HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 4, 2005 AGENDA , CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH "COMMUNITY FOR A LIFETIME" CITY COUNCIL MAYOR MEYERA E. OBERNDORF, At-Large VICE MAYOR LOUIS R. JONES, Bayside - District 4 HARRY E. DIEZ,EL, Kempsville - District 2 ROBERT M. DYER, Centerville - District J REBA S. McCLANAN, Rose Hall - District 3 RICHARD A. MADDOX, Beach - District 6 .JIM REEVE, Princes.f Anne - District 7 PETER W. SCHMIDT. At-Large RON A. VILLANUEVA, At-Large ROSEMARY WILSON, At-Large .JAMES L. WOOD, Lynnhaven -District 5 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA .JAMES K. SPORE, City Manager LESLIE L. ULLEY, City Attorney RUTH HODGES SMITH, MMCA, City Clerk 4 JANUARY 2005 I. - Conference Room CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS A. JOINT LAND USE STUDY (JLUS) Robert J. Scott, Dìrector, Plannìng and AICUZ Task Force B. PHOTO SAFE UPDATE Chìef A. M. Jacocks, Polìce c. TOWN CENTER - PHASE III Carol Hahn, Deputy Cìty Attorney II. CITY COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS III. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS IV. REVIEW OF AGENDA ITEMS V. INFORMAL SESSION - Conference Room A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION CITY HALL BUll-DING J 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVli VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-8005 PHONE: (757) 427-4303 FAX (757) 426-5669 E MAIL:Ctycncl@vbgov.com 2:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. f' VI. FORMAL SESSION 6:00 P.M. I. - Councìl Chamber A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend Tommy Taylor London Bridge Baptìst Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSION December 14, 2004 G. AGENDA FOR FORMAL SESSION H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. CITY PROPERTY LEASE FRANCHISES a. b. c. d. CourtYard Marriott Café - 2501 Atlantìc Avenue - Boardwalk Café Black Angus - 706 Atlantìc Avenue - Sìdewalk Café Albìe's Pìzza - 200 21 st Street - Sìde Street Café Dough Boys 24th Café - 2401 Atlantìc Avenue - Sidewalk Café Planet Pìzza Café - 812 Atlantìc Avenue - Sìdewalk Cafe e. RESO L UTI ONS/ORD INAN CES 1. Resolutìon to AUTHORIZE a non~bìndìng Term Sheet re Phase III of the Town Center, requestìng EXECUTION by the Vìrgìnìa Beach Development Authority (VBDA) and AUTHORIZING the development of supplemental project documents. 2. Resolutìon to AUTHORIZE the ìssuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (IDB) ìn an amount not to exceed $5,500,000 for the benefit of London Bridge Holding, LLC re financìng the acquìsìtìon, constructìon and equìppìng of property and ìmprovements at London Bridge Road and Precisìon Drìve. ,. 3. Resolution AUTHORIZING the Cìty Manager execute a Memorandum of Understandìng (MOU) wìth the District of Columbia during the 2005 Presidential Inauguration (January 15-21, 2005). 4. Ordìnance to AMEND Chapters 1-2,6-3,6-5,6-30,6-114 and 31-28 of the Cìty Code re the definìtìon of resort season. 5. Ordìnance to RENEW five exìstìng franchìses for the operatìon of Open Aìr Cafes ìn the Resort Area: c. d. CourtYard Marriott Café - 2501 Atlantìc Avenue - Boardwalk Café Black Angus - 706 Atlantìc Avenue - Sìdewalk Café Albìe's Pìzza - 20021 st Street - Sìde Street Café Dough Boys 24th Café - 2401 Atlantìc Avenue - Sìdewalk Café Planet Pìzza Café - 812 Atlantìc Avenue - Sidewalk Café a. b. e. 6. Ordìnance AMENDING the Resort Advìsory Commìssìon (RAC) Bylaws re the composìtìon of their membershìp. J. PLANNING 1. APPEAL decisìon of the Plannìng Dìrector re the Certificate of Appropriateness for (J sign at Vìllage Shops - Rose Hall ìn behalf of SUSAN KROHN. RECOMMENDA nON: DENIAL 2. Applìcatìons of H&A ENTERPRISES, LLC at Independence Boulevard and Smoke) Road: (DISTRICT 4 - BA YSIDE) a. Change of Zoninf! District Classification from R- 7.5 Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District b. Conditional Use Permit re motor vehìcle sales RECOMMENDA nON: DENIAL K. APPO INTMENTS BIKEWAYS and TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE BOARD OF BUILDING CODE APPEALS - Maintenance Dìvìsìon New Construction Dìvìsìon COMMUNITY POLICY AND MANAGEMENT TEAM - CSA -AT RISK COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD FRANCIS LAND HOUSE BOARD OF GOVERNORS HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD HISTORICAL REVIEW BOARD INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL PARKS and RECREA nON COMMISSION TOWING ADVISORY BOARD L. UNFINISHED BUSINESS M. NEW BUSINESS N. ADJOURNAMENT ************************ PUBLIC COMMENTS Non agenda Items ************************ .............. 'fyou are physically disabled or visually impaired and need assistance at this meeting, please call the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE at 427-4303 Hearing impaired, call: Virginia Relay Center at 1-800-828-1120 .............. Agenda OIlO4/05/sb www.vbgov.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I iRtønlutintt CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The Vìrginia Beach City Council convened into CLOSED SESSION, pursuant to the affirmative vote recorded here and in accordance with the provisìons of The Vìrginia Freedom of Infonnation Act; and, WHEREAS: Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the governing body that such Closed Sessìon was conducted in conformìty with Vìrginia Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Virginia Beach City Council hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's lœowledge, (a) only public business matters lawfully exempted from Open Meeting requirements by Virginia Law were discussed in Closed Sessìon to whìch this certification resolution applies; and, (b) only such public business matters as were identified ìn the motion convening this Closed Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I PUBLIC NOTICE LEASES OF,CITY PROPERTY The Virginia Beach City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 4, 2005, in the City Council Chamber regard- ing .th. e proposed... cafe.'.... fra. nchise lease agreemen~ of City-owned prop-¡ erty to the entities listed below: Five Year Franchise Renewals: . i Courtyard MarriottCafé(2501Atlantic Avenue) boardwalk café; Black Angus (706 Atlantic Avenue) sidewalk café; . Albie's Pizza (200 21st Street) side street café; . .. Dough Boys 2.4th Café (2401 Atlantic Avenue) sidewalk café; and" Planet PiZza Cà(é (812 Atlantic Avenue) sidewalk café. The purpos~ öf this Hearing will be to obtain public comment on these proposed leases.of City property. The City Council Chamber is located on the second f!öor of the City Hall building (Building #1) at 2401 Courthouse Drive, Any questions 'concerning the above-referenced franchises should be directed to Rob Fries, Virginia Beach Convention and Visitors Bureau, by calling (757) 437-4800. . Ruth Hodges Smith, MMC . City Clerk q~~ '.f Beacon Dee, 26, 2004 12475234 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A Resolution to Approve a Non-Binding Term Sheet Relating to the Development of Phase III of the Town Center (Central Business District), Requesting Approval and Execution by the Virginia Beach Development Authority and Authorizing the Development of Supplemental Project Documents. MEETING DATE: January 4, 200S . Background: The Town Center Project (the "Project") has been a long-term priority for the City. The City Council first recognized the importance of the Project in the Central Business District of the City when it adopted the Comprehensive Plan on November 4,1997. On November 23,1999, the City Council adopted the Central Business District - South Tax Increment Financing District with the intent of entering into an agreement with a developer and using the funds to help pay for the City's participation in the Project. At its February 8, 2000 meeting, the City Council approved a Development Agreement for Phase I of the Project containing the rights and obligations of the Virginia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority") and Town Center Associates, L.L.C. (the "Developer"). Phase I of the Project, comprised of a 272,000 square foot office tower, 109,000 square feet of commercial space, a 176-room hotel, an 18,000 square foot bank headquarters building, a 1 ,284-car public parking garage, and public streets, sidewalks and utilities, has been substantially completed. . On June 3, 2003, the City Council approved the Phase II Development Agreement containing the rights and obligations of the Authority and the Developer with respect to Phase II of the Project. One of the blocks associated with the second phase of the Project, the Galyan's Sports and Outdoor Adventure Store, opened in April of 2004 with an adjoining S74-space public parking facility, and 18,000 square feet of retail space. Future development includes a 1 O-story 341-unit luxury apartment complex with an 8S8-space public parking facility, a public plaza and 194,000 square feet of office/retail/entertainment space. . On October 12, 2004, the City Council approved acquisition of a Portion of Block 6 of Town Center for the Performing Arts Center, and authorized award of the Design & Construction contract under the PPEA for the Theater to Clancy & Theys. . A draft Term Sheet was presented to City Council at its November 9,2004 meeting, outlining the proposed Phase III development. Since that time, the Developer and the City have been working to finalize the details of the Term Sheet. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . On December 7, 2004, the City Council deferred indefinitely action on the Phase III Term Sheet. . Considerations: Phase III of Town Center will be a multi-block, multi-facility mixed-use development consisting of the following elements: Block 6 will have approximately 40,000 square feet of retail/office adjacent to the Performing Arts Center. Block 7 will comprise an approximately 30-story high-rise, including approximately 33,000 square feet of retail space and lobby for the Hotel, 17,000 square feet of meeting and pre-function space, 215-room full service Westin Hotel, 104 luxury residential condominiums, and 1, 150-space public parking garage. The uses as described are preliminary as design is still in the early stages. Block 9 will contain an approximate 75,000 to 100,000 square foot building of multi-use space. . Public Information: Public Information for this item will be handled through the normal Council agenda process. . Alternatives: This Term Sheet reflects the City's on-going commitment to the long-term priority of developing a Town Center for the City. There are certainly other alternatives to development of the Central Business District. However, few if any alternatives accomplish Council's stated goals for the area or provide the level of quality proposed. . Recommendations: Approve the Term Sheet relating to Phase III of the Town Center (Central Business District), request approval and execution by the Virginia Beach Development Authority and authorize the development of Supplemental Project Documents. . Attachments: Term Sheet; Resolution Recommended Action: Approval of attached Resolution Submitting Department/Agency: Economic Development tJ\ ~ \J I (.MAi ~~'~ City Manager: I I 1 I 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 I 8 9 I 10 I 11 12 I 13 I 14 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 19 I 20 uses; I 21 I I 25 I 26 I 27 I 22 23 24 RESOLUTION APPROVING A NON-BINDING TERM SHEET RELATING TO PHASE ill OF THE TOWN CENTER PROJECT, REQUESTING APPROV AL BY THE VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT DOCUMENTS WHEREAS, on behalf of the Cìty of Vìrgìnìa Beach (the "City") and the Cìty of Virgìnia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority"), the Cìty Manager and Cìty staff have engaged ìn extensìve negotìatìons wìth representatìves of Armada/Hoffler Development Company, LLc., and ìts affilìates, regardìng the continued development of a Central Busìness Dìstrict Project known as "The Town Center ofVìrginia Beach" (the "Project"); WHEREAS, the Project is a development arrangement between the Authority and Town Center Assocìates, LLc. (the "Developer"), for a mixed use commercial development utilizing the structure of an economic development park ìn the B-3A Pembroke Central Busìness Core District, an area of the Cìty that is zoned to optimize development potentìal for a mìxed-use, pedestrian-oriented, urban actìvìty center with mid-to-hìgh-rise structures that contain numerous types of uses, ìnc1udìng business, retaìl, resìdential, cultural, educatìonal and otherpublìc and private WHEREAS, on November 23, 1999, the Cìty Council adopted Ordìnance No. 99- 2567B establìshing the Central Busìness Dìstrict-South Tax Increment Fìnancìng Fund (the "TIP Fund"); WHEREAS, Phase I of the Project has been substantìally completed and Phase II of the Project is under construction, with several blocks of Phase IT substantìally completed; WHEREAS, the Developer has worked wìth the Cìty Manager and City staff and has proposed a comprehensìve development plan for Phase ill of the Project; il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 28 WHEREAS, the Developer has worked wìth the Cìty Manager and Cìty staff to 29 develop a non-bindìng term sheet dated December 7, 2004, (the "Phase III Term Sheet"), whìch 30 outlines (a) minor modìficatìons to Phase II ofthe Project, (b) a comprehensìve development plan for 31 Phase III of the Project and (c) the proposed responsibìlìtìes of the Cìty, the Authority and the 32 Developer wìth respect to Phase III ofthe Project; 33 WHEREAS, a complete copy of the Term Sheet ìs attached to thìs Resolution as 34 Exhìbìt A and was provided to the City Councìl prior to ìts December 7, 2004, meetìng; 35 WHEREAS, the oblìgations of the Authority out1ìned ìn the Term Sheet would be 36 supported by a support agreement between the Cìty and the Authority (the "Phase ill Support 37 Agreement"), wìth the traditìonal publìc ìnfrastructure costs of the Project to be funded in part 38 through the City's CIP and ìn part through the Authority's Economic Development Investment 39 Program monies and the other oblìgations ofthe Authority structured to be paid, subject to annual 40 appropriatìon, by the available revenue from the TIP Fund, from the revenue generated by the special 41 tax district and by an addìtional mechanìsm for the Developer to pay proj ected shortfalls ìn the TIP 42 Fund; 43 44 City's WHEREAS, the Cìty Council finds that Phase ill of the Project wìll stìmu1ate the economy, ìncrease public revenues, enhance public amenitìes and further the Cìty's 45 development objectives for the Central Business Dìstrict and provìde necessary components to 46 further the goals contaìned ìn the City's Guidelines for Evaluation of Investment Partnershìps for 47 Economic Development; and 48 WHEREAS, the City Councìl desires that the Authority approve and execute the 49 Term Sheet and pursue the development of supplemental Project Documents to be negotìated ìn 50 substantial conformity with the terms set forth in the Term Sheet. 2 I I 51 I 52 VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA; I I I I I I I I I I I I 70 I 71 I 72 I I 68 69 73 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 53 1. The City Councìl approves the non-bìndìng Term Sheet dated December 7, 54 2004, (the "Term Sheet") between the City of Virgìnia Beach Development Authority (the 55 "Authority") and Town Center Associates, LL.c. (the "Developer"), a complete copy ofwhìch is 56 attached to thìs Resolution as Exhibit A, which outlìnes mìnor modìficatìons to Phase II of the 57 Project and a comprehensive development plan for Phase ill of the mixed-use commercìal 58 development project ìn the Central Busìness District utìlìzing the structure of an economìc 59 development park known as the "Town Center ofVirgìnia Beach" (the "Project"). 60 2. The City Council requests and recommends that the Authority adopt a 61 Resolutìon consìstent wìth thìs Resolutìon approving the Term Sheet, authorizìng ìts execution, and 62 authorizing the City Manager and the Cìty Attorney, on behalf of the Authority, to proceed with the 63 development of supplemental Project documents necessary and appropriate to implement the 64 changes to Phase II and Phase ill of the Project substantially as outlined ìn the Term Sheet. 65 3. On behalf of the Cìty of Vìrginia Beach, the City Manager and the City 66 Attorney are hereby authorized and dìrected to proceed wìth the development of supplemental 67 Project documents necessary and appropriate for the modìficatìons to the Project out1ìned ìn the Term Sheet, with such supplemental Project documents to be in substantìal conformìty with the terms outlined ìn the Term Sheet. 4. The Cìty Manager is dìrected to return the final supplemental Project documents for approval by the City Council and the Authority and for authorization to execute the Phase III Support Agreement so that the Authority can then proceed wìth the next phase of the Project. 3 1--- , II I 74 I 75 of I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Adopted by the Council ofthe City ofVìrgìnia Beach, Virgìnìa, on the day ,2004. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 CA-9353 F:\DataIA TY\Ordin\NONCODE\Early 04 - ORDIN\town center phase III. v3.doc APPROVED A~ TO COfTENT: 14 ~ fL £. úJ I H1UA." I tWJ+ EconomIc Development APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: (k~ J Mdt- Cìty Attorney 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r;.G:~ât1;."' rð-':~~{" 7.', ;,J' } \~:. 'Hi ~... ~<;!;.> ¡;..;::.~.,~ ,~ -- CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ) ~ ITEM: Resolution approving the issuance of industrial development revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $5,500,000 for the benefit of London Bridge Holding, LLC to assist in the financing of the company's acquisition, construction and equipping of property and improvements located at the intersection of London Bridge Road and Precision Drive in Virginia Beach, Virginia MEETING DATE: January 4, 2005 . Background: The City of Virginia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority") has considered the request of London Bridge Holding LLC (the "Company") for the issuance of the Authority's industrial development revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $5,500,000 to assist in the financing of the Company's acquisition of a certain parcel of land containing approximately 6.546 acres located at the intersection of London Bridge Road and Precision Drive in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. This matter was approved by City Council on May 6, 2003, however problems securing permanent financing prevented the bonds from being issued in the one-year period after approval, and therefore the request was cancelled. The applicant re-applied after securing financing and a resolution was passed by the Authority on November 18, 2004 recommending that the City Council approve issuance of the bonds. . Considerations: The matter comes before Council for its approval pursuant to § 15.2-4906 of the Code of Virginia which requires the municipality on behalf of which the bonds of an authority are issued to either approve or disapprove any financing recommended by such authority within sixty (60) days of the date of the authority's public hearing. . Public Information: The request was duly advertised for a public hearing before the Authority in accordance with the requirements of Section 15.2-4906 of the Virginia Code. . Alternatives: Not Approve, which would result in the bonds not being issued for the facilities. . Recommendations: Approval I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Attachments: lOP Submission to Council Location Map Resolution for City of Virginia Beach Affidavit to Publication & Notice Notice of Public Hearing Record of Public Hearing Development Authority's Resolution Disclosure Statement Authority's Statement Fiscal Impact Statement Summary Sheet Letter from Department of Economic Development November 18, 2004 APPROVAL Submitting DepartmentlA~nCY: Development Authority ~~~::~::.~~ ,~:. ~::.m~.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !. I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (LONDON BRIDGE HOLDING LLC PROJECT) WHEREAS, the Cìty of Virgìnia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority") has 10 consìdered the applicatìon of London Bridge Holdìng LLC (the "Company") for the ìssuance of 11 the Authority's industrial development revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $5,500,000 12 (the "Bonds") to assìst ìn the financìng of the Company's acquisìtìon, constructìon and equìpping 13 of a manufacturing facìlity to be leased to London Bridge Trading Company, LTD. for use ìn ìts 14 business of manufacturing sewn nylon equìpment (all ìmprovements and land beìng collectìvely 15 referred to as the "Facilìty") and has held a publìc hearing thereon on November 18, 2004; and 16 WHEREAS, the Authority has requested Cìty Councìl (the "Councìl") ofVirgìnìa Beach, 17 Virginìa (the "Cìty") to approve the issuance of the Bonds to comply with Sectìon 147(f) of the 18 Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; and 19 WHEREAS, pursuant to Sectìon 15.2-4906, Code ofVirgìnia, 1950, as amended, a copy 20 of the Authority's Resolution approvìng the issuance of the Bonds, subject to terms to be agreed 21 upon, and a reasonably detaì1ed summary of the comments expressed at the public hearing, if 22 any, have been filed wìth the Councìl of the Cìty ofVirgìnìa Beach, Vìrgìnia. 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, 24 VIRGINIA: 25 1. The Councìl of the Cìty ofVìrgìnìa Beach, Vìrgìnìa, approves the issuance of the 26 Bonds by the Cìty of Vìrginia Beach Development Authority, ìn a princìpal amount not to exceed 27 $5,500,000 to finance the Company's acquìsition, construction and equìppìng of a manufacturing 28 facility to be leased to London Bridge Trading Company, LTD. for use in its business of 29 manufacturing sewn nylon equìpment to the extent required by Section 147(f) of the Internal 30 Revenue Code. 31 2. 32 not constitute The approval of the ìssuance of the Bonds, as requìred by Sectìon 147(f) does an endorsement of the. Bonds or the credìtworthìness of the Company; but, 33 pursuant to Chapter 643, Virgìnia Acts of Assembly of 1964, as amended, the Bonds shall 34 provide that neither the Cìty nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the Bonds or the ìnterest 35 thereon or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and moneys pledged therefor, 36 and neither the faith or credìt nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth, the City or the 37 Authority shall be pledged thereto. 38 3. In approving the Resolutìon, the Cìty of Vìrgìnìa Beach, ìnc1uding ìts elected 39 representatìves, officers, employees and agents, shall not be lìable and hereby dìsc1aims all 40 liability for any damages to any person, dìrect or consequential, resulting from the Authority's 41 failure to ìssue Bonds for the Facility for any reason. 42 4. Thìs Resolution shall take effect ìmmedìately upon its adoption. 43 2 :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 43 Adopted by the Councìl of the Cìty of Vìrgìnia Beach, Vìrgìnia, on the - day of 44 December, 2004. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 CA9433 November 23,2004 H:IOIDIREALESTATEIDEVAUTH\BONDlWORKIDAI576 London Bridge TradingIResolution of City Council.DOC #385491 v2 - Resolution of City Council 3 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City c:>f Virgir1ia Beach LESLIE L. LILLEY CITY ATTORNEY MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING 1 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23456-9004 (757) 427-4531 FAX (757) 426-5687 TDD (757) 427-4305 November 18, 2004 The Honorable Meyera E. Oberndorf, Mayor Members of Cìty Council Municìpal Center Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Re: London Bridge Holding LLC Revenue Bonds Dear Mayor Oberndorf and Members of Cìty Councìl: We submìt the following ìn connection with project London Bridge Holdìng LLC located at 2601 Reliant Drive ìn the city ofVìrgìnia Beach, Vìrginìa. (1) Evidence of publìcatìon of the notìce of hearing ìs attached as Exhibit A, and a summary ofthe statements made at the public hearing is attached as Exhibit B . The Cìty ofVìrgìnìa Beach Development Authority's (the "Authority") resolutìon recommendìng Council's approval is attached as Exhibit C. (2) The Dìsc1osure Statement ìs attached as Exhibit D. (3) The statement of the Authority's reasons for its approval as a benefit for the Cìty of Virgìnia Beach and ìts recommendatìon that Cìty Councìl approve the modification of the bonds described above is attached as Exhibit E. (4) The Fiscal Impact Statement ìs attached as Exhibit F. I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Honorable Meyera E. Oberndorf, Mayor Members of City Council March 8, 2000 Page 2 (5) Attached as Exhibit G is a summary sheet settìng forth the type of issue, and identìfyìng the Project and the princìpals. (6) Attached as Exhibit H ìs a letter from the appropriate City department commentìng on the Project. JVH/mlg Enclosures I I" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT "A" TERM SHEET PHASE III December 7, 2004 Representatives of the City of Virginia Beach (the "City"), the Virginia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority"), and Town Center Associates, LLC. (the "Developer") desire to develop the third phase ("Phase III") of the mixed-use commercial development known as The Town Center of Virginia Beach (the "Project"). The development arrangements for Phase I and Phase II of the Project are set forth, respectively, in (i) a Development Agreement (the "Development Agreement"), made as of March 6, 2000 between the Developer and the Authority, as supplemented by First Supplement to Development Agreement, made as of February 28,2000, and a Second Modification to Development Agreement dated as of August 30, 2001, and (ii) a Phase II Development Agreement (the "Phase II Development Agreement") dated June 17,2003 between the Developer and the Authority, as amended by a First Modification to Development Agreement dated as of July 12, 2004. The Developer has proposed a development transaction (the "Transaction") that envisions a comprehensive development plan for Phase III. This Term Sheet outlines the principal terms of a public/private development arrangement for the Transaction. This Term Sheet is an outline of terms. Moreover, this Term Sheet is not, nor is it intended to be, an offer, an acceptance, or a binding agreement of any kind. To the contrary, this Term Sheet is only a summary of the basic terms of a possible transaction, which may be agreed in principle only. Although this Term Sheet identifies many of the material issues, any possible Transaction is complex and issues may arise during preparation and negotiation of definitive documentation that have not been discussed in this Term Sheet. Accordingly, legal obligations to each other will only be as specified in any definitive agreements that ultimately may be approved by City Council and the Authority's board, and executed by all of the parties. Additionally, none of the parties to this Term Sheet are under any obligation or duty to attempt to negotiate a Transaction or any related documentation or, if such negotiations commence, to continue such negotiations. Nonetheless, by approving this Term Sheet, each party indicates its belief that this Term Sheet can form the basis for a Transaction and the willingness to commence negotiation and preparation of definitive documentation toward that end. 1. General Description of Phase III. (a) Multi-Block. Mixed-Use Project. Under the Transaction, Phase III will be a multi-block, multi-facility mixed-use development. Phase III will be comprised of: I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (i) Block 6 - Pursuant to the Phase /I Development Agreement, the Authority has exercised its right to require the Developer to release the Developer's right to purchase a portion of Block 6 to allow the Authority and/or City to construct a performing arts center. The remainder of Block 6 will consist of two parcels totaling approximately 40,000 square feet of retail/office space, which will be owned by the Authority. The Authority shall grant an option to the Developer to acquire the two remaining parcels under an agreement substantially on the same terms as the Option Agreement. The purchase price for each of the two parcels shall be an amount equal to the sum of the Authority's (or the City's, as the case may be) cost of acquisition for each parcel and the Authority's cost of carry from the date of acquisition to the date of closing under the option. The improvements and schedule of construction for the remainder of Block 6 by the Developer will be mutually agreed upon by the Developer and Authority in the development agreement to be executed for Phase /II. (ii) Block 7 - The specific structures that will comprise the development in Phase III are still under desiQn. The elements of the proposed development on Block 7 are based upon conceptual desiQns: thouQh the components to be contained in Block 7 are likely to remain the same. the size of the structures and the elements within it includln.9.ftimens,ons. square footaQes an~ associated costs) may ctlanQe durinQ the desiQn process. Any such chanQes shall be subject to the mutual aQreement of the parties. The current plans for Block 7 show an approximately 30-story, multi-use structure comprised of: (A) Approximately 33,000 square feet of first floor retail space, lobby for the Hotel, as hereinafter described, and approximately 17,000 square feet of meeting, pre-function and support space (the "Meeting Space"); (B) An approximately 1,150 space public parking garage (the "Phase III Garage"); (C) 10-12 floors for an approximately 215 room full service Westin hotel (the "Hotel"); and CD) 16-19 floors of residential condominiums with approximately 104 units ("Residential Condos"). (Hi) Block 9 - a structure for approximately 75,000 to 100,000 square feet of multi-use space. 2. Purchase of Phase /II Parkinq Garaqe and Meetinq Space and Meetina Space Operatinq Agreement. 2 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I (a) Two Purchase Obliqations. The Authority will purchase the Phase /II Garage and the Meeting Space. Like the Block 4 and Block 12 parking garages the Authority has purchased under the Development Agreements, the Phase /II Garage and the Meeting Space will each be a condominium unit within the multi-use structures to be constructed by the Developer on Block 7. (b) Pricinq. (i) The purchase price for the Phase /II Garage will be determined generally in the same manner as the Block12 garage (as set forth in Exhibit 11.6 of the Phase /I Development Agreement). This price was determined by multiplying the total number of qualifying parking spaces by a "Per Space Factor". Qualifying parking spaces are those in compliance with the approved plans and applicable law. The Per Space Factor will be the sum of the following components: (i) agreed upon hard construction costs; (ii) agreed upon soft construction costs; (Hi) an allocation of a portion of the land costs; and (iv) an allocation of construction loan interest. In no event shall the total acquisition cost for the Phase 1/1 Garage exceed a fixed amount to be agreed upon pursuant to subpart (ii) below. (H) The exact purchase price for the Phase 1/1 Garage will be negotiated, but the negotiated maximum purchase price will be a fixed amount and will be supported by the Authority's cost analysis for the Garage. In addition, (x) the City's forecast of cash flows from the available TIF Revenues and (y) cash payments from the Developer (such payment amounts remain to be negotiated) must be sufficient to amortize over a 20-year period the anticipated financing of the agreed purchase price for the Garage. (iii) The purchase price for the Meeting Space will be the sum of the following components: (i) agreed upon hard construction costs; (H) agreed upon soft construction costs; (iii) an allocation of a portion of the land costs; (iv) an allowance for an allocation of construction loan interest; and (v) the initial cost for furniture, fixtures and equipment necessary to open the Meeting Space for business. However, (x) the City's forecast of cash flows from the available TIF Revenues and (y) cash payments from the Developer (such payment amounts remain to be negotiated) must be sufficient to amortize over a 20-year period the anticipated financing of the agreed purchase price for the Meeting Space. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the total acquisition cost for the Meeting Space shall not exceed the lesser of $6,500,000 or the actual cost thereof. (c) Meetinq Space Operatinq Aqreement. The Authority and Hotel owner will enter into a Meeting Space Operating Agreement wherein Hotel owner will have the right to use and will agree to manage the Meeting Space. The Meeting Space Operating Agreement will contain the following terms and conditions: 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (i) Assiqnrpent/Manaqer. Hotel owner shall assign the Meeting Space Operating Agreement to the manager of the Hotel selected by Hotel owner, as approved by the current Iarlder and the Hotel Franchisor. The Meeting Space Operating Agreement will be separate and distinct from the Hotel Management Agreement, which will be executed by and between Developer and the Hotel manager; (ii) Term. The Meeting Space Operating Agreement will have a term (the "Franchise Time") equal to the term of Developer's Franchise Agreement with a Hotel Franchisor. The term "Hotel Franchisor" shall mean the franchisor of a full service Westin hotel or, after the Hotel has opened for business, a full service Westin hotel or a franchisor, reasonably acceptable to the Authority, of a national full-service hotel similar to Westin hotels in the U.S; (iii) Use/Operation. The Meeting Space Operating Agreement will provide for the operation, repair, maintenance and replacement of the Meeting Space and its components in accordance with commercially reasonable standards, in accordance with the condominium documents and as required by the Hotel Franchisor. The Meeting Space Operating Agreement will also provide for the performance and/or management of all sales, marketing, booking, preparation, service, accounting and any other services necessary for the operation of the Meeting Space. Hotel owner may enter into a management agreement with a manager for the management of the Meeting Space, provided such manager is acceptable to the Hotel owner's lender and the Hotel Franchisor; (iv) Authoritv/Citv Use. The Authority, the City (in connection with the performing arts center) and City Council shall have access to and use of the Meeting Space at mutually agreed upon times pursuant to a policy to be agreed upon, including, but not limited to, the use of the Meeting Space without the payment of a room reservation fee (though the Authority and City will pay food, beverage and other charges associated with the use of the Meeting Space); (v) Capital Reserves. The Authority will pay into escrow an annual fee for capital reserves and capital maintenance and repairs for the Meeting Space. The fee will be $150,000 per annum, which amount shall increase each year based on increases in the CPI, but not to exceed one hundred three percent (103%) times the amount of such fee for the immediately preceding year; (vi) Base Rent/Base Rent Credit. Rent shall be paid to the Authority for the right to exclusively use the Meeting Space. However, it is anticipated that there will be a rent credit based upon other revenue/taxes generated by the Hotel project and paid to the City. The rent credit mechanism will be based on a formula to be agreed upon by the parties; 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (vii) Additional Rent/Revenue Sharing. The Authority and Hotel owner shall enter into a revenue sharing agreement related to the operation of the Meeting Space; (viii) Audit. The Authority shall have the right to audit the books and records for the Meeting Space to verify hotel occupancy taxes and operating revenue and expenses for the Meeting Space. Provided such information will be reasonably accessible to the Authority, the Hotel manager may utilize a consolidated operating budget and financial statements for both the Meeting Space and the Hotel; (ix) Protective Provisions. Except as expressly provided in the Meeting Space Operating Agreement, the Meeting Space Operating Agreement will not terminate during the Franchise Time, and the Authority's right to terminate the Meeting Space Operating Agreement shall be limited to a default by Hotel owner or its successors and assigns under the Franchise Agreement which results in a termination of the franchise. The Hotel owner and its successors and assigns will use best efforts to cause the Hotel Franchisor to give notice to the Authority of any failure or default under the Franchise Agreement which if uncured could result in the termination of the Franchise Agreement, and the Authority shall have the opportunity to cure such default within a reasonable period of time. Hotel owner's rights under the Meeting Space Operating Agreement may be assigned to any subsequent owner of the Hotel only in connection with a transfer of the hotel franchise, and its rights thereunder may be pledged as additional collateral to its Hotel lender. (d) Conditions. Generally, the Authority's obligation to purchase the Phase III Garage and Meeting Space will be conditioned upon substantially the same types of real estate purchase contingencies as are set forth in the Development Agreements as to the purchase of the Block 4 parking garage and the Block 10 and 12 parking garages (for example, title, completion of construction in compliance with approved plans, and compliance with applicable laws, including zoning). The Authority also will receive in connection with each purchase substantially the same types and kinds of representations, warranties, closing deliveries and similar assurances as are set forth in the Development Agreements. In addition, the Authority's purchase obligations will be subject to the following contingencies. (i) The Phase III Garage and Meeting Space, as applicable, shall be substantially complete and equipped and ready for legal occupancy (i.e., move-in ready); (ii) The Hotel shall be substantially complete in accordance with its plans and open to the public for business in accordance with an executed franchise agreement between Developer and the Hotel Franchisor; 5 --I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I (iii) The structural shell for the Residential Condos shall be substantially complete. The standard for completion of the structural shell shall be mutually agreed upon by the Authority and Developer; (iv) The structural shell of the retail space in Block 7 shall be substantially complete. The standard for completion of the structural shell will be the same required for the Block 12 Commercial Space as provided in Exhibit 11 .3.2 to the Phase II Development Agreement. (v) Either (x) the structural shell of the improvements on Block 9 shall be substantially complete, (y) a note (with durable power of attorney) made by Developer and a guaranty agreement executed by the A/H Principals (each in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority) evidencing the obligation to pay the Reimbursement Amount for Phase III shall have been delivered to the Authority, or (z) Developer and Authority shall have entered into an arrangement satisfactory to both parties to ensure adequate payment of the Authority's debt service for the Phase III Garage and the Meeting Space (taking into account the then-current market conditions and the construction schedule for the other blocks of the Project). 3. Infrastructure Fundinq. (a) The cost of traditional public infrastructure components (streets, streetscapes, traffic signals, utilities, stormwater improvements, etc.) shall be funded through and shall be subject to City CIP and Authority EDIP appropriations. The municipal investment for Phase III streetscapes currently is estimated to be $1,500,000. . (b) The City will evaluate the construction of an elevated pedestrian walkway over Columbus Street bridging Block 12 and Block 7 and an elevated walkway over Commerce Street connecting Block 7 and the performing arts center on Block 6 (construction of these walkways will be at City's sole discretion). The municipal investment for these pedestrian walkways is estimated to be $2,532,000 if both walkways are built. 4. Parkinq. Authority directly, or through â managing agent, will manage the Phase III Garage subject to the following principles: (a) The facility will be operated as a public parking garage. Upon completion of the Phase III Garage, the Developer shall purchase or lease at least one parking space per Residential Condo unit under an arrangement to be agreed upon, which will provide for the Authority's ability to recover its purchase and carrying costs for such spaces. The remaining spaces shall be available for public parking on a first-come, first served free basis. The Authority reserves the right to elect after the expiration of the initial30-year period 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I following the Authority's acquisition of the Phase III Garage to charge a fee for parking. (b) The spaces to be leased as provided above may be located anywhere within the Phase III Garage. They also may be segregated on one or more levels of the Phase III Garage. Such spaces may be designated for users ~, names on spaces, numbers on spaces), but the selection of spaces that are so designated must be made on a random basis. (c) The Developer shall have the right to lease from the Authority an indeterminate number of parking spaces in the Phase III Garage (not to exceed 10% of the available total of spaces) under a long term lease upon terms and conditions similar to those set forth in Section 13.3.2 of the Phase II Development Agreement. 5. Modifications to Development Aqreements. (a) Block 12 Option. Pursuant to the Phase II Development Agreement, the Authority will purchase the Block 12 Commercial Unit from the Block 12 Developer and the Block 12 Developer will master lease the Block 12 Commercial Unit from the Authority. The Block 12 Developer has an option to purchase the Block 12 Commercial Unit and, following certain events, the Authority has an optionf'put" to require the Block 12 Developer to purchase the Block 12 Commercial Unit. The Block 12 Option Period will be extended by one year to equal the earlier to occur of (i) the date that is 48 months after the Block 12 Closing Date, or (ii) the date the Block 12 Financial Threshold is achieved. In addition, the date by which the Authority can require the Block 12 Developer to purchase the Block 12 Commercial Unit if the Block 12 Developer has not delivered security acceptable to the Authority for performance under the Block 12 Option and the Block 12 master lease shall be extended to September 1 , 2007 (provided the outside date under the Option Agreement is extended to September 1,2007 as set forth in subsection (b) below). (b) Option Land. Pursuant to the Option Agreement, Developer has the right and obligation to purchase the remaining land in the Town Center project prior to September 1 , 2006. Subject to approval by Authority's lender, and provided the existing option performance bond is adequately extended, these provisions will be changed to extend the outside date by which the Developer must purchase the remaining land (Blocks 6, 9 and 11) to September 1, 2007. The requirement that Developer must purchase the Block 12 Commercial Unit before purchasing the remaining land (not including Block 7) will remain. (c) Reimbursement Amount. The parties acknowledge that there is no TIF Shortfall Amount, no Reimbursement Amount and no Developer Payment Amount due for Phases I and II and that all documentation related thereto will be deemed satisfied, cancelled and/or returned to Developer, as well as any security provided therefore by Developer. 7 I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I (d) Parking. Authority and Developer anticipate that all the zoning requirements for Phases I, II and III improvements (as contemplated by this Transaction and outlined in this Term Sheet), shall be satisfied if the Phase III Garage is completed in accordance with the Transaction. Subject to the City obtaining a satisfactory independent parking analysis, all provisions in the Development Agreements and related documents (i) relating to adjusting the parking ratios to a stricter standard than what the City zoning ordinances in effect on December 1, 2001 required or (ii) requiring Developer to provide for any additional parking in excess of that required by the City zoning ordinances in effect on December 1,2001, shall be deleted from all applicable'-documents. Notwithstanding that the Phase III Garage is currently estimated to be approximately 1,150 spaces, the Phase III Garage will be of sufficient size (which may be more or less than 1,150 spaces) to satisfy the City's parking requirements for (i) improvements to be built on Block 7, (ii) improvements proposed to be built on Blocks 6 and 9 and (iii) current parking deficiency, if any, which may exist in the Town Center Project. 6. Future Development of Block 11. Affiliates of Developer are the owners of Block 11 (such affiliates are referred to as the "Block 11 Owners") in the Project and Block 11 is not subject to the Development Agreements. Block 11 was formerly a portion of the property commonly known as One Columbus Center and it is currently used as a surface parking lot. Developer and the Block 11 Owners shall endeavor to work with the Authority to construct a multi-story office building or tower on Block 11 containing at least 75,000 square feet of class A office space, subject to market conditions and its feasibility. 8 I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I (SEAL) ATTEST: Secretary / Assistant Secretary AUTHORITY: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia By: Name: Title: [Chairman] [Vice Chairman] Date: CITY: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH By: Title: Date: 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEVELOPER: TOWN CENTER ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company By: Armada/Hoffler Properties, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company By: A. Russell Kirk Manager (SEAL) Date: By: Louis S. Haddad Manager (SEAL) Date: and By: City Center Associates, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company By: Gerald Divaris Manager (SEAL) Date: F:\Data\ATY\OID\REAL ESTATE\Commercial Projects\Town Center\Phase III\TERM SHEET.v10.doc 10 The Virginian-Pilot --------------------------------------------------+--------------------------- I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I This day, D. Johnson personally appeared before me and after being duly sworn, made oath that: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LINE I I Exhibit A I THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT , NORFOLK, VIRGINIA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ~ I II WILLIAMS MULLEN, P.C. SUITE 1700 . 222 CENTRAL PARK AVE VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23462 I II REFERENCE: 39078411 12257811 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEA II State of Virginia City of Norfolk I 1) She is affidavit clerk of The Virginian-Pilot, a newspaper published by Landmark Communications Inc., in the cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach, Common- 'wealth of Virginia and in the state of North Carolina 2)That the advertisement hereto annexed has been published in said newspaper on the date stated. : I I I I PUBLISHED ON: 11/04 ll/ll I I TOTAL COST: FILED ON: I I .. :'. I I I the day and year , .2008 I I I I I I !I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND FINANCING BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (LONDON BRIDGE HOLDING LLC PROJECT) Notice is hereby given that the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority") will hold a public hearing on the application of London Bridge Holding LLC, a Virginia limited liabìlity company, 3509 Virginia Beach Boulevard, Virginia (the "Applicant"), for the Authority to issue, pursuant to Chapter 643 of the Acts of Assembly of 1964, as amended, (the "Act"), up to $5,500,000 of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds to assìst the Applìcant ìn fmancing the acquisitìon, constructìon and equippìng ofan approximately 51,000 square foot manufacturing facilìtyon a 6.546 acre parcel ofland, known as Parcel 3-B as shown on Subdìvìsìon of Residual Parcel 3, GPIN # 1496-98-1048, located at the northwestern corner of the ìntersection of London Bridge Road and Precisìon Drive in Virginia Beach, Vìrginia (the "Project") for lease to London Bridge Trading Company, Ltd. for use in its business of manufacturing sewn nylon equìpment. The public hearing which may be contìnued or adjourned, wìll be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 18, 2004, before the Authority at the Authority's office at 222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 1000, Virgìnia Beach, Virginia 23462. As required by the Act, the Bonds will not pledge the froth and credit or the taxing power of the Commonwealth ofVirgìnia or anypolitìcal subdivision thereof, ìnc1uding the Authority, but wìll be payable solely ftom revenues derived from the Applicant and pledges therefor. Any person interested in the issuance of the Bonds or the location or purpose of the proposed Project may appear and be heard. A copy of the Applicant's applicatìon is on file and ìs open for inspection at the Authority's office at 222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 1000, Virginia Beach, Vìrginia 23462, during busìness hours. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY #982890 vI - Notice of Public HearinglLondon Bridge Trading Company/OceaJla Development I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit B CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RECORD OF PUBLIC HEARING (London Bridge Holding LLC Project) The Chairman of the City of Virginia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority") announced the commencement of a public hearing on the request of London Bridge Holding LLC (the "Borrower"), and that a notice of the hearing was published once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The Chairman indicated that a copy of the notice and a certificate of publication of such notice have been filed with the records of the Authority. The following individuals appeared before the Authority: William W. Harrison, Jr. of the law f1111l of Williams Mullen Douglas McDougal, Member of London Bridge Holding LLC Mr. Hamson gave a brief description of the Project (below defined). He explained that the Borrower has applied to the Authority for up to $5,500,000 of its industrial development revenue bonds to assist the Borrower for the purpose of financing the acquìsition, construction and equipping of an approximately 51,000 square foot manufacturing facility on a 6.546 acre parcel of land located at the northwestern intersection of London Bridge Road and Precision Drive in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia for lease to London Bridge Trading Company, LTD. for use in its business of manufacturing sewn nylon equipment (the "Project"). Mr. Hamson and Mr. McDougal answered various questions of the members of the Authority. No other persons appeared to address the Authority, and the Chairman closed the public hearing. The Authority hereby recommends that the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia approve the issuance of the Authority's industrial development revenue bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $5,500,000 and hereby transmits the Fiscal Impact Statement to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach and asks that this recommendation be received at its next regular or special meeting at which this matter can be properly placed on the Council's agenda for hearing. Dated: /2. ,,/t, " ¿{' E~st~e:r ~, #388335 v2 - record of public hearing - London Bridge BI-47662,] 3/6/02 I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit C RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY INDICATING ITS INTENT TO ISSUE BONDS FOR LONDON BRIDGE HOLDING LLC TO ACQUIRE, CONSTRUCT AND EQUIP AN APPROXIMATELY 51,000 SQUARE FOOT MANUFACTURING FACILITY FOR LEASE TO LONDON BRIDGE TRADING COMPANY, LTD. WHEREAS, there has been described to the Cìty of Vìrginia Beach Development Authority (the "Authority"), the plans of London Bridge Holdìng LLC (the "Company"), whose current address ìs 3509 Vìrgìnia Beach Boulevard, acting on ìts own behalf, to acquire, construct and equip an approximately 51,000 square foot manufacturing facility (the "Project"), located on property known as Parce13-B as shown on the Subdivision of Residual Parcel 3, GPIN # 1496- 98-1048, contaìning 6.546 acres and located at the northwestern ìntersectìon of London Bridge Road and Precision Drive ìn the Cìty of Virginia Beach, Vìrginia (the "City") for lease. to London Bridge Trading Company, LTD. for use ìn its busìness of manufacturing sewn nylon equipment; and WHEREAS, the Company, in its applìcatìon and in ìts appearance before the Authority, has requested that the Authority ìssue ìts ìndustria1 development revenue bonds under the provìsions of Chapter 643 of the Acts of Assembly of 1964 and the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 49, Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginìa of 1950, as amended (collectìvely, the "Act") in such amounts as may be necessary to finance costs to be incurred in acquìring, constructing and equìppìng the Project; and WHEREAS, a publìc hearing has been held as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and applicable provisìons of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the "Virginìa Code"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THAT: 1. The foregoing recitals are approved by the Authority and are ìncorporated in, and deemed a part ofthìs Resolutìon. 2. It ìs hereby found and determined by the Authority that (a) provisìon of financìng of the Project by the Authority wì1l be ìn the publìc interest and will benefit the inhabìtants of the Cìty through the promotìon of theìr safety, health, welfare, convenience or prosperity, and (b) the acquìsìtìon, constructing and equìppìng of the Project for the Company in the City will further the publìc purposes of the Act and provide a public benefit to the Cìty by, among other thìngs, promoting industry, commerce and developing trade. 3. It is hereby found and determined that the Project will constitute an "Authority facìlity" wìthin the meanìng of the Act. - 1 - I I I I I I I I II I :1 I I I I I I I I I 4. To ìnduce the Company to acquìre, construct and equìp the Project, the Authority hereby agrees to cooperate wìth the Company in the revìew and evaluation of the applìcatìon to finance the Project and, subject to the Authority's final approval of the terms and conditions of the financing of the Project and the offering of the Bonds at a later date, to undertake the ìssuance of ìts ìndustrial development revenue bonds therefor in the maxìmum princìpal amount of $5,500,000 (the "Bonds") upon the terms and condìtìons to be mutually agreed upon by the Authority and the Company. If finally approved by the Authority, the Bonds wìll be ìssued pursuant to an Indenture of Trust and certain other documents satisfactory to, and with terms to be approved by, the Authority. The Bonds wìll be issued only after the Authority has receìved the approvìng opinion of Bond Counsel as to the qualification of the Bonds under the Act and appropriate certificatìons and opìnions as to the offering of the Bonds and the dìsclosure with respect thereto. 5. It havìng been represented to the Authority that ìt ìs necessary to proceed wìth the acquìsìtìon, construction and equìpping of the Project, the Authority hereby agrees that the Company may proceed with the plans for the Project, enter into contracts for the acquìsition, construction and equipping of the Project and take such other steps as ìt may deem appropriate ìn connection therewìth, provìded that nothìng herein shall be deemed to authorize the Company to oblìgate the Authority without ìts consent ìn each ìnstance to the payment of any moneys or the performance of any acts ìn connection wìth the Project. The Authority hereby agrees that the Company may be reimbursed from the proceeds from the Bonds for all costs expended prior to the ìssuance of the Bonds together wìth costs previously expended by the Company within sìxty (60) days prior to the date of thìs Resolutìon wìth respect to the planning and the acquìsìtion, construction and equipping of the Project (the "Expendìtures"). The Authority reasonably expects to reìmburse the Company up to $5,500,000 for Expendìtures wìth the proceeds of the Bonds. The dec1aratìon and expectatìons stated in this Sectìon 3 are intended to be evidence of officìal ìntent within the meanìng of Treasury Regulatìon Section 1.150-2 promulgated under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and are based upon representations of the Company. Each Expendìture wìll be, unless otherwise approved by Bond Counsel hereìnafter appointed, (a) of a type properly chargable to a capital account under general federal income tax principles (determined in each case as of the date of the Expendìture), (b) a cost of issuance with respect to the Bonds or (c) a nonrecurring ìtem that ìs not customarily payable from current revenues. The Authority intends to make a reìmbursement allocation, whìch is a written allocation by the Authority that evidences the Authority's use of proceeds of the Bonds to reìmburse the Expenditure, upon written request of the Company no later than eighteen (18) months after the later of the date on which the Expenditure ìs paìd or the Project is placed in service or abandoned, but ìn no event more than three (3) years after the date on whìch the Expendìture is paid. The Authority recognìzes that exceptions are avaìlable for certaìn "preliminary expenditures," cost of issuance, certain de minìmus amounts, expendìtures by - 2 - I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "small issuers" (based on the year of issuance and not the year of expendìture), and expendìtures for construction projects of at least five (5) years. 6. The Authority hereby agrees to the recommendatìon of the Company that Wìlliams Mullen, Vìrgìnìa Beach, Virginìa, be appoìnted as Bond Counsel and hereby appoints such firm to supervise the proceeds and approve the ìssuance of the Bonds. 7.' The Authority hereby agrees, ìf requested, to accept the recommendatìon of the Company wìth respect to the appointment of an agent or underwriter for the sale of Bonds pursuant to the terms to be mutually agreed upon by the Authority and the Company. 8. All costs and expenses in connection wìth the financìng and the acquisìtion, constructìon and equìppìng of the Project, inc1udìng the fees and expenses of Bond Counsel, counsel for the Authority and the agent or underwriter for the sale of the Bonds shall be paìd from the proceeds of the Bonds (but only to the extent permitted by applìcable law) or by the Company. If for any reason such Bonds are not ìssued, it is understood that all such expenses shall be paìd by the Company and that the Authority shall have no responsìbìlity therefor. 9. The Bonds shall be lìmited oblìgations of the Authority and shall be payable solely out of revenues, receìpts and payments specìfically pledged therefor. Neither the commissioners, officers, agents or employees of the Authority, past, present and future, nor any person executing the Bonds, shall be liable personally on the Bonds by reason of the ìssuance thereof The Bonds shall not be deemed to constìtute a general oblìgation debt or a pledge of the faìth and credit of the Commonwealth of Vìrginia or any politìcal subdìvìsion thereof, includìng the Cìty of Virgìnia Beach and the Authority and neither the Commonwealth of Virgìnìa nor any such politìca1 subdìvision thereof shall be personally lìable thereon, nor in any event shall the Bonds be payable out of any funds or properties other than the specìal funds and sources provìded therefor. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxìng power of the Commonwealth of Vìrgìnia, or any polìtìcal subdivision thereof, including the City of Virgìnìa Beach, shall be pledged to the payment of the principal of the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs ìncìdent thereto. The Bonds shall not constitute an ìndebtedness withìn the meaning of any constitutìonal or statutory debt limìtatìon or restriction. 10. The Authority shall not be lìable and hereby disclaìms all liability to the Company for any damages, dìrect or consequentìal, resulting from the Authority's failure to ìssue Bonds for the Project for any reason, ìncludìng but not lìmìted to, the failure of the city Council of the Cìty of Virgìnia Beach to approve the issuance of the Bonds. Nothing herein shall be construed as a commitment or obligatìon on the part of the Authority to adopt a final resolution or execute any documents with respect to the Proj ect. - 3 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11. Unless this Resolution ìs extended by the Authority, the Bonds authorized hereunder shall be issued within one year from the date hereof or this Resolution shall become void and of no further force or effect. 12. The Authority hereby recommends that the City Council of the City of Vìrginìa Beach approve the issuance of the Bonds and hereby directs the Chairman or Vìce-Chairman of the Authorìty to submit to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach a reasonably detailed summary of the comments, if any, expressed at the publìc hearing, the fiscal impact statement required by Virginìa law, and a copy of thìs Resolution. 13. Thìs Reso1utìon shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted: November 18, 2004. Q~ q-.~tt' SecretarY/.^_&gÌst #982902 vI - Resolution of IntentlLondon Bridge Trading Company/Oceana Development - 4- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' Exhibit D DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Date: November 4,2004 Applicant: LONDON BRIDGE HOLDING LLC All Owners (if dìfferent from Applicant): None Tvpe of Application: $5,500,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds to assist Applicant in acquisition, construction and equipping of an approximately 51,000 square foot existing building cun-ently situated on a 6.546 acre parcel of land located at the northwestern comer of the intersection of London Bridge Road and Precision Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia for lease to London Bridge Trading Company, LTD. for use in its business of manufacturing sewn nylon equipment (the "Project"). 1. The Applicant is a Virginia limited liability company. 2. The Applicant will be the owner of the Project. 3. London Bridge Trading Company, LTD. is a Virginia corporation whose sole shareholders, Douglas McDougal and Linda McDougal, are the only members of London Bridge Holding LLC. LONDON BRIDGE HOLDING LLC By ~~ Date: November 4, 2004 #983512 vI - Disclosure StatementlLondon BridgelOceana I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit E VIRGINIA BEACH Virginia Beach Development Authority 222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 1000 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 (757) 437-6464 FAX (757) 499-9894 Website: www.vbgov.com CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF THE ISSUANCE BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR LONDON BRIDGE HOLDING LLC TO ACQUIRE, CONSTRUCT AND EQUIP AN APPROXIMATELY 51,000 SQUARE FOOT MANUFACTURING FACILITY FOR LEASE TO LONDON BRIDGE TRADING COMPANY, LTD. The Development Authority recommends approval of the above-referenced financing. The benefits of the Project to the City include increased employment to 185 jobs (152 current, estimated 33 more); addìtìonallocal taxes to be paid in the amount of $52,222; service to local mìlìtary and law enforcement unìts; and growth of local busìness already located in the City of Vìrgìnìa Beach, Vìrgìnìa. I I I '. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit F ~SCALIMPACTSTATEMENT November ~ 2004 DATE: TO: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VJRGINIA BEACH APPLICANT: London Bridge Holding LLC TYPE OF FACILITY: Manufacturing facility for sewn nylon equipment 1. Maximum amount of financing sought: 2. Estimated taxable value of the facility's real property to be constructed in the municipality: 3. Estimated real property tax per year using present tax rates: 4. Estimated personal property tax per year using present tax rates: 5. Estimated merchant's capital (business license) tax per year using present tax rates: 6. (a) Estimated dollar value per year of goods that will be purchased from Virginia companies within the locality: (b) Estimated dollar value per year of good that will be purchased from non-Virginia companies within the locality: (c) Estimated dollar value per year of services that will be purchased from Virginia companies within the locality: (d) Estimated dollar value per year of services that will purchased from non-Virginia companies within the locality: 7. Estimated number of regular Employees on year round basis: 8. Average annual salary per employee: $5.500.000 $4.365.000 $ 52.222 $ 15.000 $ 6.000 $ 230.000 $ 0 $ 56.000 $ 0 J].L $ 19.700 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The information contained in this Statement ìs based solely on facts and estimates provided by the Applìcant, and the Authority has made no independent investigation with respect thereto. CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I 6. Exhibit G SUMMARY SHEET CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BOND 1. PROJECT NAME: London Bridge Holding LLC Project 2. LOCATION: Northwestern corner of intersection of London Bridge Road and Precision Drive. 3. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: acquisition, construction and equipping of an approximately 51,000 square foot split level building on a 6.546 acre parcel ofland located at northwestern comer of intersection of London Bridge Road and Precisìon Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia for lease to London Bridge Trading Company, LTD. for use in its business of manufacturing sewn nylon equipment. 4. AMOUNT OF BOND ISSUE: $5,500,000 5. PRINCIPALS: Douglas McDougal Linda McDougal ZONING CLASSIFICATION: a. Present zoning classification of the Property: 12 b. Is rezoning proposed? Yes No x c. If so, to what zoning classification? #385450 v5 - Application for Bond - Virginia Beach - London BridgeO36783.0003 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VIRGINIA BEP~CH Mr. Robert G. Jones Chaìr Virginia Beach Development Authority 222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 1000 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Exhibit H Virginia Beach Development Authority 222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 1000 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 (757) 437-6464 FAX (757) 499-9894 Website: www.vbgov.com November 18, 2004 Re: London Bridge Holdìng LLC Bond Fìnancìng Dear Bob: It is the finding of the Department of Economic Development that the proposed issuance of ìndustrial revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $5,500,000 for London Bridge Holdìng LLC to acquire, construct and equip an approxìmately 51,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility for lease to London Bridge Trading Company, LTD. will (a) be ìn the publìc interest and benefit the ìnhabìtants of the City through the promotìon of their safety, health, welfare, convenience or prosperìty, and (b) the acquisition, constructing, and equippìng of the Project for the Company in the Cìty will provide a public benefit to the City by, among other thìngs, promotìng ìndustry, commerce and developìng trade. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have at our meeting. MR W :lls Sincerely, 77/~ Mark R. Wawner Project Development Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MEETING DATE: January 4,2005 . Background: Charles H. Ramsey, Chief of the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department wrote to Chief Jacocks requesting assistance from the Virginia Beach Police Department for the purpose of providing security during the 2005 Presidential Inauguration. Specifically, the City's assistance has been requested from January 15, 2005 through January 21, 2005. . Considerations: Our officers will be deputized as Deputy U.S. Marshals for this event and fall under the Federal Government for liability purposes. The District of Columbia will reimburse the City for personnel expenses with funds provided by the United States and from general revenue. This event presents a unique opportunity for our officers and command staff personnel to gain practical experience in planning, executing and evaluating command and control functions during a large-scale event. . Recommendations: Adopt resolution . Public Information: This resolution will be advertised in the same manner other Council agenda items are advertised. . Attachments: Resolution Summary of Terms Recommended Action: Approval Su bm iltl ng Department! Agency: Police Departme~ City Manager: ~ ì L, ~ ~ I I 1 2 I 3 4 5 I 6 7 I 8 9 I 10 I 11 12 I 13 I 14 15 I 16 I 17 18 I 19 I 20 21 I 22 I 23 I I I I ~ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WHEREAS, Virginia law authorizes local governments to enter into reciprocal agreements for cooperation in the furnishing of police services with the District of Columbia; and WHEREAS, it is deemed mutually beneficial to the City of Virginia Beach and the District of Columbia to enter into an agreement concerning cooperation with regard to law enforcement, increasing the ability of the District of Columbia to promote the safety and welfare of the Nation's Capitol during the 2005 Presidential Inauguration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the accompanying Memorandum of Understanding is hereby approved, and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to said Agreement the City of Virginia execute on behalf of Beach. A summary of the material terms is hereto attached and a true copy of the Agreement is on file with the City Attorney. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia on the day of January, 2005. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CA9469 Rl December 10, 2004 R:\PA\GG\ORDRES\2005 Inauguration res.doc APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: I I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 9. 10. SUMMARY OF MATERIAL TERMS 1. EVENT - The 2005 Presìdentia1 Inauguration ìn Washìngton, DC. 2. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - An agreement between the City of Virginia Beach, United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, United States Marshal Service and the Metropolitan Police Department to assign officers from the Virginia Beach Police Department to the Presìdential Inauguratìon Task Force. Thìs task force ìs established to implement measures to promote the safety of the President of the United States, inaugural partìcipants, the public, visitors and residents whìle allowing ìndìviduals and groups to exercìse theìr legal rights during the 2005 Presidential Inauguratìon. 3. NATURE - Allows the Cìty of Vìrginia Beach to provide police manpower and equìpment, if avaìlab1e, ìn an effort to maintain public safety during the above- described event. 4. TERM - Thìs agreement is effective from January 15, 2005 through January 21, 2005, or as needed, to maintaìn publìc safety during the above-referenced event contìngent upon the availabìlìty of Cìty resources. 5. INSURANCE - For the lìmìted purpose of defending c1aìms arisìng out of the Presidential Inauguratìon Task Force actìvity, our officers, specìally deputized as U.S. Marshals, whì1e acting within the course and scope of their official duties and assignments pursuant to this MOU, are covered under the Federal Employees Lìability Reform and Tort Compensatìon Act of 1988. 6. DEPUTATION - City of Virginia Beach polìce officers will be deputized as Deputy U.S. Marshals for this event and shall be consìdered federal employees during thìs event. 7. FUNDING - The city's personnel costs wìll be reimbursed by the Dìstrict of Columbìa. 8. LIABILITY - Officers participatìng in thìs operation are considered federal employees for lìabi1ìty purposes, when actìng within the scope of their duties. DURATION - Thìs agreement may be termìnated at anytìme, by any of the partìcìpatìng agencies, by provìdìng a seven-day notice of ìntent to wìthdraw to the Metropolìtan Police Department. MODIFICATIONS - Thìs Memorandum of Understandìng can be modìfied at anytime wìth the written consent of all partìes. H:\P A \ORDRES\2005 Inauguration SOMT.DOC I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (MOD) is executed by the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, United States Marshals Service, the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, D.C. (MPD) and the Cìty of Virginia Beach. I. PURPOSE The purpose of the MOU is to outline the mìssion of the Presìdentia1 Inauguration Task Force (pITF) ìn the Washington, D. C. area from January 15, 2005, to January 21, 2005. Additionally, this MOU will define relatìonships between the United States Marshals Service, MPD and the Cìty of Vìrginìa Beach, as well as other particìpating agencies with regard to policy, guidance, utilization of resources, planning, training, public relations and media in order to maxìmìze ìnteragency cooperation. II. MISSION The mìssion ofthe PITF ìs to achieve maxìmum coordìnation and cooperation ìn bringing to bear combined resources to effectively implement measures to promote the safety of the Presìdent of the United States, inaugural participants, the public, visitors and residents while allowìng indivìduals and groups to exercìse their legal rights. Additìonally, all units that are partìcìpating agencies wìl1 coordìnate theìr activities and be considered a member of the PITF, sharing ìnformation and coordinating ìnvestìgative and law enforcement efforts which may result from anyapprehensìons originating from the PITF. III. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE A. Direction The Cìty of Virginia Beach aclrnowledges that the PITF ìs a joint operation ìn which all agencies, including the Metropolìtan Polìce Department ofDìstrict of Columbia, Office of the Unìted States Attorney for District of Columbia, Unìted States Marshals Servìce, Unìted States Secret Service, Unìted States Federal Bureau ofInvestìgation, National Park Servìce, VìrginiaBeach Polìce Department and other agencies, act as partners ìn the operation of the PITF. The Command Center for the operatìons will be located at the Metropolìtan Polìce Department (MPD) Headquarters and wìl1 be staffed by officers from the Unìted States Marshals Servìce, MPD, U.S. Park Polìce, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. These officers will serve as the Executive Council for this operatìon. B. Supervision The day-to-day operatìon and admìnìstrative control of the PITF will be the responsibility of a Tactical Team Commander selected from one of the participating agencies. The Tactical Team 1 I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I Commander will coordìnate wìth supervisory personnel of the United States Secret Servìce as the sponsoring agency for Special Deputation (federal) and with MPD as the lead agency for the operation. The daily management of the PITF wìll be closely monitored by the MPD. Responsibilìty for the conduct of the PITF members, both personally and professionally, shall remain wìth the respective agency dìrectors subject to the provisìons in Section IX (Liability). c. Unilateral Law Enforcement Action There shall be no unìlateral actìon taken on the part of any particìpatìng agency relatìng to PITF activities. All law enforcement actìon will be coordìnated and conducted in a cooperative manner under the direction of the Executive Council and the MPD. IV. PROCEDURES A. Personnel Continued assignment of personnel to the PITF will be based upon performance and will be at the discretion of the respective agency. Each partìcipating agency will be provìded with reports as necessary regarding the program, dìrectìon, and accomplìshment of the PITF. B. Deputation All local and state law enforcement personnel desìgnated to the PITF will be subject to background ìnquiry and will be federally deputìzed, with the United States Marshals Servìce securing the requìred deputatìon authorizatìon. These deputatìons will remaìn in effect throughout the tenure of each officer's assignment to the PITF or until termination of the PITF, whichever occurs first. Each ìndìvìdual deputized as a Specìal Deputy U.S. Marshal will have all necessary law enforcement authority as provìded by 28 U.S.C. § 566(c) and (d); 28 U.S.C. § 564; 18 U.S.C. § 3053; 28 c.F.R. § 0.112, and the deputatìon authority ofthe Deputy Attorney General. The Special Deputy U.S. Marshals will be responsible for 1) performing necessary law enforcement steps to keep the peace ofthe United States; 2) enforcing federal law (e.g., 18 U.S.C. §§ 112, 1116, and 878, as well as other provisions of that tìt1e); 3) protecting vìsìting foreign officials, officìal guests, and internationally protected persons; 4) taking necessary law enforcement steps to prevent vìolatìons of federal1aw, and; 5) enforcing District ofColumbìa law as a result of the deputation (see D.C. Code 22-501 and 28 U.S.C. § 564). Individuals deputized as Special Deputy u.S. Marshals pursuant to this MOU who suffer a disability or dìe as a result of personal ìnjury sustaìned while ìn the performance of his or her duty during the assignment shall be treated as a federal employee as defined by Title 5 U.S.C. § 8101. Any such individuals who apply to the U.S. Department of Labor for federal workers' compensation under § 3374 must submìt a copy ofthìs MOU wìth his or her applicatìon. All applìcants will be processed by the U.S. Department of Labor on a case by case basis in accordance wìth applìcable law and regulatìon. 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. Law Enforcement Activities Since ìt is anticipated that almost all cases origìnating from any PITF arrests will be prosecuted at the state or local level, the law enforcement methods employed by all partìcipatìng law enforcement agencies shall conform to the requirements of such statutory or common law pending a decisìon as to a change of venue for prosecution. D. Prosecution The criteria for determìning whether to prosecute a particular violation in federal or state court will focus upon achieving the greatest overall benefit to law enforcement and the community. Any question, which arises pertaìning to prosecutorial jurisdìction, will be resolved through the Executìve Council. The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Dìstrict of Columbia has agreed to formally participate in the PITF and will adopt polìcies and seek sentences that meet the needs of justice. V. AD MINISTRA TIVE A. Records and Reports All records and reports generated by PITF members shall be routed through the Tactical Team Commander who shall be responsible for maintaìning custody and proper dissemination of saìd records as he or she deems appropriate. B. Staff Briefings Periodic briefings on PITF law enforcement actions will be provided to the directors of the partìcìpating agencies or their designees. Statistìcs regarding accomplishments will also be provided to the particìpating agencies as avaìlable. VI. MEDIA All medìa releases pertaìning to PITF law enforcement activity and/or arrests wìll be coordinated by all participants of this MOD. No unilateral press releases will be made by any partìcìpating agency without the prior approval of the Executive Councìl. No ìnformatìon pertaìning to the PITF itself will be released to the medìa wìthout mutual approval of all partìcipants. VII. EQUIPMENT A. PITF Vehicles Each participating agency, pending avaì1abìlity and ìndividual agency policy, agrees and authorizes PITF members to use vehìcles, when avaìlable, owned or leased by those participatìng agencies, in connection wìth PITF law enforcement operatìons. In turn, each partìcipatìng agency agrees to be responsìble for any negligent act or omìssion on the part of its agency or its employees, and for any lìabìlity resulting from the misuse of slid vehicles, as well as any damage incurred to 3 I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I those vehicles as a result of any such negligent act or omissìon on the part of the partìcipating agency or ìts employees, subject to the provisìons of Section IX (Liabilìty). Partìcipating agency vehicles assigned to the PITF are subject to fundìng avai1abilìty, are provided at the dìscretion ofthe supervìsor ofthe providing agency, and will be used only by PITF members. Vehicles provided by particìpating agencies will be used only during working hours and wìl1 not be used for transportatìon to and fÌom work by task force members or used for any other purpose. Partìcipatìng agencies will provide maintenance and upkeep of their vehicles consìstent wìth each agency's polìcy. Vehicles provided as pool vehicles for PITF use will be parked at the end of each shift at a location determined by the Tactical Team Commander or hislher designee. B. Other Equipment Other equipment furnished by any agency for use by other agencies' particìpating personnel shall be returned to the origìnatìng agency upon terminatìon of the PITF or this MOU. VIII. FUNDING The City ofVirgìnìa Beach agrees to provide the full-tìme services ofìts respective polìce department personnel for the duratìon of this operatìon, and to assume all personnel costs for theìr PITF representatives, ìncludìng salaries, overtìme payments, and mnge benefits consìstent with theìr respectìve agency policies and procedures. Reimbursement for the cost of such personnel will be made by the Dìstrict of Columbia, with funds provìded by the Unìted States and fÌom general revenue. IX. LIABILITY Unless specifically addressed by the terms of this MOU, the parties agree to be responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissìons oftheir respectìve employees. Legal representation by the United States is determìned by the Department of Justice on a case-by-case basìs. There is no guarantee that the United States will provide legal representatìon to any federal, state or local law enforcement officer. Congress has provìded that the exclusìve remedy for the neglìgent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the United States government, acting within the scope of employment, shall be an action agaìnst the United States under the Federal Tort C1aìms Act (FTCA), 28 U.S.C. § 2679(b )(2). For the 1imìted purpose of defending claims arisìng out ofPITF actìvìty, state or local law enforcement officers who have been specially deputized as U.S. Marshals and who are acting withìn the course and scope of theìr officìa1 duties and assignments pursuant to this MOU, may be considered an "employee" ofthe United States government as defined in 28 U.S.C. 2671. It ìs the posìtion ofthe Department of Justìce Cìvìl Dìvìsìon Torts Branch that such indìvidua1s are federal employees for these purposes. Under the Federal Employees Liability Reform and Tort Compensation Act of 1988 (commonly known as the Westfall Act), 28 US.C. § 2679(b)(1), the Attorney General or his 4 r--- - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I designee may certìfy that an ìndivìdual defendant acted wìthìn the scope of employment at the time of the incident giving rise to the suit. Id., 28 U.S.C. § 2679(d)(2). The United States can then be substituted for the employee as the sole defendant with respect to any tort claìms. 28 u.S.C. § 2679(d)(2). If the United States is substituted as defendant, the ìndividual employee is thereby protected uom suit. If the Attorney General declines to certify that an employee was actìng within the scope of employment, "the employee may at any time before trial petition the court to find and certìfy that the employee was actìng wìthin the scope of his office or employment." 28 U.S.C. § 2679(d)(3). Lìability for any negligent or willful acts ofPITF employees, undertaken outside the terms of this MOU will be the sole responsibility ofthe respective employee and agency involved. Liability for violations of federal constitutiona11aw rests wìth the individual federal agent or officer pursuant to Bivens v. Six Unknown Agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971), or pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for state and local officers or cross-deputìzed federal officers. Both state and federal officers enjoy qualìfied ìmmunity from suit for constitutional torts ìnsofar as theìr conduct does not violate "clearly establìshed statutory or constìtutìonal rights of which a reasonable person would have known." Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800 (1982). PITF officers may request representation by the u.S. Department of Justice for cìvìl suits against them in their ìndìvìdual capacìties for actìons taken wìthin the scope of employment. 28 C.F.R. § 50.15,50.16. An employee may be provìded representation when the actìons for whìch representation ìs requested reasonably appear to have been performed within the scope of the employee's employment and the Attorney General or his designee determines that providing representation would otherwise be in the interest of the United States. 28 C.F.R. § 50.15(a). A PITF officer's written request for representation should be dìrected to the Attorney General and provìded to the Counsel of the United States Marshals Servìce dìvision coordinating with the PITF. The Counsel will then forward the representation request to the United States Marshals Service's Office of General Counsel together wìth a letterhead memorandum concerning the factual basis of the lawsuit. The United States Marshals Service Office of General Counsel will then forward the request to the Cìvil Dìvìsìon of the Department of Justice together wìth an agency recommendatìon concerning scope of employment and Department representatìon. 28 C.F.R. § 50.15(a)(3). If a PITF officer ìs found to be liable for a constitutional tort, he/she may request indemnification from the Department of Justice to satìsfy an adverse judgment rendered agaìnst the employee ìn hislher ìndìvidual capacity. 28 C.F.R. § 50.15(c)(4). The criteria for payment are substantially simìlar to those used to determine whether a federal employee is entitled to Department of Justìce representation under 28 C.F.R. § 50.15(a). 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I x. DURATION This MOU shall remaìn in effect until terminated as specified above, unless that date ìs modified as set forth ìn Section XI. Continuation of the MOU shall be subject to the avai1abilìty of necessary funding. This agreement may be terminated at any time by any of the partìcipating agencies, including the United States Marshals Servìce. The Cìty ofVirgìnia Beach may wìthdraw from this MOU at any tìme by providìng a seven-day written notice of its intent to wìthdraw to the MPD. Upon the termìnation of the MOU, all equìpment will be returned to the supplying agencies XI. MODIFICATIONS The terms of this MOU may be modified at any time with written the consent of all parties. Modifications to this MOU shall have no force and effect unless such modificatìons are reduced to writing and signed by an authorized representative of each partìcìpating agency. XII. LIMITATION Nothing ìn this MOU is intended to, or shall be construed to, create enforceable rights in third parties. JAMES K. SPORE, CITY MANAGER CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH CHARLES H. RAMSEY, CHIEF OF POLICE WASHINGTON, D.c., METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT KENNETH L. W AINSTEIN UNITED STATES ATTORNEY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BENIGNO G. REYNA DIRECTOR, UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~.~~ ft :t<-.. ~~\\) \u , ..» ~,\~ ijJ ~~'l ~ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Amend Chapters 1-2, 6-3, 6-5, 6-30, 6-114, and 31-28 of the City Code Pertaining to the Definition of Resort Season MEETING DATE: January 4, 2005 . Background: The resort season has traditionally been defined as Memorial Day to labor Day. However, there are many sections of the City Code that have conflicting dates defining the resort season, which makes enforcement of each specific City Code section difficult and confusing for enforcement officials. Furthermore, over the past several resort seasons two major developments have occurred, including the extension of the resort season and expansion of the beach. Recent occupancy studies have shown that more than 50% of all tourists visit the City during the months of September to May. This trend indicates the traditional "shoulder" seasons are becoming more popular for vacation travel, and the City is heading towards a more year-round travel destination. Operation Big Beach has also expanded the shoreline to a total of 300 feet. The expanded beach allows more visitors to enjoy normal beach activities such as sun bathing, swimming, throwing Frisbees and ball playing. . Considerations: Since the "shoulder" seasons are expanding and there is more room on the beach for traditional beach activities, the definition of resort season should be changed to May 1 to September 30. As a result, several code provisions that were enacted as public safety measures to restrict or limit use of the beach and resort area amenities need to be amended to reflect these new trends as well as unifying the definition of resort season in the separate City Code sections. Provisions relating to playing ball and throwing Frisbees need to be relaxed while provisions regulating fishing, animals on the beach, and launching recreational vehicles need to be tightened to reflect the expanded resort season. . Public Information: In March this issue was reviewed with the Resort Advisory Commission and recommended to City Council for the following season. A comment was received by a resident concerned about the impact on residents with a shorter season in which dogs are allowed on the beach, and asking for installation of a doggy park on Beach Garden Park. The future use of Beach Garden Park is also under consideration with the possible expansion of the Virginia Beach Middle School. Further public information on the Resort Season definition is to be provided through the normal agenda process. . Alternatives: Create a new definition of resort season or do not adopt ordinance . Recommendations: Adopt Ordinance . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval of Ordinance Submitting DepartmentlAgenc~: ~onvention and Visitor's Bureau City Manager~ h ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE TO DEFINE THE TERM "RESORT SEASON" AND INCORPORATE THE TERM IN CERTAIN ORDINANCES AND TO AMEND PROVISIONS OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO PROHIBITED BEACH ACTIVITIES DURING THE RESORT SEASON SECTIONS AMENDED: City Code Sections 1-2, 6-3, 6-5, 6-30, 6-114 and 31-28 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Sections 1-2, 6-3, 6-5, 6-30, 6-114 and 31-28 of the City 16 Code are hereby amended and reordained, to read as follows: 17 Sec. 1-2. Definitions and rules of construction. 18 In the interpretation and construction of this Code and of all 19 ordinances of the city, the following definitions and rules of 20 construction shall be observed, unless they are inconsistent with 21 the manifest intent of the councilor the context clearly requires otherwise: . . . . Resort season. The term "resort season" shall mean the time beginning May 1 and ending September 30 of each year. COMMENT This amendment defines "Resort Season" as the period between May 1 sl and September 30th of each year. . . . . Sec. 6-3. Playing ball, using frisbee, etc., on bcach in certain areas prohibited. ( a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in ball playing or the use of a frisbee or any activity of like kind which I I 36 I 37 38 I 39 I 40 41 I 42 II 43 44 I 45 46 I 47 I 48 49 I 50 I 51 52 I 53 I 54 55 I 56 57 I 58 I 59 60 I I may endanger the safety of others on the o~nd be~eh, the sandy portion of the beach area between the surf and the area east of the lifeguard stands, the boardwalk and the grassy area west of the boardwalk to the property lines from C~mp Pendleton Rudee Inlet on the south to 42nd Street on the north from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekends and holidays ~ Hemori~l D~y Wee]cend through L~bor D~y Weekend during the resort season of e.J.ch ye~r . For the o~nd be~ch ~re~ bet'.;een C~mp Pendleton ~nd Rudee Inlet, ]mm;n ~o Cro~t~n I3e~ch, thio oection oh~ll ~pply only on T.;eekendo ~nd holid~yo 10.00 ~.m. to 6.00 p.m. during the reoort oe~oon ~nd oh~ll not ~pply to the ~re~o on Cro~t~n I3e~ch ~o referenced in p~r~gr~ph (b) belovo (b) For purpooeo of thio oection, Hemori~l D~y Weekend oh~ll be deemed to commence ~t 6.00 p.m. the Prid~y before Hemori~l D~y ~nd L~bor D~y Wee]cend oh~ll be deemed to end ~t 6.00 p. m. L~bor Bay-. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in ball playing or the use of a frisbee or any activity of like kind which may endanger the safety of others on the sand beach area between Camp Pendleton and Rudee Inlet, known as Croatan Beach, on weekends and holidays 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. during the resort season. ( c) The city his designee is authorized manager or to designate locations within the sand beach forth in area set subsection (a) of this section where activities such as playing ball or using a frisbee or any activity of like kind may be allowed. Such areas shall be designated with appropriate markers. 2 I I 61 62 I 63 64 65 I 66 67 68 I 69 70 I 71 72 I 73 I 74 75 I 76 77 I 78 ,I 79 80 I 81 I 82 83 I 84 I 85 86 I 87 88 I 89 I I COMMENT This amendment: (1) incorporates the newly - defined term "resort season" into this section; and (2) eliminates the restrictions on using frisbees, playing ball, etc. during the resort season on the portion of the beach between the boardwalk and the lifeguard stands from Camp Pendleton on the south to 4200 Street on the north. In addition, the provisions pertaining to Croatan Beach are relocated in the section. . . . . Sec. 6 - 5 . Animals on beach and adjacent areas. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person who owns or has control of any animal to permit such animal to be on the public sand beaches, the boardwalk the of the or area west grassy boardwalk to the property lines from Rudee Inlet on the south to 42nd Street on the north during the period from 6.00 p.m. on the FridelY before Hemoriell DelY through 6. 00 p. ffi. Lelbor Dell' resort season of eelch yeelr, ouch period hereinelfter referred to elO the "oeeloon". (b) It shall be unlawful for any person who owns or has control of any animal to permit such animal to be on any other public sand beaches within the city during the resort season as defined in § 1. 2 ¡provided, however, that a dog or cat may be permitted on said beaches in the custody of or under the control of a responsible person during the season between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. the following day. (c) It shall be unlawful during the resort season for any person to have in his possession or under his control any animal, other than a dog or cat, on Atlantic Avenue or in the parks and connector streets between Atlantic Avenue and the boardwalk, from 3 I I 90 I 91 92 I 93 94 95 I 96 97 98 I 99 100 101 1102 1103 104 1105 1106 107 1108 109 1110 1111 112 1113 114 115 1116 1117 118 1119 1120 I Rudee Inlet 42nd Street¡ unless to such animal is in an escape-proof container. COMMENT The amendments incorporate the term "resort season" into this section. . . . . Sec. 6-30. Fishing from sand beaches. It shall be unlawful to fish from the sand beaches of the city from 42nd Street to Rudee Inlet between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 weekdays and 1 0 : 0 0 and 6:00 p.m. p.m. weekends and a.m. holidays from Hemori.J.l D.J.Y Weekend through L.J.bor D.J.Y Weekend during the resort season. For purpooeo of thio oection¡ Hemori.J.l D.J.Y Weekend oh.J.ll be deemed to commence .J.t 6.00 p.m. the Frid.J.Y before Hemori.J.l D.J.Y .J.nd L.J.bor D.J.Y Weekend oh.J.ll be deemed to end.J.t 6.00 p.m. L.J.bor D.J.Y. COMMENT The amendments incorporate the term "resort season" into this section. . . . . Sec. 6-114. Restrictions on launching, landing, parking stationing recreational vessels in certain areas. or (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to launch or land a sailboat¡ motorboat¡ motorized personal watercraft, canoe, rowboat, flatboat, kayak, umiak, scull or any other similar recreational vessel on the beach area north of Rudee Inlet to the center line of 42nd Street prolongated eastward, beto,Jeen Hemori.J.l D.J.Y Weekend .J.nd L.J.bor D.J.Y Weekend during the resort season between the hours of 4 1 1 121 1 122 1 124 1 125 1 127 I 128 129 1130 1132 1133 1135 1136 137 1138 1139 140 1141 1142 143 1144 1145 I 123 126 131 134 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. weekdays and 10:00 a.m. and 6: 0 0 p. m . weekends and holidays. The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable to any person who is awarded a contract, based upon competitive procurement principles, to conduct an operation for the rental of designated recreational vessel(s) or to any person who rents a vessel from an authorized rental operator provided the vessel(s) rented is launched so landed within the or area designated in such contract. For of thio oection, purpooeo Hemori.::tl D.::ty Weekend oh.::tll be deemed to commence .::tt 6.00 p.m. the Frid.::ty before Hemori.::tl D.::ty, .::tnd L.::tbor D.::ty Weekend oh.::tll be deemed to end.::tt 6.00 p.m. L.::tbor D.::ty. COMMENT The amendments incorporate the term "resort season" into this section. . . . . Sec. 31-28. Points of collection. . . . . (b) Mobile containers in the resort collection zone may be placed on the curb line of a city right-of-way by 6:00 a.m. on the day of collection. The collection of refuse from any mobile or bulk container by a private contractor in the resort collection zone bet~:een ~pril 15 .::tnd October 15 during the resort season of e.::tch ye.::tr shall be restricted to between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. daily. Any mobile container in the resort collection zone placed on the curb line of a city right-of-way beto.:een .'\.pril 15 .::tnd October 15 5 1 1 1146 147 1148 149 1150 1151 152 1153 154 155 1156 157 1158 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 during the resort season must be removed from said right-of-way no later than 10:00 a.m. If mobile containers are not removed by that time, the city may remove them and take temporary custody of such containers with posted written notice to the property owner as to the location of the containers and the procedure for reclaiming such containers. COMMENT The amendments incorporate the term "resort season" into this section. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, this day of 2005. on CA-8773 wmm\ordres\resortseasondef.doc R-10 December 16, 2004 Content: Approved as to Legal Sufficiency: ~â~ /f!.~ C'ty Attorney's Office 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance to Renew Five Existing Franchises for the Operation of Open Air Cafés in the Resort Area MEETING DATE: January 4,2004 . Background: Since its initial development and implementation, the Open Air Café Program has been very successful, and a number of cafés have been established in the Resort Area. The City's policy and practice has been to grant the initial franchise for a term of one (1) year. If the open air café is operated successfully during the initial one-year term, the City then renews the franchise for terms of five (5) years. . Considerations: Renewals: 1. Courtyard Marriott (2501 Atlantic Avenue) boardwalk café; 2. Black Angus (706 Atlantic Avenue) sidewalk café; Dough Boys 24th Café (2401 Atlantic Avenue) sidewalk café; 3. 4. Albie's Pizza (200 21 st Street) side street café; 5. Planet Pizza (812 Atlantic Avenue) sidewalk café. . Public Notice: A public hearing has been advertised in accordance with Va. Code § 15.2-1800. . Recommendations: Approval of ordinance. If City Council approves the attached ordinance, the granting of the franchises will be contingent upon the respective Grantees' execution of an Open Air Café Franchise Agreement, and compliance with the terms and conditions thereof. . Attachments: Ordinance Recommended Action: Approval ' Submitting Department/Agency: Virginia Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau f(~ City Manager: ~ 'Ie ~~ I I I II , I I I I !I :1 I I I :1 I I I I I I I I 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 AN ORDINANCE TO RENEW FIVE EXISTING FRANCHISES FOR THE OPERATION OF OPEN AIR CAFES IN THE RESORT AREA WHEREAS, the following businesses (hereinafter "Grantees") wish to renew 7 existing franchise agreements for the operation of open air cafés at the oceanfront: 8 1. Courtyard Marriott Café (2501 Atlantic Avenue) boardwalk café; 9 2. Black Angus (706 Atlantic Avenue) sidewalk café; Albie's Pizza (200 21st Street) side street café; 10 3. 11 4. Dough Boys 24th Café (2401 Atlantic Avenue) sidewalk café; and 12 5. Planet Pizza Café (812 Atlantic Avenue) sidewalk café; 13 WHEREAS, the City has developed a franchise agreement for the regulation of 14 open air cafés that each of the above-listed Grantees will be required to execute as a 15 condition of franchise renewal; and 16 WHEREAS, based upon each Grantee's successful operation of an open air café 17 pursuant to a franchise during the past year, the Virginia Beach Convent¡on and Visitors 18 Bureau recommends a five-year renewal of the franchise of each of the foregoing 19 Grantees. 20 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 21 1. That a franchise is hereby granted to each of the above-listed Grantees to operate an open air café at the address indicated herein from May 1, 2005, to April 30, 2010, conditioned on each Grantee's execution of a franchise agreement and compliance with all of the terms and conditions thereof. 1 I I 26 I 27 I 28 29 ,I 30 II 31 32 : I 33 34 35 I 36 37 38 I 39 40 41 I 42 43 44 I I I I I I I I I 2. That the City Manager, or his duly authorized designee, is hereby authorized to enter into a five (5) year franchise agreement with each Grantee. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of ,2005. CA-9468 F:\Users\ VValldej\WP\BZA \openairord.doc R-1 December 2, 2004 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: v APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: City Attorney's Office 2 I I I I II ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~\ .{..!' .~~~.~.'.'l.> pr. \'@ì (5: . 1'\ H~ . :;J n. ':0 "II!IIIIr /. ~.. ;':\1o,,~J,":. ~-.:;...J CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: An Ordinance Amending the Resort Advisory Commission Bylaws Pertaining to the Composition of the Commission Membership MEETING DATE: January 4, 2005 . Background: On September 28, 2004, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2840 amending City Code Section 2-6(c) regarding the appointment of members to Resort Advisory Commission (the "RAC"). The ordinance required City Council to appoint at least one member from each of the following organizations: Virginia Beach Hotel/Motel Association, Virginia Beach Restaurant Association, Resort Retailers Association, Virginia Beach Division of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, and Virginia Beach Council of Civic Organizations. . Considerations: The RAC bylaws were not revised to reflect the September 28, 2004 amendment. Accordingly, the bylaws are inconsistent with Section 2-6(c) of the City Code. Article II, Section 1 of the bylaws has been revised to achieve consistency with the provisions of City Code Section 2-6(c). A copy of the revised section of the bylaws is attached. . Public Information: Information will be provided through the normal agenda request process. . Alternatives: If the ordinance is not adopted, the RAC bylaws will continue to be inconsistent with City Code Section 2-6(c). . Recommendations: Adopt the ordinance. . Attachments: Ordinance; Article II, Section 1 of the RAC Bylaws Recommended Action: Approval of Ordinance Submitting Department/Agency: Convention & Visitors Bureau City Manager: ~ ¥-- ' ~ ~ I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I 24 25 -----------------~ - -.- - ----- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION BYLAWS PERTAINING TO THE COMPOSITION OF THE COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP WHEREAS, by ordinance adopted on August 29, 1988, the City Council of the City 11 of Virginia Beach (the "City Council") added Section 2-6 of the City Code pertaining to the 12 Resort Advisory Commission ("RAC"); 13 WHEREAS, Section 2-6 of the City Code provides, among other things. that the 14 governance and the administration of the RAC shall be in accordance with its b~tlaws; 15 WHEREAS, on September 28,2004, the City Council adopted Ordinance 2840, 16 which amended Section 2-6 (c) of the City Code by requiring City Council to appoint at 17 least one member from each of the following organizations: Virginia Beach Hotel/Motel 18 Association, Virginia Beach Restaurant Association, Resort Retailers Association, Virginia 19 Beach Division of Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, and Virginia Beach Council of 20 Civic Organizations; 21 WHEREAS, Article II, Section 1 of the RAC bylaws pertaining to the composition of 22 the RAC membership was not revised to reflect the September 28, 2004, amendment to 23 Section 2-6(c), and is now inconsistent with the City Code; WHEREAS, amendments to the RAC bylaws require the approval of City Council; and 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 26 WHEREAS, City staff recommends that Article II, Section 1 of the RAC bylaws be 27 amended to achieve consistency with the City Code, and Council is of the opinion that the 28 amendment is necessary. 29 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 30 31 That the amendment to the RAG bylaws is hereby approved in the form as attached 32 hereto. 33 COMMENT 34 35 36 37 38 The attached amendment makes the RAC bylaws consistent with Section 2-6(c) of the City Code which requires Council to appoint at least one member from each of the above-cited organizations. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day 39 of ,2005. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Approved as to Content: CA-9470 H :\P &A \G G\ord& res\P roposed\RACbyla ws2005. ord. doc December 15, 2004 R-1 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I :1 I i I RESORT ADVISORY COMMISSION BYLA WS ARTICLE I PURPOSE ARTICLE II MEMBERS Section 1. Number. The Commìssion shall consist of at least eleven (11), but not more than nineteen (19), members appointed by City Councìl and ffiftY shall ìnc1ude tI: at least one member from each of the following associatìons: the Virginìa Beach HotellMotel Associatìon, the Vìrginia Beach Restaurant Associatìon, the Resort Retaìlers Association, the Virginìa Beach Division of the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, and the Virgìnia Beach Council of Cìvic Organizations. Finally, the Commìssion shall include at least three (3) desìgn professionals who have expertise in the fields of architecture, urban design, land use planning, landscape archìtecture, transportation planning, or other desìgn fields ìmportant to realizing the purpose of the Commìssion. All nominccs shall be appointed by City Council. These Bylaws [as amended] are hereby adopted as of this ~ 4th day of Junc, 2004 January. 2005, by the Councìl of the City of Virginia Beach, Vìrginia. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: Appeal from the decision of the Planning Director to deny the request of Susan Krohn for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a sign in the Historic and Cultural District at the Village Shops at Rose Hall, 3157 Virginia Beach Boulevard. MEETING DATE: January 4,2005 . Background: Ms. Susan Krohn owns 'Worth the Wait," a women's consignment shop. She desires to move the store from its present location at 2870 Virginia Beach Boulevard to the Village Shops at Rose Hall, 3157 Virginia Beach Boulevard, adjacent to the Francis Land House. The new location in the Village Shops at Rose Hall is zoned B-2 Community Business District with the Historic and Cultural District Overlay. Ms. Krohn would like to erect a new sign on the building and has replaced the faces of two existing signs. Because the site is located within a Historic and Cultural District and the proposed new sign requires a building permit, a Certificate of Appropriateness is required under Section 1303 of the City Zoning Ordinance. Under that section, the Historic Review Board and the Planning Director review requests for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Where the Planning Director denies a Certificate of Appropriateness, the appeal is to the City Council. Ms. Krohn met with the Historic Review Board on October 21st and again on November 18th. At both meetings the proposed sign plans for three signs were presented. Two existing small signs, 1.5' by 12', were proposed to be replaced with new sign faces. One new, larger sign measuring 1'-11.5" by 16'- 1.5" was proposed to be installed between the two smaller signs. Since the color purple is a logo for Ms. Krohn's store, all of the proposed signage was in purple lettering. The Historic Review Board recommends that the lettering for all of Ms. Krohn's signs be black rather than purple. Ms. Krohn submitted a revised sign package to the Planning Director showing the two smaller signs with black lettering, but retaining the purple color for the larger central sign. The two smaller signs have been installed with the black lettering. . Considerations: The Planning Director supports the recommendation of the Historic Review Board and approved Ms. Krohn's sign package with the stipulation that all lettering be black. The Planning Director concluded that the color purple is not in keeping with the character of this Historic and Cultural District and is not compatible with the red brick of the building. The proposed signage would be located on the portion of the commercial building directly fronting Virginia Beach Boulevard and would be larger than any other sign on the building, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Appeal of Susan Krohn Page 2 of 2 making it highly visible. The building is composed of all earth tone colors and the freestanding sign for the shops is light gray and white. Purple signage would present a considerable contrast. The Planning Director is not opposed to the small house and flower logos on the sign containing the color purple. . Recommendations: It is recommended that the decision of the Historic Review Board be upheld and that black lettering be required on the signage. . Attachments: Letter of Appeal from Susan Krohn Disclosure Statement Location Map Plan of Proposed Signage Recommended Action: Denial of Appeal Submitting Department! Agency: Planning Department~ CnyManager~ ÌL~~ I I I I I I I Mr. Robert J. Scott Department of PlanDing 2405 Courthouse Drive Rooxn 115 VÍl'gUúB. Beach. VA 23456 December 11. 2004 Re: Worth The Wait Signage Dear Mr. Scott I have been told by Robert Davi8 that xny only xneans of appeal regarding xny request for signage u: to coxne before City Council. Therefore. I am requesting to be put on the soonest City Council xneeting agenda possible. As you knoW". I have been trying desperately. since SepteInber. to resolve the signage iSSue for xny business. Worth The Wait I I II I I I I I I I I I xnust tell you that this has been the xnost frustrating and unbelievable process ima.giDable. I am the owner of a very upscale. fashionable W"oxnen's apparel han.dbag, jewelry and accessory store and xny signage request has been reasonable and coxnpatible "With any area ofVÍl'gUúB. Beach. W"hether mstorical or otherwise. To revieW". In SepteJnber Stan Stollings froxn Cardinal Sign tried to get a pel'Il1it to install a sign on xny buûd.ing. He W"Bs told that he needed to obtain a Certiñcate of Appropriateness froxn the Va Beach Historical Society and that group only xnet on the 3'" Thursday of each month. We W"ere put on theÍl' agenda for October and presented our request. It W"Bs turned down by this group for 2 reasons. They said it W"Bs too big (even though it W"Bs "Within. the city's allotted sq footage) and they didn't like the backlit letters. In November. alter W"aiting an entire xnonth. W"e brought a neW" request that addressed their concerns. We reduced the siZe by 4 feet and took aW"ay the backlit letters. This tiIne I attended the xneeting and tried very hard to COInInunicate xny concerns. I found the group unW':i1hng to listen. not interested in W"hat I had to say and the entire clim8.te bordered on rudeness. Once again. xny request W"Bs turned down by a vote that neither L Stan Stollings or Robert Davi8 understood. A ruling W"B8 u:sued that hInited xne to all black signage iDstead of the purple I W"Bs requesting even though the COInInent W"Bs made several tim.es during the xneeting that . color W"Bs not an iSSue: To put it Inildly. I W"Bs shocked This decision W"Bs arbitrary, un£a.ir and to put it bluntly, clisCr:iIn.inatory, since several other reta.ûers in the Rose Hall Shoppes have varied colored signs ranging from red. cliJI'erent shades o£ blue. green. brown. etc. I then contacted xny councûman J:iIn Wood and xny Jandlord Gerald Cox to ask their advice on the InB.tter. They made soxne calls on xny behalf and a feW" days later I received a call from Robert Davi8 telling xne to p1ea.se resubmit my origmal request for signage directly to hiIn. and he W"ould be taking it directly to Bob Scott. He told me that he personally felt very badly at hoW" I had been treated. that the meeting had actually been audiotaped and it W"ould be clear to anyone that I had tried to address every concern the group had but that they just W"eren't interested. He seemed very hopeful that theÍl' decision W"ould be reversed and gave me every reason to hope for the same thing. He also told me that I W"ould not have to go before the Historical Society again- I W"B.s made to W"ait several W"eeks more until I received the call from Mr. Davis last W"eek that once again ID.y request had been denied and that ID.Y purple logo W"B.s not acceptable and I W"B.s being held to theÍl' decision o£ all black signage. Needless to say. I W"B.s shocked and very disappointed. I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I have been told by several knowledgeable people. inCluding Gerald Cox who was the architect of the Rose HaJl Shoppes and Business Center. that the color purple :is actuslly on the palette of the 18'" Century architectural standards and sinCe so many other colors are sJready used there on signage. it was not understa.ndable what the objection W'SS or why I - unlike any other retaûer - was being hInited to all b1a.ck signage. I have had a lease on this location since SepteIn.ber I" and plan a Grand Opening of January 10'" - and because of this long and confusing process. after almog{: 5 months I gfj)), have no signage on my business. I sUnply v.1ill not accept that I have to have a big black sign on an upscale women's apparel boutique. If this :is mch a restricted area there should be clear cut guidehnes as to what would be acceptable in regard to color. typestyle. siZe. ate and given to an incoIDing bn~nes.C! owner at the begiDDIDg. There :is no criteria. standards or guidehnes for anyone doing bl1~ne~ in this district to follow. It seems to be whether this select group likes. it or not It :is sUnply not fair. I have tried to play by the rules. attend then- scheduled meetings. address their concerns - W'ithout any clear cut direction from anyone as to what would be acceptable or not It has been impossible.. I have entertained retaining an attorney or going to the newspaper - but decided agamst it in favor of trying to resolve this quietly and equitably. I gfj)), hope to do this in this manner. Thank you for listening. I v.1ill await your reply as to when I can come before City Council to appeal this decisiOn. Mog{: respectfully. Susan Krohn Owner. Worth The Wait 2870 Virg:iIúa Beach Blvd. Va Beach. VA 23452 757-288-4407 cc: Mr. WilliaIn Ma.cauli. City Attorney's O£D.ce Mr. Jim Wood. City Council Mr. Stan Stollings. Cardinal Signs Mr. Gerald Cox I . .. . .. . . . . . . . (, 16', I",," lli.. """"'\~ì : f --ill¡warth .. . . . . . . . . ~{;E ..! . .. E / I 12' - IT :wait OGAIE, y.'. I'. <y' '-'.--.-"'.".'-'."'1 \Vomen's Fine Consignlnent.s J)esigner Uøudbøßs fir Jewelry fir A(,,',essories í\'fof,eruif,y fir Shoes fir Unusual Gilb $J~NLA CHANNEL NEON LETTERS & LOGO - MOUNTED ON A RACEWAY SlGN;JJ&C WALL SIGN . ILLUMINATED - FLAT FACE . ~ PROPERTY OF CUdí1tal SIGN CORPORATION 2628 DEAN DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23452 (757)486-3412 FAX (757) 486-7658 E.MÁIL: sstolllnvscarcßnals/gn@mln.com CLlENT:I'X>RfH {HE WAif CLIENT APPROVAl.:. DESIGN NO:JZäCKIL_SCALEUIL:. I', ~, DESIGNER:.IWL-...- DATE'~' SAlESMAN:~..".51<>1IUJa> . ......... SIGN lOCATION:"""" - REVISION DATE:."""""( < ..".04 "'.24.<14 110...,.. "".04 "'M4 ".1&"" I I 1\----- \'=-'" \ ,'Ù ~. " ,\, i.\ ~ \ \\ ,J~' \~\.,/~., ~ v/" ' '" )~Q ...?:jì ~ /. ;/?-'" '\ ~\ "\/ \ \, 1 \\ \ '\.~ \\ iJ \\ '\ " :" It \ 1\ ',I ',,< 1,', I I I I I I I I I " \' \, ' j , >l) ~, <') " 0, 'â c;;\ ..J, ~', '1:-' (,) '" w ~ '" ~ (§ ~ ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 38- 'I I I Item V-L6. PLANNING ITEM # 53268 Upon molron by Vice Mayor Joner. \econded by Councllmall Reeve, CIlI' Council DEFERRED u"tll tile CIty Council Session of January 4. 2005. Ordl1lanceupan applrwt/fJ1I ()fH&A ENTERPRISES, LLc.lora Cnndmol1al Change o/Zonlng and a Condlllonal Use Permtt I ORDINANCE UPO~ APPLICATION. OF H&4 ENTERPRISES LL C FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRiCT CLASSTFTCATfON FROM R-15 TO CONDITIONAL B-2 I I 01dznance upon ApplicatIOn oj H&4 EJlterpflsej, L L C tor a Change OfZOmT1!l District ClasslficalW1l {tom R-7 5 R~ldelltlal DlStllct to C'ondmonal B-2 rommllnar Bu~mes\ DI~trzcr on the southeast' arliE" oj Independence Boule\ m d and Smof..er Road fGPfNS 1479330l94{JOOOU,14793302900000j The ComprehensIve Plan de.\lgnate\ llll\ :.Ile a\ being part afthe Prunan: Restdentwl Area, sul/able for approprlatl?h located mbllrhan 1 t'!JlCII!IIlIlJI and non-H'sidentral rises consl~tent Ullh the pollC'lt'j of thl! Col1lprl!he1t!J,,'e Plan DISTRiCT 4 - B4Y5lDE I I I I I I I I I I AND. ORD/NANCE UPON 4PPLlCATJON OF H&A ENTERPRISES FOR A CONDlTlOl'VAL USE PERMIT FOR MOTOR VEHICLE SALES Ordinance UpOIl AppllcatJon of H&A Entel prrje~ {w a C Olle/Illonal Use Permit for motor vehIcle raler all property located 011 rhe soltthea:.t cO! ner of Independence BOIÛe1'aid and Smoke\ Road (GPINS 1479330/9400000 14793302900000j DISTRICT 4 - B 4 YSIDE Votlllg 9-0 (By Consent) COllIICll Members Yotrng Aye Harry E DlezeJ, Robert M D.....er, V,ce Mayor Louz.\ R Jmles Rehü S M, Clallall, Mayor Merera E Oberndorf. Jim Ree1'e. Peter IV Schmidt. ROll A Villanueva and Rosemary W'¡son Cmlllcll Members Voting Nay None COltnCIJ Membet:; Ab..ent Rrchard A Maddox and James L Wood I I Nm;embeJ 23 1004 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH AGENDA ITEM ITEM: H&A Enterprises - Change of Zoning District Classification and Conditional Use Permit MEETING DATE: January 4, 2005 . Background: (a) An Ordinance upon Application of H&A Enterprises, LLC. for a Chanae of Zonina District Classification from R-7.5 Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District on the southeast corner of Independence Boulevard and Smokey Road (GPINS 147933019400000;14793302900000). DISTRICT 4 - BAYSIDE (b) An Ordinance upon Application of H&A Enterprises for a Conditional Use Permit for motor vehicle sales on property located on the southeast corner of Independence Boulevard and Smokey Road (GPINS 147933019400000;14793302900000). DISTRICT 4 - BAYSIDE On November 23, 2004, at the request of the applicant, the City Council deferred these items to the January 4, 2005 hearing. . Considerations: The applicant proposes to expand an existing motor vehicle sales facility by incorporating into the existing lot approximately 11,000 square feet of vacant property that is adjacent and to the south of the existing facility. The site plan depicts a vehicle display area of approximately 6,000 square feet. Staff concludes that this request is an inappropriate land use intrusion into a solid block of residentially zoned properties. The proposed zoning is incompatible with the long established single-family residential neighborhood adjacent to this site. While the property to the south of the subject site is currently being used for a commercial use, it is appropriately zoned residential. The existing fortune teller operation at that location is a non-conforming use - a use that has existed for many years and is out of character and contrary to the property's current zoning. It must be noted that the fortune teller's structure is residential in character and that the operation does not generate significant amounts of traffic. Moreover, as a non-conforming use, at some point in the future, the commercial use of the property will cease to exist and residential use will be returned. However, if the applicant's requests were to be approved, the non-conforming use would be given legitimacy and pressure to develop toward the south in a strip commercial I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H&A Enterprises, LL.C. Page 2 of 2 development pattern along this portion of Independence Boulevard would undoubtedly increase. Staff's position is that the appropriate and logical stopping point for any commercial or office development is where it is currently located: at the northeast corner of "Smokey Road" and Independence Boulevard. The adjacent and surrounding residential properties are somewhat "challenged" and this use is viewed as intrusive and incompatible with the single-family nature of the adjacent neighborhood and potentially disruptive to the work that has been done by the City's Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development over the past decade to improve the housing stock and quality of life for residents along this portion of Independence Boulevard. The Gracetown neighborhood, formerly designated as a "Target Neighborhood," has overcome many challenges regarding the provision of basic City services to its residents. Federal, state and local funding has enabled this neighborhood to receive basic services and improvements commonplace in most neighborhoods such as decent and affordable housing, paved streets, public utilities, stormwater drainage systems, and sidewalks. This neighborhood has continued to evolve and stabilize since the completion of these infrastructure improvements. Additional commercial expansion into the neighborhood could jeopardize and negatively impact this progress. There was opposition to the proposal. . Recommendations: The Planning Commission passed a motion by a recorded vote of 6-5 to deny the requests. . Attachments: Staff Review Disclosure Statement Planning Commission Minutes Location Map Recommended Action: Staff recommends denial. Planning Commission recommends denial. Submitting Department/Agency: Planning Department ~~ City Manage~ \- :ðß ~ I ;1 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H&A ENTERPRISES, L.L.C. Agenda Items # 24 & 25 October 13, 2004 Public Hearing Staff Planner: Carolyn AK. Smith The following report is prepared by the staff of the Virginia Beach Department of Planning to provide data, information, and professional land use recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City Council to assist them in making a decision regarding this application. Location and General Information REQUEST: 24) Chanqe of Zoninq District Classification from R-7.5 Residential District to Conditional B-2 Community Business District. 25) Conditional Use Permit for motor vehicle sales. LOCATION: Property located at 1608 Independence Boulevard. 14793311110000; 14793302900000; 14793301830000 GPIN: COUNCIL ELECTION DISTRICT: 4 - BA YSIDE , ' n\" ' ",": ," " " , "",. . H & A ENTERPRISES Agenda Items # 24:&25 , , Ppge 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE SIZE: EXISTING LAND USE: 30,259 square feet - existing motor vehicle sales lot; 2,699 square feet - "Smokey Road" lot; 8,652 square feet - proposed motor vehicle display parcel. Total acreage to be rezoned to Conditional B- 2 with a Conditional Use Permit for motor vehicle sales includes 11,351 square feet (both "Smokey Road" lot and the vehicle display area lot). The parcel is vacant and exists primarily as a grassed lot. The portion of this request known as "Smokey Road" has an existing asphalt drive. This portion of "Smokey Road" is private property. SURROUNDING North: LAND USE AND ZONING: South: NATURAL RESOURCE AND CULTURAL FEATURES: AICUZ: East: . Motor vehicle sales, bank / B-2 Community Business District . Single-family dwelling with fortune teller operation I R-7.5 Residential District . Single-family dwellings, multifamily I R- 7.5 Residential District . Independence Boulevard . Office / 0-2 Office District, B-2 Community Business District West: There are no significant environmental features on these parcels. The property is located in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The site is in an AICUZ of less than 65dB Ldn surrounding NAS Oceana. Summary of Proposa The applicant is proposing to expand an existing motor vehicle sales facility by incorporating into the existing lot approximately 11,000 square feet of vacant property that is adjacent and to the south of the existing facility. A Conditional Rezoning request and a Conditional Use Permit (for the motor vehicle sales) have been submitted. The site plan depicts a display area of approximately 6,000 square feet to place additi(?Q§1 " . . . ,,_. . . H & A ENTERPRISES Agenda Items # 24 & 25 Page 2 I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I vehicles for sale. It is not clear how many vehicles would be able to be displayed as the submitted plan does not fully depict all landscaping requirements for the display area (This is not atypical, as final engineered plans are not normally drawn until City Council approval; however, as this site is small and adjacent to residential properties, these issues bear more importance). - The following represent the significant issues identified by the staff concerning this request. Staff's evaluation of the request is largely based on the degree to which these issues are adequately addressed. . Compatibility with surrounding land uses and zonings. . Consistency with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. Comprehensive Plan ,"" The Comprehensive Plan recognizes these parcels as being within the Primary Residential Area. The land use planning policies and principles for the Primary Residential Area focus strongly on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area. In a general sense, this means that the established type, size, and relationship of land use, both residential and non-residential, in and around these neighborhoods should serve as a guide when considering future development. H & A ENTERPRISES Agenda;ltems # 24~&25 ~.~9ê:3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The following are proffers submitted by the applicant as part of a Conditional Zoning Agreement (CZA). The applicant, consistent with Section 107(h) of the City Zoning Ordinance, has voluntarily submitted these proffers in an attempt to "offset identified problems to the extent that the proposed rezoning is acceptable," (§1 07(h)(1». Should this application be approved, the proffers will be recorded at the Circuit Court and serve as conditions restricting the use of the property as proposed with this change of zoning. PROFFER # 1 PROFFER # 2 PROFFER # 3 PROFFER # 4 Staff Evaluation of Proffers: Development of the site will conform to the preliminary site plan of additional parking for" Autoland" located in remainder of Lots 1 &2, map of Bayshore (C.H. Fentress Property) prepared by TES Inc. dated September 23, 2002, and no structures shall be constructed on the property, rather said property shall be used as a display area for the sale of automobiles. The Grantor shall not construct any additional curb cuts on Independence Boulevard and eliminate the Smokey Lane curb cut. The Grantor shall not construct any public address system on said parcel. The Grantor shall construct all lighting to reflect to the interior of the parcel. The proffers do nothing to contribute towards making this project exemplary. It was recommended to the applicant that the proffers, at a minimum, attempt to go beyond traditional requirements for commercial properties adjacent to residentially zoned districts; for example, provide additional width to buffers, install additional landscape materials within the buffers, prohibit the use of risers for display of motor vehicles for sale, limit hours of operation, etc. " ",,' 'c c, ",' , ,-", , " , ' , , , ",'^ , H & A ENTERPRISES' ,,' Agenda.ltems # 24&,25" " Page 4 , ',," I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City Attorney's Office: The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proffer agreement dated September 10, 2004, and found it to be legally sufficient and in acceptable legal form. Staff recommends denial of this request. Staff's evaluation of this request reveals the proposal, through the submitted materials and the proffers does not address each of the 'Major Issues' identified above. The proposal's weaknesses in addressing the 'Major Issues' are (1) The applicant's business success has generated a desire for an expansion that Staff believes is an intrusion into a solid block of residentially zoned properties. Staff's opinion is that the proposed zoning is incompatible with the long established single-family residential neighborhood adjacent to this site. While the property to the south is commercial in use, it is appropriately zoned residential. The existing fortune teller operation at that location is a non-conforming use - a use that has existed for many years and is out of character and contrary to the property's current zoning. It must be noted that the fortune teller's structure is residential in character and that the operation does not generate significant amounts of traffic. Moreover, as a non-conforming use, at some point in the future, the commercial use of the property will cease to exist and residential use will be returned. However, if the applicant's requests were to be approved, the non-conforming use would be given legitimacy and pressure to develop toward the south in a strip commercial development pattern along this portion of Independence Boulevard would undoubtedly increase. Staff's position is that the appropriate and logical stopping point for any commercial or office development is where it is currently located: at the northeast corner of "Smokey Road" and Independence Boulevard. The adjacent and surrounding residential properties are somewhat "challenged" and this use is viewed as intrusive and incompatible with the single-family nature of the adjacent neighborhood and potentially disruptive to the work that has been done by the City's Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development over the past decade to improve the housing stock and quality of life for residents along this portion of Independence Boulevard. The Gracetown neighborhood, formerly designated as a "Target Neighborhood," has overcome many challeng~$" ' '.' . _.. . . H & A ENTERPRISES AgendaUems # 24~25 . ..I?;:t:3~~~!? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I regarding the provision of basic City services to its residents. Federal, state and local funding has enabled this neighborhood to receive basic services and improvements commonplace in most neighborhoods such as decent and affordable housing, paved streets, public utilities, stormwater drainage systems, and sidewalks. This neighborhood has continued to evolve and stabilize since the completion of these infrastructure improvements. Additional commercial expansion into the neighborhood could jeopardize and negatively impact this progress. (2) Staff concludes that the proposed expansion and rezoning is inconsistent with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan's land use planning policies and principles for the Primary Residential Area focus strongly on preserving and protecting the overall character, economic value and aesthetic quality of the stable neighborhoods located in this area. According to the Plan, "Developing a mix of compatible uses either within well-designed structures or well-designed tracts of land should also be considered in this [Primary Residential] area, provided that such action contributes to the quality, attractiveness and livability of the neighborhood." The expansion of the motor vehicle sales operation does little to contribute to improving the aesthetics or adding to the residents' quality of life. The Plan goes on to state that 'When making decisions ...it is important to take into account the unique character of the affected neighborhood and make adjustments when necessary to protect it. This is of particular importance when considering issues of density and where non-residential uses are proposed in proximity to established residential uses" (page 90). The Plan calls for the protection of established residential neighborhoods against invasive land uses that, due to their activity, intensity, size, hours of operation or other factors, could potentially destabilize them. The submitted site plan does depict landscape buffers in an attempt to mitigate any negative impacts to adjacent properties; however, buffers and screening should not be viewed as anything other than a last resort to protect the established and challenged neighborhood and should never replace nor be a substitute for good land planning policies. Staff concludes these weaknesses cannot be adequately addressed through changes to the proposal or through additional proffers, and, therefore, recommends denial of the requests. NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances. Plans submitted with this rezoning application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable Citv Codes. , " -, ---- . - . . H & A ENTERPRISES Agenda Items # 24:&25 . Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Su pplemental Information Zoning History rn DATE 1 10-02-01 2 05-14-96 3 09-24-96 4 06-13-95 5 05-29-90 6 07-06-81 I REQUEST Conditional Use Permit (church) Conditional Use Permit (motor vehicle sales) Conditional Use Permit (car wash) Conditional Use Permit (auto repair) Conditional Use Permit (auto repair) Change of Zoning (0-1 Office District to B-2 Community Business District) I ACTION Granted Granted Granted Granted Withdrawn Denied '",,<" , '" ,<,,' , H & A ENTERPRISES Agenda;Uems# 24/~..25 eélg~Ol -- , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Public Agencv Comments Public Works Master Transportation Plan (MTP): Independence Boulevard in the vicinity of this request is a four (4) lane divided urban arterial. It is designated on the MTP as a 150 foot wide right-of-way with a multi-use trail. Traffic Calculations: Street Name Present Present Generated Traffic Volume Capacity Existing land Use L Independence 17,300 40,000 - 20 ADT Boulevard ADT1 ADT1 Proposed land Use - 262 ADT , Average Dally Tnps 2 as defined by 2 single family dwellings permitted by current zoning 3 as defined by proposed expansion Public Utilities Water: There is a 12 inch water main and a 36 inch force main in Inde endence Boulevard. This site must connect to Ci water. Sewer: There is an 8 inch sanitary sewer main in Smokey Lane and the end of the line sanitary sewer cleanout on an 8 inch gravity main fronting the ro e . This site must connect to Ci sewer. Public Safety Police: The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strate ies as the ertain to this site. , ' H & A ENTERPRISES Agenda ttems#, 24,~25 , ~~g~8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lfire anq Rescue: I Adequate - no additional comments at this time. ",' " , ""0 " " , , , , ,"" H & A ENTERPRISES Agendaltel11s # 2 ',. "25 .,~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit A Aerial of Site Location ^ ^' , ". ." . ^ ., "". ."-C" ,.,: .,,:. "^':"""" H & A ENTERPRISES Agenda Items # 24 & 25 . Page 10 .. . » (QI CD :J$tC) ~» ârrfi2 3-4 cnm :t:t:::u "'UI'.)"U . cu ..þ.. ::u . ~~!i.n ...l.iÌ\J m ~CJ1(J) .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. - . .. . \~ ~~~ "hËRt.1IrAGt:" SceIlON;S. GlOCK I) MB 129 PC 4 ~ lOT 13 ~ LOT 11 - CENTRAL FIÐELny PARCEL B-1 "!3AYSIOC" (M.B, aGo pc. 16) 27 26 . . .. "tJ om "C>< ~:T CD -. c.C" ~cn;::;: £I) -. :;,;-m I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit C Photograph of Existing Site \. \ \. \ \ '\ " '\ \ '\ \ \. \ \. \ " I ... \ \ '\ \, \," ì ^':, '< . , "", H & A ENTERPRISES Agenda items # 24 & 25 . , Page.12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z 0 I I ~ c:....;J J I ) , ø-c ~ f-t ~ 8: ~ ~ ~ 0 t . E-t t I ~ 0 L ') v, Exhibit D Disclosure Statement T>RP' DISCLOSURE STA TEM EN'T APPLICANT DISCLOSURE If the appJicantis a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization, complete the following: 1. List the applicant name foHowed bytl1e names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach fist if necessa¡y) H I:, A ENTERPRISES L. L. C. ¡ HA.'1ID ABDOLAZADEH, OW"NER, .'1EMB.ER t 2. Lislall businesses that have a parent-subsidia¡yt or affiliated business entity2 relationship with the applicant (Attach fist ¡(necessary) AUTou..'m AUTO SALES INC. a VIRGINIA CORPORATION ¡ HA..'1ID ABDOLAZADEH, PRESIDENT 1 0 Check here if1heapplicant is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. PROPERTY OWNER DISCLOSURE Complete this section only ¡fproperty ownerls dífferentfrom applicant. Jf the property owner is a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization,çompletø the following: 1. Ust the property owner name followed by the names of all officers, members, trustees, partners, etc. below: (Attach ¡ist if necessary) 2. List aU businesses that have a parent-subsidiary' or affiliated businessentitý! relationship with the applicant: (Attach ¡¡stif necessa¡y) 0 Check here if the property owner is NOT a corporation, partnership, firm, business, or other unincorporated organization. ¡ & 2 See next page for footnotes rAnn¡¡¡"""II'~^ CM-" '__"_0", - -" \., '-. ..'. ..'"", ."'>-.-> " , .,,-, . H & A ENTERPRI~ES Agenda 'Items # 24&25. , Pag~13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ~ ! i ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES List an known contractors or businesses that have or will provide services with respect to the requested property use, including but not Jimited to the providers of architectural services, real estate services, financial services, aC(:ounting services and legal services: (Attach list if necessary) WAHCOVIABM"'K,SOL'TH TRUST. WFS FINÆ.'TCIÆ., TRIADFIN.å..NCIAL, MOORE LOk'1S, ONYX ACCEPTANCE, AUTO TR..'ì.DER, CH..~'"NEL 7 & 11 COX. 3D DIRECT MAIL MA,R1ŒTING STALLINGS & BISCHOFF, P.C., REALTY EXECUTIVES - DENNIS W. BELL, CLIFFORD LOVE, III 1 "Parent-subsidiary relationship" means "å relationship that exists when one corporation directly or indirectly owns shares possessing more than 50 percent of the : voting power of anothercorporatìon." See State and local Govemment Conflict of ! Interests Act, Va. Code § 2.2-3101. 2 "Affilìated business entity relationship" means "a relationship,otherthan , parent-subsidiary relationship, that exists When (i) one busIness entity has a ¡ controlling ownership interest ¡nthe other business entity, (ii) a controlling owner in J one entity is also a controlling owner in the other entity I or (iif) there is shared management or control between the business entities. Factors that should be . considered in determillingtheexistence of an affiliated business entity relationship include that the same person or substantially the same person own or manage the two entities; there are common or commingled funds or assets; the business entities share the use of the same offices or employees or otherwise share activities, resources. or personnel on a regular basis; or there is otherwise a close working relationship between the entities." See State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act,Va. Code § 2.2-3101. . ¡ CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that, upon receipt of notification (postcard) that the application has been scheduled for public hearing, I am responsible for obtaining and posting the required sign on the subject property at least 30 days prior to the scheduled public hearing a~:~r~u:ij: t:rzkage. BY ::: =::::: ~~:R Applicant's Signature Prínt Name Property Owners Signature (if different than applicant) Print Name Conditional Use Permit Application Page 11 of 11 Revised 2!1!3/:;>OO4 . Z <0 t I ~ ~ t f ."1 =-- ~ F--c ~ 8: ~ ;::=.J ~ 0 I t F--c J I '~ Z 0 c ~ H & A ENTERPRISES Agenda Jtems# 24~25 . PagØ14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c=... I I Item #24 & 25 H&A Enterprises, LLc. Change of Zoning District Classìfication from R- 7.5 Resìdential District to Condìtìonal B-2 Community Business Dìstrict Conditìonal Use Permit Southeast corner of Independence Boulevard and Smokey Road Dìstrict 4 Bayside October 13,2004 REGULAR Joseph Strange: The next items are Items #24 & 25 H&A Enterprises, LLc. An Ordinance upon Applìcation ofH&A Enterprises, LLC. for a Change of Zoning District Classification from R- 7.5 Resìdential District to Conditional B-2 Community District on the southeast corner of Independence Boulevard and Smokey Road and an Ordinance upon Applìcation ofH&A Enterprises, L.LC. for a Conditional Use Permit for motor vehicle sales on property located on the southeast comer of Independence Boulevard and Smokey Road, District 4, Bayside. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Stallings. Sonny Stallings: Good afternoon Madame Chaìrman, members of the Commission. I'm Sonny Stallìngs and I represent the applicant. I just want to tell you briefly. I noticed the date when I opened the file on thìs case and ìt was June 2001. This one has been around awhile and nobody's fault here. We had several thìngs that staff along the way had asked us to do. The very first was the fortuneteller to the south property. The structure was encroaching on our property and we were told he had to clear that up and we dìd. We actually sold some property to her. We thought we were okay and then this whole problem with Smokey Lane came up and we worked with the City Attorney for years on tryìng to straighten that out. Not his fault of course but Smokey Lane was owned by a lot of people. Tracking them down was a problem but Smokey Lane is a paper street right in the mìddle of this and staff said you can't split this and have Smokey Lane in the middle and your lot over here so you've got to acquìre Smokey Lane. So, throughout a lot of hoops my client did acquire Smokey Lane and I think the City Attorney is now satìsfied that we actually own that and were not asking to expand our parking lot for the sale of automobiles. I've read the staff comments and I'm sure you have and we tried to address some of the concerns about noise with no speakers and no lìghts, and we actually took down and lowered the lìght poles on the exìstìng structure at the City's request. There were some other things that the City recommended and quìte frankly that we had such a hard time gettìng this ball to the plate, ìfyou wìll and I said we'll go forward. They mentioned the hours of operatìon. We currently operate from 9:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. and there are no plans to change that. We wìll be, ìf approved, eliminating a curb cut. We're not putting any structures up and we're not going to have any lìghtìng shìnìng ìn the neighborhood and we'll do whatever landscapìng the City requires. Whatever they want. We're onlyp1annìng on parkìng vehìc1es for sale on this property. Now does it I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I Item #24 & 25 H&A Enterprises, LLC. Page 2 intrude across the street, Smokey Lane and into the residentìal? I guess physically ìt does. It ìs on Independence Boulevard. We got a fortuneteller next door and we got our existing car lot and building next door so we got thìs parcel in the mìddle. It really is not practical for single-family development. I really don't think willIe maybe it does encroach across the mysterious Smokey Lane, it really doesn't have that negative ìmpact on the neighborhood. Now I don't know ìfwe have opposìtion here or not. I think my c1ìent has been there since 1996 and has been a good neighbor. He tells me that he hasn't had any problems in the neìghborhood. He hasn't any complaints. All he wants is to have some more room to sell some more cars. It's pretty much that simple. You all know where it is. You've seen where it is. We're asking for approval. Dorothy Wood: Are there any questìons for Mr. Stallings? Sonny Stallings: Yes sir. Ronald Rìpley: If this was approved to B-2 Community District wìth a Conditional Use Permit were there any uses that you considered that you could elìminate that are by-right uses that could possibly be objectionable to this neìghborhood? Sonny Stallings: We'll eEminate anythìng but the sale ofvehic1es. There's no repaìrs or anythìng lìke that? Is that what you mean? Ronald Rìpley: Are there uses that are by right in the B-2 District that would be objectionable other than tills one? Sonny StalEngs: Yes sir. That ìs all he wants to use ìt for. Ronald Rìpley: Do you go through the staff? Dìd you all discuss this with staff? Sonny Stallings: No. That really wasn't a concern. I think staffs concern is they put ìn as it is encroacillng into the residential. I think that's their big concern. As a matter of fact, they saìd even if we address some of the other things, willch we're happy to address, they didn't want any cars upon what they call "risers". We don't want risers. We agreed to that. We limited our hours of operation. I don't think that makes staff happy because their concern ìs well you're spreading out. Ronald Rìpley: Staff didn't provìde any condìtions at all other than that if it was approved. Is that correct? Sonny Stallings: Thank you. Joseph Strange: Speakìng ìn oppositìon we have Vernon L Dìckens, Sf. Bill MacaE: Madame Chairman? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .- I Item #24 & 25 H&A Enterprises, LLc. Page 3 Dorothy Wood: Yes sir. Bìll Macali: Before we get to the next speaker, I thìnk Mr. Ripley you're asking ìf other uses are avaìlable on the property? Dorothy Wood: We'll be right with you sir. Bill Macali: The answer ìs no. The development of the site will conform to the prelimìnary plan for addìtional parking for Auto Land. His language right in the first proffer and ìfthìs applìcation ìs approved they're bound by the proffer. So, that ìs all the property can be used for. Ronald Rìp1ey: That is all that it can be used for. No other by right uses. Bill Macali: No sir. Dorothy Wood: Yes sir. We appreciate you comìng down today sir. Welcome. Vernon Dickens: Good evening. My name is Vernon L Dickens, Sr. I live at 1488 Independence Boulevard. I come here to represent the Petty Famìly that lives right behind the property and the property next door, and the majority of the people ìn the neighborhood. We feel that this business should not encroach into a resìdential area because it would be like a eating cancer to us. And people keep on coming in because we have a lot of negatìve people that live out there. They will be selling out and it will keep on spilling down Independence Boulevard. This neighborhood has been there just about 100 years and we would please ask that it stay a residential area. Dorothy Wood: You were here before weren't you? Vernon Dìckens: Yeah. I was here before. Dorothy Wood: I remember you. Vernon Dickens: I'm not aware and I can understand this man spent a lot of money but I wasn't aware of how long they've been after this application and I've just been brought on this application last week or so. So I went around to the neìghbors that I could catch home. I got a bunch of sìgnatures to deny this applicatìon. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. Are there any questions for hìm? Robert Miller: Do you have a petìtìon signed by neighbors? Vernon Dickens: Yeah. Dorothy Wood: You want ìt back sir? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I Item #24 & 25 H&A Enterprises, LLC. Page 4 Vernon Dickens: I made a copy. I don't know ìfyou want the original or what? Dorothy Wood: The copy would be fine sìr. We'll give ìt right back to you. Vernon Dìckens: I don't need it back. Dorothy Wood: You don't need it back? Vernon Dickens: I'll give you the houses that I vìsìt. Do you need that? Dorothy Wood: Are they all around the property sir? Vernon Dickens: Yeah. Just about all the way around. Just about four houses that I couldn't catch on Independence Boulevard and three houses just about dìrectly and across from it and back in down Fuller, Frost, Winter, Cullen and just about every one of the streets in the neighborhood. Dorothy Wood: Thank you sir. We appreciate you coming. Mr. Stallings. Sonny Stallìngs: Well, I think this last gentleman kind of sums it up. It's a philosophy. And really what we're objecting to I dìdn't hear him say that parking cars on this vacant lot is goìng to negatìvely ìmpact anybody back on Forest Lane because in reality it's just not. They don't like the idea that it is the spread. It's the old domino theory I guess. They probably don't like the fact that J.B Gallery of Gìr1s is on the next comer. They don't like the fact that the fortuneteller ìs there but we got Independence Boulevard and there's commercial on it. My client has been a good neighbor there for 7 years wìth no problems and he wants some more room to park cars. If you think it's an encroachment then you vote agaìnst it. If you think it's a reasonable use of this lot, which really is not going to be used for single-family homes. There are two lots actually. You could put two single- family houses there with two more curb cuts on Independence Boulevard. We're going to eliminate a curb cut. So, I think you got the flavor of it. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Mr. Stallings. Mr. Crabtree then Mr. Rìp1ey. Eugene Crabtree: I see this as exactly like the one that we prevìous1y dìscussed as an encroachment on the neìghborhood. Independence Boulevard is no dìfferent than Kempsvìlle Road. So, I voted for it on Kempsville Road so I'm goìng to support thìs one. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Ripley. Ronald Rìpley: Mr. Scott? The Smokey Lane. Does the public have any interest in that? Bìll Macalì: Mr. Ripley, we can answer that. We looked at it and determined that there is no public ìnterest in ìt. The Cìty doesn't own ìt. It was owned by a number of people I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L- I I Item #24 & 25 H&A Enterprises, LL.c. Page 5 privately. The applicant was then required then to acquìre all theìr interest. So, it ìs my understandìng that its Smokey Lane. The applicant is supposed to have sole title to the portìon of Smokey Lane, which is included in thìs applìcatìon. The City has no ìnterest in it. It's not a publìc street. Ronald Ripley: As I mentioned ìn the informal meeting, I was undecided coming here as to exactly what we should do wìth this piece. I wanted to hear ITom counselor and to hear what the neighborhood saìd. When I looked at the property you could make a case for them either way. You wouldn't think that the roads along Independence Boulevard with the shallow depth would develop into them. I could remember my neighbor who passed away and I remember I mentioned this once before, she complimented the Plannìng Commission, P1annìng and staff and housìng agency or the City for taking thìs neighborhood and creatìng to where ìt was to where ìt is today. It's a nice neighborhood with beautiful homes but it's a pretty nice neìghborhood. When I read the staff write up and it is clear in the write up and when you physically look at it, I can go either way. I look at this piece in think ìn terms would it really make more sense to put more houses on this? When you look at the back of it you have this road that dead ends to the back of the property with the houses ìn the back. This one is an easier case to make I think than Item #3. Item #3 really seemed to be and it was a home that was adjacent to difficult apartment parcel of the neighborhood and this is kind of just drawing it away in my mind. I'm ìnc1ìned to agree with the applìcant on this. I think it's a logical move when you extend Lakeside Road across the street and look at the 0-2, B-2 next to it. I'm inclined to agree with this too. I'll be supporting this applìcation. Dorothy Wood: Mr. Mìller. Robert Mìl1er: I think there was a considerable amount of City money wìth perhaps other money put ìnto that neighborhood. That neìghborhood has really come alive. It is a great neighborhood. You can tell when you drive through there ìs a lot of pride that people in the neìghborhood and you can tell how well it's been done. I remember that we had a couple oflots perhaps this next street down or another street down where we asked them to bring in their entrances off the side roads ìnstead of off Independence and since then we may have had one or two others where we've had single-famìly lots ITonting on Independence Boulevard. I certaìn1y I'm not encouraged to have two more single-family lots frontìng on Independence Boulevard. I don't know how. What does the person next door do? I forgot what he saìd. Sonny Stallings: Fortuneteller Robert Mìller: I don't know how she got there but I guess that has been a long-standìng use that we've agreed with. I think Mr. Dickens is concerned about this spreading lìke a cancer further down Independence Boulevard. I think the neighborhood is more resilient and I think what we've seen more recently is that the people that have built on Independence Boulevard and all those houses in there, there has been a conscientìous decìsion that we're going to do this. The driveways are set up so you can pull off of I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c::=.. I I Item #24 & 25 H&A Enterprises, LLC. Page 6 Independence and back up and move around so people are safe and are able to move around in that corridor. So, I don't see it quite as bad. I think you would have said so if ìt had not been true that thìs operation has been a good neighbor in other ways as far as the automobile ìndustry. I assume you would have said that they were terrible or they've done other things. But I don't they have been. I think Mr. Stallìng's poìnt of the limitations of the Conditional Use to put cars here is simply to park cars here. I'm not sure of remembering thìs one but we've had several car dealers that intend to take advantage of our City right-of-way. I'm sure your clìent is not one of those but I'm more inclined to support this. I feel very good that this neighborhood is very, very strong and will continue to be strong. Dorothy Wood: Jan. Janice Anderson: I'm a little reluctant with the change of zoning because of the intrusìon of the neighborhood. This ìs a B-2 even though it is indicated that they're would be happy to do whatever buffering between the neighbors and everything. It is not proffered ìn here. Especially with a B-2 right next to a neighborhood with no conditions on screening, landscaping. I think that's been required of every other B-2 zoning next to a neìghborhood and this is just vacant in this application. I would never go forward on change of zoning to a B-2 without that kind of information depìcted. Robert Miller: I think ìt's on there if you look at the site plan. They ìdentìfy 15-foot landscape buffer around the sides. Janice Anderson: Okay. That's only in the site plan but ìt is usually spelled out ìn the proffers or condìtions. Also with the B-2, I understand that this ìs supposed to be used for auto sales that would be in the proffer but as we know the proffers can be to changed and put a building there or something or down the road. If you specifically say these uses shall not ever be used on the property because of a proffer sends a stronger message for a change down the road. Even with the B-2 with those conditions I don't know ìfI would be supportive. I believe the neighborhood and just with their petition that they supported that they do believe that it would bring ìntrusion to the neighborhood. There are other houses resìdential on Independence Boulevard that are thriving that neighborhood has come back as everybody has stated and there has been some effort wìth that. Especially the way the application is now I definitely wouldn't support the change of zonìng. Dorothy Wood: Thank you Jan. Wìllìam Din: I think this is a good case also that changing it from a B-2 is more intrusion of thìs neìghborhood. The prevìous one beìng an office was less intrusive. With this issue I think we draw the lìne here and not allow this intrusion. I will not be supportìng this. Dorothy Wood: Is there anyone else? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c:::::= I I Item #24 & 25 H&A Enterprises, LLC. Page 7 Ronald Rìpley: Can I make a motion? Dorothy Wood: I wish you would. Ronald Ripley: A motion to approve the applìcation. Robert Mìller:Second. Dorothy Wood: A motion by Mr. Rìpley and seconded by Mr. Miller. AYE 5 NAY 6 ABSO ABSENT 0 ANDERSON CRABTREE DIN HORSLEY KATSIAS KNIGHT MILLER RIPLEY STRANGE WALLER WOOD NAY AYE NAY NAY AYE NAY AYE AYE NAY AYE NAY Ed Weeden: By a vote of 5-6, the application is denied. Dorothy Wood: Thank you for coming down. Sonny Stallings: Thank you. Robert Miller: Does there need to be another motion if we deny this? I think there does. Does it not? The favorable motìon was defeated but wouldn't we have to have a motion to deny? Bìll Macalì: I don't think that is necessary to be very honest. Sonny Stallings: We'll accept this as a denìa16-5. Bìll Macalì: There has to be an affirmative vote of six members to recommend an approval. Dorothy Wood: Thank you. loct 13 04 07: 57a :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '---- I I RUYDINGCO 4333104 p.2 Page 1 of 1 Planning Commìssion We feel that the rezoning of the lot on the southeast comer ofIndependence and Smokey Rd. GPins 147933019400000;14793302900000 should be rejected for the following reasons. There car busìness now has very hìgh lights that stay on all night. These lights have caused the town homes behìnd the business to put extra shades and blinds up wìthout them you can not sleep ìt so bright in our bedrooms these lights are a nuìsance, We can not sit out and enjoy our backyards at night ìt ìs so bright. You can read a book outside at midnìght. , A lot of the cleaning of the car is done on weekends when everyone is home. The employees use very foul language. We have chìldren who can not go ìn there back yard without hearing this. They turn the radios up so loud it rattles the windows in our homes. We have asked them to turn them down they just ignore us. There vacuum system is ìnside the building they leave the over head door open when c1eanìng the cars. It sounds like a small jet engine and run for hours at a time- The men workìng there smoke pot while cleaning the cars you can smell ìt on most weekends. They unload cars at all hours of the night even at 3 & 4 AM in the parking lot behìnd use. This wakes up the whole street. Every Wednesday mornìng at AM the trash truck pick up there dumpster and again the banging wakes us up. . We need good business in Virginia Beach and they need to grow but ìt works both ways by put1ìng more car's on there lot means more lights, noise, more nuìsance we do not need this. We have spoken to all home owners from 4715 to 4723 Donelson Rd. which are in agreement and they all agree enough is enough. Thank You Hermìtage Townhouse Civic League President Gregory D. Fisher 4721 Donelson Rd. Virgìnìa Beach Virginia 23455 460-0832 junomsg:/ /00822AEO/ 10/12/04 II Oct 13 04 07:57a RUYDINGCO 4333104 f'. 1 II II II II I II II I II I I I I I I I '--- I I \ò . ";õ,T, , c. ~ t!¡ \De¡ y ",;', ü'" / :>\ \\ 'ì;~ ÇJ \ to, " 1\" Y - c.~'{ O\Vj x\ \\ \\ - ~\'\\~ .. " .. -r,- .. .. .. .. .. - .. - .. .. - .. - - ~ - To The Planning Commission for the City of Virginia Beach: We the citizens of Gracetown strongly object to application numbers eO4-crz-200-2001 and EO4-cup-200-2001 for any changes in zoning or a Use permit as requested by H&A ENTERPRISES LLC. Smokey Road is a natural buffer between the business and the residential areas. We urge you to keep Gracetown as a residential zone only. We theundersigned citizens of Gracetown submit this petition. Signature Print name Address RegistedVoter Date ?- )jæ¿ ¡f. /ßJ- ~ &:>"TH f. GI4«éiíl ¡zf7:¡ :JNOéf'étVP€N~G ¿¿vo 10-/ ~-(}t.f ,~ ¿; -r=- ~ .þ .. -n- .. .. .. . .. - .. .. - .. .. - .. . 18.;. To rh~, Þfanning Commission f()r the Qlty oJ Virginiaaê.~øÌi: ::fòt,à.n~,chártgesinzòlÍitrg Qí' a Use perrrtitj~s'reque$teërÞy; n and eø4~cup..200..2ÖO1 G. SmØkey~oadl$anáturar buffer . . betWeen:the btJsine.ss and thð tesldentiàl:år~às, We.urg We theundersignedéltite.ns ofGrScetðwn'stlbO1Jtthispetitìön. Date .. -n- .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. .j. To The Planning Commission for the City of Virginia Beach: yVethè citizens of Gtâcøtowrl strongly.öbjecttöappJicatiön hUll1bèrs eQ4-cr'Z-200'-2QO1 andJ;04"ct.Jp-200-2001 .fQranychàngeSihzorHng or a Usepermita$requested by H&AËNTJ;RP.RISESLLC.SmokeyROadiS ä natural buffer between the business and the residential areas. We urge you to keep Gracetown às a residential zone only. Wetheundersigned citizens of Gracetownsubmit this petition. Date :5'0+ .~ go -þ. ~ - -n" - - - - - .. .. . .. .. . . .. . ./ . We theundersigned citizéÍ'ls of Gracetown submit this pétitlon. To The Planning Commission for the City of Virginia Bëach: for any changes in zoning or a Use permit as requestl .between the businèssand the residential areas. We. Signaturè .. -n- .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . ..> . To The Planning CommissionfortheCityofVirglhiäBeach: We the citizens of Gracetown strongly obje~t to application numbers eO4-crz-200-2001 and EO4-cup-2QO-2001 for any changes in zoning or a Use permit as requested by H&A ENTERPRISES LLC. Smokey Road is a natural buffer between the business and the residential areas. We urge you to keep Gracetown as a residential loM only. Wetheündersigned Þit.ìzens. of Gracet6wHsUbn'l'itthi$pètiti6n. RegistedVoter il I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I ! ¡ I ; r I I ! I c== I I (1) '..... C\1 Q ":7- 0 Q\) I- ,~ =' .s::ì 'iü s... :::J .... «J t: (tI ,Jb., :"'0 œ e I:i:: '>. ( ) .. "n" .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ."" ------ , - Plaïi.í1iíig botnhllssj9h fqr th.è Öity õfVir~ifiÎå' . 1;..2ÔO1 and e:O4é-COp-2ÖÔ-2001 ;.L.c.~rnøkeyRoad ¡sa natural buffer Reg Isted\lote r Date .. -n- .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .,. To The Planning CommissiorrfÒrthe CftyofVfi'giîiiäBeåbh: ,We the citizens of Gracetown strongly object to application numbers e04-crz"'200-2001 and EO4-'Cup-200-2001 for any changes in zoning ora Use permit as requested by H&À EN"rERÞRISES L.L.C. Smokey Road is a natural buffer between the business and the residential areas. We urge you to keep Gracetdwn as a residential zone only. We theundersigned citizens of Gracetown submit this petition. RegistedVdter Date $"0+ ~ .. . . . "n. . . . . . .. . . .. .. To The Planning Commission for the City ofVirginià Beach: We the citizens of Gracetown strongly object to application numbers eO4-'crz.:.200-2001andEO4-cup..200-2001 for any changes ¡nzoning or a Use permit as requested by B&A EN'rERPRISES LLC. Smokey Road is a natural buffer between the business arid the residential areas. We urge yoU.td keep Gracetdwn as a i'esideíitiaízdne ónly. We theundersigned citizens of Gracetown submit this petition. Print name Date . .. '2-0 +- ~. .::) , . tJ ~ " ,J '\ -., ~ . -n- .. - . . .. - . - .. - .. . - - ...- / .. To. The Planning Co.mmission for thëCity Of Virginia B.~ach: We the cjtíZ~OSo.f Gracøtown $trO"glyo.bject to application.. numb~r$êQ4-crz¡2()Q~2QQ1~h<:fEQ4~cup-2QO'-2QQ1 for any chànges in zo.ning 0.1' a Use permit as requested by H&A ENTE~PRISES LLC. Smo.key Ro.ad is a natural buffer between the businèss and the residential areas. We urge you to keep Graceto.wn as a residential zane anly. We theundèrsigried citizens af Gracetöw/Ì submit ibis þetition. Address RegistedVo.ter Date .. "n- - - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. IIIJI , .. "."- To The Planning Commission .for the City of Virginia Beach: We the citizens of Gracetown strongly object to application numbers eO4-crz-200-2001 and EO4-cup-200~2001 for any changes in zoning or a Use permit as requested by H&AENTERPRISES LLC. Smokèy RoàØ is a natural buffer i/ between the business and the residential areas. We urge you to keep Gracetown as a residential zone only. We theUndètsigrled citizens of Gtåêètown submit this petition. \ RegistedVoter Date s;.()+.~. - -nlll III .. III III - .. - - .. .. III - III .....- -rL- ""'-,,-..:..... ~-~-_:......:~- "'-'-LL.- "11.. -""i:_...:....:_M,,"'~~"'. To The Planning Commission for the City of Virginia Beach: We the citizens of Gracetown strongly object to application numbers eO4-crz-200-2001 and E04-cup-200-2001 for any changes in zoning or a Use permit as requested by H&A ENTERPRISES Ll.C. Smokey Road is a natural buffer between the business and the residential areas. We urge you to keep Gracetown as a residential zone only. We theundersigned citizens of Gracetown submit this petition. Signature Print name Address RegistedVoter Date ~ .'yJ~ .. . .. 1;0 +- ~ ~ð-J-~ beJ +- J~ !;D+ . ~ "0+ ~ ~D+~ ¿,O + ~ '-/0 +- ~ {¡;D+."~ -- fro of- .~ - -n" .. - - . - - .. . - - - - - - - - To The Planning Commission for the City of Virginia Beach: We the citizens of Gracetown strongly object to application numbers eO4-crz-200-2001 and EO4-cup-200-2001 for any chsnges in zoning or a Use permit as requested by H&A ENTERPRISES L.L.C. Smokey Road is a natural buffer between the business and the residential areas. We urge you to keep Gracetown as a residential zone only. We theundefsi9¡ned citizens of Gracetown submit this petition. 'i S¡9rð'uML . t~'ø~ Print name Address RegistedVoter ./1. Date ;' 0 . (tl,D(L( , , I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I Zoning History [[] DATE 1 10-02-01 2 05-14-96 3 09-24-96 4 06-13-95 5 05-29-90 6 07-06-81 I REQUEST Conditional Use Permit (church) Conditional Use Permit (motor vehicle sales) Conditional Use Permit (car wash) Conditional Use Permit (auto repair) Conditional Use Permit (auto repair) Change of Zoning (0-1 Office District to B-2 Community Business District) I ACTION Granted Granted Granted Granted Withdrawn Denied I I I I I II I I I. I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE In Reply Refer To OUT File No. DF-5407 DATE: December 15,2004 TO: Leslie L Lilley William M. Macali {))./' Conditional Zoning Application H&A Enterprises, LLC. DEPT: City Attorney FROM: DEPT: City Attorney RE: The above-referenced conditional zoning applìcation is scheduled to be heard by the City Councìl on January 4,2005. I have reviewed the subject proffer agreement, dated September 10, 2004, and have determined it to be legally sufficient and ìn proper legal form. A copy of the agreement ìs attached. Please feel free to call me if you have any questìons or wish to discuss this matter further. WMM/nlb Enclosure cc: Kathleen Hassen I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TO (COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia THIS PROFFER AGREEMENT, made this 10th day of September, 2004 by and between H & A ENTERPRISES, LLC., (owner in fee simple), Grantor, and CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee; WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the Grantor has initiated a conditional amendment to the Zoning Map I of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition of the Grantor addressed to the Grantee, so as to rezone Grantor's property, from R-75 to B-2 Conditional on certain property located in the Bayside District, in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia; said property being more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land, for various purposes, including industrial purposes, through zoning and other land development legislation; and WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that in order to recognize the effects of change, and the need for various types of uses, including a specific conditional purpose for the development of the property with strictly limited uses rather than the existing uses Prepared by: STALLINGS & BISCHOFF, P.C. 2101 Parks Avenue, Suite 801 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 (757) 422-4700 GPIN 14793311110000 (Lot 2) GPIN 14793301850000 (Lot 1) GPIN 14793302900000 (Smokey Lane) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I allowed by the existing B-2 zoning, certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property for the protection of the community that are not generally applicable to land in the B-2 zoning classification are needed to cope with the situation to which the Grantor's proposed development gives rise; and WHEREAS, the Grantor has voluntarily proffered in writing, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map, in addition to the regulations provided for in the B-2 Zoning District or zone by the existing overall City Zoning Ordinance, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development and operation of the property to be adopted as a part of said amendment to the new Zoning Map relative to the property described above, which have a reasonable relation to the rezoning and the need for which is generated by the rezoning and proposed development; and WHEREAS, said conditions having been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, such conditions shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning on the property covered by such conditions; provided, however, that such conditions shall continue despite a subsequent amendment if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised zoning ordinance, unless, notwithstanding the foregoing, these conditions are amended or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the subject property at the time of recordation fo such instrument; provided, further, that said instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing, as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee advertised pursuantto the provisions of Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2204, which said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent; NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, for himself, his successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or quid pro quo for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby makes the following declaration of conditions and restrictions as to the physical development and operation of the subject property and governing the use thereof and hereby covenants and agrees that this declaration shall constitute covenants running with the said property, which shall be binding upon the Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantor, their successors, personal representatives, assigns, grantees, and other successors in interest or title, namely: The following shall be substantially adhered to, however, further conditions may be required by the Grantee during detailed site plan review and administration of applicable City codes by all cognizant City agencies and departments, including the City Arborist, to meeting all applicable City Code requirements; 1. Development on the site will conform to the preliminary site plan of additional parking for "Autoland" located in remainder of Lots 1 & 2, map of Bayshore (C.H. Fentress Property) prepared by TES Inc. dated September 23, 2002, and no structures shall be constructed on the property, rather said property shall be used as a display area for the 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I sale of automobiles; 2. The Grantor shall not construct any additional curb cuts on Independence Boulevard and eliminate the Smokey Lane curb cut. 3. The Grantor shall not construct any public address system on said parcel. 4. The Grantor shall construct all lighting to reflect to the interior of the parcel. 5. It is recognized that further conditions may be required during the application of City ordinances and that there will be detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City codes, and that further conditions may, be required during the administration of applicable City ordinances. 6. All references hereinabove to requirements and regulations applicable thereto refer to the City Zoning Ordinance of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in force as of the date of City Council action approving the amendment sought by the Grantor, which is by this reference incorporated herein. 7. The Grantor covenants and agrees that (1) the Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia shall be vested with all necessary authority on behalf of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions, including (i) the ordering in writing ofthe remedying of any noncompliance with 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I such conditions, and (ii) the bringing of legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages or other appropriate action, suit or proceedings; (2) the failure to meet all conditions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of any of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate; (3) if aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator made pursuant to the provisions, the Grantor shall petition to the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court; and (4) the Zoning Map may show by an appropriate symbol on the map the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the subject property on the map and that the ordinance and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department and that they shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the names of the Grantor and Grantee. Witness the following signature and seal. H & A ENTERPRISES, LLC. By: 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, TO-WIT: I, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth of Virginia at Large, do hereby certify that H & A ENTERPRISES, LLC, by HAMID ABDOLAHZADEH, Manager and Sole Member, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, bearing date on the 10th day of September, 2004, has acknowledged the same before me in the jurisdiction aforesaid and who is personally known to me or has produced a ~L . as identification. Given under my hand this ~ay of ~, 2004. My commission expires: -1.J~ 8' 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT A ALL THAT certain tract, piece or parcel of land, approximately 16 feet wide and 175 feet in length commonly known as "Smokey Lane", with the buildings and improvements thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, lying, situate and being in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a pin being the southernmost point of Parcel A and adj acent to Independence Boulevard as shown on the plat entitled "Subdivision of Five Parts, Inc., Bayside Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia" dated June 16, 1968 and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 76 Page 21, thence North 53° 32' 17" East approximately 175.0 feet to a pin which is the easternmost point in Parcel A, thence South 43° 32' 22" East approximately 16 feet to the Eastern side of the 16 foot lane as shown on the plat, thence South 53° 32' 17" West approximately 175.0 feet to a pin at the right of way for Independence Boulevard, thence Northwest approximately 16 feet along Independence Boulevard to the point of beginning. GPIN NO. 14793302900000 ALL THOSE certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Vìrginia Beach, Virginia, being known, numbered and designated as Lots One (1) and Two (2), in Block One (1), as shown on the plat entìt1ed "Map of Bay Shore Property ofC. H. Fentress", and recorded ìn the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 6 at Page 264. LESS, SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion of the above property taken by the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia for the construction, maintenance and widening of Independence Boulevard, as shown on that certain plat recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Hisiliway Plat Map Book 4, Page 10. GPIN 14793301850000 (Lot 1) GPIN 14793311110000 (Lot 2) I I I I I II I I II I I I I I I I I I I K. APPOINTMENTS BIKEWAYS and TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE BOARD OF BUILDING CODE APPEALS - Maìntenance Dìvisìon New Constructìon Dìvìsìon COMMUNITY POLICY AND MANAGEMENT TEAM - CSA -AT RISK COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD FRANCIS LAND HOUSE BOARD OF GOVERNORS HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD HISTORICAL REVIEW BOARD INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINORITY BUSINESS COUNCIL PARKS and RECREATION COMMISSION TOWING ADVISORY BOARD I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I L. UNFINISHED BUSINESS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M. NEW BUSINESS N. ADJOURNAMENT