HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 9, 2004 MINUTES CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL \1.4Y()R \{rYJ:RA E (JRt.RNlN.JRF 4/ IQ~(' ~7rF "/A rOR I (J/i/\ R !()VL'" RO'lI/Jt - nll/rlll.J H~HP' I rJ/rZfL AtrnflHlili iJl\/rl1.-l2 HC)/iLUfH or!:H ((wr'rvdh /lll/rld J R' RA ... \1e( IA-'iAV HOIl' Hall- {)/\lrItl J RU H4IU> 1 ~4lWO,( fleach /,/\"/(/ f, lI'.-f PI I ~r "r1rJl{'\\ Ann. fJ/\/rId'" NJ/N'~ \( Hl-flLl/ 1/-',l~.' /?O.\..J i'LL-l-VI'n4. 41I.ar,.:", lUJ~/-\14R' Ul/\()V 41-1,'~l rap... I IH)(J{J L~nnh(J\t'/I-""lrIcI5 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA (111 \{4\'4(.iH IH1(\J.. 'PON}. ( In HTORvrr I ["ur f III LU (In (I FRA - 'll'/H Ht)[x,/'" \MITH HV( 9 NOVEMBER 2004 CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS - Conference Room - A LIBRARY at TCC CAMPL:S JOlllt Use wIth the City Martha Suns, DITector. Department of Llbranes ( /TY HALL BULD/I'G !4()! COl 'RTHOL'SF ORlI E J IRGI-\!4. RE4('H I fRGJ.\/4 2345(1-fiO()5 ['HOVE (757) 4~7-.f3f)3 J--f\ ("'57) 42{o-~669 E- lfAll Crvcncl'ti'vhgo\ (0'1f 2:30 P.M. B TOWN CENTER PHASE III Term Sheet Mark Way,ner, Project Manager, Department of EconomIc Development II CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS III REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf B ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C RECESS TO CLOSED SESSIO"l 4:30 P.M, V FORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 6..ooPM A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Obemdorf B Il'iVOCATlON: Reverend John H Jordon Pastor. Retired C PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAl'iCE TO THE FLAG OF THE lJ.'.IlTED STATES OF M1ERICA. D ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSIO"\ F MINUTES INFORMAL ,AJ\U FORMAL SESSIOI\S I\ovember 2. 2004 G PUBLIC HEARINGS EXCESS CITY -O\VNED PROPERTY STATE ROUTE 641, SEDLEY. VIRGINIA 2 LEASE OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTY INDIAI'< RIVER ROAD and CHESTERBROOK DRIVE Re NEXTEL Commulllcallons 3 AGRICULTURAL RESERvE PROGRA.M (ARP) CRAGS CALSEWA Y PLEASA.I\T RIDGE ROAD H <\GENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION CONSENT AGENDA J ORDINANCESIRESOLUTlON Ordmances to AMEND and REORDAIN the City Code a 99 2-83 1.2-83 2, 2-83 3, 2-108 and 2-132 re employee probation periods b 99 25-6 and 25-8 re daily Pawnbroker's reports to the CllIef of Police 2 Ordinances to 4UTHORIZE the acqulsltlOn of Agncultural Reserve PreservatIon (ARP) easement development nghts (DISTRlCT 7 - PRlNCESS ANNE) a 6781 acres at Pleasant RIdge Road from James T. and June A. Morris for 5311,866 (Installment Agreement No 2004-63) b 23 98 acres at Crags Causeway from Frank L. Pecsek for 5134,288 (lnstallment Agreement 1\0 2004-64) 3 Ordmance to AUTHORIZE a temporary surcharge 011 taxi cab fares of twenty-five cents (25~) per tnp whIch w1l1 expIre May 9. 2005 re nSlng gasoline pnces 4 Ordmance to AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the CIty Manager to execute a Lease wIth Nextel Communications of the Mid-AtlantIc, Illc re telecommumcal1ons fac1lltles for personal wIreless equIpment at indIan River Road and Chesterbrook Olive (DISTRICT I - CENTERVILLE) 5 LAKE GASTON: a ResolutlOn to AMEND the ComprehensIve Relicensmg Settlement Agreement for the Roanoke RapIds and Lake Gaston Dam project, and AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City b Ordinance to DECLARE EXCESS PROPERTY adjacent to State Route 641 In the Town of Sedley, VITglllla, running parallel to the GaslOn water pIpeline, and AUTHORIZE the City \1anager to execute an Agreement of Sale to the Sedley Volunteer Fire Department, Incorporated 6 INTEREST-FREE LOANS: a Ordinance to A:vtEND and MODIFY an Agreement with Beach Health Clinic re $750,000 dated December 12.2000 b Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $1.000,000 from the fund balance to the VIrginIa Aquanum & Manne SCIence FoundatIon, 1nc , and, AUTHORIZE the CIty Manager to execute a Cooperation Agreement between the CIty and the Foundal1on re Improvements at the Virgima Aquarium & Marine Science Center 7 Ordmance to ACCEPT $85,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and APPROPRIATE to the FIre Department's FY2004-05 operatmg budget re VHg1nta-Task Force 2, Urban Search and Rescue Tedm deployment to assist WIth clean- up for Hurricanes Charley and Jeanne m Flonda K PLANNING PetitIon for a Variance to 9 4 4(b) of the SubdIVISion Ordmance that reqUires all newly created lots meet all the reqUIrements of the City Zonmg Ordmance (CZO) for EMERSON DEVELOPMENT CORPOR.\TIOl'i to subdIVIde one lot mto two (2) single-family parcels at 608 Woodstock Road (DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE) RECOMMENDA TIOl\; APPROV AL 2 AppilcatlOn of LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, INC for the Modlfica/lOn or a ConditIOnal Use Permil for Thomas H. Wilkinson (approved by CIty CouncIl on January 9, 1996) at 3565 Holland Road (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL) RECOMMENDA TlQio-l APPROVAL 3 ApphcatlOns ofST AR OF THE SEA CHURCH at 1404 Pacific Avenue (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) a Chanf!e OrZOfllnf! Dlslrlct ClassificatIOn from .\-12 Apartment DIstrict and R-5S ReSIdentIal Dlstnct to Conditional RT-3 Resort Tounst Dlstnct b CondlllOna/ Use Perl1lll fOl a church and accessory uses RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 4 ApphcatIon ofSBA, INC. for a Condlllona/ Use Permll re a communications tower at 2165 Pungo Ferry Road (DISTRICT 7 - PRIJ'.:CESS ANi'<E) DEFERRED INDEFlNITEL Y RECOMME"lDA TION MA Y 28, 200l and AUGUST 28, 2001 REFERRAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION 5 AppilcatIon of 7-ELEVEN, 1l'iC. for a CondillOllal Use Pennil re an automobile service statIOn (fuel sales) at Aragona Boulevard. hetween Cleveland Street and Potomac Street (DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE) RECOMMEND A TION APPROV AL 6 Application of GOOD SAMARITAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH for a ConditIOnal Use Permit for a church (expansion) at 848 Baker Road (DISTRlCT 4 - SA YSIDE) RECOMME"lDA TIO]\; APPROV AL 7 ApplIcation of PHILLIPS MOTORS OF VIRGINIA BEACH, INC. for a COlldlllOnal Use Permit re automobile repair at 4980'; Irgmla Beach Boulevard (DISTRlCT 4 - BA YSIDE) RECOMMENDATION APPROVAL 8 ApplicatIOn of J. D. and RA]\,D1 VOGEL for a CondlllOna/ Use Permll for a commercial recreation facility (HolIday dlsplay for theu Fann Market) at 2388-2400 London Bndge (DISTRlCT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE RECOMME:-IDA TlOl\ t\PPROV t\L 9 ApplicatIOn of REVEREND JOSEPH FACURA, ST. :\1 A TTHEW'S CHURCH, for a Condlllonal Use Permil re a school In conjunction With a church (replace portable classrooms witb a permanent structure) at 3316 Sandra Lane (DISTRlCT 2 - KEMPSVrLLE) RECOMMENDA TIO;-.J APPROV AL 10 Application of DR. ROBERT D. VOOGT for a CondlllOnal Use Pennlt re a facility for the disabled at Old Donation Parkway and First General Parkway (DISTRICT 5 - L YNNHA VEN) RECOMMENDAITO~ APPROVAL 11 ApplIcatIon of CHRIS SEWARD for a Chani?e ofZomni? Dlstnel ClassdicatlOn from AG-2 Agncultural DIstrict to R-I5 Residential Dlstnct at 304 Porters Island Road (DISTRlCT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) RECOMMENDA nON t\PPROV t\L 12 ApplIcation of HOLLIS ROAD ASSOCIATES, L.L.c. for a Chani?e o(Zolllni? Dlstrlct ClassificatIOn from R-5R ResIdential Resort Dlstnct to Conditional A-24 Apartment Dlstnct at 4708 and 4712 HollIs Road (DISTRlCT 4 - SA YSIDE) RECOMMEND A TION APPROV AL L APPOINTMENTS BIKEW A YS and TRAILS ADVISORY CO\1MITTEE COMMUl'JITY SERVICES BOARD INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINORlTY BUSNESS COUNCIL PARKS and RECREATION COMMISSION TOWING ADVISORY BOARD M UNFINISHED BUSINESS N "IEW BUSINESS o ADJOURNMENT ** * * * * * * * * I[you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assIstance at this meetmg, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, call TDD only 427-4305 (TDD - Telephol11c DeVice for the Deaf) * * ~ * * * * * * * x \genda I ] '04'04'gw w....v. vbgov ...om MINUTES VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia NO\'ember Y 2U04 Mayor .\1eyertl E Oberndor} called 10 order Ihe Crt~ .Idanager" B/le(ing re LIBRARY at TCC CAMPUS JOInt Use with the City III the Coullcd Conte/ence Room ClIr Hall, 011 Tut';day, Novembe, 9,2004, al 230 P'vt CouncIl Members Pre;ellt Harrr E Dlezel. Robert .'vf Dre/, Vice llm'Ol LuUI' R JUlle.l, Reba S McClanan, .\1ayor MevelO E Obe/lldor! Pelel IV Schmldl, Ron A Vdlanuem, Rosemary W,L,OII and James L Wood CounCIl ,'vtembers Abselll Ru hili d A Maddm (au I ofCIt)'. swllllg 10 Florllla} Jill! Reel'e rOll I of Cay, >wlll1g 10 Flonda} - 2- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING LIBRARY AT TCC CAMPUS 2'30 P.M. ITEM # 53192 The Ct/)' Manager advised Ihe slafffrom Ihe CIIV ami Tldelwler C Ollll/lUnll)' College have been Sllllll'lIIg Ihe passlbllll)' o(buz/d/llg a ;/Ilgle (aelllll 10 house bOlh Ihe proposed TCC/Vlrginra Beach Campus Leaming Resources Center and Ihe proposed South Rosemont 4rea Librar", (CIP Project 3-175) The litl lfwzager IIllroduced Martha Sims, Dlle<lor - Departlllelll o( Llbllll/e; who plesented 1l1[il/matlUlI relallle the Jca\lblllll o(cleallllg a JOIllI Use Llbtan ami Leal/liIlg R",owcc Celller ollthc Tldclwlel COllllllunt/1' College WIIlPU,I The College and Ihe Llbran' ale planlllng 10 buzld new (aellllle; onlalld auou the III eel {rom one anolher The South Rosemont Area LIbra", {18,OUU_Iqlwle {eet! 1\ ,cheeiuledfm eo"'l/UeIlOnlll F Y :!U05-:!OOn Oil Cm -mV/led properly allhe corner o( Ro;elllonl Road and Bill Aner Boulemrd and ad!aeelll 10 Ihe BOl sand GIrls Cluh of Soul he all Vzrglllw IRolel/lOll1 VillI} The Collcge" plallll/llg 10 hUlld a 150,000 Iquare fool Learlllng Resources Center (LRC) IIcatbl - al the CO/llCI o{ R()IclllolIl Roud a/1(1 ra<lllt) Dnve The Learning Resources Center" planT/ed 10 be bUill In (110 p!Wlel, a 100 OUO slllUlre fOOlprO!eC 1111 Ihe :!006- 08 BlellnlUlII alld Ihe rellla/ll/llg 50,000 squ(IIefool addt/wlIlI plalllledJm Ihe :!008-IO BlcnlllulII Il,eellled prudenl /0 cO"'lder Ihe advalllagel and dmlllmlllagel of a jomluse faCIlity (or Ihe ufl~e'" oj Virglllza Beach he(ol e proceedlllg IHlh ellher proj<!1 I In ,Hareh 2004, a Jomt Use LIbrary Planlllng Committee IW; appolllled by Ihe CII) Manager alld T"lewaler Commul/lty College P, e"del1l - DI Deborah Din oU' ft.1 purpo,\(' """ 10 ,lIudl' Ihe feaslbdll)' oj luch a (aulll) Membels oflhe Comllllllec IIILluded Han' Mal'el-Hellnelly4s;o<lale r'lce PreSldell1 fur Leallllllg Resources, Tldewaler CUlIllllIlllllI College, Jalllce E S" .JOhIlSOIl, Coordl/zaloru{ L Ibl w}' Sel I'/(es- Tldewaler Communll)' College/Vlrglll/a Beach Call1plls ,Hare I S"IIIlS, Llb,wl' Dlreelor r og/llza BeaLh Publtc Llb!(lry alld John 51ewarl, Llbl''')' OperallUll' Mallagel - VI/gill/a Hea<h Puhllc LlhlaJ}' Frank Dun/l, Vice P,esldent fur 4dlll/ll/WalWn - Tzde"all'r COlllll1Ullm College a/ld DaVlli 511llll'all, C Iuef IllforlllallO/I OfJicer, CII,' ofVlrgznl<l Beach pi ovuledgulliwI1 ea",1 COUIISel The ,11111} allhe Clly 's ,HullIclpal RefereJl( <' Llbrat)" prol'lded ette/1SlI'e re I earl h 0/1 jlJ/nlllhl ill I1S Ilu oughoullhe I u/IIl/l1 a/ld Ihe pi lilla/)' Issue; Ihat made Ilzo;e 1I10de; succe"lizl 01 ullwclessfizl MI Suns /!/Iruduced ,Hall' Ha) el-Hennelll' and .Johll Slewarllll a{{endance The SOllth Ro.emolll Area Library (CIP Project 3-17<;), all 18 (f(f0 SqUill e {00l faullly, " currenlly jimded (01 S4,n:!7698 The CzII " "/Irelll~1' I>rO\'Il/zllg jimdlll); III Ihe Capaal ImprO\'emeflt Program jor Site! Q(qW\ll/Un and lItlpllJl..'emcn/\ to 'WPp01 t lite (ons/ruefwn of {/ SCU!I1Cf! Buzldll1g, Heallh ProfeHzons Cel1lel and Lell/llIng ResoU/ces (ellle! ,II the ~'II ~Inl<l Beach Call1pu; o{ Tldel>aler COllllllUl/lly College The prOll!ct /I ((/lIed Tldelwkl lOIl1I11UJIlI) College ElpanslO/I IPI o!eU 3- :!n2} TOlaljillldlllg IS $11,413,290 Pha,e 1 oj TCeS Leal/illIg R,,;olllce Celllt'l IS plogtall1l11ed 1Illhe College's :!004-10 Capllal OUllay PloglIllll (01 Ihe 20(f(,-OS Hlennllllll '1long Ii'ah Pha;c J oflhe ReglOllal Heallh Pro Jess IOns Celller T7le pOI<'lIlwl (or Ihe)a/!7IUSe faulll) \1'ould WlIlpn\(' appwllll1alely /70,000 ;quarefeelofusablespace By COIll]WI I;on, Ihe l<'lIlial Llhlar\" /'195,001/ ;quarefeel The Czll' 's MUlIlelpal Reference Llbral}' Plovlded exlenm'l! le.ell/ch on JOI/U L','e Llbralle< Ihrougholll Ihe COUll liT alld Ihe prunal) Issue5 chal made lhv~e 11lvdel\ 5uC(e\.~fl" or un5uC!c\!'Jjul The lease Oil Ihe 5,OOOsqlwrefeel of;pace 1Illhe Bay; and Girl; C Iuh Ihal hou;e; Ihe 50111h RoselllOll1 }oulh Llb/(/n' e<pzre; on December 27, :!OOn The Cu, hal Ihe OpllOll 10 ('tlellll Ihls lea;e Factors for SlIc('es. Ullequivowl Commitment Memoralldum of Agreement T1l/1elille No\"embel 9, :!004 - 3 - CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING LIBRARY AT TCC CAlI/PUS ITEM # 53192 (Continued) Memorandum of Agreemelll GV\.'f!lllance/ Adm/Ills/ral inn Fundlllg Culle< 1/011 Derelopmellr C araloglllgi('/a;srjh aI/oil How s o( Ope1C1/lUO SWfllllg Nef\.-\-orh.sllll!urmallUll S\'!llem\ Issue, of cOllcern In evaluallng rlre COllcepl me/uded TIre dlspan/} III 1" ojeclllme IlIle; herween lire College IIlld Ihe Llhral) Tire IdentrjicallOn o( a gOl'el lIi/nce II/odel for de "gll , CtJIl'/rlICrlOn and operallOlI oflhefacllrl\ TIre Glsurallce rhal lire ,Iudelll, jaculr)' alld IIrea Ilbl an' CUllomel would hal'e all 01'1" opnllle (aclllly The enect UpOIl opera Illig cosll The re/al/o",lrlp oflhe f"ojecl 10 rhe Old DomllllOll UIII\'e/;If)/Volfolk Slale Ulllvt'r51I)' Hlghel EduUll101I Cell lei TIre resldellls of Green Run hal'e beell \ralllllg "nce 1991 jOl IlllS Ilblal)' Resclll(1r Oil ""l/Ial j01ll1 u,e lIbrary model, developed III ollrer pam of rhe UII/led Srllle' ;uggelll a f01ll1 ulejac/lrly lullllor I educe rotal annual operallngand mamtenance cost\ The nU:'1l(5 ofrhe p10posal lnuH le~1 OIlI\\lU?S of, u\{(}mel sen'/ce liar financral sm'/Ilg' Mode" Frolll Range CommwllI}' College & Full ('01111I1, ColOlado PublIc Llbllll," San JMe Slale UIlI\'er;rty & Sail JUle PublIc L,brar}' Sell/lIIole Commulllt)' College and St Pel en burg, Flonda Publ" Llbrarv Tire cuncepl IS nol to creole all Academl( Llbran', 1101 a PublIc Llb, an' bul /0 create Ihe "Virgima Beaclr Lifelong Learning Center." 7711\ Ilall/e emhtace, rlre IOllg / allge goals uf borh TldeH'lllel Commllllll) College alld rhe CII)' Thlsfacllrly <OllfUlrlrer Ihme goals Tire (allege could bellejllflom hroadet e'pmure O{il5 reSOllrCe!i and Its educatIOnal OppOllUtl1lU!5 to the general publiC 7 he 'llafle11\'ISlOll\ man\, usels of/he Pub/I( LlblW)' would mqulle and enru/lll1 TuieHll/er Cnmmu/1ltr ( aI/eKe (la~5c!.) Tlll~ Will a I.) 0 be lllf..'d as a !nolOtvpe {Of other Tldel,'i'ulel lommunilr Collt'ge (amlm\t.~ tl.) well (l\ ulhel (ummunllr (olleges 1111 oughoul Vzrg/llra alld Ihe U1ll/ed Slalel Tire Pllbl,C Llbl<lr} IIIL'r5 \Vollld experlellcc a lilli' Ir grearel deplh and breadlh of co/lecllOlls alld IOllger Iwu/I o(;er\'lce Till' fIlCr/II, LOuld be lire sewlld (el1lral Llblan NOI'ClI/hel 9, 21104 - 4- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFIYG LIBRARY AT TCC CAMPUS ITEM # 53192 (Continued) The Virginia Beach Lifelong Lear",ng Center" on Ihe TCC camp liS could II1l10dllCe pre,l(hoolen and Ihell parenls to Ihe World of bookl and leadmg ThIs Center aould be envmoned as pm I of all early childhood edllcatlOn center, combmmg Ihe leSOllrces ofdm;/oOmlr<lllllllg, w/lallOn of easl' readen and parentmg matellal, ullhzed by hath Ihe general pllbll( alld SWdEllls, all expwmon of a MOllIe,; 0'" School and Ihe Child Care Celller whele relean h (fIl1ld he condllded 10 delermme Ihe ejTecllvelleH o( varlUus educollUllal programs re pre,ellUolen 'ablhll' 10 learn Pmllor} alld ,\eeondarr Sehool SllIdellls would find al "stance and resources for homeworA al I/gnmellls Sludenl; elll o/led Inlhe educatIOnal programs helped slaff a homelmrA (enler a; pall ofthell wrnwlum Teen I , auld find a place to be comfor/ahle, lafe alld engaged IIlleadmg and olher aclmlle,I Co/lege III/delll; alldfa(l/hl couldfind Ihe I e,oLIIcn 10 complele Iherr deglee,l, leaelllng alld research People 0/ aI/ age' WII derclol' and relool thell ,1,,1/, to ,I",nge careen or advance wllhmlhell corea jield euhel Ihlollgh, oune lVork or ,Ielf-dllecled IllIdy by ullh::lllg Ihe resollrce' o( a "Lifelong Learning Center". The Vrrglllla Beach Public L,br",1' hm beell worklllg wuh EaSleln Vrrglllla Medical School re a gUIIllto offer heallh IIlji" matlOlIlIllay pel ,ons language re d"easel, medIcatIOn!) and II eutmelllS Ms Slim clled Ihe recommendatIOns fOl Ihe nnl plannlllg pl"',le Appollll Aey project leaden fi om T,dewalel Comllll/lIlll' Col/ege, Ihe CUl' and olha ,laAeho/de" 10 III/Iwle dwlllgll" Ihal "'lllbIIShes ,hmed goals and ,hared l/IlIlelslalldlllg o(lhe pro/ecI fllllrale a sllbltanltal planlllng 1" ace" Ihal Will resull 1II a Memorandum of Undel,llandmg COII(elll/llg Ihe des,gn, 'onsl/l/cllOn, flllldmg and operallOn of Ihe jaclhl)" Tht' pl<1nlllllg will address Ihe feaslbllay of Ihe pruje<l Well a, del/gn alld comlrllctlOlI Illlle/zne" jowl colleCIlOII del-elopll/elll Ihe IlIlelja' e betweell two dl/ferellt catalogwg and c/aSl/jicollOlI I ntems ami Iwo dlfferelllllelwol ,,-, and mventorr control Il'ITems, Ihe 1II1elI ela/wn;},,1' o('taj{ WOI kmg under IWO d,fferelll pay and ,la,l/jimllOn ,ntelm, .'1 <Clera 11 will It',oll't' a lllOlce among the IJuee alfell1llllre~ Idenllji; planlllllg flmd, to luppOlI II) filial elejinulOII oj ,he 'errlce plan, (2) reflllell/enl oj capllal ami opewtlll); blldgel ploject' and (3) complellOn oj a collceplaal del/gn jOl Ihe "Vrrglllla Beach Lifelong Learning Center" The projecled I,me/me,s 10 openlhe "Virginia Beach Lifelong Lear",ng Cenler" III 2009 MI SlIns belreves ''''Ih commr/menl and hald work, Ihe "Virginia Beach Lifelong Learning Center" WIl he deplcled (II! Ihe COvel oflhe Library JOllrnal in 2009 a, Ihe Library oflhe Year Tills ) 'ear, Ihe San Jose 51ale UllIl'ell/lI' alld Sail Jo,e PublIC L,brary was depll led 011 Ihe Llbl al1' JOlllna/', (Olel Mayor Oberndorf,s nClled abulIl the heallh Wlllpl" and adl'lsed /em evelllng, MOl!day ""o\'elllber 8, 2004, ,he spoke to LEE'S FRIENDS whIch II all mea-WIde ;lIpport program fOl cancer, pallen I' and Ihm flllllllres 11 w"^ lIamed after Lee Hark,,,, who dIed of HodgkIllI D/;ease a/ Ihe age of} 6 on April 30 } 978 Lee had a l'ISlOn 10 help olhen who IIIlghlllot be as furlllllate '" h,,,,ei( The VII glll/(/ Pabl" Llbran' co- Ol elmaled wuh Easlern Vlrglllla Medical S, hool fOI a gf(ml Iu offer health lIIfO/mal101I In lal' persons' language concernIl1gdlseaSe$, medIcatIOn' (Ind {realment., Th/\ f~ a l1'onderful (un< epf Sarw da_v, November 6,2004, a Fore,gn Language 'ecllon wu> upened mlhe PrlnceSl Anne LIbrary 'levell (7) langaa);e' are I el'l esellled The chddrell ji-om lite FillfJlIlU Cullllral Celllel dan, eel Each nalwll provld,d lall/ple' o(lhelr food Mayol Oberndorf cOlllmellded Ats Slim and Itel 1'1 ojesslOllal Llbral /ailS NU\'('lIlbel 9, ]004 - 5- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING TOWN CENTER PHASE 11/ 3:03 P,M. ITEM # 53194 Lou Haddad, PresIdent and ChlefEteCUln'e Officel - Armada Hoffler, provIded IItjarmallon re/allve Tawil Center Phase III The Starwood represelltauvel opera Ie the WeM;n Hotel. as olle oj thell "flags' Tim afte111001l, November 9,2004, Armada HofJIer re,elved filial apprrJraljlom theIr Development COII/1I11ITee The license agleemelll WIll beforwGlded wllhllla few dal'S Tl1/Ihatel alld COlldOlllllll/lII1 To"er Will he Ihe cenlerplece oj Ihe Tow" Center Phase III development We'lln Hotels (/Ie uppel "ale Stanvood Westtn places Ihemse"'e; a slep above the HlllOll MaI1IOIT, Hyall hOlellallge ThIs WIll he the pi ell/Il'l holel/ll Ihe leglOnfO/lhe fOleseeablefuture The We.t;n Hotel Will he localed Oil BlocA 7 ad/aLent 10 the Pelfort/I/ng Arts Theatre Tht; propo,ed theatre conlllbllled to the deLmoll 10 locate a We;llIlat TOII'Il Centel Thll IS not a resorl hotel Allhough there WIll he /it/I senlcefou/zI/t" 1Il Ihe hOle!, Ihe Idea Isfol Ihe guest' 10 vWI TOII'II C elller Thel e WIll not he a ;pa In Ihe hotel, bul there t; a Ipa \\'1111/11 olle hlo, k and a 'hal} AI mada Hojjler [; pwsl/Ing a slgllatwe reS/(ll/lalll to he lacaled wllhln Ihe holel The COlldomllllUIII Tower eo,l; I,' aPPlowllateh'SIOO-'I,flLLfOV TI"'le"delllwl eondolll/lIlum 1,.,11 Wllslsl oj 104 lIlIltl (16 IY (100"), It/lh 215,0011I; rJO-12}1oO/s) /II the /iill-IeIT/(e We;tlll Hotel Mark Wawllel, P, oJect Mallager - Depw Imelll of EWllom/( Developmellt , udvlled Ihe 041111 7 aylor Lofl, \nil open nexl week on Block 8, fiontlllg on the Pla:a Keegan" In,h Puh and Re;laurant, Block 3, WIll have thell gralld openll/g celebratIOn - Vovembel 20, 20t/4 Bru\'O I/{Jlwno Reslawant, BlocA 8, H'III apell Ihe weeA ajier Thanksgll'lllg The TOlnl Cenlel Plaza [; neanng wmplellolland \1'111 he wmpleled pI lOr 10 Ihe opelllng oj Ihe Bravo Italwllo Re;tal/ll/lll PrtnClples of Proposed Phase III Inveslmelll pallnersl1lp belween ArmadalHofJIer, TaWil Cellter Assocwtes alld Ihe Vtrglllta Beach Deve!opll/eIlIAulhom! ("'BOA) (followlIlg the model of all ECIJ1101l/IC Del'elal'lI/ent Park) All of the Vtrgll/w Beach Developlllelll AlIIllOnty ObltgatlOllS are ;uppO/ted by a SuPPOtl Agleelllent beMeen Ihe Clly alld Authonty The Awhomy ob/zgatlOns are ;UPPOI ted by Ihe Ctll alld ;uuuured 10 be paldfiom the levenues of TI1\ InClelllelll FlIlanullg DI'IIIU (TIP) surrOlmdll/g the pro/ect alld a ~pecliIl Tm Dlltl /(1 on the P/(lWU a,elf TradlllOnal puhllL mfrawlIclUre (;Ireets, slleel-;capesj to bejllnded thlough the Capaallmpro. elllelll Progralll ICIP) and tlte Ewnollllc Developmelll IIlI'e;tm('1II Programfwu;; (EDIP) The TlF IS de;tglled to aCL 1I11llllate fUllds to pay for purclta;e of the parkll/g garage and meellllg IOOIll wllfelellLe )aLlllt)' Speczal Tat D,stllct pal'; for aperatlOll and lIlamtellance cost., of lite Authont)' 1Il operat!llg parAmg gwages Project paId jor hy TlF leVCII/lel Specwl Tar a\'llllable 10 LOlel ;hortjalls !II the TlF Non:mbel V :!UU4 - 6- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFIVG TOWN CENTER PHASE Jl/ ITEM # 53194 (Continued) Elements of Phase III Block 6 Pelfol/Illng A,t, 17leatre (CIt)' Plojecl) ApprOXl11l11leh 40,000 'quare (001 office/le[ail space, 011 two re"dlml parcel, Block 7 - ApproxlIllalely 3U-slOr)' ho[e!lcondolllllllulll rowel 104 WII[ (16-19 j!oors) reSldelllwl (olldolllllllUlIl 115 100lll (l0-12 flool>)full-sen'ILe We51l1l hOld 1,150 space public parklllg garage 17,000 squale foolllleel/llg room/collfelencejaclltl}' 36,000 squarefoo[ );IOlllldjloOI re[wl/office Ipace and hOlellobbl ]5,000 squal e JOO[ of./i< el, elldelllllll/wlIllllerc wi 'llaCC Block 9 100,000 square fOOIIllIlII/-,IOIT lewli/oj]ice These [h,ee (3) blocks bwlds au! Ihe lalld WI/ell/Iv mlhe projecl 11I[h Ihe e\cepl/oll oj [he p05>[blilt)' ofa fillllre o{fice 10Ii'C1 olllhe surface parkm); 101 of Olle Columblls Centel I Bloc/.. II) With [he complellOll oj Ihe Parklflg Garage In Block 7, [here Will be o\'el 3,900 IlrllC[lIred parkmg 'pace, In TaWil COI[el Includlllg Ihe Surjace LoIs, Ihere will be 1Il0re Ihall 4,300 parAlflg spacn Alllhe parkmg II iii be free-of- charge. Up 10 two (2) 'paces per cOlldollllfllllm Will, III Blod 7, mil be pro\'[ded undel [elms [0 be agreed IIpon (allOWing Alllhortl}' 10 reCOl'er III (US[) -Iemalfllllg space, free alld opell ro Ihe pllblte for IIll/fl' 130) \,em 5 The prtce IS based all per space (aelol II Ilh guOl allleed mawnllm The VITglll/a Rem h Del'elopmelll Alllhol/II'IS ohllgaled 10 pwchase UpOIl [he op"lIIllg o(lhe hOI,,1 alld sllhS[anllal completlOlI of BlncA 7 Meellng Room/ Conference FaLlllf)' Block 7 .:!::. 17,000 squale /OO[ meellll); space owned h}' VITgllllO Beach Del'elopmelll Allllwnl\, ($6 5-MILLlON puMc) W[lIshare kitchen wllh holel Aullwnl}' WIll elllel 11110 a lease agreemenl wllh hOlelmanager ro operate and mallage The AUlhorzl)' )HllpOl' WI allllual fee of $)50 IJOO IIlIO ,",CIOW /01 capItal re5erves, (apl/al repaIrs and caplla/ mwntel1l1nce. H'lIh annual adjUSlmenl, (('PI wl/h 3% cap) The City Cow"iI VITgmlO Beach Developmelll Aullwrzll' and Perfol/Illllg Arts Theater It/II hal'e Ihe IlghllO hookj'" illelT OWIl ule WIt/lOut vavment 01 re,ervalltm fee Holel Opera[ol 10 pm,!ee fOI I"e, hlll call earn-alii based, 011 hOlel loum fat gene/ared The AUlholll} and Developer [0 agree all a re\'ellue shanng arrangement NOl'emher 9, ]1J04 - 7- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFI!VG TOWN CENTER PHASE III lTEM # 53194 (Continued) Infrastructure The VII-gmw Beach Derelopmen/ AurhorllF construct, Block 7 IInd 9 S/reetscapes (= S 1.160,000 publlc) Capz/alJmpro"ement Program and ECOllomlC Development IlIves/mellt PlOglillll lund, nle Developmelll A utharll)" and CII)" ma)" cunst/ uct elevated pedestrlall ,mllewa)'s over Columbus SUee/ bndgmg BloLk 12, Block' alld Ol'el Commerce Street bndglllg Block 7 alld BloLk (, ($2 5-,,;[ILLlONpubhc) Obligation> of Autllonl}' COlls/mc/ tradItIOnal publ/( mfrastluclure Sell Developel land {or Pha'e III ullder etlSllng op/lOn agleemelll Purchase the appl(mmate 1,150 'pace par!.mg garage Oil Bloc/, 7 {OI publtc pOI klllg Purchase meetlllg room/ conjelellce IOClhtyjor $6 5-M1LLlON Enter mto (/ Lea,e Agleemellt for managemenl alld operatIOn of mee/mg roomlcon{el ence {aL dlfF Par mlO escro\1' a 5150,000 per rear fee jar capz/al /eserves mmntenance and fepalr Obligations oj Developer Purchase lalld re'lulledfOl dn'elopmelll and C'Onstrl/UlolI uj Phase III DedIcate lalld lIeU;lar}' (or publtc mfra,fI1{( llIre Inves/ between S90-MILLlON and SI14-MILLlOV m Phase 1Il . Other Changes Block II Developer and 4ulhont)" have goodfaz/h IlIlentlOn 10 preserve Bloc!, II for a secolld hlgh-/lse Cla;s-A office 100Ier as (ontemplated /11 ongmal concept of Town Cenler Conforming Cllange; Ettend by one )"ear dale; b)" ,,,hlch Develupel /I1u;1 purclw,e Block 12 Re/OII Space and remallllllg OptlOlI Land (September 2fJ06 /0 September 2fJO 7) Novemhel ~, 2UfJ4 -fi- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING TOWN CENTER PHASE III ITEM # 53194 (Contmued) The DRAFT of Ihe Term Sheet, Phase /II wal dlsmbllled to OIl' ('ouncII alld IS hereby made a parI oflhe record Mr WaH'l/eradv"ed Ihecollcepl oflhe pedew WII blldgeexlendlllgol'er ~'Irglllla Beach BOlllemrd lu Tawil Celller ha, beell a pall oflhe plall sllla Ihe lIlCepl101l oflhe WI/( epl 01 TowlI Cenler The Block 4 Parking Garage will receIve the Pedestrian Bridge Howevel Ihe Cll)' IS walllllg 011 Ihe re<elvillg buildmg lo( aled all Ihe 1I0llh "de of Vlrglma Beach BOlllevard, I" pilll oj PemhlOke ,'viall The SUIIIIW,' Balik (III /('lIlly OLCUple\ thl!l slit: and has a ground leu5e crpl1l11I,.J In :!006 4..ll ~0011 Q\ the lea:-.e f!\PfU!\, It 1\ WIl/u/wfed 10 leal down Ihe etlsllllgolle-stol1' halll. bUlldlllg alld hlldd alllulll-'IOIY "l/Ildlllg 10 (Ollneu Ihe Pe,It'IlllIIn Bridge ConvelsallOllS hal'e ensued Ie/alive )lIntl1j;/ Balik I aWIIIIg ellllLer Ihan :'006 PaIl/Cia Phdhps, DlIeclor of FIIWllce, ad,'lsed Ihe T,n III"emelll FlIlallclllg II pelfonnll/g bellel Ihall plOJecled The addltlOllalfullds hal'e been IIldl=ed IOward Phale III The Complehelllll'e -illnual FlllallLlal (CAFR) RepOlI wdl be pre'enled durlllg Ihe CUI' COllllcd WOIbllOp of November 16, 2004 ,4 flllld has heen ellabhshed wi/hill Ihe Allnllal FlI/allcwl Rcpol I 1Il1'01l'lIlg the TOI"" Cemel T,n Incl elllelll F"wnclIlg DlS/m I n,e1f! are two malor sources of pa)ml!1l1 t01 the publuJptl\'ate !Wtfnl'rshrjJ fa\. Inuemenf Fl/ul/lcI/lg D"IIlCl alld the EconOllllC Del'elopment IIl\'ellment PIOglll1ll the 7<1\ IlIcrelllellt uSllall)' IUlld, the pllblLc pal I.lIlg gal age' and aSlocwled >lllIctllrel The lilflaSlr/1< llire, I (' III eels capel, "gellel ally fUllded 1111 ollgh Ihe ECOllomlC Del'elopmenl /Il\'estmcnl Plogram Dehlfor I'ha,e I, Blo, I. 4 "'al ",ued I'VO I cars agojol Iwenll' (20) ) ears Debl was I,;ued wllh Ihe Puhllc Facdlll Relellu(' Bond; )eptembel :'00] Ie the Block I:' Gal agl! Dl!bt IS liS lied shortly befol e pul (hllle oj the gill age De"t fOl Blo, k, 10 alld 7 Gwage; wlil be /lllIcd lor Iwentl' (20) yems IlIlt hefO/(' Ihose aC'ill/SlllOlIl Pha,,' IIllnll bl! added to thl! (',11' I wchllle www vbf!Ov com IIndel hot topie,. The ('lIy /vfallager adVIsed IwO (2) llillJic anal},es me belllg wndllcted One lllOUld be comp(eled III Decemhel I e"lewlI/g Ihe Intl!l (hallge and the \lay TaWil (' enleralld Ihe Pembl oke area IlIlerfacl!; wllh 1-:'64 TIll' IS part of the Mlehael Bakel sludy helllg palormedjul the hrglllla Dcp(ll(mellt of l/(lI/,pOrlallOlI (VDOT) M/(hael Bakel IS rCl'/cwllIg all thl! Illlle (9) Inte/(hallges alollg /-264 TIm IIIfOmwtlO1I 11'111 he ple'enled /0 CII)' CO/med III Deeemba The other study I ('I'le\l'; tire mOle lowllze'd lrajjlc com/llwm alld the entire w ea around Pembt OAf! A1allllnd the Tm-t 11 Center 1/1 tel ms o(mdl\'ldual and ~pec~fi( llnp' Ol'('IW!11l5 whuh ((in be undertaken 10 ea~\f! traffic Hou-e\'f!r, theJ(! we tluflh l ohone!J and umges[wl1!evf!ls Ln a/he! purtlOlI' 01 Ihe CllY wll/(h we hlghel thall TaWil C entel The Cm' .'vIanager adv"ed Publi( Comment 011 the DRAFT Term Sheet, Pha.e TlI, shall Ire ,clreduled (0/ the Cm Cuullcd SessIOn ofNu,emher 23, ]004 N,n'embel 9, 2004 - 9- CI1 Y COUNCIL COMUENTS 4:05 P.M. ITE!\1#53195 Councilman Schmldl referenced Ihe newspaper arllcle IIllhe VII gllllan-PIlOI, ivtonday, Vovember 8, 2004, emllled "City, Advocacy Groups Reassess Village Home" nlls )1'a' ,/isrussed dwmg Ihe lall Communll)' ServIces Bomd ,Heelmg CounCIlman SchmIdt applauded Ihe efforts ofCtty COllncd and Dt Telll Jenkllls, Dlreclor of Human Sen'lcel, 10 addless IllIS Issue On Seplemhel 14, 2004, CII}' Council ADOPTED an Ordmance upon app"culLOIl oflhe VIRGINIA BEACH COMll,IUWn' DE VELOPllENT CORPORA TlON jUl a Con dill anal Use Pellllllfar a facllllyfol the profollluih mentallv retmded adlllls all Wesl Veck Road On Ocraber 12, 2004, Cm Cmmcll ADOPTED Ordmallce 10 APPROPRIATE SI,OOO,OOO oj GenelUl Fund balance de,lIgnaled fUl Memal Heallh 10 the FY 2004-05 Operatlllg Budgel of Human ServIces ra dCI'elop a Residellllal VIllage jm clllzens wllh memal relm dalLOII and phI IIwl d"abdllll's The newspaper article sla,ed Ihese plam have rimed concern' and 'luesllOns aboul how be" to proVIde quallly care for lame oflhe ClIy 's mo,1 vulnerable lesulenls SIale and I egLOnal ad, omcy groups worn Ihal Vl/gmw Beach'5 model, ~unIla1 to 50me Lnte/lnedwte-care homes, lewl\ IDwwd llllllfutwnallzeci care DI Terry Jenkms adVIsed when Ihe filII "Let/a 10 Ihc Edllor" appeared. ,he alld Ihe Boald melllllh Ihe dlslressedfamllles lIl\'olved through BiZllel. Mam' oflhe familIes dC{/lled 10 lespolld llIdlVldua//)' dlleCl to the admwL)' commutlll)' Bewuse <llllllnhel oflhe appOIntments are made h} Ihe Gm'elnm these famllle\ also conlaued hIS offi< e Blzllel has also offiCially I elpollded lvlat tha Mcnees, ehall - Commullll1' SerVlCe,\ Bawd, h", recellll} wnltell Ihe Sectelan'jOl Health and Human )en'lce' as Ihne uel\'ocuo' grollps are IInder the Secreta/) 's dtreCl101l Thcle wercjour t4j differenl aelmc(/()' glOup' , lIotlC of whom 'onla, red Ihe CommUtIlI) Sen'lces Board for 1I1/i" mOl101l I egatdlllg Ihe jacduy pllor to engagmg In a one-,uled pllbln debale A more speclji< lespollle Ihall he prOVIded healing the Ha\'ol alld CIII' CounCIl lvfembeTS' \lgllatwes Mayor Obemdorf adVised Ihe lasl Ma\'Ol' alld Chain meelltlg IwdlO draft correspolldence to the GOI'emor as Ihese groups are mSllIUlLOlwllZlng many bill pnJ\'ldll1g no ha, kup supporlfol leturn fa allY wmlllWl/lV ITEM # .'i3196 Mayor Obemdoif adVIsed Ihls mott/mg, No,'emher 9, 2004, al8 00 A ,11 , Ihe SenIOr SllOwca,e, conS/Sling of over 400 members, mI'l at Ihe Virgima Aquarium, and were veIl' IInpressed al/d dellghled L\'tIn Clemems, DlleClol, presented a synop'LI oflhe Vlrgmia Aquartum', plalls fOI Ihefillllre Thegl 0111' elljO\ cd the J-MrL\ film alld Ihe /Our n,e Ipeakel was Hope Hlhala", a foltner VlTgltl/atl-Pllot t eporrel, alld Secrelary 10 Rudolph Bmg of Ihe Heuopo"lall Opera He! letlse of humOl IS lIlagllellL The lvtawr's Commlllee for Ihe Aglllg lequesled Ihe .Hayor IIlVIle Ms Mllwlap fa 'peak EI'e/)'one elpel lenced a poslllve /ee"ng Ie Ihemselves atld Ihe Cu\' Man\' were Ilgned to he CIIl volunleers November 9 2004 - 10- AGE N DA REV / E W S E S S / 0 IV 4:18 P,M, ITEM # 53197 J 6 INTEREST-FREE LOANS: a Ortllllanee 10 AUEND and MODIFY an 4greemenl \Vuh Beach Health CIi/liCle $750,000 dated December 12. 2000 COllllell Lady WII~on Inlrodlleed Joe Hood, Chamnan - Board of Dire cion and Sll~an Hd/l/rom, beclllll'e DII ector - Beach Heallh CllIllC Chamnan Hoad e,pressed appre(lallOll and advised Ihe Beach Heallh Chlllc IS leqlleslmg an amelldment to Its emlmg I"anlo leme Ihe leqwremenl fm Ihe remallllllg pal'menl oj S450,000 he made 011 or before DeLCmhel 31, 2005 The ploposall~ for allnllal pavmell/' "fS75,000 hegllllll11g on or before Decemher 31,2005, and Ihe 1(1)1 pa}mell/lo be made on 01 before Decemher 31, 20 I 0 The Bea<h Healrh Clznlc. a nOll-projil volllll1eel-'tafJed wmmlllllly ( IlI1IC fOllnded In I 1986, prrJ\'ldel jlee medIcal ,erv/(es 10 Ihe qllalL/ied, llmnlured lellllell/I of J IIglllW Beach H, Hell'/lom a(h,sed applOtlmalely 2,200 palleml ale ,erved Pallenl~ came '1tmghl {10m Ihe Emergellc)' Room 10 Ihe ClOllC The Beadl Heallh ClInIC ahwrhed alllhe l('Ill/enls o{ Ihe Judeo-Chlllllwl )heltel Clol/( when LIs non- lellewable grant expl/'ed and caleload, wel e allU ah"'rhed !iom Ihe PublIC Heallh Departmenl dlle In Illile blldgelledllulOns COllncll Ladv Wlhon adVIsed all loan payments have been made on /fine /TEM # 53/98 Br CONSEVSUS, Ihefollowlllg shall compose Ihe CONSENT AGENDA: J I Ordinance, 10/HfEND alld REORDAIN Ihe CIl)' Code a H 2-83 I, 2-832.2-833,2-1/18 and 2-132 Ie employee probation perIOd. b f" 25-6 alld 25-8 re dati)' Pawnbroker's reports 10 Ihe Ch,e{ of PohLe J 2 O,dmance, 10 AUTHORIZE Ihe acqlwlllon oj Agrrellllllral Relel ve PreservallOn (ARP) ealemell1 developmelllllghl' (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) a 67 81 acres at Plea,ant Rll/ge Roadflom James T, ami JUlie A. ,Uorris fOI 5311,866 (fnstallmelll 4gleemen{ No 2004-f>3) b 2398 aeles at Crag' Callsewavjlom Frank L. Peesekfor $134.288 (1mlallmenl 4greemenl Vo 2004-4) J 3 Ordlnallee to 4 UTHORIZE a lemporary sureharge on taxi eab fares ofll.;ent)'-five <enls (25c) per Inp v.-llleh Will expl/'e Mav 9. 2005, Ie I ISing ga\Olznc prll e, NOI ember') 2U04 -11- AGE N DA REV I E W S E S S ION ITEM # 5JI98 (Colltl/lued) J 4 OrdInance /U AUTHORIZE and DIRECT Ihe lzO' Monogae,ewleaLease wahNextel CommUnlCatlOlls oj Ihe Jlld-Allanllc, In< (al Ihe Swnl Mauhews sae) rc Idel OmmU1/ll atlOll~ lal illlles jar pe, 50"al \1.'ff e1ess equlpmenl al Indwn RlI'er Road and Ch< \Iel hi auk DllI'e (DISTRICT 1- CEVTERVILLEj J 5 LAKE GASTON: a Re~olullOnlo A,HEND Ihe ComprehenHve Rehcensmg Selllemenl Agleement for Ihe Roanoke Rapids and La!.e Gaslon Dam plOj<!O, and A UTHORlZE and DIRECT Ihe Clly Managel 10 neuae Ihe Agreement 011 hehalf of Ihe Car b Ordmance 10 DECLARE EXCESS PROPERTY ad)acclI! 10 State Route 641 m Ihe Tawil of Sedley, Vlrglllla, runnlllg parallel 10 Ihe Gasloll y,aler Plpelme and A UTHORlZE Ihe Clo' Hanager 10 net IIle an 4,1(1 cement oj Sale 1(1 Ihe Sedley Volunteer Fire Departmellt, IlIcorporaled J 6 INTEREST-FREE LOANS: a Ordmwl< e 10 A/I,fEND and MODIFY an Agreemelll wah Beach Health C11/1IC re $750,000 daled December 12, 2000 b Oldlllance 10 APPROPRIATE $1,000 OOOfromlhe fund balance 10 Ihe Vlrgmw Aqlllmum & Manne SClcnce Foundal/on, Inc , and, AUTHORIZE Ihe Clo' Mallagel 10 e'e<llle a CooperallOn Agl eemelll be!ween Ihe Cln and Ihe FoundatIOn Ie IInplOvemenl~ al Ihe Virgl/llll Aquarium & .Warille SClellce Cellter J 7 Ordmance 1(1 ACCEPT $85,000 {rom Ihe Fede",1 Emergell< \ Mallagemenl 4gen,y (FEMA) and APPROPRIATE 10 Ihe File Depmlment'~ FY2004-05 operalmg budgel re V/rglllla- Task Fo/(e 2, Urban Search and ReSl ue Team deployment to ani!!.! }\.lth dean- lip for Hurricalles Charley alld Jeallne m FlO/lda Counul Lady McClanan wlil vole a I'ahal NA Y 011 Ilem J 2 aih Novembcl ~ 20114 - 12 ~ AGE N DA REV IE W S E S S ION ITEM # 53199 BY CONSENSUS, the {ollowlIlg shall compo,e the PLANNING BY CONSENT AGENDA: PLANNING K I PellllOll (or a Vanallce to .~ 441b) oj the Subdll'1llOll Onfmance that requires 0/1 newly cleated hm meet all the leqlllrements of the Clly Zonmg Ord/llan<e ICZOj (Of EMERSON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION to subdIVIde one lot /Il1O 1I1'() (2) sillgle-fanllly parce/~ at 6118 WOOdSIO<h Rood (DISTRICT 2 - KElvlPSVILLE) K 2 ApplrcallOn of LOWE'S HOME CENTERS,IIVC (Ol the ModdicallOll 0(" CondlllOnol U,e Permll for THOMAS H. WILKINSON lapprOl'I!CI hI' Clly COlli/cd on Januar.,. 9 1996) at 3565 Hal/and Road (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE H4LL) K 3 4pplIcatlOm of STAR OF THE SEA CHURCH at 1404 Pacific A I enue (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) a Change of ZOlllng DlSlllcl ClaHlficatlOll {rolll 4-12 Apanment D.stllct and R-5S Rel/delltwl D.s/rict to COllditlOnal RT-3 Resort Toullst DlSIn<l h COllclatollol Use Perm a for a church and oc<eHOn' IIses K 4 App!.catlOn o{SBA, INe. {or a Condlluma! Use Pel mil re a communicatIOns tower at 2!65 Pungo Fary Rood (D~TRICT7-PRINCE~4MV~ K (j ApplIcatIOn oj GOOD SAMARITAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH {or 0 COlldlllOnal U,e Pennll for a <hurch (expansion) at 848 Baker Road (DISTRICT 4 - BA YSlDEj K 7 ApplIcallOll of PHILLIPS MOTORS OF VIRGINIA BEACH, INe. {or a CondlllOna! UI': Pel/nil Ie automobile repair at 4980 VII glllla Beach Boulevard (DISTRICT 4 - BA YSIDE) K 8 ApplIcatlOll of J. D. AVD RANDI VOGEL for a Condmona! Use Permll JOI a commeraal recreatIOn facility (HolIdal' dlspla, {or their Faw. Marker} at 2388- 2400 London Bndge (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS AVNE) VOl'embel 9, ]004 - 13- AGE N DA REV IE W S E S S ION ITEM # 53199 (Continued) K 10 App!zcawJ1l o[Dr. RobertD. Voogt[ora CO/ldulO/lal Use Per/Illl re a facility for the disabled at Old DonallOn Pal leU'al' and FII 'I General Pal !.way (DISTRiCT 5 - LYNNH4 VEN) K II App!zcQ/lOn of Chri. Seward (0/ a ('hanlle of ZOIll/l!! DI,mcI Cla"lficallOn fiom AG-2 Agl/U1ltl/ral D.slrtctto R-15 Re"denllQl DI\trnt at 304 PO/Ie" hland Road (DISTRiCT 7 - PRiNCESS ANNE) Item K 4 shall be REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION, BY CONSENT, November 9, 2004 - 14- ITEM # 53200 Mayor Oberndorf elllerlamed a mOf/olllo pel mil elly Council 10 e ollduLl W CLOSED SESSIOY, pll/suallC 10 SeOlO1I 21-344(04), Code oj VlIgllllll, a' mnended.fol Ihe lollowlIIg purpOle PERSONNEL MATTERS DI,lcusswn, wn"derallOn or IllCell'lell'; of prospectIve candidates fur emplormelll a~~/gllm(!fll. appomtmf!nl. [JlomollOll,peljormallce. demotlOfl. '\a/alle.\, dnclpll1llllg01 1f:~/gJ1a(101l nf ;pecI{r, puhllC oJlie el> appOlnlee; or emplovee, pll/wanl /0 See lioll 2 2- 37//(04)11) Appomlmellls To Wll 4ppoll1lmelll; Boal<l\ (/1Ie1 COmmIS\/01I1 B1J...eH'a)'~ und Trw/, 4c1v/.')or\.' lommlttei! CommunLll Senue5 Buard Ifl'.'f:'\lmenl Pat rnersJllp 4(1\'150")' lomnll/lee Afmorto Bu!}me~\ COU!Ilt! Pal A \ unci RccreaffUl1 ('ommlHlOfl Tat 4\!!Je~sme11l Eva/wIltOn and Refinement 7 ask Force TrJI\lng 4(h'I~OIl Bowd PUBLICLY-HELD PROPERTY Dlscus;lOn ()/ <01I"dClalwlI o( Ihe wlldllLOlI, aC'IulsllLOII, 01 u'e of real /J/operl\' /i,r pllhllC pll/po.le, Ihe eI"pmlllOn ofpuhitcil'-held proper<l', plalls (01 Ihe (u/Ule oj an IIISf/lul/01I "-/l/ch could ajfeLllhe mlue 0(1" opem' oWlleel or dell/able jor oWllels/lIp b\ ;uch lIIslllulWII I'll/ suallllo SectlOlI 2 2-3711 (AN3) AeqlllllllOn/Dlspollll()/l of P, opal] P,/fl('e.')!} Anne DBlrU[ PUBLIC CONTRACT D,ScuI.l/on or conslde/(lIl11l1 hva responsible pubitc elltay or all affected local IlU "dlUWI1, as those leI /J1:i arc defined III Sectum 56-557, of con(idellllal propllelWT rew/(I.\ e(( luded frolll 11m ehaplCl pUlsuallllO SeulOn 2 2-37U5(4}156) 4ND dll<llS;101I oj Ihl' (/\lard of a Pllbltc COl1lracll11\ o/vlIIg the! crpendllure of pUh/lL fUl1d\, ancl d/!J( ll.'J\/Un o(llze lelln.'J or 5 cope: of !Jllch COflltact, where dl\( li.'J.'JlOl1 111 un open \es'\wn .1-01l1d adverse/l' alJeu IhL' bargallllllgpmlllUn 01 lIe~olwll1lg IlralelJ} oflhe public bod. Conlraclual VegolU/1101l VlIglllW Bea, h 20U7 E\'enl UpOIl mollOn by Vice Mayor JOlles sewllded b, Coullclllllan S, hlllldl, Cm COllllul. oled lu proceed lnlo CLOSED SESSION (4:30 P.M.) NOI'embel I) 2/104 - 15- ITEM # 53200 (Continued) Votmg 9-0 Council J4elllben Voting Ayc Harn' E Dtezel, Robert ,',4 D\n Vice Mawr LouIs R JOIlC' Reba S McClanan, Marnr 'vfncra E Oberndorf, Peter It' S,IUllldl, ROil 4 VllIallueva, Rose/l1arv WillOn "",I Jame\ L W",,,I Counul Member; Voting Nay None Council Melllbcu Ab;ent Richard A MaddD-\ alld Jlnl Rec\'c (Break: 4:35 P.M. - 4:45 P.M.) (Closed SessIOn: 4:45 P.M. - 5:50 P.M.) (Drnner: 5:50 P.M. - 6:14 P.ll/,) NOVClllbcl l) 2004 - 16 - FORM4L SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUlI;'ClL NOl'emher I) 2(j()4 6: 14 P.M. Mal'or !vleye1G E Obemdorf called to OIdel the FOR'..IAL St."'SSION oj the V/RGIIVI4 BEACH CITY COUNCIL m the Coullc.1 Chamher, CI/I' Hall Bulldmg, 0/7 Tueldal', VOl'emher I) 2004, at 6 14 P "'I CO'l17cll Members Present Har,.., E Dlezel, Robert ,\4 Dl'el, hee Mayor LOll/; R Jones, Reha S McC!anan, Mal 01 Mel'era E Obellldort, Peter 11' Schmidt, Ron A Vlilalluela, Roseman Wliso/7 alld Jamel L Wood Coullcli Members Absellt Rlch1lld.4 .\4addot fOue o(Cal', \({II111g to Flonda] Jffll Ree"e ,'011I ot ('1/1' \({II111g to Flol.da] INVOC A nov Revel end Johll H Jordoll Pastor, ReTil ed PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UWTED STATES OF AMERiCA COll/l< Ii Ladl' Ro;ema/)' W.lson DISCLOSED hel hu;balld I; a p'.llclpal In the accoalltff'g firm o(Goodman alld Campoli)' and IS derectl)' alld mdlrectl)' lll\'Oll'ed m mall" of Goodman and CompallY 's tlilf/laCl/ons Howe"el, due to the seze of Goodman lwd CompallY and ehe volume o(l/ansactlOns Il handle, III 1111\' gll en rear. Goodman and Compan)' has Q/llllleresllll nWnel01l5 malfef \ tn w/ll{h her husband 1.'1 nul pel \OIlGIf\' Wl'UI\'l'd alld oj which she doe.1 nOI have perwnal knowledge In Older to emure her compl",nce wl/h both the lelll'/' alld the spmt of the Stale and Local GOl'elllmenl Contlll I oj IlItel eltl 4CI, 1/ IS hel PW( I/ce to Ihorollghh leVlew the agelldafo/ each meeflllg oj (1/, (ollnci/jol fhe I'"rl'o,le o(ldellftf"nK aill mal/en I1l ~",'lllch flIJe mIght have an actual Of pOl entia I (Un/lICf If. dWll1g he, rel'feW \he ulcntifin (11)' mallen !'Jill:! Will p/ep<lle a/ld {ill' ehe app/opnale d,,, I()\Ule leCler 10 he I em.dea In fhe otji<",lle(ords of Cm' Council COllncII Ladl' 11'11;0/1 reglllarly make I Ih/l d'ldolure COlllll 11 [oal' Wl/lon ',I lellel oj JOllllall' 27 ~()04, 1.1 he/eb" made a pwe o(the reLOra Counul Lady Rosemw)' W.lsan DiSCLOSED ,I he IS lC leal e,eale agem affiliatea '>leh Pnlllel/Clal Dc,Aer Reali)' Becollse of ehe naellre oj Real E;tate 4gent ajflliaelOn Ihe ;Ioe oj PlllllellCllIl alld Ihe I'OllIme oj fr(/n~a( {lOn<; It handles 11l an}' glt'f!n rem, P,11ciel11tal ha5 an tnlcn!~' In Ilumeruu~ ml1llel S III which ~he l~ Ilot personalll' IllVO" ed and ofwh" h Ihe doe, Iwe IllC\ e I'e/sollal k/lowledge III o/(Iel 10 e/llUI e II<'I compllallce '1'lth balh Ihe leuer and the Spllll oj Ihe >Iaee a/ld Lowl ('OI''CIllmelll COlljll<1 of Il7Iele<l; 4u /I 1\ hel 1'1 aCllce 10 eho/ ough/I' rel'leW Ihe agel/dajor eo, h lIleelfllg 01 Cl/I' Ca'"1i "fOl Ihe I'll/pose oj ldenl/Ii IlIg {/III' malte,s III KJllLh ,he mlgh/ have WI actual 01 poten/w! cOllflHI II durlll'? he, 'C\'lew .,hl! /llen/llle, mH' ma/If!' '\ she 1-1'111 prepare and {ill.' Ihe approplla/e dI5c!O:-'Wt.' leIlL'r to he le(oH!ed in the Of/lUll! re( u/(J~ of CLf)' COli'" II COII/lcli Lad,' 11''';01/ /egllli/lll'maAe; lI1s d/;,loll/le COll/li.1 Li/d~ W"1lJ1/ '; le/lel ojJi/l/lIan 27, 2(1)4, IS hereby made 0 pare oJ ehe rewl d NOl'ember l) 2004 - f7- Item V-E. I. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION ITE.1Iyf # 53201 UpOIl mOl101l by Coullcd La~~ Wllwn. ,econded by Coullulmall Dl't!I. Ol~ COllllcd CERTIFIED THE CLOSED SESSIOV TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE II.fOTlO'V TO RECESS. Oil/)' publIc hUl/lle>l mallen IOllfidly exempled lrom Opell i'vteellllg requlfemenl!J h}' VlrgtnlU tau, Hert' dl.\C...u\\f!d III Closed Se.s:-'101l Iv which 11115 (ercrjhllllOll re:-.olUllOn appflt?\ AND. Olllv such pllbllC buslIleH mallels as were Identified l/I Ihe mollOlI cUllvel1lllg the Clo.secl Se.s \LOn \1,.'ere hewd ChH u\ \ed or c0115uiered b\' VII gllllO Beach Cm COImol VOIl/lg 9-0 Council Member> VOIlllg Al'e Harry E Dlezel. Roherl M DWI, Vice Mayor LOllis R JOllel Reba S MoC/anall. !v/Il}or MC\era E Ohellldol} Peli'1 IV 5<hmulr, ROil 4 VIlIanui'm. RO<i'm(//}' Wd'on olld Jalllel L Wood CouncIl Member> VOIlllg Nay NOlle COllllul Membel S Ab,ent RIchard A Maddot and Jlln Reeve Novembel 9. 2004 RESOLUTION CERTfFICA TIO:"l OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COU"ICIL WHEREAS The Vlrglma Beach City Council convened Into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affinnatlve vote recorded 111 # ITEM # 53200 page 14, and In accordance with the provIsIons of The Virgima Freedom of InformatIOn 4ct, and WHERE4S SectIOn 2 2-37//(Aj of the Code of VirgInia reqlllres a certification by the governing body that such Closed SessIOn was conducted In conforrmty with Virginia law NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED That the VirgInia Beach CIty ( ouncll hereby cerl1fies that, to the best of each member's knowledge. (a) only public business malters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requIrements by VirgInia law were dIscussed In Closed SessIon tu which thIs celtlltcatlon resolutIon applIes, and, (b) only such public busIness mailers as were Identllied In thc motIon convcnIng tills Closed SessIon were heard, discussed or conSidered by VIrgIn'" Beach ( Ity Councd - November 9 2004 - 18- Item V-F. I, MINUTES ITEM # 53202 Upon mOllon by Coulled Lady Wd>oll ,eeonded h, hee ,o,4ayOl Jonel CII' Omlled 4PPROVED Ihe MlIIUles of the INFORJIIAL and FOR/IIAL SESSIONS ofNo.cmber 2.2004. VOllng 8-0 Cozlllul,Hemhers Vollllg Ave Harry E D/e=el Robert M DJ c/ Vice "'"ayor LOZ//5 R Jones, Reha 5 MeClallall, Ma}o/ MCWIlI E OhelndOlI Run 4 "'/lalll/em, RosemmT WdlOllalld Jame> L Wood COl/nul Memher; VOlmg Nay NOlle CUl/llul"'fembers Abslal/l/Ilg Peler W ,)dull/dt ('oUlled Members Abselll Rlehmd A Maddo.' alld JIIIl Reel'e Coulledmall SchmIdt ABST A/NED ,,, he lI'a> alii 01 1011'11 all bus/lle'.1 alld 1I0lm Oltelldal/l e dl/rlng the Ctl' COUll ell SesslOll oj November:! 20U4 Ao"clIlbe/ ~ 2004 - /9- Item V-G. I. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 53203 Mayo/ Oberndorf DECLARED A PUBLIC HEARING: EXCESS ClTY-OW'VED PROPERTY STATE ROUTE 641, SEDLEY, nRGINIA There belllg /w 'peakers, llayw OberndorfCLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING November l) :!004 Item V-G.2 PUBLIC HEARING -:!o- ITEM # 53204 Mm'o/ Oherndorj DECLARED A PUBLIC HEARING: LEASE OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTY INDIAN RIVER ROAD and CHESTERBROOK DRIVE Re: NEXTEL CommunicatIOns The/e bel/lg //0 speaker" Maror ObellJdorfCLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING N'I\'elllba Y, :!OI!4 -: f - Item V-G. 3, PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 53205 Mayol Ohellldol{DECLAREDA PUBLIC HEARING: AGRICULTVRAL RESERVE PROGRAM (ARP) CRAGS CAUSEWAY PLEASANT RIDGE ROAD Tlzere belllg 110 ;peakers, '\4ayOl ObeIlIlIOl(CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING Nm'elllher 9 :004 -:!2 - Item V-H,I. PRESENTATION ITEM # 53106 Mayor Oherndorf Introduced thefollowlng Boy Scouls In lI11endllnce to earn their CommunicatIOns '''fer'' Badge: Boy Seoul Troop 473 Corey CudllOkufoky Gregory Damon SpollSored by Courthou,e Estates Nm'cmbel ~ 2004 - l3- Item V-G. I. ADOPT A GENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION ITEM # 53207 BY CONSENSUS, Ci(v Counc" ADOPTED: AGENDA FOR THE FORMAL SESSION ADDED: Ordznance 10 AUTHORlZE a Memoralldum of Ullder~talldlllg (MOU) wl/h Ll/lwln CalhedraliABG LId of Ihe U/1/led KIngdom (England) re feaSlb"l/v 5/ud}}OI nhlblll/lg the 1215 Maglla Carta dllll/lg Vzrgl/lla Beach/JamellmHI 2007 eventtSpunlmed bv ,\fayor Oberndor!) Novembel ') 2U04 - 24- Item V-G. 2. ADD-Olli ITEM # 53208 Upon motlOll by VIce Mayor Junes, ,econded br COl/llCll Ladr W,lson Oil COll/ICt! ADDED TO THE Consent Agenda as Item 8 (RevISed Version)": , Oldl11allce 10 A UTHORlZE a Memorandum ofUnderstandmg (MOU) wultLmcoln Cotltedl(ll/ABG Ltd oftlte Vnl/ed KlIIgdom (England) Ie jea5lbt!lIr wuly jar e,llIblllng the 1215 oUagna Carta dUllng VLrglll1<l BeachlJame'town 2007 el'enl !Spollsoled by MarDI Obelndnrj) "Lmes, 36, 37 and 38 : "WHEREAS, the Clfy's partIcIpation shall be conditioned upon the agreement of Ihe partie, that the City will be authorized to recover its costs through admissIOn fees 10 the exhibit and other revenue-raising mechQni~lIIs; alld... " VOllng 9-0 Counct! Members Votl11g Aye HartT E D,e=el. Robert H Drel, V,ce Mayor LOllis R JOlles Reba S McC!anall, Mayol I,feyero E OberndOlj. Peter W S,II/mdt, Ron 4 Vt!lonl/e\'(l, Ro'eman' Wt!,on and James L Ihwd Counct! Membels Votl11g Nar None Counct! Members Abselll Rlchw d A Maddm alld JI/n Reeve November 9, 2004 - 25- Item V-J. ORD/IVA NCESIRESOL UTlON ITEM # 53209 Upon motum by Vice Mayol Jones, 5ecoflded br COl/ncilman Sehmldl, Clt} lOl/IICil APPROVED III ONE MOT/ON OldlflanceslResolutlO1I lalb 2 alh, 3, 4, 5a1b!,6 a/b', 7 and 8 (ADD-ON) oj the CONSENT AGENDA. Votll1g 9-0 (By Consent) lOl/neil Members VOIlllg4ve Harry E Dle~eI, Robel! M Drel, Vice !vtaror LOll" R Jones Reba S MeClanan, /v/a\'Ol Meyera E Oberndorf. Peter It 'icJlI1lldt, Ron 4 Villanuc\,(l, Jamcs L Wood Clod Rose"wI) Wilm" lOl/flul Members Votll1g Nay None COl/llul i'"/embe,, Ab5elll Rlchmd A Maddor GIllI JI/II Rec\'e lOI/"ul Lady MeClana" v'oled a VERBAL NA Y 011 Item J :la/h rMoII,,/Pecelk -fRP) ^'(}\'emhel fJ. ~004 - 26- Item V-J.I.aIb ORDflVANCESlRESOLUTION ITEll # 532/0 Upon 1/101/011 by VIce MayO! JOlle.I, secollded bv COllncilmall SChlll/dl, CII} COllncil ADOPTED Ordmallces 10 AMEND and REORDAIN the Cill Code {,, 2-83 I, 2-832 2833 2-108 </1Ie! 2-/J2 Ie employee probatIOn perIOd, .~~ 25-6 alld 25-8 re dazll' Pawnbroker" report' to the Clllel 01 Po/rce Votmg Y-O (By Con,ent) Cuunul Hembels VOl/llg 41'e Hart1! E Dlezel, Robel! M D\ er, Vice ,l4alor LDlm R Jane;, Reba S i\.fcC!anan, Marol Merera E OberndO! r. Peler IV ,(/IlII/dt, ROII.4 Vlllanllem James L Waod and Rmemall' IVz/IOII Counu/ Member; Votmg Nay None COllllcil Member; Ab;ent Rtchatd A Maddox lllld JUII Ree\'e ^'U\'elllbCl Y, 20U4 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND A~D REORD~IN SECTIONS 2-83.1, 2-83.2, 2-83.3, 2-~08 AND 2-132 OF THE CITY COCE PERTAINING TO E~lPLOYEE PROBATION PE?IODS SECC'IONS A~lE~DED: ~~ 2-83 1, 2-83.2, 2- 83.3, 2-108 AND 2-132 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF' THS CITY OF VIRGINI.~ BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Sectlons 2-83.1,2-83.2,2-83.3,2-108 and 2-132 of the Clty Code are hereby amended and reordalned to read as follows: Sec. 2-83.1. Court leave. All full-tlme perlflancnt merlt employees of the Clt'! shall be ellglble to recelve pald court leave when summoned to serve as wltnesses In nonpersonal lltlgatlon. Any tees recelved by such persons for serVlce as wltnesses shall be pald to the Clty, or an eaual amount shall be deducted from the enployee's pay. Sec. 2-83.2. Funeral leave. All full-tlme pCrln;:.nent merlt empLlyees of the Cl~y shall be el1g1ble to recelve leave w1th pay upon the death of a member ef such e~ployee's lmmedlate famlly not to exceed f~ve (5) wor~lng days. Such leave cannot be saved and used at a later date. Sec. 2-83.3. Jury leave. )\.::'1 full-t1me permancne: mer1t eIT'ployees of the Clty shall be ellglble to receive palO Jury leave when su~~oned to serve as J~rors. Any fees recelved by sClch e~ployees fer serVlce as Jurors shall be pald to the Cl ty or an equal aP1oun:: shall be deducted fco'1 the employee's pay. Sec. 2-108. Probatlon perlod of employment. The probatlon perlod for employees otrer than sworn pollce personnel shall be deflned as ::he lrltlal Oll[ (E) twelve (12) calendar months of employment followlng er orlglnal employment oc re- employment. The probatlon peclod for swoen pollce and flrc personnel shall be ~~clvc (12) flfteen (15) caJendac months of employment follow~ng an orlg~nal employment or re-employment. ~owevec, the probatlon perlod for all probatlon employees shall be ex::ended one (I) pay perlod for every flfteen '11:' \.;.....J} consecutlve caler.dar days a probatlon employee lS on lnJury leave, suspens~on, leave wlthoct pay, or sick leave status. Any salary change w~lch may occ~r upon cOP1pletlon of the probatlon perlod shall not become effectlve un~ll ~he flcSt day of the pay per~od followlng suc~ complet~on. Sec. 2-132. EIlglblllty to ut~llze grlevance procedure. (a) Sxcept as provlded in subsectlon (bl, all Clty employees who are membecs of the :nerlt serVlce, as deflred In sectlon 2-76, and all employees of the CO:1S~ltutional offlces (excludlrg elected offlclals) by written conse'1t of th'= elected official, s;,all be ellglble to u~illze a, ; ~. phases of the lr levance procedc:re set forth "ereln (0) Notwithstandlng the provlslo~S of subsectlon (a) , erployees (excludlng elected offlcla2.s) who are errployed en a temporary, probational, er seasonal baS1S shall be ellglb:e to utilize s~ch procedure only up to and lncl~dlng step 3 (department dlrector); provlded, however, thac at no tlme "hall an emp~oyee employed o~ a te:nporary, probatlonal, or- seasonal baSIS be allo\ved to appeal a dlsmlssal. For the pur-pose of th 1S subsectlon, a probatlonal employee shall be de:lned as prov~ded In Sectlon 2-l08.afl CR\[910ycc ',,'Ao h:lG yet to complete the lnltl:ll a:'H i€) monthG of eR\ployment ~ltA the elty (or tAe hourly equl~Qlont for PQr~ t"R\e employee:::;), '.:::.th t~c CJ{ccp~lon of po:::..oc .J.Jld flrc pO:Jltlono In ~~lch dOGlgnated cR\ployeea !Jcr~c Q onc yoar Inltla2. [9rObatlonary [9crlod '.Ihich follo\13 any orlglFlal c"fploy:"cRt or ro cFlployment. Be it further ordalped that thls ord1~ance shall ta<e effect upon adoptlon, provlded, however, that the amendments to Sectlon 2- 108 shall not take effect untll January 1, 200S. Adopted by the Clty Cour.cll of tre C"cy of Vlrglnla Beach, Vlrglnla, on thlS 9~ day of November, 2004. AN ORDINANC;:: TOZ\~lEtn AtW ";::O?D.Z,rt; "'-lE CODE PER~AINING TO C~IEF OF peL ICE PAWNBRO~EF'S RECORJS CIT'f ANC SECTIOKS AME~CEC. ~~ 25-6 an8 25-8 BE =~ O?DAINEC BY TClE CITY COUNCE. OF TI'E CITY OF 'lIRGINIl'. BEl'.CH, VIRGINIA: That ~~25-6 ard 25-8 of the C~ty Code a~e hereDY a~e~dec ar.a reordalned, to read as follows: Sec. 25-6. Da~ly reports to ch~ef of pol~ce. (a) All pa..mbroke~s, seco'ldhana jeale~s and JGr.k dealers shall fUr'llSh dally, by 1:00 p.m., to tre chIef of pol:ce, a ~rue a'ld correct repor::, lr. pl.:ll-, legIble h.:lnd~rlt.'lg, of all merchandIse or JurH pGrcrased, sold, bartered or exchanged or o~he~wlse cornIng Into rls possess1on, durIng the precedIng twerty- fou~ (24) !lours, exceDt s:Jc!l as IS p:Jrc!lased a~ p:JbllC auctIon, descrlblng the merchand1se or Jur~ as accGrately as pOSSIble. The report ~ay be presented 1n e1~ner lEgIble wrltlr.g or lr a'1 electronIC format. (D; A v1olat1on 0: thIS sect:o'1 s~all c0nst1t:Jte a Class ~ 4 rlsde"'1eanor. Sec. 25-8. Pawnbroker's records. (a) Every pawnbro~e~ shall keep at h1S place of bUSlr.ess a book or boo~s, 1n WhlCh shall De faIrly Nrlt::en 1- Snglls~, at ::~e t1re of each loan o~ transact10n In the ccurse of rls bUSl'1eSS, an 1 accurate and legIble acco~nt recorded transactIon, settl~g forch: (1) A descrlptlo~, (serIal n~mDer "nd stater.ent 0::' cwnersr.l?) ~r.e t~me 0::' such loan or of the goods, artIcle or tnIng Dawned or pledged or rece~veG or. account of ~oney :oa~ed thereon; (2) The 4a-t-e, tlme, date and piece of receIvIng tne s-affie trar.saC::'lon; (3) The arrount of morey loaned e:hereor. ae: tne tIme of the pledgIng of the same or Da~d as the Dutchase p~lce; (4) The rate of lnterest to be pa11 on s~ch loar.; (5) The fees charged by tr.e pawr.broker, :temlZInc each fee charged; +3+(6) The full name, resIde'lce address, \Ioric p'ace, ,:mci home ~nd ~;o=]t telephone numbers, and drlve~'s llcense n~mbe~ or o~her form of IdentlfIcatlor. of the perscn pawnIng or pledgIng or sel:lng tne goods, artlcle or thlng, together wIth a part..:.cc.lar descrIptIon, IncludIng ~re !',elgr.e:, vlel::;rt, date of b~r-::h, race, gender, haIr and eye color, a~d ar.y ot~er IdentIfYl'lg mar<s c::' s~ch perS8n; +6r(7) VerIfIca~lor. of the Idere:I:Icatlon by the exhIbIt~on of a government-Issued lcientlf~cat~on card such as a drlver's lIcense or mIlItary Ide'ltIfIcatIo~ card. The record shall co~:a~n the type of IdentIfIca~lon exhlbIted, -::re ISSUing agency, a~d the number thereon; 2 +-++(8) As ~o loans, t~he te~ms and condItIons of the ~oan, Includ~ng the perIod for wh~ch any such loa~ may be made; and +&J- ill All otrer facts a~d clrcuwstances respectIng such loan. (b) The chIef of pollce shall pro[ru::'gate ~egula"[lo'1s speclfYlng the nature of the pa~tlc'lla~ descrlptlon for tre purposes of subsectlon (5 ) above ard he sha::'l prorrulgate regulatIons speclfy:ng the nature of ~dentlfy:ng credentLa::'s of the person pawnIng or pledglPg ~he goods. Such credentIals shall be examIned by the pawnbroker and aIO appropr~ate ~ecord retalned thereof. ill The boo;c or bool(O records, eIthe~ wrItten or electronIc, requIred to be kept by thIS sectIo~ sha::'l, at a::'l reasonable tImes, be open ~o InspectIon by Judges of the crlmlndl courts a~d all law- enfcrcement o:f~ce~s. If malntalIOed electronlcally, a pawnbroker shall retaIn the electron:c reco~ds for at least one year after tre date of the transact:on. lit For each loan or transactIon, a pawnbroke~ may charge a serVIce fee for makIng tre dally electronIc reDorts . to the approprIate law-enfo~cement offIcers, Cleatlrg and rralnta:nlPg the electronIc records requIred unde~ thIS sectIon, and lnvestlga~ing the legal tltle to p~operty belrg pawned or pledged or p~rchased. Such fee shall not exceed fIve pe~cen~ 0: the amount loa~ed on such 3 lte~ or pald by the oawnb~oke~ for s~ch ltem or $3, whLchever is less. (e) Any person, flr~ or corporatlon vlolatlng any provls~or. of th~s section sha:: be gUllty of a Class 4 mlsdemeanor. Adopted by Lhe Clty Counell of L~e Clt; of Vl~glnla 3each, Vlrglnla, on thlS gd day o~ November 2004. 4 - 27- Item V-J.2.a/b ORDINANCES/RESOLUTlON ITEM # 53211 Upon motlOll bl' Vice Mayor Jonel, ,ecol/ded b,' Coullcilman Schmldl 01\' Council ADOPTED: O,dwances In AUTHORIZE Ihe a(qu/lilwl/ o( 4gIU ulllllal Resen'e Pre,crmllOlI (4RPj easement developmelllllxlm (DISTRICT 7 -- PRlVrESS AVVI:) 6781 aue, al Pleal(llll Ridge Roadfrum Jame~ T. alld June A. Morris}nr S311.86611mtallmenl Agreemellf Vo :;004-63) 23 98 aucs at C'Jag~ Cau,clwl 110m Frank L. Pec,ek (01 $134,288 (In.l/allmelll 4g/l!emem No 2004-4) Votmg 8-1 I By Consent) COlll/ClI Member.1 Votmg An! Harry' E Dlcel, Robert H D) CI, Vice Mal UI LoUIS R JOlle;, Ma)'O! Me)'era E Oberndor}, Pcter W Schmidt, ROil 4 Villall/lem, Jame; L Wood and R",eman' IViI.lon COllncil Members VOIlllg Nay Reba S HcClana" CounCil Memhe" Ab;elll RlellOld A '\faddo\ alld JIm Reeve NOl ember <) 2004 1 2 3 <; 5 6 7 8 9 k~ ORDINk~CE A0THORIZING ~nE ACQUISITION OF AK AGRICULTURAL LAN:l ?R~S~RVAT=ON EASEMEN~ AND THE ISSuANCE 3Y ~H~ CITY OF ITS CONTRAC~ OBLIGATIO~S IN THE MAXIM~ PRINCI?AL k~Ou~T OF $311,866 WHEREAS, pursuan:: to ::he Agr~cu::'tura::' ~ands P~ese:!:"vat::.on 10 O~d~nance (the "Ord~nance"), Append::.x C of ::::e Code of tr.e C~ty a:: 11 V~rg~n~a Beach, ::here has beer presen::ed to the C~ty Ca~nc~l a 12 reques:: fo~ approval of an Ir.stallrrent Purchase Agreeme:::: (t~e form 13 and standard prov~s~ons of wh::.ch have bee:: prev~o~sly approved by 14 the C~::y Counc~l, a sU'Tl'Tlary of the rrater~al terrrs of wh~ch ~s 15 hereto attached, a~d a true copy of wh~ch ~s on ::~::'e ::.n the C~ty 16 At::orney' s Off~ce) ::or t;-.e acqu~slt~O:: of the :levelopmer.t R~ghts 17 (as defIned ~:: ::he Insta:Llmer.t Purc;-.ase Ag~eement) 0'. ce~::a~n 18 property loca::ed ~:: the C~ty and -nore fully descr~bed ::.n Exh~b~t B 19 of the Installment Purchase Agreement for a purchase pr~ce of 20 $311,866, ar:d 2::' W~EREAS, the aforesa::.d Deve::'oprre::t R~gh::s shall be acqu~red 22 through the acqulslt~on 0:: a perpetual agr::.cultural ::'a::d 23 preservat~on ease'Tlent, as defIned In, and ::.n COffip~lar:ce w::.th, the 24 req~l~ements of che Ordlnar.ce; a~d 25 WHEREAS, the C::.ty Cauncl::' has revIewed ::::e proposed terms and 26 cond~t::.ons of the purchase as ev::.denced by the Ins::a::'I'Tlent ?u~chase 27 Agreer:1en:: , 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY ~HE CI~Y CO~CIL OF THE CITY 29 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, 3C The C~ty Councll hereby de~ermlnes and flnds that t~e 31 proposed terms and condltlons of the purchase of t~e Development 32 Rlghts pursuant to the Install~e~t Purchase Agreerrent, l~cludlng 33 the purchase prlce a~a manner of payme~t. are falr and reasonable 34 a~d In furtherance of the purposes of the Ordl~ance, and the Clty 35 Ma~ager or hlS des1gnee lS hereby authorlzed to approve, upon or 36 before ::he execut:lon and de:"lvery of ::he Insta:":"rren:: Purchase 37 Agreeme~t, the rate of 1nterest to accrue on ::he unpald prlnclpal 38 balance of the purchase prlce set for~h herel~above as ~~e grea::er 39 of 4 5~ per a~num or t~e per a~num rate WhlCh ]S equal to the Yleld ~o on Unl~ed States Treasury S~RIPS purchased by the Clty to fund such 41 unpald prlnclpal ba=-a~ce; provlded, however, that such rate of 42 1nterest shall not exceed 6,50~ u~:"ess ::he approval o~ the C1ty 43 Councll by resolutlo~ duly adopted lS flTSt ob::alned ~~ 2 The Cl~y Councl:" hereby further deter~l~es ::hat fundl~g 45 lS aval:"able for the acqu~sltlo~ o~ the ~evelop~ent Rlg~~S pursua~t 46 ::0 the =~s~all~ent Purchase Agreeme~t o~ the ter~s and Co~dltlons 47 se:: forth thereln. 48 3 ~he Clty COU::C.l::" hereby expressly appyoves the 49 Instal:"ment Purchase Agreerrent and, sub=ect to the detern:~atlo~ of 50 ::he Clty At::orney that ::here are no c.e~ects In tltle to the 5: proper::y or other restrlctlo~S or e~cunbrances thereon WhlCh ~ay, 52 In the oplnlon of the Clty Attorney, adversely affect the Cl::Y'S 53 lnterests, authorlzes the Clty Manager or hlS deslgnee to execute 2 54 a~d dellver t~e I~stal~ment ?urchase Agreewent In substantlally the 55 same form ana substance as approved hereby wl~h suc~ m::nor 56 modlflcatlons, l~ser~lons, comp~etlons or OMlss:ons wh::c:: do not 57 -naterlally alter the purchase prlce or manner of payrrent, as the 58 C::ty Manager or ~lS des:gnee s::a~~ approve '::he Cl ty COu.ncll 59 furt::er dlreCtS the Clty Clerk :0 a~~lx t::e sea_ of the C:ty to, 68 and attest sa-ne o~, ~he Instal~me::t Purchase Agreemer.t The Clty 61 Councl::' expressly aut::orlzes the l::currer.ce of t::e l::debtedness 62 represented by the lssuance and de::'lvery of the I~stallnent 63 Purchase Agreement. 64 4. The Clty Co~~c::l hereby elects to ::ssue the lndebtedness 6S under the Charter of t::e Clty rather t~a~ pursuant to the Publlc 66 Flnance Act of 199: a~ci hereby const::tutes the lndebtedness a 67 contractual obllgatlon bearlng the full falth ar.a cred::t of the 68 Clty 69 7C Adoptlon requires an attirmat::ve vote of a ma]or::ty of all 71 members of the ci ty Caunc::l. 72 73 Adopted by t::e Cou::cll of tne C:ty of V::rgl::la Beach, 74 Vlrglr.la, on thlS 9th day o~ November 2004. 75 76 77 CA-9405 78 H'/OI~/Ordlr./ARPnatters/rrorrlsord doc 79 ;1.-2 80 October 11, 2004 3 8: 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 APPROVED A Cl=Y A~=orne~s Off~ce CERT=FIE~ AS TO AVAILABI~I~Y OF F~CS ~?~!f":'n~V- 4 E~CY' AGRICUL Tt:RAL RESERVE PROGRAM INSTALL:\-IEl'iT PLRCHASE .\GREEMENT Jl,j0. 2004-63 SL:\IMARY OF MATERIAL TERMS SELLER: MORRIS, James T & June A. PROPERTY LOCATION: Pleasant Ridge Road, Pnncess A.nne Dlstnct PURCHASE PRICE: $311.866 EASEMENT AREA: 67 81 acres, more or less DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL: 3 Single-famIly dwellIng sites (3 acquired) DLR.\TlON: Perpetual Il'iTEREST RATE: Equal to YIeld on \j S Treasury STRIPS acquired by City to fund purchase pnce. but not less than 4 50% (actual rate to be determined when STRIPS are purchased pnor to executIOn of !PA) Rate may not exceed 6 50% without approval of City Council TERMS: Interest only tWice per year for 25 years. with payment ofpnnclpal due 25 years from fP A date RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFER: IPA ownershIp may not be transferred (except for Estate Settlement Transfer) for one (I) year follOWing executIon and delIvery of fP A. .' . ' . "1741, Iniann . .a flinaSS ill __ - it . ow =1 ., ° --- ' 1 I . 1 - ...., 4 —0 W / -- as , oi) 4%%1, v 1 1 s =r"?" a CD 0 v a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AN ORDINANCE AuTHOR~ZING THE ACQUISITION OF AN AGRIC'JLTURAL LAKD PRESERVATION EASE!V:ENT AND ~HE ISSU&~CE BY T~E CITY OF :::TS CON~RACT OBLIGATIONS IN T~E ~IMUM PRINCIPAL AMOUN~ 0= $134,288 WHEREAS, pursuant to ~he Agr1cul ~_-..:.Yal Lar:ds PreSeYVaC10n 1 C Ord1::ance (the "Ord1::ance"), Append} x J 0: the Code of ~:-;e C1 ty of 11 V1rg:.n1a Beach, theye has bee:: presented to the Clty Councl':' a ~2 req-..:.est for appyova':' of an Ins~allITent Purchase Agreeme::t (the form 13 and standard Pyov:.s:.ons of WhlCh have beer: prev10usly approved by 14 the Cl ~y Counc:.l, a summayy 0: ~he materla':' terITS of w:-:acn 1S ~5 neyeto attached, and a true copy of WhlC~ 1S on f1':'e :.n the C1ty 16 Attorney's Off1ce) foy tne acqu1sltlOn 0: the Cevelop-nent Rlghts 17 (as de:1ned 1n the Installrre::t Purchase Agreerrent) on certaln 18 property ':'ocated 1:: 1:ne C1ty and moye fu':'ly descrlbed 1n Exh:.b1t B 19 of t~e Installment Purc;'.ase Agreement :or a purchase pr:.ce of 20 $134,288; and 2: WHEREAS, the aforesa1d ~evelopme::t ~lgh~s shall be acqu1red 22 throug~ the acqu1sltlon of a perpe~-"al agr:.cultural land 23 preservatlon ease-ne::t, as def:.ned :.r:, and 1n co-npl:.a::ce wlth, the 24 requ1rements of the Ord1::a::ce; and 25 WHEREAS, the C:.~y COUr:Cl':' has revlewed the proposed terms and 26 cond:'~lons of ~he purchase as ev:.denced by the Installnent Purc~ase 27 Agreement, 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT O~~AIKE~ BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~HE CITY 29 0= VIRGIKIA BEACH, V:::~GINIA: 3C The C~ty Counc~l hereby de~er~~nes a~a finds t~at the 31 proposed terms and co~altlons 0= ~he purchase of t~e Development 32 Rlg~tS pursua~t ~o the =~sta~IMen~ Pu~chase Agree~ent, lnc:ualng 33 the purchase price and ~anner 0= payMen~, are fair a~d ~easonable 34 and in furtherance 0= the purposes of t~e Crdlnance, a~d the City 35 Ma~age~ or hiS designee is ~ereby au~hor~zed to app~ove, upo~ or 36 before t!:e execution and delivery 0= the Installme:-.t P'..;rchase 37 AgreeMent, t!:e ~ate of l~teres~ to accrue on t~e unpald prl~clpal 38 balance of the pu~chase p~ice set forth c1ere.cnabove as the greater 39 of 4.5% per annum or ~r.e per a~num rate wr.lch is equa: to the Ylela 40 on Jnlted Sta~es Treasury STRIPS purchased by ~r.e Clty to fund such 4:" u~pald principal balance, provided, however, tha~ such rate of 42 interest shall ~ot exceed 6.50% unless ~he approva~ of the City 43 Council by resolut~on au:y adop~ed ~s f~rst obtained. 44 2 . The City Counc~l hereby =urther deter~lnes tha~ funding 45 is available for the acqulslt.con of the Development Rights pursuant 46 to the Installment Pu~chase Agreerre~t or the ter~s ana condltlons 47 set forth tr.ereln. 48 3 . The City Co....:.nc 2.. 1 hereby expressly approves the 49 Installffien~ Purchase AgreeMe~~ ana, subJect to the determlna~lon of 50 the City Attorney tl-.at ~here are no ae=ects in ~ltle to ~he 51 property or other res~rlct~o~S or encuMbrances thereo~ which may, 52 l~ the oplnlo~ of the City Attorney, adverse:y affect t!:e City'S 53 ln~erests, author~zes the City VIanager or hiS deslg~ee ~o execute 2 54 and aellver t~e Ir.stall~ent ?urchase Agree~e~t In sUDs~antlally ~he 55 same form and s~Dstance as approved ~e~eby wlth suc~ m~nor 56 modl flcatlons, lnsertlons, co~plet lons C,," om~sslor.S w:-,lch do r.ot 57 ~aterla=-:y alter the purchase prlce cr 'lanner of payment, as ~he 58 C~ty Manager o~ h~s deslgnee shall apfrove The Clty CC-unc~l 59 further d~rects the Clty Cle~k to afflx t~e sea: of t~e Clty to, 60 and attest same or., the Insta::ment P~rchase Agreemen~ The Clty 61 Councll expressly au~hor~zes the lncurrence of the lnc.ebtedness 62 represented by the lssuance and de:lve~y of t~e I~s~all~ent 63 Purchase Agreement. 64 4 . The Clty Councll hereby elects ~o lssue the lndebtedr.ess 65 under the Charte~ of t~e Clty rather than pu~s~ant ~o the Publ~c 66 Fl!lanCe Act of :"991 and hereby COr.stltc;teS the lndebtedr.ess a 67 con~ractual obllgatlor. bearlng t~e full fal~h ar.c. credlt of the 68 Clty. 69 70 Adoptlon requires an afflrmative vote of a ma]Orlty of all 7:" members of the Cl ty Councll. 72 73 Adopted ny the ~ - \....OUn..Cl~ of the C~ty of Vlrglnla Beach, 74 Vlrglr.la, on thlS 9th day of November I 200~. 75 76 77 CA-9406 78 H /OID/Ord~n/ARP~atters/pecsek,ord.aoc 79 R-2 80 October 1:", 2004 3 8: 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 APPROV2D AS TO LEGA~ SUFFICIENCY: cj{~~fi:lUI~pl C2RT:FIEJ AS TO AVAILAB:L:TY OF FUNDS: ~~~%,gJ)M4 4 AGRICULTURAL RESERVE PROGRAM INSTALLMENT PL:RCHASE 4.GREEMEI\'T NO. 2004-64 SUMMARY OF MATERIAL TERMS SELLER: PECSEK, Frank L PROPERTY LOCATION: Crags Causeway, Pnncess Anne Dlstnct PL'RCHASE PRICE: $134,288 EASEMENT AREA: 23.98 acres, more or less DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL: 2 slngle-fanuly dwellIng sHes (2 acqUIred) DURA TlON: Perpetual INTEREST RATE: Equal to YIeld on C,S Treasury STRIPS acquired by City to fund purchase pnce, but not less than 4 50% (actual rate to be determined when STRIPS are purchased pnor to execul10n of lP A). Rate may not exceed 6 50% WithOut approval of Cay Council TERMS: Interest only twice per year for 25 years, Wllh payment ofpnnclpal due 25 years from lP A date RESTRICTIONS ON TRA."'ISFER: lPA ownership may not be transferred (except for Estate Settlement Transfer) for one (I) year follOWing executIOn and delIvery of IP A 00 00 N LO I (0 00 I ........ 00 M ~ =l:t: c .- 0.. (9 ~ Q) en u Q) a.. ~ c CO L... LL 4- o ~ t: :J.) :::l. :> '- ll. I I , I " I I I I I __ I ___ I :, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I , : ,. [J , = l =_, ,: 'l: : =?] ,: c: I , u: co ,c' ' ,-, I ,-,::, ' ~. ., i , -~ I - , : ~~. : ..- ~ , ' ",~RAGS Cw ..! . ':---'c R<A.G~--';" : ~I . ~~ =~__,__ _ __~OWA3.0 I -~.,---- , : ::, , I I :', . I' I :' I .' 0>:: I c)" I Ii') ;: M:: I .;,1 I' c:;j: O' N I C") I Q cr I I ~. I :J . I <(: I ____ __ CD ' I I I I I I I I ~ ,------ , , GO ~ . . I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I :~ ," ~--t -----:> ! --- "rt- ,,\01 (~\ c...::,,\ '=_ \....J/ r'-..../} -' '-_/ - 28- Item V-J,3. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION ITEM # 53212 Upon fIlollOn by Vice ,HavorJones \ecol/lfed b,' CoulICllmall 5<hlllldl, Clfy Cmmul ADOPTED: Ordmance 10 A UTHORIZE a temporary surc/rarge all taxI cab fare~ a! /Wellly-!;.'e cent, 125c) pel lYlp wlHcll WIll nplle Mar 9 2UU5 Ie IlSIllg gmolllle pllCe\ I'otfllg 9-0 (By Consent) COl/ncll lfembe" VO/lllg Aye Harry E Dlezel, Robert ,I,[ DJ er, Vice ,HayOl LOI//I R JOlle\, Reba S .I,[cC/anan, -\favor Mevera E Obell/dor} Petel W Scllm"lt, Ron 4 Villanueva, Jomes L Wood alld Rosemary Wd\OlI CouncIl MembeYl Vo/mg Nar A'olle Calmed Members Ab,elll Ruhard A Maddox ,,"d Jml Reeve Nm'ember Y 2004 1 2 3 AN ORDINANCE TO AUThOR~Z~ SURCHARGE 0/\ T.n.X: C.n.B FAKi::S PER T,,-:;:P .n. Ti::MPORARY OF 25 CEt,:S 4 ~~HERS.r\S, the 21ty cf VIrgI'lla geac:'--1 ~egt.:lat.es -:axlcab rates 5 Ir. che CIty a~d r.as ietecml~e0 thae r:s:ng gasell,e p~lces over 6 ~he past ~welve ~o~ths merl~ an Increase l~ t3xlcab c~cr~es. 7 :\0\'1, THEREFORE, !3E :;:T O'W.n.INEV B"i TEE COU"lCi:" 0= ':"i-!E CITY 8 OF ViPG:NIA BEACh, V:;:RS:;:t:IA: 9 That LaXi cOMpanies operatl~g w:t.h:n Vlrg~rla Beac~ 10 pursuant co a ce~tlflca:e Issued b" , t"1e chIef of po:'lce are 11 hereby author:ized ~o 2.mpose ar. addItIor.al c\"e'lty-fIve cer.e 12 surcharge on each "'.:.r2..p ~'a8e, :.n addl"':lor. :'0 ~he :-ates diJtho~lzed 13 by Cty Code 5 36-:;:72. 14 2. ~tat che auchor:zaelor fer t~:s S~cc'large WIll exp2.re cn 15 May 9" 2005, SIX months from ere daee 0= adoDtlol' 0f tens 16 orC:i.:1ance. 17 18 Accepted by the COLr.CIl of the CIty of VirgIe'la Beact, November 19 V::.rgln.:..a on the 9th day 0: 2J04. Apprevec as to Content. J)UI':~( 1 ~\ I n.ppcoved as to Legal Suff:.c:.ency: ~a~agement SerVIces ,I C' -- (f; l!ZH~q,'V~l .) ('lrZO''L- ,Ii L/f v =-=-ty Attorrley'5 OffIce Kim Putman -taxi cab surcharge.pdf Page 1 Yellow Cab of Virginia Beach, Inc 1122 Priddy Lane, P.O. Box 5340 Virginia Beach,Va. 23471 Phone: (757)460-0811 AUG 13 2�G4 Honorable Mayor Myra Oberndorf j Members, Virginia Beach City Council RE:Urgent request for approval of"Gas Surcharge"for Independent Taxi Drivers of Virginia Beach. It becomes increasingly more difficult for the Virginia Beach Taxi Companies to provide a reasonable service level for the taxi riding citizens of Virginia Beach. Gas prices have risen to record levels and,based on current news reports,prices are expected to continue to rise. At the current gas prices our Independent Taxi Drivers find their income reduced to a point that they are having to consider alternate methods of making a living. This comes at the very time that Taxi Companies are trying to add drivers and vehicles to handle the increased passenger volume of the summer season. The Taxi Industry has experienced a large increase in Insurance cost since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This added financial burden of record high gasoline prices makes it all but impossible for the Taxi Companies to absorb this large additional expense,therefore we have no alternative but to ask our City Council for relief to our contract drivers. Unlike most businesses,our contract drivers can not pass along their additional overhead to their consumers without the approval of our City Council. You have,in the past, approved a temporary gas"Surcharge"when we experienced excessive gas price hikes. The current gas price hikes are a historical record high.We,therefore,urgently request your approval of a temporary"Gas Surcharge"of$1.00 per taxi trip. This$1.00 surcharge would be added to the trip meter fare,and each cab would have a notice posted on the dash(visible to the passenger),stating that the surcharge is included in the meter fare,and that the surcharge was approved by the City Council. This action would give the Independent Driver some relief,and 100%of the surcharge would go to the Independent Driver. Further request this surcharge,if approved,remain in effect until local gas prices fall to $1.50(mid-grade)per gallon or lower,or until City Council approves a meter rate increase that would off-set this extreme burden on our contract drivers. Your consideration of this request at the earliest possible time will be greatly appreciated by the Virginia Beach Taxi Companies and our Independent Contract Drivers. Page 1 Kim Putman -taxi cab surcharge.pdf Page 2 PAGE 2 (Continuation) RE:Urgent request for approval of"Gas Surcharge"for Independent Taxi Drivers of • Virginia Beach. • Sincerely: • • 1. Andys taxi (Signature) / / I 2. A-1 Cab Inc. (Signature • I IllJ � 3. Beach Taxi Inc (Signature) 1 .,i:.i , t • . 4. Diamond Taxi (Signature) . 5. American Taxi (Signature) (,,�; J 6. Yellow Cab of Virginia Beach Inc. (Signature) r i J Kim Putman -taxi cab surcharge.pdf Page 3 Yellow Cab of Virginia Beach Inco 1122 Priddy Lane,Virginia Beach,Va 23455 September 23, 2004 Catheryn Whitesell Director of Management Services City of Virginia Beach Subject: Taxi cab fare surcharge Dear Ms.Whitesell, • After receiving your letter dated September 2,2004 and discussing the issue with the other Virginia Beach cab companies,we request that you go forward with the proposal to city council for the$.25 gas surcharge per fare. You have advised that if city council approves this surcharge it would have a sunset date approximately six months from now. We would ask that your office evaluate the cost of gas again before the expiration of the surcharge.If the price of mid-grade gas hasn't dropped below$1.58 per gallon,we ask that the surcharge be extended for an additional six months. Sincerely, Yellow Cab of Virginia Beach Inc. Arne ican Taxi jduLtw_Lle. .4 .(1, Beach Taxi Inc. Andy's Taxi Diamond Taxi A-1 TAXI -:!9 - Item V-JA. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION ITEM # 532H Upon motIOn by VIce Mavor J()/Ie, secanded b) lOllncr/man Sc!lmldl, CII) Counul ADOPTED: O,drnan(etoAUTHORlZE and DIRECT the C lIyAfallagel toe\eCllle a Lease "'lIh Nexte/ Communications or the 'Hul-4tlantlc IIII' Ie telecommUfllcatLOfl\ fLl(lhlle~ for penonal 1\"1/ elC!~ \ cqUlpnU.!JlI III IlIdlan Rlvel Road and Che;terhlOok DIIl'e (SAIN] MATTHEWS SITE) (DTSTRICT 1- CENTERI'/LLE) Vat rng 9-0 (By Co",ellt) COllncll AJemher, VOllng Ave Hart)' E Dlezel, Robert ,1.4 Dlel VIce Mayor LOlliS R JOlin, Reba S "'fcC/anan, ,o"fa\ 01 Mel'em E Ohel ndOl r. Pelel W 5chmldt Ron 4 VIllanlleva, Jwne\ L Wood olld Ro.\eman fi'Ll\on Coullull1embe,; VOllng Nay None COllncLl Menrbe" Absent Rlchmd A Maddox and JIm Reeve ^"Ol'cmber l) 2(J()4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AK O~DINANCE AuTHORIZING k~D DIRECTING ~H::: C:::TY MANAGER TO SXECUTE A L2ASE 3ETWEEN NEX~EL COM~UN:CATIONS OF "HE ~ID-ATLANTIC, IKC. AND T~E CI~Y FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY TO BE JS:::D ?OR TE~ECO~V;UN:CATIONS FACIL1~I~S 10 WHEREAS, :.he C:..ty of Vlrgl,aa Beach (the "Clty") lS the 11 owner of certaln property lecated e~ che wesc slde 0= Indlan Rlver 12 Road, approximately 1,260 feec ne~:.h of ChesterD~ooK Drlve 13 (Centervllle Dlstrlct), cO~s:stlng of approx:..rrately 688 sq~are fee~ 14 (:.he "Property"), ar:d 15 WHEREAS, Nexce: Communlcatlo~s of ~he Mld-Atlantlc, Inc. 16 ("Nex~el"), deslres to lease the aferesald property, together wlth 17 easements for vehlcular and pedestrlan access and the 18 lnstallatlon, maintenance and replacement of necessary utllitles, 19 wlrlng, cables and other conduits, for purposes of maintalning 20 and operating an accessory bUllding houslng equipment to be used 21 in con]Unctlon with ce~~aln perso~al wlreless telecorrmunlcatlons 22 facll:..tles; and 23 WHEREAS, Clty sta== has decerMlned that t~e Property lS 24 sUltable fo~ such purposes, and 25 WHEREAS, sub=ect to che approval of t~e ClcY Councll, 26 Nextel and Clty staff ~ave agreed upon the ~erms of a proposed 27 :ease set tH~g for~h the responslDlll tles and obllgaclons of t::e 28 part:i.eSi 29 KOW, THEREFORE, B::: IT ORDAINEJ BY THE C00NCIL OF THE CITY 30 OF VIRG"N:::A BEACH, V:::RGINIA: 31 That the C1~y ~anager lS hereby author1zed and a1rec~ed 32 to execute, on behalf of ~~e Clty, the lease enc1tled GROUND LEASE 33 AGREEMENT (ST. ~ATTHEWS SI~E), C:TY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, LESSOR AND 34 NEX"EL COMML~ICATIONS OF THE MID-ATL&~T:C, INC , LESSEE, NOVEMBER 35 9, 2004" a summary of t:-:e mater1a: terrr.s of Wh1C~ ::.s he~eco 36 attached and a copy of w~lch lS on flle ::.n the Off1ce of the C1ty 37 Attorney 38 39 Adopted by the Counc::.l of the Cl~y of Vlrg::.n1a Beach, 40 Vlrg1n::.a, on ~he Qrh 28C4. day of November 4: 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 CA-9417 OID\Lar.d Use\telecomm\nextel st rratt~ews doc R-l Occober 26, 2C04 A?PROVED AS "0 CONTENT: APPROVE~ AS ~O LEGAL SUFFICIENCY, 53 54 ~ sand 55 2 NEXTEL LEASE AGREE\1El\T Summary of :vIaterial Terms Location West side oflndmn River Road. approx 1.260 feet north of Chester brook Dnve Lessee l\extel CommUnicatIOns of the MId-Atlantic. Inc Leased Area 22 50' x 3060' site. with access and maintenance easements. for accessory outbuilding housing telecommunications equipment Tenn Five years wIth no nght of renewal Rent 510,800 per year (first year), payable In advance. with annual 4% Increase Other Lessee reqUIred to Install and maintain In good condition four Southern Wax \1yrtles as screening from Indldn River Road and to regularly mow grass on site Lessee's operation not to Interfere wIth City functIOns. Lessee must correct within reasonable time or cease use to extent necessary to remedy Interference Lessee requIred to comply with all tenns of conditIOnal use pennlt Lessee reqUIred to carry 5 I ,000.000 comprehensive Insurance. plus other Insurances Lessee reqUIred to indemnify City for InJunes. etc. caused by Lessee's negligence, etc Lessee must remove antennas and building and restore premises to ongInal condItIon within 90 days of expiration or tennInatlOn of lease Secunty Deposit of57.000 required Lessee to reimburse City for cost of public notice - 30- Item V-J.5,a/b ORDhVANCE~RESOLunON ITHI # 53214 UPUII mOllOIl hI Vice MavOI JOlles, ,e((Jllded I" ('oulI((lmall Sell/mdt, ('/lr t UIlII((1 4DOPTED: LAKE GASTON: ResollltlOlI to 4f'o1END the Com!Jlehellsl\'e Rel,cell.lll1g Selllemelll Agreemelll}OI the Roallo!.e Rapids alld I.ake CaslOlI Dam pi o/e<l, alld 4 UTHORIZE alld DIRECT Ihe ('/I" M"'IU~er to e'eellle Ihe 4grecmelll 011 hehall of/he em Ordmallce co DECLARE EXCESS PROPERTY adJacem to State Route 641 III the To",,, of Sedley VI/glllw IUllnmg parallel tu the GmtulI walel Plpelme, alld.4 UTHORIZE the t 11\' Managel 10 necule all 4g1 eemellt oJ ~ale co the Sedley Volunteer Fire Departmellt. Incorporated Vollllg 9-0 (By Consent) (olll/eel Membe" VOllllg Aye Harl)' E Dlezel, Rubert If D\'er, Vice Ma\ 01 Lou" R Janel, Reha S MeC'lllnall, lhn'OI Meyera E Ohern dOl r. Pelel W Schmldl, Ron 4 Vlllallueva, Jame\ L ff ood ,Jlld RU,elllllrV WdlOlI COllncel Membe" Voclllg Nal' NOlie COUfl( eI Memben Absefll Richard 4 ,'.taddut alld JIIII Reere Novemhel V 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE RELICENSING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE ROANOKE RAPIDS AND GASTON DAM PROJECT AND A~THORIZ1NG AND DIRECTING THE CI~Y MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY WHEREAS, varIOUS stakeholders In the Roanoke RapIds and 10 Gaston Dam ProJect (the "ProJect"), IncludIng the CIty of 11 VIrgInIa Beach, VIrgInIa ElectrIc and Power Company, d/b/a 12 DomInIon VIrgInIa Power/North CarolIna Power ("DomInIon"), the 13 State of North CarolIna and others, prevIously entered Into a 14 Settlement Agreement In June 2003, WhICh resolved all Issues 15 among the stakeholders related to DomInIon's ApplIcatIon for a 16 new lIcense to operate the ProJect; and 17 WHEREAS, the stakeholders Included In the Settlement 18 Agreement proposed certaIn lIcense artIcles settIng forth the 19 terms and condItIons that the stakeholders requested FERC to 20 Include, wIthout modIfIcatIon, In the new lIcense; and 21 WHEREAS, DomInIon flIed an Offer of Settlement proposIng 22 approval of the Settlement Agreement, IncludIng adoptIon of the 23 proposed lIcense artIcles, wIth t<1e Federal Energy Regulatory 24 CommIssIon ("FERC") on July 15, 2003; and 25 WHEREAS, on March 31, 2004, FERC Issued an order grantIng a 26 new lIcense to DomInIon that dId not adopt the proposed lIcense 27 artIcles wIthout modIfICatIon, and 28 29 WHEREAS, certaln of the stakeholders sought a rehearlng of, and proposed reVlSlons to, the new llcense In order to 30 accurately lmplement the terms of the Settlement Agreement; and 31 WHEREAS, FERC held a Technlcal Conference on June 16 and 32 17, 2004 to dlscuss reVlSlons to the llcense artlcles proposed 33 upon rehearlng; and 34 WHEREAS, the stakeholders, In consultatlon wlth FERC Staff, 35 have prepared revlsed llcense artlcles that reflect fully the 36 dutles and obllgatlons agreed to under the Settlement Agreement 37 and adequately address the COMmlSSlon's stat~tory functlons; and 38 WHEREAS, to that end, the stakeholders have agreed upon the 39 terms of Amendment NuMber 1 to the Comprehenslve Rellcenslng 40 Settlement Agreement for the Roanoke Raplds and Gaston Dam 41 ProJect FERC ProJect No P-2009 ("Amendment Number 1"), a true 42 copy of whlch lS hereto at~ached; and 43 44 WHEREAS, Amendment Number 1 authorlzes Domlnlon to flle wlth the FERC on behalf of the stakeholders an Offer of 45 Settlement In whlch Domlnlon wlll request that the Commlsslon, 46 on rehearlng, replace certaln artlcles of the llcense lssued by 47 FERC wlth the revlsed llcense artlcles agreed upon by the 48 stakeholders, 49 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY 50 OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA. 2 51 That the CJ.ty CouncJ.l hereby approves Amendment Number 1, 52 and hereby authorJ.zes and dJ.rects the CJ.ty Manager to execute 53 the same on behalf of the CJ.ty, 54 Adopted by the cJ.ty CouncJ.l of the CJ.ty of VJ.rgJ.nJ.a Beach, 55 VJ.rgJ.nJ.a, on the 9~ day of November , 2004. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 CA-9413 WMM/OID/ordres/LGamendmentres.doc R-1 October 26, 2004 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFIC NCY: APPROVED AS TO ~~0N1a-j; CJ.ty At orney's OffJ.ce 3 Amendment Number 1 to the Comprehensive Relicensing Settlement Agreement for the Roanoke Rapids and Gaston Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 2009 This Amendment to the Comprehensive Rellcenslng Settlement Agreement for the Roanoke Rapids and Gaston Hydroelectric Project ("'Settlement Agreement"') IS made and entered Into by Virginia ElectriC and Power Company. dOing business as DominIOn Virginia PoweriNorth Carolina Power ("DomlnlOn"). City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. CIty of Roanoke Rapids. North Carolll1a, Dominion "orth Carolina Power, Lake Gaston Association. North Carolina Department of Environment. and Natural Resources. J\orth Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Regional Partnership of Local Governments. Roanoke River Basin AssocIatIon. The Nature Conservancy. U S Department of Commerce. 1\allonal Oceanic and AtmospheriC Administration, U S Department of the Interior. L S Fish and Wildlife SerVice, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Virginia Department of Historic Resources (the 'Partles") WHEREAS. the Parties have preVIOusly entered Into the Settlement Agreement In June 2003, which resolved all Issues among the Parties related to Domlnlon's ApplicatIOn for New License. WHEREAS. the Parties mcluded In the Settlement Agreement Proposed License Articles. which set forth the terms and condlllons that the Parties requested FERC to Include, Without modificatIOn. In the new license. WHEREAS, DominIOn filed an Offer of Settlement proposing approval of the Settlement Agreement. including adoption of the Proposed License Articles, With the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ('FERC" or "the CommiSSion") on July 15,2003. WHEREAS. FERC on March 31, 2004. Issued an order granting a new license to Dominion. Vlrglnlll Electric and Po ,,'er Company. dba DominIOn VII glnw Power/DominIOn North Carohna Power. 106 FERC ~ 62.245 (2004) ("New License") that did not adopt the Proposed License Articles Without amendment. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5 of the Settlement Agreements, some Parties sought rehearing of and proposed reVISions to the New License to accurately Implement the terms of the Settlement Agreement. WHEREAS, the CommiSSion held a Technical Conference on June 16 and 17.2004 to diSCUSS reVISions to the license articles proposed on rehearing, and WHEREAS, the Parties, m consultation With CommiSSion Staff, have prepared ReVised License Articles (attached hereto as Appendix A) that reflect fully the duties and obligations agreed to under the Settlement Agreement and adequately address the CommIssion' s statutory functions. Amendment Number I to the Comprehensive Rellcenslng Settlement Agreement for the Roanoke Rapids and Gaston Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No 2009 Page 2 of 19 NOW THEREFORE. the Parties agree to the following The Parties authorize Dominion to file with the Commission on their behalf an Offer of Settlement In which DominIOn wlil request that the CommIssion. on rehearing, replace the Articles 401-428 as contained In the New License with the Revised License Articles 2 Pursuant to General Procedures Seclton 7 of the Settlement Agreement, the Parties hereby agree to amend the Settlement Agreement to repldce the Proposed License Articles In Appendix A with the Revised License Articles, to be effectIve on the date that the CommiSSion Issues an order Incorporaltng the Revised License Articles Into the new license without modification 3 The Parties agree that nothing In Amendment Number I to the ComprehenSIve Rellcenslng Settlement Agreement for the Roanoke Rapids and Gaston Dam Project FERC Project No 2009 will prohibIt the Slate of North Carolina from proceeding on Its pending Request for Rehearing. including. fOl example. any petition for review or offer of settlement based on that Request. to the e...tent that Request regards the State's water quality certificatIOn IN WI1'JESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused thiS Amendment "lumber I to the ComprehenSIve Rellcensmg Settlement A.greement for the Roanoke Rapids and Gaston Dam Project to be executed by theIr duly authorized officers For Virginia ElectriC and Power Company dOing bUSiness as DominIOn Virginia Power/Dominion "Iorth Carolina Power Signature Name DaVId A Heacock Title Vice PreSident. FosSIl and Hvdro Date Amendment Number I to the Comprehensive Rellcenslng Settlement Agreement for the Roanoke Rapids and Gaston Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No 2009 Page 18 of 19 For The City of Virginia Beach. Virginia ATTEST James K Spore. City Manager By City Clerk Approved as to Legal Sufficlenc) Approved as to Content Director. Department of PubliC LtllltJes Deputy City Attorney COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIl"IA ;\T LARGE. to-WIt The foregOing Instrument was acknowledged before me In the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, thIS day of .20 . by James K Spore. City Manager of the City ofVlrglma Beach. Virginia. and attested to by City Clerk of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. on ItS behalf 1\otary Public (SEAL) My Commission Expires Amendment l'<umber I to the Comprehensive Reilcenslng Settlement Agreement for the Roanoke Rapids and Gaston Hydroelectnc Project FERC Project 1\0 2009 Page 19 of 19 APPENDIX A Revised License Articles Roanoke RapIds and Gaston Dam Project Settlement Agreement Summary of Matenal Terms that Impact VirgInia Beach Note ThIs summary of the matenal tenns of the Settlement Agreement was provided to CIty CouncIl In May 2003, when Councl! approved the onglnal agreement The amendment to the agreement that Council IS currently consldenng does not change any of the matenal tenns of the agreement and It does not Increase or alter any obligations or Interests on the part of Virginia Beach pursuant to the Settlement Agreement ProvISions directly affecting the City (Article FL 6 - Drought Response) are part of a much larger settlement 2 ProvIsions apply only to Southeastern Virginia commUnitIes that obtain water from the Lake Gaston PIpeline (only Virginia Beach at present, to Include Chesapeake when It beginS uSing Lake Gaston water, as well as any future users) Parties agree that comparable obligatIOns are appropnate for future or expanded InterbasIn transfers 3 EstablIshes ConsumptIve Use Droughl \1anagement Comnl1ttee ("Committee"), consisting of NOl1h CarolIna, Virginia, Virginia Beach, and Dominion Power, to diSCUSS drought conditions, review avaIlable mfonnatlon on drought and water re,ource conditIons, and deliberate to detennlne measures to be taken to I espond to any drought Chesapeake and any future large consumptive users (I e , at least 2 mgd not returned to nver) may JOin 4 FollOWing consultatIOn wIth the CommIttee, NOl1h Carolina and Virginia may jOintly declare a cntlcal drought In the Roanoke River BaSin In such event, Virginia Beach must take water conservatIon measures specIfied by Korth CarolIna, which may Include . Use of all water supply sources within junsdlctlon lImits to the maximum extent practIcable, . Use of all alternative sources that can be obtained, consIstent wIth good utilIty system practices at a cost of not more than 20% of thc pnce charged to wheel and treat Gaston water, . Use of any emergency/cOnjUnCllVe use groundwater that IS pracllcal1y and economically available, and · ImplementatIon of conservatIOn measures to reduce water demands set forth In City Code Secllon 37-21 (no outdoor watenng, etc ) 5 If Virginia does not agree wllh :-.JOl1h CarolIna that there IS a cntIcal drought, ]\'orth CarolIna may sttlllmpose conservatIon measures, but none stncter than It Imposes on NOl1h CarolIna water supply systems currently USing InterbasIn transfers from the Roanoke RIver 6 A.ny party may appeal cntlcal drought deterrmnatlOn to U S Army Corps of Engineers 7 VIrginia and North Carolina also determine when conditIOns warrant modificatIOn, suspension or reSCISSion of drought measures or when a drought has ended, with same appeal nghts to Corps of Engineers 8 IfVlTgInJa does not agree, North Carohna may sllll require conservation measures, but not stricter than those It Imposes on North Carolina water systems currently USing mterbasm transfers /Tom the Roanoke River 9 City's proffers to FERC are retained III shghtly modIfied fom1 They Include . City pays $200,00 per year, with inflatIOn adjustment. for hydnlla control, . Lake Gaston water may not be exported outSIde of S E Va, . Lake Gaston Plpehne hmlted to 60 mgd, . City to use storage In Kerr reservOir for stnped bass spawning, . City to maIntam an active conservatIOn program, . City commitment to regIonal conservation, . 1\0 Interference by City with alternative water supphes, . City Will not Interfere with recreatIOnal uses In Lake Gaston or Kerr ReservOir or seek specIal regulatJOns, legislatIOn or stncter discharge standards for Pea HIli Creek. Lake Gaston or Kerr ReservOir than would apply to other SimIlar waters In VirgInia 10 VlTgmla and I\orth Carolina recognize Roanoke RIver IS shared resource that should be cooperatIvely managed by the two states 11 City's obligatIOns are enforceable only by North Carolina or 11S agencies 12 City reserves rights to challenge any other restnctlOns on ItS nghts J A' ORDI.....A-J\C E DECLA-RI'\G CERTA-" PROPERTT FRO'T"GA-LO:\G THE LAK[ (,ASTO:\ PII'ELlJ\E RIGH r OF W A-) EXC E~S AI\D ALITHORIZI.....G THE CITY vlAJ\AGER TO CXEC I TEA 'JA0REEvlE'JT OF SA-II A 'J[) COJ\VFY SA"lE TO TilE <,EDLEY VOLL:J\TECR FIRF IlEPARTvlP';l. I'JCOR paRA TED , 4 :i h 7 ~ 9 I CJ WHEREAS, thc ( Ity or VlrglnlJ Bench acqulled owncrshlP. by deed from II 'Jorfol\.. ,1I1d Western Rndway C omp.lIlY, a VlrglnlJ corpordtlon, recolued 111 Decd Boo\.. 326, at 12 Page X27, In the Cler\..', Ofticc of thc ( IrcUIl Court of Southampton Coullly, Va, of a certain I' parcel of real property contdlnlng dppro,"nately 329= Jcre,. 10cJted adJaccnt to '>tate Route 641. 14 III the Town of Sed ley, Vlrglllla, anu runnll1g pJrallel to the 03,ton W,lter PlpelInc I" WHEREA-S, the Seulcy Volunteer Flrc Department, Incorporatcd, a Vlrglllla non- 1(' ,toc\.. corporation has reque'teu that the ( Ity of Virginia Be,tch declale ,1' cxce" and convcy to 17 the Sedlcy Volunteer FIre Dep,lrtment. InCOIl'orated, apploxllllatcly l)O acre (thc ' Property") of I X thc ,29" aClc, to be utilized jor traJllIng anu expansion of Ih facdllle" Including the follow1l1g 19 t\\O parcels Parcel I 350 feet long by 50 feet wldc located on the ,outh SIde of the plpelll1e 20 adl,lcent to thc lire ,tatlon sIte. and PJrcel 2 430 feel long bv :iCJ ket WIUC. loc,lted on the north 21 "de of the pIpeline. J" WHEREAS, the (Ily ( ouncd IS of the opllllon th,lt the Property .I, ,hown on the 2\ map entitled "LOCATIO:-.J MAP SHOWI'JG EXCESS CITY OW:\ED PROPERT) 24 ADJACEJ\T TO LAKE GASTO'J PII'ELlJ\E RIC,HT 01 WAY I'J SEDLEY. VA 2:' ~OLTHAtvlPTO'\ COl"'lTY". ~Ittached hert:to .1'" Exhibit -,\, Jnd a... ...hO\\11 by the cro....~-hatched 2(, ,nca drawn on the plat cntltled "PLAT SHOWP\GAC QLISITIO'J fOR LAKE GASTO' ,> - , WATER ~UPPL Y PROJECT (( IP :i-9(4) JERU'>ALEvl DISTRIC T 2~ SOLTHAvlPTO;-.J COU'\TY vIRIGIJ\IA." d,lled Junc. 19P, ,llld prepnlcd hy Rou,c-SIrlnc 21.) As'oCInles. Ltd. which pl.11 I' attached hereto J' Exhlbll B. IS In excess 01 the need!, of Ihe Clly ~o of VlrglnlJ Beach 31 32 I\OW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORD-\I!'o;ED BY THE COL'\CIL OF 33 THE CITY OF VIRGI"-\ BEACH. VIRGII\I-\: 34 35 TIMt the Property I' hereby decl.lred to bc In exce,s of the need, of the C Ily dnd 36 thdt the C Ily manager I' hereby .Iuthllllzcd to execute an Agreement of Sale and .lny necessary 37 document, to effectuate the ,.de of the PlOperty to the Sedley Volunteer Fire Department. 3X Incorporated 39 That the Property ,hdll be conveyed In aeeolddnee wllh the SummalY of Terms 40 dlt3ched hereto a, Exhibit C .md such other telms. condlllon, or moddie.Ulons as may be 41 satlst:letory to the City Attorney 42 Thl' ord1ll3nee ,lull b~ effective from the dale of IlS adoption 4, --\dopted by the COllncll of the ( Ity of Virginia B..:ach Vlrglnl.l. on the9th __ 44 day of N()vpmh"r . 2004 45 4(, 47 4X 49 50 51 "2 53 AP~VEDA,S TO,( O'TE'iT X/tv/A rk:f!iddL. ~;ent of Pub he L lillie, 54 5:- ~() A,I'PROVED AS TO LEGAL ~~ZM~ (s~ ( Il'y Attorney', OftiLe \ APPROVED AS TO COI\ fEI\T ('\ ~7 5X 59 (10 CA - 'P.lS 5 Prep.uell I (}.25/1)4 ...... , 1 _h_,__.,...imr- ---wmr, - ;dr : _ ____.,.___ _ __ , ►y r - _ - i 0111 —t4.30*48 _Li. , I tir .0 ' pm.. ii .Jr. .J.. .J.. It' 44._ _ .L ag i 1 4 4 .,v. .,u. .,. 111 a4 .,Jt a4 Vis•4 -y-- 44 44 4 4 44 4 alt 4 .4 r. N3 T at4SkkllI FA� t' !Lhy , Aop. „ATI 1„, , _ .. ,. s 4/11... 1 1 . ..ED L •lb I tifj SSR a ri 'jil --- ■.' if All EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP SHOWING EXCESS CITY OWNED PROPERTY ADJACENT TO LAKE GASTON PIPELINE • RIGHT OF WAY , r IN SEDLEY, VA. SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY ,,, . , .41110011. LEGEND _4. > Location of Excess City .4 � '' Property :4Ipl kC ill ,/ Pipeline Right of Way IiTl AND •,� _r 1DTopoQuedsCalm®1!!sDthen sYsus ME011% F____I Imo ft Scale:I:31,250 Deta&1Z6 Dan®:WGsB4 m !:: m :I: )( WI <I> ... Ii: ... <1>- <I> c: _ <I> c: E ":1:: o ctl >c. >.<1> <l>c is <I> en II . Co I -' ~ ~ .~:td _>=011( ]:1LI _01.1 ....::1 ~~-S~(.~I~'n V>.~ll. 1:....... lI.O"" z""' o~d~ ., :i~, ~ ~_ ~==tlO .2 ~ U:;~ . ::I'" , '.9 3.LnO!:f ~!''), "<t-~.,cl~'w;.,,!\ ~ II ...-fR ~ " ,.c... ' ~_,I'~ ,,' 'j ,;~ ,,~' 'P ~"'~~ cr ~ J' v?.I'-;1> 'y:t-sr- ~~ !.,\~\}~~ \,~, ",~~b~. ",~.-L, ,~I,. ,~',~" ,'" ' q \"" " \-----1 '\ ~~~ \ 0~~ \ ! '/i( ~~ "r ")~, ,JfT'-/. r;' ll1~jiq "'! ... ,J r""-es ~ f: \ ""', ! ~~r j, 0' J vi '!.-.~~ ,( ,J' ."..~ ~\ :{,/ ~ '", >-~,t;E-~t?iJ: I ""IJ k,:/-!. ./ .., ) '.' ~, r~~~\! ::' "-l,~ _'IIo'l!Xl ~~ ~r!'J~~~~~ :~~ ~;~~"M3.- __ 'P I ~;iir___ .' '-' i/'; ONC~~S3~J.S ~S3M. '" "€~ ~_ 0 Em ~; I.() ~--J m"" Q:r<.).\jJ~ ~l :I'" ,jl'l' <I" _!elL ... o - - III <I> ::3 C' <I> a:: c: o .;:; ctl c: o c ~ <I> C. e Q. ~ ~ ~ '" :'2 "' "' " ., ~ W I I r----- , . I j . I - - (!!i!P- j " ~ - - , ~ Q C Q . > . . ~ Q o ~ ~ . Q . 2 c o ~ > c .- a::lr:: 1ol: ~~o: -~- I-u. a.. _~~; ....I ...ll-- -:!;- ., ~z;: ~ ~~o!l ~~, '" j~~ ::I~if~ Q!t- II) >- LLI[L"i'lt:- iIJ U)o<J=>. W ~ Q, g ~ La. ~- a:_ '0 ", ,; ~, .. Q . ' ~r 0- '0 ~" ~ l3~~dl'. JiSO':;O; J.S~L-'J.S~ > ~ }z: "'~. ~ >:~8C1 _",,-J ~~Q", oZen- .. ~5~~':' = ~i="~ =>"" lI)~~ ~::il' C1S-)- ONO:HS l.S3N. U') -~- :J ~~ --:d -+ ~ ~ ~ N 0, 0, ffi .g ~ 0. c en , ~ o I- fd .." ~ c Z . ~ ll! ;; ~ ~ z ~ ~ z ...Q n ~ ~a IoL. w I- In ~ ~ _ e ;L ~ :~ ~~I ieffi!; ~B; i ~ l:I.. ~ !t!~ o gol ~!~ ~ 3:-~ 1-; u ~.. ~ 2 ~ t ~~ -l 0 or tlilU 8 "- I"- Q 8 a ~ (/) ~ - ~ ~ ~ o . ~ " ~ ~ I I a I ~' LLI )(: <:{ -.J ........;c.~......... "J . ,.~ !. It. 'z Ii :;, ,', .:. ~~ .:., 'f ..L....- I .. ~- ,.' ~+. ~ ~/ o. 0') ..' " !I " , -I. ~ "" :1 u' ~: . u ~ Ex:ublt C SELLER: PURCHASER: PROPERTY: PURCHASE PRICE: ZONING CHANGE: RESUB- DIVISION: REVERTER CLAUSE: PROPERTY DEVELOPMENTI USES: SUMMARY OF TERMS Clly ofVlrglma Beach Sedley Volunteer Fire Department, Incorporated 90 Acre located adjacent to State Route 641, In the town of Sed ley. VIrginIa, as shown on Exhibits A and B $100 Zomng IS controlled by Southampton County Board of SupervIsors Present zoning IS R-I The Propelly ( 90 acre parcel) IS part ofa larger parcel The purchaser shall prepare a resubdlvlslon plat to separate these parcels from the remainder parcel of City owned property and. comply with any resubdlvlslon requirements of Southampton County The Property will revert to the City under the following conditIons I Use of the Property for purposes other than those associated wIth the normal operation of the volunteer fire department 2 Dissolution or Insolvency of the Sedley Volunteer Fire Department.lnc 3 Any use of the property that the CIty of Virginia Beach detenmnes to be an endangerment of the Lake Gaston Right of Way or any Improvements associated therewllh The Property shall be developed only In such manner to enhance the eXisting Volunteer Fire Department's mISSIOn Plans for any Improvements to be constructed upon the property shall be submitted to the City ofVlrglma Beach, Department ofPubhc Utlllnes, for approval '\ -ProJe-ct~ Excess Property-~edlev \ olu01eer FifO: D.:p&J1menl.lnfo. ,,0( doc - 3/ - Item V-J.6.a/b ORDI:VANCESIRESOLUTION ITEM # 532/5 Upon mOllOn by ViLe Mayor Jone.\, s<!cvllded br Coullcilmun Schmldl, Cil)' COUlll II ADOPTED: INTEREST-FREE LOANS: Ordll7anLe IV AIIJEND and J10DIFYan Agreemenl"'ilh Beach Healt" Climc re $750,000 daled Decemher /2, 2000 Ordl/lallce10 APPROPRIA TE $I,UUU 000 110m Ihe time! balallce 10 Ihe Vlrglllla 4ql/allUlII cI: Mallllt' 5C1<!/I{ e FOl/lldal/on, It" alld, AUTHORIZE Ihe OIl' l1allag~1 10 e\~cule a Coope/{lIIol1 Agreemel1l bel ween Ihe em alld Ihe ['oundal/Olll e I/npIOW!mCIIII {f/ Ihe Virginia Aquarium & Mar/lie Sciel/ce Cel/ter VOllllg 9-0 (By Consent) CVl/llcll Members VOllllg Are Harry E Dleeel Robal M Drel Vice Maror LOll/\ R JOlles Reba 5 llIcClullall Mayor Me) era E Oberndol r. Peler W ~(hlllldl, ROil A Vdlalll/em, Jame, L Wood alld RwemCl/l' !rd"," COllllcd Membel \ Vmlllg Vay NOlle COl/llul .11embel' Absent R,cha/{/ A Maddo, and Jlln Reeve Norember ~ 2U04 AN ORDINANCE '"0 AMEND THE TERMS OF AN AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE A $750,800 INTEREST- FREE LOAN TO THE BEACH HEALTH CLlNIC WHEREAS, the Beach Health ClInIc provIdes a va:uable serVIce to the CIty and Its cItIzens by provIdIng prImary medlcal care to Indlgent resIdents; and WHEREAS, on December 12, 2000, Clty CouncIl approved an Interest free loan to the Beach Health Clin:c ~n the amount of $750,000, W::lcn was to be repalCl <)ver f: ve years, WHEREAS, the Beach Health Cl:n:c lS requestl~g an amendment to thlS loan agreement to provlde ~hat t~e eXlstlng requlrement for a flnal payment of $450,000 ln December 2005 be modlfled; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment would permlt the Beac~ Health Cllnlc to repay the remalnlng ba:ance through annual payments of $75,000, beg:nn:ng on or before December 31, 2005, wlth the last payment due on or before DeceIT~er 3l, 2010 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA. 1 That the terms of the loan agreement between the CIty of Vlrglnla Beach and the Beach ~ealth Cllnl~ are hereby modlf:ed to prOVIde that the re~alnlng balance of $4~0,000, currently due to be repald ln December 2005, may Instead be repaId thorough annual payments of $75,000; the fIrst of these payments shall be due on or before December 31, 2005, w1th last payment due on or before December 31, 2010. 2. That the terms of th1S amended loan agreement shall also reflect that, unt1l ~hlS loan 1S pa1d off, ~he Beach Health Clln1C w1ll be obl1gated to prov1de to the Clty any Un1ted Way cap1tal allocatlons that the Beach Health Cl1nlc may recelve. Any allocat10ns so rece1ved shall be cred1ted toward the unpa1d balance of the loan. 3 That the Beach Health Cl1nlc shall slgn a new promlssory note statlng the revlsed payment terms and amounts Adopted by the Councll of the C1ty of V1rg1n1a Beach, V1rg1nla, on the 9th day of November , 2004 Approved As to Content Approved As To Legal Sufflclency: jJ()~'I~U .~. ' CA9415 R4 October 28, 2004 H \PA\GG\ORDRES\No Interest Loan Beach Health Cllnlc DOC October 11. 2004 Mr JdlTIes K Spore Clty Manager. City ofVlrgmld Beach 240 I Couct House Dnve Cny Counsel, BUlldmg One VirginIa Beach, V A 23456 Re: Beach Health Clinic Dear Mr Spore In 2001 the Clly ofVlfglma Beach gracIOusly made an Interest free loan In the amount of $750,000 00 to assIst In the purchase of a new facihty for thc Beach Health Chmc, Inc The terms included annual payments of $75,000.00 pel' year beginning on or before December 31, 2001 and the last payment of $450,000 ending on or before December 31, 2005. While the Chmc has timely made all payments to date, and IS In sound financial condlllon, the $450,000 payment In 2005 would stra1l11he resources of the Chmc and deplete all reserve funds It IS requested that the terms of the note he modified to penmt payments of $75.00000 per year a final payment of $75,00000 due 111 December 2010 '-- :i/l/ ~sep~'1 Hood. J PreSIdent ) AN O~DINA~CE TO A?~~OPqIATE $:,OOO,OCO OF FU~D BALANCE ~N THE GENERA~ cUNJ TO ?ROV= DE 1'.0: I~TEREST FREE ~OAK cO ,~E V~RGiNIA AQUAR=J~ & ~ARINE SCIENC:: FOUND;;TION, INC., }\0:D TO APPROVE A COOPERA:ICt\ AGREE~'EN', BE'::'WEEN THE CITY l'NJ THE FOU~J;;TION RELAT=~G TO It'lPROVE~1ENTS AT TEE VI?GINIA ;;QU;;R~J1'-1 & ~lAR=N:: SCIE~CE CENTER \~J-1EREAS, the Vlrg~n~a l\quar~uIT' & ~:c.rl"le SClerce F0'-1r:dat1on, Inc., (the "FOUnc.atlonlf~ has p~anned a serles 0: .:rr,pro'Jements to exhlblts at tte V~rglnla Aq'-1ar1Um & Marcne SC1ence Center, arc WtiEREAS, tre ?oundat1on does r.o~ preser:;:::'y have su:flclent Lu:ds _~ pay fer the des~::;r ef 1:hese r:e'" exrlc~ts, but :'dS represeneed ':hat C'-1rrer:;: :ur:d-ra1sl:"g effocTs w1I: e"lab:e ~t to repay an lrterest-free loar: froT the (l1:Y e: Vlrg~n1a 3eacr l~ the amount of $1,000,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY =~E cnUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, ViRGIKIA: 1. That $1,OOO,OOC lS herecy appropr1ated from fund baiar:ce In tt",e General F:l:1d :0 prov1de a"l l~,terest-:ree loan to tne Vlrg:'''11a AquarluT"'" & ~arlne SCle'1Ce =Ol:rda:::'lc,r., I:'1c., so :.ha~ t~e FO'-1r:datlon may beglr: deslgn1ng plar:red 1mprovement to exhlb:ts ae the Vlrglnla Aqua~l~m & Marl~e SCle~ce =e~ter, wl~h ~eve'1~e Increased acco~dlng~y ~n t~e F~ 2004-2005 Operatl~q Budge:. 2. ~hat t~e ~er~5 :o~ t~lS loar src_l prov:de thdt It 15 to be repald by the Feur.dat1o~ ever foc~ :41 years, wltr pay~en~s due , f f " " S"h \ d - on 1:'18 l 1:ee~t!1 \" -, ay et Jar:uary eaor. year, Pa}~erts shali be r.ade ln (4) four equal lr:s1:allmer.1:s 0< $250,000, "'l1:h the f1rst payr-.e"t to be made 0" or before January 15, 2006, a"d t:,e last pay-e~t to De maae on or be:ore January ~5, 2009 3. That, as a condltlo~ of ~ecelVlr.g trls loa~, -::he Founaatlon shall execute a prom~ssory nete provldlng for the terms and eondlt~ons of the ~oan and provlde quarterly reports, Deglnrlr.g on January 1, 2005, to tl:e CIty ~lanager corcern~ng tl,e status ef the Foundatlo,,'s p"edge campalg" 2"d ccllectlon3. 4. ~bat the C~ty Ka~ager ~s ~ereby aut:,orlzed to execute a Cooperatlon Aqreemert be~ween :he CIty and the Foundatlo~ o~tl~nlrg the respectlve ob~~gatlons of the partles for the Improve-ert of exhlblts at the Vlrglnla Aquarlum & Marlne SClence Center Aaopted by Vlrglnla, on the tbe 9th Courcll of the day 0: Nnvpmhpr Cl-:Y of 2J04 Vlrgln~2 Beach, Requ~res an aff~rmatlve vote by a ~aJorlty of the ~embers cf the C~ty Counc~l. A??ROVED AS TO CO~TEK >>~Q, ArPF8VED AS TO ~EG~L SGFFICIEt;':y: ~4~< t:.- s-:- 51~, j/ Citf ;tt~r~ey's Of:lce Manager-ert Serv~ces CA-938E H \PP.\GG ORDRES\VS AquarlL.:lI Loa- orc! dcc k7 Oct:::De~ ;::8, 2GC.1 Cooperation Agreement between the City and The Virginia Aquarium & V1arine Science Center Foundation, Inc. City: Foundation: Premises: Project: Facility Improvements: Term: Responsibilities of Foundation: SUW\1ARY OF TERMS City of Vlrglnla Beach The VIrgInIa Aquanum & \1anne SCIence Center FoundatIon, lnc ,a V IrglnIa non-stock corporation Clly property located at General Booth Boulevard more commonly known as the VIrginIa Aquanum & Manne SCience Center (the "A.quanum") Foundatlon's desIgn and construction pertaining to the renovatIOn of eXIstIng exhibits and the mstallatlOn of new exhlblls at the Aquanum CIly'S desIgn and construction of the Aquanum's mfrastruclUre needed to house the new and renovated exhibits Commencmg on date of execution of the Agreement untll the Project and FacIlity Improvements are completed . Will contract with Chennayeff. Sollogub and Poole. Inc rCSp"} design and englnecnng of the exhlbll renovations on the PremIses . Shall fund all of the design and engineering work assocIated with the Project and the Facility Improvements m excess of CIlY's financIal commitment of 5467.000 mcludmg but not limited to. obtaining all penn ItS . Shall prOVide City with eVIdence of suffiCient fundmg for all FoundatIon destgn costs . Shall prOVide to City all of the drawmgs and constructIOn documents for the Faclllly Improvements necessary and appropnate for biddIng and construction by City. upon conclusIOn of the design phase . Cpon conclusIOn of the design phase and prior to Clly's advertIsement for construction bid for the FaCIlity Improvements. shall proVIde eVidence of sufliclent fundmg to cover the dlfference between CIty's construction cost commitment of $2.700,000 and CSp's estimate of total construction costs for both the Project and the Facllny Improvements plus a reasonable combmed construction contIngency, and shall transfer to CIty all supplemental fundmg needed to fully fund the estimated cost ofconstructmg the FaCIlity Improvements to the Responsibilities of the City: Termination: extent that the estimated costs exceeds CIty's construcllon contrIbutIOn of$2,700,000 . Shall contract With CSP separately for the design and engmeenng of the FacIlity Improvements . Shall contnbute no more than $467,000 for design and engmeenng costs for the FacIlity Improvements . Shall sohclt bids for and award a contract for the constructIOn of the Faclhty Improvements . Shall contnbute no more than $2,700,000 for the construcllon of the FacIlity Improvements. upon satIsfaction of all conditIOns precedent specdied m the Cooperallon Agreement . Shall mspect the Project and Facility Improvements at any time dunng the term of the Cooperation Agreement . All City financial obligatIons are subJect 10 appropnallons Ellher party may term mate the Cooperation Agreement for cause If default IS not cured wlthm 14 days from receipt ofwnlten notIce of default 2 r / r4 ,/I. VIRGINIA AQUARIUM & .. A ~ I N Elf 1'>0 ~ f. T ~ " November], 2004 Mr Jun Spore, City Manager City ofVlrglma Beach Muruclpal Center, Bwldmg I 240 I Courthouse Dnve Vlrgmla Beach, V A 23456 Dear Mr Spore The Foundation Board IS excIted to partner .....th the City ofVlrglrua Beach m the renovatIOn of the ongmal exhIbIts gallery of the Vlrglma Aquanum & Manne SCIence Center Tlus renovaUon replaces l7-year-old exhibIts and transforms that gallery mto excltmg live animal habitats. hands-on exhibits and mcreases our aquanum holdmgs to I nulhon gallons Thc Vlfgmla Aquanum & Manne SCience Center FoundatJon, lnc (Foundation), has conllmtted $52 nul lion m pnvate fundmg for construCUon of the e"llIblt~ m the renovated exhibit area A Capital CampaIgn IS currently underway, with $\ 9 mllhon ID pledges already secured lrutlal donor support IS strong. however pledge payments are scheduled ovcr a penod of years, and the F oundaUon reqUires mllnedlate fundmg m order to contJnue WIth the A&E phase of the project The current A&E costs are proJectcd to be $1 3 mllhon Therefore. the FoundatIOn requests a loan m the amount of $1 mllhon This letter serves as confirmation that the Foundation has suffiCient fundmg m place to satisfy the reqUirements outhned m the CooperatIon Agreement between the City and the Vlrgmla Aquanum & l\1arme SCIence Center Foundation, Inc SpecIfically. current FoundatIOn cash balances. coupled With the $1 mllhon loan. proVide suffiCient fundmg to cover all deSIgn and plannmg costs associated WIth t1us renovatIOn project Thank you for partnenng WIth us to create a world-class aquanum WIth Kmd Regards. L_---~-- Mr Donald H Patterson. Jr , PreSIdent DHP/dew cc PattI Phllhps. Dlfector of Fmance Vanessa ValldcJuh, Assoclatc City Attorney - 32- Item V-J, 7. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION ITEM # 53216 Upon motIOn by V,ce Mayor Janel, seconded bl' Coullulman SChlllldl, CII> Coullcd ADOPTED: Ordlllance to ACCEPT $85,000 fiom lire Federal EmergenC} Managemellf 4gellCl (FE!"1Aj and APPROPRIATE 10 lhf! FIre Deparlment '5 FY2004 05 o!'('/GIlIIg hudgel Ie 1'1/ glll/{/- Tml. FOI (e 2 Urhan Search aud Rescue Team deploHl/ellf to 111\1" Wltlr cleall- up lor Hllrrtcane~ Charley and Jeanne In Flallda 'Ollllg f)-/J (By Consentj CouncIl Members VOIlIIg 4ye H{l/rl' E Dlezel, Robf!r/l1 Dl'a, l',ce'vlmDl LOUII R Junes Reha S Mcelal/an, '\'lal'O/ Meyel a E Ohel lidO/ r. Pele! W \'Chl1lldl, ROII.4 Vdlal/uem, Jallle' L Wood and ROleman II dlDn COllncdllelllhen VOIlIIg Nal' Nune Councd Members Absent RIchard A Madd", and JI/I/ Reel'e !vu\'(:lIIher ~, 2004 ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All: ORDINANCE TO ACCE",T I\NJ APFROPRIJlTE $85,OCO ~RO~ THE FEDE?AL EMERGENCY ~ANAGEME~T AGENCY ~O ,~E FIFE DEP.I\?TMENT' 5 :-Y 2004-05 O?EFATING BCDGET ?OR JE?LOY~EKT ~() ASS~ST :~=~~ =~EANJP FROM HJ?RICANES CHAR~EY Arc -E~N~E ~-v;...:rEqEAS, the Fec.e:-a~ 2rne::-gency '}arlaqeTlle~t ,l\ge:1cy ("?::::t,;'P.") 9 ~ssued an alert: order for members of ::re F:=MA U!:ban :3earcr. ar.d ]0 Rescue V~rgln~a Task-Fe!:ce ;; ::or anc:..c:pated aSSls::ance w,::h ] 1 cleanup f~om Hurr:..ca:-les Charley ar.d Jear're, and FS~~_I\ has now 12 app~oved $85,000 l'l re~mbt:rsemer:: cos::s. ]3 f\O~~ , THi::REFOR:':, 3E ~':' OFDA='lED 3! '!'H2 COUNC::::L ~,- 'v~ T:-IE cr~Y 14 0" VIRGINIA BEACH, VIFGUn.z,: ]5 T'1at $85, COO ~s hereby accepted frerr t'1e Federal Emerge:-lcy 16 Managerre:-l': Agency and approDr:..ated ::0 che 'lre CeparL'T\erc'S FY 17 20C4-05 Ope~aL~ng BL:dge:: fer cos-=..s a.ssoclated Wltrl !:..r:e 18 dep:"oYlT'e"~ ef me-De~s 0: ::r.e urbar sea eei- ard re"Ct:e tear, ,.,: t h 19 federal revenue ~rcreased acccrc:..ng:"y, 20 Adopted by the Councll of the C~ty of Vlrg~n:..a Beach, 21 \!lrgl:-lla on the 9th day 0: Novernbe,r 2004. Q,~~ I\pproveci as ::0 ~egal Suff:..c:..e:lcy Approved as to Conte~t Mar.agement Se~Vlces ~t[1i-'1 if/ - 33- Item V-J.8. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION ITEM # 532/7 ADD-ON Upon motzon by Vice MayO! Jones, sewllded or Cmmcdlllan Schlllufl CIIY Coullcll 4DOPTED, AS RE VISED *: Ordmance to AUTHORIZE a Memoralldum of Understanding (MOU) wah Lmwln ('alhedlal/ABG LId of the Ulllled Kmgdom (England) Ie {easlhlla\ sll/elrjor e.th,bllmg the 1215 Maglla Carta dwmg VLrgmlO Beach/Jame\town 2007 e"elll (Spomtlled hr ,I;/a\'or OberndOl j) *Lines, 36. 37 alld 38 : "WHEREAS, the City'~ partIcipatIOn shall be condmolled UpOIl the agreement of the partle~ that the CIty will be authorized to recover its costs through admlssioll fee~ 10 the exhibit alld other revellue-ralsing mechanisms; and... " Votlllg 9-0 (By Conselll) Council iHemher.\ Volmg Aye Harry E Dle~e1, Robert M Dyer, Vice llayor LOUlS R JOlles, Reha 5 McClallan Mayor "'Iel'era E Oberndolj. Peter W 5, hmldl, Ron A Villanueva, Rosclllwy WII;OIl and Jame; L Wood COllllcd Memben VOlmg Nay NOlle Council lvlembers Absellt R,chard A Maddo< allel Jun Ree"e NO\'emher ~, 20M 1 REQUESTED BY THE HONORABLE MEYERA E OBERNDORF 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO 5 EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH 6 LINCOLN CATHEDRAL AND ABG, L TO, OF THE UNITED 7 KINGDOM FOR A FEASIBILITY STUDY TO FUND THE B EXHIBIT OF THE EXEMPLAR OF THE 1215 MAGNA 9 CARTA IN VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA IN 2007 10 WHEREAS, the observance of the 400th anniversary of the founding of 11 Jamestown IS scheduled to be a major event In the history of the Commonwealth of 12 Virginia; 13 WHEREAS, the Ideals embodied In the Magna Carta, the foundation document 14 for western democracy, were brought to the shores of Virginia Beach With the first 15 permanent English settlers on April 26, 1607, 16 WHEREAS, the orders of governance for these English colonists were opened 17 and Implemented in Virginia Beach With the first landing at Cape Henry, thus literally 1 B and symbolically establishing the Ideals of the Magna Carta In Virginia and America, 19 WHEREAS, Lincoln Cathedral In Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, the owner and 20 custodian of one of the four extant exemplars of the 1215 Magna Carta Signed by King 21 John, has partnered With the firm of ABG, Ltd , United Kingdom, to create an exhibit 22 featUring the Magna Carta as ItS centerpiece, 23 WHEREAS, Lincoln Cathedral deSires to launch the exhibit of the Magna Carta In 24 Virginia Beach to COinCide With the commemoration of the First Landing of the English 25 colOnists In Virginia; 26 WHEREAS, the exhibit of the Magna Carta Signed by King John and other 27 documents and artifacts, including some related to colOnist John Smith, (I) Will enhance 28 the City's standing as an International city; (II) will provide unprecedented publicity for 29 Virginia Beach as the First Landing site for the first permanent settlement, (111) will 30 provide tremendous educational opportUnities, (IV) will significantly enhance the Virginia 31 Beach 2007 commemorative activities; and (v) will provide an unparalled special activity 32 for the launching of the new Virginia Beach Convention Center, 33 WHEREAS, Lincoln Cathedral and ABG, Ltd, desire to partner with the City of 34 Virginia Beach In conducting a feasibility study to develop a business plan and funding 35 for the exhibit of the Magna Carta, 36 WHEREAS, the City'S participation shall be conditioned upon the agreement of 37 the parties that the City will be authorized to recover ItS costs through admiSSion fees to 38 the exhibit and other revenue-raising mechanisms, and 39 WHEREAS, funding for the feasibility study IS available through the Economic 40 Development Studies account 41 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 42 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA' 43 That the Council of the City of Virginia Beach hereby authorizes the City 44 Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Lincoln Cathedral and ABG, 45 Ltd , United Kingdom for a feasibility study to develop a business plan and fund the 46 exhibit of the Magna Carta In Virginia Beach In 2007 In accordance with the summary of 47 terms attached hereto, 48 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on thls9th 49 day of November, 2004 50 51 CA-9435 2 52 53 54 55 56 R-2 November 9, 2004 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY ,c".. I. ,Qr City Attorneys Office 3 Memorandum of Understanding Between the City, Lincoln Cathedral and ABG, Ltd. for the Magna Carta Exhibit SUMMARY OF TERMS City: City ofVlrgJma Beach Owner: Lmcoln Cathedral, Lmcolnslnre, United KIngdom Project Designer! Promoter: ABG, Ltd. (aJomt venture between Auketl Brockhss and Timothy Guy Design), United KIngdom Project: An exlnblt of one of the four extant exemplars of the 1215 Magna Carta Signed by King John, which IS owned by Lincoln Cathedral If the results of the feasibIlity study are successful, the exlnblt would open around the date of the commemoratIOn of the FIrst Landmg m Vlrgmla (Apnl 2007) and would serve as a centerpiece of the commemoratIOn of the 400th anruversary of the landmg of the first English colomsts. Design: A 3,000 square foot exhibit conslstmg of four zones that are subdiVided mto 8 theme rooms, Premises: City property located at the new ConventIOn Center at 19th Street Term: Commencing on date of execution of the MOD untIl the busmess plan and accompanymg legal documents are drafted for approval by City Council or the feasibIlity study detenmnes that the Project IS not Viable, wlnchever occurs first Responsibilities of the City: · Shall make an mltIal mvestment of S88,500 to $100,000 (not to exceed $100,000) m Umted States currency Said funds shall not be plUd to Lmcoln Cathedral untIl ABG rlUses matching funds of S 100,000 to cover feasibIlity study costs This mvestment IS not refundable m the event the feaslblhty study determmes that the Project IS not feasible City'S maximum mvestment m the Project IS 5250,000 (mcludmg the 5100,000) With some add1l10nal operatIonal costs, . Shall partiCipate m the feasibilIty study With Lmcoln Cathedral and ABG to develop the busmess plan and all legal documents pertammg the creation and management of the exhibit. Other Terms: Any legal documents (other than the MOL') prepared as a result of the feaSibilIty study must be approved by the City CounCil by ordmance - 34- Item V-X. ITEM #5.1218 PLANNING I. EMERSON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS 3. STAR OF THE SEA CHURCH 4, SBA, INe. 5, 7-ELEVEN, iNe. 6. GOOD SAMAR/TAN EPiSCOPAL CHURCH 7. PHiLLIPS MOTORS OF VIRGINIA BEACH, INe. 8. J.D. AND RAlVDI VOGEL 9, REVEREND JOSEPH FACURA, ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH 10. DR. ROBERT D. VOOGT II, CHRiS SEWARD 12. HOLLIS ROAD ASSOCIATES, L.L.e. J'ARI4.NCE MODIFICATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Thomas H. Wilkimon (4.PPROVED 1/09/96) CONDITIONAL CHANGE OF ZOW!VG CONDITIONAL USE PERJlflT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONAL USE PEILH/T CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CO!VDlT/OY4L USE PEILHlT CONDITIONAL USE PERlflT CONDITIONAL USE PEILH/T CONDITION4.L USE PEILW/T CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSI FICA TION CONDITIONAL CHANGE OF ZONING No\'~mbel V, 20U4 .35. Item V-K. PLANNING ITEM # 53219 Upon mO/lOn by Vice Mayor Jane;, seconded by Councilman 5, hmulr, Clly Council APPROVED in ONE MOTION Items I, 2. 3a1b, 4, 6, 7, 80lld II of the PLANNING BY CONSENT 4GENDA. Vo/mg 9-0 (By Consent) Council Member5 Votmg Ale HaIry E Dle~el. Robert M Dyel, Vice MayO! LoUIS R Jonel, Reba 5 McClanan, Mayor ,Hel'era E Oberndorf Petel W Sclimult Ron A Villanueva, James L Wood alld Rosemarl' Wilsoll COlmc11 Memben Vo/mg Voy None COllncil Members Absent Richard A Maddo.\ alld JIIII Reeve NOl'embel 9, 2004 - 36- /tem V-K.I. PLANNING ITEM # 53220 Upon motIOn bj' Vice Maj'or Jones. .\econded hy Counctlman Schmldl Cm' Counctl APPROVED Ihe Pell/lOn EMERSON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION for a hmance 10.~ 441b) of Ihe Subdlvlllun Ordmance that I eqUlres 01/ newly created lot, meel al/lhe leqUlremellls of Ihe Cm' Zomng Ordl1lance ICZO) f01 10 ",hdlvlde one lot Into two (2) single-famIly parcels: Appeal 10 DeclS/on.\ oj Adnlll1lslrall\'e Ojficer; In lexardlo cala/1/ elements of Ihe SuhdlV/l101l Ord/1/al/(e. S/lhd/l'lSlOll for Emcnon Development Curpolallon PIfJpellj' IS IU{'(Jkd (/1008 Woodslock Road IGPlV l45666867600(0) DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSf'lLLE The follOWing cOlldlllOns shall he re'lulled I A jillal SubdlV/;lOlI Plat shall be s/lbmllled 10 Ihe LJe\'eIOpmelll ServlCe\ Center lor app' ova/and upon approval. ,('corded ~tJlIz Ihe Clerk oj COlli I 2 An aI/ wealhel surface dn,'elmy. 15-fout Wide shall be /1/slalled Ihe lellglh of bOlh propused lols 6X and loY.jlOm Ihe edge of Ihe Woodstll' Road IIghl-or-wavlo the easlnll houlldan' l/1/e oj 1" oposed 101 16 ~ Votl1lg 9-0 (By Consent) Council Membel \ Voting Aye Hally E Dle:el, Robelt lv[ Dyel, f'ILe /,[avor LOllIS R Jones, Reba S HcClanan. Mayol .Heyera E Ohel ndOl (. Pelel W Schmldl Ron A Villanueva. Jame\ L Wood and Ro\emwT Wtl\fJn Council Memben Voting Nay None Council Memher; Absent Richard A Maddot and Jim Reeve !\m'el1lher ~, 2004 - 37- Item V-K.2. PLANNING ITEM # 5322/ UpOIl motlOll b} V.ce Mayor JOlles, ;ewllded bl' CoullcLiman Schm.dt, Clly Coullul MODIFIED a Condllwnal U;e Pel/tilt "pOll appl,catwll o( LOWE'S HOME CENTERS. /NC (THOMAS H. WILKINSON - 4pplOved JaIlUOI) 9, 19%) ORDiNANCE UPONAPPL/C ATION OF LOWE 'SHaME CENTERS, IIVC FOR THE MODlFlCA TlONOF A CONDITIONAL USE PERc\4IT Ordmame UpOIl applicatlOll of Lo"'e I Home Celllers, Illc 101 Ihe Mod.ficatlOn of a CondLflOnal be Permllappr()\w/ hI' Cay C oun, 11 on January 9, /996 (Thomas H W1Iklllsonj Pwpelll .,\ IOU/led al 3565 Holland Road (GP/V 148663463901l00j DISTRICT 3 - ROSE H4LL The (ollowlIlg cOlldlllons shall be /eqlllrl'd I All materwl; jOl sale 01 IIwtelloll helllg ;fOred shall be wllIUllled Wllh,ll the ;peqjh'd areal a; lIIdl/aled 011 the _\lIe plan entitled, "SLfe Plall, Lowe I of Vllgllllll Beach," prep{lled bl' FrederlckJ Goglw Archlle(/, dated 7/27f04 Olher Ihan "hol " deplcled 011 >oul plall Ihere Ihall be 110 malelwls 01 me/chand.se 1II Ihe odJ(l(t'1l1 pwklllg Ipaces, p"'AlII)!. 101 elm'e allle.l, or parklllg 101 lalld" ape IIlalldl 2 The arelllleclural de;lgn elemellll Ihall he ;uh;lalllwlil'lIl confol/Ilallce wllh Ihe ;uhmllfed elev(/{101l5 elllllled, 'G",den Celller Floor Plall, prepared hy FI edem k J Goglia, 41 ellIIeu, daled 7127 !1I4 3 There shall be 110 ;/gllage lmlalled 011 the 20-fool Illgh gardell cente/ fence 4 The 5hed d"plal al ea, as dep.( led 011 Ihe, ollcepl plall, 5hall bc sUl/oullded "" Ihree 5.des \1'lIh a wiLd, alll>eafher malerlal fence, no Ie;; Ihcm 5/\ (6) feellll he.ghl wah e"ergleell shruh5 wllh a mll71mUm he.ghl offlllrl"-'" "" he, (36 ") alll"lallallOn, and ;Iwll be WIlIII uued al depluecl 011 lhe elevalWIl elllllled 'Shed EIlc/o;lIre Elel'<ltloll, "p,epwed bl Frederick J Gogllll, Archaecl, dalcd 71:!7104 5 The hlack me;h 10 be '"5/alled lII;/de oj Ihe challl IlIIkjence shall be ellellded heyolld Ihe he.ghl ,hO\\'/1 on Ihe plalls I" a he.ghl of twelllV feel (211 'j 6 AddLflOllal lalldscape plallllllg, sllfJlclelll 10 enhollce Ihe screelllng oj Ihe ell(lowre jiom Rosemolll Road, shall be lIIslalled 1II1he e";llIIg lawn <Ilea Oil Ihe ;Olah ;Ide oflhe Ille a(ce!J~ 1HI) Novembel 9, 2004 - 38- Item V-K.2, PLANNING ITEM # 5322/ (Continued) Th!> Ordznance shall be effective zn acco/dance with SectIOn 107 (f) oJthe ZOl/lIIg Ordtnan<e Adopted by the COUll cd oJthe CIIV oJVlrgtnza Be(/( h VII gtnW, on/he 9th ofHol emher T,w Thnll;u/ll1 rOllr Votlllg 9-0 (By Consent) COlll/cll .Hember> VO/lIIg A) e Hat ry E Dlezel, Robell At Dver, Vice Maror LoUIs R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Mayor Mevera E Oberndorf Peter W SCh/llldt, Ron 4 VIllanueva, Jame; L Wood and Roseman' Wll"JI/ COllncll Members Vo/mg Nav None Councll Members Ab;ent Rlclzard A ,Haddox and Jlln Reeve Norember 9, 2004 - 39- Item V-K.3.a/b PLANNiNG ITEM # 53222 Upon motIOn b) Y Ice Mayor Jone;, ;econded by Cuuncllman Schmidt, 01\ Cmmul ADOPTED 01 dlllOnces upon applicatIOn of STAR OF THE SEA CHURCHfor a COlldulOnal Change afZonmg alld Conduwnal Ule Permit ORDINANCE UPON 4PPLlCATlON OF ST4R OF THE SEA CHURCH FOR A CH4NGE OF ZONING DiSTRiCT CLASSiFiCATION FRO!v1 4-12 AND R-5S TO CONDITIONAL RT-3 ZOll04i203 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCiL OF THE ('fTY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINI4 Ordmance upon Appl/(atwn oj Slaroj Ihe Sea Chwchfor a Chanile of ZOntnil DlstrlCI ClaHlficatwn (10m .1-12 Aparlment D"lrlcI and R-5S Resldent",1 Dlslrlcl to CondltlOllal RT-3 Re<ort TOllrlst DISIIICt 011 property lowted at i404 PaCific Avenue tGPINS 24271585750000, - 66460000, -67220000, -57970000, -587/0000, -585400tlO, - 58040000, -48650000, -49510tlOO -4 WI/ 0000, -39310tlOO, 2427/661750000 -50540000 -51470000, -41020000, -04030000 - 65260000, -55750000, -55240000, -44490000) The COIllI',ehenSl\'c Plan de;tgllate; Ihll /lIea 01 the uty al the Re;ort 4rca, all (Ilea planned for /(!::'Ol! lHe::, Illdudl11g lodgI/lg. I efwl, enteflm/lmt'nl. reCleallOllal, cultll/al and other lISCS DISTRiCT Ii - BEACH Tllefollowmg condllwll ~hall be lequlIed I All agreement encolllplB,l/Ilg proJJer~ shall be recorded <1'Ith Ihe Clel k of the CII LUll COUlt and II hereby lIlade " pail of the recold ORDINANCE UPON APPLiCATION or STAR OF THE SE4 CHURCH FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERAIIT FOR A CHURCH AND ACCESSORY USES ROII0431200 BE IT HEREBY ORDAiNED BY THE COUNCiL OF THE CITY Of ViRGiNIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordmance upon Appllcalwn of Slm oj the Sea Church fOl a Condtlwnal Use PerllltlfOl a church and a'(I!;;on' wes on propel!)' located at 1404 Pac 1ft' Avenue (GPINS 24271585750()00 -66460000 -67220000, -5797000tl, ,58710000, -58540000, -58040000 48650000, -4951000tl, -49010000, -39310000, 2427/661750000, - 50540000, -51470000, ,41020000, -64030000, -65260000, 55750000, -55240000. -4449(000) DISTRICT 6 - BEACH Novembel 9 2004 - 4(J- Item V-K.3, aIb PLANNING ITEM # 53222 (Continued) The followmg condl/lOns shall be rellulred I "CondalOnal U;e PermIT/Colldlltollal Reomng, dated Jul)' I, 2004, prepal ed b)' Pellleco;t, Deal alld AssoclOtes Inc, Archllecl;' a copy of whIch IS all file wah Ihe CIIV of Vtrglllla Beach Departmenl of Planll/ng 2 The e'lellor oflhe l hunh wmple,t ;hall ;uh;lanl/alll' adhere 10 Ihe lOlor lOonlmOled et/llblT prepared hv Penlecusl, Deal alld Assollale;, IlIe , 41c1ll1ect;, daled July 1,2004, a lOP'> ofwllleh IS on jile wITh Ihe (Ill' of Vlrgmlll Beach Dcpallmelll of Plallll/ng 3 T7le appltcalll shalll1'orA ,,,Ih slajj 10 IlIsure Ihallraffic jlol1' and relaled Issue; dw mg lwn/llp.lervll el ,chool drop-off alld pILA- up are addrelsed 4 There shall he 110 furl her enlrancel 01 eXI/; permll/ed 011 Pallfil Avenue These Ordl/lallces shall be efJeclll'e III accordallce Wllh Secltoll 107 (f) oflhe 20mng Oldllwnce Adopled by Ihe Coullcd oj Ihe Clly of VII gmlO Beach, Vlrglllla on Ihe 91h of Nor ember T" 0 Thoumnd Fow VOlmg 9-(J (By Consent) CouncIl Membels VOlwg Ave HOI I)' E Dle=el, Robel I AI Dyel, VIce ."faJ or Loul.\ R Janel. Reba S McClanan, Ma1'O/ Me}'el a E ObellldOl r. Pelel W )Chlllldt, ROil A VIllanueva, Jallle\ L Wood alld Roseman' Wdwn Coullul Membels VOllIlg Nay NOlie CouncIl Members Abselll Rlehmd A Maddox alld Jml Reeve Nm'embel 9, 20(}4 - 41- Item V-K.4. PLANNING ITE...t # 53123 Upon mOllon by V,ce Mayor Jones, seconded b,' Coun< dman Schrllldt, ('Ill' Counul REFERRED TO THE PLANNING CO.'I1MISSION Ordmance upon appltcallOll o{SBA COMMUNICA TlONSjora CondalOnal U,e Pennll ORDINANCE UPOll/ APPLICATION OF SBA (OMMUNICATlONS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PE~WIT FOR A COWl/UN/CATIONS TOWER R01I0431201 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COi/lI/CIL OF THE Cln OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRG/VIA Ordmance upon Appll< a/lOn ot SBA CvmmwllcatlOm to! <I CondllLonal Use Perm a for a comml/nIca/lOns lOwer on proper tJ' loca/ed 01 2165 PI/ngo Ferry Road DISTRICT 7 - PRIll/CESS ANNE Votmg 9-0 (By Consent) Coullcil,Hembers VOlmg Aye Harry E Dlezel, Robell 114 Dyel, V,ce Ma}O! LVWI R Jones, Reba S McCl<lllall,ll,fal'ol iHevera E Oberndorf, Pe/el W Schmidt, Ron A l'Iilalll/em James L Wood and Rmenul/l' Wd.lon Council Members Vvt"'g Nay None COl/ncd Members Absent Richard A Maddo,t and Jun Reeve N'ol'embl!! 9, 2004 - 42- Item V-K.5. PLANNING ITEM # 53224 At/orne)' Slephen R Romine, 999 Walerslde Dr"e, Pholle 343-3981, repl esenled Ihe appltcalll and adl'lsed Ihe cllrrelllllse baslcall)' con5151' ofa I 44 aue IIle 01 Ihe 1I0rtheasl cornel o( Aragolla BOlllel'll/(! alld Clevelwld SI/eet alld ell/lentl)' zoned B-3 The propo,ed 1/5C" 10 COli I IrII(/ 02800 'qucllefootllrhall 'Iyle (Olll'elllellee 'lore wllh 6-pllmp moto! veh"lejilel luppll'(ac"1I\' A 1101 lie)' Roml1le d"plcned Ihe;//(' plan 77lele will he wrh (lI/l on AIGgona alld Cleldalld SI/eel The IIClII/ o(the SlOre, 51de and le(// "ill he hmvII) lalldscaped The mOlllllllent >/)'Ie 5Ign Inll he hrrck baled The ,Io/(' l\'Ill be com 111" led 01 hllcA on allfollr (4) ,II des wllh the callUpl Wh'llllll Hlapped mth hll(/' OPPOSED: Slephen Memll- Ghent Law Office" 2019 Llewell)'n Al'ellue, Norfolk, V"glnw 23517, Pholle 623-4200 UpOIl mollOn by COllnc"mwI Dyer, se<OlIded b)' Coullc"mulI Wood, (1) COIIIIC" ADOPTED all Oldl1lallCe lIpun appltwllOlI o( 7-ELEVEN, I.1VC fur (J COlldlllOllall"e Pel nllt ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF 7-ELEVEN, INC FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATI0..v(FUELS4LES) R01l043!202 BE IT HEREBY ORDAIVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRG/VIA BEACH, VIRG/W4 Ordinance lIpOIl AppltcallOlI o( 7-Elevell, 1/1( jar a ('ondlllOllal U,e Permll for all alllOmobile 'ernce slalum (fllel ,ales) on propertl located on Ihe east Side uf -lragona BOllle\'l1/(I, belweell Clevelalld Streel and Polomac Streel (GPIN 147714879500(0) DI5TRlCT 2- KEA-fPSVILLE The followmg condlllons shall be reqlllled I The ;Ile ;llOll he developed III sllhslallllOl accorda", e with Ihe "Ie 1'1011 elllllled ' 7-Elel'ell COlll'el/lCIICe Slme, PlelllnllUlr) Sill' Plan, AlOgona BOlllemul alld Clel l'!emd Street" daled Seplember 16,2004, alld p,ef'ared bl' UR5 COIl' 4 <Of'I' of 11115 'Ill' plan hal heell nh/hlled lu Cill' COIIIIC" alld II UII file IlIlhe PIOlll1lllg Dep01 Iment 2 The blllldlng alld callOp)' ,hall be developed In Iuh'lallllal accoldallce wllh Ihe archltecllllal elewllOlls elllllled "7-Elel'ell COllvelllellce Slm e wllh Gas" daled Seplember 15, 2004, alld prepared b)' URS Corp 4 <01')' of Ihe elemlwlIl ha, heen exlllblled 10 (1)' COlllltll and IS 011 file In Ihe Plalllllng Departmelll 3 A hlhc rack ,hall be f'lOvlded 011-' Ill' 4 ..va olltdoor I'elldlng maclllne;, Ice ho\es, ur ill ,pial' oj merchandise shall he 011011 ed VOI'emhel 9 2004 Item V-K.5. PLANNING - 43- ITEM # 53224 (Continued) 5 WlI/dows shall 1101 be wiled III ordella allow jar ,un edlallce oppO/tllnllle5 bOlhjrom wllllln andfrom ol/Islde Ihe bUllell1lg Va slgnage III e\(e,5 of a lowl offol/r (4) sqU<l/e feel oflhe ellllle glass area oj the eJ.ferlOr u'alll1or allY neon 01 neon-\t) Ie ,)/'SflS or (lce e1Zl') shall he pennated 111 or Oil the Hl11dmn and/Of dom \'" of the COI1\.'entt'nce \/01 e 6 Slgllage all Ihe slle 15 /tmlled /0 Ihe bUlldlllg 51gll, Ihe wnopr slgllage as deplCleel all Ihe elemllOlI, awl one fiee-'landl1lg monumell/ sl1le 5lglll1'11h a blld bale mauhmg Ihe color oflhe COIIl'el/lence slole bwldlllg VA olhel "gill Ihall be mSlalled all allY olher wall area of Ihe blllldmg or olllhe I oof of Ihe bll/lelmg, Oil Ihe canopr Ollllgllllllg polel, or wn' o/h", par/lOll oj Ihe Ille 7 All roofiop eqlllpmelll, such a5 healll/g, "ellllla/1011 anel (Ilr cowhtlOllIIIg ulllls shall bo! con(ealedfiol/l I.lPlcal l/teet lad \'/el' All gloulld It'\'d hl/delll/g mechall/(al eqll/pment ,hall be screened lI/ ac< ordallce "'lIh SecllOlI 245 te) of Ihe ZOl/lllg Grdl1lallce 8 The trash ene/osure ,I hall be screened wllh a .Iobd lvall 10 maleh Ihe mall/ bwldll/g and ,hallllle/ude ewrgl een Shlllb5 IWl'lng good 5creelllllgwpabdllles, 110 Ie;, Ihan IllIeefeet (3 'j III helghl at Ihe /lIlIe of plall/mg, spaced III aL<o"lallce '<llh Ihe CII1'" Lalldscapl1lg Sueenll/g alld Blljfellllg SpeciflcallOn,l "lid )fal1dard!>', ami mam/allled at all ll111t'\ l/l goud (OndlllUll at a mmlmUln helghlllOl fO"eT thalllhe '\(III 9 AIIllghllng on Ihe \lIe shall be COllll.\lenl wllh Ihose IIalldwel5 I ecommended hr Ihe lIIumma/lOn Ellgl1leermg SO( lell' of Vorlh Amenca (IESNA) A phOloll/elrtC /tghlmg plall II1dlcalll1g Ihe IIllll/bel and I.lpel oj bgfwllg \1"111 be IlIbl/lwed as 1'(11 I of Ihe fOI mal slle plall ",bmlsslOlI fOl I ""'ew hy Ihe 1'01[((' Depm Imelll to delellUlne CO/l'll')/c!nc)' 1,.1'1[11 Cllme Pf{'l'enflOl1 Thl0llgh EIIl'1I0llmelllal De5lgl1 (CPTED) plllluples allel plU(/[(e, LIghlll/g shall be I1l5lalleel alld operaled a\ ,hown 011 Ihe appl owd plan Callopy /tgllllllg Ihall COliS IS I vf jlu,h moullled fixluteS on Ihe (edlllg oj Ihe <ilIlOI'Y All bghlll/g shall he dIrected JI1ward and dml11H ll! d wahlll the 5lfe ~o (1\ to elUllll1ale g/a1i? nnto adjacent {n nperllf!5 and nglu(j-o!-lHIU lOA pedeslr/all ea;emenl mu'l be dedlwled 10 Ihe Clf)' of Vlrglllla Bea(hfOl Ihe pOlllOlI1 oj Ihe 5/dewalk alld bnd paver area 111011 are 1I01loWled wllllln Ihe e,wllIIg nghl-vf-,my No,'embel ~, 2004 - 44- Item V-K.5. PLANNING ITEM # 53224 (Continued) ThIS Oldmal/ce shall be efJeCllve III accordal/ce wlIh ScUwn !07 (j) oj Ihe ZOlllng Ordlllan<e Adopled by the COUl/cII of the CII)' oj Vlrgllllll BeaLh, Vlrglllla, all the 9th of November Two ThOlI.IW"! Four VOlmg 8-! COlin,,! "'fembers Votmg Ave Harry E Dleze!, Robert ,\4 Dyel, Vice ,\4ayOl LoulI R Jane, Reba S McClal/an, Peler W Schmldl, Ron A Vdlanllem, Jamel L Wood and ROlemary Wdsoll CaUl/cd Members VOlmg Nay MayoI i\4eyelG E Oberndor( COllI/cd lfembers Absenr R,chard A Maddo}. alld JIm Reeve NOl'ember Y, 10U4 - 45- Item V-K.6. PL4NNIVG ITEM # 53225 Upon mot/OIl by V,ce MayOl JOlle', ,nollded by Counulmall SchmIdt, Cay Coullul ADOPTED all Ordtllo/ll'e upon applzcatlO/l oj 01 GOOD SAMARITAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH fOI a CO/ldalOnal Use Peri/lit ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF GOOD 5AMAR1TAV EPISCOPAL CHURCH FOR 4 CONDlTION4L USE PERMIT fOR 4 CHURCH (D.PAVSIOV) ROII0431203 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE ('fIT OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGIVIA Ordmallce upon ApplzcatlOlI 01 Gooel Suman/an EplS< opal Chunhfor a Condmonal Ule Perm 11 for a chU/eh (etf'I1I/\/OII) Oil propelt) lowted at 848 Baker Road (GpIN 146814003200tJO) D1S7RlC7 2 - KE^,tpSVILLE The lol/oll'mg wndmons shall be reqUIred I AI/ condalOn; altaehed to the COlldlllOllal he Perm a granted "" the Cav COl/llul 011 Decembel 13 1')76, ,hal/lelltaLlI tII allect 2 The modificatIOns to the ,\tte ,hall be developed 11/ sl/b'tallt/al cO/lJormance WIth the ,ubmllted P, eltIIllllary 511e I'lall elllllled "Good Samw aan AddalOlI, "plepaled by 10111/ DeZlglI 5tudlO', dated 04/07/04 Irlllch has heell ellllbaed to the VlIglllla Bemh CIty Council ",,,I /\ 011 file m the I"rglllw Beach I'lall/lll1g Depw tment 3 The addlllOl1 to the e.wttlll{ aile (f)-stm) church blllldll1g shall be del'eloped 1II substantwl conformallce \1 L1h the lubmllled elemtlOll\ entaled, "Good 5amaraall 4ddltlOlI, Sheet VUlllbel 4- 2 and .1-2 I "prepared bv fOlllc DeZlgn StudIOS, dated 04/07/04, whIch hm been ellllblted to the VlrgllllU Beach CII) CouncLl and 15 011 file In the llrgllllU Beach Planntllg Department 4 The final Occupallcy Perilla JOI the plopo\ed lieII' assembly (2,813 sql/we loot addmoll) , "Iellt/fied m lu(h 011 the plans It,ted aborl!, .shall nOl he gfon!l!d lInfll ,SC'a(lIlg 10 u( commudare no more than one hWlllied tll'elllv-jlt'e (125) ,,'at' "slllltedjiolll the etlSlIng a\5f!mhlr In !he pI oposed lieu' (1\ ~emhh' 5 A ml/llmum flVen1v-jour-joot (24') ,,,de pavemellt ,eetlOlIshall be depicted 011 the filial IlIe plan and tIIltal/cd III Jrolll oj the properly, flOIll the COrl/el oj Bahel Road allel Herbelt /1400re Drne,jronttllg the plOperIJ' alollg Herbert 1I00re Dm'e ^'ol'elllbel 9, ]1)04 - 4(,- Item V-K.6. PLANNING ITEM # 53225 IConllllued) Tim Ordinance shall be effeetlve lfl accordallce 11'//h Seuwn /117 (j) of Ihe ZOllmg O,dlnaf/(e Adopted b)- Ihe CouncIl of the Cm of Vlrgl/llil Beach. Vlrgmza. un Ihe 9th of N(J\'cmhel Two Thousalld FOllr Voting 9-0 (By COllsent) COlln"/ Members Votzng A) c Harl1' E Dlezel. Roberl At Dyer. Vice Mayor LoUl; R Janel. Rcba S ....tcC/allan. Mm'or Me,e/([ E Oberndor!. Peler W \'ehmldl, Ron 4 ViI/alluem, James L Wood and Ro\emal1' W,/SOil COllllcil .Hembers Votlllg Nay None Council Members Abse/ll Rlella! d A Maddm. (/nd Jim Reel'e No! ember 9, :1104 - 47- Item V-K. 7. PLANNING ITEM # 53226 UpOIl molloll hI' Vile Ma)'OI Jane" ,ew!Illed hy C"unulman Solll/lIdl, Oil' (01111,,1 4DOPTED a/l Ordlllallce "1'011 appllcalloll o( PHILLIPS MOTORS OF VIRGINI4 BEACH, INe /01 a CO/ldlllO/lal U,,' Pel/llll ORDIVANCE UPOV APPLlCATIOV OF PHILLIPS ,''''OTORS OF VIRGINIA BEACH, liVC FOR A COVDlTIOV,lL USE PERMIT FOR AUTOMOBILE REPAIR ROII0431204 BE IT HEREBY ORDAIVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGIXlA BEACH URG/V/4 Ordlllallce lIpOIl AppllcatlOlI oj Phillip, .\4olOn o( V "XIIlW Beach, IIII' (or a COlldlllOllal Use Pern/1I (01 uutomohde rep",r 011 pruperlv lowled 014980 Vllglll'" Beach BOlllemrd rGP/V 14'7053539UOOOj DISTRICT 4 B 4 YSIDE The follmnllg wndlllon> shall be reqUired I The ,lie ,hall be del'eloped subslalltUllly 111 cUlljormallce ~"Ih Ihe luhmilled plan elllllled Conceplual SlIe LayolIl of Phillips 1'011'0, 'prepwed bv MS", PC, dated 9/27/04, wll/ch III" heen exhlblled 10 Ihe I'll gllllll Beuch CII)' CounCil and II on file III Ihe Vlrgll1ll1 Bead! P/anllIlIg nepw lment 2 The plOposed bUlldlllg add,IIOII', Idelllljled 011 Ihe \lIe plall descllbed //I COlldllum I, Ihall he butll III IlIh'talltwl colI(ormallce Il'Llh Ihe elemllOlls elltllled "PIli IIII" Vain) " prepared b) Revelle BUlldlllgl, InL, daled reblllan 18 2004 3 The area Idellll/led all Ihe cOllceplual \lIe lamlll plall as "proposed bulk 'Iorage' shall he ellclo,ed ll,tlil a ,olu/ fell( e 110 sharII'I Ihall elgill feel (8 'J III helghl alo/lg Ihe nOr/hem propellv IlIle ulong Bload SlIeel Fhe lelf//1/ed CalegOI")' VII( I eenlllg ,hull al,o he ""talled 4 The hulk sIal age }'(lId shall 0/11)' operate dun/ll; Ihe /lolmal busme5s houn as'locrated H all lilt! molOJ I'c!/zf(/e !Jllles lllld Ser1'lCe operatum 5 All molal "ehule 'el'Vlce work shall he peljOlllled lIli/o"I"' 6 Va ollldoor storage ofll/operable veil/deI, III a/l obvlOu\ "<lie oj d"repalr ()/ u,ed repillr pw II Ihall be pel/wiled 011 slle If 1Il0perclllve velllde, leqlll/ e 'fOrage Ihell ",(h \ eludes shall he ,Iored 1l'lIllIlIlhe bllllc/lIlg ^,ul'CInbel !I, 20U4 - 48- Ilem V-K, 7. PLANNING ITEM # 53226 (Con/lnued) 7 The car wash addwon shall be IlInlled for IlIe oj Ihe dealenhlp need, alld nol open 10 Ihe genelOl pubhc [he hOllrs of Ihe COI lra5h ~hall be 11I11lled /0 normal bUSI11eS5 flUur, a5\ouoled H.llh the! motol \'elude sales and 5en'!u! opelclllOl1 8 411 ollldoor Ilghllllg shall be ,hleldecl 10 dlleu hghl <Ind glw e 01110 Ihe prem"c" sauf hghllllg a/lli .;1<11 c ,hall hc dcf/eued, ,haded and (owsed mtlH-jmm ad,ol1llllg pI operll' 4[/" ollldoor hghlmgjixllIres III Ihe hull. '/Orage yard ,h"linol be elccled an, lughel than fillllleen fcel {I 4 'J 77", Oldmallce ,/wll be eJJecl/l'e 111 ,,(coldance "'lIh Se<iw1I 107 (f) 0/ Ihe Zonl1lg 0'''111(///''.' Adopled bl' Ihe COllncl1 of Ihe CLI} of Vlrglllw Beach, VII glll/(/ on Ihe 91ft of Novemhel Tim Thollwnd FUllr VOlmg 9-0 (By Comenl) COllllcll .\4emher, VOlTng Aye Harry E Dleoel, Rob", I M DH'I Vice .\4mol LOII/l R Jane" Reba 5 McClanall, .'vtalOr MeyelO E abell/dOl r. Pelel W '5c1/T1udl, R01l A Vlllanllel'll, Jame, L Wood ami Ro'cT/l<lrl' 11'111011 COllllcLl Members VOllng Nay Nonc COllnul }v/emben Absent Ruhard A Maddox and Jlln Reel'e Am'cmbel y. 21104 - 49- Item V-K.B. PL4NNING ITEM # 53227 Upon motlOlI bl Vice Mayor Jonel, ,ecollded b) Coun(/Imall SChlllldt, Oty COlln(/1 ADOPTED all OldlnallCe lIpon apphcatlOlI o( J. D, 4ND RANDI VOGEL (01 a CondalOnal U,e Penlllt ORDINANCE UPOV 4PPLlC4T10V OFJ D 4ND RANDI VOGEL FOR A COVDITlONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CQ,\4AiERCIAL RECREATION FACILITY ROII0431HJ5 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BE4CH, VIRGIVf4 Ordinance lIpOIl appllcallOlI oj J D alld Ranch Vogel fm a CambllOnal U,e Perlllll (01 a <ommercIIIl1 ecreatlOnja(/la)' all pi operll' located at 2388-2400 LOlldon Bridge Road (GPIN 24059006930()()0) DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS AVVE 7 he (allOWing calida IOn, ,hall be I equo ed I The apphcanl ,holl oblalll all neceS5W1 perlnm 1IIlpe( lIOn' and approm/l jlom the Foe Departlllelll olld the Pernllll and InspecllO/II Dmellon oj Ihe Plonlllllg Deplll tmelll befm e oecupan( I' of the buildIng 4 Certificate oj A" ul'allc)'jor Ihe II'" shall be ohlallled fl ollllhe Perm as 011.1 Impe(/IOII' Dn15/(1II oj Ihe Planning De{'(// IlIIenl 2 Hall" of operallOIl ,hall be 9 00 .4M lIntil 9 00 PM (,011I ThanksgIVIng co Veil Years Dal' 0ll/"/Il1/) Tilt> Ordlllance ,hall be eJJecllve In oc<ordollce wah Se(/wn 107 (f) at Ihe ZOlltllg Ordlno/l(e Adopled bl' the COllncil oj Ihe Cay of VII glnlll Beach, Vo gln/{/, olllhe 91h of VOl'ember TIl 0 Thousalld Four Voting 9-0 (By Consent) COllllcil ,\1embeu VOllng Aye HarlJ' E Dle:e!. Robell Ai Dyel Vice /vlal'Dr LOIm R Jmle" Reha S .\1cClanan, Ha)'or /vferera E Oherndorf, Petel W Schmidt ROil A V,llanlleva, James L Wood and RU5elllClI\' WillOlI COlln(/1 Member> VOllng Nay NOlie COIlltcil Memhers Absenl Richard A Haddox and Jlln Reeve /l;o\'embel 9, 20t14 - 50- Item V-K.9. PLANNING ITEM # 53228 TheJollowlllg leglslered In SUPPORT: Allornev Blyan Plumlee, Esq, 488 Goodspeed Road, Phone 428-8442 Since 1959 SI Mallhews hll> plol'lded ql/ailly educalzolllo 1l,1 IlUdelll.I Cl/rlenzll'. Sallll !vfallheWI has 618 slUdenll 011 OClOhel 27 1998 Ihe ClI" COllnLlllllnzled Ihe nl/mhel of SllldcIIII allelld/llg SWill Mclllhe\\'; 10 625 The school IS nol seeking to If!( rease en, ollment The pU1 pose oj CO/1structlOn 1\ fu prm'zcle (lll I C1ft \!lUIC1l1\ the OPPUI tunll\ to ha\-'c sate t.lccOmmOdaflOn~ and ae/equate da'\\fonm'i (/l1d I1b!llt rful/Ill\- The curren! ,(Iwo! hwldmg Il(l~ a COLIf tyard In the center Over the reat.. ltJ llw. (Olltl\'wd the,e Iw\t) llcl.!l1Jow (4) (empoHll)' (radelfS {or !lludel1B to altend claH The CO/I5l/fictlOn once 11l1'/ale HI/! (()\'el aI/the t!l1l1ance\ fUpprrLU11l{J.[i.!!l' 15) Ihul go III alld alii oJlhe 'Irl/<ll/re /iOllllhe col/rtl'wd All elll/(I//(el \\'111 lhele(ore, he Illlhe /Illerl(!! The pllnUII1' concern IS Ihe ;a(el) (iflhe IIl/deIllS The CUllem ilbrw1' " In Ihe A;\cmhh' Hall oj SI Mauhews ChUlch Thele WIll be 110 llluec"e;n lIaffic due 10 Tice comlluUlon Bwhara WillIe, Prlnclpal- SI flll/llhe", School (01 sl\leell (/6) !'eall Pholle 42U-2455 Dawn Feldman, 1001 Nepll/ne A "elll/e wilh hel oldesl I(J// he/llg lI/ rhe 7" GlClde Ihe olhel 2 ;0111 we In 5'j. grade and Kl1ulergarlen Ahs Fc/dma/l cOllrhe\ 7'i" and srI. glade 50ccel Hc!l r(!~ldence 1\ adJ(/cenllO St ,H([llhew, School properly Sall,ba LahOla/lllc, 645 Copper Kellle Dr,,'e Plul/le 424-2453, Ch,w - SI Mal/hel!; S,hool BO(l/d Sher/1 HacDollald, J J 33 ShO/1" A,'ellue, Pholle 523-0002, plllelll 'ifAlIIdergartclllluclelll al SI .'vIal/helts Shl/-Iel' Wall" 3229 Sand", Lalle, Pholle 424-3229 Fa/hc! Joseph C Facllra 3314 Salldra Lane, Pholle 420-6310 Slevcn PO/"cuna, IUI2 Tleslmall Awnlle, Pholle 420-2338, \"Gllngesl chIld allellds SI Mallhews, rlll" Ihe Baskelball program dUring Ihe Fall The (ollowl/Ig leglslered III OPPOSITION: Llllda Lesler 1116 T,eslman Avenlle, Phone 420-27Y5, I<'plesenled rhe Shern POlk Cnlc League, dlllrzbllled pell/wll.\ expre;;lIlg con,el 11 I elalll'e II afTh, a (Upy oj Ihe Ira(fh <011/11 hI' SI Hallhews S'chool, alld requesled deJerral The Cm, League reque;leel all adell/collal etel be (I ('alcel ami olhel ;01111101" Ie sohmg Ihe lrajJic 1" oblem Jame, DOl/glllell, 921 Tleslman Avenue, Lara R Doughlcn, 92/ Tle;lmall .AI'ellue, Pholle 424-3057, eI"lllhllled plwlograph; deplcllIlg Ihe hea,)' IraJfic Kll/lbe! il' Slerrell, 1033 Harbe Avenue, Pholle 216-7973, d""lhllled pholOgl aph; oflhe SI ,'vial/hell I blllel alld ((Irs dnvlIlg III a wreck less manllel ,\.[; Sh'l I <'II urcll/clled a pelilzon reql/e;llIIga complele l/(/fJh I/ud\'" allel SI Mal/hew, newsleuer; Jallllcl/e Edwlll d" 3324 }.!ibssa Slreel Plume 42U-5435, Pall 1', <'\Idem of Ihe Shell) Pw k CIIIC League, dlsmbl/led a copv oj correspondellLC Jrom BlI/lOp Walle, F SlIllll all 'if RI< hmolld, daled ""fareh 10, 1999 Sara !dllrphy, 912 Tre;lmall A\'"elllle, Phulle 4U4-5631, l(,sldellljO/ live (51 lea" A MOTION was made b)' Coullcilmall Dle~el se, (JIlded b) Coullcdman Dyel, 104DOPT all Ordmance UpOIl appizea/zon oJREVERENDJOSEPH FACURA, ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH for a COlldllzollal Use Pennll A SUBSTITUTE MOTION was made by COllllul Ladl' HcClallan 10 DEFER all Oreilllunce l/pOIl appizwlzon oj REVEREND JOSEPH FACURA, ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH (0/ a COlldllzonai Use Permll The Suh;tIlUle .'vIollon (",led Jar lack of a ;eLOnd November 9 2004 - 51 - Item V-K.9. PLANNING ITEM # .53228 (Continued) Upon mollon br Counct/man Dlezel, seconded by Counct/man D,'el, CITy Counet/ ADOPTED an Ordlllance upon apphcatlOn ofRE VEREND JOSEPH FACURA,ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCHfol a Co//{htlOnal VIe Per/nIT A STAFF REPORT shall be REQUIRED re TRAFFIC and DRAINAGE WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS TO CITYCOUNClL, STAFF AND THE CIVIC LEAGUE. ORDINANCE UPON APPLlC4T10N OF REVEREND JOSEPH F4CURA, ST M4TTHEW'SrHURCH FOR 4 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A SCHOOL IN CONJUNCTION WITH 4 CHURCH (REPLACE PORTABLE CLASSROOHS WITH A PERM4\'ENT STRUCTURE) ROI IU431 :!06 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNUL OF THE on OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGIVJA OrdmanceupolI App11W1101I of Reverend Joseph Fawra, 51 Matthew's Church for a COlldlllOnal Use Pelf/Ill for a ,choul m CO/I}l/IICIlOII "ITh a church (replace pOrlable elas5/ 00/'" "'ITh a permanent Slll/Clure) 011 propel/y located al 3316 Salldla Lalle (GPIN 1456072294(000) DISTRiCT 2 - KP,4PSVILLE Thefollowmg <ondl/lOl/5 shall be /eqlllred I The proposed but/dll1g shall malch Ihe e.llsllllg e.llenor of Ihe school and chUlch 2 The bUIlding shall be localed lIS IhOWII ulllhe sill' plan elllllled "Sallll Matthe"s Calhollc School BuddIng AddlllOn ", dmed May 2004 and prepared hy H'lIsell & FolAes P C 71115 plan hal heell e_I/l/blled 10 Otr C olmct/ and 15 ()/I {ill' In Ihe Dcparlmelll of Planmng 3 A cOlllprehensn.e 'tormwale/ manageml!nt plan Ihall be Included WITh Ihe delot/ed II/I! plan submITted 10 Ihe Devl!lopment ScrvILes Center for Ihe buddlllg addlllOn 4 Enrollment shall /101 eueed a lIlawnl/m capaL/I)'ofr.25 slude/lCs alld a slllde/lC elll ollllll!/lC celllficallOn shall he I/IbmLlled annl/ally 10 Ihe Plannlllg DIII!llOl 5 A mllllmum oj Ihrl!e bl/lel ,hall be opel aled UII a dally baSIS 10 Iransport sludents 10 and from Ihe school I/slng deslgllaled I allies AddlllOnal hu,es shall bc added as lIeeded 6 The school shall surve} parenl' allnually /0 delellllllle If addlllOnal bus rol/lI!s/bl/le.\ ill e needed fin Ihe nnl ,cholll year The school ~hll!l I/!Je patent 11f!w~/ellen to enc oU/age hus ndershlp and caJpoollllg all an OIl-gOlllg has II Novembe/ 9, :!OM - 52- Item V-K.9. PLA NN1NG lTEM # 53228 (Continued) 7 The ullOol shall emplov a IwfJic guard 10 assW wilh llafJrc comro/ durlllg mOlnl1lg and aflelnooll peak II a!/i( perlodl - gellerall)' 7 45 a m rn 8 30 a m alld 2 45 P m to 3 30 pm 8 Vo addllional hwldrng e<panllOlI5 ,hull be wII5111ered (or Ihe school ullle.ls the reque,c CI acwlllpaCl/ed h)' a ma;Cel plall (wilh a fl\ e Co Cen) ear h", 1:(11) s/lOhlng (Ill (ilflll e hUlld/llg proJect, (or the elltlle pruperlv TIllS Old/llance ,hall be effeclll'I: m acwrdallce Wllh Secc/UII 107 (f) oflhe ZOnlllg Ordmallc e Adopted b)' Ihe Coullcd Of the CIl)' of YlIgmlO !leach. Vllgcma. 011 che Vth o(Nolelllber Two 77lOu,and FOllr VOlmg 8-1 COllnCz! Members VOIl/lg Aye Harn. E DlCze/. Robel 1M D)'er. VICe MUfor LoulI R JOlles. "'favor Meyera E Ohemdorf. Perer If Sc hmldr. ROil 4 VII/",wenI. Jame, L Wood alld Ru'c/l/wT WII"," COllllcIl Membcu VOtlllg Nl11- Reba S ,'"fcC/anan CUUIICz! Membels Absellt Richard A Maddox and Jml Ree\.e Nuvcmhel 9, 2004 - 53- Item V-K.IO. PLANNING ITEM # 53229 The (ollowlIlg reglslered III SUPPORT: Attumer R J Nutter, 222 Cell/ral Park Al'enlle, Phone f>87-7500, lepl/!sented the OppilCl1nt Tim appl/(atlOn 1.\ (or a lehabdllatLOII (act/llr (or IIld/Vlduals wilh neUluloglcal and bralll W/lme, D, Voogt Ita, an II1ternatlOnal replltcltLOn Till' {(IC/hn encompalsel t,,'eI,'e (I 2j hcdlOom, wIth a ,taffo( 15 tfifieen) Famt/le, are IlOt allowed 10 star III the facdttl The1e welejolll (4) separate meellllg, Wllh Ihe ad/aLent re~ldenl\ Air NUller dl5tfIbuted the re\'/~ed condltwn5 ThB application is loea/ed 1I1 1I moderate 110l!i€! :Ol1e howevel the ;Va l'\.' ha\ indIcated fher /ul\'e no OppO~LfIOIl John Napolllano, 1333 KlI1g F"hel CUUl t, Pholle 428-5892 hm a 16-1 em old daughter hoth melltal/l' and phl'slca/l)' delayed The Vlfgww Bea(h Pubilc SellOol system has ass"ted \wth allendall(e at Prlllce.1I Anile High School /II the Specwl EducatlOll WlIlg She It'II/II0 10llgel be ahle to allelld puhl/( schoulafier the age of22 Thlsjizclhn' can plOvule her ((lie alld I' IOUlted dOle to Ihell lelldellce The (o/low/IIg reglstel ed In OPPOSITlO.v, but WITHDREW OPPOSITION due tu ReVIsed COlldllLOIlS LeIgh Anne Whaworth, 2028 Regatta CII (Ie Pholle 412-4560 Jacque Duncan 2020 Regalia Cllcle, Pholle 286-2020 Marc MichaeL" 70i7 Regatta Clfcle, Phone 233-1975 Upon mollOIl hy Coullct/man Woud, ,econded by Counul Ladl' WdlUll, CIII' Coullcd ADOPTED, Imh Rel'ised ConditlOm, an Ordlllance upon appllcatLOn oj DR. ROBERT D, VOOGT for a CondUlOnal Use permu for a (acllay for the dIsabled ORDiNANCE UPON4PPLlC4TlON OF DR ROBERT D VOOGT FOR A CONDITiONAL USE PER!vflT FOR 4 FACILITY FOR THE DISA BLED RO II 0431207 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE on OF ViRGINIA BEACH VIRGiNIA Ordll1ance upon Apphcallon of Dr Robert D ~oogtji)r a C onduLOnal U,e Pel/nil for ajauluyjUl the d"abled 01/ pruperll'!ocated on Ihe sollth Side of Old Donallon Par"'"al', approll/Ilately 130 jeel we't oj FlIst General Parkway tGPIN 240843345il853 - pOrtLOIl of) DISTRICT 5 - LYVNHAVtN 77lefollowwg cOlldllLOIlS shall be lequlled I The slle wdl be del'eloped 111 ,lIbslilllllal (olljormallce wllh the 'lie plan enlilled "Collceptual SIte Plall Vuogt RehclbdLtatLOIl Center" prepUled br WI' Large 77/1.1 plan ha, beell ethlblled to City COUllcd alld IS on file III the Departmellt of Plallnll1g NOI ember 9, 2004 Ilem V-K.IO. PLANNING - 54- ITEM # 53229 (Continued) 2 Theblllldl/lg wlil be wmlll/c[ed III ,ub,IallTwl conformance \1uh Ihe elemtlOll enfltled .. Voogt RehabclclallOlI C enler "prepared hy Cox, Kilewer alld ('ompa"" I' C alld da/ed Seplelllber 24, 2004 TlllI plan hal beell nll/bued to em CO/lIlol alld 1\ olljile in the Depm [ment of PIUl1f1fflg 3 Landlcapl/lg on [he \lie .l/wl/ld be IIlllalled ,ub'Wllllall) !B deplLled III Ihe . Cone eplllal Landscape Plall VoogI RehabclctallOlI Celller" daled Ocloher 13, 2004 (Lalldscape Plall) TillS plalllllll heell ",h,hcled 10 (he ('cly ('owlcd and" on file III Ihe Departmelll of Plalllll/lg 411 o( Ihe l'ellmel"l plallllng', wllh Ihe exLepl101I af [he Red Haple, shall be (ompflsed of the lat gC\1 ,\1;:(:' pima malerwl III locall1l-l15etlf:!5 al'aliable for Ih" I'll/pO'" alld Ihall he lmwllcd aflel I/[e demolcllOlI alld g/{/dlllg IWI k. alld pllOI 10 Ihe 'Wi! o( COIISIl7/C[1011 o(Ihe RehahdllallOlI ('elllel fppropllale (en{/lIg shall be IIIslalled 10 1'1 olecl 11m lalldl/al'llIgdll/lIIg LO/IIl/1lCflOIl AddlllOllal ,hade lIee plallllllg', COIIl/lllllg o( Red Maple as ,hown 011 Ihe I,allel,wpe Plall, Ihall he III "ailed follO\>lllg complellOlI of Ihe ofJlce alld Rellalnll/allOlI Cmla Oil Ihe propel I)' 4 The bUlldmg will he clas"jied '" Use 0/Oup 1-2]iJl huddlllg permu purposc, The facdu)' Wdl he fl/II,. Ipnnkleled, '" reqUlredfol alllllslilllllOnal (Grol/p I) I"e, 5 The Rehab/iltalloll Celller wlil 1101 Ileac parlelll' ,ecl.mg admll'lOnfor drug anel alrahol addlcllOlI 6 A ilghllllg plan ,howlllg all lIew "'leI nal Ilghllllg fiJ.IlII e, ploposed shall be sublllllled (01 rev[('w Wllh [he delli/led "Ie plan 7 All e.\I>1lllg m(/[Ule Iree' , loealed oulslde oj [he cOIISlruC[101I fOOlprllll, shall remam olllhe 'lie All [rees 10 remalll ,hall be protected dUring cOllslfUC{lfJl1 8 A copy of Ihe Reclpro<al Parklllg Agleemel/[ \1'IIh Ihe ojfl, e bl/lidmg must he pml'leled dU/ IIIg de[wled "te plall 1"\ lew 9 The /\Va dUlllp,[er pad area' ,howl/ all Ihe 'OII/h slife of the lieI\' faclltl)' ml/sl he relocu[ed 10 Ihe nOl th "de 10 The height oflhe bwldlllg ,hall 1/01 exceed (O/ly-,I< (46) feel a, shown 01/ the suhl/1lfled plalls Novelllhel ~ 2004 - 55- Item V-K.IO. PLANNING ITEM # 53229 (Cofltinued) ThlelOrdmance shall be effective III a((ordallce wlfh SeOwlI 107 (fJ 01 the ZOll/lIg Ordmane e Adopted hy the COllncd oj the City of V/rgu/la Beach VlrgU/la 011 the Yth of Novemhel T\>o Thowalld Four Votmg 9-0 ('OUIICt! Membel' Votmg Ave Harn' E Dleel, Robert 'vi DI'cr, VILe Hal 01 LOlW R JOlles, Reba S McC'la/la/l Mawl Mel'era E Obellldol f, Petel W Seh/llldt, ROil 4 Vdlalluem, Jame, L Wood allel ROIelllclry Wt!wn ('ouncII Memhers Votmg Nay NOlle ('Olll/cd Member; Ab,ent R/Lha/d A Maddol and Jun Reel'e ^'O\'cmhel Y 2004 - 56- Item V-K./I, PLANNING ITEM # 53230 Upon molLOn by V,ce lfayol Jones, ,ecollded by Councilman Schmldl, CII} Connul A.DOPTED all Ordmance upon appltcalLOII CHRIS SEWARD jOl a ChanRe o(Zanlllg ORDINANCE UPON 4PPL!( AT/ON OF CHRIS SFWARD FOR A CHANGE OF ZOV/NG DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FRO,H 4G-2 TO R-15 ZO /I M1204 BE IT HEREBY ORDAIVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF V/RGIVlA BEACH, VIRGlVl,1 Oldlllana UpOIl AppltcatLOn ofChrt5 SClwldjUl a Chan!!e of Zonlll'i! D"tncI Classlfical/on jlOm AG-2 Agllcl/ltlll<7l D,sll/(l to R-15 Resldenlwl DI51r1Ct 011 1"ope"\' localed a{ 304 Porrcl.\ "land Road (GPIV 24325904200000j 7 he (omplehe1/\Il'e Plan del/gnates II", slle as bell1g pari of Ihe PlllI/al"\' Rel/delllwl Area, I//Ilable fUl appropnalely located /}ulmrhan reSlden1H1I11nd non-resldemwlusc5 colISlslelll \\'It/'lhe paltuel 01 Ihe Comprehensive 1'1011 DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE ThiS Ordmance 5hall be ej(ecl/ve III (/(cordance "lIh SectIOn 107 ()) oj Ihe Zonlllg OrdlllOlue Adopted by Ihe Caunul ojthe CII) ajV/lgm/ll Beach, VlrgllllCl on Ihe 9th of VOl'ember T\\'o Thol/sand FoUl Votfllg 9-0 (By COn5e1lt) Counul Members Vallng Aye Hal r)' E Dlezel Robe" If DFer, V,ce ,Ha, or LOlm R Jallel, Reba S !vfcClanan,lvlamr ,'"feyew E OberndOlf, Peter W Schmult, Ron 4 Villanueva, Jame, L Wood alld Rosemary Wtlwn COl/nClI Memhers Valfllg Nav None COl/ncll Members Abselll R,chard A Maddo_, and J,m Reel'c N'o\'cmbel ~ 2004 _ 57- Item V-K.12. PLANNING ITEM # 53231 Artorne~ Ed.....ard Bourdon, Pembroke One Bwldlllg, 5" Floor, Phone 499-897 (, / epresented the apphcalll alld adl',;ed till> apphcatlOn IS ,urrounded bl' B-2 propel ty to the south, WIth etl\!lIIg A-ISllnd A-24 oonlllg to both ea5t, west and 1I0rth TillS IS the last mfill pIece ofa wmpletelr d~.'I!!oped mulll-janul., llrea alld "all exlellslOlI of the Hollis Road Condmml1lums The UIIW wi/I be $350,000 10 S400, 000 The letla from Holl,; Road COlldomlnlUm A550CIlIlIOII "a; referenced concel/lIng the propall llt Bill' Qualle,; dill 1I0t provide adequate dralllage whi!ll del'eloped COIl npondellce oj the ( he_Iapeake Beach CIVIC League relallve denslt)' llnd developmenl '''1\ "IIV /Lfel enced UPOI! motIOn by VIce ~ayu, Jane" ,ewl!ded by Counulman DI'er, ClIy COUllcl1 4 DOPTED (Ill O,dma/lce UpOIl apphwllOn of HOLLIS ROAD ASSOCIA TES, L.L,C jor" ( ondlltunal Challge of ZOl!lIIg ORDINANCE UPO;\, APPLlCATlO;\, OF HOLLIS ROW ASSOCIATES L L C FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRiCT CLASSIFICATfOV FROM R-5R TO CONDITIONAL 04-24 ZOll041205 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINIA OrdlltallCe UPOI! ApplicatlOll 01 Hollis Road ~.lIoCl"te), L L C for a ChanfIe of ZOnllll! DI5tl/Ct ClaHlficatlO1I flOm R-5R Res/denllal ReSOIl Dlslrlctto Condlllonal 04-24 Apartmel/l Dls!rtct 011 plopell)' lowted at 4708 and 4711 HollIs Road (CP/VS 147947778000UO, 14794786760000j The Comp,ehenslve Plall de"gnat~.\ IllIs SlIe ", helllg part of the PI/mall' Re5[(lentzal A, ea ,ulIable filr apprupl/at~iI lowted ,uburball re.\ldentwl and 1I0n-resldenttall/ses COIIII.llent wllh lite polll leI of tlte Campi ehensll'c Plan DISTRICT 4 - BA YSfDE The followlIIg COlldlllon shall be reqUired I Agreemellt ellwmpassmg PIlJjJer, shall be leeOlded wlllt Ihe Clelk of the Ctrwlt CUUlt and,; helehv madc a pill I of lite recOl d ThIS Ordlllance shall be ejJeUlve 1II accordance with SectIOn 107 (jj oj the Zonlllg Oldlllallce Adopted bl' the Counct! of the CLI)' of V,rglll/(/ Beach, Vlrgmta 011 the 9th of NovclI/hel Two Thousllnd Four VOlmg 7-2 COl/llet! Membels VOllng Are Harry E Dlezel, Rubert Iv! Dyer, Vile Mayor LOlli> R Jones, Pelcr W Selllnldt, Ron A Vt!lallueva, Jallwl L Wood alld ROlemarr Wi/lOll COl/nct! Members VOllng Na} Reba 5 McClallall alld liarol l\.feye/(/ E OherndOlf COIIIICt! Members Absent Richard A ~addox and JIm Reeve ^'ol'cmber Y, 2004 Item V-L. APPOINTMENTS - 58- ITEM # 53232 BY CONSENSUS. Cll)' Counu! RESCHEDULED: B1KEW A YS and TRAlLS ADVISORY COMM1TTEE COMMUNITY SERV1CES BOARD lNVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMM1TTEE MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL P4RKS AND RECREATlO'V COMM1SSlON TOW1NG 4DV1SORY BOARD NOI'cmbct y, 2004 - j~- /tem V-M.l. NEW BUSINESS ITEJf # 53233 Upon mO/lOn by Council Lady W,lson, seconded br COllnulmun Dlel, CITY COUNCiL WiLL ONLY MEET THE FIRST TWO WEEKS IN DECEMBER: December i alld 14, 2004, NnI'embel 9, JOO. -(,()- Item V-i'd.2. NEW BUSINESS ITEM # 5J234 Ma)'or Oberndorf referenced a Cln' Emploree re1lue'ljOl Ihe dar after Thank~glv/llg, November 26,2004, to be considered a Holiday. The ell\' /lofanagel adl'/Ied Ii", ell)' emplorees had heen "In'ered ajelt' re(//, ago / egw ding /hel/ preference Iv Ihe day after Thanksgiving consIdered a Holiday ar an additIOnal flex day belllg "tlllzed at the employee's discretIOn. P/Ol'Idmg two (2) flexIble day' a!'pe(//cd If) be' be,' /01 fhc malOl/1I vflhe eill emplO\ ce5 ProvIding uj1el: da~'s" ltl addllinn 10 ow '\chedu/ed Ho/uim's kf!ep~ the Clf\' (Ompelll11'e wall lhe Illl/Ilber of Holidays provIded b\' \l,rmlmdmg IVLUhllt>' ), 11/le prOl ,dl/l1Z Ihe Ile.\1h,/",' [he '111 efllplolec, desire NOI'cmbel 9, 2(1)4 - (,f - Item V-iII.3. NEW BUSINESS ITEM # 53235 Ma)'or Oberndorfand Vice lt4ayol JOlles leJelenced mdmdll"/\ 1/1 allendance louncdman Dyer Introduced Jeremv ./ohnsoll, Graduate Student III the Schoo/ oj Guvernment at Regenc)' UmvelslI',', who IS preparulg a Cia" Pro)ecI re the ell)' Cauncd of VII ((1/11<1 Beal h ClmSllne Maekl/lnan, Career Parallled" ha, beellallelldlng the ellv Couned SesslO/LI JOI sevelo/lllonths to fIlOllltOI alll,,- health lssuer!o. that Deem Revelelld lonstallce A LeII', 4550(lOle at Enoch Bapllst Cll/mh, lI'as lIIallelldall(e Item V-O. No\'('m/Jer 9, 2004 - ~2- Item V-O ADJOURNMENT ITEM # 53236 Ma) or iHeyela E Obemdorf DECLARED the C 11\' Cmlllcd Mccrln~ ADJOURNED (II 8::;0 P.M, ~_f~___~~__7~~ Bel'er!)' HonAs, elfC Cllle} Dqnlly CIII' Clefk (~~~~1::Y!:;-- elly ClClk lfeye", E Obcrndorf If(lrUl CllV of VII gill/a Beach Vu gtnw Am'embel 9 2004 - 62- Item V-O. ADJOURNMENT ITEM#53236 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf DECLARED the City Council Meeting ADJOURNED at 8:50 P.M. Beverly O. oaks, CMC Chief Deputy City Clerk uth Hodge Smith, MMC �. Meyera berndorf City Clerk Mayor City of Virginia Beach Virginia November 9, 2004