HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 23, 2004 MINUTES CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" \1.J~Oi/ .'fUfllA I OHt'?\"f)(JHf 1/ Lar~,. nCE: .\tA YOR 1 Of '1'" R m..r<; fia).",], -!)I,lrILl .J fHRR'r f DIl:.ZfJ Klfn{l\Vllh - 1)/\/r/(l2 R()8IRT~f !J'[IR (cn/.ndh [)'~(r',11 }JJ RA " ~fc( LA-V4.v UfJ\.' Ha'l nilfflC{ I UN HAR]) -1 VI./J/)()'( H.'at}, f)1\[r;CI (, jilo,.f RII ~l /"f""'\\ 'lillI, ilrqrl'/- 1'1 [/ /( U \< H.\,{/I)/ 41 I~JfJ!< Un.... -1 iIlL.f-\('f' 4 4f I.drl-' /UJ5IN4Rt if/I_VI>'; 4/-fdrJ:. HI,,{/\' W(}fJ!J :lnnIIUli./l-n"lr/{l~ ~~. /'i:"'''~. .?-~~, "211._.-0'_[0-. .'" "'1 ('11 . -- z. ~~ 1 ~ ,~ t~,.,. ". k.\ _ .I.:) \.:~"';-'" - - ~~....-,; "'~oJ"T.....t,...~:r ........,..,... CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ( In HILL BI 'LDI\"C 2401 n)URTf{O~ SE DR/I t I/RG/\'/1 Bl:.4.CH IIRG/\'!4 ~~.J:;6-8()()i PI/O\E (7j7j ./'27--1303 rn f-j""J .J2fJ-5M9 ,_- l/4./L CrlCllda~bgo\" com (/7i',\14.....U,l:.Il-}4.J,1F'A ,P()k1:. (IT'i 4iTOP}":H - IL\f1f; I'IIL} (1/}(!fRA.- IJ('THH(}J)(./\\HITH -\-fVC 23 NOVEMBER 2004 CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS Conference Room 1:30PM A COMPREHENSIVE ANl\'UAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) PatriCIa PhIllips. Director - Finance B MUNICIPAL SKATE PARK Cll1dy CurtiS. Director - Parks and RecreatIOn C MARRIOTT HOTEL TERM SHEET James Ricketts. Director - ConventIon and VISitor Bureau II CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS III REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS IV INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room - 4:00PM A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Obemdorl B ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C RECESS TO CLOSED SESSIO!'o/ v FORMAL SESSION 6:00PM A CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E Obemdorf B INVOCATION: Reverend Constance i\ Lew. Pastor Enoch Baptist Church C PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO rHE FLi\G OF THE UNITED ST A TES OF AMERICA D ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F MI"'UTES I INFORMAL Af'oITI FORMAL SESSIO~S November 9, 2004 G MAYOR'S PRESENTATION DISTINGUISHED BUDGET PRESENTATlO'J AWARD H PUBLIC COMMENT TOW"'! CENTER, PHASE Ill, TERM SHEET AGE:'IIDA FOR FORMAL SESSIO;\I J CONSENT AGENDA K RESOLUTION/ORDINANCES ResolutIOn to APPOINT Mark D Stiles and Carol W Hahn as Deputy City 4.ttorneys 2 Ordinance to CONVERT an eXisting part-tIme pOSitIOn to a full-time position In the Department of Llbranes FY 2004-2005 Operating Budget re restructuring the Records Management/l\1unicipal Reference workload 3. Ordinances to AUTHORIZE acquisition of property in fee simple for easements by agreement or condemnation re traffic signals: a. London Bridge Road and Tower Bridge Loop b. Baker Road and Hampshire Lane 4. Ordinance to ESTABLISH initiatives re participation by minority-owned, woman-owned and small businesses in City contracts and TRANSFER $50,000 to staffthis program for three (3) years with annual evaluation reports. L. PLANNING 1. Application of BAYMARK GOLF, LLC for MODIFICATION of Proffers (#2, #3) re a rezoning to Conditional PD-Hl, (approved by City Council on May 11, 1999 and June 26, 2001 in behalf of Baymark Construction Corporation) to construct a multi-purpose building in the "community green space" at Signature Circle and Signature Drive, (Villages at West Neck). (DISTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 2. Application of MIZPEH CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD for a NEW Conditional Use Permit for a church at 1064 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 109. (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) RECOMMENDATION: APPROV AL 3. Application of SAINT JAMES MISSONARY CHURCH for a NEW Conditional Use Permit for a church at 5277 Princess Anne Road, Suite 311 (DISTRICT 2 -KEMPSVILLE) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 4. Application of CITY OF REFUGE CHRISTIAN CHURCH for the renewal oftheir November 27,2001, and NEW Conditional Use Permits for a church and to ADD a child care education center at 3420 Holland Road, Suites 103-105 (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE HALL) RECOMMENDATION: APPROV AL 5. Application of OCEAN MYSTIQUE, INC. for a Conditional Use Permit for a studio for tattoo, permanent makeup and body piercing at 2335-2337 Virginia Beach Boulevard. (DISTRICT 6- BEACH) RECOMMENDATION: APPROV AL 6. Applications of H&A ENTERPRISES, LLC at Independence Boulevard and Smokey Road: (DISTRICT 4 - BA YSIDE) a. Change of Zoning District Classification from R-7.S Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District b. Conditional Use Permit re motor vehicle sales THE APPLICANT REQUESTS DEFERRAL TO DECEMBER 14, 2004 7. Application of WOMACK CHAPPEL, LLC f/k/a LINDA T. CHAPPELL for a Change of Zoning from AG-l and AG-2 Agricultural Districts and R-20 Residential District to Conditional 1-1 Light Industrial District at London Bridge Road and Hornet Drive re Phase II of Taylor Farm Corporate Park. (DISTRICT 6 - BEACH) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 8. Application of MARY SPADY for a Change of Zoning from R-I0 Residential District to Conditional 0-1 Office District at 844 Kempsville Road. (DISTRICT 2 - KEMPSVILLE) RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL 9. Application ofVTC ONE, L.L.C. for an extension of ninety (90) days to comply with Condition No. 4 in the closure. vacation and discontinuance of a portion of Regent University Drive. (Approved November 25, 2003 re Amerigroup Office Complex). (DISTRICT 1 - CENTERVILLE) RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL M. APPOINTMENTS BIKEWAYS and TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL PARKS and RECREATION COMMISSION TAX ASSESSMENT EV ALUA TION AND REFINEMENT TASK FORCE TOWING ADVISORY BOARD N. UNFINISHED BUSINESS O. NEW BUSINESS 1. ABSTRACT OF CIVIL CASES RESOLVED - October 2004 2. ABSTRACT OF VOTES - GENERAL ELECTION - November 2, 2004 P. ADJOURNMENT ********* If you are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, call: TDD only 427-4305 (TDD - Telephonic Device for the Deaf) *********** Agenda 11/23/04st www.vbgov.com MINUTES VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia :!3 VOl'embel 2004 Mavor Me)'e/ a E OberndOl} called 10 01 der thc Otl' lfanager', Briefing rc COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL REPORT (CAFR) In the Councd Conferellcc Room, Ot)' Hall Oil rueldal'. VOl'cmhcr 23, 2004, al I 30 PM Couned ,'vtembers Present Harry E Dlezel, Robel/ .\;/ Dyer, V,ec -Ha)'"r LOl'" R JOllel. Reba S McClanall, Mamr ,'vIe} C/(I E Obert/dorl, Jlln Recw, Pete! W SchmIdt alld ROil A r',llanue>a Cmmell Hcmbers 4b,ellt RIchard A Haddo., [Fa/Ill I)' VacatIOn] Ro,eman' W,lwn [Ellte/ed I 44 P ,\4] Jame, L Wood r Fan"l\ VacatIOn] - 2- CITY MAN4GER'S BRIEFING COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL REPORT (CAFR) ITEM # 53237 1:30 P.M. Mrs, Phillips wll oduced Joanne GIIgg, - Auda 5,ell'll'e alld Bob Blelal, represenlmg Chern', Bekaell & Holland, L L P, Auduors Mrs PlullIP' adv"ed Ihe wntnbullom 011 Ihe pari of all who m'lIled <II e 1Ill'aluable and ,wLerely appreclGled TlW)' clearh'l eflecllhe lugh pro{e.1 ,wllal slalldalll, wlllch hm'e hcell 'el bl' Ihe CUv Olhers who played a vel) mlcg/l/I parr are Managemelll DOllald Bamcu, Richard Le,la, Arlene Vey Techlllcal Review RI< hard Dunford, Naill) Leal'llI Accoulllmg Slaff limlls Flee/ull, LII/dll Hllrns Palll Purler, TllId)' Roger" DOli ell D,Vuo Slaff Support Jackie Caldwell, Keella Gal/lel, Penll)' Wdlrams, Dehble She\'OLk, Tn,iI DOllahue Audll Sen'ILes Joallne Griggs, Chm FOld, Grelchell Hudome Joan Keuh, TIIII Bell, Sharoll Hare, Pholographs Carol A/IIold-OSle, Ruhard L Thelberl, !II The ComprehensIve Allnual Report (CAFR) " Ihe 01)' 's Ihlrd lIlIdellhe lIew rel'olllllg lIlode! Govelnlllelll Accounllllg SWlldards Board (GASB) Stalemelll 34, II/Ied "Basic FlIlallclal Statements and Mallagemellt DiscUllioll andAllalysisforStatealld Local Governmelll," The {OIlIWI o{ Ihll Reporl III a, cordance wail GASB 34, has changed dramallcally EIIIlI1-wlde lIIjollllallon IS 1I0W lIILllI<led on thL Report alld " repre,ellled wlhe form of two lieII' jillallcwl ,Ialemenls III Statemelll of Net As,el' and /2/ Statement of Activlnes 41w mallY oflhe [imdlllg ,ta/emellls presented IlIlhe 1''''1 me mclwll'd The Ulldeslgnated General Fund Balance IS $ 73-MILLION aftel lej/eclwg leWIl'allOIlI {or CIll" capual projeCIS, Schools alld olher leqwred re,el"allom Tim hala",e /epreselll' IIl1lel"-\l\ pacem {9 6%J oj (linent re\'el1ue (O/ L1ze current fiscal rf:.'UJ cll1cll!J compm ed to nllle pCI cent [9 or!{, Jlol the pi evlOU) (i5cal vear Tile curren/levells wlllun the Cllv " POilLY o{ elghl/o n.elve pel 'elll {8% /0 12% / o{ Ihe (ollowll7g yea! 's projeL/ed revenue General FUlld revellue, were $ 762. 2-JflLLIO'V, or 2.4% over estimated revenues Gellerul propclty late.s IncH'used 86'3{ and other local hue") lIlC1cased 12 I~) AClUal expenditure, (alld ellcumbrances) were $747.3-MILLIO/li or 3.3% {es, Ihan bl/dgeted appropriatIOns, NOI'embel 23, 2004 - 3- CITY ,'I1ANAGER'S BRIEFING COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL REPORT (CAFR) ITEM # 53237 (Continued) Did the City's Entity-Wide Final/clal Condition Improve during Fiscal Year ended JUl/e 30, 2004 YES! Net Asset~ increased by approximately SJ09.6-MILLlON CIty's Capital Assets, !Vet of Related Debt, lnereased S89.3- MILLION (Net of Depreciation) City's Cash al/d Inveslmenb. Net of Payables Increa~ed SI43.8- MILLION Expenses were Less than Budget The School Operating Special Revelll,e Fund had eXLess revellue o"er expelldaure' of 5 13 2-J'vIlLL/ON Wah theflnal audaed lesults available, Ihele I' 11m\' an addlllOnal 56 S-MJLL/ON III revenue for tire School DIvIsIOn based Oil aClual Genewl Fund re,'enue fOf Ihe curren I fiscal )'e(// To date SI 75-HILL/ON Iras been appropl rated by CIlY COll/ICr! for Ie/rool bUle.1 The I elllallllllg SI 25-MILLION \\'111 be appl Opl rated b, la)' Councr! pendlllg lIlputfrollltlre School Board A tOlal of$20 O-MILLION \Vas lelen'ed IIIlhe CIIl 'I General Fund Balallce at l'car-clld Bob BIelat, Cherry, Bekae/ I & Holl/alld, L L P , adVIsed the repom <Ire ul/qualified The ea)' 's linancwl ,wtemellls are III accordance wllh Ihe approprrale accoullIlIIg Irlerature, both from the CTol'ellllllel1l ACCOIllIllIIg Slandard, Bomd a, well ,,, the FlIlancwl AccoulI/[ng Slandard, Bo(//d Theil! were no slglllficanl, 01 unuwall/(lIl\acllO/H, that dId 1I0t have authorrlall,'e guulanU' durrng tilt; 1',/11 l'eUl Required Communications ResponsIbilIty under generally a< cepted audlllllg stalldards Assessed risk that the jinanczal statement, may (on{wn a /nlllellol mlSSlalement, eaher IIllenllonal 0/ 1II11ntentlOlIal Documented and con~ldered Infernal co/Zl/o/~ Iv a55/~/ with audIt approach we pO!iftlve. lIoijUI Ihe pwp05e of proVIdIng '" 'urance on thou colll/ol, Re~ponslbillty under Government Auditing Stal/dards (TI.e Yel/ow Book) ReViewed and te,led the ell)'" complranee walr laws alld regulatlOll>, noncompllQnce !-i'lih a,hILh would have (/ mate! wi 1f1lpllll on the linancwl statement, ReVleHoed compltllnLe wllh appltc<lble IllIn alld legulll/lOlIs alelllllied rn Ihe Specificatiol/s for 4udit of COU1lt1eS, Citie, al/d TOWII> I,I/Ied by the Audllol uI Publl( Acwunt, oj the CmllllWllIl'ealtlz of VII glnal Nnl'f'mh<'l 23 20f!4 - 4 - CTTY M4NAGER'S BRTEFTIVG COMPREHENSTVE ANNUAL REPORT (CAFR) ITEM # 53237 (Colltlnued) Responslbllil)' under OMB A-133 Performed procedure, /II OIdel /0 npre\\ 1//1 opmlOll Oil Ihe lLly's comphallce wllh reqlllremelll' "pphcable 10 1//(/101 jederalprogl ams Perf 01 med leSls of cOI/I/OI, 10 asse" the CII)''' abllllv 10 deteCl malena/noncompliance \1..'lth progl am I t'ljwremenfs, nor to expre\ \ all OpIniOn on contro!!'J Tndependence Tn accordance wllh 4/C PA Rule 101 and the mdepelldence "alldardl cO/limned In Government AlIditlllg Standards, we H,ere, and (o11lmue 10 be, IIIdependellt wllh lelpeu In the lll)' n{V/lglII/(/ Bealh Accounll1lg Policies No Ilew slgnificalll polme' adopled No Irall.laC/lOII.I Ihatladed authomallve (onunlU\ Est/mates These slalemenls lIIc/ude eslllnates alld aliow far Doubljill accoun" DepreClatlO1l Value oj IIIfrmtruclllre a5Se{; There wel e 110 "gnificanl audll adJIISlme,w proposed br Cherry, BeAael ( & Hollalld Ihal ',(mid IIIdlwte a ,,'eakness III the elly's leportlllg plocess There ,,'ere 110 ml"lalemelllS Ihat wele 1101 correued Novemher 23 l004 - 5- CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING MUNICIPAL SKATE P4RK 2:05 P,M, ITEM # 5-12.18 Cmdy ClI/ltS, Dlrecror of Pmk, and RecreatIOn, advIsed th" ortgmlll Amon SpOI; Park strategy, wa' endorsed Augus1200.1 Thl> was a two-tier approach which addre"ed ,kdlleve!, local",n alld ,nadahLiIl) 10 lendenls and \'ISllOIS Tier I (Clly-wlde) Seek partner 10 fund and operale a IJ/ell/lel concrete ACllon Sporl' Parf.. al Prtnu'" Allne lammon' TIer 2 (CommullIl)') Modalal LOmponenr, on conClele ,Iah al selecled 'lllffed OIV parkl Re-assess need 10 II1tplemenl addlllOnal TIer 2 parh aflel PremlCr and MOllllt Trashmolc ACIIOlI Spot, ParI" haye heell In operurlOlljol aile year M, lll/lts a<lmowledged Brtan Sob; who undertook Ihe PPEA prop"",/' Premier Action Sports Park (TIer 1) PPEA at Prince~' Anne Common> - Offeror'\ Role Fmancmg of all pm k IIlIp/Ol'el/lelll' Pal'ed pal f..mg Reslroom, and park mallagemenl hlllldlllg SecurttyfenLlllgII,'all, Developmell/, operallOlI and mamlenallce of park alld wpport blllldmgs allullar)' use - Opl/()/1 avat/ahle to pronde elflllpmell/I enlal alld I elatl ,ales RFP adverltsed Oil ltd) 18, 2004, wllh a September 17, 20M, deadlme No proposals were mbmilled. IlIlhefifieell mOll/hs Moun! TIa,hmole Skale Palf.. has beell opened thoe hal'" beell138 OliO \'IS/I' Altertlatlve Strategy C'ommulllly-ha,ed app/Oach Addl eu ,f..t/I lel'd and avat/abt/llY 10 res/delli' Targel Ae/101l Spall' Park (aet/llies III slaJfed, aLeesslble parI, loealtolls 10 prOVide II1l1ovallve, well mall1/allled Ie/whle lc'r/UlII /01 m/llltple u,ers ACtlO1l Sports Park, l)'plcalh'reqll/re Supporlfact/l//e" <IILh as pQ[f../IIg, restrOOl/l; alld COII(eS"OIl' Addl/lOl/al slaffil/}j PlOglllmmmg for speCial even" Nm'(,l/lh,'1 23, 200-1 - (,- CIT}' MANAGER'S BRIEFIVG MUNICIPAL SKATE PARK ITEM # 53238 (Continued) E<lstl/lg CIP fundl/lg hwld all acldlllollal wmmufllt,' AcllOlI ,,!'ort Park at an a(ce''Ihle, ,taj]ed ll!\'-owned pm" II ah Ctwmg ;UP!'OII {aclhtles Budd One, lIew Tier 2 Park at Ewtmg, la}'-owllecl_\laj]ed Pm k Oment ClP fUlldmg (FY 04/05) 1\ appm_tlllw/ely 5192,000 Park size would he 5,OtJ() to I tJ, O()O squarejeel, depelldmg 011 de'lgn IMoun/ Tra;hmore L' a!,prot/mare/!' 24,000 ;quare feet} Prov/dl/lg ,ecolld Tier 2 Park the "ze 01 MOIml TrIl;11InOl e "auld requII e S200, 000 of addltlOllal (apllal jundmg Emmated operallngfulldlllg IIl1pa(/ {m 1(// ge ar ",wI! parf.. l> One [IJ FTE eqlllvale11l and two [2l Pm/-tulle emplO\ee, = $27,749 Action Sports Park Location SelectIOn Criterw WOlf.. \Vlth lommlltee and othe/ stakehalde" /U ulenofi fulure park Sites, based upon the followlIIg c/llellO Access/hila}' to Ihe lay', p"pulallOlI celllel \ Staffed slle Supportmg pm" mW!nllIeS - !,ar"mg.. le;'room\ (ance;I/On wpabdllIe\ Ph}'>lcal slle condlllOm Compallblh,)' wlIh ad/ace11l UICS Sugge,'ted Future Spots Park Strategy CIP funding (FY 06/07): Build a third commulllty Action Sport' Park or provide IIInovative additions to l~fount Trashmore or a second Action Sports Park CIP Funding 1/1 olll-years: Replace ;urjacing. provide capllal lIIailllenance to f!XIHlng facilities, and a',e55 need for addlllonal community ActIOn Sports Park, NmemhcJ 23 2004 ~ - , - CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING MUNICIPAL SKATE PARK ITEM # 53238 (Continued) Re/alive acllvllles and amemlle; III the CentervllldKemp,vllle al 1'<1;, .\1s ClIrl" adVised a plallnlng pI Gcess shall <ommellce III December re mawmzlIlg llllllzatlOn 0/ the Ol\' I pI opcllie; 1/1 allable Heel/llgs \1'111 he conducted wtth all the commumlle,:., and Planmng D'~lnCl OIeU' to del('rml11e the reueafwnal l1(.'ed.5 4 long tellll plall shall be developed The 'talf will <Ontllll/e to fiJClII Oil the 1Illll:atlOlI oj I/Iapprol'nate language at HOWlt TrashmO/e The WilliG/ill p/Open\' clIllenth does lIot hm I' <111\ {illllJlIlg avO/II/hie lor developmcllt or tnJra;trucwre Th" locatwlI wal Illgge;ted (01 the den'lol'lIIelll (// a Re( reallon Cenler Ms ClIr//; shall reconvene the stake/wldel grollI' and wme {onvard 11'IIh allothel hneJing Ie/alive \'wble {jeleLlwns NOI'embel 23, 2004 - 8- C f T Y If A IV AGE R'S B R f E F f N G MARRIOTT HOTEL TERM SHEET 2:40 P.M. ITEM # 532.19 James Ru.ketts, DlreLlor - ConventIOn and hsllOl '\' Bureau, f1ll1oduced lho'\'e 111 al/endanl e Twwlhy Sliffler, V,ce Pre.\Idelll - Fmance, T"lewalel Inll MallagclI/elll s alld AI/Ollley R J Nlll/el reple5enlmg Ihe apphcalll The owners of lite DUlles Hotel./OCTO. fllc. alld Ttdewalel Hotels alld Resorr,/ltal'e 1m lIIed a partnel 1/111' to hUlld a full-sen'lce 11ItUr)' ,l4ar/1011 HOlel "'III, 250/1/011/, and 28 cOlldoll/llIIllIIlS Oil lite e<rslmg Dllnes Holel SIre al 92 I Allanll< 4>'elllle Tlte new ItOIe/HilIIIIC 10 165 leel/ol 15 'Imles} (/lId ",11 f1lclucle a Ulllque oceanfront re!ilawClnt, ~6,OOO ~ll,w/e (eel of mce/l/lg\ llllcl {onn'n1lon\ fuul1llcs hlth un upscale pool alld deck alea Tlte fawlly II illltm e a spa alld lillle,s LelllCl, a.1 "ell (15 a IlIlIqlle oceanflOnt re'lallralll The benefll5to Ihe ClI} we lIl/meIOll.1 alld come IIIlhejorm of a 20-,cw, $48 7-ll/LL10V nel flscullmpacl, 1Il0le Ihan 3,800 'qlUlle feel of(/ddlllOllal opell 'p'''C, and (J 11I\IIn" (OIlVel/llOlI qllahl\'ltolel to IUPPOrt lite CIIl' 's eJJoll1II compellllg fml1lglt-lInpael 101/\ enllOnwlllte nel\' S202-lflLLION COllvelll101I Cellter The Price Walerhollse Coopen lepO! I, complelcd III !vIa, 211110, mdli aled Ihal an addlllOllal 850 COlIl'enllon qua/It)' hOlel rooms would boo\{ annual com'enlwn !iale~ b)' almo!il 3(J';~ Belu et'nthe /leu. 3 F; Slreel Hlllon alld lite plOposed 9" 511ee! Mar/lOll lite Clly wlllgalll male Iltan540WIIVelll/On ql/alm looms a/the Oceanfio11l G,ven the maglll/ude of lhe prO}f!l t. the l!tl5tl/lg proper/I' \IZ<: and {on(igllloclUfl f\ 100 restrictive to a{commodate the p/(uemenr of all of/he hOlclllmC:l1ltu.'~ and feZ( llIliL'~ H.'ahI'IIhe Lon!ines of the cUl/enr prupel/Y Ime~ The f!XI~tl11g parcel Ul11110r QC cnmmodare rhe hutel {ontprfl/I mo\t of rhe I cqulIt..'d pWAlIlg SpaCf!5 wah the upscale pool and dec/... area in U1dc/ ro pI 0\ Ide adequate \lle dI11len~lOn~ 10 comlrla I Ihe lIew -\larnoll onlhe Dunes Holel parcel, Ihe del'elopel I alt' reqllesllllg Ihc C it\' dose Ihe 10" SCreel rlghl-or-way "lid lrade Ihe rlghl-ur-wal' for Iwo pa" els of prupel II' oWlfed by OCTO, IIf( Borh ul rhe\e parcels ",ll he converted 11110 conlleelUl {IarAI localed Olf Ihe nOr/it alld lOllth s/(Iel of Ihe hOle/to 1"01 lile pede.llnan a(LeSI, opell s{la(e alld oce,1Il 1'''lal jromfllallllc A>cmlc 10 lite homd"alA alld beach Addlllolla/ly, ,lflllle pllbllC ulllllY ad/llsllllelfl\ alfd relowl/(/lfl \l'dl he lIeeded he/olc WII.IIIIICIIUII ((/11 {ommence DeplllY Ctll' AIlOlney CalDI W Hahn, levle\l'ed Ihe ploposed Mal/lUtI Tam Sheet lOllllrllL/lOn IS scheduled 10 COII/lIlellLe IIllhe Spllllg of 2005, \I'llh Ihe ojflual opemng 11/ lite ra/l u{ 2006 Oty IlIvolvemeM Exehallge CXlsllllg la" SlIeel slllb {IalAfor 52 5' publiC parA/acees\ easemenl olllhe 1I0r/h cdge of/he {IropellJ (new e\l5111lg IIf' SlIeel)- allow Developer 10 ("semble alld 10111/ 01485 W11I1I/1I0llS Ii onl jeel al Ihe Oceanfronl Relocate eU.Hlflg puhl1c lIllllHe'\' (42" Halel anel ~rollll ~eH.'er /me) wllllln Ihe e.\lstlllg I (J'" SII celIO lite lIew p'" A/pedesll /(/n arcel I \l'av nOr/h of 10'" Streel (10 O(Lllr 011 UI b~fO!e JUlie I, 20(5) Cost parllclpate III {on!ifrUCflOll off1e\.~J UJI1lleccor pwlJpub/u czne.H wayal 9" Slleet ( .:t $886 000) Cost parflclpale In con!ilrucllOll of a flew connector park/pub/u acce5' way al 1(1' Slreel (lIIcllldlllg Ie/oWl/on of puhlli IIllhlleS) (.:t S /,3 7J 000) Lease 21)9 parklllg '{lace, 11/ Ihe 9" 50 eel ParAlIlg Garage 10 Developer for 60 yeLln for $ 7]0 per spa((' {leI I ear (Wtllt escalalol afier flr51 fl>'e wan) NIJ>embel 23 2004 . y- C I T Y MAN AGE R '5 B R I E FIN G MARRIOTT HOTEL TERM SHEET ITEM # 53239 (Conlinued) Neces<arv MuniCIpal Approval, City Council Actioll C/osure of 1(J' SlIeel (ApprO\ed b,' Plun/llng Cvmm",wn 1]/10/2004) Transfcl vfC/OIed I(J' Slreelto Del'elopel Acceplanceofdedlclllwn 525' I O'''.SaeCI (lmneClol park (Ill feci Developer ma\' lelerve UII .Ipace fOl wndo bulwllle' AcceplanLe' oj ded"aliall oflhe 52 5' 9'" Slreel conneclOl pad (mfee) Developer ma)' re'elTe mr spal e for hOlel balwnlel alld ea.5ements for hOle! drn ewo\ and ell?( trLCu! fra/l'lformer eqUlpmelll Tramfer leme/wld IIl1eleH mlhe 9'/, 51reel Parklllg Guruge 10 VII gmw BeaLh Developmenl AUlhmll)' (VBDA) 10 accommodate long term lease, dlreU VEDA If} etet(l\i! a PWI ha\f! optIOn cOll/al/led l/llhe l/!<lle alld Ul qUl/ e ail righi' III Y'" S'reel Pm Amg Galllge fi om Vlrgl/lIa Beachl50wh P<Il kl/lg, LI.e Encroachmenl for pool pla:([ mlo GI eellbell Encroachmelll fOI ,1(,COlld }Ioor halil vvm 11([lwlI)' 11110 Greenhell Encroachmenl jm hard,cape pal/llm, IIlto GI eenbell Virgima Beach Developmenl AUllIOrlty AcllOn: Pwcha,e ofwr righi' In C)" Slreel Parkmg Gm([ge pllnllanllo pure/wse oplion Lease to Develaper 299 parkmg spaLeS In 9" SUeel Parkmg Gil/age all long le/ln hasls Rohen ScvII, Director of Plannmg, adVised III ordella prvvlde 485 (OllllguOIl' Imeur }eel needed Iv bUild Ihe hOlel, Ihe 10" Slreel Conneclor Park /Ilwl b('(loled alld conve)'ed to Ihe Del'elopel The Oil' 11 ill receive 111'0 (2) !,arcell of land abullmg Ihe nor,h 1"open)' Ime oflhe (,J.l'llllg I()" 51reel Cmllle<lol Park and land abullmg Ihe ,oulh propel ty line oflhe euslmg Dane, HOlelln euh([nge for Ihe land IIndCl" mg Ihe CIlII enl 10'" )Ireel Conne<lor Park 77le dilnenstons of each of Ihe,e two !,OIce/l me 52 5' t 150' IOlallllg 15,750 square fee of open space II shollld he noled Ihallhe OIl' willi ecelve a deed of owners III I' fOl Ihe 45' t 150 pweel oflalld WlllCh will beeome Ihe new 'l' )11 eel COllnector!'", A Due 10 Ihe ":e and he.ghl Oflhe hOlel, Ihe Cll/relll RT-l :onmg reqUlremen/\ leglllalmg maXl/llum helghl and del1'l/) ofuI11/1 per aCI" hal e In he amended 10 allow cOl1slroWon Thl> amelldment "scheduled fOl the Cill' COlll1cil SelSlOl1 of f)eccmh", 7, 2004 NOIl'mber 13, 2004 - 10- C I T Y MAN AGE R 'S B R IE FIN G MARRIOTT HOTEL TERl\f SHEET ITEM # 53239 (Colltinued) Karen Lasley ZOlllng Admlfllslralor, adw,ed Ihe new Hallolll would reqlllre ,everal '''I//(/lIces Ie/atn'e helghl, selbucks alld dellslly Iflhe RT-I Amendmelllls nol upproved The helghl oj Ihe p,uposed Marnoll hOlel exceeds ew renl o01llng 11/11/1; by 50 feel 77le eurre11l zonrng uldll/a//( e pI ov/; IOn I re'II/US helghllO a manmum oj 100 feel Second, Ihe colljiglllallOn of lire blllldmg (oolpmll alld Ihe pool aleu lequl/e a oero lelbackjrom Alla11llc Avenue 77/e :0111/115 unltnu/lce Ira; a 5-(001 [imal'<lrd ,elbacA prUl'mUII 77le l"u/ecl u'lll hUlld 250 room!:. on the sue. \-v/Hch rL'qUl/e5 a higher df..'Il~//r of rool1l~ per {/(, t:' The Ulrrellt Of dllUlI1C-f! allow, dellsay credi/lfor specific ue\lgn fealllre', I/(me\'el Ihe Ilumber o[ moml per aCl e " /75, bul 200 room, pel acre/; lIeeded 10 accommodale Ihe 10101 numhel (I[moml all NUl'emhel I() 2004 lire Plunlllllg CO/1lm15~lOn apploved an amendmt'lll/(J mal1\' RT-J zonlllg Jl!qlll/emel1l~ Thl! helghl f(!j{IlC!fOl1.\ we moeased to 2(}0 feel, If 15,000 squille feel of opell 'pUle 1/1 plowued IIllOtal allhe ealt ullcI W<'ll plopell)' lilies Ilhe lfarrlOll Develope" areprovldlllg 15,750 squarejeel o[ upell 'l)Qle,mcI dId not I"e II", dedlculed open 'pace 10 wlculale Ihe hote/', den'1I\ cledas) Tire fm11l1'Old ,elhach [011 be cIeaealed 10 oem If spe([jie deslgll elemellls are mel The den ,11\' CI edlll of I oom\ per acre were Ill" ealed [or ,iii calegollel Ihal meet speCIfic deSIgn crllena Patricia PhIllIP', Dlreclor of Fmalll'<' adl'/,ecIllI May 1<)<)6, Ihe CIIl emered 1/110 a Lea,e Agreemellt ",air I\VO (2) jile-Yel1r lenewal opllOns wlllr VrrgmIG Beach Soulh Parkmgfor the N/IIlh Streel Pillk/llg Garage Tills lecHe promle, OUl oflhe 664 ,'pace.I, the Cllr wOllld le<lse 610 Anllual leale coslll/ the til IIlell (10) ) ears, <Ire appro;wnolelr $851,000 a )'eal Cmt' \VIII contI/we 10 glow The leme, IIIrellr!r has a prUl'I>1011 allO\Hllg ehe Cllr tv purchase Ihe garage /II 2007 Bewu,e Ihe Marnoll WIll I e'luII e U 101115 lelln 'Oll/II/IIII/elll, Ihe \laffls recommendll/g Ihe Cllr 1'/11 chale Ihe ./Vlr/lh Slreel 1'(//"/1115 Garage The qualll)' alld frequel1L}' of Ihemallllel1al1ceoflhe[acl/llvcallhecomroJledTheleaH.currentl)ha.a I" OV!;1U1I e"el1lt lemll/Ill/ed, wherebr 51% oj Ihe 'paces musl rema/ll publIL'. The Dereloper \Villl1eed 299 sl"ILel 111 the SUII/mer II/onlh" Ihe CII)' goes be}olld 1I1i1lZ1l1g Ihe rell/allll/Ig 310 'pacel To I eplace /1111 ')llIl1l1/el 1'(// "/1115, a ,"rface parkIng 101 is propo,ed at Rudee Loo!" collmllllg oj 500 pmJ../IIg Ipace, Robell Flies, COnl'CnllOn alld VmlOls Bureall, advr;ed ajter Ihe 9" SlIeel Lea,e IS relllllled, Ihe garage u.'age should 111(/ ease durrng the 00- seasoll baslcalll' b('/II'eel1 Sel'lember alld Hm' oj ea< h rew The addltIOnal (apacay generated by [he J1an lOll HOld. the les/aural1l and the C(}l1\-'t!nlum meeting fae/lt/uI' ha"i /lOC been 'IUUltlljied Rod Hlldome, EconomIc Developmelll, ad,'!;ed Ihe CII)'jIlSC 100" posses; 1011 oflhe Herll/an propel/)' '" ot NOl'Cmber I, 2004 By ma:wnlZlng al1d reconjigrmllg space" appro\llnalel)' 632 publ/( Ipac(', could be plollded /IIlhe Rudee Loop wea The lOst 10 (/c('omplr,h Ilus prujecl would be appro\lll1alel1' $550 000 Curren II)' u'lIIg Ihe parkmg levellue gelletatedfrolll 4'" ')Ireel (baslcall)' $664 (/ space), thel etore, the jinl reO! 's revellue gelleraled "projecled 10 be $420,000 nlele(OI<', Ihe co,11 oj prol'/(llIlg Ihe 'paces 01 Rudee Loop will!>e relll/!>ursed III tire ,<,colld yew Mrs PhIllIps adVIsed the Developer I' prvpo'lIlg 10 c01l511uellhe lOlllleclor pOlk> al 9" alld 10'" S/leel, as well as relocatlllg Ihe 42" 'ComMaler drallllllg pIpe The Developer WIll be rClmbw ,ed tor Ihose co;ll The 01)' WIll wUlk wllh the Developer Ie tire de;cgll conlepls ul/(l bllllg till, to CII)' COIIIICr! tfJ/ Ilrelr re' leI<' The CII} Mallager adVised sonte of lire 1" opell)' aWo/l; re'llIIre fIllle (9) affillllalll'e \'ote.' The CII)' Clel k will call1he CII) CounCIl Hembe" 10 ascertazn If Ihe)' H r!1 be m allendallce duntlg Ihe ell) COIII/cil SeHIOIl; at Dec ember 7 and 14, 2004 Nuvember 23, 2004 - 1/- CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS AND CITY COUNCIL COMJfENTS 3:30 P.M. ITEM # 53240 CouncIlman Reeve hasfacLillaled ;evelal meeTIngs \Vilh the prOpelll' uwner; of Pungo COIIII' Limall Reeve d.slrlbllted carl e'pondence to the Mu\'ol a",1 Member; of Clfy Counol dated IVowmbe, 19, ::004, Ii om the Pungo Village Landowllers' Aswelattoll The Pungo landowller;, \1'ho;/gned th/l/etter [alld others who collld Iwt he pre;enlJ have a vlSlonF" a qllamt cO/miry village alld rUlal-lheme communil' The hOl/nd", Ie; of the Pllngo VIllage ;hould be Flanagalll Lalle 10 Ihe 1I01lh, th" 4RP land lu the ">lIlh, (he Coa;1 Gllard SlatlOlI 10 Ihe east and the Vlrglllla Beach MOl/llIed Poilce fa, illI) 10 Ihe ','esl The 4.\ luelllt/(}n I; reqllelllllg Ihe Mayor alld Clly COllncil', a;SI;{ane e lI/ ohtall/l/lg alllllllepelldellf I lilliI' 01 Ihe area b)' Ihe Urball Lalld Inslllule [ULI[ Wah a good "hll/ep/l/1/ In halld' the AllouallOn wn work w,lh the OIl 10 Cleale a d""rahle Imall-tuwn COmmllnel) alld ilkllvle de;lmallOn, \111/ I" eWITlI/g Ihe Ill! al henlage of Pllngo Mr 5coll adrlsed III 1997, Ie Ihe Shore Drive Corridor Study, Ihe Urban Lalld Itlslllllte (ULlj charged Ihe City approumatel)' $100,000 (590,000 pili; expen;elj The CLI) Munager shull b/lng forward Ihe propowl; 10 be sllbmllled to Urban Lalld IlIslilule (ULlj alld \( hedule for a Cll)' COUllc,1 SessIOn The uVallabllilv oj ULI. Ihe CO;I, peruneters of the Itudl alld lenglh oftllne 10 cundllct shall be provIded 10 CII} COllnul ITEM # 53241 VIce lfayOl Jone;, LIaISOIl 10 Ihe Southeastern Parkway and G'reellbelt, adl I;ed the Otl' Mallagel and Robert Matthlal, AsslstallllO the Oil' Manager, attellded a meelm!? \Vllh the Chnapeake and VII glllfa Depmtment of TransportatIOn (VDOT) lepre;entalll es IlIlelL';t \1m <'<p,e"ed retallve (ellall/ alLgllmellll alld rlghts-or-way; VDOT belLel'el they have the adllllnlllralll'e 01111101/1) 10 le;pOlIlI to ChesapeuAe '; I eque;t The DRA FT Environmentallmpacl Stalement ;Iwllld be al'Oduhle ajier Ihe (inl 01 Ihe) eal The FINAL Ellvironmentallmpact Stalemelll shollld be compleled hI' Ihe elld uf lie \I I e<ll ! ::on5! ITEM # 53242 COllncilman Dlezel rejerenced Ihe analysis of road project; alld the Hamploll Roads Plalllllng DI.\trlCI Comn",;wll {HRPDC[ meet.ng A; alllllvestmem, three (3j load project; were re\lewed .n rhe Rlchmolld area For cl'en' dol/al /IIvested, a 525 letum "'01 leallzcd III lel1/11 of Ihe developlIlcllI (bolh bw lIle;; , re"dellllal alld cummerce) ThIs ;IlOlIld he /led logelhel buth lucalh llnd "'lIh the GC/lel<ll Assemhlv I epre!<Jenlalll'e:, A.s em example, OUl regIOn hcH a gr()~'vl11g pOll fact/a}' but mll~1 hi! .supported b} cl /{J(ld netwo'A to al'oul sub.sequenl 1055 ofrel-l!llllc! The Wllchdllcf..-Kempsl'll/e Intel ;ecllOlllmproveme11l ;IIOIIId he commellu!d IVltllln a }elll N()vembel 23, 2004 - 12- CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS AND CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS ITEM # 53243 CouncIl Members Dyer and VlllallueWlll1vlled Ihe Mal'or ulld ClI} COUllclllo aI/end a Celltervl/le Dlslricl Dialogue on Wednesday, Decell/ber 8, 700 - 8 00 PM, ill (aI/wood High School The purp05e ollhe meelll1g 15 10 sohol comments re w'ellglhemng 01 IIHlralfllg l"o/ecI5 '" Ihe Cenrervlllc Dlw lcl ro help II/ake the commulllly betler The ('owlcll Membe" hope to develop Ihe 'Celllervllle Dlslrlcl Blueprlnljor Ihe Future" C,VU Leaders Gild bUSllle!lSe~ have beefll11\'ffed 10 allf!f1d ITEM # 53244 Council Member Villanueva re{el etlced rhe productive Annual Leghlal/ve RecepllOlI on Wedtle,day, November 17, 2004, allhe T01l'n Celller OIl' Cluh Legt5la/O! I reqllesled Ihal, IIllhe {ulla e Ihe ('ommUlllll' Leglslallve Agellda be dlsmbwed 10 Ihell/ prlOI 10 Ihe Ct/r ('oullcd/Legt5lalOl' lI/e<,llI1g COUtlCl/mlln VII/anuem advIsed Ihere were IWo OJ ('01l/1IIU1111)' I.eglllatn'e lIIeelmg5 prior to Ihe Leglsla/II'e weeAend, lI1/owmgopporlulllllesfor General A5\elllblycolI/lI/elll5 T1l1sjollhcolI/lIllJGellaal Assembll' '<'>51011" \'e/1' IInpor/anl and lequlre5 exlenSlve 10bbPllg, par/ICulaII! wllh regard 10 IrU/"por/atlOn Mayor Oberndor{advlsed each membel o{lhe Gene,,1I AHemhll'll'll/ leCCIVC an e-lI/all COP! Of each C'zlv CO/lIlcd Agenda and Summary of ActIO/IS 1I11medwlely f'ollO\l'Ing cadi ClIy ('ow/( II meelmg The m<'lI/bel' WII/ be ad"I5ed 10 contacllhe Office or Ihe Oil' Cieri. {OJ addt/wllalll1tormalWII ITE1..f # 53245 CouncIlman Schlllldl expressed appleczallolllO Ih<, Mayol alld lWembels oj Ct/y CoullcllfO! \lglllng Ihe I.eller 10 Ihe Edt/or - The VII gllllatl-Pdot, daled November 23, 2004 A sll/all 5<,glllelll of Ihls Ipeoal populallOn has //llense medical need5 //l addlllOlllo Ihe/l memal dlsabtlllle5 Based upon a wllabOlallve process wlIhfamzly care givers, Cll} 'Iaff have propmed a model 0{5en'lce dell WIT w mee! the lIeed, oj /11I' rulnerable pOpl/lallOn To 'en'e Ihll grol/p alld Ihelr famtl)' CUi egll'en, the Vtrgl/lla Beach CIIV COlmczl prOVide.; properly fO/ Iwo (2) twelve I I :!)-bed relldellces Ihal wzll h<, kilo 1"" a\ B,zlle/ J II/age The I e,,,lellces wtll be home-5wled bUlmclude n-IIle medlwl selTlce5 Re(<,nll), 1(,I'aal dll(lbtllll' adl'Oca( I' group I have quelllOlled Ihe lIeedfor 11m p/OjeCI 71le CI/)' ('ol/lIul behele5 Ihal/he lIell'JO/l1/ p'Oleu" a ,nll((" pall o{ prm'ldmg jor IIl1mel need, and IS w glllg /h(' Wmml/lIlll' 10 10/11 III I eqlle51l11g Ihe GOl'enwI alld the Gelle"" 41,lembh to prOVIde Ihe Inel ollllndmg lIeeded /0 addle5llhe lIeed, ollhe met1lali, dllabled IlIlhe cOlllm""'I\' Sard leUel was slglled by each Member of ('ill' ('OIIllU! plelem and" hereh,' /Ill/de a pllrt oj the record Novemhel 23, ::004 - 13- AGE N DA REV I E IV S E S S I 0 ,y 4:45 P,M. ITEM # 53246 K 4 OrdmanLe /(J ESTABLISH mllwllves re parllClpacuJn b" mmOnly-owl/ed. woman-owlled and small bl/slnesses III ell" conlraelS and TRANSFER S5IJ,OIJO Iv slafl Ih" program {vr Iltree (3) I'ems wlllt al/nual emil/ail on repO/ls Ma)'or Oberndor{referenced corre,pvndenLefrom lite Presldem ot tlte NAACP reql/e'llIlg a CII} Dlve/slly ,IudI' sllllllar 10 Ihe one performed by the SIale COUI/cll Lady McC/allan reql/e5led anllual,eparts Councilman V,llanl/eva dlsmbuted mlarmatlOn relallve Ihe posmon III the FlIwllce Del'''' tmel/llPurch1l5l1lg D,VISIOII collcerlllng dulles Sald mformallon " hereby made a pal t of lite record ITa,1 # 53247 BY CONSENSUS, IhefollowlIlg ,hall compose Ihe CONSENT AGENDA: K I ResolullOn Iv APPOINT MGlk D SllIe, allll Carol IV Hahn al Deputy City At/orne)'s K 2 Ordmance 10 CONVERT an eustmg pal t-llIne pOSlllonlO a full-llIne poslllOn m the Departmenl oI Llbrarte, FY 2004-2005 Opelatlllg Budget re resl/I/ctunng Ihe Record, Managemem//11unicipal Reference ,,"VI kload K 3 Ordmallces toA UTHORIZE acqlllslllOll oIpropelly III jee sImple for easement\ b,y agleemcnf or condemnatlOl1/t' lIaffic'lgllal, a London Bridge Road and Tower BrIdge LOllI' b Baker Rllad and HampshIre Lane K 4 Ordmance to ESTABLISH mlllalll'e' / e partlClpallV1l bl' mll/llnty-owned, wOlI/an-owned and 511/al/ busi/lesses III ell)' cOlllracls alld TRANSFER $50,000 tv statftlw program {or II"ee (3) yea" WIIIt annl/al ('valualloll report' Nvvemher 23, 2004 - 14- AGE IV DA REV IE W S E S S ION ITEM # 53248 L 4 AppltwlIoll of CITY OF REFUGE CHRISTIAN CHURCHfvl/he renewal of/hell' Novemher 27 200 I, and NEW Condl/lOnal V;e Pennl/; JOI a church and 10 4DD a child care "ducal/an cen/el at 3420 Hvl/ond Rvad. SUI/e; 101-IU5 (DISTRICT 3 - ROSE 1141 Lj Stephen While, Plallnmg Depar/men/, adl'l;ed /111.1 dllld care educatIOn <elller will operate under a 'rel'glOus" zonmgexcep/lOn 7111S Center \\'11/ nol have a plavgrnund a, there IS IIV gl een 'P{Il" All of,hes/! appllcallOns 'III/ musl receIve Ihell Cemfiwle of O<cupall' I' and he /('vlewed hy Zonlllg The c'n Counc,l IV,II APPROVE Ihe Condlllonal be Permll tm a church O,VLr, hili WIll lequesl the eluld WI e educallOn celller be defen ed ITEM # 53249 L 1 AppllcallOn vf BAYMARK GOLF, LLC (01 MODIFICATION ofProf(ers (#2. #31 n: a rezvlllng 10 CondlllOnal PD-HI, (app'Ol'ed bv Cm Cvun"lon llay 11, 1999, olld JUlie ::6, 20UI, III !>ehalf o( BavlIlalA ConstrU(/lOfl CUlporaflOn) /0 (OIl~/n/(f a mull1-pwpo.\t' bwldmg III Ihe '<O/IlIllU/llI}' gleen ,pi"e" al <j,gllolute C,rcle and Slgnalule DI/n', (rdlagel al Well .Yech) (DiSTRICT 7 - PRINCESS ANNE) L 2 AppllcallOn of MIZPEH CHURCH OF 1HE LIVING GOD for a NEW COlldlllOnal Vse Penllll 1m a chw<h al 1064 LJllllhaven P'I/Im'al, Swle 109 (DISTRICT (, - BEACH) L 3 Appllcallon of SAINT JAMES MISSONARY CHURCH fOI a NEW CondlllOnal V;e Permll (01 a {hu/(h al 5277 Prlllce,I> Anne Road, SUlle 311 (DISTRICT 2 - KDvIPSV1LLE) L 5 AppllcallOn of OCEAN llYSTIQUl:., lIVe. fill <I Cond/llOllal V;e Perllll/for a SIUdlO for 101100, pet /Ilanenl makeup and bodv plelcmg al 2335-2337 VII gmill Beach Boulevard (DISTRICT (, - BEACH} L 6 Appllcalloll' of H&A ENTERPRISES, LLC 01 1ndependence Boole\'{Jrd alld Smokey Road (DISTRICT 4 - BA YSlDE) a Change oj ZOtllllg Dt;lrtu C1a5s1ficallOll from R-7.5 Re"ldential Dlstrtct 10 Conditional B-2 Commull/l}' Busilless Di;t,ict b CondlltOnal V,e Perml/ re molor velucle ,ale; Novembel 23 2004 - 15 - AGE N DA REV IE W S E S S ION ITEM # 53249 (Continued) L 7 AppltcatlOlI oj WOMACK CHAPPEL, LLC flkla L1VDA T, CHAPPELL for a OWI/fle orZonlnflfrom AG-I alld A G-2 Agricultllral Districts and R-20 ResldentlOl D,strlct 10 ConditlOnall-J Lig"t Industrial District al LOlldon Bridge Road ami Hamel Drive rc Pha;e 11 oj Taylor Farm Corporate Park (DISTRiCT 6 - BEACII) L 9 AppltcatlOn of VTC O,VE, L.L.C fOt an et/em/UII of ninety (901 dap to comply wllh Cond/lloll No 4 III the closure. vau/llOll and d,5conlrnuallce of a porliO/l of Regent VII/versil!' Dflve (Approl'ed November 25, 2003 re Amerlgroup OfJice Compler) rDlSTRfCT I ~ CENTERVtLLE) Mavor Obel ndorf and Council Lady McC/al/all will vole NA Y on Item L 5 (Ocean iWystlque. IlIc) Item L 6a/b (H & A Enterprises, LLC), Will be DEFERRED, BY CONSENT, IlIlIiI Jal/llan' 4, 2004 Council Lady Me Clanan Will vole /VA Y all Item L 7 (Womack Chappel. LLC flkla LlIIda T. Chappel) Novemhe! 23, 2004 - 16 - ITEM # 53250 MayO/ Meyera E Oberndor{ eflfenlllned a maC/on 10 pellnll ClIy COllnul 10 COlldllLl lis CLOSED SESSION, pllrslIallllo SectIOn 2 1-344(A), Code 01 VII glnlQ, a' umended, lor tll" {ollo\\"lIIg pllrpo'" PERSONNEL ,l'JATTERS DISC"'''Oll, comldelallon 0/ mlen'lew' oj plOSpe<l/l'e calldldale' (or emplOymenl, a^,lgllmelll, appomlmelll, 1"0/11011011, perf 01 /I1a1l< e, demO/lOll, salane" dlsclplzlllng or le'lgnallOll of 'peclli< pllbl" otJite/;, appoln/ees or emplowes pllnllanllo Sec/lOn ] ]-371 I (4) i I) To WII Appo/ll//I1ellls Boa/(Is alld Comm"'IOIlS Bikeways alld Trad, A(h Ison Commll/ee Romd of BlIlldl/lg Code 4ppea/l BlIlldlllg l!allllellallu: D/I'/llOll New Com,lru({lOH DnlSlOfl PIlImblllg und !v/echumeal DI"15lOn Roard oj ZOlllllg AppcaL' Chelapea!.e Ba) Pre,,'n'aTlOlI Alea Bomd - CPAB ('ommlllllly Pol" I alld Mallal{Cmell1 Tcam - (,SA AI Risk ('ommufllll' 5en'fLes Roald Emlelll Vlrgll/IU Healtll ~n/cms AgellL\ ]Ile n allClS LUlld HOllse Board oj Gfn'el/lOn lIealzll Sernas 4dl'/lO/'I Bomd lltst()/ 1(.'1I! Rene'r\. Buard Illvel/lI/em Pm /Ilcllhlp fdvmll1 (omll//llee - PPEA lv/fIlOl/f}' Bll\lllC\~ COWIl II ParA \ and ReLreaflVJ1 COmml"iSlOfl Pelldle/oll PIOJe<l .'vta1l<1I{emelll Bowd ResOll Ad\'l~(J/J' COmmlS\Wrl Rel'/e" alld 4110, allOlI Commlllee - [COG} SOllllleus/ellIPlIhI" Sen'lce 411/1101/1)' - SPS4 '](J"'( A\'iiCs!o.menl El'a/uatJlJn and Refinement T(l\k Foru.' Tmwlg 4(h /lor) Roa/(] I'lrglnU/ Bemll Commlllllly Develupmelll CO/pOlaTlOll - VBCDC PUBLICL Y-HELD PROPERTY D15CIISSIOIl or comlderallon oj Ihe cOlldmoll, acqlll5lllOn, or "'e oj leal plOperty jar pllhlic I'll/pose, or oj /h~ dlSpO"1101l ofp"hlicf)'-hefd propc> I) , 01 o{ plalls {ai/he jllllll e 01 alll/lI/lIl1/lOll wlllch could afJec/lhe vallie of propel II' owned 01 deSirable for oWlle" hIp bl 1/,,11 1Il,111lI1101l PUI Ilia/II 10 SeLlloll 3711(A}( 4)/3) AcqlllslllOn/DIspmlllOll olPlopem - Kemp' 1'1 Ill' DL,lrlCI Beach DI'Ir/cl UpOllmO/lOn b)' COllllcilman ScllIIlld/, ,ewllded bl' Vice /l-fal'ol JOlle', Cily COlli/cd I'Oled 10 proceed /IlIo CLOSED SESSION (5:05 P.M.). NOl'emhel 23 2004 - J7- ITEM # 53250 (Continued) VOllng 8-0 Council Members Votmg Aye Hall.... E D,ezel, Robert At Dl'el, Vice ,\lm'or LOllis R Jones Reba 5 llc('[anan, Mayor Meyera E Oberndor! Perer W Sclllnlllt, Ron A VIllanllem and Rosemal) Wilson Council Memben Votmg Nay None Councl! Members Absent Richard A Maddox, JlIn Reel'e and James L Wood COlllICII Lady !,.fcC/anon left dUring the d,sclIs lion oj Kemps vIlle AcqulSltlOn/DlspolltlOn (5:05 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.) (DlIlner: 5:30 - 5:59 P.M.) Novemhe, 23 2004 - /8- FORMAL SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL November 13. 1004 6:00 P.M. MayOl Meyera E Obemdorf called to older the FORMAL SESSION oj the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL In the COl/llcII Chamber, Otl' Hall Bwlclzllg, on TI/ewlav, IVovembel n, 2004, (1/ 6 {III P .11 COl/Ilcd lv/embers Present Harr} E DIe:el, Robert M Dye/, Vice Ma\'or LoUIs R JOlles, Reba S Mcelanan, Mawr Mel'ela E Obe/lldOlf, JIIII Reeve, Pelt'l W Schnudt, ROil A VillanI/em and Ro,eman W,IIOIl Councd Members Abselll Richard 4 ltaddox I Family VacatIOII] James L Wood I Famdv Va('l1/iUII] INVOC4 TION: Reverend Con.tance A, Le.... Associate Pastor Enoch Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF A .'dERlCA COl/llcd Lady Roseman' W'/SOIl DISCLOSED her husband" a [1T1l1clpal 111 the a((oullIlI/gflllll oJGuodman alld CompallY and" dlreclly alld IIId,rectlt' /Ileolt'ed In man)' of Good mall and Compall\' 's {rill"a, trom Hmt'el'CI" due 10 Ihe 5I:e oj Goodmall alld Companr alld the volume oj {rall5a< /iOIlS II halld/es 111 anr gll'ell \,eill, Goodmall alld Campall\; !la, an tnlere~/l1l numerous mallet\ lfll1'h/( It het hu\band IS not petL\onalh 1m oil eel and of 't~'h[(h 5he doe\ not have per.lOnal Anowledge III orde! ro ell I 1/1 e hel ((!/llplwllee wllh bOlh {he letler alld (he Splllf of the Slate alld Local Gmernmellt Conj7,cI of/llIerel/l Ael II IS hel prac/iu' 10 thorol/gld)' I ('\'leH (he agelldaji/r ea,h meet,ng of CIf)' l(n1n, II for the purpo,e of ,delllzjpng an)' mailer; III \\'hlLh ,he mlghl have all ad,wi or palen/ial cunfl,cl If, durmg hl.!r ret few size Idenlifie5 anr ma"er~ ,he WIll prepare {[nel file Iht' l1ppl up' lOLl.' cll.\( Iv\urf! Jette/to be recorded /Ilthe of/iclal record, oJOII' COl/Iled COlllll II Lwlt' Wdwll lL'gl/larlr maAes {IllS dllc/olllle (ollllell Lad\' W,lsolI I leller oj Janual}' ! 7, 20()4, 1\ hereh)' I/Iade a part of the re,o,,1 COUllcd Ladl' Rosemary Wt!.\OIl DISCLOSED site 15 a real estule agent ajj7ltated 'Hlh Prudenrzal Deder Reali}' Because of tlte lIalure oj Real ES/(l{e Agelll a/ji/rallOl/, Ihe Ilze of Pludenlzal, alld the mlume of {/(/I/.\(Il{lOm II handle, In an\-' glvell vem PJUdenllal has wllIlferesl 111 nWHt'JOU5 matteJS HI wJuch ~he l.'lllOll'er~ol1lIlly Hlvoh'l!d alld of which she doe, 1101 Iw\'e penonal knowledlie III Older {a ellS1l/ e Iter compllOllee I\'I/h hoth Ihe lel/el alld {he 'pUll o/Ihe Slate and Local Governmenl Con/II<I ,,{In/eres,, 4c{, IllS Itel plllcllce {a rholOl/glzll' Ie' 'Ieit' rite agellda lot t!ach meellllg of Cay CounCil /01 the plU po\e Ulldclllll~lflg urn' llullf<!rS Itf ~l.'hl(.h ,he mlght/w.1 e WI actual Dr porentzal wnjllll 1(. dUTlng hel lel'lel\ Ihe "lell{lfie, a1l\ lIlallelS , ,he ",dl plel'are alld file the approI'" ale dlSc/osure leller ro be recOlded wille o/jicwl,ec(/Id, ofOI\' Coul/eil C01l/1<'t! Ladv 1I,I\lJn regl/larl\' //lakes {hI dl> c/05 alL' Coullcd Ladl' WiI,ol/ 's lellel of JU//I"'r}' 27,2004, I> he!ebv //lade a pall 0/ rhe le<o,,/ Item V-Eo Nm emhel 23 !004 - 19- CERTI FlCA TION OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM # 53251 Upon moll on by Councd Lady IVdlOll. 5cconded bl' CozlllcLlmall Dyer, Cllr COllncLl CERTIFIED THE CLOSED SESSION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOTION TO RECESS, Only pllblIc bU!.lncss mailers la"fully exempl tram Opell 'Heeccllg re'lI/II <ment!. by VIrginIa law were dlscu; Icd III Closed Sesszon fO which Ihl!. '<!rlcjh atzon I i!WlllClOll IlpplIes, AND, Only slIch public busznel.1 mailers a; "ere idenccfied 1II Ihi! llzolzon Wllh!/11llg the Closed Sesszon wele hCll/d, dlsclll!.cd or cofllldf'led by Vlrg/ll/a Beach CIIY COllncLl Votlllg 8-0 COlUlCll Memben Voccng Aye Hm I)' E Dle:e1, Robel 1M Drer, Vice !..taror LollZs R JOlle.l, Reha S ,H, ('Iallall. Mayor Merera E OhelfldOlj JIm Reeve, Ron A Vlilanllel a alld RUlcmall' W,lson Councd Membels Votlllg Nar None COUll cd ,Hemben Ab!.ellt RIChard A Maddox Peler W Schnl/dt alld Jame; L Wood Item V-F. I. Nmelllber 23, 2004 RESOLUTION CERTlFICATlOi\; OF CLOSED SESSIOi\; VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS The VirgInia Beach Clly Council convened Into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant 10 the affirmatIve vote recorded In # ITEM # 53250, page 16. and m accordance wIth Ihe provIsIons of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act. and, WHEREAS SecllOn 2 2-37//(A) of the Code ofVlrgmJa requIres a certification by the governmg body that such Closed SesslOn was conducted m confornllty With VlrgmJa law NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED Thai the Vlrglma Beach City Council herebycertilies thai, to the best of each member'sknowledge, (a) only publiC busmess matters lawfully exempted from Open Meetmg reqUIrements by Vlrglma law were discussed 111 Closed SessIon (0 whIch thIs certIficatIon I esolutlon applies, and. (b) only such publ1c busme;s mailers as were Identltied m the motIOn convenmg thiS Closed Session were heard, discussed or conSidered by Vlrgmla Beach '- ny C ouneil ~17~d~.- uth Hodges mlth, MMC City Clerk November 23. 2004 - 2U- MINUTES ITEM # 53252 Upon mollOll by COUIlCt! Lady Wt!\On, seconded bl' Councllmall Dler, OIl' Cow/cd APPROVED rhe ,HI//lileS oj rhe INFORMAL and FORMAL SESSIONS of !\fovember 9, 2004. VOllllg 8-U Counct! Members VOlll1g Aye Harry E Dlezel, Rnbe/ I ,'vI D)'er, V/(e llayor LoUIS R Jone> , Reba 5 McC/unall, Maror Meyera E Obe/Ildorf. PCler W 5Lll/l1Idl, ROil 4 Vlllanl/eva alld Ro>emarv WIlsOIl COIIl1C" Members VOlll1g Nal None COl/ne" Members Abslall1l1lg JI/Il Reeve Cnunct! Members Ablelll RILhard A Maddot and James I Woad CoullcIlmall Reeve ABSTAINED, al he was nol III alfendallce dunng ,he ClIy COl/nul Se.\SLOIl (if NOl'ember 9, 2U03 November 23 2004 - ll- Item V-G. MAYOR'S PRESENTATION ITEM # 53253 Mayor Oberndor( PRESENTED the Govertlment Fl1Iance Officers flGFOI AssociatIOn's Distinguished Budget Pre,enlation A ward for the City's Fr 2004-05 Rewurce i\1anagemenl Plan Tills award I eple<ent< a slgmfiwlII aellle! ement br the entlll' It refh'u; rhe commi/melll of Ihe gowrnlllg bod)' alld \/aJJ to meetlllg Ihe hlghesl prllluple, of gm'elllfllental hudgelmg Dal'ld B/Gdle\', Management Sen'lces, ACCEPTED the Awwd all behalf o( Cmhe!}'1I While; ell, Dlrectol - Managemellt Service; Cathen'lI was a//elldlllg a fIleellng III Richmond Ie Pelsollul Property Da\'ll! e.'pressed appree /(/tlOlI to the ClIy Mallager and I", staff. a.1 "ell a< the Marol and 01\' ( 'ollllcilfO! Ihelr gl/ldallce throughoul Ihe proTe<s No\ember 23 20M - 22- Item V-H. I, PUBLIC COMMENT ITEM # 53254 Mavor Obemdorf INVITED PUBLIC COMMENT: TOWN CENTER, PHASE III. TERllJ SHEET There were no speakers registered. The lll1\of dOled Iht PllhllC Commenl No,cmhef 23, 20114 Item 1-'-1, ADOPT AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION /I Y CONSENSUS, Oty COUllcll ADOPTED: - 23- ITEM # 53255 AGENDA fOR THE FORJll1L SESSION NOl"cmhel 23 2004 - 24- Item V-K, RESOLUTIONIORlJINANCES ITEM # 53256 Upon molwn hy VIce ,\1o..or Jones, 'ecollded h) Counulmall Reeve, CIII' COII/ILlI 4PPROVED IN ONE MOTION lrems 1,2,3 alb lInd 4 o{the CONSENT AGENDA. Votmg lJ-O (By Consent) COWlcll Members Votmg Aye Harry E Dlezel, Ruhel r M Dyel, VILe .\1(1101 L(JIm R JOlle', Reba S ,\1, CI<W(1Il Ma)'o/ Merera E Oho IIdorf, Jail Ren'C', Petel W SelulIldt, Ron 4 Vrilallue\'{/ (/lId Rosema" WllsolI Counczl Members VOIIIIg Nal' NOlie COII/lcll Members Absent RIchard A Maddox "lid J(lmes L W'lOd NuvemhL'l 23, 20U4 - 25- Item V-K, I. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCES ITEM # 5325i Upon moll on by V,ce ,';favor Jane" 'eelJllded by CounCllmall Reew, (II) (ouneLl ADOPTED: ResolullOn 10 APPOINT Marl. D Slile, and Cwol W Hahn al Deputy City At/orlleys V oClng 9-0 (By COflse/lt) CouneLl Memhers Vollllg Aye flarry E Dzezel, Rohert M Dyer, VIce Mal'or Lmlll R Jonel, Reba 5 If< Clanan, Mayor Me)'era E Dbe/ ndor/. lun Ree",! Peter W Sell/mdl, Ron A v I!lanl/"va al/d Ro,emary Wilson Counczl Members Votlllg Nay None Counczl oHembers Absent RlcllIlrd A Ma(ldor and Jame, L flood N()vemhef ':3. 2004 1 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MARK D. STILES 2 AND CAROL W. HAHN AS DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEYS 3 4 5 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 6 VIRGINIA. 7 That, pursuant to ~ 2-166 of the Code of the City of Virginia 8 Beach, Mark D. Stiles and Carol W Hahn are hereby appointed as 9 Deputy City Attorneys, effective December 1, 2004. 10 11 Adopted by the Council of the CiCY of Virginia Beach, 12 Virginia, on the 23rd day of November , 2004 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CA9434 H:\GG\Ordres\Deputy.Res.doc R1 November 5, 2004 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SU"'C,ENC' ~ I (;u {)tlu~~4 fY)./~ ~dj, City Atcorney's Office - 2(,- Ilem V-K,2, RESOLUTION/ORDINANCES ITEM # 53258 UPOIl mollOn by VIce Mayor Jones, seconded bl COllllcllman Reel'e, C 10' CaUl/( tI ADOPTED: Ordmallce 10 CONVERT an e_wllllgpar/-Illlle pOllflOn 10 a fllll-IIIl1e pOSlf101IIII Ihe Deparlmelll oj Llhralle\ FY 2VV4-20U5 Opei<1lmg Budgel Ie le\lru((ZIII11~ Ihe Records ,UanagemelltlMun/clpal Refere1/{ e 1\ 01 "/ow/ VOIlIIg 9-0 (By Comenl) COUllcll Members VOlmg Aye HarryE Dlezel, RobclO.t Drel, VlceMmorLoUl\R Jone, Reha 5 .\1c([all{JlI, Mamr Me; era E Obellldolf JUII Reel e Pcler II' 5, hnl/dl, ROil ,4 Vtllanllem and Rosemal}' WtlSOII COllncl1 Members VOlmg Nay None Counctllfembers Absenl R,chard A Maddo( and James L Wood Novemhel 23 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~N ORDINA~CE :0 CONVERT AN EXISTING PART--:'lME POSI~ION TO FULL-:It-'!E AND ELI~INATL A PApT-TIME ?OSITcOK IN :HE FY 20(,4-J5 OE=<}',T=~G 3UDGET OF THE DEPA?_TXEt-JT Of' ~IBRI<RIES TO It~?ROVC: LFFICI:~CIES IK RECORDS t-'!AKAGEt-'!ENT OPER~T;:O\jS 9 WnEREAS, conve:-':l'1g an eXlsclng part-tlIl'e posItIon to 10 full-tIme, comb~ned Wlt~ el171ratlng another part-tIme posit~on and 11 :-educlng contractual se:-vlces, I-nIl Improve effICienCIes l~ the 12 Records Ma~agement operatlon sf the Department of LIbrarIes. 13 NOW, :HERE~ORE, 3E I, O~DAIKED BY THE COUNCIL OF T~E CITY 14 OF VIRGINIA BEACn, VIRG=~lA: 15 That a~ ex'st~~g part-t~-e Ad~lnlstrat~ve Asslstanc: 16 pOSItIon IS hereby corverted to a full-tIme pOSitIon and a part- 17 tIme =~fopnaclon SpecIalISt I I pOSltlO'1 IS ellmlrated ~n t'le FY 18 2004-J5 OperatIng Budget 0: t:,e Llbra,y Department, cO lIr'pc-ove 19 effICienCIes In Records w,anage~ent operat~ons. 20 21 Adopted by the CO~'1cll 0: tte CIty of Vlrgl~la Beach, ~lrglnla, 22 on the 23rd day 0: Novemher , 200~. 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Approved As to Content. oQna~~ ~e~nces CA9421 R2 November 12, 2004 H:\PA\GG\ORDRES\Llbrayr Approved As To Legal Sufflclency ! . <: . {f!ti: -t/Jv-S -.")1?~W4---l( l ty Attorney' 91 Offlce /1 Posltlon Converslon doc .' ~....~-::'\ 4~0".\~': ~fi9l!.. .,.~ '"A ~J/._l f'O '-'.;' - , . '.~ ~) ~>..' ''', -'-. ""-) . - . ,- ~~ ..../- . --<..,e... .0, . ~f>) -\.*-:~ 't.*) " .-1 ..~. - ,-. ('""'J' -: .; iJ- t.,{, -.l,., _,;.,"',f"..; /"/.o:.L~..i.;. F i.~",-~....o;....t ....... ~~ _.>I, "'~ J ........0, ",-,/..r..,'0.:'.t~ ~'T~"""~"'- Library Administration MUniCipal Center, BUilding 19 2416 Courthouse Drive Virginia Beach, V A 23456-9068 757-427.4321 October 15, 2004 To: Fagan Stackhouse, Director Human Resources Catheryn Whitesell, Director Management Services From: Martha J Sims Director of Public Libraries Subject: Restructure of Workload - Records Management/Municipal Reference - Request for FTE Conversion Records Management (RM) has been an agency within the Library Department for approximately one year Kathy Conroy, Librarian IV and budget unit manager for MUniCipal Reference and Records Management has been working with RM personnel to understand the work that the records management group does and ascertain how best to effectively and efficiently manage this work and merge the resources available to advance and augment services to the City and ItS other customers Resource support IS needed and this document summarizes strategies and requests a conversion of 2 parHime FTEs to one full-time FTE Backaround The records management program was established In the late 1980s with a staffing complement of 12 FTEs, today, the staffing complement IS live members The current staff struggles to maintain quality customer service In all areas of records management because of the decrease In the number of records management staff and the continuous demand for records management services Additional resource support IS needed for the work Involved With records retrieval and records storage, especially In the areas of transferring boxes to and trom the Records Center and tiling and re-flling records Actions and fundina to accomplish these obiectives We want to malntal\\ a high level of quality and productiVity. eHectlvely use our resources and be cost efficient USing eXisting pOSitions and budgeted funds, we propose that the work of the eXisting records management staff be redirected by (1) upgrading the part-time Municipal Reference Ad mlnlstratlve Assistant to full time and (2) outsourcing the micrographics work that the current records management staff performs Each of these actions IS descnbed be low and can be achieved through eXisting funds Convert the Administrative Assistant position at the Municipal Reference Llbrarv from part-time to full time effective 11/1/04 A full time Administrative Assistant moves the administrative and c1encal work from the Records Management staff to the Administrative Assistant, thus increasing the time the Records Management staff has for records management work RM administrative tasks to be redirected to the full-time AA Include, but are not limited to . Prepares and processes of financial and statistical records and documents . Orders supplies . Pays InVOices . Enters leave Into the City's leave database . Serves as Intake person for city members requesting records . Re-files records that are returned to Records Management assunng they are In the appropnate storage boxes To accomplish fundlnq of thiS conversion In FY 05, we have Identified a vacant part- time IS II pOSition currently assigned to the Pnncess Anne Area Library which can be used to provide the FTE and funding thiS year The elimination of thiS IS II position IS a result of the department revIsiting the prototype staffing plan Implemented at Pnncess Anne based on the expenence at PA dunng the past year Eliminate LIS II PT ( 50 HE) PT00074 514.304 $1.094 $15.398 .' MRIRM:Gonve Action to be taken: $13.950 : $1 16250; 1$9.300) I I 1 : $35.785 . $2.982 : $23.856 I I I ' ~It we effect thiS converSion November 1, 2004, there would be a surplus ot t~s In the I amount of ~ -= ____~ ____ ----::::r-($842) Eliminate Admin Ass! PT ( 50 FTE) PT00559 $12.959 5991 Create Admin ASSistant FT FTE $25.919 $9.866 100 1 Mitiaatina Future Costs The second component of this restructunng IS 0 utsourclnq of mlcroqraphlcs work done by Records Management personnel Implemen1allon of this plan now, will eliminate the funding request submitted for consideration as a summary program proposal for FY 05- 06 and 06-07 The work associated with micrographics has changed and In some areas decreased over the years We plan to outsource this work to a pnvate vendor and redirect the staff Involved with In-house mlcroqraphlcs to records retneval and retention Records management would continue to create film through the use of the Archive Wnter, pnmanly because the current use IS for court do cuments that are downloaded from a secure seNer However, the processing of ongl nal film, as well as the creating and procesSing of any duplicate cards and film, would be completed via a State contract Records Management currently administers a contract with MlcroLabs (a local microfilming company who IS also on the State contract) In the amount of $19, 603 for completing specific microfilming tasks for other city departments Due to changes In departments' use, the funding needs have chan ged A portion of these funds will be used to offset th e future cost of salary Increases and benefits for the full-time conversion discussed above and the remainder will be used to continue to provide micrographic services to the City through the State contract Instead of by Records Management staff There will be some ancillary cost avoidance for maintenance contracts and supplies for equipment which IS currently being used by records management personnel for In-house microfilm requests The remaining funds and cost avoidance IS projected to provide suffiCient funding to meet the anticipated demands of micrographics dunng the next 5 years, barnng any significant unforeseen Increases In requests FY 2005-06 Conversion $7,639 $8.919 $10.282 $11.730 $13,270 DefiCit ; ($8,919rl Reallocate ($7,639) ($10,282) ($11,730) ($13,270) $20,000 from ! 12053/603407 'Contractual Services" Balance for 512,361 $11.481 $10,526 $9,494 $8.379 ou1sourclng micrographics work , The conclusive effect of this restructuring is a budget neutral application, with significant efficiencies bUilt In Thank you for your consideration of this request I would like to make these changes In structure as soon as possible If we can be of further assistance to you we would be happy to do so Please direct your questions to me at 427-8244, or Susan Crawford at 427-8792 Cc David Sullivan Lee Hedberg Regina Hilliard GIi Forbes Margaret Grubbs John Stewart Deborah Dunford Dawn Chabrol Susan R Crawford Kathy Conroy -+ ,- - ~ I _ Item V-K,3.a/b RESOLUTION/ORDINANCES ITEM # 5.U59 Upon 1II01l0n hv Vice MayOl JOlle', ,econded br CoulICllman Reere, ClIr Counul ADOPTED: Ordmances IOAUTHORlZE acqllmllofl O{plOl't'rII I1Ijt'e I/mpleforealemell/.I b) agreement or condemnatIOn re trajfiL \lgIlU/!' London Bridge Road and Tower Bridge Loop Baker Road ane! Hamp,hire Lalle VOllng 9-0 (By COllse"t) CouncLl Members Vo/mg Aye Harry E Dlezel, Robert.VI Dler Vice Mayor LOUl' R JOlle', Reba 5" McClallall, Mayor Meyera E Ohe/lldOlf JOIl Reel'e, Perer f~ S,lllllldr, ROil 4 Vdlalllleva alld Rosemary Wilson Councd Memher< Vo/mg Nay None Council Members Absent Richard A Maddox Will Jame, L Wood NOI'embel :'3, 2004 1 2 3 .; 5 6 7 8 9 1 c WHEREAS, In the opinion of the CouncIl of the City ofVlrglnJa Beach. Virginia, a public AN ORDr-.iANCE TO ALTHORJZE ACQLISlTION OF PROPERTY N FEE SIMPLE FOR LO"\lDON BRIDGE ROAD/TOWER BRlDGE LOOP SIGJ\AL PROJECT CIP 2-285 186 AJ\1HHE ACQLlSITIOJ\ OF TEMPORARY A"\lD PERMA"\lEJ\T EASE\1ENTS, EITHER BY AGREEvIEJ\T OR CONDEM]\;ATION 11 necessity eXists for the construction of this Important roadway project to Improvc transportatIOn 12 within thc City and for othel related public purposes for the pi escl \dtlOn of the safelY. health. peace, 13 good order, comfort. convenience, and 1'01 the weli'<lIe of the people 111 the Cny ofVlrg1l11a Beach 14 \lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDANED BY [HE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 15 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGI1'<1A 16 Section 1 That the City Council authonzes the acqulsnlon by purchase or condemnatIOn 17 pursuant to Sections 15 2-1901, ct ~ ' Secl10ns 33 1-89, et ~ . and Tnle 25 1 of the Code of :8 Vlrg1l11a of 1950, as amended, of all that certain real property, 1I1cludlng temporary and permanent 19 easements, and the Improvements thereon (the "Property"), as shown on the plans enlltled "London 20 Bndge Road/Tower Bndge Loop Signal Control No 476 Slgnallzal1on, SIgn1l1g and Mark1l1g Plan", 21 (the "Project") and more specltically deSCribed on the Jcqulsltlon plats for the Project (plats and 22 plans collectively referred to as the "Plans"). the Plans being on tile 111 the Eng1l1eenng DI\'ISlon. 23 Department of Public Works, Cny of Vlrg1l11a Beach, Virginia 24 Section 2 That the City \tanager IS hereby authOrIZed to make or cause to be made on behalf 25 of the City ofVlrg1l11a Beach. to the extent that funds arc aVJilable, d reasonable offerto the owners 26 or persons ha\'lng an1l1terest 111 saId Property Iflefused, the City Attomey IS hereby authonzed to 27 1I1sl1tute proceed1l1gs to condemn s,lId Property 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS, m the opInion of the CouncIl of the CIty ofVlrgmla Beach, VIrginia, a pubhc A"J ORDIJ\A"lCE TO AUTHORIZE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IJ\ FEE SIMPLE FOR BAKER RO W;}f,A.,vIPSH IRE L.A..'iE SIG'IAL CIP 2-285073 A"lDTHE ACQUISITlOJ\ OFTEvlPORARY A'ID PER'v1A!\E'\T E A.. SEvIE!\l S. EITHER BY A..GREE'vII:i\ TOR CO'lDE'vI'\iA..TIO..... 10 neceSSIty eXIsts for the construction of this Important load\\ ay project to Improve transportatIon 11 wIthm the CIty and for other related publIC purposes for the preservation of the safety, health, peace, 12 good order, comfort, convel1lence, and for the welfare of the people In the CIty ofVlrgmla Beach 13 J\OW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUJ\ClL OF THE CITY OF 14 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGlJ\IA 15 SectIon I That the CIty Counct! authonzes the acquIsItion by purchase or condemnatIon 16 pursuant to Sections \5 2-\90 \, ~ ~ ' Sections 33 1_:;<). <.:\ ~ . and TItle 25 I of the Code of 17 Vlrgll1la of 1950, as amended, of all that certain real property. mcludlng temporary and pernlanent 18 easements and the Improvements thereon, (the "Property"). as shown on the plans entitled "Baker 19 Road/HampshIre Lane Signal" (the "Project") and more specIfically descnbed on the acquIsItIOn 20 plats for the Project (plats and pl,lIls collectl\ely referred to "s the "Plans"), the Plans bemg on file 21 In the EngmeerIng DIVISion. Depal1ment ofPubhc Works. City of V I rgllll a Beach, Vlrgll1la 22 SectIOn 2 That the CIty ManageTls hereby authonzed to make or cause to be made on behalf 23 of the City ofVlrgmla Beach, to the extent that funds are aVaIlable, a reasonable offer to the owners 24 or persons havmg an mterest In said Property Ifrefused. the City Attorney IS hereby authonzed to 25 Institute proceedings to condemn said Property 26 Adopted by the Council of the Cny of Vlrglllla Beach. Vlrglllla. on the /,rr'ldayof 27 Nnv,:Iomha.T ,2004 28 29 30 CA 9397 31 PREPARED l\:ovember 3. 2004 32 APPROVED .\S TO COl'iTE"IT 33 37 ~ C. ~Stf\ NATlIRE PLV RCA) [M DEP.\RTI\cIEl'iT 34 35 36 38 39 -tC 41 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SlIFFICIEl'iCY .\J'iD FOR". 42 ~3 ~ ~ . rN. , CITY .\ TTORl'iEY 44 ,- - I"" . / II "\ I ~ / ~r//I~~ / //'/ / / "/ /' I / ;' / ~,v, I I I / ~ ) .) I, / -- ~\ / / / "/ '- , ",' II I / / , ' ./ !7VI I, // III /) , \ --- I I / / /... ... I 'I. I I / .J -' / / ~ / , } ;' / ~'///'<"'" I / / i ' / I ',) LOCATION MAP FOR CIP 2-285.073 BAKER ROAD/ HAMPSHIRE LANE SIGNAL L__J: I J r I L ,- I 'L...... ,'0. \. '..._:~: '"1,~ f.(~-'''''-~.J'''' .. '--'~"'\I'.'L'- ,-(- : _I'. - 28. Item V-K.4, RESOLUTION/ORDINANCES ITEM # 53260 Upon mollon bv VIce Mayor Jane; seconded hI' Counel/n",n Reeve, C 'IV ('Oll'" ,I ADOPTED: Ordmance to ESTABLISH mltla/l\'es re pw/{{'/pa/{on b1' nHnortty-owned, woman-owned und small businesses If/ eill' confruel~ lInd TRANSFER S50,OOO 10 lCa((lh,s p/'O!f,lomfiH three (3) I eGl I wtlh ollnllol emllll/llOn lepalfl Vo/mg Y-O (By COnSelll) ('ollned Members Votmg Aye Harry E Dlezel, Robel I At D\ el, l'lce Maror LOll/; R JOllel, Rebl/ S lh Clalll/II, Mayor Meyera E Ohe/lll/orf Jim Reel'e, PelCl' W S'/l/Il1dt, Ron 4 I'dlallllem l/nd R05emary ~Vzl'loll Counet! Member; Va/mg No)' NOlle CouncIl Mi'mbe,s Absent RlehGld A Haddot and Jame; L Wood Ifem V-L NOlember 23, 2004 1 2 3 4 5 6 AN aRJiNA~CE TO ~SrA3L!S~ INITIATIVES :0 iMPROV~ P~~~ICI?ATIO~ BY MI~O!"-<.I:Y-8~'~NED, ;:~OY~p>..~-::Y~~t-~ED Al'~;:) SV-ALL 3USH;ESSES H; C r:YCC',:RACTS A~D TR~~SFES $50,000 f0 ~S~IN IMPLEV-ENTATION 0: TEESE ?Ra~CS~IS 24 itJHEREAS, Clty COl:.r-Cl~ -'o.aentl::Led nix_orlt! bu.Slf'eS~ l.nlt.2-atlves 25 as one of Its top prlor:.t.:..es at :ts .t;ugus'.:, 20CL. r-e:reat, and 26 WHEREAS, Clty staff aDd ~r.e Ml~8~1~y 3usl~ess Councl~ rave 27 developed a serles of proposals desl~red to lmprove the C:ty's 28 procurerrent p:r-ocesses a'l.d lncrease rar:'l':lpa:'lon by m:..norlty, wc-rna:l.- rQ L/ owned and small b~slnesses. 30 NOW, :fiP\EFO?2, BE ir O'(DAiN2D 3: irl::: COeNCn O? I:-iE CITY OF 31 VIRGINIA 3EACH, VI?GINIA: 32 1. That the Cl~y ~3nager ana sta:L ~re rereby dlrected LO ta<e 33 :te followlng actIons ~o lmp~cve part.:..c.:..nat.:..on by r:~OYl:Y and WOMa~- 34 owned flrms In Cl~y cont~acts: 3S a; lncrease the accoLrtablll~Y of orlme contractoys :;:or 36 adherlng to proposed Dla~s fo~ utlllZl~g -:~c~'LY s~bco~cractors; ]7 b' , ensJre that known ava:-,-a::o.e ",,~~orlty and ,,,omar.-c\oJ:1ed 38 :Jwned ver..do:cs a!:"e In forrred c f pend:'llg .38~ =- C ~ ta t lor.s for goods O~ 39 serVlceSi 40 c) shorter t~e :'lme fo~ paymer-ts :cr cccds 3.:1d serv:;.ces 4: ~o be processed, a:1d ~t~s :~preve cash f~~\oJ fer smal: b~s~nesses; 42 d) to the ex:.er."[ p~a::;::'lca.ble, b~e2~ la.rc::e cc'.::.::.rac:.s ~ntc 43 smaller ones to lncrease cpportunltles =cc smal~ 8USlress~s; 44 e) explore provldu:g cus:nes:, developrrent asslstarce 1:1 ~5 ~he for~ of loal programs, bo~dlng, co~~sell~g and ~elated seyv:ces; 46 f) ~~.p2:"'ove t.:1e Cl :y' s veraor 82t 3.base, Sl.nce dlf fe:r-er.t 47 databases currer.t~y eX1S~ 1r var10es ~i~y depac~~ents; ard 48 g) increase t'le arnoun::. 0: C::ty resc:J~ces, 1ncl'-ld1f'g 49 staff1na, ded1cated to ~TT\prcv~ng -::.ncr:ty i:".:s:.ness development ar.d 50 paYt~clpatlQn 1n Clty C0r~rac~s. 51 2. -=-lJat $50,CCO is '1e:ceby t:-a'isferred fro:- ~erera: F:J::d 52 ::~eserve for Contl:1ger.:c:.es :8 t~e Ce8ar~~~nt 8: :lna~lcef 3 FY 20C4-05 53 Operat1cog Budget tc :erd one fell-1:1me pe:cmarer.t pOS1~:CCO to 8ec:.n 54 implementacl0:1 of tIJ1S prcgra:-, 55 ., ~ . Tha 1: t;,e ;C1nance Depart-ent Sh3 ~~ repoc~ an:-La':'l y C:1 ~he 56 e:fects of these 1n:.tlat1ves to ~f]e C1~j .::cunc1l, ard ~hat t;,e C1ry 57 Counc1l srall re-eva_uate ChiS p:ccgcaIn 1n :~cee years 58 59 Adop~ed by the Ccunc1l of t~e C:1ty cf V1,g~n1a 3eacr, VLrg1r1a 6C or the 23rd day of NovembejC04. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: A?~~O'J~[ AS TO LEG~L 3L: ::-?Ir::: I ENC~'. 'Jv1J(d( erV1ces C 1:- y C,;9436 R4 h \PA\GG\ORDRES\~lr.or:.ty N0vembe:c 12, 2004 Buslr.ess Ir.1~la~:ve Orc.doc - ~l)- PLANNING ITEM # .'i3261 I. BAYMARKGOLF, LLC 'll0DIFlCAT/ON OF PROFFERS #2 #3) re REZONING TO CONDITIONAL PD-H I (Approved by City COllncl1 011 5/11/99 and 6/26/01 - Baymark COIHtructlOn CompanJ~ 2. M1ZPEH CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD NEW CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 3. SAl/VT JAMES MISSIONARY CHURCH NEW CONDITIONAL USE PER1IUT 4. CITY OF REFUGE CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEW CONDITIONAL USE PER11UT 4DD CHILD CARE EDUCATION CE'YTER 5, OCEAN MYSTIQUE, INe. CONDITIONAL USE PER111IT 6. H & A ENTERPRISES. LLC CONDITIONAL CHANGE OF ZONING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 7. WOMACK CHAPPELL, LLC flkla LINDA T. CHAPPELL CONDITIOVAL CHANGE Of ZONING 8. MARY SPADY CONDITIONAL CHANGE OF ZONING 9. VTC ONE, L.L.e. EXTE'YSION OF TIME TO COMPLY FOR A STREET CLOSURE NUl'ell/bel 23, 2004 - 30- Item V-L.I, PLANNING ITEM # 53262 Upon moll on by Vice MayorJone5, ;eeonded by COllllolmall Reel'e, On Council APPROVED iN ONE MOTiON Ilems I, 2,3,5,6 (DEFERRED), 7 and 9, of the PLANNING BY CONSENT AGENDA, Ilem L I 6 was DEFERRED, BY CONSENT, until the City CounCIl SeSSlO1I of Jalluary 4,2004, VOllng 9-0 (By Consellt) Council Memben VOlmg A}e Harn' E Dlezel, Robel/ "'f Dyer, Vice ,HalO' LOIl/l R Jones, Reba S "'fcC/allall, Mayor Meyera E Obc, ndor(. JUII Reel'e, Peler IV S, hlll/dl, Ron A Vtllanueva and Rosemary Wilson CUllIICll Members VOllng Nay None COUIIClI Members Absent Richard A Maddot and Jame; L Wand Mal'Or Obe, ndorf and Council Lady .HeC/anan I'oled /VA Y 011 item L.5 (Ocean MystIque, inc.) Council Lady McClanan voted ./VA Y 011 Item L. 7 (Womack) NOl'embe, 23 2004 - 31 - Item V-L.I, PLANNING ITEM # 53263 Upon f/I()[LOn by Vice Mavor Jone" leconded bl' Councilman Reeve, City Councd MODIFIED Proffer, (#2, #3) oflhe Ordmance upon applrwllon of SA YitJARK GOLF, L.L.C. It' a rezolllng 10 COlldwonal PD-H I (approved hI' CIll' COllncrl on May II, 1999, alld June 26, 2001, m behalj of Bawlark C","truwolI CurpOrallOlI) ORDINANCE UPOV 4PPLlC4T10V OF BA Y,I4ARK GOLF L L C FOR A MODlFlC 4 TlOV OF PROFFERS FOR A REZOv/VG TO COVDlTlON 4L PO-Ii I APPROVED BY CI7Y COUNCIL OV M4Y II, 19994VD JUVE 16, 2001, (BAYJvf4RK COVSTRUCTIO,VCORP j BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF f IRGINIA BEACH. vIRGINIA Ordmanceupon .4pplrcatlOn ofBmmOl k Golf, L L C jm a .\40difical/oll oj PlOtfels for a Rezolllng 10 COl/dlllOl/al PD-H I approved by CIl)' COIlll< lion At<l\' 1 I, 1999 and June 26, 2001 I Ba\fnark ComlrowolI Corp) Propel II' II 1m ated at the wuthemt mter>ectlOlI of Slgnalllre Circle alld SlgllatUl e DIIl'I! luPIl,' 1493858290000()j DISTRICT 7 PRINCESS 4VNE A modtj)callonlO Proffers 2 and 3 of the pnOf reZOn/flg5 a/laws the, omtruc/lOn of a mull/-pwpose bwldmg m the area south oj Signature Dnve ThIs III ca IS clm eflt/v deSignated G\ Community Green Space The proposed ,Ill' plan shows an 8,51>1 ,qumefoot bwldmg 'Htlz 2,400 square feet of o<ltdoOl deLAlflg A fzllwe 2,000 "fume foot huzldmg addlllOn II al,o ,hown 4 patAmg 101 m flOllt of rill! buddlllg 1\ alII) shoWII on the plOposed plan The applicant ha, plOl'lded m ,hill" IlIral elel'OtlOm}in thl! new blllldmg that show that the "mclll) e wdl be slfnzlal Ifl ,tyle to Ihe eWllflg Signature u/l1I and C1l1hhaule The he/ghl 01 Ihe'lf IIllwe IS ,hOll'n at 25 feel The bwldmg 11'111 he avadable for IIse bv Ihe (oJ/III/UnIlY for lI/eellllg.I, el'enll alld III!/ghhnrl/Uod ga{lzer/flg' Thefollmnng condlllOn shall he lequzred An amellded ag/eemenl ellcolI/passwg projJers shall be recorded WIth the Clerk oflhe CU(/III Cowl ThiS Oulmance ,hall he effecllve III a,coldantc with SecllOn 107 if) oflhe ZOlllf1g Oldll1<1nce Adopled b)' Ihe Coul/cll oflhe ClIy oj Vzrglllla Beach, Vlrglnza 01/ the 23"" 0/ NOI'ember Two TllOwlIfld FOIll NUI'ell/hel 23, 2004 - 32- Item V-L.I. PLANNING ITEM # 53263 (Continued) Votlllg 9-0 (By Consent) Counol Members Voting Aye Harn' E Dzezel, Ronen.\1 D,'e/, Vzce MayO! LOUlI R Jones Rena S McClanan, MavO! Mevera E Ol>e/ ndorf Jlln Reel'e, Pete/ IV Sell/nldt, Ron 4 Vdlallllel'a alld Roseman' Wzlsoll COllnczl lv/ember> Votlllg Nay None COllnClI Membels Absent Richard A .\1addm and JamcI L Wood NOl'emnet 23 2004 PREPARED BY IISYH' QOI'llVll~ .\H[u~ & llVY P'- . SECOND AMENDMENT TO PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND I CONDITIONS IBA YMARK GOLF, L L C , a Vlrglma lImIted lIability company [TO (PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH THIS AGREEMENT, made thIS 30th day of June 2004, by and between BAYMARK GOLF, L L.C , a Vlrgmla lImIted lIabIlIty company, party of the first part, Grantor, and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a mumclpal corporation of the Commonwealth of Vlrgmla, Grantee, party of the second part WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Grantor IS the owner of a certam parcel of property located 10 the Prmcess Anne DIstrIct of the CIty of VU'gmla Beach, VU'glma, contammg 35 421 acres and descrIbed 10 ExhIbIt "A" attached hereto and mcorporated herem by thIS reference SaId parcel IS heremafter referred to as the "Property", and WHEREAS, the Grantor has mltIated a second modrlicatlOn to a condltlOnal amendment to the Zomng Map of the CIty of V lrgmla Beach, by petltlOn addressed to the Grantee so as to modIfy conwtlOns to the Zon1Og Class1ficatlOn of the Property, and WHEREAS, the Grantor has requested Grantee to permIt thIS mod1ficatIon of the prevlOusly proffered FIrst Amendment to Proffered Covenants, RestrIctions and ConwtlOns dated February 12, 2001 (heremafter "2001 Proffers") to reflect the amendments applIcable to the land use plan on the Property, and I WHEREAS, the Grantee's polIcy IS to prOVIde only for the orderly development of land for varlOUS purposes through zomng and other land development leglslatlOn, and IIGPIN 1493-85-8290 I WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that the competmg and sometImes mcompatlble development of varlOUS types of uses confuct and that m order to permIt dllfermg types of uses on and m the area of the Property and at the same tIme to recogmze the effects of change that will be created by the proposed second modlficatlOn of condItions to the zomng, certam reasonable condItions governmg the use of the Property for the protectlOn of the commumty that are not generally apphcable to land slmllarly zoned are needed to resolve the sltuatlOn to whIch the apphcatlOn gIves rIse, and WHEREAS, the Grantor has voluntarlly proffered, m wrIting, m advance of and prlOr to the pubhc hearmg before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed modIfications to the eXIstmg zonmg condItions WIth respect to the Property, the followmg reasonable condItions related to the physlCal development, operatlOn, and use of the Property to be adopted, whIch condItions have a reasonable relation to the proposed modlficatlOns and the need for whIch IS generated by the proposed modIfications NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, ItS successors, personal representatIves, assIgns, grantees, and other successors m title or mterest, voluntarlly and WIthout any requIrement by or exactlOn from the Grantee or Its govermng body and WIthout any element of compulslOn or <lUld oro <lUO for zomng, rezonmg, sIte plan, bulldmg permIt, or subdlvlslOn approval, hereby make the followmg declaratlOn of condltlOns and restrictions whlCh shall restrict and govern the phYSIcal development, operation, and use of the Property and hereby covenant and agree that thIS declaratlOn shall constitute covenants runnmg WIth the Property, whlCh shall be bmdIng upon the Property and upon all parties ,and persons clalmmg under or through the Grantor, ItS successors, personal representatives, assIgns, grantees, and other successors m mterest or title Except as expressly superseded and/or modIfied herem, all Covenants, RestrlctlOns 'and CondItions as set forth m the orlgmal "PROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS" recorded m Deed Book 4081, at Page 0206, and the 2001 Proffers recorded m Deed Book 4451. at Page 0142, are ratified, affirmed and PREPARED BY Iremam bmdmg upon the Property ! 1 That portlOn of the Property located south of "SIgnature Way", now known I as "SIgnature Drive" and east of "WIlderness Tratl" , now known as WIlderness Lane IIwn~ ROLRVlJ'i AIl~R'i & LIVY Pi whIch was deSIgnated as "Commumty Greenspace" on the "CONCEPT PLAN REVISED II i 2 TOWN CENTRE" (the "ReVIsed Town Centre Plan") dated Apnl 16, 2001, prepared by The TAF Group, shall be developed Wlth a community social center, in substantIal conformity with the "MULTI-PURPOSE FACILITY @ WEST NECK CONCEPTUAL PLAN", prepared by Langley & McDonald, Inc., which has been exhibited to the City CounCil and is on me Wlth the Department of Planning ! (heremafter the "MPF Plan"). I 2 When developed, the extemal bUilding materials and arclutectural i design elements of the bUilding depicted on the MPF Plan shall be substantIally I the same as shown on the exhibit entitled "ElevatIons of Multi-Purpose Facllity @ West Neck", which has been exhibited to the Virginia Beach City CounCil and are on file with the Department of Planning, The Grantor further covenants and agrees that, All references hereinabove to the PD-Hl ZOning District and to the reqUirements and regulations apphcable thereto refer to the ComprehenSive Zoning Ordinance and SubdiVISion Ordmance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the date of approval of thiS Agreement by City CounCil, which are by thiS reference mcorporated herem The above conditions, haVIng been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the ZOning Ordmance, shall continue m full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning of the Property and specifically repeals such conditIons. Such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment to the ZOning Ordmance even if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially reVIsed Zonmg Ordmance untIl speclfically repealed, The conditIons, however, may be repealed, amended, or vaned by written instrument recorded m the Clerk's Office of the CirCUit Court of the City of Virgmia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such 'mstrument, prOVIded that smd mstrument IS consented to by the Grantee m wntIng as eVIdenced by a certIfied copy of an ordmance or a resolution adopted by PREPARED BY the governing body of the Grantee, after a pubhc heanng before the Grantee which IIU~\ ~(L~~(~~ I was advertised pursuant to the proViSions of SectIon 152-2204 of the Code of , Vlrgmia, 1950, as amended, Smd ordmance or resolution shall be recorded along 3 ( ( with said mstrument as conclusive eVidence of such consent, and if not so recorded, said mstrument shall be vOId (1) The Zomng Admmistrator of the City of Vll'gmia Beach, Vll'gm18, shall be vested with all necessary authority, on behalf of the govermng body of the City ofVll'gima Beach, Vll'gima, to admmister and enforce the foregomg conditions and restrlCtIOns, mcludmg the authority (a) to order, m writmg, that any noncompl.1ance with such conmtIons be remedied, and (b) to brmg legal action or SUlt to msure compl.1ance With lsuch conmtIOns, mcludmg mandatory or prohibitory mJunctIOn, abatement, damages, or other appropriate action, sUit, or proceedmg; (2) The failure to meet all conditIOns and restrictIOns shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the reqUlred builmng or occupancy permits as may be appropriate, (3) If aggrieved by any decision of the Zomng Admmistrator, made pursuant to these prOViSIOns, the Grantors shall petitIOn the governmg body for the reView thereof prIOr to InstItutmg proceedmgs m court, and (4) The Zomng Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the eXistence of conmtIOns attaching to the zonmg of the Property, and the ormnances and the conmtIOns may be made readtly available and acceSSible for publIc mspectIon In the office of the Zomng Administrator and In the Planmng Department, and they shall be recorded 1m the Clerk's Office of the Cll'CUlt Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virgmia, and 'mdexed m the names of the Grantors and the Grantee, PREPARED BY II~YK[~ [lOl'RDO'; I: .\~[RN & H:VY PC 4 ( ( WITNESS the followmg sIgnature and seal. GRANTOR BAYMARK GOLF, L L C , a VIrglma hmlted habthty company By' Baymark ConstructIon CorporatIon, a Vlrgmla corporatIOn, Its Manager BY'~/~ RIchard S Foster, President (SEAL) STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH. to Wit' The foregomg mstrument was acknowledged before me thIs 30th day of June 2004 by Richard S Foster, PreSident of Baymark ConstructIOn CorporatIOn, a VITgmIa corporatIOn, Manager of Baymark Golf, L L C, a VIrgInia lImited habthty company, [Grantor '" I A,{&~ ~//{ n 1(7(~k-t;j . Notary Pubhc \MY CommISSIOn Exprres August 31.2006 PREPARED BY IIsHrs 1l00'RDOX I .\Jjm~ & llVY PC I 5 ( EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT certam lot, pIece or parcel of land wIth the buudmgs and Improvements thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belongIng, sItuate, lymg and bemg m the CIty of VIrgInIa Beach, VIrgmla, and bemg known, numbered and designated as "GOLF COURSE PARCEL 1-3", as shown on that certam plat entItled "SUBDIVISION OF VILLAGE E, F, G, H & GOLF COURSE AT 'WEST NECK' FOR BAYMARK '\CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, REF DB 4129 PG 1937, 0 B 4129 PG 1939, DB 4081 PG. 700, M.B 279 PG 82-84, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA", whiCh saId plat is duly recorded m the Clerk's Office of the CIrCUIt Court of the CIty of Virgmla Beach, Virgmla m Map Book 303, at Pages 96 through 107, mcluslve GPIN' 1493-85-8290 MODCONDITIONSlBA YMARKCONSTRl:C!10Nfl'HESIGNATUREA1V,rESTNECKiPROFFER PREP"RED BY I II~YHS Blll'RDO~ " -\1l[H~ & l[\'Y PI: , 6 - 31- Item V-LI. PLANNING ITEM # 53263 Upon motIOn by VIce Mayor Jones, seconded by CouncIlman Reeve, CIty Council MODIFIED Proffers (#2, #3) of the Ordmance upon application of BAfMARK GOLF, L.Le. re a rezoning to ConditIOnal PD-HI (approved by City Council on May 11, 1999, and June 26. 2001, m behalf of Baymark ConstructIOn CorporatIOn) ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF BAYMARK GOLF. L L C FOR A MODIFICATIONOF PROFFERS FORA REZONING TO CONDITIONALPD-HI APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON MAY 11. 1999. AND JUNE 26, 2001, (BAYMARK CONSTRUCTION CORP ) BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH. VIRGINIA Ordmance upon ApplicatIOn of Bay mark Golf, L L C for a ModificatIOn of Proffers fora RezOning to Conditional PD-HI approved by City Council on May 11,1999. and June 26, 2001, (Baymark Construction Corp) Property IS located at the southeast intersectIOn of Signature CIrcle and Signature Drive (GPIN 14938582900000) DISTRICT 7 PRINCESS ANNE A modificatIOn to Proffers 2 and 3 of the prior rezonlngs allows the constructIOn of a multI-purpose building In the area south of SIgnature Dnve ThIs area IS currently desIgnated as Community Green Space The proposed site plan shows an 8,561 square foot bUilding with 2,400 square feet of outdoor deckzng A future 2,000 square foot bUlldmg additIOn IS also shown A parkzng lot in front of the bUlidlng IS also shown on the proposed plan The applicant has prOVided architectural elevatIOns for the new bUilding that show that the structure WIll be Similar In style to the exlsllng Signature Grill and Clubhouse The height of the structure IS shown at 25 feet The building Will be avaIlable for use by the community for meetings. events and neIghborhood gatherings The follOWing conditIOn shall be reqUired 1 An amended agreement encompassing proffers shall be recorded With the Clerk of the CIrCUit Court ThIs Ordinance shall be effectIve In accordance WIth SectIOn 107 (j) of the Zomng Ordinance Adopted by the CounCil of the City of Virginia Beach, Vlrglnza, on the 23'" of November Two Thousand Four November 23, 2004 - 32- Item V-LI. PLANNING ITEM # 53263 (Continued) Votmg 9-0 (By Consent) Council Members Voting Aye Harry E Dlezel, Robert M Dyer, Vice Mayor LoUIs R Jones, Reba S McClanan, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf. Jim Reeve, Peter W Schmidt, Ron A Villanueva and Rosemary Wilson CounCil Members Votmg Nay None CounCil Members Absent, CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE COpy OF A ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, ON November 23, 2004 ~.~ 7~~.ff /~-;-- th Hodges mlth, MMC City Clerk Richard A Maddox and James L Wood November 23. 2004 - 33- Item V-L.2. PLANNING ITEM # 53264 Upon mollOn by Vice Mayol Janel, seconded by (oul/ulman Reel'e CIlY COllllcd ADOPTED an Oldznance UpOIl appilwllOn of ,'l.fIZPEH CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD fUl a NEW COlldlllona! me Pel/nil for ,I Church ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF MIZPEH CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERlvtlT FOR A CHURCH ROII0431208 BE IT HEREBY ORDAiNED BY THE COUVClL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BE4.CH, vIRGINIA Ordznance upon ApplicallOn of MI=peh Chllrch of the LlvlI/g Godfor a CondItIOnal Use Permit for a (hulch on propelt)' lowted al 1064 L\"I/nhm'el/ Parkway )lllle 109 IGPIN 1496113563000U) DISTRiCT 6 - BEACH The fO/!OIvmg <undlllOns shall be reqlllred 1 Church gatherings lllUlI be IUlllled 10 Slzndu)'; belweel/ [) 00 A .\4 and 2 110 PM and Wednelda} (lIId FI/dayelelllngsbetwccn 600 PM and9 00 PM No more than fifh 150) people sha/! be pi "Will (J/ Ihe (hw (h d<lllng aI/\" chwell gathering !Yo 1//(Ile /han lIi'en/v))ve (::5) people shall he present at lUll' Dlhel fllne ThIS Ordznall(e ;lrall be effecllve zn aecordallcl' ''>Ilh SeUlolI 107 (f) oj tire ZOlllllg OrdUlallcc Adopted bv the Couned of the CU} (if Vlrgulla Beach, Vlrglllla, on the 23'" of November Two Thousand FoUl Votzng 9-0 (By Consent) Counul Members Votzng Ave Harrv E Dlezel, Rohel t ,\4 OJ er, VIce ,'vIa\"()f LOllI< R Jane, Reba S M( Clanan, Mayor Meyera E Oberndorf JIIII Reel'e, Peter W Schmidt, Ron A Villanueva and Rosemary Wllsol/ Council Member; Votzng Va} None COUllcr/Hemben Absent Richard A Maddot and James L Wood NOl'ember 23, 2004 - 34- Item 1/-L.3, PLANNING ITEM # 53265 Upon molion br VIce MayorJone" secollded br Councr!man Reel'e, CII)' COllnul 4DOPTED (III Ordlllan<e IIpOIl apphcilllOn oj SAINT JAMES MISSIO;VARY CHURCH 101 II NEW CondlllOlla{ U,e Pellnlllm a <hurch ORDINANCE UPON APPLlC1T/ON OF:,41;\T JA.\lES .\1lSSIONARY CHURCH FOR A NEWCOND1T/OVAL USE PERk/lTFOR A CHURCH ROII0431209 BE lT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNC1L OF THE CITY or VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGIN/-J Ordmance upon ApphcatlOll 01 Sam! JllIne' lvfl.' "Otl<lIT Chun" 101 a COtldlllOnal Use Permit (ora church ollpropertl'located at 5277 Prl/lceu 4ntle Road SlIIle 311 {GPIN 1466595 I 890000j D/:,TRlCT 2 - KEMPSVILLE The (ollowlIIg condlllOm shall be reqllll ed I The applicant IS /lIIl1led 10 vile hUlldred (/00) 'e(l/' 111 the ,anUIIWl Tills On/lI/ance ,hall be e((eclive III accordance Wllh SecllOlI 107 (0 vflhe ZOll/lIg Ordll/allc e Adopted by the COllncd o(the ClI)' of Vlrglllla Bea<h, VIIgll/IG, on I"e 23'" v(VOI'embel two Thousand FoUl VOlll/g 9-0 (By Consent) Coullcd Members VOll/lg Aye Harry E DIeze/, Robel 1.\1 DVCI, Via Mal'ol Lvu!; R Jane" Reba S .'deC/allan, Ma)'or Me)'era E Oberndorf, J/I/I Reel'e, Pelel W Schm/dl, ROil A V,llallueva alld Rosemarr Wd,oll COllllcd ,Hembel_' VOling Nay NOlle COUIlCr! Alembet; Absetll Richard A ,Hadd", alld Jame, L Wood NOIemher 23 2004 - 35- Item V-L.4. PLANNING ITEM # 53266 Bishop Joseph Stallings, Jr, 34211 Hollalld Road Phone 468-7467, reprelented the apphwll/ Upon motIOn bv Council Lady M, n,wall, ,ecollded hI" (oullcdman D)'el, Oil' Coullcil 4DOPTED O/dman'e upon applICatlO1I of the CITY OF REFUGE CHR1STlAN CHURCH fOl the renewal oftl1eu Vovembel 27,2001 and NEW Condlllonal U,e PeYllllllOl a chm,ll . ORD1NANCE UPON 4PPLlCATlON OF on OF REFUGE CHRl5T1AN CHURCH FORA CONDlT10NAL USEPERM1TFOR 4 CHURCH ROI 10431210 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUVOL OF THE GHOr VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINI4 Ordl/wn,e UpOIl ApphcutlOll a) Cm' oj R,juge ClImllml ClImch)or a Condlllonal Use Perl1l11 (0/ u ,lIm,h Oil propel IV located at 3420 Ho/land Road, SUIte> 103-105 rGPJN l4868230880UOllj Dl5TRlC T 3 - ROSE HALL 'The ClIl/d Care EducallOn Ce/ICe' ,hall he DEFERRED INDEF1NITELY /l1l11/lnformutlOn zs recen'ed from Ihe Ot} HaD 71", Oldmance shall be effecllve m a,cordun,e wah 5ecClOll 107 IjJ o(lhe Zo//!ng Ordma//! e Adopted by the Council of the CIII" oj Vlrgm/(/ Beach, Vllgl/ICa, 011 the 33'" oj November Two Thousand Four VOllng 9-0 (By Consent) Councd Member.1 Votmg Are HarY}'E Dzezel, Robert .1,1 D.er, VICe Ma}or Loull R Jone, Reba S ,\1,C hwall, Ma)'or Meyera E Ohe/ IIdO/,r. JIIIl Reel'c, Peter W Schmult ROil A Vil/alluem alld Rosemary W,I'OIl Coullcd Members Voting Nay None Coullcll Members Absent Richard A Maddox and Jame, L Wood NOl'ember 13 200./ - 36- Item V-L.5. PLANNING ITElf # 53267 Upon molion by V,ce Mayor Janel, '~conded by Councdman Reel e, Ot)' COlllled ADOPTED an 01 dma/ue 1/1'011 appllwtlOlI of OCEAN MYSTIQUE, liVe {Ol a COlldlllOnal VIe Per/mt ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF OCEAN 'VfY<;TIQUE, INC FOR A CONDITlOVAL U<;E PERMIT FOR 4 TArrOO, PERMANENT IvlAKEUP AND PTERC'ING STUDIO ROII0431211 BE IT HEREBY ORDAiNED BY THE COUVCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGIVlA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordmallce 1/pon 4ppllcallon 0/ Ocelm Mysliq1/e, III, fOl a Cand/llOllal Use Pel mil {or a laUoo, pewulIlelll makeup alld plelulIg .lludlO 011 proper/I' localed al 2335 I1l1d 2337 V"'glllla Beach Boulev", d (GPIVS I 4979570630000, 14~79557 I 10000) DISTRiCT 6 - BEACH Thefollowmg cOlldmolls shall be lelfll/red I TIle wnd/llOllal we pennll {or a lauoo, pel mallent maAe-lIp and bod\- plerulIg eslahl"hmeTIIII apI'/ ol'ed fOI a pellOd 0/ aile r I r yeal, H IIh an adnUnls(ICI{f\ e re\.ll'\-\' t'\'en "('(II tllet eafier 2 A blH/lleS5 IIceme ,hall nol be IS51/!!d f(/ the appluolIl wllhoUllhe approval oflhe Heallh DepartlllelllfOl COIIII\/ellL)' \VI/h Ihe plOVII/01l5 oj C'hapler 23 o{the C'lIv Code 3 The apphcalll Ihall meet Wllh Ihe CUI relit Plalllllllg slaff to detellllme adequale Hreel JlOlltage alld foulldatlOlI plalllmg (or Ihe plantmg alea deplcled on Ihe 'El/llbll to Accolllpam Condmollal Use Pelmll AppllcatlOllj()/ Cheall MJ'lIlflle ", plepared by HollolI and Dodd. PC' ' The sIte ,hall be land'Ulped before the bUlllle" II( eme " IIlued 4 The appllcalll ,hall Imtall IIghtmg 10 illlllllmale all parklllg alea' adjacent to the bll/ldlllg, 10 III( IlId(' the <11 ea !onlled belllTld the bll/ldmg A IIghllllgplal/ Ihall he IUbmltled to Ihe Plallnllll; Del'm Imelll (OIle...ea cJnd approval befort' fh(! h1l5111(,~\ III en\f! l\ l\\//ed 5 No slgnage male Ihal/Jour (-Ii Iquare (('et a} the ellllre gla" We<! oj the etlenor wall(,} shall be pellllll/ed 011 the" IlIdmn Th", e ,hall he 110 other !Jlgn~, lIlcludmg neon \lgns 01 neon (/(cent'l lI1\falled on aJll' wall area oj the e.\/enm u(lhe blHldlllg. \Yl11dow~ and I or c/oon 6 The aclual tal/oolllgand bodl'-p,eremg opewllOll 011 a eUIIOlller Ihall 1101 be vlS/ble jl am alll' Pllblic nghl.of-wav ad}(/( elll to the e,tabli,hmel/I 7 The hall"' of opelOtlOlI ,hall be IV 00 a /Il to 1000 pm, Monda) Ihrough Satwday all<l 12 VV P 1/1 108 va 1'11I all Sall<l(/\' NOI'(,/Ilbl'l 23, 2004 - 37- Item V-L.5. PLANNING ITEM # 53267 (Conl/llued) Thll Ordmmzce shall be efJecllve 111 a((ordance Hllh Sec/lOn 107 (f) of Lize Zontng Ordmallce Adopted bv the Council of the CII" of Vu gl/1la Beach. Vlrgw/(/. olllhe ]3" oj ,vol'ember Two 77lOusand Four YOling 7-2 (By Consent) COl/ncll Member; Votmg Aye Hany E Dleze/. Rober/1H Dyer. Vice lvlayor Lou" R Jon!!s. JIT/Z Ree>e. Petel W )chmldt. Ron A Vlllanl/eva alld ROI<!IIWf) WllwlI COl/nczl Members Votlllg Nay Reba S M< Clanmz alld Ma)'or Meyel a E Obel1lilolj ('oulI<l1 Members Absent R,chard A Maddo\ wId Jame, L Wand NOI eml>el 23 ]004 - 38- Item V-L. 6. PLANNING ITEM # 53268 Upon motIOn by Vice Mayor Jane" leconded hy Councdmall Reeve, CII)' Coullcd DEFERRED ulltll the CIty Council SessIOn of Jalluary4, 2005, Ordl1lance upon appl/(a/lOlI ofH&A ENTERPRISES, L.L.C fora CondlllOllal Change oJZonmg and a CondlllOnal Use Permit ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF H&4 ENTERPRISES L L C FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIF/CATrON FROlf R-75 TO CONDITIONAL B-2 Oldmance UpOIl Appltw/lOn oj H&4 EIl/erpllse;, L L C for a Chanl!e ofZonlll1! Dlslr1c/ Classlfica/lOn (10m R-75 Re;zdellllal D/stllct to lrmdltlOnaf B-2 Communll)' BU;l/Iesl DLlIr1C/ on/he southeast (ornel oj Indepelldence Bailie. Old alld SmoAe\' Road rGPrNS 14793301940000U, 14793302900000) The Comprellellslve Plan de,lIgna/el /11lI .llIe (II helll!: part ,if/he Prunary Resldell/zal Area, sUl/ahleJor approlma/eh 10< a/ed wburhallle;"lell/1Il1 alld non-Ieslden/zal uses consz;/ell/ ,,,th /he pollCl"; of the Comprehemll'e Plan DISTRICT 4 - B4Y5IDE AND, ORDINANCE UPON 4PPLlCATlON OF H&A ENTERPRISES FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERlvllT FOR MOTOR VEHICLE SALES Ord'llallce UpOIl Appltcallon of H&A Entelpn;e; fm a C olldltlonal Use Permll for motor veh,cle <ale, all properly loca/ed all /he sou/hea,/ COllier n{ Independence Boule"ald alld Smoke, Road (GPINS f47933019400000 f47<)3302900000) DISTRICT 4 - B4 YSIDE VO/Illg 9-0 (By COllsellt) COllllcd Members Vo/mg Aye Harrv E Dlezel, Raben M D.;er, V,ce Mayor LOUl.I R JOIlCS ReI,,/ S lv1< Clallall, Mayor Me)'era E ObcrndorJ. JIIII Rene, Peter W SchmIdt, ROil A V,llallucva and Rosemary Wdson COllllclllvfembers Vo/mg Nay None Councd Membe" Ab,en/ R,chard A Maddox and James L Wood No,'clllbel 23 l004 - 39- Item V-L. 7. PLANNING ITE!\1 # 53269 Upon motion by V,ce Mayor Jane;, ;econded by Cowzcdmall Reeve, ('lly C millcd ADOPTED Ordlllance UpOIl appllcatlOlI oJWOMACK CHAPPELL, L.L.c. F/K/A LINDA T. CHAPPELL {Of a COlldwollal Change O{ZOlllllg ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF Wo,I,L4CK CHAPPELL L L C F.K/A LINDA T CHAPPELL FOR 4 CH4VGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FRO'vf AG-/4VD AG-:! 4VD R-:!Ii TO CONDITIONAL I-I ZO/J041206 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE Cln OF VIRGINIA BEACH V1RGJV1A Oldmance UpOIl ApplzcatlOll oj Womack Chappell, L L C j7k/a Llllda T (,happell JOI a Challf!e 01 ZOlllnf! D,slnct Cla;ltflcatlOn from AG-I alld 4G-2 Agllcullwal Dtslllcl; alld R-20 Re;ldelltwl Dzslllct to COlldulOllali-1 Light llldu;t11111 D"lnct on 1" opel II' localed 011 the wuth Side oj LOlldoll Blldge Road. apl'lon/llatel; 300 (eel west oj Hornet Drive IGPIN 1495758399 - pari of) The C ompleheu;,,'e Plall I ecommellds Ihls area fOl a mn oflzght mdu;t1wl Imr-rl,e olJice allllllmlled I elad wes DiSTRICT 6 - BEACH TheJollol1'lng wndltlOll shall be requl/ed I An agreemelll encompa\;llIg proJJen ,hall be lecOlded \nlh Ihe Clel. 01 Clrclllt Cowl Tills Ordmance shall be effectzve III accordallte with SectlOlI 107 (f) oj fhe Zmllllg 01 dlllallcc Adopted br thc Counczl oJthe Czty o{ I'll glllla Beach, VII glllla ull the 23"" o{ Novembel Two TllOu;ulld Four Votmg 8-1 (By Consent) Councd lfembers Votmg Aye Harry E Dle=el, Robell kf Drel, V,ce Mayor LOlliS R Jane" Mayor ,"Ieyera E ObellldOlf, Jzm Reeve, Petel W S, hmult, Ron A I'dlanl/em alld Ru,eman' WllsOII COl/nul Members Vocmg Nay Reba S McClanan COUlzcd Members Absenf R,chard A Maddot alld Jame\ L Wuod NOI'ember :!3, 2()04 WOMACK CHAPPELL, L L C" a V,rgIn,a hmlted lIabIlIty company I TO (pROFFERED COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a mumcIpal corporatlOn of the Commonwealth ofV,rgm,a I, THIS AGREEMENT, made th,s 24th day of June 2004, by and between WOMACK CHAPPELL, L L C , a V,rgInIa hmIted hab,lIty company, Grantor, party of the first part, and THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a mumcIpal corporatlOn of the Commonwealth of V,rgm,a, Grantee, party of the second part I i . PrIncess Anne DIstnct of the CIty of V,rgIma Beach, contaInmg approxImately 20 7208 \acres and descrIbed m Exh,bIt "A" attached hereto and Incorporated hereIn by thIs I reference, saId property hereInafter referred to as the "Property", and I WHEREAS, the Grantor has Initiated a cond,tlOnal amendment to the ZonIng Map .of the CIty of V,rgmLa Beach, V,rgmIa, by petItion addressed to the Grantee so as to [change the Zomng ClassrncatIon of the Property from AG-l, AG-Z Agncultural DIstrIcts land R-20 ResIdential D,stnct to I-I Industr181 DIstnct, and WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Grantor IS the owner of a certam parcel of property located m the PREPARED BY WHEREAS, the Grantee's pohcy IS to prOVIde only for the orderly development of iland for vanous purposes through zomng and other land development leglslatlOn, and WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that the competmg and sometimes imcompatIble development of varlOUS types of uses conflict and that m order to permIt I IdIffermg types of uses on and m the area of the Property and at the same time to irecogmze the effects of change that WIll be created by the Grantor's proposed rezonmg, Icertam reasonable condItIons governmg the use of the Property for the protectlOn of the icommumty that are not generally apphcable to land SimIlarly zoned are needed to resolve lithe sItuatlon to whICh the Grantor's rezoning apphcatlOn gIVes nse, and .1 Ii IIIB)YK>~ ~{i\'\Il)O~ I 1i1II\lIl~~ 1\ Ll"V 1'1 I G PIN PART OF 1495-75-8399 II WHEREAS, the Grantor has voluntanly proffered, m wntmg, m advance of and pnor to the publIc hearmg before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zonmg Map wlth respect to the Property, the followmg reasonable condltIons related to lithe phYSlCal development, operatlOn, and use of the Property to be adopted as a part of 'sald amendment to the Zonmg Map relahve and apphcable to the Property, whlch has a Ilreasonable relatlOn to the rezonmg and the need for whlch is generated by the rezonmg 1\' NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, her successors, personal representatIves, I asslgns, grantees, and other successors m tItle or mterest, voluntarily and without any !requlrement by or exactlOn from the Grantee or ltS govermng body and wlthout any \element of compulslOn or QUld Dro QUO for zonmg, rezonmg, slte plan, buildmg permlt, or Isubdlv1slOn approval, hereby make the followmg declaratlOn of cond1tlOns and restnctions liwh1Ch shall restnct and govern the phys1cal development, operatlOn, and use of the !,property and hereby covenant and agree that th1s declaratlOn shall const1tute covenants Irunnmg w1th the Property, whlCh shall be bmdmg upon the Property and upon all parties land persons cla1mmg under or through the Grantor, her successors, personal [representatlVes, asslgns, grantees, and other successors m mterest or tltle I 1 When the Property lS developed, 1t shall be developed mto no more than !ltwelve (12) parcels substant1ally as shown on the exhlblt entitled "TAYLOR FARM IICORPORATE PARK PHASE 1I SITE PLAN Virgm1a Beach, V,rgmla", dated 4/30/04, I!prepared by The Spectra Group, wh1ch has been exh1b1ted to the V1rgmia Beach City Ilcouncil and 1S on file wlth the Vll'glma Beach Department of Plannmg (heremafter "Slte liPlan") I 2 I 'gUldehnes Ii I The parcels shall be subject to the followmg mandatory slte development a) A fifty foot (50') Landscape setback from Dam Neck Road shall be mamtamed by the Property Owners AssociatlOn and no ,i I' ,I " BBSYl(~, !l<JI'Hlll)S ,i .. ,\lIlH\ & L[\'Y Pi II II ! I I , I b) improvements shall be located withm the Landscape setback A twenty foot (20') Landscape setback from London Bndge Road shall be mamtamed by the Property Owners !\SsOClatlOn and no Improvements shall be located wlthm the Landscape setback PREPARED BY 2 PREPAPED BY IlIB~YH~ Rnl '~i1n)\ m .\lllli)\ /I tn'Y I" c) A mImmUm fifty foot (50') bUIldIng setback shall be requl1'ed from London BrIdge Road d) A m1mmum thl1'ty foot (30') slde yard buildIng setback and rear yard bUlldmg setback (on non-through lots) shall be reqUlred on those lots I I I I I , I i I I I i I \ i \ I I II II whIch are v1slble from Dam Neck Road shall be Enther brIck, spht i i face block or stone II II 3 When the property IS subd1vlded It shall be subject to a recorded DeclaratlOn lof Protectlve Covenants. CondltIons and RestrlctlOns (" Deed Restrictions") admmlstered IllbV a mandatory membershIp Property Owners AssocIatIOn In addItlOn to the I - [Irequuements set forth berem. the Deed RestnctIOns shall mclude ArtICles reqUIrIng " ,1mandatory assessments for mamtenance of the landscape buffers and entrance features ,i [as well as for ArchItectural Controls The Deed Restrictions have been exhIbIted to the I I Ii Ii WIth a rear property lme whIch abuts Dam Neck Road e) A mmlmum fifteen foot (15') setback shall be requl1'ed on lots Wh1Ch do not have a rear property hne abuttIng Dam Keck Road, prov1ded a ten foot (10') w1de Category II Landscape Buffer IS mamtaIned along the entlre length of the SIde property hne from WhICh the fifteen foot (15') setback 1S measured f) No freestandmg slgnage shall be permItted adjacent to e1ther Dam ;'>Ieck Road or London BrIdge Road and all sIgn age shall comply w1th the "SIGN CRITERIA FOR TAYLOR FARM CORPORATE PARK", dated March 15, 2002 wh1ch are Included m the Deed Restnct10ns I deSCribed m Proffer number 3 g) No onslte vehIcular parkmg, outdoor storage, loadIng docks, or loadmg areas shall be perm1tted between Dam Neck Road and any I buudmg on a parcel adjacent to Dam Neck Road h) No bUlldmg shall exceed forty-five feet (45') m heIght and the pnmary exterIor surface of all bUlldmgs shall be eIther brick, spht face block, pamted block, concrete panel, stone, wood, ElF S, or metal and shall be an earth-tone color or colors The exterIor surface I of any bUIldIng on parcels numbered 8 through 14 on the SIte plan, I 3 PREPARED gy 1ilIII~\n~ 1I(il'~llt)\ m .\mll\ 1\ LfVY PI VIrgInIa Beach CIty CouncJl and are on file wIth the V,rgm,a Beach Department of Plannmg 4 Further condItIons may be requued by the Grantee durmg detailed SIte Plan and/or SubdIvIsIOn revIew and admmlstratlOn of apphcable CIty Codes by all \cogmzant CIty agencIes and departments to meet all apphcable C,ty Code requlI'ements I All references heremabove to the AG-!, AG-2, R-20 and 1-1 D,strICts and to the . reqUIrements and regulatIOns apphcable thereto refer to the ComprehensIve Zonmg \Ordmance and SubdIVISIOn Ordinance of the City ofVlI'gmla Beach, V,rgtnla, m force as of the date of approval of th,s Agreement by C,ty Councll, whICh are by thIS reference mcorporated herem I The above condItions, havmg been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and jaccepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zonmg Ordmance, shall !contmue m full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zOning of the .Property and speCIfically repeals such condItIOns. Such condItIOns shall contmue despite a \subseqUent amendment to the Zonmg Ordmance even If the subsequent amendment IS , ~part of a comprehenSIve ImplementatIOn of a new or substantIally reVised Zonmg IOrdmance until speCIfically repealed The conditIOns, however, may be repealed, lamended, or varIed by wrItten mstrument recorded m the Clerk's Office of the Cll'CUlt \Court of the CIty of VlI'gmla Beach, Vll'gmla, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordatIOn of such mstrument, prOVIded that saId mstrument IS iconsented to by the Grantee m wntmg as eVidenced by a certified copy of an ordmance or la resolutIOn adopted by the govermng body of the Grantee, after a pubhc hearmg before Ithe Grantee whIch was advertIsed pursuant to the prOVISIons of Section 152-2204 of the IICode ofV,rgm,a, 1950, as amended SaId ordmance or resolutIOn shall be recorded along 1 IWlth saId mstrument as conclUSIve eVIdence of such consent, and ,f not so recorded, sald ' Imstrument shall be VOId ,i The Grantor covenants and agrees that ! (1) The Zomng Administrator of the C,ty of VIrginIa Beach, VIrgInia, shall be !!vested WIth all necessary authonty, on behalf of the governmg body of the City of Vugmla .IBeach, V,rgInia, to admmlster and enforce the foregOing condltlllns and restnctlOns, I' Imcludmg the authorIty (a) to order, m wnting, that any noncomphance WIth such I ,I ,I I; 4 condltlOns be remedIed, and (b) to brmg legal actlOn or SUlt to msure comphance wIth such I condItions, mcludmg mandatory or prohIbItory mJunctIon, abatement, damages, or other appropnate action, SUIt, or proceedmg, , ideny (2) The faIlure to meet all condltlOns and restnctlOns shall constitute cause to the Issuance of any of the reqUlred bUlldmg or occupancy permIts as may be approprIate, (3) If aggrIeved by any decision of the Zomng Admmlstrator, made pursuant to , these prOVlSlOns, the Grantor shall pet!tlOn the govermng body for the reView thereofpnor 'to mstltutmg proceedmgs m court, and (4) The Zomng Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the ,\eXlstence of conditions attachmg to the zonmg of the Property, and the ordmances and the ,condItions may be made readily available and accessible for pubhc mspectlOn m the office I :of the Zonmg Admmlstrator and m the Plannmg Department, and they shall be recorded 1m the Clerk's Office of the CrrcUlt Court of the CIty of Vlrgmla Beach, Vlrgmla, and 'mdexed m the names of the Grantor and the Grantee Ii I II I PREPAAf D BY 1lIIB~\U, ~1Jl'~[i()~ :1 1i1II-\II[1/\ ,~ l~vY PI ,I II \ I I 5 PREPARED BY 1ID~\n\ 1!()l:~Il(j'i lUll -\II[II~ & Lrvy 1" WITNESS the follOWing sIgnature and seal GRANTOR WOMACK CHAPPELL, L L C , a VIrgInla lImIted lIablhty company ) By - (SEAL) Jerr / (-, ,/ 'omack, Member I STATE OF VIRGINIA !CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-WIt i The foregOing Instrument was acknowledged before me thlsZ:?7/) day of June 2004 ,by Jerry Womack, Member of Womack Chappell, L L C, a Vl.1'glma hmlted lIab1l.Ity i,company, Grantor , A. . -r.: ;6:/ Ii -)~ ~',f iJ, / //';. '~'cl/1 . " ,::::> L,_ - Notary Pubhc I ,My CommlsslOn ExplIes I I I August 31,2006 6 PREPAREQ BY lo'ID~vn, H<)I '~1l0\ DJI ,\Hl~\ [, Lrvv 1" ---- EXHIBIT "A" Metes and Bounds Description Proposed Taylor Farms Industrial Park Phase II IBegmmng at a pmnt on the southern rIght-of-way lme of London Bndge Road, saId pomt '[bemg on the dlvldmg Ime of property of "N/F Claude P Brown & Betty B Bourdon (DB 167, P 24) and Womack Chappell, L L C (Instrument # 200312080203550), thence along 'Ithe southern nght of way lme of London BrIdge Road North 790 47' 43" West - 1,19827 Ifeet to a pomt, thence South 100 12' 17" West - 275 feet to a pomt, thence South 790 47' 43" East - 11 91 feet to a pomt, thence South 100 12' 17" West - 466 19 feet to a pomt on the northern nght of way lme of Dam Neck Road, thence South 780 36' 53" East - 11,20100 feet to a pomt, thence North 090 07' 44" East - 76606 feet to the pomt of begmmng The above-descnbed parcel con tams approxImately 20 7208 Acres I iGPIN NO I 1 1495-75-8399 (PART OF) I I CONDITlO~ALREZONE/WOMACKCHAPPELUPROFFER 7 - 411- Item V-L.8. PLANNING ITEM # 53270 MIchael A,h, Plelldent - Bellamy ,'vIllnOr CiVIC League, 5249 Bellamy ManDl Dn!'e, Phone 495-1)307, concurred wl/h the DeJerral and leque"ed the Defel/III he after Chrwl/1as The CIVIc League will meet wl/h the upp/lcant Upon motIOn hv Councliman Dwzel, ,Ieconded h) VIce Ivlayor JOlle', 011' Council DEFERRED utllll the CIt}' Counc,l SessIOn oj January II. 2004, Ordmanee "pall apl'hcatlOn 01 !lfARY SPADY Jar a Condlllonal Change oj ZOnll/g Dlslnu ClassificatIOn ORDINANCE UPON APPLlCA710V OF ,\fARY SPADY FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRiCT CLASSIFICATION FROM R-II) TU CONDITIONAL 0-1 Ordinance "1'011 APP"UlIIOII oj llan' Spady jOl II Chan!!e of ZOnln!! DIS/lIU Cla;;dica/lOn from R-IO ResldenfllJl D"lnel to COlldl/lOnal 0-1 Offiee DI\tncl on properl1' locafed at 844 Kempsl'ille Road (GPIN 146664535600001 The ComprehensIve Plan deSIgnates tlu; 11fe as bem~ part ortlze PI/man Res/(Iel/ual Area, ,llI/fablejor applopl/ate~} 10Ulfed subUlhan relldellllal alld nOIl-les/(Ielltwl wes WlIslstent woh the po"elel oj fhe Comp/ehenll\'c Pia II DISTRTCT 2 - KEMPSVTLLE Votmg 9-0 Councl/l1embers Votl1lg Aye Harry E Dlezel Robert It Dre/ V,ce Mal'OI LoUIS R JOlles, Reba S ,'vi, Clal/an, Mayor Meyera E Obell1dm r. JlIlI Reel'e, Pete/ W Schl/1/(ll, ROil A l'illalll/("'11 and R05emarv WLlson CO/lIleil Membe/5 Votlllg Nay None COllnul ,'vIembers Absent RIchard A Maddot and James L Wood NOI emhel 23 20114 - 41- Ilem V-L.9. PLANNING ITEM # 53271 Upon mollOn bv hce Mayor Jones, H'conded bl' Counulmun Reeve, CIt)" Counul 4 DOPTED all Ordmallcc lIpOIl apphcallOlI o( VTC ONE, L.L.C jvr all exlemion o( IIl1lel}' (VOl da)~ flllld Fehruar. 21, :!OG5, 10 complr wilh Condition /VO, 4 wlhe closure, meallOlI """ ,iL'<OlI/fIllIUnCe of (/ 1'01 lion ()f Regenl UllfVe!;fll' DIII'e (ApP'Ol'ed Novemher 25,2003 /e Ame/lgroup Office Complex) Ordmance !!tlendmg Ihe "ale {OI 5al/lfl'lIlg (olldi/IOIlS UpOIl .4ppiLcallOlI oj VTC Olle, L L ( fOllhcd"cOIllinuunce, clolureallduballdonmenl()faportlOllo(Regelll Umver'lly Dm'e hegmllll1g ar" poml "pprownlllely 50U (eet wulh oflllterSl<lIC 64 ulld run/llng w u 'vlllhe/Il' d"eC!lan a dL\IUI/( co) 4:!O 48 feel DISTRICT I - CEVTERVILLE VOIlllg 9-0 (By COIISell/) COlllled ""embers VOllllg 4ve Harry E DICZd, Rubert;\4 Dl el VIt'e .\.favol L",I/O R Junel, Rebel S ,\.fcC/allan. Ma)'ol Me}eraE Obemdor;: JlI/I Reel'c, Peler W Schmull. Ron A ; illalluem alld Roseman WIlsOIl CoullciI idembers Votlllg Nal' None Cvunul Membel5 4bsell/ Richard A Maddox and Jame\ L Waod Nm'embel 23, 2004 2 ORDINANCE NO -I , () 7 8 9 10 II '''.. 'I ORDP.-JA:--JCE EX rENDII\G THE DATE FOR SATISFYING CmmlTlOI\S \;\; THE MAHER OF THE CLOSP.-JG. VACATI'IG AND DISCOI\TINUII\G OF A PORTIOf\j OF REGEI\T UNIVERSITY DRIVE, UPOl\ THE APPLlCA TION OF VTCO"JE, LLC 12 I' 1-1 \VHEREAS, on Novembel 25.2003. the Council of the City ofVlrgl111d Beach acted upon I' the dpphcdlion of the VTC One, L L C for the closure ofpol1lon of Regent Umver&Ity Dllve, 1 (, W H ER EAS, on "Jovember 25, 2003 the Council adopted an Ordlllance to c1o,e the afol eSald 17 Slreet, sublect to certaIn condItIOns being met on or before l\ovember 24, 2004, and I.' WHEREAS, on "Iovember 17.2004 the apphcants requested an extensIon oftlllle to satisfy I" tile conditions dttached to the aforesaid street closUle 211 ,"OW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDMhED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 21 V1RGII\IA. BEACH, VIRGINIA '0 Thdt the date for meeting condItions of closure as stated In the Ordmance ddopted on 2, ",o\'ember 25. 200], upon applIcation of the VTe One, L L C ,IS extended to February 21. 2005 2-1 ,. (,1'11\5 14S5-(,8-3796-0000 211 2'""' r' 2,\ A.dopted by the Coullcil of the City of VIrginia Beach, VI rglllJa, 011 the 23rd day of 211 Nnvpmhpr .2004 ~I , 'I l' (A.-9425 " , ' -'"f) Ill' i" __ I ""':(1 (1.-, II~ ~ I J < '"" "'0 J-l~ 'I i),lte II I" 04 I~ I ~.:; \1' ~- -\PPRO>>~AS}O (O'\TE'\l ~.# Plannmg Departme9- . 3;0.. 11) 40 -11 -12 4 , -14 -I' -1(, -1- -1, -\PPROVl:.lJ AS TO LEGAL SLFFICIEV Y ('. .Il-\~ -~~--- ----~ ( lty Attorney's OHkoe - 42- Item V.1I1.1. APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 53272 Bt CONSENSUS CLI)' Counet! RESCHEDULED. BIKE~f A YS and TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE COM!11UNIH' SERVICES BOARD INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL PARKS AND RECREATION CO.t/MISSION TOJnVG ADVISORY BOARD Nmembel 23 ~f)04 - 43- Item V-M.l. APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 5327J Upon NOMIVA nON br V,ce AIm 01 JOlle_I, 011' Counul APPOINTED: T.4X ASSESSMENT TASK FORCE No Tellll D, A. Ablowlcll John T, Atk/ll'OIl Ellie M, Bartle' Wilflam W, Dill DOli R. Lowe Al Strazzulo Dale Tyree Stanley Warallch Repr<"en/ing: Omen, Robert Thor/llon Representing: CommerclOl Thomas F. Betz, Jr, Repre'etItmg: Attortle~' Kenneth C. Taylor Repre'ent/llg: Oceanfront Barbara Wolcott Repre.elltmg: ResidellflOl VOII/Ig 9-0 COIlIlC" Membels Votl/lg Aye Harry E Dlezel, Robeu At Drer, hce "'Iaml LOlli' R JOlle, , Reba SHeClallan, MamrMeyeraE Obellldorf.JIIIlReew Petel W Slhml!lt, ROllA III/a/lue,aan" ROlemar. Wi/SOli COllllll! Melllbers VOllllg No)' None Counc" Members 4bsent Richard A Maddox ulld Jalllel L Wood NOI ell/her:?3 }004 - 44- Item V-M.3. APPOINTMENTS ITEM # 53174 ADDED Upon NOHINATION bl' Vlee Mayo/ JOlles, Or" COlwell APPOINTED: David Groellmal (Com.umer) 4 t'ear Term 1/1/05-12/31/08 EASTERN VIRGINIA HEALTH SYSTElOJS AGENCY Vorlng 9-0 Coun,,! Memher< Votl/lg Aye Hart)' E Dlezel, Ruben H Dyel, VIce MUI ur LO/li' R Jones, Reba S Hi ("lanall Mu~or f,;feyera E Oberndorf JIm Ree\'e, Peler IV SchmIdt, Ron 4 V,llanue\'u and Roseman Wllsun COllllcd Membas Voting N(/)' None Coullcd.Hembels Abselll Rlchm d 4 ,\.faddot lIlId Jamel L II oDd Nm'embel .?3 20()4 - 45- Item V-O.I. NEW BUSINESS ITEM # .'i3275 BY CONSENSUS, CITY CLERK TO RECORD ABSTRACT OF CIVIL CASES RESOLVED - October 2004 ABSTRACT OF VOl ES - GE'VERAL ELECTION - November.'i. 2004 Nuvember:!3 :!004 ABSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 2. 2004 General Election. for: . Virginia. ELECTORS FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES THE TABULATION FOR EACH ELECTOR ENTERED IN THIS ELECTION IS AS FOLLOWS: Democratic Party for Electors for John F. Kerry, President and John Edwards, Vice President Lawrence A Da'V1CS leffrey A BreIt B..bara H Kle.. LlOnell Spnnll, Sr ea:rl U Eggleston Ronald E T e!sch Ellen H Chewmng Bema:rd M Fagelson J lack Kennedy, Jr Samuel T Crockett 11l Lilyan Y Spero Dwlghl e lones Betty L Squlfe Total Votes Received 70,666 (m figuRs) Republican Party for Electors for George W. Bush, President and Dick Cheney, Vice President Yvonne McGee McCoy Loretta H Tate Theodore C Brown, Ir F Woodrow Hams Keith e Drake Wendell S Walker Peter E Broadbcn~ Jr Scan Michael Splccr Lloyd C Mart.. Dorothy L Simpson Carlton lohn DaVIS Charles E Dane Rebecca Anne Stoeckel Total Votes Received 103,752 (In figu..,) Constitution Party for Electors for Michael A. Peroutka, President and Chuck Baldwin, Vice President Robert Harry MahaflY Bradley D Crose Wilham E Potter Jeremy J tuzlcr Sally Lankford W,tt LOUIS F Sette Alan FrancIS DowOIng Potter MariO A Calabrese Henry Edward loboson Howard Phllhps Mitchell K R Turner Brandon Payton Butterworth Thomas D Lee Total Vote. R<<elved 274 (III fi~urcs) CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM TO SSE TOGETHER WITH THE ABSTRACT FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT ONl YWRITE-INS FDR THE NAMES LISTED BELOW (OR VARIATIIONS THEREDF) CAN BE COUNTED AS VALID WRITE-INS CERTIFICA TION Electors For President And Vice President VIRGINIA BEACH o COUNTY ~ CITY November 2, 2004 General Election Page 1 Df 1 TDTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN FIGURES) WRITE-INS - SUMMARY [REQUIRED] 1, Invalid Wnte-Ins 210 2. Valid Wnte-Ins 3. Total Wnte-Ins [ENTER THIS FIGURE ON LINE FOR TOTAL WRITE-IN VOTES ON ABSTRACT FOR THIS OFFICE) ENTER TOTAL INVALID 129 ENTER TOTAL VALID 339 ADD LINES 1 AND 2 VALID WRITE-INS - DETAIL All VALID WRITE-INS WHEN ADDED TOGETHER MUST EQUAL THE TOTAL ENTERED ON LINE 2 ABOVE TDTAL VOTES RECEIVED (IN FIGURES) Walter F. Brown/Mary Alice Herbert 2 David Cobb 4 Ralph Nader 123 Joseph Spence o We. the underSIgned Electoral Board, upon examInatIon of the official records deposIted wIth the Clerk of the Clrclllt Court of the election held on November 2, 2004, do hereby certify that, the above IS a true and correct cerllficatlon of the wrlte-m votes cast at said e/ectlon for this office Given under our hands this 4th day of November, 2004 A CDPY teste ( ~-- - ( Ekctor,11 ....., Bonrd \ ~C<ll / ~" / ""'- -~/ ,_k~-....L"I , " r"}'.-" ..t.___,-".-..<-_..._ i " , Secretary /~..~ ~' ~~t ri. - .7 , Secretary, Electoral Board ABSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 2. 2004 General Election. for: . Virginia. MEMBER HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2nd DIstrict N.u.s (# CANDM)Arr.! WITH I'AftTf ID AS MlNnD 011 &ALlOT TOTAL Vons /l6CE1V1!D (IN FIOUMSJ THELMA D. DRAKE - R ............................................ .. 77 ,472 96,552 DAVID B. ASHE - D .......................... Total Write-In Votes [Valid WrIt.-ln. + Invalid Wrlt.-In. . Total Wrlt..ln Vot.., 130 Total Number Of Overvote8 For Office .......,..... 30 We, the undersigned Electorel Boerd, upon exeminetlon of the officlel records deposIted with the Clerk of the CircUIt Court of the electIon held on November 2, 2004, do hereby certify thet the ebove IS e true end correct Abstrect of Votes cest et seid electIon for Member of the House of Representetives In the Congress of the United Stetes. GIven under our hends thIS 4th /------~ / \ (Electoral \ Board i Seal ! \ I \ / \ / , / "'--.---------...-'"' . Chairman A copy test.. ,Vice Chairman ~~ ,'-~- ...../ ?~!~~'i _.L__ --] . Secretary fl-.L( "Ii /7 """ .<- -~.J Secretary. Electoral Board ABSTRACT OF VOTES cast in the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH at the November 2. 2004 Special Election. for: . Virginia. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS QUESTION 1: Shall SectIon 6 of ArtIcle II of the ConstItutIon of Vlrglnle be amended to provIde that members of the United States House of Representatives. Virginia Senate, end House of Delegates who ere servIng In the year following a new UnIted States Census, "'4hen decenniel redIstricting IS required, shall completa their terms of offIce and continue to represent the dIstrict from whIch they were elected for that term of offIce and that any vacancy dUring the term shall be filled from the same dIstrict that elected the member whose term IS being fIlled? TorAL Vons RECEIVED (IN FIOUlfEsI NO 136,570 26,525 23 YES Total Number Of Overvotes For QuestIon QUESTION 2: Shall Section 1 6 of ArtIcle V of the Constitution of Vlrglnle be amended to provIde for edditlonal possible successors to fIll the office of Governor in the event of an emergency or enemy attack and until the House of Delegetes IS able to meet to elect a Governor? TOTAl. V072'S RECDVED ,IN FIOIJIfES} YES 136.321 NO 25.131 Total Number Of Overvotes For QuestIon 11 We, the underSigned Electoral Board, upon examination of the official records deposited WIth tha Clerk of the CirCUit Court of the election held on November 2, 2004, do hereby certify that the above IS a true and correct Abstract of Votes CBst at saId election for and against the proposed constItutional amendments. Given under our hands this 4th day of November, 2004. , Chairman A copy teste' .....--------- (' ''\. Electoral \ Board ) \ Seal ) "'-- / '---- -~ r0. ,Vice Chairman ~ / ,/./ ./ - -__/ ~;;k~_____" ---.:;( -'~ 1 ~_,,-( ..A-.-<'_~ :I I -J , Secretary _.3'4:..~~ )0' "'1 ~_c "<--"~7 Secretary, Electoral Bosrd - 46- Item V-Po ADJOUR.NMENT ITEM # 53276 Mavor lfeyera E Oberndorf DECLARED the (lIf Counul Mee/lIIg ADJOURNED a/ 6:25 P.M. UJ~____(!:~./...... Bel'erly 0 Hooks, CIvIC Cluef Deputy Cllv Clerk ~~~ RUlh Hodge, Smllh, MMC4 Cay Clerk ,Herew E OhemdO/ I lfuJ'or ClI" of Virginia Beach Virginia Novemher 23, 2004 - 46- Item V-P. ADJOURNMENT ITEM#53276 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf DECLARED the City Council Meeting ADJOURNED at 6:25 P.M. O,1n/oo%✓ Beverly . Hooks, CMC Chief Deputy City Clerk uX th Hodges Smit Meyera Oberndorf City Clerk Mayor City of Virginia Beach Virginia November 23, 2004