HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 6, 2004 MINUTES SPEC CITY COUNCIL MA YOR MF.'/I:H.A E OBERNDORF, AI-Large I 'WE MAYUR LOUIS R JONES, Ba:_sjde - DlS/rlCt oJ HARRf' E. DIEZEL Kempswlle - Dn/rlct) ROBER7"M. DYER. ('en/all/lie - DWrlc11 REBA.Ii Me( L4..VAN. Rose Hall- DIstrict J RlCHAROA. MADDOX. Heach-Dnlrlc/6 .11M RLt:VE. Prll1,-ess Allnt' - nWrlCI 7 prTr:n It' SCHM/V'!: AI-Lar[!.r! RON A j'/UANllt.TA. Al-tllrg" ROSl:.MARI' WfL.W!."", AI-/.Q~t' JAMES / WI)()L), l.)nnhawm .Qi.\trlCI 5 ('n;, MANAGF.R . .lAMES K SPORt: ("/71' A 7T( iNN!:T I.ESLiE L. ULLEY (IT}' CU-.HK. RUTH HODGES SMITH. MAte CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH A COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 6 July 2004 I. SPECIAL CEREMONIAL FORMAL SESSION A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend Thomas H. Britton Pastor-Retired on' HALL BUILDING 2401 COURTHOL'SE DRiVE VIRGIN!.-I BEACH. VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE:(757) 427-4303 FAX (75~) 426-5669 E- M4/L Ctycfl(/@~'bgo~'(Om 3:30 PM C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. READING OF MAYOR'S CALL TO SPECIAL SESSION F. CEREMONIAL ORGANIZATION OF VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Presiding: The Honorable Tina E. Sinnen Clerk of the Virginia Beach Circuit Court MINUTES VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia July 6, 2004 Mal'or Mevera E. Obemdor( called to order theSPEC/AL FORMAL SESSION (or the VIRGINIA BEACH -. - . CITY COUNCIL in the City Council Chamber, Orv Hall, on Tuesdav, Jul.. 6. 20114, at 3:35 P.M Council Members Present: Harry E. Diezel, Robert M. Dyer, Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones, Reba S. McClanan, Richard A. Maddox, Mayor Meyera E. Obemdor{, Jim Reeve. Peter W. Schmidt. Ron A. Villanueva, Rosemary Wilsoll and James L. Wood Council Members Absent: None INVOCATION: Re,'erend Thomas H. Britton Pastor - Retired PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STA TES OF AMERICA - 2- MAYOR'S CALL TO SPECIAL SESSION: ITEM # 52741 The Mayor read Ihe CALL TO SPECiAL FORMAL SESSION: "THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL In accordanCl! wilh Ihe Virginia Beach Cily Code Seclion 2-21, and by Ihe authorily vesled in /Ile as Mayor o(lhe Cily o( Virginia Beach. I hereby call a SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION of Ihe VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL on Tuesday, July 6, 2004, at 3:30 P.M. in Ihe Cily Council Cha/llher. eill' Hall Building. 24111 Coarlhouse Drive. The purpos!! oflhis SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION: Swearing in tile Mayor and Members a/City Council Electing tile Vice Mayor Formal Seating a/City Coullcil Sinl'ere~~'. s/Meyera E. Obert/dor( Mal'or" July 0, 2004 City or Virgi.rl.ia Beach MEYERA E OBERNDORF MAYOR MUNiCiPAL CEN1[R BU,LQ;NG , 24.) I COURTHOUSE. DRIVE. \lIRGINI.o\ BEA(:I-l. VA ;>:14569000 (757,427-4:'81 FAX (757] J26.56q9 M08EQ"JD0l4'VB(.;QV COM June 30, 2004 THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF CIT!' COUNCIL In accordance wich che Virginia Bmch CiCy Code Secciol/ 2-21, and hy the authoritF vested in me '" Mayor of the City of Virginia Beach, j herehy call a SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION o(the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL on Tuesday, July 6, 2004, at 3:30 P,M. in the City Coul/cil Chamber, City Hall Building, 2401 Courthouse Drive, The purpose u,fthis SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION: Swearillg ill the Mayor and Member.' of City Council Electing tire Vice Mayor Formal seatiug of City Council Sincerely, ~ Mevera E. Oberndorf Mayor cc: Mayor and Memhers oICity Coul/cil James K. Spore, City Mal/agel' Leslie L. Lilley, City Allol'lley Ruth Hodges Smilh, MMC. Cicy Clerk Charles W. Meyer, Chie{Operacing Officer Susall Walston, Chief o{SlIlff Sceven Thompson, Chief Financial OlJicer David Sul/il'an - Chie{lnformatian Officer Diane Roche, Anistant to the Cit)' .Mallager .fi)r Communicacions al/d Media RelatiollS Gwen Cowart. Direc[(}r, C(unmullicatians and IlIformatioll Techllology MEYERA E. OBERNDORF MAYOR City c:>1 Vi rg i1~ ia Beach MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDINC,1 2dO I COURTHOUSE DRIVE viRGINIA BEACH. VA 23~56 9000 (7571427 .'1581 FAX (757) 4.26 5699 MOBEFlNDQoiJiVBCiOVCOM June 30, 2004 THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL In accordance \Vith the Virginia Beach City Cade Section 2-21, and by the al/thority vested in me as Mayor orthe City of Virginia Beach, I herebr call a SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION of the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Oil Tuesday, JU~I' 6, 2004, at 3:30 P.M, in/he On' COl/ncil Chamber, Citl' Hall Bllilding, 2401 COllr/house Drive. The purpose of this SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION: Swearillg ill the Mayor and Members of City Council Electing the Vice Mayor Formal seatillg of City COUIICi/ Virl!inia Beach litv Council COllncilman HarT)' E. Diezel Councilman Robert M. Dyer Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones Councilwoman Reba S McClanan Councillllan Richard A. Maddox Councilman Jjm Reeve Councilman Peter W. Schlllidt Councilman Ron A. Villanueva COlillcilwoman RosemmJ' Wilson COllncilman James L. Wood SjIlCf!re~v, ~ Meyeru E. Obemdo/f Mayor ived Nolice - 3- Item V-F. I. CEREMONIAL ORGANIZATION OF VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 52742 The Honorable Tina E. Sil1llen. Clerk of'the Virginia Beach Circuit Court PRESIDED, allll delivered the Oath of' Office to the Mayor: The Honorable Me)'era E. Oberndorf Ma)'or At Large Jul)' I, 2004 - JUlie 30, 2008 Jul\' 6, 2004 - 4- Item V-F.2. CEREMONIAL ORGANIZ4 TION OF VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 52743 The /-Ion arable Tit/a E. Sit/nell, Clerk of the Virginia Beach Circuit ('ollrt, PRESIDED and delivered the oath of office /u the t/ewly elected Members of City Council: Harry E. Diezel Kempwille - District 2 Robert M, "Bob" Dyer Centerville - District I Reba S. McClanall Rose Hall- District 3 Rosemary Wilson At Large Jul}' 1, 2004 - June 30,2008 Item V-F.2. JIII\' 15,2004 - 5- CEREMONIAL ORGANIZA TION OF VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 52744 Upon NOMINATION b1' Councilmall Villallueva, Cltv ('ouncil ELECTED: Louis R. Jones Bayside - District 4 Vice Mayor 2-year term July 1,2004 - June 30,2006 Voting: 11-0 Council Members VOIing Aye: Ha,.,y E. Diezel, Robert M. Dyer, Vice Mayor Louis R. JOlles, Reba S. McClanall, Richard A. Maddox, Mayor Mevera E. Obemdor;: Jim Reeve, Peter W. Schmidt, Ron .4. Villanueva, Rosem'II}' Wilsoll and James L. Wood Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Membcrs Absent: j\;'ul1e JU!F 6, 2004 - 6- Item V-F.3. CEREMONIAL ORGANIZA TION OF VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 41745 The Honorable Tina E. Sillllell, Clerk oflhe Virginia Beach Circuil Courl. PRESIDED alld delivered Ihe Oalh of Office 10 (he lIewlv elecled Vice Mayor: LOllis R. Jones Bayside - Di.trict 4 Vice Mayor July I, 1004 - JUlie 30.1006 July 6, 211114 - 7- Ilem V-F.4. CEREMONIAL ORGANIZA TION OF VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 52746 The newly elecled members ofCily Council intmduced Iheirfamilles Inallendance: Mayor Mevera E. Oberndor{ introduced her husband, Roger, Her 1"'0 daughters were ullable 10 a/lelld. Marcie is in Charlolle, Norrh Carolina, wllh her husband, "Jarly, al/d Ihelrlwo (2) children Lila and Joseph David. Heidi, Ihe May"r 's YOlmgesl daughler alllla Pilol wilh UI/lled Airlilles slallol/ed ill Sal/ Fral/clsco. Ielephoned her cOl/gratulations, Mayor Oberndor{expressed apprecialloll to herFlends ill allendalla and a very special person, Marlha Raynor, who has beenlhe one 1<'1/0 "oil., Ihe wheels" al/d keep.\' Ihe campaigl/ rIlllning. has been vel)' seriously i/l. Council Lady Rosemwy Wilson. AI-Large, introduced her husband ofallllosllWemv-nine years, TOIII. Her elder daughter is in New York planl/ing an evenllor Calvin Klein. Her youllger daughler, Is gelling readv 10 drive across counlly 10 Seallle, Washillglon. where she will work I\'ilh ul/derprivileged children for AMERlCORP, Her MOlher is al hOllle walching Ihe proceedings on VBTV Council Lady McClanan, Rose Hall - Dislriel 3, Inlroduced her hushal/d, Glenn, who has always been bv her side during Ihe ceremonies. Her son. Marlil/accompanied by his wili'. Elizabelh, and Iheir (wo childrel/ Ian and Katie, reside in San Francisco lvert' in attendance. Council L(/{~\' AleC/anan wished her other two children, Anne Laura al/d Glenn, Jr.. in Porrland and Los Allgeles, could also be In a1/endance. Councilman Harl)' Diezel, advised his wife, Virginia (Ginny), could nol a/lend due 10 family issues could 1I0t al/el/d. His 5'011, Mal/hew, is currently workillg all a film with Halle Berry and Sharon SlOlle, Alihough ullopposed, Councilman Diezel was grale-fid for meeling so milny residems, lislenlng /0 their dlr[erlng opillions and hopefully he can applv Ihis kl/owledge Ihrough01ll Ihe vear. Councilman Robert M. "Bob" Dyer, was honored to haVE! 50 manJ'l;-iends in attendance to whom he is \'(:'/}I gralejilijor Ihelr sllpporl. Coul/cilmall Dyer IlItroduced his MOlher ojf/[ty-three years alld his glrl[rielld. T,.icia. Councilman Wood advised his sixleell year old son, James, a JlInior Class Presidenllll Flrsl Colonial High School, was in atlenda"ce. July 0, 2UU4 - 8- V-G. FORMAL SEA TlNG OF VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL ITEM # 52747 Mayor Oberndorfpresented the FORMAL SEATING OF CITY COUNCIL: Mayor Meyera E, Oberndorf Vice Mayor Louis R. Jones Reba S. McClanan James L. Wood Rosemary Wilson Ron A. Villanueva Richard A, Maddox Robert M, "Bob" Dyer Peter W. Schmidt Harry E, Diezel Jim Reeve A Ceremonial Photograph \Vas taken of the Mayor and City Council. JIIIF 6, ]004 - y- Item V-O. ADJOURNMENT ITEM # 52748 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndo~f DECLARED the Cily Coullcil Meeling ADJOURNED (J/ 4:08 P.M. c.2J~___tL~!'~~ Beverly 0. Hooks, CMC Chief Deputy City Clerk (~;II::b:1!:;-- City Clerk Meyera E. Oberndorf Mayor City of Virginia Beach Virginia Jul!. 6, 2004 -9- Item V-O. ADJOURNMENT ITEM#52748 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf DECLARED the City Council Meeting ADJOURNED at 4:08 P.M. �. 7✓..%y/ Beverly O. Hooks, CMC Chief Deputy City Clerk Ruth Hodges Smith, MMC Meyer . Oberndorf City Clerk Mayor City of Virginia Beach Virginia July 6, 2004