HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 2, 2004 MINUTES CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMU;,\/ITY FOR A LIFETI:\1E" HAtoU ~fl:.rt.RA' OHI:.H..VlJ()RJ AI/<IIJ.:( 'ie L HA ~(JR I Of '1\ R I(JNT"i Ran/ell 1J/\/rIU./ I-fAlUfI) IJ!F7 Fi AWlfl'H/!e - nllmd 2 unBF'?7 H !JYl:.'l (oll<rHlh /)"Irl< II 'tJ H4' \'U /-I-\'4\' Hn" Hall !;/{Incl I R/( Hti}<Ji 4. \f4!J!)(Ji Hwch 1'/I/rIlf6 J/\fP'FI1 /'m",\\-!nn.' /l/l/r't/- f'f/l-NW 'Ie H\-II/JI 4.1-/.t1IJ!t ROV4 H/J.AVI'nif -llfa~l' }(U\U,f4/IY JUI \0-\ 41lur~r l-t\tf' I W(}(JI) 1\ll/lhuHn IJl\Ulll) "......... ,tf'~"'~'Gl''' BE'~C'-S- t- ,..~ ~ .....0 _ ------< ~Q" ~E~<'\'. -- 2) u~ - J .~ ~. ~; ....\ 1/ ....... - ,.J' ....,~. ~ ,~.' ~ ......::.:.:::..r CITI COUNCIL (171 !-l4iLW'/Ij)f\'(, I ~.f(JI( (}1"i{7f-!()/v. 1)T)i'T I JR(i/\I-1 H€4CH ifl?0J-\/4 234'i6-8f}05 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PIIO\'!:. (7'j""j 4:- .J~(iJ I -1 ~ (iP) 426-56fi9 [. \f HL CIHncf'l vhgo\' LOm JA~l::.\ K 'PO/Ii ( Il~ \{(mu).:( r U\/Ii I L/L1Lt rl1~ 4/1'ml/'~ Rf!7H HO/x,fS\MITH HUe oj (11\ ( "rlr 2 '10VEMBER 2004 - CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS - Conference Room 100 PM A STATE ROADS MAJOR PROJECTS Dean Block. DIrector. Department of Public Works DWight Famler. Deputy Director of Transportation. HRPDC B VIRGNIA AQUARIUM PROJECTS Lynn Clements. Director. Department of Museums C JOINT LAND USE STUDY (JLUS) Robert J Scott. Director. Department of Plannll1g D PROBATION PERlOD for CITY EMPLOYEES Susan Walston. ChIef of Staff II COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS III CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS IV REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEM~ v INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room 400PM A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Obemdorf B ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION VI FOR.'\IIAL SESSION - Council Chamber 600PM A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Obemdorf B INVOCATION: Reverend Kevlfl Mllcarek Back Bay Clmstlan Assembly C PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED ST ATE'S OF ArvlERICA D ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F :\JINUTES SPECIAL SESSIOI'; October 19.2004 2 INFORMAL A "lD FORMAL SESSIOf\ October 26. 2004 G MAYOR'S PRESENTATION Resolut!Oll recoglllzlllg lhe ollts/andlllg conlnhul!Olls of Dons Gludys HlIldlm, Asslstalll Coor<lma!Or oflhe Vlrg/llw Beach Volunleer COIlIlC" i 1930-2004) H AGENDA FOR FORM <\L SESSION PUBLIC HEARING TAXICABSu~CHARGEINCREASE J RESOLUTlONS/ORDlN <\NCES Resolution REQUESTING the Lesner Bridge replacement project he II1cluded 111 the Vlrglflla Department of TransportatIOn's (VDOT)Urban Roadway program 2 Resolution to AUTHORIZE and promulgate Amendment Number 8 to V,lrtouS sections of the Public Works Specifications and Standards :\Jannal 3 Resolutlon re Phase One of the VLrglnla Beach [9'10 Street Corridor Design and Improvements to AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the CLty Managel Implement same 4 Ordmances -\UTHORIZING compensation mcreases effectIve on anmversary dates for City Council appointees a City Manager b City Attorney c Cay Assessor d City Clerk 5 Ordmance to TR-\J'\'SFER $1,217,000 from Elbow Road Extended-Phase II to Pbase IIA to covel mCleased construction costs K -\PPOI~TMENTS BICYCLE and TRAILS ADVISORY COM:Vl1TTEE COMMUN[TY SERVICES BOARD INVESTMENT PARTNERSHfP ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINORITY BUSINESS COL'1\'CIL PARKS and RECREATIOl\ COMMISSIOl\ TOWING ADVISORY BOARD L UNFINISHED BUSINESS M NEW BUSINESS l\i ADJOURNAMENT ********************************** PUBLIC COMMENTS Non Agenda Items ********************************** ...."'......"'... Il you :m. physlcal1v dl~::JhiL'd W \ ISllally Ir"p:lIreJ and need 3SS'Q.JIl...C:ll thIS me-c\ln!! plc:a~c call The ( ITY (LERK'S OFFICI" :11 427-4'\03 lIeanng Impillred 1....L1l \'Ir~mlll Rtla) ({'IIIt'!' HI 1-800-~2B~1120 ................ -\genda 11 ;02;U4\sb \\'WW vbgg~com MINUTES VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia !VOl 'emher J 2004 Mayor Meye,a E Oherndo.j cal/ed 10 order Ihe Ol} Manager \ Briefing re STATE ROADS "JAJOR PROJECTS mlhe COUlICr! COllferf!llce Room, Cln' Hall, on Tuesdal', NOl'emhe, 2 2004, III / 00 P M COUIlCr! Memhers P,eselll Harry E Dleze/, Rohert /',1 Dye" Vice lla~"OI LoUIS R JOllf!S, Reha !> McC/allall, Rlchw d A Maddo,. Maror ,\.JeWI a C OhellldOlf .hlll Reeve, ROil A VIllalllleva, Ro-'Cman Wr!501l (Jlld Jamel L Wood Council Memhe" Ahsellt Petel W Schm"lt [OUI oj the CUI' 011 busllle;5) 2 C / T Y M 4 N 4 G E R 'S B R / E F / N G STATE ROADS MAJOR PROJECTS 1:00 P.M. ITEM # 53165 Dean Block Dlrectm of PublIC WOIks, tnlrodu<ed DWIght Fatmel, DepUll' D,reuor of 7/ansporlallon, Hampton Roads Plannmg DI;tncl Comml^,lOn rIlRPDCj, [(I {'re,<'nILllfO! mall on I elallVl! SWle Road ltajm ProJecl; MI FO/mel (<Jeu,ed on Ihe major thoroughjale s}\tem and the problems joreca;led \lulr rill' s]Slem Coneelnlllg lalelV, inJu"es andfataltties increase dIsproportionately as congestioll increa<e; In lire \'eal 2002, Olle hundred thirty-five people were kIlled. There were 31.26/ traffic crashes (86 crashes per day or olle every /7 m/llutes) 17,694 people were ill Jured (48 illJurie, per day or one every' 30 m/llutes), A Chart /e}lecled Vlrgima's TrallSportatlOn Infrastructure (glowlh IIlllumber oj Vehicles, reglslered III VII glllla, ychlcle mde; of I/{Ire! and lane mllel) Thl; Injol/nallOn h", heen mde.\ed 10 a 'jauor of InCl ease" Till; < hm Imd.caled whlfe velllde ,,,,fe, "(travel and IIl1/nbel o{I'eh,efe, Irele gr oWlIlg "eaddy, nol muclr wa; added 10 Ihe ;upply of lane; Tire Hamplon Road; , Congested Lalle il,file; /992-2001 Chart deplued Ihe pCI eentage 01 severe!) congesled lane mlle\ m Hampton Roadl In len (10) years congestioll has grown from 40% to 46%, Tim II end Ira, not clr'lIlged .j CJUIII enlllled SouthS/de COllgestioll 2000- 2026 was a ;{(Ie-bl'-slde comparrson lefleeflng moderate alld sel'ere congemon ThefederalizatlOlI of the constructlOlI program has "flIp-flopped" 1'lIglnm Ira; alwa}; beenlhe major pl{J)'er L11llre road cOllslruel/on program TIll; ha, changed Tlrel(! <lie less fund; avarlable lrom Ihe State and the need {O! lnmnlenal1(e IS tnuea,Hng rapld/\ lfal11te/1al1U:' ('OSt5 e\ceeci C0I1\/1UCtWI1 (O\{,5 VlrgLllta has not Increased Ihe SlUle gawfrne la' ;LIIee Ihe Fall SpeelUl )e"lOn of the Gene/al 4ssembl} LII 1986 V/rgillia Gas Ta:r 4f"lll tlte iVaflol1 Stale la' Local la\ TOlal feu Vortfr Carolina 242 cents 03 cent\ 245 cenl') Maryland 235 0 235 Wesl Vaglllla 205 49 254 Tenne\...ee 20 14 21 -I NatIOnal Average 183 60 243 VLrglllla 175 0 /75 2026 LOllg Rallge Plan Total of 298 Calld,date Project. Total Candidate project cost Ji33-BILLlON 151 Projects /II Plall Total 2026 Long Rallge Plall cost S7-BILLlON Remal1lmg Unmet Need. - 147 ProJect; - S26-BILLlON No\'emher 2 201!.J - 3- C I T Y MAN AGE R 'S 8 R I E FIN G STATE ROADS llAJOR PROJECTS ITEll # 53165 (Contll/ued) Current Outlook 66%oflOday 's severeil'congesled roadway; have no Idelltifiedfulldmg fora/wst20+}cars Onlv one (I) malar mlenlare projecl " expeued 10 he <OlIIpleled wlllrm Ihe ne\!;/\ (6) yew I No lIew malar mlelslale projeu; will begIn III lire t/eXI;lt (6) yews If no new revenue ;uurcel are app/ 0\ wI bv Ihe Genellll Assembh The Slale lIIay 1I0t be able /U (alh malch available federal consllaUlO1I fimds m Ihe fillllre Wllhollt addlllOllal revellue salines dUlI1lg the ne.tl decade, Hamptoll Road; trallsportatlOlI sv;lem will Irave cot/ge.,"on levels sl/11dGl ro CUI rent Northern Vrrgl11w cundllLOIl'l Most mterslale corr/dors wdl have man}' .\egmellts operatmg al speed; 0125 IIIlle; per hour or below dw mg peak per/od, ALL Major bridge tunnel; WIll uperate helow 10 /IIph dWl/lg peak haUlS Manv major urban arterlll" will operalem Ie;, thall :'5l11des pel I/Ow M/ Farmerd"played lIIaps and clrarts md"allng EXisting Severely COllgested Roadways with No FUllded Improvemems (in the next 20 yean) and SeverelJ' Congested Roadways ill 2026 willi No FUllded Improvements 4 Immg o(lhe Highway ProJec/\ Committed ill FY 2003 Trallsportation Improvement Program (T1P) and Plallned Local Highway ProJecl' wal also depIcted 'latd lIlfOl mallOll l.\ Irel ebr made a pal/ oj the /('wrd MI Farmer d"mbllted two (2) pre;elltallons Ie HamplOn Roads Tull Feaslbillly Slud\' (September 15 2004 and OClober 20,2004) 4t Ihe reque;1 of the HRPDC, III Ma}' a ({)lIsultanl was ellgaged to per(onn a Toll Fea'lbllzl)' Stud)' The cOllsul/anl \Va; leque;led 10 adVl;e re lIIilClIlg }III I coli; 011 Ihe "Stalld-Alolle" I" ojecl; Third Cros..illg, Southeastem Parkway, 1l,lldlo",n Tunnel and 1-460. Would Ihe to/ls be finallcrall)' feaSIble The answer \Vas "No" Thele were huge deficIt I all all Ihe proje, Is lj Ihe Hamplun Road; Thud CiosslIIg Plojeu (appro;umatelv $4-BILLION) .!Ilwmpassed lull; on Ihe plojal, IIIcludlllg MU/1/lOr- Menlmac Jame.1 Rlvel B/ldge, and Hamplun Ruad., Blldge-Tllllllet Ihe flll/d; 110llld ;ILlI be 51 I-BILLION shUll 1(lhe HldrowlI and DOWIIIOWIl Tunnel, wer.! lolled logelh<'l (lnlh IIU re;lr/clzulI on Ihe lel'el uj loll). Ihe Dowlllown Tllnnel could be wmpleted and Ihe ,<.tullown Tunnellmp,ol'edjur fOlIl (4) lane; Peaf..hOlIl loll; would be OIel $200 alld oj] peak SI 40 Relallve lite Hamp/OII Road, Cru'-'llIg, //IrOllllal/On 11'111 be prul'lded \l'lIh//l 1\1'0 (2) l1eek;, relallV<! allollre/ jl/lldll/g ;ourcewmhlned wllh loll; III finallce I" Oje' II 1../60 lu/i> II auld, ommence 01 $5 00 lu 56 00 per olle.wa)' tnI' Th" (ould el'ell be IlIghel Tl,elllyjive pel cellI (2Y!",) oj the Irani< ar Ihe Hamplon Road, Blldge Tunnetha; 01/ ur/g//l 01 de'lInatlOlI//I I-lIgllll<l Becnh November 2, 2U04 - 4- C IT}' M A IV AGE R 'S B R I E F I IV G STATE ROADS MAJOR PROJECTS ITEM # 53165 (ColI/tnued) 1>11 Farmer advised the 2005 Se5SlO/l oflhe Genel al 4ssemhlv wLlI pro, 'Ide OppOllllTlllleS Ie S/ale Roads a/ld /OlIl1lg Tolly are lIultzedfor paymg hac k bond, Ihal cover one-111lI d oflhe proJecl eoSls, Ihlls /I a eompone11l cI/ld /lOllhe answel Tolls wOllld be eolleued dee/ronnalh', nol alloll booths Diane Roche 4\SISlant 10 Ihe elly lv/anager for Media allll Commu/lIcallO/l', " prel'allng educallOn IIlformallon/O appear IS lhe City Page I elallve Virgillla's TransportatIOn IlIfra<truetllre N,n'emher 2, 2004 - 5- C I T Y ,W A ,y AGE R 'S B R I E FIN G VIRGINIA AQUARIUM PROJECTS 2:10 P.M. ITEW # 53166 Lnm Clements, Director - VirgimaAquarium & Uarrne SCIence Cellter I eferenced the I" e\'lous B' 'eji/lg 10 CLfy CounCIl 011 February 3, 2003, relallve Exlllbll Rellol'allOn The malulll)' of e~hlblls are III e,lce;; of /11 ellll' CO) veal S uld 4ppronmaleJr 600,000 v/Sllors allllllalll' aLfelld Ihe Vlrgmia AquarIum The NO/jid!' ('anyo/l Aqllarwm" the Stale's Iwge;t aqllal wm The seco/ld lat ges' 11',11 he added Th" ",dl he a lIalk-lhru aqllarwm wllh Ihe fish sllrroulldlllg Ihe 1'/lLfm The gual I' 10 he a World ('{''',jaC/lav I1'llh I-MfLLlON 1/Sllors pel real The Ihlee (3) compollellls oflhe lellovallOn IIldllde Pedestrian Overpass TIllI enlllg Gelleral BOOlh BOlllevwd, a ;Imhol Renaissance Rellol'alWIl of Ihe eXISllIlg blllldmg alld c!\hlbl/~, creaflllK (/ new f!\Ulemenl Ammal Care Annex: A;,octaled Wllh 'Iralldmg Ats ('{emellls advIsed Ihe ('Ill' owns alld operales Ihe bUlldlllg (Virglnra Aquarrum), 11 hlle Ihe Vrrglllia Aquarium and Marine SCleIlce Foundatioll owns the ErI/lbas alld thlls pro \'Ides all Ihe fundlllg The IOlul 1" oJeu encompasses $8.2-l\.fJLLION The FOlllldalwllhas cUllllllllled $5 ;!-,HlLLlOV 111 1" ,,'ale flllldmgJOl conslrllULOIl of Ihe e,hlba, Illlhe r('llomled n/llbll atea Tllc FOlllldalloll IS leadlllg Ihe \lal IllIollgh a Capllal Campaign whldl has abeadr railed S2.3-MILLION (,hartl depllllllg Ihe fillldlllg plall lI'ere d"pla}ed RenovatiOlI ofOrrginal Mam ExhIbit Gallery E,h,bll gallery opelled 10 publzc III 11)86 Illleracllve e,hlbLfI Ihal were 1101 expeued to lasllell (I OJ reill s, are /lOW !ievellteen (17) rem \ old SCientific adval1cemenl5 ~lf1L(' openl1lg are 110/ reflected lfl the\e cxlllbllS Erhzba component!<J, \wJaCl!5 and glaphu'l ure aOfIl Tllln}-jive mlllLOIl years ago a meleor, lta\'ellllg 76,000 mlles per hOllr 111I HamplOn ROlld, whu h challged Ihe ea/lhfore!'er TIllS will be 1I1l1oduced al alllllilzal erpencncejor Ihe !vluseulll There \\'111 bc a lOal fol/owlllg [he "Journey of Water" The Uplmld River gallel} \\111 bc cllhallced 1\'1Ih 1Il0Vlllg waler II",J I\'aletjal/s The nexl nhlbll wIll be Ihe Fall ZOlle The Fal/ Zone dmdes Ihe !)Iale colllmenclllg III Fredencksburg alld movzng norlh 10 ;olllh Species sllch as Ihe !)llllgeoll 'all be IIlltudu<ed In a lIVIng habl/al Thel e will be a cOllllJor deplcllllg Ihe Chelapeake Bay Brrdge Tunnel The Chelapeake Bay TIde Pool. l-nlh a /1I1I1Or amount of I e.\OUfce~. c(/n bl! l hanged and became much more l1alural, allowl11g the 'ilalf Iv operllle programs IIllhefillllre The Chesapeake Bay Aquarulln II 60,()(}O gal/v/lI and II III be enhanced wlIh sound and graphus The Ray Touch Tallk I' alive \\llh s<reallls of 1I0lSe <lnd C\Clle1ll21l1 jlOm !'Id" oj all age> and wIll be lIleluded as part uj Ihe Lllllbl/ lOur November 2, 2U04 - 6- C I T Y M 4 NAG E R 'S B R I E FIN G VIRGINIA AQUARIUM PROJECTS ITEM # 5J/ 66 (Continued) The "Forces of Change " Ellllbu '\"Ill he Ihe ileAL elenl Dante, Vlrgll/ia, 300-lvtlLLlON l'ealS ago was a tropical ramfores! ThIS em'lronme/11 C.\lst'i IOda)- 11l i\1a/u}'vw UlLllzl1lg aquarium tanks tlll~ 5ll/amp u:IlI be deplcled wahjanlasllc clealllre\ III \ lalled OI'elhead a_I Ihe BlI/II/rollg, lI/lhe (olUlge Saltville. Vlrglll/a, 400-.\1ILLlON leal'S ago, wa, a ,wnhmg desell all Ihe edge of a lea ;lIl11lar 10 Ie !vfeduellallean Sea/Sahara De,erl, whuh eXls" lodav C,eaIUle;, ;/"h a; Ihe ,'v/ongaole, will he lI/lroduced Culpeper, Virginia, 400-MILLION year; ago was complelely ullder Ihe (Ii ean The oceall 'ws wlIlpnled of llfilllg plales a' Ihose oj Ihe Red Sea The World's m05I nlraordmal)- /ilh eWIlI/lh" area The sewnd Iwge<l aquarlllm will be a part of111l.\ exh/ba and hOlllefi;h as Ihe Regal Angelfish. Mounl Rogel s, VII gmlll, 500- MILLION vean ago was \'OlcallIC Komodo 1,land II SIInllar The Komodo Dragon /I olle oj Ihe ke)' crealure, on Ih,s 1;land The e,hlbll will he clemled and at eve lel'el The Mu;eum Slore and Ihe AdmISSIOn; Delk "Illllade Ipale' Next Steps PedeMnall O"elpa;; plmll/lng" IIl1derwav IdeJllifj. and ;ecure Annex ;lle Council cOllslllerallOn of Ihe CU)'/ FoulldallOll Agreement, definlllg role, and respol",bllu/es oflhe E;,lllbu p"ljecl COIlIlcII conwlerallOll oj renovalLOIl rCapLlallmpml'emelll Projeu III upconllng hlldge"j Don Paltenon, Presldenl- Vlrglllia AquarIum and Marine Science FoulldatlOlI, Inc., adVISed Ihe Virgillia Aquarium" a "gem" and Ihat "gem" call/lOl be neglecled Inlhe len r I OJ monlhs sInce Ihe IIIl1/al Bllefillg 10 ClIy Council Ihe parmerslllp belween Ihe 01)' and FOllndallOn ha, been lelglllled The jund IaI,mg campaign IS well ulldenmy ;\4r Pallel _Ion exp' e55ed appreClQllU1I for Ihe supporl of Ihe Mal'OI and 01)' COllnct! ;\4r Pallerson hopes Ihe Vlrgll/ia AquarIum & Marine SCIence Celller WIll be one 0/ CUI' COlin, t!'s top pI IOnlles m 2005-2006 An Ordmance 10 APPROPRlATE SI,OOO,OOO from Ihefund balanceJOI allmleresl-free loallto Ihe V/rglllla Aquallllm & lv/anne SClellce FoulldallUlI, IIIC, and, AUTHORIZE Ihe Clly Mallager 10 e,ecule a CooperallOn Agleemenl belween Ihe Oly and Ihe FoundalLOn Ie Improvemellls allhe Virglllia AquarIum & Manne Sciellce Celller shall he ;chedllled for Ihe Cll) ('ollllul SeSSlO1I 0/ Vowmber I) 2004 Novel1lbel 2, 2004 _ 7_ C I T Y M A IV AGE R 'S B R I E FIN G JOINT LAND USE STUDY (JLUS) 2:30 P,M, ITEM # 5316i Robert J Scol/. Dlreclor - Planlllllg, referenced Ihe 51alus oflhe JO/llI Land Use Sludy The 1999 AICUZ Map \w' displayed The Ihree (3) shades of green deplcled Ihe Ihlee (3) hand5 ofn0/5e Impacl (65 - 70dB. iO - i5dB and abm'e i5db) The "blue" l/feas /IIdlCll/ed Ihe IWO Il) Acude1ll Patcnllal Zones - ,IPZ I (dark blue) and 4PZ 11 (l1ghl blue). as well as Ihe lIear Zones allhe end oj Ihe /llIIways (dwl.el bllle) Both AGcldell1 POlemlll1 alld nOl,e IlnpaCI are, on ",Iaed In 11m "slle The JO/llI Land Use Task Force alld Ihe ReglUnal grollp have beell prevellled 11111 In/O/mallOlI lelatll'e Ihe \'(// lUll I alll'rnall"<'I The Cllle, of Che5apeake and Norfoll. are 0150 l-evlelV/ng th" etetClse. IIOWe"1'1 Ihell'lIll1el ore nol as comple.t (II thme oj VLrg/llUl Beach Chelapeake 1111\ 1.\\111'1 IIIrrolllld1llg Fenttes; 41l Fudd alld NOI jail. arolllld Chamhen FIeld Tom Pa1l15. Comprehell5/1'e Plc1llllel, Wllh Atr " 01/ has Idenlljied IHuel a"o, "'led Wllh II.t (6) areal T/ansi/lOlI, 4gl/ertll/lral. RewII. AJfeued Slrale~lc G,OWlh, Pronarr Rel/dcnlwl alld 4P7\ TRANSITION AREA ALTERNATIVES (I) Keep land rl.>e a(Cordmg 10 Cllrl e!ll Does 1101 addl css "'1lIUlI WIICcrll e'pre;;ed h, Comprelren\1ve Plan IheNar\' (2) Change Plan 10 relalll Agr/cIIIIUl 01 ZOlllllg Ad(be\\t:!) Nav} 's COil cellI, hut mal 1101 Jea)(! > 65dB r(!a~onahlf:! ll'\e of propel 1)' ou.ne1 S Agl l( u/tural ZOlllll}.J mm /lO! he deemed u!ll\o/lable ff1 all caw!\ (3) Change Plall to relam Agr/cullUl 01 Zonll!g A mOle moderate \'(!nWIl of (2). leu >iOdB ac..comm(Ull1tlO/1 oJ :V(Il1' CVlue/IlS reu'er propert)' OWflen ImpulIed (4) Reduce demi/y allowed lInder T4 TAC Partullly add,eHe, concel/l' at NaI'I', GUldelll!esfor II1IS aJea 10 a den \111' Ie., I/gllllmlll!l\' ledll<<'1 Ihe I'llllle ollhe lalld, sllll thall I unlllacre lean'\ \r/lll! mall}' U ould regalel (/'1 leasonablt! 1I\f! (5) COmpell511llOn Package SlgllllicaTII legal 11,\lIes. combll1allOlI oj pOlelllwl \UUrlf'.ll open spa, e. ARP, l reallUlI oj a spel wi (undo Stare a5~l51aflce, Federal aH15111f1ce (6) T/(/II'11I011 aJ ea aUI of Ihe fllghl paTh 01'115111' sllll "en low COlIIl/lues pel TAT4C <1=/IIIIlI/acle (7) Tramfel at Developmelll Rig/us Ellabll/lg leglslall()lIlIeeded AGRICULTURAL AREA ALTERNATIVES (/) Relalll ClII relll RegulallOlI of I IS acre'. IllS ,Hll/llllallmpau ac.res NUl ember 2. 2004 ~ 8- . RESORT AREA ALTERNATIVES (Boul/ded gel/erally by 42"d Street. Rudec II/let, Brrdl/cck Road al/d Boardwalk) (/) Rzgzd adherence 10 OPNAV zll'tructlOm Ma.Hmzze, rellncuoll.l, bur dejeat, purpo,e of ('onvenllOll ('enlel alld 19" SlIeet LorlldOl Plalllllllg alld O(CrlIl{ronr Revllal,:atlOlI efforls (2) Developme/ll of Resort Area Hasler 1'1011 Ihat Work\ wUllter t(l \pecific OPNA ~ ZIIWZIl 1l01l.I, fulfill, the 1" eVlOusly hud out llraleglc, . but fulfilll delllolllll ated COIIUIIlIII/I)' need for lIIueased densLf}, hut lIolllllhe APZ\ !ede1'c:lopmelll (3) Developmcllt III APZ', pel 01' VA V /t.fllllfnal!llnci area 1fl Re~Of{ 4rf:'a affe([ed InstruL/lOm AFFECTED STRATEGIC GROffTH AREAS ALTERNATIVES (I) Adherellce to OPNA V InstmcllOnl There /eallv ale no fHue5 nm " cOllll'allblc \l'lIh the Lomprehcll\lVe Plan PRiMARY RESIDENTIAL AREAS 4LTERNATIVES NORTH OF THE GREEN tiNE (/) S/rlcl Adhe.enee 10 OPNA V Guzdelllzc.1 Es,elluall)' I" c(lude, addlllOllal re"delllzal dt!\'elopmem 011 all)' ba\lS (2) AdoptlOll of "Infill Rule "from Inlerlm E,tabl"hc, ,ollle ol'porlull/li {or [cur and GUldellne\ , f!a~onahlc trealmt'nt (3) A, wlIh In/elllll GUldelznes lunzl Rel/rlctlOnl Ewa/J/l<hel "'lIIe ol'POItwulI'/or (iur and to >70d8 rea5tmable rrealment (4) Re,/rlu lezOIzlIlg' III > 75d8 10 no zllcreasc 1/1 Ellabllshcl <Ollie oPl'ortUIl//)' {or fair alld demar, rezolllllg' III > 70d8 10 Imve,t /easollahlt' {realment rea,ollable den"t)' gzvell nalwe of 'w rowzdllzg developmenl (5) Allow and ell courage clzWel (I< velaI'm em E,lahbhe, sOllie opportull/tr Jo. /mr and ,,'hele IlIles crms l1Idmduall'roperlze, rea~vllab!e trealmcnt (6) Adhelence 10 OPNAV InsllllcllOm III APZ Varylllg degl ees 0/ re,IlZCllOn and j1exlbzlllY HlIlge, 011 definlllOll of /lllll alld dellwy (7) No lIluease 1Il1lllensLfy III APZ Varvlllg degrees oj re,llIlCl101l and j7e"bzllll' HlIlge\ all defilluwn oj /lnll and de//\lIr (8) ProlubllwlI oj churches alld olher InstltutlOnalzHe, per OPNA V (9j Rea5uIlable le5triCllOnS on !ncatlOll and npamlOn oj eHsllllg chllrches alld olhel InstftutlOnal U5es C I T Y /11 A NAG E R 'S B R I E FIN G JOINT LAND USE STUDY (JLUS) ITEW # 'iJ/67 (Conllllued) NOl'ember 2. 2004 - 9- C I T Y MAN AGE R 'S B R I E FIN G JOINT LAND USE PERIOD (JLUS) ITEM # 53167 (Continued) APZ', ALTERNATIVES (I) Rel/rlCI additIOnal re:omng; bill aI/ow Keep_I f'lOhlems from geTtlllg wone, hw doel f!tlS!lIlg condltlOlIs to contlf1ue 1I0111lllg to maAe 11 beTter (2) Purehale le;ufence; at Fatr ,11a/ket Value Reqllll e\ a local program alld all IInll!enll{icd 011 a vallllltarr basIs jundmg \oune (3) CondemnatlOlI of houses s)stematlcol/r OI'el RequIre\ jumlrng jJ/ogl am, t'mllle/ll domalll tune aUlhonh ,e/o( allOll plan. and reu\e plan 41so , eqwrl!5 ullerw lor '1e/cellOlI MI ScoTt adVised ettem/l'e rel'lell' of the,le alternatIves ate lIece;sal1' .11",e leallH/(al/y, due lU the difficufty of the Is;ues, con<lllslOlI ;Iwllld be leached by the FII;1 ofFebruar; 2005, ralher Ihan Jalluary Councilman Reeve requesled the APZ AND Flight Path AnalYSIS Map be dlstrlbwed Tills 4nall'''' depI(/1 lundvalues, IIllprovemellll'(Jllleand total \'(/llIe ofthefollol1'lIIgOlea; APZ I, APZ 2, APZ 1 & 2,75+ Ldn wi out APZ Areas; 75+ Ldll & APZ 4reas, Flight Path Plalllllng Area, and Prlllcess Anne Common; Property. !vIr Paul; adVIsed retatn'e the IIl1mber of pOlentud lel/delllS Ihat collld ne added to the Trallslllon area allhe mat/mulll allol1'ed dell lit) I\ollld he applOt/lI/atel) 12011 Novemhel 2, 2004 .10. C I T Y .U A NAG E R 'S B R IE F I IV G PROBATIOIV PERIOD FOR CITY EMPLOYEES 3:43 P.U. ITEM # 53/68 Susan Walston, Chief of Staff, ret('renced the Policy Report re Probation Period for Clt}' Employees dlsl/lbuled to lily COUlICd. which IS haeby made a pat I vfrhe l('cOld Background The prvballVn pellOd allvli' EvaluatIOn o( on-Ihe-job pajormance Adequate d('mollSlI allan oj knowledge IAi/I, and abi/llles Current proballon pe/lod l2-mmllh p/DbatlVn JOI ""01 n Fife and Poln(' pel sonnel 6-monlh proba/lVn fOI all vlhel empl",('e, Request 10 e,lend prohatlOn penod to IUllher emluale emplowe's worA performal/( e aller 1/(/lIllllg penod 15-mol1lh prohallOn fOI sworn Pollee penonnel 12-monlh probatIOn jar CommunnallOns O!}icen and Sup('n'lson Twel,'(' (/2j oul 01 snleen (16) <lIrveyed loealllles requlI e a 12- monlh proballOn 1"'1 [(ld Employees on 1" obO/lOn Can use earned leaV<' (SId, annual, ele) CannOI us(' court lea,'e, lUll leal'e, 01 junellllleave Have 1//IIIIed grievance righi, RecommendatIOns Amend Ihe Clly Code to Increase Ihe 1" ohallOlI pe/lod 15 mOll/hs jor I WOI n Pollce personnel 12 moll/hs for all Olher ('mplol'e('\ Pennll all (ull-lIme proballUnary emplovees Ihe right to COlli t leal'e, fun'leave OIl1lflln('wlleave (nomlllal W\l) Conlilme IlImted gnel'l1nLe Ilgllls ElJecIIl'e Januan I, 2005 Oldlllances AMEND and REORDA/IV Ihe lil,. Code re N 2-83 I, 2-832, 2.833 2.108 and 2-132 Ie employee probatIOn periods shall be SCHEDULED for the City CounCIl Session of November 9. 2004, November 2, 2004 -1/- CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS AND CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS 3:56 P.M. ITEM # 53/69 Counc/lman Wood, LIO/solllo Ihe VirgInia Aquarium alld Marille Sciellce Celller, d13mbured a lepO/I, H"/lIch 13 hereb\' made a parl o{ Ihe I ewrel ITEM # 53/70 COllllcLl Membeu l1cClanall ami WLI.lulI LW/lOII', eI"lflbured Ihe Tax AHessmellt. EvaluatiOlI alld ReJi"eme/lt~ Allhe 4ugwI2004 Goal5elllng WorAshop, 01) Coullcllldenllfiedas olleof lis ' Top P, IOn/I' " largels, Ihe lS5ueo{Tax A Hessmenls EvalllaliOl, and ReJi"ement~ The Crr) COWl< LI ,Ialed Ihe expe, lallOn Ih(/[ Ihe pfOcess produce f(w alld e'lurrah/e "'Iellfllellll ' Ke\, 1>1'/(" Hue Idenl/fied a.1 Ihe (/Irrelll process. the methodology u.'ed ~Hl\ ft!'1l1enlw! )"f:"/.'111.'1 hOle! 'H:,r~ll!i ((}fnme/uul eqUit\ The ('Ill' COU!llll Ll<mOlll lecofllmelld Ihe ClcollOlI ora cllizen tasAforce 10 I1Im/le 1t'll<lenls alld buslllelse' 10 deldop a heller underslandlllg o{lhe IlIuel allel (Oll<e,," o{lhe WlIlIlIWIlII The Tax AHeS5ment TasA Force woulel be I harged 1\"Ilh I ofllplellflg Ihe {ollol\"lng Hold a ,efle' of "70HII Hall" meell1lg1 IIllhe ,e,'en (7) DlllflL/1 10 p,ovlde afOlum to dl'}UISS (It/zen COflCf.!rn_\ WOI k wrrh Ihe Real Eslate 4ssessol alld Crry Stajf 10 tllll\' ulldel Ilanel lhe CU1 re11l asse.Hn1f!lll prO(('H Del'elop a 11\1 ot pmhlel'" alld IIwe.1 wl/h Ihe ell/rent prole" Recommend an el.-'aluutlOl1 and perf OJ mat/( (! auda proces~ Iv the Ma)'O/ and CI/) CUIIII"I Provide own/ghl and gu/(Iall< e elw /flg Ihe emlua/1011 and petjormance audll Del'elop and prOl'lde I ecofllfllelldallOIH /U Ihe !vla)'or and On CouncLl The CI/\' Council l1<flsons recommend Ihe Tax AS5eHment Ta.k Force be Ilflllled 10 'e\"eIl17) memben 10 en'ure a qUId blfllhO/ough proce" The LI<WOIII re(OlI/mend Ihe Chalf o{lhe TIIIA Fone be a re'pecled memhel of/he communay "....,illl expcrtf5e tnlhe l1wl/el ofteZ\. Gild/Of reale.Hate Rcmallll1lg membe/, 'H.'ullld be cllt'lded equally between th,ee OJ cammUnll\' memben 1 Cple,\entrng hamem1'11t'r 111lelesf\ and tluer! (3) lCpl eselltrng (ommerual,ntel ests ('ammel cwl rntel e~t~ would Include the reale\tale I11du~l11' the: rC\()J t mdu'lry and Ihe I elwliotJice mdunn Next Step, The Hayol atld all Iv/embels ofCllv Coallul .hall ,lIbmllllame, oj possible membe" oj Ihe Task Force 10 Ihe nIl' COUIlCII LI<J/lolls (Counct! lv/em bel , McClanatl and W,lwlI) b\' NUI"emher 9, 2004 CI~V Councd L,G1S(J11S ~elecl ~e\en (7) membel~ and then recommend 10 Ihefull CII)' Cuullul and sllgge,1 a nume 10 sen'e '" Ihe Chalf u{lhe Ta, A"es;menl Task Force Develop a {urmal (hat lei jor Ihe Tax Assessment Task Force and appomllhe members b, No,ember 23 No~'ember 2 2U04 - I:!. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS AND CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS ITEM # 53170 (Continuedl AJ;Oclale 01) 4/1orney Larry Spencer ha; beell deslgnaled m Ihe Publ" Fmance .4/1ornel'. and \>111 a/lend all meelings ofrhe Tax Assessmetlt Task Force A publl< annoullcemelll 1n1ls1 be made call calli ng dale, lime and lowllOn o(lhe meelmg' ITEW II 5317/ Councdman Vd/anuel'a IIIvlled Ihe )'Iember, oj C/lY CounullO aI/end Ihe' IIJitlOriry Bllsines~ Expo, November 4,2004,2:30 P.,W. at the PavIlion Convention Cemer ""farOl Obe1!ldOlfwdl be Ihe keynole speaker ITEM 1153/72 Councdman V,llanueva referenced lIUmemUI e-mlllls realiI'd Ie/alll'e Ihe Fedelal Fllearm licellses Mayor Oberndorf adVised the e-mwl III(en I'd Old Beach Lmc League has requelled Ihe Lllr CouncIl d,scourage Ihe sale offtleanm ,n re"delll,al O"mcc; Councdmwl Wood has spoken wllh Ihe wnlelllet! (II/zen Apparelllly, reSidents oj Old Beach had dellVed rh" /l/fOl mallOnfrom rhe appllcallOn approved b)' CIIy CUlm cd in behalf of JOHoVA THAN 8, KING fur a CandIllOnal U,e Perrllll re home aC<llpallOn (jireann wle'l 011 c\eplember 14, 2000/ ITEM # 53/73 Maror Oberndo(f leferenced, after al/ent!mg Ihe mane 'Shall We Dunce ", a ,'oung man /1/ a wheelchall expreHed apprecIatIOn 10 Ihe Ma)'or and Counul for rhe TOWII Ce/lter. The roung man \Val able 10 (reeil: ullhze rhe TaWil Cenlera' all aspecls ofmobtllry ha\'e beell add,e,sed and Ihe ellllre Celller" III compllancc wlIh lizI' AmericolI wil" Disobililles Act, November 2, 2004 - 13 - AGE N DA REV IE W S E S S ION 4:23 P.M. ITEM # 53/74 J I ResolutIOn REQUESTING Ihe Lesller Bridge /eplacement projeU be me/uded III Ihe Vtrglllw Del'artmelll of Tral1.lportallon' tVDOT)U/ball RoadwarplaglO/Il E Dean Block, Dtrecto/ o( Public 11'01 b, ad"lsed 1Il 01 del 10/ a projeCI 10 he mell/ded 111 Ihe V"glllla Depollmenl of Tral15pOllallOn 's (VDOT) Urban Roadway Program, a Pia/eLl ProglUlllmmg RewlU/1011 muH he adopled bv City COllI1Ct! The Lesller Bridge IS l1earl/lg Ihe end af lis lIsefull~re, and hased all recelll bndge //lSpeCIIOIl lepolll, I/eed, 10 he repla, ed 10 av",d IInp""'lg a welglll 1111111 WlllCh I"mld adverselv affecllhe quail/)' of lIfe (I" Ihe leS/liellll alld mel,halll,1 aloll~ Ihe 5110Ie D/ll'l CUllldor The Clly ij,fanage/ adl'/sed a reporl (rom PlIbllc Worl..., will be prOl [(led In Cll} COllllul', Agel/da padages on Fnd<IJ', November 5, 2004, el'Oluatmg 01/ Ihe blldge, l/I Ihe Cllr ITEM # 53175 J 3 ResolullOl1 re PhlHe Olle oflhe V/rgl/llCl Beach 19" Street Corridor Deslgll and /mplovemenll To AUTHORIZE and DIRECT Ihe Clt)' Hal1ager IIl1plement ",me COUIlCllmal1 Maddo, advIsed Ihe Old Beach Adl'l5al}' C0l1lf111llt'e mellall eve/1/lIg Novelll!>el I, 2004. and /equesled DEFERRAL The COlllllllllee .1/1011 <Gordmale wllh ClfY I Iliff To delll'e a more ba/all(ed plOposal re costs,fimdmg, I eal estate lax gelle/ated alld plOr/de //ljonnallOllla C1fl~""' as well 'J; '''' ell'e add/llonal (ommelll~ ITEM # 53/76 BY CONSENSUS, thefollowmg ,hall compo'" the CONSENT AGENDA: RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES J I Resalullon REQUESTING Ihe Lesner Bridge replacemem projeCI be me/lIded III Ihe VII gmw Del'allmem of TI a/lSportatlOll .. (VDOTj U, ban Roadwar plogram J 2 ResolutIOn to AUTHORIZE and promulgate Amendment Number 8 to I'OIIOUS se,1I011\ o(lhe Public Works Specifications and Stalldards Manual J 3 Resolullol1 re Phale One of Ihe Vll glnlO Beach 19" Street Corridor Design alld llnprol'emem, 10 AUTHORIZE and DIRECT Ihe Cll)' ,j,fallager llllplcmenr 'anle Ni,,'ember 2 2004 - 14- AGE N DA REV IE W S E S S ION ITEM # 53/76 (Continued) J 4 OrdInances AUTHORIZING cOmpel1SallOn Incrcasc; Clfctln'c on anlllversary datcs}OI City Counc,l appointee. a CII)' Managcr belly AlIo/llc\' c elly As;c;sor dell,. Clcr" J5 Ordlllancc 10 TRANSFER $1,217,000 from ElbowRoad Extended-Phase II 10 Phase /fA 10 CO\'CI lilt I calcd comtlllulOll COSf5 Ilcm J 3 WIll hc DEFERRED INDEFlNITEL Y, BY CONSENT Aovcmbel 2 2U04 - 15- ITEM #53177 Moror Obemdorj. elllellal1led 0 111011011 10 pel/nil On' COllllcillO condllu II' CLOSED SESSION, pursuallllo Secllon 2 1-344(A}, Code of VII 15"'10, as amellded, 101 Ihe followl1lg pili p",e PERSONNEL MATTERS DmU\HOII, colllldewllOn 0/ IIl1e/Vleh' of prospective candulate!:. jor emp/o)'menl. a'\slgllment llppomlnul/I! /71 amotIOn. performance. demotlOlI, ~a!O/ Ie!!., dllLlpll1lrng or re~/gllallOl1 'Jf speCIfic Pllbllc o/jice/ \, opp,,"'lee, or emploree\ punllalll /() SecllOlI 2 2- 37/1 (4) (I) 4ppOlnlmenls To WII Bomd, alld CommlHIOIIs Blkewo)'\ and rUllls Adl'15ol) Commlllee Communlt'\' Sen'lCe'l Board 111\'e5tmeJ1l PWl1lc/\hrp 4d\'/\On'lOmmLttee Mmo/lly HUHllell lOlll/cil POI ks and Recl eollOll lomml55101l rOll/llg 4dnwrl' Baord ADD COlin cd Llal,lOlI, 'iolllhemle/II Pat kwal'/lrreellbt'/1 Revlt'w alld 4110UlllOII (COG) PUBL1CLY-HELD PROPERTY Dlscll"lOn or coIIslderarlO1l oj lite cOlldllion acqlllslllon, or 1I,e of real proper!) fOf Pllbhc pllrpO\e, lite d/SPOSlliOIl ofpubhciJ -Iteld p/operl\', plan\fol Ihe (iI/lire of an "'SlUlIllOll which cOllld oJJet I Ihe vallie of prope/I)' oy,l/ed or dellrable for oWl/elsl"p by such lIIsllIUl101l pUIs/will 10 Set llOll 2 2-371 1('1)(3) AcqU/SllIOIlID15po>lllOn of Ploperli' Beach DI,I/lCI PII11Cf!!o.\ AnneDHlIICI UpOIl lIIol1on by Coullcd Lady WIlson, ,e(()llded by COlmClbllGIl Dye/, ClIy Cuunul l'oled 10 proceed Into CLOSED SESSlON (4:40 P,M,) NOI't'1IIber 2 2004 - 16- ITEM # 53177 (Continued) VOllng 9-0 Couned ,~lembers VOllflg Aye H{lIry E Dlezel, Rubell !v! Dl'er, V"e ,Hay"r LouIs R JOlle" Reba S MeC/allall, iHayar Merela E Obell7darj. Jim Reel'e, Ron A V,llallUeVq, Ro,emary IV/hUll alld Jame, L Woad Council ,Hembels VO/lng Nay None ('aI/lied Members Abselll Rle/zwd A ;\4addux alld Pela IV 'ichmu/r (Closed Session: 4:40 P,M. - 5:45 P.M.) (Dlllner: 5:45 P.M. - 6:09 P.M,) ^'ol'embel 2, 2004 - 17- FORMAL SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL November 2. 2004 6:09 P.lt. MuyOl HeWIa E Obemdorj called to order Ihe FORMAL SESSION o(lhe VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL In Ihe Counu! Chambel, CUI' Hall BlI/ldmg, VII Tuelday, November 2,2004, ul6 09P M CVUII(lI Membels Presellt Harry E Dlezel, Robel I M Dlel VIl e .'vIal VI LO/m R Jones, Reba S McClallan, Richard 4 Haddol, Mayol .l,.feyell1 E ObellldOl/ JI/n Reeve, ROil A Vdlallueva, Ro;emar, Wd;on alld James L Wood Councd Members Abselll Pelel W Schmldl [011I vflhe CII\' all Bu;we."J INVOCATION Reverelld Kel'w Mdcwek Buck Bm Clmsllall Anemhh PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CO/lIlcd Lady Rosemary Wdwn DISCLOSED her hu,balld IS a [lllIlupalllllhe U( COUll ling filln of Good mall alld Compam and IS dlreclly alld mdl/ eclh' lIl\'Oh ed III mallY uj GoodmulI und Compan\''' II ansacllOn; Howel'C1, dlle 10 Ihe Il=e of Good mall alld Compall\' alld Ihe \'Olume of lIan;a"lOlIS IIllll/ulle, III Ull\ gll'en veal, Goodman and Company ha~ an f1ltere<;tIn nwnerou'l mallC/~ ITl whu,h hel hushancll\ nol pel 5 ollllllr mvoh'ed alld of "lllch ;he doel 1101 have pel 1011<11 !.lIowledge 111 Older 10 ell",re her wmplwllce 11'lth hOlh Ihe lellel alld Ihe spml of the Stale and LUUlI Govemmem CI/llf/I" of In/erelll 4CI, II II hr!1 [lrll( Ille 10 Ihvroaghlr I el'le\l Ihe agellda fOI cach meellllg 0/ C III ( oun, d /in Ihe I'll/ pille or lIlellllj\'mg lI/II mallei s /!J H-IIlCh \/ze I1l1ght have all actual or potCl1lta! conflict Ij. dWl1lg her review ~he ldc!fltzjie\ WI\.' maller.\ ,he will plepare alldjile Ihe appropnale ,hsc/o;lIre le//el to be I eWlded IIIlhe offlcwl recold; uj 01) COIlII(lI Cuuncd Ladl' WdwII regular/l ma!.el Ih" dl,c/uIlI/e COllllcil Lady WdlOlI" le//el oj Jalluwy 27, 20U4, " herebl' lIIade II pari oflhe re<ard Council Lady Rosemary Wilsoll DISCLOSED ;he IS a leal eWlle agenl affiliated Wllh Pruden/1Il1 Decker Realt), Becau;e oj Ihe nalllre of Real E,tale Agellt affiliatloll, Ihe size of Prudellllal, and Ihe I'vlullle of tran5all101l5 1l handles In llny given rear. Prudenfwl ha'l alllntefesl 1I1 numerous mutter5 (fl uillch !Jlle 1\ nol penollall) mvolled and 0/ whIch Ihe doe; lIul have penollal !.lIuwledge In 01 der lu en;lI/ e ha cOlllplwllLe wllh hath Ihe leI/a and Ihe ;pml o(the Slate al/d Luwl GOI'elllmelll Conjlicl uf huere;11 Act, It I' hel pmellLe CO rhoroughll' rel'lew Ihe agenda (area, h m"ellng o(CII\' COl/nu[ for rhe pl/rpose oj Hlentlj\ IIIg uny mlltleH 1Il U !HeI, 5he mIght have a11 actual or po/enHa! conflll t Ij. dUring her 1 eVle~v she {(/entltles mn mailer" she will plepure 'lIldjile Ihe appropnale d"LlosUle lellel 10 be reLOrded In the offiLl,,1 reLOuls uf OIl' COHl/cLl Cmlll,,1 Ludy WllsOIl regular/}'ma!.el Ih; d"e/osHre Coull,,1 Lad)' WLlson I leltel oj Janllal) 27, 2U04, IS herebl' made a part oflhe Ie, 0,,1 NOI'cmbel 2 2004 - 18- Item V-E.]. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 53/78 Upon motlOlI bv COllllcllman Dyel, seconded by Vice Mayor JOlles, Clly COl/llul CERTIFIED THE CLOSED SESSION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ,WOTION TO RECESS. 01111' public bUlme;; matter> lawful/I' exempted flam Opell Meellllg leqUlrement'l hy Vlrglnla lau.' wele dlSCU\\ed In Clo'led SeSSIOn tv which IllIs certificallOlI resolllflon appllt", AND, 01111' such pllbllC hllsllle" maltel' al II-ere Idellflfied III Ihe 11I011011 cOllvelllllg Ihe Clo;ed Se;;1011 lI'el e hew d, d/scII"ed or com Ide/ ed hy VlI glllw Beach OIl' COllllul Vo/mg 10-0 COllncll Memben Votmg A}e HGlI"j' E D/ezel, Rohel/ M Dyel, Vice MayO! Lotu; R JOlles, Reba S McClallall, Rnhard A !daddo.I, Mavo/ ,Hel'em E Obemdorf. JlIlI Reeve, Ron 4 Vlllalllleva, ROICl/U1ry Wilson alld Jame, L Wood COllnu/,l"fembers VOlll1g Nay None COllllcll Membe" Absenl Peler W Schlll,,]1 Novelllber 2, 2004 RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COU,"CIL WHEREAS The VirginIa Beach City Council convened II1to CLOSED SESSIO;,\/, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded In # ITEM # 53177, page 15, and In accordance with the provIsions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act and WHEREAS Section 2 2-3711 (A) of the Code of VIrginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed SessIOn was conducted In conforrmty With VIrgInIa law !l.'OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the VIrgInia Beach City Council hereby certIfies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (d) onlypubilc bUSiness matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting reqUirements by Virginia law were discussed In Closed Session to which thiS certification resolution applies, and, (b) only such public bUSIness maners as were Identified In the motion convening thiS C1o,ed SessIOn were heard. dIscussed or conSidered by Virginia Beach City (ounLlI ~ SmIth, MMC November 2, 2004 -fl)- Item V-F. I. MINUTES ITEM # 53/79 Upon mollOn by Councd Lady Wdson, seconded b, COllllulmoll Wood, ClIy COUII(/I APPROVED Ihe MlIlU/es oflhe SPECIAL SESSION of October 19,2004 Qlld INFORMAL Qlld FORMAL SESSIONS of October 26, 2004 Voting 10-0 Coun,,1 Memben Votlllg Ave Harry E DIce/. Robert;\1 Dyel, Vue HlI}(l1 LOlIll R JOllel, Reha S McC/wIGn, RIchard 4 Moddo\, Haml M<'}era E Oberndoll, JIm Reeve, ROil A VII/anuem. Rosemar\' WIlson and Jome, L Wood COUllol Members Votlflg Nay None lOlillCd Members Absellt Peler W SchmIdt Nm c:mber 2. 2004 - 2()- Item V-G./. PRESE,VTATION ITEM # 53/80 Mayor Ohe1fldar( mlloduced Ihe (ol/owmg Buy SCOllt 1/1 attendance 10 catn h/l COmmlltllcatlO1IS lWer,t Badge: Bo)' Scout Troop 40/ William H1Ift Spollsored b)' Bngadoon o."c League W,f1lOm "'<II accompamed by Ill, molhe! Nmcmbcr 2 2004 - 21- Item V-G.2. PRESENTATION ITEM # 53181 Mavm OberndmfPRESENTED: RESOLUTION IV RECOGNITIO,V Dori, Gladys Hmdllll Don, 's jam "I' (llllldren allll grandchlldl enj ACCEPTED the Re,olutlOll with gum tilde Darts Gladys Hindlm pa;;ed Irom 11m life all Oltober 12, 2004 ,lithe age of Seven lv-lour Dons Ihllved a, a volumeer, 'pelldlllg countleu haws wOIAlIlg al Slrawblldge Elementarv School, as a member of the Fnends of Ihe Vlrgllll<J Beal h JIlI'emle and Dome,tle Rell/tLOIl5 COllrt and ,[; As",tant ComdmalOr fOI the VII gllll<J Bealh Volullleer Resollrce Office Don, was retired jlOm the I'lrglllla Employment COIIllIllS;LOn ofVorfolA and ChesapeaAe She Wi/; a membel of Temple ISI al'l and lis SI>tel hood a, well,,, the RabbI', Sludy G,OUp, Blalldels Women', BooA Cll/b, l/nd '"'' Pa,1 Plesl/lent oj Haddl/ssa Olle oj her pel project' was Ihe Clllldrell " Cm Ilcr iln wea 101 ell/ldrell al/(l Ihelr parellls 10 wall {ilr Ihell IUllltO appear III court 0,"/\ wrole the pmtacol fOI Ihe room and helped raise Ihefunds to fUrIIl\h II The Fllends plan 10 nl/me the Ch"d, ell" Corner "Tire Dart' Hindlm MemorIal Children '\ Corner" 111 her hOllor Ml/ry RUI.lo Director - Offlce oj VolUnleer Re\Ource,. accompamed hy SU'WI WalslOll. Clllef oj SlaJJand Cecella Slade, Personnel Analy'l - Human RelOl/rce" aI/ended the pre\emOllOn The ltal'OI lewgnced Ml/ry for her ullselfish ded,cOlLOn IV Ihe C1I\ NOl'ember 2, 2004 ~~~ ~rG\ .( -!~~C'.y~ r...::." ".1 t-~ ""5t.,I; ~ ~".~"'" f':::~ 1 '.;e" <.>-.l ~'~'.. ....'" ..L.,T ~;: ;.-::;, .;----- v. ~ t") ~t. -~., ;' II.> ~{,..... --..p.p..... -~.; 't."1-.,"'_-"14.. ~ __~.J.~~",(:,J, ~s ~-V-:"""J ~:.o....-4 iRtsulutinu WHEREAS Dons Gladys Hmdlm passedfrom Ihzs life on Oerober j 2. 2004 at {he age of Seventy-four She was a woman of tenaczty a lOl.'mg mother. volunteer and possessed grear IntelleCl, wIsdom and understandzng. WHEREAS. Dons was rellred }rom the Vrrgznza Employment CommIssIOn of Norfolk and Chesapeake She was a member of Temple Israel and llS Sisterhood as well as the Rabbi's Sludv Group, Branders Women's Book Club. and was past PreSIdent of Haddassa. WHEREAS Dons lhrzved as Q volunteer spendmg countless hours "horkIng at Srrm..brldge Elementary School, as a member afthe Frtends afthe Virginia Beach Juvemle and Domesllc Relatwns Court and as AssIstant Coordmator for the VIrgln!a Beach Volunteer Resource Office WHEREAS One of her pet projects ,",as the ChIldren's Corner, an area for chlidren and theIr parents to wall for thezr turn to appear In court Dons wrote the protocol for the room and helped raise the funds tofurmsh 11, and WHEREAS' The FrIends plan to name the ChJldren's Corner The Dons Hlndlm Alemonal Chzldren sCorner' m her honor NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ThaI Ihe Vzrgznza Beach e'l} Counc:l hereby recogmzes the outstandmg COnlnbutlOnJ of Dons Gladys Hmdlm durmg her se'fless life Gzven under our hands thzs 19"h dav afOctober 2004 ~ <X-II.My .,~ i R'char. J,{aado'Z. Beacr Ire", V-H. I. ADOPT AGENDA FOR FORAfAL SESSION 8 r CONSENSUS. ellY Cmlllet! ADOPTED: - 22- ITEM # 53182 AGENDA FOR THE FORMAL SESSION NOl cmbcl 1 2000/ - 23 - ltem V-G. I. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 53183 Ma}or Oberndorf DECLARED A PUBLIC HEARING: TAXICAB SURCHARGE INCREASE The followzng regwered 10 'peak Sian Slone 1616 Lola Dnl'e, Phone 681-7557, dm'er (or Yellow Cab ofVzrglllla Beach fi>r Iwen/J'-elglll (28) rems, adVised Ihele has nol heen a tale maeale 101 /l<o 121rean and leqlle;led Ihe muease be 10 fifll' cefl/\ 150e) ralhL'1 Ihan IltCn/J',five eel/Is 125(') The On Altorne\' adv"ed Ihe legal adlem'lflg quoted IH'enl1'-fil'e (en/.\ (25,;) and ('l'el)' change wlhe rale would, bv neceHll)', ho\'e 10 he I eadvell" cd There bezng no jw Iher speakel" Ma)'Of Oherndorf CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. NO\'cmbel 2, 2004 ~'B~>. ~*w..:::.~,<-'l"" ~- .;r# 0.. ~ ..-, l.e" ~;.) .:;: :>) ,:~~~~.) .~~ - /f ~::::=.r PUBLIC HEARING i ON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A TEMPORARY' 1WENTY-FIVE CENT ! GASOLINE SURCHARGE ON EACH TAXI TRIP At Its Formal SessIOn on November 2nd, 2004, at 6:00 PM, the Virginia Beach City Council Will hold a PUBLIC HEARlNG In the Council Chamber on the second floor of CJ[Y Hall on a proposed ordinance authonzmg ra.xI cab companies ro collect a temporary twenty- five cent gasoiine surcharge for each taxi cab trip. ThiS surcharge IS I proposed due to mcreased gasolme prices and Will be charged In J.ddJ[ion to rhe rares authonzed by City Code ~ 36-172 The proposed ordinance authorizes the surcharge for SIX months, at which nme the City Council will conSider whether to make the surcharge permanent or to authonze other ,ncreases In taxi cab charges. Interested reSidents of the City of Virginia Beach may appear at the above-mentioned t.me and place to present rhelr views If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need asslsrance at thiS meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at \427-4303. Hearing impaired, call Virginia Relay at 1-800-828-1120. The City Hall BUilding IS located ar 2401 Courthouse Dnve I Rut" Hodges SITlirh, :\-1MC eLf'; C!F.rk -~ ---_.- -,---~- ---~---------------_._-- - 24- ltem V-J. RESOLUTlONS/ORDlNANCES lTEM # 53184 Upon mvllon by Vice /v1ayar Jane" ,aollded by lallncil Ladl' Wilsoll lll)' COllncil APPROVED ill ONE MOHON Re'ollltlOlls/Oldl/lall(e' 1,2,3 (DEFERRED) 4a1h/( alld 5 a} {he CONSENT AGENDA, llem J 3 was DEFERRED lNDEFlNlTEL Y, BY CONSENT, VV{lng 10-0 (By Consent) COllncll Iv1embers VOlll1g A) e Harr, E DIC~el, Roherl H Dyer, Vice .\4a)'or LouIs R JOlles, Reha 5 McClallall, Rlchmd A Maddol, Mayor A4cyeIQ E Obell/dor} JIIIl Reel'e, ROil -1 r'illanllcl'a. Ro.emal1 W,/IOn alld Jllme\ L Wood COllneil .\4embers VOfmg Nay NOlle COllnell Members Absent Peler W Scl1IIlldl November 2 2004 - 25. Item V-J.I. RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES ITEM # 53185 Upon motIOn by V,ce Ma)'or Jones ,econded bv COU1/( II Lad)' WII,on, CIIl CounCIl ADOPTED: Resoltlllon REQUESTING the Lesner Bridge replacementpro}ect be mcluded m the Vlrgllll<l Dep(//tmel11 oj Tran\por/alion ',\ (VDOT)Urball Roadwa)' progwm Votmg 10-0 (By Conunt) CouncIl Members Votmg Aye Harry E D,ezel, Robell M Dyer, Vl<e Ma)'OI LOUlI R Jones, Reba S !,fcC/anan. Rlchm d A Maddor, MayOl Me) era E Oberndorj. JUII Reel'e, ROil A V,IIanuem, Rosemary Wlhon and James L Wood Counc" Membels Voting Na} None CouncIl Members AbsenT Peter W SchmIdt Nuve",bel 2, 2004 1 2 3 ~ 5 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING T~E INCLUSION OF TEE LESNER BRI~GE RE?LACEMENT PRO~ECT IN THE VI?GIN:A DEPARMENT 0= ~RANSPO?TATION'S CRBAN ROADWAY 6 WHEREAS, V~~glnla Oepa~tnent 0: Transportatlon 7 construc~lon a~locat:o~ ~rocedures ~equlre ~hat a Clty Cou~c~l 8 ~eso:~tlon be adopted for tr.e Departwe~t to progran a~ urban 9 roadway ~n t~e Clty of Vlrg~r.la Beach. 10 NOW, TP.EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ~HE COUNCIL OF THE 1: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEAC~, VIRGINIA: 12 That the Clty Councl: of Vlrg~~~a 3eacr., Vlrglnla 13 ~eq~ests tr.e Vlrglrla Depar~ment of Tr3nsportat~on (UVDOT") to 14 establ~sh a project for tr.e rep:acement 0: t~e Lesner Brldge, 1S located on Shore ~rlve between Vlsta CIrcle and East Stratford 16 Road. 17 2. That ~he Cl=y Councll of Vlrglnla Beach hereby 18 agrees to pay ItS s~are of t~e tota: costs for pre:lnlr.ary 19 englneerlng, rlght-o:-way, and copstr~ctlo~ of th~s project In 20 accordance wlth Vlrglnla Code ~ 33.1-4L. 21 3. Tha~ ~f the Cl~y of Vlrgl~la 3each subsequen~ly 22 e:ec=s to cancel thlS proJect, the Cl=y of Vlrglr.la Beach hereby 23 agrees to reImburse the VDOT for ~he net affio~nt of t~e costs 24 expended by VDOT through the date VDOT IS r.otl:led of such 25 cancellat~on. Adopted by the Co~rc21 of tte C2t~! cf Vl~glnla Beacj, V~rg~nla, ~~ the 2nd day of November Approved as to Content: , 20C4. APPROVEJ ;S TO LEGAL SC=FICI~NCY: ~~;j.lbllfJA.~ Pt:b:'~ Worlcs ' C~,y Cl>.9418 R3 October 26, 200~ E:\?A\GG\CRDRSS\LESNSF B~IDGE RSS.DOC 2 LYNNHAVEN RIVER CHESAPEAKE BAY LESNER BRIDGE LOCATION MAP FOR LESNER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT C? SCALE: 1" = 400' LB REPLACE"'E.... T DC..... ,....1 J S PREPARED BY Pi\\! E"'G CADD DE'" OCTOBER 22 20Q.4 - 26- Item V-J.2. RESOLUTlOVS/ORDINANCES ITEM # 53186 Upon mO/1U1I by Vice Mal'or JUlie" secollded bv COl/llul Ladl Wi/,UII, ClIr Cuullcll ADOPTED: ResolutlOlI to AUTHORIZE alld p/omulga/e Amendmen/ Number 8 /u varlO1/> see/lOll' of the Public Works Specifications alld Standards Manual VO(1I1g 10-0 (By COR.em) COI/IICt! Members Votl/lg Are Harry E Dleze/, Robert M Dyer, VIce Mayol LoUIS R JOlles, Reba S ,HcClanan, RlellOId A ,",faddot, Mayor ,Herem E Oberndorf, Jml Reeve ROil A Vi/lanue\'G, Rmema/1' WlI\OlI and lames L Wood COl/nct! Members VO/l/lg Nay None COl/nul MembelS Absell/ Peter W 5<hlllldr Novembel 2, 2UU4 1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ~HE ADOPTION AND PROMULGATION OF AMENDMEN~ NUMBER 8 TO TnE PUBLIC WORKS SPECIFICATIONS AND STAND~RDS M.~NUAL 2 , s f. -; WHERAS, by resolutIon adopted June 14, 1994, City CouncIl f author~zed the adoptIon and promulgatIon of the Speclflcatlors and 9 S~andards Manual ("Manual") developed by the E~g~~eerlng DlVls~on Ie of the Department of PublIC Works; 11 WHEREAS, purs~ant to SectIon 1.3 of ~he Manual, all a~endments I: to the Ma~ual must be presented to CIty CounCIl for formal I: adopt~on, and SInce ~ts orIgInal adoption In 1994, the CounCIl has I, approved seven preVIOUS amendments to the manual; and 10 WHEREAS, over the past year, er.ployees of the Department of 16 PJbllC Wo:::ks, EngIneerIng Divlslon ha7e developed reVISIons and I" Jpdates to all eXIstIng engIneerIng materIals, de~alls and 1E technIcal reqUIrements relatIng to the Manual and have complIed an I" ~~endment Number 8, a copy of WhICh has been fIled wIth the CIty 2: Clerk. 2: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 22 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 2: That the CounCil hereby approves and authorIzes ~he adoptIon 24 and p!:omulgation of Amendment KJmber 8 to the SpecIfIcatIons and 2: Standards Manual developed by the EngIneerIng DIVISion of the 2E Department of PublIC Works. Adopted by the Counc~l of the C~ty of V~rg~n~a Beach, V~rg~n~a, on th~s 2nd day of November , 2004 APP~OVED AS TO CONTENT: A?PROVED AS SuFFICIENCY: TO LEGAL Id Works Clty Attorn .' CA9410 R2 October 14, 2004 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\ \?W SPEC & STANDARDD MANUAL res. DOC Summary of Revisions to tbe Public Works Specifications and Standards Manual Amendment #8 (October 2004) CHAPTER 3 Deleted Tables referencmg Geometnc Standards and MTP RIght of Way Widths and made reference to the drawmgs m the Appendices 2 Added a requIrement for commerCial entrances relatIve to the first mternal alsleway or parkmg space. to accommodate Slle traffic CHAPTER 6 Added reqUIrement for CG-12 handIcap ramps to meet tbe new ADA standard wIth truncated domes CHAPTER 16 ] Added new requirements for traffic SIgnal beads, vehIcle detectIOn and pedestnan SIgnals 2 Added new reqUIrement for street SIgnS relatIve to dead end streets 3 ReVised the crosswalk detail for textured pavement and concrete paver crosswalks APPEl'iDIX A ReVIsed typical roadway sectIOns to add the classificatIOns standard, moderately constramed and constramed to allow more fleXibIlIty for varylng condlllOns Also. cbanged from mountable to barner curbmg for most typlcals 2 Added typIcal roadway secllons specifically for TranslllOn Area APPE:'o/DIX B I Added CBPA (Chesapeake Bay PreservatIon Act) BlOretentIon/Plantmg Bed Detail for ReSidentIal Use APPENDIX C ReVIsed crosswalk detatls APPENDIX E 1 Revised SHe Plan General ,,"otes and Checklists 2 ReVised Traffic Engmeenng Checklist for SubdlVlslon, Construcllon and SHe Plan Review 3 Revised Traffic Slgnahzallon Plan ,,"otes APPENDIX H 1 Added this new Appendix for reqUirements for Traffic Impact Studies JohnWluhanolll Presldert JeffreyJ Wermers Vice;JTesident Edward 0 Yoder AssocJate 'lice presldenr Jo~n E OllVlen Treasurer Jo~nW AmslreJr 5ecr~rary Channing A pfeiffer &ecut've VIce president! C~,e: exe...-utrye o'iicer BUilder Directors SLConen Pete A Ko~andes Fete 0 Kotardes BrarchP Lawson E~3rdR Sade' Associate Directors G Robe'" Aston Jr J Gregory Dodd Scor-:: M Gandv Thomas C Leffew Pan'laH Pek.run Jose M S'n'Or'l RII:hdrci B r"u'mond H Mac Weaver 'I Directors Ementl Josep~ C AO':.llngton Jr Edward P g"OgM WilhamJ i:a"ney RlcnardD Guy WWlam L I-lerdru:ks Frederck J Napoh':2lno Sr Pd"aTdE Ohvlerr JuilanRashcrd HOYiaro M Weisberg Werdel'l\.White NAHB Past Presidents Frecend: J Napot'ta'lo 51' Star-leyWarancr NAHB Lrie DIrectors EdY.ardD Brogan lawrerceJ Gcldncn Robert A Lawson Jr Stephe'lJ ~4"gulaJr Frederd. J ~apol'~no Sr Vlr,(er~ A Napol'.a~o Md',ae: D \iewsome Juhan Ra!oh~ll'\d tvllchael ~ =l:ashklnci Stre."Wara"ch f-lcward \1 Weisberg Wende~~ A. 'w"'....lte HBAV Past Preslde",s Lee to. Sl1o'd (decease:::) Da'iIQ A Heward :ceceaseci F"edenC'< J Napd2nc S' Vln~ent';' Napo\"an:J Tt'E!:Jc-creS SchlCSSMilfo Dc:...gfas W Ta bet Sta~'eyWarar:r HO"Iorarv Me"be-s D:::"eE -JII CM'!"18 P'cket- October 22.2004 Mr Phil Pullen, Project Engmeer City ofVlTgmJa Beach Public WorkslEngmeenng 2405 Courthouse Dnve, BUlldmg 2. 3rd Floor VITgmla Beach. VlrgmJa 23456-9031 Dear Phil, On October 10. we posted the draft of ReVISion 8 of the Public Works Standards \.1anual to our webslte and requested comments from our members To date, I have not received any comments to forward to you Thank yOU for proViding the opportUnity to communicate changes In the Manual to our members Please continue to use our aSSOCiatIOn In thiS manner We like to help our members stay Informed and It always helps to keep the lines of commUnicatIon open Best Regards, ~L ClaudIa K Cotton Staff V,ce PreSident 2117 Smith Avenue, Chesapeake, VA 23320.2515 . Phone (757142()'2434 . Fax (757) 424-5954 . wwwtbaonhne or, Affijlared WIth the Heme Bu,iders AssocJaw)'l of Vlr]lma and the Nat'onal4ssoCia'lon of Home Butlder~ - 27- Item V-J.3. RESOLUTlONS/ORDINA lVCES ITEM # 53/87 UpOIl molloll by Vice MarO! JOllel, lecollded bJ COl/Ilcil Lad, WIISOII, (It) COl/llcll DEFERRED INDEFlNITEL Y: ResolutlOlI re Phase Olle of the Vlrgll1Ul Beach 19" Slreet Corridor Deslgll alld Imp"J\'emellll 10 AUTHORIZE alld DIRECT Ihe Cllr Mallager Implemelll 'allle VOlIlIg 10-0 (By COllsent) COl/Ilcll Membels VOlIlIg Aw Harry E Dlcel, Robert ,\4 Dyel, V" c ;\4([\ 01 LoUl; R JOllel, Reha S McC/allall, Rlch01d A Maddm.. Mayor ,\4e\'elO E Obcrndorf, JUIl Reel'e ROil A Villalluem, Rosemaf") WIlIOII alld Jame, L Wood Coullcd Members Votlllg ,va\, NOlie COUllcll ,'vtembers 4bselll Peter IV ScllIllIdl Novcmbel 2, 2004 - 28- /tern V-J.4.aIb/c/d RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES ITEM # 53188 UPUll mollOn hy VIce Mayor June" secullded hI' COl/ncd Ladl' WllsOII, Cm Cuzlllczl ADOPTED: Ordmance, AUTHORIZI'VG cOmpell5allOIl tncreases efteclZve on all/llversarr dale\ (or City Council appollltet!, a elly ,\;tanagel h ClIy AflameI' c ClIy As<essol d CIll' Clerk VOltng 10-0 (By Consent) COl/ncII Members Voltng Aye Harry E Dlezel. Robert 11 Dl er, VI( e Marol LOllls R Janel, Reba 5 McC/anan, Rlclzard A Maddol, Maror ,\;teyel a E Obemdorf. Jlln Reel'e, Ron A Vzllalluem, Roseman WlllUn alld Jame\ L Wood COl/llcd Members J'Oltng Nay None COl/ncII .\;tembeu Abselll Peter W Sclzmzdl November 2, 2004 AN ORDINANCE P2RTA:NI~G :0 THS COMPENS.ZiTION OF THE CIr,. I-'.ANAGEF WHEREAS, Clty Councll has eva~uated the performance of the C~ty Manager; and WHERE.ZiS, based upon th:.s eva':'uatlon, Cl::y Councl':' "as dete~~lned that an l~crease :.n the Clty Manager's compensatlon would be approprlate. NOW, THEREFO~E, BE ORDAINEC BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGIXIA BEACH, VI~GINIA: 1. That, effectlve Decerrber ~, 20C4, the salary of ::he Cl::y Manager lS he~eby lncreased fro~ $:79,368 ~o $190,000 annually. 2. That, effect:. ve July 1, 2004, '::r.e Clty'S contrlbuclon to the Clty Manager's deferred co~pensa'::lon plan lS hereby lncreased from $14,000 to $16,000 annually. 3. That the car allowance of the C:.'::y Manager lS hereby lncreased frorr $~O,COO to $12,000 anrually. 4. That, effectlve September 1, 2004, the Clty wlll pay up to $2,684 ann:.lally on behalf of t~Le Clty Manager In prem:.urrs for long ter~ care lnsura~ce. Adopted by the Cou~cll 0: the Cl~Y 0: Vl~g~~~a Beach, V:rglnla, on the Second cay of NOVRmhpr , 2004. CA9330 H: \PA\GG\ORDRES\SALARYMGR04. DOC October 27, 2004 R4 AN O?DINANCE PE?TAIN=~G TO THE COMPENSA~IOK OF TPE C=~Y ATTORKE~ WHEREAS, Cl~y Co~nc~~ ~as evaluated the ge~fc~~ance 0: the Cl~y Attorney; and WHEREAS, based upon t:ns evalClat:-o:1, Clty .::;ouncl~ has de::erm:.ned that an Inc~ease :..0 the C:.ty A:.'corney's compensa:'J..on would De approp~late. NOW, ~HEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIN~~ BY THE COJNCI~ OF TE~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRG=~IA: 1. That, effect:-ve November ~, 200~, the salary of the Clty .Zl.tt:orney :-s he~eby lncreased f~om $169,368 tc $180,000 anD.ually. 2. That, ef:ectlve ~uly 1, 2004, the Cl~Y'S contrlbut:-o:1 to t'1e Clty Atto~ney's de:er~ed comper:sat:lo," plan lS hereby lncreased frc~ $14,COO LC $16,000 annual~y. 3. That t:he car allowance 0: the Cl ty At toretey lS hereby lncreased from $6,00C to $lO,OOC annually. Adopted by t:he CO~etcll of ~re Clty of Vlrglnla Beach, Vl~glnla, on the 2nd day of NnvjQlmhpr , 20C:4. CA9328 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\sa~aryattorr.eYJ5,doc Oc~ober 27, 2004 R4 AN ORDINA~C2 ?2RTAINING TO TH2 CO~PENSATION OF TEE CIT~ CLERK WHEREAS, Clty Councl: has evaluated the per=or~ance of the Clty Clerk; and WHEREAS, based upon thls evaluatlon, Clty Councll has determlp.ed that an lncrease lP. the Clty Clerk's compensatlon would be approprlate. NOW, THEREFORE, 3E IT JRDA:NED BY THE COUNCIL OF TYE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEAC~, VIRGINIA: That, effectlve NoveMber 16, 2004, the salary of the Clty Clerk lS hereby lncreased from $80,710 ~o $90,000 annually, and the Clty Clerk's car allowance lS hereby lncreased from $4,200 to $5,000 annually. Adopted by the Councll of the Clty of Vlrglnla Beach, Vlrglnla, on the 2nd day of November , 2004. C?9329 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\salaryclerk04.doc October 27, 2004 R6 AN ORD:N.l\NCE COl{?ENSATIOl\ 0"' ASS~SSOR PERTA:~IKG cO THE THE CITY REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, C:ty COu~cll has evaluated tre performance 0= tr.e C:ty Real Estate Assessor; and \~HEREAS, based upon t~:s eval:latlor., Clty Ccunc:l has de::e::::rnned that an lr.crease In '::he C: ty Seal E:s;:ate .l\ssesscr's ccmpensatlo~ wculd be app::::op::::late. NOW, TEEREoORE, BE :T ORDA:KE~ BY ~hE COu~C:L OF THE CITY OF V~RGINIA nEACE, V:RGINIA: That, effectlve March 1, 200:;, '::he salary :::: t~e C:;:y Rea~ Es'::ate Assessor lS hereby lncreased f::::om $97,315 to $100,234 annually. Adopted by t~e Councll of t~e Clty 0= Vl::::g:~la Beact, Vlrglnla, on t~e 2nd cay 0: November , 20C4. CA9331 E:\PA\GG\ORDRES\salaryassessor04.doc R-3 Octcber 27, 2004 - 29- Item V-J.5, RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES ITEM # 53189 Upon moT/oil by V,ce Maror JOlle', secollded by COUllcll Lady Wi/'Oll, C Ill' COlin' i/ ADOPTED: Ordmance 10 TRANSFER SI,2/7,OOOfiom Elbow Road Extellded- Phase II to Pllase //A /0 (.ovel lI1uf!ll\ed C(}fn/1UC!lOl1 (f}!JI.\ Votlllg 10-0 (By Consellt) COUIICi/ Members VOllIIg Are HWIT E Dlezel, Robert 11 Dyer, V"e Mayor LowI R JOIICS, Reba S McClallan, R,chard 4 ,Haddm, Mayor "tel'era E Oberndorf. Jun Reeve Ron 4 Vlllanl/Cla Rosema,.. Wdsoll and Jame, L Wood ('oUl1cll Members Votmg Vay None ('oUl1ul Membels Absent Petel W Schmldl NOI'ember 2, 2004 1 AN ORDINANCE TO T~~NSFER $1,217,000 FROM C!P 2 ?ROJEC~ #2-152, "EL30W ROAD EXTENDED-PHASE 3 II" TO CIP PROJ~CT #2-C65, "ELBOW ROAD 4 EXTENDED-PHASE IIA," TO COVE? INCREASED 5 CONSTRUCTIOK COSTS E 7 BE IT ORDAINE~ BY THE COGNCI~ OF THE CITY OF VIRGI~IA 5 BEACH, VIS-GDJIA: 9 That $1,217,000 ~rem CIP preJect 12-152, "E:bew Road 10 Extended-Phase II" lS hereby transferred ln the FY 2C04-05 11 Capltal Budget to CI? proJect 12-065, "Elbow Read Extended-Phase 12 IIA," to cover lncreased co~s~ructlon costs for the proJect. Adopted by the Councll of the Clty of VlrglDla Beach, Vlrglnla, on the 2nd day of November , 208L.. Approved as to Content: APPROV~D AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIE~CY: iJ f'\ Management Servlces t'~~ S- ~- 1 Y Attorney's flce CA9416 R2 October 27, 2004 H \PA\GG\ORDRES\E:bow Road ?hase r: ord.DOC 1 \ J ! ~( i / / ta, ., / OWRD II 6 ' I i\'DED / !-------I / ~ 1 ~., ! ! ~.~; i ~f I i ~. /~~ ;' \ j I/i C \ I, f I ~~\\\\\\\ / . ~~ '\'\\>\1~~N, LOCATION MAP FOR j \I\, ELBOW ROAD EXTENDED ! ~ PHASE IIA, J CIP 2-065 PROJECT LOCATION ;--, ; i j i i I I L.---------l j 1 ! , i I ! I I i ; SCALE 1 = 1200 ElBOW DC"'" M J 5 PREPARED BY P,W ENG CADD DEPT OCTOBER 2004 Item V-K,I. APPOINTMENTS - 30- ITEM#53190 BY CONSENSUS, Oty COUllcd RESCHEDULED thefol/o,,"mg APPOINTMENTS: BIKEWAYS and TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE COf..UfUNITY SERVICES BOARD INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP 4.D VISOR Y COMMITTEE MINORlTJ' BUSINESS COUNCIL PARKS AND RECRE4T10N COMMISSION TOWING ADVISORY BOARD N(II'~mbt'1 2, 201}4 - 3/- Item V-M.l. NEW BUSl'IiESS ITEM # 53190 Sf CONSENSUS, ClIr Cmmct! 4.DDED: CouncIlman Peter Jv. SchmIdt as a Llal<on to the RevIew and Allocation Committee (COG) CouncIlman Jim Reeve as a Liaison lInd CouncIlman Harry E. Diezel as an Alternate to the Southeastem ParkwaJl/Greenbelt. NOI't'mht', 2, 2004 - 3:!- Item V-IV. ADJOURNMENT ITEM # 53191 Ma)'O! ,"ferail E Obellldorf DECLARED the CII)' Council Meellllg 4DJOURNED ilt 6:30 P.M, UJ~ o. /V'G1J/~ _________.R~----~---.-------- Bevel Iv 0 Hooks. CMC Clue! Deputy ClIY CierI. ~~ 011 Clell. ,He)'era E Oberndorf Mil)'OI CII)' of VII glllw Beoch VII gill W After ADJOURNMENT, PublIc Commellb relative !VOII 4gellda Items were heard, there were 110 'peaker,_ NOI'ember :!. 2004 - 32- Item V-N. ADJOURNMENT ITEM#53191 Mayor Meyera K Oberndorf DECLARED the City Council Meeting ADJOURNED at 6:30 P.M. 0-l4 BeverlHooks, CMC Chief Deputy City Clerk _ rf uth Ho e•Smith, MMC Meyera Oberndorf City Clerk Mayor City of Virginia Beach Virginia After ADJOURNMENT, Public Comments relative Non Agenda Items were heard, there were no speakers. November 2, 2004