HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 25, 1992 MINUTES Cit.~v of Virgin io Deach "WORLD'S LARGEST RESORT CITY" CIT\ COCI\UL ~AY"R "mRA E "BER."nRF ,,"'~. VI< E ~,nOR ROBERT E FENTRESS \"'0". ...., -' ""'," B"'" '"""-""""'"0' '~~ES" BRAZIER 'R L,..,",~ a_o' RORER' . CUBVR.' k."p""" lb..,' /I,"OW HEISCHOB" ,. "'... WUfflR 1°'" ..,""Ib.." ,^UL, ""TEIC" """r -0' "B" ,,-<,-"'" P..~." A"", ...",' N~" \ k "RKER ,. "'". \V'LU~" " """'" 'R ":.",,, IMIE.. 'PORE C", "...... LESUE L ULLE\ C"" A".- RLT/lHODCE'SAflTH nlCOME c",c..> CITY COUNCIL AGENDA '" CfIT /I'u. BnWING "1'NlU"L C"TER \lRC"" ",ACH VlRC"" """ .", ,..',mHOJ FEBRUARY 25, 1992 ITEM I. CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS - Council Chamber - 3: 30 PM A. FY 1991-1992 ASSESSMENT NOTICES J. D. Banagan, Real Estate Assessor B. WATER CONSERVATION EDUCATION/ACTION CAMPAIGN Clarence O. Warnstaff, Director, Public Uti lities Pamela M. Lingle, Director, Public Information I TEM II. INFORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 4:30 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf B. ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL C. RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEM III. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 6:00 PM A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf B. INVOCATION: Reverend Barnett Thoroughgood New Jerusalem Church C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA D. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL E. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION F. MINUTES 1. INFORMAL & FORMAL SESS I ON February 11, 1992 G. CONSENT AGENDA All matters I isted under the Cons~nt Agenda are considered in the ordinary course of business by City Council and will be enacted by one mati on I n the form listed. I f an I tem I s removed from the Consent Agenda, it wi II be discussed and voted upon separately. 1. Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $6,000 from the General Fund Revenues to the Department of Natural Resources and Rural Services re abatement of environmental damage to, or restoration of, wetlands. 2. Ordi nance to authori ze a temporary encroachment into a porti on of the City I S property known as the waters of Lake Joyce to Pau I K. Lynch and Marianne M. Lynch re construction of a bulkhead and pier (BAYSIDE BOROUGH). 3. LOW BID with advance notice to proceed: CONTRACTORS PAVING CO" INC. $2,931,700.80 Rosemont Road Phase IV CIP #2-075 4. Ordinance authorizing tax refunds in the amount of $2,133.97. H. PUBLIC HEARING 1. PLANNING a. Application of THOMAS R. DUNFORD and JAMES M. PENDERGAST for a Conditional Use Permit for a recreational facil ity of an outdoor nature (driving range) on the West side of Holland Road, 350 feet more or less South of Shipps Corner Road (2066 Holland Road), containing 14.9 acres (PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH). Recommendation: APPROVAL b. App II cat Ions of THOMAS C. KAY re property on the West side of Pr i ncess Anne Road, South of Muddy Creek Road (1641 Pr i ncess Anne Road), In the AG-2 Agricultural District, containing 71.31 acres (PUNGO BOROUGH): Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the SubdivIsion Ordinance which requires all lots created by subdivIsion meet all requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance; AND, Conditional Use Permit for a single fami Iy residential lot on a 3.03 acre parcel and to establish a mobile home for farm laborers on the residual 68.28 acre parcel. Recommendation: APPROVAL c. Application of ARAGONA LODGE NO. 1198, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, INC. for a Conditional Zoning District Classification from R-7.5 Residential District to 0-2 Office District at the Northwest corner of Lynnhaven Parkway and Lamp I ¡ ght Lane on Lots 34-37, Block 13, Princess "'nne Plaza, containing 1.1161 acres (PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH). Deferred: January 28, 1992 Recommen dat ion: APPROVAL d. App Ii cati on of TIDEWATER GOLF CENTER for a Cond I ti ona I Use Permit for a recreational facility of an outdoor nature (golf driving ran~e) on the South side of Shipps Corner Road, 1311 feet more or less West of Holland Road, containing 16.06 acres (PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH). Recommendation: APPROVAL e. Application of OCEAN ISLAND PARTNERS for a Change of Zoning District Classification from B-4 Resort Commercial District to R-l0 Residential District at the Southeast intersection of Sandpiper Road and White Cap Lane, containing 9.88 acres (PUNGO BOROUGH). Recommendation: APPROVAL t. Applications for the West side of Old Great Neck Road, 750 feet more or less North of Reagan Avenue, (461 Old Great Neck Road), containing 35,283.6 square feet (LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH): 1. ROBERT W. SMITH for a Variance to Section 4.4(b) of the Subdivision Ordinance which reqUires al I lots created by subdivision meet all requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance; AND, 2. TIDEWATER REGIONAL GROUP HOME COMMISSION for a Conditional Use PermIt for a group home. Recommendation: APPROVE BOTH APPLICATIONS g. Application of MARY SPADY for a Conditional Zonln~ District Classification from R-l0 Residential Olstrict to 0-1 Office District at the Southeast corner of Kempsville Road and Lobaugh Drive (844 Kempsvi lie Road), containing 32,974.92 square feet (KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH). Recommendation: APPROVAL h. Appl ication of VIRGINIA H. MEREDITH for a ConditIonal Zoning Classification from R-7.5 Residential District to R-5R Residential Resort District on Lot 101, Plat #1, Cape Story by the Sea (2692 Ocean Shore Avenue). containing 7,150 square feet (LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH). Deferred: November 26, 1991 Recommendat i on: DENIAL letter from applicant, dated January WITHDRAWAL as this property was sold. 1992, requests 9, I. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. NEW BUSINESS COUNCIL-SPONSORED ITEMS: J. a. Resolution recognizing outstanding achievement of members of City Staff re administering the Erosion ðnd Sediment Control Program. (Sponsored by Counci I woman Reba S. McCIanan) K. ADJOURNMENT * * * * . * . . * * * . * * . SCHEDULE FY 1992-1993 OPERATING BUDGET City CouncIl Che~ber TUESDAY, MARCH 31,'1992 2:00 PM **SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION** PRESENTATION TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1992 10:00 AM WORKSHOP TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 10:00 AM WORKSHOP THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1992 7:00 PM **SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION** PUBLIC HEARING Green Run High School Auditorium TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1992 (Time to be determined) WORKSHOP THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1992 7:00 PM **SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION** PUBLIC HEARING Princess Anne High School Auditorium THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1992 10:00 AM RECONCI LlAT I ON WORKSHOP TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1992 2:00 PM APPROPRIATION ORDINANCES . * . . * * * * * * * * . COUNCIL SESSIONS CANCELLED MAY 5, 1992 CITY COUNCIL ELECTION DAY . . * * . * . . * * * * * 2/20/92 95 MINUTES VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Virginia Beach, Virginia February 25, 1992 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf called to order the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL for the CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFINGS 1n the CounCIl Chamber, Clty Hall BUlld1ng, on February 25, 1992, at 3:30 P.M. Counc11 Members Present: James W. Braner, Jr., Robert W. ClybuIn, VIce ~!ayor Robert E. Fentress, Harol d He1schober, LOUIS R. Jones, Paul J. LanteIgne, Reba S. ~!cClanan, ~!ayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Kancy K. Parker and W1lllam D. Sessoms, Jr. Councd 'embers Absent: John ~. Baum (E:¡rERED: 3:48 P.~1.) - 2 - C I T Y MAN AGE R I S B R I E FIN G S FY 1991-1992 ASSESSMENT NOTICES 3:30P.M. ITEM # 35357 Jerald D. Banagan, Real estate Assessor, distributed Intormatlon relative 1991-1992 ASSESSMENTS which IS hereby made a part at ~e r~cord. Mr. Banagan advised on February 28, 1991, the Assessor's ottlce will mall ~otlces ot Assess~ent for the Fiscal Year 1993 to the 44,4,2 property owners who received a change In assessment from the current fiscal year. This represents only 34% ot the 130,615 prop('rtles wit'"," the City. Assess~ent'3 on 18,482 properties or approximately 15% of properties dec' Ined In value trom FY 1992. The projected 1993 Assessment IS $15,415,000,000 which will generate $178,928,00 11 revenue at this current FY 1992 real estate tax rate of $1.09 per $100 of assessed value. The average assessment change for Individual properties IS approximately -0.2%. Mr. ßanagan referenced the foi lowing chdrt on page 4 ot said Intormatlon: PERCENT OF INCREASE IN ASSESSMENTS Over All Average Increase Over All Median Increase - 0.2% 0% Residential -0.05% Apartment -1.48% Commercial/Industrial -0.54% Residential 0% Apartment -0.57% Commercial/Industrial 0% Approxlmat",ly ApproXimately Approximately Approximately Approximately Approximately Approximately ApprOXimately 15% of 81% of 90% of 94% of 6% ot 97% ot 98% of 99% of parcels parcels parcels parcels parcels Parcels Parce I s Parcels Decreased had 0% Increase or had an Increase of had an Increase of had dn Increase ot had an Increase of had an Increase of had an Increase ot Decreased Less Than 2% Less Than 3% Less than 4 % L"ss than 5% less than 6% less than 7% The average I od I v I dua I percent of I ncrease In annua I assessments has been declining Since 1982 very dramatically. Pages 7, Ii and 9 of said report contain Infor~atlon on t~e demographics of the housing base which has changed very slightly from past years. The Mean Assessment tor a residence IS $105,200, Wlt~ a Median Assessment ot $83,400. Assessment Comparison by Classification Classification 1993 Assessment General Commercial Hotel Off t ce Industrial 11.9% 2.7% 2.8% 2.4% ~ Apartment Residential Townhouse Condominium Agriculture 4.7% 61.3% 7.4% 6.3% .5% ~ February 25, 1992 - 3 - C I T Y MAN AGE R ' S BRIEFING FY 1991-1992 ASSESSMENT NOTICES ITEM # 35357 (ContI nued) Mr. Banagan advIsed Page 12 detaIls the Change In Property Value ClaSSIfIcatIon comparing the FY 1993 Assessment vs the FY 1992 Assessment. by ClassIfIcation FY 1993 Assessment FY 1992 Assessment Change Genera 1 CommercIal $ 1,944,324,464 S 1,954,627,059 5-10,302,595 -0.5% Hotel 433,353,617 436,462,748 -3,109,131 -0.7% OffIce 463,148,206 480,283,430 -17,135,224 -3.6% IndustrIal 383,841,862 383,695,816 146,046 0.1% Apartment 763,164,691 769,094,209 - 5,929,518 -0.7% ReSldentlal 10,033,500,717 9,879,943,978 153,536,739 1.6% Townhouse 1,217,426,119 1,233,089,309 -15,663,190 -1. 3% COndOmInIUm 1,028,437,000 1,027,825,838 611,162 0.1% AgncuHure 92,194,986 90,343,92] 1,851,065 2,1% New construction for the past 12 months amounted to $221,781,475 whIch IS a decrease from the preVIOUS year of 556,476,714 or 20.3%. Page 14 reflects the hIstory of new constructIon for the past several years. Growth In land due to rezonlngs and subdIvIsIon amount to approxImately 577,300,00. However, approXImately $35,900,000 of that amount was jue solely to the Lake RIdge rezonIng. Total growth In land and buIldIngs amounts Lo 1.8% of the tax base. The report contaIns further InformatIon relatIve the Land Use Program, Senior CitIzens Program and Tax Exempt Property. ResIdentIal, apartment and agrIcultural properties comprIse 80.2% of the tax base wIth commercIal and industrIal propertIes constItutIng 19.8% of the tax base. Land values have dropped on the Oceanfront, land sIde of AtlantIc Avenue and both sIdes of PacIfic Avenue, ThIs loss of value was approxImately S40-MILLIO~. AtlantIc Avenue was basIcally dropped from $40.00 a square foot to $35.00 and on PacIfIc Avenue from $30.00 to $25.00. February 25, ]992 - 4 - C I T Y MAN AGE R ' S BRIEFING WATER CONSERVATION EDUCATION/ACTION CAMPAIGN ITEN if 353'58 3:50 P,H. Clarence O. Warnstaff, Dlrector - PubllC Utlllt1es, advlsed the cornerstone of the foundatIon of the water conservatlon program IS educat10n. Only as a last resort, would the Clty attempt to Issue CItatlons. Slnce 1977, the C1ty has requlred new constructIon to utlllze low flush tollets, low flow faucets and showerheads In addltlon to other restrIctIons, In 1987, the State of Vlrglnla adopted a un1form state'Hde bu1lding code, wh1ch, In some cases, preempted Vlrgln1a Beach's plumbIng code ordInances. However, the State's unIform plumb1ng code requ1red the use of water savJng plumblng flxtures wIth standards that are very sImIlar to those prevIously adopted by Vlrglnla Beach approXImately 10 years eaI her. Current ly, the Cl ty IS evaluat1ng the requlrement to mandate the use of ultra-low flush t01lets In all new constructIon. The C1ty IS currently öeeklng enablIng leg1slatlon from the State for th1s reqUlrement. The CIty has a very actIve program to repaIr all water leaks, The unaccounted water In the C1ty'S system whl,_h Includes leaks, broken water malns, water that ]S used for fIre fIghllng, broken meters, averages around 5%. The natJOnal average IS ]n the range of 10% to 15% and In some jurlsdlctlons much h1gher, All water maIn breaks In Vlrglnla Beach are repa1red as soon as poss1ble. VIrgInIa Beach maIntaIns the standard that water malns wlll be repa1red In 24 hours. The City has a fully metered computerized water meter system. These meters w111 reglster elther h1gh or low consumptlon and a meter mechan1c IS dIspatched to determlne 1f saId meter IS faulty. oUl water meters In the CIty are replaced or rebuIlt w]th,n approxlmately a fIfteen year cycle. W,th the exceptIon of a mInImum servlCP c1arg~, the entIre cost of water IS recovered through a stra1ght block rate ($2,96 per 1,000 gallons). All classes of customers pay the same rate. There IS no dlscount for large volume users, Pamela M. Llngle, Dlrector - Publ1c Informatlon, through the use of Vldeo dlsplays presented the WATER CONSERVATION AWARENESS/ACTION CAMPAIGN. THEME : To be developed and used productlons and materlals. wl th all programs, OBJF..GTIVE: Reduce water consumptIon by 10% through an aggresslve communIty educatlon and communlCY actJon campaIgn, GENERAL AND MANDATORY CONSERVATION ACTION PLAN ACTION PLAN A, COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAMS I. Create a Water ConservatIon Coordlnatlon Committee wIth representatIves from the community, Industry and Clty staff to develop and Implement a plan of actIon. a. Include representatIon from (suggestIons only): CouncIl of CIVIC OrganlzatJOns, Chamber of Commerce, TIdewater BuIlders Assoclatlon, Vlrglnla Beach Schools, T,dewater Vlrglnla Nurserymen's ASSOclatlon (TVNA) , AmerIcan SocIety of Landscape ArchItects, Nliltary, Hotel/~otel AssocIatIon, Restaurant AssoClatlon, CounCIl of Garden Clubs, Plwnbl11g Assoclatlon, swl~mlng pool contractors, communlty leaders, clergy, retaIl merchants, Vlrglllla Power, C & P, Vlrglnla ~atural Gas, etc. (staff to include PublIC Utliltles, PIa, Landscape Servlces, Economlc Development, Vlsltor and ConventIon Development, LIbrarIes, Recreatlon) 2. Suggested CommIttee Programs: a. Create a Speakers Bureau b. BegIn a resldentlal "Water Audit" program patterned after VJ rglma Power's "energy audit" program, (DPU) ¡:-nhr"~-' ~" - 5 - C I T Y MAN AGE R I S BRIEFING WATER CONSERVATION EDUCATION/ACTION CAMPAIGN ITEM # 35358 (Continued) B. COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMS AND PUBLICITY 1. Video and TelevIsion Productions (PIO/MCN' 2. Slide Show for Speakers Bureau and School Programs 5. Publicity/Media Advertising (PIO) 4. Publications/Citizen Mailings (Pia) 5. Media Relations (DIO) 6. Water Conservation Displays (PIO & DPU) 7. On-going Public Utilities Efforts CDPUJ 8. Obtain public research C. WATER-SAVING LANDSCAPING PROGRAMS 1. Create a Water-Sav, ng Landscap I ng SJb-comml ttee of the Water Conservation Coordination Committee to Inc lude represenTation from the City's Landscape Services division, AgrlcJlture Department, Beautification Commission, Jepartment ot ¡<atural Resources and Rural Services. landscaping associations, building contractors and garden clubs, garden cpnters, etc. a. Bu I I d Water-Sav I ng Landscap I ng Demons trat I on PrOj ects co- sponsored by the City's Landscape Services DIvIsion, Tidewater Vlrglola Nurserymen AssociatIOn <TVNA) and the American Society ot Landscape Architects (ASLA). 1. Mount Trashmore Intormatlon Center Building and the VIsitor Intormatl~n Center. a. Plant and place signs. b. Document with video/photography. c. Provide brochures on-site. d. Publicize demonst'atlon projects/locations. b. Create awareness of existing landscaping on city property. examples of water-saving 1. Boardwalk plantlngs (,nclude slgnage) 2. North end - Atlantic Avenue medians c. Encourage Home-A-Rama to I nc I ude water-sav I ng I andscap' ng demonstration projects. d. Include water-saving landscaping ;nformatlon In all general and mandatory water conservation programs and efforts. 2. Community Involvement (JPU) nurseryman's a. Work with gardening, landscaping associations on education programs. and b. )eek assistance from the city's Master Gardeners. c. Encourage garden centers to do demo projects. d. Work with City's garden clubs. e. Request that bookstores and City puDIIC libraries stock and display books about water-savl~g landscaping and garden,og (also, how to Install water saving devices). f. Offer water-sav I ng I andsc"p log c I ass",s through recreat, on centers/TCC/adult learning center. February 25, 1992 - 6 - C I T Y MAN AGE R ' S B R I E FIN G WATER CONSERVATION EDUCATION/ACTION CAMPAIGN ITE.'! # 35358 (ContInued) 3, Brochure a. TV!\A and ASLA to compIle :mformatlon water-savIng landscapIng. for a brochure on b, Seek assIstance from the CIty'S Xaster Gardeners. 4. AdvertIsIng a. Seek cooperatIve advertIsIng wIth garden centers, hardware stores, etc, 5, MedIa RelatIons (PIO) a. Request VPLS to wrr te serres on water-saVIng landscapIng and gardenIng. b. Alert medIa to presentatIons and plantings. c. ContInue to dIstrIbute news releases and feature artIcles about water-savIng landscapIng. 6. Speakers Bureau (DPU) a. Include water-savIng landscap"ng experts In speakers bureau and/or create an addItIonal speakers bureau. b. Schedule experts on talk shows. 7. VIdeo ProductlOns U1C'I/PlO) a. Include landscapIng call-In senes. senes and In MCr; 29 vIdeo tOpICS b. 'lake above tapes avallable In lIbraries and, If feasIble, In garden centers and vIdeo stores, 8. Create an ~ward Program for resIdents/busInesses that use water- saVIng landscapIng.(DPI;) D. COMMERCIAL WATER CONSERVATION 1. Create a CommercIal Water ConservatIon sub-commIttee to develop an educatIon program for the CIty'S hIghest water users. 2. Develop a water conservatIon program for busIness Industry. Mrs. LIngle dIsplayed a Chart for the 1992/93 WATER CONSERVATION AWARENESS CAMPAIGN from February 1992 - February 1993. Phase One of the Project would entaIl a cost of $57,826, wIth Phase Two beIng $42,174. Letter from Bartow Hughes BrIdges, Jr., LandscapE ArchItect, dated February 16, 1992, IS hereby made a part of the record. ~!r. BrIdges advIsed recently enacted water use restrIctIons WIll have 3. serIOUS Impact on successful ImplementatIon of desIrable CIty landscape requIrements. ~r. BrIdges proposed the regulatIons be amended to allow the postponement of requIred landscapIng untIl the fIrst fall season. If the CIty could allow adequate waterlng at fall plantIng, then there IS much less chance of any addItIonal water beIng requIred -- ever. Mayor Oberndorf complImented the Sunday, February 23, 1992, echtlon of the VIRGINIAN/PIrm-LEDGER STAR whIch contaIned In theIr Home SectIon a thorough report on water conservatIon. Mayor Oberndorf suggested thIS artIcle be reproduced by the newspaper and madp avalla ble through the 1r brar Ies to the general cItIzenry, Februarv 25. ]997 - 7 - C I T Y MAN AGE R ' S BRIEFING WATER CONSERVATION EDUCATION/ACTION CAMPAIGN IT&~ # 35358 (Contlnued) Mr, Warnstaff advlsed relatiVe groundwater, the City was merely seeklng the authority from the State to glve the Clty Councll the abIlity to restnct groundwater In certaln areas, If It was determlned that utlllzlng groundwa~er for lrngatlon was havlng an adverse Impact upon groundwater that IS belng used lnslde one's home, ~1r. Warnstaff adVlsed II IS not the goal of the Clty to create another level of bureaucracy and regulate ground\iBter throughout Vuglnla Beach. Concernlng the paper of :-!r. Duncan W. J. Bell, Jr. entitled POINT PAPER - ALTERNATIVE WATER CONSERVATION PLAN. ,'fr. Warnstdff adVlsed ~fr. Bell's statement was Incorrect. He had advIsed the City Councd, for fIscal year 1991 (twelve months ended June 30, 1991), the Vlrglnla Beach water demand was 3].8-MILLLIO~ gallons per day, whlch IS approxlmately 32-MILLIO~. The meter readIng dates and the number of days In a month do not always correspond. Therefore, ~r. Thomas leahy, III, Water Resources EngIneer, calculated the water demand for calendar year 199], whIch amounted to 3].]-~]LLIO~ gallons per day. The Clty of Korfolk bIlls Vlrglnla Beach on a flt,cal basls. The CIty Manager advlsed a response had been forwarded to Mr. Bell and caples ","ll be proVlded to Members of Cl ty CouncIl. February 25, ]992 - >3 - C I T Y MAN AGE R ' S B R I E FIN G CITY OF PORTSMOUTH WATER DISCUSSIONS (ADD-ON) IrE'! # 35359 4:30 P.~I. Clarence Warnstaff, Dlrector of PublIc UtIlItIes, dIstrIbuted a copy of the Memorandum - CIty of Portsmouth Water D,Scuss,ons. SaId ~emorandum IS hereby made a part of the record. The purpose of the mePlorandum was to summarIze d,Scusslons WhlCh took place between VlrgInla Beach and Portsmouth durlng July, August, September and October of 1991. The purpose of the d,Scusslons was to determIne whether or not Portsmouth could provlde any short-term, emergency quantitles of water to Vlrglnla Beach. Portsmouth does not have any slgnIflcant water supply dvaIlable for VlrgInld Beach on d long-term basis. Portsmouth's OW'Tl buIld-out comb,ned wIth expected sales to Suffolk and Chesapeake tn the trI-clty area wIll requIre almost all of Portsmouth's YIeld. However, there was some IndIcatIon that Portsmouth could provide water on a a short-term basIs. The quantIty of water dIscussed was 5.5-MILLION gallons per day of raw water. ThIS raw water would be from Portsmouth's reserVOIrs to the Norfolk reserVOlr system located In Suffolk. In July, Mr. Warnstaff, advIsed the CIty ~anager he had approached Portsmouth to explore the potentIal for obtalnlng raw water on a temporary short-term emergency basIs, As Dlrector of Public UtIlItIes, he represented VlrglnIa Beach In dIScussIons. Mr. Warnstaff, reIterated the four polnts rellectIng the CIty'S InabIlIty to reach an agreement wIth Portsmouth: LInkage to Non-Water Issues Extremely Expensive Water Cost Adverse Impact on :-IegOtlatIons wHh the City of Norfolk Risk that Water would certaln condltions. not be avaIlable under Mr. \,arnstaff, was adVIsed Portsmouth would not sell any water to VlTIgnla Beach unless VlrIgnla Beach agreed to support Portsmouth's efforts to obtaIn a waste-to-energy plant to be located In Portsmouth. 'The CIty of Portsmouth's prIce was $1.84 per 1,000 gallons for raw, untreated water delIvered to the Norfolk reserVOlTS located In the CIty of Suffolk. Ten percent of the water would have been lost In handllng and treatment In the Norfolk system. The cost to VIrglnia Beach was In the range of $20-~IILLlO~ to S22-NILLION. There were certaIn capItal Improvements that had to be made If1 order to transport the water from the Portsmouth lakes to the 'orfol>. IdkeEo: a. DesIgn and constructIon of a Portsmouth raw water pump statIon at Lake 'eade -- estImated at $4.1- NILLION. b. II raw water transmISSIon maIn to connect the new pump statIon to the Portsmouth water treatment plant -- estImated cost $2.0-MIllion. c. II raw water transmIssIon maIn that would connect the Portsmouth system to the :-lor folk reserVOIrs -- estImated cost S2.0-MILLION. The cost was deemed exceSSIve and represented a rate nine tImes greater than the rate (20t per 1,000 gallons) VIrgInIa beach currently pays for raw water from the emergency wells. FebrllFlrv 7'1. lqq7 - 9 - C I T Y MAN AGE R ' S B R I E FIN G CITY OF PORTSMOUTH WATER DISCUSSIONS In~1 # 35359 (Continued) Agree I ng to the Portsmouth pr I ce of $1.84 for ra.. untreated ..ater wou I d have set an extremely bad precedent with respect to ongOing water contract talks with the City of Norfolk for a new surplus water sales contract to become effective In the summer at 1993. As I t was necessary to des I gn and bu I I d certa I n cap I ta I I mprove,'I1ents to the Portsmouth water system, the design and constrJctlon of thp pump station and two raw water transmission mains were estimated to require at least two years. This ml11mum two-year period could very easily have Jeen expanded due to two factors: (1) Wetlands and, (2) State law r~GUlr~s that local consent be obtained when one Jurisdiction constructs ..ater facilities In another Jurisdiction. The City would have to negotiate d contract provIsion with the City of Norfolk to require Norfolk to receive the Portsmouth wa~er In their reservoirs, convey the raw water through their syste., treat the water and deliver t~e water to Virginia Beach. The cost to Vlrlg11a Beach for "wheeling and treating" would have been the same price, as It t~e City .ere buYI~g the wdter trom Norfolk. The net ef tect of th" cost of the .ater de II ver-ed to V I rg I n I a Beach's master meteors along the western border would Je $1.84 to Portsmouth, p us $1.12 to Norfolk for a total of $2.96. The City of Portsmouth doe~ not have water dvallable to Virginia Beach for a long-term commitment. The water available from Portsmouth to Virginia Beach was not a guaranteed amount. When Virginia Beach submltt~d Its application to the Army Corps of Engineers In 1983 for the Lake Gaston Project, the Army Corps of Engineers conducted an extensive analysIs of the "water needs" and the "water supplies" In Southeastern Virginia. The Corps' ana'ysls Included the five cities of Portsmout~, 'Jorfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake and ~uffolk. The Corps' analysIs clearly Indicated that there IS Insufficient water In Southeastern Virginia to meet the needs of the five-city area Including all avai lable suppll<;s. The facts remain the same today. The Norfolk water system IS curr"ntly operating ~t maximum levels In terms of ItS raw water transmission capacity and treatment plant capacity In addition to being overextended with respect to ItS safe yield. The City of Portsmouth desired to have a termination clause wherein they would have the right to t"rm I nate t~e contract ~t a prè-det",rml nEd I eve I of wat,"r demand on their system. Virginia 3each cannot and must not continue to add new permanent connections to I ts pub II c water system In t'1e absence of an add I t I ana I, long-term permanent water supply. Therefore, even with a contract wltr, ."ortsmouth, It would have been necessary for Virginia Beach to continue with ItS program t:> limit the number of new connections eligible to co~nect to the public water system. Mr. Thomas Leahy advised there are no reservoir sites In southeastern Virginia that could be bu; It under toddY's wetlands regulatIons. February 25, 1992 - 10 - ¡rEM II 35360 The INFORMAL SESSION ot the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL was called to order by Mayor Meyera E. Oberndort In the Council Chambers, City Hall Building, on Tuesday, February 25, 1992, at 4:30 P.M. Council Members Present: John A. aaum, James W. Hrazler, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LoUIS ". Jones, Paul J. Lant"'-Igne, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. O~erndort, Nancy K. Parker and Wi Illam D. Sessoms, Jr, Council Members Absent: None February 25, 1992 - 11 - IEè1/i 35361 Mayor Meyera F. Oberndorf entertained a motion to permit City Council conduct ItS EXECUT I VE SESS ION, pursuant to Sect I on 2.1-344, Code Virginia, as amended, for the following purposes: to ot 2. PUBLICLY-HELD PROPERTY: DIScussion or consideration of the condition, acquIsition or use of real property tor public purpose, or of the diSpositIOn of publicly-held property, or of plans fQr the tuture of an Institution which could affect the value of property owned Qr desirable for ownership by such instltJtlQn pursuant to S-Jctlon 2.1-344(A) (3). To-Wit: School Sit~ AcquIsition - ~empsJIII-J ~orough 2. LEGAL MATTERS: Consultation with legal counselor brletlngs by staff members, consultants or attorneys pertaining to actual or probable litigation, or other specific legal matters requesting the provIsion of legal advice by counsel pursuant to Section 7.1-344 (.~) in. To-Wit: Jefferson Savings and Virginia Beach, at al Loan Association, F .t>,. V. City ot Jefferson Savings and Loan Association v. Appeals of the City of Virginia Beach, et al Board of Zoning Troplcana Hotel Associates, L.P v. Board of Zoning Appeals of the City of Virginia Beach, et al Upon motion by Vice Mayor Fentress, seconded by Councilman Baum, City Council voted to proceed Into EXECUT I VE SESS I ON. Voting: 11-a Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, James W. Brazier, Jr., f<obert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, ,-OUIS q. Jones, Paul J. Lanteigne, Re~a S. McC'anan, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy ~. Parker and W,lliam D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: ~~one Counc I I Members Absent '<one February 25, 1992 - 12 - FORMAL SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL Februqry 25, 1992 b :00 P.M. Mayor Meyera E. Oberndort called to order the FORMAL SESSION ot the VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL in the Council Chambers, City Hall Building, on Tuesday, February 25, 1992, at 6:00 p.M. Cou nc I I ~embers Present: J:>hn A. Saum, James W. Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice ~~ayor Robert E. Fentress, Harol d Helschober, LouIs R. Jones, Paul J. Lanteigne, Reba S. McC I anan, Mayor Meyera E. Ober ndort, Ndncy K. Par~er and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Counci I Members Absent: None IWOGATION: Reverend Barnett Thoroughgood New Jerusalem Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA February 25, 1992 - 13 - I tem I I I -E. 1 . CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEM # 35362 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Fentress, seconded by Councilman Helschober, City Council CERTIFIED THE EXECUTIVE SESSION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOTION TO RECESS. Only public business matters lawfully exempted trom Open Meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed In Executive Sessloe t:J "hl~h this certification resolution applies; AND, On I Y such pub II c bus I ness matters as were Identified In the motion convening the Executive Session were heard, discussed or considered by Virginia Beach City Council. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, James W. Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LouIs R. Jones, Paul J. Lanteigne, Reba S, McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K, Parker and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: Noee Council Members Absent: None February 25,1992 1Rtønlutinu CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS: The VIrglnIa Beach Cl ty CouncIl convened Into EXECUTIVE SESSION, pursuant to the afflrmatlve vote recorded 1n ITEl-1 # 35361, Page No. 11 and In accordance WI th the provIsIons of The Vlrglnla Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS: SectlOn 2.1-344,1 of the Code of VIrg1nla requIres a certlficatlon by the governIng body that such Executl ve Sesslon was conducted In conformIty wIth Vlrgln1a law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the VIrglnIa Beach CIty CouncIl hereby certIfIes that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (a) only publlC buslness matters lawfully exempted from Open MeetIng requIrements by VlrglnIa law were dIscussed In Executl ve SessIon to whIch thIs certIficatIon resolutIon applIes; and, (b) only such publIc busIness matters as were IdentlfIed In the motIon convenIng thIS Executlve SessIon were heard, dIscussed e>r consIdered by VIrglnla Beach CIty CouncIl. (¡~~ R th Hodges mlth, CMC/AAF CIty Clerk February 25, 1992 - 14 - Item I II-F. 1. KI NUI'ES ITEM # 35363 A MOTION was made bv VIce Mayor Fentress, seconded by CouncIlman Helschober to APPROVE the M1nutes 'of the IÑFORHAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS of February II, 1992. ThIS MOTION was WITIIDRAWN. Upon motIon by CouncIlwoman McClanan, seconded by CouncIlman Sessoms, CI ty Counc1l APPROVED the MInutes of the INFORMAL AND FORMAL SESSIONS of February II, 1992, not1ng the d1sclosure of CouncIlman Sessoms. ITEM' 35333, Page 8, ITEM # 35334, Page 9 Water and Sewer Master Revenue Bond Resolut10n authorIzIng the 1ssuance of Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds from tlme to t1me. FIRST SUPPLFMENT to the Water and Sewer Master Revenue Bond ResolutlOn provId1ng for the ISSUANCE and SALE of $19,975,000 Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Ser1es of 1992, of the C1ty of VIrgInIa Beach, VIrgInIa, provld1ng for the form, detaIls and payment thereof, fInancIng the cost of Improvements to the CIty'S water and san1tary sewer facIIItles. *CouncIlman Sessoms DISCWSED pursuant to SectIon 2.1-639.14(C) of the Code of VIrgInIa. he was currently an offIcer of Central FIdelIty Bank earnIng a sa1an 1n excess of SIO,OOO annually. After the CIty Councll SessIon of February II, 1992, CouncIlman Sessoms was advIsed by the CIty Attorney that Central FIdelity Bank was selected as fiscal agent by a commIttee of staff personnel utIlIzIng competItIve procedures, \ÚthIn the body of bond documents Wh1Ch were approved. and In partIcular the Master Water and Sewer Revenue Bond ResolutIon and t he FIrst Supplement to that resolution, there ..'ere t.."O obscure references to Central Fidelity Bank and language which 1ndIcated CouncIl's approval of the pr10r selectIon of Central F1dellty Bank a" the "fiscal agent" for the sale of wa ter and sewer revenue bonds. '=ounCllman Sessoms had no knowledge thIS rpferenc e was 1n these documents WhIC~ were qu,te vnlumI nous CouncIlman Sessoms' vote on the two referenced bond resolutIons remaIns In the affIrmatIve, however, he requested hIS abstentlCm to the aspects of those two resolutlOns WhICh refer to Central FIdehty Bank or the approval of CFB as fiscal dgent. CouncIlman Sessoms' letter and DIsclosure of February 20, 1992, shall be made a part of the ~Inutes of February II, 1992. VotIng: ll-O CouncIl Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, James W. BrazIer, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, VIce Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LOUIS R. Jones, Paul J. Lanteigne, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor 'leyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker and WIlliam D. Sessoms, Jr, CouncIl Members Voting Nay: None CounCIl Members Absent: None This ITEM was moved to the end of the Agenda. February 25, 1992 - 15 - Item lII-F.2 MINUTES lTEH /I 35364 ConcernIng the OrdInance establIshIng an InterIm program for the conservatIon of the publlc water supply re Lake Gaston PIpel1ne Project (ADOPTED February II, 1992), upon motIon by Council~oman McClanan, seconded by Councilman Sessoms, CIty CounCIl APPROVED a STATI}IENT of INTENT and DIRECTED the CIty Manager to Interpret SectIon 9(c) that such provlsIons shall be read as follo~s : "Such plans pertaIn to a development of a sIte, any part of WhICh IS the subject of a sIte plan whIch has been submItted as of the date of adoptIon of thIs ordInance, where constructIon of such svstem commences or IS bonded by April 30, 1992." . VotIng: 11-0 CouncIl Members VotIng Aye: John A. Baum, James W, BrazIer, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, V,ce Mayor Robert E. fentress, Harold HeIschober, LOUIS R. Jones, Paul J. LanteIgne, Reba S. McClanan, ~ayor ~eyera E. Oberndorf, ~ancy K. Parker and WIllIam D, Sessoms, Jr. CouncIl Members VotIng Nay: None CouncIl Members Absent: None ThIs Item was MOVED to the end of the AGENDA to allow for the City Attorney's InterpretatIon. February 25, 1992 - 16 - Item III-F.3 ANNOUNCEMENT lTEN # 35366 Mayor Oberndorf Introduced the followIng BOY SCOUTS In attendance durIng the CIty Councll SeSSIon to earn theIr cItlzenshlp ln the communIty merIt badges: John Paul Herbert Ross Garmon February 25. 1992 - 17- Item I I I-G. 1 . CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 35367 Upon mot I on by V I ce Mayor F entres~, seconded by Counc I I man Sessoms, Council APPROVED In ONE MOTION Items 1, 2, 3 end 4 ot the CONSENT AGENDA. City Voting: 11-0 Counci I Members VOtl ng Aye: John A. Beum, James W. Brazier, ,Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice ~.layor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LouIs R. Jones, Paul J. Lanteigne, Rebe S. McClanen, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndort, Nency K. Parker end William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: None February 25, 1992 - 18 - Item 111-G.1. CONSENT AGENDA IT~M # 35368 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Council ADOPTED: Fentress, seconded by '~ounc I I man Sessoms, City Ordl nance to APPROPRIATE $6,000 trom the General Fund Revenues to the Department ot Natural Resources and Rural Services re abatement ot environmental damage to, or restoration ot, wetlands. VOtl ng: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, James W. Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice r~ayor Robert E. F¿ntress, Harold Helschober, LoUIS R. Jones, "au I J. Lan~elgne, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. O~erndort, Nancy K. Parker and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: t~one February 25, 1992 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $6,000 FROM THE GENERAL FUND REVENUES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND RURAL SERVICES FOR THE ABATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE TO, OR RESTORATION OF WETLANDS IN THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH. WHEREAS, the Wetlands Board of the C~ty of V~rg~n~a Beach has ordered of c~v~l connect~on w~th charges ~n the ~mpos~t~on v~olat~ons of the Wetlands Zon~ng Ord~nance of the C~ty of V~rg~n~a Beach and has collected the cumulative sum of $6,000 in c~v~l charges and depos~ted sa~d mon~es ~n the General Fund: and WHEREAS, Sect~on 62.1-13 .18: 2 of the Code of V~rgin~a 1950, as amended, prov~des that c~v~l charges ~mposed for the v~olation of any prov~s~on of the Wetlands Act (Sections 62.1-13.1- 62.-13.20) or v~olat~ons of any Comm~ss~on or wetlands board not~ce, order, rule, regulat~on or perm~t cond~t~on may be d~rected to be pa~d ~nto the treasury of or town ~n wh~ch the the county, c~ty, v~olat~on took place for the purpose of abat~ng env~ronmenta1 damage to, or the restorat~on of wetlands there~n: and WHEREAS, there is ava~lable ~n the General Fund the sum of $6,000 the abatement of env~ronmental damage the to, or for restorat~on of wetlands; and WHEREAS, the of Natural and Rural Department Resources Serv~ces ~s tasked w~th the adm~n~strat~on of funds and pol~cies relat~ng to env~ronmental management, wh~ch ~ncludes but ~s not l~m~ted to the wetlands, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the sum of $6,000 ~s hereby appropr~ated from the General Fund to the Department of Natural Resources and Rural Serv~ces for the abatement of env~ronmental damage to, or the restorat~on of wetlands ~n the City of V~rg~n~a Beach as d~rected by the D~rector of Natural Resources and Rural Serv~ces, 35 Adopted by the Councll of the Clty of Virglnla Beach, 36 Vlrglnla, on the ~ day of February , 1992. 37 38 39 40 CA-451.J ORDIN\NONCODE\WETLANDS.ORD R-l _APPRO~ CONTEN~ -" , :;;:)/~ CA'~~ WALTER C KRAE , JR OFFICE OF BUDGET AND EVALUATION .. ~~~.: ~~' (~~ SIaN. 'u.. II/CIo-\'uv.1 /Ï,~^<J"."- R...{ {(...". DEPARTMENT APPROVED AS TO LEGAL SJ.!Ef,lCIEN~ AN~RM '~/¥Jt!~ v. c.1ctu1J~ ~ CITY A1TORNEY ,/ 2 - 19 - Item 111-G.2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 35369 Upon mot i on by V I ce Mayor Council ADOPTED: F"ntress, seconded by Counci Iman S<3ssoms, City Ordinance to duthorlze a temporary encroachment Into a portion of the City's property known as the waters of Lake Joyce to Paul K. Lynch and Merlanne M. Lynch re construction of a bulkhead and pier (BAYS IDE BOROUGH). The following conditions shall be required: 1. T~e owner agrees to remove the encroachment when notl fied by the City of Virginia Beach, at no expense to th" City. 2. The owner agrees to and har'lll ess of any encroachment. keep and ho I d the City free II ab I I I ty as a resu I t of thG 3. The owner agrees to ma I nta I n sa I d encroachment so as not to become unsightly or a hazard. 4. The owner per'll I t. must obtdln an approved wat"rfront Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, James W. Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice :~ayor ~obert E. Fantress, Harold Heischober, LoUIS R. Jones, Paul J. Lanteigne, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Counc I I Members Vat I ng Nay: None Council Members Absent: None February 25, 1992 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 13 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 AN (JEDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE A TEMPORARY ENCROACHMENT INTO A PORTION OF THE CI'rY'S PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE WATERS OF LAKE JOYCE TO PATJL K. LYNCH AND MARIANNE M. LYNCH, THEIR HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND r;UCCESSORS IN TITLE ;' 3 4 :, 6 7 8 9 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That pursuant to the authorlty and to the extent thereof contalned In Sectlon 15.1-893, Code of Vlrglnla, 1950, as amended, PAUL K. LYNCH AND MARIANNE M, LYNCH, thelr helrs, asslgns and successors In tltle are authorlzed to construct and malntaln a temporary encroachment lnto the Clty property known as the waters of Lake Joyce. That the temporary encroachment hereln authorlzed is for the purpose of constructlng and malntalnlng a bulkhead and pler and that sald encroachment shall be constructed and malntalned in accordance wlth of Beach Works Publlc the Clty Vl.rglnla Department's speclflcatlons as to slze, a1lgnment and location, and further temporary encroachment lS more partlcularly that such descrlbed as follows: An area of encroachment lnto a portlon of the Clty'S property known as the waters of Lake Joyce, on the certaln plat entltled: "PROPOSED BULKHEAD AND PIER REBUILD IN LAKE JOYCE AT VIRGINIA BEACH", a copy of whlch lS on fl1e In the Department of Publl.c Works and to whlch reference lS made for a more partlcular descrlptlon, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the temporary encroachment hereln authorlzed shall termlnate upon notlce by the City of Vlrglnla Beach to PAUL K. LYNCH AND MARIANNE M, LYNCH, themselves, thelr helrs, asslgns and successors In tltle and that wlthln thlrty (30) days after such notlce lS glven, sald encroachment shall be removed from the Clty'S property known as the waters of Lake Joyce and that 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 '>9 60 61 62 they, thelr helrs, asslgns and successors ln tltle shall bear all costs and expenses of such removal. AND, PROVIDED FURTHER, that lt IS expressly understood and agreed that PAUL K. LYNCH AND MARIANNE M. LYNCH, thelr helrs, asslgns and successors ln tltle shall lndemnlfy and hold harmless the C1ty of vll'gln1a Bedch, l::S a"ents and employees from and agalnst all damages, losses and Includlng c1alms, expenses reasonable attorney's fees 1n case lt shall be necessary to flle or defend an action arlslng out of the locatIon or exlstence of such encroachment. AND, PROVIDED FURTHER, that the party of the second part agrees to malntaln sald encroachment so as not to become unslghtly or a hazard. AND, PROVIDED FURTHER, that thlS oIdlnance shall not be In effect until such tlme that PAUL K. LYNCH AND MARIANNE M. LYNCH execute an agreement wlth the Clty of Vlrginla Beach encompasslng the aforementioned provlslons. Adopted by the Council of the Clty of Vlrglnla Beach, Vllglnla, on the ~ day of February , 19~ KL/tga 01/15/92 lynch,ord Af?ROym AS ïO CONïtN1 ~--'--~~'u::"'-' -(, ~~~., '/ß_'~ þ~/" f/t:; ~ ¿ Re: Lake Joyce Encroachment Mr. Paul K. Lynch Dear Aubrey. As you know in 1967, the Norfolk City Council adopted an ordinance conveying Lake Joyce along with a 20 foot strip of land around the lake to the city of Virginia Beach. There was language in the conveyance wh1ch required the City of Virginia Beach to use the property exclusively for public or municipal purposes and provided that the property should not be conveyed, sold or leased and should not be permitted to be used for any other purpose. In the event this condition was breached, the property would revert to Norfolk, We have received a request from Mr. Paul K. Lynch of 4443 Lee Avenue to install a bulkhead and replace a pier. This matter was forwarded to City Counc1l and no objections were noted. Therefore, the C1ty of Norfolk would not cons1der the requested encroachment by Mr. Paul K. Lynch, if authorized by the City of Virginia Beach, to violate the conditions in Norfolk's deed to Virginia Beach, Th1S pos1t1on 1S taken only with respect to the facts set forth herein as it relates to the 20 foot str1p of land located at 4443 Lee Avenue, Virg1nia Beach, Virginia, 23455. This action does not demonstrate or control similar 1nstances -- past, present, or future. Please give us a call should you have questions. ~3iLl~ ---I James) B. Oliver, J~t '\ ~t~/Manager cc: Director of Development City Engineer, Virginia Beach Mr, Paul K. Lynch " " 1101 City Hall BUIlding' Nortolk, Virginia nr,O1 '/804) 441.2471 - I LAKE JOYCE (NON- TlDALINON-WETLAND J EXHIBIT" A" PROPOSED NEW BULKHEAD AND SAND fiLL EXISTING EPODING SHORE~rf:B 1-14 ""~r A WITH BROKEN CONCRETE LINE \ AS RIPRAP -----1 --- '........ 20 (O2':~, ~ A It:':,. ":"'~19~,,;. 27'~ 1. ""'" "', \ 'c:;'c ' '; ~ \ / ¿ "" 3? 9 / /' ...I. "'" - 4i) / OlDPIP~NOTED I """ / ON~,UPVEY . / . . . . " .' CITY OF VIRGINIA eE~CH "', ............,( PROPEPTV LINE I NOT A SUBDIVISION OF LAND P.EPLACE EXISTING PIER/DOCr WITH SI1ALLER PROTRUSION INTO LAKE ORDINARY HIGH WATER (l)HW) LINE I') AT CURRENT SHORELINE / / --~ to¡ \1\ \ EXISTING 8UU'HEAD "'" ,'." 1 N EXISTING RE')IDENCE Of PAUL K LYNCH 444~ LEE AVENUE PROPERTY C;f GAPY POTE PROPERTY OF RALPH SUG6S I)E~~ERAL NOTES I BULKHEAD APPROXIMA TEL Y 88 LONG 2 EXISTING PIER TO 8E REPLACED WITH ONE AS DRAWN 1 BULKHEAD TO BE wiTHIN 3 OF C'JRRWT SHORELINE PURPOSE STOP EROSION Of SHORELINE AND PREVENT LOSS OF NUI1ER()JS LARGE TREE') PLAN VIEW PROPOSED BULKHEAD. Arm DIER RE8UILD IN LA' E JOYCE AT VIf<.GltIIA BEACH DRAWN BY P K L (REV 1 ) Si"EET2 OF 'õ DATE3/18'",' DATUM A[1.JACENT PROPERTY OwrIEPS¡CLAIMANTS 1 GARY ROTE 2 PALPH SUGGS PAUL I( LYNCH 444-3 LEE AVHIUE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23455 """" ""90" '('7' . -+- ~ C/fESAPßA/(£ øAY , ;'<1: ;.;. ",,~l~ "~ ~... \~ i , " 1,:,zi LOCATION MAP I I TH1;:; AGREEMENT, made th~s lC\T1\ day of N""G-'-'.J'JY1- 1 ')~, by :l!Id between thc CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, a munLclpal colporatLon, party of the first part, Grantor, and Paul K. Lynch and MarLanne M. Lynch, husband and wLfe, THEIR ASSIGNS AND SUCCESSORS IN TITLE, party of the second part, Grantee. WIT N E SSE T H: That, WHEREAS, Lt IS proposed by the party of the second part to construct and maLnta~n a bulkhead and pier in the C~ty of vIrginia Beach; and WHEREAS, In construct~ng and maIntaInIng such bulkhead and pIer, It is necessary that the saId party of the second part encroach into a portion of an exIsting CIty property known as the waters of Lake Joyce; and said party of the second part has requested that the party of the fIrst part grant a temporary encroachment to facLlltate such bulkhead and pIer w~thln a portion of the CIty'S property known as the waters of Lake Joyce. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the prem~ses and of the benef 1 ts accruIng or to accrue to the party of the sccond part and for the further cons~deratlon of One Dollar ($1.00), in hand paid, to the saId party of the first part, iece~pt of WhICh LS hereby acknowledged, the party of the first part doth grant to the party of the second part a temporary encroachment to use a portion of the City's property known as the waters of Lake for the purpose of constructing and Joyce ma~ntalnlng such bulkhead and pIer. ~ ~ ~ -. it 1S expressly understood and agreed that such temporary encroachment w1ll be constructed and ma1nta1ned in accordance w1th the laws of the Commonwealth of Vlrglnia and the City of Virglnla Beach, and in accordance with the Cl ty of Vlrglnla Beach Publlc Works Department's speciflcations and approval as to size, allqnment and locatlon and lS more partlcularly descrlbed as follows, to Wlt: An area of encroachment into a portlon of the Clty'S property known as the waters of Lake Joyce as shown on that certaln plat entltled: "PROPOSED BULKHEAD AND PIER REBUILD IN LAKE JOYCE AT VIRGINIA BEACH," a copy of whlch 1S é'_ttached hereto as Exhiblt "A" and to whlch reference is made for a more partlcular descrlptlon, It lS further expressly understood and agreed that the temporary encroachment hereln authorized shall terminate upon notlce by the Clty of Vlrginia Beach to the party of the second part, and that wlthln thlrty (30) days after such notice is given, such temporary encroachment shall be removed from the City's property known as the waters of Lake Joyce by the party of the second part; and that the party of the second part shall bear all costs and expenses of such removal, ,I It lS futher expressly understood and agreed that the party of the second party must obtain an approved waterfront permlt. " , It is further expressly understood and agreed that the party of the second part shall indemnlfy and hold harmless the Clty of Virglnla Beach, ltS agents and employees, from and agalnst 2 all claims, damages, losses and expenses l.ncluding reasonable attorney's tees l.n case it shall be necessary to file or defend an actl.on arising out of the location or existence of such temporary encroachment. It is further expressly understood and agreed that 110thl.ng herel.n contal.ned shall be construed to enlarge such pelml.SSl.On and authorl.ty to perml.t the mal.ntenance or construction of any encroachment other than that specl.fied herel.n and to the It is further expressly understood and agreed that the \ \ I I i I lunl.ted extent specl.fied herein, nor to perml.t the mal.ntenance and construction of any encroachment by anyone other than the party of the second part. party of the second part agrees to mal.ntain said encroachment so as not to become unsl.ghtly or a hazard. It l.S further expressly understood and agreed that the party of the first part, upon revocatl.on of such authority and permissl.on so granted, may remove any such encroachment and charge the cost thereof to the party of the second part, and collect the cost l.n any manner provided by law for the collectl.on of local or state taxes; may reqUl.re the party of the second part to remove such temporary encroachment; and pendl.ng such removal, the party of the first part may charge the party of the second part compensatl.on for the use of such portl.on of the City's rlght-of- way encroached upon the equivalent of what would be the real property tax upon the land so occupl.ed l.f l.t were owned by the party of the second part; and l.f such removal shall not be made 3 " wì~hln the time ordered hereinabove by this Agreement, the City ~hall impose a penalty ln the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) peL day for each and every day that such encroachment is allowed to ~ontlnue thereafter, and shall collect such compensation and penalties in any manner provlded by law for the collectlon of local or state taxes, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sald party of the second part has caused thlS Agreement to be executed by hlS signature and seal dulyafflxed. Further, that the City of Virglnla Beach has caused thls Agreement to be executed in ltS name and on its behalf by lts Clty Manager and ltS seal be hereunto afflxed and attested by ltS City Clerk. I " I Ii ,I CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH By CIty ~anager/Authorlzed DesIgnee of the CIty Manager ; (SEAL) I ATTEST: Clty Clerk ,I I ,i I 4 ~~íLL} /I., ,:0 UJ¡'¡I.'¡I , L,..i{J:1f'J.5C,,--. , . slt:~^IU", n -fflr.(cdJft . DEPARTME"IT ------ - -.-- ---- -. - ------ II i STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-w~t: I, , a Notary Public ~n and Eor the City and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that , CITY MANAGER/AUTHORIZED DESIGNEE OF 1 THE CITY MANAGER, whose name is signed to the foregoing Agreement bearing date on the day of 19_, has acknowledged the same before me in my City and State aforesaid. GIVEN under my hand thiS ----- day of 19 , I I I , My Commission Expires: Notary PubliC \: STATE OF VIRGINIA i CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: I I I' in and for the c~ty and State aforesa~d, do hereby certify that I, , a Notary Public RUTH HODGES SMITH, City Clerk for the CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, whose name ~s signed to the foregoing Agreement bearing date on the ----- day of , 19 ----' has acknowledged the Ii same before me ~n my City and State aforesaid. GIVEN under my hand th~s day of 19 . Notary Public My Commiss~on Expires: 5 .... ~ ," .~ .<0" -- - , " '- . ,",,'. ~---.- I - STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-W1t: I, -¡::;?OG,CIL t-~~ f:>r~~ iNS I JrL , d Notary Publ1C ~n and tor the C1ty and State aforesa1d, do hereby certify that Paul K. Lynch and Mar1anne M. Lynch, whose names are slgned to :oJç~ the foregoing wr1ting, bear1ng date the ~ day of 'jJ;y {/E ¡1t(l.E-tZ- 192{, have acknowledged the same before me 111 my City and State aforesaid. ~¿;~ G1ven under my hand th1S ~ day !VOVC¡tI/1Ct;è ,1r/]l. ~2 My ço~i"",on EXpHe", 3ÓjOoJ~mlf:'f:;'~'fij of I I :1 6 - 20 - Item 111-G.3. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM # 35370 Upon motion by Vice Mayor Fentress, Counci I APPROVED: seconded by CounCI Iman S%soms, City LOW BID with advance notice to proceed: CONTRACTORS PAVING CO., I~C. Rosemont Road Phase IV C I D #2-075 $2,931,780.80 Voting: 1 i-O Council Members Voting Aye: John A. 8aum, James W, Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LoUIS R. Jones, Paul J. Lanteigne, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndort, ~dncy K. Darker and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Counc I I Members Vot I ng Nay: None Counci I Members Absent: None February 25, 1992 - 21 - Item III-G.4. CONSENT AGENDA ITf!ol # 35371 Upon motIon by VIce ~Iayor CounCIl ADOPTED: Fentress, seconded by CouncIlman Sessoms, CIty OrdInance authorIzIng tax refunds In the amount of $2,133.97 upon applIcatIon of certaIn persons and upon certIfIcatIon of the CIty Treasurer for payment. VotIng: 11-0 CouncIl Members VotIng Aye: John A. Baum, James W. BrazIer, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, VIce ~ayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LOUIS R. Jones, Paul J. LanteIgne, Reba S. McClanan, :1ayor ~leyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker and WIllIam D. Sessoms, Jr. CouncIl ~embers VotIng Nay: Kone CouncIl Members Absent: None February 25, 1992 2/7 /92 H1C OR" NO C ^ 7 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TAX REFUNDS UPON APPLICATION OF CERT AIN PERSONS AND UPON CERTIFICATION OF THE TREASURER FOR PAYMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA That the following applications for tax refunds upon certification of the Treasurer are hereby approved NAME Tax Type Ticket Exonera. Date Penalty Int Total Year 01 Tax Number tlon No Paid C Wlnston & Martha Athey 92 RE(1/2) 3738-2 12/4/91 476.17 John F Jr & Llnda Gayle 92 RE(1/2) 41352-7 12/3/91 54.06 Jerer'lY Shulman 92 RE(1/2) 105453-8 12/5/91 272.50 Church Dolnt Assoc 92 RE(1/2) 20935-7 12/5/91 430.54 Alan W & Lesl1e Keck 92 RE(1/2) 71894-9 12/4/91 84.46 E H Brooks 92 RE(1/2) 13562-2 12/5/91 15.83 Montrey G Lucas 92 RE(1/2) 69317-2 11/12/91 38.97 Josephlne M Baldwln 92 RE(1/2) 5125-8 12/5/91 34.34 Mldland Mortgaqe Company 92 RE (1/2) 60521-3 11/26/91 6540 FHst Home Federal Assoc/CA 92 RE(1/2) 7799-9 11/26/91 26.99 Sovran Mort9age Corp 91 RE(1/2) 120698-3 12/5/90 71 07 Sovran Mort9age Corp 91 RE(2/2) 120698-3 6/5/91 71.07 Brlan K & Lena Vosler 89 RE(2/2) 114121-7 6/5/89 77.77 Va Marlne 5clence Museum 89 RE(1/2) 114119-1 12/5/88 155.55 Va Manne 5clence r1useum 89 RE(2/2) 114119-1 5/16/89 103.70 Va Marlne 5clence Museum 89 RE(1/2) 114121-7 12/5/88 155.55-~ Total 2,856.19 . 2,133.97 D~vfA'd '\ ?~ This ordinance shall be effective from date of adoption The abov~ sbatcment(s) totaling $2. 133.97 were approved by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the J'L day of r~ c "'~"J~- Jo T Atkinson, Treasurer Approved as to form Ruth Hodges Smith City Clerk - 22 - I tern I I I - I . H. 1 PUBLIC HEAR I NG ITEM # 35372 PLANNING Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf DECLARED a PUBLIC HEARING on: PLANNING (a) THOMAS R. DUNFORD and JA~ES M. PENDERGAST CONDITIONAL USE PER~IT (b) THOMAS C. KAY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE (c) ARAGONA LODGE NO. 1198, LOYAL ORDER OF ~OOSE, INC. CONDITIONAL ZONING (d) TIDEWATER GOLF CENTER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (e) OCEAN ISLAND PARTNERS CHANGE OF ZONING (f) ROBERT W. SMITH VARIANCE AND TIDEWATER REGIONAL GROUP HOME CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (g) MARY SPADY CONDITIONAL ZONING (h) VIRGINIA H. MEREDITH CONDITIONAL ZONING February 25, 1992 - 23 - Itemlll-H.1.a. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 35373 PLANNING The follOWing spoke In SUPPORT of the application: James Pendergast, 2066 Holland Road, Phone: 490-4753. Tom Dunford, 2066 Holland Road, Phone: 490-4753. Upon mot i on by Counc i I woman McC I anao, second.,d by Counc I I man He I schober, City Council ADOPTED an Ordinance 'Jpon appllçatlon of THOMAS R. DUNFORD and JAMES M. PENDERGAST for a Conditional Use Permit: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF THOMAS R. DUNFORD AND JAt~ES M. PENDERGAST FOR A CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A RECREATIONAL FACI'_ITY R02921415 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA Ordinance upon application of Thomas R. Dunford and James M. Pendergast for a Conditional Use Permit ar a recreational facility of an outdoor nature (driving range) an the west side of Yolland Road, 350 feet more or less south of Shipps Corner Road. The parce I I S located at 2066 Ho II and Road and contains 14.9 acreS. PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH. The following conditions shall be required: 1. To the greatest extent practical, the perking lot shall be located outside of the drip line of the trees adJacent to the cralnage ditch bls~ctlng the site. A Best Management Practice facility to çontrol runoff must be provided If the parking lot is paved In the future. 2. All trees along both sides of the drainage dltçh bisecting the site, as well as In the Northeastern corner of the site, shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. A tr<'.e prot",ctlOn plan must be subm I tted to the City Ar-bor I ST tor the trees along both sides of the drainage ditch bisecting the site, as well as In tne i~ortheastgrn corner of the site. 3. Landscaping In accordancp with standards for street front plantlngs shai I be provided along Holland Road. 4. InvIsible safety netting must be Installed along t~e North, South, and West side of the driving range If and when çonstructlon b~glns on the adJacent property. A Board of Zoning Appeals variance will be required for fence height ,0 excess of eight feet. February 25, 1992 - 24 - Item III-H.l.a. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 35374 PLANNING This Ordinance shall be effective 10 accordance> with Section 107 (t) of the Zoning Ordinance. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Twenty- fifth of Februdry, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Two. Voting: l1-D Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, James W. Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fpntress, Harold Helschober, LouIs R. Jones, Paul J. La1telgnd, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker and \~llllam D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council ~embers Absent: None February 25. 1992 - 25 - Item III-H.l.b. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 3537'5 PLANNING Thomas C. Kay, 1641 Princess Anne Road, Phone. 422-5000, tne applicant Upon motion by Councilman Lanteigne, seconded by Councilman Baum, City Council APPROVED the application ot THOMAS C. KAY for a Varlanc", to Section 4.4(b) of the SubdivIsion Ordinance and ADOPTED the Conditional Use Permit: Application ot Thomas C. Kay for a Variance to Section 4.4(b) at the Subdivision Ordinance. the property IS 10cato'Jd at 1641 Prlnc,.,ss ~nn" Road. PUNGO BOROUGH AN u, ORD I NANCE UPON APPL I CA T I ON OF THOMAS C. KAY FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMlr FOR ,~ SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOT IN TYE AG DISTRICT RO2921416 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA ~EACH, VIRGINIA Ord I nance upon app II cat I on of Thomas C. Kay for a Conditional Use Permit tor a single tamlly residential lot In the AG District and for a mobile home for tarm laborers on the west side of Princess Anne Road, south ~t Muddy Creek Road. T~e parcel IS located at 164 1 Pr I nc"ss Anne Road and conta I ns 71.31 acres. PUNc,O '30ROUGH The following conditions shall be required: 1. T"e curb cut for Lot D sha II be located at t,e Southernmost end at the site, adjacenr to the existing curb cut e>n the neighboring lot. Þ. one- foot no Ingrcss/egr",ss easemenr is reqUired along the remainder of lot D with a standard 15 foot curb cut. 2. The minimum front yard setback tor dll structures on proposed Lot D shal: be two hundred feet from Princess Anne Road. T~ls will place 'itr<Jctures behind the existing trees. 3. Existing trees on the site shall be preserved to the maximum extent prdctlcal. 4. The mobile home IS approved until the single family home on Lot D IS constrJcted, but not to exceed one year. ~s required by the City Zoni~g Ordinance, the applicant nust sub~lt an affidavit to the Planning Departmenf within the f,,-st ten days of each ca I endar year assur I ng thdt the res I dents of the mobile home are ~ona tide farm employees and their families. February 25, 1992 - 26 - Item III-H.l.b. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 35375 (Continued) PLANNING This Ordinance shall be effective Zoning Ordinance. ,n accordance 'lit" Section 107 (f) ot the Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Twenty- fifth of February, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Two. Voting: 10-1 Council Members Voting Aye: John A. 5aum, James W. Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. F"ntress, Harold Helschober, Louis R. Jones, Daul J. Lanteigne, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf and William O. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: Nancy K. Parker Council Members Absent: None February 25, 1992 - 27 - Item 111-'1.1.c. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM II 35376 PLANNING Attorney Charles Salle', 192 Sallard Court, "hone. 4<)0-3000, represented the applicant ~11lton Clemmons, 192 Ballard Court, Phone: 490-3000, Upon mot I on by Conc I I woman McC I anan, seconded by Conc I I man Braz I er, City Council ADOPTED an Ordinance upon application of ARAGONA LODGE NO. 1998, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, INC. for a Conditional Zoning ~I~trlct ClasSification: ORD 1 NANCE UPON APPL I CA T I ON OF AKAGONA LJDGE NO. 1998, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, INC. cOR A CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FRO~1 R-7.c' TO 0-2 Z01921341 BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACrl, VIRGI~IA Or d i nance upon app I I cat, on of Aragona Lodge No. 1198, Loyal Order at t~oo5e, Inc., for a Conditional Zoning CJlstrlct Classl tlcatlon from R-7.5 Residential District to 0-2 Office District at the northwest corner of Lynnhaven Parkway and Lamplight Lane on Lots 3-1-37, Block 13, Princess Anne Plaza. The proposed zoning classification to 0-2 Office District 15 for oftlce land use. The Comprehensive Plan recommends use of this parcel for suburban medium density residential land USe at densities that are compatible with single family use In accordance wit" other "Ian policies. Said parcel contains 1.11ói acres. PRINCESS ANNE BOKOUGrl. The following conditions shall be required: 1. Amended Agreement encompass' ng prof fers sha II be recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court dnd IS hereby made a pdrt of the proceedings. 2. Memordndum dated February 21, Scott, Director of Planning, City Manager, advIsing the amended. Sa I d memo I s hereby procedlngs. i992, from Robert J. to James K. Spore, Agreement had been made a part of the The term "private club" has been deleted from proffers lb, 4 and 5. The only conditional use that could be developed on thp site IS a private lodge. The phrase "and a proposed pavi lion shall not be constructed on Lot 34 of the Property" has been edded to condItion 116. The phrase "all lighting on the property shall be d I reeted away f rom res I dent ¡ a I areas" has been added to proffer ij7. February 25, 1992 - 28 - Item 111-H.1.c. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 35376 (Continued) PLANNING This Ordinance shall be effective Zoning Ordinance. In accordance with Sectl"n 107 (f) of the Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia 3each, Virginia, on the Twenty- fifth of February, Nineteen Hundred and Nlndty-Two. Voting: 11-0 Council Members Voting Aye: John A, Baum, James W. Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. F,mtress, Harold Helschober, LoUIS R. Jones, Paul J. Lanteigne, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndort, ~ancy K. ParKer and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: Non" February 25, 1992 City of Virgir:l.ia B.each INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONVENCE February 21, 1992 FROM: James K. spore Robert J. Scott ~ DEPT: Executive TO: DEPT: Planning SUBJECT: Aragona Lodge No. 1198, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc., Conditional Rezoning from R-7.5 Residential District to 0-2 Office District, Lots 34-37, Block 13, princess Anne Plaza, 1.1161 Acres, Princess Anne Borough, city council Age~da on February 25, 1992 On January 28, 1992, City council deferred the above referenced application to permit the applicant time to amend the submitted proffer agreement. The agreement has been amended as follows: 1. The tepn "private. club" has been deleted from proffers ~lb, 4 and 5. The only conditional use that could be developed on the site is a private lodge. 2. The phrase "and a proposed pavilion shall not be bonstructed on Lot 34 of the property" has been added to condition #6. 3. The ~hrase "all lighting on the Property shall be 'Q~rec ed -mvay from residential areas" has been added to condition #7. All of the proposed changes render the application more compatible with the adjoining residential neighborhood and are acceptable to the Planning Department. RJS:KL:dca II ARAGONA VILLAGE LODGE NO. 1198 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, INCORPORATED TO (COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS) CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a Municipal Corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia THIS AGREEMENT, made this 1st day of May, 1991, between ARAGONA VILLAGE LODGE NO. 1198, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, INCORPORATED (the "Grantor") and CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, (the "Grantee"): WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS, the Grantor has initiated an amendment to the Zoning Map of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by petition of the Grantor addressed to the Grantee, so as to change the classification of the Grantor's property from R-7.5 Residential District, to 0-2, Office District on certain property (the "Property") in Princess Anne Borough, in the City of Virginia Beach, virginia, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner of certain property (the "Adjacent Property") located adjacent to the Property and described in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof: and WHEREAS, the Grantee's policy is to provide only for the orderly development of land, for various purposes, including office development, through zoning and other land development legislation; and WHEREAS, the Grantor acknowledges that in order to prevent incompatible land use certain reasonable conditions governing the use of the Property and the Adjacent property, in addition to the regulations generally applicable to land similarly zoned 0-2, are required to cope with the situation which the grantor's rezoning application gives rise to; and WHEREAS, the Grantor has voluntarily proffered in writing, in advance of and prior to the public hearing before the Grantee, as a part of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Map, in addition to the regulations provided for the 0-2 zoning district of the Zoning Ordinance, the following reasonable conditions related to the physical development and operation of the Property and the Adjacent Property to be adopted as a part of the amendment to the Zoning Map relative to the Property, which have a reasonable relation to the use of the Property as rezoned 0-2 and the need for which is generated by the rezoning; and WHEREAS, the conditions having been proffered by the Grantor and allowed and accepted by the Grantee as part of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, such conditions shall continue in full force and effect until a subsequent amendment changes the zoning on the Property; provided, however, that such conditions shall -2- continue despite a subsequent amendment if the subsequent amendment is part of a comprehensive implementation of a new or substantially revised zoning ordinance, unless, notwithstanding the foregoing, these conditions are amended or varied by written instrument recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court o~ the city of virginia Beach, Virginia, and executed by the record owner of the Property at the time of recordation of such instrument; provided, further, that the instrument is consented to by the Grantee in writing as evidenced by a certified copy of an ordinance or a resolution adopted by the governing body of the Grantee, after a public hearing before the Grantee advertised pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Virginia, Section 15.1-431, which said ordinance or resolution shall be recorded along with said instrument as conclusive evidence of such consent; NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, for itself, its successors, assigns, grantees, and other successors in title or interest, voluntarily and without any requirement by or exaction from the Grantee or its governing body and without any element of compulsion or ~ pro ~ for zoning, rezoning, site plan, building permit, or subdivision approval, hereby makes the following declaration of conditions and restrictions as to the physical development and operation of the Property and the Adjacent Property and governing the use thereof and hereby covenants and agrees that this declaration shall constitute -3- covenants running with the Property and the Adjacent Property, which shall be binding upon the Property and the Adjacent Property and upon all parties and persons claiming under or through the Grantor, his heirs, personal representatives, assigns, grantees and other successors in interest or title, namely: 1. The Property and the Adjacent Property shall only be used for the following principal and conditional uses and their accessory uses and structures as defined and as otherwise permitted from time to time by the Grantor's Zoning Ordinance: a. Business offices of advertising, real estate, insurance, commercial or industrial establishments, legal, engineering, architectural and similar professional offices, accounting, auditing and bookkeeping service offices, business and management consulting services, offices of nonprofit organizations, such as professional organizations, civic, social and fraternal associations. b. Private lodges as a conditional use. 2. There shall be no direct ingress or egress from the Property to Lynnhaven Parkway. Ingress and egress from the Property to Lynnhaven Parkway shall be through the Adjacent Property for which cross easements shall be provided. J. There shall be no ingress or egress from the Property to Lamplight Lane except for one curb cut which shall provide access for all of the Property. 4. All internal lot lines within the Property and between the Adjacent Property shall be vacated prior to development of the Property for any use other than a private lodge. -4- 5. The Property shall not be developed for any use other than a private lodge unless the property is developed in conjunction with the Adjacent Property in accordance with a common site development plan. 6. No structure shall be constructed on the Property or the: Adjacent Property which exceeds thirty-five (35) feet in height and a proposed pavilion shall not be constructed on Lot 34 of the Property. 7. Category IV landscaping shall be installed within the yard area along the northern and eastern property lines of the Property in connection with the development of the Property and all lighting on the Property shall be directed away from residential areas. 8. The Grantor shall dedicate a landscape easement adjacent to London Bridge Creek on the Property and the Adjacent Property to be planted in accordance with the "Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance Buffer Area Establishment and Mitigation Guideline." The width of the easement shall be variable, but in no case will the width of the easement be less than ten feet. The easement will be planted at the time of development of either parcel of Property. The Grantor covenants and agrees that the Zoning Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, shall be vested with all necessary authority on behalf of the governing body of the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to administer and enforce the foregoing conditions, including (i) the ordering in writing of the remedying of any noncompliance with such conditions, and (ii) the bringing of legal action or suit to insure compliance with such conditions, including mandatory or prohibitory injunction, abatement, damages or other appropriate action, suit or proceedings. The failure to comply with all conditions shall constitute cause to deny the issuance of the required building or occupancy permits as may be appropriate. If aggrieved by any decision of the Zoning Administrator made pursuant to the provisions, the Grantor shall petition the governing body for the review thereof prior to instituting proceedings in court. Appropriate symbols may be noted on the zoning map to indicate the existence of conditions attaching to the zoning of the Property. The ordinance and the conditions may be made readily available and accessible for public inspection in the Office of the Zoning Administrator and in the Planning Department and that they may be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and indexed in the name of the Grantor and Grantee. WITNESS the following signatures and seals. By NO. 1198, INCORPORATED -6- STATE OF VIRGINIA CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, to-wit: I, 1'01:1+,,1'\ 11.l!.II'MrMfto; , the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the City and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Re....\J T. _\~"'... t;r- and 7ht,"::1~ J... Gaxlu.in J ,... , Governor and Secretary/Admi istrator of Aragona Village Lodge No. 1198, Loyal Order of Moose, Incorporated, whose names are signed to the foregoing instrument bearing date on the 1st day of May, 1991, have acknowledged the same before me in my City and State aforesaid. GIVEN under my hand and seal this 1991. ;7t.. 8'-- day of AJDLt"m6ør- ~~i~~-:J My Commission Expires: 7 - 31- 95 CMSO4304/rbm/REL -7- EXHIBIT A All that certain lot, piece of parcel of land together with the buildings and improvements thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, lying, situate and being in Princess Anne Borough, virginia Beach, Virginia, and more particularly described with reference to that certain plat of survey entitled "Survey of' Property for Aragona Moose Lodge No. 1198, Virginia Beach, Virginia", date June 21, 1963, and made by Frank D. Tarrall, Jr. & Associates, Surveyors and Engineers, which said plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 60, at Page 32, reference to which said plat is hereby expressly made, and being designated on said plat as "2.159 Acres." GPIN 1496-12-2099 EXHIBIT B All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, together with the improvements thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, lying and situate in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and designated and described on a certain plat of survey entitled "Subdivision of Princess Anne Plaza, section 16, Princess Anne' Borough, Virginia Beach, Virginia", dated April 13, 1964, and made by Frank d. Tarrall, Jr. & Associates, Surveyors and Engineers, which plat is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 61, at Page 2, as Lots numbers Thirty-four (34) through Thirty-seven (37), both inclusive, in Block Thirteen (13); reference to which plat is hereby made for a more particular description of said lots GPIN 1496-12-4226 - 29 - Item III-H.Ld. PUBLIC HEARING nEH # 35377 PLANNING Attorney RIchard K. Stell, 219 66th Street, Phone: 428-5824, represented the apphcant Upon motIon by CouncIlwoman HcClanan, seconded by CouncIlman Helschober, CIty Counnl AOOPI'ED an OrdInance upon apphcatlOn of TIDEWATER GOLF CENTER for a CondItIonal Use PermIt: ORDINA~CE UPO~ APPLICATIO~ OF TIDEWATER GOLF CE~TER FOR A CO~DITIO~AL USE PER-'IIT FOR ~ RECRE~TIONAL FACILITY OF ~N OCTDOOR ~~TVRE R0292141ì BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA OrdInance upon applIcatIon of TldewateI Golf Center for a Condltional Use PermIt for a recreatIonal facIlIty of an outdoor nature (golf drIvIng range) on certaIn property located on the south sIde of ShIpPS Corner Road, 1311 feet more or le~s west of Holland Road. The parcel contaIns 16.06 acres. PRINCESS ~NNE BOROUGH. The followIng condItIons shall be required:L 1. ~ Board of ZonIng Appeals variance to fence heIght, SectIon 20l(e) of the CIty ZonIng OrdInance. 2, If any portion of thIS use falls wlthln VIrginIa Power's utIlIty easement, prIor to sIte plan approval, a letter from VIrgInIa Power gIvIng the applIcant authorIzatIon for the development must be submItted to the Planning Department. 3. Forty-foot hIgh safety nettIng must be Installed along both sIdes of the drIvIng raúge for a dIstance of 600 feet, as well a~ along the heavIly treed area adjacent to the Resource '1anagement Area component of the Chesapeake Ba} PreservatIon Area. InvIsIble safety nettIng shall be Installed along ShIppS Corner Road and regular safety nettIng may be Installed along the heavIly trepd area In the back untIl such tIme as development occurs when the applIcant volunteered to Install InvIsIble nettIng In that area also. 4. LandscapIng In accordance wIth standards for street front piantings shall be provIded along ShIppS Corner Road. 5. ~o more than 2,000 square feet of the 6,000 square feet bUIldIng shall be dedIcated to retaIl sales, 4000 square feet shall encompass the storaRe and work area. 6. The hours of operatIon shall be from 9:00 A.H. to 10:00 P.'I. February 25, 1992 - 30 - I tem I I I -'-I. 1 . d. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 35377 (CcntI1ued) PLANNING This Ordinance shall Zoning Ordinance. be effectl ve In accordance with Section 107 (f) of the Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the Twenty- fifth of February, ~Ineteen Hundred and Ninety-Two. Voting: 11-{) Council Members Voting Aye: John A. Baum, James Ii. Brazier, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LouIs R. Janes, Paul J. Lanteigne, Reba S. McClanan, Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy 1(. "arker and William D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: '~one February 25, 1992 - 3\ - Item III-H.Le, PUBLIC HEARING IT!»I # 35378 PLANNING Tuck Bowle, 1709 Oxen Cour t, Phone: 481-2742, represented the appllcant and requested INDEFINITE DEFERRAL due to recent pa"sage of the water conservatIon ordlnance and the Inablllty to connect to the water system, IndlvIdual wells must be InvestIgated. Cpon motIon by Councllman Lantelgne, seconded by CouncIlman Sessoms, CIty CounCIl DEFERRED INDEFINITELY an Ordlnance upon appl1catlOn of OCEAN ISLAND PARTNERS for a Change of Zomng: ORDI~ANCE UPON APPLICATIO~ OF OCEA~ ISLAND PARTNERS fOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION fROM B-4 TO R-IO Ordlnance upon appllcatlon of Ocean Island Partners for a Change of ZonIng DIstrIct Cla~slflcatlon from B-4 Resort CommerCIal D LStrICt to R-IO ResIdentlal DIstrIct on certaIn property located at the southeast IntersectIon of SandpIper Road and WhIte Cap Lane. The proposed zonIng classIfIcatIon change to R-IO Resldentlal DIstrIct IS for slngle famlly land use at a densIty no greater than 4 dwelhng unIts per acre, The Comprehensl ve Plan recommends use of the parcel for a resort actIvIty center. The parcel contaIns 9.88 acres. PU~GO BOROÚGH, VotIng: ll-O CouncIl Members Votlng Aye: John A. Baum, James W, BrazIer, Jr., Robert W. Clyburn, VIce 'Iayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LOUIS R. Jones, Paul J, Lantelgne, Reba S, McCLanan, Hayor èleyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker and WIlllam D. Sessoms, Jr, Councll Members VotIng Nay: None Councll Members Absent: None February 25, 1992 - 32 - Item III-H.l.f. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM # 35379 PLANNING The Hayor read a letter from John C. Hatlsh, Executlve DIrector - T:tdewater Regional Group Home CommIssion. dated February 21, 1991, request:tng WITHDRAWAL. SaId letter shall be made a part of the record. The Commlsslon and the V:trg1nIa Beach JuvenIle Court remaIn commItted to flndlng a locatlon for the program, and w1ll be returnIng to CIty Councd '" th a proposal for dnother less controvers1al locat1on In the future. The follO\<lng speakers representIng the Kenstock CIVIC League, reg1stered 1n OPPOSITION, but were not 1n obJect1on to the WITHDRAWAL and WAIVED then rIght to speak: Kelth Slattum, 2409 Kenstock Drlve, Phone: 340-1196 Robert F. Jordan, Jr., 500 Long Leaf Road, 63-6908 Jay Cohen, Torrey Place Mrs. Carmen Futrell, Longleaf, Phone: 498-4246 Theresa Dans, 2528 Per1tan Road, Phone: 498-19R2 Nancy ~hnto ~llilam A. HIlls, 2413 Perltan Road, Jav Collen, 2548 Torrev Place Ro~ald P. Gust1n, 2518'Longleaf Court, Phone: 498-427:; Debra-Ann H1lls, 2413 Per1tan Phone: 463-5649 George Slater, 524 Longleaf Road, Phone: 340-3649 Ph1ll1p LeCroy, 533 longleaf Road, Phone; 340-5840 D1ane LeCroy, 533 Longleaf Road, Phone: 340-5840 Upon mot1on by CouncIlman Brazler, seconded by Counc1lman Sessoms, CIty Counc11 AlJ1)WED WITHDRAWAL of the applIcatIon of ROBERT W. SMITH for a Vanance to SectIon 4.4(b) of the Subd1v1s1on OrdInance and OrdInance upon applIcatIon of TIDEWATER REGIONAL GROUP HOME COMMISSION for a Cond1tional Lse Perm1t: Appl1catlon of Robert ~. SmIth for a Var:tance to Sect:ton 4,4(b) of the Subd1ns1on Ordlnance, The property 1S located on the west sIde of Old Great Neck Road north of Reagan Avenue. LYKNHAVEN BOORUGH A II D, ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF TIDEWATER REGlOKAL GROUP HOME CO~r-IISSlON FOR A CONDITIOKAL USE PER~IIT FOR A GRO~P HOHE Ordlflance upon applIcatIOn of TIdewateI Reglonal Group Home CommIssIon for a CondltIonal Use PermIt for a group home on the west sIde of Old Geat Neck Road, 750 feet more or less north of Reagan Avenue. The parcel IS ]ocated at 461 Old Great Keck Road and contaIns 15,283.6 square feet. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH, February 25, 1992 - 33 - Item III-H.l.f. PUBLIC HEARING lTL'1 # 35379 (ContInued) PLANNING VotIng: 11-0 CouncIl Members VotIng Aye: John A. Baum, James W. BrazIer, Jr" Robert Vi, Clyburn, VIce '1ayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LOUIS R, Jones, Paul J. LanteIgne, Reba S. McClanan, ~1ayor Meyera E. Oberndort, Kancy K, Parker and WIllIam D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members VotIng Kay: None CouncIl Members Absent: None February 25, 1992 - 34 - Item III-H.l.g. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM if 3S38a PLANNING The following registered In OPPOSITION, but were not OPPOSEO to tne DEFERRAL Michael G. Ash, 5149 Bellamy Manaor Drive, "hone: 49S-0307 Judith Ann Sedell, S124 Hillcrest Lane, Phone: 474-0965, did not speak Upon motion by Councilman Clyburn, seconded by Counci Iman Baum, city Counci I DEFERRED to the City Council Session of May 26, 1992, Jrdlnance upon application of MARY SPADY for a Conditional Zor,lng District ':Iassoflcatlon: ORDI~ANCE UPO~ APPLICATION OF MARY SPADY FOR A CONDITIONAL ZONII\G DISTRICT CLASSlloIC~TIO'~ FROM R- IO TO 0-1 Ord I nance upon app II cat I on of Mary Spady for a Conditional Zoning District Classl flcatlon from R- 10 Residential District to a-' Office District at the southeast corner of Kempsville Road and Lobaugh Drive. The proposed zaring classification change to 0-1 Office District IS for of tiC^' land us;,. The Comprehens I ve P I an recorn<ònds us,. of th I S ;¡arce I for suburban medium d<ònslty residential land use at densities tha' ar<ò compatible with sInJI€ tdmlly use In accordance with other ;¡Ia~ policies. The parcel IS locatgd at 844 Kempsville Road and contains 32,974.92 square reet. KEMPSVILL¿ BOROUGH. Voting: 10-1 Counc I I I~embers Vot I ng Aye: John A. Baum, James W. Brazier, Jr., RoDert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, ~arold Helschober, LoUIS q. Jones, "aul J. lanteigne, Maýor ~leyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy K. Parker and \"lllam D. Sessoms, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: Reba S. McClanan Council Members Absent: None February 25, 1992 - 35 - Itemlll-H.1.h. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM II 35381 PLANNING Letter from Virginia C;. ~~eredlth dated January 9, 1992, request ng WITHDRAWAL of the application as this property was sold, IS hereby made a ~art of the record. T~e Zoning Study of the Cape Story Area IS hereby made a part ot tne record. Upon motion by Councilman Brazier, seconded by Vice Mayor Fentress, City Council ALLOWED WITHDRAWAL of the Ordinance upon application of VIRGINIA H. MEREDITH for a Conditional Zo~lng Classl tlcatlon: ORDINANCE UPON APPLICATION OF VIRGI~IA J-. MEREDITH FOR A CONDITIONAL ZONING CLASSIFIC~TION "ROM R-7.5 TO R-5R. Ordinance upon application of Virginia H. Meredith for a Conditional Zoning Classl tlcatlon trom Q-7." Rs1dentlal District to R-5R ~esldentlal Resort District on Lot 1001, Plat 111, Cape Story by the Sea. T~e proposC)d zoning classl tlcatlon change to R-5R Residential Resort District IS tor residential land use at a density no great",r than', dwelling units per acre. Th" Comprehensive Plan recommends use of th I S parc" I tor suburban med I UI'1 dens I ty reslde~tlal at densltltes that are compatible ""th single-family us~ In accordanc,' \lItn ct~er Dlan policies. The parcel 1s located dt 2692 O~ean Shore Avenue and contal1s 7,150 square teet. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. Voting: 11-0 Council Members VOtl1g Aye: John A. 8aum, James W. Brazier, Jr., Hobert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, LouIs R. Jones. Daul J. Lanteigne, Reba S. McCIanan, Mayor Meyera [, Oberndort, Nancy K. Parker and \'lllllam D. Sessol'1s, Jr. Council Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: No~e February 25, 1992 - 3ó - Item 111-J.1.a.. NEW BUSINESS ITEM # 35382 COUNCIL-SPONSORED ITEMS Upon motion by Councilwoman McC;lanan, <;econd"d ~y Councilman Baum, City Council ADOPTED, AS REVISED: Resolution recognizing 'outstanding achl'Òvement of members of City Staff re administering tne Erosion and Sediment Control Program. Voting: 11-0 Counc I I Members Vot I ng Aye: John A. ßaum, James II. Brazier, Jr., ¡<obert W. Clyburn, Vice Mayor Robert E. Fentress, Harold Helschober, Loul> R. Jones, Paul J. Lantelgnp, Reba S. McClanan. Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf, Nancy '\. Parker and William D. S"-ssoms, Jr. CouncI I Members Voting Nay: None Council Members Absent: f;one February 25, 1992 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Requested by Councilmember Reba McClanan 1 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF WHO HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN ADMINISTERING THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PROGRAM 5 WHEREAS, the prevention of soil erosion and the control 6 of sediment in the lands and waterways of Virginia Beach are vital 7 to the environmental well being of the city and to the quality of 8 life enjoyed by our citlzens; 9 WHEREAS, the control of sediment in the city's lands and waterways is also vitally important to the water quality of the lower Chesapeake Bay and the City's southern watersheds, affecting tidal wetlands and a multi-million dollar fishing industry; WHEREAS, individual members staff have been city of involved in administering the Virginia Beach Erosion and Sediment Control Program; WHEREAS, the Highway Inspections Bureau of the Department of Public Works/Highway Division has been particularly instrumental in developing an educational awareness program to educate the general public, the development community, and City staff regarding the lmportance of the City's Erosion and Sediment Control Program; WHEREAS, the vlrginia Department of Conservation and Recreatlon, Division and Soil Conservation, of Water having evaluated all erosion and sediment control programs statewide, has adjudged the Virginia Beach program to be the best in the southeast region and one of the two best in the entire State, in terms of both organization and performance; and WHEREAS, the educational awareness program has developed into, and been a positive influence on, the overall Program, and has contributed to from the greatly recognition received the Commonwealth; 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the City Council hereby recogn1zes the outstanding achievement of the members of City staff, and in particular the staff of the Highway Inspections Bureau of the Department of Public Works/Highway Division, industry, whose thoroughness, and dedication in the admin1stration of the city's Erosion and Sediment Control Program have contributed in such significant measure to the environment, economic soundness, and aesthetics of the City of Virginia Beach. Adopted by the Council of the city of Virginia Beach, Virg1nia, on the 23 February 1992. day of CA-4578 ORDIN\NONCODE\PWREC2.RES R-4 2 - 37 - Item III-J.l.b. NEW BUSINESS ITEt~ # 353d3 ADD-ON V,ce Mayor Fentress adY1s"d The Zoning Study of the Cape Story Area is excellent and he agrees with the findings particularly related to nonconforming duplex units and Illegal duplex units. The Vice Mayor requested 3'lOther s1mllar study be prepared concerning North Vlrglnla Beach on the ocpanfront. February 2~, 1992 - 38 - Item III-K.La. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11TH # 35384 ADD-ON CouncIlwoman Parker referenced the PublIc-Use Golf Course Committee report and correspondence receIved. The CIty Hanager advIsed hIS recommendatIons regardIng thIS report wIll be SCHEDULED for the CIty CouncIl SeSSIon of March Tenth or March Twenty-fourth. CouncIlman Sessoms advIsed he wIll be unable to attend the CIty CouncIl SessIon of Harch 10, 1992, and requested the recommendatIon" not be scheduled on thIS date, rebruary 25, 1992 - 39 - Item II 1-,<.1. a. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ITEM ¡J 3~385 ADD-ON Councilwoman Parker referenced the major recreatlo1al area In the Southern portion of the City, Transitional Three. Councilwoman Park~r InqUired whether this would Je coming forward to City Council during the month of March. The City Manager adv I sed a BR I EF I NG wou I d be SCHEDULED tor the City Counc I I Session at March 10, 1992. Counc I I man Saum adv I sed the SOUTHERN WATERSHED STUDY I S a I so SCHEDULED for March 10, 1992. Councilman Baum was concerned relat;ve the continued postponments ot this Briefing. Robert J. Scott, D I rector ,~t P I ann lng, adv I sed tnere wou I d Je two separate Items SCHEDULED for the City Councl! ~genda ;:¡- t~arcn 10, 1992 <T~ese are two s¿pardte Jut related Items). AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (TransitIon Three) SOUTHERN WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE "Ir. Scott ad'; I sed cop I es of the Southern Watershed Mangement Ord I nance w I II be forwarded. BY CONSENSUS, City Counci I SCHEDULED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: BRIEFING, ORDINANCE: March 10, 1992 March 24, 1992 February 25, 1992 - 40- Item III-L.l. ADJOURNMENT ITF"'! # 35386 Upon motIOn by CounCllman Baum, and BY CONSEt\SLJS, City CouncIl ADJOURNED the MeetIng at 7:00 P.M. ~¿ t! y,,( ~~ u. ~ Beverly 0 oaks, CMC ChIef Deputy CIty Clerk '~J~~ th Hodge SmIth, CMC/AAE City Clerk Meyera E. Oberndorf 'layor CIty of VIrglnIa Beach V, rgInIa Februarv 25, ]992