD AYE 10 NAY 1 ABSO ABSENT 0 AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE NAY AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote 10-1, Items #9 & 10 has been approved. Dorothy Wood: This is just a recommendation. I know that people who oppose, I just want to make sure that you realize that we are only recommending to City Council and you will have an opportunity to go to City Council and present your side, and thank you all for coming today. We do appreciate it. ~ i, l ¡, 'ì THIS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASAN';' RlDGE AUTO PARTS; TO THE LOCA nON OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS, WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONfNG CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRerv! THE CITY NAME ADDRESS ,3 313 Heod ~ V g¿ÆJ¡ [4, æ)¡, ¡;Á 57;). 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(')J'fvr Pt /fON PiA.('/L (VI'; (~--- ';;L Lc/VCL ~~ r¿<'/ad?a.1 ok / /P < .ß,;/ / ?~¿-.rn ¿)..-;? /' o' ~fì\)1\:s~/.?J La- h2;:¿ ¿ø~ ¿~ 1.s:.-'J bAt- ¿)¿J J,{/:5I- W¡ /3!A¿/J lió ¡J~5 J?d i:Øø/i JÆ-"c/; ~ r J gas f\(. Sii.s~{.,,~ ~ JIi.k4cß~'V 11 1;2,,] PnV¡{ß<\-i- ~.. ~l 2"3l{~ ~ . ~~~. l Yy(J( d JJl ,~ AM tJJ O:$(~ ,-- ~:~~ 5"4 c) "J ~L1M'J, N;J¡..)2.~ Vi 11,1. /,f 'á3'/S1 2.3'i'Z ¡}("'L.a~411 R..l tIa&~, !Ie, 13Y)7 J I'" '3.? my ---'-;;" A;..; ¿ L Þ"J:'..d ;Ç7>"p l,')~o ~~ /~ßmJ(di'1 023 í'~ = ...'--""'--"'.'-.--",-.",,-.,,---,.,.-,.., ., -".-'--' "...- ,..,-.-.-, , .,',..'.".-L- ,,- /6 THIS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RJDeiE AUTO PARTS; TO THE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRO!'., THF CITY, ¿;:--- I Jòc4>- rliL~_/~¿é! '2 ,;' -#~- w ' '.'~.i..2 ~ ~. --c ,,1 I ,'71 , & 'L--!¿, ~,~ / ~¡:¡ '\ß" 4; {Ø:!¿ = ADDRESS (/<; ~ (( /'5 t,é/~,ký f(¿,-f It: 47 / r"'-Cë-£S ,4A---t<-c ¡«L ¡O¡Zç 11p-(~<7-- lid. 4 ì I '3, jVl"'~I~ i\J¿:c!< iZl::> /¿ 5 SI Al, n..C«-.>5: /4/Y.<' /~ ,5ZJ Z! m~ /1k1 æ lJ/ ,In \ ('1 ¿ L\ LA",Ò¡ Nt, ~>~ ! vf v. / hiJ V1 ¡:lc/ 'it/!I? fl¿?/W ¡( ßk(~ If! ;/(// Va,'i é_7 i f¿;,! ;' f/,!(Ç ct-- th1 þcl.. " ?f!?5.> /,vp/A'W <K<Õj;k ~? it., 8-,.", '/7.5.J /J?~'5n/c:.é--i:. RQ lfZC¡ /(M~7~ -Z¿/"~t? R.o J-:¿")). LC>Nc-I'<)o<'<... _3 /1../ /?, " '(2.,...4- -~/, ¡/~ IS f/ /T"~c/ ~Á fi~ ;;.. $Lh"'l V'QVI<-- >i J-M,y cJ£.J) p~!JJ¿c> £-4A'1 liD d,57 3 u,,~c¡ k"", Rd, THIS is A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RlDGE AUTO JI/ PARTS; TO THE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FROM THE CITY. NAME ADDRESS ';t ~ I ß ::~~ r ~LT~~:: ~:. V A !~ ¥~? Rmwfj uJk-Y /60S' Sht4J,OFO]'<../ S~ u.J;t-n-~~'77~ ~¡¡ý 71'i~~ -'- ///6iL.~J:&r:;t Q'rJ/'p.-,O (//J.r1,o,J.V4.?..34<;-Y -P/I)~,R (.SkI r/--fTJ; /<)(4: 1..1,// !-.J9/"xLÀJJ..- ¿fJ'J f3t-".~¡)¡1 /3'f57 , <~::::CV7"4,~~-~;J, ðt-/ 3c1 IÆ 7' ~j,~ 7";~ / )4; ~::¡Jir- G / I Z ¿15¡r¿a'l- ¿t ~7% ~~/Æ?? /9 J ZJ {~ Jluf'f' LI?;if ~':'4 ,~j)1/.;1 ¡fA &%.1:;57 ,U ~~-"~~ /93th e!-rlC 1'{f'<t? K- ¿/J4 ¡:fk~l ¿rr¡w t rvLû1-.-- ¡aD g ~~/? ~ - jJJ d ~ 23%'1) ~.e. ~d //~----- /oof ~ ~ £4td.. :(;:; (67 .jl'lltlC'1 £?;?;:;&..ç/)/J'?:-;rV' J' ;>0;1 /i~l1j4At1 ./í<ýv< cr ¿J'i)] c:;2{(", ~LACKR;ð/ i:D ~bñ~ ~uWD KiC:21<rS-o t/lt>8 Ilfc«f'7?y //JC:fL. ¡144d J-)C(.ç-7 .:? 15 /!/cr,/ leI-A !J,,- tf~. r ;í/c 2 7fS () 'lo'1,Pt¡,/iJ. ~Y3 ðuc".f'jJç; l4/CtY 2.)l/S3 //7 'P?c,r/o1J /)1( l,^1"<:4 V14.-J33Jð ~Wj 7 PAAj '/~/¿¡ø~ = J« THIS IS A PErrnON FOR TIlE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS; TO TIlE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRlNCESS ANNE ROADS. WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FROJ\.j THE CITY. = Q -37D 1-0~ ~"', ~'^ 'lSq~-\ \ ~.. G'~O7 ?ñt.~i) /£JS¿,,/kIN'Ct«;,r 1'9""'/11<"' P!D Ußß<,-",d)V,-<J. q{¡~ -iú1-d!wnd /067,; /1¿¡/JCe5§ liMe a / ~3ea~, VI? NAME ,/!..~.-Æ 5.¿",,- /Ú1!< 1e.f1e- 3/!of;uúf/!f7 /}í ,4(ZVI/v tJ }¡¡/é: ('rþ"..,1c k,¡ btlNft '1) cô} I ~~ ~\-I~J 1(91111-1,= l~ / IV cu. do" C' £Ij.~,-- /1' R ;' Lv,s Brv(Jík.tfe. ADDRESS ç-/è"1 / )IA" ).'¿;,_uv /6 THIS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION or PL,EASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS; TO THE LOCATION OF WES'T NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS, \VE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT' PROPERTY FROJ\.'¡ THE CITY. NAME -t" J()!--¡,/{)UOI"y , ADHRESS R ~9- )\ -f '~.~l -Y~;el Co, (Otc; ;;2- ~ < Ii J~¡~ ~i-S. KR~Us¿,. C;;o'--( ~I'\'W:>D -£i'/;/¡I/;/i/L,A' S¡~)(",=-k - 2-:Z ';?3./f'vIYl.~$'; ¡.v,¡.-...,{~':> ~41'G £ Jt¿Jdf¿~~ ~ ;?¡J~ ¡J Jèbtdy f?-I ¡{/JeL ;)3tffl. , {/ (.~ ¿IN Tur~ tX 'Åy/5,'A 111 ' /-J '< :/!//1/[ ¡v( ;)? --- L:..rf!! ç;, ? ,¡IV 61'r-x'£ ~ÞJ 2..'-/<:;;)"2- ¡7z ç (' ", ( ~<;Ç. þ.,(\(\ê rJ ~ 3>45"' 1)2 t;, PK-INcG;6 ArJNE í2D vII ßLtI 2345b 8'1'-\ pr",-<..,>s Ò"""- ¡¿t ù"ß.-J,. 23<1'$7 /:JIJi ¡J.,f dol z> Y-T7 -=<- <-¡ S¿U Ind in? f?/V(~ ~d j ;(~r-r~{ t~j rift '13 fu/",- 1<d U lA ~T- \S'O\ /Lv 1//9 IJØ"!</?¿' U-1 ¿..hl{, (( (..0 (/,f B~ 4-c..¿, p ~ 4(J~1 ~ C-~Ii-- ~ C2. 2<-,~- .~~ = /1 THIS IS A PETITION FOR II-IE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO l'ARTS; TO THE LOCATION OF WES-r NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS- WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONTI'JG CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRŒvl THE ClTY- r<r fidÎ Vß-ð<,~ '5- , (/)9 øJ. ;kj¿;./) 7, .J-.2,rj' ¡/~L ÒJ, Y.;:t1.u.d. 2J'I51 "l '" ~ .?I <5956 ß 5"'1:) ¡J ),d""~t;'r ¡2/ f/K' ßo'¿ // / :;'CS7 t/~~ ¡¿¡ ::?:g'?-.?~6 PbS Kf"\~~"'I\.) :;))<):;-,:; ~;;L7f:::~ ¡:JJ ~~~ ~ J~ I)(!e )-{h",)11-~~ c-( Ì<¡:t7 I,}~ cfLl ~ t!Z C'~/.~---- :J, 9 if 2 IJ~ j/ &--- 1ft¡ ¡j¿ /~í d4.7: /' ~ 'z/d¿~: ~ tó{j /( ~ ~ ~;~) = If THIS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO P ARTS; TO THE LOCATiON or WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS. WE ARE REQUESTINÜ A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FROT,,1 THE CITY. NAME en ßwJ{æ. ,;\"1:::" 9/1h11)/) f- dl- . y,. I <"z-° . i' ((j)Y{;L?;J -1(,,<1'111 (:". ~Kòbu-k" <----ç:>~ 11~ ~:L-~ = ADDRESS li~zí:büÆ/trz<-'f1 [y? vflfÝdC:/z WI L;tJ':) 7J1~~~ {!d~ 120 I(r.d-J ¡<Jrlr,,-{ CI ,vc J JI¡)5-/r;IAh¡ ¡¿¡} 41/.3 (IJu;u,Q')WdL r¿J V ~. ). I (. L( LtJé:J íJ ,l( J-~..:Dr' 9'-11./- P- f). ¡({)~J 8.345-7 Po AnxC;ìo.:\Ç VI1, ßEAr:~.-tlT 7L/¿;" é,/". {,., t:< If 1)"t/f~5).- 'iJC( - / "71)/ ¡J/í?HI)JI I<."/)<e .2,) l...3,/36 3DI4 V?!¡.:t£it#r'..:;:¡ 7'1-Sit; 1/72 Çr3 e./ ¡JC es<; fl1J",é fath"- ":s /1 Tl-lIS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO P ARTS; TO TilE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS. \VE ARE REQUESTfNG A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FROM THE CITY. NAME ADDRESS KD!Ÿr; 3, ();;{y,¿J w. í3--1{!~ t./.?1' \CiY)., ~\{~)IH.f'(l-'&')e ~fJ.. Ù >C.."L / b() g })é73'2¿- C:¡, I J )é) c:dz,6;;71,M;ve.. /þ ?&Oç .AIl"'J~Î t.-ú.t QJ.. ì i f¿ , 7" iJ/kftt¿ IØ / 'ISoJ '¡- M~.lh-ÞLJN ¡:J/": fv\\,-hj\,~ "('\ (, <"'1) -~,>ur- 1x1VV¡¿¡J - - = '::10 TI-IIS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT lUDGE AUTO [) ARTS; TO THE LOCAT10N or WEST NECK AND PRlNCESS ANNE ROADS, WE ARE REQUESTING A Z()NING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRO!\'I THE ClTY, I ( Ä~¡""'" /, L ,--11/" ADDRESS / W. ~d .4~ .5 7J Co /f if ~J "?J7:¿jA, -; (J ~ lq'j&y ~2¡j--j;y,,:e)/JC Pd II '6 !?¡;,c,'c" ()/< 4/ ¿[) C./-/f"tl"-;-T'j ,1'.)[,6':' iZ- ìJ / 59'] J?.rdf.,,<.... /c«,,-c NAME C D 4do,u./ )JIIk 0 ¿~ œy-", )/ c' dE}/ (t¿ , j' Ó¿æ¿_6/ a<{; '/ / -y ']"'(0 1,.:, \Ð/'-{S"'=:\ ",,117 /7",3'~ ,¡{/. /J1w6'; 6-&:L M r /zc¡ Mil'll", ^< l!a -;:c ;;.-/.,.,. ,/,/' /.¡ (; 'i í3ÉcAlC'EZ- ß~/fJE £:2:J q go 'DAc<.J/e 3'11: ~h\W ¡".:?l). (~6 r( tli\.uNiìR-J Pü ::230/ U~- /Z-ry (ç~'\ /111// ["_d,,,) if:..J 5 i// 6""";>')Aß.dp"'¿, ¡( [) !o ') 3L¡¡J¡,wf'~ J~- lJ? gg [J!Q(' i{ wc;:jr;v R d / i [¿'It 7- t ,{ Î /-1, ((((4' IU1/ = nIIS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RlDGE AUTO éJ-1 PARTS; TO THE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS. WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRO]v! THE CITY. (;1J~I' wc1o'J i 'a - 4// . '>y'"" 7(Z~.,_,.~ @OR-; j¿¡ s'13, JJ1¿;j] Ie 11 , ,ç¿r/ 1- kv7£J~ ,-- J<_,(2'<-17 , T~ '#1 c>S laLJeV\ - -, /' ~r /,1 y- .' /) ./) ,k/i:i1 ;;4 ¡",ry \.JO)tin ?ú k'é,h 5\~,¡' t~1I r"~ y)~:. \-dìíì, b., = ADDRESS . a ~ '11,:Jo (/11.."", ,?,- 'f ,Y"'" L ¡?¿ ¿.J/1rzÙS þ{) (¡ J¿ 'f5-;/<:. H¿-1./J1J. A)e:... , ~'I.., 7['.,/,° -( 5:> ItÎ.-./L.-./h/ (3) L¡ fJleQ~c;ý\7 !?,'dýp !pc/ /5'111h/J;J?~1I1£ Rd ¡/rf-8~Á A-- 3 f? ç/3' 'yÞ ~ V /9 ~~ ) / J ) reG ~, -~,¿; t/c; - r;~~'ß [?{Q (' /(WcyfFV 4Ço/ 7 Lt rt d V; Li// ':S ~ t, <'<-/' I /';1 /1./ è' C k. ß[ '-111'3 <- v' c... " ,-h. I \-J <:' t k. \?" , ,.:.,I..v'1 ?r\Ylc.e~)S ¡\illJt" ed. ) ~ f \1} I / ('M'":J 16 t;.edc (^ , t:L rvt. - 2?- Tins lS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT lUDGE AtiTO P ARTS; TO TI IE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PlUNCESS ANNE ROADS WE ARE REQUESTINCi A ZOND\iG CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRŒv1 THE CITY. )4, v/1 !~ / /1 J~ 'f1. Jjf/)3 (fJDv"':5 jJêak;?d, Va.!3i rh él3!./57 it-I( %,/~/I 11 l- <¡j L.L-/t-u /4~i4{( /l/) :¡.-/>c¡.-j ¿ 3"1S/ Lll ~f:: f~f; (~1!~~, . :>31S7 ,,)O{(('{\ 1(1'::; r'\ . c,)~ ")(h, é' f- ;)]'-ISTÍJ :5:11 i>-- ~~..JI~~. &5'i!i?, þ-L ~L-.... !þD( ß- ~. ¡RO ~ "2..3322- ~ /(¡{Jq iJ~ere. (d. !< !f.fú,tt t{ ?JYí7 ~{ o¿J~ Y-lIfl(ß~~ :2'Zf6Î /.0 :5:2- ~ ../L/ 7f: c ß.? 'ijZí .J lw X1 i~ LA,J,)/{IlG RJ tJ6 2-3<r-s:-7 = :23 TlIIS IS A PETlT1ON FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS; TO THE LOCATJON OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS. WE ARE REQUESTfNCi A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FROI\'¡ THE ClTY. = ij' / 0/' () /L /1: " " ).lj THIS JS A PETITION leOR Tl-IE RELOCATJON OF PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO P ARTS; TO TIlE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE KOADS WE ARE REQUESTfNG A Z()NING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERlY FRO:\'I THE CITY. ~ I t1<WHrw C ~ ~ ,'h !J~[tU~ ýY\ 5'(V1Lll-r ADDRESS C ç,J. c¡ is ~K:.,,-,,~,~ ß!c-J I:' i/S . . ~ / ~ 3. ~k~ck..,~.:.- 7.c/ V;?? )'7¿?/ ¿;/, ?If! J-y R¿ ¡/5 L/ 7 / 2 :::z- ~/"- J1. ¿,G b u t'DL V h- i{ Y YO ~kllilt+~ xd c U A ? J f?-o F, r..:Tot-v~ i?J ~JH. ~ 33)8 jí){Il"cJr;' (,¡lJ t/4/JfØC//& q", d.:r; #,d 1<11-. t.L./"fA 2>X )()' í4 ffet?c-h 1/..-9 ;)..3t-/5) ¡bY! ~ A~ ~, tj.3y5~ )] ì S ~ fII} (/!~,"Ý7 f\D V ft. ¡jGt!Cft , f) D '5 Y1)/~~ I"'. t, . 1;ß-Ikœc.f 1/11. , ~ r:/A/t-. c::/lf 'Î. V4 dtÄ &I,J~ H//-r-Ú//J/EA no //A jìF¡:;ól-,t /6 () ( /,/. rnt/Qh j G~"""v¡¿-ru! ø' ~¿11 4'300 C,(.,<.\-'1,ln ~(f>e.f< iLn l! 14 2~Lt.-':,' 7 /(J>ï [>¿¡¡.:¡ 1-,'<:> B~)J/',\+ I AlA'" ¡I:;<4c>-}k ~NJf\f,c., ;)1)9~ = '.£{/¡/11 ~1L --I' M6;1, . ~~ jl- ~ /(J«<Oh It ?jnuj,,- ~ '.. ;;<: TIllS JS A PEnnON FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT IUDGE AUTO PARTS; TO THE LOCATION or WEST NECK AND PRJNCESS ANJ\:E ROADS. WE ARE REQUESTfNej A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRO,,-! THE CITY. NAME ADDRESS If. ,y- ; Æ /74- . K(O /4,+~ (Ç.W^ß'{(.-\ð1(f-~ J-3?¡'Ç7 ÿ~ ' ~ ~~~;~ {)¡;J l5¡Jrk~ r// ¡JriUces:.s )J./JJ&lrJ f/ðßcA V¡!.ß.J'i:J-r¡ /j (JlYctl~ ¿!/ /~;;/H '5 3' ?f&jC/' ß",/k/4//Ch.f'T ,rv/¿'t'Y'?,4f:-- Yfl,ß],2z )()/~AJ IJßN_{)/'1 S S'~Ò~ ßJjJC.!(LÙ,<JT£R Loc? V¡q.!JC'¡¡ J3<fS- . tV ~1of')';1'~ !!;7~ P/fuS4V,f t,1s r !) l/J1 t~¡ ';;74£7 ï/l2£Iz /0 ¿'ê> !:hi ~5 k Z - IJ(. 8i!.L zylT7 Sì ~dc R.d VA. 2e¥'\ .I;'\. g5QS7 = :x THIS IS A PETiTION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT lUDGE AUTO i' ARTS; TO THE LOCAT]ON OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS ,VE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRO?\'i THE CITY, fa ~ c1~ :A ..~ ~~ ~;P'L~ 1r)j1Jf:~ ~?~ en ./A~ CR CVv- ~ "" ~ = ADDRESS Õf?'éCc1/ 7~~ qd ~~ 5'8&'1 ;¡:~J6uÞ?(, ~.¿b,Øá~ß? /18 ÆÞ*"~ W?i, I{ r luL 2715'0 ':;,"9 ~ /~&~ Lfifr'tJ 61jf~1-1)¿/&W"-.;n"1 5~'+1 MôYl/J5 ÂJ{!(1-- yJ Ill/YPJdt,l VfJ :?3YS/ :lÔð<, ----¡~~ ~?~t ~ Z;¡ 4~ ~~~ m, f'r. AC~ -t1 Rù Ie/I 9~~h5 :~;;::;: ~~ . ::~: ~: IJ1 ~t~ C105- À Pv-I/\C65 <Âr\u U 1/(1 ~ . .L/'JI-7:'J m¿)r/,/'5 ~cR Rd vß, I' J3ðV 41J1JM3 q-. VA ~4 (A .~N.n: 10¡()C) T""".{'..)_<...r ~.J ÑÇ)~\....\\. .?-1 TillS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RlDGE AUTO PARTS; TO THE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS. WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FROM THE CITY. NAME ADDRESS = 1ð TIllS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOCAT10N OF PLEASANT RlDGE AUTO ¡'ARTS; TO THE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRJNCESS ANNE RO.A.DS WE ARE REQUESTING A Z()NING CHi\NGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRŒvl THE CITY. ADDRESS Ð~--;- (ljíl~// ÞfrL// k~l'Zct/'1 I?J ;4 ih//4 ~~fJó;/ {I),'¡(¡t/J-/Y1S 1/3 /ðmldÇd¡/ )/11/ ./:':¡i7k MÆzdð-JPlc:.... -4 ~I I~"~ !>t"1:oí'tf-rJ {;~ "";<S-? LJ-m. '329-5 ~)C(ft fJR U8 :J-3c.J-<;b fL1,'K{' LJI./,J-J- 3(,RÇ ¡v11/~7 ('.rnK e"/1/A }.2,"-//:::i; ((ol::eIZ-Î DEU"C~ /qbì P,eIYv('eS5/JN;ve fB,(J- 2?y:,L. ~ðnlh 1Y\tt;(lJÒl 5if6C¡ ßU"ll-ArZO /JQCILRd VA P-'OJ J,3tJS'1 ?f'I"1-r ~'T~M f'.¡J -").50'\ s".~\c.,oerj 'kMÅ Vc- ~~(... ?-~t.¡&b . / ~\~t.).S,.,....',-h. 5løq~o¿\....~\-tl. t.T./pt. ;)79W jJ)¡JAt<D Sot/cwo;! Jc,yY CKA-€'lYrVCdc. ~ v'4.~~ vA. "Jð<¡J'"h DoUiJ L (ÁÞJ1)¡f/f j 7 2.{ f\), ~V(dl ~ \//4 rcoc hlkðJs L.S6 D~ It:! /I,1t. ?úó~ f/-co/ Æve#" Æ.,~ ~ ~ ¿/4-;;7fi?J J EN 5/tLll/tJ1/IS 'ltJ/ fl<¡JVu<J )A/A"I ¡t vl¡- ff~""¡f ;);'IS 7 /...bR-A- m.- ¡¿bJ-I1f:,~ Job?; fPlt-tilúS514nfl¿ i!.d I \)fL Z?;l-/C;:7 (!YlaJyUSVV 0 ~b'nç,?¡{. /000 f /L¿ft.u ';,5 f1nfU ¡2~1 Vð¿ 23 tP;:7 ~~---¡-~ 15"/3 CAMFß,nLs LfiN/J/!I)cJ~D V,ß.-z.'S,-/:{1 ~&.1c¿'-',5 £ eJ.t:ðS h~lc¿o.JS Awe /fd!J!Jccc.LI1.;)3Ýtd- J~~~ /~9() /J14 ~..-~\14~:~57 NAME = .?:O V Jr THlS]S A PETITION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO PARTS; TO THE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS. WE þ\RE REQUESTING /\ Z()NING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRO!\'1 THE CITY. NAME ADDRESS -~l<.. Cf4, ;~ snt./£ LIt,,\¡ &~-.e C~,,?~ /~er-b J/¡'ch I! vis .!?AI<{::~ ~1~ ßV\~~ Jb-r-<J 0, O)~,,- ¿/ )Mry;.c ¡;1L¿d f)- - i'c.rr:/?,) - ¡SÜ()A/lé. ChI',., <Ÿmø,J )Y'~i P-:H !-o"u" ¡zJ .?q'4/~ ¿pI,Jecj;. ~, /(7, Rv¡'h'<)& ~,:¡- !í3óZ s'7(,dIL~~d k!cI, /lflt flJ!/ItIQ:~-<: ANNE ¡(!}). '301 P1':IA';.e~.5 Å/I\V1e 'eJ .fer f$ D r. t..i;'~" rt.-J.. ~ I 'I f'1r,;1Jèc:~.s ¡Î-/V¡o/ (lOr tÚC:/ P/'¡I,t/¿tC-(S /7/1/A/¡Jry ~ó21 ¡¿fiLl( ¿ 11 . /Y1 /1 ¿ ¿ ö ""' ¡¿JJ J (7 CÁ. AJ ~¡¿d ¿/? if':;- IkL u-- D R:. "- I) 11 (J.!J, ¡¿j) /9/& ÞlI1t(/¿£ðc,/}~1 / "' \(,,~\\. ""Ll \..c.t.......d:v,'4 R':::ì::. ~ ~~r:,:: Q ~:~S 1 I ~~ .)j;¡cIe(sOf) -'D--zV'. ..<. <.:,¿ ?~,:,,>r -l ~ ¿. ¡:::¡;¡p~¿,) ,h~Mt,) ~~f-'I&\1 '1- =-- 80 THIS IS A PETITION FOR II-IE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RlDGE AUTO PARTS; TO THE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS, WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRorvl THE CITY, NAME ADDRESS ~~.IJ()yl); /f;tI\qslel (2.3b ?j-, (\('P:¡S h",)/ "--"~OA--::::' YV1.K-c.- tJO"J 244 f5;¡d- G.'\ði::>s ref ~ h1~ 36 ¿;) bf\Vn'Z..1 ~ ~ / ~\<... ~,,~...:,,~ ,~ - 511"11 tH,¡ ¡/ ~ d' It, J 2 29 f... "" Cfl~ ¡j¡¡ ¡;.-«1 (}1obe/?í /1/£J-50N .:(?33 CJ,L/1Nf]IWr>- ~JJ. 2-3L¡¿;6 I!I.MLJe tS/H'$.,J ~'1;¡;-.::- ,iih~71)~ /blb ~t2-e- (?i 23'151- I S'ç, e--' rì7~ :¡ ílJ:qf\ 6<:dq'R- ,-' L.r7/7.- é- k (.k? f! C" c/('- ¡cr) ./ S'72~- h7Lhs"-'A/ ;?d'- ;//1, lY?//e.!.. 357(0 Old.. C<;(t)¡I'f)~ ~I')c.d /061 ß//1)c.e <;5' #,¡tI¡¡Jp, ÆJ 5~ .~u1tJ \On) ~ ::LJ~\O\fJ ,.;l?í? ~~~ 5'/ /<'~.#5'J;/ ~-;.C, 3 '59;0 é) \d COJòlJ.À.Q .~ ~ i.. " if>" '" fIJ1f ..1" /.f J/ THIS IS A PETITiON FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RJDGE AUTO PARTS; TO TIlE LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FRo!v! THE CITY. / I 3ð- E.'ION FOR THE RELOCATION OF PLEASANT RIDGE AUTO :0: LOCATION OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS. IESTfNG A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FROi\-j THE ADDRESS ~\..JRI ~ 1134$ l"w::> v4ÐOðc:... biZ ,vi[ 411ß ~riWaot) ~p, YA- t3EACL lð"SZ (; £1i:..SHWIItl i)f2 liB ~~; ~II 49.0 I 0I2c1fA-12i:1 L,ò ¡ VII ,3EA:t:J.I "'O 'Ptt'Nc6.s~ AwAlc!' nÞ. IJA'!ÞEAc.H . J?::-f 2G>'18 NES"t'\.E~ -nl.AIL \l,.,.1!>eJoG.I-I Ë£It1AN IZ'I I Ch \It. c.h ~fL'¡¡ F T J!~ '~E'h~ .6._L~,..J. (ì <£.2:2 GHf¿¡srA GT vA f3d.J , .11J~ 4:11& \¡J~eLt ~ VA BrAe-I- - lYlk<Ak /.tnt t/J /lA!'J! M fA. 7?~ß :3:3 THIS IS A PETITION FOR THE RELOC A TION OF PLEASANT RlDGE AUTO PARTS; TO THE LOCA nON OF WEST NECK AND PRINCESS ANNE ROADS. WE ARE REQUESTING A ZONING CHANGE FOR THAT PROPERTY FROM THE CITY, NAME U I [" '~f1 . i .,-~uf. .;C\..O (ÆVL-' ;1 rÎA<-,LfL...-....- - (]}~!~15 ~ L-/ ..t.-- L._._.-~/l::?~~- /tI~ ~ .'7h --- u"rL ~..<--/~, /~a~ ADDRESS <.J1,!t, t;) Alec' k fVJ 1 !JÁ HpIJcÁ,\I~ ~3'fS-fe, .J ,?- 7 L ¡',d f'vvø.ù hoH'j (J .'z3L(Çì ::;1;27.2 0 /d )9A/,>o ¡:::-ør..Æ'/ f¿,':?57'5'7 /' / {~-<!.",T N'e-ck lhu;i)A- i/~.Bdd3tJ~ , I b'1J? ~~, ¡;~ ß Þ::-ii:""jc:<S'f.5 h9~rr~~.... ~~. iii< ~4. /O~7 W¿.¥¡~r V{/}'IP CJ V'A,f!e?tcf.¡ ;2J'ib'f ~ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Lobus 4132 West Neck Rd. Virginia Beach, Va. 23456 Current Planning Division Municipal Center Building 2, Room 115 2405 Courthouse Drive Virginia Beach, Va. 23456-9040 Re:Pleasant Ridge Auto Parts, Inc. (K 16-210-CRZ-2004) J- '&'4YJ 9 Dear Planning Commission Members: When I bought this lot four years ago from Wayne Murden, he told me that the surrounding properties were zoned agricultural and would remain as such. This was one ofthe major reasons for my purchase. I did not want to be in a city environment, with all the negatives associated with that. Now, he is attempting to change the conditions, with all the negative impacts associated with that. He gets the money and we are left with the traffic, business next to our properties, etc. I've invested much of what I have, being retired, in this home. The city of Virginia Beach is enjoying the increased real estate taxes from that investment. I feel that the city would be breaking faith with us if they approve this rezoning request Please do not approve this petition. Sincerely yours, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lobus "~f~ .~.~¿.~ = April?,20O4 Mr. Robert Scott Director, Platming Department Municipal Center - Bldg 2 2405 Courthouse Dr. Virginia Beach V A 23456 Dear Mr. Scott, On behalf of many residents of the Pleasant Ridge community, I submit the attached letter of petition. Tlús letter expresses our individual and collective opposition to an ongoing action whereby the NW corner of the intersection of West Neck and Princess Anne Road is proposed to be rezoned ftom Agricultural to Commercial. Essentially all nearby residents whose quality of life and residential property values would be affected by the proposed rezoning have expressed their flI1Il opposition. Nearby residents not on the list were either not able to be contacted, or, some have equities in the commercial development prospect(s). I request that you distribute copies of the petition letter (four pages) to each member of the planning commission and each member of Va. Beach city council. Also attached is an originalletter ftom a former resident, attesting to the 1àct that their family, mine, and others, were approached during or about 1998, by the landowner(s) of the property in question. In that action, the landowner sought and received neighborhood signatures on his petition to "develop two or three" additional properties on his acreage. The "quid pro quo," as I and others recall, was that "the remainder ofhis properties would "remain in agricultural zoning/use." That same property is now being proposed for three acres of Commercial zoning. I have sought to find some evidence of this "proffer" to no avail. Whether or not it was used to achieve the development approVal is not clear. Inexplicably, no record of it exists. I request that you make the attached letter also a part of the official record. I would appreciate your informing me of the schedule and key milestones for the proposed rezoning hearings. I further ask that you make available, copies of the application for the rezoning, as well all comments by the various agencies who review such actions. Please extend our thanks to Ms. Karen Prochilo for her most professional support throughout this process. She certainly exemplifies the ideal public employee. Thank you in advance. = Sincertrt. - . ¡; 'A-----. ¡J :.,¡¡' c-- ,~"- Daniel Franken, CAPT, USN (Ret) LETTER OF PETITION TO VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION The undersigned citizens of Virginia Beach and residents ofthe Pleasant Ridge area hereby express our utmost opposition to a request for zoning change that would permit the construction of a NAP A auto parts store on the NW corner of the intersection of Princess Anne and West Neck Roads. There are nwnerous reasons for our opposition. foremost being that such an enterprise will have a negative impact on the rural residential environment that each ofus seek and is why we live here. Second, locating a new, larger store at this critically busy rural intersection of West Neck and Princess Anne Roads will exacerbate already intense traffic density, further decrease safe travel, and worsen the area's quality oflife. Third, we believe that a zoning change from Agricultural to Commercial will eventually pave the way to an unstopping rationale for further commercial development at a key nexus of roadways and country homes. Other critical points: The proposed rezoning is in conflict with the newest Virginia Beach Comprehensive Plan (dated Dec 2003) in nearly every respect. For instance, the Plan's policy guidance for the rural area of the city states: "protect rural character and existing scenic views ...franchise retail, office parks or shopping centers are not to be encouraged... create non-residential development at key crossroads to encourage community interaction of people, not vehicles... commercial retail development should be located in existing defined rural commercial centers, such as Creeds and Blackwater, for supporting the local rural community in lieu of strip shopping center development. " Regarding Residential Development, Guidelines call for: "Rural settlement patterns reinforce pastoral ways of life ... immediate views along the main rural roads are of pasturelands, croplands ...located at a distance off the road are farm homes, barns, silos, and other outbuildings." = The Rural Area (all city area south ofIndian River Road) is designated a Special Area per the Comprehensive Plan. As such, limited low density residential development, and no additional requirement for ()( infrastructure is called for in the plan - with preservation of the rural character having prominence. It is for this very reason that so many residents ofthis Special Rural Area chose to invest in homes and acreages to live here. The erection of a new commercial activity (in an area that is, arguably, already too densely developed) within a very close distance (hundreds of feet and hundreds of yards) to no less than fifteen homes is unacceptable. Approval for such a rezoning and commercial development would certainly violate both the letter and intent ofthe Comprehensive Plan. When the impact on traffic safety, noise, overall environment and other factors are considered, the proposal appears completely incongruous to the neighborhood and public good at large. Said another way, the residents of this area have delibemtely invested in half-million dollar homes, and don't expect nor desire an auto parts store plunked within their midst. The current NAPA store appears to serve the area completely satisfactorily and is a part of the accepted landscape. There are dozens of businesses located in appropriate commercial nodes that offer sllnilar or like products to that of the NAPA store - all within relatively short distances. We, like most families who chose to live in country, expect and desire to purchase consumer products at establishments in commercial sectors of the city - that is whv we live here. The subject rezoning request presents a test of the city's commitment to its policy and vision - its Comprehensive Plan. In so doing, it will explore what is in the best interests of the citizens. The signers of this petition have made strategic decisions for our families and futw"es by choosing to live here, and we rely on the words and commitments of our public officials and elected representatives. We have dedicated a large amount of personal resources to invest in rural homes and enjoy a unique quality of life. In advance, we thank the employees who serve the city of Virginia Beach staff, members of the Planning Commission, and City Council for their integrity, vision, and commitment to our great city. = NAME & ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE DfJ)/lt{ t1f..~ /JÞftlv.' ,/IU ¿<úrA-üf¡n (Îz.,~ 1"'1'/1 0;1 ;) (j Iv Iv Vi- k iJ IV j¿'{1LI I I ¡jJ rh( q) ~ aK~ I I pz <; I r; A/;'2- It/! /l (-- ~~~:\\:;o,7'~~ck ~J y;!¥ ((QU( to ¡; ({ S;' /J I fJ t././3 >.. ~ 7uJ< i2; 1:( ~ <pI ( "Y ¿aMI, ÇJ.2D¡fA<;{ / ~J2 .f )¡Joe./- ¿' fJ (Lfr')f..) Mil L~ l' I)t ;jr~ <) ul!l---Þ </ l ¿ y t.} 12 D ..v (If£.>" ¥-.}) (I / 'Ie- \Jþvct-\ J¡q- Lf.2b, ooSZ- , ,¡~C"ß K eec :1 ,v 6- . fl."'" ~! 0 '-{) 3- ~ 6'1 . C¡177 We<;.l ~e_l/k R~ \); [~I,; c-, Bev.C' h :\Í Å. :) 311'S<1- '-J ,f\ Þ ~w 'fl-~/ l V\ j?o f v. I=\~~ y~ \J :\ (1a <>- L L--.. ~"> I{Sv :)0 'f\~CL. W . D Q.w t{)1 (\ ,~gö Í'c;" """'" I\o~" Rd )JQW>UX VJ {Ja..«![...." 1.11;; IDc-1 0... \::'e,^c~ I vA ;;>3lfSCc d' Jjw-,d-~ r /YJ'ðç.. 75LA;ZL~Cyl~.Y- "/:/4 ;:;. 11& Jft£ VIJ /Cd ~ ~--- ~ ' !3uic.h I vA :<3Ý..s~ ju'¡/Ý/~ /!- (Ý)()b¿ JO/¿. 5it£ ¡/i:;Y Kel /4. 8lj}~ I (4 ;¡?;J<I:j~ = /(Jlb è 12 í- //; lei ( j/ I ó2-1 ¡}--o ::J?rJ1 tl4' fi ¿V )ll!- /] ¿:,;ftJI;¿ /Iff ? J Ç/i Z1 il/'J I ¡ti¡lI/1 ç -f /h)¡}j?r:: S S ¡)/J í1- '~-;"'if;:j/~y w - ~ Q~ ~/~Jc>i ~ t Ih rzL- ~/d Ø~(l~~!!:fl~ ~k~ ;;;¡~~-- ZcCfz-1Cvctll) eJ l ßch ðv?j.(nO j-l-ØJ<2- /LIe-Is tfY\. -2 ()'1:¿ ,j of'¡) IS ed Vf£G,I/"7lc¡ /3.eø-cL Z3p(P ~C-rf/ G. j-{GM ~.eE b. .} V'b D TIt,e II I c:" 1<. \;>, W U; Jv',' A Þ E:A-c.. H- 7 Ý A- fQ3'15ie> ~,'i::,ßßct I('J\';:-\.:::'<,o;-"::> Il{q~ r\2.'.....'c ~~.':::. ",~<-y,-v<L) -\)_~_ß'(\i".Cl\:'..)"" ";)'ò"sc", ~ MWv~ ----.------. [J/b3Dtf n.eJsdYJ@ L eJ y, Iì Of ~t/~ °1ó3/Zaoÿ ~c.Iw- -lD ß~~ 4/3 / D '1 ~aA--- 2./. ~ \-"",-'1-t-:> Ç/... t->C>Q.-,,::.,.:) ',"~ J (c -~" : I, -' I..O;";>\I\L- ,",,'<-,,'-,!:O,-,-o"=:, '-'-""~ . "" "':J"'<1\C~\ <, \\ ,):,'1~'-i /J{~i,¡?£/'.J L-l? k'£ - 'd'-o'f-- 0 " ¡J." 0-. / T:) r'/?/ I/C¿:-;S, , /!!2rr F-Þ , 1/,1 8t:JIC ¡"/, [14. ';;jl!-5z, .3'h50GttJ -h5-fIl-; 17"C;<¡ /'lz/1i.I{!éð54/V/V¿ 1/,-... -Z -j¡ VA d3'1-,>-6 V,-r Dc. -:J'¿('("j ,-t'A""'-'-L L~",- \~7lD ,^,n\>\Ct% t-\'^"\,Q b, \; ì.{~\J\.l,^ ß.e.ac¡"ï VA <tÒ'lS"(o '1::'\<\ )( ,,-.,,-£>; ,,~~ß ~--!'J t.--"ì ",-~ ç-'(è~ ¡l..-.C' /:-7 ",,' ,?}7 y~Ç. V':f o,r<;>_Z<'-V, Vo... = -~--"'-~= Ii ......L..Qo~- AI 1.2-(' ¡.'/?d I c. I . - ,'7 ", ,) . --I, ~ ) 'f ./,j L/ ! '\ \ ) - -~~.A.,c;-,J _! I =iC'.-l...é-. '-' ,.3 '-_v ¿;:-f¿¿-'7~"':/ C:/pt--ÆY ~~ ~~It ~~ Cl¿¡~/!"'1 ,,:J; Ai ~ () </ / , f - !;;- - [) II </- 5-~ c)7 Y-~-(jY 1.(- (p- cel at MEliNDA KICKliGHTER .. 2415 Elko Road Elko, GA 31025-2177 March 30, 2004 To Whom lt May Concern: I was asked by former neighbors from the Pleasant Ridge area to recall events of about 1998, wherein the Murden family sought to helVe permis- sion to build two or three additional homes on the MUTden acreage bor- dered by West Neck and Princess Anne Road. let it be known, thClt 1 signed the Murden's petition. The "Proffer", as said by them, contained their pro- posal, that the remainder of their agricultural zoned property would remain in agricultural use. Sincerely, 'fYW-~ ~ L",. ~ it ¡dïtz;J Melinda G. Kicklighter,~~Y resident 41 77 West Neck Road Virginia Beach, VA 23456 = Ptlone: 478-988-8045 Ema.l: C 1Aeenpunç¡o@msn. com Zonina Historv I ACTION Granted Granted 1#1 DATE ¡REQUEST 1 12/19/88 Zoning change Ag-2 to B-2 2 08/14/90 Conditional Use Permit - Cellular Tower 3 07/07/92 Conditional Use Permit - Single family and horse boarding 4 10/14/03 Conditional Use Permit - Museum and art gallery Granted Granted CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: HAC Properties, LLC. - Change of Zoning District Classification (AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District) and a Conditional Use Permit (self storage facility) MEETING DATE: June 22, 2004 . Background: (a) An Ordinance upon Application of HAC Properties, L.LC. for a Chanae of Zonina District Classification from AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District on property located at 1771 Princess Anne Road (GPINS 24039195630000; 24039176520000). The Comprehensive Plan identifies this site as being within the Rural Area. DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE (b) An Ordinance upon Application of HAC Properties, LLC. for a Conditional Use Permit for a self storage facility on property located at 1771 Princess Anne Road (GPINS 24039195630000; 24039176520000). DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE . Considerations: It is the intent of the applicant to conditionally rezone a 3.34 acre parcel from AG- 2 Agricultural to B-2. This parcel is located behind property already zoned B-2. The applicant is also applying for a Conditional Use Permit for a mini-warehouse facility in conjunction with an office-warehouse and mini-storage facility. Access to the site is from Princess Anne Road along a drive aisle that runs back to the main portion of the site. The southern portion of the site is proposed for office-warehouse structures, consisting of 1,880 square feet of office space and 8,820 square feet of warehouse storage. The site plan shows seven such units, each with 240 square feet of office and 1,260 square feet of warehouse storage. The northern portion is proposed for mini-warehouse structures and is gated off from the office-warehouse portion. The submitted plan indicates there will be 15,500 square feet of mini-warehouse space. Parking is provided for 30 vehicles, meeting the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. The use is proposed to be located on a parcel within Pungo, the largest of the existing commercial and service nodes in the Rural Area. It should be noted, however, that this node has been identified for a special planning study through HAC, L.L.C. Page 2 of 3 an advisory committee report for the Transition Area as well as the "Agenda for Future Action" within the Comprehensive Plan. The uniqueness and potential of Pungo must be factored into the design of any proposed use for this crossroads. In lieu of having a special plan in place for Pungo at the present time, adherence to the Plan's Rural Development Guidelines for Non-Residential Uses is critical. The proffered plan indicates that there will be no encroachment into the floodplain. The plan also shows the location of a stormwater management facility and a septic tank field. However, Planning Department Staff, as well as the Agriculture Department, remain concerned that there will be significant issues for the applicant to address during development plan review regarding water and sewer provision and site drainage. The Comprehensive Plan notes "development in rural commercial centers can include locally oriented retail, service and community uses scaled to be compatible with the character of the rural landscape," (p. 170). The proposed use could potentiallv provide a service to the surrounding rural and semi-rural (Transition Area) areas. However, Staff concluded that the building design and overall site layout as submitted was not consistent with the Plan's recommendation that the uses be 'scaled to be compatible with the character of the rural landscape.' The architectural design of the building, while using a quality exterior building material, lacks details that can ensure an excellent contribution to the overall character of the Rural Area. The design of the buildings submitted for the Planning Commission hearing was simple, utilitarian rectangular masses with a gable roof. Exterior materials were brick on the fronts facing Princess Anne Road and metal on the rear and portions of the sides. Small cupolas were placed on the center of the gable roofs. The buildings had no architectural detail (beside the cupolas) and lacked any vertical or horizontal articulation to the facades. As noted above, the appearance is strictly utilitarian. The Planning Commission directed the applicant to work with Staff to improve the appearance of the building. The Staff and the applicant continue to work on the elevations of the building. It is doubtful that a final design will be available prior to the City Council hearing. Staff, therefore, recommends a deferral of this item to allow time for the design to be finalized. Staff recommended denial. There was opposition to the requests. . Recommendations: Staff recommends deferral for the reason indicated above. The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 11-0 to approve this request as proffered. . Attachments: Staff Review HAC, L.L.C. Page 3 of 3 Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends deferral. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department~.--- City Manager~:) k-,~ K14-211-CRZ-2004 HAC PROPERTIES, LLC Agenda Items # 16 & # 17 May 12, 2004 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Karen Prochilo The following report is prepared by the staff of the Virginia Beach Department of Planning to provide data, information, and professional land use recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City Council to assist them in making a decision regarding this application. REQUEST: LOCATION: GPIN: COUNCIL ELECTION Location and General Information (16) Chanae of Zonina District Classification from AG-2 Agricultural District to Conditional B-2 Business District. (17) Conditional Use Permit for Self Storage Facility Property located on Princess Anne Road, approximately 970 feet southwest of Indian River Road. .:":~ f.-It". HAC eme, L.L.C. A...G......-21_"'"""~,, .'-"--. _-i,jnc"'i¡:;.~~~...~U'þ..n..'.c......;. B..di '..! I?;r ..~\ \:" f '-~." ,-...-~/:~' o. ( Cffi';-¡-- \', \r~A:-- " ..,'<"I'/f"._-q~, IJ O,!"'. \1i...Ji~G-2~-'.~~'-."'..:....'..'._.'.".'.,-,1..'-. .( I ~- I ~.' Co ,A((}-.' ~ ;', ,t? ,.! of -~r-2"c.1\-=-k.ir--T~f ,_W . '" r'~S' - . 24039195630000;24039164980000 HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 1 DISTRICT: 7 - PRINCESS ANNE SITE SIZE: 3.34 acres EXISTING LAND USE: The property is zoned AG-2 Agricultural District. East: . Farm field, and single-family residential, gas station / AG-2 Agricultural District . Farm field, and single-family residential / AG-2 Agricultural District . Princess Anne Road, offices and retail / B-2 Business District . Property owned by City of Virginia Beach (Mounted Police Facility) / AG-1 and AG-2 Agricultural Districts SURROUNDING LAND USE AND North: ZONING: South: West: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: Portions of this property are situated in the Southern Watershed Management Area. Additionally, a portion of this parcel may be within the 1 DO-year floodplain. AICUZ: The site is in an AICUZ of 65 to 70dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana and NALF Fentress. Major Issues The following represent the significant issues identified by the staff concerning this request. Staff's evaluation of the request is largely based on the degree to which these issues are adequately addressed. . Located within the Pungo Center Area, which has been identified in the Comprehensive Plan's "Agenda for Future Action" for a special planning initiative. . Portions of this parcel may be within the 1 DO-year floodplain and affected by the Site Plan Ordinance provisions for floodplains subject to special restrictions. HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 2 The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this property to be part of the Rural Service Area, which has a limited ability to adequately accommodate more than minimum levels of growth and change. One measure in the strategy to restrain urban growth in this area is to retain the rural character of the southern area south of Indian River Road. Direction within the General Strategy chapter calls for careful adherence to our rural preservation policies, which are located within the Rural Area chapter. The Rural Preservation Plan objectives combined with the rural development guidelines assist in channeling the growth into carefully chosen areas capable of absorbing it. The Comprehensive Plan has the Pungo Center Study listed as an initiative of the Agenda for Future Action. The subject site likely would be within a radius for the study. It is the intent of the applicant to conditionally rezone a 3.34 acre parcel from AG-2 Agricultural to B-2. This parcel is located behind property already zoned B-2. The applicant is also applying for a Conditional Use Permit for a mini warehouse facility in conjunction with an office-warehouse and mini-storage facility. Access to the site is from Princess Anne Road along a drive aisle that runs back to the main portion of the site. The southern portion of the site is proposed for office- warehouse structures, consisting of 1,880 square feet of office space and 8,820 square feet of warehouse storage. The site plan shows seven such units, each with 240 square feet of office and 1,260 square feet of warehouse storage. The northern portion is proposed for mini-warehouse structures and is gated off from the office-warehouse portion. The submitted plan indicates there will be 15,500 square feet of mini- warehouse space. Parking is provided for 30 vehicles, meeting the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 3 The buildings are simple, utilitarian rectangular masses with a gable roof. Exterior materials are brick on the fronts facing Princess Anne Road and metal on the rear and portions of the sides. Small cupolas are placed on the center of the gable roofs. The buildings have no architectural detail (beside the cupolas) and lack any vertical or horizontal articulation to the facades. As noted above, the appearance is strictly utilitarian. The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 1 07(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (§107(h)(1 ). Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER # 1 PROFFER # 2 PROFFER # 3 When the Property is developed, it shall be developed substantially as shown on the exhibit entitled "PRELIMINARY LAYOUT PUNGO COMMERCE CENTER", prepared by Mel Smith & Associates, dated 4- 11-2004, which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and is on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter "Site Plan"). When the property is developed, the buildings depicted on the Site Plan will have the architectural design and will utilize the building materials substantially as depicted and designated on the exhibit entitled "PROPOSED ELEVATIONS FOR PUNGO COMMERCE CENTER" prepared by Mel Smith & Associates, dated 4-11-2004, which have been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City Council and are on file with the Virginia Beach Department of Planning (hereinafter referred to as the "Elevation Plans") When the Property is developed, only the following uses will be permitted: HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 &# 17 Page 4 a) Business Studios, offices and clinics; b) Mini-warehouses; c) Repair and sales for radio and television and other household appliances and small business machines. PROFFER # 4 All outdoor lighting shall be shielded, deflected, shaded and focused to direct light down onto premises and away from adjoining property. PROFFER # 5 Further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed Site Plan review and administration of applicable City codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments to meet all applicable City code requirements. Staff Evaluation of The above proffers are acceptable however the proffer Proffers: agreement does not adequately address all concerns as identified in the staff evaluation. City Attorney's Office: The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated April 26, 2004, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form. Staff Evaluation Staff cannot recommend approval of this request. Staffs evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials and the proffers, does not adequately address each of the 'Major Issues' identified at the beginning of this report. (1) The Comprehensive Plan notes "development in rural commercial centers can include locally oriented retail, service and community uses scaled to be compatible with the character of the rural landscape," (p. 170). The proposed use could potentially provide a service to the surrounding rural and semi-rural (Transition Area) areas. However, Staff does not believe the building design and overall site layout as submitted is consistent with the Plan's recommendation that the uses be 'scaled to be compatible with the character of the rural landscape.' HAC PROPERTIES, LLC. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 5 (2) The use is proposed to be located on a parcel within Pungo, the largest of the existing commercial and service nodes in the Rural Area. This also is consistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. It should be noted, however, that this node has been identified for a special planning study through an advisory committee report for the Transition Area as well as the "Agenda for Future Action" within the Comprehensive Plan. The uniqueness and potential of Pungo must be factored into the design of any proposed use for this crossroads. In lieu of having a special plan in place for Pungo at the present time, adherence to the Plan's Rural Development Guidelines for Non-Residential Uses is critical. Staff does not believe that the submitted plan adheres to those guidelines. (3) The proffered plan indicates that there will be no encroachment into the floodplain. The plan also shows the location of a stormwater management facility and a septic tank field. However, Planning Department Staff, as well as the Agriculture Department, remain concerned that there will be significant issues for the applicant to address during development plan review regarding water and sewer provision and site drainage. Staff suggests that these issues be resolved to the greatest extent possible before consideration of action by the Planning Commission. (4) The architectural design of the building, while using a quality exterior building material, lacks details that can ensure an excellent contribution to the overall character of the Rural Area, as recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. The building is truly a brick warehouse with a gable roof and an ill-proportioned cupola detail. There are modifications to the design that can be instituted to achieve the goal that the Comprehensive Plan strives for. Based on the above, Staff cannot recommend approval of these requests. Staff's desire is to continue to work with the applicant to address the areas of concern outlined above. However, the applicant expressed no equal desire to cooperate with Staff in this regard and requested that these applications move forward "as is." Staff, therefore, recommends denial of the requests for a Conditional Change of Zoning and a Conditional Use Permit. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet al/ applicable CiW Codes. HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 6 "'w~ "'>"" " " "'"""H_WC""",mrC Supplemental Information Zonina History Map K-14 Mð Not to SOð!. {9 A¡-2 f2 a "~ (/0 ~" /~ / , o AG-I I#IDATE IREQUEST 1 12/19/88 Zoning change Ag-2 to B-2 2 08/14/90 Conditional Use Permit - Cellular Tower 3 07/07/92 Conditional Use Permit - Single family and horse boarding 4 10/14/03 Conditional Use Permit - Museum and art gallery I ACTION Granted Granted Granted Granted HAC PROPERTIES, LLC. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 7 Public Aaencv Comments Public Works Master Transportation Plan (MTP): Princess Anne road in the vicinity of this application is considered a two lane minor arterial. The Master Transportation Plan map indicates that Princess Anne Road is planned for an undivided 100 feet right of way. A right-of-way reservation or dedication mav be required bv Public Works. Traffic Calculations: Street Name Present Present Generated Traffic Volume Caoacitv Existing Land Use r Princess Anne 8.088 13,600 - 34 ADT Road ADT' ADT' Proposed Land Use 3 - 79 ADT Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by AG-2 3 as defined by B-2 Stormwater: An adequate stormwater discharge outfall will need to be provided with the project in addition to an adequate offsite receiving drainage system will need to be identified. The property needs to be reviewed to determine the potential Presence of jurisdictictional nontidal wetlands. Public Utilities City sewer and water are not available. The proposed project will require approval for water supply(s) and wastewater system(s) from the Virginia Department of Health. This proposal must take into account the water supplies and sewerage disposal system(s) that are serving the existing business surrounding this proposal. HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 8 Agriculture Aqriculture: The site has drainage issues, and with the increase in impervious surface, the issues will only be compounded. The development of this site may adversely affect the drainage or septic systems of adjacent properties. All reasonable efforts should be made to prevent drainage and/or health problems. Public Safety Police: The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strate ies as the ertain to this site. Fire and Rescue: Fire lanes may be required. The storage units (mini-warehouse) shall be used only for storaqe of non-hazardous qoods. HAC PROPERTIES. L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 9 ; Ian Exhibit A Aerial of Site Location HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 10 -- ---";:.,~;,;::¡; !!5iI sumossv " iWiis-;¡¡;j IDI ...... ........, - I " """" ¡i \ i !II ¡ ,':: I II \ ¡ , II ~' . I I;, ì . ¡ . IIi; f; ..1 h! I '! HI! II~¡!¡I"! dlJ! ~,¡j¡IIi!iill.¡ii~d ~ f ¡i~1' ~ II II ¡I!:d II ~Ii I! II II ! III \ '\ ~__-\n--\-- n ,-oJ ,\ a ' \ ¡ J \\' ,;~iJL,' ;~'i~ffii.H,.,.,[:m,J~, ~ ¡ 1~ " 5 U! " "'""~!'-~TTj}¡ ~ ,~'-~~ .,1 \ N I_.~~,'.,>- ,~- i " ,'\ ,¡" ¡ i~i if~¡ II " ~ \ ,. -'--11 . -,.F \. :~ " ; \\\ :i1: " ;1 ~¡H ' " ",d ~ " , '?J-- -" I < \----¡""/-': " . \-f-'-""-Š~-------~-~.-J---.::..':¡ "I. ;; , Ii ifi¡ Î' . " I' , , I I::: . H :, -, tii ~ II I ;11' jl . ',' j . I , Exhibit 8 Proposed Site Plan I § æ I ¡ ~ ¡ ¡ . ¡,j '" ,; !q ¡i. ~p ;¡j '" ,~ ¡ H. ! ~ ¡ ;11 HAC PROPERTIES, LLC. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 11 Exhibit C -1 Proposed Building Rendering HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 & # 17 Page 12 Exhibit C -2 Proposed Building Elevation ~ w I- Z w U w U ~ ~ 0 U 10 I~ ,Z ::::> a... t, ¡3 ¡ ¡i! m U¡ I ~ I HAC PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Agenda Item # 16 &# 17 Page 13 :r: » <cO (\)"'0 à.;u 11)0 ;:;:"'0 (\)m 3;U 'It::! ~m "'Oo>C/) II) - coQor (\)'ltr- ~~a ~-.¡. l ~-~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT I APPLICANT DISCLOSURE II 'ho "pplionnl " "corpomUon. pmloorship. fi"", businoss. or olhor unincorporal"'l or9"nilalion. co"'plolo Ihn lollowing I I isl Ihe "pplitnnl name lollowod hy Iho na"'os 01 all officors, "'mobors, Imstnos, pMIWrs. elo. holow: (Ai/nrIlIIM I/llocessmy) 2 lisl all busin"..es Ihal hnve a Ihal have a parent.subsidlary' or alfillal"d husinesS nnfity' relallonsh'p wilh 1110 applicant: (Aftaci> list it necossalY! 0 Chuck hero iIU.., apI»ieanlis NOTa corporalion,l",rtnership, firm, busin"", or olhor unincor¡J<Jralod organizalion. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complet" Ii';, seolion onty it property OWOOf is <Ii//oroot/rom opplic"nl If Iho plopmty ownOI is " corporalion. porlnorship. lion, husinoss, or olher unincmporal"'l <>tgm\ÍlHliun, compltJlo Iho tollnwing: 1 Lbl Ihe p"'parly owner r"nno lollowed by tho namos 01 all officers, mnmbors, ""5Ieos, pnrtncrs, etC. hclow: (AI/ach lis< i/necessmy) , Lisl nil hu,inc"cs that h","" " thaI bow, " p","oI.,uhsirhary' or alfilia"'" husiooss cnl!li' relalionshi" with the npplicaot IA/(Aclr list if ""cosSilry! 0 Check hero it Ihu prop<toy own", is NOT ,1 corporalioo, Imon","hlp, firm, husiness, or olher unincorporaled ",,¡anllalinn r . ". . ..,'.,........ ,'So.".,I...,.,..,."I!",I.' r . DISCLOSURE STATEMEN!J ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES Lisl all koowo coolmolars or fiuslocS$c, that ha'", or w,n pmvido surv;"o. with respocl 10 Ihe roquesled proporty USO, 'ncludlng bul not lim!led 10 Ihe "roviders 01 archileolur,,1 sorv;,;os, '001 eslnl" servlcos, IlneneiAI services, <tod lo¡",1 services: (Alta',h list if Ii, , 'P",nnl-subsidiary relationship' me.ns '. relationshIp lI1al exisls whcn one corporalioo direclly or lodiroclly OWItS .ham. possas.lng more than 50 petconl 01 Ihe voliog power ot anolhar corporalion." $"e Stale nnd Leeal Govemment Cooflicl 0/ h"ere.tsAcI,Va Code § 2.2.3101, , .AlmIAI", bU'i"" entity relnlion.hlp' means "a relAlionship, olhel Ihno pamnt.sfrbsidiMY ",'ahooship, Ih.. o,isl' when (i) 0<'° "usino," entity has a contmlling ownership inlere.I in Ihe olhOr hu.ino.. enlily, (ii) a conlm/ling ow'tOr in ono entily I. also a controlling Owner In Ihe olher entily. n' (iii) Ihem is shamd ",nna".",enl or conlrol he!ween Ihe bu.lness entities hJclor$ IMI should hc crmsitJerr!d in delelm;'1ing lhe ",i$lencn 01 no "fillialed husine" enlily r"'ationsbp indufl" Ihol 11m "me pc"on or suh"",,tially Ihe same person own or n",nn!)" Iho Iwo enlilies: Ihere Me common or commingled lunds or assels; 1M business .nlil,es ,ham Iho u.. 01 the sa",a offic.' or employees or nlhe.wl.e sharo activities, resources or personnel on a regular basis: or Ihere i. othelWlse a close wor1<ing relalioosl'ip berNeen '/Ie enlitl.s See SI<110 and locnl OM"m..,.nl Cnnilid 01 Inlo",sls Ar", Va Code p.L.JIG.. CERTIFICATION: I certify Ihal Ihe informatinn cnnlained h.rein is ""e and aæ"ral. I ,uH'eMand IMI, upo.. receipt 01 nolificalion (¡x>slcaH') that the application IHI$ I1oen schednled fo' pubh" Iwntlng, I am resl",n,íbte for oblainin" and postin" tho "'quired sign on the subject property al leasl 30 days ",lor 10 Ihe sc/loouled public hearing ac(.ordin" I" tI,o io,¡",choo$ in Ihis packalto ',', I'"'",, ,:,' """"",,Ow,,;';', S~"""," ¡'¡tl,II,,",,; """ ",pÍ.""u p,;;'¡'N;;;;;'" em CII -. >< S'UI:T .. 0 -. CDÕC" 3 UI -- CD r::: - 3.ëilC Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, LLC. Page 2 = storage use. It is not on Princess Anne Road other than the access to Princess Anne Road. The use as you heard discussed this morning and as the staff has pointed in their write-up, it isn't so much the use that has caused them some concern it is the appearance of the exterior of these buildings. There was some concern about because we do have the backside of the property, west side of the property, the flood plain areas that are not developable. There was some concern on whether the development went into those areas. First of all, that issue is a site plan issue, above all others and secondly, what you see and what you have before you does not encroach into those areas according to our environmental expert, which is what has been provided to you. If that were and again, hypothetically not suggesting that there is any error there, if that was however to be an error in anyway, all that would take place is that the facility, which is not particularly large to be going with would be made smaller. The appearance wouldn't change. The nature of the use wouldn't change. The second issue that was eluded too was septic tank draining field. Again, that has been provided for on the site as well as being appeasements provided for on the site. But when you get to the Health Department review, which is down the road and not at the fÌont end it is certainly possible that some of the units, some of the parking and they all go hand in hand might not be there because we may need more of the area set aside for septic draining field than we currently have. Then again, we don't believe that to be the case at all. But that's the nature of any application when you're not dealing with city water, city sewer when you get the actual develop your plans the plans may change. As an example of that there is a subdivision at Pungo Ferry Road and Princess Anne Road that a Use Permit was approved over two years ago. We're finally getting the subdivision plat recorded because of all the requirements and all of the hoops that we have to jump through. So, the point of the site issues we're quite confident that this is what the site will look like but it is certainly possible that it maybe somewhat smaller. It won't be any larger. Okay. But again, the Use as the staffhas indicated when it's a back lot use. It's not out on the road. It's at the south end of the Pungo commercial area if you will. I think it is an appropriate use for this piece of property and it's one that there is a need for and there's one there is a market for. The only other storage facility that I am aware of south of Indian River Road at Creeds, which was just approved and constructed and is already full. It's not a very large one but it is full. So, there is a need and a demand in the market for them. These aren't people up in the north end driving down to Creeds to put their stuff in a small storage locker. So, I don't think the Use has been before and frankly should be an issue. Question that staff has concerns about is the architecture of the building. And, while we certainly believe that it is an attractive building. This is a rendering that was done of the building as originally proposed and we passed out this morning. There are some revisions to this. It's a brick building. It's all brick. And, we have added windows to the building that weren't shown originally. Again, on the office warehouse, the mini-storage over here, we've added windows. We also added a water course brick like this building we are in today has the Georgian style building with bricks at the low level that come out fÌom the foundation. We've also added shoulder course arches over the doors on the building to dress up the building. But I would suggest to you that when you look at the buildings in Pungo that are there today and you look at what is being proposed here off of the road, behind other buildings and with very limited visibility. I know the word Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, L.L.c. Page 3 "utilitarian" has been said a bunch of times this morning. I fÌankly think the buildings are attractive. I think even the use of the building are not retail outlets. They're not Courthouse Marketplaces. These aren't stores. I think they are attractive buildings. Now granted the back ofthe buildings are metal but they face woods and flood plain. It's an area that is never going to be developed. It can't be developed. Again, this rendering does not show the improvements that were shown on the elevations that we passed out this morning that my client will gladly, gladly make. We've made those upgrades after we viewed the staffs comments. We did not receive any feedback ahead of time in terms of what was being requested but the elevations that we submitted should have been submitted earlier in the process and I also thing we should have gotten some feedback a little earlier in the process but it's not a situation where the staff is the blame for this. I'm not suggesting that anyway they are the blame for it. We believe that it is a very attractive building as shown and even more so with the changes that we made. The other discussion that I heard is about the future action plan for Pungo or the Pungo plan. As a member of the land use subcommittee on vision, we've been suggesting that for quite some time. Weare in agreement with it. But when you look at it and you look where this property is located, I can't conceive of anything else that is more appropriate for this piece of property at the south end of Pungo where water and sewer are not available. It's not going to be Ghent down here folks. And, the Culpepper's are not leaving this area. They have a stake here and have for 31 years. We hope that you will agree that it's an appropriate land use and that the plans are attractive and will not be a detriment to the character of the area. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Mr. Bourdon. Joseph Strange: Speaking in support is Al Henley. Al Henley: Thank you again for allowing me come before you today. For the record, my name is Al Henley. I am a life long resident to the Back Bay/Pungo area. Correct me if I'm wrong Eddie, the commercial property is in front of this proposed property, aren't they all zoned B-2? I come here before once again to support this application. I really can't think of a better application. The property the way it is situated is kindly unusual. It reminds me of a large flag lot if you will. But, ideally the way the elevation topographically of the land is, it goes down slightly in the rear. You can't visual see it from Princess Anne Road if you're really looking. Obviously, you will see the roof and copula is on the top. The rest of the buildings or the actual proposed building would be obscured by the existing businesses that have been there for many years at Pungo. I think they have done an excellent job in upgrading the facility fÌom the original application. I think the color is and the brick is an upscale compared to what we could have there. But, once again not to labor the time and everyone's effort here I am totally in support of it. I spoke to many people who live in Pungo that have been there for generations. They are also in support of this. I think it's a good thing. = Dorothy Wood: Thanks for Mr. Henley. Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, LLC. Page 4 Al Henley: Thank you. Joseph Strange: And speaking in opposition is Gene Hansen. Dorothy Wood: Thank you for coming Mr. Hansen. Gene Hansen: Thank you Chairman Wood. Ladies and gentlemen of Planning Commission, my name is Gene Hansen. I have property at Pungo. I own a three-acre B- 2 piece that is currently being used for agricultural use. I have a 69-acre horse farm. By the way as I said to Mr. Bourdon it is not metal. It does have a baked enamel steel roof and I appreciate his compliments but it is not a metal roof. Six years ago, predecessor really to Mr. Knight and Mr. Horsley, Mr. Eliason made sure that in the previous Comprehensive Plan there was a call for a study of Pungo and what it could be. Mr. Eliason put together an informal committee that met several times, had great input :!Tom Tom Pauls so he rightly deserves the award representing a personifYing all of planning that was just recently received. But he recognized this was a special area. And this current Comprehensive Plan there's that recognition as well that Pungo needs to be studied. And, this is the first time that I've ever been before Planning when I was in opposition of something. I said on the Transition Area Committee and I think that committee worked very well in trying not to take away property rights but to qualify some of the nice things that we would like to see in our City. I have a fairly substantial investment and even though that I think Herb Culpepper has done a nice job with trying to change agricultural use to something that may be acceptable, in the scheme of things that it is putting the cart before the horse. It's necessary for maybe Planning Department or maybe the Commission telling Planning, to get underway with a study of Pungo. Put together the same kind of commission in essence or committee to look at what Pungo could be because comparing as Mr. Bourdon did this to what's there now, I think it's going to be different. And, so I would like to see Mr. Eliason's plan come before the Commission. I'm sorry to speak against Herb. He's been a good fÌiend down there but it is not time to have something like this in Pungo. I'll be happy to answer any questions. Dorothy Wood: Would you please show us where you live sir? You can use the pointer if you like? Gene Hansen: This is the three-acre commercial piece. There were residences here, which are not there anymore. The horse farm runs in this area. You can see the horse barn. It's right there. I own all of the land in here. The subject property is right down here. So, I'm right down the road. Dorothy Wood: Are there any questions for Mr. Hansen? Ronald Ripley: I have a question? = Dorothy Wood: Mr. Hansen. Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, LLC. Page 5 Ronald Ripley: I think in the Transition study Pungo was addressed wasn't it? It looked like to me the suggestive guidelines and other things were voted in the study. Gene Hansen: Pungo is one of those places that is listed as a center node. It needs forth coming study. It's an essential area. I guess Mr. Scott can clear that up a little probably better than I as far the vernacular that was used for. And, the Transition area and since the Committee was only suppose to study the Transition Area itself, noted that Pungo does need it's own specific analysis. And also they called the trails to go south of there to as well. Ronald Ripley: Other than the suggested study, do you object to the Use? What is it you object to? Gene Hansen: This kind of use for a mini-storage sort of puts a nail in the coffin of what could be or what could occur in Pungo. Now, because it will curtail what kind of development or redevelopment can occur there because you're putting in a mini-storage. A mini-storage is not known for a place where you're going to have a more upscale environment or specialty retailers. Now, and I spoke to Herb in advance and I told him that I was going to oppose this. I said Herb, just wait until there is some study and then it might fit. He said, I've waited 30 years. And, maybe he has since he has been down there. And so, I feel for him. It puts a body between a rock and hard place but I don't see where mini-storage is going to improve the ambiance and the flavor of the village of Pungo. And, I've worked with several people at Planning already and looking at what storefÌonts could be and parking behind areas to really make Pungo a special area. Even though to bar from planning and planning as you know opposed this. One of the things that they said that there is only a potential service provided by this. And, this is a special service area that needs to studied. I think there is lots of reason to either defer until something comes out or decline this proposal. Dorothy Wood: Are there any other questions for Mr. Hansen? Barry Knight: I got one Dot. Dorothy Wood: I'm sorry Barry. Barry Knight: Hey Gene. Gene Hansen: By the way, we're you talking about my hoses that needed to be replaced last week? Barry Knight: Possible. It could have been. Gene Hansen: I did get two of them down there in the back of my komodo. = Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, LLC. Page 6 Barry Knight: You know you have 69-acres and you have the most valuable piece of property in Pungo and the nicest, most centrally located. And, your property is where it is all going to start. Probably, because chances of tearing down the 7 -eleven or tearing down John Mundens or tearing down the bank building or something probably isn't something that's going to happen anytime soon. Mundens have been there for probably a 100 years. They might be there for another 100 years. Gene Hansen: Mundens is owned by a family that is willing to work on their 5.3 acres. Karen Prochilo is here. She has done a great job of drawing a lot of these areas. And your right, it may start on my corner but I've said no to the 7-eleven's and the McDonald's. Showing the patience until we get this. Barry Knight: That's the point that I'm trying to make. The point that I'm trying to make, and I know that your farm and property is now listed and is for sale. Gene Hansen: A note of clarification. Given what they are selling farm properties for in the Transition Area, I can jump right across the line and build another facility like this and pull out about $30,000 an acre. I don't mind doing that. Barry Knight: I understand that. Gene Hansen: I'm not leaving Pungo. Barry Knight: Gene, let me finish. Let me finish. You have a wonderful 69-acres. If there is a vision for Pungo and if it's going to happen sooner rather than later, it probably is going to be at your property. And, I think you have a chance right now to put some deed restrictions on your land saying that if anyone buys your land that they only can do this. I hate to put the money on your back you can set the example right now. So, I didn't know if maybe you had considered that or not. Gene Hansen: Maybe you don't know this but I've already put deed well rights and drainage rights into the 69-acre piece fÌom the three-acre piece so that the three-acre piece can be developed really nicely and well. Barry Knight: You understand where I'm coming fÌom? Gene Hansen: Oh absolutely. I bought into Pungo a dozen years ago with a vision that I've been trying to work with. Bob Scott probably hates to see me coming down his hallway. I've been preaching what should occur in Pungo for a long time. I was part of the Committee that envisioned many years ago that made sure that Pungo was mentioned in the previous five-year plan. So, I would hate to see it derailed now when we may be much closer, meaning on what you want to do to this Pungo plan. = Barry Knight: You understood what I was getting at. Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, LLC. Page 7 Gene Hansen: I do. Barry Knight: I think you can start the message. Gene Hansen: That is why I'm here in opposition. Eugene Crabtree: I've got one simple question for you Gene and you moving down there and all that. Have you ever used a mini-storage since you say that it is a lowly place? Gene Hansen: The answer is no, I have not. I just don't mow it is going to be the part. They just opened up some mini-storages at Dam Neck and Princess Anne. That's an area where it may look better for mini-storage. Eugene Crabtree: I just wanted to ask you that question. Gene Hansen: No. I've never used it. I've got barns. Eugene Crabtree: Okay. Dorothy Wood: Are there any other questions ofMr. Hansen? Thank you sir. Gene Hansen: Thank you very much. Dorothy Wood: Are there any other speakers Mr. Strange. Gene Hansen: I think there is one more who does wish to speak in opposition. Dorothy Wood: Okay. Is that Diane? I don't think she signed up. I'm sure you can still speak. Just fill in the card. I guess she can do that. Dianne Momoe: Thank you for allowing me to speak without signing up. My name is Dianne Momoe. And, I'm also in opposition basically for the same reasons that Gene Hansen is in opposition. I believe that the studies have not been done and the whole comprehensive idea is still in an informative stage and to go ahead and making decisions without completing the informative stage and coming up with an overall plan is not a good thing to do at this time. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. I filled in the card for you. What is your address? Dianne Momoe: 1317 King Fisher Court. Dorothy Wood: And where do you live fÌom this new project? = Dianne Momoe: I actually do live in the 23451 zip code but I have horses that I keep in Pungo and I have donated several to the mounted police, which is directly behind this Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, LLc. Page 8 property. I am very enthusiastic about Pungo and the potential for a village in a lovely area that it could be. I would like to before the definitive decisions are made have the planning in place to go ahead with something that is a long-term plan. And, maybe this is the impotence that is needed to make those decisions come to the fÌont and have those plans drawn up. Dorothy Wood: Thank you very much. Dianne Monroe: Thank you. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Bourdon, would you like to come back for a few minutes? Eddie Bourdon: Yes I would. First of all, like Gene I was on the Virginia Beach vision and still am, land use committee that strongly suggested and recommended that we do a Pungo study back in the prior Comprehensive Plan. So, I totally agree with him in that regard. I totally disagree with him when he makes what I consider to be an absurd suggestion that approving this use on this back lot property at the south end of Pungo where there is no water and sewer and won't be any water or sewer is somehow going to derail that process. I don't how you get from point "A" to point "B". Where Gene's property is located and the other properties north of Indian River Road, water and sewer are potentially available. And so a lot of things can potentially be done with those properties. You got the one unit break or residential. I know there's been interest in the property for some residential development. But the idea that we're going to come down well below Indian River Road and below all of these commercial and homes and offices and what have you in Pungo and this is going to the lynch pin to a Pungo plan, I just, sorry, I don't get it. Ifwe were talking about putting this out on Princess Anne Road I would understand what he was talking about. We're talking about 58-60 storage units. That's a very, very small facility located behind an office building. We're also looking at an office warehouse use, again, a small use of about 8 units upon, again this back lot property in an area, the only area where this really can go. There is a market for it and it's an attractively designed facility. We're certainly willing to look at enhancement to improve design. But when you look at what's around it we're not trying to go down we're trying to go up but it is not a visible sight at all. Dorothy Wood: Thank you very much Mr. Bourdon. Eddie Bourdon: I don't see that leap. I do hope we have a Pungo plan. I think it's a great idea. I think it's one that we should do. Dorothy Wood: Are there any questions for Mr. Bourdon? Barry Knight: I have some. =- Dorothy Wood: Barry. Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, LLC. Page 9 Barry Knight: Eddie, when you say that the plan is a little bit different from this picture that you have now, it is designed a little bit differently than that. Eddie Bourdon: The elevations. The one you all received this morning is different this one. Barry Knight: I just wanted to ask. Eddie Bourdon: The building is brick front and brick side and not in the back. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Barry Knight: That's kind of the point I was getting at and we're looking at this and it's a nice color picture. There have been some amenities added to this and if we were to go forward with this I don't know if proffer #2 is still exactly where it is suppose to be. Eddie Bourdon: There are a couple of different ways you can at that. I'm going to give these and I forgot. I gave you Doug Davis letter. This is Mel Stences letter. Doug's was on wetlands. This is on the flood plain. We got two issues. We got a rezoning and we got a Conditional Use Permit to answer Barry's question. The elevations and we did revise those elevations based on the concerns. And, the Conditional Use Permit you can certainly recommend the elevations that we submitted, the revised elevations. The proffer has however, the original elevations. One means would be to determine that they are substantially the same they're just improved. Nothing really changes except that we added some architecture improvements. And, we will be glad to if that's not acceptable from the Planning Director's perspective, we'll be glad to ask City Council to defer for 2 weeks and just change the elevation reference in the proffer to these elevations. But, again, all we done was we're just adding. We're not changing the substance of it we're just adding some high betterments. But there are a couple of different ways to do that. That would be the way we would prefer to go is to make those changes just changing a date in that particular proffer to reference the date of revised elevation. Possibly Mr. Scott can agree that they're substantially the same. But I just assume we clarify it. Barry Knight: 1'd like clarity on that if you could. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Scott. Robert Scott: Well, I think the drawings that were seeing today compare to what we originally had is a step in the right direction. But, I would say that we need better betterments. Dorothy Wood: I'm sorry. What? = Robert Scott: Better betterments. I applaud their efforts. We're heading in the right direction. I think we have some ideas that are not major changes but they're substantial Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, LLC. Page 10 in their impact in a positive way. I don't think their particularly expensive and it could make the project look a whole lot better. I will say if we can do those things we could probably show how in the absence of the Pungo plan we can still move forward with a degree of confidence that we're not precluding any possibilities for the future. Sure, in an ideal world we would love to have that study and show that this isn't in conflict with it. In all probability, some decision will have to be made on this property before any study is in place. 1 think we can suggest some adjustments to this plan in addition to what's already been put forward and are not particularly burdensome. I have high positive impact on the way this thing appeared and it could make it pretty compatible we hope with what hope to see and what we will see, which by the way would involve preservation of some of those older buildings that they're not taking them down for the future. 1 think with that we have reason to look at a very rosy future for this part ofthe City. Dorothy Wood: Thanks Bob. Eddie, if the Planning Commission would go and approve this today would your clients be willing to meet with the staffbefore you go to City Council? Would you please ask them? Eddie Bourdon: I'll go ask them. Dorothy Wood: Thank you sir. Are there any other questions? Eugene Crabtree: Eddie, I got one question. You said there 57 units that are going to built there. Eddie Bourdon: I count 58-60. Eugene Crabtree: I'm just looking at the elevations that we have here. Do you know what the size of the larger units? What the size of the smaller units are just for curiosity sake for than anything else? Eddie Bourdon: 20 x 40 of the larger so it's the two comers. They actually may change. Those are the largest. Eugene Crabtree: Those smaller ones I presume are something like lOx 20? Eddie Bourdon: Yes sir. Eugene Crabtree: Okay. Those are popular size units all over the City. Eddie Bourdon: Yes sir. =- Dorothy Wood: Are there any other questions? Thank you Mr. Bourdon. Thank you Mr. Hansen and Ms. Monroe for coming down also. We appreciate it. Is there any discussion? Mr. Horsley? Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, LLC. Page 11 Donald Horsley: To be honest, I don't have a problem with the use. I think the applicant has shown a willingness to get with staff between now and City Council and take care of some ofthese matters that have arisen today about the style of the building. So, I've been on that property many times. I've walked many miles on that property. It hasn't been used for agriculture for many years other than that before it was livestock for the last 6 or 7 years. I think it would be a good use for the property because I don't really see any major architectural building being put on this piece of property. It's just not conducive for it. You can't develop anymore. It's woodland and it won't be disturbed. The City owns property to the south of it and I don't really see a problem with the use if we can just get the architectural part of this building straightened out. I think it will set a tone for the plan that Mr. Hansen is longing for Pungo. I think it will give him some guidelines to start with anyway. Dorothy Wood: I think Mr. Hansen has a good idea and that maybe we should. I don't know if Planning can do this but have a study of Pungo. May be some of the Planning Commissioners for that area of the City and some of the stakeholders? Robert Scott: We've loved to. It's a matter and as we go around the City so many groups want but it is something that has been talked about for sometime. And, the opportunity won't be here forever. We do appreciate the urgency of it. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Robert Scott: Hopefully, if we can get one or two of these things that are on our plate off, we'll forward directions like this. Dorothy Wood: I'm sure Mr. Hansen will be glad to help you. Mr. Culpepper. Mr. Ripley? Ronald Ripley: I agree with Don and I think the use is okay. I had an opportunity to talk with the applicant and he seems really responsive to one to accommodate because he's looking for a successful venture. It seems to be complimentary to what's in fÌont. The mini-storage part of it and I think, Gene was kind of eluding to this, and it really is very small in comparison to mini-storages that you see in the area. I mean you might see 50, 60, 70, 80,000 square foot mini-storages and this was about 15,000. So, proportionally it is probably appropriate. It's a very passive use I think. Ifwe had a lot of coming and going I wouldn't think going on here. I like Don, if the applicant and staff can work a little bit further on the elevations, I think we're good to go. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Mr. Ripley. Mr. Miller. Robert Miller: Jan, did you want to speak first? - Dorothy Wood: I'm sorry. Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, L.L.C. Page 12 Janice Anderson: Mr. Horsley, he actually covered everything so I'm good. Robert Miller: Okay good. I didn't want you to say anything anyway. No one can be quite as passionate about this area as I think Gene can. I know of his love not only of his place, but the ambiance of that whole area. There is something about Pungo and I'm looking and I'm thinking about the Pungo festival coming up soon and the parade. I have the privilege of being in that parade a lot oftimes. It's the most unique parade in the most unique surroundings I can describe my group of special Olympians. We don't tend to march in parades. I try to teach them that once but they're much smarter than I am and we wander through parades. This is the perfect parade to wander through because people wander through you will you're wandering through the parade. Every time I'm in Pungo and in that you think that we're unique this place has got something, particular place that word really can't describe. We got a lot of great parts of our city, very unique places. This is one of those places that deserves not only to be endorsed but somehow sustained and not improved by the sense of newness but somehow to retain all the great characteristics that are there right now. This development that Mr. Culpepper has proposed, I think anywhere else in our City with the architectural improvements that Bob is implying and staff will be able to work with Mr. Culpepper and obtain would be a very welcome addition to other parts of our City. I think there is needed here. I don't know of the final outcome of what Gene's vision would be for this location or mine even. But I do think that this would fit in the ultimate scheme of things. That is something that the community needs in that area. And, again in the long run of what happens in Pungo, I don't think it will take away fi:om what is there. I think it does set in some ways some new nice qualities to that area. I wouldn't say that everything has to be new like this again, I hope I don't contradict myself but that there wonld be someway to sustain what is already there to endorse it and that this would be I think a positive addition to that community with the improvements to the architecture. But, I will continue to think of how Virginia Beach vision and others can work to may be supplement the burden of Planning Department and others to try to find a way to look at places like this and say hey, how can we continue to have this be a place that is truly a characteristic. I mean, I want my children and my grandchildren to be able to come and wander through the Pungo festival parade and come down there and see all the great things that go on in that area. Dorothy Wood: Is that in the form of a motion? Robert Miller: Certainly. Barry Knight: Second. Dorothy Wood: I think he seconded Mr. Miller's motion. AYE 11 NAY 0 ABSO ABSENT 0 =- ANDERSON AYE Item #16 & 17 HAC Properties, L.L.C. Page 13 CRABTREE DIN HORSLEY KATSIAS KNIGHT MILLER RIPLEY STRANGE WALLER WOOD AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE AYE Ed Weeden: By a vote of 11-0, Item #16 & 17 has been approved. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. The meeting is adjourned. =- Karen Prochilo - Pungo mini-storage " "~ , I from: To: Date: Subject: CC: "gene hansen" <ewhansen@hotmail.com> <ecosys@erols.com>, <klasley@vbgov.com>, <kprochil@vbgov.com> 4/20/2004 12:34 PM Pungo mini-storage <bscott@vbgov.com>, <WJWhitne@VBGov.com> Hi, Folks, I understand that Herb Culpeppe~s mini-storage unit proposal for "downtown" Pungo will come before Planning in mid-May. Please know that I oppose this development and the rezoning of the land to accomplish his goals. Until a study is undertaken to help plot the future of Pungo, I shall take an opposing stance on any project which does not add to the betterment of this fragile community. Please add my note to any Planning andlor zoning papers, and feel free to telephone me with any questions or concerns.... 721-6736. I hope to see Herb at a meeting next week, and I shall let him know then of my oppos~ion. Many thanks! Gene Hansen, owner, Bad< Bay Farms, Inc. Pungo Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee@ Security. hlto: II clinic. mcafee .coml cliniditiuv I camoaion.aso ?dd=3963 = file://C: \Documents %20and % 20Settings\kprochil\Local % 20Settings\ T emp\GW} 000 16 .HTM 5/412004 Page I of 1 White - Pungo "' Ii;,: \ \, Ie -ì From: To: Date: Subject: CC: "Amy Castleberry" <seaberry22@cox.net> <BScott@Vbgov.com> 5/4/2004 4:49 PM Pungo <Klasley@vbgov.com> Dear Mr. Scott, With all the rampant and iII-thought-out development going on in VA Beach, I am writing to implore you to protect Pungo from junk enterprises that will forever ruin what could be an attractive village concept. Too soon there will be nothing left of vernacular, in-scale architecture- VA Beach is rapidly becoming known for it's lack of planning and utter disregard for charm and ambiance. Please don't allow a mini-storage to be erected in Pungo. To further give strength to my argument, please read Richard Florida's best selling book, Attractina the Creative Class. There is so much that could be done well to that beautiful landscape. Do it riaht- and let the rest of VA Beach look on with envy as people vie to come to visit and live in an area that's been done well with an eye to outstanding design, taste and beauty. Talk to the people who are doing East Beach in Norfolk and ask about their waiting list. Now picture that area and their waiting list had they opted for trash instead. Thank you. Amy Castleberry = file://C: \Documents%20and%20Settings\swhite\Local%20Settings\ T emp\GW} 000 15 -HTM 5/6/2004 Page 1 of 1 Stephen White - Please NO I',' ;' ~--- _.~,~~, -,=-~,~ From: To: Date: Subject: "Linda H. Anderson" <lhanders@VBCPS.K12.VA.US> <BScott@vbgov.com> 5/5/2004 8:21 AM Please NO -------- Dear Mr. Scott, I was very disturbed to hear about the possibility of mini-warehouses going up in Pungo near the 7-11. Pungo is the Beach's last legacy for showing a rural atmosphere and having the potential for designing a unique area. Mini-warehouses are all over the city, and it seems that more could be easily added in other industrial zones that do not have the quaint, rural feel like Pungo. Please take this idea out of reconsideration and look at Pungo as our last ditch effort to put some class into the city for tourists and our own citizens. Sincerely, Linda Anderson = file:/ IC: \Documents%20and%20 Settings\swhite\Local %20Settings\ Temp \G W} 000 15 .HTM 5/6/2004 Page 1 of I Barbara Duke - Downtown Pungo I I From: <PungoPalace@aol.com> To: <BScott@vbgov.com>, <Klasley@vbgov.com> Date: 5/8/2004 5:26 PM Subject: Downtown Pungo I am writing regarding the possible "mini-warehouse" being constructed in Pungo. I have lived in this community since 1976 and have sadly watched as the charm has been sold off to the highest bidder. If only someone would have had a better vision when the old Brock's Grocery was replaced with the Red Barn or the strip mall came to town! I still haven't figured out how Pungo Off Road managed to sneak into the center of our community. They seemed to build on to the old gas station without a building permit (hum...wonder whose palm they greased) & there is forever a lot full of cars stacked bumper to bumper. It looks like a used car lot! But it is never too late to put a stop to this. So please, do something to stop this junk from overrunning our charming, historic community! Stretch your imagination and picture something original that will bring tourists to Pungo to shop. I will gladly serve on any committee formed to save this quaint part of our city. Sincerely, Andrea Whitehurst 1176 Horn Point Rd. VB 23456 = file:/ /C: \Documents % 20and % 20Settings \bduke \Local % 20Settings\ T emp\GW } 00009 .HTM 5/10/2004 Page I of I Barbara Duke - Please NO From: To: Date: Subject: "Linda H. Anderson" <lhanders@VBCPS.K12.VA.US> <BScott@vbgov.com> 5(5(20048:21 AM Please NO Dear Mr. Scott, I was very disturbed to hear about the possibility of mini-warehouses going up in Pungo near the 7-11. Pungo is the Beach's last legacy for showing a rural atmosphere and having the potential for designing a unique area. Mini-warehouses are all over the city, and it seems that more could be easily added in other industrial zones that do not have the quaint, rural feel like Pungo. Please take this idea out of reconsideration and look at Pungo as our last ditch effort to put some class into the city for tourists and our own citizens. Sincerely, Unda Anderson = file :IIC: \Documents% 20and % 20Settings \bduke \Local % 20Settings\ T emp\GW} 00009 .HTM 5/1012004 Page 1 of I Barbara Duke - mini storage in Pungo \' \ ~ I ì From: "Judy Williams" <judy@pungoliving.com> To: <BScott@vbgov.com> Date: 5/6/2004 8:09 AM Subject: mini storage in Pungo Mr. Scott: I strongly oppose the mini storage in Pungo. As a Pungo resident and business person, I believe that this area has the potential to be developed into a wonderful "village" of shops. restaurants, etc. A mini-storage definitely does not fit. Thank you. -Judy Williams = . file:/ /C:\Documents%20and %20Settings\bduke\Local %20Settings\Temp\GW } 00009 .HTM 5/10/2004 Page 1 of I Barbara Duke - Pungo re-zoning -- i \ From: To: Date: Subject: cc: <DandFMonroe@aol.com> <BScott@VBGov.com>, <KLasley@VBGov.com> 5(7(20048:24 AM Pungo re-zoning <ewhansen@hotmail.com> Dear Bob Scott and Karen Lasley. I am writing in regards to the re-zoning of areas in the Immediate area of Downtown Pungo form Ag-2 to 6-2 for the building of a mini-storage fadilly. I am against this type of land use in this particular location. Pungo is as precious as an uncut diamond. It can become sparkling and beautiful and extremely valuable or it can be shattered with the first cut. never to realize Irs potential. I see Pungo as an upscale village of spedalty retailers and charming restaurants nestled in the transitional area as a gateway to horse farms and lush farmland- I see successful village plans elsewhere In the country. but not in VIrginia Beach where there is no lack of mini-storage fadlities behind almost ""ery 7-11. I volunteer to partidpate if a committee is estabiished to study and enact such a village concept. Sincerely. Diane Monroe There are other more suitable locations for mini-storage = file://C: \Documents% 20and % 20Settings\bduke \Local % 20Settings \ T emp\GW} 00009 .HTM 5110/2004 L. 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